The fastest and most effective diet. Diet for weight loss: recipes. Safe and effective diet. The most effective weight loss diets at home: menus and reviews

Many women are familiar with the boomerang effect. In 80% of cases, the lost weight returns, often taking extra pounds with it, which is very unpleasant, painful, and can lead to stress and prolonged depression. Therefore, it is important to find a working, safe and reliable way. Effective Diets for weight loss will help not only to lose weight, but also to keep the results, ideally - to improve health. Which one to choose, everyone must decide for himself.


An effective diet does not mean fast

All women want to lose weight quickly, but few people think about the consequences. There are diets on which kilograms not only “leave”, but even “run away”. A person loses weight, volumes, but the body does not keep up with the sudden changes. As a result, health is undermined, with a large initial mass, a shift may occur internal organs. The most effective diet for weight loss is a technique that helps you lose weight without harm to your health.

Common mistakes people make when losing weight:

  1. Reduced calorie content to critical levels. A woman's body cannot fully function when receiving 600-800 kcal per day. The minimum amount is 1200 kcal. Yes, weight is rapidly decreasing, but with an energy deficit, stagnation is expected soon, the body will begin to work in an energy-saving mode.
  2. Exclusion of fats. You can eat one cabbage or drink fat-free kefir. The weight will go away, but along with it, hair will begin to fall out, nails will deteriorate, skin problems will appear, and the female cycle will fail. The minimum amount of fat per day is 22 g.
  3. Refusal of tasty food. Complete restriction of favorite foods leads to breakdowns. If you manage to go through the diet to the end, then after it it will be difficult to resist. It is necessary to change eating behavior and prepare delicious dishes from the products allowed by the system.

Many are hindered by moral torture. For weight loss, even the most effective diet is not enough. In women, the mood deteriorates, headaches, weakness appear. You can not perceive the diet as a tragedy or deprivation. Let this be a joyful path to harmony and a dream figure, easy and desirable.

Diet of Kim Protasov, or Protasovka

This is one of the most effective and proven diets over the years, which not only allows you to lose weight, but also has a lot of advantages. After the Shuffle, it is easy to switch to proper nutrition, the weight will continue to decrease, views on food and tastes will change. On this system, a lot of raw vegetables are consumed, which leads to bowel cleansing, skin condition improves, water is removed from the body.

The essence of Kim Protasov's diet:

  1. For the first 2 weeks, 1400 g of raw vegetables, 3 green apples, 1 egg and 600 g of fermented milk products, close to 5% fat, are consumed daily.
  2. From 3 to 5 weeks, instead of 300 g of dairy products, the same amount of meat, poultry, fish or seafood is consumed. Gentle cooking methods without oil are selected.
  3. Throughout the diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, which will enhance the effect of vegetable fiber, help cleanse the body, and reduce weight.
  4. The shuffling lasts 5 weeks, but nutritionists recommend making an “exit” that will be equal in duration to the diet itself. New products are added every week: cereals, broths, dried fruits, boiled vegetables. In these 5 weeks, weight loss continues.

In total, for a diet, you can lose from 5 to 15 kg. It all depends on the initial data. Volumes go very well. You can not use the technique more than 1 time in 6 months, it is better to take a year break so that the body has time to recover.

Contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, period breastfeeding.

Interesting: Kim Protasov is a fictitious name, and such a nutritionist does not exist. This pseudonym was taken by a journalist from a magazine in the 90s of the last century, who published the still popular technique.

diet for the lazy

This is the most effective, safe diet that has become popular recently. The fact that you can not drink after eating, many people know. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, inhibits digestion, and interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Why not take advantage of this information! With the right approach to fluid intake, weight will go away quickly, without any effort and harm to the body.

  1. All water is drunk before meals. 400 ml of liquid must be consumed 20 minutes before the main meal and immediately after waking up.
  2. After eating, according to the rules, you can not drink for 2 hours, or at least an hour if light meals were consumed. During this time, they must be digested.
  3. For effective weight loss, it is advisable to exclude high-calorie, fatty, sweet foods and not eat 3 hours before bedtime.

The trick is not only in the accelerated digestion of food. Water fills the stomach, portions are involuntarily reduced, which reduces the daily calorie content. It also becomes impossible to eat salty, sweet foods, as it will be difficult to withstand 2 hours without drinking. For the duration of the diet, you should forget about a cup of coffee with candy or cake. Supplement can be eaten only after a certain time.

Buckwheat diet

Another most effective diet, the duration of which can be adjusted independently, but subject to the basic rules. The basis of the diet buckwheat cooked in water without salt or with a minimum amount. The main product is affordable, useful, helps to cleanse the body, saturates well, suppresses the feeling of hunger. But only those people who really love buckwheat need to choose this system.

  1. System for 1-3 days. Essentially, this unloading diet. Throughout the time, porridge without salt is used. The body gets rid of excess fluid, the volume decreases, the intestines are cleansed, the stool is normalized.
  2. weekly diet. There are many options. Green apples, kefir, fresh vegetables with a low starch content can be added to buckwheat. This system is easier to carry.
  3. Buckwheat diet for 14 days. In addition to cleansing and removing excess fluid, this system reduces the amount of fat in the body. Vegetables are added to the porridge along with sour-milk products and apples; in some cases, chicken breast is found.

Weight loss directly depends on the duration of the chosen technique. It will not work to get rid of excess fat in 1-3 days, only water will go away, but this can become good start for weight loss or checking if the system is suitable. It is easy to lose 4-7 kg in 2 weeks. With a competent return to normal nutrition, they will not come back.

Contraindications: pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases, beriberi, intolerance to the main product.

Ducan's diet

One of the popular protein diets, which in a short time helps to lose a huge amount of weight. This system is only suitable healthy people who are ready to follow all the regulations and not deviate from the rules. The methodology is based on biochemical processes in the body. Any minor violation can reduce efficiency, slow down weight loss, and harm.

