Symbols to attract money. Magic symbols that attract money and good luck in business

Is it possible to consciously choose for yourself better life? Why not become the creator of your own destiny? We will not touch on happiness, hope and love in this article. Better write about the rituals to attract money. And about what to choose the right symbols - amulets that will help attract abundance, financial wealth and good luck to the house.

Of course, we are talking about harmless "everyday magic", which does not involve trading in an immortal soul. On the other hand, this most common "everyday magic" should not be considered nonsense and a joke. They don't joke with money.

Ordinary miracle

Successful people know that success depends on the right goal, confident steps towards it. An ardent desire and energetic action are needed to realize a dream. People often do not believe in miracles, magic and folk omens, but believe in own forces. But at the same time, they still knock on wood three times, sit down on the path, wish each other “not a fluff or a feather” before a responsible business, look in the mirror if they had to return, they place souvenirs-amulets in the car, carry a fiat coin in their wallet and they don’t even think that all this is ancient and proven by generations of magic rituals and effective symbols.

And about money rituals skeptics will say: well, how can a candle and cereal ritual affect an increase in the salary of a public sector worker or the success of a financial contract? We explain for those who doubt: the ritual is not a recipe for a salary increase from next Monday and not a panacea for parasites. This is the psychological transformation of intention into a stimulus. According to psychologists, such rituals are effective psycho-training: this is how we visualize our desires. It has been proven that if a person focuses his attention on some process or phenomenon, he gives energy to this process or phenomenon, thereby attracting the desired event into his life. Thus, we give a command to our subconscious, which seeks internal resources to achieve the goal.
And if you believe in miracles even a little, then you know that no one has canceled the power of magic either. Magic is super-influence, super-effort, designation of intention, giving additional directed subtle energy to one's aspiration - which means that it is much more effective than simple psycho-training. There is a theory that it is precisely in the wrong or disrespectful attitude towards this energy that the reason for lack of money lies. If you have long time no money means you are in conflict with subtle money energy. Money is like girls: they need to be loved, they need to be looked after, they need to be respected and treated with care.

Symbols of wealth
The most popular symbol of wealth, which can be seen in many homes and offices, is a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth - a symbol of great monetary luck. The coin in the mouth symbolizes gold. In accordance with the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, the figurine is placed in the far left corner of the desktop or in the southeast sector of each room. The toad should sit with its back to the door, as if it just jumped into your room. When choosing a three-legged toad for your home, you should not save money, because the figurine should be large and look expensive - after all, it represents wealth and is considered one of the most effective talismans for the wealth sector.

Popular money symbols for the wealth sector also include Money Tree and its artificial counterpart. By the way, in order for the tree to serve you faithfully, it is not enough just to place it on the windowsill. Transplanting it into a convenient ceramic pot, put eight coins of the same denomination on the bottom. When planting a plant, you need to say a conspiracy three times: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth. That is my will." The plant should be watered once a week, strictly on the day of the week when it was planted and this conspiracy should be repeated.

Violet also brings prosperity to the house. For the best effect, you need to put it on the desktop, and put three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon under the pot.

A sprig of heather is also considered a strong money amulet, capable of concentrating in large quantities material energy. To always have money in your wallet, make a charm out of it (you can use it in the form of a collage), and decorate the wall in your office. In a collage, in combination with heather, you can use any objects that personify the energy of money - coins, green paper, banknotes.

Another option is to put green velvet paper in a photo frame, lay a heather twig on it. AT lower part collage, add three coins of different denominations. Press firmly with glass. Now this is not just a picture, but a money amulet. In addition to heather, mint works for the energy of monetary luck, green tea, jasmine flowers, patchouli, spicy carnation, nutmeg, dill seeds, cinnamon. An effective money talisman is a bag of green mint tea in a red purse.

magical money rituals

Before embarking on a magical ritual to attract money, remember a simple rule. It is necessary to start any ritual by determining the current phase of the moon. In the period from the new moon to the full moon (that is, on the growing moon), we attract what we want to ourselves (money, luck and success). From the full moon to the new moon - on the contrary, we push away (obstacles in our path, bad luck, get rid of insecurity and low self-esteem).

