The youngest child prodigy in the world. Children are child prodigies who early showed their unusual abilities. Gregory Smith: the youngest politician

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Gifted kids are amazing. At a tender age, they achieve such successes that many adults never even dreamed of. And yet, genius is not necessarily a blessing, and this, unfortunately, is confirmed by the life stories of some young talents.

Today website tells about 10 child prodigies with very different fates. And in the end, we have prepared for you a question to which we ourselves do not yet have an answer.

1. Harp Karim

This 5-year-old Pakistani girl asked her parents to buy her a computer. She really wanted to figure out how it works, she liked to install new programs, make presentations. At the age of 9, Arfa became a Microsoft Certified Application Developer. Bill Gates invited her to the company's headquarters, and upon her return from the United States to Pakistan, the girl represented her country at international forums.

Nadya Rusheva was an amazingly talented artist. She created illustrations for the works of the classics, folk tales and ancient Greek myths. Nadia has never used an eraser. She said that all images are born in her head, and then appear on paper, like watermarks, and they only need to be circled with something.

The young artist died at the age of 17 due to a rupture of a congenital aneurysm of a cerebral vessel. After herself, she left about 12 thousand drawings.

4. Akrit Yaswal

Jacob Barnett was diagnosed with autism at age 2. At school, the boy attended a remedial class, but soon his mother noticed that the simplified program annoyed her son. The boy was transferred to home schooling, and then he and his mother began to attend university lectures in physics and astronomy, and he was fascinated by the exact sciences.

Barnett studied the school mathematics course in 2 weeks, and at the age of 10 the boy entered the university. At the age of 13, he developed his own theory of relativity and received many rave reviews from colleagues. Now he is a respected astrophysicist.

7. Polina Osetinskaya

Polina is a pianist, daughter of the Soviet writer and director Oleg Osetinsky. He raised the girl according to his own method, and by the age of 8 she could already play 30 hours of music by heart. The father insisted that his daughter had no talent, and all her achievements were the result of a special upbringing methodology.

At the age of 13, Polina Osetinskaya left home. It turned out that the father was cruel to the girl, and she could no longer endure his bullying. Now Polina is active in concert activities, and her colleagues say that over the years she has only developed her talent.

8. Gregory Smith

More than one generation of scientists is struggling with the riddle of genius. Some believe that the whole point is in the features of genes and the structure of the brain. Others are sure that talent manifests itself only in the presence of a rare disease. “Genius is 99 percent labor to the point of exhaustion and one percent a game of the imagination,” said Thomas Edison. And the Soviet geneticist Vladimir Efroimson has a different point of view: “Studying the biographies and pathographies of geniuses of all times and peoples leads to an inexorable conclusion: geniuses are born.” And what of this is true, no one can say yet ...

Geeks, as a rule, show their abilities at an early age. These abilities can relate to any intellectual field of activity: mathematics, physics, music, encyclopedic knowledge, and so on. Already at an early age they can go to college, finish it and defend a dissertation, while their peers are still in school; gifted children with musical ability write operas; with the ability to chess - become champions.

Contrary to popular belief that nothing special comes out of child prodigies, they often keep their genius to themselves even in adulthood ...

Maria Agnesi

Maria Agnesi was born in Milan in 1718, it was just at the time when women were not very favored in scientific circles. But she was different: she spoke several languages ​​as a child and gave scientific speeches to her father's friends.

By the time of her death at the age of 80, Agnesi had received the title of professor. Not bad for the 18th century.

Carl Friedrich Gauss

1777 (the time of Gauss's birth), mathematics was not as we know it today. It didn’t take long for Gauss to start redoing everything, and it all started at the age of three, when he began to do some mathematical calculations, later, in elementary school, he easily and quickly added more than 100 numbers in his head.

Gauss continued to study mathematics and made important contributions to the development of algebra and number theory. He also wrote several papers on magnetism, which is why you often see his name on a magnet: Gauss is the unit used to measure a magnetic field.