In total, there are 4 stages in the system with a clearly defined sequence and duration. All calculations can be made on the official website. A mandatory ingredient in the diet throughout the diet is oat bran. From the second stage, you can add wheat and rye fiber, but according to the permitted standards.

The essence of the stages of the Dukan diet:

  1. Attack. Short stage up to 7 days, calculated individually. The diet is based on 72 protein products. This stage is designed for fluid loss and motivation growth, it can take up to 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight.
  2. Alternation. The main stage of the diet, in which fat burning occurs. 28 types of vegetables without starch in the composition are added to the proteins, the days alternate. The duration of this period can be from several weeks to a year or even more until the desired weight is obtained.
  3. Consolidation. Bread, fruits, cheese are added to the main diet. This period allows you to switch to a normal diet. The duration is determined by the formula: 10 days per 1 kg of weight.
  4. Stabilization. One day a week is Protein Thursday. The diet of the first stage is observed. Additionally, bran is consumed daily.

Throughout the period of the diet you need to drink vitamins. It is allowed to use sugar substitutes with a natural or synthetic composition. You can not eat any fruits, all dairy products must be fat-free, like meat. This is one of the few diets that allows you to eat sausages, crab sticks, canned food, but all products must meet the requirements of the diet, do not contain prohibited spices, sugar, and exceed a certain fat content threshold.

Important! There are many subtleties and nuances in the diet, the system requires careful study. Pierre Dukan strongly recommends reading his book, which will bring clarity. You can also get acquainted with the system on the official website.

Contraindications: any chronic diseases of organs and systems, periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, lactose intolerance, hormonal disruptions, children's and elderly age. This diet requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Video: Dietitian on the Dukan Diet

Kefir diet

This diet will help you lose weight very quickly, it is used by many famous people. In just a week, you can get rid of 5 kg. But there are also various other options that differ in duration. You can always “try on” a diet by making a fasting day on kefir.

essence kefir diet:

  1. The basis of the diet is kefir of low or medium fat content, but not more than 2%. A day you need to use from 1 to 2 liters.
  2. The food is fractional, you can’t drink 0.5 liters at a time fermented milk product, it is desirable to use a glass every 2-2.5 hours.
  3. It is important to drink water, as kefir has a diuretic effect, removes excess fluid, the reserves of which need to be replenished.

In addition to the classic kefir diet, there are other options with the addition of apples, cottage cheese, buckwheat, vegetables or various fruits. All of them have their own rules, differ in duration. Long-term systems include more foods in the diet than short methods up to 5-7 days.

Contraindications: increased acidity of the stomach and any diseases digestive system, rickets, rheumatism, gout, intolerance to kefir, childhood, pregnancy and lactation period.

Video: Elena Malysheva: how to lose weight in 1 week

When changing the diet to the side healthy eating, increasing the intake of food rich in slow (complex) carbohydrates, vegetable fibers, nuts, discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract may appear: flatulence (bloating). This is due to the fact that cereals, legumes, vegetables - the basis of a healthy diet - are rich in indigestible oligosaccharides. In order to eliminate discomfort without giving up proper nutrition, you can supplement the intake of such products with Orlix®. It contains alpha-galactosidase, an enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates into light carbohydrates for the absorption of monosaccharides. The dosage depends on the amount of food consumed, making it easy to normalize digestion both during a snack and during the main meal.

Easy Diet Secrets

Any diet will be easier and more interesting if you find an approach to it. The key to success is a thorough study of the rules and menus. Motivation matters a lot. If it is and is really strong, the feeling of hunger will recede, there will be no temptation to break the diet, kilograms will go away quickly, easily and forever.

Helpers and secrets:

  1. Water. If you want to eat, drink water. Many people have heard this, but only a few use it. It is the liquid that helps to cope with hunger, accelerates and facilitates weight loss.
  2. Vitamins. They are needed not only to preserve beauty and health, but also to eliminate hunger. If something is missing in the body, it will ask for food.
  3. Traffic. This is an easy way to get rid of hunger or eat something forbidden. At the first desire to “sin”, you need to do squats at least 50 times. Or jump rope for 5 minutes.

A necessary step in any weight loss program, nutritionists consider cleansing with the modern Enterosgel sorbent. It actively absorbs only harmful toxins and toxins that enter the blood in abundance during the breakdown of body fat. It is these toxins that provoke nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, stool disorders, skin dullness, the appearance of acne and spots on it, characteristic of the diet. This sorbent fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of satiety, absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes, neutralizing their irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. Let's admit its reception by long courses unlike other sorbents.

The path to slimness can be hard or easy. A person determines his own path, much depends only on us.

Many women believe that diets are for fast weight loss this is just a myth and all the lost kilograms will return to the owner very quickly and, perhaps, even in double volume. That is why everyone is afraid of such methods of losing weight.

Diets that last more than a month, two - can be considered more effective, kilograms are dropped gradually and in most cases do not return.

But fast diets also exist. They are necessary in order to get in shape for some important event, for example, a trip to the sea or an upcoming wedding.

And also this diet is followed by many models who need to lose urgently gained kilograms for the upcoming show.

It is important to remember that the simplest and most effective diet will always contain two key points:

  • starvation;
  • no more than two foods in the diet.

Therefore, you need to choose the diet that will include foods close to the diet. And, of course, the psychological attitude, since it is very difficult to keep your body in limiting goodies. Irritability, apathy and depressive states may appear.

  1. Kefir

The most popular and many women often arrange fasting days for themselves on kefir.

What is the diet plan? Take 1 liter of 1% kefir and drink it throughout the day. You can’t eat anything else, just drink plain water, but no more than 2 liters per day.

Such food has a strong laxative effect. However, more than 3 days you can not adhere to such a diet. During three days harmful toxins, salt, excess water come out of the body and it is due to this that the process of weight loss occurs. But after three days they will start to come out and useful material, and this may lead to various diseases.

