The main types of lexical meanings of words. Lexical meaning Lexical meaning as

Vocabulary is a very important part of language science. She learns words and their meanings. It's no secret: the richer the language stock of a person, the more beautiful and figurative his speech. Most new words can be learned by reading. It often happens that a new word is found in a book or magazine, in which case a dictionary of lexical meanings will help, it is also called explanatory. The most common are those issued by V.I. Dalem and S.I. Ozhegov. It is they who are trusted by the modern science of language.

Vocabulary wealth of the Russian language

The language, including Russian, is a developing phenomenon. New cultures, inventions of science and technology appear, one civilization replaces another. Of course, all this is reflected in the language. Some words appear, some disappear. It is the vocabulary that reacts vividly to these changes. All this is the richness of the language. K. Paustovsky gave a very colorful explanation of the totality of words, saying that for each surrounding phenomenon or object there is a corresponding “good” word, or even more than one.

Scientists have proven that for one person to understand another, it is enough to have 4-5 thousand words in stock, but this is not enough for beautiful, figurative speech. The Russian language is one of the most beautiful, so it is simply necessary to use its wealth. Moreover, knowledge of individual words with their interpretations is not enough (for this, you can simply learn a dictionary of lexical meanings). It is much more important to know words related in meaning, their figurative meaning, to understand and use antonyms, to use homonymous units.

Lexical meaning of the word

The word is the most important unit of any language. It is from them that combinations and subsequently sentences are made, with which people communicate with each other. How to distinguish one word from another? With the help of phonetics. Lexical meaning will also help with this. This is what separates the words. They can denote, for example, objects, people or living beings ( table, teacher, wolf); natural phenomena ( wind, frost), actions ( run, watch), features ( beautiful, pink).

Over the centuries, words can change their lexical meaning. Take for example the word garden. Until the 20th century, this word also meant a garden. In modern times, the lexical meaning has changed: garden now it is a fenced area where vegetables are grown.

There are words whose lexical meaning is a certain image that is easy to imagine and depict: wood, cupboard, flower. For others, it is very abstract: love, grammar, music. The lexical meaning of the Russian language is summarized in explanatory dictionaries. There are several ways of interpretation: words with the same meaning. For example, path - road. Some dictionaries offer a detailed explanation: path- a specific place in space through which they move.

Why you need to know the lexical meaning

It is very important to know the lexical meaning - this will save you from some spelling mistakes. For example:

  • Trying on wedding dresses is a tedious but enjoyable process.
  • She was always good at reconciling enemies.

In the first example, the word "try on" is used in the meaning of "try on", so the root should be written e. In the second sentence, it is about the world, so the letter is required and fundamentally.

Lexical meaning differs not only words, but also morphemes. Yes, attachment at- used when it comes to the incompleteness of the action, close proximity, approximation or accession; pre- in cases where the highest degree of something is meant ( funny - very funny, but: move (attachment), sit down (incompleteness), seaside (close to the sea).

There are also roots that have different lexical meanings. These are like - poppy-/-mok-; -equals-/-exactly-. If the word means immersion in liquid, you should write - poppy- (dip cookies in milk), another thing is the meaning of “pass, absorb liquid”, in this case writing is required - mok- (wet feet). Root - equals- should be written when talking about equality ( the equation); -exactly- used in the sense of something smooth, even ( trim bangs).

Single and multiple words

The richness of the words of the Russian language consists of those units that have several or only one lexical meaning. These are single and multiple words. The first has only one interpretation: birch, scalpel, Moscow, pizza. As can be seen from the examples, the group of unambiguous words includes proper names, recently emerged or foreign words, also narrowly focused. These are all kinds of terms, the names of professions, the names of animals.

There are many more polysemantic words in the language, that is, those that have several meanings. As a rule, interpretations unfold around a certain feature or meaning. The explanatory dictionary will tell you that the word is polysemantic. The meanings of such tokens are listed below the numbers. Let's take the word "earth" as an example. It has several interpretations:

  1. One of the planets in the solar system.
  2. Land - opposition to the concepts of "water" and "sky".
  3. The soil is a fertile layer that allows you to grow all kinds of crops.
  4. Territory owned by someone.
  5. For some countries it is a federal unit.

