In which bank to open a deposit at a high interest rate? Which bank to choose for a deposit? Reliability rating of Russian banks for deposits

How to choose a bank deposit?

Many depositors at the time of financial confusion bring their money to the bank and make deposits. What can I say, investing money in banks helps to somehow save money from inflation. However, when we come to the bank, we usually get a piece of paper in our hands, where the conditions for deposits are indicated. Which one to choose? - We do not know. In this article we will try to find the answer to this question.

So we chose a bank where we will keep our hard-earned money and went to the site.
There are a lot of deposits here - the rates and conditions are different here, so your eyes run wide.
The choice of a deposit depends on what goal we are pursuing by keeping money in a bank. The main types of deposits are described in this article. There are several possible options:

  1. Just save money for old age
  2. Saving money from inflation
  3. Save up for a purchase - an apartment car
  4. live on interest
  5. Pay off your loan and save money.

In theory, all others possible options can be reduced to these. Depending on the purpose, you need to choose your investment option.

Option one - saving up for a cloudless old age.

Suitable for pre-retirement and retirement age. The deposit can give a significant increase to your pension. In this case, the choice of a deposit without the possibility of replenishment and withdrawal with the maximum rate for the maximum period.

Interest must pay monthly. In this case, you get a significant increase in your finances. What if I have extra money? - you ask. The answer is simple - open a new deposit and get interest. We sacrifice the absence of deposits and withdrawals for the sake of a high rate. We open deposits in rubles. In old age, you are unlikely to follow the exchange rate and figure out when to sell the currency.

The risks of such investments are inflation, devaluation. Your money may depreciate. Protection against this is the purchase of an asset that will not depreciate much and make a profit. An apartment can serve as such an asset. But an apartment as an investment option has its drawbacks.

The second option is to race against inflation.

It is important to understand here that when inflation is high, it cannot be beaten for short period. But it can be done in the medium term. Here you need to play the ladder of deposits - open many deposits on different periods with the possibility of replenishment and with high rates. First, put everything on a deposit with a minimum term, and then, after the end of the investment period, transfer it to a deposit with a longer term, and so on. As a result, during a period of high inflation, we lose, and when inflation is low, we will be in a significant plus. Rubles in this case is the main currency.

The third option is saving up for a dream.

A dream can be a cottage, a car, an apartment. The main thing here is to understand what you need to save and not lose money. The choice in this case is a multi-currency basket. It needs to be filled during a period of financial stability, and not when there is a crisis.
It is necessary to keep money in equal shares - rubles and dollars. When making a deposit, you need to pay attention that it is with capitalization and with the possibility of early termination without loss of interest.
This will provide a good income and help you fulfill your dream if you suddenly come across a suitable object. The possibility of early termination will ensure the possibility of a quick withdrawal of funds for the purchase. You need to take a deposit with the maximum percentage upon termination.

The fourth option is to live on interest.

Very many, renting out housing in Moscow, can afford to live in Thailand or India and not work. The rental price of 30-40 thousand earlier, at a dollar exchange rate of 35 rubles, made it possible to live in the resort without problems. In this case, you need a high yield of the expected deposit and a multi-currency basket. It will help protect against fluctuations in exchange rates and secure a steady income in foreign currency. Currency is needed to ensure independence from fluctuations in exchange rates. Main focus. — for dollars and euros. You can invest in Jena. Ruble part 10-20%.

The fifth option is to pay off debts.

This option is suitable for those who want to pay off their debts and be a little in the Plus. Painted in more detail.
Let me just say briefly that if you pay a ruble mortgage and you have free funds for early repayment, then it is better to invest in the bank.

In what currency to open deposits?

What can I say, exchange rates in Russia jump very often. Once in 5 years, troubles happen and the market falls. In the black are those who kept their money in foreign currency. If the currency has already grown, you should not play roulette and transfer rubles into it. There is a 50/50 chance that you will lose. Do not hurry. Play ladder of deposits and make up for the fall.

If you have foreign exchange savings, then you are on a horse. Open a foreign currency deposit during a crisis with the possibility of early termination. You can always change the currency without significant losses if the exchange rate starts to fall rapidly.

Pitfalls when opening a deposit

When opening a deposit, you need to carefully read the terms of the deposit agreement and settlement and cash services in the bank. The bank may charge you a lot of fees that you do not know about.
Example 1 Moscow Credit Bank, although it has fairly high deposit rates, takes 1% of the incoming transfer to account 40817810 - i.e. to a checking account. Thus, in order to replenish the deposit, you need to immediately transfer money to

To view all profitable offers in Moscow banks may take a long time. On the official websites of banks, there is no way to compare deposits with offers from other organizations. Therefore, to search, it is better to use a service that helps you quickly familiarize yourself with complete list options and their terms and conditions. A large selection of available deposits provides an opportunity not only to choose the option with the most favorable interest rate, but also to choose the optimal parameters for storing funds.

The “Contributions of the month” section allows you to quickly view top products in Moscow with a high interest rate and the minimum down payment. Among them there are options with the possibility of replenishment and early withdrawal of the entire amount or part of it.

