Scorpio disappeared how to react. If a scorpio ignores how to behave - horoscope scorpio man - linda goodman, book "solar signs

He just keeps silent about it and does not talk to me about our relationship at all. But remember that if there is anyone who can resist such attention from women, then this is your Scorpio. This refers to the sting of the Scorpion. He disappears and appears when he wants to and when I least expect it. There are Scorpios who can live without any comfort, but the true nature of this sign is sensuality.

If you fall in love with a Scorpio and the word passion scares you, put on your sneakers and run as fast as if the devil himself is chasing you. And so it is. I don't mean romantic passion, although that may be at the head of everything. Scorpio is passionate in everything: in friendship, in politics, work, food, children, relatives. This is the rare type of man who can drink pure alcohol and partake of the rude male jokes, and then turn into a gentle and gentle lover for a woman.

Smile back, even if it kills you. I warned you that Scorpio does not reveal his motives for which he does something. And this tendency to cruelty is not pacified by love, over the years it can even intensify.

Scorpio will never allow his wife to dictate anything to him. He is a man and you are a woman. A woman must be very brave to live with him and not break. And try not to live only for them, although it is very difficult, even sometimes simply impossible. Mind your own business and play the “game” according to its rules, only innocently and not brightly, because. Scorpios are very sensitive and will get to the bottom of you even before you think of something.

My biggest fear is that this person will never get serious or one day disappear forever. Yes, we live separately, each with his parents (unfortunately). And what I just didn’t try in relation to him - angered, teased, and made me jealous.

This is not the person that suits your psyche if you are repelled emotional stress. You'll think I'm crazy when you meet this man. So he gives the impression of a person even and calm. And how can anyone suspect that a person with such self-control can be passionate and even dangerously passionate?

And all the ambulances are useless. Know exactly who you are dealing with. If your own sign has given you a concrete nature that is not afraid of fire, then please get carried away and play with this dynamite. What is hidden behind these hypnotic, piercing Scorpio eyes? Either you thought he was nice and funny, or you thought he was a perverted and passionate person.

This man is invincible. If you are lucky, the lid of this cauldron will be permanently closed for a long time. The intellect and the emotions govern it equally. He is more than smart. This is a deeply philosophical nature, interested in the mysteries of life and coming close to the answers. He is prone to excess in food, drugs, alcohol, and of course, in love. Love never catches him unprepared.

He may brutally torture a woman before he decides to grab her by the hair and drag her into his jungle. He does not tolerate anything cheap and ridiculous, despite his exotic nature. His courageous and strong nature reaches its peak at such moments. He is rarely subject to envy and self-pity. And he does not believe that life and its difficulties are exactly what he was born for.

But on the other hand, there is no such quality in him as to forgive, to submit to anything, or simply to be careful. This is one of his entertainments. He rarely shows his true emotions in front of everyone, but together with you he can say what he really thinks.

He is jealous FRIENDLY, but he never shows it and does not tell anyone about it, especially to me. He has one way out of all situations - just disappear until everything boils over. I don't want to put up with it, but I've been putting up with it for so many years. I'm afraid that this person will never become serious in spite of all his and my feelings. After meeting a Scorpio, your heart may ache for months, or maybe years.

Scorpio is one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac. You can hear a lot of impartial things about such a person from “knowledgeable” people. Like, they are all cruel, live only for themselves and periodically like to sting their loved ones, and even themselves.

However, for those who believe in horoscopes, there are no unambiguously negative or positive characters in the starry sky. So Scorpions are attributed not only negative, but also positive properties character.

For example, they are sexually attractive, can be loyal, and are even willing to lay down their lives for a greater cause. Yes, it should be hard with such a person, but it is he who will be able to lift his partner to the heights of Olympus a. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are puzzling over how to fall in love with a Scorpio man, because with bare hands you won't take it.

