What does the zodiac sign Leo love? Leo is a characteristic of the sign. Leo Sexual Compatibility

Characteristics of the sign

According to Greek myths, a monstrous lion lived near the city of Nemea. Hercules strangled him, and this was the first of the "twelve labors of Hercules."
It is believed that the symbol comes from the image of the Greek letter lambda, since the Greeks called this constellation - Leon. There is another version that the modern sign is a simplified image of the constellation in the Middle Ages, in the form of a lion, and that the sign is a lion's mane and tail.
Life force, authority, power. A sign of generosity, proud feelings, the desire for self-realization is associated with it. This is a sign of Fire, subordinate to the Sun, and the task of the Sun is to give warmth, light and life. This force has a beneficial effect on all living things, Leo is the center of the planetary system, it attracts the rest of the planets.
Leo is generous, loves the lights of the ramp, loves to be in the spotlight. For Leo, home and personal independence are important. The need to create something new - both in the spiritual realm and purely physically. He spends handfuls of money and knowledge without thinking about himself.

He feels a strong attraction to the opposite sex, but he is advised to restrain his love of love - the troubles of Leo are associated with it. Leo often thinks that others have the same ideas about honesty as himself, and therefore is too gullible.
He does not like repetition, having understood what is at stake, he shows impatience and stubbornness. Those who do not share his opinions must act carefully and tactfully, since he can be controlled only without affecting his honor.
Leo wants everyone to think well of him, and does everything he can for this. He knows what impression he makes, and tries to make an even better one. Leo has the ability to dramatic art, he plays a noble role, getting used to it for life.

He has a very high opinion of himself. He does whatever he thinks is right, even if it goes against public opinion. If Leo is harassed at work, he may hate her and abandon her.
The lion is a symbol of nobility, strength, dignity, it is a royal sign. In every movement, pride and dignity are felt, this is perfectly visible from the outside.
Power increases his self-awareness. Feeling responsible, he will do everything to justify the trust. In a leadership position, he will prove himself brilliantly, show all his creative powers, everyone will talk about him. But, if his need for authority is not satisfied, inertia, vanity, inconstancy, indifference may develop.
Leo women love to play the first role in marriage; if, say, we are talking about the marriage of children, they turn into real lionesses; they can let the offender near themselves, but not with children. Lions have a practical mindset, an interest in philosophy, enthusiasm, an inventive mind - this is how they attract public attention.
If they are calm and confident, there is no one more generous in giving to people. They are brave and fearless, they never hit below the belt, even when they have all the trump cards in their hands. Having won, they are generous to enemies. The defeated will never give up the fight.
Their motto is "I want".
Most Pairs With: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
Average compatibility with: Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo
Least Pairs With: Taurus, Aquarius
Born under this sign: Robert Burns, Napoleon Bonaparte, Bernard Shaw, Walter Scott, Alfred Hitchcock.

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Children's horoscope

Positive character: proud, self-respecting, sincere, artistic, dominant, benevolent, generous, hospitable, responsible, serious.
Negative character: vain, arrogant, demanding attention and worship, capricious, self-centered, littering with money, superficial.

