Opera singer Maria Maksakova personal. Biography of Maria Maksakova. What is the singer doing now?

The love story of Maria Maksakova and Vladimir Tyurin again became interesting after her loud statement about the murder of Voronenkov. Was her longtime lover involved in this crime?

Biography of Vladimir Tyurin

The first husband of Maria Maksakova was born on November 25, 1958 in Bashkiria. Studying was easy for him, and he graduated from school with a gold medal. He received a diploma in music and later studied at the Leningrad State Polytechnic Institute. Having such an education behind him, he could get a job, but fate decreed otherwise. In 1974, he received his first term for gang rape. In 1980, the second for complicity in a burglary. In 1985, he was taken into custody for showing porn films for money in his apartment. At that time, VCRs were rare, and he decided to get rich quick in this way. In 1989, Vladimir was released, and two years later he left to live in Kazakhstan with his wife.

The rise of a crime boss

In 1991, Alexander Moiseev was killed, whom Yaponchik put in charge of the Irkutsk region. His place was taken by a close friend Tyurik. Two years later, a similar attempt will be made on him, but a grenade thrown through a car window will bounce off the glass and his authority will not suffer. In the same 1993, he was crowned and Vladimir headed the "Brotherly" organized criminal group. From that moment on, he increasingly visits Moscow, where he holds meetings at the Golden Palace casino and takes a break from pressing matters. Tyurik's influence in Eastern Siberia became the sole one after he informed the criminal world of Irkutsk in 1994 about the deprivation of Ilya Simony's "thieves' title". For several years, Vladimir has completely controlled gambling establishments, aluminum plants and timber export channels.

Leaving home

In 1998, a real threat to life arose, so Tyurin leaves for Spain. There, for several years, he successfully organized "windows" at customs. There were attempts to control the seaport. Very quickly, the man came under the supervision of the Spanish police. His neighbors were Zakhary Kalashov, Vakhtang Kardava and Jamal Khachidze. Accordingly, these people actively participated in all criminal gatherings in Spain. Tyurin visited Russia several times, including to celebrate the anniversary of Russian Aluminum.

The Spanish police and the Supreme Court put Tyurin on the international wanted list. He was in Russia when the large-scale Operation Osa was carried out, as a result of which more than 200 people were detained. In 2009, the Spaniards received information that Tyurin was in Mongolia. He was detained and awaited representatives for extradition and subsequent trial. However, having arrived at the place, the Spaniards only shrugged their shoulders - instead of Vladimir Tyurin, his own brother was detained.


In 2010, Russian law enforcement agencies detained Tyurin in the Moscow restaurant Kupol. The arrest was made at the request of the Spanish authorities. They accused Tyurin of laundering criminal money and during the detention it turned out that the criminal authority did not have Russian citizenship. He was assigned to the Butyrka pre-trial detention center. A year later, he was placed under house arrest. At this time, the thief was writing a scientific dissertation on the topic "Economics and Management" and practically finished his work.


The lawyers managed to prove the Russian citizenship of their client, and the Prosecutor General's Office was forced to refuse to extradite Tyurin to Spain. No criminal cases were brought against him in Russia, and, consequently, the thief received a brand new passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and was released. It is believed that after that Tyurin moved away from crime and began to conduct legitimate business.

Vladimir Tyurin and Maria Maksakova

According to Maria, for the first time Vladimir saw her in the program “So far, everyone is at home” and since then he has lost peace and sleep. For several months he was looking for a reason to get acquainted and guarded her in the Hermitage. The criminal authority did not dare to simply approach and get acquainted. Finally, through a mutual friend, he invited the opera diva to meet. She strongly rejected any acquaintances, especially in this way. For two months, the romantic was tormented by expectations, until finally this long-awaited meeting took place. The singer did not think that this would end in a real mutual feeling.

