Characteristic flora in the form of a table. Coursework flora as a component of biological diversity. Geographical elements and floristic areas

Huge areas of German lands are classified as reserved. In total, about 14 national parks are spread here, in which the most unique ecological systems, endangered and rare species of plants and animals are under protection. Compared to nature reserves in other countries, German reserves are relatively young - the very first of them received a special status only in 1970.

The German people are a great connoisseur of recreation in the national parks of their country, which are amazingly beautiful places with magnificent natural scenery.


The nature of Germany is unusually diverse.

The state is located in Central Europe. It borders with France, Switzerland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium. Its north is framed by the Baltic and North Seas.

Between Lake Constance and Berchtesgaden are the Alps, although their territory is not very large. Germany is limited by the Bavarian, Allgäu and Berchtesgaden Alps. Between them you can observe the wonderful blue lake surface - Koenigssee, Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Mittenwald, which are popular areas for tourists.

Nature of Germany

More than 1/3 of the land in Germany is cultivated, and therefore the state does not boast much of its wildlife, but almost all existing forests and other green areas are fairly well maintained.

A feature of the nature of Germany - throughout the country, mountain ranges intersect with plateaus, plains, lake landscapes, hills.

In the northern part of Germany, the lowlands extend:

  • Westphalian.
  • Saxon-Thuringian.
  • Lower Rhine.

Typical for these areas are hilly landscapes with an abundance of lakes, peat bogs, wastelands and fertile lands.

Germany off the coast of the North Sea owns the following islands:

  • Borkum.
  • Sylt.
  • Helgoland.
  • Norderney.

Islands of Germany in the Baltic Sea:

  • Fehmarn.
  • Rügen.
  • Hiddensee.

The coast here is represented by rocks and sand. Between the North and Baltic Seas, the relief is represented by hills called Holstein Switzerland.

The Harz (mountain range) is located in the very center of Germany. To the east are the Fichtelgebirge and the Ore Mountains. The territory of the state is divided into two parts (southern and northern) by a medium-altitude mountain threshold.

Nature reserves in Germany

  1. "Bavarian Forest" is located in the southeast of the country. This is the largest nature reserve in Central Europe. Most of it extends above sea level at an altitude of more than 1 kilometer. Among its inhabitants there are rare and even endangered animals: beaver, lynx, forest cat, black stork and peregrine falcon.
  2. "Saxon Switzerland". This unique place is located in the east of Germany. The rocky massif of the area rises above sea level by 200 meters. The observation deck allows you to view the beauty of the entire territory of the reserve. The most popular place among tourists is the unique bridge stretched across the Bastei rocks and built in 1824.
  3. "Chalk rocks" of the island "Rügen". This amazing little part of Germany's protected area is located in the northeast of the country. This is the Jasmund National Park, which includes the coast of the Baltic Sea and the forests adjacent to it. There is a unique natural formation here - the "King's Chair", which is a chalk rock rising 118 meters in height. Hundreds of thousands of tourists rise to its observation deck every year.
  4. "Stork on the Roof". The protected area includes villages that are home to hundreds of white storks. The national park is a place where you can meet dozens of rare animals and birds: black storks, whooper swans, corncrakes, otters and kingfishers.

Flora and fauna

The flora and fauna of Germany is surprisingly diverse.

The most characteristic inhabitants of the forests of Germany are the fox, the squirrel and the wild boar. Red deer, roe deer and fallow deer can also often be found. Hares, mouse-like rodents and rabbits take root well in clearings. The existence of the otter has recently been threatened by river pollution. Marmots live in alpine meadows. Among the birds, instead of forest species, birds are common, typical of open spaces.

Humid areas off the coast of the North and Baltic Seas are important for European migratory birds. Ducks, geese and wading birds especially liked these places.

Plants of Germany in their natural form are practically not preserved due to the dense population of the territories. Indigenous forests were either practically destroyed or replaced by forest plantations. The original forests of birch and oak in the north of the country were replaced by cultivated land over several centuries. Today, lands with poor soils are set aside for forest plantations. Mostly hardy subspecies of pines are grown here.

Luxurious beech forests grow in the lowlands of Germany, alternating with spruce forests. Pine appears on sandy soils.

In the Alps and mountains of Central Germany, beech forests give way to fir forests with increasing height, and then to spruce forests. Above 2200-2800 meters mosses, grasses and lichens and flowering plants grow.

In conclusion about climatic conditions

The nature of Germany is diverse due to rather favorable climatic conditions. A temperate, maritime and transitional climate prevails here.

The average summer temperature is plus 20-30 degrees, winter is close to 0. The maximum temperature in summer is up to +35 degrees, in winter - up to -20 degrees. Precipitation falls throughout Germany in large volumes.

Due to the location of Germany in the zone of western, moderately cool winds, significant temperature fluctuations are rare.

Lecture plan:

1. The position of the territory of the Rostov region in the system of botanical zoning. An overview of the vegetation types of the area.

2. Features of the flora of the region.

3. Botanical and geographical zoning of the region.

1. The position of the territory of the Rostov region in the system of botanical zoning. An overview of the vegetation types of the area.

The basin of the lower reaches of the Don and its western part - the Rostov region - are completely located within the Eurasian steppe zone. Steppes, as a zonal type of vegetation, are characteristic of leveled or slightly sloping watershed spaces, or plakors. Steppes develop in conditions of a continental arid climate and flat relief on soils of heavy mechanical composition (clay and loamy) - on chernozems and chestnut soils. Steppe vegetation is a community of perennial drought-resistant and frost-resistant perennial grasses, the dominants of which are narrow-leaved densely tufted grasses and grassy perennials.

Due to the vastness of the steppe zone, steppe communities do not remain homogeneous throughout its entire length and are sensitive to the slightest changes in environmental conditions. In European Russia, the steppe zone includes four bands, or subzones, of steppe vegetation: northern meadow, real forb-bunch-grass and dry buff-grass and desert wormwood-bunch-grass steppes.

Three subzonal types of steppes are common on the territory of the region: true rich forb- and forb-turf-grass, dry turf-grass (poor-forb) and desert wormwood-turf-grass. Dominating in the past in the steppe part of the Don basin, by now they are almost completely plowed up. On varieties of zonal soils, often in non-zonal positions, edaphic variants of steppe vegetation are distinguished: halophytic, petrophytic, hemipsammophytic, and psammophytic. They are distinguished by the best modern preservation.

The surviving steppes, including their edaphic variants, occupy, according to various sources, from 16.6% to 17.3% of the total area of ​​the region. Before plowing, they covered about 90% of the territory of the region. The surviving sections of the steppes are found in small fragments on the gentle slopes of beams unsuitable for arable land, on the territories of forestry enterprises, wildlife sanctuaries, in water protection and other protected zones. More or less significant massifs are distributed in the southeastern regions, where the only steppe reserve in the region "Rostovsky" is located, as well as on rocky lands and on sandy floodplain terraces of rivers.

The boundaries between the subzonal types of steppes within the region have a meridional, rather than latitudinal, as usual, strike, which is associated with the direction of the axis of increasing climate aridity from northwest to southeast and the direct climatic influence of the Western Turanian (Caspian) deserts. Approximately these boundaries coincide with the isohyets of 450 and 400 mm of precipitation per year. However, the general direction of the change of subzonal types of steppes is complicated and sometimes disturbed by the presence of uplands (Donetsk ridge, Don Cretaceous ridge, spurs of the Kalach and Ergenin uplands) and lowlands (Manych depression, lowering of the relief in the Azov region). Changes in absolute heights from 200 m and higher in the uplands to 50 m and lower in the lowlands in the vegetation cover are reflected in the form of an extremely weakened phenomenon of “vertical zoning”: less xerophilous variants of steppe vegetation are associated with more elevated areas.

The thermal regime is also important. Thus, in the northern regions of the region, with a relatively low amount of precipitation (less than 450 mm per year in the western part of the Don Cretaceous Range), due to lower average annual and summer temperatures, a favorable moisture balance develops for the development of the most mesophilic rich forb-turf-grass steppes and complex ravine oak forests.

The botanical and geographical zoning of the steppe zone of Eurasia was carried out by the outstanding domestic steppe specialist Academician E.M. Lavrenko. According to this zoning, the steppes of the Rostov region are located within the Black Sea-Kazakhstan subregion of the Eurasian steppe region. Most of them are located in the Black Sea (Pontic) steppe province, and only the steppes of the extreme southeast belong to the Trans-Volga-Kazakhstan steppe province. The border between the Azov-Chernomorskaya (Azov-Prichernomorskaya) and Srednedonskaya steppe sub-provinces of the Black Sea (Pontic) province in the region runs along the Seversky Donets valley and further east along the Don valley. The steppes of the south-eastern regions belong to one steppe sub-province - Ergeninsko-Zavolzhskaya.

It should be noted that the provincial differences of the Don steppes have a smoothed character. Many Pannonian-Pontic species characteristic of the Azov-Black Sea steppe subprovince penetrate into the limits of the extreme southwestern section of the Middle Don steppe subprovince, including one of the most important dominants of the steppes, Ukrainian feather grass. Stipa ukrainica. The same applies to the steppes of the western section of the contour of the Ergeninsko-Zavolzhskaya steppe subprovince.

Non-zonal vegetation of the Rostov region is represented by several types. In negative forms of relief (river valleys, beams, estuaries), communities of intrazonal (semiaquatic, marsh, meadow) and extrazonal forest vegetation develop. The communities of desert halophyte vegetation on solonchaks, as well as on meadow and steppe solonetzes, are also extrazonal. In the reservoirs of the region, intrazonal higher aquatic vegetation develops. In addition, peculiar intrazonal types of petrophytic and psammophytic vegetation are common on the outcrops of stony rocks and on alluvial and fluvioglacial sands of the river terraces above the floodplains. In both cases, this vegetation is the initial stage of the natural development of the vegetation cover on these substrates, which is replaced by the corresponding edaphic variants of steppe vegetation.

