Other world stories. Horror stories. all these stories testify that the other world exists according to some laws of its own, unknown to us, and its inhabitants are able to penetrate our reality in order to declare their needs. exist

There is no death - life is also in full swing in the next world. This is evidenced by numerous messages from the afterlife - the voices of the dead are received on the radio, on computers and even on mobile phones. It's hard to believe this, but it's a fact. The author of these lines was also rather a skeptic - until he witnessed such contact with the afterlife in St. Petersburg.

We wrote about this in three June issues of the newspaper "Life" this year 2009. And there were calls from all over the country, responses on the Internet. Readers argue, doubt, wonder, thank - the topic of contacts with the afterlife touched everyone to the quick. Many ask for the address of scientists who are engaged in similar experiments. Therefore, we returned to this topic. Here is the website address of the Russian Association for Instrumental Transcommunication (RAITK), a public organization that researches the phenomenon of electronic voices: http://www.rait.airclima.ru/association.htm

Through this site, you can contact the head of RAITK, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Artem Mikheev and his colleagues. But I want to warn everyone - research is still at the experimental stage. Keep in mind that RAITK is not an occult services firm, its members are engaged in science.

And one more important tip. Do not rush to try to make contact with another world on your own, using modern technologies, this is still the lot of a few scientists. Believe me, the load on the psyche unprepared for such contacts is very high! Maybe it’s enough for you to go to church, light a candle and pray for the repose of friends and relatives who have gone to another world? Take comfort in the fact that the soul is immortal. And separation from people dear to you who have gone to another world is only temporary.


The first targeted contact - that is, a connection with a specific person who had gone to another world - was a radio bridge established by the Svitnev family of St. Petersburg.

Their son Dmitry was killed in a car accident, but the parents found a way to hear their dear voice again. Vadim Svitnev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and his colleagues from RAITK, using specially designed devices and a computer, established a connection with another world. And it was Mitya who answered the questions of his father and mother! The son buried by them answered from the next world: “We are all alive with the Lord!”

This amazing bilateral contact has been going on for more than a year. Parents record all conversations electronically - more than three thousand files-answers to their questions. The information that comes from the next world is amazing - a lot goes against our traditional ideas about the afterlife.

At the request of the readers of Zhizn, I asked questions of interest to Natasha and Vadim Svitnev, Mitya's parents. Here are their answers.

- By what phrases, facts, intonations do you identify your interlocutor from the Other World?

Answer: Don't you recognize your child's voice from billions of others? In any voice there are intonations, shades peculiar only to him. Our Mitya has a characteristic, recognizable voice - very soft, penetrating to the very heart. When we showed the recordings with Mitin's voice to his friends, they asked when they were produced, being absolutely sure that this was done even before the tragic event that interrupted Mitin's life. We communicate with a very large number of people from the other side. In conversations, they introduce themselves to us by their first names. Among Mitya's friends there are Fedor, Sergey, Stas, Sasha, Andrey was once mentioned. And friends from the other side sometimes call Mitya himself by his “nickname” on the Internet, which he chose for himself a long time ago - MNTR, a mirror image of the name Mitya. Welcomed to the contact Vadim and his colleagues. For example, one of Vadim’s leaders who went over to the “other side” got in touch with a congratulation: “Vadyusha, I congratulate you on Fleet Day!” And to the question: “Who am I talking to?” followed by the answer: "Yes, I am Gruzdev." Moreover, apart from this person, no one has ever called Vadim “Vadyusha”. And Natasha is sometimes addressed by her maiden name Titlyanova, jokingly calling her Titlyashkina, Titlyandiya.

- How does a person feel in the Other World - in the first seconds, days, weeks, months?

Answer: As we are told on the contacts, there is no interruption from that side. The abyss exists only on our side. The transition is completely painless.

What does it look like from there on Earth?

Answer: From the other world, this question is answered like this: “Your life is a huge anthill. You are constantly hurting yourself. On Earth, you are in a dream."

