Pink salmon. Pacific pink salmon. Pink salmon fishing. Pink salmon - interesting features of a bright representative of salmon fish What is useful pink salmon fish

Pink salmon fish, or pink salmon, is a very valuable underwater inhabitant belonging to the salmon family. On the shelves of the store, it is presented in different ways: a whole carcass, dorsal and abdominal parts, steaks. It tastes like salmon and trout: the meat is very tender, with a delicate aroma, but rather dry.

Valuable properties

Pink salmon is a tasty fish containing many useful substances:

  • Fatty acids and vitamins of group B12;
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids (keep cells young for a long time, prevent
  • premature aging);
  • Iodine and cobalt;
  • Vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid (normalizes the work nervous system and gastro-
  • intestinal tract).


  • Allergy to seafood;
  • Chronic liver diseases;
  • Intolerance to phosphorus and iodine.

External Description

The body has a blue or bluish-green tint, the abdominal part is white, the sides with a silvery overflow. The caudal fin is V-shaped, about 15 small rays depart from the anal fin. Between these fins is the adipose fin.

The mouth of individuals is white, there are no teeth on the tongue. In males, when moving to spawning grounds, a hump appears on their backs. Accordingly, for this they received their name. Usual weight individuals - a little more than 2 kg.


For its existence, pink salmon chooses cold waters. The optimum temperature is + 10C. At temperatures above + 25C - death occurs. Salmon found off the coast Pacific Ocean and the Arctic, from the Bering Strait to Peter the Great Bay, sometimes a little further south. Rarely appears off the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, near Sakhalin and to the east - to the islands of Japan.

There is still no exact answer to the question: pink salmon - sea ​​fish or river? As soon as the snow begins to melt and the ice becomes thinner, the fish begin their journey from the ocean to fresh water. It never returns to sea water. Therefore, many argue that pink salmon is still a river fish.

spawning time

Spawning begins in summer or autumn, it all depends on the habitat. It occurs only in freshwater rivers near the sea, where the sandy bottom and rapid current. The females lay their eggs in a hole in the bottom dug by their fin. In males during this period, there is abrupt change appearance: the jaw increases, stripes appear on the body, a hump forms.

It takes a little over four months for the larvae to emerge from the eggs. They appear in October - January, depending on the spawning season. First, the young live in the mouths of the rivers, then move to the bays. Then life begins sea ​​depths. Caviar contains many useful elements that positively affect the human body.

What do pink salmon eat

Adults consume small fish, squid, larvae, anchovies, silverfish, fry and crustaceans. Food is absorbed in large quantities. When spawning begins, the fish completely stops feeding, thereby significantly decreasing in size.

Therefore, during life in a salty environment, pink salmon consumes a lot of high-calorie foods in order to gain mass and prepare for freshwater life. The fry eat mainly insects, midges, moving over time to plankton and small invertebrates.


Pacific salmon live no more than three years. This is explained by the fact that pink salmon becomes ready for spawning only 20 months after migrating from the sea to the river. After spawning, the adult dies.

Rich catch

Fish are well caught on bright baubles with tees. It is quite difficult to catch it on spinning baubles. Put the polystyrene on the tee, tie it with colored threads, ribbons. Having thrown the fishing line, wait until the lure lies on the bottom, do not reel it up. Sometimes fishermen use a fly, lowering it to the very bottom.

Choosing the Right

In conclusion, we will tell you what good pink salmon should be, what kind of fish is fresh and how to choose it correctly in the store.

  1. The yellow color of the abdomen indicates a stale product. Good - has a pinkish tint.
  2. Gills should be red. If they are green and slimy, eating such a product is dangerous to health.
  3. Transparent eyes indicate the freshness of the product.
  4. The skin should be tightly connected to the meat. If it peels off easily, the product is stale, it was stored without complying with the standards.
  5. The fish should be without damage and bloody smudges, have a pleasant aroma.
  6. Pay attention to how pink salmon is sold: when properly stored, the whole fish is under the ice, and the fillets are above it.
  7. When you click on a whole carcass, the shape almost immediately restores its original shape.

Based on these factors, you can always choose a good and fresh product.

View review of pink salmon fish:

A distinctive feature of the site about animals Zverey.Ru is the appearance of articles about a variety of fish. So today we will talk about commercial fish, which many people love for its taste. This is pink salmon. You will learn more about what pink salmon looks like, its description, characteristics of weight, length and lifespan, as well as spawning time.

We will also tell what is the difference between male and female salmon what species of fish it belongs to and who, except for humans, loves to eat pink salmon and in which rivers of Russia it is found.