  1. cucumber

For one day, 1.5 kilograms of fresh cucumbers and 1.5 liters of ordinary water are given. Crack fresh cucumbers as soon as the feeling of hunger plays out.

This diet can be followed for up to 5 days and during this time you can consistently lose up to 7 kilograms of weight.

  1. Guryev diet

Previously, buckwheat porridge was called Gurievskaya. She was present in all the menus of canteens and few people knew that with her help you can lose weight.

Buckwheat is a low-calorie cereal that does not cause allergic reactions and anyone can try it.

In one week, you can lose up to 7 kilograms if you eat only one buckwheat.

There is different variants its use - in its pure form or mixed with kefir. The main thing is not to add sugar, salt, butter or other fats.

You can eat buckwheat in unlimited quantities. It promotes the excretion of salt from the body and, due to its low calorie content, makes the body spend much more energy.

For cooking, it is enough to rinse the right amount of cereal with water and steam it with boiling water. It is best to do this at night, as in the morning you can already get a ready and tasty breakfast.

You can add kefir with a low percentage of fat. So, buckwheat will not be too dry and fresh.

  1. Diet Models

One of the toughest but most effective diets. The duration is only 3 days, but the effect is minus 5 kilograms. In this case, the entire diet for the day will be:

  • 1 hard-boiled chicken egg;
  • 300 grams of cottage cheese.

All these products must be consumed before 16.00 and after that nothing can be eaten. Only drink water, and if you really want to eat, you can add it to the water lemon juice in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

  1. Fresh juice diet

Three days you will need to drink freshly squeezed juices from citrus fruits. Someone will say that this is the most delicious diet, but juices should not be diluted with water and sugar should not be added there.

Juices must be exceptionally fresh. Any citrus will do - oranges, lemons, grapefruits.

At each meal you need to drink 1 glass of juice with a nominal volume of 250 grams. Only three daily doses.

This method should be used with caution in people with diseases of the digestive system, as well as with hyperacidity stomach.

  1. soup diet

One of the light diets, in which 5 kilograms of excess weight are lost in 7 days. Can eat vegetable soups in unlimited quantities.

Soups can contain any vegetables except potatoes. Do not add meat or broth, as well as any vegetable oils and salt.

This is an easy diet since hot soup always saturates the body from hunger, albeit for a short period of time.

Bonn soup recipe

This is one of the dietary vegetarian soups, but the main distinguishing feature is the addition of celery.

For Bonn soup you need:

Usually this dish is prepared in the form of soup-puree. Therefore, it is important to pre-beat everything with a blender and serve garnished with herbs. And do not forget that when losing weight, salt is a taboo.

It is very important for soup nutrition to consume during the day a sufficient amount of plain water without the addition of gas.

  1. Carbohydrate-free diet of fashion models

This nutrition is not based on cleansing the body, but by breaking down body fat. Perhaps that is why this diet is popular among women.

The diet period is three days, and you can lose up to 3 kilos. This does not exclude training in gyms.

The menu is as follows:


  • boiled egg;


  • 200 grams of cottage cheese and half a cup of tea without added sugar;

Afternoon snack:

  • cottage cheese;


  • is absent, since all meals are allowed only until 17.00. After that, an exclusively drinking regimen is introduced.

The menu is so varied as it is supposed to burn even these calories in active training. And if you notice that the basis of all nutrition is only protein.

There is another option for a similar diet, but in a more gentle version. The duration is 7 days.


  • Breakfast: 1 slice of bread, a cup of unsweetened tea and a slice of cheese;
  • Dinner: boiled beans 150 grams, cottage cheese, a cup of green tea;
  • Dinner: chicken breast, cucumber and tomato.
  1. pumpkin diet

It lasts about 10 days and at the same time it takes 6 kilograms of excess weight. Easily tolerated by the body if a person loves pumpkin.

The bottom line is that all dishes are prepared from pumpkin - boiled, steamed, without the addition of salt and other spices.

Pumpkin can be combined with any vegetables, but it is important to observe the proportions where 80% is the pumpkin itself. From it you can cook soups, cereals, salads, juices, pumpkin seeds.

In total, there should be 3 main meals, but in compliance with the drinking regime, as well as active sports.

  1. Skit

Fresh white cabbage is not only a source of potassium, but also lovely way in a short time to bring your body in order.

The diet is designed for 3 days and during this period up to 5 kilograms of weight freely leave.

Salads from this cabbage are used as dishes. Optionally, you can add cucumber, but do not use any salt or any dressing. If only a few drops of lemon juice so that the cabbage is not too tough.

It is important to note that this type of food is not suitable for everyone, since cabbage lowers blood pressure and hypotensive patients will be forced to take a different type of fast dietary food for themselves.

  1. vegetable juices

Juices from citrus fruits have already been noted in weight loss. However, fresh vegetable juices are in no way inferior.

Vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, beets are well suited for this.

Beets are not suitable for people who suffer from high blood pressure.

Juices can be made delicious mixes by combining them with each other.

But most importantly, with such diet food loses weight of about 3 kilograms in 3 days. The duration is 3-4 days. It is no longer possible, since the first days all harmful substances will go away, and without new products, the body will begin to process useful substances.

  1. jockey diet

Its essence is that all three days a person should consume 1, but a different product.

  • The first day you need to eat boiled chicken, no more than 300 grams, dividing it into 3 main meals.
  • The second day you need to eat 300 grams of vegetables, with the exception of potatoes.
  • And on the third day, drink three cups of black coffee without added sugar.
  • Water can be drunk in unlimited quantities, but not more than 2 liters per day.
  1. Diet for two days

This is a cleansing type of food, in two days of which you can lose 3-4 kilos.