Seduction Technique

With regard to Scorpios, seduction techniques work perfectly. He will not appreciate the devotion in the eyes, evenness and gentleness of character. You have to worry him every day, and for this you have to be tough. Today you are just a priestess of love, In whose eyes the fire burns. You agree to the most daring experiments. And tomorrow - a nun who does not care about earthly affairs. Today you confess your love and devotion to him, but soon disappear from his horizon without answering calls and SMS. A girl who behaves in this way will never get tired of Scorpio.

Play Fair

Scorpio is very perceptive, so if you are going to play with him, everything must look real.- passion and chastity, the heat of love and the cold of detachment. As soon as he feels fake, interest will disappear once and for all, so do not get involved in the game until you weigh the pros and cons.

Don't give up without a fight

To seduce a Scorpio, you must pretend that you are being conquered, and not vice versa. The longer you resist, the more desirable victory will be. To keep him interested throughout impromptu warfare, you must show what is worth fighting for. And this means that occasionally you can afford a little more than usual. Skillfully use "casual" touches, seductive outfits, exquisite jewelry and perfumes.

Keeping a scorpion is not easy

As soon as the guy of this sign fully reveals the woman, he immediately loses interest in her. Therefore, in there should always be an element of innuendo in your relationship so that he would like to understand and unravel you day after day. You should be as mysterious to him after a year of dating as you were when you first met. Then you will be able to fall in love with Scorpio and build with him

    How not to believe in horoscopes....

    How did this get me. No strength. Generally speaking, he is a good person. But these swings just got it. Maybe like this: for a week I love the nigga, it rings every day, the very care and attention, love and tenderness. Then all of a sudden, after some kind of telephone conversation, he is gone for a week, the second one passes, is silent, does not call. And the day before it is obligatory: "Is it fashionable to call you tomorrow? I will call!" And that's all. Then, after two (or maybe three) weeks, it turns out quite by accident that I hurt him with something in a conversation! and thus it closed. But it is still very unlikely that he will tell like this. In most cases, just: "Huh? What? Yes, I was very busy ..!" And then again: "I can't live without you", etc.

    Yes, this is understandable. Something else infuriates me: inconsistency and unpredictability. I can’t do it myself like this: blaze towards a person, use it, push it, and suddenly once and shut up for a week or two. If I'm ushi-pusi, then I feel bad without him, I'll call, I'll ask. And he CAN do that. Well, you think you fell out of love, "that's it, the end" and then he is announced, as if nothing had happened, and so passionate, so gentle. Maybe I’m too straightforward (or just stupid?), But I don’t understand: if a woman is not so dear to you, find a woman with whom you won’t be silent like that and disappear, so no!

    Yes, he gave me 1 time, after he got jealous (which I didn’t even dream about!), But he didn’t give a look at all, as always, and as always he disappeared. I just demanded an explanation. he denied for a long time, like "was busy", and then "YOU HURT ME, I SUFFERED, I DID NOT WANT TO SUFFER ALONE." How are you?

    If you don't like him like that, find someone else. What is the problem? No need to try to understand the Scorpions. You either accept them or you don't. And the same with other characters. It's just not your type.

    If only everything was that simple. "Oh, if it were possible, if only it were possible for the heart to fall out of love on its own ..." when he is sweet, loving, caring, it seems that you just cannot live without this, such reciprocal tenderness rolls over, such love And every time after another muzzle on the table, exactly the same hatred rolls. Anger... "Well, why is it like this with ME?? For what? Doesn't he see that he's hurting?" And he sees great. And even, it turns out, SPECIALLY does ... (((

    I always tell him everything, unlike him, about what I don’t like, about how we can fix it ...., I talk about everything. I'm just such an open person, I don't like omissions, secrets. And he... I think he lives it. He can even do something, well, such a cold shower so that (“I want you to be happy WITHOUT me!”), If he leaves and suffers without me, so that I suffer too.

