What are abiotic environmental factors. Examples of biotic factors. The influence of abiotic factors on humans

Abiotic factors

Abiotic factors - factors inanimate nature, physical and chemical in nature. These include: light, temperature, humidity, pressure, salinity (especially in the aquatic environment), mineral composition (in the soil, in the ground of reservoirs), movement air masses(wind), movements of water masses (currents), etc. A combination of various abiotic factors determines the distribution of species of organisms in different areas the globe. Everyone knows that one or another biological species is not found everywhere, but in areas where there are conditions necessary for its existence. This, in particular, explains the geographical confinement various kinds on the surface of our planet.

As noted above, the existence a certain kind depends on a combination of many different abiotic factors. Moreover, for each type, the value individual factors, as well as their combinations are very specific.

Light is essential for all living organisms. Firstly, because it is practically the only source of energy for all living things. Autotrophic (photosynthetic) organisms - cyanobacteria, plants, converting the energy of sunlight into energy chemical bonds(in the process of synthesis organic matter from mineral), ensure their existence. But in addition, the organic substances created by them serve (in the form of food) as a source of energy for all heterotrophs. Secondly, light plays an important role as a factor regulating lifestyle, behavior, and physiological processes occurring in organisms. Let us recall such a well-known example as the autumn dropping of leaves from trees. The gradual reduction of daylight hours triggers a complex process of physiological restructuring of plants in anticipation of a long winter period.

Changes in daylight hours throughout the year are of great importance for animals. temperate zone. Seasonality determines the reproduction of many of their species, the change of plumage and fur cover, horns in ungulates, metamorphosis in insects, migration of fish and birds.

No less important abiotic factor than light is temperature. Most living beings can only live in the range from -50 to +50 °C. And mainly in the habitats of organisms on Earth, temperatures do not go beyond these limits. However, there are species that have adapted to existence at very high or low temperatures. So some bacteria roundworms can live in hot springs with temperatures up to +85 °C. In the conditions of the Arctic and Antarctica, there are different types of warm-blooded animals - polar bears, penguins.

Temperature as an abiotic factor can significantly affect the rate of development, the physiological activity of living organisms, since it is subject to daily and seasonal fluctuations.

Other abiotic factors are no less important, but to varying degrees for different groups of living organisms. Yes, for everyone terrestrial species Humidity plays a significant role, and for water - salinity. The fauna and flora of the islands in the oceans and seas are significantly affected by the wind. For the inhabitants of the soil, its structure is important, that is, the size of the soil particles.

Biotic and anthropogenic factors

Biotic factors(animal factors) are various forms interactions between organisms of the same and different species.

Relationships between organisms of the same species are more likely to be competition and quite sharp. This is due to their identical needs - in food, territorial space, in light (for plants), in nesting places (for birds), etc.

Often in the relationship of individuals of the same species, there is also cooperation. The herd, herd way of life of many animals (ungulates, seals, monkeys) allows them to successfully defend themselves from predators and ensure the survival of their cubs. Wolves are an interesting example. They change throughout the year competitive relations to cooperatives. In spring- summer period wolves live in pairs (male and female), raise offspring. At the same time, each pair occupies a certain hunting territory that provides them with food. There is fierce territorial competition between couples. In winter, wolves gather in packs and hunt together, and in wolf pack a rather complex "social" structure is emerging. The transition from competition to cooperation is due here to the fact that in the summer there are many prey (small animals), and in winter only large animals (moose, deer, wild boars) are available. The wolf alone cannot cope with them, so a pack is formed for a successful joint hunt.

The relationship of organisms of different species very varied. In those that have similar needs (for food, nesting sites), there is competition. For example, between gray and black rats, red cockroach and black. Not very often, but between different types develops cooperation, How on bird market. Numerous birds of small species are the first to notice the danger, the approach of a predator. They raise the alarm, and the big ones strong views(for example, herring gulls) actively attack a predator (arctic fox) and drive it away, protecting both their nests and nests of small birds.

Widespread in species relationships predation. In this case, the predator kills the prey and eats it entirely. Herbivory is closely related to this method: here, too, individuals of one species eat representatives of another (sometimes, however, not completely eating the plant, but only partially).

At commensalism the symbiont benefits from cohabitation, and the host is not harmed, but it does not receive any benefit. For example, a pilot fish (commensal), living near a large shark (owner), has a reliable protector, and food falls to it “from the table” of the owner. The shark simply does not notice its "freeloader". Commensalism is widely observed in animals leading an attached lifestyle - sponges, coelenterates (Fig. 1).

