The heaviest tank in the world during the Second World War. TOP 10 most modern tanks What is the weight in a conventional tank

Adopted in 1993. The appearance of the tank was caused by the need to modernize existing models, taking into account the experience of the Persian Gulf War, as well as the reorientation of production to Russian components. In the middle part of the T-90, a low flat tower with a commander's cupola shifted to the right was installed. The frontal part of the turret is reinforced with second-generation active slab armor. Mounted armor blocks can also be installed on the roof of the tower, creating additional protection from air attack.

The driver's seat is located in front of the tank hull. Above it is a sunroof and a wide-angle optical system. The bow of the tank is equipped with an acute-angled blade equipped with a mount for the KMT-6 mine trawl. As the main armament, the T-90 is equipped with a 125-mm 2A46M smoothbore gun, equipped with a removable heat-insulating casing.

Introduced into the ammunition load of the T-90 gun high-explosive projectile with electronic remote fuse. To prepare the fuse for operation in the remote detonation mode, a time interval setter is used. To the right of the gun is a coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. The turret houses a 12.7 mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun equipped with a 1Ts29 remote control system with vertical stabilization. The 125-mm cannon of the tank is adapted to fire laser-guided AT-11 ATGMs. The ATGM firing range is 4000 m. The 1A45 fire control system allows the gunner and commander to conduct aimed fire artillery shots from a cannon day and night from a place and on the move, guided missiles - from a place.

The complex includes the 1A42 fire control system, the 9K119 "Reflex" guided weapon system, the PNK-4S commander's instrumentation and observation system, and the T01-P02T thermal imaging tank system. Thus, the T-90 tank is capable of hitting most enemy tanks and helicopters while remaining out of range. The digital ballistic computer 1V528-1 with a capacitive wind sensor DVE-BS and a laser rangefinder included in the fire control system make it possible to high precision hit targets at night.

The TShU-2 "Shtora" optoelectronic suppression complex provides additional protection for the T-90 tank by creating optical interference to the control lines of ATGMs (shells, bombs, aviation missiles) with optical feedback or with laser guidance (illumination). This system consists of two IR illuminators located next to the cannon barrel. The searchlights are constantly on and emit a coded IR signal that prevents the enemy's ATGMs from being accurately aimed. On the turret of the tank are 12 grenade launchers for setting aerosol curtains.

The armor protection of the frontal part of the hull and turret of the T-90 is a multi-layered combined armor barriers that provide invulnerability from most types of armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative shells of tank (anti-tank) guns. High resistance to cumulative ammunition was achieved by installing hinged dynamic protection. The tank has 227 containers installed: 61 on the hull, 70 on the turret and 96 on the side screens. The hull of the tank is welded, its upper frontal part is inclined at an angle of 63 ° from the vertical. The tower is cast, its frontal part has variable angles of inclination from 10° to 25°. The sides of the hull are protected by anti-cumulative screens. The T-90 tank is different high level anti-radiation protection through the use of undercutting and overcutting, a system of collective protection and local protection of crew members.

The survivability of the tank on the battlefield is increased due to the low silhouette, the use of a TDA and the 902B "Tucha" system for setting smoke screens, a napalm protection system and high-speed fire fighting equipment ZETs13 "Hoarfrost". The T-90 tank has a camouflage color and is equipped with equipment for self-digging and for hanging a KMT-6 mine trawl. The machine is equipped with a multi-fuel four-stroke high-speed diesel engine V-84-1, liquid-cooled, supercharged from a driven centrifugal supercharger. In addition, inertial (wave) boost is used.

Engine power is 840 hp. With. It is adapted to work on diesel fuel, jet fuel (T-1, TC-1, T-2) and motor gasoline (A-66, A-72). The start is carried out with the help of an electric starter, an air start system, as well as from an external power source or from a tug. For an emergency start of a cold engine in winter, there is an intake air heating system. The mechanical planetary transmission consists of an input gearbox, two final gearboxes and two final gearboxes. It has hydro-servo control and its own oil system.

