Why do turtles live so long? How many years do turtles live? How many years does a sea turtle live

These are truly unique and mysterious animals! They don't age. And there is an opinion that they can live as long as three centuries. Does this mean that if you get such a pet at home, you will have to pass it on to your great-great-grandchildren? Let's figure out how many years turtles of different species live so that you can draw the right conclusion.

For these reptiles, the rule is: the more, the longer. How many years turtles live in nature depends primarily on their size. Their life span can be 30 - 50 years (small), 80 years (medium) to 120 - 150 years (giant individuals).

How many years sea turtles live is determined by their size. Usually they are large - from 70 to 140 cm. They live in warm seas and oceans. On average, they live to be 80 years old. But most do not manage to reach such a venerable age. Many die at the embryonic stage, while in the egg (due to adverse temperatures). Others are eaten by predators when the babies try to get to the water.

How many years do tortoises live? Depending on the size - from 50 to 100 years. Among them there are tiny - about 10 cm, but there are also large specimens. The latter, of course, are more likely to live to "retirement" age.

Aquatic are represented by medium-sized individuals. Their size does not exceed 30 cm. They take root well in captivity. They live for about 50 years, both in aquaterrariums and in the natural environment.

All these reptiles have a slow metabolism, which explains their longevity. The most tenacious of them are large turtles. How many years do they live? From 100 to 120 years. Perhaps many of them could live to more advanced years, but in their natural habitat many dangers and diseases await them, so only a few of them die a natural death. Known record holders who lived 175 and even 188 years.

The maximum age of the largest reptiles is 200 years. There is evidence that some representatives of the giant tortoises living on the Galapagos Islands have exceeded 300 years.

What will be the tortoiseshell age at home?

Today it is fashionable to keep such reptiles at home. They are unpretentious, do not require tedious care and walks, besides they are quite cute. How many years turtles live at home is determined by both their species and the conditions of detention. Their life expectancy, unfortunately, is usually almost half that of the same species living in the wild. With the right care at home, turtles live 30 to 40 years. On average, this figure is 30 years. But if you create ideal conditions for them, they will live up to half a century.

Land Europeans (who are most often bred in captivity) tend to live 40 years. Small water turtles (including red-eared turtles) live 25 - 50 years, and it is simply impossible to keep giant sea turtles in an apartment or house.

Very often, the premature death of such pets is associated with errors in their maintenance, which are made by the owners of animals (improper feeding, temperature regime and other factors).

There are up to 300 species in the family of turtles today. Each of them has its own lifespan. Of course, not all of them can become your pet (because of their size, way of eating and living conditions). When choosing such an exotic pet, you need to focus not only on its appearance. Many indicators should be taken into account, including the expected lifespan. Consider the age until which the most famous and common representatives of this class live.

Land turtle in a terrarium. How long will she live?

Turtles that live on land can live up to 30 years, but can live up to four times longer - 120 years. Their distinguishing features are a rounded shell and fused fingers. Small individuals in the aquarium live up to 30 years, in nature - they may well meet the 80th anniversary. Giant turtles (with a shell up to a meter) in captivity live from 30 to 50 years, and in freedom - up to 100 - 120 years.

Maximum age (in years) for tortoises kept at home:

  • musky - from 23 to 28;
  • Egyptian - 30;
  • stellate (Indian) - 30;
  • Central Asian - 30;
  • Mediterranean - from 35 to 40;
  • Balkan - 50.

Some people believe that land reptiles do not need to equip special housing, and leave them on the "free range". It usually ends very badly. Someone from the household may accidentally step on an animal crawling on the floor. Heat-loving turtles are at risk of catching a cold from drafts, their health is adversely affected by dirt and dust.

On a note! For one individual, a horizontal type terrarium with minimum dimensions is required: in length - 50 cm, in width - 40 cm, in height - up to 30 cm.

Aquatic turtle: life span in artificial conditions

Let's start with the most popular species of such reptiles: how many years do red-eared turtles live? If you provide them with proper care, then they will delight you with their presence from 25 to 30 years (the same applies to yellow-eared ones). Depending on the size of the aquarium, they can grow to the size of a large saucer (up to a maximum of 30 cm). They look peculiar, they can make sounds resembling a screech or hiss.

The average lifespan of aquatic turtles living in a human home:

  • silty bighead - 23 years;
  • Trionyx Chinese Far East - from 25 to 30;
  • Caspian - 25;
  • European marsh - 25.

