How to prolong life in old age. Secrets of longevity. Six ways to prolong your life. How to prolong life

Medical experts have compiled a list of the most useful things you can do to live longer and stay healthy until the very last days. If you develop such good habits, you will quickly begin to feel better.

Go for a run

Sport is the most effective way to prolong your life. Running helps to activate the work of the heart. Every hourly run adds seven hours to your life! People who run lower their risk of premature death and live an average of three years longer. In addition, they are healthier overall.

Eat vegetable protein

Recent studies have shown that eating processed meats increases the likelihood of premature death. People who eat plant-based protein are much less likely to experience cardiovascular disease.

Get in the sun, but not too often

Vitamin D has been proven to help fight disease, promote bone health, and ward off depression. Studies have shown that it even prolongs life. Just don't spend too much time in the sun.

drink coffee

To the delight of all coffee connoisseurs, an invigorating drink can prolong life. Moderate coffee consumption protects against type 2 diabetes and may even reduce the risk of dementia and heart disease.

Eat nuts

Do not think that they are harmful because of the high calorie content, nuts can extend your life. This has been proven by research.

Use spices

There are spices that are incredibly beneficial for the body, for example, turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation speeds up the aging process, so fighting it can be very beneficial.

Do not smoke

You probably already know about it. Quitting smoking is the most important decision you can make to prolong your life. Cigarettes have been linked to almost every serious disease, from cancer to cardiovascular disease.

Drink alcohol in moderation

Alcohol abuse is dangerous to health, but drinking in moderation, especially red wine, can be beneficial if you want to live longer.

Eat more pepper

Recent studies have shown that people who regularly consume pepper reduce their risk of premature death by thirteen percent. Pepper lowers blood pressure due to the content of capsaicin.

Be less nervous

The impact of stress on the body is extremely serious, so try to reduce stress. Studies have shown that people with chronic stress have a lot more hormones that cause aging.

Do strength exercises

Do not think that you only need cardio training, strength will also be required to prolong life. Recent studies have shown that people who train twice a week in the gym significantly improve their health.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Researchers are sure that those who want to live longer should eat more fruits and vegetables. People who eat about ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day are remarkably healthy.

Be kind and generous

Building relationships with other people is very important if you want to stay healthy in the long run. The best way to improve your health is to focus not only on yourself, but also on others.

eat fish

Eating healthy varieties of fish is important for those who want to prolong their lives. Eat oily fish like salmon twice a week.

Get enough sleep

We are all constantly busy, so sleep often suffers. If you want to live as long as possible, make rest a priority and get seven to eight hours of sleep every day.

Be young at heart

You are as old as you feel. Those who feel younger live longer. Perhaps the fact is that the attitude to life is associated with activity and health.

Don't sit all day

Even if you're not sure you're ready to get fitter, you need at least minimal movement. Try to walk at least ten minutes - such an effort will still reduce the danger of death.

Eat berries

Berries are known to be one of the best sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent cell destruction during aging. In addition, the berries also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Strain your brain

Your brain needs exercise too. Stimulation of brain activity helps to avoid senile dementia in the future.

Chat with friends

People who have a connection with others are more likely to live to an advanced age. Having strong friendships increases the chance of longevity by fifty percent.

Eat like the Japanese

You need to not only eat vegetables and fish, but also stop overeating. The Japanese eat small meals and have the highest life expectancy in the world.


According to research, stretching helps improve the condition of the arteries, and thus prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. Work on flexibility and balance regularly, for example, in yoga classes or at dances.

Find a purpose in life

If you have a purpose, you will live a little longer. This has been proven by researchers from London.

A positive outlook on life prolongs years. Research has shown that being optimistic can help you cope with a variety of health problems quite effectively.


If you don't like running, go for a walk, it will protect you from cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Become a Volunteer

It is useful to help not only acquaintances - the work of a volunteer also has a good effect on health. Research has shown that volunteers have a longer life expectancy, but only when they help selflessly.

have sex

With age, the sex life fades, and this is a problem. Those who maintain sexual activity live longer.

Take care of your teeth

The condition of your teeth can be a reflection of your overall health, so brush your teeth and floss.