Direct and figurative meaning of the word

All polysemantic words can contain a direct or figurative interpretation. If the task “Explain the lexical meaning of words” is encountered, you need to look into the explanatory dictionary. There, next to the value, it will be indicated whether it is direct or figurative. The first is the main one; the second was formed on the basis of the main one according to the principle of similarity.

For example, consider the word "hat". First, its main meaning is a headdress with small fields. Based on the similarity, a figurative interpretation was formed: the upper part of an object, expanded and flat - mushroom cap or nail.

It is the figurative meanings that give speech a special figurativeness; on their basis, such tropes as a metaphor are created (hidden comparison: sheaf of hair), metonymy (adjacency of signs: silver plate) and synecdoche (the part is used instead of the whole: the peasant was actually a slave).

Sometimes there are cases when only a figurative meaning appears in the language, and to complete a task, such as “Determine the lexical meaning of words”, you will need not only an explanatory, but also an etymological dictionary. For example, this was the case with the adjective "red". Its direct meaning "beautiful" is preserved only in ancient toponyms ("Red Square") or folklore (proverbs).


The meanings of words can be compared, contrasted. The program studies such relationships for grades 5-6. The lexical meaning of homonyms, synonyms and antonyms is very interesting. Consider all these types of words.

Homonyms are those words that are identical in pronunciation or spelling, but their meaning is completely different. Yes, the words carnations(flowers) and carnations(pointed rods for fastening materials) are spelled the same and pronounced differently. Another example: braid- type of hairstyle, and braid- agricultural implement. Homonyms can also be grammatical. So, in the phrases "flood the oven" and "bake pies." Word bake is a noun in the first case and a verb in the second. Do not confuse the concepts of homonymy and ambiguity. The first does not imply any similarity between concepts, while the second is based on the principle of similarity of some feature.


Synonyms are words with the same lexical meaning. For example, the words "friend, buddy, comrade, shirt-guy" have the meaning of a close, trusted person. However, synonyms still differ in shades of meaning. Friend, for example, denotes a particularly close person.

Synonyms also have different stylistic coloring. So, shirt-guy used in colloquial speech. As a rule, synonyms are words of one part of speech, however, they can be stable combinations. Knowing the phenomenon of synonymy helps to avoid spelling errors. So, to find out the correct spelling of the particle not with nouns or adjectives, you must follow the algorithm: "determine the lexical meaning and try to find a synonym without not: enemy - enemy".


Antonyms are words that differ diametrically in lexical meaning: friend - enemy; go - run; deep - shallow; up down. As you can see, the phenomenon of antonymy is characteristic of any parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. The use of such words gives speech a special expressiveness, helps to convey especially important thoughts to the listener or reader, therefore very often words that are opposite in meaning are found in folk sayings - proverbs. For example, "Softly spreads, but hard to sleep." In this case, "soft - hard" are antonyms.

As you can see, the Russian language is very diverse, so the topic of word interpretation has been studied for several years. In addition, it is included in the main school exams, where it occurs, for example, the task “Explain the lexical meaning of words” or “Choose a synonym / antonym / homonym for the word”, and so on.

Types of lexical meanings of words in Russian

In this article, we will consider the types of lexical meanings of words and present their most famous classification created by V. V. Vinogradov.

What is lexical meaning?

As you know, a word has two meanings - grammatical and lexical. And if the grammatical meaning is abstract and inherent in a large number of words, then the lexical meaning is always individual.

It is customary to call the lexical meaning the correlation of objects or phenomena of reality fixed in the mind of a native speaker with a certain sound complex of a language unit. That is, the lexical meaning denotes the content inherent in a particular word.

Now we will analyze on the basis of which the types of lexical meanings of words are distinguished. And then consider one of the most popular classifications.

Lexical value types

The semantic correlation of various words of the Russian language makes it possible to identify various types of lexemes. To date, there are many systematizations of such values. But the classification proposed by V. V. Vinogradov in his article entitled "The main types of lexical meanings of words" is considered the most complete. We will analyze this typology further.

By correlation

By nomination (or correlation), it is customary to distinguish two meanings of a lexeme - direct and figurative.

The direct meaning, it is also called the main or main one, is a meaning that reflects the phenomenon of reality, the real world. For example: the word "table" refers to a piece of furniture; "black" is the color of coal and soot; "boil" means to boil, seethe, evaporate from heating. Such semantics is permanent and is subject only to historical changes. For example: "table" in ancient times meant "reigning", "throne" and "capital".