Finally, due to the high economic development of the territory, considerable areas in the region are occupied by vegetation of anthropogenically transformed ecotopes (technogenic, residential, ruderal, etc.), usually called synanthropic. Certain complexes of wild plants are also formed in artificial cenoses - forest plantations, shelterbelts, etc.

2. Features of the flora of the region.

The flora of the steppe part of the Don basin is rich and diverse in species composition. It has about 1950 species of vascular plants. In addition to vascular plants, 158 species of bryophytes, 192 species of lichens, about 550 species of fungi - macromycetes and 800 species of phytopathogenic macro- and micromycetes were found in the flora of the region. Algoflora of the Taganrog Bay and the river. The Don with its tributaries has over 900 species of phytoplankton and 45 species of algae - macrophytes.

The peculiarity of the Lower Don flora, the main core of which is species of zonal steppe communities, lies in the significant participation of species from adjacent zones in it. The contact of floristic complexes and communities of humid and arid florogenetic centers taking place on the territory of the steppe part of the Don basin, their mutual irradiation determine its rather variegated formation composition and transitional character, but at the same time, great species richness.

The taxonomic structure of the flora is characterized by the following leading families: Asteraceae – 13.6, Poaceae – 9.0, Brassicaceae – 6.2, Fabaceae – 6.0, Caryophyllaceae – 4.4, Lamiaceae – 4.3, Scrophulariaceae – 4.2, Apiaceae– 3.8% of the total number of species. Compared with the average taxonomic spectrum for the Eastern European flora as a whole, the Lower Don flora is distinguished by an increased proportion of species of the families Poaceae, Brassicaceae and Caryophyllaceae, which is determined by its links with the ancient Mediterranean florogenetic centers. Part of the family Brassicaceae, which contains many widespread synanthropic species, this may also be a consequence of its anthropogenic transformation. Large genera of flora are Rosa(45 types), Carex(32 species), Veronica(30 kinds), Euphorbia(27 types), Centaurea(25 kinds), Allium, Artemisia, Galium(for 20 - 24 species), Dianthus, Trifolium, Orobanche, Juncus and others. One third of all flora species (32.3%) belong to genera containing more than 10 species.

Of the other indicators characterizing the taxonomic structure of the Lower Don flora, we point out the following. The average number of species per family is 14.3; per genus, 3.0. The ratio of species of dicot to monocot classes is 3.9:1. More than half of its composition (51.5%) belongs to the ten leading families of flora, more than two thirds (70.6%) to 15 families. According to these parameters, the Lower Don flora occupies a transitional position between the floras of humid and arid florogenetic centers, with a great proximity to the latter.

The geographical heterogeneity of the flora of the region is clearly seen when comparing the three nodal floristic centers - northwestern, central and southeastern, corresponding to the distribution of the most characteristic types of subzonal forb-turf-grass, turf-grass and desert wormwood-turf-grass steppes. The richness of the floras of these centers is 1202 species in the northwestern, 1013 in the central and 784 species in the southeastern. 676 species are common to them, 322 are specific to the northwestern, 64 to the central, and 18 to the southeastern. and southeastern (87). The seemingly more intensive expansion of the “northern” humid species into the central nodal flora, in relative terms (taking into account the species richness of floras) turns out to be not so significant: 16.1% versus 11.2% of the penetrating arid desert species.

Steppe species constitute the core of the flora, both in general and in the floras of the nodal centers, in individual specific and local floras. The proportion of steppe species ranges from 22-23 to 30-32% in the floras of individual regions, naturally increasing from the northwest to the southeast of the region. The general impoverishment of the flora in this direction occurs due to a sharp decrease in the number of forest species. The increase in the number of halophyte species is less pronounced. Otherwise, the formational structure of the nodal floras is quite homogeneous (see Table 1).

Table 1

Formational structure of the flora of nodal floristic centers

(I - number of species, II - in % of the total number)

The originality of the flora emphasizes the presence of endemic species in it. The flora of the region contains both local endemics and endemics of the Pontic steppe province and its sub-provinces. Most of the local endemics are associated with the phenomena of edaphic endemism and are associated with outcrops of various rocks and sands. The local Ciscaucasian endemic is the fake iris Iris notha. The local endemics of the Donetsk Ridge include cleome Donetska Cleome dontzica, bedstraw Dubovik Galium dubovicii, serpuha Donetsk Serratula donetzica and others, to the Donetsk-Azov - Pallas hyacinth Hyacinthella pallasiana, Azov wild rose Rosa maeotica, norichnik Donetsk Scrophularia donetzica, Smolevka Donetsk Silene donetzica, milkweed petty Euphorbia cretophila and etc.

Donetsk-Don endemics are plants of chalk outcrops and open sands, for example, wormwood Artemisia hololeuca, types of cornflower Centaurea dontzica, C.protogerberi, C. tanaitica, earflower Klokov Chenorhinum klokovii, Don gorse Genista tanaitica, thin-legged Taliev Koeleria taliewii, chalk flax Linaria cretacea, Cretaceous burrow Scrophularia cretacea, Don goatbeard Tragopogon tanaiticus and others, total - 20 species.

To the endemic sands of the basin of the middle and lower reaches of the Don, i.e. Don, include very rare fading relict species of Astragalus Don Astragalus tanaiticus and cornflower Dubyansky Centaurea dubjanskyi, to the Volga-Don endemics belong mainly plants of Cretaceous outcrops. Among the latter, one can name the two-row Cretaceous Diplotaxis cretacea, Meyer's bug Lepidium meyeri, Cretaceous kopeck Hedysarum cretaceum, dubious hawthorn Crataegus ambigua, sarepta boletus Scrophularia sareptana and etc.

Eastern Pontic endemics are more than 30 species, quite variegated in their ecological and phytocenotic composition. More often these are plants of the steppes ( Euphorbia kaleniczenkoi, Onosma polychroma, O. subtinctoria, Veronica maeotica, Vincetoxicum maeoticum etc.), chalk and limestone outcrops ( Linum czerniaevii, Onosma tanaitica, Thymus calcareus etc.), a whole series of wild rose species ( Rosa chomutoviensis, R. diplodonta, R. lonaczevskii, R. subpygmaea, R. tesquicola and etc.).

The number of subendemic species is much greater, there are about 200 species ( Caragana scythica, Ceratophyllum tanaiticum, Bellevallia sarmatica, Calophaca wolgarica, Dianthus squarrosus, Crocus reticulatus, Centaurea taliewii and etc.). Among the relic disjunctive subendemics is the most valuable and rarest plant, which does not grow anywhere in Russia except in the Rostov region, Dneprovskaya cymbochasma Cymbochasma borysthenica.

The largest number of tertiary thermophilic relics is observed among the aquatic flora: Althenia filiformis, Trapa natans, Vallisneria spiralis, water fern Salvinia natans and etc.

In general, the level of endemism of the Lower Don flora approaches 15%. The presence of a large number of relict and endemic species testifies to the long autochthonous development of the Lower Don flora. The questions of its genesis have not yet been fully investigated. The genesis of forest vegetation and related floristic complexes has been analyzed in most detail. These studies belong to G.M. Zozulin. Based on general ideas about the historical development of the vegetation cover in the south of the European part of Russia, it can be assumed that its main floristic complexes took shape by the end of the Pliocene on the basis of the Turgai flora, enriched with elements of the ancient Mediterranean florogenetic centers. The Donets Ridge played an important role in the development of the plain flora, the flora of which is characterized by continuous development, at least since the beginning of the Paleogene.

3. Botanical-geographical zoning of the territory of the region.

Regional botanical and geographical zoning of the Rostov region was carried out by G.M. Zozulin and G.D. Pashkov (1974). On the territory of the region, 11 districts have been identified, taking into account the dominant subzonal types of steppes, the prevalence of non-zonal types of vegetation, and the peculiarities of the floristic composition of communities. The contours of these areas are shown in Figure 1, and their brief description is as follows.

one). northernmost region Kalach Upland(KV) with a developed erosion-denudation relief is located in a band of richly forb-turf-grass steppes. Most of the ravines here are wooded, with complex oak forests predominating, overlooking the dividing slopes. Floristically, ravine forests are rich in nemoral species ( Ulmus glabra, Asarum europaeum, Polygonatum multiflorum, Carex montana, Stellaria holostea and etc.). Only in this region, on the southern borders of their ranges, are some northern forest species noted, for example, bracken fern Pteridium aquilinum, prolesnik Mercurialis perennis, three-lobed azure Laser trilobum, Norway maple Acer platanoides and etc.

2). Middle Don the region (SD), or the region of the valley of the middle reaches of the Don, includes the right bank (high parts and the northern slope of the Don ridge dissected by beams) and the left bank (with floodplain and sandy terraces above the floodplain) of the Don in its middle reaches. Forb-turf-cereal steppes predominate, in the Don floodplain - the Middle Don subtype of non-saline meadows of medium moisture. Large areas are occupied by floodplain forests and psammophyte herbaceous vegetation in combination with floristically rich arena forests (birch forests, aspen forests, oak forests, alder forests). Oak forests predominate in floodplain forests; elm and alder forests are often found in terraced depressions. In alder forests, there is a concentration of rare northern forest species ( Athyrium filix-femina, Caltha palustris, Naumburgia thyrsiflora, Padus avium, Salix caprea, Thelypteris palustris etc.) The beams are wooded. Simplified oak forests are common in them, complex ones are noted only in the western part of the region. Many forest species ( Asarum europaeum, Glechoma hirsuta, Carex elongata, C. montana, C. hartmannii, Bromopsis benekenii and etc.).

