How to cheer up at work. Sources and resources. Moderate consumption of chocolate

The first thing I, as a psychologist, would recommend that you start with is to try to figure out the reasons for your bad mood. Five minutes ago you were smiling, and now you suddenly feel despondency and apathy? What happened? Did you think about something, remember something, or did some event happen? Is there anything you can do to minimize Negative consequences? If yes, do it! If not, you just have to accept the situation and resort to other ways to improve your mood.


Sports can be called perhaps the most effective way, which exists to cheer up. Exercise stress it will make you distract from gloomy thoughts, turn on bodily sensitivity, give you a charge of vivacity, and a beautiful toned body will increase your self-esteem and self-confidence. Choose for yourself the type of training that you personally like. It can be running, fitness, gym etc. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, homework will also perfectly cope with this function. The main thing is to find free space in the apartment and turn up the music!

A visit to the pool is a great option to improve overall well-being and mood. Water procedures favorably affect the human body, have a mechanical and thermal effect, improve blood circulation, help to relax, stimulate the immune system. There is no way to go to the pool - take a bath or shower. You can get special pleasure by creating a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom, you can light candles and turn on light music. Do not forget to add foam or aromatic oil to the water!


Dancing is another type of physical activity that can set you on a positive wave. You can sign up for dance classes by choosing a suitable dance direction for yourself, or you can turn on incendiary music at home and dance in front of a mirror.

If the word diet does not resonate with you, you can treat yourself to something tasty. Go to the nearest candy store, go to a cozy cafe or cook favorite dish at home! The process of cooking will captivate you, relieve you of negative thoughts, and the pleasure of the result and delicious treat improve your mood!

Drawing is a process that can capture you for a long time. Drawing, you relax, your nervous system calms down, problems are forgotten, and you plunge into creativity with your head, enjoying the process. You can practice drawing at home, or you can enroll in special studios where professionals will help you plunge into Magic world painting.

Often Bad mood associated with stress and fatigue. Lack of energy and lack of vivacity deprive us of the opportunity to enjoy life and enjoy basic things. Do you give yourself the opportunity to rest? Just do nothing, lie on the couch without feeling any remorse. I believe that for some people it can be very difficult, such is the pace of our life now. But still, try every day to find an opportunity to relax. And of course, do not forget about a good sleep!

It may seem that this way of lifting the mood is a little strange, but I want to assure you that it works no less effectively. Things scattered everywhere depress, create a feeling of chaos and tension, and the visual picture of the mess reduces the overall emotional mood. Putting your apartment or house in order metaphorically helps to put your head, your thoughts and feelings in order, your life in the end. By the way, rearranging furniture or updating the interior also brings a pleasant change in mood.

Get support and understanding Hard time heart-to-heart conversations with people close to you help. Meeting with friends in person has the greatest effect. Live communication, a cup of tea or coffee, old stories from life will fill you with warmth and pleasant feelings, you will want to enjoy life again. Communication through social networks with friends is also quite effective.


Do you like to dream? Do you manage to feel light and euphoric if you give free rein to your imagination? Try to take a comfortable position, relax and immerse yourself in the magical world created by your subconscious. Think about things that are good and pleasant for you, imagine how your dreams come true. Subdued lights and light music will help you with this. your body relax, emotional stress decrease and you yourself will not notice how your mood improves.

Fulfillment of desires

I am sure that many of you will have a desire that is not very difficult to fulfill, however, for one reason or another, you kept putting it off. For example, the wrong time or financial difficulties. But the negative attitude will immediately disappear if you allow yourself to finally get what you want. Get a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist, buy your favorite shoes, get a tattoo or finally jump with a parachute! The implementation of what has long been conceived will give you a charge of positive emotions and a lot of pleasure (I wrote about how to make wishes correctly in the article« » ).

Favourite buisness

Do you have a hobby? Or something that you really like to do and that you get a lot of pleasure from? In moments of despair, it is your favorite thing that will help you cope with the negative. Reading books, knitting, cooking, studying foreign language, simulation, computer games and much more will direct your tension in the right direction, allow you to be distracted and improve your well-being. Or maybe it's because you don't have a hobby? This often happens, because work and household chores take up almost all of our time. In this case, try to listen to yourself and understand what really fascinates you? What activities do you enjoy? Don't hold back, take action!

