Also an important factor. Sentences with the word “important. Production technology and assembly types

The action of retinol peeling is based on the application of retinoic acid to the skin and its further effect on skin cells.

The acid contains retinoids- artificial substitutes for vitamin A, which regulate the processes occurring in the cells and intercellular spaces of the skin, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

How retinol (yellow) peeling works

Collagen retains moisture in the layers of the skin and prevents it from aging. Elastin gives the skin elasticity. When applying retinol peeling, the skin temporarily turns yellow, hence the name - yellow peeling.

An easy way to improve the appearance of your skin is with a retinol peel at home.

Main the function of retinoids is to maintain and restore the epithelial tissue of the skin, so they are part of many cosmetics for facial care. An easy way to improve the appearance of your skin is with a retinol peel at home. This article will tell you how to make it effective and safe.

Carefully! Retinoic acid causes a slight burn of the skin, followed by exfoliation of dead cells. When they are removed, the skin is renewed and looks young and beautiful.

General application rules

Peeling is applied to previously cleansed and prepared skin.

For this procedure, you may need the following auxiliary items:

  • rubber gloves;
  • brush (a brush is perfect for dyeing hair);
  • cotton swab.

CAREFULLY! Acid is not applied to moles, warts. These places must be protected, for this they are smeared with petroleum jelly or olive oil.

Peeling, like any mask, is not applied to the area around the eyes and eyelids

Peeling, like any mask, is not applied to the area around the eyes and eyelids. Use the retinoic acid solution carefully to avoid getting it into the eyes.

Peeling is applied to the skin of the face, neck, decollete. The brush is dipped in the solution and it is applied to the prepared skin. The composition is evenly distributed throughout the site.

Everyone is interested in how to make retinol peeling, which is made at home, penetrate deeper into the skin.

For deep penetration and enhancement of the effect and with strong pigmentation on the skin, it is necessary to rub these spots with a cotton swab dipped in acid.

Additional friction is also required for the skin area with mimic wrinkles, around the eyes. After applying retinol peeling, after 30 minutes, a slight burning sensation and redness of the skin may be felt. This is a normal process. The skin begins to tighten slightly. Retinoic acid is stored in a dark bottle in the refrigerator.

! During peeling, it is required to avoid mimic movements of the face, otherwise the skin may stretch and small wrinkles will not disappear.

Three types of peeling and their effects on the skin

The goal of any type of peeling is to rejuvenate the skin by removing dead cells from the epidermis. There are several ways to influence the skin, which are classified according to the depth of their effect on the epidermis.

Retinol peeling

Beauticians distinguish three types of peeling:

  1. Surface. Retinoic acid penetrates only into the granular and horny layers of the skin, without affecting the deeper layers. This type of peeling is gentle, since the effect of retinol occurs only in the surface layer of the skin.
  2. Median. This type affects the upper layer of the epidermis and reaches the capillary layer of the skin. This type of peeling has a rejuvenating effect, because it penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin.
  3. Deep. Affects the reticular dermis. The impact of this type of peeling is not only on dead cells, but also on living ones. This type of peeling is carried out only in beauty salons, no need to try to do it yourself.

Step by step instructions at home

The process of applying retinol peeling is quite lengthy and takes a long time to heal the skin, so you should not plan activities related to visiting public places.

Before performing a retinol peel at home, you need to figure out how to make this process safe and prepare the necessary skin area. Skin preparation depends on the type of peeling used and the type of skin.

Skin preparation depends on the type of peeling used and the type of skin.

For normal skin preparation takes 2 weeks. If the skin is dark, then this process will be delayed up to a month. Solarium lovers should refuse to visit it (about a month before the planned retinol peeling.

For superficial and median peels, half a month before the planned procedure, creams are used, which contain the main active ingredient.

For superficial and medium peels, half a month before the planned procedure, creams are used, which contain the main active ingredient

As a result, the skin gradually gets used to such products, which avoids unwanted negative reactions of the body. Such creams soften the skin, and allow retinoic acid to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin tissue and provide effective cleansing and skin rejuvenation.