Benefits of our service

A convenient filter has been created on the site, which makes it possible to quickly and easily view all the profitable deposits available for registration in your city, as well as get an impression of the reliability and safety of working with a particular bank.

Find Best offer in Moscow one or more parameters can be used. To do this, you can specify in the filter:

  • the minimum amount;
  • currency;
  • term of the deposit agreement;
  • additional opportunities to use the deposit.

The results of the issuance are arranged according to one of two possible principles - an interest rate or a rating. The rating is calculated automatically by our website, taking into account the main characteristics of the convenience and security of working with the bank, such as:

  • profitability of the deposit;
  • the reliability of the bank;
  • availability of additional options;
  • availability.

These characteristics give an idea about the bank even before you start working with it. You can set the sorting principle yourself and quickly find necessary information for any of the products presented on our website.

Current offers

On the issuance list current offers on the this moment maximum interest and the terms of cooperation are as follows:

  • interest rate - up to 10.25%;
  • the minimum deposit amount is from 1,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • storage time - from one year to three years.

Among the available options are in rubles, dollars and euros, offers for pensioners, as well as deposits with the possibility of replenishing the account and extending the term of the contract.

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If none of the existing products in Moscow suits you, you can subscribe to our newsletter. To the address you provided Email information will be sent regularly about all new and relevant deposits, including short-term promotional and seasonal offers with favorable conditions, as well as last news and reviews of the economic situation in Russia and recent events in the banking market. This will allow you to be one of the first to make a suitable deposit. In order to subscribe, just enter your e-mail in the appropriate field.

A deposit, also known as a deposit, is money that a client places in a bank in order to preserve and increase his capital.

The highest income is brought by fixed-term bank deposits with the highest interest rates. The best rates on deposits in rubles and foreign currency can be obtained during seasonal or other special promotions banks.

Bank deposits individuals are divided into many types depending on the term, additional options and currency.

Banks offer a number of additional operations for term deposits:

  • interest capitalization is a monthly transfer of interest to the deposit account, so that the next interest calculation is made from the total amount of the initial deposit amount and accrued interest;
  • auto-prolongation - extension of the agreement in automatic mode if the depositor does not withdraw the deposit amount at the end of its validity period;
  • replenishment and partial withdrawal of money from the deposit account gives the client the opportunity to manage the funds without terminating the contract with the bank.

The best deposits in banks are selected taking into account all these components.

According to the type of currency used, deposits are: ruble, foreign currency (deposits in dollars, euros and other currencies), multicurrency (the amount of the deposit is made up of the amount of funds in several currencies). The best interest rates and the maximum profitability are given precisely by deposits in rubles.

Investing money in foreign currency is one of the most popular ways to save and increase your capital, especially in times of crisis.

Almost every Russian bank offers foreign currency deposits in dollars and euros. You can keep your savings in British pounds sterling, and in Swiss francs, as well as in Chinese yuan and Japanese yen. You can compare exchange rates on our website in the section "Currency rates". There are few offers of deposits in these currencies, since the demand for them is low.

Interest rates even on profitable fixed-term deposits in foreign currency are lower compared to ruble deposits due to the instability of the ruble against the dollar and the euro. Also, depending on the age of the applicant, deposits are allocated for pensioners and students.

Which deposit to choose, and how to find reliable deposits at a high interest rate per annum? Our form will help you find the best interest rates on deposits and other parameters. With its help, you can select not only profitable deposits, but also reliable banks for their placement in the current 2019

Today in Moscow the highest interest rate in rubles has a deposit At the top (share in the NSZh 30-99.9%) in the bank Gazprombank (JSC) - 9.50% per annum. The minimum deposit amount is 50,000 rubles with interest paid at the end of the deposit term. It can be called the best deposit in rubles.

It would seem that to talk about banks and bank deposits. Probably everyone has (or had) a deposit in the bank. A bank deposit is the most famous, affordable and simple investment tool that allows you to receive a certain profit.

Bank deposits are the simplest and most affordable form of storing personal savings. Although the profit from the placement barely covers inflation, and in some cases even below it. However, this is more profitable than just keeping money at home under the mattress. The article will discuss how to choose the right deposit in the bank and what criteria you need to pay attention to in the first place.

Why do you need a bank deposit?

  • a tool for storing money for a "rainy day" or reserve fund. Everyone should have a cash reserve for any unforeseen situations. And bank deposits are the most optimal placement of funds due to their high liquidity.
  • tool to achieve household goals- if you plan to invest money for a short period of time: from several months to 1-2 years. For what? Or you plan and save money for a specific purpose, be it a vacation, an expensive purchase - bank deposits are guaranteed to allow you to calculate the term and the final amount that you will receive along with interest
  • tool for short-term investment. If you plan to invest in longer-term (and more profitable) financial instruments, but do not yet have the required amount - deposits will help you accumulate it. Further, the accumulated amount can be invested further - in stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. depending on your goals and capabilities.

How to choose banks?

