What to eat at sea to lose weight. How to lose weight on vacation? Vacation weight loss. Fast weight loss at sea

You can lose weight at sea in 7 or 10 days only if you organize your vacation correctly and spend it actively. In a short period, you can get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight, if you follow the principles of proper nutrition, move a lot and stick to the drinking regimen.


You should swim in the sea as much as possible. However, this should not be done in scorching heat. The most favorable time is before 10-11 o'clock in the afternoon and after 16. The water temperature should be + 25 ... + 26 ° С. Staying in cold water does not contribute to weight loss, because in the cold the body is stressed and tries to conserve fat reserves.

Proper swimming

An important condition for getting rid of excess weight at sea will be swimming. In the process of swimming in the sea, it will be possible to use many muscle groups, activate blood circulation, normalize metabolism, etc. Swimming will help to lose weight even for people with a large amount of fat mass, since during the movement the spine and joints have a minimum load.

In order for the vacation to be beneficial for the figure, you should alternate swimming styles. The most energy-intensive are crawl, breaststroke and butterfly. Each of them is useful for some areas of the body. For example, with a breaststroke, the legs actively work, moving in a crawl can strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulders. "Butterfly" gives a load on the whole body.

You need to swim at a different pace: first, 5 minutes at a slow pace, then move for 10–15 minutes at a fast pace, after which they slow down again.

Drinking regime

Sun exposure and exercise contribute to fluid loss. To avoid dehydration, you should drink as much liquid as possible. You will have to give up all types of soda, energy drinks and alcohol. It is necessary to use mineral water, green tea, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, etc. These drinks will help restore the water balance in the body.

Beach Diet Options

Proper nutrition on vacation is the key not only to getting rid of extra pounds, but also to improving the whole body. After a long stay in the water, severe hunger begins to torment. You can not satisfy it with fatty, floury dishes. Food should be light and easily digestible. You need to eat different types of cereals. They are nutritious and contain complex carbohydrates that are converted into energy, not body fat. You should eat as much as possible natural products, including vegetables and fruits.

Great benefit will bring dishes from baked fish, seafood. Bread products should be consumed in a minimum amount. You can eat low-fat fermented milk products, such as yogurt and kefir.

You can't go hungry during the holidays. It is necessary to eat regularly, replenishing the lost energy.

There are many varieties of beach diets. Has great popularity south beach diet, which was created by American nutritionists. Such a diet will not only make the figure slim, but will also contribute to a change in the usual diet after rest. It should be started 10-15 days before the planned vacation. There are several stages in the diet.

The first stage is as follows: within 10 days, any products containing sugar and other fast carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet. Eat meat and seafood. It is better to give preference to dishes stewed or baked in the oven. You can use offal as ingredients, such as liver, tongue or heart. You should reduce the consumption of vegetable oil to 2 tbsp. l. in a day. The main dishes are complemented by vegetable salads. It is recommended to eat no more than 2 eggs per day.

Since sugar does not enter the body during this period, the body begins to actively burn calories, processing them into the necessary energy. At the same time, a lot of water is excreted from the body. It is important to replenish its losses in time by drinking clean, filtered liquid or natural juices.

The second stage involves the introduction to the menu of dishes made using rice, pasta from durum wheat, the use of rye or whole grain bread in small quantities. However, the basis of the diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish. As a side dish, you can use boiled pasta or rice. Sweet, salty, spicy foods should not be eaten. You need to eat at sea 4-6 times a day.

The duration of this stage depends on the physiological characteristics of a losing weight person. The authors of the diet recommend actively engaging in fitness during this period, since muscle mass will also decrease with body fat.

At the third stage, a return to the diet that the person adhered to before the diet is expected. However, over the period of the diet, the body will get used to healthy food, so it will not be difficult to limit yourself to fatty, sweet or spicy foods. As a result of this approach, it will be possible to consolidate the result obtained in the form of lost kilograms.

Physical exercise

Physical activity during a holiday at sea can be different.

In addition to swimming, you can actively engage in beach sports. For 1 hour of playing volleyball on the sand, you can burn 250-260 kcal. Badminton is a game in which you can also spend a lot of energy. If the goal was to strengthen the muscles of the legs, you should use games that include jumping.

