Where can you go to serve in the army. Military service (all about military service)

I, as a person who has served recently and has just retired, will talk about what modern elite troops Russia. A list of them will be presented below. By any criteria, of course, one cannot judge belonging to the elite. Therefore, we single out the most popular and having strict requirements for conscripts, military units.

List of elite troops of the Russian Federation

1. FSO Presidential Regiment. The name speaks of the necessary inclusion in the elite troops of Russia. The rating of the Federal Security Service speaks for itself. The basis for enrollment in the regiment is Slavic appearance, excellent physical data and a height of at least 180 cm. The soldiers are engaged in protecting the presidential residence, participating in guards of honor, including at the inauguration of the president and near the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I think that everyone would like to be in the place of these guys who, in any weather, carry out their service in this significant place. In addition, the cavalry is famous. Therefore, those who have riding skills have a good chance of getting into the Presidential Regiment. Of course, conscript soldiers need to observe military secrets (not to chatter), not to have bad habits. Also, conscripts with tattoos are not taken to the Presidential Regiment. Those who served in the presidential troops have a good opportunity to work in the Presidential Security Service.

2. Marines. The kind of troops that can also compete in the FSO for the title of the most elite troops in Russia. The list of feats that were accomplished in various conflicts, wars, including the Great Patriotic War, is huge. Black berets are the most popular among conscripts. The most combat-ready and deadly troops are intended not only for naval operations. They also do their work on land, capturing coastlines fortified by the enemy. Marines are the only ones who can land from the air and sea. Marine Corps is part of all fleets Russian Federation. Accordingly, the selection for the Marine Corps is quite tough, and without good physical shape or a rank in sports, it is almost impossible to get there.

3. Rocket troops strategic purpose are a unique type of troops in modern army Russia. Almost no conscripts are recruited for military service here. The physical form is not so important, here a person needs to have exceptional knowledge in physics and mathematics. Therefore, the service is completely sedentary in a bunker or military base. The Strategic Missile Forces are the main strike and defense force of the country. Intercontinental ballistic missiles in a very short time they are capable of destroying any country in the world. There are currently 3 armies in Russia, including 12 divisions. "Rocketmen" mainly serve in the outback in the north or in Siberia, from where to get to any locality almost impossible. You need to have a high level of stress tolerance long time soldiers spend far away from civilization.

4. Airborne Troops. "No one but us" - this motto is probably familiar to everyone. The future paratrooper needs to have high stress resistance and excellent physical shape, as he will have to perform the most difficult tasks. Preference is given to candidates for master of sports in various types martial arts. " Blue berets"are one of the main striking forces of our country in various conflicts. It is not for nothing that August 2 is celebrated on a large scale, on this day they remember all the fighters who gave their lives for their homeland. After completing the service, a good opportunity opens up to get a job in the GRU or the FSB of the special forces, but a lot of envy from the candidate.

5. Space troops. Enough the new kind troops. The methods of conducting a contact war are becoming a thing of the past, and the ability to control comes first in order to protect the country from attacks from space at the right time. In addition, the tasks of launching satellites into orbit and controlling satellite systems are carried out. It is very difficult to get into the space troops, as a rule, recruits are recruited from technical universities. Like the Strategic Missile Forces, the main preference will be knowledge of mathematics and physics.

6. GRU special forces. One of the most ancient military branches of Russia. Special units were originally called Jaegers and initially carried out various assignments increased complexity. Russian special forces participated in many covert operations, including in the Chechen conflict, in the Crimea. Serious demands are placed on recruits. A future special forces fighter must have martial arts skills, it is desirable to have a rank in sports, and be psychologically stable. The GRU special forces carry out operations both within the country and abroad. And almost all of them have a secret status. After military service, the soldiers have good opportunities to work in the FSB, special units.

7. Navy. ancient view troops founded by Emperor Peter the Great. They belong to one of the most popular branches of the military. Sailors perform tasks not only to protect our borders on the water, but are also involved in many peacekeeping missions in various parts of the world. Many boys strive to get into the fleet in order to test themselves in conditions of increased limitation. Service in the army already imposes many restrictions, but being on a ship for a long time, performing challenging tasks, very difficult. Russia has the largest territory facing the sea, so the Navy is recruiting every year a large number of conscripts. For a future sailor, physical training is important, but to a greater extent, a conscript needs high stress resistance. You don’t even need to talk about sailors - submariners, this is the very elite.