At first glance, this is an easy question. We chose the most reliable banks - opened a deposit and sleep peacefully. But there is one circumstance. As a rule, in such reliable banks, interest rates on deposits are much lower than the national average. The difference can be 30-40%. As you do not want to lose the already not very big profit.

On the other hand, banks with high interest rates on deposits have risks of license revocation. Of course, this is not 100%, but there is still a small probability.

The law of the market - the higher the yield, the higher the risks.

What to do? How to be?

Since all deposits are insured by the state (at the time of writing - 1 million 400 rubles) - you can choose the most profitable deposit (but not at the highest rates, but 1-2% lower). And it is also desirable to distribute deposits among several banks (small diversification).

Which deposit to choose?

Choosing the right deposit is one of the most important conditions when investing in a bank. What criteria should be used to select a contribution?

  1. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds without loss of interest. In case of unforeseen situations, you may urgently need money. And withdrawing them from the account is the loss of all accrued interest. Even if you have one day left before the end of the deposit. Investing for short periods (3-6 months) means low interest on deposits. It is better to find a long-term deposit (1-2 years), for which the rates will be higher, with the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds without losing accrued interest.
  2. Possibility to replenish the deposit. For what? It doesn't matter what for. Do you save up for a certain purchase, or do you plan to further transfer money to other financial instruments, or simply use the deposit as a financial airbag. By investing additional money, you not only increase your amount, but also receive additional income.
  3. Interest capitalization. This thing allows you to work not only with your money, but also the accrued interest (monthly, quarterly) also starts to bring additional income. Interest on interest or is one of the basics of investing. It is especially noticeable for long investment periods (10-15 years), but even in 1-2 years it will allow you to earn an extra penny. A trifle, but nice. With the help, you can see how additional income will grow due to the capitalization of interest.
  4. Fixed deposit rate. In the country there is a trend to a decrease in the refinancing rate, namely, the interest on the deposit depends on its size. The situation at the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015, when the rate rose sharply by 1.5 times, is rather an exception to the rule.

You have probably noticed that in banks the conditions for deposits are rather strange. Strange in what? There are, let's say, 2 types of deposits: for 1 year with a rate, let's say at 10% per annum and a second deposit, for six months - with a rate of 10.5%. Logically, it should be that the longer the term of the deposit, the higher the yield should be.

And the consultant imposes on you the second contribution. The rate on it is higher, and even automatic prolongation (renewal of the deposit after the expiration date).

The fact is that in six months, the rate can be reduced, and then for the same six months they will be accepted only at 9.5% or even 9%. And accordingly, the prolongation will take place already on new conditions, which may be worse than with the initial investment.

Choosing a deposit with a fixed rate for the entire period of placement, you will be protected from these little troubles and will be able to accurately count on exactly the amount of profit for which you have concluded an agreement.

Contribution - or the so-called "deposit" - is cash, which the client places in the bank to protect and increase his capital.

The higher the interest rate of a bank deposit, the greater the potential income. The best interest rates on deposits are often offered during periods of seasonal offers or other special bank promotions.

Bank deposits for individuals differ in terms, currency and rate, there are also additional terms(the possibility of replenishment, partial withdrawal without loss of interest, monthly payment of interest to the card and others).

Both small and larger reliable banks in Moscow in 2019 offer several additional options for time deposits and deposits:

  • partial withdrawal and replenishment of funds on a deposit account gives the client the opportunity to use the money without breaking the contract with the bank;
  • capitalization is the monthly accrual of interest on the deposit account. That is, future interest is calculated not only on the amount of the initial deposit, but also on the interest already added;
  • automatic prolongation - automatic extension of the contract if the depositor does not withdraw the deposit at the end of its validity period.

To make the best deposit in rubles or foreign currency, consider these three points.

Depending on the currency used, time deposits are divided into ruble, currency (deposits in euros, dollars, British pounds and other currencies), multicurrency (deposit funds are divided into parts and invested in several currencies). The best in terms of interest rate returns in Moscow banks are offered in Russian rubles.

Investing money in foreign currency is one of the popular methods of preserving and increasing one's capital in the city of Moscow, even in times of crisis. Although the rates on foreign currency deposits have decreased significantly due to the instability of the exchange rate, you can get income with an increase in the exchange rate against the ruble. So you can get the best income from the deposit in 2019.

Most Russian banks offer foreign currency deposits in dollars and euros. You can also place savings in British pounds sterling, Swiss francs, Chinese yuan and Japanese yen. You can compare currency quotes on our website in the "Currency rates" section. However, there are few offers of deposits at a good interest in these currencies, since the demand for them is low.

And yet, what kind of contribution should a pensioner, student or middle-aged person choose? Our form will help you to choose an offer with the best rate and conditions. With its help, you can search for offers on deposits with a high percentage of profitability from reliable banks, or focus on the most profitable offers.

To date, in Moscow, the highest interest rate in rubles has a deposit At the top (share in the NSZh 30-99.9%) in the bank Gazprombank (JSC) - 9.50% per annum. The minimum deposit amount is 50,000 rubles with interest paid at the end of the deposit term. It can be called the best deposit in rubles.

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