How to get rich doing nothing. How to get rich from scratch at home - the best tips for beginners

I am sure that almost every person wants to know the answer to this question, and for sure many of you have already asked them. But why, with so many people who want to get rich from scratch, only a few succeed? Let's find out...

And before moving on to the article, I want to draw your attention to the fact that I have already written about ways to make money, build a business, invest and the like in other articles. Here we will talk about the basic principles that everyone who plans to get rich needs to know.

1. Is it really possible to get rich quick from scratch at home?

Do you think it can a common person get rich? Whatever your answer, history says yes, of course! So why do some succeed and others don't? Let's spend not great analysis on my example.

I have not yet become rich, but I already receive my 50,000 rubles a month. How do I differ today from myself in the past, where I worked for 60 rubles an hour in a warehouse. Maybe someone heard about the organization "Work is just"? God forbid you get there.

First of all, I completely changed my way of thinking. If earlier I looked at all things through the prism of lack of money and injustice towards employees, today I see a world full of opportunities.

I did not come to the idea of ​​changing my view of the world on my own. I was led to this by numerous successful people, from whose experience I learned. Somewhere from books, somewhere from videos, and somewhere from real meetings at the seminars. So what do you need to know to start seeing opportunities to get rich quick too?

To begin with, you should understand that only you yourself are responsible for everything that happens to you in life.

Don't like the job? - So, it’s your own fault that you went for it, who prevented you from finding another? No Another? It is your own fault, who prevented you from gaining knowledge in other areas?

Well, if someone really interfered, then who is stopping you from thinking about it today? I agree that there are situations from which it is really difficult to get out, but if you are now looking for this information while browsing the Internet, then most likely you are not among the hopeless and, therefore, you are quite capable of getting rich.

So, the main qualities that should prevail in you:

  • The presence of a goal and a strong desire for it - without a clear goal, you can’t get anywhere;
  • Responsibility for your actions - I already wrote about this above;
  • The ability to learn from failures and the ability to cope with them - from any failure you need to be able to learn from experience. Experience is benefit, and benefit is good.
  • The ability to prioritize correctly - sometimes it is better to save on something in order to earn more later or it is better to pay more attention to work, rather than a walk;
  • openness to perception new information- do not think that you know something better than others, listen carefully and analyze every piece of advice. Moreover, it is better to listen to advice only from those people who are an example for you.

Another important thought: building a good and stable income as an employee is very difficult. Personally, I have not yet seen such people and have not even heard of such people. Maybe they are. However, I have seen and heard even more about those who were able to get rich from scratch in Russia many times.

2. Wealth and happiness: what to choose?

Money, money, money... The whole blog is dedicated to this. But are they happy? Undoubtedly, with them everyone will feel better. I feel better with them than without them. But do I really need money? Of course not, I need what they give: freedom of choice, a sense of comfort, and, most importantly, opportunity.

But who needs big money if there is no time or health to spend it with pleasure? That is, to devote oneself entirely and completely to earning money is also not reasonable. So, one should be able to maintain a balance and have time to pay attention, not only to material well-being, but also to family, health, hobbies and self-development.

Just imagine in what harmony a person who has built a business on his favorite business lives. And if this case is also connected with travel and sports? Probably - these are the happiest people.

There are rich people in our world who have a lot of money and at the same time are disappointed with life or behave as if they care about nothing but money. Would you like to be like that?

Personally, I am very glad that I have to start from scratch. It seems to me that this gave me an understanding of the value of all the criteria for real wealth. If you are reading this article, you are probably lucky to start from scratch too: D

Be glad that the money didn't fall to you as an inheritance or that you didn't win it in the lottery. Like it or not, but the fact remains: most people who get rich quickly end up with nothing: no friends, no money, no health and a lot of debt. By making money on our own and gradually, we train in ourselves the ability to manage it correctly.

Allow yourself to engage in activities that you enjoy and that will benefit others at the same time. And then without a doubt you will get a decent result. Excuse me, but again I will cite myself as an example: I really like to run my blog, it brings me good profit and most importantly, my knowledge and experience help other people. Maybe it will suit you too?

