Diana name what does it mean. Diana: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive? Video: The meaning of the name. Diana

Short form of the name Diana. Dianka, Dina, Diya, Ana, Anya, Dean, Didi.
Synonyms for the name Diana. Diana, Diana, Dian, Diana, Dianna, Diana, Dianne.
Origin of the name Diana The name Diana is Catholic.

The name Diana is the name of the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting Diana (in Greek mythology - Artemis). Translated from Latin, it means "divine". Diana's name various countries can be pronounced as Diana and Dayana.

Dean's diminutive address is also an independent name. And Anna's appeal - short form many names, both female (Floriana, Juliana, Androna, Anisya, Anfima, Christina, Kiriana, Liana, Viviana, Liliana, Rufiniana, Feliciana, Anna, Susanna, Juliania and others), and male (Angius, Fabian, Christian).

This is a very cheerful and energetic nature, which always needs to strive for the goal. Each task seems to her the most important in her life, and she throws all her strength into solving it. This is repeated every time, but Diana never finds the main and only goal.

Nothing is impossible for Diana, she always copes with everything, as she has endless energy, logic and an analytical mindset. But she often scatters her energy on constantly emerging new ideas. This is a very emotional and sensitive nature, her feelings are always deep. She needs to try to be more easy to communicate, as she is not good at hiding her strong feelings. When Diana tries to hide her feelings, they can become even stronger, which will be painful for her. She should show her restraint only at work, then she will succeed, and in family life she will become a caring mother and affectionate wife.

Diana tends to observe herself from the outside and evaluate her actions and actions without prejudice. This sometimes develops into narcissism or, conversely, into excessive severity towards oneself.

Diana perceives work as a duty and inevitability, therefore she is not eager to move up the career ladder. Nevertheless, she performs her duties neatly and professionally. She never rushes and misses nothing, she shows firmness and perseverance in her work. She is especially suited to work in medical diagnostics.

Family life is necessary for her, since only in it can she find peace and harmony in her soul. If mutual understanding and calm reign in relations with her spouse, then this gives Diana confidence in her abilities. The husband should take care of material well-being and help around the house. It is important for Diana to live with smart person and good lover who can support her in everything and give wise advice. If Diana is happy in the family, then her talents and potential are fully revealed.

In communication with Diana, it is never known for sure whether she is sincere or playing a role. It should be remembered that this is a very sensitive nature and hides his feelings well. Therefore, if Diana behaves calmly, this does not mean that she does not experience a storm of emotions.

sound. Diana is a short name, all consonants in which are voiced. The beauty - main characteristic, which is isolated from him. In addition, the majesty (92%), mystery (90%) and strength (87%) of the sound of the name are often noted. Sometimes a certain femininity is also distinguished in it (77%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Valeria, Elizaveta and Victoria.

Diana's name day

Notable people named Diana

  • Diana Spencer, Princess Diana, Lady Di, Princess of Wales ((1961-1997) former wife of the heir apparent british throne Prince Charles, called by journalists "the most famous woman 20th century". According to a poll conducted in 2002 by the BBC broadcaster, Diana was ranked third in the list of the hundred greatest Britons in history.)
  • Diana Ross ( full name- Diane Ernestine Earl Ross, popular American singer (styles - soul, rhythm and blues, pop, disco, jazz, rock and roll), actress, music producer. In the 1960s, she was a member of The Supremes. In the early 1970s started a solo career. She has been repeatedly nominated for the Grammy, Oscar, Golden Globe, American Music Awards, BAFTA, etc. Ross is one of the few who has 2 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at once (one for her solo career, the second for her career as part of The Supremes) ))
  • Diana French ((1538 - 1619) illegitimate (legitimate) daughter of the French king Henry II, the heroine of the novel by Alexander Dumas "Two Dianas". She wore three ducal titles - the duchess of Chatellerault, Etampe and Angouleme.)
  • Diana Vishneva (Russian ballerina, prima of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Diana Arbenina (at birth - Kulachenko; singer, poet, musician, vocalist of the Russian rock band Night Snipers)
  • Diana Shpak ((born 1997) Russian actress, TV presenter)
  • Diane Arbus ((1923 - 1971) American photographer of Russian-Jewish origin. The catalog of Arbus' works, published by Aperture magazine, is one of the best-selling in the history of photography.)
  • Diana Gurtskaya ( Russian singer, Georgian by nationality, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2006))
  • Diana Berlin (Soviet and Russian radio journalist, laureate of the Popov Prize (“Best Chief Editor− 1999"), Honored Artist in the field of broadcasting)
  • Diana Bish (American organist and television personality)
  • Diana Scarwid ((born 1955) American actress)
  • Diana Dezura (maiden name - Nelson, Canadian curler, who played as a leader, bronze medalist of the 2002 Olympic Games)
  • Diana (Diana) Tauler ((born 1946) married - Diana Green, a British figure skater who performed in ice dancing with Bernard Ford, a multiple winner of the European and World Championships. Together with Ford, she took part in a demonstration of ice dancing on Olympic Games 1976 (dance was not yet an Olympic sport). Currently a figure skating coach.
  • Diana Lewis Burgin ((born 1943) American translator, literary critic and poet)
  • Diane Lane (American actress)
  • Diana Savelyeva (Russian singer, performer of gypsy romances, artist of the Mosconcert. Winner of the first place in the competitions "Sunshine" (1986) and "Jazomania" (1995), laureate of "Romansiada" (2000), laureate of the festival of gypsy art "At the turn of the century" ( 2001), member of the Romansiada jury in 2005. She became a model for the paintings by Nikolai Bessonov "Tabor dance" and "Esmeralda and Phoebus".)
  • Diana Duane ((born 1952) American writer science fiction and fantasy. Her writings include the Young Wizards fantasy series for young adults and the Rihannsu novel series from the Star Trek series.)
  • Diana Frida Aron Svigiliski ((1950 - 1974) Chilean journalist and revolutionary)
  • Diana Gerenxer (ice dancer. She represented Switzerland first with Bernard Columberg and Alexander Stanislavov, then Italy with Pasquale Camerlengo. Gerenxer and Camerlengo represented Italy at the 1998 Olympics, where they finished fifth)
  • Diana Desmary (Russian and Canadian actress)
  • Diana Rasimoviciute (Lithuanian biathlete, two-time silver medalist of the 2010 European Championships in the individual race and sprint)
  • Diana Morozova (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg (DBE) ((born 1938) English actress)
  • Diana Di Prima ((born 1934) American poet, publisher; belongs to the beat generation, being the most famous woman in this literary direction)
  • Diana Sabrina Mendoza Moncada (model, Miss Venezuela 2007, Miss Universe 2008)
  • Diana Krall (Canadian jazz singer and pianist, winner of three Grammy awards)
  • Diana Wynyard ((1906 - 1964) nee - Dorothy Isobel Cox, British actress)
  • Diana Lurena Taurasi (American professional basketball player for the Phoenix Mercury Women's National Basketball Association team. Plays as an attacking guard. Olympic champion 2004 and 2008 with the US national team)
  • Diane Keaton ((born 1946) American film actress)
  • Dianne Wiest ((born 1948) American film actress)
  • Diana Damrau (German) Opera singer(lyric coloratura soprano)
  • Diana de Poitiers ((1499/1500 - 1566) favorite of the French king Henry IV)
  • Diana Peñalver (Spanish film actress)
  • Diana De Feo ((born 1937) Italian journalist, public and political figure)
  • Diana Nicolau (Portuguese theater and film actress)
  • Diana Lubenova (Bulgarian film actress and TV presenter)
  • Diana Petrinenko (Ukrainian singer, People's Artist of the USSR (born 1930))
  • Diana Kovalchuk (Ukrainian top model)