Make time for yourself. Make a mask for hair or face, if finances allow - visit a beauty salon. Beautiful make-up and fashionable manicure are able to create miracles with the mood of a girl! And if you add a stylish hairstyle and a brand new dress to this, you will be in a good mood! Shopping is quite suitable for men, you can buy not only a piece of clothing, but also fashion accessory. By taking care of yourself, taking care of yourself, you form good habit laying a solid foundation for your well-being in life.

Life changes

All the methods described above are suitable for people whose bad mood is not a permanent state. But if you constantly feel melancholy and despondency, then the most reliable and long-term method of improving your mood is to seek help. professional help to a psychologist. By using this specialist you will be able to discover real reasons underlying your negative view of the world and change your life better side. After all, a constant bad mood very soon develops into a habit that can be difficult to get rid of.

You can change your life on your own. How to do this, I wrote in the article« » . Try to think about how your life works? What is missing, why? negative emotions and so much stress? How does your lifestyle affect your mood? Try to fill your day with pleasant moments, make it interesting and positive.

And finally, I want to offer youexpress methods to improve mood:

  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • look at funny pictures or videos on the Internet;
  • listen to your favorite music;
  • take a bath or contrast shower;
  • watch your favorite comedy movie;
  • drive a car around the night city;
  • play and cuddle with pets;
  • get some desired thing, let it be a trifle;
  • read an interesting book;
  • arrange a photo session with friends;
  • experiment with appearance and makeup;
  • give yourself a massage yourself or ask a loved one;
  • buy indoor plant, look after him;
  • leaf through the album with photos, remember the pleasant moments from life ...

There are a lot of ways to set yourself up for a positive wave. Try different variants and choose the ones that are right for you. But the main thing that will help you is your desire to enjoy life despite some difficulties or problems. After all, a good mood at times more effectively helps to overcome all the difficulties that stand in your way.

I wonder if you have any proven ways to improve your mood? I would be grateful if you share them in the comments.


- Causes of capriciousness
- How to cheer up? Psychologists' advice
— 7 simple tips that will 100% improve your state of mind
How to lift your mood in 10 minutes?
— 2 non-standard way wake up your emotions
- Conclusion

In the life of every person there are moments that we call a bad mood. Such a state is unsettling and can overshadow any long-awaited holiday or event. There is apathy to what is happening, a feeling of anxiety and emotional instability.



Psychotherapists talk about simple ways to always be in a good mood. There are a few practical advice to help you be optimistic and not let bad thoughts and situations ruin your day.

1) Music.
Listen to the music you like. Psychologists also recommend singing along whenever possible. When longing has settled in your soul, feel free to drive it away with the help of your favorite melody in your headphones.

2) Dance.
This may be a continuation of the first point. This will give you positive energy for the whole day. The main rule is to move actively.

3) Get out.
Often a bad mood appears because of the mess. Minimal tidying up will help to quickly correct the situation. Make it a rule to start your work day by cleaning your desk. You will feel that neatly folded items greatly enhance your mood. If you are at home, take care of arranging comfort in your home. General cleaning, bed linen change will also help to create comfort and thereby improve mood. Take a few minutes a day for this. Thus, you are distracted from bad thoughts.

4) The right attitude.
No matter what happens, always stay optimistic. In any situation, set yourself up for a positive outcome. Assert yourself that everything will be fine - and you can easily overcome the difficulties that have arisen. When you go to a meeting, always think of a positive outcome. There is an expression among the people: "Human thought is material." Therefore, remaining an optimist, you will always easily solve emerging problems.

5) Talk about the problem.
Talk about what is bothering you with a friend, mother, relative. Even just saying it out loud already brings significant relief and uplifting.

6) Treat yourself to joy.
Do what you love. Spend a couple of minutes on your favorite game, watch your favorite movie at the cinema or at home, read a book by your favorite author.

7) Make a promise to yourself.
Promise to be an optimist and not pay attention to minor troubles. You can always fight back a bad mood. It is possible to become a person with a good and positive attitude, and everyone can do it.

8) Contrast shower.
This is a physiological way to create a good mood for yourself. When a person pours himself alternately hot and cold water, then the voltage is gone.

9) Get some sleep.
Bad mood often arises from banal fatigue. So put aside everything and take a break.

Here are some tips to help you get rid of a bad mood, restore optimism, balance, composure, and enjoy life.

Tip #1. Remember that you can improve your mood
One of the most effective ways to improve your mood is to always remember that you yourself can do it. In fact, changing your mood is much easier than you think, and this is a great reason for optimism.

