The name Grisha is the meaning of the name and fate. The meaning of the name Gregory is character and destiny. Name Gregory in English

The meaning of the name Gregory: the name for the boy means "vigorous", "vigilant", "guardian". This affects the character and fate of Gregory.

Origin of the name Gregory: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Grisha, Grishaka, Grishunya, Grishuha, Grilya, Grinyush, Grief.

What does the name Gregory mean? The name Gregory comes from the ancient Greek name Gregorios. The word translates as "to be vigilant"). Another meaning of the name Gregory is "guard". Grisha will always stand guard over his interests! This is an interesting interlocutor, not afraid to show his emotions. Brave, not afraid for himself and strives to live on to the fullest He has a lot of friends and enemies. It is he who achieves a better life before others, because he is used to going ahead.

Patronymic name Gregory: Grigoryevich, Grigorievna; unfold Grigorich.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Gregory celebrates name days twice a year:

  • January 23 (10) - St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, brother of St. Basil the Great, defended the Orthodox faith from heretics.
  • February 7 (January 25) - St. Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople. For their lofty sermons about God, the Holy Trinity is called the Theologian.

Signs: January 23 - Grigory the flight indicator: frost on haystacks - to a wet summer; trees in hoarfrost - the sky will be blue. On February 7, on G. Bogoslov, they observe the weather: what is the day from morning to noon, such will be the first half of next winter; and from noon to evening heralds the other half.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - blue-green
  • Auspicious tree - cypress
  • Cherished plant - narcissus
  • Gregory's patron is a tiger
  • Talisman stone - granite

Characteristics of the name Gregory

Positive features: The name Gregory gives determination, assertiveness, activity. FROM early childhood A child with this name may strive to fulfill their dreams. Among peers, he stands out for his sociability, confidence in his abilities, fortitude, but at the same time he is open and expects sincerity from others. Grisha is able to mobilize and jump ahead sharply in any of his activities.

Negative Traits: The name Gregory brings impulsiveness, momentaryness, recklessness, pride, insolence, rage. Grisha is not capable of long and painstaking work. He needs to quickly achieve what he wants. The guy with this name is a maximalist. He wants all or nothing. In childhood, he gives a lot of trouble to parents with his restlessness, impulsiveness, the requirement to satisfy constantly arising desires. The wounded pride of the name Grisha can cause a violent reaction. Risky accidents, adventures, dangers are frequent in his life. At best, teenage emotionality and courage will eventually help the formation of personality, turning into a firm and strong will.

The nature of the name Gregory: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Gregory? This is a bully and insolent, not hiding his emotions. As a child, all bruises and bumps fall on him, but he himself does not give offenders a descent. Brave to the point of recklessness, he alone can put an entire crowd to flight without caring in the least for his own life. This ardor will greatly interfere with the name of Grisha, he will make many enemies, but he will make even more friends. It happens that for years he literally vegetates in the field of life, but now a worthy peak has appeared, an almost unattainable goal - and Grisha walks in the winners before others!

A man with this name is scrupulous, easily vulnerable, strives to please everyone. A man named Grisha is gallant, attaches great importance to communication. Stubborn, easily excitable, cooled down, becomes indifferent. The meaning of the name Gregory predicts good business qualities, a developed sense of duty and responsibility, but his personal interests are always in the foreground. Can master any profession, but painfully refers to attempts to lead it. Grisha is a subtle and sensitive nature, prone to melancholy.

Gregory and his personal life

Compatible with female names: Name compatibility with Agafya, Valeria, Catherine, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Nadezhda, Rada, Seraphim. The name Gregory is also combined with Tomila. A difficult name relationship can develop with Augusta, Alexandra, Bronislava, Daria, Efrosinya, Claudia, Larisa, Raisa, Sbyslava, Tamara.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Gregory promise happiness in love? In relations with imperious and prudent women, Grisha may have an irreconcilable confrontation. Early marriage can be unsuccessful. It is better for a man with this name to enter into a late marriage with a woman. It is of particular importance to him that his wife shares his ideals and lifestyle.

In the family, the boy is quieter than water, lower than the grass, he loves to read books aloud to children, to carve figures from wood. However, from time to time conflicts arise with a jealous wife - and then Grisha literally falls into hysterics: he breaks dishes, throws heavy objects, etc. Having come to his senses, he asks for forgiveness and promises not to play tricks in the future - however, until the next conflict.

Grisha in love relationships- free-spirited. In intimate relationships, he takes all the initiative. Restrained in caresses, but gentle. He pulls with marriage, strives first to get to know the temperament and capabilities of his future wife. A man with this name is a good family man, the family budget is usually in his hands. Zhenya does not allow himself to command. He always does exactly what he wants.

Family ties mean a lot to him. The guy loves children and seeks to educate them in accordance with his views on life, and his methods of education are harsh. Grisha loves home comfort, a well-prepared feast. It is important for him that his wife be a good housewife, have a calm and even character. Grisha is sociable, but in a dispute he imposes his opinion, not taking into account other points of view.

It is difficult for Grisha to find his wife, he is too picky and squeamish. In the end, he marries an ordinary woman, but a good housewife. HE loves delicious food, cleanliness and comfort in the house. A man named Gregory can look at beautiful girlfriend wife, but it does not come to treason: he is monogamous. He is somewhat tight-fisted, loves to have money with him, but his wife puts up with this, because he knows how to earn money.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Grisha diverse interests, original ideas, big plans, strong will, determination, but in his career in the first half of his life there are many different turns. Grisha has a sharp mind, but the lack of perseverance can prevent him from getting a good education. He needs help to direct the unstoppable energy in a creative direction. In this case, he can enter the most prestigious school and university, build a career.

