Turtle what squad. Types and features of land turtles. Photo of a land turtle

Turtle is a beautiful animal belonging to the order Reptiles. Turtles are considered the oldest creatures that were among the first to appear on earth. In the wild, these animals live in the tropics, as well as in places with a predominance of a temperate climate. Turtles can live both on land and in water.

To date, terrestrial species have been actively used as pets. Consider the main types of domestic turtles.

Land turtles are divided into two types:

  • land;
  • freshwater.

Types of land turtles

Central Asian tortoise

Among the species of domestic turtles, this animal is considered the most popular. These are exactly the creatures that a person most often sees when he comes to visit his friends and acquaintances. These are very clumsy animals, which are characterized by extremely slow movement. It is worth noting that this turtle is listed in the Red Book, which means that, by law, its sale is prohibited. However, pet stores do not pay attention to this. In the wild, the main habitat is Central Asia.

The turtle has a light-colored shell with dark shields. The limbs are characterized by the presence of four fingers. To keep this species in a terrarium, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 30 degrees. It is also worth bearing in mind that from a psychological point of view these animals do not like closed spaces, it is this fact that explains the rapid death of turtles.

This species has about 20 subspecies, which are characterized by living in completely different climatic conditions. These turtles are very fond of heat and direct sunlight. Each subspecies has its own characteristics: the size and color of the shell. The maximum size reaches 35 cm. On the back of the thigh of this turtle, you can see a tubercle of horny tissue. The front paws have five toes, the hind paws have spurs. The content in the terrarium involves maintaining a temperature of about 25-30 degrees.

Egyptian tortoise

These animals are extremely small. The maximum shell size is 12 cm. The color is yellowish with shields bordered by a dark stripe. There are no spurs on the hind legs. In the wild, they live mainly in Egypt, Israel, Libya. Like most other species, the temperature in the aquarium is required in the range of 24-30 degrees. These turtles have some peculiarities in behavior. So, for example, when any danger approaches, the animal immediately buries itself in the sand.

Balkan tortoise

This species can be confused with Mediterranean tortoises in appearance. The main difference is the small size of the shell, about 15-20 cm. The color of the shell is light brown with dark spots. The younger the turtle, the brighter its color. Another distinguishing feature is conical spike, which is located at the end of the tail. The main habitat in the wild is Southern Europe, namely the Mediterranean coast. It is worth noting that the turtles that live to the west are much smaller than those that are located in the east. At home, the maintenance of the species is possible at a temperature of 26-32 degrees.

Types of freshwater turtles

European bog turtle

This species has 13 subspecies. The tortoise shell is low and smooth. The length of the animal is about 35 cm, the average weight of individuals is approximately one and a half kilograms. The color of the shell of turtles is dark green. The head, neck and paws are covered with light spots. The fingers have large, sharp claws and webs. View characterized by a fairly large tail, the length of which is ¾ of the length of the entire body of the turtle.

In the wild, these animals can be found in different regions of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, etc. Ideal habitat conditions for the species are lakes and ponds. Individuals are most active during the day. The view is one of those listed in the Red Book. Keeping at home assumes a temperature of 22-25 degrees, and air about 30.

Red-eared turtle

Of all the species, this one is most often bred by city dwellers in their aquariums and terrariums. All 15 subspecies of red-eared turtles are classified as so-called decorated. They got this name because of the red or yellow spots that are located near the ears. The sizes of individuals are about 18-30 centimeters. young turtles have a lighter color shell. The head and paws are decorated with stripes of rich green color. The species has gender differences: males have a more powerful tail and nail plate.

In the wild, they are found in Mexico, America, the USA, less often in Australia, Spain, Great Britain, Israel. The optimal habitat is swampy shores of reservoirs and ponds. Individuals of the species are very lazy, slow and inactive. At home, turtles must be kept at a water temperature of about 28 degrees, air 32.

Far Eastern tortoise

Another name for the species is Chinese trionyx. These individuals are an exception to all rules. The fact is that, unlike the usual hard shell, these turtles have a soft "house". Dimensions reach 20 cm, the surface of the shell is leathery, soft, without shields, the color is green.