General description and characteristics of pink salmon

Pink salmon is an anadrom of the salmon family. It lives mainly in cold waters (feels especially comfortable at +10 °C, death occurs at temperatures above +25 °C). It is one of the most common varieties of salmon. Inhabits Asian and American coasts Pacific Ocean. In our country, these are mainly the shores of the North Arctic Ocean, is most often limited to the Bering Strait on one side and Peter the Great Bay on the other, but can also go south. There is a chance to meet off the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, in the region of Sakhalin Island and to the east up to the islands of Japan. Spawning comes to the rivers from the Yamal-Nenets autonomous region before Murmansk region and further into the rivers of Norway, Sweden. It can often be found in Amguem, as well as in such rivers as the Kolyma, Indigirka, Yana and Lena, sometimes it enters the Amur.

Male and female pink salmon: similarities and differences

Knowing how a male pink salmon differs from a female does not hurt, because the female gives caviar. Below is a photo of a male and a female and shows how they differ. In short, then pink salmon female:

  1. smaller than male (not always);
  2. meat is less fatty (you can find out when you try it);
  3. not as distinguished in appearance as the male;
  4. the female pink salmon's head is smaller than the male's;
  5. kind of more "friendly" (explained as best they could).

And now the description pink salmon male and its difference from the female:

  1. the male is larger than the female, but there are exceptions - you should not be guided only by this sign;
  2. the meat of the male has more fat;
  3. stand out for their bright appearance (in many animals, males are brighter than females);
  4. "predatory muzzle" - take a look at the photo and understand;
  5. elongated jaws, teeth more visible than in the female;
  6. hump.

Pink salmon is often called pink salmon. The fish is noticeable among its relatives - it has very small scales. A feature of this species is a strong change in the color of the scales when the fish reaches puberty. So, if after birth she has a silver-white color with small spots on the tail, then on the way from the sea to the river the body becomes silver-brown, the body becomes covered with spots, the color of the fins and head reaches almost black.

It also changes greatly appearance- in males, after the onset of puberty, a hump appears (hence the name - pink salmon). Both males and females have elongated jaws, large teeth and a hook above lower lip. After spawning, the fish becomes greyish-white with a yellowish-white (sometimes greenish) belly. Like all salmonids, pink salmon has another fin between its back and tail. More hallmarks of this fish are a large white mouth and no teeth on the tongue.

Pink salmon varieties

There are no biological divisions into subspecies in pink salmon, but there are morphological and biochemical differences between geographically separated herds, which makes it possible to assume the existence of self-reproducing groups within this species. There are also genomic differences between individuals born in even and odd years. This is most likely due to the two-year cyclical life of an individual.

Length, weight and other characteristics of pink salmon

Pink salmon is a fairly small fish. It reaches in length no more than sixty centimeters, and weighing no more than two and a half kilograms. Males are usually slightly larger than females. Interestingly, in years of population growth, fish tend to be smaller than in years of declining numbers. AT sea ​​water lives for about one and a half years, although occasionally you can meet two-year-old individuals. The fish grows very quickly and a year and a half after the birth is ready to spawn.

Pink salmon spawning

Pink salmon spawns once, and at the end of spawning it dies, possibly due to the fact that the path from the waters of habitat to the waters of spawning is very difficult, and nature does not provide forces for the way back. This species of fish has a well-developed ability to return to its native river backwaters for spawning, although it can “wander” into “foreign” expanses. Spawns in August, arrives in fresh rivers in July. Caviar puts in the soil with a sufficient amount of pebbles and sand. It lays eggs in specific "nests": with the help of its tail it makes a small hole at the bottom and throws eggs there. Such nests are most often made by a female, while males at this time often arrange “wars” for the right to fertilize, and after hatching the eggs, the winning male fertilizes the eggs with milk, and at the end of the process, the fertilized eggs are buried.

The withdrawal of "larvae" occurs in November, for about six months they live in their "nest", in May they leave it and swim to the sea. Pink salmon, with its small size, is quite prolific - it throws up to two and a half thousand eggs. Pink salmon caviar medium size, diameter reaches half a centimeter. After spawning, death occurs: the most weakened individuals die right near the place of "nesting", others are blown away by the stream, and they die closer to the mouth. Dead fish accumulate at the bottom and banks of reservoirs (this phenomenon is called snenka by residents in the Far East), which attracts a huge number of gulls, crows, and various scavengers.


In the ocean, pink salmon has a light blue color. Upon returning to spawning grounds, the color of the fish changes: it becomes pale gray behind, the abdomen becomes yellowish-white (although some individuals turn green). Like all salmonids, in addition to the dorsal fin, pink salmon has an additional fin located between dorsal fin and tail. Also, its distinguishing features are white color mouth, lack of teeth on the tongue, large oval black spots on the back, v-shaped tail and anal fin consisting of 13-17 soft rays. During their migration to spawning grounds, males develop a distinct hump on their backs, from which this salmon species gets its name. The average weight of pink salmon is 2.2 kg. The largest known pink salmon reached a length of 76 cm and a weight of 7.00 kg.


It spawns in August, for which it enters rivers in July. Like other salmonids, before spawning, the female builds a nest, digs the ground with her tail, so that a depression forms in it. After fertilization, the eggs are buried.

