Zodiac horoscope for Aries man and woman. How to treat drug allergies

In 2016, Aries will become much wiser, in literally moving to a fundamentally new level, both in terms of worldview, and in terms of income, material wealth. It is important to immediately note the fact that in the year of the Fire Monkey in Aries, not all heavenly patrons will remain, as they say, in the ranks. But in reality this is not the most significant moment, and in practice it will only give Aries an additional incentive that will allow him to critical situation step over the motives, which in the end turned out to be fundamentally wrong. Be especially attentive to your loved ones, in 2016 one of them may need your help. And it will really important point one you haven't come across yet. And despite the fact that the whole year will pass under the banner of scientific and technological progress, one should not assume that simple human relationships will not matter now. On the contrary, the family, as a solid foundation that provides us with the necessary foundation, will now be more important than ever. Therefore, be especially attentive to those around you. At the same time, of course, Aries men and Aries women should pay attention to several different points.

Horoscope for 2016 Aries woman

The Fire Monkey for women born under the sign of Aries will become a guide to the world of emotions that they have never experienced. The main thing is not to be shy and follow your desires. In fact, in 2016 the women representing this zodiac sign can really learn, and most importantly, feel a lot of new things. And if for others this time period will pass under the sign heightened influence science and technological progress as such, then you should pay attention Special attention on personal progress, and not only on your own. In this sense, Aries-women who are engaged in teaching (or related) activities will reach special heights. The main thing - do not forget about why you are doing all this. And don't focus too much on other people's positions, because we are all too individual for it to make sense to take the opinion of another person as a basis. Are you smart and capable enough to make decisions on your own, so maybe it's time to move from contemplation to action?

Horoscope for 2016 Aries man

Aries men in 2016 will have to go through a fairly calm, harmonious time period. But here you immediately need to pay attention to one point: despite the fact that no significant shocks will happen to you, despite the fact that the stars do not predict really exceptional victories for you, you need to remember that, firstly, everything is relative, and secondly, only you determine the world in which you live. In other words, the Fire Monkey will help you realize yourself as a truly individual, independent being, tied to a very conditional social framework only to a relative extent. Do not forget that you need to focus on the best (objectively the best), even if you personally do not want to do this. It is not ashamed to ask for advice, it is not ashamed to admit that you are a layman in a certain area, it is a shame to fail when there was every chance to win. In 2016, Aries, representing the stronger sex, should not forget why they do something at all, why they strive for better world. Answering these simple questions, you will clearly define the vector of development for yourself and achieve significant results.

The horoscope for 2016 for the zodiac sign Aries is a generalized astrological forecast for 2016 for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Aries. For a more accurate representation of the events of 2016, we recommend making a personal horoscope for 2016. By ordering an individual astrological forecast for 2016, you will receive an accurate analysis of planetary aspects, their influence on your destiny throughout 2016. This and a significant advantage in the form of leadership, allowing you to more rationally manage events, taking optimal solutions to achieve the desired goals.
- Horoscopes for 2016 for the signs of the Zodiac:

  • Horoscope for 2016 Aries

An important period of realization of long-term plans associated with the trine of Saturn has begun for you. This aspect will be in effect until the end of 2017. It gives slow but steady growth. But only what is planted can grow. Specify goals, draw up a step-by-step plan to achieve them, and get involved in its implementation. Do not spread out, choose a key area and focus all your efforts on it.This is good period for training, advanced training, solving legal and legal issues. Everything related to mastering professional, business skills will be useful both now and in the future.

Until September 08, Jupiter will remain in your sixth astropolis. ATWe have to put things in order, make your work rhythm optimal and take care of your health, even if you feel great.You may have new job opportunities or improved working conditions.Businessmen will be able to rally a team of subordinates and increase productivity at work.Concentrate on practical things, on those small steps that will lead you to a distant goal. Do not neglect your health, any excess will have a bad effect on the body. If during this period you engage in recovery, you will bring yourself into good shape, and this energy will last for a long time.