Your child most likely has a pleasant appearance, and others like him. Leo is a fire sign, just like Aries and Sagittarius. Therefore, you will have a lot of trouble with him in childhood. Any Leo is a small king, and therefore he likes to command most of all. If you indulge him in everything, you will get a little domestic tyrant. In any company, he wants to be the best, the most important, and if he fails, he prefers to spend time in front of the TV or torment his parents with his nit-picking. The child is very active at times, it is harmful to limit his activity. But you need to lead your little Leo firmly and rigorously. If there is a conflict with peers, do not punish him, it is better to appeal to his sense of justice. Try to convince him that if today he was the main player in the game, then tomorrow it will be his friend's turn. He is very sensitive to praise: if you notice his success, be sure to praise him, he will try to earn praise again. Leos don't like being alone. He is always looking for comrades to lead. Most of the time he finds them. But relationships with peers may not work out, and then your child will suffer from loneliness. The best way to relieve him of this suffering is to invite peers into the house. Both boys and girls love hospitable hosts. They know how to take care of their guests and make sure that everyone is interested. These children are kind and generous by nature, but at the same time self-centered. The role of a hospitable host or hostess will help them develop an attentiveness to others. It is also very beneficial for your child to have pets. Firstly, he will gladly command cats and dogs and will not suffer from loneliness; secondly, learn to take care of someone else besides yourself. Something strange is happening with your child's studies and discipline. Either he learns easily and quickly, grasping everything on the fly, or he is overcome by irresistible laziness. Do not scold him, it is useless, do not infringe on his self-esteem, and even more so do not punish him physically. Better not to play his vanity. Compliment your peers for school success. It's enough. Leos don't like it when others succeed and they don't. They will do everything possible to achieve no less success. But be careful and praise the child if he succeeded in something. Let him read books about great people, kings and heroes who became famous for their exploits in the name of humanity. He cares about everything that is connected with power. When he is older, he can be interested in politics. It may well happen that your child has a great future. Try to give him solid knowledge and teach him to achieve goals. You will have to devote a lot of time and attention to his behavior and education. Otherwise, he may grow up as an egoist who wants to excel at any cost.

These children love music and theater. At school age, they can get involved in everything related to the theater, music, cinema, dancing. Encourage these hobbies. Use your passion for theater to encourage your child to read. Your child has a natural intuition, attractiveness. If you teach him to reckon with other people and work with purpose, he will be able to achieve great success in life.

What can hurt your child? He tends to have sensitive skin and can get sunburned. Also pay attention to the heart and lower back. In early childhood, back and knee injuries are possible. It is advisable to remove all dangerous objects out of reach. If the baby has strabismus, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Little Lions do not like to swim. English astrologer Teri King advises to interest the child in bathing by painting the water in different colors. They are afraid of the sound of running water, so do not turn on the tap when the child is in the bath. Children of this type have two extremes: either they have excellent health, or they always have a temperature and are sick with something. But the overall viability of the child is high.

What is contraindicated for your child?
Harsh, abusive, never physically punish him. Do not encourage in him the desire to command others. Humiliation, bullying; never scold him in the presence of his comrades. Your child needs a good upbringing and education. Act by persuasion, not by force. Get pets so he can learn to take care of them. Don't forget to praise your child for their progress.

Temperament and character

The sun means life, heat, fire, flame, light, consciousness, idealism, discipline, radiant greatness. Human consciousness as opposed to the "lunar" subconscious. Inwardly, Leos are aware of their social role, which can make them status seekers. Unfortunately, not everyone has an outward resemblance to the king of beasts, but everyone has his ambition.
Lions are fiery passionate and men and women who refuse to play second fiddle consider themselves the center of the universe, a star, a reflection of their own imagination. They want to lead, lead, inspire, give good luck, shower with gifts, protect, entertain.

They can be generous to the point of recklessness. They have no sense of danger.
Loyal, explicit, frank, they can live in moral denial, they need explanation and settlement of swarms of the first shadow of doubt. The secret of their strength is faith and truth.
They do not like darkness, they live in the neighborhood of fire, wars, cataclysms, which they themselves sometimes cause.
Their enemy is pride, especially if it is not justified. In these cases, mental inflation sets in: depression, quirks, abusive morbid humor. It turns out an arrogant, sickly, pompous personality, punishing for his unfulfilled ambitions a tyrant who is a slave to his vices, a petty restless adventurer who considers only himself. The Napoleonic complex can sometimes lead to a madhouse.

Leo women want to be noticed and take care to show themselves, preferring silks, ornaments, bright colors, harsh perfumes. They do not follow fashion, they introduce it and copy the prominent ladies of society; if they can afford, they spend a lot on clothes, if not, they emphasize quantity at the expense of quality and use cheap furs, fake jewelry, cheap perfumes.
Men spend a lot of time dressing and combing their hair. They look good in a tuxedo. Leo has a passion for a fat pocket.