Paul Erdos

Do you know how many seconds you lived? Three-year-old Paul Erdos could easily give you the answer to this question. As a child living in Hungary in the 1920s, he amazed everyone with his amazing ability.

When Paul crossed the 20-year mark, his skills in mathematics could only be envied, by this age, he received a doctorate in this science. He was also quite eccentric, developing his own unique set of vocabulary, and doing everything to ensure that his life passed "on the suitcases".

By the end of his life, Erdős was one of the most influential and knowledgeable mathematicians of all time, publishing over a thousand papers, many of them over the age of 70, proving that an early start does not mean a quick end to the race.

William Rowan Hamilton

How many teenagers in today's world know 10 languages? Hamilton knew 14. He was born in 1805 in Dublin, and by the age of 16 he was already studying higher mathematics.

He spent most of his life studying optics, but his most important and influential work was on algebra and the quaternion, the number system that was created to become today the most important foundation of computer graphics, quantum physics, and vector algebra. No wonder the Irish are still so proud of him.

Kim Un-young

With an IQ of around 210, Kim Un-young began studying university programs at the age of 3, around the time the vast majority of us were playing with the magnetic alphabet.

Korean Kim flaunted on Japanese television in the late 1960s, solving complex equations, writing poetry, and speaking a variety of languages, which helped him earn his Ph.D. He did all this at an age when ordinary children had not yet finished high school. Since then, however, he has calmed down and settled down to a normal life in his home country, where he still teaches at the college.

Jean Piaget

For someone who will study the cognitive development of children, Jean certainly had an unusual childhood. Swiss by birth, Piaget published his first scientific work in 1906 when he was 10 years old.

Piaget watched children as they grew up, and how they turned from babies into adults, he studied how they learn about the world and develop. His conclusions changed the point of view of society on children and childhood, showing how important this period of a human being's life is.

John von Neumann

When a 6-year-old child can mentally divide 6-digit numbers, one cannot help but say that he is a genius. Being of Hungarian origin at the age of 8, John could memorize entire pages of phone books. However, by the age of 50, he surprised no less.

Von Neumann, in the company of leading physicists of the world, opposed the mysteries of quantum mechanics, and also connected human behavior with the theory of games with economists.

Then he became a key person in the development of atomic and hydrogen bombs, moreover, was the first and most influential computer designer.

Ekrit Jasvel

Few 7 year olds have surgery, or at least want to. Surely, many here will wonder what adult doctors were thinking about if they allowed this? But Indian-born Ekrit, now a university student as a teenager, has always been a little different.

He is not a doctor, but his parents claim that he has always had a passion for anatomy and the sciences. From the age of 5, the boy enthusiastically read Shakespeare. Today, Ekrit talks about that. that he would focus all his efforts on finding a cure for cancer. Well, he has a lot of time ahead of him to reach his goal.

William James Sidis

William was born April 1, 1898 in New York. At the age of 18 months, he was reading the New York Times. At the age of 6, William consciously became an atheist. By the time he was eight, he had written four books. He was a mathematical genius, entered Harvard at the age of 11 and became a professor before he was 20.

W. J. Sidis is rated by some biographers as the most gifted man on earth. Here are the moments of the biography that gave rise to this opinion:

  • William learned to write towards the end of his first year of life.

  • In the fourth year of his life, he read Homer in the original.

  • At the age of six he studied Aristotelian logic.

  • Between the ages of 4 and 8 he wrote 4 books, including one monograph on anatomy.

  • At the age of seven, he passed the Harvard Medical School exam in anatomy.

  • By the age of 8, William knew 8 languages ​​- English, Latin, Greek, Russian, Hebrew, French, German and another one that he invented himself.

  • In adulthood, William was fluent in 40 languages, and, according to some authors, this number reached 200.

  • At the age of 11, Sidis entered Harvard University and was soon lecturing at the Harvard Mathematics Club.

  • He graduated from Harvard with honors at 16.

His IQ was estimated to be in the region of 250 to 300 (the highest recorded IQ in history).
Sadly, Sidis was perhaps the classic example of an ill-adjusted child prodigy "put in the spotlight" by overzealous parents.

