Features of the development of vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech. The development of vocabulary of older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech (III level)

Russian State Pedagogical University

named after A.I. Herzen

Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy

Department of speech therapy

Graduate work

Vocabulary formation in preschoolers with OHP

St. Petersburg

Chapter 2. Purpose, tasks, methods and organization of the study. Characteristics of children..

1 Study organization

2 Characteristics of children

Chapter 3

1 Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the methodology of the ascertaining experiment.

2 Method of ascertaining experiment




Currently, the problem of diagnosing speech disorders is extremely relevant. This is due to the fact that in recent years the number of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech has been rapidly increasing, they constitute the largest group of children with developmental disorders.

An increase in the percentage of speech disorders is the result of such unfavorable factors as environmental pollution, destabilization in the social environment, an increase in the percentage of birth injuries and postpartum complications, an increase in the number of diseases and various pathologies that affect the health and mental development of the child (Tkachenko T.A.).

In addition, under the influence of the street, neglect on the part of adults, the influx of often meaningless and illiterate information from television and the pages of new magazines, children have a poor vocabulary, grammatical speech, which in turn negatively affects schooling. Hence the great responsibility and importance of the work of teachers involved in identifying children at risk of developing such speech pathology as OHP (Belova-David R. A.).

Incomplete speech activity renders Negative influence on all spheres of the child's personality: the development of his cognitive activity is hampered, the productivity of memorization decreases, logical and semantic memory is disturbed, children hardly master mental operations (T.A. Tkachenko, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina), all forms of communication and interpersonal interaction (Yu.F. Garkusha, N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, etc.), the development of gaming activity is significantly inhibited (L. G. Solovieva, T. A. Tkachenko, etc.), which, as in the norm, is of leading importance in terms of overall mental development.

From this point of view, the study of the vocabulary becomes a priority area of ​​research in the field of children's speech. Also, an important place in the overall system speech work occupies the enrichment of the dictionary, its consolidation and activation, which is natural, due to the fact that the improvement of verbal communication is impossible without expanding the child's vocabulary. Cognitive development, the development of conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words (Shashkina G.R., Zernova L.P., Zimina I.A.). Expanding the vocabulary of children is one of the most important tasks of education. Clarification and expansion of vocabulary plays an important role in the development of logical thinking: the richer the child's vocabulary, the more accurately he thinks, the better his speech is developed. After all, logical rich speech is the key to success in many, many areas of knowledge (Arkhipova E.F.).

Vocabulary acquisition at preschool age is of great importance for successful schooling, therefore, early intervention of specialists, which can change the unfavorable course, is of particular importance. child development. N. V. Serebryakova in her works emphasizes that in order to acquire literacy, it is necessary to form an orientation in children as an element of linguistic (speech) reality. Studies conducted by N. V. Serebryakova indicate the presence of quantitative and qualitative features of vocabulary in children with erased dysarthria. First of all, attention is drawn to the limited volume of the dictionary, especially the predicative one, as well as a large number of word substitutions on a semantic basis.

However, this problem is very complex and therefore needs further study, which determined the choice of the topic of this thesis.

The object of our study is the dictionary of older preschool children with OHP, III level of speech development.

The subject of the study is the features of the development of the active and passive vocabulary in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech, III level of speech development.

The research problem is to identify the level of formation of the active and passive vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech, the III level of speech development and the definition best ways speech therapy work on the formation of an active and passive vocabulary in children of this category.

Hypothesis: based on the fact that preschool children with OHP have impaired state of all components of the speech functional system, it can be assumed that vocabulary disorders are of a special specific nature, in contrast to children with normal speech development. In this regard, speech therapy work should be carried out taking into account these features.

Chapter 1

1 Definition of general underdevelopment of speech

For the first time, the concept of general underdevelopment of speech was formulated as a result of research conducted by R.E. Levina and a team of researchers from the Research Institute of Defectology. From their point of view, general underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence should be understood as a form of speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of the speech system related to both the sound and semantic aspects of speech is impaired.

N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva also adhere to this point of view, they associate the concept of "general underdevelopment of speech" with a form of speech pathology in children with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence, in which the formation of all components of the speech system is disturbed.

T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina also consider the general underdevelopment of speech as various complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side is impaired in children with normal hearing and intelligence.

A.N. Kornev notes that states of total underdevelopment of the entire speech system are quite common among children. In speech therapy, they are called "general underdevelopment of speech" (OHP).

Unlike other researchers, A.N. Kornev proposes to call speech underdevelopment, which has an independent genesis, which is associated with a disorder of language operations, as primary speech underdevelopment (PNR).

He substantiates this by the fact that this concept reflects the pathogenesis of a speech disorder more clearly than the term OHP.

2 Etiology of general underdevelopment of speech

Various adverse effects can lead to general underdevelopment of speech both in the prenatal period of development and during childbirth, as well as in the first years of a child's life. That is, the etiology of general underdevelopment of speech is diverse, but from a clinical point of view, the group of general underdevelopment of speech associated with early organic damage to the central nervous system is of greatest importance.

A.N. Kornev Special attention gives perinatal encephalopathy as a brain lesion that has arisen under the influence of a combination of adverse factors both in the prenatal period of development and during childbirth.

According to N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, the general underdevelopment of speech is usually the result of residual organic brain damage. With such a lesion of the central nervous system, two main types of disorders are distinguished: encephalopathic - as a result of damage to certain structures of the central nervous system; dysontogenetic - as a result of the underdevelopment of certain structures and physiological systems or the delay in the timing of their formation; an example of such violations is the general underdevelopment of speech.

According to many researchers, among the causes of damage or underdevelopment of the brain, the most common are infection or intoxication of the mother during pregnancy, toxicosis, birth trauma, asphyxia, maternal and fetal blood incompatibility by Rh factor or blood group, diseases of the central nervous system and brain injury in the first years of a child's life. Often, OHP is one of the manifestations of disorders in the physical and neuropsychic development of the child, caused by the use of alcohol, nicotine and drugs by the mother during pregnancy.

In addition, a large role in the occurrence of speech disorders, including the general underdevelopment of speech, belongs to genetic factors. In these cases, a speech defect can occur under the influence of even minor adverse external influences.

T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin identifies as the main causes of the occurrence of OHP the adverse effects of the speech environment, miscalculations in education, a lack of communication, that is, postnatal factors.

N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filichev.

So, according to these authors, mental deprivation during the period of the most intensive formation of speech leads to a lag in its development. If the influence of these factors is combined even with a mildly expressed organic insufficiency of the central nervous system or with a genetic predisposition, then speech development disorders become more persistent and manifest themselves in the form of a general underdevelopment of speech.

Unlike other researchers, R.E. Levina noted that often the reason for the general underdevelopment of speech is the weakness of acoustic-gnostic processes. General underdevelopment of speech often also occurs as a result of motor speech disorders associated with organic lesions or underdevelopment of certain parts of the central nervous system, as well as deviations in the structure and function of the articulatory apparatus.

The immediate result of lesions of the speech motor apparatus is the difficulty in articulating speech sounds. Difficulties in pronunciation deprive the child of the ability to clarify the sound heard and, therefore, perceive it more clearly. Violation of the interaction between the auditory and speech-motor analyzers leads to insufficient mastery of the sound composition of the word, and this, in turn, prevents the accumulation of vocabulary, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, mastery of writing and reading. In severe cases of violation of acoustic-gnostic and speech-motor processes, a general underdevelopment of speech occurs (motor alalia, sensory alalia, anarthria, severe dysarthria).

Less common are children with general underdevelopment of speech, in which deviations in visual perception act as the initial cause underlying the underdevelopment of speech. Optical-gnostic disorders, manifested in the pre-speech period, make it difficult to accumulate subject generalizations, which in turn serves as an obstacle to normal speech development.

Based on the data presented, a general conclusion can be made about the complexity and diversity of the etiological factors that cause general underdevelopment of speech.

According to N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, most often there is a combination of hereditary predisposition, an unfavorable environment, and damage or impairment of brain maturation under the influence of various unfavorable factors acting in the prenatal period, at the time of childbirth, or in the first years of a child's life.

3 Symptoms of general underdevelopment of speech

According to Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., despite the different nature of the defects, children with general underdevelopment of speech have typical manifestations that indicate a systemic impairment of speech activity. One of the leading signs is more late start speech: the first words appear by 3-4, and sometimes by 5 years. At the same time, the understanding of speech is relatively safe, although the speech itself is agrammatic and insufficiently phonetically framed.

As a result, it becomes obscure. There is insufficient speech activity, which falls sharply with age, without special training.

T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina believe that the mental development of children with OHP, as a rule, outstrips the development of their speech. They are also distinguished by criticality to their own speech insufficiency. Primary pathology inhibits the formation of initially preserved mental abilities, preventing the normal functioning of the intellect.

The connection between children's speech disorders and other aspects of their mental development determines some specific features of their thinking. Possessing, on the whole, full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations, accessible to their age, children, however, lag behind in the development of visual-figurative thinking, without special training they hardly master analysis and synthesis, comparison. Many children are characterized by rigidity of thinking.

Inadequate speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children.

Also, for children with general underdevelopment of speech, a low level of development of the main properties of attention is characteristic. In a number of children, its insufficient stability, limited distribution possibilities are noted.

Speech deficiency also affects the development of memory. Children often forget complex instructions (three-four-step), omit some of their elements and change the sequence of the proposed tasks. (Tkachenko T.A.)

Among other things, these children have reduced verbal memory, memory productivity suffers. In the weakest children, low recall activity can be combined with limited opportunities for the development of cognitive activity. As a result, children lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking.

Along with general somatic weakness, they are also characterized by a certain lag in the development of the motor sphere, which is characterized by poor coordination of movements, uncertainty in performing dosed movements, and a decrease in speed and dexterity.

According to T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, children with general underdevelopment of speech lag behind normally developing peers in reproducing a motor task in terms of spatio-temporal parameters, violate the sequence of action elements, and omit its components.

There is insufficient coordination of fingers, hands, underdevelopment of fine motor skills. Slowness is detected, stuck in one position.

According to E. Cherkasova, due to the formation of speech with a delay, due to insufficient sound pronunciation and deviations in the lexical and grammatical systems in children with general underdevelopment of speech, full interaction with the outside world is disrupted. These disorders are based on a violation of the distinction between semantic features of sounds - phonemes, which makes it difficult to form phonemic analysis, synthesis, as well as phonemic and morphological generalizations. This leads to limited vocabulary, insufficient understanding of semantic meanings, grammatical categories.

4 Classification of general underdevelopment of speech

There are at least two approaches to the classification of general underdevelopment of speech.

The first approach is psychological and pedagogical, proposed by R. E. Levina (1968). R.E. Levina, together with her colleagues, developed a periodization of manifestations of general underdevelopment of speech: from the complete absence of speech means of communication to expanded forms of coherent speech with elements of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical underdevelopment.

Within the framework of this approach, three levels of speech development have been identified, reflecting the typical state of language components in preschool and school-age children with general underdevelopment of speech.

The first level of speech development is characterized by a complete or almost complete absence of verbal means of communication at an age when speech is basically formed in normally developing children.

Children 5-6 years old, and sometimes older, have a meager active vocabulary, consisting of onomatopoeia and sound complexes. Pointing gestures and facial expressions are widely used. Children use the same complex to designate objects, actions, qualities, intonation and gestures, denoting the difference in meanings. Babbling formations, depending on the situation, can be regarded as one-word sentences. Simultaneously with babbling words and gestures at this level of speech development, children can also use individual common words, however, as a rule, these words are still not sufficiently formed in structure and sound composition, and are also used in inaccurate meanings. (Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V.)

There is almost no differentiated designation of objects and actions.

The names of actions are replaced by the names of items, and vice versa - the names of items are replaced by the names of actions. The ambiguity of the words used is characteristic. A small vocabulary reflects directly perceived objects and phenomena.

Children do not use morphological elements to convey grammatical relationships. Their speech is dominated by root words devoid of inflections.

At this stage of speech development, children almost do not speak a phrase. Only some of them, who are more developed in terms of speech, have attempts to express their thoughts in whole babble sentences.

According to R.E. Levin's passive vocabulary of children at the first level of speech development is much wider than the active one. However, special studies, conducted in the speech therapy sector of the Institute of Defectology, show that in reality, non-speaking children often understand the speech addressed to them only on the basis of a prompting situation, they do not understand many words at all. There is almost no understanding of the meanings of the grammatical changes of the word.

The sound side of speech is characterized by phonetic uncertainty. There is an unstable phonetic design. The pronunciation of sounds is diffuse in nature, due to unstable articulation and low possibilities of their auditory recognition. The number of defective sounds can be much greater than correctly pronounced ones. In pronunciation, there are only oppositions of vowels - consonants, oral - nasal, some explosive - fricative. Phonemic development is in its infancy.

A distinctive feature of speech development at this level is the limited ability to perceive and reproduce syllabic structure the words.

R.E. Levina writes that the transition to the second level of speech development is characterized by an increased speech activity of the child. Communication is carried out through the use of a constant, though still garbled and limited, vocabulary of common words.

The names of objects, actions, and individual signs are designated differently. At this level, it is possible to use pronouns, and sometimes unions, simple prepositions in elementary meanings. Children can answer questions about the picture related to the family, familiar events in the surrounding life.

Speech deficiency is clearly manifested in all components. Children use only simple sentences consisting of 2-3, rarely 4 words. Vocabulary significantly lags behind the age norm: ignorance of many words denoting parts of the body, animals and their cubs, clothes, furniture, and professions is revealed.

The limited possibilities of using the subject dictionary, the dictionary of actions, signs are noted. Children do not know the names of the color of the object, its shape, size, they replace words with similar ones in meaning.

There are gross errors in the use of grammatical constructions.

The understanding of addressed speech at the second level develops significantly due to the distinction of some grammatical forms (unlike the first level), children can focus on morphological elements that acquire semantic significance for them (Derevyanko N.P., Lapp E.A.).

This refers to distinguishing and understanding the singular and plural forms of nouns and verbs, the masculine and feminine forms of past tense verbs. Difficulties remain in understanding the forms of number and gender of adjectives.

The meanings of prepositions differ only in a well-known situation. The assimilation of grammatical patterns is more related to those words that early entered the active speech of children.

The phonetic side of speech is characterized by the presence of numerous distortions of sounds, substitutions and mixtures. The pronunciation of soft and hard sounds, hissing, whistling, affricates, voiced and deaf is disturbed. There is a dissociation between the ability to correctly pronounce sounds in an isolated position and their use in spontaneous speech (Zhukova N.S.).

Difficulties in mastering the sound-syllabic structure also remain typical. Often, with the correct reproduction of the contour of words, the sound filling is violated: rearrangement of syllables, sounds, replacement and likening of syllables. Polysyllabic words are reduced.

In children, the insufficiency of phonemic perception is revealed, their unpreparedness for mastering sound analysis and synthesis (Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V.).

T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin characterize the third level of speech development as the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment with a relatively good understanding of speech.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonoras), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given or close phonetic group. Unstable substitutions are noted when the sound in different words pronounced differently; mixing of sounds, when the child pronounces certain sounds correctly in isolation, and interchanges them in words and sentences.

Phonemic underdevelopment in children of the described category is manifested mainly in the unformed processes of differentiation of sounds, which differ in the most subtle acoustic-articulatory features, and sometimes captures a larger sound background.

This delays the mastery of sound analysis and synthesis. The underdevelopment of phonemic perception in simple forms of sound analysis is manifested in the fact that children mix given sounds with close ones. With more complex forms of sound analysis, they show a mixture of given sounds with other, less similar ones.

The level of phonemic perception is in a certain dependence on the severity of lexical and grammatical underdevelopment.

There are also errors in the syllabic structure and sound-filling of words.

Also typical are perseveration of syllables, anticipation, addition of superfluous sounds and syllables.

The nature of errors in the syllabic composition of a word is determined by the state of the sensory (phonemic) or motor (articulatory) capabilities of the child. The predominance of errors, expressed in the rearrangement of syllables, the addition of the number of syllables, indicates a primary underdevelopment in the field of auditory perception.

The everyday vocabulary of children is quantitatively much poorer than that of their peers with normal speech. This is most obvious when studying an active dictionary (Efimenkova L.N.).

R.E. Levina characterizes the vocabulary of children of the third level of OHP as inaccurate knowledge and inaccurate use of many everyday words against the background of relatively extended speech. Children's active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. There are few words that characterize the qualities, signs, states of objects and actions, as well as methods of action. A large number of errors are observed in the use of simple prepositions and almost no more complex prepositions are used in speech.

Children cannot name a number of words accessible to their age from pictures, although they have them in a liability. At the same time, there is also an insufficient development of the passive vocabulary. The predominant type of lexical errors is the incorrect use of words in a speech context.

The impoverishment of lexical meanings, the repeated use of identical-sounding words in different shades of meanings makes the free speech of children poor and stereotyped. (Tkachenko T.A.)

In free statements, simple common sentences predominate, complex constructions are almost never used.

Agrammatism is noted: errors in agreeing numerals with nouns, adjectives with nouns, in gender, number, case. A large number of errors are observed in the use of both simple and complex prepositions.

Understanding of addressed speech is developing significantly and is approaching the norm. There is an insufficient understanding of the changes in the meaning of words expressed by prefixes, suffixes; there are difficulties in distinguishing morphological elements expressing the meaning of number and gender, understanding logical-grammatical structures expressing causal, temporal and spatial relationships.

There is an insufficient formation of grammatically forms of the language - errors in case endings, a mixture of tense and aspect forms of verbs, errors in coordination and management. Children almost never use word-formation methods.

In 2001 T.B. Filicheva singled out the fourth level of OHP. It includes children with unsharply expressed residual manifestations of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech.

In the speech of children, there are separate violations of the syllabic structure of words and sound content. Elisions predominate mainly in the reduction of sounds, in isolated cases - omissions of syllables. Paraphasias are also noted, more often - permutations of sounds, less often syllables; a small percentage - perseverations and additions of syllables and sounds.

Insufficient intelligibility, expressiveness, somewhat sluggish articulation and fuzzy diction leave the impression of a general blurred speech. The incompleteness of the formation of the sound-syllabic structure, the mixing of sounds characterize the insufficient level of differentiated perception of phonemes.

Also, these children have T.B. Filicheva found some violations of the semantic aspect of speech. With a sufficiently diverse subject dictionary, there are no words denoting some animals and birds, plants, people of different professions, parts of the body. When answering, generic and specific concepts are mixed.

When denoting actions and features of objects, some children use typical names and names of approximate meaning. The nature of lexical errors is manifested in the replacement of words that are close in the situation, in the confusion of signs.

Having a certain stock of words denoting different professions, children experience great difficulties in differentiated designation for masculine and feminine: some children call them the same, others offer their own form of word formation, which is not characteristic of the Russian language.

The formation of words with the help of magnifying suffixes also causes considerable difficulties.

Errors remain persistent when using: diminutive nouns, nouns with singularity suffixes, adjectives formed from nouns with different meanings of correlation, adjectives with suffixes characterizing the emotional-volitional and physical state of objects, possessive adjectives.

Difficulties in the formation of unfamiliar compound words are noted.

A significant number of errors are observed in the formation of nouns with suffixes of emotional evaluation, singularity, figure. Persistent difficulties are found in the formation of denominative adjectives, verbal, relative adjectives, as well as compound words.

Children with the fourth level of speech development can easily cope with the selection of commonly used antonyms indicating the size of an object, spatial opposition, and evaluative characteristics. Difficulties are manifested in the expression of antonymic relations. The correctness of naming antonyms largely depends on the degree of abstractness of the proposed pairs of words.

Insufficient level of lexical means of the language is especially pronounced in these children in the understanding and use of words, phrases, proverbs with figurative meaning.

In some cases, violations of the agreement of adjectives with nouns are noted, when masculine and feminine nouns, singular and plural are found in one sentence, violations in the agreement of numerals with nouns remain.

Insufficient formation of lexical and grammatical forms of the language is heterogeneous. In some children, an insignificant number of errors are revealed, and they are of a non-permanent nature, and if children are asked to compare the correct and incorrect answers, the choice is made correctly.

At the fourth level, there are no errors in the use of simple prepositions, difficulties in coordinating adjectives with nouns are slightly manifested. However, difficulties remain expressed in the use of complex prepositions, in coordinating numerals with nouns.

Of particular difficulty for these children are the constructions of sentences with different subordinate clauses.

According to T.B. Filicheva, a distinctive feature of children of the fourth level is the originality of their coherent speech. In a conversation, when compiling a story on a given topic, a picture, a series of plot pictures, violations of the logical sequence, “stuck” on secondary details, omissions of main events, repetition of individual episodes are ascertained. Talking about events from their lives, composing a story on a free topic with elements of creativity, they mainly use simple, uninformative sentences. Difficulties remain in planning one's utterances and selecting the appropriate language means.

The second approach is clinical, presented in the work of E.M. Mastyukova (1997). She identified three main groups of children with ONR.

In children of the first group, there are signs of only a general underdevelopment of speech, without other pronounced disorders of neuropsychic activity. This is an uncomplicated variant of the general underdevelopment of speech. These children do not have local lesions of the central nervous system.

In the mental make-up of these children, individual features of general emotional-volitional immaturity and weak regulation of voluntary activity are noted.

The absence of paresis and paralysis, pronounced subcortical and cerebellar disorders indicates the preservation of their primary (nuclear) zones of the motor speech analyzer. The noted minor neurological dysfunctions are mainly limited to violations of the regulation of muscle tone, insufficiency of fine differentiated movements of the fingers, unformed kinetic and dynamic praxis. This is a predominantly dysontogenetic variant of the general underdevelopment of speech.

To the second group of E.M. Mastyukova refers to those children in whom OHP is combined with a number of neurological and psychopathic syndromes. This is a complicated variant of the general underdevelopment of speech of cerebral-organic origin, in which there is a dysontogenetic-encephalopathic symptom complex of disorders.

Among the neurological syndromes in children of the second group, the most common are the following: hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, cerebrasthenic syndrome, movement disorder syndromes.

