How long do aquarium turtles live. How long do little turtles live. What do red-eared turtles eat

You can often find sellers on the street with baby turtles not much larger than a five-ruble coin, floating in a small round aquarium. Usually such people claim that these are mini-turtles that will not grow up again, and it will not be difficult to care for them. Buyers often don't think what are aquatic turtles and how long do they live, but this often leads to disastrous (especially for the animal) consequences.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of ingrained myths about keeping these reptiles at home. But in reality, everything turns out far from being so rosy: for some reason, the little green turtles in the aquarium do not want to eat and soon die. In case they manage to survive, very soon they turn into a rather large, voracious, mobile and biting animal. Why is this happening?

Main types

Most often found on sale red-eared turtles, having red spots characteristic of the species behind the eyes and a green (in young individuals) shell. Reptiles are bred on turtle farms and are perhaps the most common.

In addition to them, you can find 2 more types of aquatic turtles:

  1. European marsh. It has a black smooth carapace with yellow stripes or dots.
  2. Chinese far eastern trionyx . Its shell is covered with skin, the neck is flexible and long, the nose looks like a proboscis.

These animals are in most cases taken from the wild.

How to contain

Creating the necessary conditions for a turtle is not so difficult. For this
needed large aquarium(not less than 100-120 l) with a land area (about 25% of the terrarium area, optional for trionics), equipped with incandescent lamp and UV lamp (5-10%), filter and water heater(if the temperature drops below 22-24 degrees). The ascent to land should be gentle and comfortable, the lamps are located above the island, at a distance of about 25 cm and are turned on for the whole day (12 hours ). Trionix needs a thick layer of soil at the bottom, as well as an aerator(It is better to protect all equipment from animal access).

How many aquatic turtles live in captivity depends, first of all, on the conditions of detention and the correct feeding. Red-eared live up to 30-35 years on average, marsh ones are somewhat longer, in the first year and a half they can grow up to 7.5 cm, then slow down to 1-1.25 cm per year. Puberty occurs in nature by 6-8 years, in captivity a little earlier.

It is important to remember that the "character" of animals is far from angelic: although young individuals quickly get used to hands, they still can bite. Trionics are more likely to remain aggressive throughout their lives.

After buying an aquatic turtle, it is recommended, especially if during the first days it shows lethargy, refuses to feed, sneezes, rolls to one side when swimming. You should not postpone the appeal, because it depends on its timeliness for how long aquatic turtles will live in captivity.

Transportation is carried out in a cloth bag, in the cold season in the bosom or in a closed container with a heating pad. Drying is contraindicated for Trionics, so it is better to place them in a container with water or wrap them in a damp cloth. Woolen things are not able to warm reptiles - they are cold-blooded, that is, they cannot produce their own heat!

Before acquiring a turtle from your hands, it is better to find out everything about aquatic turtles in advance, as well as make them a suitable home. Unfortunately, many people do not think about it and release grown turtles into water bodies or throw them into veterinary clinics, zoos or zoo corners. Often, the animal's hardy body adapts to unacceptable conditions, and the reptile lives for years in a basin in the bathroom, suffering from rickets and other chronic diseases. Before buying, consider how long aquatic turtles can live and what sizes they reach, as well as whether you will be able to provide proper movement for your pet during these years.

More than 290 known various kinds turtles, in Russia there are only 7 species. They are distinguished by increased endurance and survivability. The immune system turtles are quite resistant to various infections, and injuries heal quickly. In addition, they can go without food for a long time and remain in good health.

How many years do turtles live

The longest-lived tortoise is Marion, her age is fixed at around 152 years. With a good set of circumstances, they can live up to 200 - 310 years. It seems to us that they live a long time, in fact, everything is a little different. Only one of the species can live over 200 years, these are giant tortoises from the Galapagos Islands. The average for all other species is only 20 - 30 years. Red-eared turtles live an average of 30 years at proper care followed by.

Now large turtles are considered the longest-lived among all living creatures on our planet. This is due to slow metabolism. They can live without food or drink for a few months to a couple of years. You are probably surprised, but this is scientifically proven.

That's not all amazing facts. With wrinkled body skin and a very slow speed of movement, the aging process is almost not noticeable in them. After many years internal organs remain the same as in youth. Many scientists are looking for the secrets of "eternal youth" in their genetic code.

