All-Kuban class hour name of the Kuban presentation. All-Kuban class hour "The name of the Kuban". virtual trip

Class topic:"The name of the Kuban"

Purpose of the class: education of patriots of the Kuban on examples historical events, phenomena modern life the region, the formation of the ability to trace the historical relationship between phenomena and events of the past and present of the Kuban; to update the existing knowledge about nature, the inhabitants of the region; the formation of an active civic position aimed at the knowledge of students about the outstanding people of the Kuban; to form students' knowledge about outstanding people native land; to develop students' ideas about the many-sided and many-sided Kuban land; develop respect for cultural heritage of their small homeland, to the people who create the image of the Kuban.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, posters, children's drawings; presentation

Class hour progress

1. Motivation for learning activities.

Today, September 1, 2016, kicks off the celebration of the 80th anniversary of education Krasnodar Territory in 2017.

Dawn breaks, stepping on the mounds.

Towards the sun rose poplars ...

How sweet you are and how dear you are to us,

Kuban, Kuban - native land!

Victor Podkopaev

Kuban is a very beautiful and rich region. edge high mountains, wide steppes and meadows, rivers and seas, orchards and vineyards.

The land of the Kuban is rich. But its main wealth is people!

2. Setting the topic of the lesson

And I want to start our conversation with little story K.D. Ushinsky, which is called "Two plows". Listen, please, to this story.

The teacher reads the story.

Two plows were made from the same piece of iron in the same workshop. One of them fell into the hands of a farmer and immediately went to work; while the other spent a long time and completely uselessly lying around in the merchant's shop. It happened some time later that the two countrymen met again. The farmer's plow shone like silver, and was even better than when he had just left the workshop; the plow, which had lain idle in the shop, darkened and covered with rust.

Tell me, please, why are you so shiny? asked the rusty plow of his old acquaintance.

From work, my dear, - he answered. - And if you have rusted and become worse than you were, it is because all this time you have been lying on your side, doing nothing.

  • Conversation

I think everyone understood well what this story has to do with the topic of our class hour.

Why did the plow that got to the farmer shine like silver? (Because he worked.)

What happened to the plow that lay idle? (Then-neel and covered with rust.)

Who do you think this story is about? Who does Ushinsky mean when he talks about plows? (Hard worker and lazy.)

What conclusion can be drawn from this story?

  • Labor makes a man beautiful, and idleness disfigures him.
  • Only in labor can you show all your best qualities.
  • Only in labor can a person open up.
  • Without labor, a person will rust and get sick.
  • Reading a poem by a teacher

Labor is the basis of our life,

It brightens up any day.

There is nothing more shameful than reproach,

Why are you too lazy to work.

Find a job you like

Be a Master in it, create,

Don't be shy about dirt, sweat,

Do not speak harsh words!

Any work is very important to us,

Try to get through everything

And be brave in spirit

Comprehending work on the way.

  • Conclusion on the meaning of work

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to work. Russian tradition is a noble attitude to work.

Labor is a source of joy and pleasure. In a work collective, a person learns to communicate with other people, feels the strength of the team. In work, a person matures both physically and morally. His well-being depends on labor. Labor also has great personal significance. We know how happy people are who can do a lot with their own hands, and how unhappy and helpless those who have learned nothing.

  • Conversation about the qualities of a working person

There is a good old word in Russian - "guardian". This is the name of people who care about someone or something, show diligence in work, and do many good deeds. Guardians of the Kuban land... Who are they, who are these people, without whom our land would not be so beautiful and rich. These are the people different professions.

What professions do you know? (children's answers)

Have you thought about the fact that in every profession you can achieve such success that the whole country, the whole world will know about?

What do you think is needed for this?

(children's answers)

- What are the qualities for future profession you guys have to educate in yourself from childhood? (children's answers)

What do you dream of becoming when you grow up? (children's answers)

So, what qualities do you need to choose a future profession:


Diligence Responsibility Diligence

Honesty Accuracy Diligence

What other professions of the people of our region do you know?

Yes, indeed, our Kubans are wonderful. Every person in his workplace, no matter what profession or nationality he was, must be kind, honest, polite, tolerant. (The teacher explains lexical meaning the words).

Tolerance - patience. (Be patient with other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior).

Guys, avoid conflicts, quarrels, do not commit rash acts.

