How to prepare for summer in a month. Good shape for the summer: preparation plan. Prepare the body for more revealing clothing

Mexican artist Frida Kahlo ... How much noise has recently been around her name in the art world! But at the same time, how little we know about the biography of Frida Kahlo, this original, unique artist. What image comes to mind when we hear her name? Many probably represent a woman with thick black eyebrows, fused at the bridge of her nose, penetrating gaze, neatly tied hair. This woman is certainly dressed in a bright ethnic costume. Add here a difficult dramatic fate and a huge number of self-portraits that she left behind.

So what explains the sudden interest in the work of this Mexican artist? How did she, a woman with a surprisingly tragic fate, manage to conquer and make the world of art tremble? We invite you to take a short journey through the pages of Frida Kahlo's life, learn a little more about her extraordinary work and find answers to these and many other questions for yourself.

The secret of an unusual name

The biography of Frida Kahlo fascinates from the very first days of her difficult life.

On July 6, 1907, a significant event took place in the family of a simple Mexican photographer Guillermo Kahlo. The future talented artist Frida Kahlo was born, showing the whole world the originality of Mexican culture.

At birth, the girl received the name Magdalena. The full Spanish version is as follows: Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo Calderon. The name Frida, under which she became known to the whole world, the future artist began to use in order to emphasize the German origin of her family (as you know, her father was from Germany). It is also worth noting that Frieda is consonant with the German word Frieden, which means tranquility, peace, tranquility.

The formation of character

Frida grew up in a female environment. She was the third of four daughters in the family and, in addition, had two older sisters from her father's first marriage. In addition to this circumstance, the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917 had a considerable impact on the formation of its character. A serious economic crisis, a civil war, constant violence and shooting around hardened Frida, instilling in her fortitude and a desire to fight for a happy life.

However, the story of Frida Kahlo would not be so tragic and unique if her misadventures ended there. While still a child, at the age of 6, Frida contracted polio. As a result of this terrible disease, her right leg became thinner than her left, and Frida herself remained lame.

First inspiration

12 years later, on September 17, 1925, trouble again befell Frida. A young girl got into a car accident. The bus she was on collided with a tram. For many passengers, the accident was fatal. What happened to Frida?

The girl was sitting not far from the handrail, which broke off during the impact, piercing her through and damaging her stomach and uterus. She also received severe injuries that affected almost all parts of her body: the spine, ribs, pelvis, legs and shoulders. Many of the health problems caused by the accident, Frida never managed to get rid of. Fortunately, she survived, but she could never have children again. It is known about three attempts by her to bear a child, each of which ended in a miscarriage.

Young, full of vitality, open to the world and bringing light and joy to it, Frida, who just yesterday ran to classes and dreamed of becoming a doctor, is now chained to a hospital bed. She had to undergo dozens of operations, spend hundreds of hours in hospitals to save her life. Now she cannot look at white coats without disgust - she is so tired of hospitals. But, no matter how sad it all seemed, this period was the beginning of her new life.

Bedridden, unable to walk or take care of herself, Frida Kahlo discovered her talent. In order not to go crazy with boredom, Frida painted her bandage corset. The girl liked the lesson, and she began to draw.

The first paintings of Frida Kahlo appeared in the hospital ward. Her parents ordered her a special stretcher so that Frida could paint while lying down. A mirror was installed under the ceiling. Her father brought her his oil paints. And Frida began to create. The first self-portraits of Frida Kahlo began to gradually appear. Below is one of them - "Self-portrait in a velvet dress."

In the hospital, Frida realized that even if she could not tell people all her pain with words, she could easily do it through paints and canvas. Thus, the new Mexican artist Frida Kahlo was "born".

Personal life

Speaking about the biography of Frida Kahlo, it is absolutely impossible to ignore the person who played a key role in her life. The man's name is Diego Rivera.

“I have had two accidents in my life. The first is a tram, the second is Diego Rivera. The second one is scarier.

This famous quote by Frida Kahlo very accurately reflects the difficult nature of her husband and the relationship of the Mexican couple in general. If the first tragedy, having mutilated Frida's body, pushed her to creativity, then the second left indelible scars on her soul, developing both pain and talent.

Diego Rivera was a successful Mexican mural artist. Not only artistic talent, but also political convictions - he was a supporter of communist ideas - and countless love affairs glorified his name. The future husband of Frida Kahlo was not particularly handsome, he was a rather obese, somewhat awkward man, in addition, they were separated by a huge age difference - 21 years. But, despite this, he managed to win the heart of a young artist.