Rice. one.Sea anemone on a shell occupied by a hermit crab

The larvae of these animals settle on the shell of crabs, the shell of mollusks, and the developed adult organisms use the host as a "vehicle".

Mutualistic relationships are characterized by mutual benefit for both the mutualist and the owner. Wide notable examples to that - intestinal bacteria in humans (“supplying” the necessary vitamins to their owner); nodule bacteria - nitrogen fixers - living in the roots of plants, etc.

Finally, two species that exist in the same territory (“neighbors”) may not interact with each other in any way. In this case, one speaks of neutralism no relationship between species.

Anthropogenic factors - factors (affecting living organisms and ecological systems) resulting from human activities.

Signal for the beginning of the autumn migration of insectivorous birds

1) lowering the temperature environment 2) reduction of daylight hours
3) lack of food 4) increased humidity and pressure

The number of squirrels in the forest zone is NOT affected

The abiotic factors are

1) competition of plants for the absorption of light
2) the influence of plants on animal life
3) temperature change during the day
4) human pollution

Factor limiting the growth of herbaceous plants in spruce forest, - flaw

1) light 2) heat 3) water 4) minerals

What is the name of a factor that deviates significantly from the optimal value for the species

1) abiotic 2) biotic 3) anthropogenic 4) limiting

44. What factor limits the life of plants in steppe zone?

1) high temperature 2) lack of moisture 3) lack of humus
4) excess ultraviolet rays

The most important abiotic factor mineralizing organic remains in the forest biogeocenosis are

1) frosts 2) fires 3) winds 4) rains

Abiotic factors that determine population size include

The main limiting factor for plant life in Indian Ocean is a disadvantage

1) light 2) heat 3) mineral salts 4) organic substances

48. What can become a limiting factor for the life of the sika deer living in Primorye on the southern slopes of the mountains?

1) deep snow 2) strong wind 3) disadvantage coniferous trees

4) short day in winter

Abiotic environmental factors include

1) soil fertility 2) a wide variety of plants
3) the presence of predators 4) air temperature

41. Any environmental factor can be limiting, but the most important are often:

1) moisture and food

2) temperature, for plants - the presence of mineral nutrients

3) temperature, water, food, for plants - the presence of biogenic elements in the soil

42. Organisms with a wide range of tolerance - endurance ~ are called:

1) stenobionts, they practically do not occur in nature

2) eurybionts, they are widely distributed in nature

3) eurybionts, they are rarely found in nature

43. The size of the leaves is the same under conditions under which:

1) dark - humid and dry - sunny

2) dark - humid and humid - sunny

3) dry - sunny and sunny - wet

44. A hydrobiologist always has an oxygen meter ready, but a terrestrial ecologist is less likely to measure oxygen because:

1) In terrestrial habitats, oxygen is available to living beings, in aquatic habitats it is often a limiting factor

2) In terrestrial ecosystems, oxygen is a limiting factor; in aquatic ecosystems, it is almost always available

3) In both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, oxygen is the limiting factor

45. Match


A) release of oxygen into the atmosphere 1) autotrophs

B) use the energy contained in food for ATP synthesis 2) heterotrophs

C) the use of ready-made organic substances

D) synthesis of organic substances from inorganic

D) use of carbon dioxide for food

Block C. Give a detailed answer to the questions

1. What is the difference between the ground-air environment and the water?

2. The rate of photosynthesis depends on limiting (limiting) factors, among which are light, carbon dioxide concentration, temperature. Why are these factors limiting for photosynthesis reactions?

3. What are the morphological, physiological and behavioral adaptations to the ambient temperature in warm-blooded animals?

4. What changes in biotic factors can lead to an increase in the number of naked slug living in the forest and feeding mainly on plants?

5. On the surface of the soil can sometimes be seen a large number of earthworms. Explain under what meteorological conditions this occurs and why.

abiotic factors. Temperature

Abiotic factors- all components and phenomena of inanimate nature.

Temperature refers to climatic abiotic environmental factors. Most organisms are adapted to a rather narrow temperature range, since the activity of cellular enzymes lies in the range from 10 to 40 ° C, with low temperatures reactions are slow.

There are animal organisms:

  • with constant body temperature warm-blooded, or homoiothermic);
  • with fluctuating body temperature cold-blooded, or poikilothermic).

Plants and animals have special adaptationspadding to adapt to temperature fluctuations.

