23 lunar day March wardrobe. Lunar birthday

Symbols of the day: crocodile, Makkara crocodile, cerberus, chimera, echidna

Day Stones: , sardier, white and black jade

Description of the day

The twenty-third lunar day is a difficult and difficult day of perestroika. If earlier we met the days of spiritual transformations, then this time in the first place is the bodily area, physical world surrounding reality. Numerous changes are happening today by themselves, by inertia, and are the result of what you did in the previous days of the lunar month. You may even have the feeling that everything is happening apart from you, without taking into account your wishes. You will feel like you are missing something. Such an attitude gives rise to a desire to immediately hold everything, stop it, and not let anything change.

If you go against fate, trying to turn back time and stop change, then the day will become extremely difficult for you. To prevent this from happening, do not take what is happening to heart. Treat him lightly and casually. A holy place is never empty: having lost one, you make room for another, something new, perhaps even better. Recall that we are talking about the objects of the material world.

Haircut on this day

Today it is not recommended to cut your hair - it can ruin your relationship with others, which can be a source of problems. Hair coloring today is best entrusted only close person, it will attract positive energy and elation. It is recommended to curl your hair today.

The twenty-third lunar day is considered very controversial. Today your plans are being tested, any mutual obligations are being tested for sustainability and stability, plans are being reviewed, ideas are being rethought. Too many transformations to start new business. It will be better if you take up what you started earlier and bring it to the end so that the matter does not hang like a dead weight.

One of the symbols of the day is Makkara the crocodile. This is a mythical bloodthirsty creature, half-crocodile, half-fish, half-bird, half-serpent.

This day is characterized by a high energy charge, and its energy is aggressive and assertive. That is why you can not stop and hide in your shell. If you become lazy, the energy will knock you off your feet. At the same time, whatever you do, internally remain calm, collected, unshakable.

Features of the day

The energy of this day is unstable and impetuous, the probability of committing evil and harmful deeds is very high.

Try to avoid crowded gatherings, unknown places, new companies.

Today, the crowd has an exciting effect on a person, people's actions become unpredictable and unkind. Often they themselves provoke others into conflicts, roughly speaking, they climb on the rampage.

It is very difficult not to succumb to provocation, which is why it is better to avoid places where you can be pushed to rash actions. Indeed, today human behavior is due to the fact that the aura is subjected to the strongest influence from the lunar energy flows. As usual, people are looking for a way out of their "unfortunate power" in quarrels, scandals and fights.

Where would it be more correct to use energy for peaceful purposes and in own interests. For example, to solve some important problem that has not moved for a long time.

On this day, people harm themselves only because they do not know how to correctly use the energy of the moon. And today she is able to promote any, even the most neglected business.

Note that the 23rd lunar day is considered one of the most suitable for getting rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary. It can be anything - both spoiled things, and slags of the body.

If at the time of your birth it was the 23rd day of the lunar cycle

This lunar day endows people with the following common features and characteristics:

Mission: heavenly protectors, almost guardian angels.

Potential, given by nature:

- should not doubt their goal and go to the end;
- do not differ in external beauty, much in their life depends on the knowledge gained and attitude to the world around them.

Personality Traits:

- tenacity, any business is brought by them to the absolute;
- maturity and completeness are manifested in everything;
- increased mobility and difficult character;
- need constant approval, caresses and love.

Possible negative qualities:

- inability to find application for one's strengths;
- if you have to surrender to circumstances, only their strength remains steel grip and the gift of seduction.


- the energy potential can be both positively creative in nature and negative, destructive,
- good health, a penchant for sports.

general description lunar day:

Symbols of the day: crocodile, cerberus, chimera, echidna
Action- devouring.
The 23rd lunar day is also full of energy, it overflows, and sometimes even turns into aggression. This period requires decisive action, you need to be active and persistent, direct the unbridled energy of this day in the right direction to achieve your own goals, otherwise it will be directed against you. But do not allow inner fuss, be calm and unshakable.

The energy of the twenty-third lunar day is extremely ambiguous, it is uncontrollable, which threatens with unjustified violence, the occurrence of various emergencies. Therefore, it is advisable to spend the 23rd lunar day in a calm environment, without endangering yourself, avoid various mass events, nothing can resist the energy of an angry crowd.

On the 23rd lunar day, quarrels and conflicts seem to be looking for people themselves, everyone is very irritable and extremely intolerant. This is due to the particularly strong influence of the Moon on this day, many do not cope with its pressure, and feel some psychological discomfort, there is a need to “let off steam”. Therefore, in spite of everything, it is worth trying to remain calm, not getting involved in disputes and not responding to provocations. In general, on the 23rd lunar day, one should strengthen the will and spirit, be in harmony with the outside world, and then it will be much easier to endure such pressure.

