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Sites about the breed:


  • What is the difference between rizens, mittels and tsvergs?

  • In total, there are three types of schnauzer, which differ mainly in their size:
    large - Giant Schnauzer - height 60-70 centimeters, weight 40-50 kilograms;
    medium - standard schnauzer - height 40-50 centimeters, weight 15-18 kilograms;
    small - miniature schnauzer - height up to 35 centimeters, weight 4-7 kilograms.

  • How did schnauzers appear? What is the purpose of the breed?

  • It is difficult to find a breed of dog whose origin would cause as much talk as this one. According to one source, the history of the schnauzer goes back at least five hundred years. According to others, this breed originated somewhere at the end of the last century in Germany.
    A widespread version is that schnauzers (originally - standard schnauzers) were bred to guard the stables. In addition to protection, dogs caught rats, for which they needed thick long hair on the muzzle, paws and stomach (so that the rat could not bite through the skin).
    Now schnauzers are universal companions for the whole family, easily amenable to a wide variety of training.
    Giant Schnauzers are successfully trained in protective service.
    But do not forget that both mittels and even miniature schnauzers are still not a decorative breed - the strong-willed character and active temperament of these bearded men deserve special attention.
    A schnauzer does not need to be taught to guard, it must be restrained from excessive zeal.

  • What is the personality of a Schnauzer?

  • The unbridled temperament of the schnauzer and love for one's own, bordering on fanaticism, is a hallmark of the schnauzer breed. When you take a schnauzer puppy in your arms for the first time, know: this is your joy, your good mood, your extended youth, but this is also your cross. You are provided with a gentle, stormy, selfish and selfless love of a schnauzer.
    In general, the schnauzer has a special relationship with his family - these dogs love children and, as a rule, accept any living creatures (whether it be a cat, a rat or a hamster) living in the house with complacency.
    The schnauzer has his place in the house only in your absence, but if you are at home, he will "chase" you in all your movements around the apartment. True, the schnauzer does this unobtrusively, but tries to get closer to his beloved owner.
    Schnauzer is a pronounced leader. Independence, stubbornness and cunning are also well-known "difficulties" of his character. And if the love of a schnauzer is guaranteed to you from the moment of your first meeting, then authority must be won and defended.
    From the first days of his stay in the house, he will launch his entire arsenal and try to become the main one. And if today you allowed to put your face on the sofa, then tomorrow he will sleep on your head (in the literal sense). If today you gave a piece from the table during your dinner, then tomorrow he will demand it, pushing you with his paw, poking his nose.

  • How to train a schnauzer?

  • Schnauzers are well trained and achieve amazing results in a short time if the owner or trainer can captivate him with work. He should like to do this, otherwise the schnauzer will pretend to be deaf and dumb or pretend that he is about to die of fatigue.
    Dogs of this breed have a lightning-fast reaction and very quickly "turn on". Here he is fast asleep, shuddering and growling in his sleep, but a second later the schnauzer is already at the other end of the apartment, because he heard a rustle outside the door.
    The Schnauzer is an optimist by nature and, as they used to write in the Komsomol characteristics, "takes an active life position" or, as they say now, "takes everything from life." Whatever he does, he does it enthusiastically and gets real pleasure. A schnauzer must be busy all the time. He must have his own business.

  • How healthy are schnauzers? What "pedigree" diseases?

  • The enviable health and excellent immunity of schnauzers is the envy of many. Schnauzers are long-lived. The average life span of a Schnauzer is 12-14 years.
    However, in recent times, schnauzers, like other breeds, have become increasingly prone to various neoplasms and tumors. Also, due to the insufficiently responsible attitude of the owners to the necessary loads, it is increasingly possible to meet a thick, hard-moving schnauzer, which is not at all like a normal representative of this active and fit breed.

  • What special care do schnauzers need?

  • Schnauzers tend to have a coarse coat, which is recognized as the least allergenic.
    However, the Schnauzer's coat needs special care. 2-3 times a year, the schnauzer must be trimmed and cut, leaving hair only on the muzzle, paws and stomach.
    But you get rid of the problems of molting, besides, cutting and trimming is easy to learn and soon you will be able to do it yourself.

    Answers to some questions are written based on materials from the site

    If translated from German, then "schnauzer" is a description of the appearance of representatives of this breed and sounds like "bearded and eyebrows" dogs. Initially, the dogs belonged to the pinscher, but due to their original appearance and coarse wool, they were identified as a separate breed.

    The owners of these pets note their wayward character, however, if you ask what breed their next dog will be, they answer without a shadow of a doubt - only a standard schnauzer! What is the secret of these extraordinary dogs that make a person forgive all their weaknesses and peculiarities?

