Year of birth of Vasilisa Volodina. Vasilisa Volodina - biography, personal life, photo. Are you offended by statements like this?

Vasilisa Volodina - astrologer, astropsychologist, palmist, TV presenter of the First Channel program "Let's Get Married".

Astropsychologist Vasilisa Volodina, or Oksana Vladimirovna Naumova - this is the real name of this popular woman - was born in the capital in April 1974.

In adolescence, Oksana began to be interested in the mysterious world of esotericism, fortune-telling on cards and palmistry. Later came an interest in astrology. Dad Vladimir Naumov was a military man. One day, the daughter took her father's binoculars and looked at the sky for the first time. It happened on the balcony of a family apartment in Odintsovo.

Since then, the starry sky began to interest Vasilisa Volodina more than anything else. At first, the girl looked out for UFOs in the sky (in the 80s, they just started talking about alien aliens). The curious schoolgirl did not see humanoids on the “plate”, but she studied the location and names of the stars.

Then a number of books on astrology fell into the hands of Vasilisa Volodina, which revealed a lot of interesting things to the girl.

After graduating from school, Volodina went to get a higher education. Vasilisa entered a prestigious metropolitan university, choosing the Faculty of Economics for herself. But Vasilisa did not like the prospect of becoming a cybernetic economist. The girl entered the Moscow Academy of Astrology, where she studied with a popular Russian specialist in this industry.

Astrology and television

Vasilisa Volodina began to give her first predictions at the age of 20. At first, the girl's clients were friends and classmates. But after receiving a diploma from the Academy of Astrology, the circle of applicants expanded: Volodina began to help businessmen.

Vasilisa made them personal cards with astrological forecasts, which were in great demand, because the percentage of their accuracy turned out to be high. Vasilisa Volodina becomes a recognizable figure and a popular person among the capital's beau monde.

It is believed that the biography of Vasilisa Volodina as an astrologer began in 1992. Since this year, the girl has been officially working as an astropsychologist. For consultations and for forecasts, Vasilisa, as one of the best specialists in this field, is lined up with high-profile names. Among the visitors to Volodina are millionaire businessmen, stars of Russian show business and cinema, and politicians.

In 2006, Vasilisa Volodina was invited to television. The astrologer becomes the TV presenter of the popular Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina program, which airs on the Stolitsa channel.

After 2 years, the popular astrologer and palmist are invited to Channel One as a co-host of the Let's Get Married show program. Vasilisa Volodina acts as an expert, predicting the compatibility of couples according to the signs of the zodiac and star charts. The program, which, in addition to Volodina, is being conducted and becomes more exciting.

Every day, a participant is invited to the show, who must choose a pair from three applicants. Grooms and brides are traditionally present at the program, accompanied by relatives or friends. The main TV presenter is Larisa Guzeeva, the matchmaker is Roza Syabitova, and Vasilisa Volodina needs to correctly map the compatibility of the characters and look at the potential alliance from the point of view of the stars. Since 2008, the program has been broadcast on weekdays in prime time, as its ratings, as well as the popularity of TV presenters, are at a high level.

After appearing on this TV show, Vasilisa Volodina woke up famous throughout the country, since the audience of the program is multimillion.

In 2012, Vasilisa Volodina became a participant and creator of the Zodiac Signs film cycle, which was broadcast on TNT. The astrologer has 40 publications on his account, among which Volodina’s most popular was the book “Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart. Encyclopedia of Relations, released in 2012. At the second-hand book competition "Electronic Letter", this edition became a laureate in the "Discovery of the Year" category.

Later, Vasilisa Volodina published two series of 12 books each - Love Forecast 2014 and Love Forecast 2015. In 2016, the release of the collections “Lunar Calendar. Diary" and "Change your destiny. Coloring book for adults.

Personal life

The astrologer compiled a star astromap for the future husband of Sergei Volodin in the distant 90s. The girl, then still Oksana Naumova, was approached by a friend who asked to make a personal astrological forecast for a friend. Even then, the woman was struck by how similar the compiled map to her personal one. It was the perfect match.