– Is it possible to predict some events from the Other World?

Answer: Events removed in time from the present moment, from the other world are seen less clearly than nearby ones. There were many predictive or pre-emptive messages, such as a warning about a gang attack on a neighbor's boy three months before the actual incident.

– What human needs are preserved in the Other World? For example, physiological - breathe, eat, drink, sleep?

Answer: As for needs, it's very simple: “I am fully alive. Mitya is the former. “We have a busy time, we hardly slept for three months.”

Once Mitya said in a communication session: “Now, mom, listen carefully,” and I heard him sigh. He breathed carefully loudly so that I could hear his breathing. These were real, ordinary sighs of a living person. They tell us that they have no time to eat - a lot of work.


How close are family contacts?

Answer: Mitya often tells me about my mother - her grandmother, that she is there, and my mother, like my father, was also present at the contacts several times. Moreover, when I began to miss my mother very much, Mitya invited her, and since she is Ukrainian by origin, she spoke to me in pure Ukrainian. Vadim also talked with his mother. Of course, family ties remain.

- How do they live and where do they live - are there cities, villages?

Answer: Mitya told us that he lives in the village and even explained how to find him. And on one of our best contacts, his address sounded when he was called for communication: "Forest street, northern house."

- Is the date of departure of each of us predetermined or not?

Answer: There is no mention of the date of departure during our contacts. We are constantly reminded that we are immortal: "You are eternal in our eyes."

- Were there any clues from the other world in everyday things?

Answer: Somehow Vadim was told at the contact that he had 36 rubles in his pocket. Vadim checked and was surprised to make sure - exactly 36 rubles.

Egor, our youngest son, was repairing a bicycle and could not determine the malfunction, while Vadim was conducting a communication session at that time. Suddenly Vadim turns to Yegor and says: "Mitya said that your axle is damaged." The diagnosis was confirmed.

Are there animals in the underworld?

Answer: There was also such a case: the guys from the other side brought a dog for a communication session. We heard and recorded her barking.

One of the main questions for all remains the question of what awaits us after death. For millennia, unsuccessful attempts have been made to unravel this mystery. In addition to conjectures, there are real facts confirming that death is not the end of the human path.

There are a large number of videos about paranormal phenomena that have conquered the Internet. But even in this case, there are a lot of skeptics who say that the videos can be faked. It is difficult to disagree with them, because a person is not inclined to believe in what he cannot see with his own eyes.

There are many stories of people coming back from the dead when they were about to die. How to perceive such cases is a matter of faith. However, often even the most hardened skeptics have changed themselves and their lives, faced with situations that cannot be explained with the help of logic.

Religion about death

The vast majority of religions in the world have teachings about what awaits us after death. The most common is the doctrine of Heaven and Hell. Sometimes it is supplemented with an intermediate link: "walking" through the world of the living after death. Some peoples believe that such a fate awaits suicides and those who have not finished something important on this Earth.

This concept is seen in many religions. For all the difference, they are united by one thing: everything is tied to good and bad, and the posthumous state of a person depends on how he behaved during his lifetime. It is impossible to write off the religious description of the afterlife. Life after death exists - inexplicable facts confirm this.

One day something amazing happened to a priest who was the pastor of the Baptist Church in the United States of America. A man was driving his car home from a meeting about the construction of a new church, but a truck flew towards him. The accident could not be avoided. The collision was so strong that the man fell into a coma for a while.

An ambulance arrived shortly, but it was too late. The man's heart was not beating. The doctors confirmed the cardiac arrest by rechecking. They had no doubt that the man was dead. Around the same time, the police arrived at the scene of the accident. Among the officers there was a Christian who saw a cross in the priest's pocket. Immediately he noticed his clothes and realized who was in front of him. He could not send God's servant on his last journey without prayer. He spoke the words of prayer as he climbed into the dilapidated car and took the hand of the man with no beating heart. While reading the lines, he heard a barely perceptible groan, which plunged him into shock. He checked his pulse again and realized that he could clearly feel the pulse of blood. Later, when the man miraculously recovered and began to live his former life, this story became popular. Perhaps the man really returned from the other world to finish important things at the behest of God. One way or another, they could not give a scientific explanation for this, because the heart cannot start on its own.