Give up soda

There is nothing surprising in the fact that sugary drinks shorten life, they damage metabolism and cause diabetes.

Start a family

People who have a partner usually live longer. A happy marriage is the key to success.

Experience gratitude

You should be more grateful to your body, it helps to prolong your life.

Drink more

There is a lot of water in the human body, so you should drink more often to support it.


If you regularly experience positive emotions, you reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Go on vacation

Traveling makes it easier to find moments that lift your spirits. It turns out that vacation can be a way to extend your life!

Eat right

Try to eat as many natural, whole foods as possible, as well as fresh herbs and spices.

Get a pet

Researchers have found that pets make people happier, which reduces stress levels.

Videos with cats perfectly cheer up, which means you will experience less negative emotions.

Have kids

Children have a positive effect on life expectancy, this is confirmed by Swedish studies.

Spend time with your grandchildren

Grandchildren also prolong life. Those who spend time with them live much longer.

Prevent disease

Nobody likes going to the doctor, but regular check-ups can help prevent illness.

Walk in nature

Contact with nature has a positive effect on the psyche and prolongs life.

Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity seriously reduces life expectancy, causing diabetes and heart disease.

Eat calcium

As we age, bones become more fragile. Prevent this with calcium.

Eat dark chocolate

This dessert will help you prolong your life. It protects the heart and lowers cholesterol levels.


Meditation is extremely useful in the fight against cell destruction and aging.

sing along

Relax and sing, it strengthens the immune system and stabilizes the heart rate.

Use social networks

Communication with loved ones helps to extend life, so go online.


Laughter is the best medicine. Scientists have found a lot of evidence for this.

Get some plants

If you can't go to nature, just admire a houseplant.

Spend some time alone

This will allow you to reduce stress levels and relax, prolonging your life.


The main reason for a significant decrease in life expectancy is chronic inflammation and impaired vascular patency, sclerosis and dysfunction of various organs. Doctors prescribe a large number of drugs, and they are often outweighed by the benefits of them. The kidneys excrete the decay products of these drugs more slowly, the liver breaks them down worse. The result is the accumulation of harmful substances in the blood, the distortion of the effect of drugs on the body. Often, many medicines that in youth coped well with the same diseases cease to help. And they can also cause reactions in the body that are inadequate to the therapeutic effect. So sedatives can cause prolonged drowsiness, which increases the risk of injury, etc. With age comes the realization of the fact that a person should try to help himself, and not hope. There comes a period of self-treatment by methods of traditional medicine, which is often quite suitable for the official one.

An elderly person needs one and a half times less calories than a growing, young one. Fatty meat pickles, canned goodies and smoked meats are foods that destroy the cardiovascular system. The most useful food should be considered fermented milk products, which prolong life, fight dysbacteriosis, and are useful for cardiovascular and kidney diseases. It is necessary to completely abandon refined foods, but the “green” light is given to raw vegetables seasoned with unrefined oil from. Proper nutrition can lengthen life, and improper nutrition shortens it. It is necessary to reconsider your diet in terms of the benefits and harms of the products consumed and make the right individual diet, the basis of which should be moderation in food. The best life-extenders are antioxidants containing vitamins E and A. For example, parsley, celery and dill.

Moderate physical labor is, of course, useful. But the majority of pensioners, thinking that they are capable of cultivating dachas and gardens for 8 hours a day, at least do not correlate the capabilities of their often untrained body with the many hours of the “praying Mohammedan” posture, earn complications of cardiovascular ailments. Unfortunately, hard work in the summer cottage is not able to replace physical education. Starting physical education should be done with great care. It is impossible to achieve excellent results instantly. The main thing is gradualness, otherwise there will be a run to a heart attack. At an older age, walking hourly walks is more useful, which perfectly reduce the risk of stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, help the body fight arthritis, hypertension and hypotension, and depression. At the same time, there is no risk of damaging the joints, the load on them will not be shock.

A positive attitude to life, a good mood is one of the most effective means of improving life and prolonging it. It has been proven that an active life position and vital activity contribute to the improvement and extension of life.