Ritual "Golden Money Spell"

You will need a deep bowl or pot to place next to the door. For 7 days at the same time, put a coin in the pot. Putting the first coin in a bowl, say: “Flow, money, sparkle, wish me to be rich.” Putting the rest of the coins, say: "Money, money, you are my strength, do not leave, do not leave me in difficult times." After a week, retire, let no one bother you. .Put a pot of money on the table, lay out a circle of coins. Place a green candle and a small glass of salt in the center of the circle. Look at the flame of the candle, without looking up, and imagine that living monetary energy goes from the coins into the flame. Forget about debts, taxes and other financial troubles. Use all your boundless imagination, imagining yourself rich and happy. Sit like this and dream about your happy future, full of prosperity and abundance. Let the candle burn out. In the morning, throw away its remains, and put the coins back into the pot. This ritual can only be performed once.

Ritual for attracting money and prosperity in business
Place and light a red or green candle in the center of the table (it is these colors that attract money). Clearly state your desire, your goal. Write it on paper - so the idea is clearly indicated. Now you need to create a vivid mental image of your desire, "see" it and try to keep it as long as possible. The task will be facilitated by the completed drawing depicting the goal. It should reflect the type of business and the desired amount that you intend to receive. Moreover, the more accurate and small details you reflect on paper, the better. Close the salt circle around the candle a centimeter thick. This must be done clockwise. Visualize your desire for five minutes. Concentrate on the desire until you feel a sense of joy and satisfaction, as if your wish has already come true. This means that you have mastered the energy of your desire, and it will soon begin to materialize.

Ritual "Visualization for the missing amount"

For this ritual, prepare paper and a pen, a square jar with a lid, a bay leaf and seven coins. Write down on a piece of paper the amount you need. Drop the paper with the wish and the coins into the jar with the hand that you usually hold out when you take the money. On the back side bay leaf write your name and put it in the jar too. The jar with ritual items must be placed in a secluded place so that only you can see it.

Slavic rituals on the night of Ivan Kupala and with semolina
Rituals, rituals and conspiracies for prosperity in the house were widespread among the Slavic peoples. The most famous of them, which has come down to our time, is held on the night of Ivan Kupala. On this magical night, you need to collect all the cash that is in the house, withdraw money from bank accounts and put it next to the bed. Falling asleep, you need to dream about the finances that you want to have and all the amenities that they will give you. Waking up in the morning, without getting out of bed, you need to take the money in your hands and start counting them. Count and count, repeating over and over in a circle. When you count the number of bills that you need for happiness, you can get up. There will be no financial problems throughout the year.

Also among the Slavs, a magnet of luck and money was considered semolina, which is still used today: if you mark the way from the bank to the house with a scattering of semolina, big profits will not bypass your business and the money will definitely find its way to you!

Ritual "Laying the financial foundation"

As is customary among the people, new life usually start on Monday, with a new year or repair. It is repair that is a wonderful chance to create a space around you for a fundamental setting for financial well-being.

For this ritual, set aside banknotes of any denomination, the main thing is that the money should be paper. The number of bills should correspond to the number of corners of your office or main room (but not the bedroom, not the nursery and not the kitchen). These bills should be wrapped in red paper and put in a safe place in this room. From this place they cannot be transferred to another until the very beginning of the repair. It will be good if they lie there for a year. When you start gluing the wallpaper, connect each corner of the room around the perimeter with bills. Now your house, literally and figuratively, is worth money! All your ideas and initiatives, hopes and efforts will be adequately rewarded.

Magical Tips on How to Attract and Hold Dene Energy

1. So that the money earned is not transferred in your home, you cannot spend a penny on the day of your salary, the entire amount must spend the night at home.

2. There must be a “lucky” bill or coin in the wallet (the first one earned, received from a successful transaction, after magical ritual etc.). This money cannot be spent - it is a talisman of prosperity.

3. Take money with your left hand and give it with your right.

4. Make sure that all the plumbing is working at home - along with dripping water, money also leaks.

5. Do not repay debts in the evening. Try also to repay debts on the growing moon.

6. Do not count money in weight - this must be done on the table. Best of all - on a wooden surface or a special money rug.