A morning run will energize you. Doing it along the beach line is most beneficial. In 30 minutes, you can burn up to 280 kcal, saturating the body with oxygen and beneficial trace elements contained in the sea air.

Yoga by the sea also helps to lose weight and strengthen muscle mass. Thanks to static postures, proper breathing, it will be possible to accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes, which will lead to the activation of weight loss processes.

Scuba diving or diving also promotes weight loss. Experts point out that there is the same calorie consumption as with fast running.

If the state of the body does not allow you to engage in active sports, you can take long walks. Sticking to a fast rhythm can burn some calories. In combination with a diet, walking will help to make the figure more slender and strengthen the body.

Exercises for weight loss

A set of physical exercises for weight loss during the holidays should include movements to work out all the problematic parts of the body.

To strengthen the abdominal muscles, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Raising the legs from a supine position. The limbs are kept straight, pressed to each other. Repeat 10-15 times in 2-3 sets.
  2. Twisting. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Raise the legs and upper body at the same time. 10-15 movements in 2-3 sets.
  3. "Bike". Movement will help get rid of fat deposits on the sides and make the abdominal muscles more prominent. Do from a prone position on the floor. Hands are held behind the head. Feet imitate cycling. You can change the intensity of movements.

Weight loss is often accompanied by such a problem: sagging muscle mass becomes visible. In order for the body to look fit, the process of losing weight should be accompanied by regular physical activity. You can make your thighs and lower legs strong and beautiful with the help of the following exercises:

  1. Squats. Squats can be different. Plie has a good effect when the legs are spaced to the maximum width. You can do deep and shallow squats or alternate between them. It is important to keep your back straight during the movement, and put your hands on your belt. If physical data allows, you can perform exercises with weights, such as dumbbells.
  2. Mahi. Magicians with legs can be done to the side and sideways. Beginners need to use a support (table edge, wall or chair). Movements develop coordination, strengthen the muscles of the press and legs. You can perform the exercise from a lying position on your side (leg raises). They do 15–25 times in several approaches, gradually increasing the amplitude of the swings.
  3. "Scissors". They lie down on the floor, hold their hands behind their heads, after which they raise their legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor and begin to cross them. Do 20-25 times in 2 sets.

Rest between sets should not be more than 30-40 seconds.

For the hips and buttocks, the following types of movements are used:

  1. Delayed squats. This exercise strengthens the inside of the legs. Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. Having made a squat, in which the hips are parallel to the floor, they linger for 5-7 seconds, after which they return to their original position. 15-25 times in 2 sets. You can use weights.
  2. Run in place. You can use a treadmill or exercise bike.
  3. Rope jumping. Jump intensively for 1 minute. If physical fitness does not allow, then 30-40 seconds. Perform as many approaches as possible.

You can not exercise during the hot time of the day. Morning or evening time will be the most suitable.

Many who want to lose weight, before the upcoming event, begin to work out an action plan in advance. This issue is especially acute before a trip to the sea coast. Everyone wants to have a slim body and show it on the beach. But you can lose weight and directly during the holidays. Let's take a closer look at how to lose weight on vacation at sea.

It is quite possible to combine a body shaping program with a seaside vacation, provided that time and effort are properly distributed. It is important to make the right choice of weight loss technique, because on vacation you want to enjoy your vacation, and not just do strength training and go on a diet.


When preparing for a trip, it is necessary to take care in advance of preparing for the upcoming changes in life. It is required to mentally tune in to the planned changes. The process of losing weight must be done correctly. You should rest, gaining a maximum of positive from the world around you, then the result will not be forced to wait long.

When swimming in the water, move more naturally, splash and achieve great pleasure from this. Forget all the affairs and pressing problems! Before the trip, you also need to balance your diet in advance by removing or limiting the following foods:

  • flour products;
  • Fried, smoked and salty dishes;
  • carbohydrate products;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Alcohol.

Give preference to a fresh salad of vegetables, herbs or fruits. The first step before the holiday is done. But how to lose weight with a similar diet on the sea coast, because it is not always convenient. You can try to use a beach diet, consisting of different stages:

  • First: for 10 days, try to use meat with fish on the menu, eliminating carbohydrates from the diet, consuming a lot of liquid in the form of green tea and plain water. Meat can be cooked using the grill, although it is recommended to stew it or boil it, bake it in the oven. It is also allowed to cook offal such as tongue, heart or liver. Remove fried meat products from the list. The fish on the menu can be used lean, boiled or baked. Be sure to include vegetable salads from a variety of greens in the diet. It does not hurt to eat 2 eggs a day and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. These products will help ensure the proper functioning of the digestive tract and start the metabolic mechanisms more intensively.