On the right bank of the Don, chalk outcrops with the richest chalk vegetation are widespread, in which chalk hyssops are well developed, formed by obligate cretaceous ( Hyssopus cretaceus, Linaria cretacea and etc.). Only meet here Hedysarum cretaceum, Serratula tanaitica, Juniperus sabina, Centaurea dubjanskyi, Polygala sibirica, Primula veris, Helictotrichon pubescens, Neottia nidus-avis and etc.

3). Kalitvensky district (K) - located on the southern gentle slope of the Don ridge in the basin of the river. Kalitva and its tributaries. Forb-bunch-grass steppes dominate on the plains and poor forb-bunch-grass steppes - on the slopes of river valleys. The gullies are forested, but the number of ravine forests is decreasing to the south and southeast, while they are concentrated in the upper reaches and bottom parts of the gullies. Simplified oak forests predominate north of the line “Millerovsky district - r. Alder". To the south of it, nemoral forest species, such as Aegopodium podagraria, Milium effusum, Pulmonaria obscura, Stachys sylvatica and others. In the ravine forests, light forest species predominate ( Melica picta, Dictamnus caucasicus, Delphinium sergii, Symphytum tauricum, Vicia pisiformis and etc.).

Botanical and geographical regions of the Rostov region

(according to G.M. Zozulin and G.D. Pashkov, 1974).

Areas: KV - Kalach Upland, SD - valleys of the middle reaches of the Don, K - Kalitvensky, DCh - Dono-Chirsky, DK - Donetsk Ridge, P - Priazovsky, DN - valleys of the lower reaches of the Don, AE - Azovo-Egorlyksky, DM - Manych valleys , DS - Dono-Salsky, EV - Ergeninskaya Upland.

Cretaceous outcrops are common, belonging to the Voloshin (with developed Cretaceous hyssops) and Kalitvensko-Glubokinsky (poorly expressed hyssops) areas of chalk vegetation. Psammophyte vegetation is found along the Seversky Donets and Kalitva. The afforestation of sandy arenas is weak. Small peg and ribbon fishing lines are floristically poor and formationally variegated, contain few forest species (of which there are Padus avium, Carex pallescens, Poa nemoralis, Scrophularia nodosa and etc.). Only found in this area Artemisia hololeuca, Carex divulsa, Coronaria flos-cuculi, Campanula altaica, Psathyrostachys juncea, Lathyrus niger and etc.

4). Dono-Chirsky district (DCH) covers the Chira basin. The depleted variant of forb-soddy-grass steppes dominates, turning into moderately dry and dry soddy-grass steppes along the slopes in combination with the vegetation of steppe solonetzes. Bayrach forests are rare, located in the upper reaches of deep gullies and are represented by a subformation of simple oak forests with Acer tataricum and Euonymus verrucosa in the undergrowth. The grass cover in them is formed by weed-forest ( Anthriscus sylvestris, Chelidonium majus, Galium aparine etc.) and, more rarely, light forest species. The Chira floodplain is poorly forested: island willow forests, aspen forests, rarely elm forests are confined to the terraced floodplain, in its central part there are only island birch forests and shrub formations - willow and black maple forests; oak forests are completely absent. Steppe meadows (saline and non-saline) are widespread.

In the southern part of the region there is the Dono-Tsimlyansky sandy massif with a complex of arena forests, psammophyte steppes and meadows. Arena forests are floristically poor and are represented by low-growing prickly birch and aspen forests in valley-like depressions (there are no oak and alder forests here). Shrub thickets form Salix rosmarinifolia. Psammophyte steppes and pioneer groups on the sands alternate with sandy meadows in valley-like depressions (saline solonchopyrean and non-saline reed grasses).

Only found in this area Lycopodiella inundata, Orchis morio, O. palustris, Scabiosa isetensis, Dianthus rigidus, Nitraria shoberi and etc.

5). District Donetsk Ridge(DK) is distinguished by the predominance of forb-turf-grass steppes and their petrophytic variants in combination with thyme on sandstones, limestones and shales. Bayrach forests are noted in deep gullies (simplified and simple oak forests). They are fringed by fringing shrub formations and contain sub-Mediterranean species in the herbaceous layer and undergrowth, e.g. Aegonychon purpureo-caeruleum, Vinca herbacea, Ornithogalum boucheanum, Ligustrum vulgare and others (at the same time, many forest species are absent in them). The Severskodonets floodplain is well forested. Meadow vegetation is represented by the western subtype of meadows of medium moisture. In the lower reaches of the river Kundryuchya is the southernmost sandy massif in the region with arena forests and psammophyte grass vegetation.

Only in this area are endemic for the Donetsk Ridge Serratula donetzica, Cleome donetzica, Galium dubovicii etc., as well as Asplenium septentrionale, A. trichomanes, Onosma graniticola, Polygonatum latifolium, Pulmonaria mollissima and etc.

6). Priazovsky the area (P), located on the coastal accumulative plain with ravine-gully dissection, is characterized by the almost complete absence of ravine forests, which are replaced by shrub formations. In zonal positions, forb-soddy-grass steppes are common in their most xerophytic Azov version with edaphic petrophytic variants on stony soils on the slopes of river valleys and gullies. Calciphiles are very characteristic of the steppes. Salvia nutans, S. austriaca, Marrubium praecox, Teucrium polium, Clematis pseudoflammula, Cleistogenes maeotica and others. Typical Cretaceous hyssops do not form in the southernmost Tuzlovsky region of Cretaceous vegetation; dominated in pioneer groups Thymus calcareus with notable participation Artemisia salsoloides and pimpinella titanophila. Area-specific species are Eremurus spectabilis, Euphorbia cretophila, Genista scythica, Hyacinthella pallasiana, Linum hirsutum and etc.

7). District valleys of the Lower Don(DN) gravitates toward the alluvial accumulative floodplain and is distinguished by the wide distribution of the Lower Don regional subtype of floodplain meadows (different types in terms of moisture and salinity), rich in aquatic and near-water vegetation. The forest coverage of the floodplain is uneven. Massifs of floodplain forests, noticeable in area, are observed in the estuarine part of the Seversky Donets, where, along with small-leaved forests (sorrel forests, willow forests, white poplar forests), oak forests are also found. Forest species of grasses are practically absent. Below the village The Bagaevsky floodplain of the Don is treeless, except for shrub formations and artificial forest plantations. There are few species specific to the area: Carex hordeistichos, Galega officinalis, Juncellus serotinus and others. Thermophilic water relics are characteristic ( Vallisneria spiralis, Salvinia natans, Trapa natans s.l., Nymphoides peltata and etc.).

eight). District Manych valleys(DM) is characterized by the predominance of moderately dry and dry soddy-cereal, valley and, in the extreme south, desert wormwood- soddy-cereal steppes in combination with solonetzes on the slopes of the valley and above floodplain terraces. There are no natural forests. Communities of saline meadows, solonchaks, meadow solonetzes are widespread, which include many desert-halophytic species ( Halocnemum strobilaceum, Halimione verrucifera and etc.). Only here in the relict Manych lakes and reservoirs of the Egorlykov floodplain are disjunctive thermophilic species found. Althenia filiformis and Aldrovanda vesiculosa. Also characteristic of the region Frankenia pulverulenta, Crambe koktebelica(probably disappeared) Limonium suffruticosum, Tamarix meyeri, Marrubium leonuroides, Sameraria cardiocarpa and etc.

9). Azovo-Egorlyksky the region (AE) on the weakly dissected Yeysko-Egorlyk plain is located in the zone of dominance of rich forb-turf-grass Azov steppes. The area is completely treeless, in some places there are shrub formations in the ravines. After a break in the Azov region, meadow-steppe species participate in the formation of the steppes: Echium maculatum, Filipendula vulgaris, Polygala comosa, Trifolium alpestre, T. montanum, Vicia tenuifolium, Libanotis montana and others. Meadows are represented by the western subtype of meadows of medium and insufficient moisture and estuary - on the bottoms of estuaries of subsiding origin. Only in this area marked Astragalus ponticus, Centaurium spicatum, Cymbochasma borysthenica, Iris notha, Kickxia elatine.

10). Dono-Salsky The area (DS) covers the Sala basin in the middle and lower reaches, high sections of the Salo-Manych ridge and its eastern slope. Here, dry soddy-grass steppes prevail (in the west of the region - a depleted version of forb-grass-grass steppes) in combination with steppe solonetzes. It is completely treeless, with occasional shrub formations in ravines. The meadow vegetation is dominated by steppe meadows. Along the shore of the Tsimlyansk reservoir there is a large array of stony steppes and thyme forests on marls and flasks with their characteristic Thymus kirgisorum. Only meet here Buschia lateriflora, Astragalus calycinus and etc.

eleven). Near Ergeninskaya Upland(EV) within the limits of the Trans-Volga-Kazakhstan steppe province (on the western slope of the Ergeni), desert wormwood-bunch-grass steppes dominate with a clear complexity of the vegetation cover and a significant participation of desert-steppe xerophytes ( Agropyron desertorum, Leymus ramosus, Stipa sareptana, Salsola laricina and etc.). There are no natural forests, low-shrub formations are sporadically distributed in the ravines Caragana frutex, Calophaca wolgarica and others. In the upper reaches of the Sala basin, a special Verkhnesalsky variant of steppe meadows is widespread. Of the characteristic species - Euphorbia undulata,Stipa sareptana and etc.

LECTURE 2. Issues of protection and use of the flora of the Rostov region.

