How to connect to the energy channels yourself. We are connected to monetary energy channels. How money egregors work

Male and female energies

Before talking about male and female energies, I would like to say a few words of general words about the energies and energy flows that exist in every person and in every family.
The power of energies is transmitted from generation to generation through the streams of love. This is a kind of energy channel through which the energy of life flows. The older members of the system, the parents, give energy, the younger ones, the children, feed on it as from a source. There are several types of flows.

The first is the main stream of life. It is that connection with the mother, sometimes with the father, which gives vitality. In practice, the fact of an interrupted main stream is rarely observed. In the absence of this flow, people seem to freeze, they seem not to be alive. They have low vitality, which mediates a small amount of energy. Sometimes they can put on a mask of activity, but they have such a feeling of their own life. Very often, they simply become afraid to live, because the world seems incomprehensible, and their own strengths are absent. Often such people are looking for a global replacement for the main stream. They can go into spiritual quests, engage in energy practices, finding teachers and authorities in which to dissolve. The true motive for such behavior is to receive the energy of life.

Sometimes the interrupted flow manifests itself not so totally, but only as one of the aspects of life. For example, a person can adapt at work, while remaining helpless and dependent in his personal life.
The main stream of life gives us the strength and desire to live and be independent. It occurs from the very birth of a child and is formed up to 4 years, being present later throughout life.

Along with the main stream, there are maternal and paternal streams. These are the energies that become available to children from the age of 4 years. But the form in which the child receives these currents depends on his gender.

After 4 and up to about 12 years(the exact age of transition is arbitrary and may vary in each case) the child moves into the zone of the parent of the opposite sex. The girl is "fascinated" by dad, and the boy by mom's energies. This does not mean that the second parent is not important at this point. It's just that the child's need for flows is more related to the energies of the parent of the opposite sex. For example, if a woman divorced her husband and is raising her son herself, then, relatively speaking, it is comfortable for him until the child is 11-12 years old, and he begins to experience an internal need for male energies. A girl who is brought up by one mother will be internally connected with her father from the age of 4-5. If she has not formed contact with her father, she will experience discomfort, or communication with her father will take place at a deep psychological level.

Energies (flows) have nothing to do with geography, and do not depend on the presence of physical contacts between people. They also have nothing to do with whether the parent is alive or not. For example, if the father went to war and died before the child was born, then in the absence of systemic interweaving that impede the flow, the child will have a normal energy connection with the father.

The zone of the parent of the opposite sex is characterized by the energy of a certain eroticism. The girl is attracted to masculine energies that "charm" and beckon her. And the boy, in turn, is attracted to female flows. He wants to understand them and dissolve in the charm of the feminine manifestation. It is at this age that many erotic preferences and stereotypes are laid. At the same time, at this stage, they will not necessarily be of a sexual nature. It's happening somewhere deeper.

Beginning with 11–12 years old, the child must stand in the zone of the parent of the same gender. This means a sharp emergence of interest in life issues related to one's gender. First of all, this is manifested in the fact that boys begin to be interested in "male" topics (for example, weapons, hunting, male conversations, sports or military topics), and girls - "female" (for example, they learn to be a woman, become housewives in at home, adopt the accumulated life experience from mothers and other women). It is no coincidence that in the cultures of various peoples, young men and women underwent initiation rites at this particular age.

Over time, the eroticism acquired in the previous zone of the parent of the opposite sex is enriched with an “adult” understanding of relationships and a certain self-sufficiency in the form of the absence of painful addictions in relationships. This happens because some of the interests in life begin to connect with the energy and interests of their own sex.
In terms of a systematic approach, a girl who did not enter the mother's zone in adolescence is called "daddy's daughter", and a boy who did not enter the father's zone is called "mother's son".

If the girl got into the mother's zone, she is called "mother's daughter", and the boy who has a relationship with his father is called "dad's son."
Accordingly, in their personal lives, partners can create a successful union if the “mother's daughter” unites with the “dad's son”. Such relationships can be called "adult".
The union of the "daddy's daughter" with the "mother's son" is also quite stable. But this type of relationship can be quite complex in terms of the form of interaction, since conflicts and some cruelty are not ruled out. But love can also be very strong.

In addition to those listed, there are also flows from other family members: relatives or people significant in the history of the family. They can bring something important and significant to a person's life. For example, a certain tradition or achievements of the clan. Different family members may exhibit different personality traits. For example, a grandfather could be very active and courageous, while a father, on the contrary, could be calm and homely. In this case, if a person has access, flows, to all members of his family, he can adopt both qualities into his life.