After a socialist anti-war rally in 1919, he was imprisoned. There, Sidis abandoned his former life, renouncing his academic career and taking up a regular working profession, while lamenting the lost love of his life.

He died in 1944 at the age of 46. He may have been the smartest person on earth.

Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal only lived to the age of 39, however, this 17th century Frenchman made the most of those 4 decades of his life as he had an "early start". At the age of 12, he began solving complex geometric problems and proving theorems.

By the age of 16, he had created his theorem and was in the circle of prominent French mathematicians. He even invented the first mechanical calculator at the age of 19, which was called pascaline.

By the time of his death, Pascal went beyond mathematics, he became a philosopher, theologian and writer. Among his most famous philosophical concepts is Pascal's Wager. This is the argument that you can either believe in God or not believe in him, since there is no potential risk or great reward in believing in him. Very pragmatic.

Mozart and others

Music is one of the areas where geniuses can show themselves at a very early age and delight listeners with their composing or performing arts for many years. The most famous example here is the fate of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

At the age of three, he gave his first own concert. Even then, Wolfgang memorized to the note the works he had heard only once. At the age of six, together with his sister, he went on a long tour of Europe, where in every city he made a splash with his talent.

The further creative fate of Mozart is known - a huge number of brilliant works, forever included in the world treasury of culture.

The nature of Mozart's genius is beyond description. He himself said this:
“When I'm in a good mood - in a carriage, on a walk after a pleasant dinner, or at night during insomnia, sometimes a stream of thoughts and melodies falls upon me, that's all.

Where and how - I do not know: those melodies that are pleasant to me, I remember and hum them to myself - at least, so say those around me. Then I continue to develop these themes, make them more specific, concrete, so that over time they become almost complete in my head.

History knows many other musical prodigies. Chopin He made his public debut at the age of eight. Weber was appointed conductor of the Breslau Opera Orchestra at the age of 17. Strauss and Haydn started composing music at the age of six.

Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev was a typical child prodigy - at the age of 6 he composed small piano pieces, at 9 - a children's opera, at the age of 13 he entered the conservatory.

Unfamiliar to the general public and the name Tom Blind, the son of a black slave. But at the age of five, the boy could play two different compositions on the piano with both hands at the same time, while whistling the third melody ...

Amp power

Mathematics is the second area after music where a child can express himself from early childhood. Few people know that the great French physicist and mathematician André Marie Ampère was also a child prodigy. In addition to his amazing abilities in mathematics, he was distinguished by an extraordinary craving for reading. At the age of seven or eight, he literally devoured huge volumes, while giving preference to thick encyclopedias. Surprisingly, after many years, Ampère could repeat almost word for word everything he read in childhood.

But his main passion was mathematics. At the age of 11, André was solving complex problems on his own in Joseph Lagrange's famous work Analytical Mechanics.

And the genius of Ampère has not disappeared over the years. He revolutionized mathematics, discovered the fundamental laws of electrodynamics, and wrote significant works on chemistry, poetry theory, and psychology.

Another famous mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, also demonstrated his remarkable abilities very early. Already at the age of two, he, having made a calculation in his mind, eliminated the mistake of his father, who incorrectly calculated the wages of several workers.

And at school, Karl was released from attending math classes, as the teacher admitted that the eight-year-old boy knows much more than he does.

At the age of 14, Gauss was invited to the court of Prince Brunswick, who admired the young mathematician's amazing memory and his ability to instantly perform complex calculations in his mind.

Mathematician Evariste Galois at the age of 16, he mastered the book "Principles of Geometry" in two days, designed for two years of systematic study. He also studied the monograph "Solution of Numerical Equations" in two days. And at the age of 17 he created a theory that had a significant impact on the entire mathematics of the 20th century ...

Many of the domestic geniuses of mathematics and physics were also child prodigies. Nobel Prize Laureate Lev Landau became a university student at the age of 13. A mathematician Sergey Mergelyan at the age of 15 he already went through the entire school curriculum, immediately entered the university, which he graduated at the age of 19. At 20, he already defended his Ph.D. thesis, for which he was immediately awarded a doctoral degree. And at the age of 28, Mergelyan became an academician!