Frida Kahlo's husband became for her, in fact, the center of the universe. She furiously painted his portraits, forgave endless betrayals and was ready to forget betrayals.

Love or betrayal?

There was everything in Frida and Diego's romance: unbridled passion, extraordinary devotion, great love inextricably linked with betrayal, jealousy and pain.

Look at the picture below. This is The Broken Column, which Frida wrote in 1944, reflecting her sorrows in it.

Inside the body, once full of life and energy, a collapsing pillar can be seen. The support of this body is the spine. But there are also nails. Many nails that represent the pain brought by Diego Rivera. As mentioned above, he was not ashamed to cheat on Frida. Frida's sister became his next mistress, which turned out to be a blow to her. Diego answered this like this: “It's just a physical attraction. Are you saying it hurts? But no, it's just a couple of scratches."

Very soon, one of Frida Kahlo's paintings will receive a title based on these words: "Just a few scratches!"

Diego Rivera was indeed a very complex character. However, this is what inspired the artist Frida Kahlo. Inspired through pain, ever stronger linking two strong personalities. He exhausted her, but at the same time he loved and respected her immensely.

Significant Paintings by Frida Kahlo

Looking at the considerable number of self-portraits that the Mexican artist left behind, there is no doubt that for her they were not just a way to express her creative impulses, but above all an opportunity to tell the world the story of her life - a complex and dramatic life. It is worth paying attention to the names of the paintings themselves: “Broken Column”, “Just a Few Scratches!”, “Self-Portrait in a Necklace of Thorns”, “Two Fridas”, “Self-Portrait on the Border between Mexico and the United States”, “Wounded Deer” and other. The names are very specific and revealing. In total, there are 55 self-portraits of Frida Kahlo, and according to this indicator, she is a real champion among artists! For comparison, the brilliant impressionist Vincent van Gogh painted himself only about 20 times.

Where is the property of Frida Kahlo now stored?

Today, in addition to the official English site, many of Frida's self-portraits that have survived can be seen at the Frida Kahlo Museum in Coyoacan, Mexico. There is also an opportunity to get acquainted with the life and delve into the work of an original artist, since it was in this house that she spent most of her life. Museum staff do their best not to disturb the extravagant atmosphere that was created by this extraordinary woman.

Let's take a closer look at some self-portraits.

In the early 1930s, Frida Kahlo traveled to America with her husband. The artist did not like this country and was convinced that they live there solely for the sake of money.

Look at the picture. On the side of America - pipes, factories, equipment. Everything is shrouded in clouds of smoke. From Mexico, on the contrary, flowers, luminaries and ancient idols are visible. This is how the artist shows how dear she is to traditions and connection with nature and antiquity, which cannot be found in America. In order to stand out from the background of fashionable American women, Frida did not stop wearing national clothes and retained the features inherent in Mexican women.

In 1939, Frida paints one of her iconic self-portraits, Two Fridas, in which she exposes the wounds tormenting her soul. It is here that the very special, unique style of Frida Kahlo manifests itself. For many, this work is too frank and personal, but perhaps this is the true strength of the human person - not being afraid to admit and show their weaknesses?

Poliomyelitis, ridicule from peers, a severe accident that divided life into "before" and "after", a difficult love story ... Along with the self-portrait, another famous quote from Frida Kahlo appeared: "I am my soulmate, and my beloved tormentor Diego Rivera can't break me."

Like most Mexicans, symbols and signs were of particular importance to Frida. Like her husband, Frida Kahlo was a communist and did not believe in God, but due to the fact that her mother was a Catholic, she was well versed in Christian symbolism.

So in this self-portrait, the image of the crown of thorns serves as a parallel with the crown of thorns of Jesus. Butterflies flutter over Frida's head - a well-known symbol of resurrection.

Frida paints a portrait in 1940 after her divorce from Diego Rivera, and therefore the monkey can be taken as an unambiguous allusion to the behavior of her ex-husband. On Frida's neck is a hummingbird - a symbol of good luck. Perhaps this is how the artist expresses hope for a speedy deliverance from torment?

The theme of this work is close to the "Broken Column" we have already considered. Here Frida again exposes her soul to the viewer, reflecting on the emotional and physical pain she is experiencing.

The artist depicts herself as a graceful deer, whose body is pierced by arrows. Why did you choose this particular animal? There are suggestions that the artist associated suffering and death with him.

