How to care for a pet turtle. How to care for and what to feed a land tortoise at home - the choice of a terrarium and diet

Turtles are an interesting and peculiar species of our smaller brothers. In the meantime, two of my representatives are sleeping peacefully nearby, I want to tell you a little about how to choose a turtle for the house and what better turtle choose. Because there are many types of turtles.

We will also figure out with you how to choose a healthy turtle. How to transport and care for them. In general, I have prepared for you a voluminous interesting, and most importantly, useful article. Happy reading.

Many types of turtles are inexpensive, so some people can go and buy a turtle right away. And it will be your fault. At one time, I myself fell for such a mistake.

Before choosing and buying a turtle, first find out in advance about how to feed it, how to care for it, how and where it lives. It is also necessary to understand how much money you are willing to spend on a terrarium, aviary, equipment and food.

I can tell you that you will spend approximately 3,000-5,000 rubles on the entire household, the main thing is to plan these expenses. You don't have to buy everything at once.

Be sure to take into account the fact that over time the turtle will grow and take up more space, so take care in advance about the place in which you place large terrarium or an aquarium. You must have free time in order to equip the turtle enclosure, improve it, care for the animal, feed it and watch it.

And most importantly - there should be an interest in the animals themselves! If you buy a turtle as a gift for children or as a toy, then soon it will get bored. You don’t need to keep the animal somehow, because a turtle in a beautiful terrarium will look much more spectacular for both you and your guests than in a box under the sofa.

Let's look at questions that often arise when buying and choosing a turtle:

  1. How many turtles can you buy at once? First, it is better to take one, and only then buy more for it, but not 3 - 5 pieces at once, otherwise you may not be able to cope.
  2. When is the best time to buy turtles? best period for the purchase of a turtle - this is the end of spring - the beginning of autumn. In winter, you can buy a sick turtle, or catch a cold during transportation to the house. These recommendations do not apply if you buy a turtle in a verified place, then you can take a turtle in any season.
  3. Buying an aquarium / terrarium to plan before the appearance of the turtle or after? It is clear that an aquarium / terrarium must be purchased and fully equipped for living before the appearance of a turtle.
  4. Where is the best place to buy turtles? Most the best option is to pick up the turtle for free if the owner refuses it. And in no case should you buy a turtle at the Bird Market - you can run into a sick animal or one listed in the Red Book.
  5. How to determine if a turtle is healthy or not? If the turtle is healthy, then it is actively moving, it does not have any discharge from the eyes and nose, it does not breathe through the mouth, its eyes are open and there is a reaction to people.
  6. How much can a turtle cost? Prices range from 150 rubles. up to 30,000 rubles and more depending on exoticism. And you can take a turtle for free if the owner refused it.
  7. How much will it cost to buy a terrarium with equipment? All together will result in an amount of at least 3,000 rubles, but if you search the Internet, you can find ads in which these things are given away for free.
  8. What documents should be required for turtles in the store? Be sure to ask for the sales receipt or a copy of it. Where the number of animals, their species, the name of the seller, his signature, date of sale and price are clearly indicated. It is desirable to have a veterinary certificate or a copy of it that the animal is healthy.


Turtle species

And now you need to make a choice. Which turtle should you choose? After all, there are about 300 species of turtles. True, the pet store does not have such a wide selection. Usually only land and sea turtles are kept there.

Let's meet the sea turtle. Oddly enough, she is very mobile, not like other species. It is active and grows quite quickly: literally in 5 years it grows by 30 centimeters. Such animals live only in an aquarium, and it is necessary that it be large (at least 100 liters). Therefore, only people who have an apartment large enough to put such an aquarium can keep such a pet.

If you want to get a land tortoise, then you will be offered a Central Asian land tortoise. This reptile is slow moving and slow growing. It is not as independent as an aquatic turtle.

Based on materials:

Which turtle should you choose?