Council number 2. Determine the reasons for the deterioration of mood
Don't think that trying to pretend you don't feel anger or envy or humiliation is a sign of emotional intelligence. In fact, it does not benefit others and harms you.

Council number 3. Minimize Damage
Everyone who falls under a hot hand can suffer from your bad mood. But you know why you feel irritated, so don't take it out on others. A dog should not bite a cat just because a person kicked it.

Tip #4 Remember, you are not your bad mood.
Sometimes under the influence strong emotions people act against all their core values ​​and beliefs.

It can be concluded that during vivid manifestations of emotions a person shows his true face, but this is far from the case. After all, anger, fear or despondency are just temporary disturbers of your consciousness, which you can learn to manage. To do this, you always need to remember who you really are and maintain composure in any situation.

Tip #5 Change your face to change your mood.
When we communicate with others, we experience different emotions. One of the means of their expression is facial expressions - we can frown, frown, smile, etc. We quite rightly believe that when we are happy, we look happy and when we are sad, the face takes on a sad expression. The researchers found that facial expressions also work the other way.

Studies have shown that these changes cause a rush of blood not only to the face, but also to our brain. We move our eyebrows when we want to concentrate, and this causes blood to flow from the face to the brain (perhaps this is what helps us focus better). Changes in facial expressions affect brain temperature, which is key to understanding why adopting a certain expression can make you feel better or worse.

The metabolic activity of our brain produces so much heat that it needs constant cooling. The air entering through the nostrils helps to lower the temperature of the brain, and when it cools, you feel better.

When we frown, the nostrils constrict, which leads to heating of the brain (it has been experimentally found that when wrinkling the nose for just 30 seconds, the temperature of the brain increases five times, causing a deterioration in well-being).

At the same time, a smile, even an insincere one, for a short time provides an average increase in the volume of air passing through the nose by 29 milliliters, and this pleasantly cools the brain.

That is, we can arrange short circuit» bad mood by consciously changing facial expressions. So you can smile or take a break to quietly say "E" until the mood lifts - your brain will thank you for it.

Council number 6. Improve your mood by walking in nature.
When the mood worsens, it tries to subjugate all your actions. If this is not resisted, the brain will stop listening to you, and you will not be able to overcome depression. In order to get rid of the “emotional brain” effect, you can do crossword puzzles in order to activate the “thinking brain”, or even better, go for a walk. It has been proven that exercise is much better at helping to get rid of a depressive state than drug treatment.

You can go for a walk (or even a jog if you're healthy enough) and, if possible, get out into nature. Recent studies have shown that spending time and exercising in vivo– even in city parks and gardens – incredibly useful for strengthening mental health, including to quickly lift mood and even improve immune functions. Conclusion: go outside and move!

Council number 7. Relax.
A bad mood requires to maintain tension and focus solely on negative feelings. So do the opposite! Set a goal to relax and focus on other thoughts and images outside the narrow frame of your mood.

How to lift your mood in 10 minutes?

Of course, a glass of champagne, a delicious chocolate bar and watching your favorite comedy under a warm blanket is a proven way. But, unfortunately, (or fortunately?) We can not always use it.

In any case, alcohol is definitely not suitable for raising the mood at work, but there is a shortage of blankets in the office. Fortunately for us, there are other ways to cheer yourself up, "on the spot," so to speak.

To begin with, we create a “joyful background” in the workplace (and this, imagine, is possible). This will help us Fresh air from an open window, invigorating aromas and cheerful music. If there is an opportunity to "sing along" and "dance" - excellent, this is generally "what the doctor ordered."

Of the aromas to lift the mood, citrus fruits are best suited. If an orange, tangerine or grapefruit “accidentally” happened to be at hand, cut it thinner (just don’t burst right away, let it lie down on a plate at least a little - let it saturate the whole room with positive). If you don’t stock up on citrus fruits, coffee will do just fine.

Get a head massage. For this, it is best to use a “massage comb” (for lack of it, the usual one will do too). Comb for 2-3 minutes in front of a mirror. At the same time, try to keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders and smile at yourself, your beloved, from the bottom of your heart.

A light massage of the ears and fingers is another proven mood booster. Twist them in different directions (not ears, fingers!), vigorously rub your palms, then massage biologically active points (on the temples, between the eyebrows, near the wings of the nose).