There may also be neurosis-like syndromes in the form of facial muscle tics, transient or persistent enuresis, as well as subclinical epileptic manifestations.

According to E.M. Mastyukova, the study of the higher mental functions of these children shows a local insufficiency of certain types of gnosis, praxis, which is confirmed by the data of a neuropsychological examination.

Many children in this group are characterized by general motor clumsiness; they hardly switch from one type of movement to another. Automated execution of certain motor tasks and reproduction of even simple rhythms are impossible. Many of them are characterized by violations of general and oral praxis.

These disorders are usually combined with a lack of phonemic perception.

The immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere in these children is combined with low mental performance, emotional lability, sometimes motor disinhibition, and increased affective excitability.

Some of them, on the contrary, are characterized by increased inhibition, uncertainty, slowness, lack of independence. These children are usually lethargic and lack of initiative, inactive. Their activities are unproductive.

Children of this group usually experience an expression of difficulty in teaching them to understand quantitative relations, concepts of number and the natural series of numbers. A follow-up study of these children reveals persistent difficulties in mastering mathematics.

The children of the third group have the most persistent and specific speech underdevelopment, which is clinically indicated by E.M. Mastyukova as motor alalia. With alalia, speech is underdeveloped as a result of early damage to the speech areas of the brain.

The characteristic signs of motor alalia are the following: pronounced underdevelopment of all aspects of speech - phonemic, lexical, syntactic, morphological, all types of speech activity and all forms of oral and written speech.

At preschool age, with motor alalia, pronounced difficulties are noted in the formation of sound images of words: having a sufficient passive vocabulary, children experience persistent difficulties in naming words.

A distinctive feature of children with motor alalia is that they cannot realize their articulatory (motor) capabilities when pronouncing words. So hallmark motor alalia is the lack of formation of the syllabic structure of words, the difficulty of actualizing even well-known words. Children find it difficult to name objects, pictures, and even to repeat certain words after a speech therapist, especially a complex syllabic structure. Distortions of the syllabic structure of words are mainly due to its simplification - the omission of sounds and syllables, permutations, substitutions. There is a phenomenon resembling adult aphasia - literal and verbal paraphasia. The instability and variety of these substitutions are characteristic. In some cases, there may be a predominance of sound substitutions, in others - syllabic substitutions.

With alalia, the process of actualizing the desired word according to its sound, semantic, rhythmic and morphological features is disrupted. At the same time, words that express generalizations and abstract concepts and do not carry a specific visual representation turn out to be the most difficult for actualization.

Children with motor alalia are characterized by extremely low speech activity. At the same time, the higher the intelligence of the child and the more critical he is about his speech, the more he has expressed secondary compensatory forms of communication with others, using facial expressions and gestures.

The degree of mastery of speech by a child with motor alalia depends on the severity of the defect. The first and second levels of speech development are characterized by the absence of predicates, the use of intonational and mimic means of communication. At the second or third levels of speech development, the child's speech becomes understandable to others and outside the communication situation, but their speech is agrammatic, they use only simple sentences, often violating the structure of the latter. And even at the third level of speech development, there is a pronounced lack of language means; difficulties in updating words, various types of agrammatisms: omissions of predicates, prepositions, pronouns, violations of word order in sentences, incorrect use of case endings of nouns and adjectives in the zero form.

Most often, children with alalia make mistakes in the use of instrumental and prepositional cases, mix the endings of cases, and find it difficult to decline nouns with prepositions.

A characteristic feature of children with alalia is also the inconsistency of the substitutions of case endings they allow.

The above facts confirm the hypothesis of the lack of formation of a dynamic stereotype in motor alalia. Therefore, despite the fact that children eventually form a certain set of language units, they hardly master the rules of their use and at all stages of speech development experience specific difficulties in automating the speech process.

Thus, children with motor alalia are characterized by specific features in their assimilation of their native language. First of all, with alalia, the sense of language is poorly developed, which normally arises involuntarily in the process of verbal communication. On its basis, the first linguistic generalizations are formed, which have an unconscious, emotional character and play an important role in the development of a child's speech. Children with motor alalia are also characterized by impaired attention, memory, thinking, disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior (Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B.).

5 Formation of active and passive vocabulary in ontogeny

A dictionary is words (basic units of speech) denoting objects, phenomena, actions and signs of the surrounding reality.

Distinguish between passive and active vocabulary. A passive vocabulary is understood as a part of the vocabulary of a language that is understandable to a child; it depends on age, mental development, social environment; under active - part of the vocabulary of the language, which is freely used in everyday life by a particular child.

R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova believe that the development of a child's vocabulary is closely connected, on the one hand, with the development of thinking and other mental processes, and, on the other hand, with the development of all components of speech: the phonetic-phonemic and grammatical structure of speech.

With the help of speech, words, the child means only what is available to his understanding. In this regard, words of a specific meaning appear early in the child's dictionary, and later - words of a generalizing nature.

The development of vocabulary, according to R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova, in ontogenesis is also due to the development of the child's ideas about the surrounding reality. As the child gets acquainted with new objects, phenomena, signs of objects and actions, his vocabulary is enriched. The development of the surrounding world by a child occurs in the process of non-speech and speech activity with direct interaction with real objects and phenomena, as well as through communication with adults.

The initial function of a child's speech is to establish contact with the outside world, the function of communication. child activity early age is carried out jointly with an adult, and in this regard, communication is situational in nature.

R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova emphasize that the prerequisites for the development of speech are determined by two processes. One of these processes is the non-speech objective activity of the child himself, that is, the expansion of ties with the outside world through a concrete, sensory perception of the world. The second most important factor in the development of speech, including the enrichment of the dictionary, is the speech activity of adults and their communication with the child.

In this regard, the development of vocabulary is largely determined by the social environment in which the child is brought up. The age norms of the vocabulary of children of the same age fluctuate significantly depending on the social level of the family, since the vocabulary is acquired by the child in the process of communication.

R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova note that at the end of the first and beginning of the second year of a child's life, a verbal stimulus gradually begins to acquire more and more strength. In the initial stage, the reaction to it manifests itself in the form of an orienting reflex. In the future, on its basis, a second-order reflex is formed - the child develops imitation, multiple repetitions of the word. During this period of development of the child's speech, babbling words appear.

This stage in the development of children's speech is called the "word-sentence" stage. At this stage, words express either a command or an indication, or they name an object or action.

At the age of 1.5 to 2 years, the child's complexes are divided into parts, which enter into various combinations with each other. During this period, the child's vocabulary begins to grow rapidly, which by the end of the second year of life is about 300 words of various parts of speech.

The development of a word in a child occurs both in the direction of the subject correlation of the word, and in the direction of the development of meaning.

L.S. Vygotsky, analyzing the development of the meaning of a word in ontogeny, wrote: “Speech and the meaning of words developed naturally, and the history of how the meaning of a word developed psychologically helps to illuminate to a certain extent how the development of signs occurs, how the first sign naturally arises in a child, how, on the basis of a conditioned reflex, the mechanism of designation is mastered.

Initially, a new word arises in a child as a direct connection between a specific word and an object corresponding to it.

The first stage in the development of children's words proceeds according to the type of conditioned reflexes. Perceiving a new word (conditioned stimulus), the child associates it with the object, and later reproduces it.

So, at the age of 1.5 to 2 years, the child moves from the passive acquisition of words from the people around him to the active expansion of his vocabulary during the period of using the questions: “what is this?”, “what is it called?”.

By the age of 3.5 - 4, the subject relatedness of the word in the child acquires a fairly stable character, the process of forming the subject relatedness of the word continues.

In the process of the formation of vocabulary, the meaning of the word is clarified.

Initially, the meaning of the word is polysemantic, its meaning is amorphous, vague. A word can have multiple meanings. One and the same word can denote both an object, a sign, and an action with an object.

The word is accompanied by a certain intonation, gestures that clarify its meaning. In parallel with the clarification of the meaning of the word, the structure of the meaning of the word develops.

The word takes on different shades of meaning depending on the context and depending on intonation.

In the process of ontogenesis, the meaning of the word develops. L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “Every meaning of a word ... is a generalization. But the meanings of words evolve. The moment a child first learned a new word... the development of the word didn't end, it just started; it is at first a generalization of the most elementary type, and only as it develops does it pass from a generalization of an elementary type to all higher types of generalization, completing this process with the formation of genuine and real concepts. The structure of the meaning of the word in different age periods is different.

The child, first of all, masters the denotative component of the meaning of the word, i.e. establishes a connection between a specific subject (denotation) and its designation.

The conceptual, conceptual component of the meaning of a word is acquired by the child later as the operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization develop. Gradually, the child masters the contextual meaning of the word. Initially, in the formation of subject correlation, words are greatly influenced by secondary, situational factors, which later cease to play a role in this process.

At an early stage of speech development, the subject relatedness of a word is influenced by the situation, gesture, facial expressions, intonation, the word has a diffuse, extended meaning. During this period, the subject relatedness of a word can easily lose its specific subject relatedness and acquire a vague meaning.

The development of a connection between linguistic signs and reality is the central process in the formation of speech activity in ontogeny.

At the initial stage of mastering the signs of a language, the name of an object is, as it were, a part or property of the object itself. At this stage, the meaning of the word is a way of fixing in the mind of the child the idea of ​​this subject.

At the first stages of acquaintance with the word, the child cannot yet acquire the word in its "adult" meaning. At the same time, the phenomenon of incomplete mastery of the meaning of the word is noted, since initially the child understands the word as the name of a specific object, and not as the name of a class of objects.

In the process of developing the meaning of a word, mainly in children from 1 to 2.5 years old, phenomena of shifted reference, or stretching of the meanings of words, supergeneralization are noted. At the same time, the transfer of the name of one object to a number of others associated with the original object is noted. The child uses the word to name a number of objects that have one or more common features (shape, size, movement, material, sound, taste), as well as the general functional purpose of objects.

As the vocabulary develops, the extension of the meaning of the word gradually narrows, as when communicating with adults, children learn new words, clarifying their meanings and correcting the use of old ones. The change in the meaning of the word, therefore, reflects the development of the child's ideas about the world around, is closely related to the cognitive development of the child.

L.S. Vygotsky emphasized that in the process of a child's development, a word changes its semantic structure, enriches itself with a system of connections, and becomes a generalization of a higher type. At the same time, the meaning of the word develops in two aspects: semantic and systemic. Meaningful development, the meaning of the word lies in the fact that in the process of development of the child, the relation of the word to the object, the system of categories, into which the given object is included, changes. The systemic development of the meaning of a word is connected with the fact that the system of mental processes behind the given word is changing. For a small child, the affective meaning plays a leading role in the systemic meaning of the word; for a child of preschool and primary school age, it is a visual experience, a memory that reproduces a certain situation. For an adult, the leading role is played by the system of logical connections, the inclusion of the word in the hierarchy of concepts.

The enrichment of the child's life experience, the complication of his activities and the development of communication with other people lead to a gradual quantitative growth of the vocabulary. In the literature, there are significant discrepancies in relation to the volume of the dictionary and its growth, since there are individual features of the development of the dictionary in children, depending on the living conditions and upbringing (Makarova N.V.).

According to E.A. Arkin, the growth of the dictionary is characterized by the following quantitative features: 1 year - 9 words, 1 year 6 months. - 39 words,

years - 300 words, 3 years 6 months. - 1110 words, 4 years -1926 words.

The dictionary of an older preschooler can be considered as a national language model, since by this age the child has time to learn all the main models of the native language. During this period, the core of the dictionary is formed, which does not change significantly in the future. Despite the quantitative replenishment of the dictionary, the main frame does not change (Gvozdev A.N.).

Analyzing the vocabulary of colloquial speech of children aged 6 to 7 years, A.V. Zakharova singled out the most common significant words in children's speech: nouns (mother, people, boy), adjectives (small, big, childish, bad), verbs (go, talk, say). Among the nouns in the vocabulary of children, words denoting people predominate. A study of the vocabulary of children in terms of the prevalence of adjectives showed that for every 100 word uses, there are on average only 8.65% of adjectives. Among the most frequent adjectives that are regularly repeated in the speech of children, Zakharova singles out adjectives with a broad meaning and active compatibility (small, big, children's, bad, mother's, etc.), antonyms from the most common semantic groups: designation of size (small - large), estimates (good bad); words with weakened concreteness (real, different, general); words included in phrases (kindergarten, New Year). An important place among the groups of adjectives in the children's dictionary is occupied by pronominal adjectives. AT general list the highest frequency is noted for such pronominal adjectives as such (108), which (47), this (44), own (27), everyone (22), our (10), all, everyone (17), mine, most (sixteen).

When analyzing the speech of children from 6 to 7 years old, more than 40 adjectives used by children to designate color are revealed. The adjectives of this group were more common in the speech of children than in the speech of adults. Most often, adjectives black, red, white, blue are presented in the speech of children of this age.

When analyzing the vocabulary of children of this age, there is also a predominance of a negative assessment over a positive one and an active use of the comparative degree of adjectives (Efimenkova L.N.).

Thus, with the development of mental processes (thinking, perception, ideas, memory), expansion of contacts with the outside world, enrichment of the child's sensory experience, and a qualitative change in his activity, the child's vocabulary is formed in quantitative and qualitative aspects.

Words in the lexicon are not isolated units, but are connected to each other by various semantic links, forming a complex system of semantic fields. In this regard, the question of the formation of the lexico-semantic system in ontogenesis is topical.

As the child's thinking and speech develops, the child's vocabulary is not only enriched, but also systematized, i.e., ordered. Words seem to be grouped into semantic fields. In this case, not only words are combined into semantic fields, but also the vocabulary is distributed within the semantic field: the core and periphery are distinguished. The core of the semantic field is made up of the most frequent words with pronounced semantic features (Gvozdev A.N.).

A.I. Lavrentiev, observing the formation of the lexico-semantic system in children from 1 year 4 months. up to 4 years, identifies four stages in the development of the system organization of the children's dictionary.

At the first stage, the child's vocabulary is a set of individual words (from 20 to 50). The set of tokens is unordered.

At the beginning of the second stage vocabulary the child begins to grow rapidly. The child's questions about the names of the objects and phenomena surrounding him indicate that a certain system of words relating to one situation is being formed in his mind, their groups are formed. The naming of one word from a given group causes the child to name other elements of this group. A.I. Lavrentiev defines this stage as situational, and groups of words are situational fields.

In the future, the child begins to realize the similarity of certain elements of the situation and combines lexemes into thematic groups. This phenomenon characterizes the third stage in the formation of a lexical system, which is defined as a thematic stage.

A feature of the fourth stage in the development of the lexical system in ontogenesis is the overcoming of these substitutions, as well as the emergence of synonymy. At this stage system organization vocabulary of the child approaches in its structure the lexical-semantic system of adults (Belyakova L.I., Garkusha Yu.F., Usanova O.N., Figeredo E.L.).

Thus, the analysis of literature data allows us to conclude that the etiology of general underdevelopment of speech is diverse, in this regard, the prevalence of OHP among children in the modern world is wide. OHP is characterized by impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side, with normal hearing and intelligence.

With OHP, there are significant deviations in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the vocabulary from the norm. Therefore, it is very important to study the features of the lexical side of speech. The results of the study will make it possible to make changes and additions to the correctional work. In addition, these studies will determine the selection of didactic and speech material. As a result of purposeful corrective work, the efficiency of correcting the lexical structure of speech, and hence the OHP as a whole, will increase. Also, this study will enrich the vocabulary and improve its quality in children with ONR.

1.6 Analysis of methods for correcting active and passive vocabulary in preschool children with OHP

In modern methodology, vocabulary work is considered as purposeful pedagogical activity, which ensures the effective development of the vocabulary of the native language. The development of a dictionary is understood as a long process of quantitative accumulation of words, the development of their socially fixed meanings and the formation of the ability to use them in specific communication conditions (Shashkina G.R., Zernova L.P., Zimina I.A.).

The word provides the content of communication. Free oral (and written) speech relies primarily on the possession of a sufficient vocabulary.

The peculiarity of vocabulary work in a preschool institution is that it is associated with all educational work with children. Enrichment of vocabulary occurs in the process of getting acquainted with the outside world, in all types of children's activities, everyday life, communication. Work on the word clarifies the child's ideas, deepens his feelings, and organizes social experience. All this is of particular importance in preschool age, since it is here that the foundations for the development of thinking and speech are laid, social contacts are established, and a personality is formed.

E.I. Tikheeva developed exercises to enrich the vocabulary and the content of individual words: compiling sentences with a single word, with words of a synonymic series, explaining the meaning of words, replacing words with more successful expressions from the point of view of context conditions.

Developing various aspects of the work on the formation of the vocabulary of preschoolers, researchers paid great attention to the designation of objects or phenomena of the surrounding reality with words on the basis of their visual holistic perception (E.A. Flerina, I.O. Solovieva, M.M. Konina, A.M. Leushina ).

The content and methodology of vocabulary work with preschoolers was also developed by O.S. Solovieva, who believed that, first of all, "you need to make sure that children know the names of everything that they have to deal with in everyday life." Therefore, the author identified groups of words that preschoolers should master. In addition, O.I. Solovieva noted that not only the quantitative growth of the dictionary is important, but also its qualitative enrichment, which meant the change in the meanings of words depending on the context and place in the lexical system.

Another direction of vocabulary work is connected with the approach to mastering the content side of the word by preschoolers in unity and interconnection with the development of elements of conceptual thinking (school V.A. Loginova): the formation of a dictionary is inseparable from the development in children of the ability to highlight the signs of objects and phenomena necessary for generalization. It is necessary to constantly deepen the knowledge, ideas of preschoolers about objects and phenomena of objective reality. Therefore, V.I. Loginova suggests that in the course of forming the vocabulary of children, rely primarily on their cognitive activity.

EAT. Strunina proposed a methodology that develops elementary awareness of the content side of the word for older preschoolers. according to the author, the disclosure of semantic relationships between words should help clarify the understanding of the semantics of individual words, which contributed to the formation of the ability to select expressive and precise language means depending on the conditions speech situation.

When carrying out speech therapy work on the development of the vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP, it is necessary to take into account modern linguistic and psycholinguistic ideas about the word, the structure of the meaning of the word, the patterns of vocabulary in ontogenesis, and the characteristics of preschoolers with speech pathology.

Generalization of the analysis of the theoretical background of the study

The general underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence should be understood as a form of speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of the speech system, related to both the sound and semantic aspects of speech, is impaired. For the first time, the concept of general underdevelopment of speech was formulated as a result of research conducted by R.E. Levina. The causes of speech underdevelopment in children with OHP are in adverse effects, both in the prenatal period of development and during childbirth, as well as in the first years of a child's life. The whole variety of speech underdevelopment was presented in four levels: the absence of commonly used speech; the beginnings of common speech; extended speech with elements of phonetic and lexical and grammatical underdevelopment; speech with unsharply pronounced residual manifestations of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. In each level, you can find elements of the previous and next levels.

A dictionary is words (basic units of speech) denoting objects, phenomena, actions and signs of the surrounding reality. Distinguish between passive and active vocabulary. A passive vocabulary is understood as a part of the vocabulary of a language that is understandable to a child; it depends on age, mental development, social environment; under active - part of the vocabulary of the language, which is freely used in everyday life by a particular child. The study of the dictionary in ontogenesis was carried out by such scientists as L.S. Vygotsky, E.A. Arkin, A.N. Gvozdev, A.V. Zakharova, L.N. Efimenkova and others.

The study of the vocabulary of children with OHP was carried out by T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova, N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova.

One of the pronounced features of the speech of children with OHP is a more significant than normal discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary. Children with ONR understand the meaning of many words; the volume of their passive vocabulary is close to normal. However, the use of words in expressive speech, updating the dictionary cause great difficulties. Preschoolers with OHP do not know many of the actions of objects, they do not know the shades of colors, they poorly distinguish the shape of objects. There are few generalizing concepts in the vocabulary of children. Antonyms are rarely used, there are practically no synonyms.

The peculiarity of vocabulary work in a preschool institution is that it is associated with all educational work with children. Enrichment of vocabulary occurs in the process of getting acquainted with the outside world, in all types of children's activities, everyday life, communication. Methods for the formation of a dictionary in preschoolers were proposed by the following scientists: E.I. Tiheeva, E.A. Flerina, I.O., Solovieva, M.M. Konin, A.M. Leushina, V.I. Loginova, E.M. Strunina and others.

Chapter 2. Purpose, tasks, methods and organization of the study. Characteristics of children.

1 Purpose, objectives, methods and organization of the study

The purpose of the ascertaining study was to identify the qualitative originality of the active and passive vocabulary and the features of its formation in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech, level III of speech development.

Research objectives:

Analysis of special pedagogical literature on the research problem.

Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the study and the compilation of the methodology of the ascertaining experiment.

Organization and conduct of the ascertaining experiment.

Analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment.

The following methods were used in the research process:

organizational: comparative, complex;

empirical: biographical (collection and analysis of anamnestic data), observation, ascertaining experiment; method of diagnostic tasks (tests, conversations);

interpretational: analysis of the obtained data.

The ascertaining study was carried out during 2008-2010 on the basis of kindergarten No. 15 der. Razbegaevo, Lomonosovsky district, Leningrad region and speech therapy kindergarten No. 151, Admiralteysky district, St. Petersburg.

The study involved two groups of children: experimental and control. The average age of children is 5.5 - 6 years.

The survey was conducted on an individual basis and began with a conversation that was aimed at establishing emotional contact with the child. An anamnesis was also collected, a conversation was held with the educator and speech therapist to compile psychological and pedagogical characteristics on the subjects.

The experimental group (EG) consisted of 20 children of the older group with a diagnosis of PMPK "general speech underdevelopment of the III level of speech development, erased pseudobulbar dysarthria". The control group (CG) included 20 children of the older group with normal speech development.