7. Red color attracts money. Buy a red wallet or just put some red item next to the bills.

8. To have money in the house, place the broom with the handle down.

If a simple ritual, even if it seems ridiculous to skeptics, helps to become a successful and rich person, why not try it? You just have to believe. And don't lose your sense of humor.

Wanna have powerful talisman, which is able to turn life around, then use the symbol of good luck. Exist a large number of figures and drawings with energy that needs to be directed in the right direction. You need to choose based on your own feelings.

Lucky symbols

People have long used various talismans to protect themselves from negativity, become happier and. The most popular symbols that bring good luck and wealth:

  1. Acorn- attracts success, gives strength and fulfills desires.
  2. Bee- personifies wealth and good luck in all matters.
  3. Butterfly- attracts well-being and helps to achieve goals.
  4. Cat- is considered a symbol of good luck.
  5. Ladybug- means good luck, prosperity and blessing of the Higher powers.

Lucky symbol - clover

Many plants have energy that can influence a person. The four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck, which is national for the Irish. It is believed among the people that if such a plant can be found, then positive changes can be expected ahead. To turn a clover leaf into a talisman, it must be dried and always carried with you. Magic signs and symbols that bring good luck can be made of gold or other materials. There are several ways to use clover:

  1. Put a sheet under the insole of your shoes before you leave the house, and then you can pull it towards you.
  2. To attract good luck and financial stability, you need to carry clover in your wallet.
  3. To protect the house and attract happiness, you need to place a clover under glass and hang it in front of the front door.

Good luck symbol - star

To change your life into better side, you can use the star of the erzgamma as a talisman. She is able to attract good luck, give success and protect from trouble. They consider this symbol to be the guiding star of the subconscious, which will help not to turn off the right way. It is recommended to wear it around the neck so that the amulet is closer to the heart. You can not keep it with you for a long time and it is best to put it on a few days before the event and take it off some time after it.

If the symbol of good luck and luck while wearing causes negative feelings, then this indicates that it is better not to use such a talisman. There are several opinions about what the presented sign can mean:

  1. Astrologers believe that the 12 rays of the star represent the signs of the zodiac. The symbol denotes the unity of the stars in the sky and infinity.
  2. Numerologists are sure that 12 is the meaning of the Moon and the Sun. The Erzgamma star attracts good luck due to the influence of the most powerful celestial bodies.
  3. Esotericists consider the symbol as the center of the universe or a powerful chakra that is responsible for life.

Good luck symbol is the key

A powerful ancient talisman is the key that attracts good luck and protects from negativity. In modern magical practices, the amulet is used to gain wisdom and knowledge of being. There are several ways to use the symbol of good luck and wealth:

  1. As a personal amulet, it is recommended to wear a key on a chain around your neck. If it is made of gold, it can protect a person from negativity and attract success.
  2. The talisman in the form of a bundle with three golden keys is a symbol of health, wealth and finding love.
  3. Describing the symbols of good luck, it is worth highlighting separately big key Solomon, which is used in practical Kabbalah. Such a talisman is not suitable for ordinary people, and it is recommended to wear it only if you have a magical gift.
  4. The key, made of silver, is ideal for students, business start-ups and people who want to advance in their careers.
  5. You can hang a bunch of keys in a conspicuous place in the house as a talisman that will attract good luck and protect against negativity.

Good luck symbol - horse

The noble animal is used as a feng shui talisman that will attract success in work and business. There are several types of horses with their own meaning:

  1. The rearing animal is intended to attract recognition and victory to a person.
  2. An unsaddled and galloping animal is a symbol of good luck, which personifies victory over opponents. It is recommended to use a figurine or picture of such a horse in order to achieve success in a career, business and competitions.
  3. A horse surrounded by jewels is used to bring good luck, improve financial position and growing importance in society.

In order for the symbol of good luck to give results, it is necessary to correctly position the figurine or picture in the house. The horse should be placed in the southwest and south direction. It is important that the figure is not directed towards a window or door. Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing a picture of a horse in the bedroom. To achieve success in your work, place the figure of a horse on your desktop.

