Valley Diet 7. Diet for weight loss from Larisa Valley. What is the kefir diet of the Valley

Show business stars are always in sight, under the gaze of millions, so they simply cannot afford to look bad. Attractive appearance and slender figure are essential attributes of a celebrity. And even if nature has not rewarded with an ideal metabolism, they still manage. Take, for example, the famous singer Larisa Dolina, who for a long time suffered from overweight and tried in every way to lose weight. Not immediately, but she succeeded - the singer's fans were shocked to see how she got slimmer, younger and prettier. Already after, in one of the interviews, she admitted that a special kefir diet helped her achieve this. And today, being no longer young, the star looks great. And this means that the kefir diet of Larisa Dolina is a wonderful way to lose weight, which can help us achieve the desired parameters too.

After Larisa's interview, many began to look for information about what the miraculous kefir diet of the Valley is. Some claimed that Larisa invented it herself, others that she followed a simple milk diet. In fact, the Valley lost weight on the diet of Dr. Saykov. And Ruslan Gorobets, the author of her hit “Weather in the House,” advised her to use such a system. Dmitry Saikov is known in certain cereals. He has long developed such a menu for weight loss, but it was thanks to the diet of Larisa Dolina that the diet became famous.

The diet of Larisa Dolina is based on kefir, which will need to be drunk daily. There are three diet options, and you can choose the one that suits you. The classic version lasts a week, but if there is a lot of excess weight, you can increase the duration of the diet up to 14 days.

Before eating, you will need to drink a quarter cup of herbal infusion. You will need to eat about six times, and food is prohibited after 18 hours.

It is recommended to combine the diet with outdoor walks and walking. If you have the strength, you can go in for sports, but not everyone can combine physical activity and significant dietary restrictions, so look at the state.

The results of the kefir diet of Larisa Dolina

The Valley kefir diet gives very good results. It is especially suitable if you need to quickly get rid of a few kilograms, and you are ready to endure severe restrictions.

The exact number of pounds that you can lose thanks to this diet will depend on metabolism, initial weight, as well as how clearly you followed all the rules. On average, you can lose up to 5 kilograms per week and reduce your waist by 1.5 centimeters. But many who have tried the diet say that weight loss is much greater, because if you exit the diet correctly, the weight will go away even after it ends.

Also, the diet of Larisa Dolina on kefir helps to improve bowel function. Many girls note that such a diet helped improve skin condition, get rid of rashes and excess fat, and had a beneficial effect on hair and nails. They also often notice an improvement in performance after a diet.

Diet menu

The Larisa Valley diet of 7 kg per week is presented in three different variations that are similar to each other. They differ in some features of the menu and the number of products that will need to be consumed. In addition to the products that are included in the menu, you will also need to consume 0.5 liters of water per day, and drink about 5 ml (several sips) of infusion based on herbs such as chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort before meals. It is recommended to brew it in the morning for the whole day.

First option

In this version, the kefir diet of Larisa Dolina for 7 days will allow you to get rid of up to 7 kilograms. There is no clear pattern for eating meals by the hour, so the option is for you if you do not like to eat according to a normalized schedule. Products that are offered for the day are divided into several meals. This 7-day valley diet suggests the following menu:

  • Day 1. You need to cook 400 grams of potatoes in their uniforms. Also, the daily menu includes 500 ml of 0-1% fat yogurt.
  • Day 2. Take 500 ml of kefir and 200 grams of sour cream with 15% fat.
  • Day 3. 500 ml of kefir and 7 tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Day 4.500 grams of chicken fillet boiled without salt, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 5. A kilogram of green apples or 0.5 kg of carrots, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 6. Assumes kefir unloading - 1000 ml of kefir per day.
  • Day 7. On this day, food is excluded, and all you can afford is a liter of non-carbonated mineral water.

Second option

The second option is the valley diet for 14 days. For the first week, it usually takes up to 5 kilograms, for the second - up to three. The menu of this diet involves eating by the hour. The proposed products will need to be divided into five parts, and consumed at 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 16.00, 18.00.

  • Day 1. 400 grams of potatoes baked without salt in their skins, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 2. 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 3. 400 grams of any fruit except banana and grapes, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 4. 400 grams of boiled chicken fillet without salt, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 5. Again 400 grams of fruit, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 6. Only 1.5 liters of still mineral water
  • Day 7. 400 grams of one type of fruit except banana and grapes, 500 ml of kefir.

If your choice is the valley diet for 2 weeks, it is recommended to take a break for a week after the first 7 days. During this period, you can eat as usual, but exclude fatty foods and reduce portions. During this week, you can add 1-2 kilograms in weight, but the second part will make it possible to lose even more and at the same time consolidate the result.

Third option

With this diet option, dehydration does not threaten you, since you will need to add a liter of mineral water without gas to the daily menu. The valley diet menu for 7 days in this case will be as follows:

  • Day 1. 300 grams of dried fruits, 500 ml of kefir, a liter of water.
  • Day 2. 10 boiled potatoes, 500 ml of kefir, a liter of mineral water.
  • Day 3. 10 green apples, 500 ml of kefir, a liter of water.
  • Day 4. Up to 1 kilogram of boiled chicken fillet without salt, 500 ml of kefir, a liter of water.
  • Day 5. Up to 1 kg of low-fat cottage cheese, half a liter of kefir, a liter of water.
  • Day 6. Liter of 15% sour cream, water in the amount of one liter, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 7. The menu includes only 500 ml of kefir and a liter of water.

You can choose any diet option that you like. But in any case, you should first set yourself up for the fact that the restrictions will be serious. If you love kefir, the diet should be relatively easy for you.