Tank India T-90 "Bhishma"

In 2006, the Government of India signed a $2.5 billion contract for the licensed production of 1,000 T-90 Bhishma tanks (named after legendary hero ancient Indian epic Mahabharata)

In the suspension system, an individual torsion bar suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers of a lever-vane type is used on the 1st, 2nd and 6th suspension units of each side. The track roller discs are made of aluminum alloy. The track rollers have external rubber coating, and the supporting rollers have internal shock absorption. To protect the caterpillar from dropping when the tank turns, restrictive disks are welded on the drive wheels.

The T-90 tank has several modifications and is supplied to different countries of the world.

The T-90 tank is equipped with underwater driving equipment that allows it to overcome water obstacles up to five meters deep and about 1000 meters wide. The tank uses the Paragraph communications complex, which includes an R-173 VHF radio station, an R-173P radio receiver, an antenna filter unit and a laryngophone amplifier. The radio station operates in the frequency range of 30-76 MHz and has a memory device that allows you to prepare 10 communication frequencies in advance. It provides a communication range of at least 20 km both on the spot and on the move over medium rough terrain.

Tactical specifications main battle tank T-90:

Combat weight, t 46,5
Crew, pers. 3
Overall dimensions, mm:
length with cannon forward 9530
width 3460
height 2230
clearance 470
combined, with built-in dynamic protection
125-mm smoothbore gun launcher 2A46M; 7.62 mm PKT machine gun; 12.7 mm machine gun; 12 smoke grenade launchers
43 shots, 1250 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber, 300 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber
Engine V-84MS, multi-fuel, four-stroke, diesel, 12-cylinder, turbocharged, liquid-cooled power 840 hp With.
Specific ground pressure, kg/cm 0,85
Highway speed, km/h 60
Range on the highway, km 500
Overcome obstacles:
wall height, m 0,80
moat width, m 2,80
fording depth, m 1.20 (with preparation 5 m)

Modifications of the main battle tank T-90

  • T-90 - the first serial modification of the tank.
  • T-90K - commander's version of the T-90, with additional communication (R-163-50K radio station) and navigation equipment (TNA-4-3).
  • T-90A - modification of the T-90, with a new welded turret, 1000 hp engine. with., improved thermal imaging equipment, new elements of dynamic protection and a number of other improvements.
  • T-90S - export version of the T-90, without the "Shtora-1" system and with additional dynamic protection.
  • T-90SK - Command version of the T-90S, with additional communication and navigation equipment.
  • T-90CA - export version of the T-90A, with a cooling system for night vision equipment and a modified laser radiation detection system.
  • T-90SKA - Command version of the T-90SA, with additional communication and navigation equipment.
  • T-90A - modernization (2006) T-90A: a second-generation Essa thermal imaging sight was installed, the automatic loader was improved, the tank was increased by 100 liters.
  • T-90AM - latest modification T-90A. The old turret was replaced with a new combat module with a fire control system "Kalina" with an integrated combat information and control system of the tactical level, a new automatic loader and an upgraded gun 2A46M-5, as well as a remotely controlled anti-aircraft gun "UDP T05BV-1". Dynamic protection "Relic". A steering wheel-based control and an automatic gear shifting system with the possibility of switching to manual are used. A monoblock power plant V-92S2F with a capacity of 1130 liters is installed on the tank. s., developed on the basis of the V-92S2.
  • T-90SM - export version of the T-90AM tank.


  • Christopher F. Foss. "Reference Jane. Tanks and fighting vehicles";
  • G. L. Kholyavsky. "The Complete Encyclopedia of World Tanks 1915 - 2000";
  • Murakhovsky V. I., Pavlov M. V., Safonov B. S., Solyankin A. G. "Modern tanks";
  • Philip Truitt. "Tanks and self-propelled guns";
  • Equipment and weapons 2010 - 06.

The weight of the tank ranges from 26 to 188 tons, depending on the thickness of the armor and the nature of the combat equipment.

Tank - armored tracked vehicle with cannon armament. There are two groups of tanks:

The weight of the tank ranges from 26 to 188 tons.

  • Combat (main). The main characteristics of such models is the impressive firepower, high breakage resistance and excellent travel speed.
  • Lungs. They are used as a rapid reaction weapon, as well as for reconnaissance purposes. As a rule, such machines have less power and thickness of protective armor. Light tank models can be transported to their destinations by water, air or rail transport.

Let's compare the mass of several models of combat vehicles.

How much does the T-90 tank weigh?