So, let's sum up.

A child in the process of growing up goes through 3 zones in turn:

mother's zone: 0 to 4-6 years (energy of life and safety).
The zone of the parent of the opposite sex: from 4-6 to 11-13 years (erotic energy).
Same-gender parent's zone: from 11-13 years (sexual energy).
Accordingly, when we talk about women with masculine energies, we understand that internally they stopped at the second zone and could not move into the mother's zone in adolescence. They are fascinated by male manifestations in life, and they themselves try to imitate them. Often these are businesslike, successful women, tough and straightforward. As compensation, they can dress very sexy and seductive, be active in their personal lives. But it remains on the outer level. At heart, they are connected with their fathers and, consciously or not, compare all other men with them. It does not matter whether they adore the pope or reject it. In my understanding, the film "Sex and the City" perfectly describes the life and psychology of women with male energies.

When we talk about men with female energies, we mean that they could not get out of the second zone - the zone of charm by female energies. Outwardly, these are often gentle, refined young people, affectionate and flexible in relationships. As a compensation, they may surround themselves with the trappings of masculinity, but this, as in the case of women with masculine energies, remains on the outer level. For example, the image of a macho man is the image of a man with feminine energies. They can also manifest themselves in scandalousness, "tantrums", resentment. Since the "mother's son" is internally connected with his mother, in relations with other women he can be quite cruel.

In life, we can meet people who do not have either male or female energies. From the outside it seems that they seem to be "stuck in childhood." In fact, they simply did not enter the second zone and did not stand either in the mother's zone or in the father's zone. Such people can be charming and carefree, like children. Usually these are nice interlocutors who win us over with their spontaneity and pliability. Their internal age is from 3 to 8 years. As a rule, at this age, children are very obedient and sweet. The other side of the coin is their capriciousness, but we are often ready to forgive them for this.

The only real difficulty in dealing with such people is their irresponsibility. She is very sincere, childish, so the boss at work, or a partner in a relationship, will have to take full responsibility for herself.

ENRI - Energy of Truth Revealing

People are continuously involved in energy exchange, although they usually do not realize this. And in the earthly reality familiar to us, the energy of a certain frequency range is in motion. However, the world (or a person in this world?), with its limited set of frequencies, needs to be improved. This is where channels come to the rescue - transforming and improving reality...

Connection to ENRI channels
a special channeling course for advanced, practitioners or those with good visualization abilities
(not cosmoenergy, not reiki)
Attention! You can connect to these channels remotely (in absentia)!

Classes are
Head of the School of Parapsychology "The Star of Isis" and the Center for Spiritual Transformation ENRI
founder of the ENRI method Sofia Svetlova
and dedicated Masters of ENRI

What are channels?

Channels are energy frequencies. In ordinary everyday reality, people do not use such energies. Each channel corresponds to strictly defined frequencies. If you influence a person, or an object, or even a situation in a special way with the help of a channel, then changes occur in them, strictly defined, corresponding to the properties of the channel. The transforming effect is an integral property of these frequencies, therefore, the channels simply cannot “not act”.

What is the advantage of working with channels over other methods and techniques?

If a person is connected to the channel and knows how to use it, he can work with the energies of the channel both with himself and with others almost immediately, without preparation, without long mastering and training. The result is guaranteed. One should not think that working with channels can replace spiritual self-improvement, but it can make it more fruitful.

What is the origin of the ENRI channels?

The channels of the ENRI system began to come to earth more than 20 years ago. ALL of them were received from above by the founder of the ENRI system, the head of the ENRI spiritual transformation center - Sofia Svetlova. All this time, channels with new and new vibrations continue to come. The frequencies coming into the world correspond to the peculiarities of our time and the need for corresponding changes in the general vibrations of humanity. The title of Sophia in the spiritual hierarchy is a messenger-transformer, transmitting ENRI frequencies to the world, the main guardian of the purity of ENRI vibrations.

What is the peculiarity of ENRI channels?

