Which of the following is not a type of sorghum. What is sorghum? Why is this product useful? Are there any side effects or harms of sorghum

A little-known crop, sorghum, has gained its rightful place among agricultural crops over the past ten years. Culture in the process of selection has absorbed many useful substances. Sorghum retains its usefulness potential due to its unpretentiousness and high yields. The plant is actively used by both large agro-industrial enterprises and small farms in crop rotation and to meet fodder needs.

Sorghum is a plant with great potential

Sorghum is an annual spring crop. The plant belongs to the cereal families, and has been grown since the dawn of agriculture. The wide popularity of cereals is due to unpretentiousness to places of growth, high viability, low maintenance requirements and high yields. In world production, sorghum ranks fifth among agricultural crops.

For a normal vegetative process, sorghum only needs a temperature above 25 degrees. The further development and growth of sorghum rests on the temperature, since the plant rather capriciously reacts to low indicators outside the window. Despite this, sorghum is remarkably resistant to drought and disease. It does not shun poor soils and grows in almost any soil.

Sorghum grains are widely used for the preparation of highly nutritious feed mixtures, as well as the main source of nutrition for animals. This undersized cereal crop is one of the most ancient agricultural plants. There are several varieties of grain sorghum: Guinea, kaffir, Negro and grain.

Grain sorghum has gained great popularity among people who monitor their weight, nutritionists, in turn, recommend replacing wheat groats with sorghum groats. It's all about a special protein, it is found in wheat, and has a high histamine activity, is easily digested, being converted into body fat. Sorghum, on the other hand, contains a small amount of gluten and a large amount of fiber. Sorghum is a dietary product and has a low glycemic index. Therefore, it is suitable for the diet of diabetics and people on a gluten-free diet.

sugar sorghum

This type of sorghum got its name due to the high level of sugar in the stems. This type of sorghum, due to its "sweet" features, is used to make alcohol and various sweets. The tops of the plant are also fed to animals. Sweet sorghum produces high yields and is used to produce molasses. And the low cost of sugar obtained from sorghum, in comparison with cane and beet sugar, brings sorghum to a competitive position.

Since sorghum is immune to most cereal diseases, less pesticides are used in its cultivation. The widespread use of sorghum as animal feed, in the form of silage and hay, after the primary processing of the stems to obtain molasses and sugar, makes the culture waste-free. Sugar sorghum is also used as a solid fuel. The plant is able to have a beneficial effect on the soil, enriching it, exerting a phytomeliorative effect and drawing excess salt from the soil.

grassy sorghum

The direct purpose of grassy sorghum is a fodder base for large and small livestock. Forage sorghum is a juicy green, rich in vitamins. The grain of sorghum is enclosed in a hard shell, so before feeding, the cereal must be steamed or crushed. In order for the feed ration to be balanced, the content of grassy sorghum should not exceed 35% of the total consumption of animals, the reason is the high content of tannin in grains, which impairs the digestibility of the consumed feed.

technical sorghum

Technical sorghum, or broom sorghum, is grown to produce panicles. The plant is unpretentious. Grows in dry weather, even on poor soils. Technical sorghum seeds can be fed to poultry. But panicles and dried sorghum shoots can be used for weaving all sorts of gizmos, as mulch, animal bedding and making brooms and paper.

Varieties of high-yielding sorghum. Sorghum seeds their classification

Sorghum seeds are classified according to shape, color, size. Sorghum grains have different colors, they can be red, white, black, brown, orange. In shape, sorghum seeds vary in oval, barrel-shaped, ovoid, elongated and rounded. They are large, medium and small in size. Sorghum seeds are also classified into membranous and naked.

In our country, the culture of sorghum is represented by two main types: ordinary sorghum (used for fodder and food needs) and Sudanese grass (a plant for livestock feed).

Early maturing and high-yielding varieties of grain sorghum, which arouse a certain interest among farmers, can be called varieties: kaoliang and dzhugara.