Family life

In her interviews with print media, Maria Maksakova never said the names of her lover, but always called him her husband. She was happy to tell how the businessman looked after her. He immediately said that he had chosen her and wanted a full-fledged family. her heart at once - what woman does not want to hear such words? The girl did not put off the matter indefinitely and bore him children. Vladimir Tyurin and Maria Maksakova did not appear anywhere together. There are practically no photos of them together on the network. But there are pictures of their common children - son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila.

Unfavorable Husband

In 2011, Maria Maksakova renounces her marriage to a crime boss. At this time, she is running for the Duma and it is not at all profitable for her to marry a former criminal. When the information was leaked to the press, articles with compromising information on the singer instantly appear. The girl declares that there is no marriage registration stamp in her passport and all sorts of insinuations from the press are slander.

Whether such a statement was beneficial to the “spouse” is unknown, but the couple soon broke up. There were many rumors about the cohabitation of these two bright people. Some argued that Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik) and Maria Maksakova could not legally marry, because thieves in law were not supposed to have wives. Others objected - the woman already knew then that she would soon go into politics and did not want to spoil her reputation. It's one thing when you're a singer, and only fans follow your personal life. It's quite another thing - a politician and the whole public is looking after you. Be that as it may, Maksakova became a deputy, and relations with Tyurin ended.

First official marriage

After breaking up with Vladimir Tyurin, Maria Maksakova started an affair with wealthy jeweler Jamal Aliyev. The girl tried not to advertise this relationship and, most likely, there was a reason for this. The couple broke up after a year. It was rumored that the ex-husband of Maria Maksakova, Vladimir Tyurin, contributed to this gap. Allegedly, he threatened the businessman with retribution if he did not leave his ex-wife alone.

Like behind a stone wall

At 37, Maria married Denis Voronenkov. Kutuzovsky registry office formalized their marriage in March 2015. The bride, as expected, was in a white dress, and the groom in a classic black suit. The wedding made a lot of noise in the press. This was the first time that two deputies from different parties were legally married. Maria was a member of United Russia, and Voronenkov was a member of the Communist Party. In April 2016, happy deputies became the parents of little Ivan.


Creditors did not stop pursuing Voronenkov, so at the beginning of 2017 he decides to move to live in Kyiv. His wife follows him, leaving two older children in Russia. On March 23, a fugitive deputy was shot dead in a crowded place in broad daylight. The heartbroken wife immediately found out that Vladimir Tyurin had taken her older children in Moscow. Then she did not connect these two events. The former lover called her and expressed his sympathy for the murder of Denis. Rumors immediately spread in the press that this was a punishment for Maksakova. deprived two children of their father - now she is paying for her sins.

However, in the fall of 2017, Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko announced that the crime had been solved. Vladimir Tyurin was recognized as the customer of the murder. Maksakova categorically rejected this version and could not believe in the reality of such a fact. The thief in law had no motive for killing her husband. They broke up many years ago - there can be no talk of any jealousy. The children remained in Moscow, she did not interfere with their communication with their father.

However, a few days later, her opinion changed. Maria suddenly began to recall how Tyurin "furiously freaked out" because of her marriage to Voronenkov. The confusion began. Journalists did not keep up with the course of events. Why did Maria Maksakova slander Vladimir Tyurin? The man did not hide and himself came to the office of the Investigative Committee, where he stated that he was not involved in the murder of the fugitive deputy. They did not have any conflicts and common affairs. Besides, they didn't even know each other. Tyurin has nothing to be afraid of - no charges from the Russian Federation can be brought against him even at the request of Ukraine. To prove his involvement in this crime - you need to try very hard.

Maria Igenbergs

In 1995 she graduated from the Central Secondary Special Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory in piano. In the same year, she entered the department of academic vocals at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (class of Professor N.D. Shpiller).

In 2000 she graduated from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (class of Professor M.A. Miglau).

In 2004, she completed her postgraduate studies at the Gnessin Academy of Music, class of Professor M.A. Miglau.

In 2000-2006 she was a soloist with the Moscow Novaya Opera Theatre.

Since 2006 she has been a soloist of the Helikon Opera Theatre.

Since 2003 she has been a guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia.