Of course, service in any branch of the military is interesting and unique, but the elite are superior to the rest of the troops. It is often important for conscripts to have high physical fitness, to have martial arts techniques. For space troops, for example, the main thing in the future soldier will be considered an excellent knowledge of technical disciplines, such as physics and mathematics. The main thing is that each of the elite troops is unique in its own way. Service in the elite troops is extremely difficult, but at the same time interesting.

The well-being of absolutely any state directly depends on the national army. The more combat-ready it is, the fewer threats there will be to the country's security. But one should understand the fact that the army is system concept, which has internal features and specific structural components. Each of these elements is entrusted with a number of specific functions necessary to ensure the defense capability of the state. It must also be remembered that the army performs important tasks both in war time, and in peacetime. In the classic version, it consists of several main elements, namely: naval, ground, air forces.

In especially developed countries, there are other troops, for example, in the Russian Federation there are space troops. Secretly allocate special elite troops, which are assigned special functions. It is about such national military formations of the Russian Federation that will be discussed in the article below.

The essence of the concept

To get into the most elite troops of Russia, you need to train hard and for a long time. Many experts advise starting physical training even before the onset. Both conscripts and officers who have graduated from special universities get into the Airborne Forces. Knowledge of any martial arts or the presence of military sports training is welcome. This type of troops is the most promising in the Russian Federation, because personnel are recruited from it in the GRU, the FSB and other secret special forces units.


We examined the elite troops of Russia. Note that this list may change over time. Nevertheless, the rating is based on the facts of combat capability and detailed surveys of the population. The article also answers the question of how to get into the elite troops of Russia. In conclusion, we add that the army is the lot of strong and purposeful people. If you are one hundred percent sure of yourself, then the elite armed forces RF is waiting!

Launched October 1 the autumn draft campaign, which will last until December 31, 2012, will decide the fate of 140 thousand recruits for a year. Most will have to leave, some - for the first time in their lives far from home, find themselves in a new environment, trust in an unfamiliar and rather tough army system.

Many people remember that earlier they served in the Navy for 3 years, and in other branches and types of troops for a year less. This injustice has long been eliminated, now the service life of all conscripts is the same and is 12 months. Other indulgences appeared: if earlier serving close to home was a pipe dream, now it is within the framework of humanization army service and on the advice of psychologists, they decided that it was more comfortable and calmer to serve a soldier in his own city. True, the desired runs into Russian reality, and fully translate Russian army on the territorial principle of service does not work, because the country is too large and unevenly populated.

In addition, they began to listen more to the opinion of the conscripts themselves about where they want to serve. It is possible that the wishes about the place of service will be heard and taken into account. It is important that with recently it is forbidden by law to send conscript soldiers to hot spots. Although when it occurs emergency this cannot be completely ruled out; during the war with Georgia, among the dead Russian servicemen were conscripted soldiers.

Choice of duty stations recent times became small - conscripts serve only in units and divisions of the Ministry of Defense, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of Russia.

The largest number of conscripts are sent to Ground troops, which have recently experienced a wave of large transformations and reductions. The ground army consists of motorized rifle and tank and air assault brigades, formations of missile troops and artillery, army air defense, communications units, electronic warfare.

AT this moment about 100 brigades are scattered throughout Russia, each requiring up to 4 thousand soldiers.

Ground troopsthis is a classic service in the army with constant alerts, formations, field exits, forced marches, outfits, guards, enhanced physical training. It should be noted that earlier many soldiers were seconded from their units to " warm places"- various headquarters, prosecutor's offices or could be sent to work that is not at all legal. Now, due to a catastrophic shortage (according to some reports, it reaches 30%), regular checks are carried out in the troops, so commanders do not risk distracting their subordinates from combat training.

In the very plight today there are those soldiers who are engaged in the disposal of ammunition. Now mines and shells are being destroyed in mass quantities in all military districts, several thousand soldiers are employed in this work. Many guys complain about the almost slavish working conditions and the constant danger they are exposed to. Fighters from morning until late at night drag, carry boxes of ammunition, which can explode at any second. At the same time, living conditions are terrible: the soldiers live for several months in an open field in canvas tents for 40-60 people without normal food.

Every year the probability of getting to serve as conscripts in aviation decreases.. The Air Force is quite consistently withdrawing conscripts from its staff: first, conscripts were expelled from flight crews, then junior specialists were deleted from the states of technical and operational units. At the same time, the number of conscript soldiers was reduced to 2 thousand people, who will serve mainly as apprentices for contractors.

While conscripts are widely represented in Rocket troops strategic purpose, where up to 10 thousand people are called up every year. Their selection is very scrupulous, everyone is checked for addiction to alcohol and drugs. AT special occasions conscripts are interrogated even with the help of a lie detector, which helps to identify the criminal elements of the biography.