D The period of shake-ups and cardinal changes connected with the series of eclipses that followed your sign in the previous two years and the Uranus-Pluto square is coming to an end for you. This pair of planets will still give you trouble until mid-spring and late 2016, although the exit from the sphere of eclipses makes these influences softer, as your choice space increases in difficult situation X. But there is no time to relax yet - March 23 moon eclipse in Libra, once again, for the last time, it will enter into opposition to your sign, putting on display the topics of competition, business and personal relationships, and the need to decide on them. At this time, the issue that was the background for the previous two years can be resolved for you. Carefully guard your secrets, in March they may be revealed and lead to problems in family or business relationships. Critical in this regard will be the days around March 23.

From September 09, Jupiter will move into your field of partnerships, cooperation, external relations and marriage, and will remain there until October 10, 2017. This period contributes to new acquaintances, active social life.You may be involved in the affairs of cultural, religious or political groups, as well as in education or more specialized training.You will benefit from working in partnership. This is a favorable period for settling legal disputes. Relations with foreigners, teaching, and consulting activities will be favorable.If you are looking for a life partner, go out more "in public", attend public events, expand the territory of your usual routes. In dealing with any issuestry to take into account the position of the partner, hear a different point of view, remember that relationships and cooperation are a two-way road.During this period, you will have a tendency to overestimate the prospects, not to take into account the "pitfalls", your expectations may be too high. Be optimistic but realistic.

More about some periods of the year.

From January 05 to January 25, Mercury will be retrograde in your career and status field, and from January 03, Mars will be in the eighth astropolis.Re-examination of pending issues now can lead to their successful resolution. In the first week of January, tension may arise in marriage or your social environment, conflicts are likely. Watch yourself carefully in dealing with people, especially on January 3-6. Do not conflict with those on whom you depend.Refrain from dubious acquaintances and risky transactions.If you act flexibly, the difficulties that have arisen may soon be resolved.In business, it is possible to cancel old contracts and conclude new ones. Issues of security, general finance and information preservation may need to be reviewed.On January 20-25, surprises will create a nervous and tense atmosphere, plans may change due to reasons beyond your control, deadlines may change.You can get the result of your previous efforts, understand how to move on, or decide to complete a project.Stay calm and don't make hasty decisions. In the first three weeks of January, old acquaintances should be preferred in personal and business life, since new acquaintances and new cooperation between January 05-26 will not be productive.

In February, you can meet a person who will have a strong impact on you and force you to change some of your views. This can also happen as a result of a conflict with this person. The second decade of February is favorable for business and trade transactions, negotiations. Your goals and objectives will be determined, and contacts will become more productive. In a marriage or business relationship, there may be situations related to the joint expenditure of finances. This is a good time for important purchases, but with investments and any investments based on future income growth, you need to be careful, because during the year the economic situation may change and what looks promising now may subsequently lose its attractiveness and profitability. The third decade of February is favorable for friendly and foreign contacts, the beginning of a new course of study. Good for long trips. Friendships can turn into romantic ones. Teamwork will be good social activity. AT last days February may be an attempt to draw you into intrigues, do not give in to provocations, your misconduct turn against you and become a long-term problem.

From March 07 to May 27 and from August 02 to September 27, your ruler Mars will be in trine to your sign. This is the time when questions will matter higher education, foreign contacts, trips. But the complexity of this transit is in the retro-loop of Mars. From April 17 to June 30, Mars will be retrograde. It will run between your eighth and ninth astropole. During this period, undertakings can get stuck in different kind obstacles, financial complications, the insecurity of those you rely on, or simply a lack of your strength. In new cases, everything can go longer and more difficult than it seemed at first. This can be especially true from April 28 to May 22 when Mercury also goes retrograde in your finance field. Difficulties are likely in travel, in paperwork, in foreign cooperation or in matters of higher education. From May 27 to June 30, the return of retro Mars to the eighth field can focus on security, shared finances, joint ownership, debt, and payments. Conflicts with partners on these issues are likely, the end of some financial relations is possible. This may be a crisis period, requiring a review of financial policy and bringing desires and opportunities into line. Do not use dubious means to achieve your goals and do not allow yourself to be drawn into dubious transactions and relationships, now there is a high risk of miscalculations and connection with scammers. This transit stimulates sexuality and the significance of the intimate side of the relationship. In the first half of June, romantic acquaintances are likely, but new connections will not be reliable and can cause disappointment. From April to July, try to resolve all disputes and conflicts by negotiating. The one who will initiate litigation from mid-April to the end of June, with a high probability of losing it.