Business and career: The guy tends to get money in a very unusual way and lose it in an equally incomprehensible way. He must be on the lookout for all sorts of scams and get-rich-quick schemes. In money matters, Grishka should avoid hasty transactions. Success will increase dramatically if he is self-critical.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Gregory: The meaning of the name Gregory from the point of view of medicine. Grisha's independence and stubbornness surprises from the first days. The child is inventive at pranks. Responds with a refusal to all orders and requests. He will agree to do something if he is interested in it and he himself wants it. It is not easy for parents with him, but among his peers he has authority. He runs fast (especially his favorite pastime is running through puddles), jumps high, he compensates for some physical weakness with speed of reaction and decisive disposition.

An adult, as in childhood, is easily excitable, but quick-tempered. As in childhood, he will quickly and perfectly complete any task, achieve the most difficult goal, if he is personally interested in this.

This is a very vulnerable person. Often a critical remark unsettles him. However, he himself likes to talk in an icy tone, to impose his opinion on others, not to forget resentment. In his heart he is a commander, dreams of dominating people. Gregory is a maximalist, he needs everything or nothing. He is stubborn, if necessary, very brave, does not succumb to danger.

He has an analytical mind, a wonderful memory, incredible curiosity. The main subject of his curiosity is someone else's life. He can be a good writer, director, designer. It can be realized in any profession - driver, engineer, journalist, photographer. Most often, he acts under the influence of inspiration, it helps him to realize himself with brilliance.

He wants to like everything, pays a lot of attention to his appearance, fashion. She loves attending music concerts, theater, sports competitions, especially football and hockey.

The fate of Gregory in history

What does the name Gregory mean for male fate?

  1. G. Orlov (1734-1783) - one of the most famous characters Russian history XVIII century. He was brought up in the gentry cadet corps, military service started in the Seven Years' War, was wounded. Became one of the first friends and admirers Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna upon her arrival in Russia, and then with her great love. Grigory Orlov was fond of physics and natural sciences, patronized Lomonosov and Fonvizin.
  2. G.I. Shelekhov (1747-1795) - a famous explorer of Siberia. A poor Rylsk tradesman, Shelekhov set off to seek his fortune in this land, and already from 1776 began to send his ships to Pacific Ocean. Soon after Shelekhov's death, the Russian-American Company was established (1799). In 1903, a monument was erected to him in the city of Rylsk.
  3. G.V. Soroka (1823-1864) - Russian artist, was a serf of the landowner N.P. Milyukov. Grigory Soroka created one of the most interesting still lifes in Russian painting of the 19th century - "Reflection in the Mirror". Grigory Soroka painted portraits of his master, his children and grandchildren. The task that faced the artist was simple: it was necessary to convey as accurately as possible appearance models to save it for posterity. His paintings remained, his “Self-Portrait”, in which Grigory Soroka asserted his dignity as an artist, the dignity and self-worth of a person.
  4. G. Pozhenyan is a Russian poet and writer.
  5. G. Leps is a Russian author and performer.
  6. G. Chukhrai is a famous Russian film director.
  7. G. Myasoedov - Russian painter.
  8. G. Mkrtychan is a famous Soviet hockey player.
  9. G. Kotovsky - commander of the Red Army.
  10. G. Aleksandrov - Soviet film director, actor, screenwriter.
  11. G. Kozintsev - film director, teacher.
  12. Grigor Magistros - (990-1059) Armenian scientist, writer, teacher, military and statesman, translated and promoted ancient literature.
  13. Gregory Helms is an American wrestler best known for his performances in WWE and WCW.
  14. Gregory Peck is a famous American actor.

Gregory in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. Translated in English as Gregory, in German: Gregor, in Italian: Gregorio, in Polish: Grzegorz, in Lithuanian: Grigalius, in Latin: Gregorius.

The influence of a name on the fate and character of a person is beyond doubt, its interpretation will be a discovery for you. Having studied the meaning of the name Gregory, you can decide whether you want your baby to meet certain characteristics, your choice is of great importance for the child.

The kid is characterized by excessive activity and curiosity, it is very difficult for him to sit still, he tries to take part in all activities of interest. For a boy, the opinion of others matters, he tries to produce good impression, behave culturally.

Grisha rarely initiates a fight, is an opponent physical impact, if someone tries to offend, he will receive a fitting rebuff. A grown-up intelligent young man easily finds mutual language with others, makes an exceptionally positive impression.

The meaning of the name indicates an excessive susceptibility to negative statements, harsh behavior, takes everything personally. It is very important for him to look perfect in any situation, this is required by his male pride. He devotes to the formation of the wardrobe Special attention, sometimes overestimates the value of clothes.


It is distinguished by sensitivity, appreciates beauty and grace, rudeness is incompatible with a melancholic nature.

It is quite difficult for Gregory to build relationships, which means that he is too demanding. His arrogance and arrogance seriously complicate life. At the first stage of acquaintance in the moments intimacy Gregory will be extremely indecisive, giving the initiative to a woman. Over time, he will definitely show ingenuity.

He is not in a hurry with the wedding, he prefers to thoroughly study the characteristics of the character of the future wife, carefully weigh the possibility of cohabitation, he must be sure of sexual compatibility by 100%.

Grisha knows how to care, showing tenderness and attention. His success with women is ensured by the ability to find a special approach to each of the fair sex. He is very different from other men, has a mysterious power that, like a magnet, attracts women who, even after a break, cannot forget him.
Sex for him is not just a pleasant pastime, but the need of the soul and body. He does not recognize violence, prefers to conquer women with original actions, his own charm.

A family

He prefers to marry an ordinary woman who can create comfort and maintain order. Home comfort is of great importance, pays special attention to its "fortress". Speciality, financial situation, the origin of the chosen one is of secondary importance to him.