Good luck symbol - horseshoe

One of the most popular symbols for attracting good luck is the horseshoe. In ancient times, it was believed that if a person finds such a thing on the street, then success and happiness await him ahead. This is due to the fact that the horse in those days was considered the personification of wealth, since not everyone could afford it. The symbol of happiness and good luck must be made of metal. According to tradition, a horseshoe must be placed above the door.

As for how to properly hang a talisman, then in different countries there are different opinions:

  1. In the East, Latin America and many European countries, it is customary to place a horseshoe with its horns down so that happiness flows from ergot into the house.
  2. The opposite opinion is among the inhabitants of England and Ireland, who believe that the horns should be directed upwards, as this will symbolize a full bowl.
  3. A symbol of good luck, a horseshoe in Italy is hung so that every person entering the house touches it. In Mexico, on the contrary, no one can touch it, so as not to steal happiness, so they hang it high, decorating it with ribbons and coins.

Symbols of good luck of different nations

Many peoples, associations and cultures have their own unique talismans that have powerful energy that can attract success and change the world for the better. Famous symbols that attract money and good luck:

  • in Africa, crocodile teeth;
  • in Asia - bamboo and cricket;
  • among the Indians - kachina (special dolls);
  • in Egypt, the scarab.

Slavic symbol of good luck

The ancient Slavs made various amulets with their own hands, which have not lost their popularity for a long time. Powerful symbols were applied to belts, bracelets, headbands, and pendants were also made. Slavic symbols of good luck and wealth were made from fabrics, embroidered on clothes and painted on dishes or walls. The most popular include the following symbols of good luck and wealth among the Slavs:

Japanese symbol of good luck

To attract success into their lives, the inhabitants of Japan use figurines of the seven gods of Buddhist syncretism. Each of them is responsible for its own area and the most popular are the following persons:

Chinese symbol of good luck

Many of the talismans popular in China are known to us thanks to the popular Feng Shui teachings.

Indian symbol of good luck

Many will be surprised, but one of the main symbols of good luck for the people of India is the swastika, which is a cross with curved ends clockwise or counterclockwise. The solar sign is seen as the personification of life, abundance and light. The symbol that brings good luck is carved on the walls of many temples, rocks and monuments throughout India.

Since ancient times, people have sought to acquire talismans and amulets that allow you to protect their owner from trouble and the evil eye, as well as attract wealth, success and prosperity to the house. All these beliefs have survived to this day and are actively acquired by many. Consider the most relevant amulets for good luck and wealth in more detail.

It is enough to put just one acorn on the windowsill and you can not be afraid of lightning strikes and fires. This belief has come down to our days from the Vikings, who were afraid of the god Thor.

Contribute to good luck and gain, protecting from envy and hatred of supporters and opponents.

It is customary to give sprouts of this plant in different countries. It symbolizes good luck and success in all endeavors. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it should be located in the eastern part of the house to activate the qi energy.

4. Triangle.

This amulet can be considered the most ancient, distinguished by numerous meanings, but stability and stability can be distinguished as the main one. Three angles speak of three life periods - childhood, youth and old age. It should be purchased by everyone in order to spend a full happy life.

Indians and Asians consider it a symbol of good luck, warning of danger and various troubles. If you heard his chatter, then take a closer look at the surrounding events and try to anticipate what could go wrong in your life.

6. Horseshoe.

Even in ancient times, the horse was considered the strongest and most faithful assistant, so to this day there is a belief that a horseshoe attracts prosperity and good luck in the affairs of the owner. A charm in the form of a horseshoe, located above front door, able to block the path to all sorts of troubles and anger.

This is one of the varieties of dolls that reflects the spirit of a thing. It is believed that it is these spirits that allow you to grow and harvest an excellent harvest.

This amulet also comes from the culture of the Indian peoples. It keeps bad dreams away. It is believed that a spider saved from death by one Indian woman taught to create this type of web. In the center, it is imperative to leave a small space through which prosperous dreams will come, and the rest of the network collects everything bad.

This amulet came to us from the Middle East region. Its main effect is aimed at protection from the evil eye and damage. Inside the stone, as it were, there is an eye. Given the wide demand for this talisman, you can safely rely on it. magical abilities.