From March 22 to April 20 stelliumin your sign will give determination and increase the need for change, but desires will be difficult to reconcile with the circumstances. Situations will incline to new initiatives, there may appear interesting ideas for new beginnings and ventures. But in fact, successful projects will be those that are designed for short term and fast completion. It is not worth making any long-term plans during this period, later circumstances may unfold in an unexpected way, goals and opportunities may change.

From July 05 you will have a good period for undertakings related to housing issues, for renting or buying real estate. In the middle of the month, the topics of the work will come to the fore, it will become clear which previous undertakings and projects are bearing fruit, and which ones will have to be curtailed as not justified. In the second half of July, new business and romantic acquaintances are favorable, the beginning of a new romance, long trips, the beginning of a new course of study. You will be able to find solutions to problems that previously seemed dead ends, but for this you need to move away from old patterns and approach issues from a practical side.

In the second half of August, in social or group work, you will have to take on additional responsibility, or, on the contrary, you will decide to leave the group or end your joint work. One way or another, your decisions in the second half of August will have an impact in the coming six months, so make your decisions carefully. In the last decade of August, especially around August 21-28, endurance and patience are needed, physical and psychological stress may increase, do not give vent to irritation in communication. Difficulties are likely on long trips and travels. Be careful while driving. At the end of the month, you will have interesting ideas, but it is better to postpone the launch of new business projects and important changes to the end of September, it is better to focus on daily affairs, which can be performed according to the usual scenario.

From August 30 to September 22, Mercury will be retrograde in your sixth astropole, and the solar eclipse on September 01 and the lunar eclipse on September 16 also fall on the sixth and twelfth astropoles. This period will focus on your daily duties and health issues. In the first half of September, the course of events can be influenced by factors that are difficult to control. A reorganization in work or a change in working conditions is likely. Unhealthy processes may be taking place in your environment. Be vigilant so as not to get involved in a scam. On September 09-12, relationships in marriage or business may be complicated due to disagreements over important issues. Show restraint and do not "cut off the shoulder." By mid-September, things that have been started before can give a result or come to an end. Be careful, at this time the secret can become clear, the machinations of secret ill-wishers are possible. But do not make hasty decisions, do not trust rumors and gossip. The impact of the events of September can be felt over the next six months. Therefore, a realistic view of what is happening is now important, it will help to avoid erroneous steps. Take care of your health, change your habits, diet and daily routine so you can keep fit.

From the last week of October to mid-December cooperation is favorable, new joint projects. Business and personal relationships that began in the first half of October are likely to be useful and important.

Now some clarifications on the deans.

If in 2015 you decided on long-term plans, this year will be the time for their gradual implementation. All the vicissitudes of heavy transits are over, but you have yet to decide on the relationships that are important to you. The last eclipse of the cardinal series falls on your decan - this is a lunar eclipse on March 23 in Libra - in the field of partnership and marriage. For the first three months of the year, dissatisfaction may accumulate in the relationship, which will intensify by March. Be patient - life will teach you lessons of tact and diplomacy. In the last decade of March, you may be more concerned about personal tasks, but you need to remember that your inattention can worsen relationships with companions and loved ones. Contracts or arrangements may be terminated or they will have to be changed in order to continue cooperation. This time important decisions or reasonable compromises. Family bonds will also be tested for strength, unstable family relationships may be at risk of divorce. This may be especially true for those born March 21-25. Pay attention to your health, stick to a reasonable schedule, and if you feel unwell, do not delay visiting a doctor.From September 09 to the end of October, Jupiter will be in the house of partnership, marriage and public relations and in opposition to your Sun. This period will bring a revival in matters related to personal relationships, business cooperation and the sphere of public relations. Will increase the desire to achieve success. At the beginning of October, you can enter into new agreements in business life, make decisions related to relationships or careers that will lead to change. It is possible to reorganize an old business or start new projects. To "resolve" contradictions and cope with stress, you will need endurance and patience. Sometimes your pressure can be excessive, it can bring contention into relationships that are important to you. This period is conducive to solving important problems, but the role of other people will be key, and cooperation and partnership will be an important topic. Do not demand too much from others and be realistic in assessing the prospects and opportunities.

