How to get rid of failure and bad luck in life? How to get rid of life's failures

Can our thoughts and life attitudes affect the course of fate? If this is possible, then how to get rid of failure? For some of us, misfortune and lack of money haunt us throughout our lives.

Very often a person does not even try to understand the reasons and spends all his energy on humility and self-pity. Those who have already got rid of failures know very well that you can’t give up. You need to work on your mind.

To overcome evil rock is actually not so difficult. You can change your life path. Psychologists are right - the attitude to life changes life.

  • Despondency is the main enemy.

First of all, we stop our internal monologue. To do this, you need to start living here and now. Do not forget about mistakes - this is an invaluable experience, but do not let the past influence your life.

  • Turn on positive thinking.

Yes, this method is known to all. And it really works! Try this miraculous recipe too - even in the biggest failures you find pluses. It will be difficult at first, but if you learn not to dwell on the bad, long-awaited luck will be your reward.

Always remember the main principle of the universe - like attracts like. And negative thoughts are not only associated with the energy of poverty, they lie at the root of all our diseases.

  • Forgive your parents.

You can get rid of failures and “bad karma” if you understand family relationships. Sometimes people unconsciously try to live according to other people's scenarios, repeating mistakes and duplicating the beliefs of their parents.

Get rid of the pressure of the family, thank your father and mother - they sacrificed a lot for you, forgive your parents for children's insults and start living according to own rules. In working on complex subconscious processes, Hellinger constellations will help you.

  • Believe in your luck - faith works wonders.

Make a talisman, turn to a good magician, and if you are devout, put a candle near your favorite icon. In every conceivable and unthinkable way, tune in to success. Choose what suits you. Changes will not come immediately, although this happens.

  • Imagine yourself as a winner.

For starters, just imagine. It is necessary to plunge into this feeling with your head and remember it in great detail. “Turn on” such emotions more often. They inspire and miraculously change life: others will perceive you in a new way, and fate will begin to present more and more chances.

  • Having the right goals will help you get rid of failures.

And let them be as many as possible. Write down everything you would like to achieve - goals should be big and small. Small achievements will give us strength to move towards the main aspirations.

  • Treat income with respect.

Buy a beautiful leather wallet, and keep the money in it very carefully. Do not put change with bills. And by the way! Never leave change in stores. This behavior is fundamentally different from charity - the money may think that you do not need it.

  • There are few effective rituals for getting rid of failures.

Here is one of the most effective ones - it is based on old Russian traditions. Get a new broom and start cleaning on Thursday. This day of the week is considered the best for liberation from negativity (remember Easter customs).

Sweep the apartment in the direction from the farthest wall to the doors, saying the following lines: “With this rubbish and a broom, all failures will leave me.” After the ritual, garbage and a broom must be taken away from the house and burned.

Failure in life is just a certain way of thinking. The aura of bad luck is eliminated with the help of a positive attitude and positive emotions. The magic of attracting abundance will definitely work if you do not forget about pleasant things.

Sometimes a favorite movie reviewed on time, a meeting with friends, or even an extra hour of sleep can save you from the blackest streak. Believe in yourself and your strengths, be optimistic and benevolent - misfortunes will surely recede, and success will come instead.

Whatever the troubles of life, never despair and do not withdraw into yourself. Share your experiences with family and friends. Tell us about our article social networks- getting rid of bad luck is much easier in the company of like-minded people.

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For those who read the first part of my "striped" topic: "" I continue the story and, as promised, I turn to the practical part.

I bring to your attention a number of "tools" for repainting the black strip in White color which one to use - choose to your taste

Let it be trite, let me repeat myself again, but I will repeat it again and again until it is imprinted in the subconscious of everyone.

Living in the present, you choose the best way of all possible

The conclusion suggests itself - we are trying to bring ourselves back to the present! How? I will not repeat myself - read: “and. The only thing I can add a little on this topic: In the state of inner silence, and therefore in the state of "here and now" will help: "Power Gait", "Breath Control" and Meditations. Each of these points deserves a separate post, which I will undertake later, but the most impatient can easily reveal these topics themselves by asking a query in any of the search engines. Despite the simplicity of stopping the internal dialogue and living in the “now” state - it turns out that everything is not so simple - our ego is trying with all its might to get you out of this state, adjusting our mental cocktail of all kinds of phrases, tasks and problems. Therefore, you have to always keep yourself under control, and constantly pull yourself up.