Peeling procedure

It is very important if peeling is done on your own, at home, and not in the salon, follow a certain sequence of application on the skin of the cleansing mixture.

If you follow the order, the result will not keep you waiting. It is worth taking the study of this issue very seriously, since if peeling is used incorrectly, negative results can be obtained.

Try to drink more water, as renewed skin cells need a lot of water to form elastin and collagen.

During this period, you need to drink more plain, clean water and increase its daily intake. Skin renewal will occur 10 days after the procedure. Re-peeling can be repeated after 3 weeks. During this period, the skin will rest and fully recover.

Precautionary measures

What and how should be done to avoid allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock to retinol peeling at home?

Preliminary allergy test for this drug: a small amount of retinoic acid (10%) is applied to the inside of the elbow for 7-8 hours.

If as a result of this there is a strong burning sensation and itching, then the peeling should be abandoned.

The consequences of home retinol peeling

After a cosmetic procedure for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, positive and negative effects occur.

The positive effects are as follows:

Possible negatives:

After retinol peeling, the temperature may rise, itching and swelling will appear, which will disappear in a few days.

Skin care after peeling

Using retinol peeling at home, how to make the skin heal as soon as possible? This question is asked by many women. Moisturizers are used for faster healing., creams and masks for the skin, which contribute to the rapid restoration of the structure of the skin.

Where to buy peeling products

Preparations for retinol peeling can be purchased at specialized cosmetics stores.

A wide range of products is presented in the online store of professional cosmetics for the face. Retinoic acid can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Who is Retinol Peeling for?

To maintain youth and beauty, periodically it is worth carrying out retinol peeling at home. But it's important to know how to do it right.

Peeling effectively fights comedones, age spots, acne

Especially such cleansing is indicated for people with the following skin problems:

  • comedones - whiteheads and rosacea;
  • scars and irregularities;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • dry skin;
  • dark spots;
  • acne
  • lack of elastin;
  • skin aging.


There are contraindications for retinol peeling. These include:

  • sensitive skin;
  • drug intolerance;
  • allergic reactions to the composition;
  • herpes;
  • blood disease;
  • open cracks and wounds;
  • age restrictions (retinol reeling is not performed for persons under 18 years of age);
  • pregnancy.

NOTE! It is impossible to use retinol peeling during pregnancy, as it is possible to get fetal intoxication.

A prerequisite for conducting retinol peeling at home is a visit to a cosmetologist who will examine the skin and give appropriate recommendations for conducting such a procedure as retinol peeling at home.

How to make it in courses of 3-5 procedures with an interval of 1 month - the cosmetologist will tell you. Such techniques allow you to maintain the achieved result.

The effect of the achieved result on skin rejuvenation lasts for six months. Such procedures, subject to all recommendations, are safe for good health.

In this video, the blogger talks about his experience with retinol peeling:

This video demonstrates how to do retinol peeling at home:

The opinion of a cosmetologist on the topic of yellow peeling can be found here:

Among exfoliators, retinoids are distinguished, because they relieve rashes, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Due to this feature, cosmetologists use them to make yellow peeling. This name is due to the fact that the substances, when applied, color the covers in a fairly bright shade. But the phenomenon will be short-lived, and the result will be long-lasting. What effect do retinoids have?

What are the principles of action?

Your skin is covered with a thin layer of dead skin cells that perform a protective function. Ideally, they exfoliate naturally, but as a result of exposure to an aggressive environment or improper care, the processes slow down. The result is a dull complexion, lack of tone, the formation of folds and wrinkles.

To solve the problem, you can use mechanical or chemical exfoliation methods. Yellow peeling of the face belongs to the latter type, and it is superficial, superficial-median and median. Its formula includes the following acids:

To restore skin tone, vitamin C is also added to the mix, which promotes wound healing and eliminates the action of free radicals. This combination of substances makes cleansing gentle, so it is recommended even for people with thin skin.