Lecture plan:

1. Ecological and geographical groups of rare and endangered plant species .

2. Protection of the flora of the region in the system of protected areas.

3. Plant resources of the region and their potential.

1. Ecological and geographical groups of rare and endangered plant species.

In a complex set of problems of vegetation cover protection in relation to the Rostov region, one is the most developed - the protection of the species diversity of natural flora. The high degree of economic development of the territory of the region, the presence in the flora of a large number of species on the borders of their ranges and endemic are the reason that a significant part of the plants belong to the category of rare, endangered and requiring protection. These are plants listed in the Red Book of the Rostov Region, the first edition of which was published in 2004.

In total, 327 species of plants and fungi are listed in the Red Book of the Rostov Region. Among them, fungi - 64 species (including 20 species of lichenized fungi, or lichens, and 44 species of fungi - macromycetes) and plants - 263 species (including 46 species of mosses, 28 species of higher spores, 1 species of gymnosperms and 188 species of angiosperms). In relative terms, the proportion of these species of the total number growing in the region is quite high: it is about 6.5% for fungi - macromycetes, about 10% - for lichens, almost a third of mosses (30.2%) and about 10% - for vascular plants. Among the latter, almost all species of higher spore plants are rare and endangered - club mosses, horsetails (with the exception of 3 species) and ferns; There are 28 types in total. Included in the Red Book and one of the two wild species of gymnosperms - Cossack juniper.

Thus, in total, approximately 9.5% of the species richness of fungi and plants identified so far in the Rostov region is listed in the Red Book of the region. There are several reasons for such a large number of species that are rare and in need of protection.

Firstly, a significant number of naturally rare species grow in the region. These are species that are ecologically associated with specific substrates and, therefore, are limited in distribution, for example, species of stony outcrops, sea littorals, fluvioglacial sands, etc. This group is dominated by obligate cretaceous plants - plants of chalk outcrops on the right banks of the Don and its tributaries in the northern half of the region, among which more than half are included in the federal Red Book.

Secondly, the flora of the steppe part of the Don basin is very ancient, especially the flora of the Donets Ridge. The continuous autochthonous development of the flora of the modern type can be traced from the Paleogene, due to which it contains a scientifically interesting group of endangered relict species of different ages. Among them can be called Cretaceous jaundice Erysimum cretaceum, cymbochasma Dneprovskaya, however, the most ancient species of the Lower Don flora are, apparently, a number of moss species with huge disjunctive ranges ( Pterigoneurum kozlovii, Weissia rostellata and etc.).

The specificity of the Lower Don flora also lies in the fact that it contains a large number of border-areal species. The steppe part of the Don basin is an arena of contact and interpenetration of species of northern humid (nemoral and boreal forest) and southern arid ancient Mediterranean upland-steppe and desert) florogenetic centers. Some species of these florogenetic complexes are found in the region in isolated island localities on the border or outside the boundaries of their main range and, of course, are subject to protection.

Finally, a significant proportion of the species included in the regional "Red Book" need protection for anthropogenic reasons. Their rarity or progressive reduction in range and abundance is due to destruction (of the steppe) or severe anthropogenic disturbance of habitats, which is characteristic of almost all remaining areas of the natural vegetation cover of the region, including various types of water bodies. For a number of species, eradication is the main limiting factor - these are resource species (edible macromycete mushrooms, medicinal and ornamental plants, etc.).

It is the combination of these factors, primarily the high economic development of the territory, that results in a critical, and for many species of plants and fungi of the Lower Don flora and mycobiota, a threatening state of their populations within the Rostov region.

Among the rare and endangered species of vascular plants, seven main groups are distinguished depending on their association with certain types of vegetation and habitats, the type of habitats and the characteristics of biology.

Group steppe species combines previously widespread, and now on the verge of extinction, plants of the zonal steppes (due to plowing of the steppes, intensive grazing on the preserved virgin lands). First of all, stenotopic obligate “steppe forests”, beautifully flowering early spring ephemeroids, selectively eradicated useful plants have become rare. This group includes 42 species (19.6%), incl. 19 - listed in the federal Red Book. The latter include edificators of the former Don steppes - feather grass Stipa ucrainica, S. dasyphylla, S. pennata, S. pulcherrima, S. zalesskyi; early spring ephemeroids and hemiephemeroids Bellevalia sarmatica, Bulbocodium versicolor, Colchicum laetum, Eremurus spectabilis, Fritillaria ruthenica, Iris pumila, Paeonia tenuifolia, Tulipa schrenkii), Pontic and Pontic-Caspian endemics ( Calophaca wolgarica, Cymbochasma borysthenica, Delphinium puniceum, Elytrigia stipifolia, Eriosynaphe longifolia).

The second group of species is very numerous - plant species rocky outcrops. Along with steppe plants, these are extremely vulnerable stenotopic plants, which are deprived of a substrate for growth during the development of stony rocks. Most of them belong to the pioneers of overgrowing of stony outcrops, they are not competitive and are not found in more or less closed communities of stony steppes. In addition, unlike steppe plants, petrophytic plants have always been relatively rare due to the limited distribution of the stony outcrops themselves.

Out of 46 (21.5%) species of rare and endangered petrophytes, 21 are obligate Cretaceous. Cretaceous outcrops of the Rostov region are associated with an extremely peculiar flora, the originality of which is due to the specifics of chalk as a substrate, geographical reasons and historical reasons for its formation.

The steppe part of the Don basin, including the Seversky Donets basin, is one of the main genetic centers of the Cretaceous flora and vegetation of the East European Plain - the so-called South Russian Cretaceous center. The vegetation and flora of the Cretaceous outcrops of the middle reaches of the Don and the Seversky Donets are distinguished by an increased concentration of tertiary (Paleogene and Neogene) paleoendemics (for example, white-tomented wormwood, Cretaceous toadflax, Cretaceous kopeechnik, Meyer's stinkbug, etc.) and products of the latest racial formation - local and stenotopic neoendemics (hyssop Cretaceous, Klokov's ear flower, Cretaceous woodruff, Cretaceous headwort, Cretaceous stag, Don sickle, Don gorse, etc.).

Of the plants and fungi living on chalk outcrops, 34 obligate and facultative chalks are listed in the regional Red Book, of which 15 are also listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation - this is one third of the plant species growing in the region included in the federal list.

Cretaceous outcrop endemics are one of the most valuable autochthonous components of the core of the regional flora from the environmental and scientific points of view.

Some of the species of this group are narrowly localized and disjunctive endemics confined to outcrops of crystalline rocks and shales of the Donets Ridge and its spurs ( Cleome donetzica, Onosma graniticola, Scrophularia donetzica, Serratula donetzica etc.), the extreme natural rarity and small number of populations of which, unfortunately, is complicated by the lack of real forms of their protection.

The third group includes plants of pioneer groups open sands- coastal and, mainly, fluvioglacial on sandy floodplain terraces of rivers, called arenas (from lat. arena- sand).

The flora of the sands occupy a special place among other floristic complexes in the south of European Russia, being a brilliant and historically ancient analogue of the flora of sandy deserts. It reveals a record concentration of endemic species for lowland floras (from 20 to 40% of the species in its composition are endemic of different ages and ranks), which is an indicator of long-term autochthonous development. Sands, as well as stony outcrops, are the scene of the latest race and species formation (series of neoendemic species in the genera knapweed, carnation, thyme, wheatgrass, woodruff, etc.).

Psammophyte flora underlies a special edaphic variant of steppe vegetation - sandy steppe, common on ancient sandy arenas of river terraces, and many authors (M.V. Klokov, E.M. Lavrenko, etc.) allow an earlier occurrence of sandy steppe as a type of vegetation in the Black Sea strip of the south of the East European Plain than in the zonal steppe on the chernozem.

The Red Book of the Rostov Region includes 3 species of macromycete fungi, 4 species of mosses, 16 vascular plants from among the species of open sands ( Astragalus tanaiticus, Centaurea dubjanskyi,Crambe pontica, Eryngium maritimum) and hilly rivers on the floodplain terraces ( Allium savranicum, Centaurea donetzica, C. gerberi, C. protogerberi, Pulsatilla pratensis and others, 12 species in total), among the last 5 species are narrow local endemics and 4 species from the federal Red Book. The most scientifically valuable and rapidly fading species is the endemic and relic of Don astragalus. The situation with the current state of populations of this species is absolutely unknown. It is likely to be absorbed by the young Pontian endemic astragalus downy-flowered, and requires urgent study and protection.

Only or mainly on the sands within the region there are 3 more species: Juniperus sabina, Radiola linoides and the South European disjunctive species listed in the Federal Red Book Prangos trifida, known from old collections from a single locality and probably disappeared.

Flora and related (subordinate) concepts

The most general logical category that floristry constantly deals with is the totality of plant species growing in a particular territory (let us designate it as “any territorial collection of species”). Sometimes there are attempts to apply the term "flora" to this very general category.

Complete territorial set of plant species

Incomplete (partial) territorial set of plant species

Incomplete territorial populations of plant species are further subdivided into three categories, depending on the nature and nature of the incompleteness:

a) a sample of only one (usually quite large) taxonomic group of plants; in this case, discussed in more detail below, a definitive part is added to the semantic basis of the term "...flora", specifying the taxon ("bryoflora", "algoflora", etc.); in the case of smaller taxonomic groups, they speak of taxonomic elements (bryo-, lichen-...) of the flora;

b) a selection of all representatives of a given flora according to one or another typological feature (for example, by type of habitat, coenotic confinement, ecological features, etc.) - we are talking about typological elements of flora;

c) a random selection of only a part of the species of a given flora due to the deliberate incompleteness of their registration (for example, due to the short duration and limited route). This includes "random floras", which in reality represent a deliberately incomplete floristic list and hardly need a special term.

A. V. Galanin offers the following definition of flora through vegetation cover: “Flora is a taxonomic characteristic of vegetation cover in a topographic contour; it is the taxonomic aspect of its organization.”