The model is an improved version of the T-72 tank. It has high combat and technical characteristics that allow it to withstand battles in any climatic conditions.

The weight of the T-90 tank is 46.5 tons.

The weight of the T-90 tank is 46.5 tons. The combat vehicle is equipped with a 125-mm launcher designed to hit all types of targets, as well as an aiming system and a thermal imager. The tank has a high rate of fire, excellent speed (60 km), and the crew includes three people.

How much does the T-34 tank weigh

T-34 - real military legend. The production of the first "thirty-fours" began in 1940, and by the beginning of 1941, about 1225 units of equipment were in service with the USSR. The T-34 model tank changed and improved its technical characteristics several times during the war years. Therefore, the mass in different years the release was also not the same:

  • Release of 1940 - 26.3 tons
  • Release of 1941 - 28 tons
  • Release of 1942 - 28.5 tons
  • Release of 1943 - 30.9 tons

At the same time, in the total mass of the combat vehicle, the weight of the tracks is about 1150 kg. When comparing the weight of the tank turret of 1940 and 1942, there is a noticeable upward trend - from 3200 to 3900 kg. The crew of the T-34 includes a gunner-radio operator, driver, loader and commander.

Tank "Maus" was created in 1943 and its weight was about 188 tons. This is a real "heavyweight" of German tank building, the length of the gun which reached 2.5 m. And the total length of the combat "Mouse" was about 11.5 m! The vehicle's ammunition included two twin guns (128 mm and 75 mm). capacity fuel tank"Mausa" - 2650 l. The number of crew members is five people.

It is interesting!

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Despite the impressive size and weight of the Maus tank, almost all free place inside were occupied by numerous instruments and details. So the crew of the combat vehicle had to be placed "according to the residual principle."

According to the results of field tests, the Mouse achieved good performance: speed of 20 km / h, overcoming a climb, a vertical obstacle 76 cm high at an angle of 30 degrees, crossing a water trench 2 m wide.

True, all the efforts spent on creating and improving the types of this model were in vain. At the end of 1944, on the orders of Hitler, work on heavy tanks was stopped, and in the spring of 1945 prototypes type 205 were prepared for the defense of the training ground in case of capture by the Red Army. Two surviving type 205 tanks after the war were transported to Leningrad, and from there to the tank training ground in Kubinka.

How much does the AT-2 tank weigh

The game World of Tanks is a great opportunity to at least "virtually" control tanks and other military equipment. Tank AT 2 is a combat unit of the fifth level British branch development (class tank destroyers).

General characteristics of the "battle monster": weight 44 tons, gun 57 mm, 26 rounds per minute, speed 20 km/h. The crew includes four people. The tank can be used to push through the flanks of enemy units. However, at the same time, you should take care of your cover from the side of the allies. The accuracy of the AT 2's gun is low, so using the tank for long-range attacks is not recommended.

The weight of the AT-2 tank is 44 tons.

Now you know how much the tank weighs, and as you can see, its mass depends on the modification. In addition, to determine the weight of the tank, it is not necessary to weigh it, but it is enough to calculate the mass, taking into account the density of the metal and the weight of the combat equipment.

Reading the title of the article, the question involuntarily arises - why is such a steel giant needed? Does weight determine the need to create the heaviest tank in the world so that it leads the ratings by a margin, praising the designers of the miracle weapon, the country that is able to organize its production, investing in it colossal funds, thoughts, labor of thousands of people. Of course it isn't. In fact, the weight is only a side, even excess, of an ideal weapon for a land theater of operations.

Already the first armored vehicles, which appeared on the fronts of the First World War, amazed, even horrified with their huge dimensions and weight. As a result, they were clumsy, had low cross-country ability, speed, maneuverability, which sharply reduced their undoubted advantages:

  • protection from small arms, fragments of shells.
  • The ability to break through the enemy defenses, passing through wire fences, overcoming trenches, trenches.
  • Strong psychological pressure on the soldiers of the enemy, losing self-control, falling into a panic at the sight of man-made iron monsters.

Most of them, based on the colossal weight of cast iron and steel used for their manufacture, may well claim the title of the heaviest tank. But due to the often grotesque appearance, real military technical characteristics, non-participation in hostilities, non-serial, often experimental production, it is hardly worth considering them in this capacity.