2 Characteristics of children

The study of anamnestic data showed that almost all children from the EG had risk factors that could lead to impaired speech development. In the history of speech therapy kindergarten children in 13 cases, such adverse factors of the prenatal period were identified as: toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy (2 cases), toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy (3 cases), maternal and fetal incompatibility according to the Rh factor ( 3 cases), chronic maternal illness (2 cases), maternal illness colds(4 cases), prematurity (1 case), drug use (3 cases). Pathology of the natal period was detected in nine cases in the form of: asphyxia (3 cases), cord entanglement (3 cases), caesarean section (1 case), rapid labor (2 cases), birth trauma (1 case), use of mechanical stimulation ( 2 cases). In the postnatal period, 5 children under one year of age were diagnosed with severe somatic diseases (2 cases) and infectious diseases(3 cases).

The analysis of the medical record data showed that early psychomotor development was delayed in 4 children from the EG (holding the head from 3.5 months, sitting from 6.5-7 months, standing from 11-13 months, walking from 13-14 months). months). The study revealed that 11 children had a violation of early speech development (cooing from 3.5 - 4 months, babbling 6 - 7 months, first words by 1.5 years, phrasal speech from 3 years).

A smaller part of the children from the EG (6 people) during the study were contact, active, independent and attentive in performing tasks, had a strong interest and positive motivation. In two children from the EG, manifestations of negativism and difficulties in making contact with peers and adults were noted. Analysis of anamnestic data showed that visual and auditory attention is reduced with intact biological hearing. Of all the children of the EG, nine have a complete family, the rest have an incomplete family (mother brings up).

According to the medical records of children from the CG, it was found that early psychomotor and speech development proceeded in accordance with age norms. During the survey, in most cases, the children were active, sociable, initiative, friendly, relaxed, attentive and independent in completing tasks.

Chapter 3

1 Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the methodology of ascertaining experiment

The problem of vocabulary formation in preschool children with OHP occupies one of the important places in modern speech therapy, and the question of the state of vocabulary in various speech disorders and the methodology for its formation and development is particularly relevant. The formation of a vocabulary is of great importance for the development of a child's cognitive activity, since the word, its meaning is a means of not only speech, but also thinking.

The vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP is characterized by a number of features, such as: limited vocabulary; a sharp discrepancy between the volume of the active and passive vocabulary; inaccurate use of words; numerous verbal paraphrasies; unformed semantic fields; disharmonious development of the morphological and syntactic systems of the language; difficulties in choosing grammatical means for expressing thoughts; morphological agrammatisms (Goncharova V.A.<#"justify">

Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, beets,

onion, pepper, radish, turnip.

Assessment of the state of the passive vocabulary of nouns:

B. Study of the vocabulary of adjectives.

Size: big, small.

Height: high, low.

Length: long, short.

Color designations: red, blue, green, yellow, blue, white, black, brown, orange, pink.

Strength: strong, weak.

Thickness: thick, thin.

Shape: round, oval, rectangular, triangular, square.

Width: wide, narrow.

Weight: heavy, light.

Passive Vocabulary Score:

points - correctly shows from 219 to 265 words

points - correctly shows from 172 to 218 words

points - correctly shows from 125 to 171 words

points - correctly shows from 78 to 124 words

score - correctly shows from 31 to 77 words

Active vocabulary exploration

Purpose: To study the volume and quality of the active vocabulary.

Procedure: The child is asked to choose one or another picture from a series of pictures. In this regard, it turns out that there is a correspondence between the word and the image of the object, action and attribute.

Instruction: "I will show the pictures, and you try to name them correctly." When examining the dictionary of adjectives, the question is asked: “What color, size, taste, shape, size ...?” When studying the dictionary of verbs, questions are asked: “What does ... do?”, “How does ... scream?”, “How


Material: subject and plot pictures.

A. Study of the dictionary of nouns.

Seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring.

Time of day: day, night, morning, evening.

Headwear: headscarf, cap, hat, cap, panama.

Trees: pine, spruce, birch, oak, maple, poplar.

Wild animals: wolf, bear, deer, squirrel, hare, hedgehog, fox, giraffe, lion, elephant, lynx, rhinoceros, elk, zebra.

Wild birds: rook, dove, crow, owl, magpie, swallow, swan, bullfinch, sparrow, starling, woodpecker, heron.

Pets: horse, dog, cow, goat, cat, sheep, pig.

Domestic birds: chicken, turkey, goose, rooster.

Toys: car, ball, doll, bear, boat, bunny, horse, pyramid, stroller.

Tools: axe, hammer, saw, needle, tongs, scissors.

Furniture: sofa, wardrobe, table, chair, bed, armchair.

Insects: wasp, fly, butterfly, mosquito, ant, dragonfly.

Footwear: shoes, boots, shoes, sandals, slippers, felt boots.

Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, beets, onions, peppers, radishes, turnips.

Clothing: T-shirt, pants, coat, skirt, jacket, socks, shirt, robe, dress, mittens.

Utensils: spoon, fork, knife, plate, cup, teapot, saucer, frying pan, pan.

Professions: doctor, cook, hairdresser, janitor, teacher, salesman, policeman, seamstress, fireman.

Fish: pike, bream, catfish, perch, shark.

Means of transport: tram, trolleybus, car, truck, bus, helicopter, plane, ship, train.

Educational things: briefcase, notebook, pen, pencil, book.

Fruits: apple, pear, lemon, plum, banana, orange, grape.

Flowers: chamomile, rose, tulip, bluebell, lily of the valley, aster.

Parts of the head: forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth.

Parts of the arm: shoulder, elbow, palm, fingers.

Body parts: head, legs, arms, torso.

Natural phenomena: sun, moon, cloud, thunderstorm, snow, rain.

Berries: strawberries, raspberries, currants.

B. Exploring the vocabulary of adjectives

Size: big, small.

Height: high, low.

Length: long, short.

Color designations: red, pink, green, yellow, blue, white, lilac, brown, orange, black.

Strength: strong, weak.

Tactile Feel: Hard, Soft

Temperature: hot, cold.

Thickness: thick, thin.

Shape: round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular.

Width: wide, narrow.

B. Study of the dictionary of verbs.

Who does what: the boy draws, washes, plays, puts on shoes; the girl eats, combs her hair, does the laundry, helps, brushes her teeth, feeds the puppy, dresses, washes the dishes, fastens, buys, sells; the builder is building, the cat is sleeping, the doctor is treating, the teacher is reading, the janitor is sweeping, the cook is cooking.

Who moves how: rides, swims, flies, crawls, walks, runs, jumps, stands, sits, lies, jumps.

What they do with what: they cut with a knife, chop with an ax, hammer nails with a hammer, saw with a saw, dig with a shovel, write with a pen, paint with a brush, sweep with a broom, stroke with an iron, sew with a needle, catch fish with a fishing rod.

Active Dictionary Score:

points - correctly names from 227 to 274 words

points - correctly names from 179 to 226 words

points - correctly names from 131 to 178 words

points - correctly names from 83 to 130 words

score - correctly names from 35 to 82 words

II Study of the dictionary of synonyms and antonyms

Synonym dictionary research

Purpose: To explore the dictionary of synonyms.

Procedure: The speech therapist names phrases, the child is invited to replace them with similar ones in meaning.

Instruction: "Listen carefully and choose a word that is close in meaning."

The research material is:

Huge, joyful, quick-witted, sad, brave, grief, doctor, look, dance, jump.

Synonym naming score:

points - picked up synonyms for 9 - 10 words

points - picked up synonyms for 7 - 8 words

points - picked up synonyms for 5 - 6 words

points - picked up synonyms for 3 - 4 words

score - picked up synonyms for 1 - 2 words

Antonym Dictionary Research

Purpose: To explore the dictionary of antonyms.

Instruction: "Listen to the words and pick up the word" enemy "".

The research material is the words: big, weak, good, sad, narrow, day, run, joy, loud, low.

Antonym naming score:

points - picked up antonyms for 9 - 10 words

points - picked up antonyms for 7 - 8 words

points - picked up antonyms for 5 - 6 words

points - picked up antonyms for 3 - 4 words

score - picked up antonyms for 1 - 2 words

III Studies of the semantic structure of the word and lexical consistency

Source: method of Arkhipova E.F.

The purpose of the technique: the study of the semantic structure of the word.

Item classification

Purpose: To explore the ability to classify objects into groups.

Procedure: The speech therapist names the words, the child is asked to replace them with words that are opposite in meaning.

Instructions: Divide the pictures into two groups and name them.

The research material is a group of subject pictures with the image:

gr.: furniture - insects; 2 gr.: dishes - animals; 3 gr. wild animals-pets; 4 gr. insect birds

gr. table, butterfly, closet, sofa, spider, beetle

gr. tiger, plate, hare, wolf, cup, saucepan

gr. fox, hare, cat, bear, dog, cow

gr. butterfly, bee, sparrow, titmouse, dragonfly, bullfinch

score - knows the meanings of individual words denoting objects that are often encountered

points - knows the meanings of a small number of words denoting an object, action that he often meets or had experience of action, uses a small number of words with an activating effect

points - knows the meanings of many words, associates them with specific meanings, phenomena, uses them inactively in active speech, mainly under the influence of an adult

points - knows the meanings of a fairly large number of words, associates them with specific objects and phenomena

points - has a fairly large vocabulary that goes beyond direct life experience, uses quite a lot of words in active speech

The level of formation of the passive and active vocabulary, the dictionary of synonyms and antonyms, the semantic structure of the word is determined on the basis of the points obtained for the tasks for the study of this function.

Task completion levels:

I level (high) - scored 5 points

II level (above average) - scored 4 points

III level (intermediate) - scored 3 points

IV level (below average) - scored 2 points

Level V (low) - scored from 0 to 1 point

Conclusion: these methods will make it possible to thoroughly investigate the state of the active and passive vocabulary, the state of the semantic fields in preschoolers with ONR.

3.3 Analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment

Table 1

The results of the children of the experimental and control groups doing tasks to study the state of the dictionary.

№Research parameters Average number of EGCGI scores Passive nominative dictionary studies 44.9 Passive attributive dictionary studies 3,14.7 Passive predicative dictionary studies 34.5 Active nominative dictionary studies 2.94.2 Active attributive dictionary studies 2.84.1 Active predicative dictionary studies 3.14.0 Synonymy studies 2.84.0 Antonymy studies 34, 2Classification study3,24,2

According to the results of the tasks performed to study the state of the active and passive vocabulary among preschoolers in the experimental and control groups, the average scores were calculated, which are presented in Table 1.

Preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech have a decrease in the volume of active and passive vocabulary. But the passive vocabulary is not so reduced compared to the active one, the active attributive dictionary is the worst formed, the average group score is 2.8, which indicates a low border of the average level. This can be explained by the fact that in normal ontogenesis the vocabulary of adjectives is formed later than the vocabulary of nouns and verbs, which was revealed by the studies of A.N. Gvozdev. And with impaired speech development, this feature is even more pronounced, which is confirmed by the studies of V.A. Goncharova.

Having carried out a comparative analysis of the results of the study of synonymy-antonymy of preschoolers with normal speech development and preschoolers with OHP, we can draw the following conclusions: the process of forming lexical consistency and structuring antonymic and synonymous fields in preschoolers with OHP and in children with normal speech development proceeds unevenly and lags behind in time . This is evidenced by quantitative data. The presence of a larger number of inaccurate associations in children with ONR, in comparison with children without speech pathology, indicates the limited volume of the dictionary, which makes it difficult to choose the right word and the difficulty in identifying significant differential semantic features. This is due to the insufficient activity of the word search process. In turn, this leads to the use of words of a more general meaning. However, the task of selecting synonyms caused difficulties in children of both groups, which is characterized by the later formation of synonymy in ontogeny. But the children of the experimental group (average group score 2.8) when choosing synonyms often gave associations that were not characteristic of children in the control group (group average score 4). For example, associations were given according to the "part-whole" type, according to phonetic similarity, as well as many repetitions and failures, which is associated with the unformed core and a large connection with the periphery of the semantic field. All this distinguishes reactions to the selection of synonyms from reactions to the selection of antonyms.

In the study of systemic-semantic relationships between words, it was found that this function is well developed in children with normal speech development and worse in children with OHP. We explain the low results of the group of children with OHP by the fact that the semantic field is structurally insufficiently organized, the process of isolating its core and periphery has just begun. However, in children without speech pathology, the potential possibilities of this differentiation are manifested, while in children with ONR there are no signs of differentiation of the semantic field. This is confirmed by the presence of a large number of associations of a wide choice field and a significant excess of refusals, which explains the limited vocabulary, inaccurate use of words and difficulties in updating the dictionary.

Based on the study of the lexical system in schoolchildren with normal speech development, children can be divided into groups depending on the level of success in completing tasks.

As can be seen from Table 1, all children completed the task.

Group 1 with a high level of vocabulary formation included 12 people. These children gave the correct answers quickly, without additional instructions.

Group 2 with an average level (3 - 4 points) included 8 children - they made slight inaccuracies in their answers or made mistakes, but corrected themselves.

We analyzed the vocabulary of children in such parts of speech as: noun, adjective, verb. The results of this experiment revealed a number of shortcomings in the state of vocabulary in children with ONR. Vocabulary imperfections were manifested in the insufficient volume of the dictionary: in the examined children of the experimental group, the dictionary was limited to elementary knowledge (everyday topics). Children with OHP had difficulty answering, did not understand the meaning of many words, did not know the names of many objects.

The first task of the methodology is the study of the passive vocabulary (task I) in preschool children with a speech defect and in preschool children without speech impairment.

The calculation of the scoring of this task showed that the knowledge of preschoolers from the EG is much lower than that of preschoolers from the CG.

The results of the children in the experimental and control groups performing tasks to identify the state of the passive nominative dictionary

Diagram 1

The children received an average group score of 4.9, which indicates a high level of development of the nominative vocabulary. In this task, children with normal speech development named the largest number of words, the task was performed quickly and with interest.

Children with general underdevelopment of speech coped with the task less successfully. They needed more time to think about the task. Most of the difficulties were when showing words on lexical topics: wild and domestic birds (“sparrow”, “magpie”, “bullfinch”), berries (“currant”, “raspberry”), trees (“maple”, “oak”, "pine"), transport ("tram", "trolleybus", "train"), seasons, fish. Most of the subjects confused pictures with similar features, for example: instead of a radish they showed beets, instead of raspberries - strawberries, instead of a saucer - a plate, instead of a chair - an armchair, instead of a bed - a sofa, instead of autumn - spring, instead of a dress - a skirt, instead of a pine tree - a Christmas tree etc. We determined that in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment, the nominative vocabulary is developed at a level above the average, the average group score is 4. It was noted that none of the children in both groups scored less than 2 points for this task (see Diagram 1).

The preschoolers of the experimental group encountered such difficulties in examining nouns as refusing to answer or erroneously showing pictures, most often these were pictures that were accessible to their perception, but not related to their daily activities.

The results of the children in the experimental and control groups performing tasks to identify the state of the passive attributive dictionary

Diagram 2

When examining the dictionary of adjectives, children from the EG did not show such words as “oval”, “rectangular”, “thin”, “wide”, “short”, “weak”, “lilac”, “orange”.

In the group of children from the CG, only such words as “oval”, “lilac”, “short” caused difficulties.

The results of the children in the experimental and control groups performing tasks to identify the state of the passive predicative dictionary

Diagram 3

The largest number of errors was encountered in the study of the vocabulary of verbs. Children from the EG did not show most of the words in these words and gave erroneous displays in the pictures “lies”, “walks”, “rides”, “cuts”, “washes”, “sleeps”, “helps”, “saws”.

Many children from the EG found it difficult to choose pictures on the topic “What do they do with what?”. Children do not know the verbs associated with the use of tools. The children from the CG had almost no difficulties in completing this task.

As a result, many words for children in EG are unfamiliar or their meaning is often incomprehensible to them, which confirms the assumption that even passive vocabulary in children with ONR is impaired.

According to the study, it can be concluded that the state of the passive vocabulary in children with OHP is much lower than in children with normal speech development. The results of the study show that the passive vocabulary of children with OHP provides an understanding of the speech of everyday topics.

When examining the active vocabulary (task II) in children with OHP, it was found that it is more limited than the passive vocabulary. The active vocabulary of children from the EG is poorer than that of children from the CG, even at the level of everyday topics. Children from the EG name familiar words, but their stock is small.

The results of the children in the experimental and control groups performing tasks to identify the state of the active nominative dictionary

Diagram 4

The data visually reflect the results of children's scoring in the study of the active nominative vocabulary. Based on the data, we can say that the children coped with this task worse than with the task of studying the passive nominative dictionary. Not a single child from the EG scored five points, in contrast to the children from the CG, in which almost half of the group (45% of children) received five points (Diagram 4). The most difficult topics of the active dictionary of nouns for children from the EG were: "Fish", "Trees", "Berries", "Wild birds", "Poultry", "Flowers", "Transport", "Time of day", "Headwear" , "Instruments".

In the response of the subjects of the EG on these lexical topics, frequent replacements of one word for another were noted: for example, children called instead of “pines” - “fir-tree”; instead of "raspberries" - "strawberries"; instead of "turkey" - "goose"; instead of "bullfinch" - "sparrow", "titmouse"; instead of "magpie" - "crow", "woodpecker"; instead of "tulip" - "poppy", "rose"; instead of "bell" - "lily of the valley", instead of "trolleybus" - "tram", "train", "bus"; instead of "evening" - "morning", "night"; instead of "hat" - "hat", instead of "axe" - "hammer", instead of "boots" - "boots".

The studied children of the CG had errors in the names of such pictures as “boots”, “beetroot”, “trolleybus”, which is associated with insufficient distinction between similar objects (“beetroot” - radish, turnip, etc.).

The easiest topics of the noun dictionary are: "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Toys", "Pets".

Children from the EG often replaced the names of some objects with others based on resemblance: "sparrow" - titmouse; "tulip" - rose, poppy; "hat" - panama; "boots" - sneakers; "goose" - duck, "wasp" - bee; "onion garlic; "wolf" - dog, "elk" - deer, "lynx" - leopard, "skirt" - dress, "plum" - cherry, "cloud" - cloud, etc.

There were replacements of some words for others on the basis of similarity on the basis of functional purpose: "saucer" - a plate; "frying pan" - a saucepan; "armchair sofa; "bus" - minibus; "cup" - mug, "shirt" - sweater.

Children with a speech defect replaced some words with others situationally related to them, for example: "winter" - snow, "day" - sun, "teacher" - "school". In some cases, a private concept was replaced by a general one: “jacket” - clothes, “lemon” - fruit, “wolf” - an animal.

Most often, errors were found in the following nouns: “elk”, “sheep”, “turkey”, “currant”, “shirt”, “boots”, “shawl”, “ticks”, “bream”, “perch”, “lynx ”, “pine”, “magpie”, “rook”, “swallow”, “swan”, “starling”, “heron”, “pumpkin”, “skirt”, “cap”, “sandals”. The absence of these words in the active vocabulary of children with OHP is explained by the poverty of the vocabulary, the low activation of vocabulary in various types activities and a limited stock of ideas about the world.

The results of the children in the experimental and control groups performing tasks to identify the state of the active attributive dictionary

Diagram 5

A large number of errors were noted when examining the active vocabulary of adjectives in children with general underdevelopment of speech. In many cases, the words "wide", "high", "long", "thick" were replaced by the word "large", the words "short", "narrow", "low", "thin" - by "small". Children from the EG often could not correctly name the shades of colors (“lilac”, “blue”, “orange”), the shapes of objects (“rectangular”, “oval”, “triangular”).

The results of the children in the experimental and control groups performing tasks to identify the state of the active predictive dictionary

Diagram 6

Particular difficulties in a group of children with general underdevelopment of speech were caused by tasks for the study of the active dictionary of verbs. A greater number of mistakes were made by the studied EGs when answering the questions: “Who moves how?” and “What are they doing?”. Children with OHP made mistakes such as choosing a verb of a different meaning (“reads” - studies, looks; “sweeps” - cleans up; “rides” - rides; “crawls” - walks, walks; “jumps” - jumps; “erases” - washes; "floats" - rides; "puts on shoes" - puts on; "treats" - looks, "lies" - sleeps; "saws" - cuts; "cuts" - breaks, etc.) Unlike the children of the CG, who made mistakes in naming no more than 8 verbs, children from the EG made mistakes in naming from 15 to 28 verbs.

Thanks to the data obtained during the survey, we found that the active vocabulary of children with OHP is quite limited compared to children with normal speech, and is much poorer than the passive vocabulary of children from the EG. The number of refusals and incorrect answers in all parts of speech in the active vocabulary in children with a speech defect is much higher than in children from the CG. When comparing the number of errors, it turned out that in the group of children with normal speech development there were much fewer errors than in the group of children with general underdevelopment of speech. Children from the EG made mistakes in the use of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. These errors can be attributed to situational substitutions: replacing the names of the attributes of an object and actions with objects with the names of the objects themselves (“hack” - an ax, “cuts” - a knife; “soft” - an armchair). This suggests that in the minds of children with OHP the meanings of an object, action, attribute have not yet been singled out into independent concepts. Children from the CG made a small number of non-systematic errors. In the speech of some, rarely used words (ticks, felt boots) were absent.

In the study of the dictionary of synonyms (task III), a large number of erroneous answers were noted in both groups. The children from the EG made mistakes in the predominant number of words, in contrast to the children from the CG, who completed this task more successfully. The reason for this may be not only fatigue, exhaustion of children, their emotional and volitional instability, but also limitedness, poverty of vocabulary, difficulties in updating it.

The results of the children in the experimental and control groups performing tasks to identify the state of the dictionary of synonyms

Diagram 7

The results of the study of the dictionary of synonyms in children from the EG showed the following: 5% of children received 5 points, 25% -4 points, 35% of children scored 3 points each, 25% of children - 2 points each and 10% of children scored only 1 point each, in contrast from the results of children in the CG, 7 people of which scored 5 points each, 6 people - 4 points each and 3 people - 2 points (diagram 7). Difficulties were caused by the selection of synonyms for the words: “smart”, “sad”, “brave”, “dance”. Children from the EG often chose a synonym - a word of the same part of speech, close in meaning: "doctor" - Aibolit, surgeon, "sad" - to cry. There were errors related to the explanation of the meaning of the word, which are more characteristic of the CG group: “to look is to turn your head around”, “to dance is when it is fast, fast”. In a number of cases, children from the EG named forms of the original word or related words instead of synonyms: “joyfully” - glad, “dance” - dancing, etc.

