Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. Transcription and transliteration. Scientific and practical transcription and transliteration. Their areas of application What is practical transcription

There is another type of transcription - practical.It is designed to introduce foreign words and their combinations into the Russian text without going beyond the accepted alphabet, i.e. without introducing new letters or special diacritics.

The leading method in modern translation practice is transcription with the preservation of some elements of transliteration. For each pair of languages, rules for the transmission of the sound composition of the word FL are developed, cases of preserving transliteration elements and traditional exceptions to the rules currently accepted are indicated.

The main principle of practical transcription is the most accurate preservation of the sound image of the transmitted word.

Practical transcription should, if possible, preserve the morphemic structure of the word, take into account the phonemic oppositions of the language from which the word is borrowed. At the same time, it is necessary to maximize the phonetic-graphic and grammatical appearance of the word to the system of one's own language. These requirements often conflict with each other, their simultaneous fulfillment is impossible, as a result of which transcription variants arise. For example, the English word Stanly occurs in Russian in three variants: Stanley, Stanley, Stanley.

With regard to spelling, some deviations are possible here; for example, writing s after k, i, sh, f and at the beginning of a word (Kyzyl-Yrmak, Zhaiyk, Yyyts, Shyklar, Dzhylandy); writing i, e, u after c, w, f, h, u, k, g, x, i(Sventsyany, Zurich, Siauliai, Shumeg, Yerdi, Kyakhta, Günther, Huzh); writing b after c(Pakost), writing uh after l(Malecki, as opposed to Malecki), spelling and before oh and(Jorgen, Yopyan, Jirzhi, Shantii), etc.

Special rules in practical transcription regulate the writing of non-alphabetic characters (hyphen, apostrophe, quotation marks), as well as capital letters.

Special lists stipulate the spelling of traditional names (Paris, Rome, Vienna, Naples, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Denmark), as well as cases of translation (Cape of Good Hope, Cape Verde Islands, Easter Island, Richard the Lionheart, Heinrich the Birdcatcher).

In this way, practical transcription- this is the transfer of words and their combinations of one language into words of another language; at the same time, words are taken in the fullness of their linguistic characteristics: lexical, grammatical, phonetic and graphic to introduce the facts of one language into the composition and system of another language.


Transliteration- this is the exact transfer of characters of one script by characters of another script, in which each character or sequence of characters of one writing system is transmitted by the same character or sequence of characters of another writing system.

In linguistics, transliteration is understood as the letter-by-letter transmission of texts and individual words of one graphic system by means of another graphic system.

In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D. N. Ushakov, it is indicated that transliteration comes from the Latin words trans (through) and littera (letter), and its exact definition is given: "Writing by transferring letters of one alphabet with letters of another alphabet".

Graphic conversion of 4 types is possible:

1. one graphic element to one graphic element;

2. one graphic element in a sequence of several graphic elements;

3. sequence of several graphic elements into one graphic element;

4. a sequence of several graphic elements into a sequence of several graphic elements that does not correspond to the standard transfer of individual elements of the sequence one by one.

For example:

· Romanization - the transfer of non-Latin writing by means of the expanded Latin alphabet using diacritical marks and letter combinations.

In Russian practice, transliteration is sometimes called the transfer of foreign words by means of Russian graphics

The need for transliteration arose at the end of the 19th century. when creating Prussian scientific libraries for inclusion in a single catalog of works written in languages ​​with Latin, Cyrillic, Arabic, Indian and other writing systems. Transliteration instructions compiled for the needs of these libraries served in the 20th century. the basis of the standard for translating non-Latin writing systems into the Latin alphabet.

("super segment"); from the point of view of what properties of sound units the transcription reflects, phonemic and phonetic transcription are distinguished; depending on the way the characteristics of sound units are presented, analytical and synthetic transcription are distinguished.

