How to choose a turtle for the house? What is the best turtle to choose? Practical recommendations1 min read. Turtles - unpretentious pets for your home

Not everyone is aware that the land tortoise, so familiar and common as pet, is listed in the Red Book. It is very responsible to be the owner of such a rare Central Asian reptile in nature. You need to know a lot about care and proper maintenance, nutrition and other things. Mistakes of many owners of turtles end very sadly for the latter.

Types of land turtles

In general, when talking about land turtles, one must keep in mind not only the most common Central Asians in our homes. In nature, there are 37 species representatives of this family. Most of them are Africans. The most familiar land turtles for us, common species that have taken root as pets are as follows:

A land tortoise at home requires a responsible attitude to the conditions of detention. Many mistakenly release it "on free bread" throughout the apartment. This is fundamentally wrong and unacceptable. First, you can step on it and cause injury. Secondly, the turtle will definitely climb into a dark corner, inhale the dust there, which will harm its lungs. Thirdly, if you do not find her hiding place, she will sit there hungry. Fourthly, drafts often “walk” on the floor, and turtles need a special warm and humid climate. Therefore, she needs her own home - a terrarium.

Terrarium for tortoise

Regardless of the species, they should be spacious so that the animal moves calmly, they should have a substrate of sand, gravel, straw, pressed sawdust 5-7 cm thick. natural environment live in hot areas, the air temperature in the terrarium should not fall below + 25 ° C. A shallow pan with water is desirable in the terrarium so that sometimes the land tortoise can exercise water procedures.

House for land tortoise

Because turtles sleep most days and prefer dark and secluded places for this, you need to build something like a house for them. It can be an upside-down flower pot with a slot, a wooden box placed upside down, or even thick cardboard folded as a shelter. It is better to give preference to materials that can be washed, since the maintenance of a land tortoise includes constant monitoring of the cleanliness of its habitat.

Tortoise lamp

Above the terrarium, a lamp for lighting and heating with a power of no more than 60 watts should be lit, as well as a fluorescent lamp to obtain the necessary ultraviolet radiation. Once every six months, the UV lamp must be replaced with a new one. Keeping tortoises without lamps can result in health problems for the pet. Ultraviolet is necessary for the absorption of calcium and a strong shell, and an ordinary lamp is necessary for heating the air to the desired temperature.

Land tortoise care

Any land tortoise needs proper care, which includes maintaining the cleanliness of her home, herself, ensuring the right way of life. So, how to care for a land tortoise:

  • regularly and variedly feed in accordance with one or another habitual diet;
  • bathing in warm water every week - this gives land turtles great pleasure, in addition, it helps to increase appetite and good bowel function;
  • take care of the claws - in captivity they do not have time to grind down as they grow, therefore they need to be cut off periodically with a special nail cutter;
  • take out for walks Fresh air- in warm and sunny days it is very useful to give the turtle the opportunity to walk in the open air, but you just need to keep an eye on it, because it can disappear from view in the depths of grasses in a very short time.

What to feed a land tortoise?

A natural question for novice turtle lovers is at home? Their main diet is plant foods - berries, fruits, vegetables, grass. It is best to feed them with a mixture of different ingredients - so their diet will be varied and balanced. You can put food on a flat saucer, the main thing is that it is convenient for the turtle to eat from it. Vegetable and fruit menu summer time you can and should diversify with clover, dandelions, sorrel, sprouted oats, pea leaves.

Vitamins for tortoises

Vitamin and mineral supplements are desirable in the diet of home-grown tortoises. As mineral additives, carbonate, bone meal, ground eggshell, glycerophosphate can act. They should be given at the rate of 100 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. As for vitamins, the Central Asian domestic tortoise needs natural sources of vitamins A, B12 and D3. Do not give her oil preparations and vitamin D2. She must get everything she needs from food.

How to determine the sex of a land tortoise?