Performing the task to study the dictionary of antonyms (task IV), children with normal speech development did it well, their mistakes were isolated and of an unstable nature, unlike children with OHP, who found it difficult to select the correct antonyms.

In the study of the dictionary of antonyms in children from the EG, following results: 5% of children scored 5 points each, 36% of children - 4 points each, 20% of children - 3 points each 39% of children received 2 points each .. Children from the CG scored: 50% of children - 5 points each, 40% - 4 points each and 10% - 3 points (diagram 8).

The results of the children in the experimental and control groups doing tasks to identify the state of the dictionary of antonyms

Diagram 8

Children with normal speech development responded quickly, without much difficulty, sometimes giving more than one answer. In contrast to them, children with OHP often experienced difficulty in answering, resorted to the help of the experimenter in the form of leading questions and prompts.

The most common mistakes in children from the EG were associated with the reproduction of words - stimuli with the NOT particle: "run" - do not run, "sad" - not sad, "narrow" - not narrow, "loud" - not loud, "grief" - not grief, etc. A common mistake (in 6 cases) was naming words that are close in meaning to the intended antonym: “good” - evil, “sad” - laughing, etc.

In 3 cases, children with OHP chose instead of an antonym a synonym for the original word: “sad” - sad, “grief” - trouble, “big” - huge. In 2 cases, preschoolers from the EG named words that were similar in situation to the original word: “run” - go, “narrow” - short.

Thus, the preschoolers from the CG coped with this task much more successfully than the preschoolers from the EG, who faced a lot of difficulties in answering.

In general, it can be noted that the children from the EG and CG coped with the task of selecting antonyms much more successfully than with the task of synonyms.

The results of the children in the experimental and control groups performing tasks to identify the state of the dictionary of generalizing words

Diagram 9

According to the study with the proposed task for the classification of objects of 20 children in the experimental group, 45% of the children completed the task for 4 points, 5% of the children for 3 points, 10% for 2 points. An analysis of the results showed that not all children had classification operations. Most often, verbal paraphasias were observed, and, mainly, on a semantic basis:

Replacing a generalizing word with a word of a more specific meaning (swallow bird, jackdaw, bullfinch; pine tree, spruce, oak)

replacing a generalizing word with a functional accessory, a way of moving (a plate, a saucepan, a cup to eat; a spider, a beetle, a butterfly - they fly).

As a result of the study, it was revealed that in children with OHP the active vocabulary is below the age norm. A significant shortcoming in the perception of OHP in these children is a significant slowdown in the processing of information coming through the senses. In conditions of short-term perception of certain objects or phenomena, many details remain “not grasped”. Children with OHP perceive in a certain time a smaller amount of material than normally developing peers.

They have a strong exhaustion of attention and extreme restlessness. All this indicates that, due to neuropsychological characteristics, children with OHP do not accumulate sufficient speech experience.

Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that in children with speech pathology, auditory-speech memory is developed at a fairly low level. The peculiarity in the reproduction of words by children with underdevelopment of speech was that almost all of them periodically reproduced another word instead of the desired word (verbal paramnesia).

The inferiority of non-speech mental functions in OHP due to the systemic structure of human mental activity, in which cognitive, volitional and motivational processes are inseparably united, determines a number of features of the child's speech development, affects the development of the dictionary, causing its originality.

We assume that the causes of mental and speech underdevelopment in children with OHP, in a burdened history, we know that in almost all children with OHP such adverse factors of the prenatal period as: toxicosis of pregnancy, incompatibility of mother and fetus according to the Rh factor, chronic diseases of the mother, illness of the mother with colds, prematurity, the use of drugs; natal period: asphyxia, umbilical cord entanglement, caesarean section, rapid delivery, trauma at birth, use of mechanical stimulation; postnatal period: severe somatic diseases and infectious diseases. unfavorable influence of socio-psychological factors.

A feature of the vocabulary of OHP children is the limited vocabulary; more significant than normal discrepancy between the volume of the active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate use of words, difficulties in updating the dictionary. Preschoolers with OHP understand the meaning of many words; the volume of the passive vocabulary is close to normal. However, the use of words in expressive speech, updating the dictionary cause great difficulties. Children with speech disorders are characterized by a lag in the development of most lexical categories, especially predicative and attributive dictionaries. The data of our study are confirmed by the studies of N.V. Serebryakova, L.V. Lopatina. It should be pointed out that the children of the control group showed higher abilities than the preschoolers of the experimental group in the process of completing tasks.

The majority of children with ONR turned out to be unformed to a greater extent synonymous rows, there are a large number of lexical difficulties in performing tasks for the selection of synonyms. The assimilation of synonymous words by children has a number of features: children choose mainly one synonym per stimulus word, often choose a synonym - a word of the same part of speech, close in meaning, in some cases children with OHP named forms of the original word or related words instead of synonyms. These features, in our opinion, are due to the lack of formation of the vocabulary: the limitation of the volume of the dictionary, the lack of formation of the semantic field in which the word is included, the inability of children to single out the main essential feature in the word.

Violation of antonymy in children with OHP was expressed both in ignorance of many words, and in difficulties in finding a well-known word, in violation of the actualization of a passive dictionary, according to the theory of antonymic connections and relations, antonymic oppositions represent the unity of generic and specific concepts expressed using categorial-lexical and differential families. The generic concept (categorial-lexical seme) is included in the structure of both members of the antonymic pair. Species concepts (differential semes) correspond to members of an antonymic pair. We assume that the lack of formation of any of the mentioned concepts may be the reason for the violation of antonymic connections and relationships in the structure of the lexicon of preschool children with OHP. In such children, there is an insufficient development of the system of connections of lexemes within semantic fields and a violation of the hierarchy of these connections, which qualitatively distinguishes them from normally developing children.

The predicative vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP is at a low level of development, due to the limited ideas and knowledge about the world around them, in their lexicon there are no many designations of actions well known to children, they use verbs of extended or overly narrowed meaning.

Thus, in preschoolers with OHP, the systemic relationships between the lexical units of the language are not sufficiently formed. It is possible to single out a whole range of difficulties that lead to incorrect performance of tasks:

1.difficulties in identifying essential differential semantic features, on the basis of which the meaning of words is contrasted;

2.underdevelopment of mental operations of comparison and generalization;

3.insufficient activity of the word search process;

.unformed semantic fields within the lexical system of the language;

5.instability of paradigmatic connections within the lexical system of the language;

.the limited volume of the dictionary, which makes it difficult to choose the right word.

This study showed that the acquisition of vocabulary in children with ONR is the same process with the passage of certain stages with a strict relationship in the development of certain aspects of the language, as occurs in the normal development of speech.

The stages of mastering vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech and in children without speech disorders are the same, they differ only in a delay in time and qualitative originality.

Chapter 4

1 Scientific and theoretical substantiation of methodological recommendations

The process of education can be carried out only on the basis of good knowledge of the age and individual psychophysiological characteristics of each child.

The speech therapist should have information about the life of the child, the home environment, and the attitude of others towards him. It is necessary to identify the interests of the child, his inclinations, attitude towards other children, towards his defect. These data will help the teacher to study the mental characteristics of the child more deeply, to effectively build a correctional and educational impact, to prevent the appearance of undesirable deviations in his behavior (Garkusha Yu.F.).

Speech therapy work on the development of vocabulary is closely related to the formation of ideas about the surrounding reality and the cognitive activity of the child.

The systematic expansion of the vocabulary comes at the expense of unfamiliar and complex words, along with familiarization with the outside world.


Work on the development of the dictionary should be carried out on the basis of active cognitive activity.

The close connection of the development of the dictionary with the development of mental activity, logical operations of classification, seriation, analysis, synthesis, comparison.

All tasks are carried out in a certain sequence.

The main tasks of vocabulary work are:

vocabulary enrichment - the accumulation of words necessary for verbal communication with others. Goes at the expense of nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs.

clarification - help in the assimilation of words and their memorization.

vocabulary activation - the use of words that are easy to understand.

elimination of non-literary words (Ushakova T. N.).

Among the numerous methods of vocabulary work that can be used in speech therapy classes, the following can be distinguished (Filimonova O.Yu.):

) Showing and naming a new object (and its features) or actions. The display should be accompanied by an explanation that helps to understand the essence of the subject.

A new word must be pronounced in chorus and individually. For better understanding and memorization, this word is included in a context familiar to the child. Next is carried out various exercises to secure it correct pronunciation and use.

) Explanation of the origin of this word (bread-bread box-dishes in which bread is stored, coffee pot-dishes in which coffee is brewed, kettle - dishes in which tea is boiled, etc.).

) The use of the expanded meaning of already known phrases (a huge house is a very large house, one that is higher than all other houses.).

) posing questions of various forms, which at first are prompting (“Is the fence high or low?”), And then require independent answers. Questions should be short, precise, accessible in content. Children should also be taught how to ask questions on their own.

) Selection of names of objects for actions and names of actions for objects; adverbs to the names of various actions; epithets to the subject; single-root words.

) Distribution of proposals by introducing the circumstances of the cause, effect, condition, purpose.

) Comparison of sentences by key words.

The selection of these areas is largely conditional, since in a single process of vocabulary formation they often intertwine and interact. However, the selection of these areas is important for understanding the language processes that need to be developed in children.

The results of the study show that preschoolers with OHP have peculiarities in the development of the vocabulary. The dictionary of synonyms and the attributive dictionary is developed worse than the nominative, predicative ones. The results of the study showed that the process of formation of antonymic fields and their structuring in children with OND is delayed and is currently unformed. This must be taken into account in corrective work. When selecting recommendations, we proceeded from the results of the ascertaining experiment. Vocabulary development exercises are well described in the correctional literature.

The development of vocabulary is carried out in the following areas: vocabulary enrichment, clarification of the meaning of the word, expansion of the semantics of the word. Particularly important is the work on the assimilation of words of generalizing meaning, since the introduction of generalizing words into speech significantly enriches it.

Work on clarifying the meaning of a word is closely connected with the formation of children's ideas about surrounding objects and phenomena, with mastering the classification of objects, with work on the formation of a lexical system. The classification of objects can be carried out both in a non-verbal way (for example, decomposing pictures into two groups), and using speech (for example, select only those pictures on which vegetables are drawn, name them in one word). It is recommended to use notes, drawings that help children master various categories of objects, learn and correlate the generalized name and the names of specific objects, and master generic relationships. In speech therapy work on vocabulary enrichment, special attention is required to the predicative vocabulary (verbs and adjectives). When forming, the sequence of appearance of nouns and adjectives, phonetic features of the formation of adjectives are taken into account.

Speech therapy work to enrich the dictionary also involves clarifying the meanings of synonymous words. An important place is given to the assimilation of the meaning of the word with a gradual transition from the specific meaning of the word to the understanding of the grammatical meaning in the phrase, sentence. (Sedykh N.A.)

Actualization of the dictionary is also facilitated by the work on the sound analysis of the word, the consolidation of its auditory and kinesthetic image.

Based on the results of the experiment, taking into account the specifics of the development of the vocabulary in children with speech disorders and analyzing methodical literature, we have identified the main areas of correctional and developmental work for children with OHP. First of all, we single out the directions of speech therapy influence on those structures that are most disturbed in the children of the experimental group.

Each direction is carried out in two stages, first the passive vocabulary of children is enriched, then the lexicon is activated and consolidated.

In the guidelines, we used games and exercises developed by N.V. Serebryakova, R.I. Lalaeva, N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva.G.S. Shvaiko, O.S. Ushakova, N.V. Novotortseva, V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko, N.A. Sedykh, Krause E.N.

direction. Enrichment of the dictionary of synonyms.

Stage I: Development of a passive dictionary of synonyms.

Development of synonymy.

Development of coherent speech

Example types of tasks:

Game "Come up with a proposal" (Krause E.N.).

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the dictionary of synonyms.

Synonym update.

Development of synonymy.

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Game "How to say?" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

The game "Competition of words - comparisons" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.).

how the selected words are similar, what they have in common, why they can be called “words - friends”.

Game "Choose a word" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.).

Content: The speech therapist calls the word and throws the ball to one of the children. The child who caught the ball must come up with a "word - friend" to the one named, say this word and throw the ball back to the speech therapist. If the word is chosen correctly, the child takes a step forward. The winner is the one who quickly approaches the conditional line on which the speech therapist is located. This child continues the game by making up his own words. Friend - (comrade, friend); house - (building, dwelling); road - (way, highway); soldier - (fighter, warrior); labor - (work); wisdom - (mind); run - (rush, rush); look - (look); works - (work); to be sad - (to be sad); bold - (brave); scarlet - (red, crimson).

Equipment: ball.

4. The game "Sun" (Krause E.N.).

Choose a word that is close in meaning to the word "brave".

(courageous, courageous, resolute).

The hare is cowardly. How else can you say about him?

(fearful, indecisive, fearful).

Choose a word that is close in meaning to the word "talk".

(talk, speak).

Equipment: sun, rays.

Stage I: Development of a passive vocabulary of adjectives.

Enrichment of the vocabulary of adjectives.

Development of auditory attention and memory

Example types of tasks:

. “Name an extra word” (Zakharova A.V.)

Sad, mournful, dull, deep.

Brave, resounding, courageous, daring.

Weak, brittle, long, fragile.

Strong, distant, durable, reliable.

Decrepit, old, worn out, small, dilapidated.

Guessing riddles-descriptions from pictures (Zakharova A.V.). Content: several pictures of animals are offered, from which you need to choose the one you need.

For example:

I am tall, with a thin neck, spotted (giraffe).

I am short, fat and gray (hippo).

I am small, grey, with a long tail (mouse).

I am formidable, big, with a long mane (lion).

I am hunchbacked, long neck and thin legs (camel).

Guessing the name of an object by describing its differential features.

For example: This is a vegetable. It is round, red, delicious. What is it? (Tomato)

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the vocabulary of adjectives.

Updating and enriching the dictionary of adjectives

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

Clarification of the syntagmatic relations of the adjective and the noun (Zakharova A.V.). Answers to the questions “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, “what?”

For example: grass (what is it?) - green, soft, silky, tall, emerald, thick, slippery, dry, marsh...

Add a word to the sentence that answers the questions: “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, “what?”

The (what?) sun is shining.

The sun is bright, brilliant, red, big, cheerful, joyful, spring.

direction. Development of the nominative dictionary.

Stage I: Development of a passive vocabulary of nouns.

Development of the nominative dictionary.

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

1. Pronunciation of the names of the subject (Ushakova O.S.).

2. Creating a situation for the child to search for a missing object. (Zakharova A.V.).

Content: An adult asks the children to close their eyes (“One, two, three, don’t look!”), hides and asks the question: “Where is the bus?” Children are looking for an object at the prompt of an adult: “It's cold. Colder. Warmer. Even warmer. Hot". A hint can be given in the notes arranged in a group (read by an adult): “Look for a bus next to a bookshelf”; “Look for a bus where there is a lot of water”; "Look for a bus under the tree"; "Look for a bus where there are a lot of cars." The game with the search for a missing object helps children remember a new word.

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the dictionary of nouns.

Actualization and enrichment of the dictionary of nouns.

Development of verbal-logical thinking.

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

Game "Guess who does that?"

The game "Wonderful bag".

. “Spread the pictures by similarity” (Ushakova O.S.).

A series of pictures is displayed on the board: a sheep, a tree, a cow.

Content: children are given pictures: a sweater, a hat, mittens, a scarf (to the picture a sheep); table, wooden rake, wooden gate or fence, chair (tree to the picture); a bottle of milk, butter, cheese, ice cream (to the picture a cow). Each child has 2-3 pictures. The speech therapist invites the children to put their picture to one of the three pictures on the board and explain why he put it that way.

The game "Pair to Pair" (select words by analogy based on various features) (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.).

Content: Children are invited to choose words so that they get similar pairs of words, and then explain how these pairs are similar. Pairs of words are proposed based on different types of semantic relationships: generic; part - whole; object and its function; the phenomenon and the means by which it is carried out; the name of the item and what it is made of; object and its location, etc.

Cucumber - a vegetable, chamomile - (earth, flower, flower bed).

Tomato - garden, apple - (fence, garden, pear).

Clock - time, thermometer - (bed, temperature, window).

Machine - motor, boat - (sail, water, deck).

Supplementation of the semantic series (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.).

Nail - hammer, screw - ...

The house is the roof, the book is...

Square - cube, circle - ...

Bird - egg, plant - ...

Reference words: screwdriver, cover, ball, seed, slower, flood, bank (or wallet), faucet, barefoot, cure, puppy, rim, house, lace, autumn.

direction. Enrichment of the dictionary of antonyms.

Stage I: Development of a passive dictionary of antonyms.

development of antonymy.

Development of verbal-logical thinking.

The development of auditory attention.

Example types of tasks:

1. Choose from three words two words - "enemy".

Friend, sadness, enemy.

Tall, big, low.

Night, day, day.

Long, big, short.

Joy, laughter, sadness.

Big, low, small.

Raise, lower, take.

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the dictionary of antonyms.

Update of antonyms.

The development of connected speech.

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

The game "Finish the sentence" (Krause E.N.).

The elephant is big, but the mosquito...

The stone is heavy, and the fluff ...

Cinderella is kind, and stepmother ...

Sugar is sweet, but mustard...

The tree is tall, and the bush...

The grandfather is old, and the grandson...

The soup is hot and the compote...

The soot is black and the snow...

The lion is brave, but the hare...

  1. Game "Compare!" (Krause E.N.).

To taste: mustard and honey.

By color: snow and soot.

Height: tree and flower.

By thickness: rope and thread.

Width: road and path.

By age: young man and old man.

By weight: weight and fluff.

By size: house and hut.

  1. Ball game "Say the opposite" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

Dress - (undress)

Raise - (lower)

Throw - (catch),

Hide - (find),

Put - (remove).

4. Words - "enemies" (Konovalenko V.V. Konovalenko S.V.).

1.Nouns: day, morning, sunrise, spring, winter, good,
friend, dirt, heat, peace, truth, joy, inhale, exhale, benefit, dirt, .Adjectives: sick, white, tall, cheerful,
dark, bitter, kind, healthy, new, young, sharp, fat.
3. Verbs: enter, speak, took, found, forgot, dropped, littered, lie down, dress, put up, lower, help, laugh, close, turn on. 5 direction. Development of a predictive vocabulary. Stage I: Development of a passive vocabulary of verbs.

Development of a predictive vocabulary.

Development of verbal-logical thinking.

Example types of tasks:

Lotto “Who will bring the picture faster” (Lopatina L.V., Serebryakova N.V.).

The game "Find a friend" (Sedykh N.A)

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the vocabulary of verbs.

Actualization and enrichment of the vocabulary of verbs.

Development of tactile sensitivity.

Development of visual and auditory attention.

Example types of tasks:

The game "Who is screaming?" (Lopatina L.V., Serebryakova N.V.).

Lotto "Who moves how?" (Lopatina L.V., Serebryakova N.V.).

3. Ball game "Say the opposite" (Sedykh N.A.)

Content: Children stand in a line facing the speech therapist. He says the word and throws the ball to one of the players. The one who caught the ball must name the antonym (“the word is the enemy”) to the given word and return it to the leader. If the paired word is chosen correctly, the child takes a step forward. The winner is the one who quickly approaches the conditional line on which the speech therapist is located. This child continues the game by making up his own words.

Speech material: enter - ...; include -…; build -…; fall asleep - ...; praise - ...; speak - ...; start - ...; to meet -...; lift up - …

Stage I: Development of a passive vocabulary of generalizations.

Development of visual and auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

1. Classification of objects according to pictures (Novotortseva N.V.).

Tomato, apple, pear, turnip, cucumber, orange.

Table, cup, sofa, plate, chair, saucer.

Fox, cat, dog, bear, hare, cow.

Titmouse, butterfly, bullfinch, sparrow, dragonfly, bee.

Select from a series of words (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.). Content: Children are given the task to select from a series of words:

a. Pet names only:

Fox, wolf, dog, hare.

Horse, calf, elk, bear.

Squirrel, cat, rooster.

b. Vehicle names only:

Truck, subway, plane, bench.

Bus, road, helicopter, passenger.

Train, compartment, steamer, anchor.

Tram, driver, trolleybus.

Game "Name an extra word" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

Doll, sand, bucket, spinning top, ball.

Table, wardrobe, carpet, armchair, sofa.

Coat, hat, scarf, boots, hat.

Bottle, jar, frying pan, jug, glass.

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the dictionary of generalizing words.

Update of generalizations.

Enrichment of the dictionary of generalizing words.

Development of verbal-logical thinking.

Development of visual and auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

. "Say one word." (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.).

For example:

How to call in one word what grows in the garden in the garden, is used in food? (Vegetables)

How to call in one word what grows on trees in the garden, very tasty and sweet? (Fruits)

How to call in one word what we put on the body, on the head, on the legs? (Clothing)

. "What common?" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.).

For example:

Two items: cucumber, tomato (vegetables), chamomile, tulip (flowers), elephant, ant (animals), turnip, chicken (yellow), mosquito, beetle (insects), seagull, plane (fly).


speech underdevelopment vocabulary preschooler

Currently, the problem of vocabulary development in preschoolers with OHP is relevant. Vocabulary is the best option for the implementation of speech activity in the process of solving problems of speech communication. Inadequate speech activity has a negative impact on all areas of the child's personality: the development of his cognitive activity is hampered, the productivity of memorization is reduced, logical and semantic memory is disturbed, children have difficulty mastering mental operations, all forms of communication and interpersonal interaction are violated, the development of gaming activity that has , as in the norm, the leading value in terms of overall mental development. Cognitive development, the development of conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words. Expanding the vocabulary of children is one of the most important tasks of education. Clarification and expansion of vocabulary plays an important role in the development of logical thinking: the richer the child's vocabulary, the more accurately he thinks, the better his speech is developed. Therefore, its formation is necessary both for the most complete overcoming of systemic speech underdevelopment, and for preparing children for the upcoming schooling.