Prodigy engineer

But sometimes the amazing abilities of mathematical geeks suddenly disappear for unknown reasons. Young American Zera Colburn at the age of six he was already speaking to the public, striking her with his skills. The boy spent seconds thinking and solving complex problems. It should be noted that many adults would not immediately overcome such tasks even in writing, for example: “What is the square root of 106,929?” or "Square 999,999."

But a few years later, the young genius lost his phenomenal abilities, with difficulty solving even the most difficult tasks, and not at all in his mind. For science, it remains a mystery - where did his amazing talent go, and most importantly, where did he get it from ... The Englishman had similar abilities George Bidder. Already at the age of four, he amazed those around him, making the most complex calculations in his mind.

For example, to the question: “How long will it take to fill a 1 cubic mile tank at a rate of 120 gallons per minute?” two minutes later the answer was given: 14,300 years 285 days 12 hours and 46 minutes. Interestingly, when solving the problem, the boy took into account all the leap years for this period!

Fortunately, unlike Colburn, Bidder did not lose his abilities over time. But he did not turn into a great mathematician, as he applied his talent in another area - he became the most famous engineer in England and a very wealthy person.

talking baby

Geeks can appear not only in the field of music and mathematics. Sometimes their skills in adults are simply shocking.

So, at the beginning of the last century, a boy was born in Poland, who, a few hours after birth, ... spoke. At the age of one he could already read the Bible, and at two he could recite it. John Stuart Mill, a famous philosopher and economist of the 19th century, at the age of three he was already reading books written in Greek.

Englishman Thomas Macaulay at the age of seven he wrote works on general history. His compatriot Basie Ashford at nine she wrote the novel The Young Guest, which was immediately recognized as a genius.

Hindu Ganesh Sittampalam at the age of seven he entered the university, where he was listed as the most capable student!

In conclusion, it must be said that most geeks grow up, coping with the difficult tasks of life and becoming famous. In the United States, they conducted an analysis and found that out of 282 American geeks, 105 achieved success in the very area in which their gift manifested itself from early childhood.

Studies by French scientists have shown that out of 287 great personalities, 230 already in their early years showed remarkable abilities and talents.

So the myth that geeks achieve nothing in adulthood is now practically debunked ...

child prodigy translated from German means - a wonderful child. Geeks are called children whose level of intellectual development is significantly ahead of the level of development of their peers. Geeks have unusual abilities already in early childhood.

Today we will tell you about very interesting child prodigies - our contemporaries:

  • about a boy who, at 6 months old, diagnosed himself correctly.
  • about a two-year-old artist
  • about the three-year-old singer
  • about the seven-year-old surgeon
  • about the 12-year-old Nobel Prize nominee
  • about a student who taught at Harvard
  • about the smartest person in the world

Six Monthly Prodigy - Michael Kevin Kearney

American Michael Kevin Kearney developed surprisingly quickly in childhood. He was born in 1984, and four months later he began to talk.

At six months old, at a pediatrician's appointment, the young genius declared: "I have an infection in my left ear!"

At 10 months, Michael was already reading fluently, at 6 he graduated from high school brilliantly, and at 10 he graduated from college with a degree in geology and archeology. In addition, in 2008, Michael won a million dollars in the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?"

Two-year-old artist - child prodigy Aelita Andre

Aelita was born in Australia on January 9, 2007. This girl started painting when she was only 9 months old. Aelita's style is abstractionism.

Wunderkind - artist

Wunderkind paintings

When Aelita was in her second year, her father captured the work of his beloved daughter in photographs and showed it to his friend, the director of the Brunswick Street Gallery in Melbourne, Mark Jemison. The gallery was to host an annual exhibition for which Jamison collected work. Jamison liked the paintings and decided to take them to the exhibition. When Jamison found out that these were the works of a two-year-old girl, he was shocked to the core. But the exhibition took place and the Aelites saw the light.