It cannot be said that the shell is the only part that this species can surprise with. A little it's unusual to see a trunk instead of a nose and observe the presence of only three fingers on the paws. If somewhere in China a small trunk sticks out of a reservoir, you need to remember that this is a feature of the Far Eastern turtles. At first glance, this species is very cute and completely defenseless, but they have a secret here too. On the jaws of Trionix there are special sharp edges, thanks to which the animal can grab prey. In addition, it is worth noting the increased mobility of individuals and the speed of reaction.

For humans, these turtles are also very dangerous, as they often show aggression, bite and are very difficult to tame. The only way to find a common language with individuals is to grow in captivity from birth. The main habitats are China, Japan, the Russian Far East. The most popular habitats are water bodies characterized by a weak current. Chinese and Japanese highly value the meat of these turtles and consider it a delicacy. Closed terrariums for keeping at home involve maintaining a water temperature of about 26 degrees, and air - 32.

Caspian tortoise

Individuals of this species have a flat, oval shell of an average length of 30 cm. The color is dark green with yellow stripes. Also, stripes can be noted on the head and limbs. Also the species has sex differences: males have a concave carapace and a thicker and longer tail.

In the wild, they are found mainly in Southern Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, the Caucasus, Iraq, and Iran. The most favorable living conditions are reservoirs with both fresh and salt water, with the presence of coastal vegetation. This species of turtle has a unique ability to climb mountains to great heights, and also live for about 30 years. For keeping at home, a certain temperature is required: water -18-22 degrees, air - 30-32.

  • ultra-violet rays;
  • required water and air temperatures;
  • terrarium or aquarium;
  • the ability of aquatic turtles to go on land.

Thus, today there are quite a lot of species of domestic turtles. Each of them requires certain care and has its own characteristics. The choice always remains with the person who has the right to choose which pet will please the eye every day.

The Central Asian (steppe land) tortoise is a rare breed of reptile that inhabits the sandy plains of North America. You can also meet animals in Central Asia. True, there they prefer uneven surfaces. In smaller numbers, steppe turtles live in the Arab countries, Russia. India. The shape of the shell, the coloring resembles a Mediterranean tortoise. The main difference is that in steppe turtles the top of the shell is slightly flat. It is not difficult to distinguish females from males. There are always more females. The head of the turtle is small, has a slightly flattened shape. The eyes are black, without pronounced pupils. On the front thick, short legs, four pairs of claws can be counted. From under the shell you can see a small tail of a triangular shape.

Despite the fact that this breed of turtles is on the verge of extinction, animals continue to be kept as pets. The Central Asian tortoise is large in size, and the animal is also considered the slowest among other members of its family. With proper care, the pet lives up to fifty years. Before buying a turtle, take care of housing. Ideal for terrarium and aquarium. In it, the animal should be spacious, so you should decide on the breed of turtle in advance. Cover the bottom of the "shelter" with a thick layer of a special substrate (sand, peat). At the bottom, you can plant small plants (oats, millet, other crops). Sprouts will serve as additional food for your pet. It is not recommended to plant two males at once in one terrarium. Sometimes they can provoke conflicts that will negatively affect the health of one of the animals. Where is the best place to buy a pair? Individuals of different sexes get along well together. At the age of six, they can give offspring. Sometimes the female may not be ready to mate. Under such conditions, it is better to transfer this procedure. Some time after mating, the expectant mother begins to lay eggs. The female digs them shallow into the soil. It is recommended to immediately move the eggs to a special container. This will protect the embryos from injury, premature hatching. In the incubator, the eggs are kept under special ultraviolet paws for four months. The air temperature should be about twenty-eight degrees. Humidity - not less than fifty percent. Newborn babies (about five centimeters in length) are born completely unprotected. At first, they perceive the environment poorly.

Adult turtles eat almost everything. You can safely give fruits, vegetables, various greens. Periodically feed your pet with boiled fish without salt, spices. You can buy special food at the pet store. Food supplements, vitamins. Change the water in the drinkers daily. Remember that turtles are used to light. So take them outside regularly. The sun's rays are very beneficial for the animal. It is recommended to bathe the turtles in warm water once every seven days. The water temperature should not be higher than thirty-five degrees. Cleaning the terrarium should be done once a week. Wash water bowls and feeders regularly. Make sure that the cage does not stand in a draft. In hot weather, you need to bathe the reptile more often.