The hybrid variety of sorghum "Bianca" has gained great popularity in the market. High-yielding and unpretentious, contains low tannin levels, is resistant to early lodging, due to the low growth of the plant and the high location of the lower tier of foliage, harvesting can be done by a simple mowing method and excess moisture of sorghum grain is avoided.

The variety of grain sorghum "Slavyanskoe Pole" is a hybrid of breeders, bred specifically for feeding cattle, due to its high nutritional value increases the weight gain of animals.

The hybrid variety "Slavyanskoe Pole 207" has found its application in pig farms and poultry farms, due to the low content of tannin and a highly nutritious, vitamin-containing composition, it increases the egg production of chickens and helps in the weight gain of pigs. The hybrid culture has no competitors among sorghum in terms of the content of amino acids and trace elements, lysine and carnitine in grains.

The hybrid of sugar sorghum "Slavyanskoe Pole 600" is valuable due to the high level of sugar in the stem of the plant and makes up 25%. And since all hybrids boast a low level of tannin, it is ideal for fattening farm animals. With an average seeding rate, it gives a high yield of green mass, even in drought.

Sudanese hybrids of sorghum "Novator 151", "Sordan" "Nadezhny" have earned attention among farmers with a high yield. The plant is grown for hay and animal feed.

Growing technologies, sowing sorghum and its place in crop rotation

Sorghum is not demanding on the soil, any soil is suitable. But in order for the plant to give a high yield, it is necessary to carry out a number of agrotechnical measures: to exterminate pests and weeds, the area under crops must be even and clean, moderately moistened. Loose, soils with good air permeability are considered the most suitable. Plowing is harrowed in advance. The most suitable sowing dates are from the second half of April to May, the soil at this time is quite warm, and sorghum loves warmth.

In order for sorghum seeds to give friendly shoots, the seeding should not be carried out deep. In turn, excessively small seed placement can lead to complete drying of the sorghum grain and simply not sprout. The optimal depth for sowing sorghum is 5 cm.

Fertilize crops with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Nitrogen is an important component in the process of intensive formation of sorghum foliage. Phosphate fertilizers are used in the form of irrigation, this is an economical way to saturate the plant with the necessary element. Sweet sorghum needs potassium to help the plant store sugar. The sorghum yield depends on the right approach to the fertilization process. When the seedlings are friendly and frequent, there is often a shortage of fertilizers, for this, mineral substances of 30-40 kg / ha are introduced into the soil, in other cases, sorghum is able to provide itself with everything necessary on its own.

The introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and nitrogen should not be done on the same day, this can negatively affect the germination of sorghum.
It is better to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in advance, before sowing, and nitrogen fertilizers during the growing season of the plant, to increase the green mass. Sorghum will not refuse organic fertilizers either, add manure to the soil in the fall and plow, and you can sow in the spring.

The culture is not whimsical for watering. Sorghum seeds are able to endure drought for a long time, falling into hibernation, and then resume the growth process again.

Useful properties of sorghum and the role in the food industry

The beneficial properties of sorghum can be explained by its chemical composition. Sorghum is a source of complete nutrition. Decoctions of lemon sorghum have a powerful antioxidant effect on the body, due to the high level of carnitine, sorghum promotes weight loss, low glycemic index makes sorghum accessible to diabetics. Decoctions of sorghum remove salt, strengthen the immune system, and have a local antiseptic property.

Daily consumption of sorghum helps to stabilize blood sugar and increase hemoglobin.

The use of cereals from white and black sorghum helps to normalize digestion. Due to the high content of folic acid and thiamine, sorghum helps to keep the skin in good shape. And athletes, including bread sorghum in their diet, build muscle mass. Sorghum is used industrially for the production of starch, flour and cereals. For baking sorghum flour, it is mixed with wheat flour.