How to get out of the diet?

If the output is wrong, then the kefir diet from Larisa Dolina will lose all meaning, since the lost weight will return in double volume. The diet itself is complex, and therefore getting out of it is also not so easy. The main thing is not to overeat immediately after the end.

You can get out of the diet in different ways. The first option is to remove fatty foods, sweets and alcohol from the diet for a month, and then consume them in moderation. It is also recommended to reduce your portions by about a third. It is worth building a diet on fish, lean meat, delicious vegetables and fruits.

Another option is to eat according to a clear pattern. You can take the same diet as a basis, but on the first day of leaving it, add vegetable salads and fruits as snacks to the main dishes. On the second day, add a couple of eggs, apples, vegetables to the cottage cheese. On the third day, you can eat chicken broth. Thus, the rest of the usual products will be gradually added to the diet.

Another option for a gradual exit involves the consistent replacement of kefir with other products. You can start with the same fruits and vegetables, then add eggs, then meat and fish.

Regardless of how exactly you will leave the diet, you will have to adhere to these rules:

  • Increase the amount of liquid you drink several times. It is especially worth leaning on water and unsweetened green tea.
  • Leave kefir in the diet.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Before eating, it is recommended to drink some water or tea - this will help cleanse the body and improve the digestion process.
  • Do not forget about walking and physical activity - this will prevent weight gain in the future.

When leaving the diet, butter, mayonnaise, fried potatoes, pork, fatty foods, sweets, fast food and other foods that are considered harmful to the figure are prohibited.


The diet from Larisa Dolina has quite typical contraindications. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, persons under 18 years of age, suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, chronic diseases or have a weakened immune system. If in doubt, it is best to consult your doctor first.

Also, possible side effects cannot be ruled out. So, due to the fact that the amount of liquid is limited, and kefir has diuretic properties, the risk of dehydration increases. In addition, weight is lost quickly, which can cause stretch marks.

Thus, Larisa Dolina's weight loss technique is a difficult but effective way to quickly get rid of a few extra pounds. It really works, and the wonderful figure of the star is the best confirmation of this.

The star method of losing weight, which will be discussed, became known thanks to the singer Larisa Dolina. For a long time, a woman struggled with 20 kg of excess weight. And for more than 30 years, the singer tried to lose weight in every possible way, but, alas, it did not work out. So this simple and effective technique was born. And thousands of people, following the example of a famous person, have already taken advantage of it!

Larisa Dolina's kefir diet for quick weight loss has many options: they differ in ingredients, duration, meals, and so on. One thing remains unchanged - the obligatory exclusion of fats and salt. And the diet itself is effective due to the fact that it intelligently combines the right carbohydrates and proteins, and in addition, the calorie content of the dishes consumed is reduced. In addition, for the sake of a more noticeable effect from losing weight, the pioneer of the technique, Larisa Dolina, strongly advises not to eat after 18:00.

The main product here is 1% fat kefir. It should be present in the diet every day, except for days when you need to drink only water. Often in such diets it is advised to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, but the original version of the diet involves drinking about 500 ml of water per day (this does not apply exclusively to water days, when you need to drink up to 2 liters of water). In addition, water can be perfectly replaced with unsweetened dried fruit compote, green tea without sugar and berry juice.

It is known that the success of Larisa Dolina's weight loss lies not only in a strict diet, but also in regular physical activity: during the diet, she was engaged in both strength and cardio training. As the singer herself said, so that the muscles are not flabby.

Diet Valley for 7 days

With a diet menu for 7 days, according to the methodology, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight. Not bad, right?!

All meals for 1 week do not have to be eaten on time, you just need to divide all the foods and refresh yourself during the day. Every day, except for the 7th drinking day, you must drink 0.5 liters of 1% kefir and combine with a certain permitted product:

  • day 1 - kefir + potatoes;
  • day 2 - kefir + sour cream;
  • day 3 - kefir + cottage cheese;
  • day 4 - kefir + chicken fillet;
  • day 5 - kefir + apples / carrots;
  • day 6 - 1 liter of kefir;
  • day 7 - only mineral water without gas.

12 kg in 12 days? Easily!

Other variants of the Valley diet on kefir take 12 and, if desired, 14 days in duration, it is no longer recommended. During this time, you can say goodbye to 11-13 kg of overweight. Here the rules are the same: every day, except for the seventh day, you drink 0.5 liters of fresh low-fat kefir, combining it, as in the first version of the diet, with potatoes, cottage cheese, sour cream, meat and apples. The seven-day menu does not change, but is simply calculated for 2 weeks. Opinions about the increased version of the kefir diet, for the most part, are just as positive, the technique is easily tolerated, and the results are not long in coming.

What you need to eat, losing weight on kefir (Allowed foods)

The kefir diet from Larisa Dolina implies nutrition according to a strictly designated list of products. There are no exemptions in the form of "chit meals" - days when you can afford prohibited foods. Also, you can not replace prescribed products with supposedly similar ones.

Of course, the most important and necessary product for this diet is kefir. Buy it, closely monitoring the shelf life. But, best of all, if you cook kefir yourself with the help of fungi. Such kefir undergoes minimal processing and has a lot of useful properties.

In addition to kefir, in order to diversify the diet and give the body a feeling of fullness, it is necessary to eat additional products that will help with this. For example, potatoes. Yes, this diet allows the use of potatoes. Indeed, in itself it is even useful, especially if cooked in uniform without salt and fat. It is enough to sprinkle it with fresh herbs and you get a wonderful fragrant dish.