    Not only Scorpios

    The author, I now have a tramp with a calf: a person may not even answer SMS, disappears, and without offense to different ones, that's just .. There was a whole topic here recently about calves and such behavior.
    I myself am a Scorpio, but I behave like you: if a person is dear, well, or fell in love, then I behave evenly, I don’t disappear (although sometimes I want to “vanish” in order to experience his feelings, but I can’t stand it: I write and call)
    But I can say that the Scorpios (I judge by myself and my friend) in a relationship like this: we can’t make everything go smoothly, sometimes we ourselves start something so that there is a shake-up for both .. for the life of me, I don’t know how it happens and what for do we do it. Well, we ourselves sometimes "eat" ourselves and turn into ashes ... then we are reborn. Wild but so

    Not true! Scorpios, if they love, are very loyal and devoted.
    In general, if you have become the object of love of a scorpion, then you should know that he is drowning in you with his head !!!
    That is why things that are insignificant for you can hurt a scorpion very globally.
    Another problem that is important to understand is that scorpions are very secretive and they try not to show this crazy love by all means. If at some point he opened up, and you accidentally or specifically gave him a blow on the top of his head, then yes, such a reaction as you described is possible - an abyss to punish so that she regrets what she did ... then try to forget you ... and then I can’t stand it myself and rush off as if nothing had happened, wishing with all my heart that all bad things end as soon as possible and you never hurt him again.
    Scorpios just won’t talk about love, they can’t lie about it. Most likely, he just doubts you, does not trust you, if you gave him the opportunity to show his feelings openly .... WOW! hold on! better than a lover can't find it for sure!

    But what are you all about yourself and about yourself? You tell him that it is important for you to talk about him and it is important for you to know why he does not call. For a change, ask something about his feelings, and do not rumble about your own.

    Yes??? And I'm just a Taurus Well, wow ... I'm very predictable. Moreover, I am also punctual, I hate being late, making someone wait (it doesn’t matter if it’s a loved one or just an acquaintance). Maybe that's why it just pisses me off when they make me wait and make me nervous. And I KNOW he's doing it on purpose. Maybe he likes to maintain passion in this way, so that everything boils, so that I doubt, and not rest on my laurels, like, he loves and will not go anywhere. Don't know. It's just that, despite the feelings, it has become hard to endure.
    And every time it passes and he behaves like a loving bunny, you think, well, everything, everything has changed and will not happen again ..... and still EVERYTHING repeats itself again.

    the peculiarity of scorpions is unpleasant in that if he is sick (and mental illnesses are very difficult to determine even professional doctor- schizophrenia genes are a very common phenomenon and a person behaves completely adequately, but there are "overshoots") With such a scorpion, you can break your life and health. TC, all the features of this sign are superimposed on their illness - it can be such cruelty from scratch for you and there will be no way out of this for you. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about if at the beginning of a relationship you have a conflict with him and see what to expect. Multiply this reaction by about 10 and look at your "possible marriage" scandals.
    In this regard, this sign is well suited
    "Do not ask if he drinks, ask what is in the hop"

    I analyze myself: I can do something with a specialist, including when I lack confessions from a partner. For example, I hurt him with some statements (I myself guess or know that this is not so) in order to force him to say what I want to hear.
    I can, t.z. Here’s what else to say to you in support or armament: when a scorpion says that everything is OK, he can start doing similar numbers (I already wrote in the previous post), but as soon as the partner cools down (Scorpio sees and feels it) - that’s it, scorpion begins to suffer - how so, they abandoned me, but they don’t love me anymore, but I became unnecessary - and starts attacking the partner. Moreover (attention here), even if he doesn’t need a person, in this case we only need to make sure that the partner is burning again, wants, loves, but then we don’t know what to do with this partner. I discussed this topic with a friend: she had a situation with a man in the past: he was drawn to her, and at first she too, but then she realized that he was not her hero, cursed, etc. in short, he stepped aside, almost sent. So she was exhausted all: call him, they say, just ask, but why, but how could he do that, etc. And I told her: zay, well, ok, we will achieve it again, and then what? Everything will be the same. By the way, I procrastinated my first husband like a calf: he loved me very much, I didn’t share his feelings, so I did everything, but I didn’t let go of myself. And he doesn’t call (she sent him off once again, for example), but no, I’ll call and force him to come with all sorts of things or say that he is bored, etc. Everything, I'm already fine, because. I understand that he is mine.
    Another thing is, if Scorpio loves, then just for a shake-up, he can do something special. I myself will write a text message with a clue or, like, offended, everything, they say, everything is clear to me, etc. ...... and I'm waiting, well, when will they convince me of the opposite ... I'm suffering, I want to call, write .. but I can't be silent for a long time, if to people. Feelings are, through several. days, if they don’t call me, they don’t write to me, I myself come up with a neutral excuse to talk ... and so on.
    What am I all this for: isn't he just playing with love?
    Here I know loving calf(I wrote above about 1 husband) - how devoted and monogamous he was, but now she got a calf, the cat, apparently, doesn’t really burn with feelings for me, so he gets in, plays with me (moreover, I’m 70% sure that he is a specialist so he does not allow himself to fall in love, because he is unlikely to give me what I need, so he does not want to suffer later).
    I've written a lot, I hope this helps you figure it out somehow.