Psychosexual characteristic

Leos are usually very passionate people. As a fire sign, Leo is extremely sensual. Remember, Leo rules the 5th house of the horoscope, which is in charge of love and pleasure. Lions can easily succumb to their love impulses and become ardent, passionate, with a free attitude towards sex characteristic of our age. But Lions rarely resort to various, wild ways - their pride does not allow this, although the struggle with passion is great and the temptation is great.
Therefore, Lions are less aggressive than people of the other two fire signs: Aries, openly aggressive and romantic, and frisky Sagittarius, constantly looking for an idealist. Indeed, Leo can become very seductive if he is interested in someone. He always does this: "I want you, but if you don't want me, then I don't need you."

In Leo women, this passive temptation has nothing wrong, since traditionally a man is aggressive. But if a man - Leo, the king of the jungle, takes a position that forces the Lioness to become aggressive, then he risks losing his lady forever.
Because of their "you have to come to me" attitude, many Leos fail to succeed in life. But don't misunderstand this seemingly indifferent trait of the Leo man. They are extremely masculine, and women are feminine. The Leo man loves to dominate and is very gentle (never rude) and masculine during love. Leo always wants to show that he is the most courageous of lovers. He is deeply interested in whether he meets the sexual requirements of his partner. He usually presents himself as a Lion, a conqueror, the real king of beasts. Since he is tenderly loving, he will try to please, although it does not take him long for the relationship to become strong and his noble masculine image to be established. Only then can he perform certain sexual acts. And if he does this, then he needs the Lioness, his queen, to understand that he does everything only for her, her pleasure and that this is not at all in his style.

A lioness can meet refined royal requirements. She may be passive to remind her lover that she is first and foremost a royal woman, but if she finds it necessary to resort to formulaic practice in order to keep her king, she can become a fearsome, wild cat.
Both women and men lions prefer a strong, tender and lasting connection than pure sex. If they enter into relationships with other partners, it is because they do not like the way their real partners treat them. They are looking for new lovers, not just partners. When they think they have found someone who meets their sexual, spiritual and intellectual needs, they hesitate for a long time before making a final decision and breaking up with an old love. Remember, Leos are constant in their manners and behavior, preferring to stick to the narrow straight path of their old habits as long as they seem unacceptable. Then they change their love finally and completely, not pitying those whom they abandoned.

Non-sexual maneuvers
Although Leos are warm and passionate people, they can please others in order to achieve any goal. When they try to maneuver with people in the personal, business, and social realm, they do so discreetly and skillfully. Both male and female lions have a lot of patience and therefore can lead a non-sexual strategy that requires a lot of time and effort. They play tricks and make sure that their royal court is filled with noble, intelligent allies who do their bidding. They marry for convenience, they turn to achieve the favor of politicians, they flatter them.
In general, one must imagine that Lviv cannot be bought at a business price. They, too, will not choose a second-class product. They consider themselves to be of the highest quality. They are honest in their actions, and if they demand a lot from people, they are ready to give a lot in return.

Kato satisfy the lion
Above all, flatter them often. Making love, Leo is playing for time, enjoying. They love to be caressed, kissed and told gentle flattery. Women of this sign want to hear that their face is the face of an angel, that their body is beautiful, that their presence inflames anyone. The Leo man also loves flattery. His mistresses get much more if they talk about his masculinity and assure him that they have not loved anyone so much before, even if it is not true. And indeed, the Lions cannot stand even the thought of rivals, their partners must be groomed and pulled up. Women of this sign should not spare their wardrobe in order to create a seductive, feminine look. Anyone who wants to attract a Leo must make an effort to create the right atmosphere, because. luxury, intimacy, pleasant music weakens the resistance of the most stubborn Leo.