On a note! Aquatic turtles need an aquarium with a pond and an island where they can rest! They need access to air. And change the water regularly!

Crumbs in the shell: the period of life of little turtles

Not everyone is ready to have a large reptile at home. Much more often, babies up to 13 cm in size act as an original pet. Despite their miniature size, such “cuties” live for a long time.

Lifespan of a tiny turtle:

  • three-keel - from 20 to 25 years;
  • musky - 23;
  • spotted - from 30 to 40;
  • silt - from 50 to 60;
  • Reeves (pond) - 58.

Nature itself made sure that such animals lived for at least 100 years. After all, they can arbitrarily stop their heartbeat, go without food and water for several days, independently change their body temperature. In order for the life of this wise, calm animal to be full and long, adhere to the main principle - try to create a natural environment for him in which he would live in the wild. The turtle does not need much, but you must follow a few rules for its maintenance.

What will help extend the life of a domestic turtle:

  • Proper nutrition. Her diet should not include dry food from a pet store, but natural food that is consumed by reptiles of this type. And do not forget to “feed” her with mineral supplements and vitamins!
  • Large area tank. For example, if you have a medium-sized reptile, she needs a terrarium, the volume of which will be at least one hundred liters.
  • Suitable housing. Basins, boxes, containers are bad choices for a turtle. In such "houses" they do not live long.
  • Aquarium with special equipment. It should be equipped with UV lamp, water filter, heater.
  • Regular water procedures. At least once every 7 days, bathe your pet for no longer than half an hour and clean its shell with a soft sponge.
  • Optimum temperature: water - within 20 - 24 °, air - from 31 to 33 °.
  • Daily feeding. Preferably at the same time.
  • Calm environment. If small children are growing up in your family, explain to them that this is a living being, not a toy. The turtle should not be frightened by loud sounds, dropped, turned over. Stress shortens her life.
  • Check-ups at the veterinarian. If you find any uncharacteristic changes in its appearance, shape of the shell, behavior, it is better to show the turtle to the doctor.

On a note! Remember that hibernation is always a big risk for a pet turtle. There is a danger that she will become too weak and die. Better not let her sleep!

To date, there are a little more than three hundred species of turtles in the world, of which only seven varieties live in our country. These unique reptiles are distinguished by great endurance and amazing vitality. A characteristic feature of the turtle is an excellent immune system, which easily copes with various infections and contributes to the rapid healing of wounds. The animal is able to remain viable for a long time even without food.

Origin of the turtle

The question of the origin is still occupied by the minds of many scientists. Permian cotylosaurs or eunotosaurs are considered to be a conditional ancestor. This small and very similar to a lizard ancient animal had short and fairly wide ribs, which together formed a kind of shield-shell in the back.

Some scientists suggest that turtles owe their origin to a special group of parareptiles that were descendants of the amphibian discosauris. The first, most ancient specimen that fell into the hands of scientists was Odontochelys semitestacea, very well known in scientific circles. This turtle was characterized by the presence of the lower half of the shell, as well as teeth, which modern species are completely devoid of. The second oldest turtle is Proganochelys quenstedti. This animal had a full and well-formed shell, and also had teeth.

The largest land tortoises from the genus Meiolania had a shell, the length of which often exceeded two meters.. In addition to a huge shell, the animal had a very long and incredibly powerful tail, which was decorated with flattened bone spikes arranged in two rows. The species is characterized by the presence of a triangular skull, on which there are elongated, blunt-type spines with a backward and sideways direction.

The assumption that absolutely all turtles are centenarians is nothing more than another delusion. It has been proven that only one species, the giant Galapagos tortoise, can live for more than two hundred years. The average life expectancy of other species, as a rule, does not exceed 20-30 years.. The Balkan tortoise lives in nature for no more than a hundred years, and some individuals of the Mediterranean and red-eared tortoises can live for four decades.

It is interesting! An elephant tortoise named Harrietta lived to be 175 years old, while the Madagascar radiant tortoise Tui-Malila lived to be almost 188 years old. Other centenarians are also known among these representatives of reptiles.

