How to become a witch at home. Witch Spells: Real Ancient Rituals

The question of the existence of witches has been asked by people since time immemorial. Now we can say with certainty that witches do exist.

Many girls themselves want to become witches, but not everything is as simple as it seems: such a desire can turn into a real curse. The imagination of most people draws certain images associated with witches. For some, these are old women with a broom, for others, they are red-haired, green-eyed girls, and for others, they are dark-haired temptresses. The witches themselves say that appearance irrelevant. What matters is what's inside.

Who are witches

These are not old women flying on a broom, and not even girls who bewitch men and strive for power. The true power of a witch is hidden under the most ordinary appearance. You can only feel their energy, which makes you experience certain emotions.

If the witch is kind, then next to her, any person will feel calm and peaceful. Such witches smile, laugh, sympathize and love from the bottom of their hearts. They have almost no secrets and mysteries. If the witch is dark, evil, then she is perceived as ordinary person, but only as long as she herself does not show her essence. This usually happens under the influence negative emotions. When a witch becomes angry, you can feel a special force that, like a wave, covers you. It cannot be confused with anything. She won't scream or cry. Her silence will make you fear her. Of course, this is also a kind of stereotypical view of things, but in most cases this is how it happens.

Witches don't just cast or remove curses, as they show us in various films. Yes, this is one of them. professional qualities and skills. But they also predict the future, cleanse karma, using Tarot cards, palmistry, and bioenergy waves for this. There are especially gifted witches who simply feel your problems by looking into your eyes.

Witches are ordinary people who know a little more about the invisible world. In ancient times, they were burned at the stake. What can I say, even those who were suspected of witchcraft were executed prelude. Kings and other leaders had court witches, alchemists and healers, whom everyone knew about, because they worked for the glory of kings and rulers.

Usually witches are women because they feel the world more acute. It is worth distinguishing mediums and magicians from witches, because male sorcerers have different abilities.

Of great interest is the question of how witches become witches. Does this require some kind of ritual, or does it happen with a wave magic wand? Maybe you need to drink a magic potion? Don't forget that witches are real. These people are exactly the same as us. They have a need for love, money, entertainment. They may even work with you in the same office. It could be your friend, acquaintance or even a relative.

Most real witches are those who were born with their gift. Someone considers this gift a curse, someone - a source of light. You can receive a gift by inheritance, but can be purchased in another way. It is said that illegitimate girls become witches. Illegitimate children females in the second, sixth or thirteenth generations adopt the talents of their ancestors, if any were in the family. Some argue that one should be born out of wedlock in the 3rd, 9th, or 12th generation. There are still disputes about this. The gift manifests itself almost immediately after birth. As a rule, initially it is neutral. The owner herself must decide how to use it - for good or for harm.

Witches are also born who were conceived in special time or under unusual circumstances. It can be unwanted children, as well as children conceived during fasting or the day before important holidays like Christmas or Easter.

There is one more important point. Girls may never know about their gift, or they may not develop it because they are afraid of it. As a result of this weeding out, even fewer girls become witches. This suggests that you can meet many witches in your life, but even they will not know about their abilities. Remember that if a girl confesses to you that she has special power, then this indicates her high devotion and trust in you.

Usually the witch herself takes the first step towards the person who needs help. Perhaps someone cursed him or jinxed him, or maybe some dark entity clung to him. You get to know the bad witches yourself. They have their fame among a certain circle of people who pay money or provide services in exchange for curses, conspiracies, love spells and so on. In this case, the witch pursues only a thirst for profit.

The second type of witches are those who acquired his abilities after birth. It happens that a woman, wanting to become a witch, purposefully looks for a mentor. But there are also cases when witches became involuntarily: the sorceresses looked after their students and, against their will, initiated them into a dark matter. Such witches were not even allowed to go to church and receive the sacrament of confession.

Witches learn about their talents by chance. They can see ghosts prophetic dreams to predict the future. It is not so easy to live with such opportunities. It is even harder to hide your true face from people, especially if you want to help someone get rid of problems.

This world is difficult to understand, so we are not always ready to spend time putting ourselves in the place of another person. Remember that witches are people who will always live among us. Do not treat them badly or well. You need to respect them and appreciate good deeds. Now witches and other gifted people are often called psychics. Many of them believe that it is not necessary to torture

Since ancient times, it was believed that witches are female individuals leading a solitary lifestyle. Basically, they settled in dense, impenetrable forests, where they could create their villainous machinations without attracting much attention. There they collected miraculous herbs and roots, outlandish plants and mushrooms for their black deeds.