Advantages of a land turtle:

  • If you go somewhere, you can easily (on a train, by car) take a land tortoise with you in a box or in a carrier, or give it to your friends for a while.
  • Land is easier to feed in terms of prices for vegetables and fruits, as well as the purity of eating.
  • It is believed that land animals are less aggressive than water ones. Usually yes, but not always.
  • Cleaning a terrarium is much easier than changing the water and cleaning the filters.

Cons of a land turtle:

  • Most land turtles are in the Red Book, it is against the law to sell and buy them without documents, and they are also rarely sold in pet stores.
  • When moving to another country, it will be almost impossible to make documents for the turtle.

Benefits of a sea turtle:

  • Aquatic turtles are always brighter, more beautiful and active than land turtles.
  • Most of the species sold are captive bred, so they are easy to buy legally and cheaply. It does not harm nature.
  • Aquatic (especially red-eared) turtles groom each other
  • There are many more aquatic species than land species, so it is easier and cheaper to buy a turtle that is not like everyone else.

What kind of turtle is easier and more interesting?

First, decide what kind of turtle you want - water or land. It makes no sense to start in a city apartment those turtles that grow very large (more than 50 cm in length), for example, Coal, Radiant, Spur-bearing, Leopard, Cayman, Vulture.
It is best to start popular aquatic non-aggressive turtles: red-eared, marsh. Of the rarer ones - side neck, kinosternon, geographical, terrapin. Of the land, the Central Asian is best suited, as the least rare and prone to intractable diseases.

What age to take a turtle?

Baby turtles are more prone to disease than adults and are more likely to die or grow crooked if not properly cared for. Also, with small turtles, it is more difficult to carry out medical procedures, both for the veterinarian and for you. So if you do not want your child to be upset and cry over a dead pet, it is better to get a teenage or adult turtle.

When is the best time of year to get a turtle?

The tortoise should be brought in in the summer, as at this time they are more active, and it is easier to distinguish a healthy tortoise from a sick one. In addition, there is less chance of catching a turtle during transportation from the place of purchase to the house. Buying equipment and a terrarium is also more convenient in warm time of the year.

Buying a turtle in the winter, in 9 cases out of 10 you will get a sick animal that was not sold in the summer due to “non-commercial appearance” or market congestion. When buying a contraband animal (land turtle), you must clearly understand that for one surviving turtle, there are several dozen dead during transportation and subsequent maintenance in conditions of high crowding and lack of heat, light and ultraviolet radiation.


How to choose a healthy turtle

In adult animals, the shell (abdominal - plastron, dorsal carapace) is solid and immobile. The cornea of ​​turtles is firmly attached to the skeleton and should not be scratched or otherwise damaged (tortoise cornea is not always identical to the shell). Leatherback turtles do not have a cornea. Instead, these animals have smooth skin.

Eye examination. The eyes should not be glued; there should be no clear or cloudy discharge. The eyelid should not have edema.
The nasal openings and mucous membrane of the mouth of the turtle should be free from deposits and secretions. Bubbles of foam in the nasal passages or in the mouth may indicate pneumonia.

Often, when sick, the turtle is not able to reflexively hide its head. Water and sea ​​turtles may behave strangely in water or stay on its surface during illness (for example, with pneumonia). Incorrect position in turtles is also observed after swallowing foreign body(for example, a large stone).

It is necessary to observe the noises made by the animals. But in unusual situations, turtles can snort, the breathing of healthy turtles is not audible. Noises during breathing, extraneous sounds may indicate, for example, that the animal has pneumonia.


Buying a turtle

It is better to carry a turtle from a pet store in warm weather- in a closed box with paper and holes for ventilation, in a cold one - in a box with a heating pad, or pressed to the body, since the turtle does not have its own heat. Trionics must be transported in water so that the skin on the shell does not dry out.

It is necessary to prepare in advance all suitable conditions for the turtle (temperature, light, ventilation).