In any case, if today you are not satisfied with your financial position, then I recommend at least make a few attempts and improve it. The more options you try, the higher your chances of success.

3. What prevents you from getting rich - the main problems on the way to the goal

The hardest thing is the first step. How hard it is to believe in yourself for a person who is used to thinking like the poor. But doesn't imitation make us like others? And if at least once in your life you try to fry the rich? Just out of curiosity, try doing this right now? What if everything works out?

3.1. Think like the rich

If primates are able to imitate people, only in movements, then people are capable of more: we can learn to think like other people. It’s just a little more difficult to do this, because in order to tune your brain to new thinking, you need to not only want, you need to teach your subconscious mind to do this.

How this is done, I will not say, because I am not competent enough in this matter, although I already have my own experience. I would rather recommend books that amaze the imagination from the first pages. In them you will find practical advice about what you need to do to teach yourself to think like the rich.

Title of books:

  • Jen Kehoe "Money, success and you";
  • Jen Kehoe "The Subconscious Can Do Anything"

3.2. Is it possible to get rich in a crisis?

The crisis is what makes many of us nervous, it is what haunts us: lack of money, unemployment. Can you imagine the stress experienced by those who have taken loans and now cannot pay them back?

I don’t know about others, but in situations where I really need money, I don’t complain about life, I don’t turn off my brain, playing games, watching TV or, even worse, drinking alcohol. On the contrary, I am even more actively looking for ways to earn money or even more actively working on my projects.

Let it be funny to someone, but when I wanted to buy an iPhone 6s pluse, I didn’t think that I couldn’t afford it due to lack of money, I thought about HOW I could afford it? And two months later I had it. Although at that moment my net income was only 10 thousand rubles a month.

Friends, any issue can be resolved, it will depend only on how much you want something. Watch this video clip to understand what kind of power of desire I'm talking about:

How to get rich from scratch in Russia? There are a lot of ways, for example, on investments, your business, you can get rich even on bets. Each of the options has its own specifics, but each of them has something in common. Let's find out what exactly?

And when we find out, then we will only have to choose which way we will go to our first million.

4.1. Invest in self-education

Do not spare time and money for self-education. In most cases, your skills and abilities will be in demand. Another thing: to understand how to make money on your knowledge and talents.

Often many of my acquaintances, when I recommend them to take this or that course, say: I'd rather learn on my own. I myself often thought so. But let's turn it on common sense.

For example, I want to do something that I have never studied before and that I don’t know how to do at all. Let these be lessons on creating and making money on sites. How long do you think it will take me to make himself your site according to all modern requirements? And how much more will I need then, so that, again, himself bring this site to a good income?

Whatever your answer, I will say this: I will need much more time and money than if I were trained by professionals.

In our case, the task is to learn how to get rich. Why don't we then invest in something that will eventually lead us to the result much faster?

By the phrase "invest in knowledge" I mean not only money, but also time. Especially when you consider that today there are hundreds of free courses on the Internet. Use a few hours a day to become more qualified in your field - this will allow you to see higher, understand more, and, therefore, earn more.

4.2. Learn Financial Literacy

Again, I'll start with my friends. How many times have I heard: "Only recently received a salary. I don't understand where the money has gone!" What prevents you from taking a piece of paper with a pen and writing down every purchase there in order to finally understand where exactly the money went? However, such phrases do not stop repeating themselves.

Why is this happening? Today, people do not even have basic knowledge in the field of finance, and financial illiteracy is a guarantee of eternal poverty. So something needs to be done about it.

I remember at the age of 16-18, I played a lot of strategy games, where it was simply impossible to win without knowing how to properly distribute various resources.

Of course, I will not advise playing toys, although among others there is one famous game. It is called "Cash Flow", its creator is one of the most famous businessmen in the world, Robert Kiyosaki. Here I can recommend it, as it was created specifically to teach us how to handle money correctly.

Well, in general, it’s worth starting with keeping track of your expenses. By writing down all the operations in your notebook, over time you will clearly see what you spent your salary on and, based on what you see, you will be able to understand what you can save on next time.

And now the savings can be spent both on self-development and on building a business.

4.3. save time

Many of us spend a large number of time for useless things. Take only some games with balls, solitaire, reading the news and other useless things.