What you need to know about yellow peeling

Retinoic peeling eliminates age-related changes, wrinkles and acne, while accelerating the production of new skin cells. Studies published in BioMed Research International have shown that the substances used dissolve intercellular bonds in dead tissues. As a result, the keratinized layers are removed, and the skin becomes young and smooth.

Acne rashes also disappear, because among the components of the peeling mixture there is also tretinoin. It accelerates the exfoliation of dead cells and the production of new ones, which contributes to the smoothness of the skin; in addition, the component fights against the manifestations of photo- and age-related aging.

But yellow face peeling also has side effects. These include the following:

  • temporary or permanent change in pigmentation;
  • irritation;
  • excessive peeling;
  • burning or tingling.

The option is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of the integument, pregnancy, allergies to components, viral infections. Among the minuses is the inability to use for rosacea, as well as eczema. If you suffer from an exacerbation of acne, then the skin condition may even worsen.

For severe rashes, first undergo a course of treatment, then resort to exfoliation.

The main types of procedures

Among the varieties of retinol peeling, as the procedure is often called, the following options are distinguished:

  1. For superficial cleansing, a natural component with the addition of retinoic acid is used. To get the result, 1 procedure is enough, which is repeated monthly.
  2. The synthetic version is designed for those who are recommended by dermatologists for median peeling. The effect is noticeable after 2 procedures, but you will have to wait for the end of the recovery period, which lasts up to 7 days.

Since retinoic facial peeling reduces UV resistance, it is not recommended to do it in the summer. You risk not getting rid of defects, but getting age spots, and in some cases the changes are irreversible. Even if you scheduled the procedure for another time of the year, the subsequent use of creams with SPF filters remains a prerequisite.

Features of pre-peel preparation

Retinol peeling of the face requires preparation, and it takes 2 weeks for patients with fair skin and 4 for those with dark or sensitive skin. At the stage of the initial consultation, the dermatologist conducts an examination, determines the type of skin, learns about the expected results. He also investigates the history of diseases:

  • with frequent exacerbations of herpes, prophylaxis is carried out (when the problem occurs more often than 5 times a year, it is advisable to find an alternative to peels);
  • if the skin is photosensitive, the doctor recommends protective products;
  • means for training at home are assigned.

A set of cosmetic products that reduce the risk of side effects includes the following:

  1. Washing gel with AHA acids is applied once a day. You will experience a slight tingling sensation upon use, indicating that the remedy is having an effect.
  2. The Retinol Serum contains the same ingredients as the Peeling Blend, but in a smaller amount. It is used 2 times a day, after which a moisturizer is applied to the skin.
  3. In conclusion, you must use a product with SPF filters. It may confuse you that the cream has a thick consistency and often leaves a greasy sheen, but do not neglect it even in cloudy weather.

In the pre-peeling period, it is important to follow the instructions, not forgetting that severe discomfort is unacceptable. If you notice burning or peeling, see a dermatologist.

It is important not to treat the area near the mouth and around the eyes with retinol serums, because the components are too aggressive for sensitive skin. If you follow the instructions, the risk of side effects will decrease.

How is the procedure

Yellow peeling for the face is done in salons or at the client's home. The latter is due to the fact that the exposure time takes up to 6-8 hours, and not all women agree to get home in a medical mask or just with a bright mixture on their faces. You have to go through the following steps:

  1. The dermatologist cleanses and degreases the skin, ensuring a uniform effect. Integuments are often prepared with a weak solution of glycolic acid.
  2. Then the 1st layer of the peeling mixture is applied to the skin; after absorption, the doctor repeats the procedure. You will feel a tingling and burning sensation, but the sensations should not be too painful. Sometimes clients make the mistake of trying to “be patient”: after all, they have already spent the money! But recovery from a chemical burn will be lengthy, and treatment procedures will be expensive. If a slight tingling turns into pain, tell your dermatologist immediately.
  3. With superficial exfoliation, the doctor himself washes off the composition. When you choose a more intense effect, you will need to remove the drug from the skin after 8 hours. In most cases, women prefer to go home, and after the appointed time, wash off the mixture on their own. The doctor in this case should stay in touch with you in order to promptly give recommendations.