The main types of lexical meanings of a word are always subdivided into smaller ones, which we proved in this paragraph, speaking of direct and figurative meanings.

Returning to the main theme, we can add that words in the direct meaning less than others depend on the context and other words. Therefore, it is believed that such meanings have the least syntagmatic coherence and the greatest paradigmatic conditionality.


The types of lexical meanings of words were identified on the basis of live Russian speech, in which a language game is often used, part of which is the use of words in figurative meanings.

Such meanings arise as a result of the transfer of the name of one object of reality to another on the basis of common features, similarity of functions, and so on.

Thus, the word got the opportunity to have several meanings. For example: "table" - 1) in the meaning of "piece of equipment" - "table of the machine"; 2) in the meaning of "food" - "get a room with a table"; 3) in the meaning of "department in the institution" - "round table".

The word “boil” also has a number of figurative meanings: 1) in the meaning of “manifestation to a high degree” - “work is in full swing”; 2) excessive manifestation of emotions - "boil with indignation."

Portable meanings are based on the convergence of two concepts with the help of various kinds of associations that are easily understood by native speakers. Very often, indirect meanings have great figurativeness: black thoughts, seething with indignation. These figurative phrases are quickly fixed in the language, and then fall into explanatory dictionaries.

Figurative meanings with pronounced figurativeness differ in their stability and reproducibility from metaphors invented by writers, publicists and poets, since the latter are strictly individual in nature.

However, very often figurative meanings lose their imagery for native speakers. For example, “handles of a sugar bowl”, “knee of a pipe”, “strike of a clock” are no longer perceived by us as figurative phrases. This phenomenon is called extinct imagery.

Types of lexical meanings of words by origin

Depending on the degree of semantic motivation (or by origin), the following are distinguished:

  • Motivated words (secondary or derivatives) are derived from derivational affixes and meanings of the derivational basis.
  • Unmotivated words (primary or non-derivative) - they do not depend on the meaning of the morphemes that make up the word.

For example: the words “build”, “table”, “white” are unmotivated. The motivated words are “construction”, “desktop”, “whiten”, since these words were formed from unmotivated ones, in addition, the primary source words help to understand the meaning of the newly formed lexemes. That is, "to whiten", derived from "white", means "to make white."

But not everything is so simple, the motivation of some words does not always manifest itself so clearly, as the language changes, and it is not always possible to find the historical root of the word. Nevertheless, if an etymological analysis is carried out, it is often possible to find an ancient connection between seemingly completely dissimilar words and explain their meanings. For example, after an etymological analysis, we learn that the words “feast”, “fat”, “cloth”, “window”, “cloud” come from “drink”, “live”, “twist”, “eye”, “drag” respectively. Therefore, it is not always possible for a non-specialist to distinguish an unmotivated word from a motivated one the first time.

Types of lexical meanings of words by compatibility

Depending on the lexical compatibility of meanings, words can be divided into:

  • Free - are based on only subject-logical connections. For example: “drink” can only be combined with words that denote liquid (tea, water, lemonade, etc.), but can never be used with words like “running”, “beauty”, “night”. Thus, the combination of such words will be regulated by the subject compatibility or incompatibility of the concepts that they denote. That is, "freedom" in the compatibility of such words is very conditional.
  • Non-free - such words are limited in their ability to lexically combine. Their use in speech depends both on the subject-logical factor and on the linguistic one. For example: the word "down" can be combined with the words "eyes", "look", "eyes", while these words cannot be correlated with other lexemes - they do not say "down your leg".

Non-free types of lexical meanings of words in Russian:

  • Phraseologically related - are realized exclusively in stable (or phraseological) combinations. For example: a sworn enemy - a sworn friend is not used, unless it is the author's language game.
  • Syntactically conditioned - is implemented only in those cases when the word is forced to perform an unusual function for it. For example, the words "hat", "oak", "log" become predicates, characterizing a person as narrow-minded, stupid, muddled, insensitive, lack of initiative. In fulfilling such a role, the word always acquires figurativeness and is classified as a type of figurative meanings.

Syntactically conditioned meanings also include those dictionary constructions that can be realized only under certain syntactic conditions. For example: "whirlwind" takes on a figurative meaning only in the form of a genus. n. - "whirlwind of events."