Excellent helps to cheer up the “scratching” of the hands from the wrist to the elbow. Yes, don't laugh. Although what I'm saying - LAUGH, of course! Read jokes, watch funny photos animals, video jokes ... In a few minutes, there will be no trace of a bad mood!

- 2 non-standard ways to wake up your emotions

1) "Turn on" the sense of smell.
Probably, you have noticed more than once that the smell of your favorite flowers or cut grass brings back pleasant memories, brings back those days when you were happy. And the mood instantly improves! This is not an accident at all: the area of ​​the brain responsible for smell is one of the most ancient, so memories “fixed” by smells are the most stable.

It is no coincidence that aromatherapy has become so popular today - the effect on the body with the help of essential oils. Find the scent that suits you and you will be able to cheer yourself up at any moment.

2) Manage color.
Since ancient times, different peoples have used color as part of the symbolism during religious or state ceremonies. However, its true significance for the human psyche was discovered only in the 50s of the last century by the Swiss scientist Max Luscher. He suggested that each of the colors symbolizes a certain psychological need or inclination.

Therefore, color preferences perfectly characterize a person. There is also Feedback: by betting on a particular shade, we can influence our own inner world. Keep this in mind when choosing clothes or interior items.

- Conclusion

A person's mood can change several times in one day. Unfortunately, for most people, it is very rarely good and instantly falls even because of a minor trifle. However, all is not lost and there are proven ways to help you lift your spirits without putting in too much effort.

For example, just stretch your lips in a smile and keep it on your face for 5 minutes. You will not notice how much better you will feel. And this is just one of the most simple ways influence your internal state. All in your hands. Dare!

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Black clouds thickened outside the window. Drops of rain fall carelessly. The wind immediately picks them up, turning the umbrellas of hastily moving passers-by. Not happy? You slowly approach your workplace, look and understand: again this computer, these folders, these pieces of paper, these daily faces of the “favorite” team. Oh, how tired everything is! Hurry up vacation, weekend… How could you forget about tea?! Cooled down ... What can I do to? Or maybe take a break? Say you don't feel well? Or maybe... Stop! Stop. Now is the time to say to yourself: “Enough!”. After all, the further train of thought is more than obvious: firstly, it will be remembered about unfulfilled dreams, and secondly, about the lack of Money, thirdly, about various troubles that occurred during recent times etc. And what is the result? Unmistakably spoiled mood for the rest of the day. And then even your reflection in the mirror will say that you are an exact imitation of that same cloud outside the window with rapidly tearing drops of rainy tears of sadness, and even the umbrella of passers-by will play the role of an inverted soul with its experiences. The same situation can happen to us not only at work, but also in ordinary life. Try the tips below, they will definitely help you!

Simple steps to great mood

  1. Do what you love and you will forget about the problems that upset you.
  2. Shopping - treat yourself a little.
  3. Pleasant music is what will help the mind to switch its attention. You can sing along ;)
  4. Walking in the fresh air is a fresh experience.
  5. Dancing is fun!
  6. Do not put things off until later, do them right now, and then the stone of responsibility will fall from your heart and you will breathe deeply.
  7. Creativity - you will definitely feel better.
  8. Sleep is the time when we forget about all the bad things that have happened to us.
  9. Helping loved ones - their gratitude and happiness will definitely make you smile.
  10. Sports - after intense workout you won't have the strength to be sad :)

Need to change the environment

Shake it up buddy! You need to air out this slush and dampness in your head.

For this:

  • We dilute the atmosphere of despondency and sadness new optimistic faces. At least over the phone. Which is already good!

We take a mobile and study the contents of the phone book. We define for ourselves the circle of the following persons: about whom we have not heard anything for a long time, with whom we have not communicated for some period of time, or simply people who are positively charged in life. We single out a “victim” for ourselves and call. So, as a result of the call, the sad component of our thoughts is gradually, but significantly reduced, since the vast territory occupied by it in our charming head was filled with new impressions and new thoughts from a pleasant conversation.

  • If the Internet is available at work and the ability to use it, go to favorite social network and we do the same thing as by phone.

You can also make a new virtual acquaintance or participate in a discussion interesting topic on the forum, which, perhaps, will bring even greater effectiveness. The main thing is that this does not arise negative impact on the course of the work process or those cases that you were busy with. These tips will help you get negative thoughts out of your head.

  • And finally - sweet! Never before has a sweet thing added extra calories to a good mood.