Numerous neuropsychic stresses have become the most important factor in accelerating aging in our country. Constant stress - stress, cause "breakdown" in our body. Due to negative emotions, a lethal dose of “extreme” hormones is released into the bloodstream, which trigger biochemical processes in the body that adversely affect it. It is necessary to try by all means to avoid conflict situations, to find the funny in the sad, distracting moments in the bad. Everyone has to find their own way to deal with stress. Auto-training, hobbies, self-hypnosis, zootherapy are the main tools in healing the body.

The American medical portal WebMD has compiled a list of recommendations for those who want to live happily ever after. Most of the advice is obvious, but for some mysterious reason, many do not follow it. But in vain! It is in our power to change not only the quality of life, but also its duration, and without any financial investment.

Protect your DNA

As you age, the telomeres at the end of your chromosomes shorten, increasing your risk of acquiring various diseases. But favorable lifestyle changes can increase the production of telomerase, an enzyme that lengthens telomeres. Positively affect their condition and sports and healthy diets. In other words, healthy habits slow down aging at the cellular level.

Analyze it!

An 80-year study found that people who pay attention to details and think carefully about their decisions and actions live longer. They are more health conscious, work on family relationships, and make conscious career choices that together provide them with a better standard of living.

make friends

And here is another reason to be grateful to our friends. They prolong our lives. Dozens of studies have proven a direct relationship between our social activity and longevity. So don't forget your friends!

The more friends you have, the better your chances of living longer and keeping a clear mind in old age

… but choose them wisely!

The habits of your friends reflect on you, so make friends with fans of a healthy lifestyle. Your chances of becoming obese increase if your friends are overweight. Smoking is also "contagious", but there is good news. Quitting smoking with a group is better than quitting alone.

Quit smoking

Everyone knows that quitting smoking can prolong life. But here are a couple of numbers that will blow your mind. British researchers have found that by quitting smoking at 30, you may give yourself an extra 10 years of life! If you do this at 40, 50 or 60, then you will live 9, 6 and 3 years longer, respectively.

Wear protective gear

Protection is never too much

In the US, accidents are the fifth leading cause of death for the 1-24 age group. Wearing protective gear increases your chances of living a long, healthy life. Seat belts in vehicles reduce the risk of death or serious injury in a crash by 50%! For motorcyclists and cyclists, head injuries are the main cause of death, so remember to wear a helmet every time you saddle an iron horse.

Stick to the Mediterranean Diet

Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and fish. This diet will be your strongest defense against metabolic syndrome—a combination of obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and other conditions that cause heart disease and diabetes.

Eat Like an Okinawan

Once upon a time, the inhabitants of the island of Okinawa, in Japan, were the main centenarians of the Earth. And all thanks to the traditional low-carb diet of green and yellow vegetables. Alas, the younger generation does not respect tradition and has not lived for so long.

Drink up! But in moderation

Did you know that heart disease is less common in those who sometimes allow themselves a different glass than in those who do not drink at all? But excessive love entails the appearance of extra kilos at the waist, raises blood pressure and provokes various diseases. Women can drink no more than one glass of wine a day, men - no more than two. But if you haven't drunk yet, then don't start, there are others to support your heart.

Find your spiritual path

People who attend religious services live longer. Scientists for 12 years studied the health of 65-year-old believers who attended church meetings more than once a week. It turned out that the level of a key protein for the immune system in their bodies is higher than that of those who do not go to church! Once again, the power of miraculous social activity, which was mentioned above, comes into play.

Tie the knot

Married people live longer than single people. Researchers explain this by the fact that spouses support each other morally and financially. But even widowed or divorced men and women die at a later age than those for whom the march of Mendelssohn never sounded.

Oaths of allegiance are not empty words. Spouses support each other and prolong life for each other and for themselves


Letting go and forgetting is the key to good health. Constant resentment provokes heart and lung diseases, heart attacks and other problems. Forgiveness, on the other hand, reduces anxiety and normalizes blood pressure, and also helps to breathe deeply. You will receive the full reward for your ability not to harbor evil in old age in the form of additional years of life.

Do not stop!

Movement is life!