Organisms whose body temperature changes depending on the ambient temperature (plants, invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles) have various adaptations to maintain life. Such animals are called cold-blooded, or poikilothermic. The absence of a thermoregulation mechanism is due to the weak development nervous system, low level metabolism and lack closed system circulation.

The body temperature of poikilothermic animals is only 1–2 °C higher than or equal to the ambient temperature, but it can increase as a result of absorption. solar heat(snakes, lizards) or muscle work (flying insects, fast swimming fish). Sharp fluctuations in ambient temperature can lead to death.

With the onset of winter, plants and animals sink into a state of winter dormancy. Their metabolic rate drops sharply. In preparation for winter, a lot of fat and carbohydrates are stored in the tissues of animals, the amount of water in the fiber decreases, sugars and glycerin accumulate, which prevents freezing.

Species with unstable body temperature are able to go into an inactive state when the temperature drops. Slowing down the metabolism in cells greatly increases the resistance of organisms to adverse weather conditions. The transition of animals to a state of torpor, like the transition of plants to a state of dormancy, allows them to endure the winter cold with the least loss, without spending a lot of energy.

To protect organisms from overheating in the hot season, special physiological mechanisms are activated: in plants, the evaporation of moisture through the stomata increases, in animals, the evaporation of water through respiratory system and skin.

In poikilothermic organisms, core body temperature follows changes in environmental temperature. Their metabolic rate goes up and down. Such species are the majority on Earth.

Organisms with a constant body temperature are called warm-blooded, or homeothermic. These include birds and mammals.

The body temperature of such animals is stable, it does not depend on the temperature of the environment, due to the presence of thermoregulation mechanisms. The constancy of body temperature is ensured by the regulation of heat production and heat transfer.

With the threat of overheating of the body, the expansion of skin vessels occurs, sweating and heat transfer increase. When there is a threat of cooling, skin vessels constrict, wool or feathers rise - heat transfer is limited.

With significant changes in outside temperature and abrupt changes heat production temperature internal organs in warm-blooded animals, it can deviate from the usual values ​​​​from 0.2-0.3 to 1-3 ° C.

Sweating is peculiar only to humans, monkeys and equids. In other homoiothermic animals, the most efficient mechanism for heat transfer is heat dyspnea. The ability to increase heat production is most pronounced in birds, rodents and some other animals.

Homeotherms are able to maintain a constant body temperature under any environmental conditions. Their metabolism always goes at a high speed, even if the outside temperature is constantly changing. For example, polar bears in the Arctic or penguins in Antarctica can withstand 50-degree frosts, which is a difference of 87-90 degrees compared to their own temperature.

Adaptations of organisms to different temperature regimes. Both warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals in the process of evolution have developed various adaptations to changing temperature conditions environment.The main source of thermal energy in organisms with unstable body temperature is external heat.

Overwintered snakes need two to three weeks to bring their metabolism up to a sufficient intensity. Usually snakes crawl out and bask in the sun repeatedly throughout the day, and return to their burrows at night.

With the onset of winter, plants and animals with unstable body temperature fall into a state of winter dormancy. Their metabolic rate is sharply reduced. In preparation for winter, a lot of fats and carbohydrates are stored in the tissues.

In autumn, plants reduce the consumption of substances, storing sugar and starch. Their growth stops, the intensity of all physiological processes slows down sharply, leaves fall. In the first frosts, plants lose a significant amount of water, becoming resistant to frost and going into a state of deep dormancy.

In the hot season, overheating protection mechanisms are activated. In plants, the evaporation of water through the stomata increases, and in animals - through the respiratory system and skin.

If the plants are sufficiently provided with water, the stomata are open day and night. However, in many plants, the stomata are open only during the day in the light, and close at night. In dry, hot weather, the stomata of plants close even during the day, and the release of water vapor from the leaves into the air stops. When favorable conditions come, the stomata open and the normal vital activity of the plants is restored.

The most perfect thermoregulation is observed in animals with a constant body temperature. Regulation of heat transfer by skin vessels, well developed higher nervous activity allowed birds and mammals to remain active during sudden temperature changes and master almost all habitats.

Complete division of blood into venous and arterial, intensive metabolism, feather or hairline of the body, contributing to the preservation of heat.

Of great importance for warm-blooded animals is not only the ability to thermoregulate, but also adaptive behavior, the construction of special shelters and nests.