We take an umbrella, go out into the street and run, bypassing the puddles, to the nearest grocery store. We choose the most delicious pill from a bad mood and inhale a dose of the freshest, with a pleasant aftertaste of rain, air! We brew hot tea again and correct our mood with the above means.

Short pause for 10-20 minutes in working time a phone call or a useful run to the store will not significantly affect labor productivity. And, especially since this action is performed solely in order to raise the value of this coefficient. Like these ones simple tips will help to correct our mood and achieve a smile on our face. Perhaps, after reading the above recommendations, you have come up with at least, and possibly more effective ways to lift the spirit, suitable for you. Take action! Boldly and urgently take them as medicine. If it’s hard and sad for you to be at your workplace, that is special advice and for this case.

  1. Order on the desktop. A table littered with piles of paper does not at all set you up for work. It is better to remove all unnecessary from the work surface, leaving a minimum of necessary things. You can put a photo taken on vacation or a souvenir, reminiscent of distant travels. These little things are able to cheer up, and unnecessary in this moment accessories for work will not interfere, distract from your studies.
  2. Walk at lunchtime. Try to get outside for half an hour. It is especially good if there is a park, square, etc. nearby. Fresh air will give vivacity and help recharge your batteries for the rest of the working day. Remember, that . Give your body a pleasant feeling of walking.
  3. Make a personal schedule. Plan what needs to be done, prioritize. When you clearly know how much work you have to do for the day, it will become easier to do it.

    The main thing is to accustom yourself to perform so that they do not "hang" then over the soul with a heavy stone of remorse.

    The realization that all things are done gives a feeling of freedom, cheers up in the evening after a hard day.

  4. Friendly atmosphere in the team. It is noticed that in a comfortable psychological environment a person's work capacity and productivity increase. Smile at your colleagues, tell a funny anecdote. This will cheer up not only you, but also your colleagues.
  5. What about after work? It's great if after work you are waiting for a visit to the pool, meeting with your favorite friends or going to the theater. In addition to work, there are so many interesting things in life!

It happens that things do not go well in the morning, or for some reason the mood deteriorates at the moment. And there is still plenty of time until evening. Do not waste the rest of the day, so it is better to try to correct the situation. If the case itself cannot be replayed, it is necessary to work with the mood. After all, the essence is not in the causes themselves, but in human perception. if everything is bad or seems so?

Let's figure out the problem

First, you should stop the moment and comprehend the cause of apathy. Maybe you really feel bad, but another thing is when you want to draw attention to yourself, so that someone will take pity and console you. In any case, you need to let yourself know that life is already fleeting. Instead of despondency, it is better to devote time to what is at least pleasant. And how many useful things you can afford if you stop whining. However, if you still decide to yearn, then this should be done at least with taste. For example, it’s good to be sad to the music, especially your favorite. Suddenly inspiration will come, despondency will be replaced by the muse of creativity?

Choosing the right direction

Secondly, you need to wean yourself from a bad mood. Yes it is possible. That's what everyone does. Just every time you get discouraged, force yourself to do something that will drive bad thoughts away. If you take a book and read every time you are in a bad mood, then either sadness will come less and less, or you will become a very well-read person. Experiencing anger, you can deal with indignation exercise. It's nice to imagine how fit the body will become. In any case, there is a benefit - this is a fact.


How to cheer yourself up at home when you are alone or quarreled with a loved one? You need to understand that time will pass and everything will definitely work out. When you get lonely, you can call friends or parents. Mental communication provides indispensable support in difficult moments. You can call guests and spend pleasant evening together. Or go to visit someone close to you. It's good for you, it's good for them. The specific options depend on the situation. However, proven ways to raise still exist. Let's look at them now.

Turn up the music louder by choosing the songs you like

Under your favorite song, you can do a lot of useful things at the same time. Make time for yourself, take care of your appearance. You can apply a mask on your face, close your eyes and turn on pleasant music, and at the end of the procedure, drink a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. By the way, these drinks have a tonic effect, which improves mood.

Draw without thinking

Just take a sheet of paper, a pencil and move your hand. It relaxes, promotes calm nervous system. And if you use multi-colored pencils or pens, then color therapy will also be connected. Forget about problems, immerse yourself in the process, like a child. Remember your childhood and enjoy the moment.


Dancing is a win-win option for raising your spirits at home or outside.