By function

Types of transfers of the lexical meaning of words can be distinguished depending on the nature of the functions performed:

  • Nominative - the name comes from the word "nomination", and denotes the naming of objects, phenomena and their qualities.
  • Expressive-semantic - in such words, the connotative (emotional-evaluative) becomes the predominant seme.

An example of a nominative word: “tall person” - this phrase informs the listener that the person who is given the characteristic is tall.

An example of an expressive-semantic word: in the same case as described above, the word "tall" is replaced by the word "lanky" - this is how a disapproving, negative assessment of this growth is added to the information about high growth. Thus, the word "lanky" is an expressive synonym for the word "tall".

By the nature of the connection

The main types of lexical meanings of Russian words, depending on the nature of the connection in the lexical system of some meanings with others:

  • Correlative meanings are words that are opposed to each other on some basis: good - bad, far - close.
  • Autonomous meanings are relatively independent words denoting specific objects: a chair, a flower, a theater.
  • Deterministic meanings are words determined by the meaning of other words, as they are their expressive or stylistic variants: the word “nag” is determined by the word “horse”, “beautiful”, “magnificent” - “good”.


Thus, we have listed the types of lexical meanings of words. Briefly, we can name the following aspects that formed the basis of our classification:

  • Subject-conceptual connections of words or paradigmatic relations.
  • Syntagmatic relations or the relation of words to each other.
  • Derivational or word-forming connections of lexemes.

Thanks to the study of the classification of lexical meanings, one can better understand the semantic structure of words, understand in more detail the systemic relationships that have developed in the vocabulary of the modern language.

What is lexical meaning? Need to give examples!

Sasha Markhakshinov

Lexical meaning - the correlation of the sound shell of the word with the corresponding objects or phenomena of objective reality. The lexical meaning does not include the entire set of features inherent in any object, phenomenon, action, etc., but only the most significant, helping to distinguish one object from another. The lexical meaning reveals the features by which common properties are determined for a number of objects, actions, phenomena, and also establishes differences that distinguish this object, action, phenomenon. For example, the lexical meaning of the word giraffe is defined as follows: “African artiodactyl ruminant with a very long neck and long legs”, that is, those signs that distinguish a giraffe from other animals are listed.

Pavel kiyamov

Evgeny Dzerzhinsky

The lexical meaning of a word is its content, i.e., the correlation between the sound complex and the object or phenomenon of reality, historically fixed in the minds of speakers. lexical meaning of a word A direct meaning is one that is directly related to an object or phenomenon, quality, action, etc. A figurative meaning is such a meaning that does not arise as a result of direct correlation with the object, but through the transfer of direct meaning to another object due to various associations . Examples: nose - the organ of smell, located on the face of a person, the muzzle of an animal (direct); - front part of the vessel, aircraft (portable); - bird's beak (portable); - toe (boot toes).

The lexical meaning of a word is its content, i.e., the correlation between the sound complex and the object or phenomenon of reality, historically fixed in the minds of speakers. lexical meaning of a word A direct meaning is one that is directly related to an object or phenomenon, quality, action, etc. A figurative meaning is such a meaning that does not arise as a result of direct correlation with the object, but through the transfer of direct meaning to another object due to various associations . Examples: nose - the organ of smell, located on the face of a person, the muzzle of an animal (direct); - front part of the vessel, aircraft (portable); - bird's beak (portable); - toe (boot toes).

Kiseleva tatiana

The lexical meaning of a word is its content, i.e., the correlation between the sound complex and the object or phenomenon of reality, historically fixed in the minds of speakers. lexical meaning of a word A direct meaning is one that is directly related to an object or phenomenon, quality, action, etc. A figurative meaning is such a meaning that does not arise as a result of direct correlation with the object, but through the transfer of direct meaning to another object due to various associations . Examples: nose - the organ of smell, located on the face of a person, the muzzle of an animal (direct); - front part of the vessel, aircraft (portable); - bird's beak (portable); - toe (boot toes).

What is the lexical meaning of the word??? rule =(

Irina Robertovna Makhrakova

The lexical meaning of a word is its interpretation, it is what the word means.


● selection of synonyms;


Words can have one meaning - they are called single-valued, and can have several meanings (two or more) - they are called polysemantic.
Values ​​can be direct - these are primary, initial values, or they can be figurative - these are secondary values ​​that arise on the basis of transferring primary values ​​to other objects, signs, actions.