Why not try to use for good even those half an hour when you say to yourself: "Well, I'll take a break playing solitaire." Why not take a break for another, more useful thing for you? Ideally, you should make the transition to another type of activity a rest.

If you are tired of making your own information product, switch to blogging, if you are tired of writing articles, go to a workout, in the end, even while lying in front of the TV, you can watch training courses or educational programs, and not stupid TV shows like a physical education teacher.

To some, such advice may seem tedious. But do not forget that it is simply impossible to get rich quickly from scratch, without small sacrifices. Moreover, I am not saying that all entertainment should be stopped in one second. Just with time and a conscious desire, you can get pleasure from useful things.

4.4. Manage your time

The first thing the life of a future millionaire begins with is the absence of bosses. Many of those who plan to become their own boss like the idea that now you can perform tasks at any time convenient for you, roughly speaking, do what you want, when you want.

But, friends, if earlier someone else did the work schedule for you, now you need to do this task yourself. Without proper time management, your productivity is at least 50% less.

In order not to lose these 50%, you need to learn the ability to properly allocate your time. This skill is called time management. I can assure you that every successful person has it.

A clear plan for a day, a week, a month, and even a year saves you from unnecessary fuss and saves the most important resource of every person - time.

4.5. Learn the Habits of the Rich

If there are rich people among your acquaintances, then start communicating with them more. Watch them, look at what they are doing and try to understand what habits they have that affect their success. I am sure you will notice how effectively they use their time, skills and talents.

Personally, I have such acquaintances who would have achieved good results no. But there is another way to better understand such people. Read more books about successful people, study them by all available means.

You will notice that the rich and successful perceive money in a completely different way, as a means, and not as an end in itself. You will notice that they all line up their sources passive income, and do not think about how to take a higher position.

It is worth noting that the rich may have a habit of buying expensive things or some other excesses. It would be nice to include common sense in such random ones, can expensive purchases help you get rich?

As a result, I would like to give a simple table, looking at which it will be easier for you to remember all the recommendations received:

5. How to get rich quick with magic

The question "How to get rich with the help of magic?" quite often they are searched on the Internet, which, in my opinion, is not the most the best option. Or maybe not even the most honest.

Whether you believe in magic or not, my point is that an equally magical way to get rich is to change your thought processes. And the most amazing thing is that it really works, moreover, you can learn it for free.

6. The best books and movies to help you get rich

  • "Secret"- one of the first films that turned a lot in my head, I recommend watching all the parts;
  • "Millionaire Secrets" -
  • "My neighbor is a millionaire"- authors: Thomas Stanley and William Danko. After reading it, you will look at the process of accumulating and creating large capital with completely different eyes;
  • "Think and get rich"- author: Napoleon Hill. In it you will find a clear plan for how to succeed in life. And this will be useful to you not only to get rich, but also in any other business;
  • "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"- author: Stephen Covey. The book helps to understand yourself and clearly articulate life goals and then makes it clear how to reach them;

It fits the theme of this article perfectly. It's like the article was written for him.

Friends, while reading books, do not forget to emphasize for yourself important points and remember them. It is best to write them down in a notebook and repeat periodically until it is finally stored in your subconscious.

7. Summing up

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is possible to get rich quickly in Russia, just like in any other country. Your location does not affect this in any way. Only yours affects inner world, which can be easily changed if desired.

Everyone thinks about how to get rich in Russia. There is nothing surprising here, because we all want to live in abundance and not need anything.

Why do some find ways to become successful businessmen while others spend their whole lives in the status of the middle class?

Some rich people get a decent inheritance, and in order to get rich, they do not have to do anything.

Others have to work and work all their lives to achieve their dreams. Unfortunately, there are many more people who find it difficult to get rich in Russia.

This is what the statistics say:

If you are tired of being middle class, then you need to start doing everything to get rich. The main thing is to cast aside all fears and doubts and just achieve your goal.

Psychological methods to help you get rich in Russia

There is no one way to get rich. Successful people achieve their goals in extraordinary ways, because everyone has their own method of solving problems.

Studies have shown that rich and poor people even have different thoughts:

Fortunately, there are methods that help to change a person’s worldview for a start, and then a new way of thinking makes a person rich and successful.