Finally, a soothing mask is applied to reduce the feeling of burning and tightness of the skin. If you want to learn more about yellow peeling, watch the video:

Features of the recovery period

According to reviews, retinol facial peeling is fraught with severe peeling during the recovery period. If a superficial procedure allows you to not make adjustments to your usual lifestyle, then after a median procedure, you will most likely not be able to go to work for several days.

According to the stories of clients who decide to exfoliate, the intermediate results will be as follows:

Client feedback is mostly positive; unpleasant impressions are associated with a violation of technology and insufficient qualifications of a dermatologist.

What beauty products to use

To facilitate well-being and prevent the development of side effects will allow compliance with the recommendations of the physician. It is important not to use aggressive cleansers, do not use scrubs and do not try to tear off pieces of skin; cosmetic products with retinoids and AHA are also banned (you can return to them 2 weeks after exfoliation). In order not to expose sensitive covers to additional stress, coloring or perm procedures should be postponed to a later date so that the paint does not get on the face.

To combat swelling and soreness, balms are used that accelerate regeneration. The formula contains the following ingredients:

  • Shea Butter;
  • panthenol;
  • fireweed extracts;
  • extract of licorice and horse chestnut.

The result can be improved by using thermal water, which temporarily relieves unpleasant symptoms. After 2 weeks, the process is repeated, and then the interval is increased to a month. The standard course provides for 4 procedures, after which it remains to maintain the result: visit a dermatologist every 3 months. Subject to the rules, the disappearance of wrinkles and skin defects will not take long.

According to dermatologists, 1 yellow peel treatment is equivalent to 3 Jessner peels.

Side effects and their prevention

When exfoliating with retinoids, side effects are possible:

  1. The impact of substances on embryos for ethical reasons has not been studied to the end. Nevertheless, dermatologists say that the procedure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women; after its implementation, it is advisable to wait 6 months before planning an addition.
  2. Since the components of the mixture affect the functioning of the liver, it is necessary to take restorative drugs. If you have complained about malfunctions of the organ before, the risk of rashes increases.
  3. After the procedure, the integuments are characterized by increased sensitivity to mechanical stress, high and low temperatures, and a strong reaction to ultraviolet radiation. In some cases, the problem remains for a year.
  4. Orange peeling of the face, as retinol exfoliation is also called, greatly reduces immunity. The result is the spread of the wart virus, herpes rash, demodicosis, strepto- or staphyloderma. To avoid an unpleasant development of events, give up the idea of ​​​​doing peelings on your own or contacting a regular beautician. Without sufficient qualifications, it will not be possible to assess the risk.

Providing information about contraindications will become a criterion by which one can judge the honesty of a dermatologist. If the doctor assures that the procedure is completely safe, his services should be abandoned. Your doctor should give you a choice and develop measures to prevent side effects, not talk about their absence.

Prices and opinion of doctors

The procedure is not among the affordable ones, because for 1 exfoliation you will have to pay 4-5 thousand rubles. The price increases depending on the drugs used, the number of layers, the qualifications of the doctor. In some cases, it reaches 10 thousand rubles.

No less money will have to be paid for the cosmetic products needed at the preparatory stage. Without it, exfoliation is risky, because at best you will not get the expected effect, and at worst you will encounter side effects. Together with products for post-peel recovery, the cost of additional funds is about 10 thousand rubles. Exfoliation as a result costs 15 thousand rubles or more.

Skin condition after full recovery

Is it worth the cost? Doctors believe that yellow peeling is one of the safest procedures used as radical measures. Improvements will appear within 4 weeks, gaining the effect gradually. After 3-4 months. the procedure will have to be repeated, otherwise the state of the integument will return to its original state.