The activity of a species is a kind of measure of its life success in a given territory, generally proportional to the degree of saturation of the latter with this species (the degree to which the local population of the species fills its “life stage”); one of the expressions for the “species weight” of a given flora.

It is reasonable to distinguish between geographic activity, ecotopological (intralandscape) activity, and partial activity (within one or another type or class of ecotopes).

Geographic activity can be expressed through the occurrence of a species in a set of subordinate phytochories of the same rank or in a set of flora samples (regular or selective: "floristic frequency", in the sense of M. P. Natkevichite-Ivanauskienė and Yu. Yu. Tupčiauskaite (1982) ). An interesting example of the use of this indicator for solving botanical and geographical problems is the comparison of the distribution of various geographical elements of the flora of the Lithuanian SSR by classes of geographical activity (“floristic frequency”) carried out by the cited authors. Similar approaches to measuring activity were proposed by L. I. Malyshev (1973, 1976) and A. A. Lyakavichyus with the difference that Malyshev expresses the initial indicators - abundance and occurrence - in a scale of orders, and this makes subsequent operations illegal - multiplication and extraction root;

Occurrence is taken as the leading value, the maximum value of which (intensity) is conditionally set to be 2 times higher than for abundance. When designating occurrence on a 10-point scale, and abundance on a 5-point scale (Drude scale), the specific role of the occurrence factor in activity calculations will be 1.41 times greater than the abundance factor (√2*1=1.41).

The maximum possible activity value is √10*5=7.07, or rounded 7 units.

The activity values ​​(scores) obtained for each species are divided into activity classes. The following classes are accepted: minimally active species (1), low active (2), rather active (3), moderately active (4), active (5), highly active (6), maximally active (7).

A five-point scale for measuring intra-landscape activity (according to the ratio of the breadth of the ecological amplitude, occurrence in a given landscape, and the characteristic level of abundance, also expressed in points) was proposed earlier (Yurtsev, 1968, cited by: Malyshev, 1973). Information about the occurrence and abundance of plant species was collected for the subsequent determination of their activity in accordance with the concept of Yurtsev. Occurrence was taken into account in habitats suitable for the species visually on a 10-point scale, abundance - on a 5-point Drude scale. This made it possible to determine the activity class of a species as the square root of the product of occurrence and abundance; In total, 7 classes of activity can be distinguished. According to personal observations, the physical and geographical conditions for the existence of CF (relief, composition of rocks, climate features), patterns of distribution of vegetation cover, main communities and features of the flora itself were described. The dates of the CF survey, the total number of excursion days and routes, the estimated percentage of flora surveyed, the number of plant species found and the size of the surveyed area were also recorded, for which a scheme of completed routes was drawn up and the actually surveyed area was outlined.

Based on the data on the number of species in an area of ​​a certain size, in the future, by recalculation, it is possible to establish a comparative level of floristic richness. As a rule, the length of the surveyed area should not exceed the width by more than two times. Otherwise, instead of an integral territory, a floristic transect will actually be studied and an erroneous idea of ​​a high diversity of flora will be obtained, or, conversely, all the main habitats characteristic of this CF will not be examined.

Later, attempts were made to express the same indicator in a more accurate scale of ratios, allowing all arithmetic operations (Katenin, 1974, 1981, cited in: Shelyag-Sosonko, 1980); in this case, the average projective cover of a species in a given landscape is actually calculated, which is determined using two features - the components: occurrence and coverage: however, the activity indicator obtained in this way is valid only for landscapes of the same type and is a function not only of the macroclimate, but also of the nature of the relief and the composition of mountain ranges. rocks: with the same activity indicators in two landscapes with a sharply different contrast of ecotopes, the real activity will be higher in the case of higher contrast (for example, in mountainous landscapes compared to plains). Ya. P. Didukh (1982, cited in: Shelyag-Sosonko, 1980) proposed an original method for displaying activity on three-component histograms.

The magnitude of activity is determined by three parameters: the breadth of the species' ecological amplitude in a given region, the degree of constancy, and the degree of projective coverage. Since the determination of the breadth of the ecological-coenotic amplitude of species requires knowledge of their distribution in all syntaxa of the region, at this stage of research, information is provided on the activity of only individual, most studied species. The latitude of the ecological-coenotic amplitude (phytocoenocycle), as noted earlier (Shelyag-Sosonko and Didukh, 1980, cited in Shelyag-Sosonko, 1980), is established on the basis of the set (latitude) of syntaxa in which the species is distributed.

According to the breadth of the ecological-coenotic amplitude, all types of this flora are divided into 4 classes of phytocoenocycles:

1) Stenotopic - the species occurs as part of one main syntaxon in a given region.

2) Helistenopny - the species is found in the composition of several main syntaxa belonging to the same type of vegetation.

3) Helieurytopic - the species occurs in two types of vegetation.

4) Eurytopic - the species occurs in more than two types of vegetation.

According to the degree of coverage, all species are divided into six classes: 1 - very rare, singly encountered species, 2 - species with coverage up to 1%, 3 - 1-5%, 4 - 6-20%, 5 - 21-50%, 7 – more than 50%.

To study the behavior of a species, it is important to determine the amount of activity and the amount of its change, which makes it possible to judge the dynamics of the flora. Activity may increase, decrease, or remain more or less constant for some time. Therefore, the degree of change in the activity of species is distinguished:

1) Expansive - the activity of species populations in a given region or cenosis increases compared to other regions or cenoses.

2) Successful - the activity of the populations of the species remains high.

3) Fading - the activity of the populations of the species is noticeably reduced.

4) Relic - the activity of populations of the species is low. As a rule, these are species known from one or several localities, occurring in conditions atypical for the locality.

It was also proposed to express partial activity on a scale of orders, according to the ratio of characteristic abundance and constancy (Malyshev, 1976, cited in Galanin, 1980). However, in this case, the calculation of the average projective cover would probably be especially justified; if it is possible to determine the proportion of each type or class of ecotopes in the total area of ​​the landscape (for example, by interpreting aerial photographs), intra-landscape activity can be easily determined as the average projective cover of a species in the landscape by summing the products of the average projective cover (= partial activity) of a species in each type or class ecotopes to the share of this type or class of the total area of ​​the landscape (or of the area of ​​local flora (Malyshev, 1976, cited in Yurtsev, 1982)).

This work is generally very laborious and therefore justified only at the points of the most detailed long-term floristic studies (stations, protected areas) and only for highly active species, which are otherwise difficult to rank by their activity. Data on the activity of a species in a particular phytochory or in various types and classes of ecotopes can be entered into the corresponding cells of the matrices of the geographical and ecotopological structure of species populations instead of alternative indicators of presence - absence (+, -; 0.1); if intra-landscape or partial activity is expressed in points, instead of calculating the average activity (average score), it is more correct to compare the frequencies of high and low scores.

Inventory of species composition is the first (initial) stage of floristic research. It will be followed by the study of the features of its composition and the deciphering of the genesis as a natural object that forms the system. The use of quantitative methods allows, in this case, to oppose purely subjective judgments with objective criteria (Malyshev, 1976, 1977, cited in: Yurtsev, 1994). Simple arithmetic calculations on the taxonomic structure of the flora (determination of the number of species, genera and families) and the establishment of generic, family or chorological spectra - all this provides factual material that needs further comparison. Similarly, the mere establishment of the fact that one or another number of species, genera and families of plants has been found on an area of ​​a certain size does not in itself characterize the flora as poor or rich, with a predominance of autochthonous or allochthonous tendencies in genesis, unless appropriate calculations according to the regression equation with conversion to the standard area.

The methods of comparative floristics were successfully used by B. A. Yurtsev (1968, cited in: Shelyag-Sosonko, 1980) in the study of the flora of Suntar-Khayat with the substantiation of the concept of species activity. He established the presence of the Hypoarctic botanical-geographical belt, deciphered the role of Beringa for the historical geography of plants and floristic links between Northeast Asia and North America (Yurtsev, 1966, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1982; Yurtsev et al., 1978, cit. by: Shelyag-Sosonko, 1980). For the mountainous regions of Central Asia, the studies of R. V. Kamelin (1973, 1979, cited in Shelyag-Sosonko, 1980) have a reference value in the field of comparative floristics.

The integral application of quantitative methods for deciphering the features of the composition and genesis of the flora was undertaken in the study of high-mountain Siberia (Malyshev, 1965, 1965; Alpine flora of the Stanovoy Upland, 1972; Krasnoborov, 1976, cited in: Yurtsev, 1983). A consistent attempt to develop an algorithmic scheme for determining the characteristics of the composition and trends in the genesis of the flora was made when studying the Putorana Plateau in the middle taiga zone (Malyshev, 1976, cited in: Yurtsev, 1983).

The most important are the following quantitative characteristics of the flora:

1) The level of species richness and spatial diversity.

These parameters are determined by the regression equation. Of these, the species richness of the flora (value a) is found by converting to a standard area. In the case of studying by the method of specific floras (CF), recalculation per 100 km 2 is possible. Spatial diversity of flora (z value) is determined by the Arrhenius equation. It has been established empirically, as well as the alternative equations of Gliesen and Uranov. In individual specific cases, one or the other of them gives the best results (Dony, 1971; Makarova, 1983, cited in: Malyshev, 1976). Therefore, it is desirable to further revise these equations in order to refine the conditions for the greatest suitability. It can be a priori expected that an equation that includes a large number of variables will lead to a more complete agreement between actual and predicted data than an equation that operates with a small number of variables, but the expansion of the number of variables is not always desirable.