Examples of interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word:

Alexandra wild

The lexical and grammatical meanings of the word differ.
The lexical meaning of a word is the correlation of the word with certain phenomena of reality.

All words of the language have a lexical meaning, but the meanings of independent and auxiliary parts of speech differ. Independent parts of speech call objects, actions, signs, quantities (man, run, fast, twelve), and service parts express the relationship between words in a phrase and sentence or introduce additional semantic shades into the sentence (on, in, through, because, because , whether, -ka).

The grammatical meaning of a word is its characteristic tick in terms of belonging to a certain part of speech, as well as the meaning of the grammatical form.

The lexical meaning of a word is contained in the basis of the word, the grammatical meaning is in affixes.

For example, the lexical meaning of the word "house" is "a residential building, as well as (collected) people living in it", and the grammatical meaning will be that it is a noun, common noun, inanimate, masculine, II declension, that it can be defined by an adjective, change by cases and numbers, act as a member of a sentence.

1. What is the lexical and grammatical meaning of a word? 2. Tell us about single-valued and polysemantic words; direct and n

1. What is the lexical and grammatical meaning of a word? 2. Tell us about single-valued and polysemantic words; direct and figurative meanings of the word. 3. What expressive means of the language do you know, based on the figurative meaning of the word?

Irina Robertovna Makhrakova

The LEXICAL MEANING of a WORD is its interpretation, this is what the word means.

The lexical meaning of words is explained in explanatory dictionaries. There are several ways to interpret words:
● by describing an object, attribute, action, etc.;
● selection of synonyms;
● using antonym / antonyms;
● selection of single-root words.
Words can have one meaning - they are called UNIVERSAL, and they can have several meanings (two or more) - they are called MULTIPLE.

VALUES can be DIRECT - these are the primary, original meanings of words, or they can be PORTABLE - these are secondary meanings that arise on the basis of transferring primary meanings to other objects, signs, actions.

PORTABLE MEANINGS OF WORDS - the basis of such visual means of language as METAPHOR, METONYMY, PERSONATION, so that the use of words in a figurative meaning gives speech, the language of works of art brightness, figurativeness, expressiveness.
An example of the interpretation of the lexical meaning of a word:

EXCEPT THE LEXICAL SIGNIFICANCE, the words of significant parts of speech have a GRAMMATICAL meaning. This is the meaning of number, gender, case, person, for example:
● the ending -IT in the verb SEES expresses the grammatical meaning of the singular, 3rd person;
● the ending -A in the verb LOOKED expresses the grammatical meaning of the singular, feminine, and together with the formative suffix -L- also the meaning of the past tense;
● the ending -У in the noun COUNTRY expresses the grammatical meaning of the feminine, singular, nominative case;
● The ending -YMI in the adjective MYSTERIOUS expresses the grammatical meaning of the plural, the accusative case.

Anton Ulyanchenko

The lexical meaning of a word is essentially its definition,
Grammatical is the function that this word carries in a sentence (for example, it is a subject, predicate, object)

Single-valued words - words with one meaning, polysemantic - with many meanings. For example, cough is a one-to-one word, for example, and a shoe is a multi-valued word (both shoes and a buffer for stopping trains)

Direct meaning - words and expressions taken literally. For example: creak a table.
The figurative meaning of the word is what is perceived as a metaphor, not literally. For example, reluctantly.

Words in Russian have 2 meanings: lexical and grammatical. If the second type is abstract, then the first is individual. In this article, we present the main types of lexical meanings of a word.

The lexical meaning or, as it is sometimes called, the meaning of the word, shows how the sound shell of the word correlates with objects or phenomena of the world around us. It should be noted that it does not contain the whole complex of features characteristic of a particular object.

In contact with

What is the lexical meaning of a word?

The meaning of the word reflects only signs that allow you to distinguish one object from another. Its center is the stem of the word.

All types of lexical meanings of a word can be divided into 5 groups depending on:

  1. correlations;
  2. origin;
  3. compatibility;
  4. functions;
  5. the nature of the connection.

This classification was proposed by the Soviet scientist Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov in the article "The main types of lexical meanings of the word" (1977). We will discuss this classification in more detail below.

Types by relation

From the nominative point of view (that is, by correlation), all meanings of the word are divided into direct and figurative. direct value is the main one. It is directly related to how one or another letter and sound form correlates with the concept that has developed in the minds of native speakers.