But Naumova and Volodin did not meet immediately, but after some time. It was a chance meeting at a friendly party. Since then, young people have been together. For the creative pseudonym, Oksana-Vasilisa took her husband's surname.

In 2001, Sergei and Vasilisa had a daughter, Victoria. Only then did the couple go to the nearest registry office and quietly signed. Since that time, the couple live and work in a strong union. Sergei Volodin, who worked as a logistician, began to draw up his wife's work schedule, becoming the director of a joint venture.

At the beginning of 2015, the couple had a son, Vyacheslav, whose appearance the astrologer also foresaw and calculated, calculating the time of birth from the stars.

The personal life of Vasilisa Volodina has developed happily, according to the astrologer, largely thanks to the stars and the profession.

Vasilisa Volodina now

Vasilisa Volodina regularly conducts individual consultations, makes horoscopes for each of the signs of the zodiac, as well as astrological forecasts by date of birth. To work with clients, the astrologer has a personal website, which describes in detail the features of the services.

Now the number of individual and corporate consultations by Volodina reaches seven thousand. Vasilisa is sure that the use of astrological charts helps in making important decisions. The reliability of Volodina's forecasts is high, so Vasilisa's clients eventually become permanent.

For each month, the astrologer gives recommendations in accordance with the movement of the planets. So, in December 2017, Volodina did not advise starting new business, since the position of Mercury did not contribute to this. In 2018, Vasilisa Volodina predicted special luck for the four signs of the zodiac - Aries, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Often the name of Vasilisa Volodina is abused by scammers. On behalf of the astrologer, they have already sold red threads, telephone subscriptions, as well as coins that bring good luck. The astrologer complains that, as a rule, elderly gullible people fall for such a deception, who often give the last savings to scammers.


  • 2006 - Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina
  • 2008 - "Let's Get Married"
  • 2012 - "Signs of the Zodiac"

The future celebrity was born into a military family in Odintsovo near Moscow. Parents raised the girl in strictness, accustomed to diligence, instilled in her a systematic way of thinking.

Little Oksana Naumova, which is still called Vasilisa on her passport, grew up as a calm and thoughtful girl. Having completed all the household chores and coped with the lessons, she watched the starry sky for a long time and thought about what secrets it could hide.

When she was 14, her first book about astrology fell into the hands of little Vasilisa. Before that, she, along with other girls, was fond of children's fun - card fortune-telling. Now the world of the unknown began to interest her even more, and the mathematical mindset suggested that there was some kind of system in the predictions that could be studied.

After school, the girl, who did not know that there were special universities that study astrology, went to study in her other vocation - at the Academy of Management with a degree in economics and mathematics.

Vasilisa studied futures in one of the branches of agriculture. But even in her junior years, she was so fascinated by esotericism that, in parallel with her university, she entered the Moscow Academy of Astrology. It was this that inspired her and made her study the mysterious world of stars and constellations ever deeper.

Fate brought together

A post shared by (@vasilisa.volodina) on Jun 20, 2016 at 3:55am PDT

While still studying at the institute, Vasilisa began to seriously engage in astrology. In particular, she made quite accurate horoscopes - love, financial ... literally predicted fate.

The rumor that this woman's "predictions" were coming true quickly spread throughout Moscow. The secular capital became interested in her, businessmen began to apply. But friends, of course, dropped by to find out how their lives would turn out.

One such acquaintance brought the data of his friend and asked to make a forecast. While working on the natal chart of a certain Seryozha Volodin, Vasilisa was amazed at how similar their horoscopes are, how they intersect and look harmoniously together. It never occurred to her then that fate would bring them together with Sergey very soon.

She says it was true love at first sight. Passion immediately broke out between the young people. It was clear that this relationship would definitely develop into a real, sincere affection. Therefore, it is not surprising that, despite the young age - Vasilisa was only 20, the couple soon got married.


They enjoyed each other's company for a long time, until Vasilisa herself predicted pregnancy at the age of 27. And so it happened. At that time, the couple had already lived together for seven years, got used to it and was mature enough to have a baby. Therefore, the pregnancy did not frighten the Volodins.