The main requirement is the ability to constantly surround with care, to be a good housewife. This means that the wife must learn how to cook deliciously, a varied feast is an integral part of life for Grisha.

In addition, the spouse must recognize his genius, allow him to take a leadership position in the family.

The meaning of the name Gregory indicates that by nature a person is a bachelor. However, given his attitude to the opinions of others, he adheres to generally accepted norms that provide for the creation of a cell of society.

Owners of this name get divorced extremely rarely. They adequately fulfill their parental duty, both morally and materially.

Suitable for marriage: Lydia, Oksana, Vera, Alla, Elizabeth, Maria, Tamara, Tatyana.
Less suitable: Elena, Larisa, Natalia, Angelina, Victoria.

Business and career

Regardless of which path a man chooses, there is no doubt about his viability, he will never need.

In youth, abilities for technology are often manifested, which means that applied sciences are of interest. Free time prefers to spend with a book, thanks to this he receives a comprehensive development. He has excellent inclinations for many professions, but in order to reach heights, he lacks pressure and ambition. He occupies a stable position in society and his colleagues respect him.

He will make an excellent journalist, engineer, photographer, driver. Confidently overcomes difficulties, danger will not become an obstacle to the goal. These qualities allow you to feel confident in the field of business.

origin of the name Gregory

Where did the name Gregory come from?
“Grigoreo” in Greek means “to wake up, stay awake” or “awake”, “not sleeping”. The etymology of the name is unique, Gregory has a special status, as it belongs to the proper Christian, corresponds to the qualities of an ideal Christian. At the time of baptism, the origin of the name does not create difficulties. History testifies to many worthy personalities, whose name inspires respect among different generations.

Characteristics of the name Gregory

Having a strong enough character, an adult man is too susceptible to criticism, which is the strongest weapon against him. Like any person, Grisha has his pros and cons. In the absence of recognition of ability and superiority, it is almost impossible to maintain friendships. The characteristic of the name indicates that a person will strive all his life to make a worthy impression, paying due attention to appearance and education. Balanced. Disdain.

Mystery of the name

It is rather difficult to find similar options for energy, in most cases the patronymic Grigorievich has more power, there are many examples confirming this fact. The secret of the name Gregory lies in the strongest impact on a person, starting from early childhood. A person prefers to act without thinking about the consequences.

It is quite difficult for parents to find a common language with him, but in the company Grisha feels comfortable and confident. He compensates for physical shortcomings with determination, forgetting about caution. Enough careful person under the influence of emotions reincarnates, capable of serious deeds.

  • Name days: January 1, 18, 21, 23; February 7, 12; March 17, 25; May 3; June 28; August 21; September 10, 12; October 11, 13, 18; November 18, 27, 30; 3, 6, 11 December.
  • Horoscope and zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Talisman: icon, key
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Stone: granite

Famous people

  • Grigory Potemkin - statesman and military figure, field marshal general;
  • Grigory Leps - Russian author and performer;
  • Grigory Kotovsky - commander of the Red Army.

Name translation

Many parents prefer to get as much information as possible: find out how to translate full name Gregory.
Translation: “awake”, “not sleeping”.
Gregory (Gregory) - English;
葛利高里 (Geligaoli) - in Chinese;
Gurigorii is in Japanese.

Name form

Orthodox meaning is associated with the adoption of Christianity. The name Gregory in Orthodoxy was remade into Yuri, later into Yegor.

Derivatives: George, Egor, Yuri.
In short, you can experiment without restrictions, depending on the characteristics of communication, a loved one can choose short name: Grinya, Grishata, Gregon, Grisha, Grief, Mountain.
Relatives can address him especially affectionately: Grinyusha, Grishuta.
Declension of the name will not cause difficulties.
Some options cause irritation in the owner.

According to the church, Gregory remains unchanged; at baptism, a middle name is not required, which is an indisputable advantage from the point of view of believers.

The origin of the name Gregory is rooted in ancient Greece, where the name Gregorius went back to the word "grigoreo", which means "keep awake" in translation. In Russia, the name Gregory appeared with the spread of Christianity at the turn of the 10th-11th centuries. Its first bearers were representatives of the clergy.

The name quickly gained popularity in all segments of the population, as evidenced by alias surnames formed from various forms of the name: Grigoriev, Grishin, Grishaev, and so on. AT late XIX century, the name Gregory was one of the ten most common names in Russia.

To date, statistics say that the name Gregory is obsolete for many, modern children are almost never called him. But finally the name Gregory will never sink into oblivion, since mankind knows many canonized saints, as well as a large number prominent personalities who forever inscribed the name Gregory in history. Among them are such odious historical figures like Grigory Rasputin, Grigory Orlov and Grigory Potemkin, the famous Russian film director Grigory Chukhrai, Red Army commander Grigory Kotovsky, publicist Grigory Potanin, mathematician Grigory Perelman and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The first known Gregory in Russia was Gregory the Wonderworker - now one of the most revered saints. He was born in the north of Asia Minor, in a pagan family, and received a good education. As a teenager, he read holy gospel, and forever loving the Lord, became a Christian.

With his charitable life, heartfelt sermons, and miraculous healings, St. Gregory converted many pagans to the faith of Christ. He taught, working miracles in the Name of Christ: he healed the sick, resolved disputes and complaints, helped those in need. By the power of prayer, he could tame rivers, determine the boundaries of floods with his staff, and move mountains from their place.

During the year, the church honors the memory of more than 20 different saints named Gregory. All owners of this name can choose a name day date that coincides with their birthday, or the nearest date immediately after the birthday.