Constantly evolving, humanity does not particularly think about how abiotic factors directly or indirectly affect a person. What are abiotic conditions and why is their seemingly imperceptible influence so important to consider? It's certain physical phenomena that are not related to wildlife, which in one way or another affect human life or the environment. Roughly speaking, light, the degree of humidity, the Earth's magnetic field, temperature, the air we breathe - all these parameters are called abiotic. Under this definition does not fall in any way the influence of living organisms, including bacteria, microorganisms and even protozoa.

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Examples and types

We have already found out that this is a set of phenomena of inanimate nature, which can be climatic, water or soil. The classification of abiotic factors is conditionally divided into three types:

  1. Chemical,
  2. physical,
  3. Mechanical.

The chemical influence is exerted by the organic and mineral composition of the soil, atmospheric air, ground and other waters. The physical ones include natural light, pressure, temperature and humidity of the environment. Accordingly, cyclones, solar activity, soil, air and water movement in nature are considered mechanical factors. The combination of all these parameters has a tremendous impact on the reproduction, distribution and quality of life of all life on our planet. And if modern man thinks that all these phenomena that literally control the life of his ancient ancestors have now been tamed with the help of advanced technologies, then, unfortunately, this is not at all the case.

One should not lose sight of biotic factors and processes that are inevitably tied to the abiotic influence on all living things. Biotic are the forms of influence of living organisms on each other, almost any of them is caused by abiotic environmental factors and their influence on living organisms.

What influence can the factors of inanimate nature have?

To begin with, it is necessary to indicate what falls under the definition of abiotic environmental factors? Which of the parameters can be attributed here? The abiotic environmental factors include: light, temperature, humidity, and the state of the atmosphere. Let's consider which factor influences how in more detail.


Light is one of the environmental factors that literally every object in geobotany uses. Sunlight is the most important source of thermal energy, responsible in nature for the processes of development, growth, photosynthesis and many, many others.

Light, as an abiotic factor, has a number of specific characteristics: spectral composition, intensity, periodicity. These abiotic conditions are most important for plants whose main life is the process of photosynthesis. Without quality spectrum and good light intensity, vegetable world will not be able to actively multiply and grow fully. The duration of light exposure is also important, so, with a short daylight, plant growth is significantly reduced, and reproduction functions are inhibited. Not in vain, for good growth and harvest, in greenhouse (artificial) conditions, they necessarily create the longest possible light period, which is so necessary for plant life. In such cases, the natural biological rhythms. Lighting is the most important natural factor for our planet.


Temperature is also one of the most powerful abiotic factors. Without the right temperature regime, life on Earth is really impossible - and this is not an exaggeration. Moreover, if a person can deliberately maintain the light balance at a certain level, and it is quite simple to do this, then the situation with temperature is much more difficult.

Of course, over the millions of years of existence on the planet, both plants and animals have adapted to the temperature that is uncomfortable for them. The processes of thermoregulation are different here. For example, in plants, two methods are distinguished: physiological, namely, an increase in the concentration of cell sap, due to the intensive accumulation of sugar in cells. Such a process provides the necessary level of frost resistance of plants, at which they can not die even at very low temperatures. The second way is physical, it consists in the special structure of foliage or its reduction, as well as growth methods - squat or creeping along the ground - to avoid freezing in open space.

Among animals, eurytherms are distinguished - those that exist freely with a significant temperature fluctuation, and stenotherms, for whose life a certain temperature range is important, not too big size. Eurythermal organisms exist when the ambient temperature fluctuates within 40-50 degrees, usually these are conditions close to continental climate. Summer high temperatures, in winter - frost.

A striking example of a eurythermic animal can be considered a hare. AT warm time year, he feels comfortable in the heat, and in frosts, turning into a hare, he perfectly adapts to the temperature abiotic factors of the environment and their effect on living organisms.

There are also many representatives of the fauna - these are animals, and insects, and mammals that have a different type of thermoregulation - with the help of a state of torpor. In this case, the metabolism slows down, but the body temperature can be kept at the same level. Example: for brown bear the abiotic factor is winter air temperature, and its method of adapting to frost is hibernation.


The abiotic environmental factors also include the air environment. In the process of evolution, living organisms had to master the air habitat after leaving the water on land. Some of them, especially this was reflected in insects and birds, in the process of development of land-moving species, adapted to air movement, having mastered the technique of flight.

The process of ansmochory should not be excluded - the migration of plant species with the help of air currents - the vast majority of plants populated the territories in which they now grow in this way, by pollination, seed transfer by birds, insects, and the like.