Therefore, attention should be paid to spiritual practices, meditations, special physical and breathing exercises which strengthen not only the body, but also the spirit. In the meantime, everyone should try to spend this energy for peaceful purposes, today you can even move mountains, let alone sort out the load of unresolved domestic problems.

Problems that previously seemed insoluble can be successfully solved on the 23rd lunar day. Signing a contract, obtaining a loan, concluding an agreement - everything will work out for you. All you need is determination and activity.
Take a cue from the crocodile. At first glance, he seems slow and lethargic until he sees his prey. His reaction becomes lightning fast. He attacks fast. But it is necessary to remember the features of the 23rd lunar day - you should avoid conflicts, maintain restraint and calmness, maintain friendly relations with superiors and colleagues. The day is fraught with betrayal, care must be taken.
It is better not to solve financial issues on the 23rd lunar day, do not change work, do not engage in real estate and legal proceedings, it is recommended to cancel long trips, and limit communication with management.
In general, on the 23rd lunar day it is better not to be distracted by conversations, everything you say can give rise to conflicts, most conversations on this day have a clear negative connotation and can lead to conflict situations. Be like the symbol of today, this threatening reptile never fusses or makes unnecessary movements, but on the contrary, is always concentrated and therefore achieves its goals. The 23rd lunar day requires you to act on a large scale, without being distracted by minor problems.
In Tibet, they believe that today is the best time to lay the foundation for the future building, as well as relationships, on this day you can count on someone's patronage and support.

On the 23rd lunar day, you should not be upset about any losses, today you will part only with what you no longer need, which interferes with your further development. Therefore, you need to endure this one with dignity, because in the near future you will receive something better.

Do not succumb to the general aggressive mood, to counterbalance them, be calm and friendly. This way you can avoid mistakes and deal with inner anger. This difficult day will pass and everything will be fine.

Haircut on 23 lunar day

A haircut on the 23rd lunar day is contraindicated. It is not recommended to cut hair and nails. Nothing can be torn off, separated, removed from your body. Yes, and the hair will grow very slowly if you cut it on this day. You can dye your hair on the 23rd lunar day, it is especially good if the paint is natural. You can improvise with a hairstyle, curl, make curls or just wash and style, even without fixation. Let the wind blow them freely and tune them to the energy of the Cosmos.

The symbol of the 23rd lunar day is a crocodile that seeks to grab, bite, swallow you. A very difficult day, full of heavy and aggressive energies. This day is characterized by capture, violence and adventurism. At the same time, it can become a day of repentance, forgiveness and self-sacrifice.

Since the energy at 23 lunar day decreases, then it must be spent on the most necessary. Today there are frequent quarrels, conflicts, fights. It is necessary to maintain balance and calmness. Man is subject to the strong influence of the Cosmos. In inharmonious people, energy goes in the wrong direction, resulting in scandals. And for harmonious and trained people, energy brings only benefits, it is directed to creation and creativity.

The 23rd lunar day does not like empty talk, which leads to conflicts and gossip. Today the principle is that silence is golden.


Diseases of 23 lunar days are long and dangerous. Diseases of the genital area may worsen, since on this day the testicles and ovaries are considered especially vulnerable. 23 lunar day is very traumatic. Possible fractures, dislocations, bruises. Therefore, on this day, it is recommended to cancel even training. It is necessary to take care of the spine, to carry out health and strengthening procedures.

The energy of 23 lunar days contributes to the activation of vampire people. The goal of a human vampire is to anger you, pity you, scare you, that is, to cause you to have a surge of emotions. At the same time, the vampire is fed, recharged by your energy, and you lose strength, you have Bad mood and depression, physical weakness and fatigue. Try to avoid contact with such people.

The energy of 23 lunar days contributes to the activation of vampire people

A person on the 23rd lunar day needs to borrow the demeanor of a crocodile. Remaining calm inwardly, a person should be outwardly active. Can't lead sedentary image life. To not allow negative emotions under no circumstances should you seek revenge. If a person misuses the energy of this 23rd lunar day, he may experience skin problems, acne, rashes, boils. On the 23rd lunar day, you can not do surgery, you can not overeat. Dairy foods are recommended.


Problems that previously seemed insoluble can be successfully solved on the 23rd lunar day. Signing a contract, obtaining a loan, concluding an agreement - everything will work out for you. All you need is determination and activity.

Take a cue from the crocodile. At first glance, he seems slow and lethargic until he sees his prey. His reaction becomes lightning fast. He attacks fast. But it is necessary to remember the features of the 23rd lunar day - you should avoid conflicts, maintain restraint and calmness, maintain friendly relations with superiors and colleagues. The day is fraught with betrayal, care must be taken.