Give your body freedom to move without thinking about how it looks from the outside - just dance. A charge of positive energy will certainly force out a bad mood and gloomy thoughts. Good decision- Go dancing with your friends. It could be a disco or a salsa evening. Skills and abilities do not matter. Your goal is to get a positive charge from the process.


When everything seems to be bad, the first thing that will annoy you is scattered things at home or documents on your desktop. Turn on the music, tune in decisively and start cleaning. At the same time, get rid of the excess, clear the space for new things and positive energy in the house. How to cheer yourself up at work? Music, probably, will not be entirely appropriate, but it will not hurt to sort out a pile of papers and empty the drawers of documents. As a result, observing the order, you will feel that your mood has really improved, it has become much easier on your soul.



The mood of a person is also related to the time of year and weather conditions. How to cheer yourself up in the fall, when it is pouring rain outside the window, and the leaves are sadly falling from the trees? put on rubber boots, take an umbrella, a thermos of tea and go for a walk. Please note which beautiful nature at this time of the year, what saturated colors, and the air is fresh, moist, spicy. Breathe deeply, focus on your feelings, forget about an unpleasant day or incident. Now it is important to teach yourself to enjoy the moment, the nature around, the sounds of rain. Look how beautiful life is, there is no place for a bad mood in it.

Solarium and healthy products

Often in the autumn-winter period, people are tormented by chronic apathy or even a depressive state. This is due to the fact that sunny days becomes much smaller. How to cheer yourself up if you are depressed? You can go to the solarium - this will give a dose of ultraviolet light, which is enough to cheer you up. You need to walk more often in the fresh air, and even better - jogging.

Of the products, dark chocolate is considered a proven remedy for depression. However, citrus fruits have the same property. If at least every other day you drink a glass of orange fresh juice, then this will not only cheer you up, but also strengthen immune system. Increase the content of bananas. It is enough to eat one a day - in addition to vitamins, this will provide the body with a good mood.

Winter fun

In winter, you can perfectly cheer yourself up by skating or skiing, depending on the possibilities. Or maybe sleds? Remember how fun it was in childhood to slide down the ice slide. Why would in adulthood the same methods? Go to the skating rink by yourself, with children, friends, relatives. This is a great opportunity to have fun and forget about the severity of pressing problems. Frosty blush and positive you are guaranteed.

Sweet drinks

There is a category of people who "get up on the wrong foot." And so almost every day. The reason for a bad mood or even well-being in the morning is a lack of glucose. The first step is to go to the kitchen. A great way to cheer yourself up in the morning is to drink a cup of fragrant freshly brewed sweet coffee. A glass of fruit juice also helps. The body is immediately filled with a charge of vivacity, and a nutritious breakfast will provide energy for the whole day. Great to start the morning with your favorite product.

Physical exercises

Charging is another proven way to cheer yourself up if everything is bad. It's easiest to do this at home. But at work, if you wish, you can perform a few simple exercises. The blood circulation of the body will improve, the influx of forces will be felt almost instantly. Physical activity increases the level of the hormone of happiness in the blood, so it is worth devoting more time to this beneficial activity. According to statistics, people who visit the gym at least three times a week are more stress-resistant and cheerful. The reason lies in the production of the hormone of happiness during muscle work.


How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad? Look the truth in the eye. There are situations when the cause of a bad mood is melancholy. Then you should figure it out - do you miss the person, the event, the past time? In the first option, you can call or meet with a person. If it so happens that the one you yearn for has died, then remember the most beautiful moments that bind you. The people who left our world would only be glad that you are happy and that you are doing well. Mentally send a ray of light and love to a person, you will immediately feel better. If you are in a quarrel, determine what is more important for you - to prove your case or to be with a person next to you. Depending on this, act. Perhaps there will be no other chance to take the first step.

Sometimes the question of how to cheer yourself up if everything is bad interests a person who is accompanied by a losing streak. In this case, everything should be arranged in order. First you need to find out the reasons for the failures. These are personal mistakes or inability to navigate in the circumstances. Take responsibility, give yourself the attitude that you - only person influencing the situation. Then you will feel an influx of new forces, and you will certainly be able to cope with the most seemingly unsolvable problems. And, by the way, it is better to remove this word from the lexicon for good. Tell yourself otherwise - there are no problems, there are tasks.