10. Scarab.

It was truly considered an Ancient Egyptian sacred animal, therefore all amulets with its image were valued and perceived at a special level. This type of insect personifies rebirth (or transformation into another world).

Lion statues can be seen in most Asian countries. It is especially appreciated by the people of China. The location of a pair of lions at the entrance to the palace allows you to save property from thieves.

The oldest ancient Egyptian amulet, available exclusively to the pharaohs. It was believed that it was with the help of the image and symbol of the ankh that the gods gave the afterlife eternal life.

Today it is the most common talisman, symbolizing financial well-being and success. If you find a coin that has landed heads up, it is good sign and you can take it. But if not, then it is better to leave it in place. Lucky coins can be carried in a purse, purse, outerwear pocket and other personal items.

His power allows you to overcome any difficulties and climb up the career ladder. He endows leadership qualities its owner.

It is recognized as a universally recognized symbol of good luck and family well-being. In Asian countries, it is considered an amulet of financial well-being. In China, it is a symbol of diligence and diligence. That is why piggy banks in their form are still widespread to this day.

Only the hind leg of an animal associated with childbearing can act as an amulet, which is why it is worth buying it if you dream of becoming parents. Also, the rabbit's foot can promote good luck and financial well-being.

Both figurines and simple images can bring wealth and good luck. To activate the right energy, this type of talisman is important to place on the western side of the home. By purchasing the laughing Buddha amulet, you will be able to appreciate the improvement in health and family well-being.

In most countries, there is a tradition of throwing coins into a well or fountain. If you make a wish at the same time, then it will certainly come true. In ancient times, people believed that in this way they would propitiate the gods, who did not allow the water sources to dry out.

This amulet came to us from Asia. When purchasing it, pay attention to the coin in the toad's mouth. It should have hieroglyphs on it. You need to put it in such a way that it does not look at the door. Otherwise, the flow money energy will leak.

This is one of the types of semi-precious stones that protects its owner from the evil eye or damage. Also, the amulet allows you to overcome many life difficulties. You can often find this amulet among players in gambling, because it protects against fairly large financial losses.

It is believed that with such a key you can open the soul of any person, get wealth, success in life and good health. In Japan, with the help of such keys, people turn to the gods for help or advice.

These animals are able to bring success in any field of activity. A pair of elephants with their trunks up and outstretched towards each other is considered a symbol of hospitality. Elephant-shaped amulets symbolize longevity and wisdom, allowing you to achieve not only wealth, but also family well-being.

A fairly rare amulet that brings good luck and love, hope and faith that life will turn out exactly the way you want it to.

It is believed that it brings financial luck to those to whom it sits on the palm of your hand. By the number of spots, a girl can find out how many children there will be in the future.

Would you like to add to the list from your practice? Tell us which ones do you use? Leave messages in the comments to the article and be sure to subscribe to site updates, there is still a lot of interesting things waiting for you on the site "Secrets of the Universe".


Red color

This color symbolizes wealth and material well-being. In a bright red envelope, you should keep money for current expenses, and also use it for savings. The energy of red helps to attract cash flows and bring prosperity and well-being to the house. A red wallet will help you realize your plans and quickly save up money for the desired purchase.


This talisman is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. Put a small pyramid on your office desk and it will help you accept correct solution, you will discover new talents in yourself and begin to think more productively. It is possible that soon you will discover your true purpose and achieve your desired goal in your professional career.

Aquarium with fish

Fish is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Water calms and brings harmony to life, helping to direct energy in the right direction. By combining these two symbols, you can get the most powerful money talisman that will attract financial success. The more unusual and beautiful your aquarium is, the sooner the time for material independence will come.


This flower has long been considered mystical. It helps to increase financial well-being through personal development and spiritual enlightenment.


Since ancient times, the arrival of a sailboat has been associated with wealth and prosperity. Put a sailboat model in your home and load it with real riches. For example, jewelry, metal coins, semi-precious stones. Position the sailboat model so that it most time, as it were, "floated" to you, otherwise this powerful talisman will take away wealth from you.


