External communications: interaction with consumers of services. Consumer interaction tools. Choice of promotional tools

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5.5.2. Interaction with suppliers

The extent to which a supplier can influence an organization depends primarily on how important the service is to the organization. A dangerous situation can arise when an organization falls into a very strong resource dependence on suppliers *.

The Bykovo Aircraft Repair Plant in recent years has experienced great difficulty in supplying spare parts for aircraft repair due to the fact that suppliers have begun to strive to carry out various types of repairs themselves. One of the ways to solve this problem was the creation of its own production and restoration complex, the main task of which would be the production of a certain range of spare parts, as well as the restoration of worn parts.

Strong suppliers can raise prices for their goods, reduce the quality of supplied goods and services, determine the terms of delivery, etc.

The competitive strength of suppliers depends from the following factors:

The presence of large supplier organizations that are not associated with intense competition;

Absence of substitutes for the supplied goods;

Buyers are not important customers for suppliers;

Suppliers are able to connect the purchasing organization through vertical integration;

Production costs for one reason or another play a very important role for the organization;

Buying organizations do not tend to integrate back into the business of suppliers, and so on.

Task 15

By analogy with the task in paragraph 5.5.1, analyze the interaction with the suppliers of your organization.

5.5.3. Features of interaction with competitors

Five forces of competition model. Interaction with competitors* occupies a special and very important place in the system of relations between the organization and the business environment. According to the research of M. Porter, the state of competition in a particular market can be characterized by five competitive forces (see Fig. 5. 1).

The analysis of competitive forces is very important, but it must be remembered that it is only a statement of the current situation. Meanwhile, the competitive situation is constantly evolving, and often it happens very dynamically. There are always the most important driving forces of competition for a given period. These can be, for example, innovations, changes in the composition of buyers, in the way the product is used, etc.

Therefore, it is very important to constantly study competitors in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and build your competitive strategy on this basis.

The five forces of competition determine the conditions in which a particular organization operates. The state of each force and their combined impact determine the ability of a particular organization to compete.

Consider the action of the forces of potential competitors and substitute products.

Potential competitors

The threat from the possible emergence of new competitors in the market depends on two groups of factors: barriers to entry and the expected response of organizations to newly entering this market segment. There are several main sources of barriers to entry.

Efficient production scale. The existence of a certain efficient scale of production deters new entrants, because it forces them to attempt entry on a large scale of production, or to accept inflated costs and consequently low profits.

Product life cycle effect. New organizations are at a disadvantage in terms of competition from the old ones, which have managed to gain more experience and have gained practical benefits during the development and production of the product.

Customer preference and loyalty. Newly entering organizations must be prepared to spend a lot of money on advertising and promotion in order to overcome consumer loyalty to old manufacturers and to create their own clientele.

Required capital. The greater the amount of investment required to ensure the successful entry into the market, the less willing to enter there.

There are many other barriers. But even if an organization is potentially ready to overcome barriers, it must try to anticipate how existing organizations in a given market will react to its desire to join them, whether they will allow it to get its share of the market or will fight to the last, what methods they will choose to to prevent the entry (for example, price reduction, increase in advertising, improvement in product quality, etc.) of a new organization to the market.

Substitute products

Competition can be aggravated by the appearance of products that effectively satisfy the same needs, but in a slightly different way.

Obstacles in the way of substitute products can be:

Carrying out price competition, which shifts the attention of the buyer from a quality problem to a price reduction;

Improving the quality of service in the sale and distribution of goods;

Production of new, more attractive types of products;

Analysis of competitors. Studying the state of the competitive environment, the organization must analyze not only the structure and dynamics of changes in competitive forces, but also the behavior of its main competitors. The approach to competitor analysis can be as follows (Fig. 5.2).

Task 16

After reviewing the Five Forces of Competition model, refine it for your organization. Analyze the impact on your organization of potential competitors and substitute products:

1. Are these competitive forces affecting your organization?

2. What is the degree of influence of these forces?

3. What changes can be made in the organization that reduce the impact of threats?


and cooperation

Are not

mutually exclusive


Ways to improve interaction with competitors. Competition is an effective method of mutual coordination of individual actions of market entities without centralized interference in their activities. Each competing organization seeks to form its own market strategy, which, if implemented, will provide a certain superiority over competitors. However, the main difficulty lies in the fact that the success of such strategies largely depends on the strategies adopted by competitors. Hence, the indirect interaction of competitors is inevitable. The essence of this indirect interaction is that the organization, when developing its strategy, necessarily focuses on the specific actions of competitors or tries to predict them. The parameters of such interaction can be the following: price, new or improved product (service), technical innovations, service, guarantees, customer convenience, savings in customer costs, customer incentives, etc.

Rivalry between competing organizations does not exclude cooperation between them. This trend is typical for those business areas where organizations with a very high competitive status operate.

Traditionally, it was believed that only competition is the basis for achieving best results in business. However, recent research in the field strategic management point to the benefits accruing to members of strategic alliances and business networks.

Cooperation networks or strategic alliances are special form cooperation agreements between organizations in order to create certain competitive advantages for themselves. The advantage of such cooperation, as a rule, is a higher added value and quality of manufactured goods, increased business flexibility and susceptibility to customer requests, lower production costs, the ability to combine the experience accumulated by organizations, systemic association of participants, increasing the protective barriers of their business in relation to the emergence new competitors.