The development of a child's vocabulary is closely connected, on the one hand, with the development of thinking and other mental processes, and, on the other hand, with the development of all components of speech: the phonetic-phonemic and grammatical structure of speech. The study of the dictionary in ontogenesis was carried out by such scientists as L.S. Vygotsky, E.A. Arkin, A.N. Gvozdev, A.V. Zakharova, L.N. Efimenkova and others.

The general underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence should be understood as a form of speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of the speech system, related to both the sound and semantic aspects of speech, is impaired. The causes of speech underdevelopment in children with OHP are in adverse effects, both in the prenatal period of development and during childbirth, as well as in the first years of a child's life. The whole variety of speech underdevelopment was presented in four levels: the absence of commonly used speech; the beginnings of common speech; extended speech with elements of phonetic and lexical and grammatical underdevelopment; speech with unsharply pronounced residual manifestations of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. In each level, you can find elements of the previous and next levels.

In children with general underdevelopment of speech, manifestations of systemic disorders are found, including a violation of the dictionary. The problem of vocabulary features in children with OHP was dealt with by such scientists as T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova, N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova.

An analysis of the literature data allowed us to suggest that one of the pronounced features of the speech of children with OHP is a more significant than normal discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary. Children with ONR understand the meaning of many words; the volume of their passive vocabulary is close to normal. However, the use of words in expressive speech, updating the dictionary cause great difficulties. Preschoolers with OHP do not know many of the actions of objects, they do not know the shades of colors, they poorly distinguish the shape of objects. There are few generalizing concepts in the vocabulary of children. Antonyms are rarely used, there are practically no synonyms.

To confirm the hypothesis, we carried out a stating experiment. Based on the analysis of literature data and the definition of the theoretical foundations of the study, the following directions of the ascertaining experiment on the study of vocabulary in older preschool children with OHP were identified: the study of a passive nominative, attributive and predicative dictionary; study of the active nominative, attributive and predicative vocabulary; study of the dictionary of synonyms and antonyms; study of the dictionary of generalizing words.

The analysis of the results of the study made it possible to draw the following conclusions: the acquisition of vocabulary in children with ONR is the same process with the passage of certain stages with a strict relationship in the development of certain aspects of the language, as occurs in the normal development of speech. Children with OHP were characterized mainly by a low level of vocabulary formation, and children with normal speech development - by an average level. The stages of mastering vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech and in children without speech disorders are the same, they differ only in a delay in time and qualitative originality.

As a result of the study, it was revealed that in children with OHP the development of an active vocabulary is below the age norm. A significant shortcoming in the perception of OHP in these children is a significant slowdown in the processing of information coming through the senses. Children with OHP perceive in a certain time a smaller amount of material than normally developing peers. They have a strong exhaustion of attention and extreme restlessness. All this indicates that, due to neuropsychological characteristics, children with OHP do not accumulate sufficient speech experience in the preschool period.

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that in children with speech pathology, auditory-speech memory is developed at a fairly low level. The peculiarity in the reproduction of words by children with underdevelopment of speech was that almost all of them periodically reproduced another word instead of the desired word (verbal paramnesia).

We noted a violation of the functional and operational side of thinking (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification), as well as slowness and rigidity of thought processes, which was fully manifested in the word classification task.

The inferiority of non-speech mental functions in OHP causes a number of features of the child's speech development, affects the development of the dictionary, causing its originality.

We assume that the causes of mental and speech underdevelopment in children with OHP, in a burdened history - in almost all children with OHP, such adverse factors of the prenatal period as: toxicosis of pregnancy, maternal and fetal incompatibility according to the Rh factor, chronic diseases of the mother, illness of the mother with colds, prematurity, the use of drugs; natal period: asphyxia, umbilical cord entanglement, caesarean section, rapid delivery, trauma at birth, use of mechanical stimulation; postnatal period: severe somatic diseases and infectious diseases, adverse effects of socio-psychological factors.

The majority of children with OHP turned out to be largely unformed synonymous rows, there are a large number of lexical difficulties when performing tasks for the selection of synonyms. These features, in our opinion, are due to the lack of formation of the vocabulary: the limitation of the volume of the dictionary, the lack of formation of the semantic field in which the word is included, the inability of children to single out the main essential feature in the word.

Attributive vocabulary is not formed in children with OHP. Preschoolers with OHP in speech use only adjectives denoting directly perceived properties of objects. This category of children has difficulty even in determining the color, as well as the shape of the object. Also, when examining adjectives, there were frequent substitutions, which indicate that these children do not highlight significant features, do not differentiate the qualities of objects.

In children with OHP, the nominative vocabulary is worse developed than in children with normal speech development, this is due to the difficulty of updating. A characteristic feature of the nominative vocabulary of children with OHP is the inaccuracy in the use of words, which is expressed in verbal paraphasias. Manifestations of inaccuracy or misuse of words in the speech of children with ONR are diverse.

Violation of antonymy in children with OHP was expressed both in ignorance of many words, and in difficulties in finding a well-known word, in violation of the actualization of a passive dictionary, according to the theory of antonymic connections and relations, antonymic oppositions represent the unity of generic and specific concepts expressed using categorial-lexical and differential families. We assume that the lack of formation of these concepts may be the reason for the violation of antonymic connections and relationships in the structure of the lexicon of preschoolers with OHP. In such children, there is an insufficient development of the system of connections of lexemes within semantic fields and a violation of the hierarchy of these connections, which qualitatively distinguishes them from normally developing children.

The predicative vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP is at a low level of development, due to the limited ideas and knowledge about the world around them, many designations of actions are absent in their lexicon. Children use verbs of an extended or overly narrowed meaning.

A study on the classification of objects: showed that not all children have formed classification operations. Most often, verbal paraphasias were observed, and, mainly, on a semantic basis: the replacement of a generalizing word with a word of a more specific meaning, the replacement of a generalizing word with a functional affiliation, a mode of movement.

The results of the study show that preschoolers with OHP have features in the development of vocabulary. The attributive and nominative vocabulary is developed worse than the predicative one. The results of the study showed that the process of formation of antonymous and synonymous fields and their structuring in children with ONR occurs with a delay and is currently unformed. This must be taken into account in corrective work. When selecting recommendations, we proceeded from the results of the study obtained during the ascertaining experiment.

In the guidelines, we used games and exercises developed by N.V. Serebryakova, R.I. Lalaeva, N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva.G.S. Shvaiko, O.S. Ushakova, N.V. Novotortseva, V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko, N.A. Sedykh, Krause E.N.

Based on the results of our study, we have identified the following areas of speech therapy impact:

direction. Enrichment of the dictionary of synonyms.

direction. Development of an attributive dictionary.

direction. Development of the nominative dictionary.

direction. Enrichment of the dictionary of antonyms.

direction. Development of a predictive vocabulary.

direction. Development of a dictionary of generalizing words.

Each direction is carried out in two stages, first the passive vocabulary of children is enriched, then the lexicon is activated and consolidated. Speech therapy work on the development of vocabulary in children with ONR should be carried out in parallel with the improvement of their non-speech mental functions, cognitive abilities. The process of vocabulary formation should be based on systems approach, take into account the connections between the development of the vocabulary of children and the formation of their mental functions.

It should be noted that corrective and preventive work should take place in the conditions of an organized complex speech therapy and pedagogical influence, taking into account general didactic principles (accessibility, visibility, individual approach, concreteness, consciousness, gradual complication of tasks and speech material).

So, the results of the experimental study confirmed the hypothesis of the ascertaining experiment that the development of the vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP is of a special specific nature, and that the state of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP has significant differences from the vocabulary of normally speaking peers.

The proposed methodological recommendations, based on the results of the study, can overcome the difficulties of forming a dictionary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech. Their use is possible not only in speech therapy work, but also in the classroom of a kindergarten teacher, and parents can also use them.


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Kulish Nadezhda Nikolaevna - teacher-speech therapist MBDOU "DS No. 365 of Chelyabinsk"

At one time, the German historian of culture, the creator of the historical understanding of art, who considered it his task "to consider everything from the point of view of the spirit of its time" , critic, poet of the second half of the XVIII century Herder, Johann Gottfried said: “If a person’s language is sluggish, heavy, confused, powerless, indefinite, uneducated, then this is probably the mind of this person, because he thinks only through the medium of language” .

This quote has not lost its significance in the modern educational system.

Speech is the main means of human communication, with the help of which you can receive and transmit a huge amount of information. Speech has a certain meaning, which is expressed in personal thoughts, associations, images, feelings, and thus characterizes a person's personality.

One of the main tasks of correctional education and upbringing of children with general underdevelopment of speech is the practical assimilation of the lexical means of the language.

In the scientific literature, the problem of the peculiarities of the development of the vocabulary of children with speech pathology has been repeatedly studied. (T. A. Altukhova, O. E. Gribova, R. E. Levina, G. V. Chirkina, etc.)

The studies revealed the quantitative and qualitative originality of the vocabulary of children with speech disorders (N. S. Zhukova, R. E. Levina, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, etc.). The main directions of vocabulary formation in children with speech disorders are proposed.

In modern research, the problem of studying the lexical system in children with speech pathology is solved from psycholinguistic positions. (Zh.V. Antipova, V.A. Goncharova, T.V. Tumanova, etc.).

Despite the fact that the theoretical foundations for studying the lexical side of the speech of children with speech disorders have been created, the problem of the development of emotional vocabulary has not been solved to date. Its specific features have not been fully explored. There are no methods and techniques of corrective work aimed at its enrichment.

Emotional vocabulary expresses feelings, moods. Experiences of a person, it is characterized by ambiguity in understanding the place and role of the emotional component in the meaning of the word, which predetermines the diversity of the classification of this vocabulary. Traditionally, it is customary to refer to the sphere of emotional vocabulary:

  • words that name feelings experienced by the speaker or another person
  • evaluation words that qualify a thing, object, phenomenon from a positive or negative side with their entire composition, i.e. lexically
  • words in which emotional attitude to the called is expressed grammatically, i.e. special suffixes (E. M. Galkina-Fedoruk, K. V. Gorshkova, N. M. Shansky).

Emotions induce a person to a specific activity, and this indicates that they activate and organize human activity, having a direct impact on the cognitive sphere, which is considered in modern science as one of the main factors influencing the development of speech.

Studies of the features of speech development of children with general underdevelopment of speech of senior preschool age indicate significant deviations from normally developing peers in both quantitative and qualitative characteristics of vocabulary. (N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, etc.).

In the study of the lexical side of the speech of children of this category, ignorance or incorrect use of words, inability to change and form lexemes were revealed.

It should also be noted that, on the one hand, in children of older preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech (third level) there are no gross violations of the affective sphere, and on the other hand, preschoolers cannot describe their emotional states, inner experiences in words. They have difficulty in assessing events, emotional situations, sensory experiences of other people, as well as heroes of poems, fairy tales, stories.

In addition, children with general underdevelopment of speech are characterized by a low level of development of attention and memory, some specific features of their thinking are observed. Subsequently, all the shortcomings of children's speech have a negative impact on mastering the processes of reading and writing.

In children with general underdevelopment of speech (third level) the development of emotional vocabulary does not occur spontaneously, and therefore, correctional and developmental speech therapy work aimed at forming the emotional layer of vocabulary is of great importance.

Based on a systematic psychological and pedagogical approach to the analysis and correction of speech disorders, as well as on the principles of developing a sense of language, the connection of speech disorders with other aspects of mental development, developmental education, consistency, correction and compensation, a system of corrective influence is proposed.

Working on the formation of communication skills and abilities in children with OHP-3 levels, when children must master communication skills: actively engage in dialogue, listen and understand speech, build communication taking into account the situation, easily get in touch, we are faced with the fact that when determining and naming emotional states children experience significant difficulties

Emotional vocabulary expresses the feelings, mood, experience of a person, being an integral part of the lexicon, it is necessary to familiarize children with a diverse world of emotions, it contributes to a more accurate understanding and description of emotional experiences of both their own and other people, a better assessment of ongoing events, as well as the solution of communicative tasks.

Correctional training for the development of the emotional vocabulary conditionally consists of three stages: preparatory, main and final.

The purpose of the preparatory stage is to prepare children for the correct and accurate perception of emotional states available to age, for the subsequent integration of this knowledge in the formation of lexical skills in the field of emotional vocabulary. Preparatory stage aimed at studying and clarifying emotional states (joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise) and the ability to distinguish between them. For the development of paralinguistic means of communication, mimic and pantomimic means are used, as well as the ability to distinguish emotional states using examples of a schematic image is formed. (pictograms). At this stage, children are introduced to "Mood theater (of emotions)» . "Theater of Moods" is a set of pictograms depicting certain emotions and a series of plot pictures, to which pictograms are selected depending on the situation.

The main stage ensures the gradual assimilation, consolidation and introduction of emotional vocabulary into coherent speech. Purpose: the formation of emotional vocabulary, consisting of words that name the feelings experienced by the speaker himself or by another person. The set goal determines the fulfillment of the following tasks: expansion of the vocabulary; formation of synonymous and antonymic relations; the development of independent coherent statements based on emotional, sensual images. Synonyms are words of the same part of speech that have completely or partially the same meaning. A game "Say Different" in children with ONR always causes difficulties. An allowance was made to help children "Glossary of synonymous words for the formation of emotional vocabulary" . The manual presents synonymous words for working with children 5-7 years old. The words are accompanied by small poems and illustrations that explain the meaning of the words and give them a certain emotional "coloring" . There are also pictograms denoting certain emotional states that children select on their own. (Theater of emotions).

For example: word "aroma" , which has similar synonyms "smell" , "fragrance" . This word is a poem "Christmas tree, Christmas tree - a forest fragrance, she really needs a beautiful outfit ......" , to the same poem, children select pictograms of joy, surprise, admiration

Target final stage consists in the activation of emotional vocabulary in the process of communication of children with general speech underdevelopment of senior preschool age.

Conducting conversations in the process of remedial training about books read, viewed cartoons, the use of dramatization games, as well as compiling descriptive stories, creative stories, organizing a variety of role-playing games that include various situations from life - all this has a beneficial effect on the development of children's feelings of empathy (feeling of understanding and empathy psychological state another person), activation of a wide range of verbal means. Also, all of the above methods of educational work to a large extent activate emotional vocabulary. The speech of children is gradually characterized by a sequence of presentation of thoughts, intonational expressiveness; in independent statements, preschoolers correctly use various paralinguistic means of expression: facial expressions, pantomime.

As a result of corrective education with the actualization of the formation of emotional vocabulary, children with OHP (3 levels) select words denoting emotions and introduce them into expressive speech, expanding the range of emotional vocabulary at the expense of nuanced lexemes.


  1. Antipova Zh.V. Vocabulary formation in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech: author. dis... cand. ped. Sciences / Zh.V. Antipova - M.. 1998
  2. Borodich A.M. Methods of development of speech of children of preschool age / A.M. Borodich. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981.
  3. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech / L.S. Vygotsky. - M. Labyrinth, 1999
  4. Galkina-Fedoruk E.M. Modern Russian language. /E. M. Galkina-fedoruk, K.V. Gorshkova, N.M. Shansky. – M.: Uchpedgiz. 1957
  5. Goncharova V.A. General and specific features of the formation of vocabulary in preschoolers with various speech disorders: author. dis. … cand. ped. Sciences / V.A. Goncharova. - St. Petersburg, 2002
  6. Kondratenko I.Yu. Formation of emotional vocabulary in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech: Monograph. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006.
  7. Levina R.E. Education of correct speech in children. / R.E. Levin. – M.: APN RSFSR, 1958.
  8. Tumanova T.V. Features of the formation of word-formation operations in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech: author. dis. … cand. ped. Sciences / T.V. Tumanov. - M .. 1997.
  9. Filicheva T.B. Speech underdevelopment in preschool children and ways to overcome it: author. dis. … cand. ped. Sciences / T.B. Filichev. - M., 174g.
  10. Filicheva T.B. Correctional training and education of 5-year-old children with general underdevelopment of speech / T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin. - M., 1991.
  11. Filicheva T.B. Psychological and pedagogical bases for the correction of OHP in children of preschool age // Defectology / T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin. - 1985. - No. 4.

Violations in the formation of vocabulary in children with OHP are manifested in limited vocabulary, a sharp discrepancy between the volume of active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate 22

the use of words, numerous verbal paraphasias, unformed semantic fields, difficulties in updating the dictionary.

In the works of many authors (V. K. Vorobieva, B. M. Grin-IIIpun, V. A. Kovshikov, N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, T. B. Filicheva, etc.) it is emphasized that children with OHP of various origins have a limited vocabulary. A characteristic feature for this group of children are significant individual differences, which are largely due to various pathogenesis (motor, sensory alalia, an erased form of dysarthria, dysarthria, delayed speech development, etc.).

One of the pronounced features of the speech of children with OHP is a more significant than normal discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary. Preschoolers with OHP understand the meaning of many words; the volume of their passive vocabulary is close to normal. However, the use of words in expressive speech, updating the dictionary cause great difficulties.

The poverty of the vocabulary is manifested, for example, in the fact that preschoolers with OHP, even at the age of 6, do not know many words: the names of berries (cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, lingonberries), fish, flowers (forget-me-not, violet, iris, aster), wild animals (boar, leopard), birds (stork, eagle owl), tools (planer, chisel), professions (painter, bricklayer, welder, worker, weaver, seamstress), parts of the body and parts of the object (thigh, foot, hand, elbow; cuff , headlight, body), etc.

Many children find it difficult to update words such as sheep, elk, donkey, rook, heron, dragonfly, grasshopper, pepper, lightning, thunder, felt boots, seller, hairdresser.

Particularly large differences between children with normal and impaired speech development are observed when the predicative vocabulary (verbs, adjectives) is updated. Preschoolers with OHP have difficulties in naming many adjectives used in the speech of their normally developing peers (narrow, sour, fluffy, smooth, square, etc.).

In the verbal vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP, words denoting actions that the child performs or observes daily (sleep, wash, wash, bathe, dress, walk, run, eat, drink, clean, etc.) predominate.

It is much more difficult to assimilate words of a generalized abstract meaning, words denoting a state, assessment, qualities, signs, etc.

Violation of the formation of vocabulary in these children is expressed in ignorance of many words, and in the difficulties of finding a well-known word, in violation of the actualization of the passive dictionary.

A characteristic feature of the vocabulary of children with OHP is the inaccuracy of the use of the word, which is expressed in verbal paraphrases. Manifestations of inaccuracy or misuse of the layers and speech of children with ONR are diverse.

In some cases, children use the elephant in an overly broad sense, in others, an overly narrow understanding of the meaning of the word is manifested. Sometimes children with OHP use the word only in a certain situation, the word is not put into context when speaking in other situations. Thus, the understanding and use of the word is still situational.

Among the numerous verbal paraphasias in these children, the most common are substitutions of words belonging to the same semantic field.

Among the substitutions of nouns, substitutions of words included in one generic concept prevail (elk - deer, tiger - lion, rook - magpie, magpie - jackdaw, swallow - seagull, wasp - bee, melon - pumpkin, lemon - orange, lily of the valley - tulip, frying pan - a saucepan, spring - autumn, a sugar bowl - a teapot, a birdhouse - a nest, eyelashes - eyebrows, etc.).

Substitutions of adjectives indicate that children do not distinguish essential features, do not differentiate the qualities of objects. Common are, for example, such substitutions: high - long, low - small, narrow - small, narrow - thin, short - small, fluffy - soft. Adjectives are replaced due to the non-differentiation of signs of size, height, width, thickness.

In the substitutions of verbs, attention is drawn to the inability of children to differentiate some actions, which in some cases leads to the use of verbs of a more general, undifferentiated meaning (crawls - walks, coos - sings, chirps - sings, etc.)

Along with the mixing of words according to generic relations, there are also replacements of words based on other semantic features:

a) mixing of words in children with OHP is carried out on the basis of similarity on the basis of functional purpose:

bowl - plate, broom - brush,

mug - glass, watering can - teapot,

decanter bottle;

b) replacement of words denoting objects that are outwardly similar:

sundress - apron, shower fountain,

T-shirt - shirt, window sill - shelf;

c) replacement of words denoting objects united by a common situation:

skating rink - ice, hanger - coat;

d) mixing words denoting part and whole:

collar - dress, locomotive - train,

body - car, elbow - hand,

window sill;

e) replacement of generalizing concepts with words of a specific meaning:

shoes - shoes, dishes - plates,

flowers - daisies, clothes - sweaters;

f) the use of phrases in the process of searching for a word:

bed - to sleep, brush - brush your teeth,

locomotive - train without windows, stove - gas burns,

flowerbed - they dig the ground, the spinning top toy is spinning;

g) replacement of words denoting actions or objects with nouns:

open - a door, play - a doll, or vice versa, replacing nouns with a verb:

the medicine is to hurt, the bed is to sleep,

plane - fly.

Cases of semantic substitutions are noted in children with OHP and at school age.

Verb substitutions are especially persistent:

forges - threshes,

ironing - ironing,

mows the grass - cuts the grass,

washes clothes - washes clothes,

knits - sews, bathes - washes.

Some verb substitutions reflect the inability of children to single out essential signs of action, on the one hand, and non-essential ones, on the other, and also to highlight shades of meaning.

The process of searching for a word is carried out not only on the basis of semantic features, but also on the basis of the sound image of the word. Having singled out the meaning in layers, the child correlates this meaning with a certain sound image, sorting through the pop-up sound images of words in his mind. In the process of searching for them, due to insufficient fixation of its meaning and sound, a word is selected that is similar in sound, but with a different meaning

A wardrobe is a scarf, a compass is a circus, a mower is a cashier, a train is a belt, a peach is a pepper, a kennel is a holster, a bun is a ball, a bunch of grapes is a grape bush.

Characteristic for children with ONR is the variability of lexical substitutions, which indicates a greater preservation of auditory control than pronunciation, kinesthetic images of words. On the basis of auditory images of words, the child tries to reproduce the correct version of the sound of the word.