No. 1. Set a goal for yourself

The first thing you need to do to change your life is to set a goal and make a choice.

A person can complain all his life that he does not have the opportunity to get rich in Russia, or once and for all cast aside all doubts and begin to act.

If you have finally formulated your goal, then immediately get down to business and do not put everything off until tomorrow. Rich people are never afraid.

It is the risk that has helped many to achieve success. You need to be courageous, active and persistent, then everything will definitely work out.

No. 2. To get rich, train yourself to order

To get rich in Russia, many businessmen had to accustom themselves to the daily routine and develop good habits. It helps to become responsible and purposeful.

The following useful habits will help you get rich in Russia:

  1. In the evening, make a daily routine for yourself.
  2. Write everything down, it's hard to keep a lot of things in your head.
  3. Do not pollute your brain with unnecessary information, namely watching entertaining talk shows or reading primitive novels.

    If there is time, then it is better spend profitably. For example, go to the gym, read useful science articles in your field of activity, go to scientific trainings, etc.

  4. Everything you do should be done with love and dedication.
  5. Try not to communicate with those who constantly complain about life. Find friends among the rich and successful people who can help you useful advice or deed.
  6. You always need to find time for your health: spend more time in the pool, gym. Love at least one sport and practice it, because sport is strength and discipline, and this is very important for those who want to get rich.
  7. Never don't give up, believe in yourself and your undertaking, then you will definitely get rich.

Number 3. Find a mentor for you

Ideas to open own business it’s full now: a beauty salon, a restaurant, a law office, a real estate agency, a travel company, etc.

Do what you like and what you know at least a little, so it will be easier for you to get rich in Russia with the help of your enterprise.

Do not spare money in the early stages of development for advertising, it will help attract new customers or business partners.

Method 2. Invest in profitable ventures

On investments, many businessmen literally created their capital.

Find profitable offers that can significantly improve your well-being. Watch news on the stock exchanges regularly, but first learn the strategy of working with them.

3 major exchanges Russian Federation to help you get rich:

Method 3. Employment in a large company in Russia

If you don’t have enough money to start your own business, you will have to earn it.

The best way is to find a well-paid job in a large firm in Russia.

Be sure to be sure that you have the opportunity to move up the career ladder and gain new knowledge that will help you get rich.

When looking for a vacancy, pay attention to even the simplest positions, like an assistant manager. It is not uncommon for such employees to become directors of large companies in a short period of time.

Being in a position, always offer your options for the development of the company, new methods of selling goods, etc. Management loves initiative workers, you will definitely be noticed and promoted.

The main thing is not to sit idly by, but to act.

Method 4. Earnings on stock exchanges in Russia

A quick way to get rich in Russia, but very risky, is. People buy stocks, sell them, track the rise and fall of the world currency, etc., thereby earning millions.

It's just that there is little luck on the stock exchange, it is necessary to study the history of companies that put up their shares for auction in order to be able to correctly analyze their future fate.

Many on the stock exchanges not only managed to get rich, but also became bankrupt due to their ignorance or unjustified risk. Before you start playing on the stock exchange, study the strategy of such funds well so as not to lose the latter.

Read the book by A. Elder "How I started to play the stock market." It will help you master the basics of this difficult task.

Method 5. Way to get rich at home

Now there are many options for how you can get rich in Russia using the Internet. This work is called freelancing, which means free earnings without bosses and office rooms.

A person is looking for a job via the Internet and fulfills the order of his employer within the agreed time, while sitting at home in front of the computer. Now on online job passed journalists, designers, advertisers, lawyers, economists and many others.

To receive payment, you need to complete the order on time in accordance with the requirements. As a rule, you receive payment on bank card or e-wallet.

it good way receive a stable high.

Method 6. Patents - another opportunity to get rich in Russia

If you are an engineer by profession, and you still have a lot of unrealized ideas from the institute bench, then you can get rich in Russia by obtaining a patent for your invention.

There are countless areas in which this opportunity can be realized. The main thing is that large firms want to buy and release your invention into wide production.