Aries born on 1.04. - 10.04 (Sun 11°-20°, II decan of Aries)

Your decan has some of the toughest energies that Aries will have this year. Pluto's square will probe your decan until the end of 2018, but this year the main portion of this aspect will go to those born on April 05-08. The circumstances of this year may bring significant difficulties, but they will not be insurmountable. You may face pressure, fights with those who have influence and power, or question your influence or position. What you used to rely on may not provide the desired level of support and you have to start radical changes in those areas of life where not everything is going the way you would like.Whole last year Uranus was in your decan, bringing the wind of change into your life. This year Uranus will be in your decan until the end of April, but from the end of November to the end of January it will still influence the last degrees of the decan. Until the end of April, this aspect may give anxiety, unwillingness to put up with restrictions. You may have an unexpected breakup that will give you more freedom. You just need to remember that your decisions to end a relationship should not be spontaneous, ill-conceived, this is especially important in January and March-June.From January to the end of April, business affairs will be affected economic problems in the country.But you can withstand difficult situations if you show patience and a willingness to make certain concessions. This period can bring you a well-deserved reward, career advancement, if in the past you have shown perseverance, organization and discipline.

From October 22 to the end of December, Jupiter gives a period of potential opportunities, and in November-December, a favorable turn in business gives a trine of Saturn and Uranus. In business, transformations and reforms, innovations will be required. This approach will bring good result. Focus on more local issues and you will make progress. At this time, foreign contacts are favorable, the establishment of important business and personal ties. Good time to start education. There will be a chance to correct omissions in some cases, to solve legal, legal and partnership problems through official channels. This is the time for new initiatives in partnership, social relations and politics. When resolving business issues, act through official channels.

Aries, born 11.04 - 20.04 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Aries)

You have the main portion of transits of slow planets at the end of the year, and the astrological weather of the year will be created by Uranus. From mid March 2016until early March 2019he will be in your dean. Those who were born on April 09-11 have already felt its influence in 2015. Interest in new or well-forgotten old ideas will bring changes in your outlook on life. You may be looking for new ways to express yourself. Make sure that your desire for personal freedom respects reasonable limits, do not sacrifice personal safety and important relationships for the sake of rash impulses. In the first half of the year, accumulate strength and resources, and important steps it is better to plan for July, August and the period from October to mid-November. You should analyze what changes are needed so that you can fully reveal your personality. But in March-June, October and December, you need to make sure that your need for innovation does not destroy relationships that are important to you.

Saturn will trine your decan from mid-December 2016 until December 20, 2017. Decide on long-term plans. Jupiter will be at opposition from December 20 to the end of March 2017. In the second half of December, the opposition of Uranus and Jupiter can create instability in business and relationships. The aspect will manifest itself in full measure already in next year. During its period, the increased need for freedom and independence can become a problem for relationships, and opposing views and goals will create serious difficulties in marriage and partnership. But the trine of Saturn to Uranus will allow you to find a reasonable compromise in any circumstances, it gives constructive solutions.

In this forecast, I describe only the general trends of the year regarding solar sign. It cannot replace the individual horoscope for which I need exact date, time and place of a person's birth.

General horoscope for Aries for 2016

Horoscope 2016 promises Aries increased activity in all spheres of life. strong will and perseverance will be true allies in achieving your goals. Possessing great organizational skills, representatives of the sign will be able to prove themselves either in business or in social movements.
However, the stars warn that all decisions are in 2016 must be weighted. Aries are very independent in their work and do everything in their own way. If someone tries to intervene, they can simply “fall back” by suggesting that someone else follow these recommendations. This is where the “pitfalls” lurk - with their stubbornness and arrogance, Aries can ruin everything that has been achieved. As a result, some representatives of the sign will undergo drastic changes in 2016, and, perhaps, in certain areas of life, everything will have to start from scratch.