During the period when the self-portrait is being created, Frida's health began to deteriorate rapidly. She developed gangrene, which required an early amputation. Every second of Frida's life brought her excruciating pain. Hence the motives of her latest self-portraits, so tragic and frightening in their doom.

Death taunt

Frida Kahlo passed away on July 13, 1954. Contemporaries have repeatedly spoken of her as an interesting woman and an amazing person. Even a brief acquaintance with the biography of Frida Kahlo leaves no doubt that fate has prepared for her a truly difficult life, full of suffering and pain. Despite this, Frida until her last days loved life and, like a magnet, attracted people to her.

Her last painting is Viva la Vida. Sandias also expresses the challenge of death and the readiness to maintain fortitude to the end, which is clearly indicated by the words drawn in red paint: “Long live life!”.

Question for art critics

Many are convinced that Frida Kahlo is a surrealist artist. In fact, she herself was rather cool about this title. Frida's work, distinguished by its originality, is interpreted differently by everyone. Some believe that this is naive art, others call it folk art. And yet the scales lean towards surrealism. Why? We conclude with two arguments. Do you agree with them?

  • The paintings of Frida Kahlo are unrealistic and are a figment of the imagination. It is impossible to reproduce them in the earthly dimension.
  • Her self-portraits are strongly connected with the subconscious. If compared with the recognized genius of surrealism, Salvador Dali, then we can draw such an analogy. In his works, he played with the subconscious, as if walking around the land of dreams and shocking the audience. Frida, on the contrary, exposed her soul on the canvas, thereby attracting the viewer to herself and conquering the world of art.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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The original paintings of the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo are difficult to confuse with the creations of other artists. In many ways, they are autobiographical, because, as she herself said: “I write myself because I spend a lot of time alone and because I am the topic that I know best.” However, the attention of many people is attracted not only by Frida's paintings, but also by her rich life, which was filled with boundless pain and endless love, incomparable despair and barely glimmering hope.

The life of Frida Kahlo can be called full of mysteries since her birth. She was born in 1907, although in official documents the artist, already at a conscious age, changed her year of birth to 1910. Frida wanted to be involved in the Mexican Revolution, which just started in 1910 and lasted until 1920.

The girl was not in good health. At the age of 6, she was diagnosed with polio, as a result of which Frida suffered from lameness throughout her life, as well as disproportionate legs (the right one was a couple of centimeters thinner than the left one). She carefully concealed the last defect with the help of long skirts, but still she could not avoid ridicule from her peers.

Perhaps it was because of health problems that she decided to become a doctor and entered the preparatory school "", where she studied with 35 girls and since 1965 boys.

At the age of 18, a turning point came in the life of the future artist: she had a terrible accident. The numerous injuries received, according to doctors, were incompatible with life.

Frida was unconscious for several weeks, and when she regained consciousness, she immediately asked her father to purchase drawing supplies, which was done. He also built a unique device for her to make it convenient for her to write lying down, and also attached a large mirror right above her daughter. The first creation of the artist after the tragedy was a pencil sketch "Accident". She repeatedly admitted that painting classes gave her strength, it was thanks to them and her family that she got to her feet.

“There were 2 accidents in my life: one was when a bus crashed into a tram, the other was Diego.” Frida met Diego Rivera a few years after the disaster. The aspiring artist decided to show him her works, which the venerable painter appreciated quite highly. A spark ran between them. The couple in love got married in 1929. She was 22, he was 43. He was ugly, quite plump, but insanely charming. Their extravagant couple was called “Elephant and Dove”.

Diego has never been distinguished by his fidelity, 2 previous marriages of the artist broke up due to his many betrayals. The current union was no exception. Frida knew about the love affairs of her husband on the side, but was silent. Apparently, in retaliation for her husband, she became interested in the disgraced revolutionary Leon Trotsky, who found shelter in their house. According to some reports, she had affairs with the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky and the Mexican singer Chavela Vargas.

Frida several times tried to bear a child from her beloved man, but all her pregnancies eventually ended in miscarriages. All this was the fault of that ill-fated accident. She poured out all her feelings about this on canvases. Her most striking work on this painful topic was The Henry Ford Hospital.

After 10 years of marriage, she found out about her husband's infidelity with her sister Christina and filed for divorce. This event contributed to the painting "Just a few scratches!" . Then she cut off her luxurious long hair and began to dress in trouser suits.

After a painful break with her husband, Frida Kahlo began to depict herself surrounded by animals. She loved our little brothers very much and kept dogs, monkeys, parrots and pigeons.