Gregory can celebrate name days on one of the following dates: January 1, 8, 18, 21 and 23; 7 and 12 February; 8, 17, 23, 25 and 27 March; 15, 19 and 23 April; May 3; 1, 6 and 28 June; July 13; August 1, 18, 21, 22, 28 and 31; September 12, 20, 22, 28 and 29; 13 and 18 October; November 4, 18, 20, 27, 28 and 30; December 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 20 and 23.

Name characteristic

The name Gregory endows its owner with frantic energy, as well as a very difficult fate. He is a maximalist who dreams of owning the world, decisive and strong-willed. Outwardly, he is always gallant, courteous and polite, knows how to make pleasant impression. But under the outer gloss hides a strong temper, sometimes even aggression, which is especially pronounced in anger.

Gregory can hardly endure dependence on circumstances and on other people, does not tolerate rudeness and disorder. He has a hot temper, often devoid of a sense of danger, as well as assertiveness and unwillingness to compromise. Such a hellish mixture in the character of a man is capable of ruining his career in the bud, or vice versa, elevating him to the very top. Gregory also has such business qualities as purposefulness, self-confidence and ambition.

If a dark side Gregory's personality wins, then he may come into conflict with the law, or have very great difficulties with communication. Wisdom and calm to this person usually comes with age, and before that it is usually very difficult for him to keep his emotions under control.

Gregory is very curious, especially when it comes to someone else's personal life. He is touchy, but not vindictive, has a sharp mind, but does not have perseverance, has a sense of humor, but does not know how to treat himself with irony.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the courage and courage that are present in the character of all men named Gregory. This is a courageous person who is not afraid to challenge fate, and in moments of danger is able to quickly make the right decision and take responsibility. But his courage very often borders on recklessness, he is very prone to momentary impulses, which he may later regret.

Gregory lives, though not simple, but interesting life, he usually has as many enemies as he has loyal friends.


Little Grisha is a very smart child, giving parents and teachers a lot of trouble. He demands that all his desires be immediately fulfilled, otherwise the parents will have a violent reaction. It is useless to force him to do something if he himself does not want it. Stubbornness is his biggest flaw, which the boy will take with him into adulthood.

Grisha loves risk and adventure, so he adolescence is not easy. He strives to grow up as quickly as possible, starts smoking and tasting alcohol early. Brash and quick-tempered, the young man often comes into conflict with teachers and peers.

Grisha's parents will have to try very hard to find common points contact with a teenager, otherwise the child will perceive all moralizing with hostility and do everything exactly the opposite. Often, under the mask of a daring bully lies a sensitive and insecure person who is in great need of warmth and parental love.


Gregory's weak point is vision, heart and liver. An explosive nature can cause a nervous breakdown, and maximalism and stubbornness can cause depression.

In general, Gregory is distinguished by great physical endurance and good vitality.


Gregory is a very loving man who cannot imagine his life without women. But it is not easy for him to find partners for himself, since he is moderately squeamish and picky, he loves everything beautiful, elegant and sophisticated.

Gregory is successful with women, in bed he is a little restrained, but very affectionate and gentle. Prefers the liberated sexy women, he easily agrees to experiments.

Gregory clearly distinguishes between love and sex, is not prone to protracted romances.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Gregory is a born leader, he will strive to take the same position in the family. A quiet, economic girl, clean and hardworking, will suit him as a wife.

Usually, Gregory's marriage is strong, as a man values ​​\u200b\u200bhis family. He gladly helps his wife with the housework, takes part in the upbringing of children. Quarrels may arise in the family due to the emotional nature of the man, but Gregory knows how to realize his mistakes and be the first to reconcile.

Gregory's moral principles allow him to have a connection on the side, but he himself will never forgive his wife's betrayal.

Most successful marriage possible with women named Alexandra, Anna, Valentina, Nadezhda, Nina, Olga, Sofia, Tamara and Tatiana. Relationships with Galina, Elena, Larisa, Lyudmila, Daria and Raisa should be avoided.

Business and career

By nature, Gregory is not a careerist, rarely reaches high ranks and titles, but his assertive character can help him achieve success in any profession. The best profession suitable for Gregory's hot temper is the profession of a military man, a rescuer, a fireman.

An analytical mindset can push Gregory into professions such as a lawyer, engineer, economist or designer. A creative vein will allow you to succeed as a director, actor, photographer, journalist or musician.

In business, Gregory can also be successful if a man learns to take care of money and not make decisions in haste. A man should be on the alert against all kinds of fraud and avoid hasty transactions, as well as various schemes and projects of "get rich quick".

Talismans for Gregory

  • The ruling planet is Saturn.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. Gregory is recommended to call boys born under this sign.
  • A good time of the year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • Lucky colors are blue and green.
  • The totem animal is the tiger. This animal symbolizes strength and fearlessness, justice and success. The energy of the tiger totem can be both destructive and creative, so Gregory needs to be careful.
  • Totem plant - narcissus and cypress. Narcissus is a symbol of self-sufficiency, but at the same time narcissism and vanity. In Christian mythology, narcissus means divine love and sacrifice. Cypress in Christianity is identified with endurance, perseverance and justice. The cypress talisman will protect Gregory from the evil eye and evil spells.
  • Talisman stone - granite. A talisman made of this stone will make Gregory more responsive and flexible, and help him find mutual understanding with people. If there are granite products in Grigory's house, then there will always be peace and comfort in it, since this breed relieves psychological stress well.