Aries career and finances in 2016

2016 is a busy year for Aries. However, it professional activity will bring happiness and good luck to the representatives of this sign. how men are Aries, and women, will derive great pleasure from the very fact of overcoming obstacles in the career field. All the energy and fearlessness of the planet Mars (the planet ruling Aries), and even in conditions, will leave an imprint on both the character and actions of the representatives of the sign.
Mars, an ancient symbol of war and violence, has a strong influence on the character of its “wards”, making courage and determination dominant. The representatives of the sign will break through all obstacles, not being afraid of numerous risks and dangers.
2016perfect for moving up the career ladder. Aries they will simply sparkle with spiritual energy, they will always be ready to offer new approaches and original solutions to the problem they are interested in. That would be even more flexibility! But Aries endowed with an invincible will, they are too self-willed, and only irrefutable facts can make them change their point of view. Hence the problems in relations both with colleagues and with superiors.
If during this period the representatives of the sign are aimed at success, then they should slightly “restrain” their impulsiveness, actions and decisions should be deliberate, since the ultimate goal should not be sacrificed for momentary success. Aries you should clearly see the goals they are striving for, and direct your energy in the right direction.
2016 in financially generally favorable period for Aries. Only the end of the year will force you to tighten your belts. Representatives of the sign should not take loans from banks, as well as borrow money from friends and acquaintances.
Aries have the gift of attracting money and, at 2 016, will make good money. However, the propensity for extravagance and extravagant spending can seriously empty the wallet.
These people are very practical, managing other people's capital, but natural impulsiveness can push them headlong into a new financial project that is interesting to them. Due to unbridled generosity and passion for grandiose plans, people of this sign can lose a large sum, and therefore the financial situation in 2016 may be changeable.

Aries personal life in 2016
In terms of personal life for single Aries, 2016 is a bright, stormy, emotional period. Passions will boil serious. All this is not bad, but you will dream about love, tenderness and understanding, you will really need them, but achieving them is the most difficult for you. To do this, you need the person who would share your ambitions. You are extremely independent by nature and are very annoyed if by the will of circumstances you are forced to obey someone.
2016 will give Aries a meeting that has every chance of being fateful. The main thing is not to rush things and in any situation you should remain calm, then everything will surely work out.
Family Aries in 2016 will try to maintain the status of the head of the family in the full sense of the word. If this fails, quarrels will arise in relations with the second half. Do not let emotions take over, listen to the advice of your partner, and life will become more stable and orderly. “Slow down” if the relationship is truly dear to you.

Aries health in 2016
will give Aries amazing physical strength and endurance. And it is the excess vitality can lead to illness - carried away by work, representatives of the sign will not be able to stop in time.
Stubbornness, the desire to fulfill the plan despite adverse circumstances can lead to disappointment. This will cause irritability, impatience, overwork and nervous exhaustion, which will lead to chronic gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, the cardiovascular system will also suffer.
AT 2016 representatives of the sign need to learn how to save energy, lead a more measured lifestyle, so as not to tempt fate.
Aries will be more or less susceptible to colds and inflammation. Useful to do exercise, preferably in the fresh air, as well as avoid alcohol and other stimulants - the emotional nature of people of this sign does not require stimulants, but strict control.

What's new in 2016 for the fair sex? In the year of the Monkey, an Aries woman is expected big changes. Changes will occur due to the influence of Saturn and will be positive. A woman should be ready for them, both physically and mentally.

If the Aries woman can adequately prepare herself for the changes, namely, she will work on self-development and self-esteem (although most often in Aries it is overestimated and develops into pride), then the year will be a turning point and always memorable.

In general, the horoscope of the Aries woman for 2016 is very changeable. Namely, everything will depend on the representative of the sign itself.

This year, you need to take everything into your own hands, discard unnecessary far-fetched problems. The Year of the Monkey for some women of this sign will be a turning point, dividing your life into “before” and “after”.

The representatives of the weaker sex, as never before, must be astute and far-sighted. Think and analyze more, perhaps new abilities will open up, but do not be afraid of cardinal changes.

The horoscope for 2016 for Aries suggests being more confident and everything will definitely work out. In general, the year will be full of love experiences and financial success. So, let's begin.

Love horoscope for Aries

In 2016 love horoscope Aries woman promises a sea of ​​love and romance. But do not take any affair seriously. Already the beginning of the year, namely January 2016, promises changes for this sign.

disintegrated couples romantic Venus will give a second chance. There is an opportunity to reunite. The couple will be able to agree, reconsider their relationship and live a second honeymoon.