Positive features
A typical Leo is an imperious and noble sign, has great performing abilities. He was born to lead and and see to it that it is so. He is very attractive to all people and when he needs to achieve a certain personal goal, his charms cannot be resisted.
The sun, the patron of Leo, is a powerful ally and Leo does not need to make as much effort as all other signs, Leo will achieve his goals anyway, because people adore him and help him. But Leo should not allow his ambition to make himself unhappy and quarrelsome. Luckily for all of us, they tend to use their gifts of life in a noble way. They know how to use power, they are very disciplined in stressful situations. I guess they deserve to be kings and queens.

Negative features
Because the heavenly rulers endowed Leo with so many good qualities, Leo must beware and not become complacent. They love so much that people join them in their aspirations that they sometimes do not understand that few people are ready to give up their "I" in order to please Leo.
Because they always want people to think well of them, they often put on a mask of virtue, which they really do not possess, only to be praised. All this is good, if they really internalize the feigned virtue, then this negative trait - pretense - can be considered positive. Otherwise, it will degenerate into a surface, shallowness. Moreover, Lions should not succumb to the food of fools - flattery.

Economy of love
Because it's destiny, Leos usually reach great heights, with all their economical rewards. But they rarely use their economic powers negatively, especially when they are afraid.
The idea of ​​a Leo buying sex and love is impossible, utterly unbelievable. Leos can enter into a relationship with a person who is less beautiful, sexy and graceful, and smart as long as this person caters to his desires and provides him with enough flattery and approval that he needs so much to achieve success. Leo men often feel that their queens don't have to be as perfect as they are. And Leo women feel that their spouses should not be of the same royal lineage. In fact, it has become a rule that Leo partners retain less individuality than Leo, they feel that the center of attention is reserved for only one.
Remember: A lion is a member of the cat family. Have you ever seen a cat follow your orders?

Most suitable partners
Until the age of 29.5, the best partners for Leo should be sought among people of the signs Aries and Sagittarius. All three are fire signs. And during these years they are very independent and act on an objective, disinterested basis.
After 29.5 years, Leos begin to strive for a more settled life, more patient relationships and become more practical. At this time, they can be compatible with the sign of Capricorn, which, under the mask of a king, can also sit on the throne with Leo, even if Capricorn is rarely so cultured, friendly and receptive. Leo can also be compatible with Gemini after 41.5 years old, who fascinate Leo with their brilliant intellect.

After 41.5 years, the Lions are already spiritually developed, have become less conceited, eccentric and have reached the top of their intellectual development. Now they are finding compatibility with the signs of Libra and Scorpio. The Libra-Leo combination is a famous astrological duet. Since Libra is always trying to please and Leo also wants to be pleased, the two of them make a successful and contented slave-master couple. The combination "Scorpio-Leo" is possible only among highly developed types. But when it occurs - beware! Here is the real power, intellect, creative connection - emperors and empresses, not just kings and queens!

Fidelity score
Of all the astrological signs, perhaps Leo is the most faithful. In their younger years, Leos are warm and faithful friends. As they mature, they become exceptionally faithful and devoted.
In marriage, their fidelity is excellent, provided that their spouses rank lower, go one step behind and rarely challenge their common concept (image) of themselves. And never humiliate Leo in public. It is so important to them that others think of them that they can quickly divorce a spouse who constantly embarrasses them in front of friends and family. Lions can even threaten with force those who criticize them in front of fellow workers.

Questions for Leo
When will you understand that if you put up with a lover who does not always please you, does not always flatter you, asks you to look at yourself from the side (reconsider your behavior), then you will justify the expectation of your wonderful sign?
When will you realize that pride comes before a fall, and when you fall, do you really fall? There is nothing sadder than a chained king.
Why are you, Lions and Lionesses, so stubborn? But then again, you can't help but be yourself, because of all the children of Earth, you know the art of living best of all. You dear children of the Sun!