3. Main body

  • acquaintance with the great people of Kuban and showing the presentation

The famous people that we will talk about today in the lesson are representatives of different professions. These are scientists and grain growers, artists and musicians, writers and poets, astronauts and doctors, athletes and military men…

Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit. Favorite plant V.S. Pustovoit was a sunflower. This amazing "sunny flower" was brought to Russia in the 18th century.

"Bread Batko" was called Pavel Lukyanenko in the Kuban. Breeding new varieties of wheat

Architect Ivan Malgerb gave Ekaterinodar and Kuban wonderful temples, which even now delight the eye and soul of any Kuban

Viktor Vasilievich Gorbatko(born December 3, the village of Venets, Krasnodar Territory) - Soviet cosmonaut. Major General, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Talented doctor, scientist Stanislav Ochapovsky did immeasurably much for the treatment of eye diseases

Vladimir Porkhanov, surgeon, chief physician of the 1st Regional Clinical Hospital

Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko(born March 22, the village of Dyadkovskaya, Korenovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory) - Russian folklorist, public figure, scientist, researcher folk song and choral conductor. Artistic director of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir, CEO GNTU "Kuban Cossack Choir"

Lyudmila Vasilievna Zaitseva(genus) - Soviet and Russian actress cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR (), laureate of the USSR State Prize ()

Vasily Nikolaevich Machuga- Soviet athlete and Russian statesman. Machuga Vasily Nikolaevich - Honored Master of Sports in sports acrobatics, repeated world and European champion, winner of the World Cup

Vitaly Bakaldin- Kuban poet

You are my native land.
Apparently so be it
Here I will live a century,
Be friends until the end
To the end to love
Here are my friends
Here is my family
You can't say more - this is my land

This list of glorious names can be continued for a long time: after all, there are hundreds of people in the Kuban who are worthy of eternal gratitude and memory of their descendants.

  • meeting interesting people

Today we are visiting Classroom hour a woman came: beautiful, kind, interesting. A person who has invested a lot of effort in the development of our Krasnodar Territory. This woman's name is Porotikova Valentina Mikhailovna. She worked all her adult life as a teacher of Russian language and literature (guest speech).

  • Fizminutka

I want to become a worker (Tilts to the side)

I will learn the skill. (Knock fist on fist)

Dad told me that for us: (squat)

“The most important thing is the working class!” (claps)

  • Group work "Collect a proverb about the profession"

1 group:

Exercise 1.

The cow is black, but the milk is white. (Milkmaid)

Task 2.

labor, without, you can’t pull a fish, and, from, a pond.

2 group:

Exercise 1.

You will not take up the ax, you will not cut down the hut. (A carpenter)

Task 2.

Feeds, but, a person, labor, spoils, laziness.

3rd group:

Exercise 1.

Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread. (Grain grower)

Task 2.

Paints, labor, man, the sun, the earth, and

4th group:

Exercise 1.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. (poultry house)

Task 2.

In, combat, easy, difficult, teaching, in

- Game "Ring of professions"

Years will fly by unnoticed, and you will choose a profession. Now we will check how many professions you know. We will play the game "Ring of Professions". There are 4 teams in the game. One representative from each team is invited to the board. At my signal, you are to take turns calling each one of the professions. If you have any difficulties, you can ask your teams for help. If the team does not remember the name of the profession within 3 seconds (one, two, three), it is out of the game. The game lasts 5 minutes. The one who remains in the ring wins. Attention - start!

Children take turns calling professions, the losers are eliminated and sit down in their places. Game over. _____ group won! Here sit the largest experts in the field of professions.

4. The result of the class hour

Everything I have told you is very important.

Guys, what professions did you learn about the inhabitants of the Kuban? (children's answers)

Kuban is a freedom-loving region. The recalcitrant Don Cossacks found salvation here, the Old Believers fled here, the Meskhetian Turks settled here. The main wealth of the Kuban is not only Agriculture, industry, its subsoil, but also people. Our land is multinational: Russians and Ukrainians, Belarusians and Adyghes, Armenians and Azerbaijanis, Greeks and Georgians, Tatars and Chechens, Turks and Dagestanis, who have been working and living together and peacefully for many years. Russians make up the majority. The main thing is not what nationality you are, but what you are - HUMAN? All of them are friendly with each other. There have never been conflicts on ethnic grounds in the Kuban. All nations are friendly and equal, regardless of whether they work as a rice grower or a gardener, a grain grower or a winemaker, a forest grower or a winegrower, a military man or a doctor. We are all Kubans, and Kubans are very hardworking, peaceful, hospitable and are always accustomed to finding compromises out of any difficult situations. life situations. The Kuban Territory is the calmest region of Russia. Let's live in peace and harmony!

