What are Sales Leads? Search for potential buyers. Increase in sales

Sales leads differ in criteria such as profitability, level and duration of the sales cycle. In accordance with these parameters, they are usually divided into 3 types:

Leads in sales: degree of warmth

This is a conditional concept. In each company, this criterion can be qualified in different ways. However, there is common signs characteristic of these types of leads.

Cold- These are potential buyers who already know something about you, but do not yet want or have not yet expressed a desire to buy from you. These can be clients who register for free events, leave a request for a consultation, or fill out a form on the site to receive free useful information.

It takes a lot more effort to sell to such potential customers than to warm ones. The number of touches of such customers until the moment of purchase will be maximum.

Warm- This type of buyer has already expressed interest in buying, but is not yet ready to make a final decision without your help. These may be buyers who have left a request for the purchase of a product, but need additional advice.

They may be at the stage of choosing between you and your competitors. But the main emphasis should be on the fact that he considers your company as a seller. And at this stage it is very important to involve the best sales managers.

Hot- These are buyers who ask almost only one question: "Where to pay?". With such a client, the number of touches is minimal. No need to convince, close his objections and compare products. He is ready to buy. Here, now and right here with you.

Of course, such a client is the dream of any company. There are few such leads, but nonetheless they exist. The reasons why they become hot can be different. The main one is a well-built sales funnel.

Distribute all received contacts according to the degree of warmth, calculate the conversion to sale for each group, and correctly set up the system for their distribution among managers.

How to distribute leads between managers

Here it is important to pay attention to the quality and terms of processing leads, depending on the degree of their warmth.

Important advice! Give away hot leads the best managers. Not the other way around, as is often the case. Some entrepreneurs believe that if a potential client has already shown interest, then he is guaranteed to buy. Therefore, they shift the main focus to attracting leads, and their conversion into sales is handled by weaker managers. This often leads to the loss of a client.

If the same thing happens to you, pay attention to this moment. Give good applications to managers who sell well. And even a beginner can be put on cold calls. But only if sales scripts are implemented.

Number of customer touches before the first sale

Find the rarest and "sweetest"

Seeds ("seeds"). These are the sales leads that the company received as a result of the word-of-mouth effect. Usually they do not make up the highest proportion of the total incoming traffic flow. Most often, it is on this type of leads that a start-up business with low turnover and still low costs relies.


  • High profitability
  • High conversion rate


Positive word of mouth is almost always not launched as a result of understandable marketing efforts. It manifests itself as an "echo" of a professionally rendered service or customer satisfaction from the quality of the product. All that remains for the company is to get "seeds", to stay on top, working with customer loyalty to its product.

Think of Internet Marketing as a Klondike

Find the biggest contractors

Spears ("spears") - the opposite of "nets". These are leads that appear as a result of efforts and a specific employee. Obtaining this type of lead requires a focused effort and individual approach. In this case, sellers work for the quality of sales, and not for their quantity.

Managers themselves find counterparties when outbound marketing tools are used - point calls, meetings, telemarketing. This is usually how companies find their biggest customers.


  • Predictable results
  • Point targeting
  • Quick Feedback


Given the ways in which spears are obtained, this is not cost effective when dealing with small clients.

Observe the "trinity" - seeds, nets and spears

In a company, the lead generation process should be carried out taking into account the fact that all three types of contacts are necessary. It is important to understand that you need both Nets, Spears, and Seeds.

1. The presence of "seeds" is very useful, as it gives ground for analysis and drawing up a portrait of the target audience. After all, they are the “satisfied” customers, if we use the terms of the study of the Loyalty Index (Net Promoter Score), the so-called,.

As a result of seed research, the marketing department has data on the needs of the ideal customer. This information contributes to the preparation of high-quality and attractive content for inbound marketing, that is, obtaining targeted "nets"

2. The wide influx of “nets” from online marketing efforts, in turn, gives rise to the classification of sales leads and niches. It is on the basis of working with "nets" that the training of new employees and the advanced training of experienced salespeople are built. Only by generating lead generation for these unpredictable “nos” can you expect your company’s salespeople to become true experts in their industry.