What factors can be the main ones for creating an alliance? Of course, there are a lot of them and they cannot be the same for different organizations, for example:

Comparable product range;

The same types of channels for its distribution;

Same service and technical assistance to buyers;

The same type of buyers;

Satisfying customer needs with the same set of product properties;

Using the same technological advances.

In connection with a sharp decline in production in engineering and other metal-consuming industries, a decrease in purchasing power, as well as a significant volume of exports of "cheap" metal from Ukraine, Russian ferrous metallurgy enterprises, in order to maintain their market share, are increasingly coming to the idea of ​​forming voluntary alliances, within which they could coordinately resolve issues of pricing, production volumes of various types of assortment, investment problems, etc.

Task 17

Based on the above factors, analyze whether it is possible for your organization to create alliances, evaluate their expediency.

5.5.4. Interaction with infrastructure organizations

In Russia, interaction with infrastructure organizations is the most specific and probably has few analogues in the world. This specificity is largely due to the peculiarities of the course of the transition period. Currently, approximately 90% of the national wealth belongs to the state and is practically not involved in market relations.

The intensity of interaction with market infrastructure organizations will increase more and more as we move towards a market economy. This applies to almost all types of infrastructure organizations: banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, transport organizations, etc.

The peculiarity of interaction with infrastructure organizations lies in the free choice of a partner, in competition for the right to provide services. However, this feature is often (and in a specific way) refracted in Russian conditions, when organizations become dependent, for example, on a bank and are unable to use their funds.

Market research becomes important for many organizations work force. Therefore, it is significant to interact with infrastructure organizations that analyze this market in terms of both the availability of the labor force of the necessary specialty, qualifications, level of education, age, gender, and its cost.

In conditions when many organizations are not ready to work in market conditions and experience a shortage of qualified managers, interaction with consulting firms providing consulting services in the field of finance, management, marketing, etc. is of particular relevance. So far, there are clearly not enough such organizations in Russia, but some of them successfully compete with consulting firms in Western Europe.

It is best to interact with those consulting firms that provide management services in a complex, such as audit, marketing, management, information technology. In this case, ceteris paribus, the systemic effect appears.

Task 18

By analogy with the task in paragraph 5.5.1 (task 16), analyze the interaction with various infrastructure organizations.

5.5.5. Interaction of the organization with state, regional and municipal authorities

In practice, managers have to deal with municipal bodies, bodies of the subject of the Federation and the system of federal executive bodies.

Information about authorities, associations, enterprises and organizations performing important economic functions in national economy, as well as about interstate governing bodies, voluntary associations (associations) of economic interaction of subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments can be obtained from All-Russian classifier of organs state power and management (OKOGU), put into effect by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

Interaction with the state. Effective interaction between the organization and the state is possible only in the area of ​​intersection of their goals and interests.

FROM point of view of the head of the organization, the state must create conditions in which it can effectively achieve its goals:

Maximization of performance results;

Investment efficiency;

risk minimization;

own well-being;

Protection of property and person:

legal certainty;

Reasonable tax policy, etc.

FROM the point of view of the state the head of the organization is called upon to ensure the implementation of the goals and interests of a higher order:

Growth of public welfare of the population;


Socio-political stability;

Strengthening national security;

Increased tax revenue and other economic assistance.

Below is a catalog of managerial problems that practically cannot be solved without state support. Analyze these problems in terms of their consideration and, perhaps, resolution in your practice.

Unfavorable prospects and weakening of the Russian economy in connection with the raw material orientation foreign economic activity, unprofitability of production, the dominance of the shadow economy, the "eating away" of fixed assets and raw materials.

Lack of conditions for innovation activity.

Instability and incompleteness of the legislative framework.

Underdevelopment of infrastructure for serious entrepreneurial activity.

High production cost.

Obsolescence of production technology.

Tough tax policy.

Preferential position of state and municipal employees in interaction with organizations and their subjects both during the creation of the organization and during its functioning.

Low culture of interaction in the business environment of the organization (tension in the relationship between "rich" and "poor", the vulnerability of managers not only from criminal structures, competitors, but also from the state itself).

Non-payments, lack of money, their abrupt devaluation, i.e. lack of a normal business environment.

The economic activity of organizations is regulated by state and local authorities at all stages of the life cycle - from their establishment to liquidation.

Registration of organizations. Legal entities are subject to state registration with the judicial authorities. Registration of commercial organizations, as a rule, is carried out by local governments and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Registration chambers operate in most regions. Commercial banks and credit institutions are registered by the Bank of Russia. Enterprises with foreign investments are registered at the State Registration Chamber under the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

Registration of trademarks. A trademark is introduced so that the goods and services of one manufacturer can be distinguished from similar goods and services of other manufacturers. To register it, a legal or natural person submits an application to the All-Russian Research Institute of State Patent Examination (VNIIGPE) of the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent).

Licensing is carried out in order to protect the vital interests of the individual, society and the state, as well as to improve the quality of public services, compliance with urban planning, environmental, sanitary norms and other terms and conditions. A license is an official document that allows the activity specified in it to be carried out for a specified period. It can be issued on a competitive basis or on preferential terms by the bodies of the territorial and sectoral administration of the administrations of territories, regions, autonomous entities, cities federal significance or special authorized bodies of federal significance.