Turtle is an ancient animal from the order of reptiles. It appeared more than 200 million years ago and, according to scientists, has practically not changed over the past 150 million years.

The main distinguishing feature of a turtle is its shell. This is a complex bone-skin formation that covers the turtle's body from all sides, protecting it from predator attacks. The inner part of the shell is formed by bone plates, and the outer part by leathery shields. The shell consists of two parts - dorsal and ventral. The dorsal part, or carapace, has a convex shape, and the ventral, or plastron, is flat. The body of the turtle is firmly fused with the shell, from which only the head, limbs and tail peep out between the carapace and the plastron. In case of danger, the turtle can completely hide in the shell. Turtles have no teeth, but have a strong, pointed beak at the edges, which allows it to bite off any food. Turtles, like some snakes and crocodiles, lay leathery eggs. Turtles do not care for their offspring. Immediately after the eggs are laid, they leave the clutch.

Diversity and lifestyle

There are over 300 different types of turtles. Some of them lead a land lifestyle, and some have adapted to live in water. Freshwater turtles, unlike land turtles, have a more flattened and smooth shell, as well as webbing between the fingers. This helps them skillfully swim in the water element. Sea turtles spend most of their lives in the seas and oceans. Only once a year, during the breeding season, they come ashore to lay their eggs in the coastal sand. The limbs of sea turtles have evolved into flippers that allow them to “hover” in the ocean depths.


Turtles differ greatly in size: the land spider turtle does not exceed 10 cm in length and weighs about 100 g, and the leatherback turtle reaches two and a half meters and weighs more than half a ton. The giant among land tortoises is the Galapagos elephant tortoise. The length of her shell exceeds one meter, and the weight can be equal to four centners.


The coloration of turtles is most often modest, masking them to the color of the environment. But there are species with a very bright contrasting pattern. So, in the radiant turtle in the center of the shell scutes, against the main dark background, there are catchy yellow spots, from which the same yellow rays depart. The head and neck of the red-eared tortoise are decorated with a pattern of wavy lines and stripes, and bright red spots are located behind the eyes.


Land turtles mainly feed on plant foods - grass, leaves of shrubs, juicy fruits. Freshwater and sea turtles are predators that eat fish, insects and their larvae, worms and molluscs. Land turtles can supplement their diet with animal food, while aquatic turtles can supplement their diet with plant foods.


The turtle is a record-breaking long-liver among vertebrates. She can live over a hundred years. A reliable case is known when a gigantic tortoise lived for 152 years. Scientists say that a turtle can live for two hundred years or more.

Turtle: brief information

Turtles (lat. Testudines) are representatives of one of the four orders of modern reptiles belonging to the Chordata type. The age of fossil remains of turtles is 200-220 million years. is 200-220 million years.

Turtle Description

According to the testimony of most scientists, over the past 150 million years, the appearance and structure of turtles have not changed much.


The main distinguishing feature of the turtle is the presence of a shell, represented by a very complex bone-skin formation, covering the body of the reptile from all sides and protecting the animal from the attack of numerous predators. The inner part of the shell is characterized by the presence of bone plates, and the outer part is characterized by leathery shields. Such a shell has a dorsal and abdominal parts. The first part, called the carapace, is distinguished by a convex shape, and the plastron, or abdominal part, is always flat.

It is interesting! The turtle body has a strong fusion with the shell part, from which the head, tail and limbs peep out between the plastron and the carapace. When any danger appears, turtles are able to completely hide inside the shell.

The turtle has no teeth, but has a beak pointed at the edges and strong enough to allow the animal to easily bite off pieces of food. Turtles, along with some snakes and crocodiles, lay leathery-type eggs, but reptiles most often do not care for their offspring, so they leave the place of laying almost immediately.