On this topic, you can read:

  • (mp3) – Osho
  • - Eckhart Tolle
  • (hypnosis session) – Psi-Technology
  • In a previous post, I already touched on the issue of faith.

In this case, the main thing is to convince yourself that everything is fine with you, and most importantly, so that there is not a drop of doubt about it. Faith works miracles. If you are a believer, then it is even better - go to the temple, pour out your soul in front of your favorite icon and be sure that God will help. It is clear that usually changes do not occur overnight, but if you continue to believe, changes for the better will inevitably come. Build your faith in the undeniable truth: “I'm fine! It doesn't matter that today I lost money, it was necessary, I lost it on purpose - this is a bribe to my fate - to lose in small things in order to gain in big ones. As you understand yourself - impose on yourself faith in the best in any case, even when everything goes badly out of your hands.

This faith will simply take you by the ears from the streak of failures to the golden streak of luck.

  • To support your faith in yourself, I suggest you tune in to this and send you the mood of confidence for review: - Sviyash A.G. (Audio Practice) and (Version 2.0) - "Dean"

Confidence, confidence and more confidence

About confidence in a good outcome of events, I described the paragraph above, but this paragraph is about self-confidence. It would be possible to combine this point with the point of faith, but I decided to pay special attention to it, since this point is very important for achieving goals and success in any endeavors. The state of your spirit in the role of a winner, the owner of your life inspires and does wonders. They begin to perceive you differently, they begin to notice you, and just luck itself begins to turn to face you. I will reveal my little secret: when I lose heart, I listen to “Octave” or “Image of Perfection” - I advise, it raises self-esteem great.

In addition to the topic and to help you, I suggest: (correction program - removal of natural disturbances, as well as for those who need it) - Vint Invest

Self-confidence will bring you together with the right people, your energy will vibrate in a different capacity, dispersing failures like the wind of a cloud.

We welcome failure

This is a very effective and powerful lotion. Its meaning is that the event that causes in you negative emotions- to meet (to convince oneself, to play along with oneself) positive emotion, joy. I don’t know how it works, maybe our ego gets into a stupor, or this blows the roof off the egregors (pendulums), or maybe two opposite energies cannot exist together, but the reception works 100%. I know that at first it is difficult, unusual and illogical, but the skin is worth the candle.

If you meet every failure joyfully and with a smile, then any troubles will run away with horror from you.

Yes, it all went to x ....

Many have noticed such a thing: you worry, you worry, you don’t sleep at night - everything is getting better early, but you just have to put up with it in your soul, spit on everything and send it to hell and everything is decided by itself in at its best. There is even a book and teaching about it, I haven’t read it myself, but positive reviews I heard.

Spit on everything and do what is right

Bad luck is contagious, but so is luck.

This has been proven a long time ago, so try to avoid the losers and vice versa rotate in the circles of the lucky ones. Especially carefully choose your interlocutors during feasts - it is then that there is a greater energy exchange with each other. It will not be superfluous to watch channels and programs where beautiful and rich houses are often shown, happy families and about the lucky ones.

Surround yourself, communicate and make friends with people whom we used to call lucky and then you will definitely become as lucky as they are.

Well, and finally, the topic will mention the "Great Three-Movers" from Vladimir Levy.

freeze - die - wipe your nose

do nothing - do something - do something

skip move - intermediate move - move-answer

fell-clung - squeezed-got up - gave change

What does it mean? And you know, no one will tell you this better than the author himself. Therefore, especially for you, my potential lucky ones, I posted this book: - Levi Vladimir Lvovich. The book is small, moreover, it is read in one breath, so that you enjoy reading it.

For today, I’m finishing the practical part of the striped topic, and in the next one I propose to move on to the topic “Prayers and conspiracies from bad luck.”

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How to get rid of bad luck. Once and forever

- so the elderly professor began this story, when he was already completely tired of our constant lamentations. And we, a group of businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers who came to the University of California in the late 90s for new technologies in marketing and PR, “wailed” exclusively on the topic: “of course, it’s good for you to talk here ... if we had such taxes / laws / teachers / parents / money / opportunities ... etc. were, - we would .... ". And followed further beautiful story about what "we would" ...

He one once we, so casually, hinted that “lack of result - and there is your result".

Second once, in an unobtrusive way, he explained that “if you don’t have something, or don’t do something, then you definitely have an exciting or heartbreaking story about why it happened» .

The third once, more emotionally, I walked through the fact that “if only, if only ...”. What they say, guys, why are you mired in the past and procrastinate it, looking for an excuse for not doing it.