3. It is usually difficult to get large customers, so-called “spears”, with the help of inbound marketing. Unless by chance. But for the most part, leads of this type are the result of the ingenuity and sophistication of the department's most advanced salespeople. These are sales of the highest aerobatics using the skills of the latest level - negotiation techniques, public speaking, experience in presentations to large buyers.

4 Best Ways to Meet Your Britney Spears

Regardless of the type of sales lead, there are some of the most well-established ways to get them.

1. Electronic book(eBook). Best Solution for B2P and B2B segments. Works especially well in the areas of technically complex products and high-tech solutions. Professionals love to learn and gain new knowledge. Give them this opportunity. But make sure the eBook doesn't directly hint at selling the product anywhere. If it is of high quality, then in itself it can become a well-selling product, and not just a method of lead generation. You can download such a book for free download or for money on a company blog or landing page.

2. Your own blog, by the way, with its SEO optimization and creation of really valuable content, is, according to Western experts who have eaten a dog on sales, the most powerful lead generation tool. Recall that it should provide opportunities not only for reading quality content, but also:

  • register to receive useful newsletters
  • eBook downloads (if available)
  • requests for a call, consultation, webinar, etc.
  • product acquisition

3. Webinars are not the most expensive way to get your ideas across to the outside world. Now there are plenty of services and platforms that will provide a webinar "room" and the service attached to this business. All you need to do is to find the real demand or "pain" of your target audience and put together a webinar. Promote it with SMM, email, cold calls.

It is better to hold webinars with a constant or increasing frequency. During the webinar, you can invite attendees to download an eBook, subscribe to a newsletter, visit a blog, fill out an application for a discount, etc.

4. On the one hand, now the "digital" world provides us with a lot of opportunities to find buyers. But we should not forget the advantages of offline networking. Even if the events are not directly related to the business, still many of these "real" events can provide you with leads from the "spears" category. Big partners are especially good from the people you meet at such events. So stock up on good old business cards and expand your network of contacts manually.

Leads in sales: plans for marketers

Setting plans for sales departments is one of the main business axioms. But often entrepreneurs forget that the marketing department also needs its own plans. It is important to set goals for the number of attracted leads, determine channels and allowable cost per lead.

As in the business unit, marketers must be tied to the execution of the plan. It might look like this: 50% - guaranteed salary + 50% upon reaching the goal.

Leads in sales: forget about the "multi-station"

Sales Leads: Set up Basic Reporting

Important to set up basic system reporting to see the reach of the audience (the number of people who were shown the ad), the number of clicks to the site or landing, the conversion to requests and its cost.

This must be done for each sales channel. In the future, these basic indicators will become the starting point for increasing the result.

Leads in sales: create a YouTube channel

Leads in sales: engage in SMM

Leads in sales will appear the sooner, the faster you deal with SMM - promotion of a company / product in social networks. So, tell me, please, how are you going to promote your YouTube channel, which was discussed above, without using the possibilities of social networks? How will they know about it? Will you just store your video on it, sometimes quite expensive to produce? Of course not. Create high-quality viral content and distribute it on Facebook, Instagram, Contact.

Follow a simple plan

  1. Find out your current status on the network, restore abandoned pages or create new ones
  2. Analyze competitor strategy
  3. Clarify the portrait of the target audience
  4. Create multiple unique selling propositions
  5. Decide on your social media presence

Sales Leads: SwipeNPS-poll

To eliminate errors in lead generation, you can conduct a survey and compile an NPS rating. These are the methods chosen by Oi-ly clients, owners of the Powerhouse Gym Reutov fitness club. Initially, they sold 2 types of cards - with a bath complex (red cards) and without this service. The calculation was made that buyers of a cheaper subscription will see the advantages of the bath complex and want to buy a full card.

However, there were no transitions to more expensive services. But the red card holders in the NPS survey noted an injustice: they can not always get to training at the desired time, since the owners of cheaper cards take seats in the hall.

The owners of the club decided to close sales of the second type of season tickets. Fans of the club from this category still purchased subscriptions with additional services. Some of the clients, however, stopped attending training. But they were replaced by more solvent visitors.