They rarely die of natural causes. This is mainly due to disease, predators and human interference. If these factors did not interfere with them, then one would only be surprised how many years turtles live.

Nature rewarded them great ability stop your heartbeat and resume if necessary. When the heart stops, the turtle does not move, but seems to freeze.

How long do turtles live on earth?

As studies tell us, these amazing animals have been living on the planet for more than 220 million years! There is such a hypothesis that they were even before the advent of dinosaurs. Nature created them so well that after so many years they practically did not change and did not evolve, which is considered a great rarity among all living beings and organisms. Apparently, this is why turtles live for so many years and easily adapt to almost any habitat.

So if they ask you how long do turtles live- you can say with confidence: on average, 25 years, and giant tortoises from the Galapagos Islands are more than 200 and, with good luck, can live for more than 300 years.

There are more than 290 species of aquatic and terrestrial turtles in the world. These unique long-lived animals have skillfully adapted over the centuries and learned to survive in different conditions. They developed immunity to many infections, becoming almost the most hardy creatures on Earth. Bone-covered animals are capable of long time go without food. And their "armor" is very difficult to break through.

Turtles have a slow metabolism, which has led to late puberty and a slowdown in all life processes. Although you should not believe the myths about snail slowness.

Let's find out what types of turtles, how many live. I think the topic will be especially close to us.

How long do tortoises live?

There is a lot of evidence that the age exceeded 100 years. The same Central Asian turtles - bright to that example. And detailed records of observations in the monasteries of Jerusalem say that some animals reached 120 years.

In zoos, examples of longevity have been noted. For example, elephant turtle lived to be 150 years old, and the spur-bearing one reached 115 years of age. In the Guinness Book of Records, the age is 152 years.

Central Asian tortoise

How long does a Central Asian representative of the shell live? We have already set it as an example, talking about land turtles. First, let's say that this is the most common type. On average, an animal of this species lives 40 years. But there are long-lived turtles. For example, marion, who became famous for the fact that one of the representatives of their family reached the age of 152. On the Galapagos Islands giant tortoises can live up to 200 years. But still in wild environment Central Asian women live for 20-30 years.

It is difficult to answer the question of how long domestic turtles live. It all depends on the conditions of detention. If you can create favorable loved ones for her natural conditions, she will delight you with her 30 years, or even more.

How long do aquatic turtles live?

Find out how many other ornamental turtles live. For example, swamps.

European bog turtle populated the entire Eastern Hemisphere. Although initially its homeland was Europe, where, in fact, the name comes from. She only lives in fresh water. Although in the wild it was also found in the salty Vityazevsky and Kizeltash estuaries. At home at good care a turtle can live up to 30 years, but in the wild there were cases when the animal lived up to 120.

How many years does a red-eared turtle live?

Like other turtles, red-eared turtles live for a long time - 30 years. But an inept owner can shorten this period. Just remember, this decorative individual loves both water and space. Don't hurt her on this.

How long do sea turtles live?

Average duration life is 80 years. But most turtles do not reach this age: some die in the embryo in the egg due to too low or high temperature. Part, when trying to run to the water after hatching, is eaten by predators. The rest are waiting for sea turtles. As a result, many of the species are on the verge of extinction.

How long do turtles live without water?

"Home" turtles are often "lost". They can climb into the most unexpected place and not get out of there for a long time. There is no need to talk about hibernation. Therefore, the owners begin to worry. But in vain. Your pet will never go far from the water. And if you want to quickly lure him out of the shelter, put a bowl of water in a conspicuous place, the animal will definitely appear, although it can survive without water for two or three days. This ability comes in handy when transporting turtles.

When choosing a pet for the family, future owners must take into account many factors, ranging from the lifestyle, routine and feeding patterns of the animal to its lifespan. Last question especially worries people who are going to get a turtle. These reptiles are distinguished by amazing endurance and longevity and are able, under favorable circumstances, to live for more than a dozen years. Therefore, before you get such an animal, you need to realize that you will have to take care of its well-being for a long time.

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    How many years do turtles live?

    It is generally accepted that turtles are able to live 300 years, although in fact this opinion is erroneous. Of course, among the representatives of this species of animals there are long-livers, but there is no reliable evidence that any individual lived to such a venerable age. In many ways, this impression of turtles is due to isolated cases of longevity among large species.