The benefits are obvious. Those who move a lot live, on average, several years longer than lazy people. Regular exercise reduces your chances of having a heart attack, heart disease, diabetes, some forms of cancer, and depression. In addition, in old age your mind will be clearer! Even a 20-minute exercise, but every day, counts.

lose weight

If you are overweight, losing weight can protect you from diabetes, heart disease and other ailments that take years off your life. Waist fat is especially dangerous, so focus your weight loss efforts on this area. Eat more fiber and exercise regularly.

Relax after lunch

Afternoon siesta is a tradition in many countries, and now scientists have proven that sleep after the afternoon meal increases life expectancy. Those who like to relax and sleep for an hour or two after dinner reduce their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 37%. This is because during sleep, levels of stress hormones decrease, and this heals the heart.

Relax and unwind after dinner is good for the heart! And generally nice

Don't sacrifice sleep

Getting enough sleep reduces your chances of getting obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and mood swings. Sleep helps you heal faster. A night's sleep of at least 5 hours is simply necessary for the body to recover, since abandon all midnight affairs - and on the side!

Manage your stress

It is impossible to completely avoid stress, you can learn to control it. Yoga, meditation or just deep breathing in difficult life moments will help in this. Even a few minutes a day is enough.

Fill your life with meaning

Hobbies and other activities that are important to you can prolong your life. Japanese scientists have found that people who understand that someone needs or have a goal in life are less likely to die from heart attacks and heart disease. Understanding what and why you are doing reduces the risk of falling victim to Alzheimer's disease.

Life extension has been of interest to mankind for many centuries, and even after us there will be many followers of the answer to the question of how to extend the life of a person.

Mankind has invented many items to make their life easier (airplanes, trains, cars), but most importantly, the extension of life on earth remains a secret with seven seals.

I will not say that they are not working on the issue, only our life does not wait, it passes.

Science has proven that mankind, living 50,000 years ago, died with a more elastic body.

This fact is attributed to the low content of oxidants in the air (free radicals).

They are considered the main killers of man. To neutralize them, there are antioxidant preparations containing (vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc), more about this

A large number of antioxidants are found in green tea. Fresh fruits are also to some extent antioxidants, alkalize the blood.

But they still cannot prolong life for a long time.

The first thing needed to extend it, scientists have already established:

    • Enrichment of our body with the heavy isotope C 13, which was in abundance in those 50,000 years of life ago (it is necessary to prolong life).
    • Now the air contains about 1%. The task of scientists is to bring this figure to 100%. Some countries are already doing this, to be exact there are five of them.
    • People who have the body structure of the isotope C 13 are not afraid of any infections, they will be healthy, even a transfusion of the blood of an AIDS patient will not affect him in any way.
    • Scientists say that the current human body consists of a heavier isotope C 12.

  • There is confirmed evidence that those who died about 40,000 years ago at the age of 80 had all their teeth. Recall the story, they then ate meat, which was obtained by hunting. A little milk, cheese made in a primitive way.
  • A little later, when the soil began to be cultivated, the dead did not have all the teeth in the same 80 years.
  • Scientists are inclined to believe that the use of plant foods has a bad effect on life expectancy. They have proof that there are entire nations living 30 to 40% more time in this world.
  • Inhabitants of the Tibetan-Pomyr group, living in the area of ​​mountain ranges from Everest to the Caucasus. They hunt and eat a lot of meat.

As we understand, this is a matter of the future, and what to do now, how to prolong life. For women, it is especially important, because we want to be attractive even at 80 years old.

Way to prolong human life:

In general, science divides human life into certain stages:

  • A person was born, grew up - one stage. It ends at the turn of 25 years. The growth of the body has stopped. Proof of this is the creation of special metabolites by the body.
  • Then comes the life of an adult up to 55 - 60 years.
  • Finally, the last process of life is turned on - the aging of the body.