Choosing a name future daughter, any mother will first want to determine its meaning. What does the name Diana mean? What gifts will it reward the baby? The interpretation of the name Diana can be found in this material.

  • Diana's zodiac sign is Taurus.
  • Ruler Planet: Moon.
  • Dina's lucky color: lemon, barley.
  • Plants - sources of energy: oak, lily of the valley.
  • Animal: deer.
  • Talisman, amulet: Selenite stone.

Health: up to 45-50 years old, a woman named Diana will have practically no health problems, in old age there is a high risk oncological diseases and formation of gallstones.

Dina's children: the likelihood of having daughters is more than male children, however, this will also be affected by the energy of the husband.

At a tender age, the girl is contented wayward and poorly influenced by her parents. But from her peers on the street, she “picks up all the best”: she begins to use foul language early, fight with boys and run away from home. But in studies, oddly enough, little Diana is the first in the class: she is attracted by mathematics and physics.

The work of a woman named Diana: she realizes herself in serious technical areas - construction, engineering. Dianas, born in August, are able to achieve tremendous success in banking or jurisprudence.

Characteristics of Dian by time of birth

  • The "winter" girl, named Diana, treats her duties responsibly. She is prudent, knows how to choose “money” men and build long-term relationships with them on an ongoing basis. The "winter" Dinas enter into marriage, having crossed the line of thirty years, having worldly experience and some wisdom. With her husband, a woman named Diana is often cold, holding back her emotions, it is difficult for a man to guess about her thoughts and feelings.

Dina's whole life is ruled by the mind. With amazing pragmatism, she calculates her every word and action and anticipates the reaction of others. Diana is not easily embarrassed. She is not inclined to trust and trust people, so she often does not have real friends.

  • A woman named Diana, who was born in the spring months, spends a lot of time with boys in her youth. She is a real “kid” and will not change at all with age: Dina can do everything, she can do everything herself, men even jokingly call her an Amazon. Along with the strength, there is also a fragile femininity in her, men are crazy about a girl named Diana. In her work, Dina is ambitious, she loves to work, and even more loves to reap the fruits of her labor. A man chooses a time-tested and situations.
  • Diana, who was born in the summer, has a sharp mind and an excellent memory, shows excellent academic success: both at school and in higher education. educational institution. Dina is a real “adaptable”, there are no uncomfortable or awkward situations for her. Men in a girl named Diana are attracted by some of her unusualness. Dina is conservative, loves to follow a long-established routine, which she also requires from her family. He does not forgive betrayal to either his beloved man or close friends.
  • "Autumn" Dina is very smart and believes in own forces. However, there will definitely come a day in her life when she doubts this. She loves to count money, is economical to the point of horror, she always has funds, but she is in no hurry to lend them. From the opposite sex, the girl expects perfection in everything, so her relationships with men are complex and strained.


The meaning of the name Diana is very ambiguous: she is both feminine and purposeful, which is rather a masculine quality.

Dina has a talent for manipulating people around her. In work, this brings its advantages, but in her personal life, this rather interferes with Diana: she often suppresses the man next to her. The girl wants the beloved man to obey her in everything and please, but she herself does not want to give anything in return.

A woman named Diana is close to her parents and family, keeps in touch with her second cousins ​​by phone and visits her grandmothers on weekends. She has the gift of empathy, so she often becomes the keeper of other people's secrets.

Bearing the name Diana is sometimes quick-tempered, she can say too much close person which he later regrets. She loves life, enjoys every day she lives. Loves children. And strangers too. He grows his own by grafting strict rules teaches them to live in accordance with moral principles.

Dina is often religious and tries to "initiate" her friends into her faith, which often annoys them. She has few friends. But those that are, truly close, know a lot about her.

Often, for some purpose, a woman named Diana sacrifices everything. But, having not reached the desired, she does not stop. Sometimes she "chases her dream" into old age, which terribly annoys her husband.