Aries- this is an energetic, self-confident and very stubborn man who is able to achieve a lot in life. In order to achieve his goal, he is ready to work for days, forgetting about rest and family. People around see in Gregory-Aries a tank who strives for his goal in honest and dishonest ways, but only close people know what a vulnerable and sensitive person he really is. He is incredibly generous, he treats money easily, he will always find a way to earn it, and also spend it quickly. For the sake of a beloved woman, Gregory-Aries can move mountains, but living next to him is very difficult. In the family, he will constantly demonstrate his independence and defend leadership, there will often be outbursts of anger and jealousy. In general, Grigory-Aries is a rather attentive and devoted husband who adores his children.

Taurus- This is a stubborn and quick-tempered person, accustomed to relying only on own forces. He is stubborn, prudent and cautious, showing conservatism in everything. Gregory the Taurus strives for a measured state in everything, in his life there should be no place for “out of the ordinary” events. However, the man is different high level efficiency, business acumen and energy. This person will always be able to earn for himself and his family a comfortable life. With all that set of qualities, Gregory-Taurus has another unexpected character trait - romanticism. He is monogamous by nature, and for the sake of the woman he loves, he is ready for any sacrifice. A marriage union with him will certainly be long and lasting, but getting along with such a person is not easy. He is jealous, very demanding in everyday life, hardly compromises, rarely listens to the opinion of his wife, hardly gets used to something new. However, in general, Gregory-Taurus is distinguished by ease and pleasantness of character.

Twins- a charming and pleasant personality, diversified and talented. This man has a critical and lively mind, but at the same time he does not tolerate anything permanent, he loves various adventures, travels and new acquaintances. He is capable of a short time experience a huge range of emotions 1 from unrestrained fun to a state of deep depression. Gregory the Gemini is generous, and money usually does not stay with him. Most likely, he will never be a rich person, but he is quite capable of securing a stable financial position for himself. Gregory the Twin can be safely called ladies' man and a favorite of women, as in his company it is never boring. A woman is unlikely to be able to achieve a stable and harmonious relationship with him, since a man is too changeable and fickle. Usually, more than one marriage happens in his life, as a man hardly manages to maintain physical and emotional fidelity to his wife.

Crayfish- a very changeable personality, prone to uncontrollable outbursts of anger. In general, this is a friendly and benevolent person, but his benevolence can change in a minute to irritability, harshness and pickiness. Gregory-Rak tends to exaggerate the importance of life's problems, he perceives reality in a completely different way from those around him. This is facilitated by a rich imagination and a strong suggestibility inherent in his character. Gregory-Rak is practical, treats money with care and attaches great importance to it. Even in the presence of a stable position, a man tends to appear poorer than he is. It is not easy to build a relationship with this person, since his chosen one will have to constantly monitor so as not to inadvertently offend him with a careless word. It is very important for Gregory-Cancer to constantly feel the love and support of his family, but he does not need passion, he needs tenderness. He will always strive to subjugate a woman to himself, but at the same time he dreams of mutual understanding and a quiet family life.

a lion- a noble, sincere and passionate man. This person knows how to inspire respect from the first seconds of communication, he is invariably smiling, pleasant in communication and gallant. Gregory-Leo, like air, needs the public and its admiration, otherwise he will simply wither away. The main features of his character are generosity, openness, kindness, the ability to empathize and sympathize. At the same time, he strives for leadership, but this is not perceived as tyranny, but rather as patronage. Those who try to control Gregory the Lion will instantly stumble upon a wall of cold arrogance and contempt. This man loves money, but even more he loves to spend it, so he often lives beyond his means. He has an innate craving for luxury and idle life. But in the profession, he often achieves heights and stable financial position, because he sees himself only in leadership positions. In the family, Grigory-Lev will be a dictator, he can be jealous of his spouse even for his own children. He is able to remain faithful, but will always look at pretty women.

Virgo- a calm, balanced, a little reserved person, all his life struggling with his complexes. He has a clear mind and good logic, he tries to make all his actions as rational and efficient as possible. He can be called an ideal worker, punctual and always competent. Gregory-Virgo in his life devotes a lot of time to work, and everything else often goes by the wayside. It is possible that he will remain a bachelor for the rest of his life. He is a rationalist and pragmatist to the core and bones, and there is no place for romance in his life. He can also be called a real symbol of financial stability, as he earns a lot, knows how to save and increase money. If Gregory-Virgo decides to start a family, then he will always be able to provide her with stability and confidence in tomorrow. He will never give rise to jealousy, will surround his chosen one with comfort, in his family there will never be a place for violent showdowns and idle feasts.

Scales- a thoughtful, reasonable, caring man, sometimes abusing food or alcohol. He treats joys and sorrows in his life philosophically, but this does not prevent him from being scrupulous in his work, doing everything honestly and as responsibly as possible. Gregory-Libra tries to do everything so that later he does not have to redo it. He has a fantastic feature to penetrate into the essence of the subject, to see the very essence of the problem. In communication, he is pleasant, tries to please everyone, has an innate charm and charm. He treats money with care, but he tries not to deny himself anything he loves. The doors of his house are always open for friends, as the man loves parties and feasts, spends a lot of time and money on them. Gregory-Libra takes marriage seriously, but his moral principles allow him to have connections on the side. At the same time, he is able to sincerely show his love, loves to give gifts, pamper his woman. But the monotonous family life will always oppress him, since this person will always need vivid emotions and impressions.

Scorpion- a strong-willed and energetic man, sometimes overly self-confident. He goes through life, relying only on his own convictions, and the opinions of other people mean nothing to him. Independence in everything is his main life goal. Gregory-Scorpio is fearless, smart, insightful, his will is almost impossible to break. Surrounding people sometimes perceive him as a rather tough person, they are afraid of him and respect him at the same time. This person organically does not tolerate lies, and he always tries to tell the truth in his eyes. A warm heart is always hidden under the mask of equanimity and calmness, but he knows how to hide his emotions so that not a single muscle flinches on his face. Grigory-Scorpio devotes a lot of time to work, he can make an excellent entrepreneur. A man usually easily spends all the money he earns on his pleasures. Usually several marriages happen in his life, since getting along with such strong personality not easy. Grigory-Scorpio is a real conqueror, and a rare woman can resist him.