The big tortoise has a very slow metabolism, which is why it rightfully belongs to the longest-lived species on our planet. This animal is able to do without water and food for a year or more. The turtle is characterized by the presence of wrinkled skin on the body and a very slow speed of movement, as well as the ability to slow down and stop its heartbeat, so the aging process is almost imperceptible. The turtle rarely dies of natural causes. As a rule, the animal dies from pathogenic microflora or becomes the prey of a predator.

Turtles in nature

The animal leads a solitary lifestyle. A pair is found only during the mating season or in preparation for wintering. For food, land turtles use mainly plant foods. Most freshwater species are categorized as predators and feed on a variety of fish, mollusks, arthropods, and other invertebrates. Sea turtles are represented by carnivorous, omnivorous and herbivorous species.

It is interesting! Different types of turtles inhabit a significant part of the land and water in the tropics and the temperate zone. In our country, you can meet big-headed, leathery, Far Eastern, marsh, Caspian and Mediterranean tortoises.

The main reason for the decline in the number of turtles is the capture of these animals in order to obtain highly valuable meat, which is considered a delicacy. Such a product is eaten raw, boiled and fried. Turtle shells are widely used in traditional Japanese women's hair ornaments. The number of some species of land tortoises is declining as a result of the settlement of places traditionally inhabited by animals by people.

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Small varieties of terrestrial and freshwater turtles have enjoyed great success in recent years as unpretentious and very original pets. When kept in captivity, the animal must be placed in a terrarium, aqua-terrarium or aquarium. The choice of method of keeping depends on the characteristics of the lifestyle of each species. Improper feeding and care conditions are often the main cause of death of an animal at home.

At home, most often contain red-eared, musky, Caspian, silt or bigheaded, marsh turtles, as well as Chinese trionics. For these species, it is necessary to ensure the presence of:

  • spacious aquarium;
  • an ultraviolet lamp that heats an island of land that occupies a third of the total area of ​​​​the aquarium;
  • filtering system;
  • quality specialty food.

As natural food, you can use fish, finely chopped raw meat, worms, mice, small frogs, snails, as well as plant foods, represented by vegetables, apples, bananas and algae. You can use for feeding pets special balanced feeds with a sufficient content of trace elements and vitamins. A young turtle needs to be fed daily.. Adults and well-formed individuals should receive food once every three days.

It is interesting! All species of turtles have very poorly developed vocal cords, however, some varieties of these exotics are able to hiss loudly enough, which allows them to scare away enemies and express their displeasure.

The temperature of the aquatic environment should be maintained at 26-28°C, and the resting island should warm up to a temperature of 30-32°C. It is necessary to strictly control the purity of water, carrying out its timely replacement.

These species are kept in terrariums. For a medium-sized turtle, it will be enough to allocate a terrarium with a volume of 80-100 liters. Washed and dried river gravel should be covered at the bottom with a layer of 5 cm. It is imperative to provide the land turtle with a small bath-pool filled with warm and clean water. The standard power of a heating lamp should be approximately one watt per liter of terrarium volume. The optimal temperature regime should be 18-30 ° C.

Land species are herbivorous turtles, and therefore the basis of their diet is 90% plant foods. About 10% of the diet is animal food with the addition of mineral-vitamin complexes. You need to feed the turtle with a finely chopped mixture of herbs, vegetables and fruits, supplemented with bran, soybean meal, cottage cheese, dry yeast, seaweed, minced meat and a boiled egg.

The lifespan of turtles depends on the content and characteristics of the species. In the natural environment, reptiles live longer. In captivity, people often make mistakes that greatly reduce life expectancy. However, in nature, reptiles face other problems: predatory animals and hunters. And also people pollute nature and cut down forests, which affects the quality and life expectancy of turtles. Thus, reptiles rarely live to a natural death.

The larger the reptiles, the longer. This is due to the long processes taking place in the body. Reptiles are able to stop the beating of the heart.


Land animals live for 30-120 years. There are species of different sizes: from 10 cm to a meter. They are distinguished by fused fingers and a rounded shell. In small species, the life span is 30 years in an aquarium and 80 years in nature. Large turtles are 30-50 years old in captivity and up to 150 years old in natural conditions. How many years do popular land turtles live in home terrariums:

  1. Mediterranean - 35-40;
  2. musky - 23-28;
  3. Central Asian - up to 30;
  4. Balkan up to 50;
  5. Indian (star-shaped) - up to 30.
  6. Egyptian - 30.

Life expectancy depends on.