Imagine, you will spend only 1-2 months on the idea and development of an invention, but you will make a profit from the sale of goods on the market all your life!

To get rich in this way, it is not necessary to have start-up capital. If your idea is good enough, you can look for sponsors through crowdfunding platforms, for example, or Russia).

Literature and video tutorials on how to get rich in Russia

We all know that it is pointless to start a business without the appropriate knowledge.

Every second millionaire has read a lot of useful literature, attended trainings on how to get rich without having anything.

In the picture you will see people from Russia who at one time did not miss the chance and were able to get rich:

Where do you get the knowledge that will help you get rich?

We have put together a list of books for you. useful videos how to get rich:

  1. The Investment Response: How to Protect Your Financial Future by Daniel Goldie, Gordon Murray.
  2. "The Millionaire's Secret" by Mark Fisher.
  3. "Way to financial independence. The first million in 7 days, Bodo Chauffeur.
  4. "Millionaire - Automatically" by David Bach.
  5. "Square cash flow by Roberto Kiyosaki.
  6. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Roberto Kiyosaki.

Videos that will motivate you to get rich in Russia:

  1. Interview with Brian Tracy, Chairman of Brian Tracy International, which he self-created in 1984.

    Now his firm is engaged in consulting and conducting trainings on the topics of leadership, wealth, sales, strategies, motivations, goals, etc. Brian himself lectures and is also the author of 70 books that teach how to get rich.

    In this video he talks about his personal history success, and how he managed to achieve such heights.

  2. In this video, you will hear from Brian Tracy, 21 success secrets of millionaires who got rich on their own, almost from scratch.

  3. Everyone has heard of John Rockefeller. By clicking on this link, you will learn 12 rules of one of the richest people in the world on how to get rich.

The question "How to get rich in Russia?" Many people ask, but not everyone is ready to really work on turning their dreams into reality.

If you are 100% confident in your desire to get rich, then follow these tips:

  1. Be sure to keep 25% of each financial income and put it aside for a deposit.
  2. To get rich, you should always write down all the ideas, plans and implement the best of them.
  3. Strive for high altitudes, the only way you can get rich in Russia.
  4. From everything you need to learn how to profit. For example, do not store old things, but sell them even for a small price, because this is also one of the methods that will help you make money.

    The funds received can be directed to the implementation of a serious idea, which will help you get rich.

  5. Learn to spend your money wisely. Buy only what you and your family really need.
  6. A trifle learn to put aside in the bank. A decent amount will accumulate over the year, which can be spent on a pleasant purchase.
  7. Do not forget that there are other riches besides money: love, happiness, health. Do your best to become materially free, but don't forget the most important things in life that money can't buy.

We hope we have given you the right direction in chasing your dream, and now knowing how to get rich in Russia, you will overcome all obstacles and become a truly successful person.

I wonder which of you we will soon see in the Forbes ratings? ...

Money is not just paper. Money is the advantage of a quality life. Money can give you the opportunity to comfortably relax, open your own business, do what you love, buy noteworthy connections, buy the necessary or just liked quality things. Money can give you a feeling of inner freedom, confidence, peace. Therefore, no matter what anyone says, in many ways. Now it remains to understand the most difficult thing - how to get rich after all.

Live within your means

The most important and at the same time the most banal principle underlying the universe. If it is a pancake lying on elephants standing on a turtle, then the turtle itself fell apart on this principle. It's simple: spend less than you earn. Do not rush to close the article and squeal that such advice was given to you in the sandbox. But what's the point: everyone seems to know about it, but they live beyond their means, they buy apartments that they don’t pull, they play magnificent weddings that no one needs, they drive cars out of rank that suck out all the money. And in order to somehow pay for all this, they get into loans to spend more than they can. Usually they are driven by a blind faith that a little more - and it will happen, wealth, opportunities will come, and there will be so much money that they will fall out of the wallet. So wait for these good times, take your time, be patient.

Pay yourself tax

If the government unexpectedly increased taxes and forced you to pay an extra thousand every month, then you, whether you like it or not, will have to pay that money. Otherwise, problems and resorts of Mordovia await you. However, when it comes to saving money, people find many reasons why they can't start, why this thousand is only needed today and right now, and so on and so forth.