The fifth day prescribes eating apples or carrots. But, if you want and tolerate these products, you can combine them: make freshly squeezed juice, puree, bake them.

On the fourth protein day, you can eat not only chicken, but also turkey and beef. But it is necessary to cook these dishes without salt and oil: it is enough to boil the meat or bake it with natural spices.

Table of allowed products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
boiled potatoes2,0 0,4 16,7 82
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47
kefir 1%2,8 1,0 4,0 40
sour cream 10% (low fat)3,0 10,0 2,9 115
cottage cheese 0% (fat-free)16,5 0,0 1,3 71
beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
boiled chicken breast29,8 1,8 0,5 137
boiled turkey fillet25,0 1,0 - 130

Prohibited foods for the kefir diet

The biggest ban, which is most often violated by people who lose weight, is to quench their thirst with sweet, carbonated drinks, various ices and packaged juices. All these drinks have a terrible effect on the figure and beauty of a woman, as they have a lot of sugar in their composition, preservatives, flavorings, harmful additives and dyes. In addition, the use of kefir in combination with such drinks can cause great harm to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In general, you should not even choose between ordinary water and cola! Water will bring several hundred times more benefits!

Replace white bread forever with whole grains, and eat cereal bread during the diet. Excluding the muffin, after a week you will notice a change in the skin for the better, and after a few months and figure.

Also, do not satisfy your hunger with all kinds of sausages, sausages, canned food, sweets, ready-made food from the culinary department in the supermarket. The ban is due to the fact that you do not know the true composition of such products, they may simply be stale. So, with this and any other diet, we advise you to monitor the composition and quality of the products from which you are going to prepare this or that dish.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal


potato chips5,5 30,0 53,0 520

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,2 1,2 74,9 342
pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337

Bakery products

sliced ​​loaf7,5 2,9 50,9 264
bread7,5 2,1 46,4 227


candies4,3 19,8 67,5 453
cookie7,5 11,8 74,9 417

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189

Raw materials and seasonings

mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398


kefir 3.2%2,8 3,2 4,1 56
activia quick breakfast4,8 3,1 14,4 107

Cheese and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 18% (fatty)14,0 18,0 2,8 232
cottage cheese mass with raisins6,8 21,6 29,9 343

Meat products

pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797
mutton15,6 16,3 0,0 209


sausages12,3 25,3 0,0 277

Oils and fats

butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748

Alcoholic drinks

vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
cognac0,0 0,0 0,1 239
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42
* data are per 100 g of product

Kefir diet menu for 7 days

The original daily menu for the kefir diet of Larisa Dolina looks like this:


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 400 g of potatoes, boiled in their skins.


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 200 g low-fat sour cream 10%.


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 250 g fat-free cottage cheese.


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 500 g boiled or baked chicken fillet.


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 1 kg of sour apples or 0.5 kg of carrots.


  • 1 liter of kefir 1% fat for the whole day.


  • Unlimited water without gas for the whole day.

In the event of a breakdown

If you start the process of losing weight reasonably, then it will be very easy to avoid breakdowns. Start by saying that you do not need to "sit" on a diet. All weight loss methods always say that physical activity, even the most minimal, will perfectly distract you from the various restrictions that the diet prescribes. Light running, dancing, swimming, walking, and maybe playing a musical instrument or even cleaning - all this is a great way to forget about forbidden foods.

In addition, planning your menu down to the smallest detail helps a lot, so that any meal is thought out right down to the dishes from which you will eat. Women love everything beautiful and a diet is not a reason to refuse a skillfully served table, even if according to the plan a glass of kefir and one potato. Thorough preparation for such a feast will only positively set you up for all the days of the diet.

Also, drink more fluids. Let you slightly exceed the prescribed rate of fluid per day, it is better to drink a glass of water than break into a sandwich. And water, preferably, should be at room temperature. You can add slices of cucumber, lemon or ginger.

In the event that a breakdown nevertheless occurred, one should not despair in any case! We advise you to end your day with kefir after a breakdown, and extend the diet itself for 2-3 days.

Getting out of the diet

The Dolinka diet is quite strict, so you need to exit it smoothly and deliberately so that the lost kilograms do not return in double size.

Experts advise to reduce the number of servings of non-diet food by almost 2 times, and make up your menu from a large number of vegetables, cereals, lean meat, fish and seafood, fruits. Kefir should also not be excluded from the daily menu.

Also, keep in mind that weight loss and a sensible diet can be the perfect start to a healthy diet. So, you should not go into a “feast”, rejoicing at your result from losing weight.

And one of the most important is physical activity. The success of the famous singer depended on the competent combination of her technique and physical activity. This simple system gave the star a beautiful figure and youth!


This diet is contraindicated in inflammation of the kidneys, colon, gastrointestinal tract, as well as in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

During pregnancy and lactation

Such a weight loss system is strictly prohibited with and.

The benefits and harms of Larisa Dolina's diet

Benefit Harm
  • The most important advantage of the diet is its effectiveness. Almost everyone who has used it is delighted with the results that this technique brings.
  • The low cost of the diet does not in any way affect its quality. For the price, kefir weight loss is suitable for absolutely every wallet.
  • The tangible benefits that kefir brings: here there is work not only on excess weight, but also on the health of the digestive system.
  • With the help of a diet on kefir, they lose weight quickly. Sometimes this can negatively affect health.
  • Such a diet is not balanced enough, so it is necessary to calculate the duration of such a diet based on your well-being.
  • Sometimes losing weight complain about the often occurring feeling of hunger. You can fight it only with the help of products allowed for this day, kefir and water.
  • Kefir should be exceptionally fresh, with a minimum shelf life, or self-prepared.
  • Eat at least 4-5 times a day in small portions, chewing thoroughly.
  • According to the recommendations of Larisa Dolina, the last meal during the diet is at 18:00. Then you can only drink plain water, compote or green tea without sugar.
  • Never avoid physical activity, commensurate it with your strengths and capabilities: it will be climbing stairs, walking, swimming, dancing or exercising in the gym.