If you bought a new turtle in addition to the ones you already have, then first plant a newbie and watch him for 1-2 months. If everything is in order with the turtle, then you can sit down with the rest of the turtles. If the newcomer and the old-timers are in conflict, then it is necessary to seat them again. Some aggressive species are best kept separate at all times.

Regularly (1-2 times a week or as it gets dirty) clean the aquarium or terrarium, but without chemical aggressive agents.

Give the animals a variety of food - not only the animal, but also plant origin. Do not forget about calcium and vitamins to promote health and armor.

The documents

When buying an exotic animal from a dealer who does not have documents authorizing the import and sale of such animals, namely:

  • a veterinary certificate from the sending country for the export of the animal.
  • veterinary permit of the recipient country for the import of the animal.
  • certificate international convention on Trade in Wild Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES) from the sending country (if this animal is listed in the CITES Annexes).
  • animal trade licenses, you are not only committing an illegal act, but also risking your health. A purchased turtle can be a carrier of a dangerous disease of salmonellosis, which is contagious to humans.

You have the right to ask the pet store for a copy of the CITES permit and the veterinary certificate.

If you have been sold a sick animal, then you have the right to demand a refund. Treatment costs can be recovered from the seller.

Most turtles are best kept in groups of only their own species. You should not keep other turtles near caiman, vulture and trionyx because of their aggressiveness. Do not mix species from different geographical areas in order to avoid diseases that are unusual for them in nature. It is also better not to keep turtles that vary greatly in size, as large animals can injure small ones.

Based on materials:

As you can see, before buying a turtle, you need to consider several important and necessary points. Now you know much more about us and will do right choice at the time of buying!

Kawabanga friends!

We continue the "Total cat" section with an article. Don't worry, turtles haven't become cats yet. It’s just that the section, so that it doesn’t get boring to look at some cats-cats, is periodically updated with not quite thematic articles (for example, Guinea pig - to piggy in the house? and Fox - as it is). Not really, but thematic. Since the main characters of the articles are directly related to the animal world, and sometimes to pets.

The domestic turtle is a collective image. Because a wide variety of turtles are used as pets - from ordinary, Central Asian, to the rarest, with soft shells. So it's not really easy to generalize. Therefore, a couple of words in general and a couple of words about the most common domestic turtles.

In general, we can say that the domestic turtle is one of the most unpretentious domestic creatures. So if guinea pig underfeed vitamin C, she will get scurvy. And if you forget to water the turtle for a month, then it will only drink better next time. Of course, there are also nervous turtles that cannot withstand long interruptions in the supply of water and food, but nevertheless, the main points remain:

  • turtles eat little, so the cost of feeding them in the family budget can not be taken into account;
  • turtles don't publish unpleasant odors, which cannot but rejoice;
  • turtles do not need to be walked regularly - they do their business either in an aviary or in their corner - and in any case they do not stink;
  • turtles drink little, which cannot but please forgetful owners;
  • turtles (at least some) endure quite low temperatures- in a state of suspended animation, they can live at zero degrees for several months;
  • turtles are very quiet animals, which is also good news, because you won’t hear from them
  • turtles are rather slow animals, which cannot but rejoice when they need to be caught up.

Thus, the advantages of a tortoise as a pet are obvious. On the other hand, there are several things that do not play into the hands of turtles as pets.

All domestic turtles can be divided into two groups - land and water. Of these, the most common are the Central Asian and red-eared turtle. Strictly speaking, the type of turtle depends on your personal preferences and capabilities. But the choice of turtles in pet stores is not so diverse.

Young red-eared turtles have bright color(red or yellow spots on the "ears" and a yellow plastron with a blurry dark pattern), but over time it darkens and fades. They are nimble and active, even at relatively cool temperatures. Red-eared (and indeed, most aquatic turtles) grow very quickly. For 5 years, a turtle about 5-10 cm in size turns into an adult turtle with a shell diameter of up to 30 cm, or even more! Therefore, it must be borne in mind that the aquaterrarium will need to be changed.