  • Second: introduce bread, cereals, pasta into your diet. The beach diet during this period allows you to gradually introduce regular foods into the menu. Remain present dishes and products from the previous list with the addition of no more than 200 g of pasta, rice. Bread should be eaten with rye or whole grain, white flour for baking should not be used. The second stage should continue until the graceful figure returns.
  • At the third stage, there is a return to the traditional diet. Meals on vacation should become habitual, balanced, certainly low-calorie. When you forget forever about potatoes and barbecue, soda and pastries, alcohol and chocolate, the desired slimness of the figure is provided.


Being physically active while on vacation can help you lose weight. The main thing in this matter :

  • Regular activity;
  • Variety of household activities.

In this regard, precise schedules are not required, since a person rests on the sea, enjoying it as much as possible. It is only required to do interesting things, to choose such an activity that it brings joy.

For those who strongly strive to bring their body back to normal, to give it a graceful outline, it is advisable to use gymnastic movements, which are recommended to be carried out at home and on the water.

sea ​​exercises

You need to swim a lot. You should not dream that by visiting the water for 10 minutes, you will already burn a lot of calories. A little of them will be used up, although such bathing is not capable of bringing any particular benefit. The main problem of vacationers is the reluctance to actively swim. People just splash lightly in the salty water, barely moving their limbs.

Even when simply lying on the surface of the sea, a person spends almost 300 kcal per hour. But in practice, this method of eliminating fat only works with prolonged bathing in natural reservoirs. In the pool, a person involuntarily tends to the side, clinging to which with pleasure.

The sea contains much denser water, so it is easy to lie on it without much effort. This procedure will not harm the fat layer. Because of this, you must initially set yourself up for active movements:

  • Be sure to alternate swimming styles. You can use butterfly, crawl or breaststroke, which are the optimal style of movement on the water for weight loss. You should also alternate between accelerated and measured pace of swimming. First swim calmly, then accelerate sharply, then change style again, moving calmly. Muscle cells are tuned to burn fat when the heart contracts at a frequency of 130-160 beats. If you swim at such a pulse, you can burn about 1300 kcal per hour. The actual figure will depend on the available body weight, speed of movement and swimming style. The more muscle you have, the more energy you can use.

  • Pump the press directly in the water. Spread your arms out in the sea, palms down. Pull your knees to your chest, fix in this position, then return them back.
  • Jumping into the sea. Go into the water up to your chest, put your legs together, place your hands along your hips, try to straighten your back. When pushing from the bottom, try to jump as high out of the water as possible. When jumping, hands must be raised up. Achieve a high intensity of jumping - you will be able to quickly lose weight.
  • Mahi standing in the water. Find a place in the sea where the water will reach your throat. Stretch your upper limbs there in front of you and make sharp swings forward with your legs, trying to reach your fingers.
  • Run. Go waist-deep into the water, start imitating running without moving along the bottom. Throw back the lower limbs. Try to hit your own buttocks with your heels. To make the task more difficult, move your hands, simulating running on the ground.

  • A regular massage performed at sea is a great opportunity to correct the figure, eliminate excess fluid from the body. For the procedure, go into the water, lock your hands together, move them up and down around the problem areas of the figure.
  • Diving. This is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the underwater world and correct the figure at the same time. When diving, a person spends no less calories than when running at high speed.
  • Beach games. Having completed pleasant water procedures, it's great to play with a ball on the beach. This fun event allows you to quickly eliminate the fat layer. With an active game for an hour, you can burn almost 300 calories.

Exercise at home

To make a beautiful press, you can perform simple and effective exercises that do not require special equipment:

  • Raising the legs in a supine position. Each limb should be raised up to 10 times, then rest and then continue at a fast pace.
  • For beautiful abs, use twisting together leg raises. Perform the workout lying on your back, placing your ankles along the floor.
  • Bike. A familiar exercise. It helps to eliminate fat on the sides.
  • To lose weight in your legs, you need to do squats. Be sure to keep your back straight during the exercise.
  • Move your legs. This exercise strengthens the leg muscles, pumps up the press.
  • Scissors. Raise your legs in a prone position perpendicular to the floor, and then cross them.