By the way, to keep the most solvent customers, use this tool. Raise prices by 10% first, then a little more, and so on until you see an outflow of customers. If your product is of high quality or unique, then you will be able to significantly increase your profits.

Another lead generation option that works in many areas is the “bring a friend” campaign. Ask clients to recommend your services to friends or family. As a rule, many willingly go forward and bring acquaintances. Don't forget to come up with nice bonus for your promoters. For example, give a discount or gift extra service time.

Leads in sales: start word of mouth

Lead generation assumes that you have set up a business process not only to attract, but also to retain customers. This is facilitated by "word of mouth" radio. Here is another story from Roman Tarasenko.

Pharmacy network in Western Siberia used standard program loyalty for its customers - issued a card with a 5% discount. But the problem is that discounts start working if they allow you to save at least 12% of the cost of a product or service. But for most businesses, this is a devastating figure that eats up all operating profits. So the pharmacy chain could not allow such an action to be launched.

Marketers conducted an RFM analysis and determined the portrait of the buyer: elderly ladies most often came to buy medicines. It was this category of customers that was targeted by the new promotion. When such a grandmother came and the total cost of her purchase did not exceed 1,500 rubles, the network gave her the selected drugs for free, thanking her for choosing their pharmacy.

According to estimates, the lady told at least 8 of her friends about the gift she received, and they retold the story further. That is, word-of-mouth marketing was launched, the cost of which was significantly lower than other types of promotion.

Greetings, dear readers blog. Today we will talk about the formation of business processes aimed at performing certain actions by users who have landed on your site with a service or product.

In the article, we will consider such a concept as sales leads and how to turn them into real orders.

What are sales leads

« Lead” is a modern term that has become part of business processes in our country quite recently. The very concept of Lead has its own translation of “lead, lead”. But it is worth considering the definition more clearly.

In the field of sales, there are several phenomena that can be called leads at once:

  • An application for the purchase, which is issued after visiting the site.
  • Orders that have already been placed.
  • A phone call to an organization that sells a product.
  • Completed questionnaires, where a person indicates his data.

Leads can be called certain actions from specific buyers who are selected according to certain parameters. So we figured out what sales leads are.

About types of leads

  • Consumer. They are focused on collecting information about certain users.
  • Target. Directed strictly on something to act.

It is necessary to give people the right motives so that they take the appropriate steps to achieve results. And tell why this or that product is considered the best. If you create the right motives, then the action will be performed. And the buyer will cease to be potential, but will become real. Lead sales will end.

The purpose of the concept of leads

For sales, leads are effective and useful tools. They help you make a profit and move your business forward. And help save money on traditional advertising. The buyer will definitely return. Even if he is not yet ready to take action, but he sees the attitude of the entrepreneur.

At its core, marketing in this area has several stages. The first is the so-called generation. A special commercial offer is created for a specific key, on an individual order. Or pages are generated that are able to sell a particular product. This stage is carried out in practice by specially trained people, or with the help of automatic services.

Social pages and search engines are used to drive traffic. Great importance has the use of advertising to directly turn potential buyers into real ones. If someone is really interested in the offer, then the corresponding fields and questionnaires are filled in. After that, the lead will be sold to the customer, consumers will move to his company.

After that, marketing moves on to the next stage, which is to manage the available information. The company must do everything so that the product is bought. To do this, appropriate processing of contacts is carried out. Additionally, the conditions under which the transaction is made are stipulated. The client's data is still entered into the database, even if now he is not ready to perform certain actions.

Consumers must be sent advertising messages. They are informed about promotions and special offers that operate in this moment. This is unobtrusive communication, but in most cases it is enough to form a stable demand. The conversion goes up. And buyers do not forget about the offer that exists for them.

Payment for services and purchase of goods is the ultimate goal of any actions that are carried out in this direction.

At the same time, it is assumed a large number of tools to achieve results:

  • cross-sell technology.

The customer is offered a number of so-called related products. During the final payment, a fairly serious discount can be provided. It is impossible to imagine modern marketing without this technique.