Since 2011 she has been a soloist with the Mariinsky Theater Opera Company (St. Petersburg).

He gives concerts and tours in many cities of Russia and the world.

He has a large chamber repertoire, performs works by Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, R. Strauss, Debussy, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky and others.

Trained in Italy with Miwako Matsumoto and Katya Ricciarelli.

The host of the program "Romance of Romance" on the TV channel "Culture".

theatrical work

Theatre-studio at the RAM them. Gnesins:
Rosina - "The Barber of Seville", G. Rossini.

"New Opera":

Snow Maiden - "Snow Maiden", N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov;
Ophelia - "Hamlet", A.Thoma;
Zinaida - "First Love", Golovin;
Leila - "Pearl Seekers", J. Bizet;
Xenia - "Boris Godunov", M. Mussorgsky;
and etc.

Big theater:

Oscar - “Masquerade Ball”, G. Verdi;
Musetta - "La Boheme", G. Puccini.


Overseas princess - "Mermaid", A. Dvorak;
Linda - "Linda Di Chamouni", G. Donizetti;
soprano part - "Welsh Songs", L. Beethoven;
Suzanne - "The Wedding of Figaro", W.-A. Mozart;
Grand Duchess Ekaterina - "Queen", D. Tukhmanov.

Mariinsky Theatre:

Dorabella - “Everyone does this”, W.-A. Mozart;
Cherubino - "The Wedding of Figaro", W.-A. Mozart;
Frugola - "Cloak", G. Puccini;
Preciosila - "The Power of Destiny", G. Verdi;
Composer - "Ariadne auf Naxos", R. Strauss.

prizes and awards

Honorary Diploma and the title of Laureate of the Moscow Opera Festival (2000) - for the best debut (Rosina's role in the opera The Barber of Seville at the Studio Theater of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music).

Diploma winner of the Elena Obraztsova Competition (2002).

Diploma winner of the Sobinov Competition (2006).

Today, Maria Maksakova is a famous person in the country and abroad. Her biography and personal life will be outlined below. This opera singer, political figure, actress is known today by both adults and children.

Especially after the tragic change in her fate, the attention of many of her fans and ordinary citizens of the country is riveted to her. Will Maria stay in Ukraine or will she return to Russia, the country where she was not born, but grew up and spent most of her life. Time will tell...


The childhood of the singer

Maria Petrovna Maksakova - Igenbergs was born in 1977. The biography of the future singer began in the German city of Munich. Therefore, she immediately received German citizenship. Her mother, having a personal sad experience of difficult childbirth in the Soviet country, flatly refused to give birth here again. Therefore, Maria was born and spent the first months of her life in Germany.

Then the mother and child returned to Russia. The children of the Maksakovs spent their early years at a dacha in the Moscow region with their great-aunt. Fresh air, nature and beauty of these places (as you can see in the photo) acted favorably on the growing organism. At the same time, children there from an early age could be involved in the world of music. In the summer, soloists from the Bolshoi Theater often gathered at the Maksakovs' dacha. Little Masha could enjoy talented opera singing at home. Music lessons in her biography began quite early. Her teachers were the best music teachers.

Maria Maksakova with her mother and children

Masha saw her mother infrequently because of performances and rehearsals. But her father came home from work every day (despite the prohibition of the authorities) to tell her a bedtime story. When the time came for the girl to go to school, she had to move to the capital. But Masha really did not want to leave her beloved dacha.

Simultaneously with her studies at a comprehensive school, Masha also attended a music school, where she studied piano and choral singing. In a Moscow apartment, creative people and celebrities often visited their mother. Maria could see at home Andrey Mironov, and Igor Kvasha, and Vladimir Vysotsky.

Roman Viktyuk remembered a young lady playing the piano, looking like a princess. So he first saw Masha. It played its part at some point. Later, in his production of the opera The Pearl Seekers, Viktyuk declared that only Maria Maksakova could adequately perform the part of the princess!