The fry appear in November. At first they are in the ground and feed from the yolk sac. In late May - early June, the fry leave the nest and roll into the sea. Most of the fry are eaten by predatory fish and birds. At this time, they have a length of about 30 millimeters and a solid silver color without transverse stripes.

Pink salmon fry go to the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and live there until next summer, that is, the duration life cycle pink salmon from spawning to spawning is 2 years, which determines the two-year periodicity of fluctuations in its numbers. It dies after spawning.


Pink salmon is found in cold waters, prefers temperatures from 5.6 to 14.6 ° C at optimal temperature at 10.1°C. At a temperature of 25.8 ° C, the fish dies. Pink salmon is found in coastal waters Pacific and Arctic Oceans, from the Sacramento River in Northern California to the Mackenzie River in Canada and from the Lena River in Siberia to Korea. In Asia, it is distributed up to Honshu in the south. At one time, pink salmon was brought to the Great Lakes and successfully took root there. It is the only salmon species that has successfully established itself in a completely freshwater environment. In the Great Lakes themselves, pink salmon is often found in Lake Superior and quite rare in Lake Michigan. And also took root well on the Kola Peninsula.

Use in cooking

Pink salmon is a valuable commercial fish. Its meat is suitable for cooking soups, stewing, frying, salting and canning. Pink salmon caviar is also used in cooking: it is preserved after salting.



  • Recipes for pink salmon dishes - also on the site there are materials about commercial pink salmon, about the conditions for its storage, cleaning, etc.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Devavanya
  • Ice Palace (St. Petersburg)

See what "Pumpkin" is in other dictionaries:

    Pink salmon- (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) see also SALMON FAMILY (SALMONIDAE) Immature individuals of pink salmon have a low, sloping body with a weakly carved caudal fin, covered with numerous small, easily falling scales. Dorsal and anal ... ... Fish of Russia. Directory

    pink salmon- Humpback salmon, dial. A type of braid. - A little further away with coulters covered with rust over the summer, a sickle, a pink salmon scythe and an ax driven into a half-rotten log (3. 372 373). See Sl. RY XI XVII 4. 81: pink salmon “pink salmon scythe” (1622). SUG 64; SSG 68; SCG 1.… … Dictionary of the trilogy "The Sovereign's Estate"

    PINK SALMON- (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), migratory fish of the salmon family. Wed length approx. 50 cm, Wed. weight 1.5 kg. The smallest member of the genus. Sexual maturity is usually around the 2nd year of life. Mass run to the rivers in June-September; spawning in august september. Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    PINK SALMON- one of the Far Eastern salmon species; caught in the summer, almost along the entire Far East coast. In commercial catches, pink salmon weighs from 800 g to 1200 g. Meat color pink, tender, without small bones. Salted, frozen and ... ... Brief Encyclopedia household

    pink salmon- 1. Humpback salmon, and; well. Marine commercial fish family. salmon. // only units. The meat of such a fish. ◁ Pink salmon, ya, ya. Gya caviar. 2. Humpback salmon, and; well. Nar. unfold Agricultural implement a small scythe with a short handle and curved blade. * * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary - Humpback salmon, pink salmon, wives. 1. Marine commercial fish of the Far East coast from the salmon family. 2. An agricultural tool, a small scythe with a short handle and a curved blade (region, farm). 3. Same as croaker (special). DictionaryExplanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    PINK SALMON- Humpback salmon, and, wives. Commercial Far Eastern fish family. salmon. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Pink salmon- (Oncorhynchus proteus Pall.) fish from the salmon family, reaches up to 60 stm. length; lives in the north part of the Great Ocean, from where it enters the rivers flowing into the Bering Sea, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Tatar Strait (Sakhalin). G. local Russian ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

Pink salmon is a fish from the salmon family, which is divided into two subfamilies: real salmon and whitefish. For the color of the meat, the culinary specialists united the former into a group with the common name “red fish”, and the latter, for the same reason, began to be called “white fish”.

Description of the fish

Pink salmon belongs to the group of Pacific salmon. The habitat of these fish occupies the entire northern part of the Pacific Ocean: from California and Alaska to Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and the northern islands of the Japanese archipelago. Through the Bering Strait, they also penetrate into the seas of the Arctic Ocean: Chukchi, East Siberian and Beaufort.

All Pacific salmon are migratory fish. This means that they are born and grow in rivers and at the stage of fry they are freshwater, as they grow, juveniles descend downstream into the ocean, and adults, having undergone a series of morphological changes, become real marine life. Fish can endure such profound transformations only once, which is why Pacific salmon also spawn once in a lifetime, traveling many hundreds of kilometers to spawning grounds upstream of rivers, where they die. The life span of Pacific salmon under natural conditions is relatively short - 3-4 years.