Standardization establishes norms, rules and characteristics in order to protect the interests of consumers and the state. The means of protection are ensuring the safety of products, works, services; their quality in accordance with the level of development of science and technology; unity of measurements; saving resources. The head enters into interaction on standardization issues with state inspectors who control and supervise compliance state standards on behalf of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Certification. Products, services and other objects are subject to mandatory and voluntary certification in order to confirm compliance with established requirements. Gosstandart of the Russian Federation establishes general rules and recommendations for certification, conducts state registration of certification systems and marks of conformity.

For production certain types products are required to obtain a hygienic certificate issued by bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation.

Environmental control. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation approves the List of types and objects of economic and other activities that are subject to mandatory assessment of their impact on the environment.

In addition to the aspects of interaction discussed above, there are others.

Ways of interaction. The ways of interaction of the head of any organization with various bodies of the business environment depend on many factors: the situation itself, the type of interaction (forced or initiative), the duration and frequency of interaction, etc.

The specificity of interaction with authorities is that administrative methods are most often used. However, this does not exclude the use of other methods: reaching a compromise, negotiations, agreements.

An increasing role in the influence of heads of organizations on public authorities is acquiring lobbying.

Lobbyism as a way of influence of leaders on public authorities. The leaders, realizing their interests, are trying to influence the bodies of state, regional and local authorities, the deputy corps of various levels. This influence permeates the work of state bodies and is carried out in various forms - from making proposals, various projects to these bodies to corruption. We must recognize the objective nature of lobbying. Project federal law"On the regulation of lobbying activities in federal government bodies" is in the stage of parliamentary preparation.

The subjects of lobbying are the press, trade unions, social lobbying forms: consulting and advertising agencies, think tanks. It is important for the head of the organization to join various associations of interest, because these associations have a great opportunity for lobbying: these are unions, associations, leagues, business clubs, clientele, public and state funds, public structures under the legislative and executive authorities, special lobbying firms. The leading positions in this area are occupied by the Federation of Russian Commodity Producers, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Association of Enterprise Managers, the Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Lobbying carried out by such organizations consists in solving the problems of industry-wide lending and subsidizing, shaping the economic policy of the state, the region, defending the interests of certain groups of sponsoring election campaigns, protecting business people from corruption, supporting leaders in the fight against bureaucracy, in transmitting reliable information about market conditions and political forecasts, in the search for partners, etc.

One of the socially significant problems of the post-Soviet reforms is the municipalization of social facilities, when there is a massive “dumping” of tens of thousands of such facilities to municipalities, which are primarily on the balance sheet. industrial enterprises. The problems are exacerbated for the city-forming organizations (see “The specific situation of OJSC Shatura Production and Furniture Association”). In the process of such interaction, the Shatursky plant transferred the main part of its social sphere to the municipality and instead of half of the net profit that went to its maintenance, it began to pay 1.5% of the income from sales in the form of social tax. Such interaction turned out to be, according to the general director, mutually beneficial: “I told the city authorities all the time that if they do not hold on to the amount that goes to the maintenance of these institutions, they will receive twice as much money from the plant in the form of social tax” . As a result, in 1997 the social tax to the local budget exceeded the specified amount by more than three times.

5.6. Managing the acquisition of resources from the business environment

One of the most important problems for many organizations is obtaining resources from the environment. A possible way to solve this problem is vertical integration. It refers to the penetration of large organizations into other industries that are in relation to it suppliers or consumers. Vertical integration dominates in industries with a high organic composition of capital and is determined by the development of specialization and cooperation processes while expanding the scale of production.

However, not all organizations can develop on the basis of vertical integration. There are other ways of interacting with the environment to eliminate resource scarcity.

To manage resources in a business environment, you can use two areas of interaction:

  • II. Within any organization, there are external and internal levels of structure.
  • II. Natural and commodity forms of organization of production
  • II. Within any organization, the external and internal levels of the structure are distinguished
  • V1: Section 2. Models and theories of human behavior in an organization
  • V1: Section 2. Models and theories of human behavior in an organization. V2: Topic 2.4. Behavior change theories

  • Emotions are known to be the most difficult thing for a person to deal with. Not only to manage them, but simply to control oneself in certain situations, many are often unable to do so. And, worst of all, learning to control your feelings is really very difficult. We can change the physical parameters of our body by dieting, or, conversely, by eating rich buns; visiting the fitness club and gym or relaxing on the couch. We can even partially regulate our mental state, having learned, for example, with the help of special relaxation techniques, to rest in 15 minutes as fully as during an 8-hour sleep. But when a wave of indignation or a feeling of undeserved resentment rolls over us, we cannot help ourselves.

    The emotional state is as important a factor for business success as the availability of financial and material resources. This is a psychological resource that in the world of fierce competition, at a time when it is not even about development, but about simple survival, can play a decisive role. A sudden feeling or a momentary impulse can become that last grain of sand that will tip the scales or in the direction of perseverance, forcing you to continue working and look for a way out even from absolutely hopeless situation, or in the direction of indifference, which can lead to complete collapse.

    The human soul is dark, and emotions can play very badly at the most inopportune moment. bad joke. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to listen to yourself and learn to manage your feelings.

    In no case should you treat your feelings with disdain.