But do not flatter yourself, such unions, unfortunately, are not very strong and not long. By the end of the year, the separation will happen again. It is worth all the same to understand and accept that the past is in the past.

For single Aries women, a cold January will help to meet their long-awaited soul mate, and possibly a new disappointment. So be careful. The Aries woman will finally feel her looseness and seductiveness.

For the Aries woman, the 2016 love horoscope promises incredible romantic adventures on the summer holiday. You will enjoy 100% attention of the opposite sex.

Women of this sign should take a closer look at the Pisces men. They, like no one else, will be able to endure the explosive nature of the Aries woman. But the Aries-Aries union will not bring anything good. The woman will eventually crush the man of this sign with her authority, and he will simply leave.

Virgo men also the best choice for our sign, the fire of the Aries woman will not find return from such a man. If the union still manages to be preserved, then they will still remain strangers to each other, since love for them is different concepts.

The love horoscope of the Aries woman for 2016 promises us many changes: perhaps you will fall in love or reunite with your loved one. Regardless of the circumstances, it all depends on you. Try to diversify your long-established relationships. Add more romance, more sex and you will look at each other with new eyes.

Family horoscope

In 2016, Aries women should spend more time focusing on their family rather than their careers. Your loved ones, more than ever, will need attention and support. There may be misunderstandings with the spouse, as a result of which conflicts may arise. Even relatives will be involved in scandals and squabbles.

The horoscope advises directing the overly active energy of the Aries woman in the right direction. You can do homework.

Do something nice for your family. Suggest new ideas for home improvement, together with your husband, buy something necessary for your family nest. Try to rearrange the furniture, make repairs.

If you do not have children yet, then at the end of 2016 you should think about this issue. Your life will sparkle with new colors, the main thing is to think not only about yourself, but also about the feelings and desires of others.

Financial horoscope for Aries

Financial position throughout 2016 for the Aries woman will constantly change. In the first half of the year there is some instability. But do not worry in advance. You just need to wait.

Closer to the summer financial condition improve, and your business will go uphill. AT summer period you should refrain from expensive trips and rash spending. There will be additional income.

But you should not immediately scatter money, but it is better to think about investing in something worthwhile. Unforeseen expenses may arise in the second half of the year. In general, throughout the year it is not recommended to take loans and lend.

In December, the Aries woman will finally receive a well-deserved financial reward for her frugality and responsibility. In general, the year 2016 for Aries women is quite even financially.

Aries career in 2016

The year of the Monkey will be especially successful for creative professions: writer, poet, journalist, artist, designer. For those who have not decided on a place of work, astrologers advise doing this before April 2016.

Otherwise, further searches will be difficult. The situation will improve only by September. It should immediately be noted that for a favorable career development, it is necessary to establish relationships with colleagues, as well as with superiors.

If an Aries woman is the owner own business, then it is time to put things in order in the documents, as the year will be full of checks by financial authorities.

Health Horoscope

The period of 2016 for Aries women is quite difficult. In pursuit of a career, you may not notice a deterioration in your health. Try to rest more and be less nervous.

You just need to overcome in yourself even the makings of depression and despondency. Take care of your own health and beauty. Walk more, go to the gym, swimming pool, sauna and beauty salon. Try to avoid alcohol, fatty and sweet foods.

People born under the sign of Aries belong to the fire element. Most Aries are characterized by such qualities as increased emotionality and impulsiveness. Aries will always strive for leadership. Sometimes it's cheeky. Aries are very energetic and active, bold, assertive. But with all this, often do not bring the matter to the end. Such natures have a very strong character. Often Aries are deprived of even a small share of diplomacy. Work is an important part of Aries life. They make good doctors and leaders. But often Aries is hindered by an excessive tendency to despotism.

2016 promises to be an extremely favorable year for all representatives of the Aries sign. This year will be very active, and Aries is very fond of it. Therefore, already from the first days of January, it is worth thinking about your plans for coming year. Attempts to change your life, whether in work or in the family, will be successful. But the desire to return to the past for Aries will not turn into luck.