It is better not to solve financial issues on the 23rd lunar day, do not change work, do not engage in real estate and legal proceedings, it is recommended to cancel long trips, and limit communication with management.


The energy of the 23rd lunar day is very insidious. The day is replete with fights, robberies, squabbles. Crowds must be avoided because their behavior cannot be predicted. Therefore, weddings, engagements, marriage registration on the 23rd lunar day cannot be carried out. Families will still fall apart. Even applying for marriage registration is not recommended.

Conception on the 23rd lunar day is not desirable. It can turn out to be a bright personality or a personality with genetic abnormalities. Choose yourself. People born on the 23rd lunar day are of two types. The first type is those who live according to the high program. These are true monks, protectors of heaven. They are convinced of the correctness of their path, they practice self-sacrifice, forgiveness, repentance. The second type is those who do not develop. They are distinguished by a very strong grip, composure, concentration, readiness to attack.

Men may be attracted to extramarital sex

It is not recommended to have sex on the 23rd lunar day. Sexual abstinence is shown, since the sexual process during this period greatly depletes the body. Even passive sex on the 23rd lunar day can undermine health. Women need to be especially careful, as the likelihood of violence is high. Men may develop a craving for extramarital sex. It is better not to take risks and just do household chores, help with the housework, take a walk with the children.

A haircut

A haircut on the 23rd lunar day is contraindicated. It is not recommended to cut hair and nails. Nothing can be torn off, separated, removed from your body, so as not to become food for vampires. Yes, and the hair will grow very slowly if you cut it on this day.

You can dye your hair on the 23rd lunar day, it is especially good if the paint is natural. You can improvise with a hairstyle, curl, make curls or just wash and style, even without fixation. Let the wind blow them freely and tune them to the energy of the Cosmos.


Dreams of 23 lunar days are deceptive, often turn out to be empty. So, even if your dreams are full of anxiety and worries, do not pay attention, do not attach any importance to them. Dreams of this day rarely carry useful information.


If you use the energy of the 23rd lunar day correctly, then the abilities of a healer are revealed in a person. It is recommended to carry out health and cleansing procedures on this day, get rid of karmic debts, and get rid of negative memories. You can clean your home or office with stones. Stones are brought in - the defenders who attracted your attention, without flaws.

You have probably often observed how people collect pebbles on sea ​​coast. They then serve as a talisman for the house. If you put basalt under the threshold of the house, then it will protect your house from quarrels, and flint will give energy.

It is good to clean the house with incense on the 23rd lunar day

It is good to clean the house or office on the 23rd lunar day, get rid of unnecessary trash and things. You can sprinkle with holy water, clean candles with fire or incense. In order not to become a victim of vampires, perseverance and confidence must be practiced today. One hundred percent protection from vampires is inner purity. A vampire will quickly lose interest in you if you have pure thoughts and actions, he has nothing to cling to.


Stones of 23 lunar days - black jade, topaz. Energetically jade is very strong stone. For a purposeful and selfless person, a stone will tell a way out of difficult situation, share their energy, direct them to the path of spiritual perfection.

Symbol- crocodile.
stones- topaz, black jade, crocodile, sarder.

The fourth and final phase has begun lunar month. The days of Hecate are ahead - hard, dangerous days. Already today you can feel how fear is born in you. Objects fall from the hands, the body is weakened. There is apathy and unwillingness to act. It's okay, don't blame yourself. You simply do not have enough energy, because the moon is gradually decreasing. The twenty-third day of the ancestors associated with rampant bloodsuckers, vampires. Lack of energy makes a person extract it from other people. Today, moral pressure can be exerted on you, do not succumb to provocations and drive away the desire for revenge.

Today you may be tempted to get involved in an adventure, to quarrel with people. Surroundings are excited, the atmosphere is heating up. It's so easy to get involved in a conflict or become its cause. Try to suppress any negative emotions. Protect yourself from people today. Be attentive and careful. Take care of your health and your home. Sprinkling with holy water and consecration with a candle flame can be carried out in the apartment. Spend a day doing household chores. Staying at social events and in crowded places is not recommended. The crowd today is unpredictable.

Forgive people and they will forgive you. Avoid the excited, angry crowd. Practice self-defense, but do not overload yourself with active activities. You can’t waste energy in vain, because it is getting smaller, and there are more than one difficult day ahead. Engage in spiritual practice. Summarize the past month. Have you managed to do everything that you planned? If you have done everything correctly and have not deviated from the cosmic laws for a month, wisdom will open to you. You will be one step higher in your spiritual development. If something remains unfulfilled, do not despair. Think about the lessons you have learned for yourself. Think that the month has not been in vain.

Health and Nutrition. Practice abstinence, fast. Killer food is not to be eaten today. Include more dairy products in your diet, eat cottage cheese, cheese. You can bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese. There may be a craving for gluttony, it must be overcome. It is impossible to load the stomach today in any case.