    Despite the fact that business is not at all the area where one should give free rein to feelings, and all business decisions must be made on a cold head, the importance of emotions here can hardly be overestimated. After all, a calm, balanced state is also one of the varieties of an emotional state.


    In the course of their activities, a businessman or entrepreneur can interact in three main areas:

    > With external environment, i.e. with suppliers, consumers, competitors and regulatory authorities;

    With internal environment, i.e. with employees of your enterprise;

    With myself.


    By making contacts in the first of these areas, i.e., interacting with the external environment, entrepreneurs, as a rule, strive, on the one hand, to form a positive impression of their company, and on the other hand, to achieve the desired results from counterparties. In both cases, consciously or subconsciously, certain methods are used psychological impact, the purpose of which is to create a certain mood in the interlocutor, prompting him to make the right decision.

    Interaction with suppliers is always less emotional than communication with the consumer.

    When dealing with suppliers, you can always use the "buyer's advantage". Indeed, in this case, you are acting in this role, and the buyer, as you know, is always right. This does not mean that you need to exert pressure, but it gives a real opportunity to offer your conditions. The simplest psychological technique is to make it clear in a conversation that the supply option under consideration is far from the only one and that in the event of an unsuccessful transaction, you can easily find an alternative opportunity. Such a step will direct the potential supplier's emotions in the right direction and incline him to compromise solutions, for example, on price.

    But, on the other hand, insisting too much on your independence, you run the risk of going too far and achieving the opposite of the expected result, when the prospective supplier himself declares that he can do without such a fastidious client. Emotions are an insidious thing, and when trying to manage them, one should not forget about the sense of proportion, otherwise exactly what you expected a positive result from will lead to a negative one.


    In interactions with consumers, psychological and emotional factors occupy one of the leading places. Suffice it to think about advertising. The vast majority of commercials on television say almost nothing about the real qualities of this or that product, which give a competitive advantage and provide attractiveness in the eyes of the consumer. Yes, it is not so easy when it comes to, for example, beer or chewing gum. But on the other hand, how much effort has been spent on convincing teenagers that by drinking a certain type of beer, they will easily achieve heights in life!

    The successful sale of most non-food products (and many food products) is due precisely to psychological impact factors.

    When selling a product, we very often sell exactly the emotions associated with it.

    Usually such goods are not essentials and, in addition, there are competitors who produce the same. Therefore, in order to successfully sell sportswear, it is used famous brand, testifying to the prestige, and to motivate people to purchase nutritional supplements, touching stories about their health effects are being written.

    It should be noted that many manufacturers and resellers are not always conscientious in applying such methods and, in an effort to attract a buyer, put forward statements in advertising that are absolutely untrue. However, a serious entrepreneur, aimed at strengthening market positions and counting on a long-term stay in a particular area of ​​business, is hardly worth using the methods for which the law provides for criminal liability.


    As a rule, entrepreneurs do not have to interact directly with competitors so often. Rather, it monitors the steps taken by competitors and develops its own competition policy based on these steps. But in any case, the emotional aspect of interacting with competitors requires the ability to control your feelings. If you can't love your competitors, at least try not to dislike them.

    A true professional is always able to distract from emotions and approach the issue rationally. This approach allows you to benefit from the observed experience of competitors. Working in the same field as you, releasing products similar to yours, it is precisely by their similarity that competitors can not only create problems for you, but also do good service. Therefore, if, zealously monitoring their activities, you notice mistakes, do not rush to gloat, but think about what measures you yourself can take to avoid making such mistakes. If competitors succeed in something, do not envy them, but try to learn from useful experience.

    When interacting with regulatory authorities, it is necessary to remain calm and good desirability. Often, representatives of regulatory authorities are prejudiced against business representatives. Sharp answers will only reinforce their suspicions.


    In this case, as in the previous one, you need to try not to show any special emotions. It is difficult to name a country that would have ideal legislation regulating relations between the state and business. Moreover, it is in countries that are considered to be democratic that quite severe restrictions are provided for business. For example, Finland has very strict environmental laws and entrepreneurs are forced to make large additional investments to prevent harm. environment. France has strict limits on foreign video and audio products, and CD and cassette sellers have to reckon with this.

    Russia has its own specifics, there are no significant restrictions on the ability to engage in certain types of activities, but there is great freedom of regulatory bodies, which, taking advantage of their position, often exceed their authority. Alas, it is often difficult to contain emotions in such cases.

    But still, it’s better to try to do this, remembering that you can’t help grief with tears, and even more so with a cry. In human relationships, as a rule, the “mirror effect” works, therefore, by remaining calm and polite in any situation, you are most likely to be able to achieve correctness from the interlocutor.


    Interaction with employees within the company is largely due to the laws of psychological compatibility. to avoid problems in the future, psychological nuances must be taken into account at the stage of recruitment.

    The psychological climate in the organization is a complex of emotions of its employees.


    Preliminary testing when hiring new employees has become quite widespread, but its main purpose is to obtain information about professional qualities. Therefore, before making a final decision, it is useful to conduct a personal interview, during which you can get an idea of ​​​​some of the personal characteristics of the candidate.

    The candidate will also try to make a judgment about the psychological climate in the interview organization.

    Ideally, recruitment should be done by professionals, but not every enterprise has sufficient financial resources to invite HR specialists. Very often, the final decision is made on the basis of the impression that the candidate makes in a personal conversation. Openness and freedom in communication, as a rule, are true signs of sociability and high adaptability of a person and indicate that he is able to quickly get used to a new team.