Sorghum harvest

It is not worth delaying the harvesting of sorghum, complete shedding will not occur, but sorghum seeds can draw moisture into themselves, which will require additional costs for drying. Harvesting is carried out by combines at low drum speeds. In the process of harvesting, you can also use sorghum harvesters. Grassy sorghum is harvested by mowing, before the appearance of formed panicles, otherwise the greens will be stale.

The most favorable conditions for harvesting for silage are the conditions under which the ripeness of the grain enters the wax phase. At the beginning of harvesting, unripe grain has a high moisture content, and greens are suitable for silage. Therefore, after harvesting, sorghum seeds are placed in a dryer, and the greens are used for fodder.

Technical sorghum is harvested manually or with special combines.

Sorghum as fuel, myth or reality?

Despite its vegetable origin, sorghum can serve as a source of fuel. Sugar sorghum is used to produce biofuels. From sugar sorghum, bioethanol and biogas are obtained in the process of technical production. Sorghum is also pressed into briquettes to produce solid fuel. The undoubted advantages of sorghum for fuel production, bioenergetics consider unpretentiousness in care, high plant yields, stable resistance to pests and diseases, besides, sorghum is not demanding on the soil and can tolerate droughts. Growing sorghum does not require huge costs, and pays off with its wastelessness. Until now, corn has been considered the main unit of biofuel. But as a result of numerous studies of foreign experts in the field of bioenergy, they came to the conclusion that it is much more profitable to use sorghum for fuel production, due to the low cost of cultivation in general. Sorghum has long won a niche in agriculture and has recently been rapidly gaining momentum in popularity, it is not for nothing that sorghum is called the camel of the plant world, this crop is hard to beat in terms of durability and productivity.

Little is known about sorghum today. However, this plant has a large number of useful properties and has a huge potential for active use in various industries and forage purposes. In this article, you will learn what sorghum is, its most popular types and applications.

What is sorghum

Sorghum is an annual or perennial cereal plant. Refers to spring crops. The regions of East Africa are considered to be its homeland, where the plant began to be grown in the 4th century BC. e. Culture in terms of world production is in fifth place. Such a high popularity of sorghum is explained by the fact that the plant is unpretentious in care, gives a large harvest and has many useful properties that can be used in various industries. It is very beneficial that the cultivation of crops does not require special machinery and equipment.

Sorghum is a very thermophilic plant. For its normal development and productivity, during growth, the predominance of a temperature of 25-30 ° C is necessary. Freezing can lead to the death of the culture. At the same time, sorghum is very resistant to droughts, various pests and diseases. It has a well developed root system. Undemanding to the composition of the soil, grows on both loamy and sandy, clayey rocks. It needs regular treatment from weeds, and in conditions of development on marginal land, it also needs additional fertilizer. The plant is very rich in useful substances, vitamin complex.

Important!Sorghum is a valuable source of protein and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is effective to use cereals from a grain variety as a dietary supplement in the field of sports nutrition to build muscle mass, replenish energy costs.

Common types of sorghum

There are many types of sorghum: about 70 cultivated and 24 wild. They differ somewhat in characteristics, composition and scope. Sorghum is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful elements. However, it is rather difficult to use it in cooking, since the groats have a thick, bitter-tasting peel. At the same time, the plant is very actively used in the industrial sector, for feeding livestock. Depending on the area of ​​use sorghum is classified into the following types:

  • grain;
  • sugar;
  • lemon;
  • broom;
  • grassy.

Grain sorghum is used in the food industry. Since ancient times, this type of plant among the peoples of Africa was considered one of the most important products for cooking. Since sorghum is resistant to dry climate conditions, during periods of drought, this plant is almost the only source of nutrients for Africans.

Sorghum is widely used for the production of:

  • starch;
  • flour;
  • cereals.
Sorghum flour is used for food purposes. From it prepare porridge, cakes. For use in baking, such flour must be mixed with wheat flour, since it does not contain a viscous substance. Bread is baked from sorghum flour, couscous is prepared.