The beginning of a creative career

The beginning of the stage life of Mary took place in the theater "New Opera". Her debut was the role of Ophelia in the opera Hamlet. Then there were other roles: the Snow Maiden, Leyla in the opera Pearl Seekers, Xenia in Boris Godunov, Linda di Chamouni in the opera Bravissimo, Zinaida in First Love, etc.

Maria Maksakova opera singer

Maria performed all these parts brilliantly. Adults and children of the famous family could only be proud of such a relative.

However, the career of a wonderful young singer was destined for great development. In 2003, Maria was invited as a soloist to the Bolshoi Theater! This is a great honor, recognition and reward for the work!

At the Bolshoi, the singer wonderfully performed the parts of Musetta (La Boheme) and Oscar (Un ballo in maschera). In 2006, Maria Maksakova moved to the Helikon-Opera, where she first performed the role of Natasha from The Mermaid. In her creative biography at that time there was a revolution. Until then, everyone believed that the singer's voice was a coloratura soprano. But unexpectedly for everyone, she decided to try a new timbre - mezzo-soprano. This allowed the singer to take on new parts, for example, Karmen.

With Nikolai Baskov

By the way, her grandmother had exactly the same story. At first she sang as a coloratura soprano, then, thanks to an experienced personal mentor who appeared in her life, she decided to go down to the mezzo. The Karmen part was her signature number! It is simply amazing how the youngest Maria Maksakova repeats the life of her grandmother to the smallest detail!

Rise of popularity

In 2011, Maria's cherished dream came true - she was enrolled in the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. At the same time, popularity came to the artist. Even children could now recognize the famous singer! Her photos were everywhere - in newspapers, on the Internet. Information about her biography and personal life also appeared.

Particular fame was brought to the singer by her roles in the theater: the Countess in The Queen of Spades, Cherubino (The Marriage of Figaro), Princess Charlotte (Lefty), Helen Bezukhova in War and Peace, and others.

Soon Maria's first solo record was released with recordings of arias from famous operas. She was accompanied by the Russian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. Then the second disc was released with a recording of Russian romances. Several more discs were recorded, where Maria performed not only classical works in order to attract a wide audience to her art.

Maria was a popular opera singer in Russia

Also, the singer decided to try herself as a TV presenter. From 2009 to 2015, she, together with the famous artist Svyatoslav Belza (now deceased), hosted a show on the Kultura TV channel.

In 2016, Maria taught at the Academy. Gnesins. But a year later she was fired due to absenteeism.

Among other things, Maria tried herself in cinema. Her debut took place during her studies in 1988. Nikita Mikhalkov invited Maria to a cameo role in his film "The Barber of Siberia".

Then there was a ten-year break, after which Maria starred in the film "Big Boats". After she played in two more films: Savva and Photographer. She also had romantic roles in the films: “About Love”, “Rosehip Aroma”. The last role was a role in a very original film "Between the Notes".

Political activity

It is known that the legendary grandmother Maksakova was active in social activities. Astrakhans turned to her for help. Every day, bags of letters with requests were brought to the singer. She managed to answer many.

Again, repeating the fate of her grandmother, the younger Maria Maksakova also began to engage in social activities. Then a legal education came in handy. In 2011, she became a deputy of the State Duma of the 6th convocation from the United Russia party. She was elected from Astrakhan, which also makes her related to her grandmother. Maria joined the culture committee. She actively supported Putin's policies.

M. Maksakova was a member of the United Russia party

Maksakova was the only one who abstained from discussing the law prohibiting the adoption of Russian orphans by foreign citizens.

In 2016, she was defeated in the United Russia primaries in St. Petersburg. In 2017, Maksakova was expelled from the party for concealing dual citizenship.

In 2016, Maria left Russia with her husband and moved to Ukraine, where she remains to this day. There she spoke negatively about the Russian authorities and the country's politics.

Personal life

Maria Maksakova is of interest to many fans with her biography and personal life, being a very attractive woman. Many are interested in whether she has children, how old they are. But many people know about the last tragedy in her life. Maria was officially married only once. But she had children before this marriage. Who are they from?