Years passed, and by the beginning of the next war for the redivision of the world and even more so during the hostilities, the designers of the leading countries, taking into account the mistakes, the accumulated experience in using tanks, changed the priorities for their creation. Now they are:

The increase in armor thickness, new powerful engines, side armament with a considerable amount of ammunition inevitably increased the weight of the heavy tanks being created. But to have such mobile armored forts in the troops, capable of literally breaking open the enemy’s defenses, opening the way for infantry, was worth a lot in the literal and figurative sense. Therefore, Germany, the USSR and the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition that joined it did a lot in this field.

Armored giants

The Soviet Union, the only one of the countries participating in the war, by 1940 was armed with a heavy assault tank KV - "Kliment Voroshilov" with a combat weight of 52 tons. This is not surprising if you look at its characteristics:

A total of 204 such heavy tanks were produced, almost all of them were lost in the battles of 1941 during the containment of the Nazi blitzkrieg.

Created in 1943, the IS-2 with a mass of 46 tons, which did not claim to be the heaviest, was later deservedly called the "Victory tank". Its long-barreled 122 mm cannon, reliable armor - 90 - 120 mm, high maneuverability surpassed the best examples of German weapons, among which were:

Made in France over heavy tank TOG II, weighing 82.3 tons, was not mass-produced before the start of the war. Great Britain also made a small contribution to the design of such armored vehicles. Only in 1944, an order was placed for the production of 25 copies of the A-39 tank with a mass of up to 89 tons, but as a result, only 5 vehicles were manufactured, and those after the end of the war.

I must say that the French and American super-heavy tanks, in fact, according to the international classification, were self-propelled assault artillery mounts- Self-propelled guns of a breakthrough, since they did not have a rotating turret.

The heaviest tank in the world, created during the Second World War, is the Pz.Kpfw VIII Maus with a mass of 188 tons. This armored monster did not participate in battles, by 1945 two vehicles were made. An exhibition copy assembled from them can be seen in Kubinka in the Military Historical Museum of Armored Vehicles. Today, this principle of creating tanks, as well as the concept itself, have gone down in history. A modern tank takes not by weight, but by a unique combination of the latest technological developments - materials and systems.

Modern battle tanks Russia and the world photo, video, pictures watch online. This article gives an idea of ​​the modern tank fleet. It is based on the classification principle used in the most authoritative reference book to date, but in a slightly modified and improved form. And if the latter in its original form can still be found in the armies of a number of countries, then others have already become a museum exhibit. And all for 10 years! Follow in the footsteps of Jane's guide and not consider this combat vehicle(quite by the way, curious in design and fiercely discussed at the time), which formed the basis of the tank fleet of the last quarter of the 20th century, the authors considered it unfair.

Films about tanks where there is still no alternative to this type of weapon ground forces. The tank was and probably will remain for a long time modern weapons due to the ability to combine such seemingly contradictory qualities as high mobility, powerful weapons and reliable crew protection. These unique qualities of tanks continue to be constantly improved, and the experience and technologies accumulated over decades predetermine new frontiers of combat properties and achievements of the military-technical level. In the age-old confrontation "projectile - armor", as practice shows, protection from a projectile is being improved more and more, acquiring new qualities: activity, multi-layeredness, self-defense. At the same time, the projectile becomes more accurate and powerful.

Russian tanks are specific in that they allow you to destroy the enemy from a safe distance, have the ability to perform quick maneuvers on impassable roads, contaminated terrain, can “walk” through the territory occupied by the enemy, seize a decisive bridgehead, induce panic in the rear and suppress the enemy with fire and caterpillars . The war of 1939-1945 became the most difficult test for all mankind, since almost all countries of the world were involved in it. It was the battle of the titans - the most unique period that theorists argued about in the early 1930s and during which tanks were used in large quantities virtually all warring parties. At this time, a "check for lice" and a deep reform of the first theories of the use of tank troops took place. And it is the Soviet tank forces all of which are the most affected.

Tanks in battle that became a symbol of the past war, the backbone of the Soviet armored forces? Who created them and under what conditions? How did the USSR, which lost most their European territories and with difficulty recruiting tanks for the defense of Moscow, was he able to launch powerful tank formations on the battlefield already in 1943? When writing the book, materials from the archives of Russia and private collections of tank builders were used. There was a period in our history that was deposited in my memory with some depressing feeling. It began with the return of our first military advisers from Spain, and stopped only at the beginning of forty-third, - said the former general designer of self-propelled guns L. Gorlitsky, - there was some kind of pre-stormy state.