Central Asian tortoises in young age sometimes more helpless than water. They are colored in shades of brown, sandy, sometimes greenish, with dark spots in the middle of the scutes, like a spattered blot. Central Asian tortoises grow more slowly than red-eared tortoises, but they reach no smaller sizes. They are slower at low temperatures, although if they are warm, they are very mobile. In a terrarium, everyone will be digging and turning upside down, so plants etc. better placed on stable elevations.

By the way, common property any turtles - this is some uncleanliness, including when eating. By the way, about food. Land tortoises eat any

  • edible fruits and berries,
  • cabbage (very fond, but should not be given often),
  • cucumbers (very fond),
  • tomatoes,
  • carrots (shredded or thinly sliced)
  • salad,
  • dandelions,
  • clover,
  • some plants of the cruciferous (leaves, flowers),
  • young tree leaves
  • meat,
  • low fat curd,
  • hard boiled eggs,
  • very fond of hercules (but not boiled, but simply filled with water)
  • and the gammarus crustacean.

Also, land turtles eat earthworms, snails (you can only give garden ones, but not water ones, after removing the hard shell). The diet depends on the age of the turtle. Young turtles (up to a year and a little older) are fed every day, mainly animal food. The diet of adult turtles should be dominated by plant foods, they are fed every other day, plentifully.

Water turtles should be fed with animal food (meat, lean fish, mealworms, gammarus (turtles are very fond of), hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese), you can also give a small amount of plant foods (lettuce, fresh herbs, some fresh vegetables or fruits).

Bone meal or crushed egg shells (a pinch or two) are suitable as mineral supplements, as well as special vitamins for turtles (sold in pet stores), if there are none, then use Tetravit, Trivit or its equivalent, 2 drops once a week (you can give less). You can also give factory feed (they usually include gammarus, oatmeal and vitamin- mineral supplements).

Any vitamins are fed to the turtle along with food. For the convenience of feeding, you can do special product for feeding:

  1. finely chop the meat (fish, chicken),
  2. add gammarus,
  3. maybe some oatmeal
  4. sprinkle bone meal
  5. as well as vitamins (based on fed portions),
  6. and then all this is filled with gelatin and
  7. when it hardens, cut off the desired portion and give it to the turtle.

It turns out no worse than factory food, and even fresher. After this jelly should be put in the refrigerator until the next time. Naturally, before feeding, you need to make sure that the product is not spoiled. Food can be given with tweezers, the turtle usually floats to the surface at the sight of food and sticks its head out. Then the water will remain clean.

Naturally, these are far from all the features of keeping and caring for domestic turtles. However, it is likely that this data is enough to decide on pets whether such happiness is needed at all 🙂

A domestic turtle is a good, kind and useful pet.

According to

Before you get yourself pretty unusual pet, you should definitely know how to keep a turtle at home. After all good care is the key to a long and carefree life of a pet, not overshadowed various diseases. In fact, it is not difficult to create suitable conditions for the turtle to live, you just have to approach the implementation of care responsibly and competently.

The choice of the type of turtle and its maintenance at home

Before learning how to keep a turtle at home, decide what kind of reptile you will purchase. After all, it may differ slightly from species to species, therefore, the necessary care may also be different. The presented reptiles can be divided into two large kind: land and water. They share because most time is spent either in water or on land. Based on this, you need to make your choice. In no case should reptiles of different sizes or several males be kept together - fights are inevitable. It is worth considering that, the species of which are very diverse, are somewhat different from their wild relatives. If you want to buy several pets at once, it is better to buy reptiles of the same species and age (if they are kept together). And when there is enough space, and you can create several dwellings at once, you can start different types turtles.

How and where to keep a turtle at home?