Remember that the main thing is people, your countrymen, hardworking and patient, skillful and resourceful. These are your parents and neighbors. Teachers who teach you at school, bakers and grain growers, machinists and doctors ... - all those whose work creates the wealth of our country.

Yes, our country is living hard today, it is very difficult to keep hope for the best, but you still cannot lose heart. Such people cannot but solve all their problems.

Let's grow up soon, learn, and maybe it is you, your hands and a bright head that will make life better and happier.

And there is so much work to be done! I hope that now you will proudly talk about the place where you live, and I and your small homeland will be proud of you!!! And someday everyone will see your name among those who are proud of the KUBAN LAND!!! Guys, each of you wants to do something good in life. Leave your mark on the earth. This desire is understandable. But do you always think about how you can achieve your goal?

Please tell me, will there be a good worker from those who are currently studying poorly? Right now you should study well.

How better student will study, the better he will work.

And let the motto of your life be the words:

"The sun paints the earth, but labor makes a man."

5. Reflection.

Guys, now we will try to assemble a mosaic in groups in order to read a very important sentence.

1 group - grape leaf

2 group - spikelet of wheat

3 group - apple

4 group - sunflower

Let's read in chorus what you got.

"All works are good - choose to taste!"

When you grow up, become the guardians of the Kuban land - work tirelessly so that our land prospers, becomes even more fertile and beautiful. Glorify the name of Kuban.

Presentation on the topic: Unified All-Kuban class hour on the topic: "The name of the Kuban"

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Presentation on the topic: Unified All-Kuban class hour on the topic: "The name of the Kuban"

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

The purpose of the class hour: the education of patriots of the Kuban on the examples of historical events and personalities, the heroes of the modern life of the region, the formation of the ability to trace the historical relationship between phenomena and events of the past and present of the Kuban. To instill a sense of patriotism, a sense of pride for one's country, for compatriots. To acquaint students with the work of the Kuban poet Ivan Varavva.

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Teacher: Guys! Today we have a joyful holiday - the first day of school. Happy holiday to you! The Day of Knowledge! This holiday is for everyone. There is no person in our country whom he does not concern. The holidays have passed and we have gathered in our classroom. Over the summer, you rested, grew up, got stronger and are ready for the new school year. Every year on September 1, millions of boys and girls in different parts of our country go to school, starting and continuing their journey to the land of knowledge. There are more than 1000 schools in the Kuban. More than half a million children study there. Today, throughout our region, for all students, the first lesson will be held - a lesson in citizenship and patriotism: "The name of the Kuban." The student reads a poem by I. Barabbas

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Kuban is ours common Home I love you, my sunny expanse, My unique tale: The sweeping camps of the blue mountains, The hoary distance of the yellowing Kuban. I grew up under a reed roof, Gathering the paths of bygone generations. And I do not have this oblivion in my life From your thoughts, from songs and unrest. I. Barabbas

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

Motherland, Russia, native nature These words are inseparable. Love for one's country is impossible without love for the nature of one's land. Our region is special, and its name is Kuban. Everyone in the world has, probably, a favorite corner of the earth. A favorite corner of the earth is called a small homeland. Motherland is the place where I was born, live, grow, become a citizen of my country. Motherland is the history of my people, with which the history of my family is also connected. Motherland gives a person roots, language, upbringing, worldview. Love for the Motherland is the same love for the house, street, district, only a little wider.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

Kuban brought up many talented and famous people. Some write poems, glorifying our land, others work in the fields and gardens, harvesting unprecedented harvests, others build beautiful architectural structures, decorating our cities, and someone brings glory to our land, gathering all the will, all the strength to win in stubborn struggle. View slides "Names of the Kuban"

slide number 7

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slide number 8

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slide number 9

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slide number 10

Description of the slide:

Every person, and especially a poet, has his own promised land on the map, his one and only, protected area- the main source of creative inspiration. The Kuban became such a land and source of inspiration for Ivan Fedorovich Barabbas. Descendant of an old Cossack family. The poet was born on February 5, 1925 in the village of de Rakova, (now the city of Novobataysk) of the Samara district of the Rostov region. His grandfather, who refused to join the collective farm, was dispossessed and exiled to the North. Ivan's father went to work in the city, and his mother, having taken two young children, returned to the Kuban to the village of Kushchevskaya. In 1932, the family moved to the village of Starominskaya. Here, on the banks of the quiet, sedate river Soshka, the childhood and youth of the future poet passed. Here he began to write his first poems. Like many peers, Ivan was a romantic, a dreamer. But the war broke out. The country responded to German aggression with popular resistance. Young Barabbas did not stand aside either. He rushed to the front. But only in 1942, when the front line approached the Kuban, enemy planes flew over the village, a rumble was heard artillery pieces, a seventeen-year-old boy - a volunteer was enlisted as a Red Army soldier. He passed hard way from the first village recaptured from the Nazis on Taman, to Berlin. Fights, campaigns and transitions, wounds, shell shock, death of friends... Many trials fell on the lot of the young soldier. During the breakthrough of the Blue Line, he was seriously wounded. After recovery, he liberated Ukraine, Belarus, Poland. He ended the war in Berlin. He was awarded three military orders and many medals.

slide number 11

Description of the slide:

Fate developed in such a way that after the Victory, Sergeant Barabbas entered the Literary Institute. After successfully completing his studies in 1953, I. Varavva returned to the village of Starominskaya. Soon he was invited to work in the department of literature and art of the regional newspaper "Soviet Kuban", at the same time he wrote poetry with enthusiasm. Central newspapers and magazines willingly published the poems of I. Barabbas. All his life he recorded the songs of the Kuban Cossacks, their vivid stories, memories, funny stories. It was the breeding ground for his poetry. The poetry of I. Barabbas is bright, courageous and life-affirming. Its content is multifaceted and varied. The hero of the poet is a hard worker, a master of his craft, a man who grows bread, creates machines, storms science. Sincere lyricism in the poetry of I. Barabbas resonates with a sense of high citizenship and patriotism. I. Varavva is the author of many songs that are sung throughout Russia and are revered as folk songs. Ivan Fedorovich Varavva is the author of more than thirty books published in Moscow and the Kuban. His works: poems, ballads, songs, dramas - emotional, lyrical, patriotic - were very fond of readers. With the depth, originality, historical authenticity and brilliance of the poetic palette, I. Varavva introduced his special live stream into Russian poetry, nurtured by Kuban motifs. For more than half a century, the poet, folklorist, playwright and literary translator Ivan Fyodorovich Varavva worked fruitfully on the Kuban land. His creative work is bright and unique and has been duly appreciated by many literary awards in Russia and the Kuban. Ivan Fedorovich passed away on April 13, 2005. By order of the Head of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 18, 2008 No. 22r, the Krasnodar Regional Youth Library was named after the poet. . Composer Ilya Petrusenko and poet Ivan Varavva, 1999

Koroleva Anna
Unified all-Kuban class hour " battle name Kuban - Hero Soviet Union Andrey Stryukov»

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

secondary school No. 2

name Hero of the Soviet Union Yu. A. Gagarina

municipal formation Uspensky district.

"Name Kuban"


Battle name of Kuban-

The hero of the USSR

Andrey Stryukov"

Primary teacher classes,

classroom teacher

Koroleva A. N.

Unified all-Kuban class hour"Name Kuban"


"Battle name of the Kuban - Hero of the Soviet Union Andrey Stryukov"

Target class hour:

1. Raising Patriots Kuban on examples of historical events, on examples heroic deeds, committed by the Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War.

2. Formation of the ability to trace the historical relationship between past and present events Kuban.

3. Development of interest in life wonderful people who showed an example of civic service, the fulfillment of their patriotic duty.

4. Raising a sense of gratitude for the soldiers Soviet army who defended the Fatherland, who won the Great Patriotic War.

Class time course:

(Disclosure of concepts "Motherland", "citizen", "patriot")

Classroom teacher:

(Reads a poem by Z. Alexandrova"Motherland")

If they say a word "Motherland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch-shy

And chamomile hillock ...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

Where there was a skating rink recently,

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

Or the steppe is red from poppies,

Golden whole…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

Frontal conversation.