You can definitely when she was 1.5-2 years old, that is, sexual maturity has come. Here are a number of distinctive signs by which you can judge the gender of a reptile:

  1. claws. In males, they are thicker and sharper. This is necessary to fix their body during mating. Females have shorter and blunter claws.
  2. Shell. In males Bottom part- plastron - has a concave shape, in addition, they have spurs (skin growths) on their hips. All this is due to the need to stay on the female during mating. The shape of the shell itself is also somewhat different: in females it is rounded, in males it is oblong.
  3. Tail. The reproductive organ of turtles is located in the tail. In the male, it is larger, wider at the base, while in the female, the tail is short and thin.
  4. Animal size. The land tortoise at home is determined by sex and due to its size. Nature made the female larger because she needs to bear offspring. When several individuals of approximately the same age live in an aquarium at the same time, such a difference is obvious.
  5. Eye color. Females have eyes yellow color, in males - brown.

The red-eared or yellow-bellied tortoise is the most common reptile among animal lovers. People call her a sea turtle, although she lives in fresh water. In pet stores, small turtles attract customers with their unusual coloring, pretty appearance. By purchasing it, people do not know how to care for a sea turtle.

The sea turtle feels good at home, so it is suitable for beginner animal lovers. They are considered long-livers (20–40 years), subject to the rules of care. By nature, the reptile is sometimes aggressive, while being strong and fast. When it comes to food, Red-eared turtle shows mental ability. Therefore, in wild nature in Australia they have supplanted their brethren and are now outlawed and exterminated.

Buying a yellow-bellied tortoise

When buying a reptile in a pet store or in the market, it is recommended to take it to the veterinarian for examination. This is necessary to determine general condition whether there are illnesses, and view for injuries.

If there is already a house sea ​​turtles, and you have purchased another one, then the new one must be kept separately for 90 days. And also it is impossible to keep adults and small ones in one place, this can lead to injury to the latter. Only turtles of approximately the same size are kept together.

After a change of residence, the turtle behaves inhibited or vice versa, actively. During this period, you must not disturb her, but do not forget to feed.

How to handle

When a person wants to pick up a turtle, it is recommended to remember that it is wet and slippery. She does not like these manipulations, so she hisses, can scratch, as she has large claws, and is even able to bite. Therefore, the pet must be held simultaneously with both hands.

After the time spent together with the reptile, you need to wash your hands with hygiene products, since it is a waterfowl, and there is its own microflora. Make sure that the feed and water in the tank are fresh. Turtles carry salmonella. Therefore, it is forbidden to wash the reptile in the sink in the kitchen and its accessories too.

What is required for maintenance and care

In order to carry out proper care at home, you need to purchase:

  • for 150 l. aquarium;
  • filter;
  • heating for water;
  • lamp;
  • UV lamp;
  • thermometer for water and air;
  • island.

These are all things from a long list that a pet needs for a healthy life.

Turtle care

Sea turtles require water and land. Therefore, the first step is to purchase an aquarium in volume of at least 150 liters. If the reptile is small, then it grows relatively quickly. Because of this, it is recommended to buy a container "for growth". Water is poured so that there is enough for swimming and coups for the pet.

An island of sushi is placed in the aquarium, it is sold in a specialized store. The pet will periodically crawl out and bask under the installed lamp. The temperature on land exceeds the water temperature by 10 degrees. The island area should occupy a quarter of the aquarium. But exceeding the temperature regime on the island is unacceptable. This will lead to overheating, which means that care will not be performed properly.

Island requirements:

  • one side of the land must be immersed in water, that is, be half-submerged;
  • arrange the land so that the reptile does not get stuck between the glass of the aquarium and the side of the land;
  • made of safe materials;
  • kept well on the water so that the pet could not turn it over;
  • textured surface.

How to heat the island

Turtles love to bask in the sand sunbeams. This must be done at home, but instead of the sun there will be a lamp. The reptile feels good when the shell temperature under the lamp is 30-35 degrees. To control this parameter, you must place a thermometer. If the thermometer values ​​exceed the norm, then the pet may get burns. We must not forget that the aquarium contains more than one turtle, they love to climb on top of each other. This makes it dangerous to approach the heating lamp.