Sorghum starch is used in the food, mining, textile, paper, and medical industries. Many types of plants surpass even corn in terms of starch capacity. At the same time, growing a crop and processing it is much easier than cultivating corn.

The following grain varieties are considered the most productive:"Kaoliang"; "Durra"; "Juagra". In addition, today a large number of hybrids of a grain variety have been bred, which are in no way inferior to the main type in terms of yield and quality characteristics.

The most productive hybrids are:"Titanium"; "Quartz"; "Emerald"; "Eritrea". The hybrids that are most enriched in starch include:

"Grand"; "Eritrea"; "Titanium". In terms of protein content, the best varieties are: "Titan"; "Quartz"; "Pearl".

In the juice of the stems of this species, there are up to 20% sugar. In view of such a high rate, sweet sorghum is mainly used for the manufacture of honey, marmalade, alcohol, and various sweets. In addition, the stems of the plant are used in the production of feed, vitamin complexes, food additives.

Sucrose is found in large quantities in sorghum stalks. The largest amount of the substance in the plant is concentrated after its flowering. Sugar grade sorghum is very popular in production, because the crop gives a good harvest and is not demanding on soil composition, climatic conditions (except for the need for heat), tolerates drought well, and shows high yields even on infertile soils. In view of these characteristics, interest in this plant has recently increased in all countries with suitable climatic conditions.

Important!Sorghum sugar, unlike cane, beet, is dietary. It can be used by people with diabetes.

The results of the studies show that the cost of sugar from sorghum is half the price of the same product made from cane and beets. In addition, when growing this crop, much less pesticides are used, which is explained by the high resistance of the plant to diseases and pests. Thus, a sorghum-based product is much more environmentally friendly and healthier.

Sugar grade sorghum is widely used as livestock feed. It produces silage and hay. The products are rich in nutrients. Mixed silage made from sorghum and corn is considered the most optimal for livestock nutrition.

Sorghum of this variety can also be used in the field of bioenergy. It is made from:

  • bioethanol;
  • biogas;
  • solid fuel.
The culture is also very useful for regenerating depleted soil. Sorghum is an excellent antioxidant and removes from the soil all the toxic substances that are formed on the lands used by industrial enterprises. The plant is widely used in crop rotation, as it removes salt from the soil and has a phytomeliorative effect on the soil.

Did you know? In China, sugar grade sorghum is considered the best source of biofuel. For this reason, the cultivation of crops is included in the state plan.

Lemongrass has a pronounced lemon flavor. Due to this property, the plant is widely used in perfumery, as well as cooking (as a spice or base for brewing tea). Sorghum can be used both dried and fresh. The dried plant should be soaked in water for about two hours before use. In cooking, the stem, pulp and onion are used. The stem is hard, so it is cut into thin strips before being added to the dish. Lemon grade sorghum is very popular in Asian, Caribbean, Thai, Vietnamese cuisines. It is widely used in the preparation of marinades. As a spice, it is excellent for fish, meat dishes, vegetable soups, salads.

Very tasty and healthy tea based on this plant. The stems of the culture are poured with hot boiled water and insisted for ten minutes. It turns out an excellent tonic aromatic drink. Moreover, it is very useful for colds.

This type of sorghum has pronounced antiseptic, antibacterial, antipyretic properties. Due to this, they are widely used in medicine in India, China, Vietnam for the treatment of infectious diseases, and also as an antipyretic.

Important!Lemon sorghum is very effective in the fight against seborrhea. It can also be used to strengthen hair well, give it shine, and also prevent baldness.

Sorghum essential oil is used in perfumery. It is also effective against mosquito and tsetse bites.

Technical or broom sorghum

Broom sorghum is beneficial to grow in the backyard. Its grain can be fed to birds, and combed straws can be used to make brooms. The seeds of such sorghum are inexpensive, plus the whole plant is absolutely unpretentious in care, it grows even on infertile soils, and gives a big harvest. Therefore, with the help of broom sorghum, you can create a good profitable business.