First day

  • Breakfast: citrus - orange, grapefruit in an amount of not more than 2 pieces.
  • Lunch: fruit salad - grapes, orange and kiwi without sugar and other additives. You can drink water and herbal teas.
  • Dinner: fruit salad.
  • Dinner: 2 bananas and tea.

Second day

  • Breakfast: carrot juice.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad from cucumber, radish, celery and cabbage, dressing everything with olive oil.
  • Dinner: steam vegetables - zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower with a little salt and pepper added.
  • Dinner: vegetable juice - carrot and tomato, cabbage and carrot or cucumber.

If a woman is actively tuned in to rapid weight loss, then do not forget about additional vitamin therapy, especially in the spring-autumn period of the seasons.

Depriving yourself of sources of many vitamins, you will need to get this portion from somewhere.
Suitable for such purposes vitamin complexes with lots of essentials.

As soon as the problem of excess weight arises, the search begins for which diet for weight loss is the most effective, which will allow you to get rid of hated kilograms at home. Someone needs to do it very quickly, literally in 3 days. Others begin to think about how to build by the summer in the month of March. One needs to lose 3-4 kg, and for someone, 15 kg is not the limit.

All of these factors must be taken into account when selecting the best system nutrition, which will put the figure in order. They form the basis of ratings and TOPs.

Performance criteria

To determine which diet is the most effective, you need to rely on the following criteria:

  • basic and allowed foods should be familiar to your diet, should not cause allergies;
  • without weight return, i.e., the consolidation of the result, the so-called exit from the diet, must be prescribed;
  • without harm to health;
  • efficiency: naturally, you want to get maximum results;
  • officiality: weight loss systems recommended by nutritionists are considered the best;
  • minimum side effects and contraindications;
  • availability of detailed menus;
  • more positive feedback than negative ones.

Did you like any diet? Run it through this series of criteria. If most of them fail, keep looking. And do not forget to focus on the timing of weight loss and the end result that you need. Special ratings will help you find the right option.

By deadline

To begin with, decide in what time frame you need to lose weight: in 1 day or in six months. The latter option, of course, is preferable, as it reduces weight slowly and without harm to health. But usually no one has such a reserve of time. Fasting days are also very effective, but only if 1-3 kg prevent you from living.

  1. Water
  2. Apple
  3. Kefir
  4. On buckwheat
  5. Dairy / protein
  6. on rice
  7. Oat
  8. cucumber
  9. On cottage cheese
  10. On tea

These are the most effective and productive fasting days, giving minus 0.5-2 kg.

For 3 days

Express diets for 3 days are usually needed for quick weight loss, when time is running out and you urgently need to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​for some important event. The best of them are listed below.

  1. Kefir
  2. On the chicken
  3. Buckwheat
  4. Banana
  5. egg
  6. Rice
  7. Apple
  8. Drinking
  9. On cottage cheese
  10. Chocolate

Remember that such short-term methods give good results at first, but soon the lost kilograms return.

For more information about express diets, see ours.

For a week

Weekly diets are considered the most effective, since the body does not have time to deplete and detect a deficiency of some substances over such a period. But kilograms in connection with a change in the diet go away. If you need quality weight loss, choose from the rating below.

  1. Colored: every day's menu has a specific color that all products should be colored in
  2. egg
  3. On buckwheat
  4. No carbs
  5. Salt-free

The results are hard to predict. Usually, you can lose from 3 to 10 kg in a week - it depends on the size of the portions, the calorie content of the products, the accuracy of following the recommendations, physical activity and many other factors.

For 2 week

Many nutritionists are sure that one week is not enough for quality weight loss. You must first prepare the body for such a serious stress. Then strictly adhere to the chosen system. Finally, it is very important to get out of it correctly. All these nuances are usually prescribed in detail in diets for 2 weeks. The most effective of them are listed below.

  1. No carbs
  2. Chemical
  3. german
  4. On cereals
  5. Fruity
  6. (can be extended for 15 days)

For 21 days

If there is time and endurance, any two-week diet can always be extended for one more. But some methods were originally designed for 21 days. The most effective of them:

  1. Kefir
  2. Separate food
  3. American (avoiding dinner and unhealthy fats)
  4. Japanese (no fat and no salt)
  5. Chinese (on fish and meat)
  6. Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (fractional nutrition, carbohydrate-free products)
  7. Buckwheat

Get ready for the fact that almost everything, even the most effective diets for 3 weeks, are extremely difficult to tolerate and require inhuman endurance. The result is 10-15 kg.

For a month

Those who are looking for effective diets for a month should be prepared for the fact that a lot will change in their lives: daily schedule (due to diet), diet, well-being and, of course, appearance. With the right approach, you can lose up to 20 kg.

  1. Malysheva - for weight loss of the abdomen and sides (based on avocado, ginger and blueberries)
  2. For the lazy (water)
  3. Skinny
  4. Babushkina
  5. Kefir
  6. vegetable

About 50% of people who have reached the end of this kind of diet remain adherents of the principles of healthy eating. This allows you to improve your well-being and never again become hostages of excess weight.


And finally, the most effective long-term diets, which involve not so much weight loss as a change in lifestyle due to an updated, healthier diet.

  1. - 5 weeks
  2. German - 7 weeks
  3. Liepaja diet Khazan - 3 months
  4. - about half a year
  5. Michel Montignac - all my life
  6. Malysheva - all my life (based on the principles of healthy eating)
  7. Dr. Bormental
  8. Fractional
  9. - 3 months

Each rating includes the most popular, tried and tested diets designed for different dates. Look for those time frames that suit you. Then run the selected systems through other TOPs that match your needs.

According to the results

Without formulating a specific goal, which, when losing weight, should be expressed in real figure, you run the risk of not achieving it. The most effective diets always prescribe what results you can expect from them. So decide - and look for the right one for you.