Possessing inexhaustible energy, Dina will easily cope with any task assigned to her. She has an analytical mindset, the girl is easily able to predict the behavior of enemies and friends.

A woman named Diana is often unable to hide her feelings and emotions, everything is “written on her face”. Hiding feelings for her is akin to violence against herself, so friends try to protect her from emotional stress and excessive worries.

The woman is especially close to her mother, visits her often and tries to buy separate housing not far from her parents' apartment. Her children are smart and kind, she will always find time for them.

She does not like to work and shows genuine zeal only in areas close to her. If she likes what she does, then career advancement will be quick, easy and bringing good income to the family.

The girl builds a family nest with care and love. There is a place for everything in her house. The strictly established order of things should not be violated, and if this happens, it confuses the woman.

Diana will choose a man who is smart, wise and strict. He should be a real earner and a great lover, pay attention to children and help around the house. Only with such a person will a woman find family happiness and raise worthy offspring.

AT young age Diana pays too much attention own appearance which attracts a lot of men. However, this does not go to waste. intellectual development: Diana is smart and demands the same from the people around her. She especially loves smart men with whom you can discuss a lot and learn something new for yourself.

The meaning of the name predetermines fate, character traits, human behavior. The origin of the name Diana leads to ancient Roman mythology, when people worshiped the gods, among which the goddess Diana is the patroness of the moon and hunting. Translated from the Latin deus means "God", the name is interpreted as "divine".

AT Orthodox calendar there is no such name, therefore little Dians are usually baptized as Anna or Daria. The patroness of all the Dianas in Catholicism was Saint Diana d'Andalo, of noble origin, who lived in the 13th century. She founded the monastery of St. Agnes in the city of Bologna. Canonized by Pope Leo XIII in 1888.

The meaning of the name Diana for a girl

Early age

With early childhood girl Diana active and stubborn, makes progress early, develops rapidly: starts talking and walking early. Stubbornness is one of the main features that always accompanies the bearer of the name, which often leads to conflicts and misunderstanding on the part of parents. The other side, sympathetic and not indifferent, experiencing compassion and pity for their neighbor, cannot but admire and makes them put up with their daughter's waywardness. The openness and sincerity of the child helps to make many friends among peers and older children. She is sociable, not shy, expresses her opinion and can stand up for the undeservedly offended.

The constant desire for growth and self-development is noticeable from childhood: Diana is resourceful, quick-witted, eagerly learns new things and surprises others with ingenuity. She is admired and proud. At school, studying does not cause any special difficulties for the girl. Thanks to her analytical abilities, she is inclined to study the exact sciences, but she can also succeed in the humanitarian field, as she is fond of creativity.

Often the behavior school years is not flawless. This means that Diana often receives comments and reprimands from teachers. That does not prevent her from remaining in the forefront in academic performance. Excellent study becomes a matter of principle. Diana feel comfortable in the role of leader He knows how to win over those around him.

Characteristics of adolescence

Diana in adolescence is characterized by:

The meaning of the name Diana for an adult woman


With age, in the character of Diana, more and more volitional qualities appear and the desire to be first in everything. Once open and direct, it becomes secretive, hiding feelings behind authority and rigidity. Her artistic talent is on full display. To achieve the goal, she is ready to play a role. She diligently hides her softness, tenderness, responsiveness from prying eyes and only sometimes allows herself to be weak. The desire to keep feelings in check helps to be sustained even in anger.

Increasingly, she becomes like a warrior going to her goal, no matter what. Often expresses to people in person what he thinks of them. This leads to negative consequences for her. You should not get carried away with such behavior, so as not to lose true friendship and affection of loved ones.

Characteristics of positive qualities:

  • independence;
  • determination;
  • emotional stability;
  • responsibility;
  • self-confidence.

Negative Traits:

  • pragmatism;
  • prudence;
  • uncompromisingness;
  • selfishness.

Career value

With age leadership skills Diana is evolving. She becomes tougher, puts the achievement of the goal in the foreground and tries to achieve it with all her energy. Successfully occupies leadership positions. Thanks to endurance, composure, foresight, he is considered a promising employee who is not afraid of responsibility. Her career means a lot to her. Successfully uses creative abilities for the benefit of a common cause, which causes admiration and envy of others.

Diana Pretty uncompromising, categorical leader demanding of himself and others. Sometimes, despite the circumstances, intolerant of other people's mistakes.

Role of wife and mother

Diana's leadership qualities are also manifested in Everyday life. She is self-confident and decisive, which often scares the stronger sex. Perhaps that is why she cannot start a family for a long time and establish strong relationships with a man. The tendency to analyze does not allow the owner of the name to succumb to feelings and emotions. First of all, she studies and tests her partner for strength, forcing a man to seek her location for a long time. Appreciates men who can surprise every day, does not accept boring everyday relationships.

In his youth he gives Special attention appearance of the chosen one. Realizing that this is not the main thing, she often becomes prudent and looks for a life partner. according to his wealth, social status. As a rule, connects life with a successful self-sufficient person.

In the fate of Diana, often more than one marriage. Because of her strong-willed leadership qualities, family relationships are "bursting at the seams." Even remaining for some time without a permanent partner, a woman seeks to diversify her life as much as possible. She is always surrounded by friends, easily makes acquaintances and plunges into new novels, travels and does not allow herself to be bored.

Having children, Diana does not become fanatical mothers. It is difficult to imagine Diana as a housewife. They will gladly shift the responsibilities to grandmothers or nannies, preferring to return to work. An endless sense of duty encourages her to make efforts so that the children do not need anything. But often because of these worries, emotional communication with them suffers, one feels lack of parental attention and warmth. He brings up children in severity, but he will never use violence or aggression towards them.

sex life

Diana - sensual, sexy, attaches special importance to this side of life. Prefers attractive outwardly men in good physical shape, witty and interesting interlocutors. Being a beautiful, well-groomed woman, she enthusiastically and without hesitation gives herself to intimate caresses and games. Her partner is usually an experienced skilled lover. The emotional component of the relationship gives her feelings even more fire. If Diana is in love, then intimate life filled with warmth and tenderness, feelings make her a great lover.