To make legs beautiful and slender, it is necessary to perform all these actions scrupulously, since they affect different muscle groups. To avoid trouble, you need to start with a few simple exercises, then gradually increase their number to the maximum bar. Be sure to rest in between. This will restore breathing, unload cardiac activity.

Class time

Physical education should be done, like swimming, not before meals and not immediately after it. If you do not follow these recommendations, you can get a lot of unpleasant manifestations during swimming or training.

Important! If you eat immediately after walking or swimming, then the energy expended will quickly return in the form of new calories, which is very undesirable.

The long-awaited summer has come, and with it the vacation has approached - the time that you want to spend with the maximum benefit for the body. If before the trip to the sea you have not yet found the opportunity to take care of your figure, it does not matter, you can lose weight in a week on vacation and at sea. But how? If you plan to strike a starfish pose upon arrival at the resort, nothing will work, but if your plans are for an extensive entertainment program and active pastime, there is every chance to lose a few kilograms. "Popular about health" knows what actions to take.

Is it really possible to get rid of extra pounds on vacation in a week?

The answer to this question will surprise you, it is quite possible. However, do not expect too much from yourself - in such a short period of time you can get rid of 3 kilograms, no more, without compromising your health. This is a lot, the lost weight will be a good incentive for you to further work in this direction. How to achieve this result?

How to lose weight in a week while on vacation?

To begin with, decide for yourself that you are not going to lie in a sun lounger all day long, but give preference to an active unforgettable vacation filled with positive emotions and joy. We offer you to get acquainted with the program that will help you become slimmer.


To go to the sea on vacation and not swim enough is sad. Set a goal to swim every half hour while at the beach. If you spend about 2 hours in the morning and evening by the sea, you can swim 8 times a day. Let it be ten-minute swims, they will be enough to burn about 450-500 calories per day. The main thing is not to be distracted by chatting with a friend, but diligently swim in any style, as best you can.

beach games

After a pleasant and healthy swim in the sea, it's great to play volleyball on the beach. Not only is it fun, but it also fits your goal - just a week at sea, but lose weight. During an active game of volleyball for an hour, you will be able to burn 252 calories. Badminton is another entertainment that should not be neglected. Jumping will help strengthen the muscles of the legs and make them slimmer.

morning run

Nothing is more energizing than jogging in the early morning. Well, where else can you run barefoot on the cool sand near the sea early at dawn? If you like to sleep, well, you will have to postpone this exciting activity for the evening. Running at a free pace (about 8 km / h) burns about 250 calories in 30-40 minutes! Jogging on the sea is incomparable - while you are running, enjoying the beautiful views, making plans, dreaming. It is impossible to experience this in our hometown, because there we are overcome by worries and problems, and burdened by unfinished business.

Practicing yoga

At sea, it's time to do yoga, this art helps not only to bring the body into shape, but also to cleanse oneself spiritually. Being in harmony with nature, a person strives for perfection, cognizes himself and the world around, becomes stronger physically. Remember a couple of asanas for weight loss and try to perform them daily at a convenient time. It would be nice to combine these activities with a morning run, when there are still no crowds on the beach and it is not too hot.


Surprised? Diving is not just an opportunity to get to know the beautiful underwater world better, but also to lose weight. It turns out that when diving with scuba diving in water, a person spends as many calories as when running fast! In addition to this entertainment in modern resorts, there is an opportunity to take part in various competitions in the water, play ball, dive from the pier. Never neglect these activities - you will get benefits for the figure and a lot of impressions for the year ahead.

Night walks

Have you ever walked along the embankment at night? Try it, this activity is refreshing, helps you tune in to sleep, and you will also be able to lose weight. Well, if you have some strength left after a busy day, go to a nightclub and dance from the heart. Moving to the rhythm of modern music, you can leave about 200 calories on the dance floor in 30 minutes, provided that you do not order hearty meals and drink alcohol. And freshly squeezed juice or smoothies should not be abandoned.

Actively spend time during the day

In the afternoon, you can go sightseeing or shopping. The girls will get a lot of impressions from such a walk, and the items and things purchased at the resort will remain as a memory of the holiday.