1. Channels do not need to be “worked out” - they can be used immediately after connection.
2. To achieve a lasting effect, a large number of sessions are not required, usually no more than 7 are enough.
3. The duration of the session is from 10 to 20 minutes.
4. Sessions are held in a comfortable environment, it is recommended to sit in a chair or lie down.
5. In one 20-minute session, you can work simultaneously (successively) with several channels, solving problems in a complex way.
6. All channels also work remotely, that is, the presence of the person to whom the channel is directed is not necessary.
7. You can, if necessary, turn on the channel and work with it even in an “inappropriate” environment, in transport, at work, etc.
8. Most of the channels are very practical, they help to correct the situations that we constantly face in life.
9. Many channels work like an ambulance, instantly improving the situation or well-being.
10. If you do not use the channel for a long time, then it does not turn off, and you can start working with it again at any time.

Discount 1000 rubles. for channels of 1 and 2 degrees at a face-to-face lesson on Sundays at 13.30

The cost of remote connection to one channel of the 1st degree of initiation is 3000 rubles.
The cost of remote connection to one channel of the II degree of initiation is 4000 rubles.
For non-CIS countries prices are higher. Price can be found
If you live not in Moscow and want to connect remotely, please fill in

All people want to live comfortably, so various magical rituals and rituals aimed at attracting wealth are very popular. Any such action is realized by releasing energy and reuniting with it. But not everyone knows how to use spiritual practices correctly in order to increase their own income through the so-called egregors.

Egregor of money - what is it?

The concept of egregor refers to the field of bioenergy. It is an intangible accumulation of energy messages. It is based on people's emotions, their desires, goals, ideas, enthusiasm and even vitality. He absorbs all these components in exchange for the corresponding services. It is worth noting that the payment for the fulfillment of specific material desires can be more significant - sometimes you have to sacrifice health or family happiness.

Egregor of money can be of two types: personal and free. It is better to use in practice the resources of personal egregors. In fact, it creates its own energy cloud, based on a separate idea, which, if implemented, can bring good profit. Moreover, the choice of ideas should be treated very carefully. The maximum return of the money channel will be only if the goal is aimed at improving the situation of the applicant himself and the people around him.

How do money egregors work?

Monetary energy channels work on the terms of mutually beneficial exchange. You connect to it and voice your requests. A cloud of thought forms about money decides on its own whether to help a person or not. It is important for an egregor to see what he can get in return. He usually requires a large amount of energy, which he needs to maintain his own vitality. If there is no energy, he can take something else from a person.

The danger of turning to egregors lies in the fact that it is extremely difficult to predict under what conditions the exchange will be carried out. So that the result does not disappoint anyone, you should adhere to certain rules of behavior and connection to money channels. This will minimize negative consequences. Connecting money to the egregor should be conscious and thought out to the smallest detail. It is necessary to know exactly how much is needed, for what purposes, how they can be received. It is important to have not just a desire, but also ideas for its implementation.

Creating an egregor and connecting to it

It is not recommended to use free egregor in spiritual practices, since absolutely all the inhabitants of the planet have access to it. It was formed over the centuries and grew to an extraordinary size. To maintain such a voluminous energy cloud, he needs huge resources in the form of people's energy. Most often, such adult egregors as money or a channel for penetrating various vices into life feed on anger, envy, deceit and a thirst for revenge. It is these feelings that are the most powerful in terms of energy, so the egregore will specifically create situations that provoke such sensations.

How to open a money egregor created by yourself? To do this, you must first set goals for yourself, then think about ways to achieve them. At the next stage, the material resources that are not enough are determined. Next, you need to relax, think about money, about how much there is. Very handy at this stage will be the skills of meditation and reading motivating affirmations.

After the preparatory procedure, you can proceed directly to creating your own energy-information cloud and communicating with it. To do this, you need to visualize your desire, focus on emotions. When a strong moral tension is felt, a powerful release of energy will occur, which will create a special aura around. It is she who will form a personal egregor.

How to connect to the money egregor? The connection can be made at any time. To do this, you need to think about your desire, imagine the abundance of material wealth. A stay in a jewelry store or a bank will help in this. After the release of energy, an emotional connection with the egregor occurs. Now you can contact him with a request.

The text of the request to money channels can be arbitrary. It is important that it be saturated with the emotions of the petitioner, contain an ideological core and contain a part with gratitude. It is necessary to explain the current situation to the egregor, to tell about your intentions, possible ways to realize the desire. Everything should be said only in essence, as accurately as possible, with specific figures.

How to appease egregor?

Knowing how to connect to the egregor of money is not enough. You need to have information on how to appease him so that he really helps solve the problem and takes a modest fee in exchange. To do this, you need to thank him daily for his services and attention. You can not tell anyone about performing the appropriate magical rituals in order to gain wealth. You should not discuss with friends either your own or other people's earnings.