The basic principle of transcription of segment units is the obligatory one-to-one correspondence between the sign used and the transcribed sound. The widely used transcription of the International Phonetic Association (IPA), as well as the transcription proposed by L. V. Shcherba, are based on the Latin alphabet. For the Russian language, a transcription based on the Russian alphabet is more often used. The table (see) shows the consonants in the IPA transcription (without the group of so-called non-respiratory consonants).

Transcription by the International Phonetic Association (IPA).

Phonemic transcription is used to convey the phonemic composition of a word or morpheme. With a different interpretation of the phonemic composition, the transcription will be different. So, the Russian words “year” and “years” in the phonemic transcription of the Moscow phonological school are written /god/, /go′da/, in the phonemic transcription of the Leningrad phonological school - /got/, /ga′da/. Phonetic transcription should accurately reflect all the phonetic features of sounds. So, in the phonetic transcription of the words “year”, “year”, it is necessary to reflect the roundness of consonants before the vowel [o], the diphthongoid character of [o], the lower degree of solution of the unstressed vowel compared to the stressed vowel [a], the aspiration of the final [t], etc. d.

For accurate transcription of all phonetic features, a system of diacritics is used, for example, longitude signs ¯ (above the letter), ː, palatalization ′, forward advance sign ⊢, etc.

Phonemic transcription is usually enclosed in oblique or angle brackets, phonetic transcription is usually enclosed in square brackets.

The most common are synthetic transcriptions, in which sounds are reflected as some whole units. Attempts to create analytical transcriptions that would reflect individual articulatory characteristics (for example, A. M. Bell, O. Jespersen) were unsuccessful, since these transcriptions were cumbersome and practically inapplicable. Modern phonetic transcription, being essentially synthetic, contains elements of analyticism, since it includes the use of diacritical marks denoting separate additional articulations.

Intonational transcription is used to convey the main characteristics that form the intonation of a syntagma or a sequence of syntagmas. Syntagmatic articulation is indicated by one line (/), a pause at the absolute end of the phrase - by two (//). Verbal stress is indicated by a dash before the stressed syllable (′), in transcription based on the Russian alphabet, above the stressed vowel, syntagmatic or phrasal stress - by two (″); weak stress is indicated by a dash under the line (‚).

When transcribing the melodic arrangement of the utterance, there is no uniformity. So, in English transcription, they indicate both the nature of the movement of the tone on the stressed vowel, and its position in relation to the boundaries of the speech range. On special tonograms, the main melodic characteristics and the frequency position of stressed and unstressed syllables are noted. With regard to Russian intonation, the transcription proposed by E. A. Bryzgunova has spread. Phonological transcription in this case is an indication of the number of the IC (intonational construction) above the vowel, which is the center of the syntagma; for example, the sentence "Her name is Natasha?" phonemically transcribed: "Her name is Nata 3 sha." Phonetic transcription - marking the relative height of syllables, the movement of tone on the vowel of the center, sometimes an indication of intensity. These qualities are conveyed by special graphic means, such as dashes, arrows, pause marks.

  • Zinder L. R., General phonetics, M., 1979;
  • Svetozarova N. D., Intonation system of the Russian language, L., 1982.

L. V. Bondarko.

Transcription practical- recording of foreign words by means of the national alphabet, taking into account their pronunciation.

Practical transcription is based on the rules for the transfer of graphemes or graphic combinations of one language by graphemes or graphic combinations of another language, and, unlike transliteration, these rules should take into account how graphemes and graphic combinations are pronounced in each case. Thus, English Berkeley should be transcribed in Russian texts either as "Berkeley" or as "Barkley", depending on the pronunciation. It is also possible to practice transcription of foreign words without referring to their graphic form (for example, in the case of an unwritten language), in which the rules for transferring directly phonemes or phonetic variants are used.

The existence of different rules or systems of rules leads to the emergence of transcriptional variants. The English grapheme a, denoting the phoneme /æ/, is transmitted by the Russian letters "a", "e" and "e", as a result of which the English. Stanley is found in texts in Russian as "Stanley", then as "Stanley", then as "Stanley".