  • Up-sell technology.

When using technology, customers receive an offer to purchase a product with a slightly higher price than in normal situations. Thanks to this, the direct conversion of leads into real customers becomes more effective. Customers begin to think that they can actually buy a worthwhile product.

  • Organization of secondary sales.

Repeat sales for those who have already used the feature or opportunity.

  • deferred demand.

It assumes that for some time the client receives mailings with information about certain products.

Lead generation is not the only stage of which marketing is carried out in this direction. We must constantly work on improving the sales department. It is recommended to pay special attention to customers who are not yet ready to make purchases. It is from them that often depends on what the indicators for the final conversion will be.

Lead Scoring is an interesting technique that any company should adopt, regardless of cost. This term is well described on Wikipedia. This is the name of the ranking technique for potential buyers. With proper use, the results become several times better.

This is powerful tool, which is needed in order to create a customer who is ready to make a purchase at the moment. And who has the appropriate financial resources. In this case, customers pay for attracting so-called real customers. There are several methods that can optimize this process.

  • First, reports on successful transactions are studied. And the ranking of customers, which has already given some results in practice. If there are not so many customers after that, then the selection criteria need to be changed.
  • Separately, they study customers with an initial high rating, who never took a real action. Specialists should not waste time on those who are not able to become a real consumer.
  • Recommended Special attention give to the compilation of socio-demographic characteristics. As a result, conversion can depend heavily on taking into account such factors.
  • The relationship between the activity of leads and their purchasing power is also studied.

About leads in the CRM system

  • Customer.
  • Interest.

Depending on the characteristics of potential consumers, information about them is stored various methods. The final choice is also influenced by the characteristics of the CRM systems for leads. Are used different names, although the function remains the same. Many schemes have already been implemented. Everyone chooses the best option, it is difficult to give recommendations in this regard.

Between interests and customers is the lead group itself. This is the name of potential customers who have already shown a specific interest in a particular direction. But, at the same time, a concrete action has not yet been taken.

In social networks, many companies communicate with representatives of the "interest" group. In this case, the communication itself takes place in an anonymous mode. After all, managers often do not even know the minimum contact details of those with whom they communicate. It is very difficult to tell if there is really a real person on the other end, ready to make a purchase.

A lead appears when representatives of the "interest" group begin to give their personal and specific data, at least in part.

Leads in sales: what is it according to the CRM system

The creation of leads in these systems occurs either manually or automatically. The main sources are:

  • Third parties that share contact information.
  • Phone calls.
  • Incoming emails.
  • Request via form using feedback on the official site.

High-quality work is impossible without specifying, identifying the source. Otherwise, it will be impossible to understand how effectively certain channels work. Or determine where the request came from, how to deal with it further.

Be sure to check whether the entered data is correct. This process can also be automated if desired. You need to confirm that the phone number belongs to a specific person. A lead cannot be considered complete if only information that belongs to a particular company is indicated, is corporate, and does not contain any additions.

There is following tips on the optimal setting of the CRM system. First, all requests automatically come to the system, the source does not play a role. The request is attached to the card of a specific client, if specialists already have information about him. The notification comes to the manager responsible for the work in this direction. If the information was missing before, a new card is automatically created. Without this, work with a lead is impossible.

It is desirable to make sure that the manual mode when entering data is minimized. Usually this is done only when working with incoming calls. And other situations when data is received offline.


There is not only a technology for creating new leads, but also reprocessing for those with whom it was not possible to establish contact. It is important to collect as much information as possible about why the person refused further cooperation. If you compose a farewell letter according to all the rules, someone may return. Getting a lead will bring more results.