Turtles of different species vary greatly in size and weight. For example, the length of a land spider turtle does not exceed 100 mm with a weight in the range of 90-100 g, and the size of an adult leatherback turtle reaches 250 cm with a weight of more than half a ton. Among the currently known land tortoises, the Galapagos elephant tortoises belong to the giant category, the shell length of which exceeds a meter, and the mass can be four centners.

The color of turtles, as a rule, is very modest, allowing the reptile to easily disguise itself as objects of the environment. However, there are also several types that are distinguished by a very bright and contrasting pattern. For example, the radiant tortoise in the central part of the armored scutes has a characteristic dark background with bright yellow spots located on it and numerous outgoing rays. The area of ​​the head and neck of the red-eared tortoise is decorated with a pattern represented by wavy lines and stripes, and bright red spots are located behind the eyes.

Character and lifestyle

Even despite the insufficient level of brain development, as a result of testing, it was possible to determine that the intelligence of the turtle shows fairly high results. It should be noted that not only terrestrial, but also many freshwater species of turtles, including European marsh and Caspian turtles, took part in such experiments.

Turtles are reptiles leading a solitary lifestyle, but such animals need a society of their own kind with the onset of the mating season. Sometimes turtles gather for the wintering period in not too numerous groups. Some freshwater species, including toad turtles (Phrynops geoffroanus), are characterized by an aggressive reaction to the presence of their relatives, even outside the mating season.

How long do turtles live

Almost all existing species of turtles deservedly belong to the category of long-lived record holders among numerous vertebrates.

It is interesting! The well-known Radiant Madagascar tortoise named Tui Malila managed to live for almost two hundred years.

The age of such a reptile often exceeds a century. According to scientists, the turtle is able to live even two hundred or more years.

turtle shell

The carapace of the turtle is distinguished by a convex shape, represented by a bone base and a horn covering. The bone base of the carapace consists of eight pre-sacral vertebrae, as well as dorsal costal sections. Typical turtles have fifty plates of mixed origin.

The shape and number of such shields are a very important feature that allows you to determine the species of the turtle:

  • land species usually have a high, convex and very thick upper armor shield, which is associated with general indicators of intestinal volume. The dome-shaped form provides a significant internal space, facilitating the digestion of vegetable roughage;
  • burrowing land species have a more flattened elongated carapace, which helps the reptile to easily move inside the hole;
  • for various freshwater and sea turtles, the presence of a flattened, smooth and streamlined carapace, which has an oval, ovoid or teardrop shape, is most often characteristic, but the bone base may well be reduced;
  • soft-bodied species of turtles are distinguished by a very flat carapace, the bone base of which is always quite strongly reduced in the absence of horny scutes and the presence of a leathery coating on the shell;
  • the carapace in leatherback turtles does not have any fusion with the axial part of the skeleton, therefore it is formed by a mosaic of small bones combined with each other, which are covered by the skin;
  • some tortoises are characterized by a carapace in the presence of a well-formed, semi-flexible synarthrosis-type junction with cartilaginous tissues at the junctions of the plates.

The border of the armored horny scutes can be imprinted on the surface of the bone carapace, and the horny shell, or horn-type scutes, have names similar to the located bone plates.

Turtle species

Currently, more than three hundred species of turtles belonging to fourteen families are known. Some of these peculiar reptiles lead an exclusively land lifestyle, while the other part is characterized by excellent adaptation to the aquatic environment.

The following species live on the territory of our country:

  • big-headed turtles, or caretta, or (lat. Caretta caretta) - reaching a length of 75-95 cm with an average weight in the range of 80-200 kg. The species has a heart-shaped carapace, brownish, red-brown or olive in color. The plastron and bony bridge may be cream or yellowish in color. There are ten costal shields in the back region, and large shields also cover the massive head. The front flippers are equipped with a pair of claws;
  • leatherback turtles, or loot(lat. Dermochelys coriacea) is the only modern species belonging to the leatherback turtle family (Dermoshelyidae). Representatives are the largest modern turtles, having a body length of 260 cm with a front flipper span of 250 cm and a body weight of up to 890-915 kg;
  • Far Eastern turtles, or Chinese Trionics(lat. Relodiscus sinensis) - freshwater turtles, which are a member of the family Three-clawed soft-bodied turtles. In Asian countries, meat is widely eaten, so the reptile is an object for industrial breeding. The length of the carapace of an adult, as a rule, does not exceed a quarter of a meter, and the average weight is 4.0-4.5 kg;
  • European marsh turtles(lat. Emys orbicularis) - freshwater turtles with an oval, low and slightly convex, smooth carapace, which has a movable connection with the plastron through a narrow and elastic ligament. The length of an adult individual of this species is 12-35 cm with a body weight of one and a half kilograms;
  • Caspian turtles(lat. Mauremys caspisa) - reptiles belonging to the genus Aquatic turtles and the family of Asian freshwater turtles. The species is represented by three subspecies. An adult is characterized by a length of 28-30 cm and an oval-shaped carapace. Juveniles of this species are distinguished by a keeled carapace. Adult males have an elongated carapace with a somewhat concave plastron;
  • mediterranean, or Greek, or Caucasian tortoise(lat. Testudo grace) - a species that has a high and oval, slightly serrated carapace with a length of 33-35 cm, light olive or yellowish-brown in color with black spots. The front paws have four or five claws. The back side of the thighs is provided with a horny tubercle. Often the turtle of this species has an unpaired tail shield, the plastron of which is distinguished by a light color and dark spots.

On the territory of Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia, the Central Asian or steppe tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldii) is often found. The species is characterized by a low, rounded, yellowish-brown shell with vague-type dark-colored spots. The carapace is divided into thirteen horny scutes, and the plastron is divided into sixteen scutes. The grooves present on the shields make it easy to determine the number of years lived by the turtle. The average length of the turtle does not exceed 15-20 cm, and females of this species, as a rule, are noticeably larger than males.

Range, habitats

The range and habitats of different species of turtles are very diverse:

  • elephant turtle (Chelonoidis elerhantorus) - Galapagos Islands;
  • Egyptian tortoise (Testudo kleinmanni) - the northern part of Africa and the countries of the Middle East;
  • (Testudo (Agrionemys) horsfieldii) - Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, as well as Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Lebanon and Syria, the north-eastern part of Iran, the north-west of India and Pakistan;
  • or ( Geochelone pardalis) - countries of Africa;
  • Cape tortoise (Homorus Signatus) - South Africa and the southern part of Namibia;
  • painted or decorated turtle (Chrysemys rista) – Canada and USA;
  • (Emys orbicularis) - the countries of Europe and Asia, the territory of the Caucasus;
  • or ( Trachemys scripta) - the USA and Canada, the northwestern part of South America, including the north of Colombia and Venezuela;
  • (Сhelydra serpentina) - the United States and the southeastern part of Canada.

The inhabitants of the seas and oceans are real carriage (Heretmoshelys imbricata), (Dermochelys coriacea), Green soup turtle (Сhelonia mydas). Freshwater reptiles live in rivers, lakes and swamps of the temperate Eurasian zone, and also inhabit water bodies in Africa, South America, Europe and Asia.

Turtle Diet

The food preferences of turtles directly depend on the species characteristics and habitat of such a reptile. The basis of nutrition of land turtles is represented by plant foods, including young branches of various trees, vegetables and fruits, grass and mushrooms, and to replenish the amount of protein, such animals eat snails, slugs or worms. The need for water is often satisfied in the process of eating the succulent parts of plants.

Freshwater and sea turtles can be classified as typical predators that feed on small fish, frogs, snails and crustaceans, bird eggs, insects, various mollusks and arthropods. Plant foods are eaten in small quantities. Herbivorous individuals are also characterized by eating animal food. There are also species of freshwater turtles that, as they grow older, switch to eating plant foods. Omnivorous sea turtles are also well studied.

Reproduction and offspring

With the onset of the mating season, adult male turtles arrange traditional tournament fights and fights among themselves for the right to mate with the female. Land tortoises at such a time pursue their rival and try to turn him over by biting or hitting the front of the shell. Aquatic species in battles prefer biting and chasing an opponent. Subsequent courtship allows the female to assume the most comfortable mating position.