Watch the video, 6 simple ways to extend life:

    • Longevity is helped by peptide-based drugs, known to have been used on our sunken submarine in 1989.
    • It is known that these drugs are used in St. Petersburg for operations related to eye pathology.
    • Spirulina (algae), preparations created on its basis, preserve health, and hence life.
    • An already proven method of life extension, calorie restriction. The fewer calories we eat, the longer we live.
    • Strengthening one's immunity, the ability to withstand constant stress greatly prolongs a person's life expectancy. How to strengthen the immune system is written a lot:
    • Hardening (contrast shower constantly).
    • Sports activities (permanent).
    • Proper nutrition, a lot of greenery is especially valuable, read more. Allow yourself a little red wine, blood vessels are cleansed, stress goes away, read more about this
    • Maintaining immunity with herbal preparations, for example, echinacea, read.
    • It is very important to get rid of the "syndrome" of expectation, the fear of death. It is necessary to understand, to accept the inevitability of this, there are no people on earth who live forever, and we will leave, when - be it in another world.
    • Stay in the sun more, not under direct rays, but just outside for at least three hours. Scientists have proven that it is good for joints, the likelihood of getting breast cancer decreases, and bowel function improves.
    • Fight insomnia within reasonable limits, sleeping pills have a lot of unhealthy side effects. Better engage in treatment with herbal infusions, gymnastics, yoga.
    • In the fight against stress, allow yourself dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans. It improves mood well, allows you to fight diseases of the heart, blood vessels.

  • Back in 1967 in Japan, a scientist discovered that the mineral Germanium (GE) is the main supplier of oxygen to our body (found in ginseng).
  • It controls the continuous renewal of our cells, they guarantee the normal functioning of all organs of our body.
  • If there is a lack of it, it is difficult to correct weak immunity (germanium stimulates the production of interferons (proteins that protect the body from viruses), has an antitumor effect.
  • A company in Siberia created a drug based on Germany, the composition also includes:
  • Resverator, stronger in the action of hydroxytyrosol.
  • Gingko biloba extract.
  • Coenzyme Q
  • Now let's enjoy life, there is nothing more beautiful than it.

Scientists prove that in every person on earth there are reserves of youth that are hidden, but allow you to extend life by 30%.

These reserves are activated only by prolonged fasting.

It is claimed that this drug is capable of this without starvation.

You can talk endlessly on the topic of life extension, build hypotheses with foam at the mouth.

Some argue that if there is no natural selection, there will not be enough space on earth.

There will be nothing to feed such a horde of the living for a long time.

All right, but how to explain it to me? I want to live, even kill me, arguments for me, nothing.

I don't want to be sick at 60 or 80.

Scientists around the world, please pay attention to people, their health. Stop using force! We all want to live happily ever after in Russia, America, China.

What's the difference where?

Excuse me, with respect Tatyana Nikolaevna, author.

Watch the video, an old recipe for life extension:

No matter how advanced modern science is, officially it cannot explain the different life expectancy of different people. For example, why some, following the regimen, diets and observing the recommended physical activity, die in the prime of life. And vice versa - it would seem that a person leads a very harmful lifestyle, smokes, drinks, and lives to a ripe old age. What's the secret? And is there something that will restore youth and prolong your life? It turns out there is.

Why do those who smoke and drink often live longer than those who follow a healthy lifestyle? The answer to this question has already been found by science and medicine, the main thing is that it reaches us as soon as possible.

No matter how much they talk about the important role of the right lifestyle for its extension, but in reality no one has yet given an answer to a simple question, how to live 100 years.

Here's an example for you: Savely Kramarov denied himself everything, took care of himself, and died in his prime.

Or does someone already know how to extend their life and at the same time spend it with maximum benefit?

Is it realistic to live longer?

Life extension is real. In laboratory studies, the life of mice was extended up to 2 times, and for more primitive animals - up to 10 times. The probability of such effects in humans is high, because in the experiments they influenced those genes that humans also have.

It is encouraging that progress in mice was also achieved with the help of pharmaceuticals - they extended life up to 30%, and gene therapy - up to 24%. A person with regular physical activity, if it starts at least in middle age, can prolong life by 6-12%.

Several dozen substances are already known that have extended the life of animals in laboratory studies. There have been no such tests in humans yet, but some of the substances known drugs are ibuprofen, aspirin, metformin. The latter extended life not only in mice, but also in patients with type 2 diabetes who took it. However, I find it difficult to believe in the radical effect of any one drug, since aging has many potential pharmacological "targets" and, perhaps, combinations are the future.