Now Vasilisa says that if she had approached the birth of her first child using astrology, she would have done it a little differently: the pregnancy itself was difficult. And the astrologer is sure that with the right approach this could have been avoided.

Daughter Victoria was born healthy, but what kind of work did her mother have to endure! Now the girl is going through adolescence. Vasilisa understands that the family has entered a difficult period for the eldest child and is trying in every possible way to support her daughter.

Seeing that the girl was closed, her mother even made a special astrological forecast, which showed how Vika's life would develop further. “Believe me,” Vasilisa says, “If you know exactly when your child will stop “sausage”, you experience it much calmer.”


The first child was raised by a logistics father and an astrologer mother. But after Vasilisa got on Channel One, gained fame and popular love, there was no time left for her husband in her already busy schedule. The couple sat down to think about how to find time for two. And Sergei gave in.

The husband paid off his job, where he had both a good income and full professional realization, and became the director of his star wife. Now he manages all her contacts, schedule, controls the amount of work, conducts financial and tax affairs.

But having become employees, the husband and wife did not lose their romance and passion, but in order to tie their marriage even stronger, they decided to have a second child.

In one of the interviews, Vasilisa says that a woman should give birth to as many children as she can feed alone. This does not mean that she is going to divorce her Seryozha, but she asks all her fans not to forget that anything can happen.

Vasilisa shares that she is completely unprepared to be a mother of many children, because the baby wants to give so much! At the same time, she and her husband always wanted a second child, but in order to decide on a pregnancy, this time they carefully studied the stars.


Place and date of birth, who are the parents, childhood, where he studied and other details of the biography of the husband of the TV presenter are kept secret. Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is trying to give out metered information about herself, her family, spouse and personal life.

However, she nevertheless shared some facts with the press. Before meeting with Vasilisa, Sergei Volodin worked in the field of transport and logistics.

As soon as the couple began to live in a civil marriage, the husband quit his main activity. The man was engaged in domestic issues and the organization of Vasilisa's workflow.

To this day, Sergey's duties are housekeeping, raising children, scheduling the work of his wife, who is the main source of income.

Now Vasilisa Volodina calls her husband her director. There is no official employment for the personal manager of the media person.

Family photo from home archive.

Vasilisa Volodina biography, personal life, children

TV presenter and astrologer - a native Muscovite, date of birth 04/16/1974. Vasilisa Volodina's maiden name is Naumova, her real name is in doubt. There are several versions - Elena, Svetlana, most suggest that her name is Oksana. Vasilisa is a pseudonym.

As a teenager, she became interested in card divination. Later, Vasilisa or Oksana developed an interest in palmistry, UFOs, and finally, in the starry sky. The girl eagerly absorbed all available information on esotericism and astrology.

Oksana even then tried to calculate forecasts for relatives and friends. The family treated their daughter's hobby with understanding; this did not prevent her from graduating from school with a gold medal.

The girl's penchant for the exact sciences dictated the choice of the university. Naumova easily passed the exams for the economic department of the Academy of Management. Ordzhonikidze.

Oksana did not give up her hobby, enrolling in parallel with her main studies at the Academy of Astrology to the teacher Mikhail Borisovich Levin, a famous professional in this field.

Having received a diploma in specialization as an economist-cybernetic, Oksana already knew in advance that she would not work according to her profile. After all, her real vocation is the compilation of astrological forecasts.

In the early 90s, Oksana's abilities turned out to be relevant. At the age of 20, the girl begins her career as a professional astrologer. The first clients came from the sphere of business and politics, then people from the creative environment and other profiles were drawn.

Those who wanted to know the future lined up to see Naumova. Such demand is explained by the accuracy of the forecasts of a young astrologer. She becomes famous among the secular circles of the metropolitan society.

In 1995, changes took place in Oksana's personal life. She meets a man who soon became her civil husband. After the birth of their daughter, the couple legalized their relationship. Oksana takes her husband's surname - Volodina.