Larisa Dolina's diet, reviews and results

The method of losing weight from Larisa Dolina, based on the reviews of those who have lost weight, is indeed very effective. Actually, like most well-designed low-calorie food systems. It is great when you need to get rid of a couple of extra centimeters and make your body even slimmer in the shortest possible time. It is successfully used by women who want to lose weight before a vacation at sea or a wedding.

By the way, doctors do not recommend using this technique for more than 2 weeks and more often than 1 course in 3-4 months. Usually this is not required, because, with the right exit from the diet and a balanced diet after, the weight does not overtake you again, and you lose weight further.

  • « … My husband gave me a trip to Turkey for my birthday. I was very happy! Of course, I wanted to be a beauty in a bathing suit, so as not to be embarrassed by my body. Therefore, the very next day I stocked up on the first batch of kefir and products. I always loved dairy products, other products also did not become a problem, so I endured the diet very easily. As a result - almost 7 kg per week! Now I am reviewing vacation photos and admiring this simple diet and my willpower!»;
  • « … Only healthy, proper nutrition and physical activity will provide you with good health and a beautiful body! But before I was on a kefir diet for 7 days, I did not know this. I left the worst impressions: I always wanted to eat, I could not sleep, I had no desire to get up in the morning, knowing that on a new day we would not eat anything again. And it's not food addiction! This is simply unnecessary and debilitating fasting. So I endured on it for 3 days, more than my patience was not enough. A week later, having calmed down and returned to normal, I made myself a good balanced menu and went in for sports more strenuously. The result is beautiful, the body is beautiful!»;
  • « ... After I gave birth to my second child, I gained indecently a lot of extra pounds. I tried a lot of different diets, read reviews, looked for the best. And then I came across a kefir diet - the Dolinsk diet. I am neutral about kefir, so I decided. I confess that the first two days of the diet seemed like real torture! But then, when the body got used to it, everything went smoothly, and here I am, already on the morning of the eighth day, standing on the scales and I can’t believe that I said goodbye to 7 extra kg in a week. So, girls, I confidently declare: on the diet of Larisa Dolina, it is very easy to lose 7 kg per week, the main thing is to hold out and not break loose. I advise everyone!»

Diet price

The kefir diet, made famous by the singer Larisa Dolina, includes in its menu the most common products that are always easy to purchase. For 7 days of the diet, you will need 3.5-4 liters of low-fat kefir, the total cost of which will be 200-250 rubles. Additional foods such as potatoes, lean meats, apples, cottage cheese and sour cream will cost a total of 200-350 rubles. Thus, this budget diet for 7 days will cost you approximately 400-600 rubles.

As the main product, Larisa Dolina's diet of 7 kg per week offers fat-free kefir, which, according to weight loss women and according to the star herself, gives an excellent result in a short time. With strict adherence, such nutrition helps to correct the figure, remove toxins from the body, and restore metabolism. Lack of fat, a minimum of nutrients can adversely affect health.

Kefir diet of Larisa Dolina for 7 days

The Dolina diet on a fermented milk product beloved by many is only one of many that help the famous singer to have a beautiful, slender figure. The star thought about her weight when she was tired of the image of a full woman. The question arose especially sharply after the birth of her daughter Angelina - the kilograms gained during pregnancy did not want to leave. Then Larisa Dolina took up her figure.

The star began with getting rid of the habit instilled in childhood to eat everything to the crumbs. Then, through experiments, I figured out what to allow myself to eat and what foods to prohibit (this is how this diet appeared). However, the star claims that without physical activity it will not be possible to keep fit. The singer says that she achieved results only with the help of diets and sports without surgery.


The kefir diet of the Valley completely excludes fats and salt from the diet. Reducing calories, a skillful combination of proteins with carbohydrates provides rapid weight loss. An unusual condition for star nutrition is to limit the amount of water you drink to 0.5 liters per day, although in many weight loss systems this figure is 1.5-2 liters per day.


Larisa Dolina proudly claims that for the past 20 years she has not eaten sugar, she has long abandoned fatty, sweet. The singer says that keeping fit is hard work. Many people want a magical remedy that will get rid of excess fat once and for all. The singer warns against long fasts, passion for medications, recommending playing sports and adhering to the rules of a healthy diet.

  • The fat content of kefir should not exceed 1%. Do not buy a drink with additives, a long shelf life - it is not healthy.
  • The diet from Larisa Dolina is based on the principles of separate nutrition (proteins are not combined with proteins of other origin, carbohydrates, fats, sour fruits; carbohydrate foods cannot be eaten with sour ones).
  • It is important to drink 50 ml of infusion of calendula, chamomile or St. John's wort half an hour before meals. It is worth brewing at the rate of 1 bag of grass per glass (200 ml) of boiling water.
  • Salt and sugar are excluded from the diet for these 7 days.
  • Food should be divided into 5-6 meals in small portions.
  • You determine the time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks yourself, but the break between meals should be 2 hours.
  • After 6 pm eating is prohibited.

Pros and cons

The star spoke about the benefits of her nutrition system, which helps not only to build weight, but also to normalize metabolism. For greater effect, the celebrity was engaged in strength, cardio training, even joined the ranks of the women's hockey team, but most of all she fell in love with Pilates. It took the singer 5 years to establish metabolic processes in the body, to develop suitable nutrition.