At the marine stage of life, fish actively feed and grow, swimming in a layer of water up to 10 m deep in the open ocean, in the zone of water mixing by ocean currents. They do not form large flocks and shoals. With the warming of the water, in spring and early summer, fish migrate to the coasts and end up near the mouths of the rivers. Sexually mature individuals go to rivers, and underyearlings return to the open ocean when it gets colder.

Pacific salmon spawn in the same rivers where they themselves were born, while their body undergoes a number of irreversible changes. A mating color appears, the body of the fish thickens, the jaws are bent, powerful backward-curved teeth grow on them. Thin skin with small scales is replaced by a strong skin due to ingrown scales.

Changes occur in individuals of both sexes, but in males they are more pronounced. Moving upstream the rivers, the fish do not feed, losing the energy accumulated in fat reserves and muscles. The digestive organs atrophy.

On spawning grounds, they have time to sweep, fertilize and bury eggs in the ground, after which they die. The flesh of spawning and spawning salmon almost completely loses its taste and nutritional qualities. After about 2 months, fry hatch from eggs and live under a layer of soil until the gall sac is resorbed, after which they enter the water and are usually carried away by the current to the sea by the next summer. In rivers and fresh flowing lakes, juveniles can stay for 1-3 years.

The oceanic variety of pink salmon looks rather ordinary: it has an inconspicuous bluish-green color of the back, silvery sides and a whitish belly. There may be dark to black spots on the back.

The general structure of the body is typical for marine fish harmony. The caudal fin is V-shaped, covered with small dark spots. The mouth is small and the jaws lack teeth. On the back, an adipose fin without rays is clearly visible. ventral fin orange with white trim.

During spawning migration, the appearance of the fish changes. The famous hump appears on the back, for which she got her name. The jaws are bent and covered with teeth. The color becomes dark brown. Males during this period look especially menacing.

The weight of pink salmon is small compared to other salmonids - on average, about 2.5 kg with a length of up to 40 cm, larger individuals are rare. In terms of general parameters, it is considered the smallest commercial Pacific salmon, however, according to ichthyologists, its biomass exceeds that of all other salmon due to its high abundance. Already a year and a half after going to sea, the fish, actively feeding, reach their maximum size and are ready for reproduction.

The color of the pulp, like that of other salmon, has a pronounced red color, on this basis, like all salmon, of course, it is a red fish. In some fish shops and restaurants, pink salmon is called pink salmon because of the color of the flesh. White fish is a common culinary name for a close relative of real salmon - whitefish, whose meat is really white, sometimes with a pinkish tint. In stores, salmon often go under the general name "salmon", we must remember that this is the collective name of all members of the family and it is better to learn how to distinguish them from each other.

Pink salmon differs quite markedly from other Pacific salmon in its smaller size, although there are many common features.

  • Keta always larger, an adult weighs at least 6 kg. The scales of the chum salmon are lighter, without dark spots and noticeably larger.
  • Sima covered with small spots, and its small eyes cannot be confused with any salmon at all. In addition, in the mouth of this fish, even on the tongue there are teeth. Its scales easily lag behind the skin and do not stick to the hands.
  • Salmon- Atlantic salmon, it is difficult to confuse it with the marine form of pink salmon. The first sign will again be the size - the salmon is three times larger, and its meat is much denser and more tender. And, of course, the price of this fish is quite high.

Housewives inexperienced in ichthyology sometimes confuse pink salmon with trout - completely freshwater salmon. Yes, outwardly the fish are quite similar. However, the trout, as a rule, is much larger, there is a red stripe on its sides, and the body is covered with many small dark spots.



Where is it found?

Pink salmon is a cold water fish. The optimum temperature for its active growth and development is about 10°C (in the range from 5 to 15°C). warm waters she avoids, in tropical latitudes, where the water warms up above 25 ° C, she never swims.

The marine species prefers coastal ocean waters. Its habitat includes the seas of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, at present it has expanded to the North Atlantic (Norwegian and Greenland Seas). Artificially, the fish was settled in the rivers of the Murmansk region; since the 1960s, it has been settled from the Barents to the White and Norwegian Seas. The rivers flowing into these seas have become good spawning grounds. A similar experiment was made in Canada, Pacific salmon appeared in the Newfoundland area.

Natural spawning grounds are distributed from the rivers of California (USA) to the Mackenzie River (Canada) in North America and from Lena to Anadyr and Amur in Asia. This salmon enters some rivers of Korea and Japan.

The river variety of salmon is the same marine fish that goes through a series of metamorphoses, the reasons for which are not completely clear. They begin shortly before spawning, when fish living in the sea enter the mouths of the rivers. As you move upstream to the spawning ground, the fish change beyond recognition. The pulp also loses its color, taste and nutritional qualities. The world's only self-reproducing population of all-freshwater pink salmon has formed in the Great Lakes of the United States, with the largest population in Lake Superior.