Cool manager asks questions students:

What is Motherland? (Native country, Fatherland. Place of birth. For us, this is Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Uspensky district, the village of Uspenskoye)

What is a citizen? (Adult, permanent resident countries)

Who is a patriot (A person with a sense of devotion and love for his Fatherland, people. For example: Patriot of the Motherland)

Classroom teacher:

Our fellow countryman was such a person, a patriot, a defender of his Motherland Andrey Georgievich Stryukov- participant of the Great Patriotic War, The hero of the USSR.

(Presentation of results project activities students)

1st student (frame #1)

- Andrey Georgievich Stryukov was born on March 14, 1923 in the village of Konokovo, Uspensky district. Here they graduated from school in 1940, in 1941 - the training course of the Armavir Aeroclub. From there, at the beginning of the war, he was sent to the army.

Pilot, machine gun commander, sniper, reconnaissance platoon commander.

2nd student (frame #2)

- Stryukov repeatedly landed deep behind enemy lines for the purpose of reconnaissance and subversive work.

Five times he was wounded, twice shell-shocked, once sentenced to death by the Germans and ... shot. But survived!

3rd student (frame #3)

Heavy defensive battles went on in the autumn of 1942 in the North Caucasus. Machine gun battalion, which included Andrey Stryukov, held positions on the outskirts of Vladikavkaz. In one of the battles German infantry and the tanks fell upon our troops. The aimed fire of our artillery forced german tanks turn back, and machine gunners dealt with the infantry. In this fight Andrey Stryukov received the first medal "For Courage".

4th student (frame #4)

After the first wound in 1942, after the hospital Andrey Stryukov was sent to the 384th battalion marines Black Sea Fleet. In the spring of 1944, the sailors were given the task of crossing the Dnieper estuary and knocking out the enemy from nine settlements. One of our military units got surrounded. And the marines were supposed to break through the encirclement and save our unit. In this battle, the commander of the marines, N. Pochinin, dies. And the enemy is attacking.

And then Andrey Stryukov rose to his full height and shouted: "Listen to my command! For the commander! For the Motherland! Forward! - and rushed towards the enemy, dragging the sailors with him. The Nazis opened the encirclement. Our battalion did not leave the encirclement.

Per heroic feat in this battle courage, resourcefulness and self-sacrifice Andrey Stryukov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

5th student (frame #5)

When there was a conversation about his feat, to young sailors who had just arrived in the battalion, he said: “The main thing in any battle is surprise, desperate courage and comradely mutual assistance! And do not forget that for the Germans we are sea devils!

6th student (frame number 6)

In the victorious 1945 Andrey Stryukov, foreman, participated in the capture of Berlin, left his autograph on the Reichstag.

June 24, 1945 Andrey Stryukov became a participant in the Victory Parade in Moscow as part of a battalion of Black Sea sailors.

7- student (frame number 7)

After the war Andrey Stryukov graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University, restored the enterprises of Armavir.

In 1971, the wounds aggravated and at the age of 48 A. Stryukov is gone. At the request of the Leningrad Naval Museum, his wife transferred his awards there and golden star Hero of the Soviet Union. His machine gun is also stored there, burned and pierced several times by bullets and fragments of a peakless cap.

The monument in the city of Sochi reminds the residents and guests of the city of the courageous patriot of our Motherland and of the difficult time of the Great Patriotic War that befell our people.

On the building of the school where he studied Andrey Stryukov in the village of Konokovo there is a memorial plaque with his name. One of the streets in the village of Konokovo bears his name.

Pupils read the poem "Glory heroes of the Assumption land!" poet-compatriot Georgy Zolotov from the village of Maryino, Uspensky district)

1st student

When the dawn faded in 1941 and war was announced to us,

The sons of the land of Assumption fearlessly went to battle with the enemy.

And mothers asked their sons: “Fight bravely for the Motherland!

Defeat the enemy and with Victory quickly return home Alive!

2nd student

You had to endure terrible torments in Victory, passionately believing,

You did everything to quickly defeat the fascist fierce beast.

You fought to the death in the battles near Moscow, fought in the fire of Stalingrad;

They saved the Caucasus and stood like a wall in the besieged ring of Leningrad.

3rd student

You did not go into battle for the sake of awards and were sacredly faithful to your duty.

And follow the call "Not one step back!", enemies were not allowed beyond the Volga.

You drove the Nazis from the Russian plains, showing courage in battles.