If you have purchased a reptile that lives in the water, the question arises - how to keep a turtle in an aquarium? Home improvement is actually a very easy process. You must first choose the aquarium in which even an adult turtle will not be cramped. It is worth remembering that aquatic reptiles still like to go out on land sometimes, so the aquarium must have a hill that the pet can easily climb. Water should be changed in a timely manner to avoid contamination, and the aquarium itself should be cleaned periodically.

Land turtles are very fond of space, so choosing a spacious terrarium or aviary will be best solution. You should not put a land tortoise in an aquarium, even if there is a certain island there. Reptiles are accustomed to spending most of their time on land, so water will be superfluous for them. Better equip your pet with a spacious home where he can move freely. The presence of soil will be a great addition to the overall arrangement of a terrarium or aviary. The turtle will really like a home where it can move on solid ground.

Do you need a lamp?

Many along with the question " how to keep a turtle at home? wondering if reptiles need an ultraviolet lamp? The answer is unambiguous - it is necessary. It contributes to the proper development of the pet, ultraviolet helps to strengthen the shell and skeletal system pet. But it should be remembered that too long exposure to ultraviolet rays can also harm reptiles. The optimal time is 2-3 hours a day.


The creation of bedding is relevant only for land turtles. It is necessary to equip the place of the pet so that he feels comfortable. Moss or dry grass can be used as bedding. You can study the habitat conditions of a turtle species in nature and, starting from this information, create a litter. It is only worth remembering that the soil in the terrarium or aviary, and the litter, must be changed in a timely manner.


As you know, turtles living in the water feed mainly on animal food. Land reptiles prefer food of plant origin. However, when answering the question “how to keep a turtle at home?” no need to go to extremes when compiling a diet. It is necessary to create a balanced diet, in which both animal and plant foods will be present. Feed your pet fresh lettuce or dandelion leaves. The diet should include meat, both boiled and raw. To get vitamins faster, you can use various vitamin complexes. It is recommended to add bone meal, which contributes to the proper development of the pet. In general, when compiling a diet for a turtle, include all possible foods in it. Make sure that food never remains in the feeder. After the food has been lying in the feeder for more than an hour and a half, it must be removed, and the feeder itself must be washed.


Perhaps one of the main aspects of keeping a turtle at home is the temperature of the air or water in which the reptile is located. The structure of the turtle suggests the inability of reptiles to independently regulate body temperature. Turtles are cold-blooded animals, so they are very dependent on temperature. environment. Will need to support a little elevated temperature using an ordinary incandescent lamp placed in an aviary or terrarium. For aquariums, water heating systems are relevant. It should be understood that the turtle should not be allowed to travel around the apartment or house often. Firstly, you can step on a pet without noticing it due to its small size. Secondly, even the slightest draft of a reptile is enough to catch a cold. Thirdly, it is not uncommon for pets to simply crawl away or climb somewhere and die without water and food.

After studying all the materials, you should understand how to keep a turtle at home and create optimal living conditions for it. Just approach everything responsibly, in no case neglect the hygiene of the animal and its habitat, provide the pet proper diet. With proper care, some individuals can live for more than thirty years, all this time actively communicating with the owner and delighting him with their presence.

The terrestrial has lived on earth for more than 210 million years. Translated from Latin, the name of the animal means an earthen vessel or brick. In Russian, the name has ancient Slavic roots and its meaning is "shard".

Land turtle - description and structure

The main characteristic of turtles is the shell. Its main purpose is protection from enemies. It is so strong that it can withstand a load of 190 times the weight of the animal itself. The shell consists of parts:

  • Carapace. It is divided into internal armor, which is based on bone plates, and the outer layer, represented by horny shields. In some animals, a thick layer of skin covers the armor.
  • The plastron is formed by ossification and fusion of the abdominal ribs, clavicle and sternum.

The head of animals of medium size, streamlined. These features make it possible to quickly remove it when threatened. But there are species whose head is very voluminous, practically does not fit into the carapace. In a number of reptiles, the end of the muzzle resembles a trunk with nostrils at the end.