Almost all pink salmon, presented on the shelves of specialized stores and fish departments, is caught in the Far East. Far Eastern salmon are caught near the Kuril Islands, in Kamchatka and Sakhalin, along the coast from the Bering Strait to Peter the Great Bay. Fishing stops with the start of spawning, when fishing is prohibited. However, this does not mean a complete cessation of the supply of pink salmon. AT different regions She goes to spawn at different times.

Fish spawn first in the Sea of ​​Japan (mid-June), then the Sakhalin, Amur and Kuril populations start spawning (second half of June), then comes the turn of Kamchatka and the Okhotsk coast (beginning of July), the Bering Sea fish spawn last (July). Spawning lasts depending on the fullness of the river and weather conditions 1-1.5 months. AT southern parts its range is longer.

The fish caught for spawning is not quite the exact name - freshwater or river pink salmon. It is caught in the mouths of rivers, when the metamorphoses that have begun have not yet gone too far. This changes not only the appearance, but also the flesh of the fish. It loses the red color characteristic of salmon, its taste becomes less saturated.

In the summer, just such pink salmon often goes on sale. You can eat it, but wait for the same taste as marine variety not worth it. In order to fully experience the nutritional and taste qualities of fish, it is better to buy it all the same in the winter-spring period.

Pink salmon Far East

River pink salmon

Calorie content and composition

The flesh of salmon, especially those caught in the sea before the start of their spawning migration, is the richest in nutrients and microelements. Of course, all this accumulated not for the person who caught the fish, it is a necessary reserve for the upcoming exhausting struggle with the opposing flow of rivers, when the fish also storm the rapids and rifts, sometimes jumping out of the water to a height of more than a meter. Gradual changes in body structure also require significant costs energy, especially since as a result of them, fish generally stop eating. It is no coincidence that fish coming from the sea becomes a valuable prey for bears that gather on the rivers of Kamchatka and Alaska at this time of the year. large groups, which usually does not happen with these loners. Actively eating salmon, the bears prepare for hibernation.

The flesh of pink salmon is very valuable from a nutritional point of view. It is typical for her high content protein (up to 60%), fats, polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A (retinol), a complete set of B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin K (phylloquinone), mineral elements, trace elements. The product can be classified as dietary. 100 g contains no more than 140 kilocalories, 6-7 g of fat and more than 20 g of protein.

Despite the low calorie content, pink salmon gives a fairly quick satiety effect, which prevents overeating, which makes it an excellent product for active people who care about their health and appearance. It contains the pulp of this fish and cholesterol, but you should not be afraid of this substance. The form that is inherent in seafood and fish is not dangerous for humans, but, on the contrary, is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone, so pink salmon is indicated for lovers of strength sports.

Canned and fried fish usually have a higher calorie content - up to 200 kilocalories per 100 g.

Useful properties and harm

Pink salmon, despite the nobility of origin, remains the most accessible representative of salmon. Due to the abundance (the absolute leader among real salmon), prices for it are usually lower than for its other relatives. Of course, fresh-frozen fish, currently shipped thousands of kilometers from the ocean, is somewhat poorer in composition than fresh fish.

Reduces the composition of nutrients in fish and its heat treatment. northern peoples during the polar night they consume red fish as raw food in the form of the famous stroganina - this is perhaps the best way keep it in its entirety. However, the effect of eating even thawed and cooked fish in more familiar ways will not be long in coming.

  • Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids contribute to the excretion of metabolic products from the body, which slows down the aging process. They also regulate carbohydrate metabolism, preventing symptoms. diabetes. Since there are no carbohydrates in this fish at all, it is used as a diet for patients with this disease.

  • Red fish proteins give the body complete set of essential amino acids, and they are absorbed in the intestines much better than meat. In oriental medicine, the pulp of red fish is considered a tonic that increases the energy of the body and mood. People who often consume pink salmon are less prone to depression. It is very useful for the elderly, as it prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, which are especially abundant in salmon pulp, help strengthen bone tissue.
  • potassium and sodium make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, contribute to the retention of water in the cells.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) normalizes the activity of digestion and the nervous system.
  • Iodine, contained in pink salmon supports health thyroid gland and fluoride prevents tooth decay.
  • All salmon - excellent source of vitamin D, the lack of which leads to the leaching of calcium from the bone tissue and, as a result, causes the loss of its strength.

Is there any harm to the body from the consumption of pink salmon? For a healthy person, the use of any fresh product will not bring harm, another thing is people with any health disorders, primarily in their activities. digestive system. For them, fish is a problematic product, but for those who suffer peptic ulcer, and completely contraindicated. Of course, you should not take risks and experiment with pink salmon, knowing about allergic reactions on fish or intolerance to iodine and phosphorus. Fish dishes will not bring joy to people with liver diseases.