When Aelita was only 4 years old, her personal exhibition was organized. At this time, Aelita is considered the youngest artist on Earth. Already sold 32 paintings for 800 thousand dollars.

Aelita's father, mother and grandfather are also artists.

Three-year-old singer - child prodigy Cleopatra Stratan

One of the youngest singers on our planet is Cleopatra Stratan. Cleopatra was born on October 6, 2002 in Chisinau. Her father is the singer Pavel Stratan. When Cleopatra was three years old, her father took her with him to the recording studio, where he recorded the song "Mama". Suddenly, Cleopatra said to her father, “I also know this song. Can I sing it?" The baby was given a microphone and she sang, so well that they soon recorded a song in which Cleopatra sang the lead role.

After that, Cleopatra's father took his daughter seriously.

In 2006, Cleopatra's album "At the age of three" was released. The girl received the award for the youngest singer, as well as 1000 euros for her performance. And in 2008, Cleopatra released another album - "At the age of five."

Cleopatra sings her songs in Moldovan, Russian and English.

Wunderkind - singer Stratan

And here you can listen to how the youngest singer of the planet sings:

Seven-year-old surgeon - child prodigy Akrit Yaswal

Seven-year-old surgeon Akrit Yaswal was born in India. In 2000, he attracted the attention of the people of the country with an amazing operation. Akrit learned that a girl from a neighboring house could not open her fist because of a burn and decided to help her. Without any medical skills, he was able to restore mobility to the fingers of his little patient. After this amazing incident, Akrita was sent to college to study medicine. He became the youngest student in Indian universities.

Child prodigy - surgeon Akrit Yaswal

12-year-old Nobel Prize nominee Gregory Smith

The youngest nominee for the Nobel Prize is American Gregory Smith. Gregory was born in 1990. At the age of two he read, at 10 he entered the university, and at 16 he successfully completed it. He began to be nominated for the Nobel Prize at the age of twelve, was nominated four times, but, unfortunately, he never received it.

In addition to studying the exact sciences, Gregory is known as an activist for the protection of children's rights.

Wunderkind - Gregory Smith

A student who taught at Harvard - child prodigy Saul Aaron Kripke

Saul Aaron Kripke was born in New York in 1940, the son of a rabbi.

In elementary school, Saul managed to study a full course of algebra, geometry and philosophy. As a teenager, Saul created many works that changed the teaching of formal logic. A gifted teenager was invited to work at Harvard. But Kripke refused, explaining that he must first finish high school and college.

And yet, after graduation, Saul went to work at Harvard. Saul Aaron Kripke is considered the most prominent philosopher in the modern world.

Philosopher prodigy Kripke

The smartest person in the world - child prodigy Kim Ung-Yong

Kim Ung-Yong was born in Korea on March 7, 1963. At the age of 4 he was already solving the most complicated differential equations.

At the age of 5, Kim Ung-Yong knew four languages ​​(Korean, English, Japanese and German). At the age of 8, Kim was invited to study at Colorado State University, at the age of 15 he became a doctor of physical sciences.

Kim Ung-Yong is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smartest person in the world, his IQ = 210

The smartest person - Kim Ung-young

  • Geeks are more likely to give birth to first-born children.
  • At the age of 4, a child manifests 50% of his intellectual abilities, at 8 years - 90%. It is at this age that you can identify giftedness in children and help it develop.
  • About 90% of child prodigies become unremarkable, ordinary people when they grow up.

geeks is the pride of parents and compatriots, geeks make many amazing and useful discoveries. We told you about seven interesting child prodigies. Perhaps you know other interesting facts about the life of child prodigies - our contemporaries?

In the 80s of the last century, newspapers admired the phenomenal abilities of the boy Pasha Konoplev. Already at the age of 3 he could read and even performed complex calculations in his mind, at 5 he mastered playing the piano, and at 8 he mastered physics! At the age of 15, the young genius was already enrolled in the capital's university, and at 18 he entered graduate school. But a brilliant future did not work out ... Phenomenal abilities entailed an equally phenomenal load, which literally drove the young man crazy. At 29, he died in a psychiatric clinic.