In other cases, the information is collected, but the lead is simply postponed for the future. There is always the possibility that plans had to be abandoned right now. But in general there is an interest in receiving a service or product. Therefore, his contacts remain in the company for the future. Perhaps later, upon repeated contact, the buyer will be ready to communicate again and take the necessary action. I hope you understand what sales leads are and how to convert them into real customers. Do not forget to subscribe to the blog newsletter and repost the article. All the best.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Not so long ago, in one of the projects, I had to tell the client in detail what a lead is and why it is needed in the CRM system in particular, and for the work of his sales department in general. As practice shows, this case is far from isolated. Our businessmen understand what a client is, what a contact is, but the word lead baffles many people. And those who are familiar with this terminology very often mean by the word “lead” something of their own, different from the basic concepts.
Blame for the current situation and lack of reference literature, written in a simple and understandable language, and the creators of various systems for business, who often introduce their own terminology or use generally accepted terms to refer to structures whose functions may differ in one direction or another from the basic concept of "lead".
In this article, I decided to summarize my, in fact, very great experience in this issue, and understand in detail: what is a lead, why it is needed in sales and how it is used in CRM systems.

Lead: definition

Lead (lead, target lead) - a potential client who in one way or another reacted to marketing communication. The term lead has become customary to denote a potential buyer, contact with him, received for subsequent managerial work with a client.

Lead (lead) is translated from English as a clue, evidence, binding. In Russian, the closest concept to the word lead is a potential client, i.e. a person who, on his own behalf or as a representative of the company, shows some interest in the products / services and in the future may enter into a transaction with the seller.

I believe that a lead is the contact details of a person who has shown a real interest in the company's products and services and can become a real client in the future. Any sales manager knows that in order to work with potential clients, it is necessary to have at least the contact details of a specific person with whom it will be possible to work further (identify interests and needs, form an offer, discuss the terms of a transaction, etc.). That is why I emphasize that a lead is not just an interest, but the contacts of a particular person.

For example, an interest can be either a request through a feedback form or an incoming call, or a simple comment on social networks. “Interest” is any attention shown, including anonymous attention. It is also incorrect to call the data set “company and corporate phone number” a lead. But if this phone number is accompanied by the name of a person who has the right to discuss your interests on behalf of the company and shows interest in your products or services, this set of contacts is already a lead. Even better, if the manager has a personal phone number and email of a person with whom he can negotiate.

Those. lead is a set of contacts of a specific real person who, on his own behalf or on behalf of the company in which he works, shows an interest in your goods or services and is authorized to negotiate and make certain decisions.

Lead in CRM system

So, we figured out what a lead is in principle, but how and why to work with it in a CRM system? We will now deal with this very popular issue.

In almost any CRM system, the contact details of potential and actual buyers are divided into three categories:

  1. Interest;
  2. Customer.
I wrote about what user interest is in the article Social CRM. Collecting the interest of Internet users. And here I will not dwell on this category in detail.

In the case of the distribution of leads, the first task may be the task of “appointing a responsible person”. Also, the head of the sales department can additionally set tasks related to the lead to the manager. For example, make a commercial offer in writing and send it by email, or make other adjustments to the process of working with the client, if necessary.

Lead processing
This is the work of a manager, which is carried out using CRM as an auxiliary tool (fixing interest, setting tasks based on the results of each step, etc.). There can be a wide range of actions:
  • Phone calls;
  • Correspondence by email;
  • Sending advertising printing to the lead;
  • Sending commercial offers or price lists;
  • Meetings in your office or on its territory, etc.
Any work with the lead up to the moment when he becomes a client belongs to this stage. The manager must identify the interests and needs of the lead, draw up a proposal, discuss possible options cooperation and, as a result, prepare an agreement for signing and / or issue an invoice for payment. By the time the contract and invoice appear, the lead becomes a client, and these actions are already being carried out with a new element - the Client Card.

It is important that all methods of interaction with the lead are recorded in the CRM system in a timely manner as tasks and reports on their implementation, in this case, the manager will always be able to view in real time at what stage of work each lead is, assist the manager, and correctly distribute the workload by specialists of the department, etc.

Transformation of a lead into a contact or a client
After obtaining consent for cooperation, a separate element is created on the basis of the lead - the Client or Contact, with which the current work then continues. This is the next stage of working with the client, in which other people may be involved, there may be another responsible person, to correctly fill out the card, information may be required that was not needed to work with the lead (TIN, OKPO, company registration certificate number, etc. .d.).