When diving, a pet sprays drops in different directions. They can get on a working lamp, as a result, it will burst. So, the lamp is positioned so as to exclude all these moments.

What is an ultraviolet lamp for?

Heat and light are the two main components of a pet's health. Therefore, the aquarium is equipped with two lamps for heating and ultraviolet. Under the UV lamp, the body of the turtle absorbs calcium and produces vitamin B. If the body lacks these substances, the pet becomes ill with rickets, and its shell is deformed. The UV lamp is positioned directly above the reptile and must be operated at the same time as the heat lamp for 12 hours a day.

Water Requirements

The red-eared tortoise is a waterfowl. She feeds, empties herself, sleeps in the water. Therefore, water should always be clean and fresh. Dirty causes discomfort to the pet, is a source of disease.

The lowest water level in a container is measured by the size of its shell. She should calmly roll over on her stomach if she finds herself on her back. But the declared level is the lowest. Ideally, more water is recommended, then it stays clean longer.

When changing water, it must be defended for 24 hours. It is important to ensure that the water does not drop to 20 degrees, but is within 22–28 degrees. If necessary, water heating put a heater. The water temperature is controlled with a thermometer.

Since the pet does all its physiological needs in the aquarium, the water becomes polluted and smells unpleasant. To avoid this, the water is changed once every 7 days. To perform this procedure less often, you need to install a filter. The internal filter with water, after the turtle does not cope, it is weak. Of course, you can buy an external filter, it fits perfectly, but its price is not cheap.

How to feed a pet

diet sea ​​turtle various:

  • artificial food;
  • fish;
  • fish food;
  • vegetables;
  • insects;
  • plants for the aquarium.

But with all the variety, it is necessary to control so that the reptile does not overeat. To do this, it is recommended at times to use a diet with calcium. Petomitz loves to hunt for his prey, but he does not refuse carrion either. The main thing to remember about adding calcium to the menu. The turtle does not produce saliva while eating, so it pulls food into the water. This can be used to your advantage, that is, feeding the pet in another container of water, then the water in the aquarium will remain clean longer.

It is important to know that the older the turtle, the more plant foods it eats and less protein. Therefore, the diet of an adult or old turtle consists of 25% protein and 75% plant food.


AT vivo reptiles go into hibernation winter time of the year. If the pet lives at home, then this is contraindicated. Reptile owners may not have the knowledge to properly organize sleep care or be unable to wake the turtle from hibernation.

When getting a pet, a person must understand what responsibility he takes on. After all, every living being needs proper nutrition, the most important love and attention of the owner.

If you are going to have a land or freshwater turtle, you need to learn some rules for keeping them at home. Keeping turtles at home general information about the most common pets - land and freshwater turtles Oh.

Let's start with the rules for keeping tortoises.

The bottom of the aquarium must be filled with soil to a height of 4-6 cm, river gravel or a mixture of rounded pebbles with sifted earth is best suited for the soil.

You can not use sand and small sawdust as soil, and also leave the bottom of the terrarium bare.

Remember, the turtle must dig the ground - this is its natural need, without these "exercises" she can get sick!

To create a turtle pool, you can use a trough that can accommodate the entire turtle, but do not forget that he must climb into and out of the pool on his own.

The terrarium must have heating (100 watt incandescent lamp per 100 liter aquarium).

The temperature under the "sun" should be about 32 degrees, and in the opposite corner of the terrarium, "in the shade" - about 25 degrees. The turtle needs to bask "in the sun" every day for three hours in the morning and in the evening.

To make a house for a turtle, you can use an unnecessary flower pot, after sawing it in half.

Remember that the house must be large enough for your turtle, it must go completely crazy there.

Monitor the condition of your pet's feeder. The feeder should always be clean, and the food in it should be fresh.

If you have young turtles, do not forget to give them warm baths 2-3 times a week.

To do this, you need to fill a bowl with warm water (about 30 degrees), tilt it so that the back of the shell of the turtle placed in it is completely immersed in water, and the head, along with the chin, does not touch the water.