The priest himself said more than once in his interviews that he saw only white light and nothing more. He could take advantage of the situation and say that the Lord himself spoke to him or that he saw angels, but he did not. A couple of reporters claimed that when asked about what the person saw in this afterlife dream, he smiled discreetly, and his eyes filled with tears. Perhaps he really saw something intimate, but did not want to make it public.

When people are in a short coma, their brain does not have time to die during this time. That is why it is worth paying attention to the numerous stories that people, being between life and death, saw a light so bright that even through closed eyes it seeps through as if the eyelids are transparent. One hundred percent of people came back to life and told that the light began to move away from them. Religion interprets this very simply - their time has not yet come. A similar light was seen by the Magi approaching the cave where Jesus Christ was born. It is the radiance of paradise, the afterlife. No one saw angels, God, but felt the touch of higher powers.

Dreams are another matter. Scientists have proven that we can dream anything that our brain can imagine. In a word, dreams are not limited by anything. It happens that people see their dead relatives in dreams. If 40 days have not passed after death, then this means that the person really talked to you from the afterlife. Unfortunately, dreams cannot be analyzed objectively from two points of view - from scientific and religious-esoteric, because it's all about sensations. You may dream of the Lord, angels, heaven, hell, ghosts and whatever, but you do not always feel that the meeting was real. It happens that in dreams we remember the deceased grandparents or parents, but only occasionally does a real spirit come to someone in a dream. We all understand that it will not be realistic to prove our feelings, so no one spreads their impressions further than beyond the family circle. Those who believe in the afterlife, and even those who doubt, wake up after such dreams with a completely different view of the world. Spirits can predict the future, which has happened more than once in history. They can show discontent, joy, sympathy.

There are quite a famous story that took place in Scotland in the early 70s of the 20th century with an ordinary builder. A residential building was being built in Edinburgh. The construction worker was Norman MacTagert, who was 32 years old. He fell from a rather great height, lost consciousness and fell into a coma for a day. Shortly before that, he dreamed of a fall. After he woke up, he told what he saw in a coma. According to the man, it was a long journey, because he wanted to wake up, but he could not. First he saw that same blinding bright light, and then he met his mother, who said that she always wanted to become a grandmother. The most interesting thing is that as soon as he regained consciousness, his wife told him about the most pleasant news that is possible - Norman was supposed to become a dad. The woman found out about the pregnancy on the day of the tragedy. The man had serious health problems, but he not only survived, but also continued to work and feed his family.

In the late 90s, something very unusual happened in Canada.. The doctor on duty at a Vancouver hospital was taking calls and filling out paperwork, but then she saw a little boy in white pajamas for the night. He yelled from the other end of the emergency room, "Tell my mom not to worry about me." The girl was frightened that one of the patients had left the ward, but then she saw the boy go through the closed doors of the hospital. His house was a couple of minutes from the hospital. That's where he ran. The doctor was alarmed by the fact that it was three in the morning on the clock. She decided that she must by all means catch up with the boy, because even if he is not a patient, he must be reported to the police. She ran after him for just a couple of minutes, until the child ran into the house. The girl began to ring the doorbell, after which the mother of that same boy opened the door for her. She said that it was impossible for her son to leave the house, because he was very sick. She burst into tears and went to the room where the baby lay in his crib. It turned out that the boy had died. The story received a great response in society.