The eyes of animals living on land are always directed downwards. Most often, the neck of reptiles is short, but there are species in which it is the same length as the shell.

The beak replaces the turtles teeth. It is to them that animals grind and bite off food. The surface of the beak is covered with bulges, rough to the touch. They replace teeth. In herbivorous reptiles, the protrusions are jagged along the edges.

Archaeologists have discovered ancient turtles. They had real teeth, which were reduced over time.

The tongue of animals is short, never protruding. It is needed exclusively for swallowing food.

The tail is present in almost all representatives of the species. In times of danger, the animal hides it under the shell. Sometimes the tail ends in a spike.

Reptiles have color vision. It helps them in finding food. Hearing is well developed. Thanks to him, the animal hears the appearance of the enemy.

Turtles are characterized by molting. At land species it slightly affects the skin. A small amount of transparent shields exfoliate from the shell.

At adverse conditions: drought or frost, turtles hibernate. Its duration sometimes reaches six months.


The weight and dimensions of the animal vary depending on the species. The weight of the largest representatives sometimes reaches 890 kg, and their size is often over 2.6 meters. The smallest turtles have a mass of no more than 126 g, and a length of up to 11 cm.

How long does a land tortoise live?

In freedom, the reptile can live up to 200 years. But on average they live about 20-30 years.


In animals, sexual dimorphism is poorly developed. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to determine their belonging. However, if you look at behavioral features and the structure of reptiles, it is possible to find out:

  • the shell is elongated in the female;
  • the plaston is concave in the male, flat in the female - this makes the mating process easier;
  • the tail of males is thicker, often bent down;
  • the cloaca in females is located closer to the end of the tail, looks like an asterisk, and in males it looks like a gap;
  • boys have a V-shaped notch next to the tail;
  • males are distinguished by aggressiveness not only to prospective rivals, but also to females. They pursue the partner, nodding their heads and biting her.

animal species

Based on the way in which reptiles climb into the shell in danger, two suborders are distinguished:

  • Side neck. The head is hidden in the direction of one of the paws.
  • Hidden neck. The neck is folded in an S-shape.

Specialists distinguish several varieties of turtles living on land:

  • Elephant (Galapagos). The mass of the animal sometimes reaches 390 kg, the length is 1.8 meters. The size of reptiles depends on climatic conditions a habitat. In arid areas, the shell has a saddle shape, the limbs are long. In the area with high humidity domed carapace.

  • Egyptian. The smallest turtle. The size of males is no more than 12 cm. Females are larger. The shell has a brownish tint. Habitat - Middle East.

  • Land Central Asian tortoise. Body about 19 cm. Carapace yellow with spots, rounded. There are four fingers on the forelimbs. This is the most popular type for keeping a house. The land tortoise lives up to 49 years. Habitat: India, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. Due to trapping for the purpose of sale, the population has practically disappeared.

  • Panther. The length of the animal's shell is more than 0.8 m, weight is about 49 kg. The carapace is domed, high. Its color is sandy yellow. In young turtles, a dark brown spotted pattern is clearly visible. As the animal grows, it disappears. Habitat - Africa.

  • Speckled Cape. The smallest turtle on Earth. The size of the shell is not more than 9 cm, weight is from 96 to 164 grams. Lives in Namibia and South Africa.

Turtles live everywhere. The exceptions are: Greenland, Antarctica, the Arctic, New Zealand.

What does it eat in the wild? The basis of nutrition is plant foods. To maintain the protein balance at the right level, animals eat small insects and snails. Reptiles get the necessary moisture from succulent plants, but if there is a source of water, they never miss the opportunity to drink it.

Representatives box turtles are eating poisonous mushrooms. This makes their meat inedible.