Witches: who are they and do they have a place in a world where everything is so unsteady, incomprehensible and relative?

Witches, as a rule, become by nature. For example, if only women or only men are constantly born in the pedigree of three generations, these are potential witches and magicians. If such a representative is taught witchcraft, the person will feel great power. Such people often know that they are unusual, they, not understanding what they are doing, can harm others. It has happened more than once in life that a random word thrown in anger very soon comes true. It is the forces given by nature that find their application.

You can become a witch unwittingly. Many have heard that when dying, a witch must transfer her power. As a rule, she knows about her demise a couple of days in advance and can prepare. But in extreme cases, when this is not possible, the witch realizes that devilry will not let her go, but will begin to torment her with terrible torments. In a moment of agony, she is ready to throw off her power on anyone, it is enough for a witch to touch a person’s hand.

By transferring power without knowledge, the successor is doomed to torment. The transfer of knowledge by mutual agreement has several other forms. This phenomenon is called the confession of a witch. Depending on the physical condition it can last more than one day. Starting her monologue after midnight, the witch speaks until the first cocks, and then falls silent to continue the next night.

The successor cannot write down, so she has to remember everything that is said. To simplify this, the elder witch denounced knowledge in a story, which is why they say “Confessions of a Witch”. An important nuance is the choice of a person to transfer knowledge. It was necessary to choose a worthy and stronger successor. Not devoid of logic Confession on his deathbed, because, having full knowledge, the newly minted witch could use them against the Master.

see also documentary video about the book of witches:

But there are those who consciously train to become a witch.

The last kind of witches are conscientious disciples. These people, being aware, have chosen the path of witchcraft and divination. Experts assure that almost everyone can. If you decide to do black magic, you need to perform a ritual ceremony and read the words to become a witch. The initiation ritual itself requires not only cleanliness of the body, a strict fast for three days is required, but clean clothes must also be worn.

Your mind must be sober and not clouded by "for courage" alcohol or other intoxicants. Choose a room for reading the dedication, which really no one will enter and interfere. Before starting the ritual, light the lamp, and from that day let it burn for forty days.

Reading requires reverent awe, respect and faith in the importance of what is happening. You need to be aware that when you initiate, you take responsibility. All your words will have a different weight and power. It will not be possible to scatter threats to the right and left. After reading the text of the initiation, you will gain power over the spirits, they will obey all your orders. After all, every spell is an order from a witch to be performed. So, if you are ready and aware of your actions, then you should read the following words:

After the completion of the ritual, the person goes to sleep and should not communicate with anyone that day.

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch"

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch" in the minds of modern man have a pronounced negative connotation. But a witch is not someone who only does evil to people. The word "witch" comes, first of all, from the word "know", that is, to know.

Witches are different.

  1. There are witches who help people solve their problems, heal them and never do evil. White witches usually do not hide from people and are always ready to help. But blacks can not be seen right away.
  2. There are also witches who work only for their own benefit and do not refuse any, even the dirtiest work. These are black witches.

It must be understood that black magic is not a priori "evil", it has nothing to do with Satanism. Of course, you may have to call on the powers of demons and spirits, but definitely in the vast majority of rituals you will not need sacrifices, tormenting black cats and drinking blood. You yourself decided to learn the ancient spells of witches, which means you must be aware of the dangers of your choice.

Witchcraft should not be taken as something fabulous and fantastic, a la Harry Potter - this is a real teaching. According to the principle of influence, the directions of witchcraft can be divided into two types: active and passive.

  1. Calling demons and spirits, healing or damaging a person is the activity of active witches.
  2. Passive adherents of magic are limited to divination, predictions, reading amulets, creating amulets. Active witchcraft requires a large energy expenditure of the witch.

Real spells for beginner witches are not hard to find. Printing houses regularly release new books about magic, and there are many sites on the Internet with this theme. The question of the authenticity of such abundant information, everyone decides for himself.

Outside the 21st century. The age in which most of supernatural phenomena has received a scientific justification or has been refuted. However, the world is so diverse that it regularly supplies the human mind with new mysteries. In all ancient cultures and at all times, there have been women endowed with superhuman abilities. Their role in Everyday life was and remains such to know the answers to these riddles, to help people who do not know, to cope with difficulties.

Witchcraft and its various varieties have been known since time immemorial to the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, especially the Babylonians. Human interest in everything mysterious has always been. People were attracted by the unknown forces of a powerful nature.