Later, the pseudonym Vasilisa appears, as the specialist says, this is her astrological name. Realizing that we need to move on, Volodina goes to television. Vasilisa convinced the leadership of the channel "Capital" of the advisability of the appearance of a program of a new format.

As a result, in 2006 a program was broadcast on the night air. Its name is Starry Night with Vasilisa. Two years later, Volodina receives an offer from Channel One to become a co-host and an expert on the compatibility of pairs of the Let's Get Married talk show.

The program has high ratings, for ten years it has been published daily on weekdays.

Today, the name of Vasilisa Volodina is a popular high-quality brand of domestic astrology. The track record of the specialist includes more than 40 books, a series of films "Signs of the Zodiac".

Husband of Vasilisa Volodina - Sergey Volodin

According to the star of the screen, the story of meeting a future spouse can be called mystical. Once a friend approached her with a request to make a horoscope for his friend Sergei.

Compiling a natal chart, Vasilisa Volodina was somewhat surprised that she had simply amazing compatibility with this stranger. According to the sign of the zodiac, he is Virgo, which speaks of a calm character, such guys usually make excellent husbands.

Some time later, a friend invited Vasilisa Volodina to a birthday party. Near the house she saw a handsome young man. Vasilisa flashed the thought that she would have jumped out to marry such a person without looking back.

Together they entered the entrance, got into the elevator and arrived at one floor. They met a friend who said that this is the same Sergei Volodin. Vasilisa remembered his horoscope, she got the feeling that they had known each other for a long time.

Mutual sympathy arose immediately. From that evening, Sergei and Vasilisa left together and have not parted since that moment. For a year, young people met, and then for several years they lived in a civil marriage. They signed when they learned the news that they would soon become parents.

Volodin family: children

Vasilisa's first pregnancy was difficult, the girl had health problems. However, on August 17, 2001, a charming daughter was born, who was named Victoria.

She recently turned 17 years old. Since childhood, the girl has developed diversified. Has, like Vasilisa, a penchant for the exact sciences. Vika is studying English in depth.

Trying to bring her knowledge to perfection, she annually travels to the UK for courses in order to have an impeccable conversational style.

In parallel, Vika Volodina is professionally engaged in streetball (street basketball), visiting the section three times a week. In general, the girl loves to study.

In the future, she dreams of her own business, for example, in the field of jewelry or expensive watches. Plans to master the basics of entrepreneurial activity abroad.

Perhaps Vika will follow in the footsteps of her mother, but for this it is necessary to get an education in the field of higher mathematics.

Many were interested in where the host and expert of the Let's Get Married program disappeared from the screens in 2014. It turned out that Vasilisa was waiting for replenishment in the family. The astrologer informed the channel management in advance about the maternity leave.

Vasilisa gave birth to her second child at the age of 40. Many were surprised by such a brave act. But she explained, that's how the stars were aligned. A strong and healthy baby appeared on January 3, 2014. The boy was named Vyacheslav.

The whole family adores the younger child, and the elder sister Vika does not have a soul in the baby. She loves to play with him, walk and watch cartoons.

Vasilisa Volodina with her husband and children: family photos

The astrologer has a busy schedule. According to her, only the family knows that she works 15-16 hours a day. More than 7,000 clients are on the waiting list for Vasilisa, who want a personal consultation. This is for several months and even years ahead.

After the birth of her second child, the husband and part-time director of Vasilisa decided to halve her work schedule. Despite being busy, she has enough time to raise children. They communicate a lot and travel together.

Vasilisa is proud that she is the best friend for her daughter Vika, with whom the girl shares literally everything.

Vasilisa Volodina is a Russian astrologer and TV presenter. Together with her husband, Volodina runs her own business, based on private astrological consultations and fortune-telling. In parallel, the astrologer is the host of the TV show "Let's get married!" on Channel One. On the show, the TV presenter helps the heroes of the program choose their soulmate according to the rules of the science of stars. Fans know Volodina as a smart, kind and sympathetic woman who successfully combines her career with family life.