In 1940, the artist began to have serious health problems, she ended up in the hospital. Diego immediately rushed to his beloved and again made her an offer of marriage, which she immediately accepted.

Every year, Frida's condition only worsened. She underwent several major operations, but they did not improve. In 1953, due to gangrene, she had to

End of March on the calendar warm sunny days there is very little left! Are you ready to change into open summer dresses, elegant sandals and a swimsuit? It's time to answer this question honestly standing in front of a mirror! Any reason to be upset? Together with the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" we are compiling program in order to have time to prepare for the summer and look enchanting in the remaining two months!

How to prepare for the summer and look perfect on the beach

Tighten problem areas

Over the winter, most of us acquired extra pounds and folds on the body, which were successfully hidden under thick and warm clothes and will certainly be treacherously conspicuous in summer attire.

Two months of work on yourself and systematic workouts sure to be pleased with the result. The key is regularity.!

Include special ones in your morning exercises to tone your tummy and prepare it for the summer, open tops and tight dresses.

Alternate them with exercises for and.

If it seems to you that the hour is complete workout with warm-up and stretching can only be singled out by people who are not busy with anything, to which you do not consider yourself, try to do twice a day for 10 minutes. We assure you, if you turn it into a habit, gradually there will be 15 and 30 minutes for a full-fledged fitness.

We eat right

Spring is the time to rethink your lifestyle and nutrition to get ready for the summer. Surely, with the first rays of the spring sun, you have a completely understandable craving for light and healthy food. Most spring diet: a lot of greens, light vegetable dishes, cereals, germinated wheat, lean fish, nuts. in general, spring is a dish of the season and a great way to refresh the complexion, improve digestion and bowel function.

We remove toxins and excess water from the body

By the way, are you sure that you really gained extra pounds, and did not acquire the so-called "winter edema"? In winter, we eat a lot of junk food, move little and put on weight due to broken drainage. Hence the general state of heaviness and friability.

As paradoxical as it sounds, in this case you need to drink more clean water(but it is water, and not its tea and coffee substitutes). Plus, we read the tips of the site "Beautiful and Successful" on how.

Taking care of the face

Cosmetologists believe that every woman needs salon facials at least four times a year- at the beginning of each season. They allow you to remove dry skin, correct existing imperfections and stimulate renewal at the cellular level. It's time to visit a beautician now, preparing for the summer, while the sun is not yet so bright.

What can you do at home to prepare your face for the summer? Try doing the following weekly procedure:

  • Step 1. Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser.
  • Step 2 Use a facial scrub to remove dead skin cells.
  • Step 3. Immediately after this, apply a few drops of Revitalizing Facial Serum, then apply a thin layer of Purifying Mask to face and neck. The mask will help the serum penetrate deeper.
  • Step 4. Leave the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes, then gently wipe the skin of your face and neck with a warm cloth. Finish off with your usual moisturizer.

We moisturize the body

A common problem in winter is flaky, dry, pale skin on the elbows, shins, rough heels. Preparing for the summer, we pay maximum attention to problem areas.

Help us first exfoliants and scrubs, and then body milk, lotions and oils. Apply moisturizers need at least twice a day, morning and evening.

Getting rid of unwanted hair

Oh, this unnecessary vegetation! What will you choose to prepare for the summer and the beach: epilation in the salon or, hair removal with wax, depilatory cream or? Each of these methods has its own pros and cons. If you want to try a new method for yourself, start now, do not delay with it until the day you go to the beach.

Think about what else can enter your personal transformation program. Maybe now is the best time to start going to the pool, running in the park in the morning or signing up for yoga? Everything is possible in the spring, the main thing is a positive attitude!

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If you have not yet thought about how to lose weight by the summer - now is the time to do it. Prepare your body for the beach season in four weeks with a step-by-step plan developed by our experts. During this time, you will not only tighten your figure and improve skin tone, but also acquire good habits. Remember that the load should be gradual: intense training and strict diets are more likely to harm health than help.

Week 1: Start walking and change your diet

Action plan: include vigorous walks in your schedule, gradually increasing their duration from 30 minutes a day to an hour. Want to speed up your fat burning process? Add short, 15-minute walks before breakfast to your daily activity. “In the morning, carbohydrate stores in the body are small, so the process of splitting fat cells will start much faster than at any other time,”- explains Natalya Yakovleva.