But most of the group didn't get it.

And then he came out from behind the pulpit, sat down somehow sideways on the first desk and uttered this very phrase: “I have been unlucky in my life from the very moment of my conception…”

Want to tell your sad story?

Of course! we nodded. And prepared to pity him.

Photo source:

Here I am citing his story in my presentation - as I heard it, as I remembered it. Details may not be accurate, but they do not change essence! The essence of his story I then caught very clearly! Not just caught, but learned. For life.

- I have been unlucky in my life from the very moment of my conception ...

My father, a weed-smoking unemployed man living on random money from loading and unloading, disappeared from my life as soon as he found out that his underage girlfriend is a mulatto girl who prefers night image life, - "flew". He was blown away by the wind! Therefore, I am fatherless.

My bad luck was just beginning... The young mulatto, although she carried me almost to term, but only when she heard my first cry, immediately, on the delivery table, refused me. So I, a weak, defenseless baby, who had just come to this alien, unfamiliar world, was left all alone ... Screaming from hopelessness into this entire Universe in the arms of a midwife.

Further more… I was fatally unlucky... I was not adopted in infancy - I was a very weak, sickly child. In addition, in those years, born of a mulatto, I generally had little chance of being adopted. Therefore, from the Baby House, I went straight to the orphanage.

Well, here it is ... no luck - so no luck! It was an orphanage for "colored" children, of which we were not there ... I experienced everything in full on myself: how the Chinese fight, and how the Mexicans spit, and how painfully the blacks pinch ...

I didn't have much luck with my studies... Teachers did not stay long and changed all the time. Yes, to be honest, and not in all subjects they are in our orphanage were at all. Therefore, with the school, I, too, as you understand, did not work out. Well, just - total bad luck! ...

…He paused. He sat in silence, looking somewhere at the floor ... Then he raised his eyes to us. Of course, we sympathetically waited for the continuation of this story, not understanding why he started all this at all - after all, we argued so nicely over marketing problems only half an hour ago.

- I'm tired of telling you This, he suddenly said, not mine story… Do you want me to tell you MY?

A mute pause… We could only nod our heads, because we were already completely lost: where is whose story, why is he telling us all this at all, and even the English language for many was not just given in its subtleties.

And my story - that's ... - he continued.

- In general, I am a very lucky person!

I was lucky right from the very moment of my conception, when my unlucky dad disappeared from the life of my, no less unlucky, mother, and at the same time from my life - once and for all! Perhaps he felt that he could not give me everything that would help me survive. I am grateful to him for his decision ... Who knows how I would have grown up and what would have become of me if my infancy and childhood had passed next to him. Perhaps he intuitively understood that this weak kid could never become strong next to him and therefore silently retreated. And I am grateful to him for that.

And meanwhile, I continued to be lucky.

The young mulatto refused me right on the delivery table. And it was already a success! Because if she had taken me from the hospital, I’m not at all sure that I would have survived ... And so I, although weak, premature, had a chance! Chance for life! And she gave it to me ... My unlucky seventeen-year-old mother. I am grateful to her for this refusal of hers. And even in my thoughts I don’t want to imagine how and where I would have lived, how and where my childhood would have passed if she had not abandoned me then. Her refusal also gave me strength. After all, announcing the Universe with my first cry, I already understood that I had no one to rely on in this life, I was alone ... And this, probably, still causes some kind of concentration of internal energy, you see ... - he smiled.

I was lucky I wasn't adopted as an infant. Otherwise, I, a sickly, weakened baby, would probably have received very comfortable greenhouse conditions and the care of the people who adopted me, but would this help me become stronger and more self-confident? For some reason I think not. It was life in the orphanage that taught me resilience: I learned how to fight from the Chinese, I adopted their “tweaks” from the blacks, and I can spit like hell! Isn't that luck!

Well, with the school - it's generally - single song! There were not enough teachers and several subjects used to be taught by one person. In high school, we somehow became friends with a biology teacher who was a “walking encyclopedia” for us - he was so enthusiastic about his subject. And (what luck!) he also taught us mathematics, which allowed us to meet in class every day! We talked a lot. Of course, I only had excellent grades in his subjects. And when the question arose of choosing a college, I did not hesitate to go where mathematics and biology were needed.

Then there was the university.

Then - scientific work.

Family. Children. grandchildren. Great-grandchildren…

I'm glad I was born under a lucky star!