Y=a+b*logx (Gleazon, 1922, from: Malyshev, 1976)

Y - number of plant species in the flora,

a - number of plant species per unit area (flora density),

b is an indicator of the spatial diversity of flora,

x is the number of plant species in the flora.

2) Comparative abundance of plant species in complete and partial specific floras.

Knowledge of the relative abundance is necessary when using the KF method to judge how sufficient the area of ​​the reference area is. The area, the doubling of which will lead to an increase in the number of plant species by 20%, was taken as the minimum error, and by 14% - as the optimal one. However, these criteria are too conditional, therefore, instead of them, a general criterion for the representativeness of the size of a flora plot was later proposed and an algorithm for calculation was developed.

It was found that on the Putorana Plateau, 13 studied CFs with an average area of ​​each of them about 79 km2 are representative by an average of 91%. Their doubling (up to 159 km2) will increase the list of plants to 300 species instead of 273. Within these CFs, the areas belonging to the forest belt (partial CFs) are representative by an average of 85% and high-mountain ones by 90%. Therefore, in all cases, the total and partial CFs of Putorana, being sufficiently representative, are suitable for obtaining comparative data on the levels of floristic richness.

3) Similarity and difference of floras according to numerical data.

Deciphering this characteristic is important for zoning floras, elucidating their genesis, and determining the mutual penetration of flora elements from one geosystem into another (for example, from a forest belt to a high-mountain region).

To compare the species composition of floras, including partial CFs, the classical Pearson linear correlation coefficient (z value) is suitable. It evaluates only weighted components, in this case, the presence or absence of a taxon (of a particular species, genus or family) with a quantitative characteristic by occurrence, activity, or by the number of contained species (in the case of genera or families).

Preston's canonical equation gives good results for floristic analysis. Based on taking into account the number of plant species in the two compared floras and the total number of plant species for them, it is possible to calculate the indicator of difference between the compared floras (the z value, which is identical to the indicator of the spatial diversity of the flora). The value of z has a critical value of about 0.27, by the deviation from which one can judge how much both compared floras are parts of a single whole (with values ​​less than 0.27) or belong to genetically different systems, and in the case of island floras, they are isolates ( at values ​​greater than 0.27). Criticism of the Preston equation (Pesenko, 1982, et al., cited in Yurtsev, 1994) is not sufficiently substantiated. It was found suitable for revealing the genetic relationships of the high-mountain floras of Southern Siberia and Mongolia, assessing endemism in the high-mountain floras of North Asia, and zoning the steppe Baikal Siberia (Malyshev, 1968, 1979; Peshkova, 1972, cited in Yurtsev, 1994).

Many florists use other similarity-difference coefficients: Jaccard, Sørensen, Chekanovsky, Stugren and Radulescu, Jacquard in the modification of Malyshev and some others. These coefficients belong to the same class of accuracy and give reliable results only when comparing floras with the same or similar number of plant species and are of little use for comparing part and whole. Instead, B. I. Semkin and some other researchers have shown in recent years the prospects for solving the last problem of taking into account inclusion measures in accordance with the Euler circle model based on set theory (Semkin, Komarova, 1977; Yurtsev, 1978; Yurtsev, Semkin, 1980; Semkin and Kulikova, 1981; Sedelnikov, 1982, cited in Shelyag-Sosonko, 1982). The experience of these researchers deserves perception.

4) Belt-zonal and altitudinal structures of the flora.

These characteristics are established by taking into account the distribution of plant species by belt-zonal groups (for example, arctic, alpine, arctic-alpine, hypoarctic, montane, hypoarctomontane, boreal, forest-steppe, etc.) and by high-altitude complexes (alpine, all-mountain, forest belts etc.), i.e. two-dimensionally. These indicators can be expressed as a percentage, i.e. in relative terms, or in absolute terms - by converting the number of plant species to an equal area (for example, per 100 km 2).

5) Taxonomic structure of flora at the level of families and genera (family and generic spectra).

The identification of these parameters is necessary to assess the identity of the flora and develop a scheme for floristic zoning. For reasons of practical convenience, only the head part of the compared family (more precisely, family-specific) or generic (more precisely, generic-specific) spectra, ranked by the number of contained plant species, can be used for analysis. At the same time, for floras located in different botanical-geographical zones or belonging to subdivisions (phytochories) of a high rank, a comparison of family spectra is more indicative.

For comparison at the level of provinces and especially districts, when only late stages in the evolution of the vegetation cover are contrasted, it would be more appropriate to compare generic spectra. Finally, it is advisable to compare floristic regions directly on the basis of taking into account the lists of species of plants, and not on the basis of the spectra of families or genera. In addition, in some cases, family-generic spectra, in which families are ranked according to the number of plant genera contained in them, may be of interest.

Comparison of family and generic floristic spectra is possible by determining the Kendall or Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Both coefficients are more or less equivalent. In floristry, Kendall's rank correlation coefficient was first used independently by L. I. Malyshev and V. M. Schmidt (Zaki, Schmidt, 1972, 1973; Malyshev, 1972; Rebristaya, Schmidt, 1972, cited by: Yurtsev, 1994) . The calculation technique has been well developed by now. Difficulties in comparing the data of different authors may arise from the fact that some use the Kendall coefficient, others use the Spearman coefficient, or take into account the head parts of the spectrum from a different number of members, for example 5, 7, 10, 15 or even 20. But to recommend any standard , perhaps recklessly, although the Kendall coefficient and 10-term spectra are generally preferred.

6) The ratio of the number of species and genera in the flora.

The dependence obeys the equation of a logarithmic series (Fisher et al, 1943, cited in: Yurtsev, 1994). It can also be expressed by a quadratic equation (Malyshev, 1969).


G is the abundance of genera, S is the abundance of species.

Since the time of Decandole, it has been known that the ratio of species and genera depends on the size of the flora and on the geographical latitude. The proposal of this characteristic is very important for determining the measure of the originality of the flora. An empirical equation can be used to calculate the expected number of species from the actual number of genera. If the autochthonous and allochthonous trends in the genesis of the flora are not balanced, then there will be a discrepancy between the actual and calculated data on the number of species in the flora (values ​​S and S^). By the relative value of this discrepancy, one can judge the measure of originality, or autochthonism, of the flora (value A): A = (S-S^) / S, namely, the positive value of the coefficient A indicates the predominance of the autochthonous trend in the genesis of the flora, the negative value - allochthonous, and zero meaning - about the balance (poise) of both trends (Malyshev, 1976, cited in: Yurtsev, 1994).

flora refers to the totality of plant species found in a given area. We can talk about the flora of a particular region, region, country, or some physical-geographical region (for example, the flora of Siberia, the flora of Europe, the flora of the Omsk region, etc.). Often, flora also means a list of plants noted in a given territory.

The floras of different territories differ significantly in the number of their constituent species. This is primarily due to the size of the territory. The larger it is, the larger, as a rule, the number of species. By comparing approximately the same size parts of the land in terms of the number of plant species growing on them, floras are identified poor and flora rich.

The flora of tropical countries is the richest in species; as you move away from the equatorial region, the number of species decreases rapidly. The richest is the flora of Southeast Asia with the archipelago of the Sunda Islands - more than 45 thousand plant species. In second place in terms of wealth is the flora of tropical America (the Amazon basin with Brazil) - about 40 thousand species. The flora of the Arctic is one of the poorest, there are a little over 600 species, the flora of the Sahara desert is even poorer - about 500 species.

The richness of the flora is also determined by the diversity of natural conditions within the territory. The more diverse the environmental conditions, the more opportunities for the existence of various plants, the richer the flora. Therefore, the floras of mountain systems are, as a rule, richer than the plain floras. Thus, the flora of the Caucasus has more than 6,000 species, and on the vast plain of the middle zone of the European part of Russia, only about 2,300 species are found.

The richness of the flora can also be due to historical reasons. Older floras, which are many millions of years old, tend to be particularly rich in species. Plants that died out in other areas due to climate change, glaciation, etc. could be preserved here. Such ancient floras are found, for example, in the Far East and Western Transcaucasia. Young floras formed relatively recently are much poorer in species.

Significant differences in systematic composition are observed between the floras of different territories. In countries with a temperate climate, as a rule, the families of Asteraceae, legumes, Rosaceae, grasses, sedges and cruciferous plants predominate. In arid regions, various representatives of the haze are very common. Tropical floras are rich in representatives of orchids, euphorbia, madder, legumes, and cereals. In the savannahs and steppes, cereals take the first place.

Among the plants that form the flora, one can distinguish groups of species with similar ranges. Such groups of species are called geographical elements flora.

For the flora of Russia, the following geographical elements are most common:

1. arctic elements - species whose ranges are located in the treeless Arctic tundra, for example, dupontia grass ( Dupontia fisheri). Some of these plants penetrate south into the coniferous forest zone, where they are found mainly in swamps. In this case, one speaks of subarctic elements, such as cloudberries ( Rubus chamaemorus) and dwarf birch ( Betula nana). Often, arctic elements also have fragments of ranges in the alpine belt of the mountains of Europe and Siberia. Such types are classified as arcto-alpine elements, such as Rhodiola rosea ( Rhodiola rosea), herbaceous willow ( Salix herbacea) and etc.

2. boreal elements - are components of a vast zone of coniferous forests (taiga), stretching across the whole of Northern Europe and Siberia. Typical examples of boreal species are Siberian spruce ( Picea obovata), Scotch pine ( Pinus sylvestris), Northern Linnaeus ( Linnaea borealis) and etc.

3. Central European (non-moral) elements - species characteristic of the zone of broad-leaved forests of Central Europe and the European part of Russia, for example, common oak ( Quercus robur), European hoof ( Asarum europaeum) and etc.

4. Pontic elements - species whose ranges are associated with the steppe zone of Eurasia, for example, spring adonis ( Adonis vernalis), meadowsweet ordinary ( Filipendula vulgaris), steppe cherry ( Cerasus fruticosa).