Review your diet and diet: you will have to give up pastries and other simple carbohydrates, and complex ones (say, whole grains and durum pasta) should be consumed only before lunch. Eat more fresh vegetables and try to eat 4-5 times a day, cutting your usual portion in half. Avoid heavy dinners: the last meal should be about 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Second week: supplement walks with exercises

Already used to daily walks? It's time to include morning exercises in your fitness plan. 15-20 minutes of joint gymnastics, familiar to everyone from school physical education classes, will help you wake up, improve blood flow and speed up your metabolism.

“If your goal is to lose weight by the summer as quickly as possible, supplement the exercises with more complex exercises: lunges, squats, push-ups. They involve several muscle groups at once,- explains Ekaterina Soboleva, fitness director of the Zupre sports club.

Action plan: start every morning with light articular gymnastics and stretching the muscles of the back, neck, and hips. Then move on to the exercises: do our circuit training or make a complex yourself, including 15 squats, 10 push-ups from the floor (an easier option - from the knees), 20 twists and 20 swings with each leg to the side.

Continue to stick to your diet and take daily one-hour walks at a brisk pace. Try to compose the route so that it includes climbing up the hill and stairs, walking along dirt paths.

Week 3: Add Aerobic Workouts and Contrast Showers

Any kind of activity will help you lose weight by the summer, if during the session your heart rate is in the zone characteristic for burning fat. “For everyone, it is individual and is about 65-75% of the maximum heart rate. It can be calculated using the formula:(220 - your age in years) x 65-75%",- says Ksenia Ovsiuk. For example, for a 25-year-old woman, the formula will look like this: 220 - 25 \u003d 195; and the fat burning zone will start at 195 x 65% = 127 beats per minute.

In the third week of preparing for the beach, experts advise taking a contrast shower every day, which will help make the skin of problem areas smoother and more elastic.

Action plan: after calculating the pulse, choose your favorite type of activity - cycling, running, swimming or dancing - and do it three times a week for 40-50 minutes. On other days, do not give up vigorous walks.

Complete your daily exercise with a contrast shower. To do this, fill a tub or basin with hot water up to your ankles to keep your feet warm. Warm up under hot water for five minutes, and then start alternating: pour warm water for a minute, cold water for 20-30 seconds. Start with 1-2 circles, gradually increasing their number. Finish with cold water.

Fourth week: do strength exercises

Strength training will help to "draw" the relief of the muscles or even change the proportions of the body. “Let's say if you have a naturally undefined waist and not rounded buttocks, then weighted squats will help make your forms more appetizing. And back exercises will balance the upper and lower body, thereby visually reducing the waist. And the figure will take the form of an hourglass,- explains Ksenia Ovsiuk.

In addition, it is strength training that accelerates metabolism as much as possible, which is also important if you decide to lose weight by the summer.

Action plan: choose 10-15 exercises for the main muscle groups and combine them so that you work out only 1-2 of them in one session. Let's say one day you will train your back and shoulders, the next - the chest and arms, the third - the legs. Do not forget about rest: to give your muscles enough time to recover, do strength training two to three times a week.

Start your workout with 3-4 basic exercises (squats, lunges, deadlifts, presses), and then do 2-3 more isolation exercises (aimed at one muscle group). Repeat the complex three times and complete the session with a 20-minute cardio workout so that the fat burning process goes with maximum efficiency.

Do not forget to do morning exercises, take a contrast shower and repeat aerobic training three times a week.

Keep training! If your goal is to lose weight by the summer, experts advise alternating strength training with cardio loads and intense walks in the same mode. And if you need to consolidate the results achieved, do cardio twice a week, devote one day to strength training and two to long walks.

In weight saving mode, you can treat yourself to your favorite dessert twice a week, but only in the morning. But the diet should not be changed: eat small portions 4-5 times a day.

Summer is flaring up outside the window, which means that it's time to prepare for the season of heat and light clothing. Summer is a wonderful time of the year, but not everyone is happy about it. It is difficult to rejoice at the warming when extra pounds chill the soul. Today we will talk about how to prepare for the summer in a month, and squeeze the maximum pleasure out of this process.

This means that if we give too much stress, the body will respond by releasing large amounts of the stress hormone, cortisol. Regardless of discipline or willpower, high cortisol makes you quit a stressful activity.

  • . We talk about why it is important to increase the load in training. And why does it need to be done smoothly;
  • . We show when you can train, so as not to get exhausted.

Training programs for weight loss by the summer

As part of this program, we will use only 2 exercises - jumping rope and squats. We work with a rope every day, we perform squats in the “2 days of training, 1 day of rest” mode.

We get 30 jump rope workouts and 20 days of squats.