Name characters:

  • talisman - selenite (), diamond;
  • patron animal - deer, leopard;
  • plants - lily of the valley, oak, pear.

Famous Dianas

D. Arbenina - singer, soloist of the Night Snipers group;

D. Vishneva - prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater in Moscow;

D. Gurtskaya - singer, performer of popular music;

D. Savelyeva - performer of the gypsy romance;

D. Morozova - Russian theater and film actress;

Diana Spencer - Princess of Wales, known as Lady Dee.

Everyone knows the phrase “As you call a ship, so it will sail”, therefore, the selection of a name is always treated with special trepidation.

Name Diana. Meaning. Origin

Translated from Diana, it means "divine", since it owes its appearance to the ancient Roman (moon-faced huntress). It is not difficult to guess what the name Diana means for the Romans. Thus, the Roman Diana is the incarnation of the Moon on earth and is an analogue Greek goddess. However, even despite such a wonderful meaning of the name Diana, it may not be suitable for a girl from the CIS countries. Although the name itself is beautiful and harmonious, it does not fit well with Slavic patronymics. With a patronymic Petrovna, Sidorovna, Ivanovna and the like, Diana is not a suitable name for a girl. The name will go well with such patronymics as Valerievna, Igorevna, Arkadievna.

Name Features

The meaning of the name Diana for a girl is great, in life she is a hunter, from childhood she knows how to achieve her goal. Cunning and prudent Diana emerges victorious from any situation. Strict morals and principles are not for her, she adheres to the rule: if a lie is to save, then Deception for a girl is the norm of life. For a girl whose name is Diana, it is very important to know the meaning, origin in order to understand yourself. At least in order to fight the tendency to exaggerate one's own merits - this is very typical for a young lady.

Knowing what the name Diana means and the features of her character, men will treat her with extreme caution, as she is overly boastful. Having won the man she needs, the girl will share this good news with everyone, from her friends to her neighbors. It seems to girls with this name that in this way they can gain respect and fame.

If you want to give your daughter the name Diana, a meaning whose origin attracts many, then it is better to weigh the pros and cons again, and only then make a decision. After all, despite such positive traits, as perseverance and determination, there is a sea of ​​​​negative moments that accompany people with such a character. For example, every success of a successful person generates a sea of ​​envy and gossip from envious ill-wishers, especially due to the fact that Diana herself cultivates all these speculations and gossip.

You need to know what "dangers" the name Diana carries. The meaning, the origin of this name already suggests that she needs to learn restraint in childhood. If a girl tries to behave calmly, then she will not have any problems in her life.

Name Diana: compatibility with other names

Girls with this name always have a lot of acquaintances, they are simple and easy to communicate with. However, when it comes to amorous issues, Diana changes her tactics of behavior. To win the heart of her beloved, the girl builds cunning plans. When the goal is achieved and subdued, everyone will know who was in her bed. She especially likes to share love gossip with friends and colleagues.

Men with Roman, Valery, Kirill are suitable for Diana for stormy and passionate, but, unfortunately, short-lived romances. Relations with representatives of these names will be bright, rich, but it will not come to marriage.

Diana needs a strong and powerful master of her own, and subsequently their life together. An alliance with Alexander, Dmitry, Vladimir will be successful.


What is the fate of the name Diana? Girls with that beautiful and rare name born to be famous, the following list of celebrities with this name can be a confirmation:

Popular pop singer - Gurtskaya Diana.

An incomparable and beloved representative of the royal English dynasty, She died at a young age. Until now, the exact version of the tragedy is unknown, the cause of that terrible car accident has not been established.

The beautiful Princess Diana during her lifetime was adored by the people, her reputation was impeccable, despite the fact that she, in fact, was an ordinary girl. However, after the death of representatives of the yellow press, some facts were discovered that, one might say, cast a shadow on the image of the inaccessible Diana. The fact is that after a divorce from Prince Charles, Diana began dating an ordinary surgeon, which, in general, is not forbidden, because, as eyewitnesses say, she was truly happy with him.


Diana's life is always successful. Girls should pay attention to the following fashion designer, designer, actress, ballerina, art critic, teacher, hairdresser, engineer. In the work of Diana, they are successful because of their, one might say, masculine disposition, they know how to insist on their own even if they are wrong. Self-confidence allows you to achieve any goals. At work, Diana is not loved by her subordinates, they consider her a true bitch.

Personal life

It is difficult to achieve a woman with this name, even if you are a handsome prince, you will have to constantly prove it. Intimately, Diana does not let her beloved get too close, although in a relationship she can be complaisant and loving woman. Trust is in the first place for her, Diana will not forgive betrayal, even a petty lie can cause a breakup. Dianas quickly converge with people, but are just as quickly ready to part with them if communication brings negativity or is useless. By general rule, Diana women's happiness is found only in the second marriage, as they constantly want to be leaders, they do not like to obey. They are good housewives, they know how to welcome guests beautifully and hospitably. But Diana has had a bad relationship with her mother since childhood, since the obedient girl cannot be clearly called.

Name astrology

Here's what the stars can say about female representatives named Diana:

The appropriate zodiac sign is Cancer;

The patron planet is Pluto;

Talisman stone - diamond;

Mascot color - white;

Mascot plants - forget-me-not and iris;

Animal mascots - bull and doe;

Lucky day is Friday.