Sagittarius- a surprisingly harmonious personality, a minion of fate and a charming man. Kind by nature, Gregory-Sagittarius will never intentionally hurt another person, but at the same time he is not distinguished by tact and delicacy. In life, he is a great adventurer, loves to travel and learn something new. The spirit of rebellion will live in him all his life, forcing him to remain an eternal teenager, to get involved in various adventures and dubious enterprises, as well as in fights and brawls. The career success of Gregory-Sagittarius is based on intuition and the birth of new ideas, as well as insight and observation. He enters into marriage with reluctance, as he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom and independence very much. His wife should be easy-going, non-jealous, ready to accept the fact that her husband will never belong to her completely. In return, he will give her a boring life full of romance and love.

Capricorn- a calm, imperturbable and even stern man, going to success exclusively by his own work. You can call him a careerist good sense words, he is able to work tirelessly to achieve financial independence. His thoughts are always practical, and his goals are real. Gregory-Capricorn is very fond of praise and flattery, likes to emphasize his success and viability. home, career, a strong family and respect for society - these are the goals that Gregory-Capricorn strives for. He is reliable in marriage, he will always be able to provide the family with everything necessary, but sometimes in pursuit of material values a man can simply forget the warmth that every woman needs. He is stingy with compliments, and in sex is quite passive. Gregory-Capricorn will always strive to remake his woman for himself, expect from her humility and impeccable fidelity. In general, Gregory-Capricorn as a husband deserves respect, as he is a faithful and responsible spouse.

Aquarius- a talkative, sincere and slightly naive person, friendly, charming and attractive. He is as open as possible to other people, but he has few real friends, but a lot of just acquaintances and friends. Gregory-Aquarius cannot be called a man who stands firmly on his feet, as he is a dreamer and romantic, a lover of building castles in the air. He rarely achieves financial stability, and he certainly will never be rich, since money is far from the first place on his list of priorities. Nature endowed this man with intellect and the ability to think extraordinary, but did not endow him with wrestling qualities. As a wife, he needs a like-minded person and a girlfriend who is ready to take on the solution of domestic and financial problems. Tears, scandals and tantrums will not change anything and will not cause anything but irritation, so the wife of Gregory-Aquarius needs to learn to accept her husband as he is - a freedom-loving dreamer and a lazy genius.

Fish- a closed, distrustful person, who has a huge potential. If Gregory-Pisces manages to overcome laziness and insecurity, he will be able to achieve great career heights in any profession. Usually he hopes that fate will someday smile at him, and he himself will not lift a finger on a finger in order to somehow bring success closer. Gregory-Pisces is very vulnerable, touchy and irritable, highly dependent on the opinions of others. At the same time, he is very sensitive and merciful, a sympathetic heart beats in his chest, which does not allow him to easily dismiss other people's problems. In financial terms, he is not stable, because he does not know how to plan expenses and save money, he lives one day at a time. The family hearth for this man is far from main value, he will gladly give his wife both the palm and all responsibility for the family. In response, he Gregory-Pisces will give his wife tenderness, romance, warmth and fabulous sex.

According to Mendelev

A strong, fast, courageous and evil name. A man named Gregory has a mobile and strong nervous system and often choleric temperament. He is stubborn, easily excitable, can be carried away - by a woman or an idea - to the point of a temporary, but rather prolonged loss of self-control. Having cooled down, he becomes indifferent and does not return to her. In his relations with others, he is rude and prone to conflicts.

Gregory's intellect is usually above average, but his susceptibility to everything new is, in general, reduced: he either immediately and completely accepts the novelty (rarely), or (more often) rejects it decisively, without even trying to penetrate. An analysis of events and a careful weighing of all the pros and cons are not typical for him. Such inflexibility does not contribute to success, although Gregory is inclined, having started a business, to bring it to the end. Good family man; family ties mean a lot to him. He loves his children, but seeks to educate them in accordance with his views on life, and his pedagogical methods are harsh. Sociable. Actively goes for rapprochement with other people, but in a dispute seeks to impose his opinion, not taking into account other points of view. Grisha is less bright and defined, although the signs of “courageous” and “evil” are already distinguished in him, which will fully manifest themselves later. In his youth, he does not stand out among his peers, rather passive and does not get into the leaders.

Having, as a rule, good health, Gregory often chooses a military or naval career; he serves regularly, but rarely reaches high ranks and ranks. Good or bad name Gregory - decide for yourself: psycho-emotional analysis does not give a definite answer.

The colors of the name are soft blue and white.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

He has a subtle and sensitive nature, prone to melancholy. Gregory is freedom-loving, he can hardly endure obligation and dependence. He is prone to beauty and grace. Everything ugly, awkward and rude can make this person sick. It is difficult for those close to him to maintain an even relationship with him; his refined exactingness often has nothing to do with everyday life. It is not easy for Grigory to find partners for himself, he is picky, squeamish. In intimacy, he is often indecisive, especially if he has not mastered enough, he does not know his partner well. In bed, often at first a woman leads him, but in the process of sexual intercourse, he himself becomes inventive, this does not cause him great difficulties.