The horoscope for 2016 for Aries recommends moving forward as actively as possible. This applies not only winter period. In the spring, don't lose your enthusiasm either. At the same time, it is better to be a little more careful in communicating with others. Do not forget that the Fire Monkey will become the patroness of the year. To Aries, she is not very supportive and may begin to put spokes in the wheels. Therefore, all their steps, especially in relation to finances, Aries should calculate in advance, act carefully and meaningfully. A monkey can easily push you to financial losses. Otherwise, this animal will not be able to cause any harm to Aries.

Aries horoscope for men

2016 promises Aries men unexpected financial gains and well-being in family life. There will be some awkward moments as well. Part of the money will have to be spent on unexpected expenses. The first six months will be a real test for Aries men. The competition will reach its limit. The willpower of Aries will be seriously tested. You have to show all your professional knowledge and skills to the fullest. The horoscope for 2016 for Aries men still recommends trying to resort to a trait that is absolutely not characteristic of this sign - to diplomacy.

There is no need to take out the disappointments and negativity received at work on your family. It won't lead to anything good. The second half of the year will allow Aries to achieve their goals, thereby satisfying their ambitions. Be careful when doing this. No need to rashly take risks, you should rely only on your real possibilities. The personal life of Aries men promises to be bright and rich in 2016. This is especially true of relationships that began at the beginning of the year.

Engage in socially beneficial activities whenever possible. You may even find new way earning money, something that has not previously been studied by you. At the same time, the horoscope does not recommend conducting activities of an illegal nature, engaging in fraud in business. All this will lead to great disappointment.

Aries men who are engaged in politics, scientific and teaching activities and creativity will have particular success in all their endeavors. People in the above areas of activity will be able to move up the career ladder. All their efforts and merits will finally be appreciated.

Aries horoscope for women

The horoscope for 2016 for Aries women is filled with surprises. This year will be a little adventurous for you. You will find yourself at the epicenter of intrigue and gossip. But it won't harm you in any way. Aries women are expected to travel, unplanned before. You may even start a holiday romance. The desire to change the usual rhythm of life is welcome. If you want to change the field of activity, then the beginning of 2016 will be for this best time.

No need to cooperate with people who do not inspire confidence. It's better not to tie any business relations with strangers inviting to take part in any suspicious projects and promising mountains of gold for this. But creativity, cultural and social activities will bring you not only success, but also spiritual satisfaction. Work creative natures will finally be appreciated and encouraged by the long-awaited profit.

Love affairs should be treated with caution. Aries women immerse themselves in new relationships completely. Getting out of this story will be extremely difficult.

Horoscope Aries for 2016 of the Fire Monkey

Aries horoscope for 2016 for women born under the sign of the Monkey Eastern calendar, promises to be generally successful. But at certain moments, the Monkey will still try to harm Aries a little. The main enemy will be your own carelessness. Frivolity can inspire you to ill-considered actions or words. Be careful in your actions and thoughts. Otherwise, you may lose your job, money or loved one. The key to success in 2016 for you will be caution, wisdom and prudence. Your happiness and well-being in the coming year directly depends on you.

The Aries horoscope for 2016 for women born under the sign of the Snake will become stable and predictable. Work, study, develop and all your efforts will be generously rewarded. No need to try to deceive someone, make a profit in a dishonest way. You will only make things worse for yourself. But on love front changes are possible. Cherish your happiness. If you want to see a faithful caring person nearby, then try to give him reciprocal feelings in return.

For Aries, born under the sign of the Boar, the coming year will be very favorable: take-off on the career ladder, unexpected profits, increase in income. In the family field, Aries-boars are also waiting for pleasant changes: the creation of a family or the long-awaited birth of a child.

Love horoscope for Aries

The love horoscope for 2016 for both women and men promises well-being. Already at the beginning of the year you can meet your soul mate. This relationship will develop very quickly, and you will have to decide whether to move on or it does not make any sense.

Aries, who have already started a family, can be calm in 2016. Astrologers do not predict any changes. The year will pass quietly and measuredly. But if your soul mate is a representative of the fire element, just like you, you should be extremely vigilant. The daily routine can quickly bore both of you and even lead to the breakup of the family. For marriage, 2016 is perfect time. The created family will become durable and strong.