At the same time, the Client (Contact) must be “associated” with the lead, and if necessary, you can always quickly go from the client card to the lead card, for example, to clarify some data from the history of negotiations at the initial stage.

Why separate Lead and Contact?

The question of why in CRM they share a lead, client, contact, I am asked very often. It would seem that the work is carried out with one company or an individual, in whatever capacity they act, their data does not change. And in the CRM system there are several different directories, and when the status changes, information is copied or transferred from one directory to another.

Indeed, some CRM systems have gone the way single directory Counterparties in which only the sign in the card changes - "lead, contact, client, etc." In fact, this approach is not the best, as it greatly limits the capabilities of the CRM system.

  1. A lead and a customer can have very different contact information. For example, a company could get a lead at an exhibition. And it indicates - what exhibition was, with whom they communicated, the contact phone of this person. And by the time the lead becomes a client, the manager is already in contact with completely different people, has a lot more information about the company, and therefore the cards ultimately differ significantly.
  2. There are tasks, such as sending out an auction offer, that will be of interest to leads, but not needed by customers. And vice versa, some alerts that are important for customers do not need to be seen by leads. And this division helps to sort them conveniently.
  3. History storage and analytics. Separation of leads and clients allows you to store the history of work with a lead and a client separately, see exactly the moment when a lead became a client, receive detailed reports on work with leads and clients, including for past periods. This allows you to analyze the quality of work of the sales department and each manager, as well as the effectiveness of work with each specific lead and client.
  4. Control of the completeness of the lead and client cards. By the quality of filling out the card and the amount of information received during interaction with a potential client, one can also evaluate the quality of the manager's work. And if it is normal for a lead to fill in 3-5 fields (full name, phone number, interest, company, etc.), then for a client the normal number of filled information fields can reach 10-15 pieces. And it will not be true if they all appear in one general report, the manager will have to manually review each card that raises questions to make sure that it is filled out correctly.
  5. The lead and the client may have different responsible persons. For example, a telemarketing employee could work with a lead. A sales representative is already working with the client. And it is also important to save both states, including for future analysis, so that the heads of these responsible persons can analyze the quality of the employee’s work at any time, including for a long period of time.
  6. Control of the transformation of leads into contacts. After the lead requests and receives a commercial offer, concludes an agreement or makes the first purchase, he is transformed into a Client in the CRM system. At the same time, a link to the lead remains in the client card, i.e. these cards are "linked" to each other. And the manager at any time can see what percentage of leads have transformed into customers, how quickly leads pass or do not pass this transformation.
Thus, the separation of the lead and the client provides many more opportunities for analytics and quality control than using a common Contact card.

What is lead generation?

When it comes to leads, one more concept is often mentioned, this is lead generation. In essence, if a lead is a goal, then lead generation is the process of obtaining leads. That is why I also decided to say a few words about lead generation in this article.
Lead generation is a marketing tactic aimed at finding potential customers with specific contact information.

Those. when ordering lead generation, the performer (company or individual) undertakes to find a certain number of leads (potential customers) for the customer company, as well as either collect their contact information or direct their flow to the site, where they themselves leave their contact information and etc.

How it works? For example, a manufacturing company participates in an exhibition where it collects data from potential customers, after which this data is distributed among the manufacturer's dealers in their regions.

One more example. The organizers of the forum, for example, programmers play a prize. To participate in the lottery, you must leave a card with your contact details to the organizers and allow the forum organizers to process and use them. Further, all these cards are transferred to headhunters with whom a contract for lead generation was concluded.

Lead generation is even more widespread on the Internet, where the contact details of interested parties are collected very actively using various questionnaires, prize draws, interesting subscriptions, etc. In most cases, companies that need to contact potential customers do not deal with these issues themselves, but hire specialists for this.

Also, “lead generation” is often referred to as work on contact databases of potential customers. Personally, I think that this method is closer to spam and should not be called full-fledged lead generation. The essence of the method is that the company buys a database of enterprises that, by the nature of their activities, may turn out to be potential customers. Next, people (often freelancers) are hired for cold calling.