    The history of this breed goes back to the 15th and 16th centuries, and the dogs have undeniable similarities with the ancient peat dogs. It cannot be said about the ancestors of modern mittels that they had a refined appearance. But they were distinguished by endurance, perseverance and strong bones, their color was yellowish-gray, the coat was hard.

    The mouth of the dogs was equipped with strong, well-developed jaws. They were then called stable pinschers and were used as guard dogs and rodent exterminators. For a long time, schnauzers and pinschers were considered one breed, because if you do not take into account the different coats, their anatomical structure has similarities.

    Already at that time, pepper-colored dogs were valued, although there were dogs with red-yellow, gray-yellow and brown hair. At that time, representatives of the breed were selected that did not have white spots in the color. In general, the Schnauzer breed in Germany was quite popular. Famous artists depicted them on their canvases, and on Stuttgart Square in the middle of the square there is a sculpture of a watchman and his dog, a schnauzer.

    Among the probable ancestors of this breed, wire-haired affenpinschers, poodles and spitz are noted. Also, their special color led to the appearance of another version of the origin - from. But still, the main progenitors of schnauzers are considered to be stable dogs - unpretentious, able to catch rodents and act as accompanying horses.

    Intensive work with the breed began at the end of the 19th century, at the same time it received its modern name. The appearance of the first breed club took place on German territory in 1895, during the same period the Schnauzer standard was established. On the territory of Russia, breeding of schnauzers was started in the late 80s of the 20th century.

    Description of the breed standard schnauzer

    The standard schnauzer should have the characteristics of a medium sized dog, with a strong, broad bone and coarse coat. In the ring, such animal qualities as body structure and character are evaluated. A high-bred schnauzer should be somewhat heavy, balanced, with a large head.

    Dog breed Mittelschnauzer - photo

    Nobility is noted in the behavior - the dog does not pay attention to competitors and behaves as if he does not have them and cannot be. A true representative of the breed has a special charisma that captivates at first sight. And another important criterion is the quality of grooming, which makes the dog more graceful and balanced. Attention is also drawn to the size of the pet, since even 5 mm affect the harmony of proportions.

    A dog that has deviations from the standard is not a contender for high marks. The weight of males and females, according to the standards, is 12-20 kg, height at the withers is about 45-50 cm. The following parameters are set by the standard:

    • Head- long, wide, shape - a blunt wedge, with a flat forehead, without a pronounced occiput.
    • Muzzle has a flat wide back of the nose and a jaw in the shape of the letter P. There is a deep transition from the nose to the frontal bone, it is emphasized by the superciliary arches. Cheekbones developed, with flat muscles. Lips with a black border, close fitting. Teeth with tight closure without gaps, even, with a correct bite. The nose is large, pigmented in black. The eyes are oval in shape with black edged lids and close fitting.
    • Ears- semi-erect, the lower part consists of rigid cartilage, and the upper one has the shape of a triangle.
    • torso in the shape of a square. The sternum is developed, with a well-protruding anterior line and musculature. The neck is medium in size, the area of ​​the withers and the nape are clearly distinguished. The back is strong with a short lumbar region. The croup has a slope, passing into the caudal base and the femur. The abdomen is tucked up, there is a bend.
    • limbs in a standard schnauzer with a wide set, strong. The forelegs are straight, with a steep slope and well-developed pronounced shoulders. Rear - with short hips, parallel knees and elongated legs. Paws are rounded, with curved, collected fingers. Black claws.
    • Tail has a saber shape.

    The coat of the former wire-haired terriers, and now the standard schnauzers, is coarse, with a straight outer hair that does not have waves or curls. The coat is of medium length, close fitting, softer at the tips than at the base. Undercoat with high density, medium length and thickness. The coat is somewhat shorter around the eyes, but the representatives of the breed have a well-developed beard and superciliary arches.

    Standard Schnauzer colors

    There are two colors of standard schnauzers, but due to the variety of shades of colors, much more is obtained:

    White spots are undesirable, but are often present in the head, sternum and limbs.

    Representatives of this breed are excessively active and playful, they are often very sweet, but in some cases they are quite serious, which adds charm and amazing charm to them. They try to please the owner, which greatly simplifies the process of their training. But they can’t be stubborn either, so the dogs need a master with experience and a firm hand.

    In addition, it will take a lot of free time to communicate and spend time together with your four-legged friend, providing him with proper physical and mental stress. Otherwise, the pet begins to get bored, which often leads to disastrous consequences. But even pranks cannot be reacted with rudeness and rigidity, since standard schnauzers are very impressionable and can hold a grudge for a long time. Strictness should be present, but in moderation, and the owner must show the pet that it is he who is in the lead.