Beautiful, independent Diana is simply created for success, she is endowed with all leadership qualities. It is better not to get in her way, she will still be able to achieve her goal. Intelligence, charm, a little grace - and voila, the goal is achieved. Diana's character is masculine, such qualities as practicality, emotionality, intuition, adherence to principles, temperament, responsiveness are clearly expressed in him. Girls with this name are very artistic, because others cannot always recognize Diana's real mood. The downside in character is increased self-control, women named Diana try to look more restrained than they really are, although inside they are very hot natures. Due to the fact that any word spoken incorrectly in person strikes Diana with a blow to pride, negativity accumulates in her soul. Representatives of the weaker sex with this name should be more direct and open, less serious towards themselves and others. Well-developed intuition, inherent from birth, protects Diana from deceit and intrigues of envious others. Here is such complex personality Diana is beautiful by nature.

Meaning of the name

Diana is charming, sensual and emotional. She cannot remain indifferent to the grief of other people, therefore it is quite natural that the owner of this name has many friends (but she has no enemies). Despite her kindness and responsiveness, Diana can easily be called the owner of a strong and firm character. This is a leader by nature, who at the same time does not seek to prove his superiority. The main thing is that pragmatism and rigidity do not develop into dryness and excessive demands on others, bordering on cruelty.

Characteristics of the name Diana

Winter Diana responsible, prudent and pragmatic. Her actions are controlled exclusively by the mind, so it is often quite difficult for this woman to make real friends (and Diana herself is in no hurry to trust people). In relations with men, winter Diana is cold and reserved, which negatively affects her personal life (she creates a family mainly after 30 years).

Spring Diana - a real Amazon, accustomed to achieving everything that she has in mind, through not only her hard work, but also female charm. She is stubborn, persistent and ambitious, which helps to overcome any difficulties in life. With men, the spring Diana is coquettish, feminine, wise and courteous, so she has a great many admirers. But she will stop her choice only on a man tested by time and circumstances.

Summer Diana cunning and witty, she perfectly knows how to adapt to existing circumstances, which contributes to career advancement. In addition, this woman combines such qualities as intelligence and spontaneity, conservatism and originality, which attracts people to her. In men, summer Diana appreciates kindness, openness, honesty and determination. But she will never forgive betrayal.

Autumn Diana hardworking, smart, self-confident, but at the same time overly stingy. She loves to receive, while she is in no hurry to give anything in return. Such life position can lead to the fact that in her life there will be practically no people to whom she can open her soul. Autumn Diana has a rather complicated relationship with men, since her chosen one simply has to be perfect and perfect.

Stone - talisman

Diana's lucky stones are selenite and diamond.


This moonstone symbolizes happiness, good luck, as well as material well-being.

It is believed that selenite contributes to the development of intuition, strengthening memory and will, making the right decisions and calming emotions (especially negative ones). So, the owners of this stone become kinder, more responsive and softer.

Selenite contributes to the harmonization of intra-family relations, as it pacifies and calms passions.

This mineral is rightfully considered one of the strongest magical talismans that can protect against evil spells and witchcraft.

In general, selenite is a stone of creative people who have decided to connect their lives with the spheres of culture or art.


This gem- a symbol of perfection, fortitude, purity, invincibility, fearlessness and purity.

People say that the diamond causes disposition among women and drives away ghosts, protects from quarrels and temptations, and suppresses bad thoughts.

Alchemists considered the diamond a stone of wisdom and attributed to it exclusively positive properties. So, this stone from time immemorial symbolized light, life, fortitude and openness.

This stone was endowed with healing powers: the owner of the diamond is not afraid of diseases such as dementia and schizophrenia. The contemplation of this stone improves mood, relieves melancholy, tames rage and anger (for this reason, a diamond is recommended to be worn by quick-tempered people).

In the East, a diamond is considered a stone. happy fate, enhancing the sharpness of the mind and protecting from enemies.

But! All these properties are possessed only by those stones that were obtained honestly or inherited by their owner.





Animal - symbol

Animals patronizing Diana are the leopard, deer and beaver.


This beautiful and graceful animal symbolizes rage, ruthlessness, cruelty, ferocity, aggressiveness, but at the same time pride, courage, courage, courage and speed.

The ancient Greeks considered the leopard a symbol of evil, while in China this animal personified courage.

In Asia and Africa, leopard skin was used as a garment for shamans and sorcerers.

In Christianity, the leopard is identified with evil, sin and lust. The fact is that the prophet Daniel dreamed of a leopard, while the Lord told the prophet that the villains are not able to change their fate, just as the leopard cannot change its spots.


This is a symbol with positive energy, personifying sunrise, light, grace, purity, beauty, renewal, swiftness, rebirth, creation and spirituality. In addition, the deer symbolizes caution, accuracy and keen hearing.

The deer is a good herald and a guide that points the way to the goal.

The American Indians and peoples of Asia identify the male deer with abundance and longevity, while the young deer symbolizes defenselessness.

In China, the deer symbolizes wealth, luck and abundance.

In the Christian tradition, this animal personifies not only purity and piety, but also hermitage (in the Bible, a deer thirsting for water is compared to a human soul that seeks to know God). Also, the deer personifies Christ, who is looking for the devil in order to destroy him.

The deer is a powerful magical intercessor, protecting from troubles and evil.


It is a symbol of diligence, diligence, love of freedom and abstinence.

In the Christian tradition, the beaver symbolizes chastity, hermitage, asceticism, as well as vigilance and peacefulness.


More fortunate are those Dianas who were born under the signs of Taurus and Cancer (more about these signs can be found in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person's life").


Diana's totem plants are pear, oak and lily of the valley.


The pear symbolizes longevity, as it is an amazingly resilient tree (the average life expectancy of a tree is about 100 years). White pear flowers represent sadness and impermanence, but at the same time beauty and sensuality (and all thanks to the shape of the fruits of this tree, reminiscent of a female slender figure).