The duration of such a procedure is about 4 hours, and it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water and not let it cool down. Since in cold water the turtle can catch a cold and get sick.

Adults need to be sprayed daily. warm water from a spray bottle, being careful not to soak the soil of the terrarium.

Adult turtles are fed 2-3 times a week, small turtles under the age of 1 year must be fed daily, but the lump should not be left in the feeder for more than two hours.

What to feed tortoises

First, let's say what you can't give them - it's black bread, citrus peel, milk, cereals, canned and dry food for other pets, any food "from your table."

In winter, the following proportion should be observed in the diet of turtles: 70 percent - greens and vegetables, 25 percent - fruits, 5 percent - vitamin, protein and mineral supplements.

Protein supplements include raw liver, boiled egg, chopped meat, dry yeast, cottage cheese. To mineral additives include glycerophosphate, bone meal or ground eggshell, calcium palmitate.

It is recommended to alternate the types of food for the turtle. Give her sprouts of wheat, corn, green salad, young cabbage, young shoots of prickly pear and cacti, not forgetting to remove thorns, sunflower and millet seedlings from them. The only condition is that it is necessary to germinate in the dark.

2. Keeping freshwater turtles at home

Now consider how to keep freshwater turtles.

These reptiles spend most of their time in the water, but they also need land, so they need to get an aquaterrarium. Aquarium volume for adult should be about 100-150 liters, and land should occupy at least 25 percent of the total area.

The surface of the "shore" should be rough, but not scratchy. It should rise from the very bottom and be inclined. The water in the aquarium should be clean, without chlorine, it is recommended to change it 1-2 times a week.

So that the turtle does not escape from the aquarium, the land should be 20-30 cm below the edge of the aquarium.

Heating must be equipped above the "island", as the turtles like to bask "in the sun" on land.

If the turtle is overgrown with algae, in no case do not clean it with coarse brushes and do not remove the horn shields.

Not all turtles fall into hibernation. You can not feed the turtle monotonous food. Do not feed her only meat or only vegetation.

Squid and raw liver can only be used as supplements to the main feed.

To avoid rickets in turtles, do not feed turtles only meat.

AT recent times a fashionable trend appeared: along with the usual pets, people increasingly began to acquire exotic animals, one of which are turtles.

These reptiles have inhabited our planet for more than two hundred million years and, depending on the habitat, are divided into aquatic and terrestrial. This article will be devoted to turtles that live on land.

General information about turtles

Currently, about 40 species of land turtles are known to science. Their sizes range from very small - the size of a matchbox, to giant ones - weighing at least 500 kilograms. But for home maintenance a representative of this species, which has a completely mediocre size, has proven itself well.

Central Asian (steppe) or Horsfield tortoise - representative of reptiles, which feels quite comfortable in the conditions home terrarium. Its natural habitat is considered to be semi-desert and steppe terrain in Central Asia, but it is also found on the territory of Pakistan, Afghanistan and even on the coast of the Caspian Sea.

These turtles live mainly in sandy soils, but are also found in clay soils. Despite the arid climate, the ground in the habitats of these animals must be wet. This is due to the fact that turtles dig holes and if the soil is dry, they are forced to wander in search of a suitable option. Another reason why reptiles prefer moist soil- Availability large quantities grass, which is their food source.

Peak activity of these turtles occurs in the early morning and evening. During the daytime and evening hours, they prefer to sleep under rocks, snags or in burrows.

In nature, these reptiles hibernate in winter and summer to protect themselves from the effects of adverse temperatures and from hunger, which threatens them due to a lack of food at this time. If the home conditions are comfortable for the turtle, it will not need to hibernate.


The Horsfield tortoise has a rather modest size. The dimensions of its shell range from 13 to 25 centimeters in length. Males are inferior in size to females: their shell grows from 13 to 20 cm, and in females from 15 to 25 cm. But at home, these animals grow up to 17-18 cm in length.