Like terrestrial, aquatic species at home will live half as long as in nature. How many years do turtles live on average?

  1. – 25;
  2. – 25–30;
  3. red-eared - 30–35;
  4. Caspian - 25;
  5. silt-headed - 23.

little turtles

Size up to 13 cm.

  1. three-keel - 20–25;
  2. spotted - 30–40;
  3. musky - up to 23;
  4. pond Reeves - up to 58;
  5. silt - 50–60;
  6. musky ordinary - 23.

How to determine the age

Find out how many years a turtle lives by looking at its shell. The length increases by 2 cm with each passing year. A turtle is born with a 3-centimeter shell. Measure the length of the shell, subtract 3, divide the resulting number by 2. So, the age of a reptile with a shell 5 cm long is 1 year, 15 cm - 6 years.


Each plate separating the carapace has annual rings. During the first 2 years of life, land species form 6 annual rings. After that, 1-2 rings are added every year. Count the rings on one plate of the shell, subtract 6, divide by 1.5 and add 2. By counting 20 rings, you can find out that the animal is 11 years old.


In the inhabitants of the waters, 1 annual ring is added annually. Count the number of rings on the plate and subtract the first 2 years of life. In older individuals, the pattern is fuzzy and blurry.

How to prolong the life of a turtle

  1. When purchasing a decorative reptile, learn about the natural environment in which his relatives live and about his preferences.
  2. Make a varied diet, take into account all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  3. Make sure that the turtle is not cramped to live in the tank. For an adult of medium size, pick up a vessel with a volume of 100 liters or more.
  4. A reptile should live only in a fully equipped aquarium. Pets live less in containers and boxes.
  5. Provide the aquarium with the necessary equipment: a water filter, an ultraviolet lamp and a heater.
  6. Bathe your pet at least once a week. The duration of water procedures is not more than half an hour. Aquatic species live in aquariums with a small pond and an island.
  7. Maintain the air temperature at 31-33 degrees, water - 20-24 degrees.
  8. Be careful in handling the reptile, do not drop the animal and do not frighten with sharp sounds. If children are playing with the pet, adults should supervise the process.
  9. If you notice anything strange in the behavior or appearance of the reptile, do not delay the examination by the veterinarian. Refusal to eat, a change in the shape of the shell, lethargy, the appearance of tumors and ulcers are signs of illness.
  10. When buying new armored reptiles, quarantine them for a month. At this time, the future neighbor must live separately.

How long do turtles live without water

Adult and healthy reptiles do without water and food for 2-3 days. Staying too long without water leads to dehydration. Herbivorous turtles live without drinking if the diet contains a lot of juicy greens, and the animal takes regular baths.

  1. Do not keep reptiles of different species in the same terrarium.
  2. If the reptile escaped from the aquarium and cannot be found, place a bowl of water and your pet's favorite food in the room. Turtles have good eyesight and react quickly to treats and water.
  3. Remember that the depth of the reservoir should allow the animal to easily stick its head out and keep it on the surface.
  4. Install two thermometers in the aquarium: one for water, the other for air.
  5. When taking baths, clean the shell with a soft sponge. Brushes injure the animal.

The longest-lived tortoises are an elephant named Harietta, who lived for 175 years, and a Madagascar radiant, Tui Malila, who lived for 192 years. Domestic species do not live so long, but please their owners for a long time.

When choosing a pet for a family, people take into account many factors: the presence of allergies, the size of housing, lifestyle and daily routine, financial capabilities, readiness for difficulties. One of the important indicators is the potential life span of a pet - not everyone is ready to take an animal that will live long enough to become practically a member of the family, three years in the company of a hamster is quite enough for someone. Therefore, before starting, for example, a decorative turtle, it is worth finding out how long they live.

Although turtles are considered the longest-lived turtles, this opinion is largely based on isolated cases among large species. The survival statistics of young animals, for example, is very small - the population increases due to the large number of eggs in the clutch, but at best 60% of the eggs hatch, at worst - about 5%, the rest are eaten by predators. Babies are also tasty prey: about half of the babies are eaten.

Only a few live up to thirty, it is believed that the generational cycle of a turtle averages 20 years. How many years a particular individual lives depends largely on the luck factor.

Did you know? Contrary to popular belief, the turtle cannot get out of the shell - the main part of its spine is fused with it.