    If the dog is not socialized, then he can show aggression towards strangers, but if he is properly brought up, he most often behaves with guests with restraint. But dogs are good with children. True, there are certain boundaries here too, for example, a pet may not let a child go to its place or food.

    Standard Schnauzers are hereditary hunters, and these instincts are well developed in them. Therefore, they have a rather complicated relationship with cats, regardless of whether it is a street or house cat. And since they hunted rodents for a long time, dogs will not get along with the species of these pets either.

    As for their relatives - dogs, the standard schnauzers get along well with them and can live in the same house. Of course, if other dogs do not belong to the representatives of the dominant breeds. Standard Schnauzers are excellent guards and defenders, and they can fight with opponents that are superior to them in build.

    With the right approach, the standard schnauzer turns into a devoted and loving pet. Such a dog is recommended to start friendly families who love outdoor activities. The pet will be happy to participate in hiking, fun games and other family activities. If you give due attention to a four-legged friend, then he will be good at enduring forced loneliness.

    Miniature Schnauzer Care

    The representative of this breed is excellent for keeping in apartment conditions. Firstly, it does not emit a specific dog smell. Secondly, thoroughbred dogs are practically not. But still, the standard schnauzer requires special care, and this can take a lot of time, and future owners should take this into account.

    Schnauzer puppies photo

    The dog has a coarse coat and a dense thick undercoat. And if the outer hair is easy to care for, then the bottom layer is prone to tangling, so it needs. It is better to do this every 2-3 days using a comb with metal teeth. If you follow this regimen, then the pet will look well-groomed and beautiful.

    In some cases, owners make it easy for themselves and trim their dogs. It is recommended to carry out this procedure every 4-5 months. So that the hair on the face, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and mouth, does not cause irritation, it must be cut off using the blunt ends of the scissors. The beard of a standard schnauzer gets dirty very quickly, so it should be wiped every day.

    Dogs of this breed do well in an apartment, but given their temperament and need for activity, they feel good in their home, where they have a playground.

    Owners should provide their pet with long walks at least once a day. The dog will be happy to accompany the owner on morning jogging, while cycling, tourist outings. But only if the dog has no problems with the hips, since standard schnauzers often suffer from such an ailment as

    Video about standard schnauzer

    Price of puppies of a standard schnauzer

    The market price of representatives of this breed varies from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles. But in most cases, puppies are sold without documents, and there is no guarantee that they are purebred. In addition, there are often behavioral problems associated with the vices of education. A puppy from professional breeders with good inclinations costs around 18,000-30,000 rubles, and in provincial cities the price can be even lower.

    The Mittelschnauzer is not a dog for everyone. It requires a special approach and care, as well as a lot of attention, love, long and active walks. Only if all these conditions are met, the dog can become a devoted guard and a fearless defender for his family and home.

    Schnauzer kennels

    Moscow and Moscow region:


    Dog lovers will undoubtedly appreciate such a breed as a schnauzer. These animals are of several types. They differ from each other in physical parameters (height, weight, color, etc.). But there are also common characteristics - this is devotion to the owner, complaisance and friendliness. Read more about what characteristics schnauzers of all types have in this material.

    Description of the breed

    Despite the fact that there are several types of schnauzers, they all have characteristic external features. This breed of dog is:

    • massive body;
    • rectangular oval skull;
    • flattened muzzle;
    • rough-haired;
    • bushy eyebrows;
    • the presence of an elongated "beard";
    • small triangular, high-set hanging ears;
    • sweeping trot movements.


    From the German language, the word "schnauzer" is translated literally as "mustache". Schnauzers of all kinds are descendants of pinschers. The breed originated in Bavaria. These dogs served as helpers on the farm. They were used for driving livestock, guarding, catching rats and moles (hard wool protects the dog from rodent bites).

    The name of the breed appeared in 1789, when a wire-haired pinscher named Schnauzer won the competition. Then this breed of dogs had a very different color, and only after the approval of a new species, as a result of cultivation, two species were fixed - “pepper and salt” and black.

    The standard was approved only in 1923. This breed was very popular in the Soviet years. But even today, thanks to the unique characteristics and unpretentiousness in care, the Schnauzer breed is in high demand. How many species have been registered to date? We will answer this question below.

    Types of Schnauzers

    There are the following types of breed "schnauzer":

    • Giant Schnauzer;
    • standard schnauzer;
    • miniature schnauzer.