If one asks what abiotic factors influence plant and animal world, then the atmosphere, in terms of its degree of influence, will clearly not be in last place - its role in the process of evolution, development and population size cannot be exaggerated.

However, it is not the air itself that is important, as a parameter that affects nature and organisms, but also its quality, namely, chemical composition. What factors are important in this aspect? There are two of them: oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Importance of oxygen

Without oxygen, only anaerobic bacteria can exist; other living organisms need it to an extreme degree. The oxygen component of the air environment refers to those types of products that are only consumed, but only green plants are capable of producing oxygen, by photosynthesis.

Oxygen, entering the body of a mammal, is bound into a chemical compound by hemoglobin in the blood and, in this form, is transferred with the blood to all cells and organs. This process ensures the normal functioning of any living organism. The influence of the air environment on the process of life support is great and continuous throughout life.

Importance of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a product exhaled by mammals and some plants, it is also formed in the process of combustion and vital activity of soil microorganisms. However, all these natural processes emit such an insignificant amount of carbon dioxide that they cannot even be compared with a real ecosystem disaster that is directly and indirectly related to all natural processes– industrial emissions and waste products technological processes. And, if even a hundred years ago, a similar problem would be mainly observed in a large industrial city, such as, for example, Chelyabinsk, today, it is distributed almost throughout the entire planet. Nowadays, carbon dioxide produced everywhere: by enterprises, vehicles, various devices, stubbornly expands the group of its influence, including the atmosphere.


Humidity, as an abiotic factor, is the water content of whatever it is: plant, air, soil, or living organism. Of the environmental factors, it is humidity that is the first condition necessary for the origin and development of life on Earth.

All living things on the planet need water. The mere fact is that any living cell eighty percent consists of water, speaks for itself. But for many living beings ideal conditions a habitat natural environment are water bodies or a humid climate.

Wettest place on earth Urek (Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea)

Of course, there are also types of areas where the amount of water is minimal or it is present with any periodicity, these are desert, high mountain relief, and the like. This has an obvious effect on nature: the absence or minimum of vegetation, drying soil, no fruit-bearing plants, only those types of flora and fauna survive that can adapt to such conditions. Fitness, to whatever extent it is expressed, is not lifelong and, in the case when the characteristics of abiotic factors change for some reason, it can also change or disappear altogether.

In terms of the degree of influence on nature, humidity is important to take into account not only as a single parameter, but also in combination with each of the listed factors, since together they form the type of climate. Each specific territory with its own abiotic environmental factors has its own characteristics, its own vegetation, species and population size.

The influence of abiotic factors on humans

Man, as a component of an ecosystem, also applies to objects that are influenced by abiotic factors of inanimate nature. The dependence of human health and behavior on solar activity, the lunar cycle, cyclones and similar influences, was noted several centuries ago, thanks to the observation of our ancestors. And in modern society the presence of a group of people is invariably recorded, the changes in mood and well-being of which are indirectly affected by abiotic environmental factors.

For example, studies of solar influence have shown that this star has an eleven-year cycle of periodic activity. On this soil, fluctuations of the electromagnetic field of the Earth occur, which affects human body. Peaks of solar activity can weaken immune system, and pathogenic microorganisms, on the contrary, to make them more tenacious and adapted to extensive distribution within the community. The sad consequences of such a process are outbreaks of epidemics, the emergence of new mutations and viruses.

Epidemic of unknown infection in India

Other important example abiotic influence is ultraviolet. Everyone knows that in certain doses, this type of radiation is even useful. This environmental factor has an antibacterial effect, slows down the development of spores, disease-causing skin. But in large doses ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the population, causing such deadly diseases as cancer, leukemia or sarcoma.

The manifestations of the action of abiotic environmental factors on a person directly include temperature, pressure and humidity, in short - climate. An increase in temperature will lead to deceleration physical activity and the development of problems with the cardiovascular system. Low temperatures are dangerous hypothermia, which means inflammation of the respiratory system, joints and limbs. It should be noted here that the humidity parameter further enhances the influence of the temperature regime.

Raise atmospheric pressure threatens the health of owners of weak joints and fragile vessels. Especially dangerous, there are sharp changes in this climatic parameter - sudden hypoxia, blockage of capillaries, fainting and even coma can occur.