    You know, everything you write, I understand. And I see. Does... I don't know. Sometimes it seems to me that whether a scorpion loves or just has fun, in both cases he cannot live without a game. And you are now confirming it. It turns out that you played with the first, unloved, and play with the second, more beloved.
    Of course, I also accept the rules of his game with my scorpion. But... I still can't enjoy it. Yes, she disappeared, or refused to speak - no time, I'm in a hurry! - on purpose, yes, for some time I realized that I can "make" it too .... but it still doesn't bring me pleasure. I'm in this situation - it's not me. I play along with him, so as not to be completely accessible to such an inaccessible one.
    Tellingly, I even have such a girlfriend - a scorpio. Completely unreliable person, absolutely. It is useless to arrange a meeting with her - there will never be this meeting when agreed. Or cancel immediately, or call the day before with some urgent business, etc. She doesn’t need love torments from me, but she behaves just as unpredictably. But a friend of Cancer, for example, is exactly the same as me. If we agree on something with her, I KNOW for 100 percent - she will never let you down. Even if for some reason he cannot, he will call in advance, apologize a hundred times and will worry. Not so with the scorpion...
    Thanks for the advice. But I think, by and large, that he loves me, but he loves himself and his games much more, and he will never be able to live without them (((. Therefore, it is unlikely that I will need knowledge of his psychology. Just when you love, regardless of the sign, it is unlikely can you get on your nerves like that. And, most importantly, FOR WHAT? (((

    Yes, to be honest, such thoughts (about something like illness) came to my mind when he left once and on the eve of all his ears buzzed that he would call EVERY day, and even several times. once a day, which he probably won’t be able to do without me and will return earlier and stuff like that. Left and WEEK neither hearing nor spirit. I freaked out, to be honest. Because I just couldn’t believe it, he despaired too sincerely that he wouldn’t be able to live without me for so long .... And, of course, at the end of the week, thinking “has something happened ???” I called myself .... What do you think? "I've just been very busy," he replied. Of course, I could not stand it, broke loose, expressed everything that I think, hung up. And then they began to literally peck me with calls and sms. That is, the time that was not "found instantly. That's when I thought, well normal person(not sick) can behave like this at all?

    The fact of the matter is that for no reason. And I understand you perfectly: even now such relationships are not good for me, but to the detriment. This is probably why I choose in life those who go to me, in whom I am sure that he loves, is attached, etc.
    If you are sure that he loves, talk to him: sometimes a heart-to-heart talk softens such cat and mouse. Or find out something else for yourself. Good luck to you


    What nonsense. And what about the scorpion? Men of any sign love to play like that. And scorpions are different. I have lived with a scorpion for many years, I have never done anything like this.