And, having kept their word, they stormed Berlin and took the rebellious Prague.

They honestly fulfilled the order of the Fatherland, fought without knowing peace.

And the six most courageous of you are marked with the title hero.

And then the day of Victory rose above the earth, and faces shone with joy ...

But it is a pity that not all of you returned to your mothers in the victorious spring.

5th student

We have never known such merciless cruel enemies.

And more than three thousand successful sons heroically fell for the Motherland.

They spared neither blood nor strength, breaking the cannibal's back...

Thanks for the feat! Thanks for the world! Thank you for our Victory!

word to the students.

Students present photographs of their great-grandfathers who fought in the Great Patriotic war. They talk about them combat way.

The song sounds "Where does the Motherland begin" from the movie "Shield and Sword". Music by V. Basner, lyrics by M. Matusovsky.

Poet Love Andreevna Litovchenko reads his poem

Classroom teacher:

Guys! We are proud to be born and live in Krasnodar Territory. Our region is called the breadbasket of Russia, the health resort of Russia. And people - warriors-defenders preserved our land with their exploits. We are grateful to these people for the fact that we were born, we live in the world. Let's say our grandfathers: "Thanks for the victory!"

You, guys, Kuban pupils fill every day with good studies, good and useful deeds in order to honorably bear the title of great-grandchildren of the winners!

Class hour "Name - Kuban".

Targets and goals:

Education of patriots of the Kuban on the examples of historical events and

personalities, phenomena of modern life in the region, the formation of skills

trace the historical relationship between phenomena and

events of the past and present of Kuban.

Formation in the younger generation of positive spiritual and

moral guidelines, civic consciousness, feelings of love

and pride in the motherland.

To form a respectful attitude towards national and spiritual

concepts that are sacred for the peoples of our region: "Fatherland",

"mother", "bread", "Kuban", "honor", "duty", "feat".

search engine motivation research activities students

awareness of their involvement with the history and modernity of the Kuban,

paying tribute to the memory and respect for famous countrymen, understanding

the unity of the fate of every Kuban citizen with Russia and his native land.

Form of conducting: lesson-presentation

Equipment: computer screen, visual material, records

musical works, multimedia presentations, the Internet-

resources, book exhibition, photo albums, photo exhibition.

During the classes:

Hello dear children and distinguished guests. Today we have

joyful holiday - the first day of school. Happy holiday, guys! FROM

Happy Knowledge! This holiday is for everyone. There is no person in our country

which he does not touch. Happy holidays passed, and we gathered in our

class. Over the summer, you rested, grew up, got stronger and are ready for the new

academic year.

Traditionally, the first lesson in the new academic year starts from

All-Kuban class hour. Today's class hour "Name of the Kuban". On the

we will make a cool hour with you little trip into the past

our region, get acquainted with prominent people our small homeland,

we will make a poster cluster on which you will mark your names in

will be a little later.

Relaxation: Music is playing - "The Lonely Shepherd" -teacher reads glory

It's wonderful to be born in Russia one day under the morning ringing of golden oats

Your appearance is greeted by birds, and blooming flax gives eyes

Your laughter is a bell, dew your tears in your hair - thick wavy rye

And the birch promises you stateliness when you want, then you take it

Everyone hurries to you with a special gift - take it - try it on - stock up -

And what a fee to grow grateful and be faithful everywhere to Russia, Kuban

And so guys, returning to the topic of our class hour - today we are swami

we will talk about the Names that glorified our small Motherland ..

How our Krasnodar paradise is called differently

That's right - "Kuban"

And who among you knows how and why our land was called so?

-in order for us to find out - let's listen to the legend (music plays

the teacher tells the legend:

"Once upon a time, a girl lived on earth. She was the only one with her parents

and beloved daughter, her name was Kuban. The family lived in an old dilapidated house,

The Kuban grew to everyone with a wonderfully unusual beauty. Tall, slender,

round face, long blond braid, always lit up with a smile, shone brightly

blue eyes. And the girl loved to decorate the land where she lived.

It must be said that the land on which they lived produced an oppressive

impression: on the one hand - rocky mountains, and on the other - scorched

the steppe with the sun, with the third - the lifeless sea. And Kubanushka decided

transform your land. She went around the world to see how

people live, get to know their nature and customs.

She did not return from her journey for a long time, and when she returned, she began to

a business. At first she sowed rye, and soon the grain fields began to grow.