Just imagine how much knowledge about the power of spirits has been accumulated over the years, centuries! Magic ordinary man in the street it is difficult to call science, but it is as old as the world, and this has long surpassed any of the sciences. Magic allows you to know, if not everything, then a lot. It's not even about book knowledge about damage, diseases, etc., magic reveals the secret of that side of life where mathematics, biology or physics could not look. It is pointless to deny the interaction of mind and soul, but it is very important to understand it.

In ancient times, it was easier to come to terms with magic, you could either know a lot or know nothing. The witch could be a priest, a healer, a healer, which means she had power over people. Then, with the development of culture, and therefore, with the advent of grains of knowledge in ordinary people, it took a division into right and left, good and bad. So it was easier for a person to understand what was happening around, so he naively believed that he knew about good and evil.

In the course of development, the initial symbols and knowledge changed their meaning, a person replaced concepts in order to learn how to control the world. He continues to do so even today. For example, the ancient Chinese symbol Yin-Yang. Modern man asserts: the meaning of the sign is the opposite, feminine and masculine, good and evil.

But the ancient Chinese put a different meaning:

  • Yin - shady mountainside
  • Yang is sunny.

Where is good and where is bad? Mountain alone! Witches, perhaps, are those people who retain the original meaning of being and do not try to adapt or modernize it.

Now it is difficult to comprehend when and how the division of magic into white and black, and their servants into magicians and witches, began. Perhaps with the advent of a single patriarchal religion, ministry higher powers, God, and therefore, the function of the priest, the bearer of goodness, began to be tied to the masculine principle ( white magic), while anxiety about the material world (the chores of daily affairs) is associated with evil, the feminine principle. And so it turns out that those who practice black magic, struggling with the hardships of life, are witches.

How to identify and recognize a real witch?

Continuing the topic of witches, I would like to pay attention to such an issue as recognizing a true witch. Very original way found by Serbian researchers of the occult sciences. In one of the abandoned ancient monasteries, they found ancient scriptures with instructions for identifying witchcraft spells in the female population. Everything is simple and at the same time funny, but this method brings a good income in the Museum of Witchcraft.

So, the girl needs to weigh herself twice, the first time by the classical method, and the second time by riding a broom:

  1. If the weight was more when weighed again, this is quite normal and means that the girl is not a witch
  2. But if the weight remained unchanged, this is direct evidence that you have a witch in front of you.

Witches often visit church, feeding on the energy of holiness, and also as part of rituals. As a rule, those who come to the temple of God with the intention of performing the rite are closed from the grace emanating from the icons.

How do they behave in the temple:

  1. They cross their arms, legs, or fingers.
  2. When praying, kneeling in front of the images, they can cross their legs from behind.
  3. It should also alert you if a parishioner is baptized with her left hand and in reverse order (stomach, left shoulder, right shoulder, forehead). This ritual is called a neighborhood. Witches can be baptized and right hand, but then after they make a sharp movement with their hand, as if dropping the cross to the floor. best solution will not approach such people and will not take anything from them.
  4. While in the church, the black witch tries not to turn her back to the altar and icons . This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings in the spine, and the grace that comes from the images burns the witch's back extremely strongly.. She, even leaving, will be baptized, backing away to the exit and not turning around.

Why do witches come to churches?

It's simple: performing rituals, they spend their life energy. It takes a long time to replenish it in a natural way, much faster to feed on an ignorant parishioner. This is done quite simply. The witch, without attracting attention, will go around you counterclockwise, then, as if by accident, pushes her hand, and that's all: she just has to stand behind her back and receive your energy.

If you feel and notice that someone is carrying out such manipulations, do not be shy and hit that person with your left hand, this will allow you to return the effect of damage back. There are a lot of people who experience all sorts of troubles from induced. Very often, people die quickly from induced damage, and from an incurable disease. And very many at the reception of the master exclaim, why do I need this, to whom I crossed the path.

But there are witches who spoil people not for something, but just like that, for fun. We know from history that witches and sorcerers are those who made a deal with the devil himself and sold their soul to them in exchange for knowledge. Perhaps vanity from the possession of sacred secrets pushes witches to create evil.

And yet, not all witches are evil. There are inquisitive researchers in this area, called witches. It is worth recalling: the word "witch" comes from the word "know". Magic is like a mirror, whoever turns to it in search of answers to questions, he reveals his true intentions.

Due to the fact that the media raises the hype around the development psychic abilities a person has a lot of people who want to find them at home. Many women want to become a witch, read conspiracies, try to influence their lives through magic. But only a small number of them really want and strive to develop the power that a real witch has.