And I am grateful to Fate for luck.

He continued to sit on the edge of the desk with a smile. And we “digested” everything we just heard ...

“Here are two stories for you, two views on the same life,” he said, getting up from his desk and raising his two open palms in front of him like scales, “which one do you prefer?”

Often, by the way, this story is necessary. Especially when I hear exculpatory excuses: “if I…”, “if only I…”. Or even cooler: “Now if we…", "if us…».

An empty talk about an empty one gives only an empty one.

There is one exercise in my teaching arsenal that is very “topic”, try it if you want! Even alone you can practice :) And in a group, it can generally become a fun toy for any company.

So: write a few notes, indicating in them situations that, as a rule, cause a negative reaction first ... For example: “they stole a wallet”, “quarreled”, “divorced”, “missed the train”, “got sick”, “scratched the car” and etc.

Now, if you exercise alone, then you will tell yourself everything now. If it's a group, then split into pairs.

And then - the first stage: drag a note and start your story with the words “Everything is bad ...”, or “Imagine how terrible ...”, “I'm not lucky again ...”, or “Well, why am I all this! ... ". Well, tell us a little about the situation: either to yourself, or in a short dialogue with the interlocutor.

Now the next note - and the same thing ...

You can do this together with your interlocutor, let him also pull notes.

As soon as we get bored, we change everything radically. Now the notes are the same, but your statements begin with the words: “Thanks to the fact that ...”, “The fact that this happened helped me ....”, “I am lucky that ....”, “I am glad that this happened ... " etc. As you understand, the ellipsis is the place for your story.

I sometimes offer a very extreme option: “How terrible / How wonderful!”. And I ask the situations on the notes more abruptly ... Feelings - through the roof!

And drive!

And understanding comes...

And then I invite everyone to raise their open palms in front of them. Like the scales. And "weigh" what is in each of them ...

And make your choice!

“Trouble does not come alone” - I think many will agree with this saying. Indeed, it is worth a certain negative event to occur and it started like in a fairy tale: "The farther, the worse." It also happens that there seems to be nowhere to “fall” lower, but no, an inventive life will come up with such a “juicy slap in the face” that you get into such a mess that the previous one will seem like just a childish failure.

So all the same, why does one grief cling to another, and then, in turn, the next, sometimes turning life into one continuous black streak?

Someone will say that karma is to blame, someone will attribute everything to damage, Zeland's supporters will say that this is all a matter of "pendulums", but a skeptic will say: "This is just an accident." And you know, maybe they are all partly right, no one knows the exact explanation, and all these points really work, especially if you believe in them.

  • Believe me, a wise specialist in “slaps in the face” from life and all kinds of “black stripes” (as well as gray, black speckled, with circles and all other dark shades), and not just a home-grown amateur philosopher, but a practical one.

Well, and I had practice: “a wagon, yes a small cart”, judge for yourself:

Even as a child, I suffered 13 pneumonias (not counting other minor sores and illnesses later), the doctors almost killed me with their “experiments” (without the knowledge of my parents) and made me shy away from all people for a long time. Growing up, my pain went away, but my fears turned into complexes and phobias. Everything around seemed to be painted in dark colors, despite the many possible events, my body dulled not only the pain, but also the emotions.

As a child, carrying a glass of water and stepping over a drunken neighbor sleeping on the landing, I fell (as he began to toss and turn at that time), and I fell so that half broken glass sticking out in the center of my forehead.

So I became even more afraid of drunks

Despite the fact that my mother worked for one and a half rates, she took part-time work at home - there was always a lack of money. And my father often drank and was constantly on various journeys (sometimes for years), in search of either himself or just for fun. It seemed to me then that I live in some kind of constantly dark strip, which simply has no end. Negative events simply changed each other, and I got so used to all this that I began to perceive it all as a matter of course.

It was then that I first began to be interested in self-development, NLP, esotericism, then for the first time I began to think: why do some people succeed in everything, while others, well, nothing at all, despite the many efforts made for this. And you know, then I managed to get out of the series of “darkness” - I became a sociable, cheerful and quite optimistic young man, believing that life consists not only of black stripes, but also of bright joy, anticipation of good and of course love.

But in life everything is cyclical and the second blackening stripe, or rather, I learned my second life lesson after the army, when I was 25 years old. Then I was already married and my first son was already born.