For weight loss by 5 kg

  1. No carbs
  2. Protein
  3. Darling
  4. Malysheva for 10 days (with chicken and brush salad)
  5. low carb
  6. On a banana peel

For weight loss by 10 kg

  1. Kefir
  2. Salt-free
  3. vegetable
  4. Maggi
  5. Vegetarian
  6. Tea room

For weight loss by 15-20 kg

  1. Energy Diet (on cocktails)
  2. Chemical
  3. Kremlin
  4. Maggi
  5. Dukan
  6. Malysheva
  7. Protein

The lightest

Many people, knowing their weakness and love for sweets, are looking for which diet is the easiest and most effective. I want to not starve myself and lose weight at the same time.

It is worth mentioning right away that the idea itself is somewhat utopian. Yes, there are weight loss systems on chocolate, sweets, watermelons and other goodies. But without following certain rules (the same physical activity and limiting portions), even the most effective of them are unlikely to satisfy such requests. And yet there are:

  1. For the lazy (water)
  2. Chocolate
  3. Watermelon
  4. Fruity
  5. Candy (on lollipops)
  6. Brazilian
  7. Hollywood
  8. Crab

The toughest

  1. Lemon
  2. Drinking
  3. Salt-free
  4. model
  5. Rice
  6. Buckwheat
  7. On buckwheat and kefir
  8. oatmeal
  9. On bread and water
  10. Only on the water

Diets are distinguished by the strictness of the diet and strict adherence to the rules. Weak and weak-willed should not even be taken for them.

The safest

Many are looking for weight loss diets without harm to health - this criterion is a priority for them compared to everyone else. Indeed, any nutrition system that limits the use of a certain range of products is always fraught with unpleasant consequences for well-being. Nausea, malaise, hunger, decreased performance, dizziness - this is not a complete list of side effects that almost everyone who loses weight dooms himself to. But in modern nutrition there are methods that allow them to be avoided.

  1. Skinny
  2. Babushkina
  3. Acting
  4. Healthy eating (Malysheva system)
  5. Vegetarian (although it has a lot of critics)
  6. "Forever and ever"
  7. alkaline
  8. low fat
  9. Fractional
  10. Separate food

According to doctors, each of the presented diets is effective and safe for health. Almost all of them offer a varied and balanced menu, which eliminates the deficiency of certain substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

From specialists

Some trust their body only to professionals and look for diets designed exclusively by specialists. Well, a very wise approach. And our next TOP includes just such.

  1. Michel Montignac is a French nutritionist. Books: "Dine and lose weight!" (1986), "I eat, so I'm losing weight" (1987).
  2. Anna Yuhanson (- separate meals) is a Swedish nutritionist.
  3. Elena Vasilievna Malysheva is a Russian therapist, doctor and professor of medical sciences. Developed a very effective methodology healthy food.
  4. Robert Colman Atkins is an American cardiologist and nutritionist. The most famous work is Dr. Atkins' Dietary Revolution (1972). The founder of the carbohydrate-free weight loss system.
  5. Hiroshi Watanabe is a Japanese doctor. The book "The Morning Banana Diet" brought him considerable popularity.
  6. Lev Yakovlevich Khazan - Latvian nutritionist, author of the famous "Liepaja diet".
  7. Anna Seiler-House, a Swiss nutritionist, suggested losing weight on fruits and vegetables.
  8. Kim Protasov is an Israeli doctor whose identity is questioned by many sources. 1999 article “Don't make food a cult. A skinny cow is not yet a gazelle.”
  9. Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov is a Russian nutritionist, author of a technique called "Minus Size". The main product is vegetables.
  10. Vladimir Ivanovich Mirkin - Ukrainian doctor, candidate of medical sciences, psychotherapist. Work - "How to lose weight once and for all."

On the one hand, such diets are indeed distinguished by maximum scientific validity. Them main principle- do not harm health and only then - promote weight loss. And one without the other, as you know, is impossible.

In practice, these systems are the most viable and safe. Although keep your ears open: for example, there is an opinion that Kim Protasov is nothing more than a pseudonym for a Russian journalist who once ran a culinary column in an Israeli magazine. The biography and photographs of Anna Johanson also cannot be found during the day with fire. So check all the information more thoroughly.


Modern dietetics actively uses new developments in the field of nutrition. The results of many laboratory tests are innovative methods for losing weight. Sometimes very unexpected, they gradually win the recognition of the townsfolk. Therefore, we cannot ignore the rating of the latest diets of our time, which have already proven themselves from the most positive side.

  1. Hypoglycemic
  2. By blood group
  3. Pulse
  4. Dynamic
  5. On sushi
  6. Bread units
  7. shape diet
  8. Diet light
  9. For the brain
  10. Scarsdale

Sometimes they cause bewilderment with their unexpected postulates, but at their core they are all scientifically based and, if properly observed, should give good results.

Overall rating

  1. Kremlin
  2. Malysheva (the one based on the principles of healthy eating)
  3. Salt-free
  4. Protein
  5. Vegetarian
  6. vegetable
  7. Atkins
  8. Energy Diet
  9. alkaline

At least one of the lists above will definitely tell you the direction of the search. The main thing is to take into account as many factors as possible that are of paramount importance to you personally. We picked up a diet - read as many reviews as possible about it, study as much information as possible, try it on for your lifestyle. If you feel that it does not suit you, go to the next item in the rating. And so - until you find your own, the best technique.

Dieting is a great way to shed those unwanted pounds, it's a common fact. By adhering to certain rules, it will be possible to get rid of extra centimeters and improve your appearance. Of all the abundance of ways to eat, you can select the most effective diets for weight loss at home. After learning about them detailed information, you can choose the one that suits your body. Approach the problem of excess weight thoughtfully - then you will only benefit from the diet, and side effects will bypass you.

What diet is the most effective and fastest

Every losing weight person should understand that it is necessary not only to reduce volumes, but also to maintain health. The rate of weight loss depends on the correct choice of diet, but also on the intensity of metabolic processes: the more active they are, the faster the kilograms go. What slows down the metabolism:

  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • skipping breakfast;
  • rare food;
  • plentiful dinner.