The larger the species, the longer its representatives live: small - about half a century, medium - 80 years, the age of large tortoises (for example, Galapagos and Seychelles) can reach two hundred years.


Land turtles- collective name for more than ten genera. The habitat is wide, distributed in the warm latitudes of Asia, America, Africa and southern Europe. They are mainly found in open spaces (steppes, forest-steppe, deserts), but can also live in forests (humid / tropical).

Animals ranging in size from small (about ten centimeters) to very large (found on island archipelagos), characteristic features are thick legs, a rounded shell, and fused fingers. The diet is predominantly vegetable.

They live from 50 to 100 years, how much depends on the specific species and external factors. Land turtles are quite popular pets (mainly European land turtles are bred). At home, their life expectancy averages 40 years.

Central Asian

Central Asian tortoise belongs to the Land family, the European genus. A characteristic feature is a spotted shell of yellow and brown shades divided into sectors.

It is found in Central Asia, in deserts, foothills, near water bodies. It is small in size - about 20 centimeters long. They live about 50 years, in captivity - about 30.

Did you know? Two representatives of this species in 1968 were cosmonauts - on board the Soviet probe they flew around the moon.


sea ​​turtles- a superfamily that lives in the warm waters of the seas and oceans. Outwardly, they are quite different from their land relatives - the legs are very similar to flippers, the shell is more elongated, the limbs and head are not retracted. The length varies from 70 to 140 centimeters. They are not kept at home, in captivity they are found mainly in large zoos or aquariums. They live for about 80 years.


water, they are European water turtles belong to Asian freshwater. They live in the Middle East, southern Africa, are found in Japan, China, Vietnam. Medium-sized, grow up to a maximum of 30 centimeters.

Feature- smooth plain or colorful shell. Very popular as pets, often kept in an aquarium. These turtles live for about 50 years (in captivity, about the same as in natural conditions).

Important! Despite the seeming undemanding, special conditions need to be created for these pets: a spacious aquaterrarium with the possibility of going to land, a filter and a lamp for heating, maintaining a sufficiently high air and water temperature, and the presence of ultraviolet radiation. The diet should consist of raw boneless fish. You can’t let such a turtle walk on the floor.


red-eared or the yellow-bellied (already the names speak of the colors of the color) belongs to the American freshwater. Sizes vary from 20 to 30 centimeters, which is typical - males are smaller. In childhood, babies are bright green, darkening to brown or olive with age. Spots on a lighter background form oblong patterns on the body, the shell is oval and almost monochromatic.

The reptile got its main name due to the spots of red (sometimes, however, yellow or orange) color, located next to the eyes. Able to make sounds similar to hissing, squeaking and screeching.

Initially they lived on the territory of the Americas, but were brought by humans to other continents, they were even seen in Russia. They live in lakes and ponds, prefer gentle shores, as they often bask in the sun.

Red-eared turtles live for about 50 years (both in nature and at home). This is about the same as water. This life expectancy is generally characteristic of small species.

Important! The conditions of keeping as a pet are similar to those for aquatic turtles, however, in addition to an artificial reservoir, a red-eared turtle also needs a significant area of ​​an improvised shore.

How long do turtles live at home

Oddly enough, at home, these reptiles live about the same as in the wild. This is due to the balance of risk factors: in nature they are threatened by predators, in humans - neglect of the rules of care.

Their life expectancy is affected by:

  • diet compliance;
  • conditions (lighting, temperature, aquarium volume);
  • timely detection and treatment of diseases and other problems;
  • risk of injury (for example, falling from a height or damage caused by another pet).
Small species in captivity live up to 30, less often - 50 years. In the conditions of good zoos, their life is longer than in nature, this is due to the care of them in old age, which prolongs their lifespan.

How to determine the age of a land tortoise

The most accurate way to find out how old a turtle is is by radiocarbon dating its shell. This is how the titles of "the oldest turtles in the world" were confirmed. Obviously, such a procedure cannot be performed on a living reptile, so less accurate, but safer methods are usually used.

  • The first is to focus on the length of the shell. It changes fairly evenly, growing about two centimeters a year. Knowing the original length (at birth, it is 3 centimeters with an insignificant error), it is worth making simple measurements and calculations - and the answer is obvious. Let's give an example: a turtle 30 centimeters long. During her life, the shell increased by 30-3=27. We divide the resulting 27 by 2 and find that the measured individual lived for about 13.5 years.