During pregnancy, salmon dishes can cause swelling of the face and legs. But observing the measure (no more than 150 g per day 3 times a week), you can enrich the body with protein, vitamins and trace elements, especially necessary during this period. Pink salmon is shown to nursing mothers no earlier than the fourth month after childbirth, it is better to start eating fish in small portions, observing the reaction of the child. If there are no undesirable consequences, you can gradually increase the dose to 200 g.

Include pink salmon in your diet no more than twice a week. When the child is six months old, you can try fish with a vegetable side dish.

How to choose pink salmon?

There are several basic rules for choosing pink salmon, determined by the needs of the buyer, as well as the planned dish. In any case, it should be remembered that fresh natural red fish can only be found in fishing areas: in the regions of the Far East, in the Murmansk region and in Chukotka. On the shelves of stores, this fish is present in a frozen state.

  • According to GOST, pink salmon can go on sale as a whole (when cutting a whole fish, about a third of its weight will go to waste), and cut into pieces: decapitated with the head and bones removed pectoral fins, half-gutted with caviar and milk left, gutted with the removal of all the insides, gutted headless, carcass (without head, tail and all paired fins), back (without head, fins and abdomen), tesha - the abdominal part of the fish, steak - gutted fish, without fins, head and scales.

To cook fish soup or cook stuffed pink salmon, you should buy a fish with a head. In other cases, in order not to pay for excess weight, it is better to buy cut fish.

  • GOST strictly regulates the delivery of fish from the places of catch to the places of sale, determines the requirements for its storage in stores. Outside, on Pacific salmon, longitudinal and transverse stripes of pinkish or gray color are allowed - traces of nets used for catching. The scales should peel off easily from the skin. In males of pink salmon, a slight increase in the height of the back and lengthening of the upper jaw are considered the norm - a consequence of pre-migratory metamorphoses.
  • Frozen fish should be stored in conditions where the temperature inside it does not rise above -18°C. Violations of storage technology will be noticeable when inspecting the goods. The color of the inside of the cut pink salmon should be pink, any yellowness is a sign of storage violations.

The gills of unspoiled fish are bright red, spoiled - greenish.

  • The color of the fillet of red fish, of course, should be red, without spots. The fins should hold their shape and not be dry, wrinkled and brittle. Fish that has been thawed during transportation and storage always tastes bitter when cooked.
  • The smell of frozen fish is also registered in GOST. It should not have sharp foreign impurities. In other words, the fish should smell like fresh fish (the sea with a slight hint of iodine).
  • Storage time is also regulated. Pink salmon at a temperature of -18°C can retain its properties for no more than 7 months, at -25°C - up to 9 months. If the salmon has been stored for too long, its flesh loses many of its properties, and the dishes from it will be too dry, even the most skilled culinary specialist will not be able to correct the situation. Discolored fillet and peeled skin can serve as signs of long-term storage.
  • Fish frozen using glazing is stored somewhat longer - treated with clean drinking or sea water, protected from the effects of the external environment by a layer of ice. For example, pink salmon preserved using this technology can be stored in freezers for up to 10 months. When buying glazed fish, you need to take into account that its weight is 20% more compared to frozen in the usual way.
  • Fish caught in rivers during spawning migration and during spawning is not recommended to be bought, although it is often sold.

Your dishes will be much tastier from sea pink salmon.

What to cook from it?

Pink salmon can be cooked in many different ways, it is important not to forget that its flesh, compared to other salmon, loses in tenderness and softness.

How to butcher a whole fish? It is necessary to clean the fish from the scales with a knife, from the tail to the head. Gut the pink salmon and thoroughly clean the walls abdominal cavity from the film, which can give a bitter taste to the dish. If necessary, cut off the head, tail fin and all other fins.

Sometimes you need to get rid of the bones. At salmon fish this procedure is quite simple, since the pulp is quite soft. The bones are released with a knife. The fish is cut along the ridge from the head towards the tail. First, thin ribs are removed from one half of the fish, then the backbone and ribs from the second half.

If necessary, the skin can be removed by peeling off with your hands. There may be caviar in the abdominal cavity, it can also be used to prepare various dishes: fry, bake, pickle, add to the ear, etc. The cooking time of pink salmon has great importance to save it useful properties. Bake fish in the oven for no more than 40 minutes, boil or fry, including on the grill, no more than 20 minutes, otherwise the pulp will lose most their taste qualities.

Let's start with traditional pink salmon dishes known to the indigenous peoples of the Far East for many thousands of years.

  • Salty. Of course, you can also buy it in the store. But there are quite a few lovers of self-cooking this delicacy. Rub the halves of the fillet with a mixture of salt and sugar, connect them and, wrapped with cling film, place in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Salted. The carcass is cut into pieces. It is necessary to pour a layer of salt and sugar with the addition of spices into a deep plate, shift it with pieces of fish and pour a new layer of the mixture. Depending on the number of fish layers can be up to five. Place everything in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
  • Pickled. Fish with bones and skin, but without scales and head, is cut into pieces. Marinade is prepared: pepper, salt, sugar, Bay leaf. Grate the salmon pieces with the mixture and leave for half an hour, then put in a suitably prepared glass jar, in which you must first place the spices. From the mixture left over from cooking the fish, by adding water, vegetable oil and vinegar, a marinade is prepared, with which the fish is poured in a jar. Close the lid and leave for 6-7 hours.