In the summer of Aries, especially women, a sudden romance awaits. A new passion will be short-lived. But it can seriously harm you. So don't be tempted to follow your feelings.

Career for Aries in 2016

In 2016, hard-working Aries who have achieved success in the past will consolidate these results. In a career, success and ups await. But do not lose vigilance. Beware of envious and unscrupulous colleagues, do not be too frank with them. The most favorable time for the career of Aries will be the end of the first half of the year. But at the beginning of autumn, you should be the most careful and attentive - this is the most dangerous time. All troubles can happen just then. But adversity will pass and the end of the year will again please you with new successes.

Family Outlook for Aries in 2016

Family relations of Aries in 2016 will become a crisis. This applies not only to the second half. Relationships can deteriorate with relatives and friends. And the main character trait of all Aries is to blame for everything - stubbornness. Moderate your ardor, become a little more condescending and compliant if you want to keep peace in your family.

At the beginning of the year, conflicts may arise due to rudeness on the part of Aries. Try not to offend your loved ones, do not hurt their vanity and pride. In the second half of the year, quarrels arise due to material disagreements or domestic troubles. Listen to the advice of astrologers, be diplomatic in these matters.

Aries health in 2016

In 2016, Aries are advised to be careful about their health. Pay attention to yourself. If something worries, it is better to consult a doctor in advance. In 2016, the risk of colds and infections will increase for you. If you are a follower active rest or love sports, then beware of injuries. Perhaps it is better to abandon these hobbies altogether for a while.

Monthly horoscope Aries for 2016


The horoscope for January 2016 for Aries promises to be very active. If you are not satisfied with your earnings, then this is the best time to change jobs. Get plenty of rest, for Aries this is very important. The charge of energy received on vacation will have a beneficial effect on your ability to work.


February for Aries is a period of financial difficulties. Don't despair and don't give up. These are temporary difficulties and the situation will change very soon. You may feel tired and lethargic, but don't let these feelings take over. Act, look for a way out of the situation, and it will certainly be resolved in your favor.


March promises to bring some financial stability. Troubles will begin to recede, and your mood will improve. At the beginning of spring you will feel a new surge of energy. Opportunities for additional income will open at work.


In April, Aries expects a significant rise in his career. Your financial situation will improve significantly. Perhaps by the summer you will allow yourself to make a long-awaited trip abroad. But in order to achieve such success, you will have to work very hard.


In May, Aries will be able to relax a bit. The beginning of the month is a great time to get away from work and household chores, giving yourself the opportunity to relax. In the second half of the month, you will have to return to active work. Aries have very good analytical skills. Therefore, other people's mistakes will only spur them not to make their own.


In June, Aries will experience some difficulties. But their ability to work at this time will reach its peak. Interest in work will increase significantly. Thanks to this, Aries will not only solve all their problems, but will also become more resilient. Difficulties will allow them to expand their horizons, gain new knowledge, skills and experience.


July will be a fateful month for Aries, who have not yet found their soul mates. Astrologers advise Aries to devote the first half of the month to rest and personal life, and in the second to return to active work. This month you will gain financial stability, but unfortunately not for long.


August will be the best time for Aries to implement all their planned projects. The financial situation will not be very stable, but there will be a sharp rise in work. This month you will meet new people who will become close to you, share their experiences and give you useful advice.


In September, Aries is not recommended to start new business without having enough money to do so. The case can only bring losses. So don't do anything reckless. Don't waste money unnecessarily. In terms of personal life, September will bring you new acquaintances, which will become very important for you.


October will be very diverse for Aries different professions. People working in budget organizations may not expect any changes in terms of finances. But businessmen expect significant losses. Working conflicts with colleagues and management are possible. The reason for this will be the intractable temper of Aries. Therefore, it is better to forget about your stubbornness for a while and become more diplomatic.


November can bring Aries significant financial losses. But do not panic and do rash acts. Do not start any new projects, especially with untested partners. In order to avoid trouble, Aries should become more calm, abandoning their usual activity. Do not ignore advice and offers of help from your loved ones.


December is the month when Aries will be able to analyze their mistakes. In December, Aries will become active and energetic again. Don't turn down great deals. In December, you will be able to profit even from your vacation. The end of the month is best spent with family, friends and loved ones.

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