In the brutal World War II one ordinary Frenchman fired back from the enemy for almost two hours during a battle in the city . Next to him was a man about 40 years old, who covered him from the other side. It is impossible to imagine how great was the surprise of an ordinary soldier of the French army, who turned in that direction to say something to his partner, but realized that he had disappeared. A few minutes later, the cries of the approaching allies were heard, hurrying to the rescue. He and several other soldiers ran out to meet the help, but the mysterious partner was not among them. He searched for him by name and rank, but never found that same fighter. Perhaps it was his guardian angel. Doctors say that in such stressful situations, slight hallucinations are possible, but a conversation with a man for an hour and a half cannot be called an ordinary mirage.

There are many such stories about life after death. Some of them are confirmed by eyewitnesses, but the doubters still call it a fake and try to find scientific justification for the actions of people and their visions.

Real facts about the afterlife

Since ancient times, there have been cases when people saw ghosts. They were first photographed and then filmed. Some people think that this is a montage, but later they are personally convinced of the veracity of the pictures. Numerous stories cannot be considered proof of the existence of life after death, so people need evidence and scientific facts.

Fact one: many have heard that after death a person becomes lighter by exactly 22 grams. Scientists cannot explain this phenomenon in any way. Many believers tend to believe that 22 grams is the weight of the human soul. Many experiments were carried out, which ended with the same result - the body became lighter by a certain amount. Why is the main question. People's skepticism cannot be destroyed, so many hope that an explanation will be found, but this is unlikely to happen. Ghosts can be seen by the human eye, hence their "body" has mass. Obviously, everything that has some kind of shape must be at least partly physical. Ghosts exist in larger dimensions than we do. There are 4 of them: height, width, length and time. Time is not subject to ghosts from the point of view from which we see it.

Fact two: the air temperature near the ghosts decreases. This is typical, by the way, not only for the souls of dead people, but also for the so-called brownies. All this is the result of the action of the afterlife in reality. When a person dies, the temperature around him immediately decreases sharply, literally for a moment. This indicates that the soul leaves the body. The temperature of the soul is about 5-7 degrees Celsius, as measurements show. During paranormal phenomena, the temperature also changes, so scientists have proven that this happens not only during immediate death, but also afterwards. The soul has a certain radius of influence around itself. Many horror films use this fact to bring the shooting closer to reality. Many people confirm that when they felt the movement of a ghost or some kind of entity next to them, they were very cold.

Here is an example of a paranormal video showing real ghosts.

The authors claim that this is not a joke, and the experts who watched this compilation say that about half of all such videos are the real truth. Particularly noteworthy is the part of this video where the girl is pushed by the ghost in the bathroom. Experts report that physical contact is possible and absolutely real, and the video is not a fake. Almost all pictures of moving pieces of furniture can be true. The problem is that it is very easy to fake such a video, but there was no acting in the moment where the chair next to the sitting girl began to move by itself. There are very, very many such cases around the world, but no less of those who just want to promote their video and become famous. Distinguishing fake from the truth is difficult, but real.

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Sometimes things happen that you can't call otherwise than strange. They can be expressed in strange coincidences, amazing dreams and absolutely do not fit into worldly logic. But despite the fact that many of them make you feel the closeness of the other world, others, on the contrary, only convince you that the supernatural does not exist.