Important! Chinese sages did not recommend that lovers or friends cut the pear fruit and share it in order to avoid separation and quarrels.

The ancient Greeks revered the pear as a symbol of love and motherhood, while the Slavs used the fruits of this tree in the manufacture of love potions (it was believed that it was the pear that strengthens marital relations and protects against adultery).

In Christian tradition, the pear is a symbol of Jesus' love for all mankind.

This mighty tree symbolizes courage, strength, courage, longevity, wisdom, endurance, as well as nobility, fertility and devotion.

Oak is the personification of the world axis, as well as the link that connects the world of the gods with the world of people, the world of the living with world of the dead(by the way, our ancestors believed that the souls of the dead live in oak leaves).

In addition, the oak acts as a symbol of marital fidelity and family happiness.

Lily of the valley

This snow-white flower personifies purity, love, modesty, tenderness, fidelity and sadness at the same time.

According to Christian legend, the lily of the valley appeared from the tears of the Mother of God, mourning her crucified Son.

Among the ancient Germans, this plant symbolizes blessing, happiness in family life, fertility and prosperity.

The lily of the valley also had magical powers: it was believed that in the hands evil person this tender plant can become a homeowner.

Important! You can not collect, buy or give lilies of the valley on the eve of the new moon, because at this time the aroma of flowers awakens lust, throwing a person into the arms of sin.


Diana's metal is mercury, symbolizing the rebirth of the human soul, the search for truth, but at the same time impermanence and elusiveness.

This metal helps to increase activity, which helps to achieve your goals.

It is interesting that alchemists have long considered this metal to be feminine, and all for the reason that it has cold energy.

auspicious day


origin of the name Diana

Name translation

From the Latin language, the name Diana is translated as "divine".

Name history

The name Diana came to us from ancient rome: that was the name of the regal, decisive and beautiful ancient Roman goddess of hunting and vegetation (in Ancient Greece this goddess was called Artemis).

Forms (analogues) of the name

Most known forms named after Diana: Di, Didi, Dianka, Dina, Danchik, Danya, Diane, Dayana, Dian, Dean.

The secret of the name Diana

name patrons

The name Diana is not in Orthodox saints therefore, at baptism, the owners of this name are often given the consonant name Daria.

The legend of the name Diana

Saint Diana d "Andalo, who lived in Italy in the 13th century, was from a noble family. It was this blessed one who founded the monastery of St. Agnes in her hometown of Bologna.

Unfortunately, very little is known about the life of this saint. It is only known for certain that she lived and did good deeds during the reign of the blessed preacher Jordan of Saxony, with whom she had a touching friendship.

Saint Diana died in 1236 and was canonized by Pope Leo XIII in August 1888. Her relics are still kept in the monastery of St. Agnes.

Famous people

Famous singers named Diana:

  • Diana Ross - American singer;
  • Diana Arbenina;
  • Diana Gurtskaya;
  • Diana Savelyeva - performer of gypsy novels.

Famous actresses named Diana:

  • Diana Shpak;
  • Diane Lane;
  • Diana Desmary;
  • Diana Morozova.

Diana Kovalchuk - the famous top model from Ukraine.

Diana Spencer (better known as Princess Diana or Lady Dee) is the Princess of Wales.

Diana Vishneva - Russian prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theatre.

The meaning of the name Diana

For a child

Little Diana is an obedient, kind, calm and cheerful girl who tries to help not only her parents, but also all those who need it. However, behind the softness of the girl is a strong character and stubbornness (if she decides something for herself, she will definitely achieve this by any means).

In Diana, nature has the ability to correctly maneuver, helping her to hit any intended target. If circumstances so require, then Diana can easily lie, and it is simply impossible not to believe this small, but cunning angel. This shortcoming of Diana must be dealt with, otherwise, over the years, lies will develop into a habit that can negatively affect the fate of the girl. Among the negative qualities of little Diana, I would like to note vanity (she tends to exaggerate her own merits).

But still, Diana's responsiveness and good nature cannot leave anyone indifferent, so often a lot is forgiven her. This sensitive and vulnerable girl always has many friends whom she is ready to protect, if necessary, both with words and with the help of her fists.

Artistic Diana studies quite well, and all thanks to her perseverance, accuracy and penchant for analysis. Do not forget that by nature this girl is a leader, and in order to maintain her position, it is necessary to work tirelessly and gain her authority.

For a girl

Teenage Diana gives her parents a lot of trouble, because from a calm and obedient child she turns into an obstinate and independent girl who, more than anything else, wants to become independent and get rid of her parents' excessive guardianship. Therefore, it is better to give her a certain degree of freedom and not bind her with rigid obligations, which will help maintain warm paternal relations.

She is still kind and responsive, only it is unlikely that she will be able to use her kindness for selfish purposes, since the insightful Diana quickly calculates lies and hypocrisy. Practical and stubborn Diana has a strong male character which often gets in the way of her life. Although, thanks to her ability to win over people, she easily manages to achieve a lot in life.

Young Diana is emotional and quick-tempered, but at the same time quick-witted, besides, she knows how to laugh at herself, which often helps her overcome blues, melancholy and depression. But if necessary, Diana quickly takes control of her emotions (this girl knows how to think rationally, and she never changes her decisions). Such self-confidence borders on arrogance and vanity.

It is often very difficult to understand Diana, because this girl rarely shows her sincere feelings, hiding them behind a mask of coldness and pragmatism.

How older Diana, the more her character manifests willpower and the desire to be the first in everything, but still this girl does not look like a cruel warrior who, in order to achieve her goal, is able to sweep away everything in her path. There is still softness in her character, warmth and kindness.

For woman

Adult Diana is a pragmatic, prudent and rather tough woman who, when making decisions, is guided solely by logic and common sense. She loses the spontaneity that was characteristic of her in childhood. Diana hides her openness behind authority, which can develop into real tyranny.