The next rule is that money should be kept exclusively in a wallet or purse, but not in pockets. Banknotes must always be unfolded. If there is a coin on the ground on the street, then it must be picked up or simply bypassed. Do not step on paper money or coins. Banknotes of any denomination should be treated with respect.

Connecting to a money egregore is an effective way to improve your financial situation. But before turning to such a technique, one should weigh all the pros and cons. After all, no one will give money just like that, and sometimes the fee is too high. When using the resources of the energy cloud, you must rely not only on the power of the channel, but also on your own abilities.

There are various systems that study the nature of man, traditional and esoteric. But all of them, one way or another, state that man is a complex being. And indeedthe human microcosm is an analogue of the macrocosm and it is of a multidimensional nature: energy-informational, color-emitting, light-emitting, electromagnetic, holographic, solar, vibrational, wave, crystal, plasma, geometric, which indicates

What gives us this knowledge? Firstly, the realization of the fact that man is a rational, conscious being and is able to control his microcosm. For example, to change and follow the given consciousness. Secondly, knowledge of one's own capabilities allows one not only to develop spontaneously according to the divine destiny, but also to evolve thanks to one's own plan and intention.

This topic is quite voluminous and ambiguous. The complexity of the material also lies in the fact that today there is no consensus both about the subtle nature of man and about his already studied energy-informational component.

I will try to present my own vision, based on well-known and authoritative, in my opinion, knowledge systems, structuring them into certain schemes and sequences.


The main energy - nourishing, connecting, accommodating and synthesizing natural manifestations in a person - / Ether. Interacting with the astral-mental (penetration energy) and pranic / ethereal energy, as well as the energy of the planet Earth, the energy of the biocenosis (Water) and the energy of Agni (Fire), it is activated and creates a space-time hologram, on which the atoms of the substance of this continuum are strung.

And this, in turn, forms the energy-informational matrix of a person, which controls the functional processes of both physical and subtle properties.

Energy information matrix is a set of energy holographic-informational shells (thin bodies) around the physical body, called the human aura.

The aura of the Subtle Body includes three physical / three-dimensional and four supraphysical / polymer / thin-material / plasma bodies / shells.

  • Etheric body (energy)
  • Astral body (emotions)
  • Mental body (energy-information matrix)
  • Karmic (causal body)
  • Buddhial (intuitive body) - (etheric matrix)
  • Celestial body (spirit body)
  • Atmanic (keter body) - (body of the soul).

All these bodies interact in a special way, forming an individual energy-information hologram, manifested in three dimensions, as a visible and dense physical body.


“In the days of Atlantis the progress of the sons of men was secured by the practice of the two Yogas. The first of these was the so-called Yoga of the centers, which produced the stabilization of the etheric body and its centers in a person and caused the development of the astral (author's - emotional) and psychic nature. Subsequently, Bhakti Yoga, which emerged as a result of the development of the emotional body, united with Laya Yoga, and the foundation was laid for mysticism and devotion, which then became the main motives for spiritual realization in the Aryan root race. A. Bailey. "Light of the Soul".

Looking into the dictionary of Sanskrit words and terms, we will try to penetrate the essence of the word "laya" or "laya", which means "disappear and decompose", and in physics and chemistry - "zero point or equilibrium point".

"Laya is the annihilation of the individual soul in infinity, the One, true and absolute Power."

Laya, in itself, is an inaccessible and incomprehensible object for finite cognition. But still, let's try to lift the veil of secrecy over this concept, which originates, at least, from the ancient era of the times of Atlantis.

The progenitors of the pharaohs and the ancestors of the Egyptians - the Atlanteans, owned the science of the centers, but due to the well-known, the death of the mainland of the same name, and reasons not very well known to us, they could only partially preserve and preserve this knowledge, and then, in an encrypted symbolic form, stored in the gorges of the mountains of Tibet, other difficult places, as well as the Akashic Records, the Universal Energy-Information Bank, which stores information about all events occurring throughout the existence of the planet and the Cosmos.

We see Laya Yoga as the science of controlling life in the three worlds geometrically, with the control of the activity of the centers and channels of the body that connect a person with the macrocosm.

Indeed, one cannot achieve spiritual liberation and enlightenment without self-knowledge, and the science of the centers is an experienced guide. But this task is complicated by the fact that apart from meager esoteric information, disparate descriptions in various schools of the East and practical intellectual-intuitive research, there are almost no other beacons in the vast ocean of true knowledge.