  • Baked. Fish, if its weight is not more than 1 kg, is rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper, if the fish is large, it will have to be cut into pieces or cut into fillets. Sauce is prepared from sour cream (with the addition of garlic and herbs). Fish is laid out on a baking sheet poured with sauce, it must be poured with the same sauce on top. Bake at a temperature of about 180 ° C for no more than half an hour. There are many recipes for baking pink salmon in the oven in foil. To do this, you need to prepare a whole fish, the head can be cut off, fillets are also suitable. This method is very democratic and with regard to seasonings, the main thing is not to kill the aroma of fish. To make the pulp more soft, you can wrap a piece together with the fish butter. The fish is laid along a sheet of foil and wrapped in two or three layers so that the juice does not leak out.

The temperature and baking time are the same as in the previous version. Baked pink salmon is served with boiled or baked potatoes and vegetables.

  • Fried salmon. The fish must be cut into pieces up to 3 cm thick. Grate them with a mixture of salt and black pepper, you can add special seasonings for fish. Fry the pieces of fish rolled in flour in a pan for 3 minutes on each side. Serve with vegetables or rice.
  • Fish is easy to grill on the grill. Treat the prepared pieces with a mixture of salt, pepper and onion, other seasonings can be used. The fish is laid out on a grill and fried for no more than 20 minutes. Serve with boiled rice or roasted vegetables.

  • smoked pink salmon- a recognized delicacy that can be purchased at the store. However, it is easy to smoke it yourself, of course, you will need special equipment - a smokehouse. Gutting the fish, removing the head and scales is optional. Grate the fish with a mixture of salt and pepper and leave for 2-3 hours, depending on the size, to salt. Pink salmon should be smoked on alder or apple shavings. Cook no more than 40 minutes. The fish taken out of the smoker should be allowed to cool.
  • Traditionally, many peoples used for food dried fish. The same was done with salmon. Grate half-carcasses of fish thoroughly with a mixture of salt, sugar and dried herbs. Salt overnight in the refrigerator. Fish can be hung on a glazed balcony. If the weather is hot, then the fish is dried for 3 days, in a cool cloudy weather- up to 5 days. In the latter case, there is a danger of spoiling the fish.

    • From pink salmon it turns out wonderful ear, there are many recipes for this fish soup, and there are also regional ideas about the “correct” ear. It is pointless to recommend any one, they are all good in their own way.
    • In a modern house, you can cook pink salmon in the microwave. The fish, cut into pieces, is laid out in layers in a special cup. A layer of fish is shifted with a layer of spices, salt, onion cut into rings and mayonnaise. The next layer of fish is laid out on it. The cup, covered with a special lid, is placed in the microwave for 15 minutes. Serve with vegetable salad mashed potatoes, boiled rice or stewed vegetables.
    • A slow cooker is also suitable for cooking pink salmon. In a multicooker pan, heat the vegetable oil on the “baking” mode. Pieces of fish, grated with salt and pepper, fry in oil for about 15 minutes on both sides. Pour fried fish with sour cream and mayonnaise sauce and bake for up to half an hour. In the “warming up” mode, hold the finished fish, sprinkling it with grated cheese, for about 10 more minutes.
    • It is very easy to cook pink salmon in a double boiler. The fish is cut into small pieces, rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper. Cook for about 15 minutes. Can be served with stewed vegetables.
    • Pink salmon also goes well in salads. Ingredients: 200 g canned fish, 2 eggs (hard boiled), 2 processed cheese, onion, mayonnaise, herbs. Mash the fish with a fork on a plate, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut onions and eggs into cubes. Mix everything, pour mayonnaise and season with herbs.

    In the next video, you will find a simple recipe for salting pink salmon in brine.

Pink salmon, also known to us as "pink salmon", is one of the most popular commercial fish. It is found mainly in cold northern waters. It is especially common along the coasts of the Pacific, as well as the Arctic Ocean. Every year, this fish migrates from salt water to fresh water, and then back. At the same time, the greatest nutritional value she represents even before her migration begins, because in the river water her meat loses its pleasant pink color, and with it its incomparable taste.
Pink salmon is an inexpensive fish. However, in modern restaurants, real delicacies are prepared from it. Due to the high density of meat, this fish is very convenient for cooks to work with. In addition, each of us can make unique dishes from it. For example, this fish can be baked, fried, stewed, pickled and salted.


Pink salmon contains almost all trace elements known today. This is what explains its special nutritional value.