Their shell consists of 16 keratinized scutes on top and 13-15 of the same flaps on the bottom. Another 25 shields are located on the side surfaces of the shell. It has a rounded shape, slightly flattened at the top. From above, its color varies from olive-yellow-green to olive-brown. Dark spots are located on top of the main color, their color correlates with the color of the soil on which the turtle lives. Tortoise head and paws Brown. There are four clawed fingers on the paws.

In nature, these animals live within 40-50 years, and in captivity with comfortable conditions their life expectancy may increase.

What do steppe turtles eat?

AT natural conditions reptiles feed on plant foods: grass, young shoots of shrubs. Sometimes they can treat themselves to berries and fruits.

Home conditions suggest for a turtle varied diet:

  • 75-80% off total food should fall on fresh greens and hay
  • 5% should be vegetables
  • 15-20% fruit

Prepared food should be put on a plate or on a special surface, where the possibility of eating soil with food will be excluded. Hand feeding is not recommended.

As for the frequency of feeding, young individuals need to be fed daily. Adult turtles are usually fed once every 2-3 days. The serving volume should be approximately half the volume of the animal's shell.

Attention should be paid to the fact that excessive consumption of juicy food and fruits by the turtle can lead to the fact that in the stomach of the turtle the fermentation process will start.

In order for the animal to receive the amount of calcium and other trace elements it needs, it is necessary to include special mineral baits in its diet.

A land pet does not require constant access to water, so there is no need to put a container with it in the house.

The care that your land friend will need is not too difficult. But there are a number of conditions that must be met.

How to choose the right house?

It doesn't matter if, having acquired a turtle, you did not have time to buy a house for it. At first, a turtle can serve as a home cardboard box, the dimensions of which should not hamper the movements of the animal. It would be wrong to leave the reptile to live on the floor before buying a special dwelling, as this can negatively affect the life of the turtle. Your new land pet may catch a cold or hide in the farthest corner, where it risks starving to death in the future. If the turtle is small, even though it has a shell, it can be crushed by its owner, who did not notice and stepped on it.

Therefore, proper care and maintenance of a turtle means equipped terrarium where your pet will feel most comfortable.

Land tortoise care is a must includes bathing. This contributes to the stabilization of the water-salt balance, the replenishment of moisture reserves in the body and the normalization of work. gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to bathe the animal in warm water (+32-35 degrees) once every two weeks.

breeding process

In natural habitat Central Asian turtles reach sexual maturity at about 10 years of age.

In the period from April to July, the female makes holes in the ground, in which she then lays her eggs. One individual can make up to three clutches, each of which contains up to six eggs. At a temperature of +30 degrees and a humidity of 60-70% incubation period lasts from 60 to 65 days.

Between August and October, the eggs hatch cubs about 3 cm in size.

At home, steppe turtles can become parents at the age of 5-6 years.

Breeding requires a female and two young males. After the mating process is completed, the female must immediately be isolated. For 2-3 months, the expectant mother is busy carrying eggs. During this period, her diet should be rich in vitamins and minerals.

The female lays eggs in the ground and safely forgets about them. They must be immediately taken out and placed in an incubator - a special place where the soil layer is at least 18 cm, the temperature is + 29-30 degrees and air humidity not less than 60%. An individual that has laid eggs should be kept separate from the rest for some time, continuing to feed it intensively. This is done so that the animal recovers after pregnancy.

Three months later, newborn turtles emerge from the eggs.

Baby care

In order to ensure maximum survival of the offspring, certain care is required for it. Small turtles should not be placed in the same terrarium with adult reptiles, as they can inflict injuries on babies that are incompatible with life. The bottom of the terrarium for young animals lined with small sawdust, temperature regime the same as for adult animals. You need to feed the cubs with plant foods with the addition of calcium.

Problems of maintenance and disease of turtles

The most common disease that owners of land turtles face is rickets. Its manifestations are visible only on late stages when the animal deformed shell and skeleton. This disease occurs due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation.

The treatment consists in irradiating the reptile under an ultraviolet lamp, adding calcium and vitamins of group D to its diet.

If properly cared for, a turtle will long years will delight you with his company!