If you need to lose weight while at sea in a week, nutrition cannot be left out. Be selective in food, choose stew, fish, vegetables, fruits, yogurt, give up muffins and sweets and too high-calorie dishes. Try not to drink beer, and on the beach do not lean too much on all sorts of goodies like tubes of cream and honey puffs. Better treat yourself to fragrant corn and southern fruits that you will not find on sale in your country.

So many interesting things to do during your short vacation! And they all serve your purpose of losing weight in a vacation week. If you complete at least half of your plans, then you will definitely achieve your goal. Returning home inspired, be sure to continue what you started to get rid of the remaining extra pounds.

Going on vacation, we are sure that, after floundering for several days in the sea and the pool, we will turn into long-legged, slender beauties. However, sometimes "sea swims" have quite the opposite effect, turning into extra centimeters at the waist. But we know how to lose weight with the right water sports routines.

Swimming is the most gentle form of endurance training. The lifting force of water reduces body weight by about a third, and decreases by the same amount

load that usually puts pressure on your joints.

In addition, due to the resistance of water, all skeletal muscles are strengthened. The back is especially beneficial. After all, swimming is a miracle cure for postural disorders and sprains. The main thing is to master the correct technique, and first of all, the backstroke technique, which relieves the load on the cervical spine.

Why doesn't everyone lose weight from swimming?

Many people think that a 10-minute splash in the sea will burn a lot of calories in an instant. Of course, some calories will be used up, but in general, such bathing will not bring you any benefit. The main mistake of vacationers is that they do not actively swim, but simply splash and barely move in the water.
Even just keeping ourselves afloat, we spend about 300 kcal. However, in practice, this method of burning fat only works when swimming in deep rivers and lakes. In the pool, you yourself will not notice how you find yourself near the side or the path, which you joyfully cling to. In the sea, the water is much denser, so that you can just lie on it without any effort, which will not bring any threat to our fat layer.

Therefore, to begin with, accustom yourself to actively move in the water all the time. Muscle cells "know how" to burn fat at a heart rate of 130-160. Swimming with a pulse of 130-150 beats per minute, you can burn from 600 to 1300 kcal per hour. The exact figure depends on the chosen swimming style, speed and ... your weight! The more muscle you have, the more energy you use.

How to swim to lose weight?

To lose weight, you can’t just go with the flow (literally and figuratively), but you need to think over your own bathing plan. In addition, you will not only have to swim, but also be sure to alternate styles and intensity - this is exactly what is needed to keep the muscles in fat burning mode.
The most intense style is the butterfly, which is also the most complex and difficult. If training allows, swim them for 5-6 minutes and switch to any other style so that the pulse drops to 130-140 beats. Crawl is the style that is optimal in terms of energy consumption and movement technique.

Try to swim crawl 20-30 minutes a day. If it's hard - alternate styles: 5 minutes crawl, 5 minutes breaststroke or backstroke and again from the beginning. Breaststroke is quite possible to work with full dedication, but for this you need to learn how to work with your hands and feet correctly. This is a technically complex style, and sometimes you can’t do without the help of a coach to master it.

A style of belly swimming in which the left and right sides of the body stroke alternately. Each arm makes a wide stroke along the axis of the swimmer's body, during which the legs, in turn, also alternately rise and fall. The face of the swimmer is in the water, and only periodically during the stroke does the head turn to take a breath. The crawl is considered the fastest way to swim.

A style of swimming on the belly, in which the left and right parts of the body simultaneously make symmetrical movements: the arms make a wide and powerful stroke that lifts the swimmer's body above the water, the legs and pelvis perform wave-like movements. Butterfly is one of the most difficult swimming methods and is considered the second fastest after the front crawl.

A style of chest swimming in which the arms and legs perform symmetrical movements in a plane parallel to the surface of the water. Breaststroke is the slowest swimming style, but it is also considered the most technically difficult style.

Showdown with degrees

Another mistake of losing weight: do not take into account the temperature of the water. Water is always colder than our body and denser than air. Therefore, in water we cool down about 20 times faster than on land. It seems that for weight loss what is needed: after all, we will spend a lot of calories to maintain the required 36.6 of the body, and especially fat!