Tanks of the Second World War, it was M. Koshkin, almost underground (but, of course, with the support of "the wisest of the wise leader of all peoples"), who was able to create that tank that, a few years later, would shock German tank generals. And what’s more, he didn’t just create it, the designer managed to prove to these stupid military men that it was his T-34 that they needed, and not just another wheeled-tracked “highway”. The author is in slightly different positions that he formed after meeting with the pre-war documents RGVA and RGAE Therefore, working on this segment of the history of the Soviet tank, the author will inevitably contradict something "generally accepted". this work describes the history of Soviet tank building in the most difficult years - from the beginning of a radical restructuring of all the activities of design bureaus and people's commissariats as a whole, during a frantic race to equip new tank formations of the Red Army, the transfer of industry to wartime rails and evacuation.

Tanks Wikipedia the author wants to express his special gratitude for the help in the selection and processing of materials to M. Kolomiyets, and also to thank A. Solyankin, I. Zheltov and M. Pavlov, the authors of the reference publication "Domestic armored vehicles. XX century. 1905 - 1941" because this book helped to understand the fate of some projects, unclear before. I would also like to recall with gratitude those conversations with Lev Izraelevich Gorlitsky, the former Chief Designer of UZTM, which helped to take a fresh look at the entire history of the Soviet tank during the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union. Today, for some reason, it is customary to talk about 1937-1938 in our country. only from the point of view of repressions, but few people remember that it was during this period that those tanks were born that became legends of the wartime ... "From the memoirs of L.I. Gorlinkogo.

Soviet tanks, a detailed assessment of them at that time sounded from many lips. Many old people recalled that it was from the events in Spain that it became clear to everyone that the war was getting closer to the threshold and it was Hitler who would have to fight. In 1937, mass purges and repressions began in the USSR, and against the backdrop of these difficult events, the Soviet tank began to turn from a "mechanized cavalry" (in which one of its combat qualities protruded by reducing others) into a balanced combat vehicle, which simultaneously had powerful weapons, sufficient to suppress most targets, good cross-country ability and mobility with armor protection, capable of maintaining its combat effectiveness when shelling a potential enemy with the most massive anti-tank weapons.

Large tanks were recommended to be added to the composition only special tanks- floating, chemical. The brigade now had 4 separate battalions of 54 tanks each and was reinforced by the transition from three-tank platoons to five-tank ones. In addition, D. Pavlov justified the refusal to form in 1938 to the four existing mechanized corps three more additionally, believing that these formations are immobile and difficult to control, and most importantly, they require a different organization of the rear. The tactical and technical requirements for promising tanks, as expected, have been adjusted. In particular, in a letter dated December 23 to the head of the design bureau of plant No. 185 named after. CM. Kirov, the new chief demanded to strengthen the armor of new tanks so that at a distance of 600-800 meters (effective range).

The latest tanks in the world when designing new tanks, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of increasing the level of armor protection during modernization by at least one step ... "This problem could be solved in two ways. Firstly, by increasing the thickness of the armor plates and, secondly," by using increased armor resistance". It is easy to guess that the second way was considered more promising, since the use of specially hardened armor plates, or even two-layer armor, could, while maintaining the same thickness (and the mass of the tank as a whole), increase its resistance by 1.2-1.5 It was this path (the use of specially hardened armor) that was chosen at that moment to create new types of tanks.

Tanks of the USSR at dawn tank production armor was used most massively, the properties of which were identical in all directions. Such armor was called homogeneous (homogeneous), and from the very beginning of the armor business, the craftsmen strove to create just such armor, because uniformity ensured stability of characteristics and simplified processing. However, at the end of the 19th century, it was noticed that when the surface of the armor plate was saturated (to a depth of several tenths to several millimeters) with carbon and silicon, its surface strength increased sharply, while the rest of the plate remained viscous. So heterogeneous (heterogeneous) armor came into use.