Men can add pull-ups and push-ups here, which are performed every other day.

It's a small job, but don't worry. What we will do fully answers the question “How to prepare for the summer in a month?”.

20% of actions give 80% of results. 80% of actions - 20% of results.

I suggest tossing out 80% of unnecessary activities and focusing on the 20% that get results.

Jump rope weight loss program

Workout # Approaches Approach duration in minutes Total duration of jumps in minutes
1 5 1 5 90
2 5 1,5 7,5 90
3 5 2 10 90
4 7 2 14 90
5 7 2,5 17,5 90
6 7 3 21 90
7 8 3 24 90
8 8 3,5 28 90
9 8 4 32 90
10 9 4 36 90
11 10 4 40 90
12 10 4 40 75
13 10 4 40 60
14 10 4,5 45 60
15 10 4,5 45 60
16 10 5 50 60
17 10 5 50 60
18 11 5 55 60
19 11 5 55 60
20 12 5 60 60
21 12 5 60 60
22 12 5 60 45
23 12 5 60 45
24 12 5 60 45
25 13 5 65 45
26 13 5 65 45
27 14 5 70 45
28 15 5 75 45
29 15 5 75 45
30 16 5 80 45

Squat Workout Program

Workout # Approaches repetitions Rest in seconds after the set
1 3 10 120
2 4 10 120
3 5 10 120
4 6 10 90
5 7 10 90
6 7 12 90
7 7 15 90
8 7 18 90
9 7 20 90
10 7 22 90
11 7 24 90
12 7 25 90
13 7 28 90
14 7 30 90
15 7 33 90
16 7 36 90
17 7 38 90
18 7 40 90
19 7 42 90
20 7 45 90

Do not stare at the latest numbers, which now seem gigantic. We will approach them smoothly so that the body has time to adapt.

This system differs from others in that it gives the maximum result for 3-4 weeks of action. The first 2 weeks also give an excellent result, but in fact they are only the preparation of physics and the psyche for the amount of work that will be received in 3-4 weeks.

If you start jumping rope for an hour from the first day, the body will react as follows:

  • Cortisol levels skyrocket. As a result, training will unconsciously begin to be perceived as hard labor;
  • High cortisol - high appetite. You want to compensate for stress with tasty, high-calorie food;
  • There will be no weight loss. The hormonal system, afigev from what is happening, will direct all its forces to maintain balance. Calories burned will be replenished through appetite.

Every system needs to be adapted. Otherwise, the body will force you to give up halfway.

Ideally, you need to "swing" even longer. But we just don't have time for that.

Workouts for fun

Much depends on the release of which hormones your training is tied to. For most, it's cortisol, the stress hormone that made you cringe at the sight of the charts above.

Only in a minority of pleasure hormones block stress, allow you to feel the buzz from the challenge.

To enter the minority club, and not worry about how to prepare for the summer in a month, use the following mechanisms:

  • Only listen to music while exercising. Refrain from your favorite music outside of activities to answer the question "How to prepare for the summer in a month?". Music is a source of pleasure hormones. During abstinence from it, a shortage is formed, which will lead to the fact that you can listen to your favorite songs only in training. In this case, it will be difficult for the brain to distinguish what it enjoys, so working on oneself will be fixed in the psyche as something pleasant;
  • Reward yourself. After training, as a reward for the work done, you can meet your loved one, friends, play a game, buy a new piece of clothing or eat some of your favorite food. But only after class. Before him - it is impossible;
  • Practice being present in the moment. Do not think about what is to be done in the future. If during the first five-minute workout you think that someday you will work there for 80 minutes, you won’t want to train the second time;
  • Create conditions for yourself in which it is easier to train than not to train. For example, you can make a bet with a friend. For each missed workout, give him 1000 rubles. As part of this scheme, we have 60 workouts. I don’t want to lose 60,000, I have to work. The best option is to record workouts on video and send them to the controller.

About nutrition

No rigid diet. Learn about it, and then read this paragraph.

The bottom line is to consume less energy than you get from food. It's best not to indulge in unhealthy foods, but there's no difference in where the calories come from.

With the help of healthy foods, gaining more calories is much more difficult. And it's easier to get fed up. Therefore, they should be the basis. But if after 5 days after the start of training you want to taste your favorite rolls, you can not limit yourself to this. Is that their number will have to be calculated so as not to exceed the required calorie content.

Everything is much simpler than we think.

Still not sure how to prepare for the summer in a month? Ask questions in the comments. We will help you deal with any problem.

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