5. mediterranean elements - species whose ranges cover the Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, for example, small-fruited strawberries ( Arbutus andrachne), boxwood (species of the genus Buxus) and etc.

6. Turan-Central Asian elements - species whose ranges are mainly limited to desert and semi-desert regions of Central and Central Asia, for example, many types of wormwood ( Artemisia), sea ​​buckthorn ( Hippophae rhamnoides) and etc.

7. Manchu elements - species whose ranges include foreign Manchuria and the Russian Far East, for example the Manchurian walnut ( Juglans mandshurica), Amur velvet ( Phellodendron amurense).

In the botanical and geographical analysis of the flora of mountain ranges, the vertical distribution of species is taken into account.

Floras are also analyzed in terms of their ecological composition. At the same time, the shares of participation in the composition of the flora of various ecological groups and life forms of plants are revealed. Ecologically close species are grouped into groups called environmental elements flora, such as alpine, steppe, desert, etc.

The composition of the flora of a particular area may include plants of different origins. In the genetic analysis of the flora, all its elements are divided into autochthonous(species originating in the area) and allochthonous- species that originally appeared outside the territory of the flora and penetrated there as a result of subsequent settlement (migration). The age of one or another element of the flora is also found out, i.e. the approximate time of its occurrence (for autochthonous) or penetration into the territory of a given flora (for allochthonous elements).

The process of flora formation (florogenesis) is complex, and in different cases it proceeds differently. If the climate of any territory changes dramatically, one flora replaces another. Some species of the former flora die, some move to other areas, some adapt to new conditions and remain. At the same time, many plants appear from other regions, well adapted to the changed natural environment. If these alien species form the basis of the new flora, such flora is migratory in nature. typical migratory flora is the flora of the Arctic and most of the plain regions of Eurasia, which were subjected to glaciation in the Quaternary period. Here, the vegetation cover was completely destroyed, and the formation of the flora proceeded exclusively due to the migration of plants from neighboring territories.

Along with this, in tropical and partly in subtropical latitudes, there are territories that have not experienced significant geological and climatic changes for hundreds of millions of years. According to the origin of most of their constituent species, such floras are autochthonous. They are considered ancient floras, since their modern composition was formed a very long time ago and has not changed significantly since then. In a systematic sense, the autochthonous floras are distinguished by great integrity.

Migratory floras, on the other hand, are usually young and systematically heterogeneous. For example, the flora of the Kerguelen Islands, lying solitary in the Southern Hemisphere, includes 25 species belonging to 18 genera and 11 families.

One of the important features of any flora is the presence of endemic and relict plants.

The presence in the flora of a significant number of endemic species indicates its antiquity. This is evidence that this flora developed for a long time in isolation from the rest of the plant world. Especially rich in endemic species of flora of the ancient islands. So, in the Hawaiian Islands, 82% of endemics are indicated, in the flora of New Zealand - 82%, in Madagascar - 66%. Such floras are classified as endemic. Of the mainland floras, the most endemic is that of Australia, in which about 75% of the species are endemic.

The number of endemics determines the originality, originality of the flora. The degree of endemism depends on the degree of isolation of the territory, on the presence of barriers that impede the spread of plants and the exchange of species between adjacent areas, both in the modern era and in the past.

Under relics refers to species that are part of the current flora, but are the remains of floras of past geological epochs. The presence of relics in any flora also indicates its antiquity. At the same time, this is evidence that the climate of the corresponding territory changed relatively little throughout the entire period of the existence of relict plants. The fact that this or that plant belongs to relics is judged, first of all, by paleobotanical data.

There are relics of different ages, preserved from certain periods of geological history. The oldest relics in the flora of the globe date back to the Mesozoic era. Such relics include, for example, ginkgo ( Ginkgo biloba), as well as sequoia ( Sequoia sempervirens) and mammoth tree ( Sequoiadendron giganteum). These are the so-called systematic relics, the only representatives of genera, families or even classes that have survived to this day.

The relics of the Tertiary period are more numerous, and their age is much less. In the Tertiary period, characterized by a warm climate, these plants were widely distributed throughout the globe (especially in Eurasia and North America). Later, with the onset of the glacier and the general cooling of the climate, the heat-loving representatives of the tertiary flora died in many areas. They survived only in separate shelters ( refugia), where the climate has changed relatively little.

The main refugia of the Tertiary flora of the Northern Hemisphere are located in the southeast of North America, in Japan and China. On the territory of North America, such tertiary relicts as the tulip tree ( Liriodendron tulipiferum), swamp cypress ( Taxodium), some magnolias ( Magnolia and many other plants. The Japanese-Chinese refugium is very rich in tertiary relics (various types of oak, beech, chestnut, magnolias, etc.).

There are quite a lot of tertiary relics in the refugium in our Far East (Primorye). Among them are Amur velvet, ginseng ( Panah ginseng), aquatic plant brazenia ( Brasenia schreberi), lotus( Nelumbo komarovii) and etc.

In the flora of Siberia, the centers of concentration of tertiary relics are the mountains of Southern Siberia: the Urals, Mountain Shoria, Altai, Sayan Mountains. Limes are preserved here ( Tilia cordata and T. sibirica), European hoof ( Asarum europaeum), male thyroid gland ( Dryopteris filixmas), Brunner Siberian ( Brunnera sibirica), black cohosh ( Actaea spicata), fragrant bedstraw ( Galium odoratum), Parisian biloba ( Circaea lutetiana) and etc.

Relics of the Ice Age, or glacial relics, are even younger. These relatively cold-resistant plants survived the glaciation in areas that were not covered by a glacier, but were located near it. After the glacier receded, they remained in their original place. As an example of such relics, we can name rosemary ( ledum palustre), cranberries ( Oxycoccus), cranberries ( Vaccinium vitis-idaea), which now grow in some places in the swamps of the Central Russian Upland. It should be emphasized that the listed plants have a very wide geographical distribution, but they are glacial relics only on the Central Russian Upland.

Finally, the “youngest” are the post-glacial relics, or relics of the xerothermic period. During this warm and dry post-glacial period, southern plants, especially steppe plants, penetrated far to the north. When the climate cooled again, the plants began to recede en masse to the south. However, in some places they have survived to this day, even far to the north. Such, for example, are some steppe plants found on the territory of the Baltic States, near St. Petersburg, in a number of northern regions of the European part of Russia, in Yakutia and in other regions.

In floristic studies, the method of so-called specific floras, developed by A.I. Tolmachev. specific flora called a set of plants of a small area (on the plains - about 100-500 km 2), which is relatively homogeneous in natural terms. With the general uniformity of the climate, individual plant species are distributed only depending on the edaphic conditions and features of the relief. Under similar conditions, in the same habitats, an almost completely defined set of species is repeated. When studying a specific flora, all the main habitats characteristic of a given area are identified and examined, and almost all species present here are identified.

In the modern era, the impact on the flora of man and his economic activity is very great. From year to year, the size of the territories where the natural vegetation cover is destroyed is increasing. Due to the reduction of areas occupied by natural vegetation, the possibilities for the growth of many wild plant species are sharply reduced, and the range of habitats suitable for their life is narrowing. The composition of the flora is greatly influenced by large areas of plowing, deforestation, grazing, mass tourism, picking flowers, medicinal plants, etc. All these forms of human activity lead to a decrease in the number of individual species up to their complete disappearance. Some plants were on the verge of complete destruction throughout the entire area of ​​their range within Russia and are listed in the Red Book.

At the same time, human activity causes the appearance of new plants in the composition of the flora, which were completely unusual before in this or that area. This is alien, or adventive, kinds. They are widely distributed along highways and especially railways, along the outskirts of fields, in settlements and in other disturbed habitats associated with human activities. The seeds of such plants are introduced by chance and sometimes from afar, even from other continents. This happened, for example, with odorous chamomile ( Chamomilla suaveolens), which at one time came to Russia from North America. This plant has now spread very widely in our country, but is found almost exclusively in disturbed habitats. In recent decades, the flora of large cities has been greatly enriched with adventitious plants.

The local flora is also replenished due to the fact that a person specially cultivates useful (food, ornamental) plants from other, often very remote regions of the globe. Most of these plants can only exist in cultivation, but some of them run wild and are introduced into the local flora.