Maria Maksakova spent most of her biography in an unofficial relationship with Vladimir Tyurin. She hid her personal life, because he is a crime boss, a Russian mafia in Spain. It was from him that her children were born. The son's name is Ilya, and the daughter's name is Lyudmila. It is Vladimir who is the first actual husband of the singer. But they still had to part.

With first husband Vladimir Tyurin

The second choice of Mary was the famous jeweler Jamil Aliyev.

And only in the State Duma did Maria find her true love. Deputy Denis Voronenkov fell in love with her and offered his hand and heart. They got married in March 2015. Mary left her maiden name. The deputies widely celebrated this interfaith marriage (Denis from the Communist Party).

The next year, the couple had a son, Ivan. In the Duma that day there was a free buffet in honor of such an event! The couple were happy. But this happiness was not destined to last long.

With her second husband Denis Voronenkov

Soon Denis had to hastily leave his homeland because of the false accusation against him and the danger of imprisonment. On nervous grounds, Maria had a miscarriage.

Suddenly it became known that in March in Ukraine it happened to them. Denis Voronenkov was shot dead near a hotel in the center of the Ukrainian capital.

Maria Maksakova currently lives in Ukraine

But this shocking news did not plunge the strong woman into despair. She managed to survive, resume concerts, continue raising children. However, Maria does not want to return to Russia yet.


Shortly after the wedding, Maksakova stated that the young husband had sold her seven-room apartment worth 100 million rubles and fled with the money. However, relatives and friends of Khalaev are sure that the singer used her young husband for her own purposes. However, the fact that Dalhat was previously involved in real estate fraud suggests that the young lawyer is not so simple.


An old friend and former neighbor of the vocalist Milena Deinega assures that her husband used the artist and broke her heart. “I have reliable information that Maria Maksakova is now on antidepressants. She is crying, she is not going out, she is crying. Exclusive information is from our mutual friend, her name is Olga. She lives in the same area where Maria lives. no one saw her in such a state. She believed him sincerely. She wanted a child from him. And he took her and betrayed her, "said a friend of the star in the studio of the program" Actually "of Channel One.

However, Khalaev's best friend Murat Kazharov denied Milena's words, saying that everything is exactly the opposite. The opera diva fell in love with an inexperienced guy and used it for her own purposes. Murat said that his friend sincerely believed Maria and would never betray her.

Third parties were involuntarily drawn into the conflict between Maksakova and Khalaev. Murat Merzhoev, who bought the ill-fated apartment, is very dissatisfied with the current situation. An acquaintance of the buyer came to the studio, who introduced himself as Ruslan Kurbanov.

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According to him, Murat is not involved in the machinations of Maria and Dalkhat, he just wanted to buy real estate. “It is not surprising for me that Murat was able to buy it. He comes from the Republic of Ingushetia, he comes from a wealthy family. His father ran a big business in Russia and Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, his father passed away a few years ago and left an inheritance to his son," Kurbanov told those present.

“According to my information, the apartment was sold for 45 million rubles,” Ruslan continued. “I don’t know where the figure of 100 million came from. I saw the price tag, but I spoke personally with Murat Merzhoev, he told me.”

According to Kurbanov, when making a deal, the parties used a well-known scheme, when the contract indicates a lower price in order to evade taxes, and the rest of the amount is transferred to the hands, through a receipt. Ruslan believes that after Dalkhat had the funds, he flew to Turkey, where, quite possibly, he met with Maria. "But if the money was transferred in cash, then it is impossible to transport them to Turkey," Merzhoev's acquaintance reasoned.

It is noteworthy that Dalkhat's friends say that he did not receive a single ruble. Since the bag of cash was stolen from the buyer by unknown people, and the remaining 45 million that were supposed to be transferred to his account did not come, the star's husband was simply thrown.

The experts present at the shooting did not take sides. They suspect Maria and Dalhat were working together.

  • Russian opera singer and actress, former soloist of the Mariinsky Theater Maria Maksakova. Also known as Ukrainian and Russian potlitik.