    All of them are similar to each other both externally and habits. But only standard schnauzers take part in professional competitions.

    Below we will tell you more about the representatives of each type of breed.

    Giant Schnauzer

    Giant Schnauzer is the largest representative of this breed. Its height reaches 70 cm, and the weight of an adult varies between 35-47 kg. This is a massive stately representative of the breed. The posture and movements of the dog are distinguished by grace and grace.

    At first glance, it seems that this animal is self-willed and cannot be trained. But this statement is wrong. Giant Schnauzer is very hardworking, active, sociable and devoted to his master. This species is distinguished by high intelligence - the Giant Schnauzer learns quickly. Despite the energy, he is assiduous and attentive when carrying out the commands of the owner. Thanks to the docile disposition, it is not scary to have such a large dog in a house where there is a small child - the animal will become a protector and friend for the baby. Schnauzers of all kinds are distinguished by such character traits. Photos of dogs of this breed are provided in our article.

    It is interesting that such a famous person as Yuri Nikulin was the owner of a coal-black Giant Schnauzer named Fedor. This dog was an actor and outlived his owner by only 4 years. On the grave of Yuri Nikulin, a monument was opened, which depicts an actor who sat down to rest on the edge of the arena after the performance, and a faithful friend, the dog Fedor, lay down next to him.

    Standard Schnauzers

    The Standard Schnauzer is a medium sized breed. Its height is from 45 to 50 cm, and its weight is 14-20 kg. It is this species that is the ancestor of the breed.

    Today, standard schnauzers are bred according to the established international standard (FSA No. 182). According to external characteristics, schnauzers of all types are very similar to each other. A photo of such dogs is provided in our article.

    Representatives of this type of breed are smart, easy to train, energetic. In order to raise a dog from a puppy at the level of established standards, attention should be paid to the development of obedience and perseverance of the animal. A cheerful disposition and activity encourage long walks in the fresh air and regular games with a standard schnauzer.

    A representative of this type of breed will become not only a devoted pet, but also a worthy protector of its owners. The standard schnauzer is used in cynology - they are used in the service of the army, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police. Such dogs are able to detect narcotic and explosive substances, weapons, take part in the detention of the violator of the law, as well as in various rescue operations.

    Got a celebrity all over the world standard schnauzer named George. He showed extraordinary abilities in medicine - this dog is able to determine the presence of malignant cells in the human body by smell.

    It should also be noted that it is this type of Schnauzer breed that is most often immortalized in monuments, sculptures and paintings.

    miniature schnauzer

    Schnauzers of all kinds can become pets: mini, standard and even large. But miniature schnauzers are still leaders in the list of dogs acquired as a friend. This is the smallest type of breed. Tsvergi have a height of 30-35 cm and a weight of up to 8 kg. The word "zwerg" literally translates from German as "dwarf". Despite the small size and touching appearance of animals, miniature schnauzers cannot be attributed to "room" dogs. This type of breed is considered service. Tsvergs, no worse than their larger counterparts, help border guards and police in their work, identifying prohibited substances and items.

    This type of schnauzer ranks seventh in popularity among all breeds in the world due to the characteristics described above.

    Tsvergi are not only black and "pepper and salt", but also white, black with silver, chocolate.

    Schnauzer Care

    Schnauzers of all types are unpretentious in care. Here are some simple but important tips:

    1. The diet is calculated taking into account the weight, age and physical activity of the animal. So, an adult individual of a large species needs daily a kilogram of meat and 300 g of special feed. It is impossible to overfeed a dog - this is fraught with the development of obesity and associated diseases.
    2. Particular attention should be paid to hair care. So, cut the animal should be at least 1 time in 2 months. Brush daily with a special brush. Frequent bathing of the Schnauzer is also important to maintain the quality of the coat.
    3. It is necessary to regularly (as needed) cut the hair around the eyes, ears and on the paw pads;
    4. Ears, eyes and nose must be kept clean.
    5. Keep vaccinations on schedule.
    6. Hair trimming is necessary twice a year, as schnauzers of any kind do not shed on their own.
    7. Tail docking is a must.
    8. In addition, long active walks in the fresh air and special exercises are an important aspect of care.

    The training of such dogs has its own characteristics. In this matter, it is important to become a leader for the animal. Schnauzers, with the right approach, are easy to train dogs. Even as puppies, they are able to remember up to 20 commands. The basic principles of training this breed are play, praise and leadership of the owner.

    Cost of schnauzer puppies

    Purebred schnauzers of all kinds are quite expensive. Giant schnauzer and miniature schnauzer puppies will cost 30-50 thousand rubles. Whereas the cost of a standard schnauzer starts from 50 thousand and reaches several hundred thousand rubles.