In children with normal speech development, the word search process is very fast, automation. In children with OHP, unlike the norm, this process is carried out very slowly, extensively, and not automated enough. During the implementation of this process, associations of a different nature have a distracting effect. (semantic, sound).

Verbal paraphasias are also due to insufficient formation of semantic fields, structuring of one semantic field, and highlighting its core and periphery. Violations of the dictionary actualization in preschoolers with OHP are also manifested in distortions of the sound structure of the word (tractor driver - tractor driver, meows - meows, cackles - cackles).

Violations in the development of vocabulary in children with OHP are also manifested in the later formation of lexical consistency, the organization of semantic fields, and the qualitative originality of these processes.

As in the norm, children 7-8 years old with OHP also undergo qualitative changes in the ratio of syntagmatic and paradigmatic reactions. If at 5-6 years the number of syntagmatic associations significantly exceeds the number of paradigmatic associations, then at 7 years of age paradigmatic associations prevail over syntagmatic ones. However, this predominance in children with OHP is not as significant as in children with normal speech development. At the age of 7, in children with normal speech development, paradigmatic associations occur almost 3 times more often than syntagmatic ones, and in children with speech pathology only 1.5 times more often. It is important that normally by the age of 7 paradigmatic associations become dominant among all other types of associations. In children with OHP, by the age of 7–8, paradigmatic associations do not become dominant and account for only 25% of all associations. This indicates that the process of isolating the core (center) and periphery of the semantic field in children with speech pathology is significantly delayed.

The quantitative dynamics of random associations also speaks about the immaturity of the semantic field in children with speech disorders. Even by the age of 7-8 in children with speech pathology, random associations are very common, dominant, although their number decreases with age. In children with normal speech development, by the age of 7-8, random associations turn out to be single.

Children with OHP also have some peculiarities in the dynamics of syntagmatic associations. In children with normal speech development, a sharp increase in syntagmatic reactions occurs by the age of 6. By the age of 7, the same sharp decrease in their number is observed. In children with speech disorders, a sharp increase in syntagmatic reactions is observed by the age of 7, which is probably due to a delay in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Thus, in children 5-8 years old with OHP, there is a parallel increase in syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations, while in children with normal speech development, the opposite pattern is noted after 6 years: a sharp increase in paradigmatic associations and a significant decrease in syntagmatic associations.

In children 5-6 years old, all paradigmatic associations are in the nature of analogy, similarity ( cat dog, table chair). . By the age of 7, paradigmatic associations in all groups of children become more diverse, they also arise on the basis of the values ​​of opposition (high-low, good-bad, speaks-is silent) and generic relations (tree-birch, dishes-cups). In children with OHP, however, associations and analogies remain predominant (75%), while in children with normal speech development, by the age of 7, opposition relations begin to predominate. Consequently, the differentiation of relationships within the semantic field in a child with speech pathology has certain features.

Thus, in children with OHP, there is a delay in the formation of semantic fields in comparison with the norm. The organization of semantic fields in children with ONR has specific features, the main of which are the following.

1. Associations in children with speech pathology, to a greater extent than in children with normal speech development, are unmotivated, random.

2. The most difficult link in the formation of semantic fields in children with speech disorders is the selection of the center (core) of the semantic field and its structural organization.

3. Children with OHP have a small volume of the semantic field, which is manifested in a limited number of semantic connections. So, in paradigmatic associations in children with speech pathology, analogy relations predominate. Relations of opposition, generic relations are rare. At the same time, in children with normal speech development, attitudes of opposition to 7 years old make up the majority of all paradigmatic associations.

4. The latent period of the reaction to the slot "seim and v of children with speech disorders is much longer than normal: in children with normal speech development up to 10 seconds, in children with speech pathology - up to 40 seconds.

The formation of lexical consistency, semantic fields is manifested not only in the nature of the seal-i.pi h associations, but also in the features of the classification of words based on semantic features.

So, when performing the task “find an extra word in a series of words” (for example, in a series of words apple, beetroot, pear, orange) children with normal speech development do not have difficulties.

As for children with OHP, even performing tasks for grouping words that are semantically distant causes certain difficulties for some of them. So, for example, in the task “name an extra word from the series tiger, plate, cati; a* Sveta M. (6 years old) calls a word superfluous tiger, since he is not in the house, but in the circus. Zhenya S. calls the word superfluous tiger,"because all this is at home, and the tiger is in the forest."

The tasks for grouping semantically close words are accompanied by an even greater number of errors.

So, when grouping nouns, preschoolers with OHP often do not single out a common conceptual feature, but carry out a classification based on the generality of the situation, the functional purpose. At the same time, in a number of cases, children do not accurately imagine the image of a denotative situation. Some examples of children's answers: "Magpie, butterfly, starling - an extra word magpie, since the magpie does not fly, but sits on a bush”; "Plate, table, glass - an extra word plate, they eat from it, but not from the rest ”or“ an extra word cup, he's made of glass.

Even with correct execution tasks, children with OHP often explain their choice on the basis of situational signs:

"Wolf, dog, fox - an extra word dog, because dogs do not walk in the forest”;

"Birch, cloud, tree - an extra word cloud, it is the sky, and the other is not the sky.”

The answers of children with speech pathology reflect their fuzzy ideas about generic relations, difficulties in differentiating concepts vegetables, fruits, birds, insects(lemon, beetroot, apple - an extra word Apple, This is a fruit and the rest are vegetables).

Even more difficulties arise for preschoolers with OHP when grouping semantically close adjectives. So, children with OHP often make mistakes when choosing an extra word from a series: short, long, small (short); high, small, low (low); big, low, ma-

lazy (small); round, large, oval (oval), heavy, long, easy(heavy IMLI light)

These examples indicate inaccurate meanings of words short, long, high, low, about the difficulties of grouping on the basis of an essential attribute. This confirms the lack of formation of semantic fields, insufficient development of the ability to compare words by their meaning.

Tasks for grouping adjectives also reveal the strategy. which prevails in grouping (analogy or opposition).

Studies show that in a six-year-old child with normal speech development, the strategy of opposition prevails over the strategy of analogy (10:1). In children with speech disorders, there is no obvious predominance of the opposing strategy (the ratio is approximately 1:1). It can be assumed that opposition as a significant semantic operation causes significant difficulties in children with speech pathology and is assimilated by them later than normal.

The grouping of verbs causes the greatest difficulties in children with OHP. Children with OHP often choose the wrong extra word in such, for example, a series of words: ran up, went out, came up (came up); stands, grows, sits (sits); walks, blooms, runs (walks or runs).

These data indicate a more significant lack of formation of the structure of the meaning of verbs, the impossibility of identifying common features when grouping verbs. In tasks for grouping verbs, it is also revealed which morphemes children rely on when performing these tasks. Studies show that when grouping verbs, preschoolers with normal and impaired development are based on the lexical (root) meaning of the word. Cases of combining verbs on the basis of common features are few and are observed in children with normal development.

Features of antonymy and synonymy in preschoolers with OHP

The relationship of antonymy and synonymy characterizes relationships within the semantic field. In this regard, the study of antonymy and synonymy makes it possible to identify special

features of the organization of the core of the semantic field, the accuracy of the meaning of the word.

The fulfillment of tasks for the selection of antonyms and synonyms requires a sufficient volume of the dictionary, the formation of the semantic field in which the given word is included, the ability to single out the main differential semantic feature in the structure of the meaning of the word, to compare words according to the essential semantic feature. These tasks are successfully completed only if the process of searching for a word of the opposite or the same meaning is active. The correct search for a word is carried out only when a certain synonymic or antonymic series has been formed and systematized in the child.

According to the definition of O. S. Akhmanova, “antonyms are words that have a qualitative feature in their meaning and therefore are able to be opposed to each other as opposite in meaning” (Akhmanova O. S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. M., 1969. S. 50).

Antonymically opposed can be nouns, the meaning of which includes any quality or relationship (friend - enemy, grief - joy), quality adjectives that characterize the spatial, temporal, evaluative, and other signs of objects and phenomena, as well as verbs and adverbs.

If children with normal speech development experience difficulties in selecting antonyms and synonyms only for individual words, then preschoolers with OHP have errors in selecting antonyms and synonyms for the vast majority of words.

At the same time, in children with OHP, a diverse nature of errors in the selection of antonyms is observed. Instead of antonyms, children with OHP pick up:

a) words that are semantically close to the alleged antonym of the same part of speech (day - evening, fast - quiet);

b) words that are semantically close, including antonymous, to the intended antonym, but of a different part of speech (fast - slower, slow; grief - fun; high - low; far - closer);

c) stimulus words with a particle not(take - do not take, talk - do not talk, far - not far, noise - not noise, no noise);

d) words that are situationally close to the original writing (speak - sing, laugh, high - far);

e) the form of the stimulus word (speak - speaks);

f) words connected by syntagmatic links with words-stimuli (raise - higher);

g) synonyms (take - take away).

Thus, in preschoolers with OHP, the systemic relationships between the lexical units of the language are not sufficiently formed. It is possible to single out a whole range of difficulties that lead to incorrect performance of tasks:

    difficulties in identifying significant differential semantic features, on the basis of which the meaning of words is contrasted;

    underdevelopment of mental operations of comparison and generalization;

    insufficient activity of the elephant search process;

    unformed semantic fields within the lexical system of the language;

    instability of paradigmatic connections within the lexical system of the language;

    the limited volume of the dictionary, which makes it difficult to choose the right word.

In the process of searching for a word, children with OHP often lose the purpose of the task, oppose words to but insignificant, situational features. As a result, children often reproduce words that are not opposite in meaning, but others that are semantically close to the antonymous word, which indicates the inability to highlight the essential feature of the original word. A characteristic mistake of children with speech pathology is the reproduction of words of a different grammatical category. In a number of cases, children reproduce an adjective on the word-stimulus noun, and an adverb on the word stimulus adjective, which indicates about insufficient differentiation of categorical meaning layers.

One of the complex problems of speech ontogenesis is the problem of the formation of synonymy.

Synonyms (equivalent to elephants), by definition by O.S. Akhmanova, are those members of the thematic group that belong to the same part of speech and coincide in meaning and use. 32

Preschoolers of 6 years of age, in most cases, correctly select synonyms for words they are familiar with, make only single mistakes.

At the same time, all children with speech pathology of the same age make mistakes in the selection of synonyms. In a large number of cases, children refuse to answer.

Preschoolers with normal speech development often update several synonyms for 1 stimulus word (fighter - soldier, warrior, knight; faithful - correct, good; street - avenue, lane), which indicates the beginning of mastering the polysemy of the word.

Children with OHP, as a rule, reproduce only one synonym per stimulus word (fighter - soldier, festive - beautiful, street - avenue).

In this case, a variety of errors are observed. Instead of synonyms, children with ONR reproduce:

a) semantically close words, often situationally similar (park - zoo, festive - spring, street - road, hurry - run, go fast);

b) words that are opposite in meaning, sometimes a repetition of the original word with a particle not(huge - small, faithful - not faithful, doctor - not a doctor, walk - do not walk, walk - stand);

c) words similar in sound (building - creation, park - desk);

d) words connected with the stimulus word by syntagmatic connections (the street is beautiful);

e) forms of the original word or related words (fighter - battle, festive - holiday, joyful - joyfully).

In tasks for the selection of synonyms in children with speech pathology, the same difficulties are revealed as in the selection of antonyms: limited vocabulary, difficulties in updating the dictionary, inability to identify significant semantic features in the structure of the meaning of a word, to compare the meanings of words on the basis of a single semantic feature.

One of the most essential methods of studying the structure of the meaning of a word is to explain the meaning of the word. The nature of the explanation of the meaning of the word reveals the ratio of the conceptual and denotative components in the structure of the meaning of the word, reflects the level intellectual development child, because "the stock of concepts, the nature of these concepts, the way

their use is indubitably connected with the height of the intellectual development of the child and are, to a certain extent, its indicators. (Sakharov L. S. On the methods of studying concepts //Psychology. M., 1930. T III. Issue. I.C.4).

A. A. Leontiev suggested different psycholinguistic nature of learning nouns, adjectives and verbs. The trends in understanding the meaning of nouns, adjectives and verbs are fundamentally different.

When explaining the meaning of a noun, the dominant way is synonymization, i.e. selection of synonyms. In the future, as the meaning of the word develops, the exact explanation of the meaning (definition) becomes predominant, i.e., the definition of the meaning of the word through its concretization by highlighting the main semantic features. Such ways of explaining the meaning of a word, such as inclusion in the context, explanation with the help of single-root words, are rarely used.

When explaining the meaning of adjectives, synonymization is also the dominant method. This strategy is used more than when defining nouns. Often used by children and the strategy of putting the adjective into context. One way to explain is to determine the meaning of the elephant using the same root words.

When explaining the meaning of verbs, children use a different strategy. The predominant way is to include the verb in the context. In the future, the children move on to the true definition, i.e., the definition of the meaning of the elephant through concretization based on the main semantic features.

Studies of the explanation of the meanings of nouns show that the ways of explaining nouns of a general nature and specific nouns are different for preschoolers.

The explanation of the meaning of generalizing nouns by preschoolers is carried out using the following methods:

    enumeration of words included in the semantic field. For example: "Vegetables are tomatoes, cucumbers." This way of defining a value is called instantiation;

    determination of the meaning of the word through the description of the location of the denotation. For example: "Vegetables - grow in the garden";

    a description of the external signs of the denotation, for example: length, size, aroma, taste, an indication of what it is made of (furniture - made of wood);

    definition of meaning through the naming of denotation functions. For example: “Dishes - you can eat from it; dishes - designed to cook and eat";

    explanation of meaning through subsuming under a generalized, more global representation (without indicating differential features). For example: "Flowers are plants";

    a true explanation of the meaning of the word, indicating the semantic field and the differential features of the word that distinguish it from other words of this semantic field. For example: "A tree is a large plant with a trunk";

7) description of the parts of the denotation. For example: "A tree is a trunk with leaves."

An analysis of the ways in which a word is defined makes it possible to single out those semantic features that are included by children in the structure of the word's meaning and to which children primarily orient themselves when explaining the meaning of a word. These are the differential features on the basis of which the search for a word is carried out in the process of its use.

Two groups of such signs can be distinguished.

Group 1 - denotative signs. This group can include situational signs of the denotation (its location), external signs that are directly characteristic of the denotation, and functional signs of the denotation.

2nd group - lexico-semantic features, determined by word connections, the place of the word in the lexical system, the semantic field. This group may include the association of the word with more general concept without indication of differential features, as well as the allocation of a semantic field with an indication of differential features, i.e. a true definition.

When comparing the ways of explaining the meaning of a word by children with normal and impaired speech development, various ways definitions of the word, which indicates a different structure of the meaning of the word in these children. Children without speech impairments when explaining the meaning

words use denotative signs. mini, in a small number of cases. At the same time, in a child with OFII, the use of denotative features in defining a word is the dominant method of explanation.

Significant differences are observed in the strategy based on the allocation of situational signs of denotation: in children without speech disorders, this method is used only in isolated cases, in children with ONR it makes up almost a fourth of all answers. The strategy of explaining the meaning of pilaf through the description of external, insignificant signs of denotation in children with ONR is observed 9 times more often than in children with normal speech development.

Thus, when explaining the meaning of a word, children with OHP mainly use denotative features, which indicates their predominance in the structure of the meaning of even generalizing words.

Lexico-semantic features are used to explain the meaning of a word only by a small number of children with OHP. Children with normal speech development use these signs in the vast majority of cases.

When determining specific nouns, preschoolers of 6 years old use the following methods of explanation:

    explanation of the meaning of the word through a generalizing concept, but without indicating a differential feature. For example: "An apple is a fruit";

    the definition of a word through a generalizing concept, but with an indication of some differential features. For example: "Beetroot is a red vegetable";

    explanation of the meaning of the word with the help of a description of the functional attribute of the denotation. For example: "Plates - they eat on it";

    definition of the word cherva description of the external signs of the denotation. For example: “Apple - grows on trees”, “Apple is round”.

However, the ratio of these methods of explanation in children with normal and impaired speech development is different.

Thus, for all preschool children of 6 years of age, when explaining the meanings of specific nouns, the method of description with the help of a generic concept prevails,

i.e., there is a correlation of the given bishop with. a certain semantic field, but the differential features are not indicated. The use of differential features that characterize the exact meaning of the word is not noted at all in children with ONR. In children with normal speech development, this way of explaining the meaning of a word already takes place.

Children with OHP more often than children with normal speech development explain the meaning of a word through a functional sign of denotation. At the same time, children with OHP often use the description of external, non-essential features of the object.

When explaining the meaning of adjectives, preschoolers of the age of six use the following ways of explaining the meaning.

1. The inclusion of an adjective in the context, i.e., the reproduction of a syntagmatic connection (adjective - noun). For example: "small - chicken, round - ball."

At the same time, the children gave the name of various objects to the stimulus word (adjective): a) they named an object that always has a given feature (round - a ball), b) reproduced the name of an object for which this feature is not mandatory (high - a bush).

2. Definition using another adjective:

a) semantically close (high - long),

b) significantly different in semantics (low - wide).

    Using an antonym with a particle not(short - short).

    Explanation of the meaning of the word with the help of single-root words (round circle, semicircle), word form (long - long).

    Definition of the word through the description of the situation (easy - can be worn).

6. "True definition" with the allocation of the main differential feature (heavy - weighs a lot, light - weighs little).

7. Random associations and refusals to complete the task.

In most cases, 6-year-old preschoolers, when explaining the meaning of an adjective, reproduce syntagmatic connections, i.e., include an adjective

into context. As a definition of the meaning of the adjective, children give the name of the object with which they use the adjective in the process of verbal communication, the phrase of the adjective with the noun.

At the same time, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the ways in which adjectives are explained by children with normal and impaired speech development are not the same. Children without speech disorders have more high level formation of the structure of the meaning of the adjective. So, only in children with normal speech development, a “true definition” is observed, that is, an accurate explanation of the meaning of a word based on the isolation of a significant differential feature (heavy - weighs a lot, light - weighs little). At the same time, not a single case of using this method of explanation by children with OHP has been identified.

When determining the meaning of adjectives, preschoolers actualize not only syntagmatic (round - ball), but also paradigmatic connections (high - low). However, children without speech disorders use this method much more often. At the same time, children without speech disorders most often use adjectives that are similar in semantics. Preschoolers with speech impairment also use adjectives that are semantically distant (low - different).

Using syntagmatic connections, children with speech disorders mainly name an object that always has a given feature (round - a ball, small - a chicken). Preschoolers with OHP most often name an object for which this sign is not constant (small - closet).

When explaining the meaning of an adjective, children with OHP sometimes reproduce random associations, which is not observed in children without speech disorders.

When explaining the meaning of adjectives, preschoolers of 6 years old also use antonyms. However, if children with normal speech development use antonyms with negation (light - non-severe), then children with OIIP in some cases reproduce the antonym without negation (heavy light), i.e. they lose the purpose of the task and switch to associations.

When explaining the meaning of verbs, preschoolers of 6 years of age use the following methods:

1) explanation of the meaning through inclusion in the context (to go - by car);

2) synonymization, i.e., the reproduction of verbs that are similar in semantics (go - walk, swim - swim).

3) interpretation of the word by concretizing the action (run - walk quickly);

4) the use of other grammatical forms (climb - climb);

    random answers (run - fight);

The predominant way of explaining the meaning of a verb is by context. Children with ONR very rarely use other strategies. So, these children rarely use other forms of the verb. At the same time, children without speech disorders use this method quite often. This fact can be explained by the underdevelopment of verb inflection in children with speech disorders. Significant differences are also observed in the use of the "true definition", i.e., the interpretation of the word through the concretization of the action, its description. Children without speech disorders use this method many times more often than children with ONR. In children without speech pathology, random answers and refusals do not occur, while not in children with ONR, they make up a large percentage.

When contextually explaining the meaning of a verb, it is interesting to trace the context in which the original verb is included. Predominant in all children is the reproduction of the object (carry - a bag, vegetables, products). In second place in terms of prevalence is the addition of a locative (to go - to the dacha, to go - to the attic). Children without speech disorders often reproduce the mode of action (walk - on foot). At the same time, such explanations are not found in children with OHP, which indicates the insufficient formation of syntagmatic connections, as well as the valency of the verb.

Analysis of the explanation of the meaning of the word by children with normal and impaired speech development allows us to draw the following conclusions.

    In preschool children of 6 years of age, differences are revealed in explaining the meaning of nouns, adjectives and verbs.

    In children with OHP, there are deviations in the ratio of denotative and lexico-semantic components of meaning, in particular, a more significant predominance of denotative

notative features over lexical-semantic, and at the same time, a more limited use of syntagmatic links.

3. In children of 6 years of age, semantic fields begin to organize, but differentiation within the semantic field has not yet been formed. Children without speech disorders show signs of such differentiation. In children with OHP, there is no clear differentiation of the element of the semantic field.


The development of the grammatical structure in ontogenesis is described in the works of many authors: A. N. Gvozdev, "G. 11. Ushakova, A. M. Shakhnarovich, D. B. Elkonin, etc.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech (inflection, syntactic structure of a sentence) is carried out only on the basis of a certain level of cognitive drinking of the child. So, when forming an inflection, a child must first of all be able to differentiate grammatical meanings (meanings of gender, number, case, etc.), since before starting to use a linguistic form, the child must understand what it means. When forming the grammatical structure of speech, the child must learn a complex system of grammatical patterns based on the analysis of the speech of others, the allocation of general grammar rules at a practical level, generalization of these rules and fixing them in their own speech.

The development of the morphological and syntactic systems of language in a child occurs in close interaction. The appearance of new word forms contributes to the complication of the sentence structure, and vice versa, the use of a certain sentence structure in oral speech simultaneously reinforces the grammatical forms of words.

In the works of A. N. Gvozdev, taking into account the close interaction of the morphological and syntactic systems of the language, the following periods of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech are distinguished.