  • Another, less accurate and more observant way, is counting annual rings. Since it is not a log, there is no need to cut it. We will count the rings on the scales of the shell. It should be borne in mind that this method gives a more accurate result on young individuals; in old people, the shell is smoothed out. If there are six rings or less, the age is 1-2 years. Then every year 2-3 additional rings are formed. Therefore, age is calculated by the formula: (x-6): 1.5 + 2, where x is the number of rings. For a more accurate result, x can be deduced from the arithmetic average of counts over several scales.
It is also worth remembering that any methods do not give one hundred percent accuracy of the result, since the formation and growth of the animal also depends on its health, diet and conditions of detention.

Long-lived turtle

One of the most famous long-lived tortoises, Harriet, belonged to Charles Darwin himself. He brought her back from the Galápagos when she was just a baby (thought to be a boy named Harry at the time, she was the size of a saucer). At the time of her death, this rather grown-up traveler (she spent her last years in Australia) weighed one and a half centners. Her life expectancy was approximately 177 years. The turtle outlived its first owner by 105 years.

Many people love having pets because it's just fun. But sometimes the choice stops at exotic animals. These animals include the land tortoise.

But what do you need to know to make her feel comfortable? Consider how to properly care for a land tortoise at home.

How long do tortoises live?

It is important to understand that life expectancy directly depends on the environment. So, if the turtle lives on its own, that is, in nature, then it can live up to 50 years. In the event that she lives in a house or apartment, she will live only 15 years.

But here it is important to understand that depending on the care of the pet, life expectancy also depends. And if you do everything right, then the land turtle can live up to 30 years.

How to properly care for a land tortoise?

Caring for a land tortoise is very important. Depending on the conditions in which the pet will live, life expectancy depends.

Let's start with a terrarium. Some people who can't afford an aquarium make cardboard boxes for their pets. As for the terrarium, it must fulfill the following requirements:

  • It should be at a height of 20 centimeters from the floor;
  • The aquarium must have a volume of at least 80 liters.


If the aquarium meets two requirements, then it is suitable for a land turtle. Next, you need to fill it so that the pet does not walk on the glass. To do this, you can use river gravel. It will need to be washed and dried, and then calcined in the oven. Next, you need to pour the finished gravel with a thickness of 5 centimeters.

As for water, then you need to carefully prepare. You need to figure out where the turtle will drink water from, and how it will get to this place. It is also worth considering that there should not be too much water. It is best to pour in a ratio of 1/2 of the height of the shell.

What to feed a land tortoise?

People who want to get a land tortoise are wondering: "What to feed the land tortoises?". And do not panic, because the diet of turtles includes many fruits and vegetables, various greens and dandelions. In summer, they can be pampered with strawberries, but you should not give too much. Also, do not forget about earthworms, because turtles love to eat them.

It should be remembered that before you start feeding your pet, you need to finely chop the food. It is also sometimes worth adding various useful vitamins to the diet.

As for the diet itself, it depends on the age of the land turtles. So, if it is still a young individual, then it is worth feeding every day. If this turtle is already an adult, then you need to feed it after one day. At the same time, it is worth giving minced meat to eat once every week.

What are the types of tortoises?

Before you start a turtle, you need to know what types of land turtles are in general. Depending on what kind of turtle itself, life expectancy also depends, and in what conditions it should be.

Central Asian tortoise

People mostly give birth to Central Asian turtles. And all because such animals are distinguished by their unpretentious nature, and they can also quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions.

As the owners of such turtles themselves notice, they are very slow and clumsy, which is very funny. However, it is worth taking care of a good aquarium. So, it should be about 200 liters in volume. Also, inside the aquarium should always be a temperature of 30 degrees.

Egyptian tortoise

As for the Egyptian turtles, they are quite small, which is very good if the apartment is small. The size of the pet is no more than 12 centimeters.

However, it is worth knowing that this type of turtle loves open spaces, so you need a large aquarium, as for Central Asian turtles.

leopard turtle

Such turtles are distinguished by their large size. So, their weight can reach up to 50 kilograms, and the length of the shell itself is up to 70 centimeters.


In young individuals, patterns with black colors are clearly visible on the shell. Already in adults, this pattern disappears. It is recommended to start such a turtle if the housing is large enough.

Photo of a land turtle

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