On the one hand, yes. But there is another trend: water with a temperature below 24 degrees stimulates the human body to accumulate subcutaneous fat, because it is a good thermal insulation from the cold outside. The same thing happens with seals and walruses living in the northern seas. How many slender seals have you seen?

Bathing in the sea - massage session

Sea water is a natural solution of all useful salts and minerals, in particular magnesium, iodine, potassium and calcium. And there is no “pool” bleach in it!
A concentrated solution of natural salts naturally massages your body. Moreover, the faster you move in it, the stronger. It “breaks” cellulite no worse than the hands of a massage therapist, improves blood circulation, removes excess fluid, and stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Some cosmetologists believe that active swimming in sea water is equivalent to a professional massage session.

Another great way to make the sea work against your fat is to combine water and... play. Especially suitable for those who are already tired of swimming, do not like monotony or are simply afraid of deep water. Grab a ball and play football while standing ankle-deep or knee-deep in water. Or go up to your chest and have a game of volleyball or water polo. The easiest option is walking along the shore knee-deep in water.

If you want extreme sports, take a surfboard. If you want to dive, go snorkeling - swimming with a mask and fins. You will kill two birds with one stone: you will watch the underwater beauties and practice a little. Just remember that active swimming is necessary for active burning of calories, and snorkeling alone will not help you.

Whatever option you choose, spend at least half an hour on it and, if you are not lazy, the load will turn out to be the most fat-burning!

You can relax not only by getting to know the world and getting to know new cities and countries. AT vacation they also go to finally be with their family, practice a foreign language or lose weight. With the latter goal, mostly women connect their holidays. And before the next vacation, they are rapidly losing weight. And once in some hotel on the "All Inclusive" system, they make up for lost time with big pluses.

In order to prevent weight gain throughout your holiday, we suggest you listen to a few of our advice. So, let's figure out where you can go to take care of your figure.


Imagine, there are such "excursions". And you all know them well. An ideal option for losing weight on vacation is to purchase a special SPA program hotel. You can be like various body wraps and massages. In many countries there are hotels that host courses of treatment for those who want to get rid of a few pounds. They include low calorie menu, as well as expert advice. A huge plus in these activities will be a visit to the mud and mineral springs, combined with an acquaintance with the city. The only disadvantage of such proposals is the high price.


Another equally cheap vacation option is to master new sport, for example, learn to play golf, surf, rollerblade, ski, etc. But you don't need to convince yourself that by swimming in the sea, you will also achieve great results. After all, we usually lie on the beach for hours, sunbathing in the sun, and plunge into the water for only 5 minutes to cool off. No one has lost weight from this yet. To achieve the effect, you need to hire an instructor. He won't let you relax. And swim at least 2-3 hours a day! All the calories you eat in the restaurant will “leave” with those extra pounds.


You will definitely lose weight if you go on a trip not on a sightseeing bus or a rental car, but cycling or rollerblading. For beginners, it is better to opt for Switzerland. There is everything for lovers of this sport: routes are detailed, there is a service for delivering luggage to another destination. Moreover, the bike can be returned at the other end of the country, and not at the place where you received it. In addition, when traveling by bike, you can stop anywhere in order to see all the local attractions.


If you are drawn to look into the first hot dog kiosk you come across, if you constantly want something to eat, then go to India or Sri Lanka. There, on every corner you can buy not pastries, but pineapples, mangoes and bananas. Arriving there, you can change your usual diet. Such a diet will quickly lead you to the desired result. Vegetables and fruits no one has ever been made "big".


There is another way to lose weight - go on a trip, taking with you limited amount of money. Naturally, it is assumed that your hotel will be "all inclusive". Austerity will not allow you to walk from one restaurant to another, you will walk more so as not to spend money on bus tickets. Walk will allow you to get rid of a couple of three extra pounds. You can also spend your free time walking in the city parks, attending a lot of interesting outdoor concerts, festivals and open events.


For daredevils, a suitable option would be a trip to a desert island. There you will learn how to survive in the wild, get your own food, pick berries and fruits from trees, get the skills of a fisherman. It is clear that no one will give you a tropical island at your disposal. But our forests will be an alternative to it. In any case, you do not have to settle in tropical conditions or risk your health by catching some exotic virus. A couple of weeks in the forest - and you will get the desired result: a slim figure and a beautiful appearance.


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