Of course, I can no longer imagine my house without my furry comrades, who instilled fun and chaos into it. Still, three cats are no joke to you! But sometimes, collecting wool all over the apartment or trying to separate them during the next friendly fight, treacherous thoughts come to me that it would be better if I started a turtle at one time. Judge for yourself, the land tortoise has a lot of advantages over other types of domestic animals.

First of all, the turtle is very unpretentious. She is quite happy in her "house" - a small plexiglass box or an aquarium. There is no need to take her for a walk every morning like a dog. And even if you let her crawl around the apartment, she will not sweep away flower pots and pounce on you from around the corner in a fit of playfulness. If a family member is allergic to wool, the turtle will become great option pet. Owners of shaggy animals know how much inconvenience an animal can cause during a molt. There is no need for a turtle to be brushed regularly, and then to collect tufts of wool all over the house anyway. But this does not mean that hygiene procedures will not need to be carried out. The soil in the aquarium must be kept clean, changing it as needed. The aquarium itself and its inhabitant should also be washed regularly. Fortunately, turtles are happy to take water procedures, and will not make heart-rending cries while swimming, like, for example, the eldest of my cats. You can bathe the turtle in a small bowl of warm water, gently cleaning the shell, muzzle and paws with a damp sponge or just with your hands. After that, dry it slightly with a napkin and return it to its place - to your home.

Secondly, the cost of feeding a turtle will not break you. Quality food for cats and dogs is not cheap. And if the animal eats "natural", then this will require additional time spent on compiling a balanced menu and buying products. After all, most of the dishes from our table are contraindicated for dogs and cats, so you will have to cook separately. With a turtle, everything is much simpler. She is generally indifferent to meat, since she is a vegetarian. He likes greens, vegetables and fresh fruits, although not all. With pleasure gobbles up lettuce leaves, young cabbage, grated carrots and zucchini. But citrus fruits and potatoes (in no form) should not be given to her. Don't even think about feeding your turtle onions, garlic, spinach, or herbs. You should also not be zealous with cucumbers, it’s better to pick your favorite dandelions (you can dry them for the winter with a margin), plantain leaves or clover. In the summer season, treat her with strawberries or raspberries, the turtle will definitely not refuse them. An adult animal is fed 2-3 times a week, a drinker should be present all the time. Make sure the water is fresh.

Thirdly, Turtles have wonderful personalities. She won't wake you up with a bark on an early Sunday morning. Will not bring the household to a nervous tick with his "singing" in mating season. Twittering and tweeting incessantly, like birds, is also not in the tortoise rules. In general, calm and peaceful people. The turtle itself is happy to hide from prying eyes, which it often does by diving into its shell or hiding in a mink specially equipped for it.

Fourth, known fact- Turtles live a long time. You become attached to animals in one way or another, and the loss of a pet is always a big stress, both for adults and for young children. At home, with proper care, the life expectancy of a land tortoise can reach thirty years. What can not be said, for example, about small rodents. And they (tortoises) are very hardy. Can long time do without food, are little susceptible to various infections, have reliable protection in the form of a shell. Due to the fact that turtles have the ability to easily adapt to different climatic conditions, they have hardly changed since prehistoric times.

AND, fifth, turtle is a safe animal. She will not bite a child, scratch his hands or peck in his eye. Rather, it will be necessary to protect her from a curious baby and make sure that he does not damage the exposed parts of the turtle body, does not try to climb inside the shell with his hands or improvised objects. In general, caring for a turtle will not be difficult even for a child, and will become a useful skill for him in terms of responsibility and care for a living creature. The main thing is to teach him to be sure to wash his hands with soap and water after communicating with a pet.

Some people think that the life of a turtle is boring and monotonous. If she's been in her box all day, maybe. But try to let her go for a walk, for example, on suburban area, and you will be surprised how curious and mobile these animals are. A turtle can walk as much as 5 km in a day and even dig a two-meter tunnel in the ground. Therefore, do not leave it unattended for a long time, or glue a bright flag to the shell with adhesive tape so as not to lose the animal between the beds.

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