To avoid temptations, set up an automatic bank transfer. And every time when funds fall on your salary card, some of them will automatically be transferred to your savings account. Because while you are going to put aside your hard-earned money, there will be no money left on the card. Get an emergency supply and pretend that this account simply does not exist. Then in a few years you will thank us and yourself.

Don't play the stock market

To play on stock markets, you need two things: talent and an understanding of how things work. If the auction is not yours, then stay away, for God's sake, you will only be disgraced. If you have read the revelations of a broker and watched several thematic films, then this is still very little to consider yourself smart and move stocks. Some people naively believe that there is not much difference between playing the stock market and poker. This is partly true, but deeper knowledge is required here.

Better take long-term investments. Here, too, you need to understand, otherwise you will give everything you have accumulated to some swindler and find out that the Perm Tampons company never existed. The market is changeable like the mood of the president of a small republic, rushing between two superpowers: today something is profitable, but tomorrow it already burns out. Therefore, if possible, use the services of a financial advisor.

The more sources of money, the better

One source of income is good, but seven is better. Try to find at least one millionaire in whose bag money pours from one source. They are rather reminiscent of the Wolf from the famous Soviet electronic game, which frantically caught eggs. So it is here: you need to do everything, control everything, earn everything. Difficult? It's hard, and no one said it would be easy.

Stay away from loans

This, of course, is convenient, it is European, but only if you are not going to get rich. We talked about this above and we will say it again: all your decisions should be based on what happened. financial situation. If they are not now, it is not certain that they will be in the future. And take loans, bind yourself with bondage to banks, choke interest rates and, in which case, take another loan to pay off the loan ... These words make my soul feel bad, as after alcohol poisoning. Of course, anything can happen, the need comes from where you didn’t expect it, and you can’t do without a loan, but don’t rush to beg from the bank, leave this option as a last resort.

Delhi year 3

When there is a goal, a person behaves more responsibly with his money. When it is not there, funds go down on all sorts of rubbish. If you save up for a Land Cruiser when you get 28,000 a month, then you will be more responsible in buying bread.

In general, in order not to starve and do everything right, you need to put one big goal at the beginning of the year (academic or calendar - it doesn’t matter), then break this goal into parts (four months each). This will make it easier to control your progress, and it will save you from any minor headaches.

Formula "50-30-20"

If you don’t know how to manage your income, contact financial experts. No money for financial experts - we will help. Given the current economic model and all the nightmare that comes with it, the most profitable way to proceed is as follows: 50 percent of your income should be spent on needs (for example, housing, car payments, food, etc.), 30 percent should be spent what you want (clothes, good meals, etc.) and the other 20 percent should be set aside.

Now, when you are young, there is not a damn thing about money, and you can’t even buy bones for jelly, your spending will most likely be based on the “70-20-10” pattern. This, in general, is not bad, but you need to strive for the “50-30-20” scheme.

Surround yourself with responsible people

Nothing stimulates financial success like hanging out with people who have already achieved it. Communicate with people older than you who have achieved something in their lives, contact those who share financial goals similar to you. It is quite difficult to maintain financial discipline surrounded by careless spontaneous spenders.

Ideally, of course, find yourself a mentor who will accompany you throughout the path to success. This should be a successful, proven and well-known person. If you show interest in learning, show that you sincerely want the same for yourself, and do not show yourself as a fool, then most likely you will be helped.

The year is more important than the month

As a rule, at the end of each month we sum up the results. This is correct, this is certainly good, but one can speak of success only after the end of a more impressive and longer period. Therefore, any results must be summed up at the end of the year. If the goal is large-scale, then even six months may not be enough. After three months, you can save 30% of your total income, but by the end of the year, only 10% of them may remain. Do you hear the difference?

Strange as it may seem, but the statistics once again show that 5% of children from low-income families in the future acquire financial condition, and the rest continue to maneuver with money just like their ancestors, and survive on a small income.

In today's difficult hour, almost every third person is tormented by one of the main questions of life: "Why has life deprived us so much?". The answer can be found easily, but it will be more difficult to radically change your life and make your cherished dreams come true. Wealth - it turns out, is associated with art, which is given to any person to learn. Most of people of our society often wonder how to become rich? Naturally, one cannot do without the past in which your life began, which social status occupied by your parents. However, the state of financial success in the future is in your power.