So, the composition of that fish includes:

  • A valuable protein that allows you to feel full even after eating a small piece.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3. They are responsible for the youth of all the cells of our body, make them strong and resistant to any negative effects.
  • Vitamins A, C and almost all existing B vitamins. In addition, in pink salmon high percent the content of vitamin PP, which is responsible for the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and is also extremely beneficial for the central nervous system. This vitamin is not present in all foods, moreover, it is not even found in every fish. But in pink salmon it really abounds.
  • Iodine, which ensures the full functioning of the endocrine gland.
  • Fluorine, potassium, sodium and zinc are involved in hematopoiesis, and also contribute to the regeneration of bone tissue.
  • A variety of minerals necessary for the full functioning of the human body: sulfur, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, cobalt, chlorine, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, etc.


Pink salmon can vary in fat content, which means that its calorie content can be very different. But on average, 100 g of this product contains from 140 to 170 kcal.

How many calories are in salmon has an impact on the way it is prepared.

For example, when stewed, it is an ideal dietary product, but as a result of smoking, its calorie content increases to almost 200 kcal.

Beneficial features

Thanks to his unique composition pink salmon is so useful for the human body that it can be considered a real panacea for a number of various diseases.

  • Regular consumption of pink salmon has a positive effect on the health of the central nervous system.
  • Its meat is prescribed for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, as well as kidney diseases.
  • The use of this fish can make the skin cleaner and fresher, and also improves the condition of the mucous membranes.
  • Due to the content of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, eating pink salmon can significantly delay the aging process, give energy and new strength.
  • Omega-3 acids also act as natural antioxidants.
  • Pink salmon helps regulate blood sugar.
  • The high content of phosphorus speeds up the metabolism, and one of its compounds - phosphate salts - helps in building skeletal tissues.
  • Special attention should be paid to the use of pink salmon to all those who suffer from thyroid diseases, since this fish contains a lot of iodine.
  • The high content of vitamin B6 is extremely beneficial for circulatory system brain. This vitamin improves memory, increases efficiency and simply cheers up.

Pink salmon in cosmetology

Pink salmon is actively used not only in cooking and the treatment of various diseases, but also in cosmetology. In particular, we are talking about his caviar. Thanks to their amazing properties it helps restore youthfulness and radiance to the skin, make hair thicker and silkier, and stimulate their more intense growth.
In order to use caviar in cosmetics, highly effective modern technologies implementing necessary processing this product. That is why today only large cosmetic companies of the world are engaged in the creation of appropriate cosmetics. In most cases, their products are anti-aging in nature and are aimed at women over the age of 35.

Pink salmon for weight loss

Pink salmon is a dietary product that fits perfectly into the diet of those who monitor their weight or want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. The reason for this is the low fat content of its meat and at the same time a high level of energy value.
Since this fish contains a lot of valuable back, even a small piece of it is enough to quickly satisfy your hunger and feel full for a long time. At the same time, all consumed calories will be spent on maintaining the vitality of the body, and not deposited in the form of fatty layers.
A particularly pleasant moment is that all diets that are based on the use of pink salmon do not require restricting your diet and counting calories. Moreover, unlike most other diets, they do not harm the body, because they do not deprive it of essential vitamins.

Of course, the dietary benefits of pink salmon largely depend on how it is prepared. So, nutritionists in no case advise frying it or, for example, using it canned, because in this case its meat is saturated with vegetable fats, and the number of calories in it increases.
It is best to cook pink salmon in the oven or steam, then it will retain the maximum of its beneficial properties. Cooked in this way, it will not only be low in calories, but also incredibly juicy and tasty.
Cooked fish can be sprinkled lemon juice and serve with a vegetable side dish.

Good to know

In order for pink salmon to be tasty and really benefit the body, it is necessary to competently approach its choice and purchase. This fish, as a rule, comes to the shelves of our stores in a frozen form, and therefore it is extremely difficult to determine its freshness, but still possible. To do this, you just need to follow some tips:

  • the gills must be clean and always red or pink, but not black or greenish;
  • the abdomen should be pink, but not yellow;
  • if traces of “weathering” are noticeable on the tail or fins, this indicates that the fish has been thawed more than once.

Also, if you are buying a fillet, pay attention to its color. If it is not pink, but whitish, this means that the fish was caught in freshwater river. That is, her meat noticeably loses in its palatability pink salmon caught in the sea.

Harmful properties

Pink salmon has practically no contraindications. However, some people may have an intolerance to seafood. In this case, its use should be treated with the utmost caution. In addition, those who are allergic to products containing iodine and phosphorus should refuse to use it for food.
Also, doctors recommend not to get involved in the consumption of pink salmon for people suffering from gastrointestinal ulcers and chronic liver diseases.
Do you like to treat yourself to smoked fish? There is nothing wrong with this, as long as you adhere to the principles of moderation. The only condition is that you should not eat the skin of smoked pink salmon. The fact is that during the smoking process, various harmful substances accumulate in it, which can adversely affect your health.

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