Grapevine, apple and pear trees gave rich harvests. Whatever will plant

beautiful, everything goes well. She bred fish in lakes, rivers, seas,

brought from afar. Reservoirs came to life, reeds rustled on their banks,

the willow turned green, water lilies swayed on the surface of the water. Rarely has been

Kuban at home. Her real home was the quiet mountain valleys and

free meadows with wide spills of lush, lush grasses, with crowds of

bright blue, sometimes surprisingly blue, sometimes yellow, like splashes of the living sun,

We heard about the hardworking beauty far beyond its borders. And began to

suitors to woo her, bring her rich gifts. But the Kuban

was in a hurry with the choice, she wanted to complete the work she had begun. The gifts

used at your discretion. Turned yellow gold coins into

scattering of freckled dandelions in the meadows; rubies scattered across the steppe, and

fragrant lilies of the valley growing in forest glades; amber bracelet

turned into daisies with a bright sun inside; turquoise beads - in

bright blue bells ringing in the wind in the steppe.

Long efforts and perseverance of the girl were not in vain. The earth came to life

the fields of the idol turned green, the trees in the gardens and forests blossomed,

flowers meadows, mountains covered woodlands. Not left on that

no one on earth who would see the blue-eyed beauty, but her name is forever

preserved in human memory, because the places where the girl lived are called with

since then Kuban."

Tell the guys

life? ( student answers)

With name small man comes into this world, with a name it passes through

zhi zni, meets ups and downs. There is an old belief: everyone

a person has his own reflection in the world around him. I suggest you

get acquainted with the names of great people who contributed to the development of the Kuban.

There are two trees in front of you. The first tree is "Great names of Kuban". in front of you

the great figure of our Kuban: 1. Likhonosov Viktor Ivanovich on your

merit). famous writer of the Kuban and the country.

2.Varavva Ivan Fedorovich, famous Kuban poet.

3.Netrebko Anna Yurievna, Kuban opera singer.

4.Zakharchenko Viktor Gavrilovich - General Director of Kuban

Cossack choir, artistic director and chief conductor.

5.Obraztsov Konstantin Nikolaevich, talented poet and patriot

wrote many poems, many of which became songs, including

including Cossack, Kuban. The work of Obraztsov K. N. “You are the Kuban

whether our homeland, our age-old hero "became the Kuban anthem.

6.Oboishchikov Kronid Alexandrovich, wrote a lot for children

wonderful poetry.

7.Ponomarenko Grigory Fedorovich, Russian composer

8.Evgeny Dmitrievich Felitsyn - an outstanding Kuban public

activist, researcher of the region, historian, archaeologist, bibliographer,

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Unified All-Kuban class hour on the topic: "The name of the Kuban" 09/01/2016 Native land!.. Your gardens and cornfields, Chains of mountains, hoary distance of the seas... If you were, and we will be alive With your generosity and joy. Ivan Varavva

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The purpose of the class hour: the education of patriots of the Kuban on the examples of historical events and personalities, the heroes of the modern life of the region, the formation of the ability to trace the historical relationship between phenomena and events of the past and present of the Kuban. To instill a sense of patriotism, a sense of pride for one's country, for compatriots. To acquaint students with the work of the Kuban poet Ivan Varavva.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Kuban - our common home I love you, my sunny expanse, My unique legend: The sweeping camps of the blue mountains, The gray-haired distance of the yellowing Kuban. I grew up under a reed roof, Gathering the paths of bygone generations. And I do not have this oblivion in my life From your thoughts, from songs and unrest. I. Barabbas