So, the word "cat" refers to a predatory animal of small size from the cat family, belonging to the order of mammals that exterminate rodents. A "knife" is a tool that is used for cutting; consists of blade and handle. adjective "green" denotes the color of the growing foliage.

Over time, the meaning of the word can change, obeying the currents characteristic of this or that time in the life of the people. So, back in the 18th century, the word "wife" was used in the sense of "woman." For the designation of "spouse" or "a woman who is married to a man" it began to be used much later. Similar changes occurred with the word "husband".

Figurative meaning words are derived from the main. With its help, one lexical unit is endowed with the properties of another on the basis of common or similar features. Thus, the adjective "dark" is used to describe a space that is immersed in darkness or in which there is no light.

But at the same time, this lexeme is quite often used in a figurative sense. Thus, the adjective "dark" can be used to describe something obscure (for example, manuscripts). It can also be used in relation to a person. In this context, the adjective "dark" would indicate that the person in question, uneducated or ignorant.

As a rule, the value transfer occurs according to one of the following criteria:

As can be seen from the above examples, the figurative meanings that have developed in words are somehow connected with the main one. Unlike the author's metaphors, which are widely used in fiction, figurative lexical meanings are stable and occur much more often in the language.

It should be noted that in the Russian language there is often a phenomenon when figurative meanings lose their figurativeness. So, the combinations “teapot spout” or “teapot handle” have closely entered the Russian language and are familiar to its speakers.

Lexical meanings by origin

All lexical units existing in the language have their own etymology. However, upon careful consideration, one can notice that the meaning of some units is easily deduced, and in the case of others it is quite difficult to understand what this or that word means. Based on this difference, a second group of lexical meanings is distinguished - by origin.

From the point of view of origin, there are two types of values:

  1. Motivated;
  2. Unmotivated.

In the first case, we are talking about lexical units formed by adding affixes. The meaning of the word is derived from the meaning of the stem and affixes. In the second case, the meaning of the lexeme does not depend on the meaning of its individual components, that is, it is non-derivative.

So, the category of unmotivated includes the words: “running”, “red”. Their derivatives are motivated: “to run”, “escape”, “blush”. Knowing the meaning of the lexical units underlying them, we can easily deduce the meaning of derivatives. However, the meaning of motivated words is not always so easy to deduce. Sometimes an etymological analysis is required.

Lexical meanings depending on compatibility

Each language imposes certain restrictions on the use of lexical units. Some units can only be used in certain contexts. In this case, we are talking about the compatibility of lexical units. From the point of view of compatibility, two types of values ​​are distinguished:

  1. free;
  2. not free.

In the first case, we are talking about units that can be freely combined with each other. However, this freedom cannot be absolute. She is very conditional. So, with the verb "open" such nouns as "door", "window", "lid" can be freely used. At the same time, the words “packaging” or “crime” cannot be used with him. Thus, the meaning of the lexeme "open" dictates to us the rules, according to which certain concepts may or may not be compatible with it.

Unlike free ones, the compatibility of units with a non-free value is severely limited. As a rule, such lexemes are part of phraseological units or are syntactically conditioned.

In the first case, the units are connected phraseological meaning. For example, in the words "play" and "nerves", taken separately, there is no semantic component "intentionally annoying". And only when these lexemes are combined in the phraseological unit “play on the nerves”, they acquire this meaning. The adjective "bosom" cannot be used together with the word "enemy" or "comrade". According to the norms of the Russian language, this adjective is combined only with the noun "friend".

Syntactically conditional meaning is acquired by a word only when it performs a function unusual for it in a sentence. So, a noun can sometimes act as a predicate in a sentence: “And you are a hat!”

Functional types of lexical values

Each lexical meaning carries a certain function. With the help of some units of language, we simply name objects or phenomena. Others we use to express some kind of assessment. There are two types of functional values:

  • nominative;
  • expressive-semantic.

The lexemes of the first type do not carry additional (evaluative) features. As an example, we can cite such language units as “look”, “man”, “drink”, “make noise”, etc.

The lexemes belonging to the second type, on the contrary, contain an evaluative feature. They are separate linguistic units, stand out in a separate dictionary entry and act as expressively colored synonyms for their neutral equivalents: “look” - “stare”, “drink” - “thump”.