Larisa Dolina's diet of 7 kg per week has the following advantages:

  • According to the reviews of losing weight girls, the Dolinsk nutrition system helps to achieve an amazing effect (it takes a kilogram a day).
  • The rich vitamin, mineral composition of the fermented milk drink improves health, and beneficial bacteria help cleanse the intestinal walls and strengthen immunity.
  • The components of nutrition will not hit the wallet.
  • The result of losing weight will be long if you carefully leave the diet.

Disadvantages of the power system:

  • Rapid weight loss can have a negative side: it is stress for the body. Therefore, a sharp weight loss is shown only with good health.
  • The diet has a strict regimen and conditions: during it, a feeling of hunger will repeatedly appear, so willpower will be needed here.
  • Dietary restrictions lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which can affect well-being. To replenish these vital substances, it is recommended to take a natural vitamin-mineral complex.


Each diet must be approached with thoughtfulness and care, as any restriction or change in eating habits can be harmful to health. Stick to the following tips:

  • Monitor your well-being and, if necessary, supplement your diet with a vitamin-mineral complex.
  • Do not go on a diet immediately after an illness or surgery. This can undermine an already weakened immune system, the body.
  • Be careful if you have chronic diseases. Any changes, including nutrition, can become a catalyst for new complications. This is where medical supervision is important.
  • Please note that with increased acidity of the stomach, long-term use of fermented milk products is contraindicated.
  • Refrain from dieting during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause. Such food restrictions are harmful to children and adolescents.
  • Do not choose this nutrition system for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Do not starve during the cold time of the day, when the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals. The Valley Diet for Fast Weight Loss excludes many of the substances you need.

Larisa Dolina's diet menu for 7 days

The lack of fat in the diet allows you to quickly lose weight, but this is not good for the body. It is recommended to do it no more than once a month. To keep your body slim, you need to get out of the diet gradually. To do this, limit the consumption of sweets, starchy foods, fried foods in the first month, and regular portions should be cut by 30%. It will be useful to spend one unloading day a week with a menu choice from any day of the Dolinsk diet:

  1. First day: 400 g baked potatoes without the use of fat and salt, 0.5 l of fermented milk drink;
  2. Second day: 500 g of granular cottage cheese, 0.5 l of fermented milk drink;
  3. Third day: 400 g of fruit of your choice (excluding bananas, grapes), 0.5 l of fermented milk drink;
  4. Fourth day: 400 g of boiled chicken fillet (remove the skin, do not salt), 0.5 l of fermented milk drink;
  5. Fifth day: you can duplicate the menu of the second or third day to choose from;
  6. Sixth day: 1.5 liters of non-carbonated mineral water;
  7. Seventh day: 400 g of fruit, 0.5 l of fermented milk drink.

Video: Larisa Dolina's diet on kefir

The diet of Larisa Dolina at one time became a real sensation and a byword. Yes, and more! After all, the whole country knew her as a blooming lady with forms, a stunning deep voice and a magnificent wave of curls, and now on the stage in front of a stunned spectator stood a sexy vamp, a blonde with a short haircut, slender legs and arms, in a tight dress with a short skirt. She conquered everyone again in a new image., and they began to literally “chase” her diet, finding out how Larisa Dolina lost weight after all.

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As it turned out, the famous actress and singer followed a kefir diet, about which legends began to be composed: supposedly the star eats and drinks only kefir, eats kefir and drinks it with kefir. Like it or not, and also all the subtleties, pros and cons of the diet from Larisa Dolina We are dismantling for you right now!

Kefir diet: the secret of the slimness of the star

The pop diva never tried to hide her tendency to be overweight. In her own words, she gets better just by looking at food. To keep in shape, the singer refused a lot of pleasant and tasty foods, including excluding her favorite dishes. Larisa Dolina was inspired to lose weight by unflattering reviews that she sings very well, with an orderly voice, but she looks far from the best. Few such opinions were expressed, but they were enough to motivate the star to take drastic measures. She ruled out everything flour, products containing sugar, fat and alcohol. The singer does not eat cakes, sweets, drinks tea and coffee without sugar, and also does not eat fruits with high fructose content - peaches, grapes, bananas.

On a diet, the pop diva also forgets about fried potatoes, a strong love for which has not left her since childhood. She admits that she grew up on fried potatoes, which was a favorite dish in their family. But from potatoes in any form they get better, and therefore this product has disappeared from her menu.

But the singer can say thanks not only to the food balance and asceticism for her thin waist and slender body - physical exercise also became the key to her successful weight loss. She is engaged in a home gym according to a program designed specifically for her by sports specialists.

Did you know? Losing weight from a lot of weight on only one diet invariably leads to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, and also contributes to its sagging. To keep muscles and skin in good shape and get beautiful outlines with harmony, you need to NECESSARILY do strength training.

You may be interested in the question, how does Larisa Dolina manage to keep a diet on tour? As it turned out, it's quite easy - star points in rider, what she eats and what she doesn't, and also tells what meals she will have that day and which she will skip. The singer can skip lunch or dinner - it depends on her desires and time.

The result of the famous kefir diet for the most Larisa Dolina steel 24 kg, successfully dropped in just six months. To everyone who wants to live in a slender body and look beautiful, she advises her lifestyle.

You may think that this is a slow weight loss - only 4 kg per month, but we assure that such rates are optimal for our body. So he has time to adapt to changes that occur in the diet, lifestyle, metabolism, and the skin has time to gradually tighten and return to normal.