Reproduction in reptiles occurs in different time. It depends on the location and type of animals. But all representatives of the class have similar features. For the right to fertilize a female, males enter into battle with each other. Land tortoises try to turn over or force their opponent to retreat with the help of shell strikes. After a competitor leaves the battlefield, the victorious male begins courtship. At the same time, he tries to ensure that the female takes the best position for mating.

To attract a partner, the male strokes her muzzle with his limbs or sings.

Females dig holes in the sand to lay their eggs. Crocodile nests or their own burrows are also often used. The masonry is securely covered with soil from above, and then compacted with light blows of the shell.

The surface of the eggs is covered with a leathery shell or shell. There are up to 190 pieces in the masonry. The incubation period is 91 days. The female makes several clutches during the mating season.

Turtles are solitary reptiles. They look for a couple for themselves only during the mating period.

Content at home

Today it is one of the most popular pets. Maintaining and caring for them takes a little time. These animals are unpretentious, so even children can follow them. When choosing pet, it should be borne in mind that some species are capable of reaching very large sizes.

To create optimal conditions for the life of an animal, you need to purchase terrariums or aquariums equipped in a certain way. They can create a microclimate that will the best way fit the animal. Where the reptile will live, two thermometers are installed. They are needed to control the temperature. For safety reasons, alcohol devices are used.

land turtle at home needs daily water procedures. Bathe the animal in warm water. It adds a small amount baking soda. The procedure is needed to remove soil and food debris from the body.

A land tortoise at home cannot sharpen its claws on its own. Therefore, they must be periodically shortened with a nail file.

In winter, animals do not get enough sun. To replenish vitamin D in the body, turtles need to be irradiated with a quartz lamp. It is important to ensure that the rays from it do not fall into the eyes of animals.

The domestic tortoise is very fond of digging holes. In order for the animal to feel comfortable in the terrarium, soil should be poured onto its bottom. It is better not to use sand for this purpose, as the reptile often swallows it, which can cause intestinal blockage. The ground must be moist. Only in this case, the domestic turtle will be able to dig a hole for itself. Smooth medium-sized stones should also be placed at the bottom of the terrarium. The shelter for the animal is a house. You can buy it at a pet store or make your own. The aquarium should have a container of water.

The domestic tortoise is a territorial animal. This should be taken into account when placing two individuals in one terrarium.

What does it eat in captivity? Experts consider the best products:

  • dandelions;
  • vegetables;
  • greens;
  • snails;
  • earthworms;
  • grass;
  • Strawberry.

All food should be cut into small pieces. The turtle eats from a shallow large saucer.

Interesting facts about the land turtle

- one of ancient inhabitants Earth. Them unique nature allowed them to survive in difficult conditions, to preserve their identity. Exist Interesting Facts about these animals:

  • The sex of future offspring depends on the ambient temperature. If a incubation period passes in the cool, then the males hatch, in the warmth - the females.
  • It happened in the museum of Dnepropetrovsk amazing event that shocked all of his employees. For a long period, the exhibited eggs lay on the shelves, and in 2013 turtles hatched from them.
  • In some states in heraldry there is an image of these reptiles.
  • Turtles almost never harm humans. But caiman during mating sometimes take people for rivals and attack. leatherback turtles sometimes they confuse swimmers with females, swim up to them, wrap their fins around them and drag them under water.
  • Animal meat is considered a delicacy. It is cooked and eaten raw.
  • Expensive beautiful accessories are cut out of the shell, which adorn women's hairstyles.

Land turtles are amazing animals, among which there are both giants, reaching a length of about a meter, and pygmies, no more than 9 cm in size. The behavioral features of these reptiles have won the hearts of people. A domestic turtle is a kind of silent pet that does not cause almost any trouble to its owner.

The family of land turtles includes about 40 species, with good conditions content, they can live up to 40-50 years.