Technical sorghum has many types, the color and shape of panicles for making brooms depend on this. The most valuable are species that have even, elastic panicles of the same length with dense branching at the ends. Varieties with red panicles are the least valued because they are very tough. Technical sorghum is also used to make paper and wickerwork.

grassy sorghum

Grassy sorghum is widely used for fodder purposes. It has a juicy core and is rich in nutrients. Since sorghum grains have a hard shell, they must be kneaded before feeding livestock. The shell contains tannin. Therefore, sorghum in the diet of animals should be limited to 30%. In modern hybrid species, it is much less. Therefore, they are more suitable for use as feed.

Did you know? The most nutritious and beneficial for livestock will be a mixed diet of sorghum and corn. Studies conducted on chickens have shown that with the addition of sorghum to the feed, their egg production becomes more efficient.

Calorie content and composition of sorghum

Sorghum has a high calorie content: 100 g of the product contains 339 kcal, most of them are carbohydrates. 100 g of sorghum have the following nutritional value:

  • carbohydrates - 68.3 g;
  • water - 9.2 g;
  • proteins - 11.3 g;
  • fats - 3.3 g;
  • ash - 1.57 g.
Thanks to this amount of carbohydrates, the plant has a high energy value. Besides, The composition of sorghum includes such useful elements: calcium; potassium; phosphorus; sodium; magnesium; copper; selenium; zinc; iron; manganese; molybdenum. Vitamins are also present in sorghum. The plant is enriched with such vitamin groups:
  • folic acid.
In view of this composition, the plant has a large number of useful and medicinal properties that are widely used in medicine in Asian countries.

Important!Sorghum has a lot more protein than corn. At the same time, the plant does not have the amino acid lysine. Therefore, sorghum should be combined with other protein sources to replenish the supply of proteins.

Useful properties of sorghum

The chemical composition of sorghum explains its value and many medicinal properties. Sorghum has the following health benefits:

  • effective antioxidant;
  • strengthens the muscles of the heart;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • improves brain activity;
  • promotes the breakdown of fats and improves the metabolic process;
  • accelerates protein synthesis;
  • participates in the synthesis of glucose;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • stimulates the production of hemoglobin;
  • removes salt from the body.
Sorghum is indicated for use in gastrointestinal diseases, rheumatism, for the prevention of heart attacks, strokes. Lemon sorghum has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it supple and fresh. Therefore, this type of plant is often used in the manufacture of anti-aging and anti-aging products. Grain sorghum is useful for pregnant and lactating women, as it is rich in folic acid.

Harm of sorghum is possible only in cases of individual intolerance. Often it is manifested by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence). If the symptoms do not go away for several days, the cereal should be discarded.

Sorghum is a unique plant whose history dates back several millennia. In India, China and Africa, it was used to make flour, from which cakes were subsequently baked. Despite the fact that over time sorghum began to lose ground, about 70 million tons of this cereal are harvested annually in the world. After reading this article, you will learn what sorghum is.

Where is this crop grown?

This plant has another name. In some countries it is known as its homeland can be considered the northeastern part of Africa. They began to grow this culture in the 6th century BC. In ancient times, it was widespread throughout the African continent. Its inhabitants still use this cereal for food. For those who do not know what sorghum is, it will certainly be interesting that in Europe it began to be cultivated only in the 15th century, and it was brought to America two centuries later. In Ethiopia and Sudan, a large number of varieties of this plant are still cultivated.

Sorghum: description

This heat-loving plant can be not only one-, but also perennial. Outwardly, it is very similar to ordinary corn. The height of the thick, hard, erect, well-leafed stem, filled with spongy tissue, often reaches three meters. This culture is well developed. It penetrates deep into the soil and diverges in different directions at a distance of 60 centimeters to one and a half meters. For those who are interested in what sorghum is, it does not hurt to know that the inflorescence of this plant is called a panicle, and the fruit is called a caryopsis. The grass itself has a different color. Its grain can be either white or black.