  • I had a dream about a colleague from work. I see that she seems to have gained a lot of weight. I hinted to her about this, she in response says that she is pregnant. I wake up in the morning and, as usual, I forget my dream. During my lunch break, I suddenly see her. It seemed that she really got better. I start a conversation with her and remember what I dreamed about. I decided to ask a question, they say, do they want a child with her husband. She looked at me with wild eyes and said: “Don’t tell me that you dreamed that I was pregnant. I have already been told about this by 3 people in the office!” Well, don’t believe in mysticism after this!
  • I never believed in mysticism. But when my father died, something strange happened. I remember how I lay down on the sofa after the funeral and cried for a very long time. At that time, there was no one else at home except for me. And the windows were closed! When it was already stupidly nothing to cry, I felt like they stroked my head. It was like the touch of the wind. I still wonder why I wasn't scared. At that moment, such peace came over me that I calmly fell asleep.
  • I grew up in the countryside. We had a big company, and when we finished school, almost everyone decided to leave for the city. Our girls went to a local grandmother who looked like a witch to tell them fortune. We laughed but decided to go with them. She told me: your destiny and greatest happiness will be connected with a beautiful light flower. I never believed in this mysticism, so I forgot about it. Almost 10 years later, I'm driving in a car and slowing down at a traffic light. I turn on the radio, and there are the words: "And your happiness is right in front of you, you just need to take a closer look." I raise my eyes, and there a girl crosses the road, holding a white orchid in a pot. I don't know what went through my head, but I parked and ran to catch up with her. She got lost in the crowd, and I stumbled and accidentally bumped into another girl walking in front of me. She fell and sprained her leg, I took her to the hospital. We met, and for many years she has been my wife and the greatest love in my life. She has very blonde hair and a beautiful name - Lily.
  • Mysticism often happens in my apartment, but dad denies everything and refuses to move out. The other day, in the parent's bedroom, clear dusty footprints of hands and feet appeared on a clean white stretch ceiling. In three places. It was as if someone was sitting on the ceiling above the parents' heads. The traces are so dusty, as if the dust had not been wiped for three months, but they are smeared from exposure. Mom is afraid to sleep, but dad still does not believe.
  • When I was little, my father had an accident. His friend, who was driving, died on the spot. Father was collected in parts. In the hospital, he did not know that his friend had died - they did not tell him anything. Recently, the father said that he had a dream in the hospital. He walks across the field, it's warm, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and his friend is walking towards him. They greeted each other, and a friend tells him that he built a new house, and invites his father to visit. The father sees: in the middle of the field there is a terrible, black, unpleasant house. They go inside, and there is dusk, cold, as in a cellar, damp, the walls and floor are earthen, as in a grave. Father became terrified. He tells a friend that he does not like it, he persuaded him to leave together. And his friend, on the contrary, persuaded him to stay. The father was frightened and left the house, but the friend remained. I am still surprised that after that my father does not believe in such mystical things.
  • I never really believed in mysticism, but recently I revised my views. I have osteochondrosis, my spine hurts very much from the neck to the waist, in the evening I complained about this to my husband on the phone (he is at work at night). I went to bed, turned to the wall, I feel like someone jumped onto the bed, it feels like a cat. She began to walk back and forth, then lay down, tightly pressed against her back. I didn't turn around - it's scary! In the morning, the pain subsided considerably. But we don't have cats or other animals.