How will life be extended?

To prolong life, most likely, they will use a whole cocktail of pharmaceuticals, which, in combination with periodic gene and cellular technologies, a certain diet and regimen, will give a rejuvenating effect. It is possible that some organs will also need to be replaced with those created in bioreactors from their own cells.

By the way, approaches have just begun to appear that allow us to “edit” our individual genome with high accuracy. Certain forms of gene therapy give hope that it will be possible to “rule” the gene in favor of longevity not only in future generations of people, but also in those living today.

For example, if you are a carrier of a gene variant predisposed to senile retinal dystrophy, in the future it will be possible to “edit” it and save you from developing this syndrome.

What to do now to slow down aging and prolong your life?

Not only serious medicines slow down aging, but also many vitamins, bioactive substances and microelements.

For example, alpha-lipoic acid, which is found in broccoli and tomatoes. Alpha-ketoglutarate, known to bodybuilders. Magnesium helps to preserve the youthfulness of the nervous system. Vitamins D₃ and pantothenic acid extended the life of animals by 20-40%. An excess of red meat, milk and eggs, or rather, some amino acids in their composition, on the contrary, accelerates aging. Excess milk sugar, fructose and foods from which carbohydrates are easily digested also act.

It is equally important, in my opinion, to observe the strict regularity of eating and sleeping - the synchronism of our internal clock has been proven to prolong youth.

It is known that a balanced diet, a strict diet, sleep and physical activity can delay disability and prolong life, even for those who began to follow a healthy lifestyle at an older age.

Did people live to be 120 years old?

And in the XVI-XVIII centuries, the Europeans were amazed and envied the vitality of the Russians. Captain Margeret in 1606 wrote with surprise: "Many Russians live to be 90-100 and 120 years old and are familiar with diseases only in old age."

Why do we live so little now? About this "AiF" asked Vyacheslav Krutko, Director General of the National Gerontological Center, Professor of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov.

How many Russians are measured out?

Today, Russians live an average of 71 years, the shortest in the EU.

Is the secret to longevity in the genes?

The fact that Russian people are programmed for a long life is absolutely certain. Moreover, it was incorporated in our genes 150 thousand years ago, when our genotype was formed. And hasn't changed since then. But nature and lifestyle did not allow it to be realized. Diseases, predators, hunger... In 1900, people in Russia lived an average of 30 years. In the last hundred years, life expectancy around the world has been steadily increasing.

Now in developed countries, 1 out of 10 thousand lives to be 100 years old. In Russia, one in 10-15 thousand has a chance. Most often these are those who have higher education - it adds 5-7 years. Because they understand what a healthy lifestyle is, they try to follow it.

Who will be helped to live long by kindness and hard work?

Of course, genetics and proper nutrition are important, but today the psychological factor comes first - kind, calm, optimistic, cheerful people live longer. It is these qualities that Caucasian centenarians possess. And they all work to a ripe old age, despite the pain and illness, and do not go to the doctors.

Why does someone smoke and drink, but die healthy?

In each subsequent generation, there are fluctuations in the set of genes responsible for longevity. If both parents lived to be 90 years old, then the child has a chance to live 6 years longer than their peers. But it is not enough to have a good set of genes, you need conditions for their manifestation. A lot depends on genes.

For example, Churchill drank and smoked, but lived a long time. But there is a genetic predisposition to any disease. If you drink, it is not at all necessary that you will earn cirrhosis of the liver. Someone has a high risk of getting cancer (smoke, don't smoke), another has atherosclerosis, and the third has Alzheimer's disease. Perhaps Churchill's body was genetically least susceptible to cancer. So, if I didn’t smoke, I would have lived 1-2 years more. No more.

It has been proven that tobacco carcinogens shorten life by only 2 years. And the fact that smokers live 7-9 years less than non-smokers is associated with concomitant factors. Smokers are a special type of personality. As a rule, these people drink, lead an unhealthy lifestyle, do not play sports, etc. Plus, life is shortened by negative information.

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