A good way to cheer up a bad mood for your loved one is to allow yourself to eat delicious. Sit back, highlight the process certain time. It is better at this moment to isolate yourself from everything that can distract. Just enjoy the taste of your favorite ice cream or dessert, or maybe meat dish. There are no comrades for taste and color. There will be no trace of a bad mood. And after a portion tasty food it is best to go for a walk. Fresh air, rhythmic breathing will streamline thoughts, a look at the state of affairs can change dramatically.

Rest and improve your mood

If apathy has completely played out, there is no strength to do anything at all, then you need to arrange a rest for yourself. At the same time, you can be distracted by:

  • reading a favorite book, or one for which there was no time;
  • watching a movie, series, TV show;
  • a computer game, but it is important not to get carried away and stay up until the morning;
  • writing your own essay, poetry, prose (for many, apathy leads to enlightenment in creativity, the identification of talents);
  • drawing, especially paints;
  • needlework (often the resulting work has unsurpassed beauty and originality, and all because the soul at that moment experienced deep feelings).

How to cheer yourself up? Photos of funny moments or will help you in this matter. Looking through them, a person will begin to dream about the good, or maybe he will finally mature to take a vacation and go on a trip. New impressions are the best way to cope with despondency. Sometimes just browsing beautiful photos or pictures great uplifting, saturating


There are countless ways to rid yourself of a bad mood. To list them all is not enough for ten volumes. Some really work and change perception for the better, others are less effective, but better than nothing. In any case, the main and most the right way is the unwillingness of a person to be in a bad mood. If a life course is taken for good luck, whatever happens, it will be perceived as an experience. Nobody is immune from mistakes. But some of them learn and harden, others lose their strength in the struggle for the right.

Bad moods need to be crossed off your list if you decide to be successful. Now only joy will fill every day you live. Be happy!

A bad mood periodically visits everyone, there are many reasons for this - ranging from fatigue and low tone due to real problems, ending with just an emotional stupor in the morning. I believe that the mood is the key to success, when I am sad or dissatisfied with something, everything falls out of my hands.

Have you noticed this for yourself? You get up in the morning on the wrong foot, and away you go - knocked over a cup of coffee on yourself, got stuck in a traffic jam, was late for work, received a reproachful look from your beloved boss, you work poorly and feel bad ... It’s better to think a little about how to cheer up and recharge positive for the whole day.

Reasons for bad mood

If sadness-longing consumes you no more than three times a week, then in general you don’t have to worry - this is a variant of the norm. If despondency annoys you for several minutes every day, then something clearly needs to be changed in life or in relation to it. And if a bad mood comes much more often, then you should think and look for the reasons for the bad mood. You can attribute it to the spirit of despondency, bad weather, or the wrong leg in the morning - but is it worth it? It's better to figure out what makes you sad.

For example, these could be:

  • beriberi and some hidden diseases (perhaps in the very initial stage);
  • real problems or difficulties;
  • bad weather;
  • some unrevealed grievances;
  • life span for rethinking;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • emotional disorders.
Of course, a bad mood can arise for several reasons at once, or for some other reason at all - each person is individual, and his mood and tone are regulated by the most complex chemical reactions in the body.

If a bad mood accompanies a person throughout his life, then this is a good reason to visit a doctor - when a person falls ill, his mood and vitality quickly fall, he feels bad and becomes irritable.

How you can tone yourself up in five minutes

If the cause of sadness is not identified, then you can try to increase vitality in just a few minutes.

The mood of a person depends on the level of hormones that are responsible for emotions. In order for the mood to change, you need to somehow influence the amount of these hormones. Hormones are affected by:

  • useful micro- and macro-elements that enter our body with food, drinks and vitamins;
  • physical activity;
  • placebo effect - if you do what a person usually does in a good mood, then the body can be a little deceived, and it will increase the level of hormones, which will significantly cheer you up.