Nowadays, the word witch is not associated with an old woman. who brews decoctions and arranges sacrifices, and with success, beautiful woman endowed with considerable abilities that can open the door to a completely different, more comfortable life. But in modern world there is very little magic left, and the reasons for embarking on this path are already far from ideal.

Those who nevertheless decide to connect their lives with witchcraft will have to go through a long stage of training, which is accompanied not only by hard work, but sometimes requires certain sacrifices. Each ritual or spell cast by a witch requires a huge amount of energy, and for some work there may well be a rollback of much larger size, which negatively affects the resource of vitality.

Just wanting is not enough, you need to learn this non-standard craft. The use of literature, which is presented in huge quantities on the bookshelves, as a rule, does not give a result, because due to the hype around mystical abilities, a lot of people have appeared who have proclaimed themselves gurus in this field. In fact, they are far from magic, but an incorrectly performed ritual according to their recommendations can cause great harm not so much to the one to whom it is directed, but to the witch herself who performed it. Therefore, for training, it is best to use the old books of witches, which describe not only ways to become a sorcerer, but also spells that have real power.

The concept of a witch can be considered from different positions. Yes, in ancient Russia the word meant that a woman knows more than other people. By the way, despite all the prejudices, the witch rituals performed at the temples never took place with the sacrifice of people. Animals were used for this purpose., fruits or gifts to the gods. The witches worshiped not Satan, but the Great Mother, who created the world and her son, Svarog. In total, there were 28 ancient Slavic gods.

Do men think about how to become a witcher in real life? Of course, there are also examples of representatives of the stronger sex who have strength, but there are much fewer of them. And the thing is that magic is inherent in a woman from the very beginning, since only the fair sex can bestow life and is closely connected with nature. Therefore, it is much easier for a woman to develop abilities than for a man.

How to become a witch

There are several options for how a woman acquires the gift of a witch:

How to acquire witchcraft skills on your own

The answer is simple - you can, but with a lot of effort. Magic doesn't come easy, of course, unless you hereditary witch. Let us consider in detail, step by step, how you can find a witch's gift at home.

Despite the seeming simplicity, each stage is very important, because it is, as it were, a puzzle of the overall picture of becoming a witch.

white witch

There are many rituals that allow you to pass the rite of initiation into a white witch. The basis here is Wiccan magic, which is based on a close connection with nature.

Before the ritual, you should take a bath to cleanse the body and mind of negativity.

It will take 4 church candles , ordinary coarse salt and incense.

The rite must be performed completely naked with unbraided hair. We draw a circle around ourselves with salt so that the black forces cannot reach it. We put lit candles on each side. Only after that we turn to the goddess to receive her blessing for the ritual. We read the first spell:

« I, my name, turn to the Great Mother, to the Creator of All Living Things, to the Goddess - the bestower. Please bless my initiation, and send me your blessing and mercy to have the power to do clean and virtuous deeds.

Then imagine how chest a ball filled with energy begins to form. Pass it through the entire body and return to the starting point. Then read the second plot:

“Oh Great Mother, creator of All Living Things, Goddess - bestower, please push and strengthen me on the path of knowing and gaining witch power, help me realize my strength, the wisdom of nature, the secrets of magic, step into Magic world I promise to use my power for good"

Then you need to bow on four sides and quietly read the third spell:

« I swear to be real good witch, sacredly keep the secrets bestowed by you, I swear to keep my tongue from casting black spells, and to transfer the bestowed knowledge only to the worthy. Let it be just like that!”

Black magic

If in the process of learning it became clear that black magic is closer, then she will have to serve. There is an old conspiracy that allows you to summon an assistant in gaining strength.

The ritual is performed on the full moon, it is best to do it on the churchyard, thanks to which you can become a very strong witch.

Arriving at the graveyard, you need to do this: stand so that moonlight falls on you, put a burning candle in front of you. Spreading our hands to the sides, we read:

“Hear me, who has found his peace in this place, I call you to witness, I will not be afraid of you, but I will not look back when I leave. Eternal peace to you, great knowledge to me. Just as granite on a grave is durable, so my spirit in learning will not break. Amen"

From this day on, you will become not only a black witch, but also find an assistant from the other world. For seven days, you should not visit the cemetery, take or borrow anything from people.

Attention, only TODAY!