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Motherland, Russia, native nature - these words are inseparable. Love for one's country is impossible without love for the nature of one's land. Our region is special, and its name is Kuban. Everyone in the world has, probably, a favorite corner of the earth. A favorite corner of the earth is called a small homeland. Motherland is the place where I was born, live, grow, become a citizen of my country. Motherland is the history of my people, with which the history of my family is also connected. Motherland gives a person roots, language, upbringing, worldview. Love for the Motherland is the same love for the house, street, district, only a little wider.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Kuban brought up many talented and famous people. Some write poetry, glorifying our land, others work in the fields and gardens, harvesting unprecedented harvests, others build beautiful architectural structures, decorating our cities, and someone brings glory to our land, gathering all the will, all the strength to win in a stubborn fight. Our class hour today, we will dedicate famous person, Kuban poet - Ivan Fedorovich Varavva.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Every person, and especially a poet, has his own promised land on the map, his one and only, inimitable, reserved land - the main source of creative inspiration. The Kuban became such a land and source of inspiration for Ivan Fedorovich Barabbas. Descendant of an old Cossack family. The poet was born on February 5, 1925 in the settlement of Rakov, (now the city of Novobataysk) of the Samara district of the Rostov region. His grandfather, who refused to join the collective farm, was dispossessed and exiled to the North. Ivan's father went to work in the city, and his mother, taking two young children, returned to the Kuban to the village of Kushchevskaya. In 1932, the family moved to the village of Starominskaya. Here, on the banks of the quiet, sedate river Soshka, the childhood and youth of the future poet passed. Here he began to write his first poems. Like many peers, Ivan was a romantic, a dreamer. But the war broke out. The country responded to German aggression with popular resistance. Young Barabbas did not stand aside either. He rushed to the front. But only in 1942, when the front line approached the Kuban, enemy planes flew over the village, the rumble of artillery guns was heard, a seventeen-year-old boy - a volunteer was enlisted as a Red Army soldier. He went a difficult way from the first village recaptured from the Nazis on Taman to Berlin. Fights, campaigns and transitions, wounds, shell shock, death of friends... Many trials fell on the lot of the young soldier. During the breakthrough of the Blue Line, he was seriously wounded. After recovery, he liberated Ukraine, Belarus, Poland. He ended the war in Berlin. He was awarded three military orders and many medals.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Fate developed in such a way that after the Victory, Sergeant Barabbas entered the Literary Institute. After successfully completing his studies in 1953, I. Varavva returned to the village of Starominskaya. Soon he was invited to work in the department of literature and art of the regional newspaper "Soviet Kuban", at the same time he wrote poetry with enthusiasm. Central newspapers and magazines willingly published the poems of I. Barabbas. All his life he recorded the songs of the Kuban Cossacks, their vivid stories, memories, funny stories. It was the breeding ground for his poetry. The poetry of I. Barabbas is bright, courageous and life-affirming. Its content is multifaceted and varied. The hero of the poet is a hard worker, a master of his craft, a man who grows bread, creates machines, storms science. Sincere lyricism in the poetry of I. Barabbas resonates with a sense of high citizenship and patriotism. I. Varavva is the author of many songs that are sung throughout Russia and are revered as folk songs. Ivan Fedorovich Varavva is the author of more than thirty books published in Moscow and the Kuban. His works: poems, ballads, songs, dramas - emotional, lyrical, patriotic - were very fond of readers. With the depth, originality, historical authenticity and brilliance of the poetic palette, I. Varavva introduced his special live stream into Russian poetry, nurtured by Kuban motifs. For more than half a century, the poet, folklorist, playwright and literary translator Ivan Fyodorovich Varavva worked fruitfully on the Kuban land. His creative work is bright and unique and has been duly appreciated by many literary awards in Russia and the Kuban. Ivan Fedorovich passed away on April 13, 2005. By order of the Head of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory dated January 18, 2008 No. 22r, the Krasnodar Regional Youth Library was named after the poet. . Composer Ilya Petrusenko and poet Ivan Varavva, 1999

8 slide

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Reading the poet's poems A blizzard roamed the world ... Ivan Varavva A blizzard roamed the world, It will not calm down, it will not subside in any way, But I remember, but I believe - I am on a horse, a Kuban Cossack! .. Over the quiet Elba ... Ivan Varavva Over On the quiet Elbe the fire was burning down, Over the quiet Elbe the Cossack was dying. Troubled boy, young Kazakh - He fell headlong into the thick wheat... He glanced over the expanse of the wind, And that Elba became the Kuban Laba.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Everything that I am alive, that I know and know ... Ivan Varavva Everything that I am alive, that I know and know, What I got in the campaign and in battle, I give to my fatherland As a good inheritance. I give away the spring of my native village, With thunderous fidelity of hearts, A ripe ear of rainbow wheat And a Cossack raven flower. Native land!.. Your gardens and cornfields, Chains of mountains, hoary distance of the seas... If you were, and we will be alive With your generosity and joy. What is rich, what I know and know. What I got in the campaign and in battle - I give to the dear sunny land In the eternal inheritance.

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