    Oh, I remembered the film, recently walked, with Yulia Menshova in Ch. roles: she is there with a pier. people twisted, promised him everything that she would come home to live (like from under the crown she would run away to him), and then she was going to run away from her man from Naples to the ship to him .. and so sincerely, so! .... (maybe they looked ?)
    No, well, since you wrote here, you can’t find time, but promise it. Here, either some kind of BDSM on a spiritual level (it torments you and yourself like that) or 20% sympathy 80% game. I don’t want to upset you, but there is little smell of love here: even if I don’t love a person, I am drawn to him, and I will call and write, no matter how busy I am. By the way, I can also breed uti-pusi: both zaya and lapula, and how I adore him, and how good he is, and how good it is for me, etc. (although there is no love, there is sympathy, but in words I embellish). BUT: I won’t throw the word LOVE while playing (there is a substitute for this - I love it, like a feeling and somehow jokingly ...) But someone “throws” with such words

    No, it's "I love" ... And it's when everything is fine, there is not even a doubt that he loves - he behaves in such a way that you can't dig. And then once, out of the blue, when it seemed to portend nothing (maybe for me?) - bam and disappeared. And some explanation - busy.
    in any case, and it is completely clear to me, there is no future. Never stop playing and become different. Alas. These swings have already been hundreds of times. Up - and you are absolutely sure, down - and completely @@ out of your mind ...

    I have with first husband, with calf, by the way, everything leveled off in marriage, they became relatives. They parted, I began to miss attention, etc. (here it’s already not horoscope, but like any woman) ... in general, he allowed me to be happy with another, stepped aside ... a fool .. in short, he did stupidity (this is us then they already understood when I had a child from another, and he didn’t go into the void - he married an unloved one, they also made a baby. This is to say that over time, something may change, it depends on your position - scorpions are a little are being tamed...

    And what "position"? Holy crap, I just want to tell him everything right now.
    But I know myself - I can’t speak calmly without dropping my own dignity. Even worse, I'll start crying. But to pretend that I "as if nothing had happened" can no longer. Can't be easy. I really hurt from these cats and mice. Well, I’ll tell you, he will understand that I am weaker morally, that his games have failed again. He will make a "sympathetic" face, ask for forgiveness, say that he is the last bastard .... for a while, silence will reign and, you see, universal love. Until he wants to tickle my nerves again ... or himself, I don’t know who he tickles more.
    I have a dead end. I just want to send everything. hang up, erase the mail .... do not take the mobile .. (((((You said it right, most likely they are playing with me. How can I not play around here - he sees my feelings. Probably, it turns me on .....( (((((((((((

Outwardly, a cold and closed Scorpio man is able to burn so badly that for many weeks a woman will be deprived of any desire to communicate with the opposite sex. But if a woman has the same passion and invincibility, then a strong relationship may well turn out between two worthy rivals.

It is useful for a woman who wishes to become a companion of Scorpio to know in advance what kind of man she will have to deal with.

And the Scorpio man will show himself from the very first phone calls. He does not recognize the word "no", he calls only when he himself wants it. He remembers insults and does not suffer defeats. And his ability to conquer women with outward complete indifference is simply amazing. As soon as Scorpio feels that a woman is full of feelings for him, he will take everything from this relationship.

If a Scorpio man does not call, then somewhere the observance of his rules is violated. Or, perhaps, Scorpio just needed to solve some problem, and in difficult moments, Scorpios always prefer to cope with adversity on their own.

In addition, the Scorpio man does not openly show his emotions, and it could simply seem to the woman that he is inattentive to her. You can apply the game to Scorpio: subtle and intriguing. Show indifference and interest, change images and tactics, become the one for whom Scorpio wants to hunt.

It is impossible to build relationships with a male Scorpio while in opposition. Partners must move in the same direction. It is very difficult to build relationships with Scorpio after quarrels, it is better to avoid them altogether. And if suddenly a quarrel occurred, then do not be surprised why the man stopped calling.

Compromise, call or write first, look for the best important words for reconciliation will have a woman.

The companion of Scorpio should appreciate his loyalty and purity. All this, despite the crowds of fans and admirers. But Scorpio is not as greedy for flattery as Leo. Chaste behavior will be his chosen one's reward. He, in turn, will also not tolerate a reason for jealousy.

And if there is no call from Scorpio, then his girlfriend should remember how they ended last meeting. There is also the possibility of being employed. This sign knows how to work with inspiration and forgetting about everything.

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