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Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina was born in 1974 in Moscow. The maiden name of the astrologer is Naumova. At birth, the girl was also given a different name. It is not known for certain, but it is believed that the parents named their daughter Elizabeth or Oksana. Later, the TV presenter took a stage name for herself, because she believes that her real name is not entirely successful from the point of view of psychology.

The girl's father is a military man, so the child grew up in severity. The girl in early childhood was accustomed to order and accuracy.

In elementary school, the future star already helped her mother to do housework, and then she began to attend a music school and various hobby groups. The girl was taught to do a lot of things in a short time. The astrologer successfully uses this skill to this day.

In the 1980s, the Soviet news talked a lot about UFOs and other strange phenomena. Little Vasilisa listened attentively to such programs. She also liked to go out onto the balcony of their apartment and look through her father's binoculars at the starry sky. It was then that the girl developed an interest in astrology.

The child never managed to see a UFO, but she learned to determine the location of the stars and constellations. After reading several astrological books, the girl was surprised to learn that the stars determine our future.

At the age of 14, Vasilisa Volodina began to get involved in palmistry. After studying the lines on her own palm, she realized that in time she would become famous. At the end of school, the girl became a student of the Faculty of Economics. At the same time, she understood that economics was not her calling, so she studied at the same time at the Academy of Astrology.

At the age of 20, the future star already gave private astrological consultations. After graduating from the academy, she began to advise businessmen, predicting the fate of their companies by the stars. In the midst of the 90s, it was not easy to start your own business, so the young astrologer had many clients.

In the early 2000s, Vasilisa Volodina's astrological activities reached a professional level. The forecasts and horoscopes that she made earlier almost always came true, and popularity gradually began to come to the girl. Many representatives of the Moscow elite began to turn to her.

In 2006, another important milestone appeared in the biography of the astrologer - a career on television. The girl was invited to host a TV show on the channel "Capital". And two years later, Channel One launched the show “Let's Get Married!”, And Vasilisa was offered to be a co-host.

The astrologer draws up a star map of all the characters of the show and makes predictions about which pairs of participants are able to create a happy family in terms of astrology.

It was this TV show that gave the TV presenter all-Russian fame. Now many ordinary people turn to an astrologer for a prediction of their personal happiness. Volodina's schedule of appointments is scheduled several months in advance.

Vasilisa Volodina has also published several astrological publications and articles. One of her most famous works is Astrology of Seduction, released in 2012. In this book, the TV presenter talks about how to attract and keep a man with the help of the science of the stars.

Personal life

In the personal life of an astrologer, everything is extremely simple and beautiful. And, as one would expect, there were some stellar coincidences here.

Once upon a time, in the 1990s, an acquaintance came to the girl who asked to make a horoscope for his friend, a certain Sergei Volodin. The astrologer fulfilled the order, noting to herself that Sergey's horoscope has a rare compatibility with her own. However, then Vasilisa did not attach much importance to this.

A few years later, the astrologer met the same Sergei at one of the parties with friends. Sympathy immediately arose between the young people. Very soon they introduced each other to their parents and began to live together. In 2001, after three years of living together, the Volodins had a daughter, Vika. After the birth of the child, the young parents formalized their relationship, but they did not arrange a magnificent celebration.

Sergey at that time worked in logistics. Gradually, Vasilisa Volodina's business became much more promising than his own career. Volodin decided to leave his job and became the director of his wife.

The couple dreamed of having a second child, but it was important for the astrologer to consult with the stars. She calculated that the second baby should be born only when she was 40 years old. So, in January 2015, Volodina and her husband became the parents of little Vyacheslav.

Just three months after giving birth, the astrologer returned to the program “Let's get married!”. In the last stages of pregnancy, actress Lydia Arefieva replaced her, and after the birth of her son Volodin, she began to appear on every second issue of the program. The rest of the time, Tamara Globa was in the astrologer's chair. At one of the shows, Volodina even brought her newborn son to the studio, which caused incredible tenderness from the entire audience and her co-hosts.