    The size of the turtle affects life expectancy - the larger the species, the longer its representatives are able to live:

    • small turtles can live up to 50 years;
    • representatives of medium-sized species live up to 80 years;
    • the maximum age of large reptiles is 200 years.

    Being in captivity can both extend a turtle's lifespan and shorten its years. The necessary living conditions, balanced nutrition and the absence of enemies allow the animal to live long enough, and improper care or feeding with unsuitable food will lead to a quick death of the pet.


    Land turtles are called turtles, including more than a dozen genera. They live in Asia, southern Europe, Africa and America. These reptiles prefer open spaces - steppes, deserts and forest-steppes, but are able to feel comfortable even in wet conditions. tropical forests.

    The size of animals can be either very small, not exceeding 10 cm, or quite large. Common to all land turtles are a round shell and thick legs with fused toes. Reptiles prefer to eat a plant-based diet.

    AT natural environment habitats, such animals are able to live from 50 to 100 years, which is influenced by the type of a particular animal, its size and external factors. In captivity, European tortoises are bred more often than others, with an average life expectancy of 40 years.

    Central Asian

    The Central Asian tortoise is one of the representatives of the land. It differs from other varieties in its shell. This part of the body is divided into sectors and colored in yellow-brown tones with spots.

    The habitat of these animals covers countries Central Asia. There, the turtle is found in the foothills, near water bodies and in deserts. The species grows only up to 20 cm, therefore it belongs to medium-sized ones. In the natural environment, under favorable circumstances, they live up to 50 years, in captivity the term is limited to thirty years.


    Sea turtles live in warm oceans and seas. They differ quite a lot from their land counterparts:

    • the shell has an elongated shape;
    • fore and hind limbs are not retracted;
    • paws are more like flippers.

    The body length is from 70 to 140 cm. Due to their impressive size, they do not live at home. In captivity, they can only be seen in aquariums and large zoos. If living conditions sea ​​turtles favorable, they live up to eighty years.


    European water or water turtles live in the southern part African continent, in the countries of the Middle East and Asia. These freshwater reptiles are small and grow only up to 30 cm.

    Aquatic turtles differ from other turtles in their smooth, solid or colored shell. These are quite popular pets, in captivity they are kept in special aquariums. Life expectancy in the natural environment and in captivity is 50 years.

    Although water turtles are considered to be unpretentious pets, their maintenance requires the creation of certain conditions. In captivity, they live in aquaterrariums, where, in addition to aquatic environment access to the "island" and heating with varying degrees of intensity should be provided. Turtles feed on raw fish without bones.


    The yellow-bellied or red-eared turtle is a representative of the American aquatic. It can grow up to 30 cm, while the females are slightly larger. Little red-eared turtles are painted in bright green color. As they get older, the animals darken and acquire a brown or olive color. On the body they form elongated patterns, but the shell is almost completely painted in one color.

    Near the eyes they have spots of a red or orange hue, for which the reptiles got their name. Initially, red-eared animals lived only on the American continent, but then they were brought to other countries. They live in lakes and ponds with gently sloping banks, where it is convenient to get out on land. Life expectancy, like that of aquatic species, is 50 years.

    Life expectancy at home

    Reptiles live in captivity on average as long as in the wild. This is due to the balance of adverse factors: in the wild, animals are threatened by predators, and at home, their lives are shortened by a careless attitude of a person.

    The following can affect the lifespan of a turtle in captivity:

    1. 1. Balanced diet.
    2. 2. The size of the aquarium, the degree of illumination and temperature.
    3. 3. Timely detection and elimination of health problems.
    4. 4. Injury.

    Small turtles kept at home can live from 30 to 50 years. Representatives of large species, which are kept in large zoos, having created all the necessary conditions, live much longer than in the natural environment.

    Age determination

    The number of years lived for aquatic and land reptiles is determined differently, but the animal's shell always serves as a guide.

    There are two ways to calculate the age of tortoises:

    Determination of the age of aquatic turtles is also performed by the shell:

    All calculations are approximate, especially if in question about old big turtles. In such large reptiles, it is difficult to count the rings, as they gradually wear out and merge with each other.