Any diet should begin with the exclusion of the above bad habits. To achieve the result, it is necessary to observe fractional and frequent meals, thanks to which the following actions occur in the body:

  • metabolic processes are launched;
  • there is a surge of energy;
  • supported normal level hemoglobin.

For men

The main task for a man when losing weight is not only to normalize weight, but also to improve physical attractiveness and activity. Everyone likes it when the representatives of the stronger sex have relief in the press, arms and chest. To get rid of excess weight and at the same time highlight the muscles, you need a non-hungry, but effective diet. Follow these nutritional guidelines:

  1. For the manifestation of muscle relief, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates: sugar, all flour products. Bread is recommended to be replaced with bread.
  2. The need for protein should not be underestimated. During the period of weight loss, its content in the body should be at least 200 g. It is recommended to replace fatty meat with legumes: beans, asparagus, soy products.
  3. Potatoes in the diet are recommended to be replaced with cereals, fresh vegetables, which are available in any quantity.

For women

Girls, unlike men, rely more on emotions when choosing a diet. They often go to extremes: they squeeze themselves into rigid frameworks, refusing food completely or partially for certain period, and at the end of it they return to their usual diet, thereby gaining weight with high speed. This lasts until a woman realizes that the fastest and most effective diet is a nutritional adjustment.

The main thing in this process is to understand which foods used do not contain benefits, only contribute to weight gain, deterioration of well-being. Power regulation should be based on the following simple and well-known basic principles:

  1. The most difficult step is the rejection of products containing harmful carbohydrates, which, when ingested, quickly transform into fat: pastries, any sweets that contain sugar.
  2. Create conditions for four or five meals.
  3. Fractional meals are an important step in proper nutrition. The bottom line lies in the well-known rule: after each feast, a slight feeling of hunger should be felt.
  4. Do not load the digestive system with a late and voluminous dinner. Warm tea or honey water is great for curbing hunger.
  5. A fruit breakfast is a proven way by many followers of proper nutrition to saturate the body with useful carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber before lunch.
  6. A necessary step in any weight loss program, nutritionists consider cleansing with the modern Enterosgel sorbent. It actively absorbs only harmful toxins and toxins that enter the blood in abundance during the breakdown of body fat. It is these toxins that provoke nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, stool disorders, skin dullness, the appearance of acne and spots on it, which are characteristic of the diet.This sorbent fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of satiety, absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes, neutralizing their irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. Let's admit its reception by long courses unlike other sorbents.

Simple but effective diets for fast weight loss

If you want to overcome excess weight with the help of quick weight loss, nutritionists recommend that you first consult a doctor for advice. A visit to the doctor includes an examination, testing, measuring body parameters and prescribing a diet. So you insure yourself against risky consequences (gastritis, depression, headaches, decreased immunity) that can occur with rash ways of losing weight.

Nutritionists who have invented new effective diets promise that the result will be visible already after a three-day period. During this time, you must adhere to a number of rules prescribed in the system. Only strict adherence to the recipe guarantees getting rid of the hated centimeters on the body. If you could not stand it and broke, then the diet must be started again.

A useful addition to any diet that allows you to maintain efficiency and increase the effectiveness of weight loss measures will be drugs that help balance cellular metabolism. For example, Mildronate capsules 250 mg is a drug that optimizes the process of cell nutrition during stress. Its action allows you to maintain the health of the heart in conditions of oxygen starvation of cells, which has arisen in connection with a temporary change in metabolic processes. The use of the drug in addition to the diet allows you to maintain efficiency, as a result, the desired harmony will not cause significant damage to health.

Buckwheat mono-diet for 3 days

Such a diet involves eating one buckwheat, and this diet is notable for its low carbohydrate content. For her, you should choose unrefined cereals with a whole grain kernel, because the shell contains the optimal amount of vitamins of section B. So that when cooking porridge does not lose useful elements, nutritionists advise soaking it overnight cold water. In six hours, it will be saturated with liquid and will have the appearance and taste of boiled cereals. Thanks to eating one buckwheat for only three to five days, it is possible not only to normalize weight, but also to experience other pleasant bonuses:

  • buckwheat porridge dissolves vascular fatty plaques;
  • there is a powerful cleansing effect;
  • buckwheat gives long-term and easy saturation;
  • Due to the high content of copper, eating buckwheat has a great effect on hair, skin and nails.

Egg 5 kg for 5 days

The basis of such a diet are chicken eggs because they are made up of easily digestible protein. It is recommended to introduce fresh vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits into the diet. Due to the lack of the required amount of carbohydrates and fats, such a diet cannot be called balanced. The diet is designed for three meals a day:

  1. Breakfast: three eggs of the second category, one grapefruit.
  2. Lunch: apple, grapes, pear - in any quantity.
  3. Dinner: boiled chicken breast (200 gr.).

Kefir for 7 days

The diet from Larisa Dolina has been popular for ten years. Thanks to her, many overweight people have lost weight. The diet is designed for 7 calendar days, during which it is recommended to drink 2 liters of kefir. For this period, you should forget about sweets, pastries and those products that contribute to the appearance extra pounds ov. Use is welcome boiled meat chicken and vegetables, but these products are only allowed until five in the evening. Negative side diets - when returning to a daily lifestyle, kilograms can return again.

Protein for 2 weeks

Hearing about such a diet, many people assume that this is a diet of only meat, but this is not so. This way to lose weight involves foods containing protein: meat, beans, peas. Many nutritionists argue that a protein diet is a heavy stress for the digestive system, because it receives proteins and fats and is completely deprived of complex carbohydrates. This nutrition gives an instant effect: in 2 weeks it is easy to achieve a minus of 10 kg. This result is not long-term, dangerous to health. protein diet can lead to such negative changes in the body:

  • impaired renal function;
  • problems with nervous system;
  • muscle weakness.