It is cultivated in regions with a hot climate. In this case, its yield is about 20 centners per hectare. Undersized varieties are grown for grain.

Popular varieties of sorghum

Modern scientists know more than sixty cultivated and wild varieties of this cereal. The vast majority of them grow in the southwestern part of Asia, Australia, Africa, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia and Europe. The most popular varieties are:

  • Grain sorghum, the photo of which will be presented in this article. Visually, it is very similar to millet. The seeds of this plant are light yellow or black-brown in color. They are mainly used for the industrial production of cereals, starch, flour and alcohol. Bread and various confectionery products are baked from milled grain.
  • Sugar sorghum, the stems of which are widely used in industrial production for the manufacture of molasses and sweet syrups.
  • A herbaceous sorghum with a soft heart that makes it suitable for livestock feed.
  • An industrial sorghum valued for its straw, which is used to make wickerwork, paper, and even homemade brooms.
  • Lemongrass, effectively used as a seasoning for all kinds of meat, fish and vegetable dishes. It goes well with ginger and hot peppers. In addition to everything else, an essential oil is produced from it, which is successfully used in the food, perfumery and pharmaceutical industries.

and composition of sorghum

One hundred grams of this cereal contains about 68 grams of carbohydrates. It also contains ash, fiber, water, fats and proteins. For those who have already understood what sorghum is, it will be useful to know that its energy value is 340 kilocalories.

It contains quite a lot of riboflavin, biotin, thiamine, niacin, folic and ascorbic acids. Also, the plant is rich in various micro and macro elements, including zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese and selenium. It also contains substances such as molybdenum, iron and copper.

How useful is this plant?

Due to its high protein and carbohydrate content, sorghum is considered a highly nutritious cereal. The thiamine present in it helps to improve appetite and normalize gastric secretion. Regular consumption of sorghum improves the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system.

The composition of this plant includes powerful antioxidants that protect the human body from the negative effects of external factors. The concentration of polyphenolic compounds present in sorghum is twelve times higher than in blueberries.

Due to the presence of vitamins H and PP, this cereal promotes the breakdown of fats, speeding up metabolism. Regular consumption of sorghum stimulates the synthesis of amino acids. This product activates the processes of bone cell renewal. It is recommended to include it in the diet of people diagnosed with diabetes, as it regulates the concentration of sugar in the blood and stimulates the production of hemoglobin. Sorghum is indicated for disorders of the nervous system, skin diseases and gastrointestinal problems.

Cultivation of sorghum (soriz, broom, panicle). Varieties, types, varieties. Application

What is sorghum. How it is applied. What are the main characteristics and features (10+)

Agrotechnics of sorghum - Varieties

Every year, summer temperatures rise higher and rainfall decreases rapidly. All these weather conditions negatively affect the quality and quantity of fodder crops. Therefore, farmers are now paying more attention to the cultivation of crops that easily tolerate high temperatures and do not require high soil moisture. One of these is the fodder crop sorghum - it is an excellent option for concentrated feed for livestock and poultry, horses, sheep and even pond fish.

The plant very easily adapts to growing conditions and is undemanding to the quality of the soil. Scientists have noticed an interesting behavior of sorghum, for example, in an unfavorable dry period, the plant seems to hibernate, its growth and development stops, but as soon as the bad weather recedes, the active life of the plant resumes.

Sorghum or soriz is a culture of arid and semi-arid regions. The lands of Northeast Africa, namely Sudan and plantations in Ethiopia, are considered the birthplace of sorghum.

Sorghum is an extraordinary plant. It belongs to the cereal family. Africa and India are considered its homeland, as this plant loves heat very much. For him, dry hot weather is even more preferable than a small shade. Due to the fact that sorghum can stay in the heat for a long time and without water, it is also affectionately nicknamed “camel”. In African countries, for the inhabitants, this plant was considered bread, since thanks to it, many inhabitants survived in arid regions. This plant has been known for a very long time. But it was "forgotten". In Russia and Ukraine, this plant began to be grown relatively recently, and even then, mainly in the southern regions.