I period - the period of sentences consisting of amorphous words-roots (from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 10 months). This period includes 2 stages:

    stage of a one-word sentence,

    stage of sentences from several words-roots,

1st stage of the 1st period (Yy. 3 months - 1 year 8 months). At this short-term stage, the child uses the pouring of individual words as a sentence (single-word sentences). In the speech of the child, there are only a small number of words that he uses to express his desires, needs, impressions. At the same time, to clarify the meaning of his statement, the child often uses gestures and intonation. The first words that a child uses do not have a specific grammatical form, they are amorphous root words. In different sentences, they are used in the same sound design, without change.

The main part of the words are nouns denoting the names of persons, objects, onomatopoeia (boom, bi-bi, mu, meow), babble words (di, moko).

2nd stage of the 1st period. (1 year 8 months - 1 year 10 months) - the stage of sentences from several words-roots.

At this stage, the child combines in one statement, first 2, then 3 words, i.e., a phrase appears in the child’s speech. There is no grammatical connection between the words. The child combines words in a statement, linking them only. intonation, the generality of the situation. In this case, words are used in sentences in the same amorphous, unchanging form. Nouns are used either in the nominative singular, or in a truncated, distorted, invariable form. Verbs are presented either in the indefinite form or in the form of the 2nd person singular imperative (dai, nisi, pat). An analysis of children's utterances at this stage shows that children catch from the speech of those around them only the general content, the general meaning of the word, expressed in its lexical basis. The formal-sign means of the language are not differentiated, they remain outside the sphere of its perception. So, when perceiving various forms of words (home, home, home, home, etc.), the child perceives pouring general part these words (house).

When combining amorphous root words, the child does not yet set and cannot solve the problem of choosing the desired grammatical form and uses the same form of the word in various phrases.

II period - the period of assimilation of the grammatical structure of the sentence (1 year 10 months - 3 years). This period consists of three stages:

    the stage of formation of the first forms of layers (I year 10 months -2 years 1 month);

    the stage of using the inflectional system of the language to express the syntactic relations of the elephant (2 d 1 month 2 years 6 months);

    the stage of assimilation of function words to express syntactic relations (2 years 6 months - 3 years).

The 1st stage of the II period is characterized by the appearance of the first forms of words. At this stage of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, children begin to notice a different relationship between words in a sentence.

In contrast to the previous stage, at which the words of the elephant were used in the same, unchanging form, at this stage the child begins to use various forms of the same word in speech.

The first grammatical forms of nouns are the following: the nominative singular and plural forms with the endings ы-, -и- (phonetically always -and- due to the softening of consonants), forms of the accusative case with the ending -u-(kisu, doll), sometimes genitive forms appear with the ending ы (no kitty), the ending -е- to indicate the place (tole instead of on the table), but the preposition is not used.

The first grammatical forms of verbs are: the imperative mood of the 2nd person singular (go, carry, give), formulas of the 3rd person singular of the present tense (without alternation in the stem) (sit, sleep g), reflexive and irrevocable verbs .

By the age of 2, adjectives appear, more often in the form of the nominative case, masculine or feminine, but without agreement with nouns.

Thus, in the child's speech, the first grammatical relations between words begin to be indicated: the agreement of nouns in the nominative case of the singular with the verb of the indicative mood (matik plays), some forms of verb control (dai kisu). However, in the speech of the child there are a large number of agrammatisms.

At this stage, there is an expansion of the sentence structure to 3-4 words (Tanya plays the cookie).

2nd stage of the II period - the stage of using the system of inflections to express the connections of words (from 2 years 1 month to 2 years 6 months).

Inflection in the Russian language is characterized by a wide variety of inflections, which are systematized during formation into various types of declensions of names and conjugations of verbs. Due to the complexity of the flexion system, the child cannot simultaneously learn all forms of inflection.

The sequence of mastering the grammatical forms of words by the child is determined by the semantic function and frequency of use in the speech of others.

The general tendency of children's speech is the initial assimilation of the most frequent inflections. For a certain time, children use only one, the most productive ending, which A. N. Gvozdev calls "dominant." Other variants of endings expressing the same grammatical meaning are absent in speech, are forced out, they are replaced by productive inflections. So, the forms of nouns in the genitive plural have several endings: -oe-, zero ending, -her-, among which the ending -oe- is a productive inflection. In this regard, for a long time in the speech of children, there are replacements of unproductive inflections with the ending -oh-(many spoons, knives). The more inflections are used in the language to express the same grammatical meaning, the more difficult it is to learn these forms.

A characteristic feature of children's speech at this stage is the desire to unify the basis of various forms of the word. Initially, there is an unambiguous connection of the root and inflection, which is expressed in the absence of alternation, fluency of vowels, suppletivism (hammer, left, people).

Thus, at the initial stage, the child learns the most general, most productive rules of form formation (the system, according to E. Koseriu, S. N. Zeitlin), later masters particular rules, exceptions to the general rule (the norm of the language), differentiation occurs within the language system.

At this stage, there are still many grammatical inaccuracies in children's speech. Some inflections are replaced by others, but within the same grammatical meaning.

Among the grammatical forms of nouns, non-prepositional forms of indirect cases are intensified: accusative, genitive, instrumental.

In the speech of children, differentiation of the singular and plural forms of verbs of the indicative mood is observed, the change in persons (except for the 2nd person plural) is assimilated, the forms of the present and past tense are distinguished, but in the past tense the forms of masculine, feminine and neuter are still mixed.

The inflection of adjectives has not yet been mastered; in the speech of children, both correct and incorrect agreement of the adjective with the noun is observed. In the plural, adjectives are used correctly only in the nominative case. In some cases, adjectives are used after nouns. Personal pronouns are already learned. In the oral speech of children at this stage, some semantically simple prepositions appear: in, on, at, with, but their use does not always correspond to the language norm, there are replacements of prepositions, a mixture of endings.

There is an expansion and complication of the sentence structure up to 5-8 words, there are complex sentences, first non-union, then compound sentences with conjunctions.

3rd stage of the II period - the stage of assimilation of functional words for expressing syntactic relations (from 2 years 6 months to 3 years). A characteristic feature of normal speech development is that the assimilation of prepositions occurs only after the assimilation of the main most functional grammatical elements of the language - inflections.

At the initial stages of speech development, there are no prepositions in children's speech (on the table - roofing felt). But this period is not long. Having learned to isolate and use inflection, the child then introduces into this construction the missing third element - a preposition, expressing the lexico-grammatical meaning with the help of a preposition and inflection.

At this stage, the child correctly uses simple prepositions and many conjunctions, but when using more

More complex prepositions (because of, from under) agrammatisms are observed.

The assimilation of more particular rules of inflection continues, including the differentiation of the morphological system of declension of nouns (the assimilation of plural endings: -ov, -ami, -ah, case endings of the nominative plural: -a, -ia(horns,

At this stage, the agreement of adjectives with nouns in indirect cases is fixed.

In the speech of children at this stage, there is a further development of complex and complex sentences, many functional words are assimilated.

Thus, many grammatical forms are basically assimilated. However, the morphological system of the language has not yet been fully assimilated.

III period - the period of further assimilation of the morphological system (from 3 to 7 years).

During this period, the child systematizes grammatical forms according to the types of declension and conjugation, learns many single forms, exceptions. During this period, the free use of morphological elements (word creation) is significantly reduced, since the child masters not only the general rules of grammar, but also more specific rules, a system of "filters" imposed on the use of general rules.

In the speech of children under 4 years old, sometimes there are still cases of a fixed stress during inflection (on to on), a tendency to unify the stem (peni, leva). After 4 years, this kind of occasionalisms disappear from children's speech, only violations of alternation in the stems of the verb (I'll pay) remain. The agreement of an adjective with a noun in indirect cases, verb control is assimilated.

Thus, by school age, the child has basically mastered the entire complex system of practical grammar. This level of practical knowledge of the language is very high, which allows the child at school age to move on to understanding grammatical patterns when learning the Russian language.





Diploma on the topic:

Formation of vocabulary in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech

Moscow? 2013


The relevance of research. God? That? I and developed? I speech contributes to the full communication of people with each other. It is quite obvious that deviations in the development of speech cannot but affect? life and development of the child?. At present, the number of children with general speech underdevelopment, who have an insufficiently formed vocabulary, is constantly increasing, which, in turn, prevents the formation of coherent speech, hinders the development of written language, violating the full preparation for schooling.

Is the child's speech well developed? preschool age? hundred? is an important condition for successful schooling. One of the main tasks of teaching children with speech disorders is the practical assimilation of the lexical means of the language. Emotion? Flax? I vocabulary? is part of the lexicon? and contributes to a more accurate understanding and description of moods, feelings, experiences of a person?, a better assessment of ongoing events, huh? as well as solving communicative problems (N.D. A? Rutyunova?, Ch.A. Izmailov, D.M. Shmelev).

One of the most important problems in general and special psychology is the development of speech. Is it because she? plays a huge role in human life?. Developing speech acts in the beginning as a means of communication, designation, in the future it becomes an instrument of thinking and expressing thoughts, organizes human activity and behavior? (L.S. Vygotsky, 1983; A?.V.Za? Porozhets, 1980; A?.R. Luria, 1956; L.S. Tsvetkova?, 1972, etc.).

If normally a child learns to change words? and it is correct to use them in phrases and sentences in conditions of constant communication with others, then a child with speech pathology has limited opportunities for mastering grammatical categories and forms? the basis of direct imitation of the speech of others. To succeed? in their assimilation, he needs special learning conditions, where much attention is paid to the formation of the lexical side of speech.

In the scientific literature, the problem has been repeatedly investigated? development of the lexical system in children with speech pathology (V.P. Glukhov, N.S. Zhukova?, I.Yu. Kondra?tenko, R.I. Lala?eva?, L.V. Lopa Tina, E.M. Mastyukova, N.V. Serebryakova, T.V. Tumanova, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, etc.). In the studies, the features of the development of the vocabulary of children in this category were highlighted. We have developed methodological recommendations that contribute to the formation of vocabulary in children with speech disorders.

In the monograph of I.Yu. Kondra?tenko presented the main directions and methodology? speech therapy work on the formation of vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech of older preschool age.

In recent years, the attention of scientists has been attracted by the problem? the use of visual models in corrective and developmental education of children with speech disorders (V.M. A?kimenko, I.Yu. Kondra?tenko). Scientists argue that the use of models can improve the quality of education and upbringing of children with speech pathology. Scientific research confirms that it is visual models that are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is available? children of preschool age? hundred? (L.A. Wenger, L.M. Fridman and others).

Timely? I and systematic? I logopedic? I help allows you to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech. That is why it is necessary to know the features of the development of children with general underdevelopment of speech and how these features affect? development of children's speech, huh? it is also important to determine the methods of corrective work to improve the quality of speech, including vocabulary, in such children. Is the relevance of work determined? the need for a search? effective ways of forming vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech. The study of vocabulary is no less relevant at the present time, due to its significance for speech development in general, huh? also for the process? communication and development of cognitive activity of children with ONR.

Object of research: the process of formation of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP.

Subject of research: features of the formation of the lexical side of speech in children with ONR.

On the? on the basis of a? on? lisa? studied literature? rounds was? defined? goal of the work.

Purpose: To develop a system of games and activities that contribute to the formation of vocabulary in children of older preschool age? with a general lack of speech development.

Hypothesis?. The success of correctional and speech therapy work on the formation of vocabulary in children with ONR depends on the formation of the complex? corrective measures and involves the formation in children of the ability to plan their own utterance, independently orient themselves in the face of the complexity of differentiating words, sounds, independently determine the content of their statements.

Formation of the complex? correctional measures are influenced by the inclusion of language ability in correctional and speech therapy work with children with general speech underdevelopment.

In accordance with the purpose and subject of the study, the following tasks were formulated:

and? analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of research;

study of medical-psychological-pedagogical documentation of children;

conducting observations, ascertaining experiments;

experimental study of research materials and interpretation of its results using methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis.

The theoretical basis of the study was the work of R.I. La?la?eva, Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. on the study of children with general speech underdevelopment.

The methodological basis of the study was the work of E.A. Zemskoy, V.N. Nemchenko on the development of children's speech; Z.N. Repina on the study and research of children's speech; methodological techniques, developed by V.P. Glukhov, T.A?. Tka?chenko, I.Yu. Kondra?tenko.

The organization of the study was carried out on? ba?ze on? ba? Ze Kuzyaevsky kindergarten? Yes? No. 44.

The experiment involved 20 preschool children aged 5-6 years with OHP level 3.

To solve the set tasks and test the hypothesis put forward, the following research methods were used:

the study of literature? rounds on the topic of research; research; empirical methods: analysis of medical and pedagogical documentation; conversation?, observation, ascertaining, teaching and control experiments;

quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data of ascertaining and control experiments, statistical analysis of the results of experimental training.

Theoretical significance.

Theoretically substantiated? on?, work? and a? testing? on? differentiated? nna? I technique? formation of vocabulary in children with ONR (level 3), taking into account the ontogenetic course? development, structure of the primary defect? and individual abilities of children.

In the study, yes? characteristic? the state of the lexical side of speech of preschoolers with OHP (level 3). Doka?for?on? the effectiveness of the methodological system of techniques using additional visual supports, implemented in speech therapy work with children with ONR (level 3) for mastering the correct lexical processes.

The practical significance of the work was? in obtaining data that are important for the development of methods of corrective influence in the study of the characteristics of vocabulary in preschool children? with OHP level 3.

Chapter? 1. Historical and theoretical review of the literature on the problem of the formation of vocabulary in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech

.1 Brief historical review of the literature

Mystery? human word? got up? la? before scientists from yes? Vnih times. Even the ancient Greeks raised the question of whether the language is the fruit of an agreement between people or does it reflect the natural similarity between the word and the thing called by it.

The first linguists, who laid the basis for the description of the language? and linguistic elements of understanding systemic relations were Baudouin de Courtenay Yvan Aleksandrovich and Ferdinand de Saussure.

F. de Saussure (1857-1913) - Swiss<#"justify">Chapter 2

2.1 Purpose and objectives of the experimental part of the study in children with ONR

speech underdevelopment preschooler vocabulary

In the process of development of the child, both general and speech, his vocabulary is enriched. At the same time, its qualitative development is also taking place. Therefore, when a child begins to meaningfully perceive the meaning of a word, the level of its generalization, the level of distraction in the content of the words that he learns, also increases. To determine the level of speech development of a child and to determine the most rational and differentiated ways of correction, one should know the level of formation of the lexical and grammatical qualities of a preschooler. For this, it is necessary to conduct a special, qualified examination.

Therefore, the aim of the study was to identify the characteristics of the vocabulary of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

Research objectives:

to study the state of speech vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP and compare it with the results of children without speech disorders;

to determine the level of formation of the vocabulary of speech in preschoolers with OHP.

In order to correctly understand and assess the level of speech development of a preschooler, it is proposed to use the "Scheme of the Systemic Development of Normal Children's Speech" compiled by A.N. Gvozdev, where he proposes to use the patterns of children's mastery of their native language as a conditional standard. In the "Scheme ..." it is proposed to correlate the state of speech identified during the examination with the data of the conditional standard of the norm, which allows you to establish the phase of development of abnormal children's speech and assess the degree of formation of various components of the language in it. (Appendix 1)

But before proceeding with the examination of speech, it is necessary to collect a speech history. R.E. Levina suggests the following questions for a conversation with parents:

) Conditions of upbringing:

where the child was brought up (at home with his mother, grandmother, in preschool with a day or round-the-clock stay);

what is the speech environment like: bilingual environment, shortcomings of speech in the family. Did you receive speech therapy assistance, if so, what kind and for how long;

Have you been in hospital for a long time?

) Behavior:

communicates with children of his age or prefers to be (play) alone;

calm, restless, affectionate, conflict.

) Games and Interests:

what toys he likes, whether he uses toys for their intended purpose or not;

how he treats his toys: the child breaks them, the toy quickly gets bored, the child prefers only one toy, etc.

how he plays: silently or accompanies his playing actions with various sound combinations (not necessarily words).

) Motor development:

whether he knows how to fasten and unfasten buttons, untie, tie shoelaces;

which hand he eats, holds a pencil;

if the child is eating or being fed.

) Observations of educators:

find out from the parents so that they ask the educators: how does the child cope with the program material (which is especially difficult - drawing, speech development, etc.);

if there is a characteristic from the DOW, then you need to familiarize yourself with it.

) Early speech development:

when he began to react to the sound, to recognize loved ones;

when and how the babbling period proceeded (actively, monotonously, inactively);

when he began to understand the requests made (before a year, after a year, etc.);

when he began to actively repeat words after an adult;

when parents notice a delay in speech.

) What parents are currently worried about:

complete lack of speech;

distorts words;


The proposed tasks for the examination of speech understanding are arranged according to the increasing complexity of their implementation.

Therefore, if the task is not available to the child, then it is inappropriate to offer subsequent ones, and, conversely, if the child is at a higher understanding of speech, one should immediately move on to more complex tasks.

) zero:

a child with intact hearing does not perceive the speech of others;

sometimes reacts to his own name;

less often on intonations of prohibition and encouragement.

) situational level of speech understanding development:

understands requests related to the everyday objective world;

knows the names of his loved ones and the names of his toys, can show body parts of himself, of his parents.

) normative level of speech understanding:

well oriented in the names of objects depicted in individual pictures, but with difficulty orienting in the names of actions depicted in plot pictures (walks, sits, reads);

completely does not understand the issues of indirect cases (what, with whom, to whom?).

) predictive level of speech comprehension:

knows many names of actions, distinguishes the meanings of several primitive prepositions (put on the box, in the box, near the box); does not distinguish between grammatical forms of words.

) dissected level:

distinguishes between changes in the meanings introduced by individual parts of the word (morphs) - inflections, prefixes, suffixes (table - tables; flew away - flew in). (hereinafter Appendix 1a)

The technique proposed by R.I. Lalaeva, E.V. Maltseva and A. Luria - a technique for examining speech with a point-level evaluation system. This technique is useful for:


clarifying the structure of the speech defect and assessing the severity of violations of different aspects of speech;

building a system of individual correctional work;
recruitment of groups based on the commonality of the structure of speech disorders;
tracking the dynamics of the child's speech development and evaluating the effectiveness of corrective action. The structure of the methodology. Express version consists of four series.

Series I - study of the sensorimotor level of speech:

Checking phonemic perception - 5.

Study of the state of articulatory motility - 5.

Sound pronunciation - 15.

Checking the formation of the sound-syllabic structure of the word - 5.

For the entire series, the highest score is 30 points.

Series II - the study of the grammatical structure of speech: five types of tasks. There are 5 samples left in the tasks. The maximum number of points is 30.

Series III - Vocabulary and Word Formation Study: Baby Animal Names. Formation of relative, qualitative and possessive adjectives. The maximum number of points is 30.

Series IV study of coherent speech: a story based on a series of plot pictures and retelling. The maximum number of points is 30.
Express method includes 77 tasks, not counting the verification of sound pronunciation. All tasks are combined in the IV series with the same maximum marks of 30 points. The largest number points for the entire methodology 120. Taking this figure as 100%, we can calculate the percentage of the success of speech tests. The obtained values ​​can also be correlated with one of four levels of success. level - 96-120bb = 80% -100% level - 78-95bb = 65% -79.9% - 53b and below = 44.95%

After calculating the percentage of success for each series, an individual speech profile is drawn:

) phonemic perception;

) articulatory motility;

) sound pronunciation;

) sound-syllabic structure of the word;

) grammatical structure of speech;

) word formation;

) connected speech.

In written by L.F. Spirova and A.V. According to the hawk method of examining speech in children, methods of examining not only children with a complete or partial absence of verbal means of communication, but also children who own verbal means of communication are proposed. As a rule, it is recommended to conduct a survey to identify the level of lexical means of the language that the child owns in the form of a game.

In general, when conducting the survey process according to this method, it is proposed to pay attention to the following points:

how the child behaves, considering the toy or object depicted in the picture, what actions he performs with him. If he names an object, you should pay attention to how he recognizes it: individual sounds instead of a word (machine - beep); individual sound combinations that make up the word; babbling words (water - hell); onomatopoeia. Here we define how onomatopoeia coexist with common words;

whether the child is able, imitating a sound or a sound complex, to reproduce from the named words one syllable, two syllables, or the whole word;

whether the child shows independence in using the sound means available to him or acts in response to an impulse.

In this case, it should also be revealed whether the child is guided by external situational signs when naming an object, or whether his actions and the sound complexes he uses already have a stable meaning and a generalizing character.

It should be noted that a reliable assessment of the data of the survey of the child's vocabulary is distinguished only by comparing the results obtained in the process of using various techniques.

To examine the vocabulary, it is proposed to compile an approximate list of those words that normally children, as a rule, understand and use in speech.

Thus, in the process of examination, it turns out not only the volume of the subject, verbal dictionary, but also the dictionary of signs.

Also, this includes nouns that combine both specific and generic concepts:

words denoting objects and their parts, domestic and wild animals and their cubs, people's professions, etc.;

verbs denoting the actions of objects;

adjectives denoting various qualities, size of objects, color, shape;

adjectives referring to the material from which objects are made.

When examining vocabulary, tasks should be varied, while observing a gradual increase in complexity. It is very important to find out such a moment: is the child able to form new words in a suffix-prefix way. You also need to check not only the presence of commonly used words in speech, but also words that are close in lexical meaning (verbs: sews, embroiders; flies, flies). Here, special attention should be paid to the formation of relative adjectives with different meanings, as they relate to food ( mushroom soup), with the material from which the object is made (wooden fence), with plants (birch grove), etc.

Thus, having studied several methods, we can draw the following conclusion - the examination should take place in a complex. In the process of analyzing the words correctly named by the child, an idea is created about the volume of his active vocabulary, about his quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

2.2 Organization of research and analysis of speech development

An experimental study of the lexical side of the speech of preschoolers with OHP was carried out on the basis of preschool educational institution No. 44 of the Kuzyaevsky district of Moscow) for 2 weeks. The participants of the experiment were children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old).

The experimental group consisted of 5 children with OHP of the 3rd level, an erased form of dysarthria.