But the search for the “invisible” is so interesting and unpredictable that truly vague outlines become clearer and clearer as you gradually approach them.

Let's turn to several sources that present this valuable knowledge in a very confusing or deliberately veiled form, and try to "reanimate" it somewhat, breathing in "new life", while revealing its secret content and hidden meaning.

The Yoga of the centers is the Yoga of chakra development, both universal and individual, with astral or mental polarization (the degree of activity of certain chakras).

In addition to the above vertical channels, there is also a horizontal one - Girdle canal, starting at the navel (the paraphysiological center of the body) and surrounding all the main energy centers of the trunk, head, upper and lower extremities, having connection points with all vertical channels. The energy flowing through the Girdle Channel moves clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on which channel of the body is currently controlling or dominant.


Every 2 hours, the energy in the chakras changes its direction (for or counterclockwise), which explains the change in activity in 12 additional channels (meridians). That is, when the polarity changes, the movement of spin resonant particles in the electromagnetic field of the centers (chakras) changes.

"Spin", translated from English, "rotate". There is a relationship between spin resonance and the direction and speed of rotation of the vortex flows in the chakras. Spin resonance reflects the processes of polarity, penetrating all manifestations of the organism's vital activity at the level of elementary particles.

There is a physical and physiological polarity, and they are different. So physical polarity represents the electromagnetic status of a person, and the physiological is manifested as follows:

  • Since each organism is represented by a dual or bipolar metabolism, obeying, then all electrical potentials are grouped in pairs with opposite signs, and the level of one potential is balanced by another.
  • Between the external and internal environment, represented by the connection - homeostasis, there is also bipolarity, where the external environment is positive in relation to the negative (internal).

Also, any pair of organs is characterized by physical polarity, in which the level of one potential always exceeds the other, changing in connection with the cyclic law.

The movement of substances in the human body is consistent with the physical and physiological laws of electromagnetic conduction or impulse, and the law of circulation of qi (ki, chi).

But at the same time, all this polarity is nothing but the transformed dual energy of unity, the DAO, the Absolute, invisible in our linear three-dimensional world due to the conscious will of our imperishable spirit.

Hide to then find again, what could be more exciting? Don't you think so? Then turn your attention to the children. In them, the energy of unity boils and splashes with all the fibers of the soul.

Treat your own life as a game (Shakespeare is mature at the root), and then much will seem to you not only amusing, but also funny and, at times, even comical.

Smile to yourself and say: “I am the most beloved adult child on the planet, and my spiritual parents are Mother Earth and the Sun-Father, my sister is Nature, my brothers are animals and numerous relatives are all living beings inhabiting myriads of galaxies.”

And then, feeling a gentle embrace and belonging with everything and everyone, you will feel at home, wherever you are and whatever state you are in.



It would not be superfluous to draw an analogy with the five centers of fire, visible to clairvoyants, the five centers around the human body and the five central, penetrating channels, which, like a flower with petals, form a bud, starting from Muladhara and upward to Sahasrara, ready to open in a bewitching flowering with conscious interaction, on the physical level, initiating the control of the emotional and mental bodies in the victorious triumph of spirit in matter.

All human energy flows go from bottom to top and back to front - starting from the coccyx behind and ending at the penis (men) and from the coccyx - to the clitoris (women). That is, the movement is carried out from the Control channel to the Functional channel (except for the scrotum).

The Egyptian system considers two main symbols - the pentagram or pentad, the star of man, which was the mysterious symbol of the sons of Wisdom.

The number 12 is also regarded as secret and sacred, representing the dodecad and the geometric figure, the dodecahedron. According to Plato, "The universe was built by the Firstborn on the basis of the geometric figure of the Dodecahedron."

Regularly uniting in meditation with macrocosmic centers, we not only contribute to our nearest in the light of expanded possibilities, but also facilitate this process for our planet Gaia.

We also, by divine right and origin, can thus connect with our large family of light, not limited to one planet or star system.

Knowledge about the energy centers and channels of the body may seem insignificant and devoid of practical meaning to an unprepared reader.

However, as many years of experience show, information is not meaningless if behind it is an irrepressible desire to find the best possible development of one's own.

This knowledge is only a fragment of a huge microcosmic mosaic called man. But it can also properly for new discoveries in .

I hope that this esoteric educational program about the multidimensional nature of man and its functions in the context of ancient and modern knowledge was useful to you. And yoursfurther journey into the world of self-knowledge will be memorable, interesting and practically valuable.

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