Lexical meanings by the nature of the connection

Another important aspect of the meaning of a word is its relationship with other lexical units of the language. From this point of view, the following types of lexical meanings:

  1. correlative (lexemes that are opposed to each other on the basis of some feature: "big" - "small");
  2. autonomous (lexical units independent of each other: “hammer”, “saw”, “table”);
  3. determinatives (lexemes with an expressive meaning, determined by the meaning of other lexical units: “huge” and “hefty” are determinatives for the adjective “large”).

Given by V.V. Vinogradov, the classification quite fully reflects the system of lexical meanings in the Russian language. However, the scientist does not mention another equally important aspect. Every language has words that have more than one meaning. In this case, we are talking about single-valued and polysemantic words.

Single and multiple words

As mentioned above, all words can be divided into two large groups:

  • unambiguous;
  • polysemantic.

Unambiguous lexemes are used to refer to only one specific object or phenomenon. Often, the term "monosemantic" is used to refer to them. The category of unambiguous words includes:

However, there are not so many such lexemes in the Russian language. Polysemantic or polysemantic words are much more widespread.

It is important to note that the term "polysemy" should in no case be confused with "homonymy". The difference between these linguistic phenomena lies in the presence of a connection between the meanings of words.

For example, the word "escape" might mean:

  1. leaving the place of serving a sentence (imprisonment) at will, thanks to a well-developed plan or by chance.
  2. young plant stem with buds and leaves.

As you can see from this example, the given values ​​are not related. Thus, we are talking about homonyms.

Let's give another example - "paper":

  1. material that is made from cellulose;
  2. document ( trans.).

Both meanings have the same semantic component, so this lexeme is multi-valued.

Where can you find the lexical meaning of a word?

In order to find out what a particular word means, you need to refer to the explanatory dictionary. They give the exact definition of the word. Turning to the explanatory dictionary, you can not only find out the meaning of the lexical unit of interest, but also find examples of its use. In addition, the description of the meaning of the word helps to understand the difference between synonyms. All vocabulary in the explanatory dictionary is arranged alphabetically.

Such dictionaries are usually intended for native speakers. However, foreigners studying Russian can also use them.

As an example, you can provide the following dictionaries:

  • "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" - V.I. Dahl;
  • "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" - S.I. Ozhegov;
  • "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" - D.N. Ushakov;
  • "Dictionary of Russian onomastic terminology" - A.V. Superanskaya.

As mentioned above, in the explanatory dictionary you can find the lexical meanings of words in Russian and examples of their use. However, this is not all the information that this type of dictionaries provides. They also provide information about the grammatical and stylistic features of lexical units.

The lexical meaning does not include the entire set of features inherent in any object, phenomenon, action, etc., but only the most significant ones that help to distinguish one object from another. The lexical meaning reveals the features by which common properties are determined for a number of objects, actions, phenomena, and also establishes differences that distinguish this object, action, phenomenon. For example, the lexical meaning of the word giraffe defined as follows: “African artiodactyl ruminant with a very long neck and long legs”, that is, those signs that distinguish the giraffe from other animals are listed.

Not all words of the Russian language have meaning. A word can have one lexical meaning ( unambiguous words): syntax, tangent, whatman, secret etc. Words that have two, three or more lexical meanings are called ambiguous: sleeve, warm. Polysemantic words are among all independent parts of speech, except for numerals. It is possible to determine the specific meaning of a polysemantic word only in the context: star - stars lit up in the sky; screen star; starfish.

The lexical meaning can be explained:

  • descriptively, characterizing the distinctive features of an object, action, phenomenon;
  • through a single-root word;
  • selection of synonyms.

The lexical meaning of the word is given in explanatory dictionaries.

The term "lexical" or, as they have recently begun to say, "the meaning of the word" cannot be considered quite definite. The lexical meaning of a word is usually understood as its subject-material content, designed according to the laws of the grammar of a given language and being an element of the general semantic system of the dictionary of this language. The socially fixed content of a word can be homogeneous, unified, but it can be an internally connected system of multidirectional reflections of different “pieces of reality”, between which a semantic connection is established in the system of a given language.

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    ✪ Russian language. The word and its meaning

    ✪ Lexical meaning of the word | Russian language grade 4 #12 | info lesson

    ✪ The word and its lexical meaning. Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms | Russian language grade 3 #4 | info lesson


The figurative meaning of the word

Derived from the main (main) lexical meaning of a word, relating to it metonymically, metaphorically or associatively, through spatial, temporal, logical and other dependencies. The figurative meaning can become the main one and vice versa.