Nika Turbina

The name of Nika Turbina, a poetess girl, thundered all over the world. Already at the age of 4 she wrote not at all children's poems, and at 9 she released the first collection, which was translated into 12 languages! Yevgeny Yevtushenko took the girl under his guardianship. At the age of 12, she received the Golden Lion at the poetry festival in Venice: before that, only Anna Akhmatova received such an award.


At the age of 16, Nika married an Italian professor of psychology, who was 60 years older than her ... Six months later, she returned to Moscow. The legendary poetess could not find her place in life. Nika, who abused alcohol, repeatedly tried to commit suicide. At the age of 27, Nika fell off the windowsill - it is not known whether it was accidental or intentional.

Nadia Rusheva

Genius is often accompanied by diseases, about which for the time being nothing can be known. Nadya started drawing at the age of 5: the girl illustrated fairy tales for children, and then the classics. At the age of 12, her first exhibition opened. But everything was cut short in an instant: at the age of 17, the artist suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, which was caused by a congenital defect in one of the vessels of the brain.

Polina Osetinskaya

Polina was taught music by her father, who dreamed that at least one of his children would become famous. On the third attempt, he succeeded: his youngest daughter Polina became a young celebrity. But when the girl was 14 years old, everything ended abruptly. Polina refused to go on tour in the United States, where she was expected to receive a fee of 50 thousand dollars for each concert. The transitional age played a role, the girl left home, and since then she no longer communicated with her father.

As it turned out, it was he who forced Polina to spend hours and days studying music, leaving no time for anything else.

Andrey Khlopin

In 2007, the name of 10-year-old Andrey got into the Guinness Book of Records! The boy became the author of three scientific hypotheses on the subject of astronomy. However, now Andrei is studying to be a lawyer and prefers to box, and not be interested in the planets.

According to the youngest record holder, the Guinness book helps him in his personal life, because the presence on its pages immediately gives him a hundred points ahead in the eyes of the girls.

Zhenya Kissin

Zhenya also became famous at the age of 10, masterfully playing a Mozart concerto with an orchestra, and a year later he gathered halls for his own concerts. To this day, the musician continues to successfully tour the world.

Akrit Yaswal

At the age of 7, Akrit from India performed his first operation: he restored the mobility of the fingers of a neighbor girl - after a severe burn, she was unable to open her fist, and her parents did not have money to travel to the hospital.

A couple of years later, a talented child was already studying at a medical university. Akrit, now in his early 20s, still lives exclusively in medicine and dreams of finding a formula for a cure for cancer.

Kim Ung-young

Korean Kim Ung Yong was born in 1962, and to this day his name is inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records as the name of the smartest living person, because his IQ is 210 points.

At the age of 3, he already studied at the university in the physics department, and at 15 he moved to America to work at NASA. However, after receiving a Ph.D. at the age of 15 from the University of Colorado, he returned to his homeland, refusing to work at the best university in the country. Since then, Kim has been teaching at a university in a provincial town.

Gregory Smith

At the age of 10, Gregory was already a university student, at the same time he organized an international movement aimed at communicating and understanding among themselves children from all over the world. As the head of this movement, he spoke with Mikhail Gorbachev and Bill Clinton, and also spoke at a UN meeting. It can be said that the young man, who is now 26 years old, is just starting his career.

Katya, "Born in the USSR"

The documentary series "Born in the USSR" tells the stories of heroes throughout their lives! The first shooting took place when the heroes born in different republics of the Soviet Union were 7 years old, then 14, then 21 and, finally, 28 years old - the fourth series was released in 2005, and now the next part of the project is being prepared for release with already 35- summer heroes. The creator of the series is convinced that the shooting will take place until the heroes reach the age of 70, in order to show a person throughout his life, as Tarkovsky dreamed.