One of the main requirements for practical transcription is the most accurate preservation of the sound image of the transmitted word, but along with this, practical transcription should, if possible, preserve the morphemic structure of the word, its graphic features (for example, the presence of doubled consonants), phonemic oppositions of the language to which the transmitted word belongs, as well as to ensure the ease of mastering this word, etc. These requirements often conflict with each other, as a result of which it is impossible to comply with them all at the same time. The choice of one or another requirement as the main one determines the preference for one or another transcription variant.

Practical transcription is carried out strictly on the basis of the alphabet of a given language without the use of additional characters. In practical transcription, incorrect or unusual use of graphemes and graphic combinations is allowed, but only if this does not prevent the reading of the word (for example, in practical transcription in Russian, combinations of graphemes are allowed, which are usually prohibited in spelling, for example, the combinations “I”, "yu" with hissing: Lit. Šiauliai - "Siauliai", French parachute - "parachute").

Practical transcription is used in cases where the translation of foreign words is impossible or undesirable for some reason, mainly when transferring proper names and terms. As a result of practical transcription, foreign words, without being translated, can be included in the text and generally function as words of a given language, that is, they are actually borrowed.

The term "practical transcription" was first used by A. M. Sukhotin in the article "On the transfer of foreign geographical names", in the book "Questions of Geography and Cartography" (Sb. 1, 1935).

  • Superanskaya A. V., Theoretical foundations of practical transcription, M., 1978;
  • Gilyarovsky R. S., Starostin B. A., Foreign names and titles in the Russian text. Handbook, 3rd ed., M., 1985.

Recording foreign names and titles using the Cyrillic alphabet. Example:

Transcription: Raspberry Rose -> Raspberry Rose

Practical transcription should be distinguished:

  • from phonetic transcription, which aims to both more accurately convey pronunciation by means of introducing special phonetic characters.
    Example, Phonetic transcription: Raspberry Rose -> [ˈræzˌberi roʊz ]
  • from transliteration, which respects the exact spelling (not sound) of a word.
    Example, Transliteration: Raspberry Rose -> Raspberry Rose
  • from semantic translation, which conveys the meaning (but not the sound and not the spelling).
    Example, Translation: Raspberry Rose -> Raspberry Blush

Translation options from Latin to Cyrillic

There are 3 types of word translation from Latin graphics to Cyrillic.

Trance literature does not care at all about how the transliterated word will sound. The main goal of transliteration is to make the Cyrillic word look as similar as possible to the original Latin word. As the name implies, transliteration, in it the word is translated letter by letter. Raspberry Rose -> Raspberry Rose

Between these two polar options lies the Practical Trans violin. Like phonetic transcription, it tries to keep the approximate sound of the word, but is limited to Cyrillic characters like transliteration.

These options are often confused with each other, considering everything to be a "transcription", although they are used for different purposes.

Choice between transcription and transliteration

In choosing between trans literacy and tran fiddling names of imported varieties, the main thing is that it is more important for us to keep:

  • or the appearance of the printed word - then we use trans literature
  • or the sound of a word - then we use tran violin.

Trance literature it is used when it comes to ordinary words that will remain in print - for telegrams, translating the initial letters of abbreviations, etc. Also, transliteration is indispensable when you have to translate into Cyrillic a foreign word from an unfamiliar language.

But it is customary to use tran for names and titles. violin. It is believed that the owner of an English name is more pleasant to hear his name sounding correctly than written in correct Cyrillic letters (which, moreover, he cannot read).

Choice between phonetic and practical transcription

Of the two transcriptions - phonetic and practical, practical transcription is more convenient for us. Let her not record the sound of a word as accurately as a phonetic transcription. But:

  • practical transcription manages with the available Cyrillic characters on the keyboard
  • any violet girl can read it without linguistic training.