The most common money talisman. A horseshoe found on the road was considered especially strong. Unfortunately, in modern world it is extremely difficult to find a lost horseshoe on the autobahn, so the industry began to mass-produce smaller copies of this ancient money symbol from precious and semi-precious metals. If you hang a horseshoe with the horns down above the entrance to the house, then it will attract prosperity.

three legged toad

This is perhaps the most popular money symbol in our time. Legend has it that this toad used to be an extremely nasty and evil creature, until the Buddha conquered it, forcing it to serve and help people. Since then, the toad began to pay people for the trouble it caused with gold coins of the highest standard.

Magic symbols to attract money.

22nd lunar day. The time when you need to connect to the energy of magical symbols

The twenty-second lunar day is called "Golden Key". This is the day of gaining wisdom and secret knowledge. But today it is not sacred texts, prayers and spells that have power, but images. Our practices of attracting money will be connected with them. This is also a day of divination, but you need to guess again with the help of images - paintings, drawings, symbols - through meditation on them, for example, according to the Book of Changes, Tarot cards, horoscope, runes. So, if you want to penetrate the mysteries of the future, turn to the symbols: today you will be able to read the information, and it will be as accurate as information about the future can be; after all, there is no clearly defined future, there are always several options for the development of events, although one or two of them are most likely. I leave fortune-telling to your discretion, and I myself will tell you about how to raise money with the help of sacred symbols.

Runic rites for money

are ancient symbols which, when drawn or visualized, release different kinds energy. Thanks to this property, it is very easy to use - anyone, even a person who is not versed in magic, can do it. In ancient times, runes were scratched on birch bark, carved on bone and wood, and carried with them as talismans. They were engraved on weapons, which was supposed to provide accurate shot or throw, applied to goblets and bowls to protect themselves from poisons, they decorated things and houses to protect against theft and other misfortunes.

Do not think that they have some mysterious power in themselves. Like other magical symbols, they are just a tool. The power lies not in themselves, but in the person who uses them. If you simply draw a rune of wealth on your wallet, no changes in your money affairs will follow, for the simple reason that you did not saturate it with the energy of your money dream. In order for the rune to “work”, purposeful efforts are required on your part. You need to draw, fully concentrating on your monetary desire and visualizing it.
I will give three runes associated with material well-being.

Multipurpose rune. Brings good luck and success in all endeavors.
WEALTH Brings material well-being, helps to get rich. The rune can be drawn on a bank card, wallet, purse, banknotes.
OWN Symbolizes material values. The use of this rune contributes to the appearance of the property you need. For example, if you dream of new apartment, this rune, as the personification of the apartment, can be used in rituals.

Runes are only limited by your imagination. can be visualized during the preparation of magical dishes and even depicted on food: when you eat such dishes, the charge of energy, enhanced by the rune and your visualization, will return to you. They can be mentally imagined in a glass of water, and then drink it, draw on paper, depict essential oil on the body, banknotes, wallet and bank cards, scratch on candles (when you light such a candle, it will release and direct the energy you have invested in the rune to the target). Here are a couple of examples of using runes to improve your finances.

Short rune spell

Use cinnamon, patchouli or orange essential oil to draw a rune of wealth on the largest banknote you have. As you draw the rune, visualize yourself under a shower of money. Draw as if you are praying, put all your emotions into this simple action: I need money, I need it like air! Then put the banknote in your wallet and try not to spend it for as long as possible. Whenever your eye falls on a banknote, visualize the rune drawn on it to give it a new boost of energy. You will see, soon will begin to attract money to you!

Runic rite

You will need:
ground cinnamon or essential oil, representing abundance (cinnamon, orange, patchouli - the most affordable),
green candle,
metal bowl.
1. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw on it in the center the rune that matches your desire.
2. Sprinkle the image with ground cinnamon or smear the leaf with any essential oil that represents abundance.
3. Fold the piece of paper and, holding it in your hand, visualize your desire.
4. Light a green candle and bring the edge of the leaf to the flame, and when it is engaged, throw it to burn out in a bowl. Keep visualizing!
5. If the paper has not burned down completely, set it on fire again, and repeat the ritual itself on the 25th lunar day