How to get rich? So …

Listen to your subconscious, where there are some beliefs and your attitudes. If you constantly say: “It doesn’t threaten my finances”, “Infinitely not enough money, deeply in debt” or “I just need a little bit”, then it will be. With such thoughts, you are pushing money away from you without realizing it. Money comes where it feels needed and loved, in two words, it is a flow of energy. Such energy has its own attractive laws, thanks to which it is possible to change the financial situation in good side if you often think “How can you get rich?”

By adhering to the conditions of the first law, money demands love. Being rich is analogous to wanting to be healthy and loved. Money carries a very subtle energy, thanks to which they keep the direction to processes where there is joy and their spending. Just do not confuse greed and respect for money, since money lives where it is spent with pleasure, and not where it is simply possessed.

But how, in a terrible financial situation, can you also rejoice? No matter what age you are or have no education, the main thing is to always be ready to turn your life into a successful direction. However, most people, unconsciously, in a good financial situation, feel guilty. This is certainly not bad, but every minute you should be accompanied by the thought that you must certainly have the best.

The second law tells us about our expenses, which we should make with pleasure. The science of attracting money shows us that even when buying bread or milk you should be in a festive mood and pay with the confidence of a millionaire, while always thinking how to get rich ?. On the this moment no matter the number of banknotes and their denomination, the main thing is that it is always confident and joyful. Banknotes in the wallet should be placed face up. Once again it is worth recalling that wealth is an art, where each person is able to learn its intricacies and always find the answer to the question: “How to become rich?”

The third law will teach you self-programming to be successful and happy life. It is hard at first to imagine that your situation can be changed. Our parents, management or authorities are always to blame, but not us. This circle is so vicious to leave rat race, you have to make considerable efforts, the main thing is to believe, want and achieve. But no matter how much they say, it's all the same vital status you build yourself.

Don’t be confused by the opinion of the society that is next to you, when your constant beliefs will be directed to a fortune, or you will be puzzled by the thought “How to get rich?”, But your soul is empty. And the fact that every day you live from penny to penny, this is, first of all, your brain setting for poverty and lack.

In psychology, there are principles such as the daily pronunciation of beliefs that are deposited in your mind in the form of a setting for the future. financial situation. Some of them:

  • I will have all the best;
  • Every day, with ease, money comes to me;
  • It gives me great pleasure to receive and give money, and so on.

The more often your own beliefs change, the faster the rhythm and state of well-being of your life will change. With the constant thought of how to get rich, you will have an incentive to improve your own well-being faster.

And finally, the fourth law states that the main thing is cardinal changes in one's own personality. One of the main rules of abundance in psychology teaches us: “Regardless of age, day, country, you will be able to improve your financial condition. My possibilities have no limits. I will quickly find a way to get rich.” If you have decided to get away from dullness and poverty, go for it!

In addition to negative attitudes, another factor that can negatively affect material pleasure is the fear that you do not deserve it, or you are afraid to lose it. But keep in mind that having courage is much more profitable than being afraid. You can overcome fear by doing one exercise. When you feel a sense of fear, you only need to say the word “No!”. Whenever a feeling of anxiety visits you, in your subconscious, begin to drive it away and think about the good.

But still, when the desired will grow into reality? Here an important role will be played by a person's karma, willpower and the human subconscious. Each person is individual. How strong his desires, how long he will have to wait. This can happen in a week or a couple of years later.

A short story about a poor man who lived in a small hut and heated himself with firewood. He was poor, but he had old books and a great desire to change his unsuccessful life. And visually, he began to imagine how he had a large supply of logs, the number of rice grains in pilaf became larger. In the near future, they began to turn to him for advice. A few years later, this unfortunate poor man was relaxing on his own balcony, in one of the most luxurious hotels in the world, remembering life path about your thoughts spent with thoughts of how to get rich? and at the same time admiring the laws of abundance.

At present, this person has become popular all over the world - this is a publicist, Canadian scientist John Kehoe. If one person can do it, then another can do it. Try!

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