Professionals use phonetic transcription, and the general public - practical:

  • only phonetic transcription is used in English lessons at school and in dictionaries
  • schoolchildren themselves often write down the sound of a word in a less accurate practical transcription, not worrying too much about the emerging accent. In phrasebooks and simple tutorials, all foreign phrases are also recorded exclusively in practical transcription.

How to do practical transcription

There are several ways to make a practical transcription of words from the name. I will list them in order of increasing accuracy.


If you create a registry entry about a variety with an imported name, but are not strong in the language, then use the letter-by-letter transliteration of the letters of the English word into Russian words to fill in the "Transcription" parameter. Even such an incorrect transcription (in fact, transliteration) will be a great help for those violets who do not know how to pronounce English names at all.

Later, the more fluent violet-women will remake your transliteration into a practical transcription.

Google Translator

With good hearing, you can directly record the sound of a foreign word in Russian letters.

Go to google translator. Specify the desired original name in the left window. In the same window, at the bottom left, you will see the speaker icon. Click on it. You can do this several times. Listen to the announcer pronounce the title. Write down what you hear in Cyrillic.

If the language of the title is not English, please tell Google Translator what language you want.

Practical transcription from phonetic

For more advanced transcription, go to the online English dictionary and enter the desired English word with a small letter. Get a page dedicated entirely to that word (If you don't see any information, try capitalizing the word). We are interested in:

  • loudspeaker button "Pronunciation". Press it several times to hear the exact pronunciation of the word.
  • to the right of the button there will be a phonetic transcription of this word written in the international phonetic alphabet, which will tell you how to pronounce this word.

It remains only to translate the word into Cyrillic, focusing on its sound and phonetic transcription.

Syllabic practical transcription

There are more than 40 characters of the international phonetic alphabet for 33 Cyrillic letters. Often the same phonetic sign can be written in different Cyrillic letters (lady/lady).

There are established rules on how to correctly write ambiguous syllables in Latin into Cyrillic.

practical transcription English, practical transcription of words
Practical transcription- recording of foreign names and titles using the historically established spelling system of the language into which they are transmitted. Practical transcription uses the usual characters (letters) of the receiving language without introducing additional characters. In practical transcription, the word is written in Cyrillic letters with an approximate preservation of its sound appearance in the original language, but also with possible consideration of the spelling in the original and established traditions.

Practical transcription should be distinguished from:

  • phonetic transcription, which aims to convey the pronunciation as accurately as possible by introducing special characters or diacritics;
  • transliteration, determined only by the original spelling;
  • translation or tracing paper;
  • direct inclusion of a foreign name or name in the original alphabet;
  • transfer of a foreign name in Latin letters (Latin transcription).
  • 1 Principles of practical transcription
  • 2 Practical transcription tables on Wikipedia
  • 3 See also
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Literature on practical transcription
    • 5.1 Directories
    • 5.2 Dictionaries (surnames and given names)
    • 5.3 Dictionaries (toponymy)
    • 5.4 Atlases of the world
  • 6 Links

Principles of Practical Transcription

Practical transcription simultaneously pursues several goals, sometimes contradicting each other:

  • approximate preservation of the sound image of foreign words;
  • reflection of the original spelling (for example, the transmission of doubling consonants, which is not reflected in speech);
  • reflection of the entire phonetic system of the original language, together with the system of sound oppositions;
  • taking into account language analogies (for example, Polish -ski and Russian -sky);
  • respect for established traditions.

The use of practical transcription is associated with certain costs. Since the sound structure of the receiving language differs from the source language, errors in the transmission of words are inevitable, the transmission of various source phonemes by the same letters with the loss of the difference in sounds. Practical transcription has changed and continues to change, often there is a discrepancy in the transfer of the same phoneme in various non-specialized publications. Therefore, when transferring foreign names and titles into Russian, it is recommended to use the latest editions of the specialized reference books listed below.