He is a little restrained in caresses, but very gentle. "Winter" Gregory, having opted for a future life partner, pulls with marriage, it is important for him to find out the temperament of the one who will become his wife, her sexual capabilities. He is sexy, in intimate relationships he takes all the initiative, his girlfriend acts as a follower. A good family man, but, appreciating his wife, he can also have a mistress. Enjoys great success with women, knows how to perfectly treat each of them. Sex for him is not entertainment, but a deep need of the soul and body. He is not like many men, there is something in him that binds women to him. Even left by Gregory, they retain fond memories of him. He does not accept the slightest violence and defeats women not by pressure, but by skill, ingenuity. However, in intimate relationships with his wife, he often feels dissatisfied, bypassed by affection.

By Higiru

It comes from an ancient Greek word meaning: awake, awake.

Although he tries his best to be an obedient boy, he is a fidget, his knees are always bruised, clean socks instantly become dirty, cups that touch his hands beat by themselves. Favorite pastime - to run through the puddles. He does not offend girls, but if they are too zealous, teasing him without thinking, they can beat them. Adult Gregory discovers in himself the features of slight vulnerability, increased spiritual sensitivity. An emphatically dry tone can unbalance him for a long time. To please everyone and always is his motto, and, following it, he pays a lot of attention to fashion; gallant in communication. He usually has good health, is balanced.

Men who bear this name successfully work as photographers, engineers, journalists, drivers, but they are painful about attempts to lead them. They like to attend football matches, hockey experts, react violently to the ups and downs of sports battles.

Name compatibility and marriage

The future wife of Gregory does not have to have a prestigious specialty or do professional career, be of exceptional beauty or come from a very wealthy family. It is much more important for him that she be a good housewife, even in character, put up with his habits. Gregory, for example, like to sleep after dinner, eat delicious food. They do not spare money for food, although they are reluctant to go to the market and the store. They like to have money in the family under their control. Wives usually put up with this, because something, and their husbands know how to earn money. Can't always resist attractive woman, so his wife needs to be careful in choosing girlfriends.

Some playfulness, however, does not prevent Gregory from remaining monogamous. The mother-in-law treats him favorably, while the children simply adore him.

They make a good choice by marrying Vera, Alla, Glafira, Aza, Elizabeth, Lydia, Oksana, Maria, Tamara, Roxana, Tatyana. There is little hope for good luck in marriage with Angela, Bogdana, Vesta, Victoria, Dina, Elena, Larisa, Leah, Natalya, Ella.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name:"Wake" (Greek)

Name energy: The energy of this name is very significant, and often even the patronymic Grigorievich affects a person more than his own name. Grisha begins to feel this energy from early childhood, it encourages him to act without looking back, strive to achieve his goal and not really think about difficulties.

It is not easy for his parents to be with him, but in the company of the same age, Grisha feels confident. Often a disadvantage physical strength he successfully makes up for it with his resolute disposition, sometimes it even begins to seem that thoughts of caution never enter his head, but this, of course, is not so. It's just that his self-esteem, often hurt, makes him so powerful emotions that other senses, including the sense of self-preservation, are thoroughly dulled. However, when the rage passes, he is unlikely to keep evil for long.

Growing up, Gregory usually finds another use for his energy. It happens that, not having a special love for diligent studies at school and often lagging behind in many subjects, Grisha will suddenly show remarkable abilities, quickly make up for lost time and, to the surprise of everyone, successfully pass exams at some prestigious university. And the secret here is simple - he needs a goal, and not some distant and vague one, he feels much better where everything is decided in one or two jerks, a kind of cavalry charge.

Most likely, Gregory will have a difficult fate, especially if he cannot control his ardor. His audacity will almost certainly provide him with many obstacles along the way, but it, combined with self-confidence and ambitious aspirations, can sometimes elevate him to dizzying heights. In a word, we must not forget that everything is fine when in moderation, it is fine when a person is not afraid. the mighty of the world this, but it is not at all necessary to be bold on every occasion.

However, for many Grigorievs, this ardor is somewhat smoothed out with age, leaving room for self-confidence and firmness of character. In relations with women and in family life, Grini may have the same problems, and advice can be given here - since the name does not incline its owner to softness, it is useful to learn a lighter attitude towards life and yourself. If Gregory discovers in himself the ability to kindly laugh at himself, his chances for a normal fate and success in business will increase dramatically.

Communication secrets: Often main problem Gregory is a relationship with the team, usually he is open, frank, sociable in his circle, but it is worth hurting his pride, and an explosion will occur. If, after a conflict with Gregory, you do not want to spoil your relationship with him completely, then you should know that he is rarely vindictive. Well, defuse conflict situation You can, by translating it into a playful channel. If you were wrong, then he will most likely be able to accept an apology without hurting your pride.

FROM name ice in history

Grigory Rasputin

It is difficult to argue with the statement that Grigory Rasputin (1864-1916) is one of the most mysterious, incomprehensible and powerful figures who have ever stood at the throne. You can know thoroughly his entire biography, and still not know anything about him. Who was he: a wizard? mage? sorcerer? Or just a clever rogue who knows the basics of hypnosis? One way or another, this man succeeded in something that neither before nor after him was possible for anyone: a peasant from a distant village in the Tambov province, he - without making almost any effort - became one of the most significant figures in the state and influenced the policy of Russia , like no one else.

Possessing strong will and exceptional self-confidence, Grigory Rasputin was also famous for his daring disposition (in fairness, it must be said that his real name is Novykh, Rasputin is nothing more than a nickname). Nevertheless, the queen, knowing about the adventures of her "friend", as she called him, not only completely ignored them, but also listened to Rasputin's advice, including those relating to the administration of the state.

The death of Grigory Rasputin turned out to be no less mysterious than his life, and only strengthened his status as a legend. At first, the killers-conspirators planted poisoned food on their victim, but for some reason the poison did not work. They started shooting at him, but he did not die. Ridden with bullets, but still alive, the killers threw him into the hole, and only after that Grigory Rasputin died. But is physical death so important? Rasputin left behind the Mystery, he asked his descendants a riddle that is unlikely to be solved, and therefore, tormented by the question, they will remember him again and again, for many more generations.