Firstly, I then lost a lot of weight, and secondly, my mother fell ill with cancer and after a few months “burned out” in the disease, she died in my arms. A few months after the death of the mother, the father dies (blood clots in the carotid arteries). Between these events, my cousin's daughter dies (sudden death syndrome). Well, and finally, my wife and I are divorcing, and attacks from my wife begin on me about the parental apartment (she and the child were registered in the parental apartment).

This black line went on for several years without a light, and at times it seemed to me that I would just go crazy. At that time I was just sure that I had some kind of damage on me, and once having accidentally broken a mirror in the bathroom, I seriously thought that everything, probably, was the next one. I start running around grandmothers in the hope that the witching spell will be removed from me and all hardships will pass. As it turned out, nothing helped, and only faith in myself helped me, faith that God would not leave me, faith that everything would be fine and ……., but, STOP - all this deserves a separate story.

Only for the most impatient I will write about mine today:

Everything is fine with me, I have a small family: me, my wife (9 years younger than me) and my great joy- This is a seven-month-old son, Yaroslav. The eldest son (from his first marriage) will soon be 19 years old, he lives in another city, but he is happy to come to visit me and I love him very much.

At that time, it was not possible to defend the parental apartment in full, but I have my own, however, so far a small apartment (expansion of living space is in the nearest plans).

I work in a small furniture company as a deputy director, there is a lot of work, but I hope that there are even more prospects for the future. Despite all my busyness, sometimes I write to my blogs, with the hope that it may be useful to someone.

  • Departing a little from the topic with a story about my life, I pursued the goal not to boast to you and show myself from the red side - take it away, I just wanted to say and show to all readers of my blog:

“There is nothing impossible in life - everything changes in it, because this is the basic law of physical matter. There is a place for everything in life: joy too, and no matter how hard it is for you today, remember: everything ends and the black streak too, but for how long it will drag on depends primarily on yourself. The world is not against you, it is neutral, but what color to paint it in is up to you. After all, the truth is that it is in your power to choose which thought or emotion you can support, and which one you try to dismiss as unnecessary?

Hell and heaven already exist within you - just choose what you support.

If you liked it, then read on, if not - well, I do not insist, everyone has their own truth, choose a different path - there are many of them.

Before the start of the main story, I will once again emphasize to you that I do not climb into the abstruse jungle of reasoning, I just write about my experience, about the conclusions that I have come to today, I will try to give you a “drop of confidence” in myself and describe to you those "gadgets" that work for me.

Axioms of light and dark stripes or a golden, striped tablet from Oleg Plett :

  • M ir in relation to us is neutral.

He is neither evil nor kind, he absolutely does not give a damn about us, he is exactly the way we accepted him inside ourselves. The world around you is a reflection of your inner state.

  • AT era is a very strong "genie" in our hands.

What to believe is up to you. You believe that everything will be fine - “according to your faith it will be for you”, you believe that life is a cruel “thing” - get yours, the law works in this case too. You sincerely believe that God and all the forces of light stand as a mountain for you - be sure that it is so.

  • Love can do everything.

Love is not a selfish desire for possession, of course not. Love is the highest vibrational energy. Love does not seek or fawn, it is full and self-sufficient, it can turn any hell into a blooming paradise. Love is God loving no matter what. God forgives us not for our actions, he forgives us because he is God (love). Energy closest to true love- mother's love. How more love in your life, the brighter, better and smoother your life.

  • P like attracts like.

Negative thoughts and emotions attract negative situations, which in turn give rise to new ones. negative emotions- it looks like a vicious circle and if it is not interrupted, this can continue for a lifetime. Conversely, joyful emotions attract good events. The conclusion suggests itself.

  • By changing our thoughts, emotions and beliefs, we change the course of our lives.

Filter every emotion and thought, choose only positive and correct ones, cultivate them in yourself.

  • The feeling of guilt triggers the mechanism of punishment.

This is why confession is so important. Take your mistakes as important lessons life, and therefore, like any lesson, it must be learned and understood the meaning of the experience. As soon as you realized your mistake, you turned the tide, you learned your lesson, and after that, have the strength to forgive yourself and others.

  • Living in the present, you choose the best option possible.

I have talked about this more than once.

  • There are no hopeless situations.

Closing one of the doors, God always opens another.

  • Having made decisions, act.

You have an active always more chances than you have the same passive. So do not lie on the couch - act.

  • Never do evil to another - evil kills.

Doing evil to another - you are doing badly, first of all, to yourself, whoever has come across this will understand me.

  • Any change does not happen instantly - it takes time.