When transferring foreign-language names by means of the Russian language, combinations of letters that are unusual for it are possible. Such combinations also penetrated common nouns (bul yo n, couple shyu t, ke ndo), but there are many more such cases when transferring proper names ( shya hi, chiu rlionis, She nyxi, chan ah n and others). In many transcription systems, they try to avoid such combinations by writing Jack instead of "Jack" (Jack), Childer instead of "Childyr" (Çıldır), etc.

Practice transcription tables on Wikipedia

Language Article
Azerbaijani Azerbaijani-Russian practical transcription
Albanian Albanian alphabet
English English-Russian practical transcription
Arab Arabic-Russian practical transcription
(see also Arabic-Chechen practical transcription)
Basque Basque-Russian practical transcription
Burmese Burmese-Russian practical transcription
Bulgarian Bulgarian alphabet
Bulgarian-Russian practical transcription
Hungarian Hungarian-Russian practical transcription
Vietnamese Vietnamese-Russian practical transcription
Greek Modern Greek-Russian practical transcription
Danish Danish-Russian practical transcription
Indian languages
(Indo-Aryan and Dravidian)
Indian-Russian practical transcription
Icelandic Icelandic-Russian practical transcription
Spanish Spanish-Russian practical transcription
Italian Italian-Russian practical transcription
kannada Kannada-Russian practical transcription
Catalan Catalan-Russian practical transcription
Chinese Palladium Transcription System
Sino-Russian practical transcription
Cantonese-Russian practical transcription
Kurdish Kurdish-Russian practical transcription
Korean Kontsevich's system
Khmer Khmer-Russian practical transcription
Laotian Lao-Russian practical transcription
Latin Latin-Russian practical transcription
Latvian Latvian-Russian practical transcription
Lithuanian Lithuanian-Russian practical transcription
Macedonian Russian-Macedonian and Macedonian-Russian transliteration
Malay Indonesian-Malay-Russian practical transcription
Malayalam Malayalam-Russian practical transcription
Deutsch German-Russian practical transcription
Dutch (including Flemish) Dutch-Russian practical transcription
Norwegian Norwegian-Russian practical transcription
Persian Persian script
Polish Polish-Russian practical transcription
Portuguese Portuguese-Russian practical transcription
Romanian Romanian-Russian practical transcription
Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian Cyrillic alphabet
Slovak Slovak-Russian practical transcription
Slovenian Slovenian alphabet
Thai Thai-Russian practical transcription
Telugu Telugu-Russian practical transcription
Tibetan Tibetan-Russian practical transcription
Turkish Turkish-Russian practical transcription
Faroese Faroese-Russian practical transcription
Finnish Finnish-Russian practical transcription
French French-Russian practical transcription
Khakassian Khakass-Russian practical transcription
Croatian (Latin) Gajevica
Czech Czech-Russian practical transcription
Swedish Swedish-Russian practical transcription
(for Swedish proper names in Finland, see Finnish-Russian Practical Transcription)
Estonian Estonian-Russian practical transcription
Japanese Polivanov system

see also

  • Romanization
  • Transliteration of the Russian alphabet in Latin


  1. The term was first used in 1935 by A. M. Sukhotin in the book “Transfer of Foreign Geographical Names” in the collection “Issues of Geography and Cartography” (Moscow, 1935) and introduced into general use by A. A. Reformatsky (“Introduction to Linguistics”. M., 1947) - see the reference book of Gilyarevsky, p. 13.
  2. Practical transcription should be based on the principle of reflecting by means of the normal Russian alphabet not isolated sounds, but the phonetic systems of specific languages, taking into account the graphics adopted in each language, as well as interlanguage correspondences. When compiling a transcription scheme for the sounds of a language, it is necessary not only to look for the closest Russian sound correspondences to them, but also to strive to use the means of the Russian alphabet as economically as possible. It is necessary to reflect the system of sound oppositions of the transcribed language, if possible, by the system of sound oppositions of the Russian language and Russian letters.