The girl Katya, one of the heroines of the project, was born in Vilnius in a Russian family. At the age of 7, she was already known as a little sage: she answered that she had no friends, but only one-planetists and one-planetists. At the same age, her stay in a regular school ended: the girl switched to home schooling, because her abilities could not be overlooked against the background of her peers. When asked about what she knows about God, seven-year-old Katya answered: “In Hindus, God is represented in the form of Buddha. The ancient Romans and ancient Greeks had polytheism. Christians have Jesus Christ. Muslims have Allah. In the book The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, it is said that the drunkard has a god - wine, the businessman - money, the astrologer - numbers, the king - power. Like this. Every person has their own god inside. It even predicts fate in the palm of your hand."

In August it became known that the Government of Russia was going to create a register of the country's gifted children. There is already a draft law, the “selection criteria” for geeks have been developed: the winners of the final stages of the Olympiads, winners of intellectual and creative competitions, young athletes, scientists and other guys with outstanding abilities will be on the list. However, these children are not dry lines in the victory rating. Behind each of them, in addition to innate talents, is exorbitant hard work and dedication, and it would be nice to know them, the young heroes of our time, by sight.


Winner of the gold medal of the international geographical Olympiad iGeo.

A graduate of the Petrozavodsk school beat high school students from 40 countries and received a gold medal at the International Geography Olympiad, which was held in Tver from August 11 to 17. The guys were waiting for three competitive stages: theory, work "in the fields" and a multimedia test, all in English. For Yegor, this was not the first Olympiad - he had already participated in three all-Russian and one international geographical competition. According to the boy, before geography was just a hobby for him, but in high school he became seriously interested in this subject and now he entered the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University.


Winner of the XV International Television Competition for Young Musicians "The Nutcracker" in the specialty "Wind and Percussion Instruments".

Fifteen-year-old Giorgi was born in the town of Shuya, Ivanovo region. He studied at the Children's Music School - first vocals, then playing the saxophone. He began to participate in music competitions and always won prizes with his virtuoso performance. Step by step, he went to victory at the prestigious Nutcracker music competition and achieved his goal, receiving a gold award in his specialty. The final of the competition was held on the stage of one of the main halls of the country - the Concert Hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Giorgi performed "Little Czardas" by Pedro Itturald accompanied by the Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, after which the audience gave the boy a standing ovation. Giorgi's future plans are to continue to hone his skills and enter the Gnessin School.


Pianist prodigy. In 2014, he carried the Olympic flame during the Moscow stage of the relay. This summer, he reached the final of the main musical competition of the country - the XV International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Danya was born in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. His musical talent was discovered at the age of five, when the kid learned to play the piano. From that moment on, events began to develop very rapidly. At the age of seven, he first performed with an orchestra, at eight he received the main prizes of the international competition. S. Rachmaninoff and the Mozart-Wunderkind competition, two years later - the Golden Nutcracker. By the age of sixteen, he had already gone the way of a serious musician - he performed with the Grand Symphony Orchestra. P.I. Tchaikovsky, with the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra, with the Moscow Virtuosi, conquered New York's Carnegie Hall and even accompanied Diana Vishneva at the Context festival of contemporary choreography. In 2014, he carried the Olympic flame during the Moscow stage of the relay. This summer, he reached the final of the main musical competition of the country - the XV International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Yulia Lipnitskaya

Winner of the gold medal in the team figure skating competition at the 2014 Olympics, winner of the European Figure Skating Championship.

Julia was born in Yekaterinburg, where she first skated at the age of 4. By the age of eleven, she had mastered all the triple jumps, and from that moment her path to the sports Olympus began: prizes in junior and then adult competitions, victories in the Grand Prix stages, "gold" in the European Championship and in team competitions at the Sochi Olympics . Yulia is one of the youngest participants in the history of Olympic figure skating, the owner of the Order of Friendship and the titles of Honored Master of Sports of Russia and International Master of Sports of Russia.


Winner of the Grand Award of the Intel ISEF global competition of scientific and engineering achievements for schoolchildren.