    An important factor, providing psychological comfort within the enterprise, are meetings of members of the workforce and their contacts with each other. One of the forms of such contacts are meetings and planning meetings dedicated to solving current production issues. The task of management in this case is to ensure the closest possible interaction between employees of departments, which at the same time contributes to both the convergence of employees and the prompt solution of emerging production problems.

    In addition, an effectively conducted business meeting creates a certain positive attitude among employees, which directs them to achieve high results. Clearly defined tasks for the current day, explained with all the nuances of how to perform them, by themselves, without any additional calls and spurs, provide a cheerful business mood in the team.


    It is difficult to overestimate the importance of corporate events for the formation of a positive psychological climate within the firm. The tradition of celebrating holidays together brings employees together in the best possible way and contributes to the emergence of friendly trusting relationships between them. It is good if the enterprise has its own significant dates (foundation day, opening of a new production facility, branch, etc.), which allow its employees to realize their involvement in a really serious and important business.

    Communication of employees of the organization favorably affects its psychological climate.


    To improve the internal climate in the organization, the smooth exchange of information and the availability of leadership are of great importance. Effectively established communications help eliminate many potential problems associated with misunderstanding or differences in the interpretation of certain information messages. They prevent the spread of rumors and gossip that negatively affect the psychological mood of employees and the general situation within the company.

    The openness of the management and its readiness for contacts keeps employees confident that in a critical situation they will not be left alone with their problems. In addition, attention to the suggestions of subordinates is often useful for the management itself, since such suggestions can indicate more effective ways to achieve goals or new directions for development.


    The improvement of the psychological climate is also facilitated by the confidence of the employees of the organization that, having achieved certain results in their professional activity they will have the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder. Encouragement by the management of employees striving for career growth creates the strongest motivation among the latter and thus always positively affects the emotional mood.


    Large organizations with more than one thousand employees often have sociological services in their structure that are engaged in conducting in-house research, testing and developing measures aimed at improving personnel policy. In a huge enterprise, where it is simply physically impossible to ensure close contacts of all members of the team, the activities of such services are very useful and contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate.

    There are agencies that specialize in such services. The higher the level of authority of a person, the more important it is for the organization to emotional condition.


    In addition to interactions with the external environment and with employees of his own company, the entrepreneur constantly deals with his personal emotional state. Bad mood, family problems, failures or, conversely, dizziness from success - all this directly affects the ability to make decisions, and performance, and ultimately the result of all activities.

    People differ in temperament and character traits and therefore react differently to the same problems. If, for example, a new product does not go on the market, a temperamental and nervous choleric will probably decide that everything is lost; a calm phlegmatic person will most likely think that the time has not yet come and you need to wait; a sanguine person will try to find ways to influence the situation.

    This confirms that much of our emotional state depends on ourselves, and therefore it is entirely within our power to regulate our mood. The main thing here is to observe the principle of balance, that is, not to fall into despair in critical situations and not to trust too much in your successes, not to succumb to euphoria. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes it is a seemingly hopeless situation that turns into ingenious commercial solutions, and an overly tender attachment to one's past achievements often hinders development and becomes a factor of regression.

    "Man grows as his goals grow"

    F. Schiller


    One of the most reliable guarantees of maintaining mental balance for a person is a clear setting of life goals. Indeed, any activity only makes sense when it is known what it is aimed at and what results it will bring. Purpose is the main motivation for all actions. It is individual goals that make people disappear at work, stay awake at night, looking for solutions to problems, disrupt the daily routine and eat unhealthy.

    Here is how the great Russian scientist IP Pavlov spoke about life goals: “The goal reflex is of great vital importance, it is the main form of the vital energy of each of us. All life, all its improvements, all its culture becomes a reflex of the goal, becomes only people striving for this or that goal set by them and themselves in life ... on the contrary, life ceases to bind to itself as soon as the goal disappears.

    In everyday life, we all strive to realize immediate, momentary goals (learn lessons, do the cleaning, go to the hairdresser) and more distant goals (get an education, make a career, secure material wealth). But genuine life goal is a long-term goal, requiring long-term and hard work, the results of which are continuously accumulated throughout life. He who has such a goal in front of him confidently walks along the chosen path, and this confidence helps him to maintain peace of mind even in crisis situations.

    The purpose of the person must be clear. If we do not know how to grasp the goal, we are unlikely to be able to constantly strive for it.


    In addition to solving strategic life tasks, each person is faced with everyday circumstances that play an important role in creating mood. External factors have a very significant impact on the inner sense of self, so it is always possible to use them for good. Learn to create pleasant little things for yourself, and the mood will always be good.

    A bouquet of flowers at the dining table, funny slippers, a soft fluffy plaid will provide comfort at home, which will be the best way to contribute to good rest. But at work, gray boredom and dry officialdom are completely optional. A bright calendar on the wall, a stylish fountain pen, live or at least artificial flowers on the windows will definitely have a positive effect on the tone, without interfering with the working mood.


    Modern business is a very dynamic environment, and entrepreneurs are often in time trouble of chronic underachievement. The consciousness that an important thing has not been done on time always puts pressure on the psyche and certainly does not help to improve mood.