Back in 2009 it was stated that the entire sailing staff of the Navy will become contractual, conscripts will be left only to carry out household work on the shore. But it suddenly turned out that there were conscript sailors in the crews of Russian warships sent to the shores of war-torn Syria. Later, the Ministry of Defense had to state the indisputable fact that on surface ships Navy RF third - sailors on conscription. But it must be admitted that every year there are fewer and fewer of them and secondary tasks are given to them, and on submarines, according to the military, all sailor positions are completely given to contract soldiers.

Those who decide to connect their service with the sea are more likely to get to serve in the Marine Corps, which, by the way, are on a par with airborne units, reconnaissance and various special forces are in demand among conscripts, as they increase the chances of getting a job in some power structure after being transferred to the reserve.

The command of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia each call asks the General Staff to send about 30 thousand recruits. But military registration and enlistment offices have not been able to provide this type of troops even with 20 thousand for several years now. Nevertheless, the Internal Troops do not plan to completely switch to contract service in the near future. There remains a mixed way of picking. Now in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, about 60 thousand soldiers and sergeants-conscripts serve as soldiers. On the positive side, recently only contract soldiers have been serving in unstable regions, for example, in the North Caucasus, as well as in special forces units.

Internal troops duplicate army and police functions. There are operational, special motorized units and divisions engaged in the protection of important life support facilities and hazardous industries, including nuclear power plants and petrochemical enterprises. In addition, special motorized parts of explosives in major cities carry out patrol duty. Conscript soldiers are also involved in all these tasks.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has always created more comfortable living conditions for its conscripts than the Ministry of Defense, the benefit is always in close contact with local administrations. However, things are not going well with hazing. An illustrative example is an operational division in Balashikha near Moscow, better known as the division named after. Dzerzhinsky. This supposedly elite military unit of the VV under the noses of the entire leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has become the leader in the number of criminal cases relating to hazing. However, young people who served in the internal troops, with big hunt are hired by the police.

In the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, formations and military units of the civil defense troops are preserved, where conscripts serve. On the this moment 8 rescue military formations regional subordination and two - central. Total population personnel of these formations is 7.23 thousand people. Rescuers really rely on contractors, so the proportion of conscripts is small and ranges from 10 to 20%.

The life of the soldiers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations differs little from their colleagues in army units. Also, cases of hazing are not uncommon here, the situation is aggravated by the fact that soldiers from the Caucasian republics come here en masse to serve. The duties of conscript soldiers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are quite specific, they are actively involved in the liquidation of large man-made disasters, for example, they had to extinguish peat bogs near Moscow. This year, the units eliminated the consequences during the tragedy in Krymsk. Service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is an opportunity to get a sought-after civilian profession or continue to serve or work in this not the poorest organization.

The unique structure that managed to keep the military service is federal Service protection (FSO). By miscellaneous information, about a thousand conscripts serve in this secret organization. To get here, a soldier has to undergo a comprehensive check by the competent authorities. Parts of the FSO are distinguished by strong discipline, they ask very strictly, for example, for compliance with the rules for wearing uniforms - in general, the charter here is the law.

Many contract soldiers serve in the FSO, the barracks are equipped with video surveillance, and this in the best way affects the behavior of conscripts. The main divisions of the FSO, where conscripts serve, are special communications centers.

Also, the FSO includes, probably, the most public military unit in Russia - the Presidential Regiment, where about 240 conscripts come to serve in each call. In addition to the usual selection in the FSO for service in these units, there are special requirements for candidates, including their external data: they must all be between 175 and 190 cm tall, have a normal height-to-weight ratio, and should not have tattoos on their bodies. Competition - several people per place.

In the Presidential Regiment there is a cult of drill training, soldiers are engaged in stepping almost everything free time, physical exercise colossal, they can withstand only the most hardy.

Conscripts of the Presidential Regiment guard the Kremlin, participate in protocol events at the highest state level, serve in the guard of honor at the Eternal Flame at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Those who have served in the Presidential Regiment receive a kind of quality certificate that allows them to get jobs in such power structures as the FSO and the FSB, many enter military schools and become officers.

If you apply for a job in a professional army through the draft board and the contract center, then in most cases you will not have a choice. The direction will be given to the part that is acutely experiencing a shortage of personnel. When moving to another area, we recommend that you prepare documents on passing the commission in advance and get a personal file from your military registration and enlistment office. We will figure out where it is best to serve under a contract in Russia.