What to eat for mood

  1. The simplest thing is to eat something sweet or rich in vitamins. Sweets help to activate the work of the nervous system, which gradually aligns emotional background and at the same time the spirit of life. There is another reason - sweets are just nice. Even if you do not take into account their beneficial effects, a little pleasure will help brighten up the most bleak picture of life and raise your vitality when you are at home, at work or walking.
  2. Fruit will do too. They contain a complex complex of vitamins and essential oils, most of which help to quickly and effectively improve your own mood. It is best to choose those fruits that have more bright color and a pronounced smell - they are at that stage of ripeness when the amount useful substances they have the highest. Best of all, combinations of citruses with coniferous aromas and herbs lead to tone.
  3. Vegetables are a great choice for those who are on a diet or just don't like sweet things. So, for example, broccoli contains a lot of folic acid - and by the way, its lack leads to depression. Vegetables should be eaten raw, then the effect will be longer and appear very quickly, after heat treatment they are bad and have little effect on well-being.
  4. Whole grain bread or brown rice will help to increase vitality, recharge positive emotions and energy for the whole day. Carbohydrates, in principle, have a very positive effect on a person, and if this complex carbohydrates, which are released slowly, they are very useful.
  5. Drinking a glass of water in time will also help you feel better - the concentration of salts and microparticles in the body changes, pressure changes (this is important for those who react to bad weather).
  6. A cup of coffee or tea will help you cheer up and forget about life's troubles, as well as raise your tone and energize you. Of course, coffee abuse is bad, but sometimes it is a real salvation.
  7. A little alcohol will help you relax - a glass of wine will relieve stress and charge you with positive (for this you need to choose red wines).

Movement as a way to cheer up

Nature took care of a person and rewarded him with the production of hormones of joy during motor activity- this is necessary in order for a person to follow the instinct of self-preservation - in prehistoric times, those who were inactive had a bad time.

Now, movement is not as important for a person as it was in those days - there is no running after a mammoth or running away from enemies in our lives for a long time. However, the mechanism of evolutionary encouragement still works. If you turn on energetic music and dance for about half an hour, then your mood will definitely improve. It is better to give preference to compositions with a fast rhythm.

Any dance direction is suitable, even if you don’t know how to dance at all - depict the dance of the natives around the fire, this will also help to lift your spirits.

Walk - lovely way exit the current state. When the forces are at zero and gloomy thoughts envelop the mind, it is enough to go outside and walk a few blocks. How it works? Firstly, during any mobility, the substances necessary for a good mood are produced.

Secondly, fresh air, constant change of visual images, a large flow of external information - all this brings consciousness to a fundamentally different level. And if there is an opportunity to take a walk in nature or at least in the park, then the benefit will be twice as much. Regular walks help get rid of emotional depression - you can not only improve your mood, but generally improve your well-being.

Gymnastics too. a good option, loud music and some sit-ups will add to the joy.

My ways to improve mood

Sex is considered one of the most effective methods for improving mood - there is no better way to cheer yourself up at home than this. However, sometimes it is necessary to increase the vitality not only at home - quite often the mood falls at work.

Personally, I often get upset over trifles, and then I can’t concentrate. It helps me breathing exercises- I go out to the office balcony, and breathe in science for a few minutes. During this time, the blood is enriched with oxygen, and life becomes much more fun.

Another way that I really like is massage. I bought a simple foot massager, and when the mood is at zero, I arrange an evening of relaxation for myself - a kettle good tea, interesting film or a book, a massage and a few aromatic oils.

By the way, do you have an aroma lamp? If not, then believe me, you really need it. At one time I bought it simply because I liked the shape - it looked quite appropriate on my shelf. And then I decided to try. Candle flickering, pleasant aroma - it really helps. As smells, you can use the aromas of the forest and coniferous trees, I like the smells of citrus fruits (scientists have proven that they have a positive effect on human emotions) and lemongrass.

And, of course, creativity. If I'm sad, I try to pour out my emotions into the text or onto the canvas - this helps both to distract from dreary thoughts, and at the same time to understand myself a little.

How to deal with mood: a lesson from a psychologist

I consulted with a psychologist, and I share her advice with you. She explained to me that if someone is depressed for a long time, then he needs it for some reason. It would seem that you do not like being sad, do you want to change it? If by medical indications a person is healthy, and all the ways to combat despondency have been tried, then only cardinal decisions remain - to change something in oneself.

For these purposes, you can turn to a coach - this person translates your thoughts and desires to you, evaluates their reality and compliance with the direction. If you're sad about something, you don't need it. If you feel sad about something, and you are in no hurry to get rid of it, then you like it.

This advice literally opened my eyes, I made a couple of changes in my life and forgot about what a negative mood is. A couple of cups of tea in the morning and vegetables throughout the day keep my balance of vitamins, yoga and a dance studio help me move more, and two beloved dogs provide long walks every day in I like the weather and charge me with positive.

Good mood- it's simple, you just need to create suitable conditions for it. Listen to your favorite music in the morning and dance - this will tone you up, walk in any weather in the morning or evening (you can walk with someone or alone), watch your thoughts and especially your mood in the morning - and you will always be in excellent mood.

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