More than 16 years have passed since Vasilisa Volodina met her husband. During all this time, not a single major quarrel occurred between the spouses, and the TV presenter herself never doubted that she had made the right choice by marrying Sergei.

4 min. reading

Television is an integral part of human life. People flashing on the screen are gradually becoming dearer to us. The popularity of actors largely depends on the rating of films and programs in which they participate. The more popular a person becomes, the more closely the audience begins to follow him.


Was no exception and Vasilisa Volodina, familiar to all of us thanks to the most popular TV show "Let's get married!" on Channel One. She was born, as it became known, on April 16, 1974 in the city of Moscow. While still a schoolgirl, Vasilisa felt a craving for astrology, card divination and numerology. In adolescence (from the age of fourteen), she began to engage in palmistry and card predictions in a serious way. It was the start for her current profession. Having adopted simple arithmetic, it is easy to calculate the length of her work in this area. And it will be at least a quarter of a century! She received her first education in the specialty "Mathematics-Economics". But her calling is to be an astropsychologist, and she is finishing her second education at the Moscow Academy of Astrology. No one, except for the closest people, knows her real name. Vasilisa is her astrological name, pseudonym. Rumor has it that in the circle of relatives her name is Svetlana. Volodina herself says in an interview that her husband calls her Vasya. But it is known for sure that her surname is reliable and inherited from her husband. Being an Aries according to the horoscope, the famous TV presenter has such characteristics as dedication, perseverance, activity and excitement. As a professional astrologer, she began working in 1992, conducting individual and business consultations, publishing astrological forecasts for newspapers and magazines. For the most part, Vasilisa Volodina is engaged in business consulting (in particular, financial forecasting), firmly occupying her niche in the astrological business. Prominent political and public figures, businessmen come to her for a consultation. Astrological forecasts from Volodina are famous for their high accuracy, are wildly successful and are never criticized. And this is an indicator of her high professionalism.

Huge queues line up for consultations. Perhaps because of this, the prices for her services are quite expensive. A recognized astrologer, well versed in the trends of technological fashion, actively uses high technologies not only for personal purposes, but also in his work activities. So, she conducts online consultations. Notice that without assistants, she herself answers every question put to her. Again, thanks to a special feature of her astrological sign - innovation - Vasilisa Volodina is actively developing new ideas for the development of her stormy and fruitful activity. So, she developed the astrological forecast program “Star of the Day”, a very interesting calendar “Lord of Time”, thanks to which you can find out when to make appointments, negotiations, and so on. She first appeared on TV screens in 1996 as the author and host of the Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina program. But the real success was provided by the show “Let's get married!” on Channel One, where she is a co-host and consultant astrologer. Viewers really liked this beautiful, spectacular and young woman.

Vasilisa's personal life

Her acquaintance with her husband and further marriage is quite mystical. When she made a horoscope for her future husband at the request of his friend, she saw that their horoscopes are very compatible and have a lot in common. And after a while, a meeting took place at a party of mutual friends, and as a result, a wedding. Now the couple are raising a daughter, Victoria. For the sake of his wife's career, Vasilisa's husband left his job and now works with her and helps to run the business. But, even having a very busy schedule and leading a busy social and social life, Volodina always carries a powerful positive charge and gives peace of mind with her kind smile. Wanting to help the weak half of humanity find family happiness, Volodina publishes the book "Astrology of Seduction", a kind of guide to the hearts of men. Every woman simply must read it. In this book, Volodina teaches modern women to read the horoscope of their soulmate. It teaches to wisely apply the advice of an astrologer to achieve a full-fledged family life and mutual understanding between spouses, I take into account the individuality of my men, since all people are different. Following the advice from the book, you can become "that very ideal" woman for your partner. But most importantly, you can understand not only your half, but yourself. And to all the fair sex who dream of getting married as soon as possible, Vasilisa Volodina gives one simple advice: the decision to marry your chosen one is best taken after twelve months from the beginning of the acquaintance. Thus, the risk of an unhappy family life is greatly reduced.

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