And this is good, otherwise if everything changed instantly, then we would have done something wrong. No need to complain that time goes by, but nothing changes, you just need to believe that happiness is inevitable.

But on this I consider the first part of the post on this topic closed, but on the next one, I propose to go to practical work.

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If luck suddenly left, things are not going well, personal life fails - it's time to change something. You can bring well-being into life by proven magical methods.

Everything happens in life. It happens that the black streak suddenly ends and luck literally follows on its heels. And it also happens that failures haunt a person, not allowing him to achieve his goals. In case bad luck is systematic, it's time to use magic.

Signs of bad luck and its causes

Trouble may await at home. Usually a series of failures begins with the deterioration of essential products. If you notice that your bread is not stored, it quickly becomes moldy, then this is often one of the signs of problems.

Also, the words of your household can become an indicator of the black bar. They suddenly begin to complain about life, talk about their constant failures and defeats, get hung up on characteristic sayings.

Communication with losers can negatively affect a person, so if a “whiner” appears in your life, reduce communication with him to a minimum.

Negative reasons for bad luck can be as follows:

  • boasting, a desire to show off and, as a result, self-evil eye;
  • failure attitude, negative thinking, depressive thoughts, unwillingness to overcome obstacles on life path;
  • damage, evil eye, curse, settlers and entities.

Ritual to get rid of bad luck

The simplest and effective way is a spell for good luck. Our ancestors used it, so there is no doubt about its strength. However, in addition to the conspiracy itself, you should take measures to clear your mind of negative attitudes. Tune in to positive thoughts, repeat encouraging words to yourself, start every morning with your favorite song, drink, food.

For the ceremony, you do not need special preparation. It is important to believe in what you say and repeat the plot three times a day for nine days:

“A man was going to the mill in a cart. Trouble-sadness-maeta fell from him, but stuck to me. I'll tear it off myself, I'll take it to the mill. There, her millstones will be ground, ground, remade. Trouble will come out, not trouble, but flour, good luck is full. I will powder myself with flour from head to toe, I will attract happiness and luck in life.

After the conspiracy is pronounced in last time, take a handful of flour, throw it up and stand under this cloud.

The magic of the forces of nature: we remove bad luck from life

For the ritual you will need:

  • Earth;
  • water;
  • candle;
  • spacious white shirt made of natural fabric;
  • pot for plants;
  • seeds or bulb of a flower (for example, a tulip).

In the evening (it will be especially successful), let your hair down, put on a shirt and stay barefoot. Arrange containers with earth and water, a lit candle and a plant pot on the four cardinal points. Stand in the center of the circle and say magical conspiracy bowing to every object:

"To Mother Earth bare feet I step, I absorb strength; I wash my face with icy water, I wash off trouble, dashingly; from the clear sun I bask, I recover; I breathe clean air, I breathe out pain and sorrow. I will take a cleansing fire, I will burn the pot so that there are no diseases. I will fill in the fertile land that life gives. I will plant a child of Mother Earth and water with a key field that nourishes life. A marvelous flower will grow, take away my sorrows and hardships, and save my life from bad luck. It will let it pass through the roots, but it will bury the earth in the cheese.

After the ritual, put the pot in a secluded place and wait for the sprout to hatch. Tell him about your sorrows, but do not forget to mention your luck. This is your personal talisman that attracts good luck.

Slavic conspiracy from bad luck

On a Saturday night, go to the bathroom. Turn on cold water and stand under it with the words: "Church me!". This action should not take you long. Then turn on the water warmer, stand under the jets and say: "Chur me, down with me!". Add again hot water, stand under it and say: "Keep away from me, get out of here!". Do the same with even more hot water, say: "Keep away from me, get out of here! Get out of my life with water!”. After that, without drying yourself, leave the bathroom, go to the mirror and throw an old rag under your feet. Stand on it and say:

“As water flows down from me, drips, so adversity leaves me. I admire myself in the reflection, I pronounce magic words. May there be happiness in my life and good luck. I leave all the empty slander behind me, new life open."

Once dry, put the rag in a bag and throw it away from home at night, but rather bury it under an old rotten stump.

You can attract good luck in other ways. You just need to make an effort on yourself and believe that achieving happiness is real. Stop blaming yourself and others for your failures, learn from your mistakes and help other people in trouble. The universe always favors the kind and generous. She will definitely answer your call. We wish you all the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.04.2017 07:08

Troubles happen in the life of every person, however, weakened energy does not always allow you to cope with a series of ...

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