The opinion of dietitians

Council of Larisa Dolina sticking to her diet is probably good, but it would be nice to know the opinion of doctors. And doctors believe that there is no one method of losing weight and maintaining beauty that is suitable for everyone. There is no one-size-fits-all “pills” that make everyone slim, like paracetamol for colds, which lowers fever and relieves pain for anyone who takes it. Each woman is unique, and the diet from Larisa Dolina is suitable for Larisa Dolina, and the diet from Alla Pugacheva is suitable for Alla Pugacheva.

Nutritionists also believe that it is possible to lose weight on a kefir diet, but only strong women can withstand it. However, even with the most positive attitude towards losing weight, they can go the distance as soon as they start a diet. Why? Because already from the second, or even from the first day, problems with the intestines can begin: pain, swelling, discomfort. To avoid such troubles, it is better not to prescribe this diet to yourself, experts say.

Larisa Dolina's opinion on the kefir diet

The star fundamentally disagrees with doctors, as for many years she has received letters of gratitude from followers of her weight loss lifestyle. It turns out that on a kefir diet, one woman even saved herself from cancer! As she herself told the singer during one of the away concerts, her weight was at around 160 kg, doctors revealed pancreatic cancer and obesity of the heart. In just a year and a half on a diet in the Valley, a fan got rid of half (!) of her weight, and all the tumors resolved like they didn't even exist! Unbelievable, but such a case takes place.

If you decide to lose weight, and the system of harmony inspired you, it's time to get acquainted with the rules of the diet and the diet that it offers.

Kefir diet of Larisa Dolina

Ruslan Gorobets told the singer about such a successful diet back in the late 90s of the last century. The good news was that for weight loss, starving or training until you drop was not necessary at all, it was enough. drink kefir daily and supplement the diet with vegetables, fruits, meat, cottage cheese or sour cream, choosing one thing. Having thrown off unpleasant kilograms, Larisa Dolina changed her repertoire and image, which added a younger generation to her army of fans - from 15 to 30 years old.

The authorship of the kefir diet itself attributed to famous in stellar circles Dr. Saikov. The main product in it, as you understand, is kefir. You have to drink it every day. For some, this is good news, but for someone - not so much, because not everyone likes this fermented milk drink. But do not despair, you will only have to drink it for a week, and this, you see, is not a period if the annoying kilograms have been preventing you from living for months, or even years. Over a weekly period, you can expect that the figure on the scales decrease by 5-7 kg, and the waist will go away by 1-2 cm.

Advice: take measurements of the circumferences of the most protruding parts of the body before the diet, and also write down the starting weight. So you can pleasantly surprise yourself not only with changes in the scales, but also in volumes. The circumference of the waist, hips, chest and arms should be measured. Additional measurements can be taken for breeches, neck, wrists and calves. Attention! The higher your starting weight before the diet, the faster you will reduce it.

Rules for the diet of Larisa Dolina:

  • the volume of fluid consumed should be cut by about 3-4 times, in total you can drink only half a liter of water per day;
  • each time before a meal you need to drink 100 ml of a pre-prepared infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile and calendula;
  • the number of meals per day is six, the last meal is at six o'clock in the evening, further meals are prohibited;
  • the day before the start of losing weight, you need to spend a full unloading day (choose any, and another option);
  • in order to cleanse the intestines, it is necessary to carry out cleansing enemas daily or use laxatives;
  • the list of fruits allowed on the diet excludes bananas and grapes due to their high content of simple sugars (fructose).

Diet options for Larisa Dolina

When choosing for yourself this or that version of the kefir nutrition system, be guided by your capabilities. Consider the following factors:

  • your willpower, how much you can really hold out on just such a schedule and menu;
  • the state of health, because the main thing is not to harm yourself in the pursuit of harmony;
  • the presence of really overweight and fat, because getting rid of what is not superfluous in the body is almost suicide;
  • Prescribed amount of fluids and food: If you drink a lot of water and are used to eating well, choose the option with the most amount of food for each day.

Option 1 for 2 days, the most "lazy" or "striped"

Day 1 "kefir":

  • drink kefir all day.

Day 2 "Regular":

  • eat normally.

How to keep a diet: alternate the first and second days until you reach the target weight, or until the shutter speed leaves you.

Option 2 for 8 days, "original"

Day 1 "potato":

  • boiled potatoes - 5 pcs.,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 2 "dried fruit":

  • dried fruits - 0.5 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 3 "curd":

  • cottage cheese - 0.4 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 4 "sour cream":

  • sour cream - 0.4 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 5 "meat":

  • half boiled chicken or boiled meat - 0.5 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 6 "fruity":

  • fruits - 0.5 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 7 "kefir":

  • low-fat kefir - 1-1.5 liters.

Day 8 "water":

  • mineral water.

How to keep a diet: after following the eight-day plan, eat in the usual way for 14 days (it is recommended to introduce restrictions on fatty, sweet and starchy foods so that the digestive system and the body as a whole do not experience stress), then keep the diet again for 8 days. So alternate until you reach your desired weight.

Option 3, for 7 days

Day 1 "potato":

  • boiled potatoes - 5 pcs.,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 2 "sour cream":

  • sour cream 15% - 6 tablespoons,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 3 "curd":

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 7 tablespoons,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 4 "chicken":

  • boiled chicken fillet - 0.5 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 5 "vitamin":

  • - green apples - 1 kg or fresh carrots - 0.5 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 6 "unloading":

  • kefir all day.

Day 7 "day off":

  • mineral water without gas - 1 liter.