    There is only one way out - learn to rationally distribute and use your time efficiently. Spending some volitional efforts In order to accustom yourself to discipline, you can acquire a very valuable ability to be in time everywhere without rushing anywhere.


    This axiom does not require proof, and hardly anyone will dispute the fact that the emotional state is largely determined by the state of health. The general rules for maintaining good health are well known - regular sleep, proper nutrition, walking in the fresh air, playing sports. In addition, it must be remembered that mental and physical activity should alternate, and if working time you spend in the office at the table, and after work - at home on the couch, it is likely that very soon your mood will deteriorate every time you look in the mirror. Exercise stress at least in the form of a walk from the office to the house will help keep fit and play the role of a counterbalance to a sedentary lifestyle.

    Playing sports helps to relieve stress, distract from work, communicate in a new environment. A healthy appearance and a good figure will certainly become a source of good mood.


    Just as it is beneficial for the body to switch from mental to physical exercises, so it is beneficial for the soul and mood to switch attention from business matters to hobbies. Each person has a lot of different abilities and qualities, and not all of them can find application at work. Therefore, people who have a hobby, whether it is fishing or collecting cars, get an additional opportunity for self-realization and, in addition, provide themselves with a certain internal balance between the obligatory and the desirable.

    J. Engel believed that the decision process begins as soon as the need is activated and recognized due to the discrepancy between the desired and actual state. Awareness of need can be caused by several factors: time, changing circumstances, product acquisition, consumption, individual differences, marketing influences, etc. Firms can influence the ability to activate need through advertising and novelties.

    J. Howard and J. Sheth believed that consumer behavior begins with a consistent mental processing of information. The consumer's search for and use of information is part of the decision making process. Buyer behavior is largely determined by how they think about the purchase and process information.

    The consumer appears as an active element of the entire marketing system, reflects and reacts to the marketing mix, changing his mind based on new information. In addition, the consumer responds affectively to each alternative means of satisfying his desires, taking a more or less favorable position in relation to each brand and thereby forming a positive or negative attitude towards them. Thus, wide prospects are opening up for the use of various tools of interaction with the consumer in order to increase his purchasing activity.

    Each market situation requires an individual adaptation of the above models to a specific product and market. It should be noted that many modern models of consumer decision making often do not take into account modern influencers such as branding, merchandising, etc.

    Many transnational companies have been actively using consumer activity stimulation tools in their marketing practice for decades. For example, a trial purchase, tasting and approbation of a product eliminates the consumer's fear of further purchases. The use of re-marketing during the decline of the product life cycle, the creation of clubs of loyal consumers, brand repositioning, helps to prolong the life cycle. In addition, marketers have come to the conclusion that in 90% of the final decision to purchase is made at the place of its completion, even if the consumer has thought everything over in advance, and this increases the importance of merchandising as one of the means of increasing sales of manufactured products.

    Taking into account modern Internet technologies, a marketing strategy for interacting with a consumer should include a set of communications: advertising, public relations (SMM, SMO), direct marketing, sales promotion. All of these items are online. marketing strategy continue to function, more or less transforming, and search promotion is added to them as a specific Internet tool.

    It should be noted that the active development of social networks and services in recent years has had a strong impact on how millions of users around the world communicate, make purchases, and perceive brands. Services such as social networks, blogs and microblogs have managed to attract an audience of millions. And all over the world, the largest companies, including the leaders in the retail and food production markets, use the Internet in their marketing strategy, because their target audience, their customers, are there. Social media has become an effective tool for studying brand opinions, allowing you to work directly with consumers, get feedback on already existing products and suggestions for their improvement. Companies are using Web 2.0 services to implement the idea of ​​a new generation of cost-effective and efficient focus groups to attract loyal customers and potential buyers to the joint development of new products. Applying the power of microblogging to customer service is an example of corporate social media best practice. This platform allows the company to quickly receive feedback on their work and respond to them.

    Important for building a company's advertising strategy today is the fact that more than half of all Internet users start their search for goods and services from the page of search engines, so the presence in the search results has long become obligatory item marketing strategy. Such a marketing strategy tool as Internet advertising stands out by the absence of risk and the need to wait. The disadvantage is the rather high cost. Search advertising essentially performs the same task as promotion - to provide the user with a result on a query to a search engine. Contextual advertising is used to identify the target audience, offer services to them on the sites of the advertising network. The main services - Yandex Direct, Google.Adwords, Begun - have an intuitive interface, anyone can independently conduct an advertising campaign. However, in order to select relevant keywords, providing decent clickability, at the same time not being too expensive, the help of a specialist is often needed. Banners not only attract visitors, but also serve as image advertising. With the help of banners, you can remind the consumer about the brand, form a certain attitude towards it, increase awareness, inform about a new product.

    A fairly new marketing strategy tool is social media marketing (SMM, SMO). Includes entries, comments on blogs in forums, creating groups, applications in in social networks, distribution of press releases, publication of news, other traditional PR technologies. This technique is one of the most labor-intensive, while a successful and planned company can significantly increase awareness and sales.

    One of the most effective methods today is the direct marketing tool of the Internet mailing list. “White” methods include direct mailings, to which visitors have independently subscribed. Spam, any unsolicited and unsolicited mailings is an unethical and illegal way of interaction (therefore, this tool of a marketing strategy must be used carefully), nevertheless, it is effective at a very low cost.