    In our article, we described the Schnauzer dog breed. How many species, character traits, conditions of care - all these questions can also be answered in this material. But the decision to purchase such an animal should be made individually. We only add that a schnauzer can be both a pet and a service dog. Inexhaustible energy, devotion to the owner, moderate aggressiveness and at the same time complaisance, fearlessness, playfulness and an attractive aristocratic appearance - these are the main characteristics of this breed, thanks to which many dog ​​breeders make their choice in favor of schnauzers.

    "Mustachie" - this is how schnauzers are called in Russian - representatives of all three types of this breed of dogs. The name is German-speaking, and, accordingly, the birthplace of the Schnauzer Germany is Bavaria and the land of Württemberg. The breed was considered a shepherd, however, some cynologists argue that hunting genes could not have done here. How did the dog, which you see in three different sizes presented, appear on the land of the Teutonic Knights?

    Origin of the Schnauzer family

    And everything is very simple. About 500 years ago, German farmers had an excellent dog - a thunderstorm of moles and rats, a cattle beater and a medium-sized watchman called a schnauzer. The breed originated from the Pinscher, which existed in two types - wire-haired and smooth-haired.

    The dog turned out to be so versatile and in demand that cynologists expanded the range of its service qualities. The selection was made in the direction of enlargement of the breed.

    So there was a big dog - Giant Schnauzer (giant schnauzer in the photo above). It was intended not just to protect the farmstead, but to protect the owner from absolutely all kinds of dangerous animals and the attack of robbers.

    Having turned the schnauzer into a large animal, suitable even for transporting light luggage, it was impossible not to make a small one - for a home companionship. The size determined its name - miniature schnauzer (dwarf schnauzer - photo below).


    After the breed grew to three independent species, it was necessary to designate the name of the standard schnauzer (middle schnauzer in the bottom photo) and the progenitor of the standard size.

    When comparing the exterior of dogs, the dimensional data is as follows:

    • Giant Schnauzer - 60-70 cm, 35-47 kg;
    • standard schnauzer - 45-50 cm, 14-20 kg;
    • miniature schnauzer - 30-35 cm, 4-8 kg.

    Color is allowed black or light - "pepper and salt" (1956). The coat is coarse with a thick undercoat. The body format is square, the head is large with a mustache, beard and shaggy eyebrows. The muzzle narrows to the incisors. The high-set ears are docked in the same way as the tail. With proper grooming, the dog does not shed.

    In the second half of the 20th century, the breed standard gradually moved away from indispensable docking, allowing silver-black (1976) and white (90s) options for small pets. In the video you will see this breed of dogs (the author of the video is alehandro zhanzolize).

    Character features

    Schnauzers are a calm dog with a strong nervous system, which does not interfere with its mobility. Faithful, brave in protecting the family from all possible misfortunes and infinitely devoted to the owner. The dog is very unpretentious and hardy in open nature. The leader, as a result, requires the owner to comply with the role of "leader".

    An outsider cannot be seduced by a delicious sop and not distracted from the protection of the dwelling or grazing livestock. Has all the qualities of a service dog. Schnauzers are not far behind in work from the universal German Shepherd, which has proven itself in many aspects necessary for a person. However, unlike many breeds, it stands out for its noticeable longevity.

    Due to excellent health, the dog is rarely prone to diseases, especially colds. Even hind limb dysplasia is much less common than eye disease. It always has an excellent appetite, therefore it is prone to obesity.

    Schnauzer's mobility requires loads, otherwise he will find a "harmful" occupation. This breed really needs to be well occupied, otherwise it can turn everything upside down. In the video you will see the official work of the Giant Schnauzer (the author of the video is Boring Life).

    What are Schnauzers?

    As already mentioned, the Schnauzer breed is represented by three types of dogs - from the largest to the smallest. And if all the appointments cannot be concentrated in one animal, then they can be successfully separated. With its 70 cm height and 47 kg weight, the Giant Schnauzer will easily cope with guarding and protecting the cattle farm from rats, predators and two-legged criminals. By the way, the bitch is not inferior to the male in overall parameters.

    The standard schnauzer, an average 20-kilogram fellow, also cannot be denied the innate dexterity of the extermination of rodents. However, with his 50-centimeter height, the work of the dog in the police and medicine is considered more important. The dog's keen sense of smell reveals hidden drugs. And, finally, who can cheer up children like a 4-kilogram miniature schnauzer frolicking in an apartment? He is slightly larger than a cat.

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