How to keep a diet: distribute the products indicated in the diet evenly throughout the day and take on schedule.

Option 4 for 16 days

Day 1 "dried fruit":

  • dried fruits - 0.3 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l,

Day 2 "potato":

  • boiled potatoes - 10 pcs.,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l,
  • mineral water without gas - 1 l.

Day 3 "apple":

  • green apples - 10 pcs.,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l,
  • mineral water without gas - 1 l.

Day 4 "chicken":

  • boiled chicken without salt - 1 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l,
  • mineral water without gas - 1 l.

Day 5 "curd":

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 1 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l,
  • mineral water without gas - 1 l.

Day 6 "sour cream":

  • sour cream 15% - 1 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l,
  • mineral water without gas - 1 l.

Day 7 "kefir":

  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l,
  • mineral water without gas - 1 l.

Day 8 "water":

  • mineral water without gas - 2 liters.

How to keep a diet: make two rounds of the menu for 8 days, and then go to consolidate the results. Distribute the specified diet evenly throughout the day, there are no restrictions on eating after six in the evening.

Attention! Kefir, allowed for weight loss according to the Larisa Dolina system, should not be fatter than 1%, otherwise the diet will not work in the right direction, and the results from it will not be so rosy.

Advice: to make the diet not so monotonous and boring, drink fermented milk products from different manufacturers, since today the grocery market offers us a great variety of them.

Option 5 "alternation of 7 days"

Day 1 "potato":

  • baked potatoes without salt - 0.4 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 2 "curd":

  • cottage cheese - 0.4 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 3 "fruity":

  • fruits - 0.4 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 4 "chicken":

  • boiled chicken fillet - 0.4 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 5 "fruity":

  • fruits - 0.4 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

Day 6 "water":

  • mineral water without gas - 1.5 l.

Day 7 "fruity":

  • fruits - 0.4 kg,
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 l.

How to keep a diet: after enduring 7 days of the diet, you need to consolidate the result by switching to a regular diet for a week, but giving up sweet, starchy, spicy and salty. Then again repeat the week of the diet and the week of fixing. Repeat alternating until you reach the desired weight.

Attention! After a week of fixation on a regular diet, a partial intake of water occurs by the body, which seeks to replenish the lost fluid. This will definitely cause a slight gain (within natural fluctuations). No need to get upset and go to extremes - it should be so. Calmly alternate diet and habitual diets weekly and step by step move forward towards your goal.

Exit from the diet of Larisa Dolina

The diet is quite difficult in terms of endurance, but the daily results motivate to continue. If you do not give up and do everything according to plan, then the number on the scales will definitely please you. However, after the end, it is necessary to make the right exit in order to avoid the rapid appearance of gains and return to the starting figure. Just a few rules will help keep yourself in shape:

  • avoid fatty foods
  • eliminate simple carbohydrates
  • exclude flour products,
  • fry without oil, in a dry frying pan,
  • eat 60% of the usual portion that you had before the diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you have been a weight loss expert for a long time, then you know for sure that the word “diet” does not at all mean those short-term hard methods that we use to quickly lose weight, but it implies a lifestyle that should be followed throughout life to maintain health. However, today “diet” has come to mean precisely a radical and even extreme way to lose weight, get rid of excess water, excess fat, excess volume. And this method is always associated with negative consequences along with pleasant results. What are the pros and cons of Larisa Dolina's diet, we will consider further.


  • proven effectiveness, especially when you need to urgently get rid of excess weight,
  • a diet made up of simple and accessible foods,
  • almost complete absence of the need to cook anything, therefore - a great saving of time that you can spend on your favorite pastime, spending time with loved ones, on sports or just relaxing,
  • fractional nutrition in small portions at short intervals allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety and avoid a slowdown in metabolism (as far as possible with a limited diet),
  • all foods that can be eaten on a diet go well with kefir, and this has a beneficial effect on digestion and absorption of food.


  • too low a calorie content can lead to a decrease in metabolic rate,
  • a limited amount of fluid is always associated with dehydration, which in turn has negative consequences for the skin, hair, nails and the whole organism as a whole,
  • a poor diet makes the diet unbalanced in nutrients and difficult to follow,
  • lack of balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can lead to metabolic disorders and adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as appearance,
  • the lack of carbohydrates in the main diet leads to lethargy, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and headaches may even appear,
  • a sharp weight loss with a large initial weight can lead to sagging skin, which needs a long enough time to come into a taut state,
  • regular use of cleansing enemas and laxatives can lead to constipation or a lazy bowel, which causes intoxication of the body,
  • when returning to the previous way of life, the lost kilograms will return, and even bring neighbors with them.

Advice: To avoid the negative consequences of the diet, be sure to take a multivitamin every day.

Larisa Dolina is one of the leading singers, has a unique voice and can perform works in a variety of genres. This woman was able to win the love of millions of fans not only with her vocal talents, but also with her always well-groomed, toned figure. Interestingly, the singer does not hide the methods by which she achieves ideal forms, but willingly shares her own beauty secrets and reveals all the nuances of the diet.

The singer for a long time did not pay attention to her figure at all and was engaged exclusively in her career. She realized her problem only after studying her own photographs, which were taken, apparently, by a not very professional photographer: absolutely every flaw in the body was emphasized and literally rushed when viewed.

This moment became the starting point in the struggle of Larisa Dolina with excess weight. By her own admission, a lot of diets were tried, the singer even used the two-week fasting method. And the results were impressive - minus 20 - 25 kg, but the kilograms lost with such difficulty returned to their place immediately after switching to a normal, classic diet.