Types and varieties of plants

Sorghum has many varieties. Therefore, we decided to divide the varieties of this cereal into groups. These are lemon, broom, sugar, grain sorghum. Depending on the species, sorghum can be either annual or perennial. All these types of sorghum are different from each other and have different purposes.

Lemongrass is a perennial plant. Malaysia is considered to be its homeland. However, this variety has received more use in India. The name itself speaks for itself. This type of sorghum has the smell and taste of lemon. He found his application in cosmetics, perfume industry, medicine. It is also used as an additive in food, and essential oils are also made from it. In appearance, the plant resembles a reed. In height, this type of sargo can reach 3 meters. The stem of the plant is hard, which is why it does not spread along the ground, but grows like a tree. The leaves themselves are hard. Usually they are not used in the food industry. But on the other hand, the core hidden under this stem is very soft. For her, and there was an application as flavored food additives both fresh and dry. Like lemon, this type of sorghum can be added to marinades, pickles, tea, used for colds, used for cosmetic procedures.

Sooner or later, we all pick up such a thing as a broom. No vacuum cleaner can replace this thing. But never wondered what it was made of. It turns out that it is made from one of the varieties of sorghum - broom. It is used mainly for technical purposes - they make brooms, brooms, brushes, wicker baskets, etc. The leaves and stems of this type of sorghum are good animal feed, which is obtained after grinding. This type of sorghum has gained great popularity in the Donetsk lands, where the most favorable conditions contribute to its cultivation. Like other types of sorghum, its sowing takes place at a temperature of at least 20 degrees. Broom sorghum can be used in a summer cottage as a "temporary fence".

Sugar sorghum is a product that can compete with sugar beets. It is used as a substitute for our main product - sugar. It is this type of sorghum that contains the highest percentage of sucrose. Thanks to this, sugar sorghum has found application in the food industry for the manufacture of syrups, sugar, alcohol, jam, marmalade and other confectionery products. The harvest of this species reaches from one hectare to 30 tons. Sugar sorghum is also used as animal feed. According to the content of nutrients, it can be compared with corn.

Another variety of sorghum is grain. It has gained great popularity in agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry farming as a product containing a large amount of protein, fiber, amino acids, vitamins A and B, tannins. Grain sorghum is used for the production of starch, flour, alcohol, alcohol-containing products. Starch, obtained from grain sorghum, is used not only in cooking. He found his application in industry in the manufacture of paper and various types of fabrics. Grain sorghum also includes Sudanese grass. Plants of this species are considered undersized - reach up to 1.5 meters in height.

Culture is represented by the following most famous species:

  • sorghum
  • dzhugara
  • durra
  • kaoliang
  • sorghum kaffir
  • sorghum tailed
  • dohna (grain sorghum)
  • sugar sorghum
  • coronal (paniculate) sorghum
  • Sudan grass.

Depending on the shape of the panicle, sorghum is classified into two types:

  • spreading
  • lumpy

According to the principle of using the crop in the economy, the plant is classified as follows:

  • grain sorghum is cultivated for the production of flour and cereals;
  • sugar sorghum is used in the preparation of sugar syrups for confectionery;
  • coronal sorghum has tough branches that serve as excellent material for brooms and wickerwork;
  • herbal sorghum is fed to pets;
  • lemon sorghum is a seasoning for dishes in Asia and Africa.

In our country, the most popular grain sorghum, which is mainly used as animal feed.

General characteristics of culture

The plant easily survives drought due to a highly branched, fibrous root system. The root reaches 2 meters, and side shoots - up to 60-90 cm, so the plant can feed on deep groundwater. The stem of the plant can grow up to 7 meters in height (tropical species). The grain variety is characterized by a dry stem when ripe, while the sugar variety, on the contrary, is juicy. Grain sorghum develops several stems at the same time. The leaf of the plant is lanceolate in shape with sharp edges. The inflorescence of the plant is a panicle 6 to 10 cm long. Sorghum grain is very small, so 1000 pieces are only 20-35 grams of weight.