  3. Gilyarevsky and Starostin, p. fifteen

Literature on practical transcription

Reference books

  • Practical transcription of family name groups / Gilyarevsky R. S. (ed.). - M.: Fizmatlit, 2004. - 224 p. - ISBN 5-9221-0480-2. - 6 European languages ​​plus Arabic, Chinese, Turkish and Japanese.
    • 2nd ed., add. M.: Nauka, 2006. 526 p. ISBN 5-02-033718-8. - 11 European languages ​​plus Arabic, Turkish, Hindi, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese and Japanese.
  • Gilyarevsky R.S., Starostin B.A. Foreign names and titles in the Russian text: A Handbook. - M.: International relations, 1969. - 216 p. - 18 European languages.
    • 3rd ed., rev. and additional M.: Higher school, 1985. 303 p.
  • Ermolovich D. I. Proper names at the junction of languages ​​and cultures. - M.: R. Valent, 2001. - 200 p. - ISBN 5-93439-046-5. - 23 languages, including Chinese and Japanese.
    • See #Links.
  • Ermolovich D. I. Proper names: theory and practice of interlanguage transmission. - M.: R. Valent, 2005. - 416 p. - ISBN 5-93439-153-4. - 22 European languages ​​plus Chinese, Korean, Turkish and Japanese.
  • Kontsevich L. R. Chinese proper names and terms in the Russian text. - M., 2002.
  • Proshina Z. G. Transmission of Chinese, Korean and Japanese words when translating from English into Russian and from Russian into English. - M., 2007. - 159 p. - ISBN 5-17-039946-4 (AST), ISBN 5-478-00404-9 (East-West).

Dictionaries (surnames and names)

  • Ermolovich D. I. English-Russian dictionary of personalities. - 3rd ed., add. - M.: Russian language, 2000. - ISBN 5-200-02711-X.
  • Rybakin A.I. Dictionary of English personal names: 4000 names. - 3rd ed., Rev. - M.: Astrel; AST, 2000. - 224 p. - ISBN 5-17-000072-3.
  • Rybakin A.I. Dictionary of English surnames. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Astrel; AST, 2000. - 576 p. - ISBN 5-271-00590-9 (Astrel), ISBN 5-17-000090-1 (AST). - About 22,700 surnames.

Dictionaries (toponymy)

  • Dictionary of Russian transcription of geographical names. Part 1: Geographical names on the territory of the USSR / Comp. M. B. Volostnova. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1955. - 132 p. - 25,000 copies. (in trans.)
  • Dictionary of geographical names of foreign countries. Approved by the GUGK under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Nedra, 1986.
  • Pospelov E.M. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary: About 5000 units / Resp. ed. R. A. Ageeva. - 2nd ed. - M.: Russian dictionaries, Astrel, AST, 2001. - S. 79. - 512 p. - 3,000 copies. - ISBN 5-17-002938-1.
  • Gorskaya M.V. English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary of Geographical Names. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Russian language, 1994. - 271 p.

Atlases of the world

  • "Atlas of the World" and "Small Atlas of the World" - it is recommended to use official atlases published after 1984 by the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography (now the Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography of the Russian Federation).


  • The list of official instructions for the transfer (transcription) of geographical names, the list of normative dictionaries of geographical names: on the site; on the site
  • Ermolovich D. I. Proper names at the junction of languages ​​and cultures. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011. Applications
  • English names in Russian translations. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  • Practical transcription of family names for machine-readable documents. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  • Roman Phonetic Transcription of English. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  • Transcriptor from several languages, including Welsh, Slovak, Czech. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  • Transcript from Russian to Chinese. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011. Other transcription directions
  • Berkov V.P. On the transmission of Icelandic proper names. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  • Transcription of names and geographical names from Lithuanian and Latvian into Russian. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  • Transcription of Chinese proper names (Putonghua and Cantonese) from several romanizations. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.

practical transcription English, practical transcription biology, practical transcription Russian, practical transcription of words

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