Daniil was born in Vladivostok, then moved to St. Petersburg, where he studied at a school with a mathematical bias. In the 11th grade, together with the teacher, I sent an application for the Intel ISEF competition. The research on algorithms, which he did for several months, brought the young mathematician the Grand Award, known as the "small Nobel Prize", and at the same time recognition in the scientific world. In addition to Danil, more than one and a half thousand children from 70 countries competed for the award. Their work was evaluated by Nobel Prize winners, scientists and employees of the best universities in the world. Despite the obvious aptitude for scientific mathematics, this year Daniil became a student at the Graduate School of Management at St. Petersburg State University.


The youngest grandmaster of Russia-2013, master of sports of Russia.

Mikhail was born in Moscow and learned to play chess at an early age. At the age of 14, he took second place in his age category in the FIDE World Chess Federation rating, at 15 he received the title of Master of Sports, and at 16 he became the youngest grandmaster in Russia. The young chess player was supported by Evgeny Kaspersky. Today Mikhail is 18 years old, he is a student of the Faculty of Psychology at the Russian State Humanitarian University and continues to play at chess tournaments.


Winner of the X All-Russian Competition. Vladimir Mezentsev "Young Journalists of Russia" in the "Reportage" nomination, winner of the All-Russian competition "Test of the pen" -2014.

Dasha was born and studied in Krasnoyarsk. She wrote articles for school and municipal newspapers, constantly participated and won prizes in all-Russian journalistic competitions. Among her works are interviews with Dmitry Vozdvizhensky, a journalist, traveler and editor-in-chief of the program “Their Morals” on the NTV channel, and with New Yorker journalist Ian Fraser. This year, Daria sent one of her materials - a report about a shelter for homeless animals in the summer cottage of a resident of the Krasnoyarsk region - to the competition "Young Journalists of Russia" and won first place in the nomination. The competition was supported by the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO, the Union of Journalists of Russia, the radio station Ekho Moskvy, the magazines Schrödinger's Cat, Russian Reporter and other organizations. Now Dasha is a first-year student at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.



Varya was born in St. Petersburg in the family of actress Irina Salikova. The girl became famous thanks to the film "Pioneer Heroes", which was released this summer. There she played one of the main characters in childhood - the lively pioneer Katya, who dreamed of exploits. The grown-up thirty-year-old Katya is played by Daria Moroz, and both actresses are like two drops of water similar to each other. Varya's work has collected a lot of positive feedback, and the director of the film, Natalya Kudryashova, said in an interview that now her colleagues are calling her and want to get Varya and two other small "pioneer" actors in their projects. Varya also appeared in a promotional film for Estel, where Yegor Beroev became her colleague on the set.


Sabina was born in Tashkent. Her grandfather is a saxophonist, so music has always been present in the life of a talented girl. At the age of 11, Sabina received the Grand Prix at the Tashkent festival "Gifted Children", at the age of 13 she became the winner of the "Children's New Wave" competition. At the qualifying round of the children's "Voice" all three mentors turned to her, and Sabina decided to go to the team of Maxim Fadeev. At the stage of fights, she dropped out of the project, but thanks to the audience vote, she returned to the final and won the competition. The proceeds from her first single, which became a prize for the victory, the girl decided to transfer to the Life Line charity foundation. She is now 15 years old and dreams of attending the Berklee College of Music.



Konstantin was born in Yaroslavl. For 9 years he was engaged in acrobatics, received the title of Master of Sports, but at the age of 15 he stopped classes. He began to write poetry - first for himself, then began to perform in public, reading poetry to musical accompaniment. Wrote several poems. Now Konstantin travels around the cities of Russia with solo performances (Voronezh, Kostroma, Kirov), participates in the Moscow Literary Mondays. In September, he performed in a large literary and musical concert "City of Poets" on Triumfalnaya Square, together with the actors of the Taganka Theater, Sovremennik, the Nikitsky Gate Theater, as well as popular artists Sergei Veksler, Gosha Kutsenko, Avangard Leontiev.

These are just a few talented guys - our contemporaries, but how many of these have already been and will appear again?

Some become national heroes, but most remain behind the scenes. Meanwhile, they are the real elite and the future of the country. I really hope that ours.

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