The control group also consisted of 5 children with OHP of the 3rd level

During the experiment, the temporary and generally approved norms for the presence of a preschool child in the walls of the preschool educational institution were observed:

the usual environment for children;

survey in the morning;

tasks are offered to children in their free time.

The process of the experiment was preceded by observing the children in the classroom, on a walk, and getting to know them.

The studies were carried out individually with each subject and under the same conditions for all. To do this, in order to study the state of the vocabulary of speech in children with OHP level 3, two series of tasks were compiled.

The first series is the identification of understanding, i.e. the level of development of impressive speech. The second series is the identification of the use of the names of objects in speech, i.e. the level of development of expressive speech. (Appendix 2)

In order to quantitatively analyze the results, in the course of the study, a scoring system was developed for each block of tasks.

Evaluation of results:

points - is given to a child who has accurately completed the task.

points - given to a child who, when completing a task, made 1 - 2 mistakes.

points - given to a child who made 3 - 4 mistakes.

points - given to a child who made 5 - 6 mistakes.

point - given to a child who made more than 6 mistakes during the task.

points - is given to the child who the child did not cope with the task.

Conclusions about the level of development.

High level (24 - 30 points)

Children correctly named and showed the subject group, actions, signs, etc.

Intermediate level (16 - 23 points)

The subjects were not named by the children, the vocabulary is less than the norm for age. But these children, with the support of a speech therapist, correct their mistakes.

Low level (15 points or less)

Children, even with the help of a speech therapist, could not use, retreated from the task.

Thus, when conducting the results of these two series of tasks with an experimental approach to the study, it became permissible to determine the degree of formation of the lexical reserve of speech of children of the older preschool age group.

Processing, the results obtained in the course of the survey of children of senior preschool age, it became clear that in the course of the study it is necessary to pay attention to two essential points:

quantitative assessment of children's activities;

high-quality processing, which indicates the specifics of errors.

At the final stage of the examination of children in the experimental and control groups, an analysis of the mistakes made was made.

The first block of tasks, as mentioned above, was aimed at understanding, i.e. impressive speech.

Experimental group:

Children with OHP made mistakes in the entire series on impressive speech. In particular: Yana K. (ONR, level 3) did not show what a “cuff” is, and Pavel S. (ONR, level 3) did not know what to show to the question: What is a coil?

Control group:

In the process of examining impressive speech in children with OHP of the 3rd level, the tasks also caused difficulties, but less pronounced.

Diagram No. 1 reflects the data showing the level of formation of impressive speech in children of the experimental and control groups.

Diagram 1 - Levels of formation of impressive speech in children of the experimental and control groups

According to the results of the examination, it is clearly seen that in children with OHP of the 3rd level, the passive vocabulary is not sufficiently developed. Whereas in children with OHP level 3 is quite high.

A study conducted on the second block of tasks related to determining the level of formation of expressive speech showed that children with general underdevelopment of speech also have an underdeveloped active vocabulary.

This is manifested, for example, in the fact that preschoolers with OHP level 3 do not know such words that define the names of berries, varieties of fish, types of flowers, breeds of wild animals, birds. They also find it difficult to define words denoting parts of the human body, parts of clothing and vehicles (cuff, headlight, body), various working tools and working professions.

Such words as: ram, deer, raven, crane, dragonfly, grasshopper, pepper, lightning, thunder, felt boots, seller, hairdresser, in the process of their actualization caused difficulties for many children with OHP of the 3rd level.

It was also noted that noticeable differences between children with OHP level 3 in the experimental group and children with OHP level 3 in the control group are observed in the actualization of verbs and adjectives, i.e. predictive vocabulary.

Revealed in preschoolers with OHP level 3 in the experimental group and difficulties in naming many adjectives that are used in the speech of children with normal speech development. These are such definitions as narrow, sour, fluffy, smooth, square, etc.

In the vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP level 3, associated with the verb, there was a predominance of words that denote actions. With these actions, the child daily encounters, performs or observes them. These are such verb forms as sleep, wash, wash, bathe, dress, go, run, eat, drink, clean, etc.

In the course of the survey, it turned out that it was more difficult to assimilate words that have a generalized or abstract meaning, as well as words that denote the state, assessment, qualities or signs of objects and phenomena. Another characteristic feature of the vocabulary of children with OHP is the inaccuracy in the use of words, which is expressed in verbal paraphasias. It should be noted the diversity of these manifestations.

All this is reflected in diagram No. 2.

Diagram 2 - Levels of formation of expressive speech in children of the experimental and control groups

According to the diagram, it can be seen that the discrepancies in the volume of the passive and active vocabulary are quite pronounced and are one of the features of the speech of children with OHP of the 3rd level. These discrepancies are more significant than expected by the norm. At the same time, it was noted that some children with OHP understand the meaning of many words, which increases the volume of their passive vocabulary, bringing it closer to the norm. Nevertheless, the use of words, their actualization in expressive speech, cause great difficulties. It is worth paying special attention to this when organizing corrective work on the formation of vocabulary among preschoolers with OHP of the 3rd level.

Conclusions on the second chapter:

the goals and objectives defined for the experimental part of the study in children with OHP of the 3rd level suggested an analysis of the methods;

the analysis of the methods made it possible to determine the direction of research work using an integrated approach;

the experimental stage of the research work revealed great difficulties in the use of words that have a general concept, denoting the features and qualities of objects, their actualization in colloquial speech in children with OHP of the 3rd level;

corrective work with children with OHP of the 3rd level should be carried out based on the deviations identified at the experimental stage of the study.

Chapter 3

3.1 Development of vocabulary in play activities

All correctional and developmental work on the development of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP consists of 3 stages:

stage - diagnostic. Purpose: to examine the level and characteristics of the development of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP.

stage - final-assessment (will be presented in section 3.2). Purpose: final diagnostics in order to identify the dynamics.

stage - diagnostic.

The diagnostic research program consisted of four blocks.

Block: aimed at identifying the presence in the dictionary of children of words - generalizing concepts.

Block: aimed at identifying children's knowledge of the verb dictionary.

Block: aimed at revealing in children knowledge about the signs of objects.

Block: aimed at identifying in children the ability to select antonyms for words, the ability to use them in speech.

Task number 1. Exercise "Classification of objects by pictures."

) The purpose of the methodology: to determine the level of development of the subject passive vocabulary. The subject classification method is used to study the processes of generalization and abstraction.

Task number 2: The game "The fourth extra"

) The purpose of the methodology: to determine the level of development of mental operations of analysis and generalization in a child.

Task number 3. The game "Name the extra word."

) The purpose of the methodology: to determine the level of formation of the operation of generalization, the ability to identify essential features.

Criteria for evaluating tasks of block 1:

score - the task was completed incorrectly, and at the same time there was the help of the experimenter;

points - the task was completed independently, but incorrectly;

points - the task was completed correctly, but with the help of the experimenter;

Task number 1. Exercise "Show who is doing what."

The purpose of the technique: the study of the passive vocabulary. Diagnosis of the level of understanding of verbs.

Criteria for evaluation:

score - not fulfilled;

points - completed with errors;

points - performed correctly.

Task number 3 Exercise "Who is doing what?"

The purpose of the methodology: the study of the state of the verbal (predicative) dictionary.

Criteria for evaluation:

score - no answer given;

score is the correct answer.

Task number 1. Exercise "Pick up pictures."

) The purpose of the technique: the study of the state of the passive dictionary. Diagnosis of the level of understanding of signs.

Task number 2. Exercise "Guess".

The purpose of the technique: Diagnosis of the level of understanding of signs.

Criteria for evaluation:

score - the task was completed incorrectly;

points - the task was completed correctly, but with the help of an adult;

points - the task was completed independently and correctly.

Task number 1. Exercise "What? Which? Which?"

The purpose of the technique: the study of the state of the passive dictionary. Diagnosis of the level of understanding of words with the opposite meaning.

Task number 2. Exercise "Choose words - enemies."

) The purpose of the technique: to study the level of understanding of words with the opposite meaning.

Task number 3. Exercise "Finish the sentence"

Task number 4. Exercise "Say the opposite."

) The purpose of the technique: to study the level of ability to select words with the opposite meaning.

Criteria for evaluation:

score - no answer given;

points - the answer is given, but not correct;

score is the correct answer.

Maximum amount points in the performance of all series of tasks amounted to: 295 points. Of these, for block 1 - 76 points, for block 2 - 57 points, for block 3 - 36 points, for block 4 -126 points.

An analysis of the data obtained for four blocks of the diagnostic program (for 3 years) can identify the following quantitative characteristics of the level of development in children with OHP of the 3rd level.

295 points - high level (83 - 100% of correctly completed tasks)

245 points - middle level (58 - 83%)

Less than 170 points - low level (less than 58%)

High level - tasks are performed independently and correctly.

Intermediate level - tasks were completed independently, but there were errors; the task was completed correctly, but with the help of the experimenter (leading questions, examples, etc.);

Low level - most of the tasks were not completed (no answer, or the wrong answer was given, even with additional help from the experimenter)

Most of the diagnosed children (83%) showed an average level of development of the lexical side of speech, and 17% of children showed a low level. There were no children with a high level of vocabulary development.

We characterized children from the group with an average level of vocabulary formation as follows: children use extended speech means, but underdevelopment of speech is still very pronounced. Their speech contains a fairly large number of words (nouns, verbs), sometimes adjectives appear. But the words used by children are characterized by inaccuracy in meaning and sound design. The inaccuracy of the meaning of words is manifested in a large number of verbal paraphasias (word substitutions). Sometimes, in order to explain the meaning of a word, children use gestures, and in the process of searching for a word, phrases.

This group of children is characterized by a sharp discrepancy between the volume of the active and passive vocabulary, the lack of formation of semantic fields, difficulties in updating the dictionary, especially the predicative dictionary (verbs, adjectives).

For a low level of development of the lexical side of speech, a pronounced underdevelopment of speech is characteristic. The speech contains mainly nouns, the vocabulary of verbs and adjectives is insufficient. Characterized by inaccurate use of words, frequent verbal paraphasia.

The next stage is correctional training.

The proposed method of remedial education consists of didactic games divided into four series (according to the blocks highlighted in our diagnostic program).


The first series of games is aimed at enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP with nouns and their activation in speech.

housewarming doll

Exercise children in the use and understanding of generalizing words: furniture, clothes, shoes, dishes, toys;

To educate in children, goodwill, respect for toys, the desire to play with peers.

Who is more likely to collect

To fix generalizing concepts in the dictionary of children: vegetables, fruits;

Teach children to group vegetables and fruits;

To cultivate speed of reaction to the word of a speech therapist, endurance and discipline.

Hunter and shepherd

Exercise children in the grouping of wild animals and domestic animals;

Learn to use the generalizing words wild animals, domestic animals correctly;

Cultivate attention, speed of reaction to the word.

name three things

Activate children's vocabulary;

Exercise children in the classification of objects.


The second series of games is aimed at enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP verbs and their activation in speech.

Who is bigger!

Complete the predictive vocabulary.

Strengthen the skills of agreeing a noun with a verb.

Improve the skills of forming a verb from a noun.

Develop visual and auditory attention, memory.

Who lives in the house?

Expand and consolidate the predictive vocabulary.

Develop the ability to recognize a bird or animal by characteristic actions.

Improve skills in working with action symbols.

Develop visual attention, memory, activate thinking.

We go, we swim, we fly.

Develop a predictive vocabulary.

To fix the differentiation of objects according to the method of movement.

Fix the structure simple sentence according to the "subject of action" model

To consolidate the concept of animate and inanimate objects.

Develop visual attention.

Who do you want to become?

Expand your predictive vocabulary.

Improve the skills of using future tense verbs in speech.

To consolidate knowledge about the professions of people.


The third series of games is aimed at enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP words - signs and their activation in speech.

When does it happen?

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the seasons and their signs.

Which subject?

To consolidate children's ideas about the size of objects;

Learn to classify objects according to a certain attribute (size, color, shape);

Develop speed of thought.

What is it made of?

To teach children to group objects according to the material from which they are made (metal, rubber, glass, wood, plastic);

Activate feature dictionary.


The fourth series of games is aimed at enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP antonyms and synonyms and their activation in speech.

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for the didactic game, its conduct and analysis.

Say otherwise

Expand your vocabulary.

Train in the selection of verbs that are close in meaning (synonyms). Develop visual attention, observation.

Dull and cheerful

Complete your predictive vocabulary

To consolidate the recognition of the emotional state of a person by facial expressions,

Develop visual attention, observation,

Introduce children to synonyms and antonyms.

Vice versa

Learn to compare the meanings of words;

Strengthen knowledge of words - antonyms

Develop in children quick wit, quick thinking.

3.2 Results of the training experiment

Analyzing the quality of the performance of all four series of tasks by preschoolers with OHP before and after the correctional work, it was found that the greatest difficulties in children with OHP before the correctional and developmental work were associated with the implementation of the third and fourth blocks of tasks.

And after the correctional and developmental work, the results of the third and fourth blocks of tasks were also worse than the results of the first and second blocks.

Difficulties in completing tasks, even after corrective work, were caused by the incompleteness of the speech development process, because semantic fields are just beginning to be organized in five-year-old children, differentiation within the semantic field has not yet been formed, and more time is needed to improve the processes of searching for words, translating them from passive to active vocabulary.

Children of the experimental group showed the following results: 6 children scored 24-30 points - a high level, 3 children scored 16-23 points each - an average level, 1 child scored less than 15 points - a low level.

Children of the control group showed the following results: 4 children) scored 24-30 points - a high level, 3 children scored 16 - 23 points each - an average level, 3 children scored less than 15 points - a low level.

Diagram 3 - Comparative characteristics the state of the speech vocabulary of the experimental and control groups

Thus, we can conclude that the formation of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP occurs more efficiently when using the correctional and developmental complex developed by us with the use of didactic games.


It can be seen from the work that a large number of studies are devoted to the development of vocabulary, in which this process is considered in various aspects, such as: psychophysiology, psychology , linguistics? and psycholinguistics

The material of the work shows that, as a rule, OHP is one of the manifestations of violations of the physical and neuropsychic development of the child, due to the use of alcohol, nicotine? and narcotics by the mother during pregnancy.

As the main causes of occurrence, as the material of the work of ONR Filichev shows? T.B., Chirkina? G.V. highlight the adverse effects of the speech environment, adverse conditions of education, huh? as well as a lack of communication - the so-called postnatal factors.

Often, under the condition of the unfavorable influence of environmental factors, in combination with mild organic insufficiency of the central nervous system or with a genetic predisposition, speech development disorders acquired? yut more persistent character and manifest themselves in the form of a general underdevelopment of speech

In 2001 Filichev? T.B. singled out? the fourth level of general underdevelopment of speech, which includes children with mild residual manifestations of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

From the second section, it can be seen that the discrepancies in the volume of the passive and active vocabulary are quite pronounced and are one of the features of the speech of children with ONR. These discrepancies are more significant than expected by the norm. At the same time, it was noted that some children with OHP understand the meaning of many words, which increases the volume of their passive vocabulary, bringing it closer to the norm.

The material of section 3 shows all correctional and developmental work on the development of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP consists of 3 stages:

stage - diagnostic. Purpose: to examine the level and characteristics of the development of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP level 3.

stage - correctional training. Purpose: correction of the revealed violations with the help of the developed complex of didactic games.

stage - final-assessment. Purpose: final diagnostics in order to identify the dynamics.

Analyzing the quality of the performance of all four series of tasks by preschoolers with OHP level 3 before and after corrective work, it was found that the greatest difficulties in children with OHP level 3 before corrective and developmental work were associated with the implementation of the third and fourth blocks of tasks. And after the correctional and developmental work, the results of the third and fourth blocks of tasks were also worse than the results of the first and second blocks.

The material of section 3 also showed that the learning experiment confirmed the effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy work on the formation of a dictionary through didactic games.


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With a general underdevelopment of speech in children, the specifics of the formation of vocabulary are noted, which is reflected in the works of R. I. Lalayeva,

N. V. Serebryakova, T. B. Filicheva, L. B. Khalilova and others. Researchers note the poverty of the vocabulary, violations of the differentiation of word meanings, difficulties in updating words, insufficient formation of lexical consistency.

T. B. Filicheva and others describe bright feature dysontogenesis of speech is a persistent and long-term absence of speech imitation, inertia in the child's mastery of words new to him. Some children (with the help of their parents) develop the ability to repeat individual sounds after adults, but they cannot combine them even into the easiest words. Often the child repeats only the words originally acquired by him (5-10 names), refusing words that are not in the active lexicon. A similar phenomenon can occur within a few years of a child's life. Such a condition in children with normal hearing and intelligence is diagnosed by psychoneurologists as elective mutism.

S. N. Shakhovskaya notes that "the development of a dictionary as the basis of speech, its expansion and clarification perform a developing function for the formation of cognitive activity, mastery of speech skills and abilities." And further, children with OHP have "insufficient development of the processes of generalization and abstraction, violation of the process of thematic selection and semantic choice of words when generating a speech statement" .

The passive vocabulary exceeds the active one and is converted into an active one very slowly. In children with speech underdevelopment, vocabulary is inaccurate in meaning. They can reveal substitutions with the expansion of the meanings of words, with numerous interchanges.

G. R. Shashkina and others note the peculiarity of the vocabulary of children, expressed in the divergence in the volume of the passive and active vocabulary: “children understand the meanings of many words, the volume of their passive vocabulary is sufficient, but the use of words in speech is very difficult.”

The poverty of the dictionary does not provide children with full communication, and therefore, general development.

The essence of the unformed vocabulary in OHP is different. In some cases, the main is a defect in understanding, in others - the difficulty of repetition and the impossibility of independent expression. Due to the low level of language ability, children experience difficulties in differentiating lexical meanings, in expressing spatio-temporal relations, as well as in using synonyms, antonyms, generalizing words.

T.V. Tumanova describes the vocabulary of children with speech underdevelopment “as insufficient, incomplete, limited to everyday topics” and points to “insufficient ability to use word-formation methods”.

T. B. Filicheva, Yu. A. Kolotovkina and others distinguish the following lexical errors in the speech of children:

Mixing names of objects that are similar in outward signs and manifestations (ladle - "spoon");

Mixing the names of objects similar in purpose (armchair - "chair");

Mixing the names of items associated with the situation of use (rake - "shovel");

Mixing the names of actions similar in purpose (dig - "dig");

replacement of the names of the parts of the subject (cabin, body - “car”);

Replacing the names of objects with situational statements, including the names of actions (a lamp - “which burns”);

Replacing the names of features with the name of the subject (paper - "paper");

Replacing species concepts with generic ones and vice versa (insects - "bugs", roses - "flowers").

K.K. McGregor et al., describing nomination errors in children with speech underdevelopment, divides them into several groups:

Associative errors (a picture of a jug - "milk");

Answers with phrases / verbosity (a picture of a tree - “what you chop with an ax”);

The use of new derivatives (picture with the image of an ax - "chopper");

substitutions associated with finding words in one lexical group (picture with the image of a kangaroo - “mouse”);

replacements associated with the use of generalizing meanings (a picture of a kangaroo - "animal");

vague answers (“I don’t know”);

phonological errors (approximate meaning of the word form);

other errors (illegible answers).

N. N. Motorina notes the slowness, insufficient automation of the process of finding the right word in children with ONR. The author says that "violations of the actualization of the dictionary are manifested in the distortion of the sound, syllabic structure of the word."

According to T.V. Volosovets, in children with OHP, “the poverty of the vocabulary is manifested in ignorance of many words: the names of berries, flowers, wild animals, birds, tools, professions, parts of the body and face<…>. Words are used inaccurately, in a broader or narrower sense of meaning. There is a delay in the formation of semantic fields.

T. B. Filicheva and others write that these children are characterized

“inaccurate understanding and use of generalizing concepts, words with

abstract and figurative meaning, ignorance of words that go beyond everyday everyday communication.

According to T. V. Volosovets et al., in children with ONR, “nouns and verbs predominate in the active vocabulary, there are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, actions, states of objects, it is difficult to select words with the same root.”

R. I. Lalaeva and N. V. Serebryakova note the specific features of the organization of semantic fields in children with speech underdevelopment, which are expressed, firstly, in the random nature of associations; secondly, in the difficulties of identifying the center of the semantic field; thirdly, a limited number of semantic connections; and fourthly, in the long latent period on the stimulus word.

Zh. V. Antipova speaks about the narrow situational nature of the use of words in children with speech underdevelopment: “children do not immediately begin to use in different situations speech communication, the words learned by them in the classroom, when the situation changes, they lose, it would seem, well-known and pronounced by them in other conditions words.

L. B. Khalilova points out the difficulties of analyzing synonymous words in such children: they “do not catch the semantic similarity that exists between words of similar conceptual content, they are not able to form simple synonymic models.” Children experience difficulties in mastering paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections. They have multiple substitutions of words, both in meaning and in sound. Among the numerous verbal paraphasias in these children, the most common are substitutions of words belonging to the same semantic field.

In the speech of children with OHP, there is an insufficient number of adjectives, which can be explained by ignorance of colors, shapes, and sizes.

I. Yu. Kondratenko, analyzing the emotional vocabulary of children with OHP level III, notes that "the frequency of using emotional vocabulary in the oral speech of children is two times less than that of preschoolers with normal speech development."

In children with speech underdevelopment, difficulties in finding words can be noted, which is explained by a decrease in the semantic and grammatical components of the language system. In children with normal speech development, the word search process is very fast and automated. In children with OHP, unlike the norm, this process is carried out very slowly, extensively, and not automated enough. During the implementation of this process, associations of a different nature (semantic, sound) have a distracting effect.

Thus, the analysis of the specialized literature on the problem of the study indicates the presence of sufficiently fully covered data concerning the characteristics of the lexical composition of the language in children with general underdevelopment of speech. However, to date, there is not enough quantitative and qualitative data on the nature of the nominative vocabulary of this category of children: there are no exact boundaries for the age of assimilation of nominations, the words that children use to replace the necessary noun have not been studied meaningfully, etc.

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