This day should be given Special attention health. Human immunity is weakened, so there is a risk of getting sick. No surgery is allowed. It is forbidden even to cut hair and nails. The most vulnerable part of the body today is the spine. Take time to strengthen it. In general, any wellness procedures today are favorable. An increased risk of getting caught genital infection Therefore, sex should be avoided.

The day is traumatic, so do not make sudden movements. Avoid stress on the spine. Do not lift or carry heavy things. Watch your health closely. The diseases that have arisen today can be dangerous and unpredictable. Therefore, at the first symptoms, consult a doctor.

Love and relationships. Today, any exchange of thoughts, an innocent conversation threatens to turn into a major quarrel. People are excited, they are looking for hidden meaning in words. They are obsessed with envy, jealousy, resentment. It is better to state things directly, without hints, otherwise you may be misunderstood. It is best, if your lifestyle allows it, not to interact with people at all today. If contact is inevitable, be tolerant, do not break.

Marriage is highly discouraged. You should also refrain from intimacy. Sex today is too draining. In addition, sexual diseases are exacerbated. It is also undesirable to conceive a child. He may be born with physical or mental disabilities.

Work and creativity. One of the most worst days for businessmen. Don't start anything new. Better to finish what you once planned. Take issues seriously. Weigh and consider the arguments. Negotiations are better to be postponed, they can only give rise to new problems. You can deal with finances if it is not a big deal. Trade, real estate transactions, litigation- all this is better to postpone for another day. People of art will experience a lack of inspiration, perhaps a creative crisis will come. The only ones whose work today is almost free of dark energy are scientists.

Born on this day usually does not differ in external attractiveness. However, he can become a great man, an arbiter of justice. Parents should instill in him an interest in knowledge, instill in him kindness to others and to nature. Then this person will be wise and just. In all endeavors he will be successful. His actions will be distinguished by maturity and completeness. He can take monasticism or become a defender of the humiliated and offended. At worst, those born today become hypocrites, vindictive people. They will be scoundrels, able to win over, and then stick a knife in the back.

Details of 23 lunar days in relation to various fields of activity - a classic interpretation

sphere of life better days
undertakings- poorly when is the best time?
communication- terrible when is the best time?
business- terrible when is the best time?
monetary transactions- norm when is the best time?
communication with superiors, taxes- terrible when is the best time?
job change- norm when is the best time?
real estate (purchase, sale, exchange)- poorly when is the best time?
creation- poorly when is the best time?
the science- norm when is the best time?
art- norm when is the best time?
training (exams)- norm when is the best time?
travels- norm when is the best time?
relaxation- terrible when is the best time?
feast- terrible when is the best time?
alcohol- terrible when is the best time?

People born on the twenty-third lunar day have one of the most complex types character and cannot boast of a simple fate. A lot in the life of such people will depend on their environment, upbringing and training. These people can be both notorious villains and knights. But in any case, they try to bring the work they have begun to its logical end. Such people are characterized by the ability to find an approach to people, a tenacious grip, the ability to seduce and splurge. Among these people you can meet adventurers and even crazy people.

in the 23rd
lunar day

Born on this day is usually not distinguished by external attractiveness. However, he can become a great man, an arbiter of justice. Parents should instill in him an interest in knowledge, instill in him kindness to others and to nature. Then this person will be wise and just. In all endeavors he will be successful. His actions will be distinguished by maturity and completeness. He can take monasticism or become a defender of the humiliated and offended. At worst, those born today become hypocrites, vindictive people. They will be scoundrels, able to win over, and then stick a knife in the back.

The potential given by nature, born on the 23rd lunar day

  • should not doubt their goal and go to the end
  • they do not differ in external beauty, much in their life depends on the knowledge gained and attitude to the world around them

People born on the 23rd lunar day have an iron grip, they are guardian angels of the people they love. They see the benefit, they will not miss their own, they look for meaning in every act, they cannot stand unjustified actions.

Give yourself regular exercise.

Much in the life of those born on the 23rd lunar day will depend on the knowledge gained, human kindness and their attitude to the world around them. The people of this day are characterized by tenacity, a stranglehold, they bring any business to the absolute. Everything shows maturity and completeness.

Possible negative qualities of those born on the 23rd lunar day

  • inability to find use for one's strengths
  • if you have to surrender to circumstances, all that remains of their strength is a steel grip and the gift of seduction

People on the 23rd lunar day are not only able to complete the task, but also achieve the ideal result. This is their essence - to bring the plan to an ideal conclusion. FROM childhood they are very energetic and mobile. But this energy is desirable with early years to lead in a peaceful direction.

People born on the 23rd lunar day

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