Despite having their own shell, turtles need a full-fledged home. The size of the terrarium should be 2-3 times the size of the pet, the “house” should be placed 20-30 centimeters from the floor. Turtles do not tolerate drafts, they cannot be kept on the floor. AT summer time you can take your pet to the balcony or to the cottage, but in this case, provide a shelter where the turtle can hide from the heat.

Filler or artificial turf should be poured onto the floor. For this purpose, flavored sawdust, coarse gravel, flat pebbles, fresh hay are used. The optimal layer thickness is 3 centimeters. Do not use cat litter, sand or earth as the turtle may swallow it. The terrarium should have a house - for this purpose, you can use a small flower pot, plants are also planted in the ground, snags, flat stones and other decorative elements are installed.

Be sure to provide suitable heating: there should be two lamps - ultraviolet and conventional. In spring and summer, when the turtle is taken out for a walk under the sun, the ultraviolet can be turned off. You can also buy so-called "heating stones", just make sure that the cable does not run along the bottom of the terrarium. As for the feeder, it should be heavy (so that the turtle does not turn it over), wide, almost flat and easy to clean. Pure drinking water stored in a ceramic drinker under a lamp to keep it warm. You need to change the water every day.

The categorical "no"

  • Let the pet walk on the floor: firstly, he can catch a cold, secondly, eat dust and dirt, thirdly, someone will simply step on him;
  • Feeding a turtle is monotonous - it quickly gets fat and starts to hurt;
  • Place the terrarium on the floor or in a draft;
  • Keeping a turtle in a bucket or cardboard box has its own needs too;
  • Send forcibly for the winter without conducting tests to find out the state of health. Weak animals may not come out of hibernation.

Wintering and hibernation of land turtles

At the end of October, the animal becomes lethargic and prepares for wintering. In good conditions, a turtle can do without it; it is better to send a pet for the winter under the supervision of a specialist. 1-2 months before it, you need to take tests for helminths and carry out weight control. During the entire wintering, the pet loses 10-15% of its body weight - during this period you need to regularly weigh it: if the figure becomes critical, you need to wake up the turtle and invite the veterinarian. For 2-3 consecutive days, the turtle should be bathed in warm water for 10-20 minutes, within 3-4 days the air temperature should be gradually lowered to 17 degrees and below. The wintering box is placed in the basement, the ambient temperature should not exceed 12 degrees, otherwise the turtle will wake up.

After wintering, the animal is sent to a quarantine terrarium. When the turtle begins to move, it can be bathed in warm water for 15-20 minutes. After wintering, it is dehydrated, and it absorbs water through the skin. Every day, the pet should be offered fresh water and food.

Is it possible to bathe and wash a land tortoise

After buying a turtle, you need to bathe it every day for 10-15 minutes so that it gets drunk. Then bathing is done once a week, young individuals are washed every 3 days. During the molting period, pets are washed more often; there is no need to lubricate the shell with any means.

It happens that after a walk, ticks appear on the legs and in the head area of ​​the turtles - they need to be removed with forceps. Too long claws are also trimmed with special scissors. If the diet is not balanced, horn formations appear at the corners of the mouth, they interfere with the turtle, only a veterinarian can remove them.

Feeding tortoises

Adults are fed once every 2-3 days, young animals should receive food daily. You can give her greens - daisy flowers, yarrow, plantain, quinoa, coltsfoot, chickweed, dandelion, clover, kupyr, hay. Actively eat pets and vegetables - cucumbers, kohlrabi, cabbage, radishes, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots. From fruits useful apples, bananas, pears, pineapples. It is not advisable to give the animal sweet fruits and berries, potatoes, citrus fruits. The diet includes eggs, cottage cheese, oatmeal porridge, some meat. Some species readily feed on insects and snails. All food should be finely grated and fresh; turtles do not need to be given additional water - they get water not only from food, but also while swimming.

Mineral supplements should be mixed into the feed - they are sold in veterinary pharmacies, they also give crushed eggshells, mineral salts. During the wintering period, the turtle does not need to be fed.

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