    If we talk about the effectiveness of the marketing promotion of a company and its products on the Web, as well as the speed of the "viral" dissemination of information in social media, then it must be remembered that the "word of mouth" effect also works in the case of the dissemination of negative information about the business, while the response The market follows much faster.

    It should be noted that cloud technologies can provide very interesting competitive advantages in the field of marketing today. "Atmospheric" technologies allow solving large-scale virtual tasks in the virtual space. For example, a service company can create a new market niche through cloud computing, offering its services to consumers who previously did not have access to it. As an example, we can offer the Skype online service, which provided users with Internet calls, and also made it possible to make cheap calls to landlines from the Internet. Another option is the ability to squeeze out a competitor that used to be a powerful monopoly, which, for example, happened with Microsoft Office due to Google Docs online services. Another option could be to significantly reduce the time it takes to develop new products and bring them to market. So, for example, American startups Quora and Foursquare were able to capture the market very quickly through the use of Amazon cloud solutions. Cloud technology can be a great way to differentiate a product. For example, embedding third party cloud technologies into your own solution can take the product to the next level. An example is Skype, which was bought by Microsoft in order to expand the functionality of its office and mobile developments. However, such benefits become possible only with well-thought-out and timely implementation of appropriate technologies, as well as appropriate adjustment of business processes to the conditions of the cloud business.

    Thus, at the present stage, the business has a number of tools to attract attention and convince the buyer. The main thing is to master them and keep up with the times and the development of technology.

    External organizational communications play a special role for enterprises in the tourism industry. The most important role is in contacts with clients. At service and tourism enterprises, personal (personal) selling is widely used, i.e. individual communication and interaction between the employee and customers. In contact with customers, almost all employees of the company take on the role of sellers. Means for interactions are personal communication, contacts by mail, telephone conversations. The process of personal selling is very complicated, because. during it it is necessary:

    Negotiate with the client (this requires the ability to convince, skillfully use the means of expressive oral speech, reasonably answer the questions posed)

    Establish relationships (here you need to know how to accept a client, get in touch, correctly lead to the case, follow the development of events during the dialogue, complete the sale at the right time for this);

    Satisfy needs (understand the motives for a customer to buy a product, i.e. find key aspects of the customer's interest, share his concerns, listen carefully to complaints and criticism).

    Personal selling is considered in two aspects. On the one hand, they are used to establish planned relationships with consumers, namely, to form preferences and beliefs, to encourage the purchase of a tourist product. On the other hand, the direct implementation of marketing operations. This approach makes it possible to consider personal selling as one of the forms of direct marketing of a tourist product (direct marketing).

    A separate place in the process of interaction between the seller and the consumer is the culture of service. It is understood as a system of norms, high spiritual values ​​and ethics of behavior, the principles of which are consistent with the modern requirements of world service standards and the national traditions of the country. They reflect the quality of customer service.

    In developed countries, management develops different requirements service culture, implements them in the work of their companies. The idea of ​​management in this case is that the employees of the company should be like-minded leaders, and not obey orders. Russian management, trying to keep up with Western success, is also developing similar methods to improve the efficiency of employees, which in turn will affect the quality of interaction between these employees and customers. At the moment, the service clearly shows positive trends compared to previous periods:

    Service companies are aware of the importance of consumers in business development and competition, and are fighting to conquer new markets and new customers;

    In the structure of companies, automation of labor and work processes is carried out, as a result of which the quality of service increases;

    The aesthetic level of service increases (an attractive appearance of the company is created, the level of service comfort increases).

    But along with these positive changes, many aspects of the service culture remain the same. In this regard, managers are faced with the task of deepening vocational training personnel, advanced training, planning prospects and career growth. It is important that employees appreciate the importance of such training both for themselves and in the interests of the firm. The professional work of the company creates a good image in the minds of customers, which in turn increases profitability, reputation and competitiveness.

    In the service industry, the importance of psychological features customer service process. To do this, employees and administrators need to pay attention to the following aspects:

    Cultivation of constructive individually - psychological qualities of employees in contact with clients;

    Direction to a positive psychological channel of a holistic service environment;

    Creating conditions for the manifestation of positive psychological properties consumers.

    To do this, it is necessary to carefully select personnel who will work directly, in contact with customers. In this case, are used psychological methods determining the qualities of an employee, his features. Not always the psychological characteristics of the worker correspond to the nature of work. At least a sharp dissonance between the psychology of the worker and the nature of work should be avoided.

    Interaction with the external environment of the enterprise, namely with consumers of services, is decisive in achieving a common goal. After the product has already been developed and its price has been determined, it is necessary to promote it in the sales market. Marketing is used to achieve this goal.

    Marketing conveys product knowledge to potential customers through different kinds advertising, as well as through the oral form. Therefore, the company is constantly looking for ways to draw attention to its product and improve the form of its physical presentation to consumers. The tourism industry is characterized by the fact that the sales product is intangible, therefore, special methods of presenting information about it are used. These can be tangible items related to travel, such as vouchers, tickets, travel guides, promotional brochures, etc.

    The process of communicative interaction between the seller of services and the consumer begins with a source of information in the form of messages. Source determines the view transmitted information for the target market. The form of presentation also depends on the type of message, the so-called. "decoding" to ensure maximum accessibility to the target market. If the message contains a large amount of information, then it should be presented in printed form so that the potential client can read it for a long time or save it for future use.