Retinol facial peel is used for superficial, mid-surface and median exfoliation. It relieves acne and post-acne, smoothes fine wrinkles, and has a lifting effect. The action is less aggressive than that of TCA exfoliation or similar procedures. The result lasts for 3-4 months, after which re-exfoliation is required.

If you're going to have the procedure, prepare yourself for the expense, as it's not cheap. But the efficiency remains high, so in the long run the costs will be justified.

Peeling is considered to be an integral part of a complete skin care.

After all, this procedure helps to get rid of small wrinkles in a short time.

Let's see what this procedure is, how and how many times you can do retinoic peeling, and whether it is possible to use yellow cleansing when planning a pregnancy.

Retinoic peeling can be called one of the most popular chemical peels due to its high efficiency and low trauma, the results of the procedure are comparable to the action of expensive injection techniques. Many are interested in whether it is possible to use retinol at home?

Since retinoic acid enters into a complex chemical reaction with the skin, it is better to entrust the procedure to professionals in a beauty salon.

Let's look at the pros and cons of peeling, and what results can be achieved with it.

Retinol cleansing - what is it

Retinoic peels are sometimes referred to as yellow peels due to their ability to stain the skin. The procedure is aimed at exfoliating dead skin cells.

After peeling, the skin acquires a “renewed” look, as young cells appear on the surface that are not damaged by the negative effects of the environment.

Retinoic peeling can be attributed to superficial-median peels, exfoliation affects not only the stratum corneum, but also part of the epidermis and the capillaries supplying it with blood.

The active substance used during the procedure stimulates cells to divide, helping to restore skin density. In addition, retinol counteracts the influence of enzymes that destroy elastin and collagen molecules.


The very name of the procedure suggests that it is based on the use of retinoic acid, that is, an artificial analogue of vitamin A.

The concentration of retinol can be different - from 5 to 10 percent.

In addition, auxiliary acids are used in peeling:

  • phytic;
  • ascorbic;
  • azelaic.

In the complex, the acids have a pronounced rejuvenating effect:

  • exfoliate the skin, stimulating the launch of regenerative processes;
  • protect cells from the adverse effects of free radicals;
  • restore the density and elasticity of the epidermis.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is the numerous benefits that make yellow peeling with retinoic acid such a popular procedure:

  • high efficiency, surpassing the achievements of softer peels;
  • painlessness;
  • fast recovery period;
  • absence of unpleasant complications;
  • the ability to perform the procedure in the summer without the risk of skin damage.

The disadvantage is that after exposure to retinol, the skin acquires a yellow tint, which, in combination with strong peeling, does not allow you to lead a normal lifestyle.

In addition, a high concentration of retinol has an ambiguous effect on the human body, so the procedure has many contraindications.

Indications and contraindications for retinoic resurfacing

Yellow peeling is most often used to rejuvenate the face, neck, décolleté and hands. The procedure is recommended for mature ladies, but it is not contraindicated at a young age - with excessive freckling or keratosis.

Good results can be obtained in the following cases:

  • mimic wrinkles;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • photoaging;
  • keratosis;
  • acne marks or scars;
  • acne.

The procedure is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those who are planning a pregnancy in the coming year - this is due to the teratogenic effect of retinol on the fetus.

Peeling should not be used if there are warts and wounds on the face, people with a weakened liver, and those who are taking medications that are not compatible with vitamin A.

Caution should be exercised for those who are prone to allergies.

Preparation and stages of the procedure

To achieve a noticeable result, a rather long preparatory period is required - from two to four weeks. First of all, it depends on the type of skin that you have. For example, the Asian type has an increased sensitivity to the drug, and in this case, long-term preparation is simply necessary.

A doctor will help you assess the condition of your skin and determine its belonging to a particular type during a preliminary examination.

The specialist prescribes home use of creams and masks with a low concentration of vitamin A to soften the skin and prepare it for peeling.

In addition, the doctor is obliged to ask what medications you are taking and whether you are planning to conceive a child in the near future.

If it turns out that the patient suffers from herpes, then to prevent rashes, it will be necessary to take an antiviral drug even before the procedure itself begins.