In military tanks, the use of heterogeneous armor was very important, since an increase in the hardness of the entire thickness of the armor plate led to a decrease in its elasticity and (as a result) to an increase in brittleness. Thus, the most durable armor, other things being equal, turned out to be very fragile and often pricked even from bursts of high-explosive fragmentation shells. Therefore, at the dawn of armor production in the manufacture of homogeneous sheets, the task of the metallurgist was to achieve the highest possible hardness of the armor, but at the same time not to lose its elasticity. Surface-hardened by saturation with carbon and silicon armor was called cemented (cemented) and was considered at that time a panacea for many ills. But cementation is a complex, harmful process (for example, processing a hot plate with a jet of lighting gas) and relatively expensive, and therefore its development in a series required high costs and an increase in production culture.

Tank of the war years, even in operation, these hulls were less successful than homogeneous ones, since for no apparent reason cracks formed in them (mainly in loaded seams), and it was very difficult to put patches on holes in cemented slabs during repairs. But it was still expected that a tank protected by 15-20 mm cemented armor would be equivalent in terms of protection to the same, but covered with 22-30 mm sheets, without a significant increase in mass.
Also, by the mid-1930s, in tank building, they learned how to harden the surface of relatively thin armor plates by uneven hardening, known from late XIX century in shipbuilding as the "Krupp method". Surface hardening led to a significant increase in the hardness of the front side of the sheet, leaving the main thickness of the armor viscous.

How tanks shoot videos up to half the thickness of the plate, which, of course, was worse than carburizing, since despite the fact that the hardness of the surface layer was higher than during carburizing, the elasticity of the hull sheets was significantly reduced. So the "Krupp method" in tank building made it possible to increase the strength of armor even somewhat more than carburizing. But the hardening technology that was used for sea armor of large thicknesses was no longer suitable for relatively thin tank armor. Before the war, this method was almost never used in our serial tank building due to technological difficulties and relatively high cost.

Combat use of tanks The most developed for tanks was the 45-mm tank gun mod 1932/34. (20K), and before the event in Spain, it was believed that its power was enough to perform most tank tasks. But the battles in Spain showed that the 45-mm gun could only satisfy the task of fighting enemy tanks, since even the shelling of manpower in the mountains and forests turned out to be ineffective, and it was only possible to disable a dug-in enemy firing point if direct hit. Shooting at shelters and bunkers was ineffective due to the small high-explosive action of a projectile weighing only about two kg.

Types of tanks photo so that even one hit of a projectile reliably disables an anti-tank gun or machine gun; and thirdly, in order to increase the penetrating effect of a tank gun on the armor of a potential enemy, since, using the example of French tanks (already having an armor thickness of the order of 40-42 mm), it became clear that the armor protection of foreign combat vehicles tends to be significantly increased. There was a right way to do this - increasing the caliber of tank guns and simultaneously increasing the length of their barrel, since a long gun of a larger caliber fires heavier projectiles at a higher muzzle velocity over a greater distance without correcting the pickup.

The best tanks in the world had a large caliber gun, also has big sizes breech, significantly more weight and increased recoil reaction. And this required an increase in the mass of the entire tank as a whole. In addition, the placement of large shots in the closed volume of the tank led to a decrease in the ammunition load.
The situation was aggravated by the fact that at the beginning of 1938 it suddenly turned out that there was simply no one to give an order for the design of a new, more powerful tank gun. P. Syachintov and his entire design team were repressed, as well as the core of the Bolshevik Design Bureau under the leadership of G. Magdesiev. Only the group of S. Makhanov remained at liberty, who from the beginning of 1935 tried to bring his new 76.2-mm semi-automatic single gun L-10, and the team of plant No. 8 slowly brought the "forty-five".

Photos of tanks with names, the number of developments is large, but in mass production in the period 1933-1937. not a single one was accepted ... "In fact, none of the five air-cooled tank diesel engines, which were worked on in 1933-1937 in the engine department of plant No. 185, was brought to the series. Moreover, despite the decisions on the highest levels of the transition in tank building exclusively to diesel engines, this process was held back by a number of factors.Of course, diesel had significant efficiency.It consumed less fuel per unit of power per hour.Diesel fuel is less prone to ignition, since the flash point of its vapors was very high.