It also happens that Diana's sensuality takes precedence over her poise, and then best qualities owners of this name: softness, tenderness, responsiveness and sentimentality. But if you offend this woman or hurt her pride, expect reciprocal aggression.

Do not forget that Diana is a great actress who is ready to play any role for the sake of profit. Her endless energy, combined with an analytical mindset, allows her to achieve those heights that many can only dream of. However, this woman should remember that the measure is important in everything, and instead of the Oscar, she may lose loved ones who sooner or later will think about whether her friendship is sincere.

Description of the name Diana


Diana tries to adhere to generally accepted norms of morality, but she does not always succeed. In addition, the owner of this name is vindictive and will never miss a chance to remind you of the mistakes or faults that have been made.


Diana's weak points in terms of health are the liver, stomach and reproductive system. In addition, she is also prone to respiratory diseases. Therefore, special attention should be paid to her work immune system(she is shown hardening and frequent walks in the fresh air).


Diana is capable of deep feelings, while the very process of conquering a man is important for her (do not be surprised that the warlike Amazon Diana prefers to take the initiative in her own hands).

At the same time, she also expects from her chosen one decisive action, romance, sincerity and depth of feelings (Diana will appreciate a partner who can surprise her every day). She will open only to a reliable and strong man, in whom she will be one hundred percent sure.

But Diana's man must come to terms with the fact that this woman does not always know how to show her feelings, which does not at all mean their absence.

This woman does not like to discuss her personal life with her friends, and she will not tolerate such behavior from her man.


Diana never lacks male attention, therefore, he can afford to choose for a long time and carefully the one with whom he agrees to start a family. Despite this, most often her first marriage is not very successful, especially if it was concluded in her youth. And it's all to blame for the fact that the owner of this name is not ready to part with her independence. In addition, Diana absolutely does not know how to obey, which greatly complicates the construction of family relationships.

In the second marriage, Diana tries not to make the mistakes made in the first union. It is important for her to build a trusting relationship in which there will be no secrets and omissions.

It also happens that Diana marries very late, because she is waiting perfect man who will be strong, and handsome, and smart, and financially secure. In the event that the chosen man does not meet her high requirements, she will not be afraid to part with him, and she herself will initiate the divorce.

Family relationships

Diana strives to create a prosperous and strong family, because only in the family circle she finds peace and spiritual harmony. At the same time, she agrees to become an ideal hostess, but on the condition that her husband takes over material support families. In addition, for Diana, a husband is not only a loved one, but a faithful and passionate lover as well as a wise adviser.

Diana's main problem is the inability to switch: so, if her mood was spoiled at work, then she will definitely transfer all the negativity to her household. Therefore, she needs to learn to distinguish between a work mood and a home one.

In the family, Diana tries to take a dominant position, and if she cannot do this openly, then she becomes " gray cardinal". It is interesting that next to a weak-willed man, this woman will not get along.

Diana is a loving, gentle, attentive and caring mother who does not accept physical punishment (moreover, she rarely even raises her voice to children).


Outwardly cold Diana is actually very sensual and temperamental, but only a gentle and loving man, who will be concerned not only with his desires, but also with the preferences of his partner.

The intimate sphere for Diana is extremely important, since it is physical attraction and pleasure that give her energy.

Diana's partner must take into account the fact that this woman loves thoughtfulness even in the sexual sphere: for example, in order to get maximum pleasure, she needs a special atmosphere, comfort, and a certain chic.

Mind (intelligence)

Thanks to her cold and prudent mind, Diana is confidently moving up the career ladder, but at the same time she lacks simple human warmth to build reliable and strong relationships.


Diana is responsible, diligent, stubborn, objective and fair, therefore she is able to cope with any profession, but she will prefer the type of activity in which there will be no monotony. So, Diana will like the professions of a doctor, nurse, politician, public figure or a diplomat.

But in the accountant's chair, researcher or a clerk, this woman will not stay long, because she does not have such qualities as perseverance and scrupulousness. Biggest Success waiting for Diana creative professions associated with communication (these can be areas such as theater, music, literature, painting).

Thanks to her determination, communicativeness and analytical mind, Diana easily makes the necessary acquaintances and quickly moves up the career ladder, but at the same time she will never resort to betrayal or forgery in order to achieve a position.


By nature, Diana is a born leader with excellent organizational skills, so leading own business she comes easy. With her subordinates, she can be harsh, but always extremely fair.

It is interesting that she is often engaged in business not so much for the sake of achieving material well-being, but in order to prove the fact that women, no worse than men, can cope with serious responsibilities that require composure and concentration.


Diana is a creative person, and therefore her hobbies are connected with the field of art: it can be drawing, embroidery or writing books. The owner of this name also loves to travel, but on condition that the conditions are comfortable.

Character type


Diana is a born fighter who is not afraid to go against the system and tell people what she thinks of them to their face, which often gets her into trouble. But do not think that it is easy to piss her off, on the contrary, even in anger she does not lose control of herself.

The owner of this beautiful name it is distinguished by an unbending will, activity and a heightened sense of justice, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to draw it into a dubious adventure.

Diana is balanced and used to hiding her feelings, which often prevents her from building a personal life. To life's failures she is calm (prefers to solve all problems through logic and reason, but by no means feelings).

It is impossible to influence Diana's opinion, since she is always firmly convinced that she is right (such confidence can border on her arrogance and vanity). She considers herself a strong woman, therefore she does not recognize other people's weaknesses, and she considers the feeling of pity to be something shameful and humiliating. For this reason, she rarely makes friends with women, as she despises emotionality, tearfulness, and weakness.


Diana uses her developed intuition only when evaluating people, while when making fateful decisions, she relies solely on reason.