What is the result? For example, out of a database of 1000 phones, 10 or 20 potential customers show real interest. Employees take contact information from them and transfer it to the sales department for further processing. It would seem that the leads have been received. At the same time, the base was quite inexpensive, freelancers are also usually paid only for leads, and not for every call. Profitable and convenient.

In fact, it's not like that at all. Such “telephone spam” is a low-paid job, which means that people who do not have high qualifications take on it. As a result, you have to spend your time and effort on strict control of their activities, which can also be safely considered as expenses, since the manager at this time cannot be engaged in other activities that are more useful for the company. In addition, it is important to understand that you get 10 customers, but the remaining 990 are lost to you for at least a few months, if not forever. "Telephone spam" annoys people, and low level training of people who agree to such work, also exacerbates the unpleasant impression. Therefore, I personally believe that such work is not a full-fledged lead generation, and often harms the business much more than it helps.

Reprocessing leads

In addition to lead generation, i.e. attracting new leads, and ongoing work with existing leads, there is such a thing as reprocessing leads. In this case, leads who refused to cooperate for one reason or another are not deleted from the system, but are marked as “refused”.

What can be done after that?

  1. Send a farewell letter. This letter expresses regret that the client is leaving, offers a short questionnaire to help clarify the reasons for the refusal, perhaps also unobtrusively suggests some kind of alternative solution, and so on. In some cases, after farewell letter, if it is written correctly, of course, the potential client comes back.
  2. Collect as much information as possible about the reason for the refusal and postpone the lead for the future. Perhaps the refusal is due to a change in plans or lack of funds in this moment, but, in principle, the lead is interested in your products and services. Leave it in the database along with all the collected information. Congratulate him on calendar holidays by email, after some time the manager may return to re-communication. Perhaps by that time the lead will already be ready for cooperation.


I believe that in order to build a high-quality sales system using CRM, it is very important to separate Leads and Contacts (Clients). This is necessary both for the convenience of current work with different categories, and for high-quality detailed analytics and quality control of the work of each employee of the sales department.

Leads are the very first stage of any sales, without leads it is impossible to imagine any business. And how well the work with leads will be built, how actively they will be attracted, and how well each of them will be worked out in the sales department, the profit of any company directly depends.

We give knowledge!

It is customary to call a lead a client who is interested in a product or service and who left his application on the site or filled out the registration form

The term "lead generation" (lead-generation), despite its wide meaning in the field of marketing, primarily refers to online promotion. If the site is not an online store where you can order and pay for goods online, then if it is not “sharpened” for direct sales, it actually works to generate leads.

A completed application, registration form, contacts left on the site by the client - this is the generated lead. Lead management (lead-management) is a general global process lead management and management. The way you then manage the received data: call, arrange delivery, make a sale, send promotional letters, and so on - this is lead management, that is, lead management. Lead management as a process consists of several stages.

One of the most significant and interesting for us (and we, as site owners, are interested in effective sales) is lead generation

We prepare special selling pages and commercial offers on the site, attract traffic to them - from social networks, search engines we buy ads. A lot of people come, and those who are really interested in our offer become potential buyers. They fill out the form, leave a request and become leads. The next step is lead management. lead management. Our task is to competently and accurately use the information received and lead the client to a purchase. We get in touch, discuss the terms of the deal.

If for some reason the client is not ready to make a purchase right now, we enter his contacts into the database of pent-up demand and continue to periodically inform him about our promotions by mailing, call, stimulate demand - that is, we keep in touch and unobtrusively “loom on the horizon” . Lead management should lead to one goal - sales.

A variety of tools are used for this: deferred demand, secondary sales, up-sell technology (offering a product to the same lead at a higher price or more expensive than he was going to buy initially); cross-sell technology (offering related products).

A website is a lead generator, a resource that attracts new customers to you.

But further work with leads depends on the activity of you and your managers. On the site, you can set up an automated offer to customers of products from the cross-sell and up-sell series - we will talk about these technologies in a separate article. Build your own sales technology and don't be afraid of new terms. Contact the Internet holding SalesGeneration if something is not clear to you and you need clarity in definitions and verified accuracy in selling actions. And let your site attract more and more new customers!
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