Even the most advanced of them, the MT-5 tank engine, required reorganization of engine production for serial production, which was expressed in the construction of new workshops, the supply of advanced foreign equipment (there were no machine tools of the required accuracy yet), financial investments and strengthening personnel. It was planned that in 1939 this diesel engine with a capacity of 180 hp. will go to production tanks and artillery tractors, but due to investigative work to find out the causes of tank engine accidents, which lasted from April to November 1938, these plans were not fulfilled. The development of a slightly increased six-cylinder gasoline engine No. 745 with a power of 130-150 hp was also started.

Brands of tanks with specific indicators that suited the tank builders quite well. Tank tests were carried out according to new methodology, specially developed at the insistence of the new head of the ABTU D. Pavlov in relation to military service in war time. The basis of the tests was a run of 3-4 days (at least 10-12 hours of daily non-stop traffic) with a one-day break for technical inspection and restoration work. Moreover, repairs were allowed to be carried out only by field workshops without the involvement of factory specialists. This was followed by a "platform" with obstacles, "bathing" in the water with an additional load, simulating an infantry landing, after which the tank was sent for examination.

Super tanks online after the improvement work seemed to remove all claims from the tanks. And the general course of the tests confirmed the fundamental correctness of the main design changes - an increase in displacement by 450-600 kg, the use of the GAZ-M1 engine, as well as the Komsomolets transmission and suspension. But during the tests, numerous minor defects again appeared in the tanks. Chief designer N. Astrov was suspended from work and was in custody and under investigation for several months. In addition, the tank received a new improved protection turret. The modified layout made it possible to place on the tank a larger ammunition load for a machine gun and two small fire extinguishers (before there were no fire extinguishers on small tanks of the Red Army).

US tanks as part of modernization work, on one serial model of the tank in 1938-1939. the torsion bar suspension developed by the designer of the Design Bureau of Plant No. 185 V. Kulikov was tested. It was distinguished by the design of a composite short coaxial torsion bar (long monotorsion bars could not be used coaxially). However, such a short torsion bar in tests did not show enough nice results, and therefore the torsion bar suspension during further work did not immediately pave the way. Obstacles to be overcome: rises not less than 40 degrees, vertical wall 0.7 m, overlapping ditch 2-2.5 m.

YouTube about tanks work on the production of prototypes of D-180 and D-200 engines for reconnaissance tanks is not being carried out, jeopardizing the production of prototypes. "Justifying his choice, N. Astrov said that a wheeled-tracked non-floating reconnaissance aircraft (factory designation 101 10-1), as well as the amphibious tank version (factory designation 102 or 10-2), are a compromise solution, since it is not possible to fully meet the requirements of the ABTU.Variant 101 was a tank weighing 7.5 tons with a hull according to the type of hull, but with vertical side sheets of case-hardened armor 10-13 mm thick, because: "Sloping sides, causing serious weighting of the suspension and hull, require a significant (up to 300 mm) broadening of the hull, not to mention the complication of the tank.

Video reviews of tanks in which the power unit of the tank was planned to be based on the 250-horsepower MG-31F aircraft engine, which was mastered by the industry for agricultural aircraft and gyroplanes. Gasoline of the 1st grade was placed in a tank under the floor of the fighting compartment and in additional onboard gas tanks. The armament fully met the task and consisted of coaxial machine guns DK caliber 12.7 mm and DT (in the second version of the project even ShKAS appears) caliber 7.62 mm. The combat weight of a tank with a torsion bar suspension was 5.2 tons, with a spring suspension - 5.26 tons. The tests were carried out from July 9 to August 21 according to the methodology approved in 1938, and Special attention given to tanks.

was adopted by the Russian armed forces in 1993. Rocket and gun tanks T-90 - a new generation Russian tanks, which includes the original design developments and the best layout and Constructive decisions tanks T-72 and T-80.
The T-90S tank was created on the basis of a thorough study and understanding of the tactics and strategy of using tanks in the real conditions of modern combat, taking into account many years of experience in military operation of T-72 tanks in various countries world, as well as the results of many years of intensive testing under the most severe conditions.

Tank T-90S retains the feature of domestic tank building - the classic layout scheme, in which:
- the main armament is located in a rotating turret;
- the power plant and transmission are located in the aft part of the hull;
- crew - separately: tank commander and gunner in the fighting compartment, driver in the control compartment.