The name Gregory is rare today, but until the middle of the last century it was quite common. Asking the question what the name Gregory means, let's turn to ancient Greek: "gregores" - the word is translated as awake.

The name itself appeared in the era of the formation of Christianity and was metaphorically compared with the qualities of its bearer, that is, the meaning of the name Gregory - cheerful, sleepless - directly indicated the character of a person. Most likely, the first bearer of the name was St. Gregory the Wonderworker (c. 270).

Since childhood, Grisha has been distinguished by impulsiveness and restlessness, any of his desires must be immediately satisfied, otherwise a violent reaction may occur, causing a lot of trouble for parents. Forcing a boy to do something or ordering him is useless if he himself does not want it.

  • Gregory loves risk and adventure, which can be very dangerous, especially during adolescence.
  • He boldly expresses what he thinks, does not get into fights, but he is able to stand up for himself.
  • Brash and quick-tempered, the bearer of the name Gregory often cannot find a common language with others, and excessive demands systematically lead to conflicts with loved ones, especially with colleagues. But often such behavior hides a subtle mental device and vulnerability.

In general, Gregory is quite charming and balanced, gallant in communication and strives to make the most favorable impression on the interlocutor, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman.

The characterization of the name Gregory will be incomplete if courage is not mentioned. This is a courageous man who is not afraid to challenge fate, and in moments of danger is able to quickly make the right decision. But often he is also reckless, subject to momentary impulses.

Exceptional stubbornness can cause conflict with others. In addition, Grigory is a maximalist and loves to defend his point of view and impose his own opinion on other people, often fists are used! AT school age is often an authority among peers.

Vindictive by nature, so you should not cross the road to such a person.

It would seem that dryness and arrogance should repel others, but paradoxically, this is precisely what the bearer of the name Gregory attracts the interlocutor. The opinion of others about his own person is of great importance to him.


The name Gregory is often borne by a man who has a whole personality, self-sufficient and refined. From childhood, Grisha surprises with his ingenuity and independence.

  • The older he gets, the more confident in his abilities and the more fortitude he possesses.
  • Gregory is an intelligent person, distinguished by an analytical mindset and a good memory.
  • Likes to read, often interested in everything at once.
  • Innate curiosity and impulses of inspiration help him brilliantly solve all the tasks assigned to him.
  • Such a person gravitates towards the beautiful: rudeness, absurdity and everything ugly can hurt him painfully.
  • When communicating with people, he is sincere, but he also requires the same from them.
  • He has good intuition, which helps him in many life situations.

Courage and recklessness are synonymous with the name Gregory, he often gets into trouble, risks his life and makes many enemies, as well as friends.


As a rule, a person named Gregory has a good physical health, but does not particularly follow him, is skeptical about sports and rarely goes to fresh air. An explosive character can cause nervous breakdowns, and maximalism and stubbornness often lead to depression.


The love of a person bearing the name Gregory goes off scale: it can not always resist the woman she likes. At the same time, he is picky when choosing a partner due to his excessive demands and disgust. Quite indecisive in intimate terms, restrained, but gentle.

If Gregory manages to find an ideal partner from his point of view, he becomes liberated and inventive. By nature, a man named Gregory is freedom-loving, so a woman who gives him an ultimatum will most likely be left alone: ​​dependence for Gregory is nowhere worse. Women with a name are best suited to him:

  • margarita,
  • Tamara
  • Faith.

Marriage and family

Marriage is taken very seriously. Perfect wife Gregory should have a strong, but even character, calmly endure the emotional outbursts of her husband.

Problems in marriage can begin if the spouse is domineering and prudent. Often early marriage is unsuccessful. Perfect marriage for Gregory, it is most often possible in adulthood with a woman who will be a good housewife in the house, because this person loves to eat delicious food and home comfort.

A man named Gregory faithful husband and loving father. Good marriage will develop with women bearing names:

  • Tamara
  • Tatiana,
  • Maria,
  • Elizabeth.

But you should beware of relationships with Victoria and Elena.

Family for Gregory means a lot - this is his small world. He loves both his wife and children very much. Although he brings up his offspring in strictness, his father's harsh disposition is explained primarily by his own views on life. Often, Gregory can be found reading a book to children aloud or involved in a joint game.

Work and hobbies

Possesses good business qualities, responsible and with a developed sense of duty. He puts personal interests above all else, he can make a good businessman.

Grigory Viktorovich Leps ( Russian singer Georgian origin, composer, producer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)

  • The name Gregory is found among representatives of the most different professions: from a journalist to a military man, from a photographer to an engineer, from a director to a football player.
  • This person is successful in everything, but restlessness and self-criticism often interfere with high ranks and titles.
  • He finishes all the things he starts, is rather conservative, but sometimes makes hasty decisions.
  • If Grigory is interested in the work, then he makes an excellent specialist.

The hobbies of a man named Gregory are diverse. He wants to please everyone, always and everywhere, so he follows fashion and takes care of himself. He likes to attend social events, concerts, enjoys going with friends. Often among Grigoriev there are sports fans.

Astrology and talismans

Patronizing symbols for the name Gregory are:

  1. Zodiac sign - Aquarius;
  2. The ruling planet is Saturn;
  3. Color - sea water (blue-green) and white;
  4. Wood - cypress and mulberry;
  5. Flower - narcissus;
  6. Totem - cuckoo and tiger;
  7. Stone - granite;
  8. The season is winter;
  9. The day of the week is Saturday.
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