Males belonging to some species, in the process of mating, are able to make rather primitive sounds. All known species of modern turtles are oviparous, so females lay their eggs inside a pitcher-shaped hole dug with their hind legs and moistened with a liquid secreted by the cloaca.

A hole with white spherical or elliptical eggs is filled up, and the soil is compacted with the help of plastron blows. Sea turtles and some side-necked turtles lay eggs covered with a soft and leathery shell. The number of eggs varies among representatives of different species and can range from 1 to 200 pieces.

It is interesting! Giant tortoises (Megaloshelys gigantea) have behavioral mechanisms that regulate population size by the number of eggs laid annually.

Many turtles have several clutches during one season, and the incubation period, as a rule, lasts from two months to six months. An exception that takes care of its offspring is the brown turtle (Manouria emys), whose females guard the nest with oviposition until the cubs are born. Also interesting is the behavior of the Bahamian decorated tortoise (Pseudemys malonei), which digs up the egg-laying and facilitates the exit of the cubs.

The Central Asian tortoise is a slow and pensive animal that has increasingly begun to appear in city apartments. How to choose it, what are the conditions of detention, how to feed and reproduce - the main points that you need to know before purchasing. Simple observance of simple rules of care will help not only to raise a healthy and active pet, but even to get offspring from it.

The Central Asian tortoise (lat. Testudo horsfieldii), named after the American biologist Thomas Horsfield, belongs to the family of land turtles.

It occurs in the southeastern regions of Eurasia, in clay and sandy deserts, foothills, river valleys, and on agricultural lands.

Choosing an area with relative humidity, this reptile digs holes, thus equipping itself with a dwelling. But it can settle in other people's houses.

Due to frequent captures of poachers, the animal is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.


In nature, they live 40-50 years, and in captivity - 10-15 years. If the conditions of detention are acceptable for its active existence, the life span can be more than 30 years.


Turtles are born measuring only 3 cm in length and continue to grow throughout their lives. The size of an adult can be 15-25 cm. But, as a rule, they are not very large: males are smaller - 13-20 cm, while females are slightly larger than males - 15-23 cm.

A gray-brown head of medium size, at the slightest danger, hides under a rounded, strongly convex shell, the color of which, depending on the individual, can be any - sandy, green, brown with blurry dark spots.

Paws of the same color as the head, have four fingers, and not three, like other brothers.

Buying a healthy pet

In order not to run to the veterinarian the next day for a treatment appointment, it is better to immediately buy a healthy turtle. Pay attention to everything:

  • observe her behavior, activity and coordination of movement;
  • the appearance must be free of damage and the presence of inappropriate stains;
  • shell of the correct form with even shields, densely adjoining each other;
  • the best way to determine if a turtle is healthy is to look into its mouth: the mucosa should be free of plaque, light pink in color and without viscous saliva;
  • there should be no discharge from the nose.

Do not forget about transportation. For short distances in the warm season, it can be carried in a cardboard box, putting paper there. In autumn and winter, it is better to cover the passenger with a warm cloth and place a heating pad there.


An animal just bought in the market and brought home may refuse food, get used to a new environment for months.

In order for the reptile not to be afraid and take root faster, you need to feed it.

She will love a specially prepared dish of lettuce leaves, sliced ​​pear, banana, apples, persimmons, carrots, which can be sprinkled with a little calcium for reptiles.

To improve the digestion of the pet, you can organize a warm bath for him.

Central Asian tortoise: keeping in a terrarium

In apartment conditions, a turtle is kept in a spacious volume of 60 to 100 liters per individual with a container width three times the size of a reptile. Humidity should be within 20-30%.

Be sure to equip it with a warm and cold corner.

warm place can be organized by installing an electric lamp with a power of 40-100 watts. The air temperature should vary from 30 to 35°C. In order to prevent the animal from getting burned, it is important to adjust the height of the lamp.

In a cold corner daytime temperature should not fall below 26°C.

Priming. Since the Central Asian tortoise belongs to the species of strongly burrowing animals, the presence of soil with a layer of at least 15 cm in the terrarium is mandatory. It can be large rounded shell rock, sand, hay, wood chips, small river pebbles mixed with peat, corn mukcha. On large pebbles, the reptile will grind its claws.