  • I have a hobby: I make bracelets from natural stones. Someone told me that white agate attracts suitors. When I wrote about this, there were many who wanted to buy an agate bracelet. Not a single bracelet "for marriage" was given to me easily. I redo each one several times. I remade the bracelet for my best friend three times, the third time it broke when she had already put it on. I have been making bracelets for a long time, I regularly wear them myself, it was not like that with any of them, only with these white agates. When the bracelet breaks, I feel like a sorceress who removes damage from a girl. I collect the bracelet until it stops resisting and gathers itself, then it is as if part of the "marriage" failures are leaving. Only one was not torn - for the sister. I just didn't know that she had been secretly engaged for several months.
  • My husband believes in mysticism. In St. Petersburg there is some kind of grandmother, she reads out coins "for money." My husband was ready to pay a lot of money for a trip for the sake of this coin ... Out of desperation, I took a piece of glass from a mug, just successfully lying in the corner, wrapped it with thread and painted it with paint. It looked quite mystical, she gave it to her husband, said that she ordered it for him, they brought it from abroad from a very powerful grandmother. I believed. Now he earns much more and believes that the "fang" helps him.
  • Today I believe that technology has a soul. I went to buy a new router, because the old one is already 4 years old and the signal level on the balcony leaves much to be desired. Went, bought, brought home. I sit down at the computer, I look at my old friend with a look, a la "Dobby, you're free." And at that very moment, the router flashed all 6 indicators, made the last squeaky sound and ... turned off. Couldn't turn it back on. He left with honor, like a true samurai. @Domovenik
  • I was returning from work late at night, put the key in the lock and realized that it was locked from the inside. No one at home. I spent the night in the car, got into the apartment through the neighbor's balcony. The castle is correct. Time passes, the situation repeats itself. Then again and again. I believed in mysticism, I thought about consecrating the apartment. The last time I got angry that it was blocked, I pulled with all the dope, and my cat is hanging on the door. She grabbed hold of the lock with her front paws. She was bored, the brute, from longing she jumped on the door and turned the plug.
  • I don’t believe in mysticism, but recently, while in the bathroom, I heard someone sneezing softly in the kitchen. Ah, I think it did. After 5 seconds, the sneeze is repeated, like this: "Ach-shsh-sh!" I live alone and it's scary. I build a shield and a sword from what is at hand: I take off my slippers from my foot and take nail scissors in my fist, I cautiously move towards the kitchen. Sneeze repeats again! My heart is pounding, my ears are ringing. I go into the kitchen - no one ... And again, sneeze! And this, it turns out, is the lid on the pan jumping.
  • Previously, he was fond of the occult, he searched for and bought rare books, the house even has a separate room-study with all that kind of stuff. I bought one of these books in another region, very old and valuable, I brought it home. That same night, something crazy began to happen. Books fell off the shelves, the cat reared up, doors slammed. The apogee was a crow beating against the window. It had to be seen: I, an adult man with a cat under his arm, yelling good obscenities, fled from home to the garage. Got rid of the book.
  • It was summer. I'm already falling asleep, and my hand dangled from the sofa. I feel that the cat touched her with his paw and began to lick with his rough tongue (sometimes he does). I turn over on the other side and see how my Vaska is sleeping safely at my feet! In shock, I crawled under the bed, and there was another cat sitting there. Apparently, he climbed through the grapes to me through the balcony to the second floor. Children's fear of garbage under the bed was realized. @rusvod17
  • Mom doesn't really believe in mysticism. She told me one story. At work in the cardiocenter there is a room for inventory. And an iron rack fits snugly against the wall. Everything falls off the rack every night. They thought it was a lamb or some kind of perfume. Well, my mom, on duty at night, decided to watch. It turns out that at a certain hour some large unit turns on from below, the waves from it go along the wall, throwing everything off the rack. Everything has an explanation.
  • When someone starts talking to me about damage, I always draw an analogy with Hollywood stars. Can you imagine how many crazy women tried to bewitch Brad Pitt or Tom Hardy. And how many envious inadequacies would like to spoil some Jolie, or at least Pugacheva. Yes, no one could cope with such a flow of negative energy. Therefore, I sincerely do not understand how you can believe in all this mystical crap.