Such "swings" could hardly have a positive effect on health, so the singer chose the best diet for herself. There is nothing extraordinary in it, there are simply some rules that will suit many who want to lose weight.

Was the change in appearance reflected in the voice?

There is an opinion that good singers should be overweight. Nutritionists, on the other hand, consider this opinion a banal excuse and not a desire to make efforts to restore a beautiful silhouette. There are many examples when singers (even opera singers) lost weight and at the same time remained professionals in their field.

Basic nutrition rules

The singer, while getting rid of excess weight, must follow five rules:

If you follow these dietary rules of Larisa Dolina, you will be able not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to normalize / stabilize the metabolic processes in the body, the work of the entire digestive system.

About the principles of Larisa Dolina's diet, see this video:

Advantages and disadvantages of weight loss

The kefir diet of Larisa Dolina has its obvious advantages:

  • really helps to reduce weight and adjust the figure;
  • products that are allowed to be consumed as part of a weight loss program are quite inexpensive, even a person with a low income can follow a diet;
  • the weight resulting from limited nutrition is retained for a long time, but only if, immediately after the end of the diet, the thinner does not absorb "tons" of sweets, fried and fatty foods;
  • kefir (the main product of the Valley diet) not only satisfies hunger and has a low calorie content, but also cleanses and normalizes the digestive system.

Unfortunately, like other types of diet food, this option has some disadvantages:

  • weight goes away really quickly, so you need to start such weight loss only in the confidence of complete health and the absence of exacerbation of any chronic pathologies;
  • the diet cannot be called balanced, the body may suffer from a lack of certain vitamins and minerals;
  • the feeling of hunger will definitely be present, so you will need remarkable willpower.

Menu options for weight loss

Larisa Dolina uses three different approaches, each of which is effective and is selected only on an individual basis.


It lasts 7 days and allows you to get rid of an average of 5 kg, all allowed foods are divided into 6 meals, the last portion should be eaten no later than 17 hours.

The menu for the week, in which each line corresponds to one day, looks like this:

  • potatoes boiled in uniform (maximum 5 pieces);
  • a glass of sour cream (corresponding to 200 g) with the lowest possible percentage of fat content;
  • 1 saucer without a slide (about 200 g) grainy, dry cottage cheese;
  • a few slices of chicken white meat (boiled or steamed) - a maximum of 500 g;
  • 1 kg of green apples, unsweetened varieties, the same amount of fresh carrots, 300 grams of steamed (one to choose from);
  • 1 liter of fermented milk product;
  • still mineral water.

Every day, 500 ml of kefir or yogurt (natural, without flavors and dyes) should be added to these products. This rule does not apply to the last two days.

Kefir diet for 7 days

Every day you need to consume 500 ml of low-fat fermented milk product, supplementing it with the following products:

  • potatoes (baked or boiled "in uniform") - 400 g;
  • dry, granular cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • no more than 400 g of fresh fruits of unsweetened varieties;
  • a maximum of 400 g of boiled white chicken meat;
  • 1.5 liters of pure water.

Each item on the list corresponds to one day, then you can re-add cottage cheese and fruits to the menu. Each diet day begins with breakfast at 8:00 am and ends at 5:00 pm. Eat the indicated amount of food in equal portions every 2 hours. Before each meal, you need to drink 50 ml of herbal tea - chamomile flowers, and St. John's wort.

For two weeks

In principle, this option is similar to the previous two, with the difference that it lasts 14 days. Every day you need to drink 500 ml of kefir or natural low-fat yogurt and add other products that are listed above. Moreover, their number per day should not exceed 500 grams, and for fruits and prunes in general there is a limit of 400 grams.

The seventh and fourteenth day of the diet is the time of drinking only mineral water without gas, but in unlimited quantities. On the sixth and twelfth days, it is allowed to eat 1 kg of low-fat sour cream, and on the fifth and tenth - the same amount of dry, granular cottage cheese.

Diet exit rules

Any diet is a stress for the body, and in order to avoid failures in its work, you need to return to your usual diet correctly. There are certain rules:

  • you need to continue to eat small meals and often;
  • you can’t “pounce” on sweets and pastries, fatty meat - it is better to introduce such products into the menu gradually and separately;
  • the main fermented milk product should still be present in the diet, albeit not in the amount of 500 ml per day, but less.

Contraindications for losing weight

  • diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diabetes;
  • liver pathology of infectious etiology;
  • milk protein intolerance;
  • psoriasis.

Is the result of 7 kg a reality?

It is worth mentioning that during the weekly diet of Larisa Dolina, you can lose 4-7 kg of excess weight. Such a large discrepancy in indicators is associated only with the “source material”, it depends on how many extra pounds were originally.

Some manage, following the singer's nutritional rules, to get rid of 10 kg in a week! In any case, weight loss will be necessary, but only with a combination of menu restrictions and physical activity. A miracle will not happen with inactivity!

When can you reload?

If you follow the weekly diet of Larisa Dolina, then you can repeat it 10 days after the end of the first course. But you should not get carried away with such dietary restrictions - such double courses are allowed once every two months. The rest of the time, to maintain the effect and continue to lose weight, you should arrange for yourself (on kefir, once a week) and engage in at least elementary physical education.

The two-week diet of Larisa Dolina can be repeated only 2 weeks after the end of the first course.

Larisa Dolina made a lot of efforts to make her figure slim and attractive. Kefir alone is unlikely to achieve good results, in any case, you will have to go to the gym, experience cardio and power loads, or at least give up cars / public transport and start walking.

Useful video

About the pros and cons of the kefir diet, see this video:

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