Vegetation. As an additional decor and the presence of permanent fresh greenery in the terrarium, it is recommended to sow oats or wheat along the walls.

Water. There is no need to install a drinker in the terrarium, as the turtles will try to knock it over. These reptiles get water from cows and weekly bathing.

Outdoor aviary

In order for the Central Asian tortoise to receive more sunlight and fresh air, in the summer it can be kept outdoors in a spacious and well-equipped enclosure measuring 2x2 m or more.

A fence well buried in the ground (by 30 cm) and large stones placed in its corners will help to avoid digging and escaping a pet. At night, she will hide in a burrow house that you can make yourself.

You can put a shallow container of water for bathing, with which she can independently get out.

Central Asian tortoise: care

Like all living things, the Central Asian woman requires careful handling. It is not recommended to pick her up too often, as she may experience stress because of this, which will most likely lead to a decrease in activity and illness.

It is better for children to give it only under strict supervision, because they can either drop it, or injure it, and even worse, step on it.

Bathing. You need to bathe your pet in warm water at least once a week, immersing it up to the neck for 15-30 minutes. Little turtles are bathed more often - 2-3 times a week.


You need to feed varied: about 70% of the reptile's diet should consist of greens, about 25% - fruits, the rest - protein foods, mineral and vitamin supplements. up to 2 years of age, they are fed as they are saturated, but within reasonable limits, daily 2 times a day. Adults are given food every other day.

Can be fed:

  • commercial food for tortoises;
  • berries (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries);
  • pumpkin;
  • apples, pears;
  • pre-prepared dried or frozen grass;
  • leaves of fruit bushes and trees;
  • lawn grass (dandelion, plantain, clover);
  • some indoor plants (tradescantia, chlorophytum);
  • special calcium supplements.

Can't feed:

  • bread;
  • river snails;
  • fish, meat, eggs;
  • potatoes, cabbage;
  • nuts;
  • citrus peel;
  • porridge and other products from your table;
  • dry and canned animal feed;
  • dairy products.

Give in limited quantities:

  • grape;
  • cucumber;
  • onion, garlic, asparagus, herbs.

Central Asian tortoises are steppe inhabitants, and succulent food is rare in their diet. Watery food, such as cucumbers, tomatoes and plums, should be given as little as possible, and cabbage should be completely abandoned, as it leaches calcium from the body of reptiles.

The ideal solution would be to use seasonal vegetables with a long shelf life, such as pumpkin. It can be harvested in the fall and given to the turtles throughout the spring and winter. It must be cut in large pieces so that when biting food, the reptile can grind off its beak.

Sex differences

You can distinguish a female from a male at the age of 6 in several ways, and it is best to compare with several individuals at once.

Mature males are more aggressive in nature and, as a rule, are always smaller in size. The ventral part is concave. The tail is long and wide at the base, slightly bent under the shell. Closer to the tail there is a dent on the plastron. The cloaca is located further.

The size of the female is always larger, their jaws are more developed. The abdominal part is flat. At the base of the short tail is a cloaca.


To breed a Central Asian tortoise, you will need a pair - a male and a female - of approximately the same weight and age. The sexually mature age of the female is 10-12 years, the male - from 5-6 years.

The mating season is February-August. The male approaches the female and, stretching his head forward, begins to beat with his shell in her side, while making a dull clattering sound.

Since males become more aggressive towards each other, it is not recommended to keep two males in one terrarium.

The female pregnancy lasts 2 months. In laying from 2-6 eggs. Incubation lasts from 60 to 65 days at a temperature of 28-30°C.

It has been noticed that at a low temperature, a predominant number of boys may appear, and at a higher temperature, girls.

The Central Asian land tortoise is a beautiful and graceful animal in its own way, requiring affection, skillful handling and proper care. Watching her, you will understand that behind her slowness lies the wisdom that many of us lack. After all, in a constant rush, we forget the main thing - to rejoice and enjoy life. Maybe it is this pet that will make you think about what it is worth to stop and look at the world with completely different eyes.

How to properly care for a land turtle, see the video:

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