The T-90S tanks are characterized by:
- optimal adaptability for combat operations in extreme situations;
– exceptional reliability of all components and assemblies, mechanisms and complexes;
- excellent mobility and maneuverability regardless of any climatic and road conditions, including in conditions of high dustiness and high mountains;
— minimum costs for the training of highly qualified specialists.

Almost every unit or system of the T-90S tank has a new quality.
Automated fire control system designed for effective aimed shooting at long range artillery shells and a guided projectile from a tank gun on the move and from a place on moving and stationary targets by the gunner and commander, day and night, as well as from a coaxial machine gun.
The fire control complex provides an increase in the range of effective fire and an increase in the range of vision at night, including due to the installation of a television sight in the tank.

Guided weapons complex with a laser-beam control channel allows you to fire a guided missile through the gun barrel from a place and on the move at stationary and moving targets at ranges from 100 to 5000 m.

Optoelectronic suppression complex provides protection of the tank from being hit by anti-tank guided missiles with semi-automatic guidance systems with feedback by tracer. The system of automatic all-round visibility, detection and protection of the tank from anti-tank projectiles with semi-automatic laser homing heads provides interference to anti-tank weapon control systems with laser rangefinders and target designators.

Closed anti-aircraft installation allows the commander to conduct aimed fire using remote control drives at air targets, and in stabilized mode at ground targets, remaining under reliable protection armor.

Built-in dynamic protection effective against armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative projectiles. The combination of built-in dynamic protection and multi-layered armor gives the tank additional options for surviving in extreme combat conditions.

The main armament of the T-90S is a smoothbore gun. caliber 125 mm increased accuracy and high ballistics. The use of an automatic loader made it possible to achieve a high rate of fire (up to 7-8 rounds per minute), which distinguishes the T-90S tank from most foreign tanks. The capabilities of a tank gun to combat ground armored and low-flying air targets have been expanded through the use of a guided weapon system, which allows you to destroy any of the most modern tanks before it approaches effective firing distance from its gun.

The tank is traditionally installed diesel engine, the main advantage of which compared to a gas turbine engine, especially in hot climates and sandy soils, are:
- slight power drop high temperatures environment;
— high reliability in the conditions of strong dust content;
- 1.8-2 times lower fuel consumption.

Main combat tank T-90S can overcome the bottom water obstacles up to 5 meters deep with non-stop performance of combat missions after overcoming a water barrier. The machine has built-in equipment for self-digging, a device for mounting mine trawls and can be transported by all modes of transport.

Tactical and technical characteristics
Combat weight - 46.5 tons.
Crew - 3 people
Engine - multi-fuel diesel, liquid cooling, power 1000 hp.
Length with gun forward - 9.5 m.
The height on the roof of the tower is 2.2 m.
- average dry dirt road 40-45 km/h;
- maximum 60 km / h.
Cruising on the highway - 550 km.
The capacity of fuel tanks is 1200 + 400 liters.
Crossable ford (with preliminary preparation) - 1.2 (1.8) meters.
surmountable water barrier with OPVT - up to 5 meters.

- 125-mm smoothbore gun 2A46M, automatic loading, rate of fire up to 8 rounds per minute; type of shot - armor-piercing sub-caliber, cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation;
-guided missile;
- 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun, coaxial with a cannon;
- anti-aircraft weapons 12.7-mm machine gun "Kord".
- shots to the gun 43 pcs. (of which 22 in the automatic loader);
- cartridges for a machine gun 2000 pcs.

Guided weapon system 9K119 "Reflex"
- Maximum firing range 5000 m;
- Fire control system: daytime rangefinder sight, built-in sight alignment control device, night sight gunner (electronic-optical or thermal imaging);
- Target identification range of the "tank" type up to 3000 meters (thermal imaging channel);
— Two-plane stabilizer.
Sighting and observation complex commander:
target identification range of the "tank" type:
- at night 700-1200 m.
- in the afternoon 4000-10000 m.

- combined armor 800-830 mm against BPS, 1150-1350 mm against cumulative ammunition;
- built-in dynamic protection "Contact-5";
- complex active protection"Arena";
- systems for launching smoke grenades, protection against weapons of mass destruction, automatic PPO.
Means of communication:
— VHF radio R-163-50U
— VHF receiver R-163-UP

/Based on materials and

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