Low-calorie 20 kg per month

It is possible to lose such weight if the mark on the scale reaches 110-150 kg. A low-calorie diet, in which it is easy to lose 20 kg in a month, provides for eating unheated vegetables, herbs and fruits. During this time, it is not recommended to eat cooked food. It is especially good to stick to such a diet in summer and autumn, but it is also possible in winter, because. there is a supply of seasonal products: winter varieties of white cabbage, beets, carrots, apples, pears.

These vegetables, and fruits, are allowed to be consumed in a comfortable amount for you in the form of salads and smoothies whipped with a blender. It is very important for fast weight loss to eat a large number of dill, parsley, spinach, lettuce, basil, nettle. Once a day, it is recommended to make a green smoothie: your favorite fruit, whipped with a bunch of greens and water. With the help of a raw food diet, not only the problem with weight is solved, but the whole body is also healed.

Elena Malysheva for 10 days

If you need to lose the extra 5 kg, and you only have 10 days left, then use the diet developed by the popular TV presenter of health programs Elena Malysheva. This method is designed for 10 days. As a result of this diet, the body receives a complete set of carbohydrates and proteins for normal life. During this time, there is an alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. Protein Day Diet:

  1. Breakfast: boiled egg (1 pc.), a bunch of dill, green salad(100 g).
  2. One boiled chicken (800 g) without salt should be spread over the rest of the day.
  3. Drink two liters of water throughout the day.

A carbohydrate day consists of:

  1. Salad with finely chopped raw vegetables: white cabbage (500 g), lemon juice, carrots (500 g), beets (500 g),.
  2. Drinking water (at least 8 stacks per day).

Rating of the most popular and effective diets in the world

Having made the decision to lose extra pounds through nutritional adjustments, not everyone has the desire to start this process with a new, untested diet. We all want to avoid side effects and stay healthy. Therefore, nutritionists suggest short list, which indicates the rating of diets for effectiveness:

  • - leads the top effective diets;
  • Kremlin - light - for quick weight loss;
  • Hollywood - for effective weight loss;
  • "6 petals" - safe, for weight loss of the abdomen;
  • is the hardest way to lose weight.

How to get out of diets at home

The effect and duration of the result in losing weight depends on the nutrition after it ends. During food restrictions, the stomach changes in size, becoming a little smaller than usual. Nutritionists advise to leave the diet smoothly, without loading or stretching the stomach. Here are some recommendations from experts:

  1. Start your day with a large glass of water.
  2. On the first day after the diet, do not increase portions.
  3. Introduce familiar foods gradually: one every day.

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast beautiful forms and graceful lines of the body, elasticity and smoothness of the skin. For the sake of the beauty of the skin and figure, many young girls and boys go to the gym, visit the pool and exhaust themselves with merciless starvation diets. In the end, the result may not always please. For example, in the process, various diseases of the stomach and digestive tract may begin to develop, and the psycho-emotional state may also worsen.

What are the consequences of being overweight?

However, being overweight is not a problem for everyone. Some people may not be embarrassed by a sagging and round tummy or fat folds at the waist. As a rule, they do not monitor the quality and diet and lead an unhealthy lifestyle. If you do not think in time about the state of your health and, as a result, about switching to eating healthy and wholesome food, then in the future the body itself may remind you of what sad results negligent attitude towards yourself can lead to. Such negative consequences include flabbiness of the skin, grey colour faces, the appearance of acne, the development of various diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and so on. The best salvation in this case will be the fastest and most effective diet.

How the diet works

One of the main ideas of the fastest and most effective diet is to follow a set of simple principles of healthy eating. For example, it is known that eating after six o'clock in the evening is not a beneficial action. People who are predisposed to be overweight should avoid this.

However, you should also be aware that the use of fatty or high-calorie foods before this time is also not recommended, otherwise the meaning of the evening restriction of food intake is lost, as a result it becomes simply useless and will not help to achieve what you want.

The next idea that will help you achieve really visible results for weight loss is an individually selected, fastest and most effective diet that excludes foods that contribute to weight gain.

"Hidden" Nutrients

There are foods that are high in so-called "hidden" nutrients. These include chips, buns, chebureks, crackers and other quick “snacks” that are quietly absorbed “in between times” during the day, as well as drinks containing a large amount of sugar.

In order not to gain at least a couple of extra pounds, a person can make a lot of sometimes ruthless efforts towards himself. But the presence in the daily diet of the aforementioned products with "hidden" nutrients nullifies all efforts. As a result, even by reducing the amount of food consumed, he may not notice that he is receiving a large number of calories.

Many weight loss experts believe that there is a way out - the safest and most effective diet is needed. - fast diet. Its principle is this: it is better to refuse a short time from certain foods than torturing yourself for years trying different nutrition programs!

Sugar is enemy number one!

It is found in sweets, many flour and confectionery products, milk or juice drinks, etc. Those who want to lose weight should pay attention to the amount of sugar they consume. For example, you can refuse to add it to tea, stop buying artificial drinks, lemonade, as they contain a large amount of sugar. Of course, the body needs it, but not in the form of "artificial" sweets, so it is better to replace them with natural ones: honey, dates, dried apricots, raisins. It's both healthy and delicious.

Of course, you should not become an ascetic and completely deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating a piece of cake, as moderate use such foods will not lead to obesity. The only condition is that high-calorie desserts must be absent in the daily diet, otherwise no even the fastest diet in the world will be able to help.

Butter and confectionery

Butter is composed almost entirely of animal fats, so it is high in calories. It contains vitamins of groups B, A, PP, E, as well as minerals: calcium, iron, fatty acids, zinc and phosphorus - all of them are priceless and necessary for our body. But its frequent use may not bring benefits, but harm, so you need to reduce the use of this product to a minimum, and completely exclude it from the diet during the diet. In fairness, it should be noted that some homemade diets for weight loss allow the use of butter in the amount of 10 gr. in Week. Margarine is considered one of the most harmful fats, its use can lead to obesity. In its pure form, the use of margarine is highly discouraged.