As Alexander Sheps said, most people are deprived of the gift to communicate with other world and magically influence the circumstances of the lives of others. However, everyone, at least for a minute, thought about how life would have turned out if he had secret knowledge and supernatural power. If you notice any unnatural actions or unusual situations behind you, this may be evidence that you still have a gift. That's just even if you have magic power It will take a lot of time and effort to develop it in yourself.

For those women who do not have any supernatural talents, Alexander Sheps says that another woman who is endowed with a strong gift can help them become a witch. For example, if we turn to the same witch grandmothers, then often they do not have a family and they have to pass on their gift strangers just before death. In most cases, it is thanks to this that girls who are not endowed with any unusual abilities, receive magical power at their disposal.

You can become a witch in real life in another way, says medium Alexander Sheps. According to him, any woman can try to independently develop a magical gift in herself by asking for help from otherworldly forces. In order to become a witch, you first need to learn how to read Tarot cards and constantly practice this knowledge. Alexander Sheps recommends choosing Tarot White or Lenormand as his first Tarot deck. At the beginning of your magical practices, you should only guess for yourself, since an inexperienced woman can bring trouble to another person with her predictions.

The second stage will be the development various kinds conspiracies and magical rituals. Your own grimoire can help you become a witch in real life. Get yourself a notebook where you will write down all the used conspiracies, divination and rituals. It is recommended not to dedicate others to your plans and expectations. During the practice of magic, try to stay completely alone and be extremely focused. Luck will surely smile at you if you show due patience.

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14.03.2014 11:37

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In fact, this word comes from two others - the knower and the mother. Putting them together, no negative context will come out, moreover, they reflect a personality endowed with maternal traits, the talent of a healer. Moreover, it was the Orthodox Slavs who gave a negative color to the sorceresses, who considered evil any magical activity that was not related to the official religion.

A knowing mother undoubtedly has a wide knowledge of witchcraft, magic, but does not necessarily use knowledge for evil. They do not use skills when there is no need, they do not talk about the gift, they do not interfere in the lives of other people.

Witches are both white and black.

Unfortunately, getting the status of a good sorceress is not easy, but real. Most effective rite turning into a sorceress is the transfer of knowledge through the touch of a dying witch. You can become a witch after the confession of another witch. However, the easiest method is to conduct a ritual, which is accompanied by reading a conspiracy.

What you need to remember when becoming a sorceress

Girls who want to become a real witch should definitely use our advice. Before you begin, it is recommended that you thoroughly study most of the possible sources of information that will tell you about magic, the path, the rules for the use of force. Having finally decided, take a notebook, write in it questions, answers to them. The questions will be: Why should I become a witch? What will I achieve with magic?

Describe doubts, fears, hopes in a notebook, later, it will lay the foundation for the "Book of Shadows".

Practice managing internal energy. Learn to relax, focus, visualize thoughts. At the next stage, you can start learning spells. A real sorceress does not mindlessly copy them from books or the Internet, but develops unique ones based on them, with greater power. A professional witch easily develops an effective spell, rituals, conspiracies. One of the most important components of becoming a witch is the initiation ritual. There are several ways to become a sorceress, but do not be afraid, most likely, the inner voice will tell you which one fit better Total.

The ritual of turning into a sorceress

You should not think that after the rite of initiation, you can immediately become a powerful sorceress, commanding time and physical objects with the power of thought. It will be only the first brick in building your new destiny.

The ritual must begin on the full moon. Before it, it is recommended to endure 3 days of strict fasting, before the rite itself, wash the body with a decoction of herbs, relax, you can meditate. Light the incense sticks prepared in advance, draw a magic pentagram or circle on the floor with salt. From the four corners of the world you need to put one burning candle. At midnight, strip naked and stand in the center of the circle with your arms crossed over your chest.

Say your favorite magic spell.

Then they make a symbolic sacrifice to the spirits. The ritual must be completed with a sincere appeal to higher powers, after which the candles must be extinguished and the circle left. In order to develop your skills, it is very important to constantly practice, improve existing skills.

What is worth striving for

Witches are the owners of great power, deep knowledge, therefore they have incredible opportunities. Great power breeds great responsibility, so if you decide to become a witch as a joke, life can get very bad after the initiation rite.

You will be responsible not only for yourself, but also for those around you. Great importance has a choice of the side of light or darkness.

As you might guess, in order to step on the side of the world, you need to do exceptionally good deeds, use only white magic, spells, conspiracies, protect the weak, the disadvantaged. Remember that darkness is usually chosen by weak magicians who are unable or unwilling to evolve to gain much greater power.

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