The foliage and stem of the plant are also adapted to the burning heat of the sun, as they are completely covered with a wax coating. This "protective agent" saves water. The fruits of the plant are represented by grains of round, ovoid and oblong shape. Depending on the variety, the grains differ in color: white, red, brown or brown. Also, sorghum grain is classified into filmy and naked.

Soriz is a heat-loving plant, so late spring frosts can be detrimental to crops. At a temperature of 10-12 degrees Celsius, sorghum seeds begin to actively germinate. But the temperature of 40-45 degrees Celsius absolutely does not affect the growth of the crop, so dry winds and air drought are not terrible for sorghum.

What is useful plant grain for agriculture

Sorghum grain consists of:

  • 80% from starch;
  • 15% from protein;
  • 5% fat.

In terms of nutritional value, sorghum grain is practically not inferior to corn, and many types of domestic animals willingly eat it. So, greens can be fed to dairy pigs, but not more than 60 kg per day due to the presence of hydrocyanic acid. It is very good to give sorghum grain to chickens and adult hens, since amino acids and trace elements, together with proteins and carbohydrates, contribute to the rapid growth and weight gain in chickens, and also increase egg production in adults. Fish species such as carp, crucian carp or silver carp are also not averse to tasting sorghum food. Feeding sorghum fish gives an increase in the live weight of fish up to 34%.

Sorghum is far from the most popular crop in the CIS countries and Europe, however, all the inhabitants of Sudan and Ethiopia know about its benefits, and it is also very popular in China, which is famous all over the world for its traditional medicine. For more than 5,000 years, this culture has been included in the daily diet of the inhabitants of Asian countries, which entails their healthy lifestyle and good body condition.

You can also find sorghum in free sale in our country - in online stores and large supermarkets, everyone has the opportunity to purchase such a valuable and rather tasty product.

Interesting fact: today there are more than 70 species of this grain crop, of which 24 are wild, 28 are cultivated, the rest are newly bred by breeders.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value of 100 g:

  • Calories: 323 kcal
  • Proteins: 10.6 g
  • Fat: 4.1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 59.6 g
  • Dietary fiber: 3.5 g
  • Water: 13.5 g

The beneficial properties of sorghum are undoubted, because the composition of this cereal includes the following components:

  • Valuable vitamin set - PP, H, B, E, C, choline.
  • Calcium, zinc, potassium, copper, iron, silicon.
  • Aluminum, cobalt, chromium, phosphorus, sodium.
  • Pectins, antioxidants.

Polyphenolic compounds in this cereal are a record number - 12 times more than in the most popular blueberry in this regard.

Beneficial features

The benefits of sorghum are manifested when it is consumed regularly, but without excessive amounts of cereals in the diet. It consists in the following:

  • accelerating the healing of wounds on the skin;
  • restoration of the mucous tissues of the stomach;
  • normalization of the state of the nervous system

Important! The beneficial properties of sorghum have a beneficial effect on the condition of pregnant women and nursing mothers. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in their diet, as well as the elderly and young children from 8 months.

Croup can and should be consumed if there is a need to relieve swelling in renal failure, it is an excellent diuretic. Also, sorghum is useful for the diet of people with a diagnosis (allergy to the cereal protein gluten), since this substance does not contain this substance.

Interesting fact: in Russia, sorghum is also grown, but only in the Saratov region. When trying to plant this crop in other regions, ripening did not occur.

Harm to sorghum

Sorghum contraindications are limited to exceptionally possible individual intolerance to one of the substances of the chemical composition. With excessive use, manifestations have also been noticed.

Otherwise, sorghum has only benefits for the human body, which nutritionists, vegetarians and people seeking to establish a good diet for a healthy lifestyle seek to use to the maximum.

Depending on the variety of sorghum, you can use:

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