During peeling, the specialist carefully removes cosmetics from the face and applies a mixture of salicylic and glycolic acids, which help to quickly exfoliate dead skin cells. Then retinoic acid is applied - even such a sensitive area as the area around the eyes is covered with the composition.

Further, depending on the concentration of the mixture, the active substance is either washed off after twenty minutes, or remains on the face for several hours. After removing the acid, the skin must be moisturized with a remedy prescribed by a specialist.

and in what cases it is applied, you can find out on our website.

Darsonvalization of the face: how to do and how many procedures are needed for a good result, you can read.

And how many myostimulation procedures are needed and how this technique works for losing weight and eliminating the “orange peel”, read.

Recovery and skin care after

Before the procedure, be sure to ask your doctor how to care for your face after yellow peeling. For several days after peeling, the epidermis intensively peels off, coming off with transparent films. At this time, slight itching and discomfort are possible.

The skin may differ in shade in those places where the old layer has not yet come off. You should not speed up the process yourself, let the keratinized scales come off gradually. In the post-peeling period after yellow peeling, it is extremely important to use care products recommended by a specialist.

At the end of peeling (which usually takes from 3 to 7 days), young cells remain on the surface of the epidermis, which do not yet have sufficient protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Therefore, the first weeks after the procedure, the use of sunscreen is simply necessary. It is also advisable to change the usual foundation to one that is able to withstand ultraviolet radiation.

It is not recommended to use other abrasive procedures before the end of the course, it is allowed to wash your face only with products for sensitive skin. During the procedure, it is undesirable to resort to hair coloring or perm, and cosmetics containing vitamin A or its analogues should not be used.

Look at the photo, how the skin peeling stage goes after yellow peeling:


Even at the stage of peeling, the difference between the descending and young skin is clearly noticeable:

  • healthy color is restored;
  • wrinkles are smoothed;
  • deep folds become less pronounced;
  • freckles and age spots disappear;
  • acne spots or scars become less noticeable;
  • eliminates dryness and flaking.

To better understand the results of chemical yellow face peeling, you should read the reviews of those who have tried the method (they are presented at the end of the article) and look at the before and after photos:

Possible complications and consequences

After peeling, many people experience a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin, cosmetic products prescribed by a doctor will help to cope with these problems.

There may be slight swelling or redness - these phenomena are temporary and will pass in a few days. Most often, complications arise if you carry out yellow peeling at home. An incorrectly calculated concentration of the active substance, the lack of a proper preparatory period - all this can lead to burns, inflammation and severe itching.

A negative reaction of the body to the combination of retinol and the medication you are taking is not excluded. To minimize the risk of possible complications, entrust the delicate procedure to a qualified specialist.

Course duration and prices in salons

Many people are interested in the question - how often can retinoic peeling be done and how much will yellow peeling cost? Let's figure it out together.

The required course usually includes 3 to 5 procedures, with an average interval of two weeks. If peeling is intended rather for the prevention of aging, then one procedure can be dispensed with.

The results are stored for at least five months, you can repeat the course only after six months. The average price for one procedure of retinoic peeling is from 3 to 5 thousand.

But when calculating the full cost of the yellow cleansing course, do not forget to take into account the cost of care products during the recovery period - they usually cost from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

In pursuit of beauty, women sometimes make the most unthinkable sacrifices. If you are not afraid of the prospect of peeling skin and the inability to leave the house for several days, yellow peeling suits you. And the reward for temporary inconvenience will be young, ruddy skin and a sense of irresistibility.

Customer opinion

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video of how the retinoic (yellow) peeling procedure takes place:

Effective retinoic peeling at home is possible, and this is evidenced by the numerous reviews of women practicing this procedure on their own. But to think that it is very easy to make it is a mistake. You need to know a certain number of nuances to get the expected result.

If you have already decided to carry out cosmetic manipulations at home, let's study all the subtleties of the process. And let's start with the basics.