Burial mounds are ancient burials, covered from above by a dome-shaped earth embankment. The culture of burial mounds was very widespread in the past. In Ukraine, the construction of mounds lasted over 4 thousand years (from the end of the 3rd millennium BC to the 13th century AD), over several epochs: the Eneolithic, the Bronze Age, the Early Iron Age, antiquity and the Middle Ages. This type of burial is characteristic of many peoples, and among the peoples who inhabited the Black Sea region at different times - for the Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Pechenegs, Turks, Polovtsy, Nogais, etc. In general, more than 50 thousand burial mounds are known in Ukraine.
Before the mass plowing of the south of Ukraine, the mounds were surrounded by virgin steppe vegetation for centuries, which contributed to the formation of a steppe vegetation cover close to natural. During the development of the steppes on most mounds (especially not large ones), the steppe vegetation was destroyed (mainly by plowing), or the mounds themselves were completely destroyed. However, some mounds, especially large ones, have never been plowed up and a steppe vegetation cover has been preserved on them, which differs sharply from the segetal vegetation surrounding them, in most cases.
As part of the study of the flora of the barrows of the steppe and forest-steppe of Ukraine, in 2004-2006, we studied the features of the flora of the barrows located in the zone of desert steppes, on the territory of the Golopristansky and Skadovsky districts of the Kherson region of Ukraine. For study, 26 well-preserved rather large mounds with a slightly disturbed surface were selected, which had a height of 3–10 m, a diameter of 25–90 m. The mounds are located on chestnut solonetsous soils, in combination with solonetzes and solonchaks. Most of the mounds are located on the territory occupied by desert-steppe and halophyte vegetation (salt marshes, solonetzes, saline meadows), which is now not suitable for crop production (due to salinization) and is used as pasture. Some mounds are located among agricultural fields, as well as one each in a park, a reed swamp and in a forest belt near the road. On the kurgans, we identified 5 ecotopes (top, southern and northern slopes, southern and northern foot), for each of which a separate floristic list was compiled using a 3-point abundance scale. Theoretically, the maximum abundance of the species on all mounds and in all ecotopes can reach 390 points (26 x 5 x 3). Data on abundance were used by us to determine the activity of species on mounds and to calculate floristic indices. In this publication, given the limited volume, only the most general results of the study of burial mounds in the desert-steppe zone of southern Ukraine are presented. In the future, we plan to publish our data in more detail (Chernomorsky botanical journal, 2006).
In general, 303 species of vascular plants were identified on 26 mounds, which belong to 191 genera and 48 families. On one mound, 48 species were recorded at a minimum, 103 species at a maximum (84 on average). The most represented in the flora are the families Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Brassicaceae, Lamiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Rosaceae, Apiaceae, Boraginaceae (Latin names are given according to Mosyakin & Fedoronchuk, 1999). Among the identified species, 234 species turned out to be native, and among the last 117 species, they were classified as non-communal. Including a number of rare species subject to protection, as they are included in the World Red List (Allium regelianum A. Becker ex Iljin, Dianthus lanceolatus Steven ex Rchb., Linaria biebersteinii Besser), were noted on the mounds; European Red List (Senecio borysthenicus (DC.) Andrz. ex Czern.); Red Data Book of Ukraine (Anacamptis picta (Loisel.) R.M. Bateman [= Orchis picta Loisel.], Stipa capillata L., Tulipa schrenkii Regel.) and Red List of Kherson region (Cerastium ucrainicum Pacz. ex Klokov, Muscari neglectum Guss. ex Ten. , Quercus robur L. - the latter, not in a natural setting, but only as planted or wild on a mound in an old abandoned park).
The identified species are presented in different ways on the barrows. The most abundantly represented on mounds (they have a total abundance score of more than 200): Agropyron pectinatum (M.Bieb.) P.Beauv. (242), Artemisia austriaca Jacq. (240), Holosteum umbellatum L. (236), Festuca valesiaca Gaudin s.l. (230), Poa bulbosa L. (214). Most of the identified species (219, which is 72.3%) have an abundance score of less than 26. Another 33 species (10.9%) have a sum of abundance scores in the range of 26-50, 29 (9.6%) - 51- 100, 17 (5.6%) - 101-200. Sod grasses Agropyron pectinatum, Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata (107), Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. (61). In accordance with zonal features, xerophilic salt-tolerant chamephytes Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad take a significant part in the vegetation cover. (173), Artemisia santonica L. (154), Halimione verrucifera (M.Bieb.) Aellen (70), Camphorosma monspeliaca L. (63) . Among the steppe forbs, the most common (they have more than 100 points): Artemisia austriaca, Poa bulbosa, Taraxacum erythrospermum Andrz., Achillea setacea Waldst. & Kit., Falcaria vulgaris Bernh. Short-lived plants (annuals and juveniles) are widely spread on mounds: Cerastium ucrainicum, Consolida paniculata (Host) Schur, Erophila verna (L.) Besser, Holosteum umbellatum, Lamium amplexicaule L., Myosotis micrantha Pall. ex Lehm., Trifolium arvense L., Valerianella carinata Loisel., Vicia lathyroides L. This group of plants in the flora of barrows of desert steppes dominates in the spectrum of life forms (46.5%), hemicryptophytes prevailing in real steppes occupy only the second place (31, 4%). The significant predominance of short-lived plants is partly due to the synanthropization of the flora, but is also an expression of the zonal features of the desert steppes, in comparison with the present ones. In this regard, it is significant that short-lived plants are more common on the driest and warmest "desert" ecotopes - the southern slope (56.0% in the spectrum of life forms of the flora of this ecotope) and the top (54.6%) of mounds, gradually decreasing on their northern and lower parts to 43.0% in the lower foot. Ephemeroids are poorly represented in the studied flora. Only one species, Ficaria stepporum P.Smirn., has an abundance score of over 100; Gagea bohemica (Zauschn.) Schult. & Schult.f., G. pusilla (F.W. Schmidt) Schult. & Schult.f., G. ucrainica Klokov, Muscari neglecta, Ornithogalum kochii Parl. , Tulipa schrenkii. Quite often, halophytes Halimione verrucifera, Hymenolobus procumbens (L.) Fourr., Limonium meyeri (Boiss.) O.Kuntze, L. bellidifolium (Gouan) Dumort penetrate into mounds located in the coastal strip. (=L. caspium (Willd.) Gams), Petrosimonia oppositifolia (Pall.) Litv., Puccinellia bilykiana Klokov, Salsola soda L., Suaeda prostrata Pall. and others, which is a characteristic feature of mounds located in the desert-steppe zone. Halophytic plants grow mainly at the foot of the mound, while the slopes and the top of the mound are occupied mainly by steppe plants, in which they differ sharply from the halophytized flora of the environment and the foot of the mounds. In our opinion, the steppe "islands" on the barrows among the seaside halophytic vegetation arose in connection with the ongoing marine transgression, and also, in part, in connection with the abundant spread of irrigated crop production, which led to the halophytization of coastal depressions, as a result, initially built in the steppe territories, the mounds were among the halophyte vegetation cover.
The flora of the mounds is characterized by a wide phytocenotic spectrum. The largest number of species is represented by the class Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. et R.Tx. 1943 (Latin names of syntaxa are given according to: Mirkin, Naumova, 1998 and Matuszkiewicz, 2001). Species of this class, as well as Festucetalia vaginatae Soo 1957 and Polygono-Artemisietea Mirkin, Sakhapov et Solomeshch in Mirkin et al. 1986 are confined mainly to the slopes of the mound. At the base of the mound, depending on its environment, species of halophytic communities are mainly concentrated (Asteretea tripolium Westhoff et Beeftink in Beeftink 1962, Thero-Salicornietea R.Tx. in R.Tx. et Oberd. 1958, Salicornietea fruticosae (Br.-Bl et R.Tx. 1943) Tx. et Oberd. 1985 em. V. Golub et V. Solomakha 1988 and meadow (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937 em R. Tx. 1970, Althaea officinalis V. Golub et Mirkin in V.Golub 1995, Galietalia veri Mirkin et Naumova !986, Festuco-Puccinellietea Soo 1968) of vegetation. Among the synanthropic vegetation, the largest number of species are Stellarietea mediae R.Tx., Lohm. et Prsg 1950 and Artemisietea vulgaris Lohm., Prsg et R. Tx in R.Tx 1950.
Despite the fact that we selected the best-preserved mounds for research, their vegetation cover turned out to be more or less synanthropized. In general, 69 species of adventitious plants (anthropophytes) were identified on the mounds, which belong to 57 genera and 22 families. On one mound, from 4 to 29 species of adventitious plants were noted (16 on average). Among the adventitious species, archeophytes predominate (41 species, or 60.0%), which are mainly associated with the Mediterranean-Iranian-Turanian region by their origin. Cenophytes are represented less significantly, there are 28 species (40.0%). Among them, a large proportion of American (32.1%) and Asian (35.7%) species. The level of adventization of the mound flora depends on the use of the territory that surrounds it. Among the studied burial mounds, the greatest proportion of anthropophytes is on mounds located among agricultural fields. The main factor in the adventization of the mound flora, which are under weak anthropogenic impact, is burrowing wild animals, which in the course of their life activity disturb the surface of the mound and create ecotopes suitable for the growth of anthropophytes.
Thus, today many mounds are a refugium of steppe vegetation in the agrolandscapes of southern Ukraine, and, obviously, in the steppe part of Eurasia as a whole. In addition, in the conditions of the coastal desert steppes of southern Ukraine, mounds often act as a refugium of the steppe flora, but already in the situation of the advancing marine transgression of the last millennia, since some of them, originally built in the steppe territories, ended up among the seaside halophytic vegetation. In recent decades, the salinization of coastal areas has also been promoted by intensive agricultural activity in the region. On the mounds, differentiation of ecotopic factors can be traced, which makes their flora quite rich. Part of the mound - the top and bottom are usually more anthropogenically altered, which contributes to the concentration of synanthropes there. More favorable conditions for steppe vegetation cover on slopes, where mainly steppe species and communities are preserved.


1. Archeology of the Ukrainian RSR. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1985. - 430 p.
2. Boyko M.F., Podgainy M.M. Chervony list of Kherson region. - Kherson: Ailant, 1998. - 33 p.
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6. Mosyakin S.L. Roslini of Ukraine on the light Chervony list // Ukr. nerd. magazine - 1999. - 56, No. 1. - P. 79–88.
7. Nature of the Kherson region. Physico-geographic drawing. - Kiev: Phytosociocenter, 19. - 132 p.
8. Chervona book of Ukraine. - Kiev: View of Ukr. Encycl., 1996. - 608 p.
9. Mosyakin S.L., Fedoronchuk M.M. Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural checklist. - Kiev, 1999. - 346 p.
10. Karte der nat?rlichen Vegetation Europas. Mastab 1:2500000. Legende und 9 Blatten. - Bonn: Bundesamt f?r Naturschutz, 2000. - 153 p.
11. Matuszkiewicz W. Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk ro?linnych Polski. - Warczawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2001. - 540 p.

I. Moysienko, B. Sudnik-Wojcikowska

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