Most recently, I wrote a story on the site and clarified that this is the only mysterious story that happened to me. But gradually more and more new cases surfaced in my memory that happened, if not with me, then with people next to me, who, of course, can be completely distrusted. But if you do not believe everyone who is close to you, then you can not trust yourself.

Today I want to tell not about my own experience, but about a story told to me by close comrades, who could well be called a friend, if we communicate at least a little more often and we have more common interests. By the way, he Virgo, zodiac sign he has one like that. I want to tell you completely, the characteristics are the same, just to the point of being strange. So I could exaggerate something a little, but I certainly didn’t lie. During one of the gatherings, he said that his grandmother turned out to be a "witch", like her great-great-grandmother - according to the classics of the genre, the "gift" was passed down through the generation. True, by the time of the grandmother’s life, it was not worth “boasting” for a gift - and therefore it was considered more like a curse, and not something good. Be that as it may, some of the abilities were transferred to the sister of my comrade. Which diligently denied them and did not want to have anything to do with them. Apparently, such are her childhood impressions.

But let's finally get to the story. One day my sister fell ill with a serious skin disease. What exactly no one could understand from her - they called it both allergies and eczema, prescribed tons of medicines (fortunately, then there was no commercial medicine and doctors actually treated, and did not try to increase the number of visits to them), but nothing helped . For a “marriageable girl”, the skin condition was critical and the disease brought terrible suffering, not only physical, but also psychological.

This went on for several months, until one day the girl had a dream. She had this dream in the town where her grandmother lived (the grandfather had died by that time). In the dream, the girl left her house and went to her grandmother's house. And then, halfway in front of her, a hole began to appear on the road.

It looked very surreal - the thought immediately came to mind that it was not just a "pit", but a "hole into another world." Moreover, it was clearly not a “gate”, but a strange and not particularly beautiful “hole”. Before the girl had time to start to get scared, her dead grandfather crawled out of the "pit". His whole appearance spoke of the fact that where he got out from, he was not particularly well. He was all tired and worn out. He got out and immediately spoke:

- What, granddaughter, are you going to your grandmother?

Yes, to grandma.

- This is good. She didn't have long left. Soon to us, here to her.

They were silent for a while, then the grandfather looked intently at his granddaughter.

- You're sick, I'm looking?

- Yes, I'm sick.

- Nothing helps?

- Not. Several months already...

- And it won't help. Listen to me. You will come now to your grandmother, go to the garden. There are wild onions growing behind the toilet. Narvi it, crush it and smear it with juice. Then everything will pass. Otherwise, it doesn't matter.

Having said this, he again climbed into the hole and it gradually closed.

There was both good and bad in this meeting in a dream. The juice of wild onions from the back of the garden really helped the girl - everything went away in two weeks. But my grandmother died two weeks later. And judging by the look and words of my grandfather, she didn’t get exactly where we would like our dead loved ones to go.

Once upon a time there was a girl whose name is not known, or it was drowned in history ...

Our family lived in a three-room apartment, not counting the kitchen. My room was in the east. I was specially selected a bright room, because I have poor eyesight. If you look at the apartment from the hallway, then on the left there will be a small bathroom. Then the kitchen. If you go further down the corridor, there will be a parent room on the left, and a bookcase on the right. At the very end of the corridor there is a large bathroom (bath and toilet), on the right is my room, on the left is the room of Anton, my brother.

At that time, my room was being renovated, and I slept with Anton in his room. In the bedroom there was a sofa on which I slept, and a bed in the form of a car in which Anton slept. There was a table against the wall next to the window. There is a pine closet by the door…

Before going to bed, I like to dream. I often have interesting dreams. You could even say that I order a dream. For example: if I want to have a dream about school, I remember school, if I want a dream-confusion, I invent all sorts of rubbish, etc.

And once, in the evening, my mother was reading “The Cucumber Horse” to her brother. Anton fell asleep a long time ago and I lay awake. Nothing was concocted.

Finally I fell asleep.

What I dreamed is not fiction! Honestly!

At first it was dark. Dark. It continues to be dark. And then a picture appears: my older sister Vika, together with her mother, are standing in the hallway. Mom is standing at the door, and Vika is taking off her shoes. I said hello and went back to Anton's room. Anton pulled on his socks. He walked past me saying that he was going to kick the ball in the yard. Said it to my mom. I went into the hallway. I said goodbye to Anton, closed the door. Mom and Vika were already sitting in the kitchen drinking tea. I went back to the room. She sat on the floor next to the chair. Began to understand the box of beads. Then I heard someone coughing at the closet. I looked back. Nobody. I continued to look at beads. Suddenly Anton's chuckle came from the bed. I looked back. Nobody. It got creepy. I got up and left the room. It suddenly became hard to breathe. There's just nothing to breathe. The legs did not obey. I walked as if in water: it was hard to walk. My leg was numb and I fell down. I looked back. My mother's rubber glove crawled out of the bath towards me, as if it was on my hand. The bathroom was dark. The glove grabbed me by the Latvian. The hand pulled me right there.