Coding water with symbols-conductors of cosmic energy

Let's talk about Reiki symbols. With their help, we will encode water, which, as you remember, represents the energy of abundance. Reiki is a system of healing the body, soul and destiny with life energy through the laying on of hands and the use of sacred symbols. It is believed that only those who have received initiation from the Master are ready for the meaningful use of Reiki symbols. This is a misconception, as I have repeatedly convinced myself. Reiki symbols are available to everyone, regardless of whether a person has been initiated or not. If you look at a symbol, and it evokes in you some associations or sensations that are difficult to describe in words, touches certain strings in the mind, then it will “unpack” its deep meaning and its energies for you. Just do not analyze the symbols from an ordinary, logical point of view. Upon contact with them, the subconscious is involved in the work, which operates exclusively with the language of symbols and images, incomprehensible to consciousness.

To make sure that the symbols evoke a subconscious reaction, meditate on the image of one of them (the symbols are given below): for a few minutes - peer into it, try to feel it. I assure you, it will resonate with you, energy will flow, albeit not meaningful, but quite tangible. So you can safely use these symbols, even without being initiated into Reiki.

Reiki symbols focus the cosmic energy that surrounds each of us and direct it in the direction you set. These are a kind of energy keys to giant energy resources, activation inner strength, countering unhappy, aggressive circumstances and attracting positive circumstances. By themselves, the symbols can do nothing, but, connecting with your energy, they activate the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for the listed possibilities.

Traditionally, Reiki symbols are visualized or drawn in the air by hand. But the latter is real only for those who have been initiated. Therefore, you will imagine them mentally and transfer them to the super-carrier of information - water, which you will drink afterwards.
It is done like this.
1. Choose the appropriate symbol for your particular situation. The different characters are different aspects space energy.

Cho Ku Rei This symbol is the key of cosmic fire and magical power. He opens our inner doors for the cosmic energy to descend, penetrate into us and help in everything we ask for.
Sei Hye Ki A symbol of harmony, balance, balance, the key to the Absolute; associated with emotions. It makes it possible to transform an energetically weak, neurotic and exhausted person into a strong person with powerful energy and a balanced psyche. The symbol is used to eliminate all emotional problems, obsessive negative attitudes that attract unfortunate events to us, with its help you will remove everything internal obstacles that prevent you from living in abundance.
Hong Sha Ze Sho Nen On the path of life, each of us faces trials when all strength, all skills, all will are required, when every drop of energy counts. In such cases, the help of this symbol will be invaluable - it builds energy bridges between the past, present and future, transforms life path person into a single stream of energy.
halu This sign means faith, beauty, Divine love and harmony. With its help, you can turn to God with any request, remove the evil eye, irritation, stress. If you imagine some people while drinking water charged with this symbol, your relationship with them will improve.
Frame A sign of happiness and strength. It is used for self-realization, increase in well-being, fulfillment of desires, removal of fear and guilt.
Java This symbol is associated with the two hemispheres of the brain, which are connected to make decisions. Logic, supported by intuition, is the key to success in any business. Java dissolves the illusions that flood our consciousness, allows you to get out of the unsteady quagmire of conjectures, doubts and dreams on the solid ground of reality. Charging water with this sign is useful before making important decisions.
Angel wings A symbol of the realization of internal potential. Can be used for any purpose.
Shanti A symbol that contributes to the achievement of the best of all possible results. This sign is recommended to charge water before starting important matters.
Zen Kai Jo The power of this symbol is such that we can use it to turn to God and ask Him for transformation, improvement life situation. The sign is very good for business and career success.
Senz Tan This symbol gives success at all levels of life. This is success in a career, business, and reasonable decisions, and the right actions.
Tse Ne Dong Sign promotes development creativity and intellect.

2. Place a vessel in front of you clean water(preferably use melt water) and look at it, imagining the symbol in water. If the symbol is complex, put a glass on it - yes, yes, right on its image in the book, this way of charging water is also acceptable. Two or three minutes of meditation on the symbol, provided that you are not distracted by anything else, is enough.
3. Drink water in small sips, drawing in your head the image of your money dreams.

In the 22nd lunar day we are especially sensitive to images. The practices of the day are runic rites and water coding with Reiki symbols. If you have time, do both. Moon month nearing completion, but we are still full of energy to invest in our money dream.

Based on the book by Yuliana Azarova

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