Lexical meaning of a word in Russian with examples.

Lexical meaning of the word is its content, i.e. the correlation historically fixed in the minds of the speakers between the sound complex and the object or phenomenon of reality.

Direct value called one that is directly related to an object or phenomenon, quality, action, etc.

portable is such meaning, which arises as a result of not direct correlation with the object, but through the transfer of direct meaning to another object due to various associations. Examples:

nose - the organ of smell, located on the face of a person, the muzzle of an animal (direct);

- front part of the vessel, aircraft (portable);

- bird's beak (portable);

- toe (boot toes).

Synonyms, antonyms.

Synonyms- words that are close or identical in meaning, which differently name the same concept. Synonyms can differ from each other by a shade of meaning, stylistic coloring, etc.

present, gift, offering, present, gift

dress up, undress, dress up, dress up, dress up

Antonyms- words of different sounding, which express opposite, but correlative concepts with each other.

There is nothing in the world stronger and more powerless the words.

Lie the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the god of the free man.

Contextual synonyms and antonyms are words that are not synonyms/antonyms in common use, but acquire similar or opposite meanings in context.

They agreed: wave and stone,

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other antonyms).

Vocabulary old and new.

historicisms- These are obsolete words that have fallen into disuse due to the disappearance of those concepts that they denoted.

* veche, oprichnik

Archaisms- words that in the process of language development were replaced by synonyms.

* barber - hairdresser, piit - poet, cheeks - cheeks, bed - bed

Neologisms- new words that appear in the language as a result of new concepts, phenomena, qualities

* home cinema, merchandiser, reception.


Phraseologisms- stable combinations of words that have a holistic meaning.

* roll up your sleeves

* rush headlong

Parsing the task.

Which of the following sentences contains phraseological units?

1) Often we carry with us the most sacred image and books.

2) We know perfectly well that a true book cannot be read only once.

3) Like magical signs, the truth and beauty of a book are absorbed gradually.

4) So, the book depository is the first gate of enlightenment.

Phraseologism is a stable combination of words, where words are used in a figurative sense, therefore we should look for a phrase that looks like a saying in appearance. In all sentences, only one phrase is stable: first gate.

Dictionary of Efremova


owls. transition
see distribute.

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


Syn: to increase, to raise, to increase, to expand, to supplement, to enrich, to add

Ozhegov's dictionary

DISTRIBUTION And Th, nude, niche; nyonny (yon, ena); owl., what.

1. Enlarge, make more extensive (book). R. own possessions.

2. Expand the circle of action of something. R. current routine for all employees.

3. Make accessible, known to many. R. teaching. R. newspaper. R. experience of innovators.

4. Fill the surrounding air with the smell of Chegon. R. around him the smell of perfume. R. fragrance.

| nesov. distribute, I eat, eat.

Propagating members of a sentence in grammar: the same as minor members of a sentence.

| noun Spread, I, cf.

Dictionary Ushakov


distribute spread, spread, spread sovereign(to ), someone.

1. Make it bigger, bigger books.). Expand your possessions.

2. Expand the scope of something. Spread your influence. Spread power. Extend the law.

3. Promoting something, make it accessible to many, give the opportunity to learn something. Spread education. Spread the teaching.

4. To inform, to make known to many. Spread the word. Spread the notice. Spread the news.

5. Fill the surrounding air with the smell of something. The bouquet immediately spread the aroma of the field in the room.

6. Make it longer, more spacious. Spread the speech.

7. Sell, distribute in any quantity among the population. Distribute the new pamphlet in the village.

Distribute the offer ( gram.) - add explanatory words, secondary members of the sentence in the sentence.

Sentences with "spread"

The organizers of the project intend to provide comprehensive medical care to 240 children in six hospitals in the Moscow Region and a number of other regions during the year, and from 2003 to extend this experience to the whole of Russia.

To do this, it is necessary to correct the condition for calculating preferential length of service for combat duty and extend the payment of field money to all numbers on duty shifts.

Secondly, since the sphere of law is planned to be extended only to business relations and the protection of property rights, one should not expect a decrease in the rigidity of the regime.

At the same time, Galileo checked that the laws of rolling obtained by him are qualitatively independent of the angle of inclination of the plane, and, therefore, they can be extended to the case of a fall.

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