First of all, let's clarify the terminology. Yellow peeling is called retinol and retinoic. Many (even experts) identify these two procedures. Meanwhile, they have some differences. So retinol peeling involves the use of vitamin A. Retinoic - skin treatment with retinoic acid, which includes retinoids - artificial substitutes for vitamin A.

The first option is softer, does not have such an aggressive effect on the epidermis. But at the same time, less effective in the presence of serious problems.

The second option can be attributed to superficial median procedures. Therefore, the impact is somewhat more powerful. However, such manipulation requires more careful preparation and longer recovery.

The principle of action of retinoic peeling is as follows: the active components, coming into contact with the skin, penetrate into the epidermal tissues. They regulate processes in cells and intercellular spaces, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, and have an exfoliating effect.

Yellow peeling at home is capable of the following actions:

  • removal of a layer of keratinized cells from the surface;
  • improvement of oxygen exchange, assimilation of nutrients;
  • stimulation of the production of protein compounds responsible for the condition of the skin;
  • activation of regenerative processes;
  • complex improvement of the epidermis;
  • normalization of blood microcirculation;
  • strengthening local immunity;
  • improved hydration of the skin;
  • lifting effect;
  • smoothing the microrelief and skin tone;
  • removal of hyperpigmentation;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes, acne, pimples, blackheads, comedones;
  • prevention of oncological neoplasms on the skin.

Before proceeding to consider how to do yellow peeling at home, let's pay attention to the indications and contraindications.

Retinol peeling at home recommended for women aged 30-35 years. Cosmetologists say that younger ladies without good reason do not make such a procedure. For their skin, this is too aggressive.

Direct indications for peeling with retinol are such conditions and defects of the epidermis:

  • signs of photo and chronoaging;
  • mimic wrinkles and skin folds;
  • loss of elasticity, sagging, sagging;
  • change in the structure of the oval of the face;
  • acne, comedones, sebaceous plugs, pimples, milia;
  • increased oiliness or dryness of the skin;
  • hyperkeratosis and keratomas;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • scars, scars, post-acne.

Peeling with vitamin A or its derivatives at home will help to effectively cope with the above problems.

Manufacturers of cosmetics in the description of preparations for self-retinal peeling indicate all the precautions that must be strictly observed.

As we have already found out, peeling with retinoic ointment at home, as well as other products containing vitamin A or its derivatives, is a useful and effective procedure. However, despite all the advantages, this type of cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the skin has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account in order to exclude possible side effects.

Retinol peeling is prohibited in such cases:

  • during an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • at elevated body temperature, regardless of genesis;
  • allergy to aspirin;
  • individual intolerance to any of their components of the selected agent;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • herpetic infection in the acute stage;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin at the site of application of the working composition;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • oncology of any localization;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

If you are taking drugs with vitamin A in the composition, it is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure, otherwise severe burns may occur. It should take at least six months after the course of such therapy.

Now we go directly to the question of how to make yellow peeling with your own hands.

You can make retinoic peeling at home using ready-made preparations that are sold in pharmacies or beauty salons. This option is the simplest and most secure, since all components of the tool are balanced. In the annotation, manufacturers indicate the concentration of acids, the presence of auxiliary components, the protocol for the procedure itself.

Read the instructions carefully and follow all the advice. This minimizes the risk of unpleasant consequences in the form of burns, severe peeling, cracking of the skin, edema, and hyperemia.

However, you can also prepare the composition yourself from the components purchased at the pharmacy. It is clear that retinoic acid will be the main component.

The easiest recipe for retinoic peeling:

  • retinoic acid 20% - 3 ml;
  • distilled water - 3 ml.

Pour water into a non-metallic container and carefully add the acid (exactly in this sequence!) Apply the composition to a pre-prepared face with a soft fan brush and leave overnight. Wash off in the morning with plenty of cool water. To thoroughly remove the remnants of the composition, use a makeup remover. Pay special attention to the areas at the corners of the nose and along the hairline. Then lubricate the skin with rose oil - rub a few drops in the palms of your hands and apply on the face.