The choice of type of troops

First of all, you need to decide on the type of troops in which you would like to work. Those who served most often enter the same troops by class. The final choice takes place in the part where you will submit the documents. Candidates suitable for the profile are determined according to the following criteria:

  • health indicators;
  • personal qualities;
  • physical form;
  • preferences.

For some positions there is an additional selection. For example, those wishing to serve as a sniper will have to pass a series of tests that will determine whether they are suitable for the position.

Part has the right to hold additional testing, which includes a test of personal qualities, psychological stability and physical form.

Additional selection has been introduced in almost all elite branches of the military, but it can only be used in popular units. There are also too many applicants in a number of cities, so often those who decide to serve on a contract have to work hard to get into the desired place.

Location selection

It is most important to choose a locality where it will be good to live and serve. Popular areas are:

  • Kaliningrad;
  • Murmansk;
  • Leningradskaya;
  • Moscow.

As for the cities, the most popular are Seversk and Moscow. Settle in the capital military unit extremely difficult. Because of the opportunities that this city offers, young people with families aspire to it. Almost all of them aim to earn money on housing and settle in the capital.

The theory suggests that each military recruit must independently choose the direction for his service in the army of the Russian Federation.

Are the wishes of recruits taken into account?

In 2017-2018, it is envisaged that every person liable for military service must follow the choice of the direction of military service, therefore it is recommended to inform the doctors in advance during the draft board and when communicating with the military commissar. At the same time, it is recommended to bring arguments in favor of decision. For example, for service in the tractor or automobile troops, it is advisable to take care of special certificates. Despite this, it is not always possible to start the service in the direction of interest. But in any case, it is advisable to determine the direction of service in the army of the Russian Federation for yourself and try to use your legal right.

Directions of army service: brief information

For example, the fleet, special forces, Marines, border troops, reconnaissance battalions- one of the most prestigious areas. Most men with perfect condition health and fitness choose these options.

Fewer people are willing to serve in Internal Troops and in the construction battalion. Despite the presence of respect, the conditions of service are not suitable for everyone.

Many conscripts are guided by the location of the military unit. Sometimes it is possible to deviate from the territorial issue if a man liable for military service has a certain dream and makes an effort to realize it.

Skills, features of physical forms are taken into account. If a man is a bad swimmer, he will not be able to become a Marine.

At the same time, 2-meter men cannot be tankers, paratroopers, or submariners.

Personal wishes and physical abilities do not always correlate, therefore, every citizen liable for military service must be prepared for certain deviations from existing personal wishes.

Types and types of troops of the army of the Russian Federation

In Russia, troops are divided into the following types and types:

  • ground forces - a type that includes a large number of soldiers with different abilities and levels of training. Among the differences is a large fire and impact force, optimal maneuverability, a tendency to independence;
  • The Air Force is a branch of the Armed Forces, whose representatives strike at the enemy, carry out aerial reconnaissance and air transportation. The activity is based on the use of aircraft and helicopters;
  • The navy was built to strike various objects belonging to the enemy side. Soldiers are allowed to serve only in good health and quick reaction;
  • Strategic Missile Forces decide strategic objectives during the nuclear war. The main armament is modern missile systems, on which the activity of men liable for military service and the success of the result largely depend. In the Strategic Missile Forces, combat duty must be carried out by everyone, from the private to the commanders-in-chief, therefore the conscript must have perfect health and a developed physical form;
  • space troops - new genus troops of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the space troops ensure the security of the state in the space sphere. This is required for maximum protection of possible rocket attacks. Each representative of the space forces must have perfect health (category A);
  • Airborne troops operate behind enemy lines, destroying nuclear weapons. The main task is to capture and hold important objects to increase the effectiveness of the fight on enemy territory, disrupt the control system and the operation of the enemy rear. The Airborne Forces successfully operate with the ground forces;
  • The rear of the Armed Forces provides the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with material means for effective implementation fights, guaranteed rendering medical care to wounded soldiers and sick people, organizing and conducting sanitary and hygienic measures;
  • The engineering troops are equipped with modern high-performance equipment to perform complex and specific work, create water, anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle barriers in the path of potential enemy troops.

Every soldier given physical training and state of health have the right to choose the appropriate direction of military service. Employees of military registration and enlistment offices, if possible, take into account the wishes of citizens liable for military service. In the absence of the opportunity, the soldier must understand that he must agree to the proposals of the military enlistment office in order to fulfill his duty to the Motherland.

Video: Which troops are better to go to serve and why?

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