Flour and confectionery products. These include pastries - various pies, buns, cakes and pastries, that is, everything that is made from premium wheat flour. It is advisable to exclude such products from the diet or minimize them during the diet, since they do not bring health benefits.

Sausages, mayonnaise, pickles, smoked meats...

Sausages and sausages should be consumed as little as possible, and during the diet completely refrain from them. This food contains a large amount of fat, the use of which greatly complicates the process of losing weight, as well as substances that stimulate appetite.

Mayonnaise should not be added to food during a diet, as it is very high in calories, besides, it contains various preservatives and flavors. Although some fast diets, carried out at home, allow the use of homemade mayonnaise.

Salt and salinity should be consumed in moderation, as many diets involve drinking plenty of water, and salt contributes to the accumulation and retention of fluid in the tissues, which can result in swelling and discomfort.

So, what should be the safest diet for weight loss, the result of which will be really noticeable?

fast diet

Fast diets are effective. Reviews about them confirm this fact. Their duration, as a rule, lasts no more than 3-5 days, but it happens that the process reaches 7-10 days. Every day is unloading, with the same type or varied menu, which guarantees the intake of necessary vitamins and microelements into the body. Therefore, fast diets are very popular, but do not forget that a sharp change in your usual diet can affect your health. There are many recipes for fast diets.

One of them is to eat only raw grated carrots for 3-5 days, you can with an apple. You can eat these ingredients as much as you want. This will allow you to lose 1-2 kg of ballast weight from yourself, remove slags.

Another, tougher recipe calls for eating carrots for 10 days. True, in this case it is allowed to flavor it a little with sour cream.

Benefits of fast diets

Main advantages:

  • There is minimal stress. The shorter the duration of the diet, the less stress experienced by a person who wants to lose weight.
  • Easy to follow. There is no special menu, as all fast diets are based on the main principle - to consume low calorie foods, and in small quantities.
  • Unloading and rest of the body, in particular, the digestive tract.
  • Fast result. Weight loss in three days up to two kilograms, but the fastest diet for a week can give a much better result - up to five kilograms.

Disadvantages of fast diets

The disadvantages include such common phenomena as:

  • feeling of weakness;
  • stomach ache;
  • failure in the diet and, as a result, a violation of the usual balance of vitamins and trace elements in the body;
  • probability of regaining the previous weight.

Before embarking on a fast or any other diet, it is recommended to prepare both mentally and physically. If you do not prepare the body in advance for a new regimen and diet, this can lead to severe stress and make the result minimal or not noticeable at all. Any fast diet for weight loss, the recipes of which are easy to find in various sources, can be both effective and useless.

Preparing for a Diet

To begin with, it is worth noting that one should not thoughtlessly "go on" a diet. It is necessary in advance, about a week in advance, to start writing down the products that you use. It is advisable to weigh a ready-made dish immediately before use (the maximum portion is not more than 300 gr.). Then you should do detailed analysis your diet and the amount you eat. Only after that you need to analyze which foods to replace with less high-calorie ones, choose the appropriate diet that is the most gentle for you. Also, with the help of records, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the reasons for gaining excess weight.

Fast diets are effective, reviews of dietitians confirm that they can help the body "unload", lose weight and improve health. But, at the same time, they recommend taking vitamin preparations along with the diet. Otherwise, during the unloading period, severe weakness, irritability, hunger and many other unpleasant sensations will be felt.

Each person is individual, and the reaction of the body to a particular action is also different, so the effect of fast diet difficult to predict. It is almost impossible to say how much a kilogram “melts” as a result, it can depend on many factors. There are a few simple principles that will help you create an individual diet for each individual - this will be the safest and most effective diet.

Principles of an individual diet

Every diet should:

  • To give pleasure and not cause a desire to break the established diet and return to the previous type of food.
  • Include nutrients, trace elements and amino acids.
  • Do not cause disgust from the adoption of products included in the diet.
  • Combine with outdoor activities physical activity, trips to the bath or sauna.
  • Do not cause health complications.

Foods that suppress appetite

There are foods that help reduce appetite. They contain a huge amount of fiber. Once in the body, it increases significantly in size, causing a feeling of fullness for a long period of time. When the required amount of chromium enters the body, the feeling of hunger is also suppressed. It is found in beef and pork liver, wheat flour, black pepper. Soy products, cheese, bananas, dark chocolate and oatmeal also effectively destroy the feeling of hunger. In addition, there is a considerable amount of precious iodine in foods that reduce appetite, it can be found in pears, onions and seafood. As you know, iodine has a beneficial effect on work thyroid gland on which metabolism depends.

And if excess weight due to hormones?

There are also extremes due to the lack of results from dieting, when a person tries to lose weight, exhausting himself endlessly various methods, but it does not achieve results. In this case, it should be understood that problems with being overweight can also arise for reasons that even the fastest and most effective diet will not completely eliminate.

The lack of the correct balance of a number of hormones in the body leads to various metabolic disorders, which sometimes leads to the appearance of extra pounds. These hormones include the fat regulator leptin, insulin, testosterone, and cortisone. In these cases, before starting any diet, you should consult with an endocrinologist.

Hormones and good rest

If everything is in order with the hormonal system, then there is one little secret on how to keep control over it - you need to fully relax on time. In order for the endocrine system not to malfunction and not introduce an imbalance in common work body, you need to sleep about 8 hours a day.

Can the fastest and most effective diet help you? To get an answer to this question, you need to visit a doctor who, based on the results of the examinations you have passed, will be able to determine the exact causes of overweight. A competent specialist will always tell you what to do next - change your diet or eliminate other factors that contribute to the appearance of extra pounds.

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