    "Encryption" techniques develop the most efficient means of distributing messages, and constructing them in the most understandable form for the target market. For example, you can advertise in one language in any foreign magazine to attract customers to travel around Russia, but to increase efficiency, you need to advertise in different languages thereby drawing the attention of people of different nationalities.

    The next step is to choose a source to present the message to the target audience. If the message is presented in oral form, it is necessary to find the most suitable television or radio channel for this, if the message is in print, then the most suitable print publication. Usually the most popular sources are used. And to interact with tour agents and other entities, they use information letters or specialized printed publications. When communicating with their own employees, a special form with ready-made answers for clients is used. After the message has been disseminated to the target market, a response from the market is expected, i.e. transaction (purchase).

    To effectively communicate with the target market, tourism enterprises adopt four methods:

    Advertising the product in the media. This method most effective in the sale, but much depends on the quality of the product advertising. For example, if the advertisement is boring or nasty to the public, then the product itself will attract much less attention.

    Implementation of personal sales by telephone, the so-called. telemarketing, or sales directly in the office.

    Implementation of sales on electronic sites, participation in various exhibitions (PR-actions).

    Invitation of journalists to get acquainted with the product with the aim of further promotion in their publications (publicity).

    Oral messages are also used to successfully promote the product. Such aspects are also practiced when a client transfers recommendations about a given product and company to another client, if he is satisfied with the quality. However, if the client is not satisfied with the quality of the product, this will negatively affect the image of the travel company and the process of buying products. As practice shows, information about an unsatisfactory product spreads 10 times faster than about a good one.

    In order to influence some people on others, companies use the concept of two-stage communication. Its essence lies in the fact that companies interact with social leaders who form public opinion by sending them messages. If the budget for promoting a product is small, then basically such companies concentrate expenses on journalists writing about tourism. As a measure of interaction for such journalists, trips are organized along the routes of the tourist product to familiarize and demonstrate its merits. Journalists, in turn, provide influence on sales through television or print publications. Basically, companies use one of the listed means of promotion, or several of them.

    The tourism industry is constantly changing, so sales volumes for future years are virtually impossible to predict. It is believed that sales should dictate the promotion of the product, and not be a consequence of this process. Based on this, the question arises: if next year sales will be optimal, then why pursue a policy of product promotion? This leads to the conclusion that the availability of funds is not enough to determine the budget. Some travel companies plan the budget for the communication process with an eye on competitors and their similar costs. However, if all tour operators allocate the same amounts for these processes, competition in the promotion process will decrease. But management companies have no reason to think that other companies know how much money to spend on product promotion. Moreover, at the moment of forming your own budget, it is problematic to learn about similar works from competitors.

    Based on this, the budget for product promotion should be formed according to sales goals for next year. This decision will be called Target Budgeting. It predetermines the level of expenses for promotion, then forms its own budget to achieve the goals. As a rule, there is a clear relationship between the market shares that the product is aimed at and the amount of the budget. The size and share of the market determine the expected profits, and accordingly the plan should be aimed at achieving a satisfactory level of sales in this market, which, in turn, can be most effectively carried out when planning an advertising campaign.

    Impact on potential buyers is carried out on three levels communication process:

    Cognitive. The bottom line is that the buyer must choose a certain product, and clearly understand what benefit it can give him;

    Effective. The buyer must emotionally respond to the offer, believe and show sympathy for him;

    Behavioral. The offer should motivate the buyer to make a purchase.

    The task of the company in the sale is to make potential customers loyal buyers of its products. To do this, it is necessary to instill confidence in customers that this product fits and satisfies the needs of each buyer better than products from other companies. At certain points in time, different clients are on different stages interaction with the travel company. Some already regularly buy tourist products, others, having tried it once, have not yet decided whether to use the offer of this company, and others have only learned about the existence of such an offer. Based on this, we can say that each of these stages poses new challenges for managers of the communication process. From the whole set of tasks, there are three main groups:

    Informing customers about the product;

    Persuading customers to buy a product;

    Constant reminder to customers about your offer and company.

    The most significant element of the communication complex is advertising. It also has a potential impact on other elements of this complex (it can attract large masses of people). Playing a major role in the entire communication system, advertising simultaneously informs about the product itself and the company offering it, convinces potential buyers to opt for this company and its product, and emphasizes the confidence of regular customers in their choice. According to foreign experts, advertising in the tourism industry should perform the following tasks:

    Another type of advertising is promotion, or direct marketing. An important difference from conventional advertising is that it is possible to send a message directly to the target market. This is important for travel companies that do not own a wide network of enterprises and cover a small area of ​​the market.

    Using the Internet in the communication system

    In order to establish effective links with the external environment, namely, links with other travel companies and various companies, firms unite in associations. By integrating their company into the common space of firms in the same direction, managers achieve more effective interaction in the foreign market, and also increase the credibility of their enterprise.

    For example, you can use the data of the Siberian-Baikal Tourism Association (SBAT), which includes 70 participants, including not only tourism enterprises, but also cafes, hotels, insurance companies, Irkutsk International Airport, investment projects, Irkutsk State University, recreation centers, park hotels, Baikal State University of Economics and Law, shipbuilding company, Baikal Seal Aquarium, Association of Hotels and Restaurants Baikal Visa.

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