Biography of Maria Maksakova

  • Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs born in an opera family - her grandmother, People's Artist of the USSR Maria Maksakova performed at the Bolshoi Theater, mother, Lyudmila Maksakova - actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Maria began to study music from the age of three.

    Maria Maksakova actually has a double surname - Maksakova-Igenbergs. Igenbergs is the surname of her father, a German physicist.

  • In 1994 she graduated from the school of models Vyacheslav Zaitsev, took part in the shows of the Russian Fashion Week.
  • In 1995, Maria Maksakova graduated from the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory in piano and entered the Gnesinka department of academic vocals. Maria Maksakova graduated from the Gnessin Academy in 2000 with a red diploma.

    In Gnesinka, Maksakova studied with Nikolai Baskov.

  • In addition to musical education, Maria Maksakova also has a legal education. In 2002, she graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy in criminal law and even managed to work as an assistant lawyer. She received the profession of a lawyer “in reserve”, in case her operatic career does not work out.
  • In 2000, Maria Maksakova was awarded the title of laureate of the Moscow Opera Festival in 2000 in the nomination "For the best debut".

    In 2000, Maria Maksakova joined the troupe of the Novaya Opera Theater, where for six years she performed the parts of Ophelia, the Snow Maiden, Xenia (Boris Godunov), etc. And in 2003, Maria Maksakova appeared on the stage of the main theater of the country - Bolshoi Theater - she was a guest soloist in the operas Un ballo in maschera and La bohème.

  • In 2004, Maria Maksakova completed her postgraduate studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Gnesins. Since 2006, Maria Maksakova has been a soloist of the Helikon-Opera, she made her debut on the stage of the Helikon-Opera with the role of Princess (Mermaid), sang the parts of Rosina (The Barber of Seville), Suzanne (The Marriage of Figaro), Ekaterina ( Queen").

    Before the birth of her first child, she sang coloratura soprano, but gradually switched to mezzo-soprano. That was the voice of her grandmother.

  • Since 2011, Maria Maksakova has been a soloist with the Mariinsky Theatre. In addition to opera productions, Maria Maksakova has prepared a number of solo programs and duets. The singer's repertoire includes romances and songs by Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, Richard Strauss, Debussy, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and many other composers.
  • Media career of Maria Maksakova

  • Maria Maksakova acts in films, she has roles in the films The Barber of Siberia, To glory», « Savva" and etc.
  • Hosts the program "Romance of Romance" on the TV channel " culture».
  • In 2010, in the small homeland of the Maksakovs, in Astrakhan, the public charitable foundation of Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs was created, its activities are aimed at developing culture and art in Astrakhan, supporting young talents. A year later, Astrakhan ran for the State Duma.

    Member of United Russia, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation.

  • Maria Maksakova's personal life

  • With her first husband, businessman Vladimir Tyurin, Maria lived in a civil marriage. From this union she had two children - Ilya and Ludmila. The common-law husband was 19 years older than Maria, he fell in love with her when he saw her on television and began to persistently seek her favor.
  • In 2012, information appeared in the media about Maria's unregistered relationship with Jamil Aliyev.
  • In 2015, Maria officially married politician Denis Voronenkov. The first attempt to have children from a new husband ended tragically - Maria experienced a miscarriage of twins (due to the difficult situation in the family due to Denis's trials). However, in 2016, Maria and Denis nevertheless became parents - Maksakova had a son, Ivan.
  • A year later, in March 2017, Maria's husband was killed - shot dead at the Premier Palace Hotel in the center of Kyiv. After the death of Denis, Maria moved to permanent residence in Germany.
  • Filmography of Maria Maksakova

  1. Between Notes, or Tantric Symphony (TV, 2015)
  2. Rosehip Aroma (TV series 2014)
  3. About Loveoff (2010)
  4. Capital of Sin (TV series 2010)
  5. Savva (mini-series, 2008)
  6. Bigwigs (mini-series, 2008)
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