Of the environmental factors, one should also note the chemical aspect of the impact on humans. All of them are related chemical elements contained in water, atmosphere or soil. There is the concept of regional factors - the excess or, conversely, the lack of certain compounds or trace elements in the nature of each individual region. For example, from the listed factors, both a lack of fluorine is harmful - it causes damage to tooth enamel, and its excess - it accelerates the process of ossification of the ligaments, disrupts the functioning of some internal organs. Fluctuations in the content of such chemical elements as chromium, calcium, iodine, zinc, and lead are especially noticeable in terms of the incidence of the population.

Of course, many of the abiotic conditions listed above, although they are abiotic factors of the natural environment, are in fact very much dependent on human activity - the development of mines and deposits, changes in river beds, the air environment, and similar examples of the intervention of progress in natural phenomena.

Detailed characteristics of abiotic factors

Why is the impact on the population of most abiotic factors so huge? This is logical: after all, to ensure life cycle of any living organism on Earth, the totality of all parameters that affect the quality of life, its duration, which determines the number of ecosystem objects, is important. Lighting, composition of the atmosphere, humidity, temperature, zoning of the distribution of representatives of wildlife, salinity of water and air, its edaphic data are the most important abiotic factors and adaptation of organisms to them is positive or negative, but in any case, it is inevitable. It is easy to verify this: just look around!

Abiotic factors aquatic environment provide the origin of life, make up three-quarters of every living cell on Earth. In the forest ecosystem, biotic factors include all the same parameters: humidity, temperature, soil, light - they determine the type woodland, saturation with plants, their adaptability to a particular region.

In addition to the obvious, already listed, important abiotic factors of the natural environment should also be called salinity, soil and the Earth's electromagnetic field. The entire ecosystem has evolved for hundreds of years, the terrain has changed, the degree of adaptation of living organisms to certain living conditions, new species have appeared and entire populations have migrated. However, this natural chain has long been violated by the fruits of human activity on the planet. The work of environmental factors is fundamentally disrupted due to the fact that the impact of abiotic parameters does not occur purposefully, as factors of inanimate nature, but already as harmful effect for the development of organisms.

Unfortunately, the influence of abiotic factors on the quality and life expectancy of a person and humanity as a whole has been and remains enormous and can have both positive and negative consequences for each individual organism for all of humanity as a whole.

    ABIOTIC FACTORS, various factors, not related to living organisms, both favorable and harmful, located in the environment surrounding living organisms. This includes, for example, the atmosphere, climate, geological structures, amount of light, ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Environments, components and phenomena of inanimate, inorganic nature (climate, light, chemical elements and substances, temperature, pressure and movement of the environment, soil, etc.), directly or indirectly affecting organisms. Ecological encyclopedic ... ... Ecological dictionary

    abiotic factors- abiotiniai veiksniai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Fiziniai (temperatūra, aplinkos slėgis, klampumas, šviesos, jonizuojančioji spinduliuotė, grunto granulometrinės savybės) ir cheminiai (atmosėferos, vandens … Ekologijos terminų aiskinamasis žodynas

    Factors of inorganic nature that affect living organisms ... Big Medical Dictionary

    Abiotic factors- factors of the inorganic, or inanimate, environment in the group of environmental adaptation factors acting among species and their communities, subdivided into climatic (light, air temperature, water, soil, humidity, wind), soil ... ... Beginnings of modern natural science

    ABIOTIC FACTORS- Factors of the inorganic environment that affect living organisms. These include: the composition of the atmosphere, sea and fresh water, soil, climate, as well as zoohygienic conditions of livestock buildings ... Terms and definitions used in breeding, genetics and reproduction of farm animals

    ABIOTIC FACTORS- (from the Greek a negative prefix and biotikos vital, living), inorganic factors. environments that affect living organisms. K A. f. include the composition of the atmosphere, sea. and fresh water, soil, climate. characteristics (rate pa, pressure, etc.). Aggregate… Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

    abiotic factors- (from Greek a negative prefix and biōtikós vital, living), factors of the inorganic environment that affect living organisms. K A. f. include the composition of the atmosphere, sea and fresh water, soil, climatic characteristics(temperature … Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

    ABIOTIC FACTORS- environment, a set of conditions of the inorganic environment that affect the body. Chemical A. f.: the chemical composition of the atmosphere, sea and fresh water, soil, or bottom sediments. Physical A. f .: temperature, light, barometric pressure, wind,… … Veterinary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Environments, a set of conditions of the inorganic environment that affect organisms. A. f. are divided into chemical (chemical composition of the atmosphere, sea and fresh water, soil or bottom sediments) and physical, or climatic (temperature, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


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