The lifespan of turtles depends on the content and characteristics of the species. In the natural environment, reptiles live longer. In captivity, people often make mistakes that greatly reduce life expectancy. However, in nature, reptiles face other problems: predatory animals and hunters. And also people pollute nature and cut down forests, which affects the quality and life expectancy of turtles. Thus, reptiles rarely live to a natural death.

The larger the reptiles, the longer. This is due to the long processes taking place in the body. Reptiles are able to stop the beating of the heart.


Land animals live for 30-120 years. There are species of different sizes: from 10 cm to a meter. They are distinguished by fused fingers and a rounded shell. In small species, the life span is 30 years in an aquarium and 80 years in nature. Large turtles 30-50 years old in captivity and up to 150 years old in vivo. How many years live popular land turtles in home terrariums:

  1. Mediterranean - 35-40;
  2. musky - 23-28;
  3. Central Asian - up to 30;
  4. Balkan up to 50;
  5. Indian (star-shaped) - up to 30.
  6. Egyptian - 30.

Life expectancy depends on.


Like terrestrial, aquatic species at home will live half as long as in nature. How many years do turtles live on average?

  1. – 25;
  2. – 25–30;
  3. red-eared - 30–35;
  4. Caspian - 25;
  5. silt-headed - 23.

little turtles

Size up to 13 cm.

  1. three-keel - 20–25;
  2. spotted - 30–40;
  3. musky - up to 23;
  4. pond Reeves - up to 58;
  5. silt - 50–60;
  6. musky ordinary - 23.

How to determine the age

Find out how many years a turtle lives by looking at its shell. The length increases by 2 cm with each passing year. A turtle is born with a 3-centimeter shell. Measure the length of the shell, subtract 3, divide the resulting number by 2. So, the age of a reptile with a shell 5 cm long is 1 year, 15 cm - 6 years.


Each plate separating the carapace has annual rings. During the first 2 years of life land species 6 annual rings are formed. After that, 1-2 rings are added every year. Count the rings on one plate of the shell, subtract 6, divide by 1.5 and add 2. By counting 20 rings, you can find out that the animal is 11 years old.


In the inhabitants of the waters, 1 annual ring is added annually. Count the number of rings on the plate and subtract the first 2 years of life. In older individuals, the pattern is fuzzy and blurry.

How to prolong the life of a turtle

  1. When purchasing a decorative reptile, learn about the natural environment in which his relatives live and about his preferences.
  2. Make a varied diet, take into account all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  3. Make sure that the turtle is not cramped to live in the tank. For adult medium-sized, pick up a vessel with a volume of 100 liters or more.
  4. A reptile should live only in a fully equipped aquarium. Pets live less in containers and boxes.
  5. Provide the aquarium with the necessary equipment: a water filter, an ultraviolet lamp and a heater.
  6. Bathe your pet at least once a week. Duration water procedures no more than half an hour. water sports live in aquariums with a small pond and an island.
  7. Maintain the air temperature at 31-33 degrees, water - 20-24 degrees.
  8. Be careful in handling the reptile, do not drop the animal and do not scare harsh sounds. If children are playing with the pet, adults should supervise the process.
  9. If you notice anything strange in the behavior or appearance of the reptile, do not delay the examination by the veterinarian. Refusal to eat, a change in the shape of the shell, lethargy, the appearance of tumors and ulcers are signs of illness.
  10. When buying new armored reptiles, quarantine them for a month. At this time, the future neighbor must live separately.

How long do turtles live without water

Adult and healthy reptiles do without water and food for 2-3 days. Staying too long without water leads to dehydration. Herbivorous turtles live without drinking if the diet contains a lot of juicy greens, and the animal takes regular baths.

  1. Do not keep reptiles of different species in the same terrarium.
  2. If the reptile escaped from the aquarium and cannot be found, place a bowl of water and your pet's favorite food in the room. Turtles good vision, they will react quickly to treats and water.
  3. Remember that the depth of the reservoir should allow the animal to easily stick its head out and keep it on the surface.
  4. Install two thermometers in the aquarium: one for water, the other for air.
  5. When taking baths, clean the shell with a soft sponge. Brushes injure the animal.

The longest-lived tortoises are an elephant named Harietta, who lived for 175 years, and a Madagascar radiant, Tui Malila, who lived for 192 years. Domestic species do not live so long, but please their owners for a long time.

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