The composition of yellow peeling at home, which will effectively cope with excessive oily skin:

  • retinoic acid 10% - 1.5 ml;
  • salicylic acid - 1.5 ml;
  • distilled water - 3 ml.

First you need to gently mix the acids in a glass or enamel bowl. Then pour the acid mixture into water (not vice versa!). Apply to the prepared skin of the face with a cosmetic brush in an even layer. Leave after drying for 7 hours. After that, rinse with a cool rein and lubricate the skin with panthenol.

Retinoic Peeling Recipes very simple. But before applying the composition to the face, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, drop a drop of the product on the inner side of the elbow bend and leave for 6-7 hours. If there are no sharp reactions and allergic manifestations after this time, you can use it for its intended purpose.

Preparation for peeling begins 2-4 weeks before the proposed procedure. 4 weeks will be required if your code is too tanned, oily, there are signs of pronounced hyperkeratosis. In all other cases, pre-peeling care is halved.


  • refuse to visit the solarium, baths, saunas, do not expose the skin to excessive insolation;
  • do not use cosmetics with highly concentrated acids in the composition;
  • regularly apply a cream with glycolic acid or retinols - this will help soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Then, when applying the composition, maximum impact is guaranteed.

Yellow peeling at home is practically no different from the same procedure in the salon. In particular - according to the rules of preparation for manipulation.

The protocol of the procedure itself is standard:

  • cleansing of makeup, dust and dirt;
  • surface treatment with an active compound;
  • the exposure time depends on the chosen agent. In the finished product, manufacturers indicate this parameter, when using a home remedy - an average of 5-7 hours;
  • removal of the workforce. It is suggested either rinsing with plenty of cool water, or rubbing with a soda solution;
  • applying cream - panthenol, a special post-peeling, moisturizing, nourishing. When buying a finished product, post-care products may be offered in the kit.

Note! During exposure, discomfort may occur in the form of burning, tightening, tingling. As a rule, burning and tingling pass quickly, tightness is quite normal. If the discomfort is too strong, you should immediately wash off the peeling composition and lubricate the skin with panthenol.

The rules for skin care after yellow peeling are no different from the standard rules for any dry cleansing of the face.

  1. You should refuse to visit places with high humidity and temperature (sauna, bath, swimming pool), do not expose the skin to natural or artificial insolation. The limitation period is at least a month.
  2. Lubricate the skin with products containing panthenol or other products that promote the rapid restoration of epidermal tissues.
  3. To moisturize, use natural-based creams, thermal water. Observe the drinking regime.
  4. At least a month do not use scrubs (any).
  5. Before going out, be sure to apply sunscreen with an UV protection of at least 30.

Retinol face peel at home better to plan for the weekend. And even better - on vacation in order to fully recover and not be complex due to the inevitable side effects (darkening of the skin, peeling).

Experts recommend doing chemical peels in salons. This precautionary measure is understandable. Acids are highly corrosive substances. And if something goes wrong, a professional will quickly navigate the situation and be able to effectively neutralize the composition, which is difficult to achieve on their own.

  • carry out the procedure in the season of high solar activity. It is better to postpone manipulations for autumn or winter;
  • the interval between sessions is at least 3 weeks. The course averages 4 procedures. You can repeat no more than once a year;
  • a month before and a month after retinol peeling, do not use scrubs so as not to injure the skin;
  • follow all the rules of pre-peel preparation and post-care.

Making yellow peeling at home is not so difficult. But how to carry out the procedure correctly, whether there are indications and contraindications, which home recipe or purchased remedy to choose - it is better to ask a beautician.


Yellow peeling for the face at home is a great alternative to salon care. However, the result will be expected, given all the nuances of the procedure.

Cleansing, healing and rejuvenating the skin with retinoic acid or vitamin A derivatives will be effective if all the rules and precautions are followed. After all, a woman's face is her pride and the subject of constant unrest. Do not conduct unjustified experiments with your appearance.

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