I couldn't even scream. The chest was squeezed. A feeling of quiet horror swept over me. A hand dragged me mercilessly to the bathroom. Suddenly I felt a certain freedom: I can move. The hand continued to drag me to the bathroom.

I tried kicking it with my feet. It didn't work out. I tore off the glove with my left hand, asked for the bathroom, quickly jumped off and rushed to the kitchen. It became easy for me to move again. I ran to my mom in the kitchen. Mods hit the TV. We watched boxing. I think I told my mom about the incident. And my mother replied: "It happens."

At first I dozed off, and then I fell asleep ...

The second dream was a continuation of the first.

To be honest, I remember only the most terrible and at the same time beautiful picture.

Mom was not around. My brother and I rode in Denis's car. But Vika was driving, although she never passed her driving license. It was getting dark. Vika was impatient to go home through the forest. Although it was “dark”, Vika did not turn on the headlights. We listen to the radio. Like news. Here we drive up the hill (if something happens, we drive along a dirt road). I don't remember exactly how it happened.

When we climbed the hill, I looked at all this from the car, from the back seat. We started down the hill. And then my vision, as if took off, and began to look at what was happening from above. I'm standing alone on the same hill. One. There is no Vika, no Anton, no car nearby. Then I go down the hill. Here the road smoothly, imperceptibly goes into the grass. The road is over. I am in a small clearing. Wheat is growing on one side, and a lake is on the other. I went to the water. Reeds grow on the sides, forming an arch leading to the water. To the left in the water grows some kind of large beautiful tree. And only now I notice an old woman with a staff. She beckons me along. I'm going. Went up to her. She twirled, I twirled. We're going back to the water. Weird. The tree has disappeared, the reeds have disappeared. Instead, skulls of people and animals were lying near the shore. Three candles burn out on a stone protruding onto the shore. In this glow, the skulls seemed to be golden. I thought the old woman wanted to eat me. But no. She leads me on. We pass thin bushes, not even a part of the water hidden. We ended up on an island. The ground here also seemed golden. We came to a tree under which lay three boulders. One had either a sword, or a dagger, or a kitchen knife stuck into it. A beautiful openwork lantern hung on a tree. There were five candles on the ground. This island was incredibly beautiful. I didn't want to leave there. The old woman led me on. Then we stopped at a tunnel of pines. The grass in this place was ankle deep. The tunnel looked like this: a tiny golden island, sinking in the darkness of the night, passed into a forest on the water. There was no grass growing on the island. And in this place, grass penetrated the golden earth, and the closer the tunnel was, the more grass became. Then a doorway appeared in the air. Rays of sunlight shone through it. Mutant pines were visible. And there was a path in the middle. And this pine tunnel led deep into the forest.

The old woman went into the tunnel. I follow her. We ended up in a pine forest. I looked ahead, and with my upper vision I noticed that the tops of the trees were not visible in my range, they were so large. There were many people here. In the middle of it all was a table with vegetables. All people went somewhere.

The forest was on the shore of the lake. A huge white tent floated on the water. It looked like a wedding. From there, a boy was looking at me. He laughed and ran into the depths of the tent.

Then I took a walk there, looked around. Everything was amazing!

But then the old woman told me that I had to go back. I didn’t want to go, I remember that for sure, but I don’t understand how I woke up ...

I woke up. Stared at the ceiling for three minutes.

I wanted to see the strange golden shore with the skulls again, and I wanted to see that forest again. Fabulous, magical, wonderful forest ...

The first dream seemed terrible to me. The second is wonderful. It seemed to me that these two dreams were connected. In the first dream, the glove dragged me into the bathroom under the tub. It was scary. In the second dream, I was left alone, and the left old woman led me in general ... She led me to that world. In the first dream, it seems, too ...

I was terrified of these thoughts. I kept staring at the ceiling. What if… If I… Hadn't woken up?

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