Diana Horoscope

Diana - Aries

Diana - Taurus

This calm and sedate woman knows how to find mutual language with others, what helps her unique ability captivate people at first sight. Diana-Taurus always brings everything started to the end, which contributes to her career advancement. But it is not easy to win the heart of this woman, because she immediately reveals lies and flattery.

Diana - Gemini

This woman is characterized by windiness and extravagance (such people are popularly called spenders). Diana-Gemini does not spare money for entertainment and the acquisition of beautiful, but often unnecessary things. She sincerely hopes that on her way she will meet a handsome and rich prince who will turn Diana's life into a real fairy tale. But life is not a fairy tale, and this must be remembered.

Diana - Cancer

Responsive, compassionate and good-natured, Diana-Cancer is very insecure: she is constantly tormented by doubts, especially when her words or actions can offend a person. As a result, this woman tries to keep to herself, although she longs to be useful. Diana-Cancer builds relationships with men according to the same principle, that is, she closes herself and avoids any courtship.

Diana - Leo

Temperamental, sensual and freedom-loving Diana-Leo is constantly striving to assert herself and achieve recognition.

Power, energy and leadership qualities help her achieve what she wants, and often she does it abruptly and harshly, regardless of the feelings of people. Diana-Leo will always try to subordinate her chosen one to her will.

Diana - Virgo

Self-confident and self-sufficient Diana-Virgo rarely takes into account someone else's opinion, since she considers her own to be the right one. This woman is used to relying only on herself, and therefore she does not need friends. The prudence of Diana-Virgo leads to the fact that this ambitious woman chooses for a long time the ideal husband, who should be handsome, smart and rich.

Diana - Libra

Responsiveness, peacefulness and sincerity of Diana-Libra make her an indispensable assistant in any endeavors. In addition, she has the ability to see only positive qualities in others. But such gullibility is fraught with disappointment. Diana-Libra dreams of a strong family, therefore, in every fan, she sees, first of all, a potential husband and head of the family.

Diana - Scorpio

The ambition of Diana-Scorpio knows no bounds. This woman is ready for a lot to achieve her goal. Her rudeness, harshness and harshness repel people, so she has almost no friends. The main goal of Diana-Scorpio is to make a lasting impression on others. Men are attracted by the image of Diana the Conqueror, so there are many novels in her life, which are accompanied by constant showdowns.

Diana - Sagittarius

Categorical, selfish, but at the same time objective and fair, Diana-Sagittarius does not like it when something does not go according to her own plan. She is used to the fact that others listen to her authoritative opinion, while she herself will not listen to anyone. In men, Diana-Sagittarius appreciates reliability, responsibility and honesty. She loves to be looked after beautifully and for a long time.

Diana - Capricorn

Willpower and fortitude are the main character traits of Diana-Capricorn, who enjoys authority and respect. She inspires those around her with her confidence and energy. This woman knows how to adapt to the circumstances, which helps her deal with various troubles. Diana-Capricorn takes love seriously, so she won’t waste time meeting a man for whom relationships are just a game.

Diana - Aquarius

Wayward and extravagant Diana-Aquarius, even in boring and monotonous work, can bring bright colors(the main thing is that she should not be prevented from showing her creative nature). This woman is waiting for a bright future, full of joy and unforgettable events. Diana Aquarius is amorous and passionate. In addition, she will never fully belong to her chosen one, the reason for which is her love of freedom.

Diana - Pisces

Charming, feminine and soft Diana-Pisces does not like (and does not know how) to command, but the performer from her will turn out to be excellent, because this woman is diligent and obligatory. Diana-Pisces is peaceful and responsive, she will not impose her opinion or criticize her opponent. The chosen one of this woman will be very lucky, because next to him there will always be an understanding and faithful woman.

Diana name compatibility with male names

Diana and Dmitry

Both partners are eager to create ideal family in which the wife will be a gentle and affectionate keeper of comfort, and the husband will be the breadwinner, thanks to which it will be possible to realize all the ideas and plans of Diana.
Dmitry - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Diana and Alexander

The owners of these names are rarely able to create a strong family, and all for the reason that they have too different views on life.

Diana and Denis

Serious passions reign in the union of Diana and Denis, since the emotional and unpredictable Denis does not always share the views of the calm and balanced Diana, for whom stability and confidence in the future are important.

Diana and Artem

This is the case when opposites do not just attract, but are able to create truly strong marriage based on trust, love and warmth. After all, the main thing for Diana and Artem is " good weather in home".

Diana and Michael

This is a couple of thoughtful and solid people who take the issue of starting a family seriously.

Diana and Arthur

Open Diana and needs a person whom she will unconditionally trust. And Arthur becomes such a person for her, who knows how to listen, understand and love. This union is destined for long and happy years family life.

Diana and Nikita

The responsibility and caution with which Diana and Nikita approach the creation of a family is often surprising. But the fruit of such an approach is the formation of a strong, reliable and stable union in which partners respect each other's opinions.

Diana and Vadim

Diana is used to living for her own pleasure, and for this she spares neither time nor money. And often (especially if the marriage is early) she is not ready to radically change her life, unlike Vadim, who is thrifty and pragmatic. This may lead to divorce.

Diana and Oleg

This is a strange, but at the same time promising union, based on the desire to create a harmonious family. But Oleg may eventually get bored with calm family life, which can lead to disagreements between spouses. But still, the marriage of Diana and Oleg breaks up very rarely.

Diana and Cyril

Diana and Cyril can be called a continuation of each other, halves of one whole and simply loving spouses which together will pass both water, and fire, and copper pipes. They do not cease to be interesting to each other even after many years of living together.

Diana and Daniel

Comfort, convenience and cosiness - these are the components that Diana and Daniel value above all else. Therefore, it is quite natural that their life together is based on the achievement of high goals, which really brings them together.

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