Erotic horoscope

She does not have a lion's temperament, although she is very attractive and capable of turning even a sober head. Her feelings always remain calm, and she shows prudence under any circumstances. Even during intimacy, a man feels her impassive look. This can be partly explained by her physical coldness and little interest in sex. She is practical and evaluates each partner as a potential husband. She was destined to be a good wife and mother. It is in defending the interests of the family that her lion nature is manifested. But her indifference to sex creates many problems for her husband. Most often, continuing to love her, he enters into a relationship with another woman who can give him the whole gamut of erotic sensations. She is jealous, but only herself will have to blame for the betrayal. If she meets a man with the same erotic level, then their marriage can be quite successful.

The male
Like any lion, he has many weaknesses. People around do not even suspect that a man who is far from confident in his abilities and capabilities can be hidden behind a confident and good-natured appearance. It constantly seems to him that at the slightest mistake he will be subjected to ridicule by his partner. He constantly expects a breakdown and therefore is in eternal nervous tension. If a woman can figure it out, then a formidable lion can become a toy in the paws of a lap dog. To prove to himself and others his usefulness, he embarks on all sorts of love adventures, enters into dubious relationships. A smart and tactful partner can reveal his real strength, who will be able to convince him that he is head and shoulders above any man. It is such a woman who will be his wife, having received as a reward a wonderful man, a reverent and affectionate father for her children.


From the very beginning, they realize the importance of choosing a profession, society expects a significant contribution from them. Your whole career is at stake. They do not want to go into small details, play a subordinate role, but strive for responsibility, they are tireless. They do not like to follow someone else's work, they want to be the first in the long run.
Even Taurus can surpass in work. They hate to be interrupted, or badly assisted, or hindered by ineptitude. It is best for them to work either independently, for themselves (art, intellectual, entrepreneurship) or enter high administrative circles, climbing up the hierarchical ladder.
They are good in everything related to politics, culture or show business, as well as physical education. They make good jewelers, taxi drivers, diplomats, politicians, artists, gallery owners, theater directors, decorators, directors, athletes, directors, chairmen, presidents, administrators.
They like to earn big money and spend even more. They borrow, give away, spend, often living beyond their means.
These are the most incorrigible gamblers, but unlucky ones. Leo has the highest success rate of all zodiac signs. But the worst failures


Leo is a sign favorable for the male part, at least where a man is still allowed to create an empire, a dynasty.
For Leo women, it is often difficult to realize their romantic ambition: to find a man who will put her on a pedestal to which she is entitled. They usually try to marry high on the social ladder, refraining from marriage for a long time until they find the one they think they want: a man with money who will allow her to look good and rule the house. They consider love a trump card in the game with life and hold back their sensual questions, of which they have too much, are often frigid.

Many Leo women think they are beautiful, and often they are. They are afraid of physical intimacy for fear of losing their beauty, many pay with a nervous breakdown by the age of 30 for marriage or marriage of convenience.
Men can be the most generous and generous lovers or admirers. They are not very gentle, but very passionate. They want to find a woman worthy of themselves and their great romantic destiny, for which, in their opinion, they are born. They cannot imagine that any woman can reject them. On the other hand, a good compliment to Leo throws him at your feet, he has something of a peacock in him.

Love for Leo is a holiday, exaltation. Leo appetites are great, desires are persistent, pain is deep, they see no point in indecision, doubts about feelings and situations. They do not like to be placed across the road.
If Leo is not loved, he cannot forgive himself for his choice - his anger is destructive. On the other hand, no woman can stand in his way to a position in life and career. If she does this, then Leo gets rid of a humiliating desire for him, even if it threatens him with loneliness.
A prosperous Leo in society can allow himself to rule at home when no one sees it. He may be the most accommodating husband. A loser can be the most terrible tyrant in personal relationships, skittish, pompous, offends a woman, accuses her of all the failures of life.
Both male and female Leo must decide the conflict between love and position in society in favor of love and will try to overcome vanity when a choice is made.
Leos are happy with Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra. In friendship and marriage, Scorpio and Taurus should be avoided.


Good health, incredible vitality. Lions are proud of this, as if it were their merit and personal dignity. The resistance is phenomenal, but they overestimate their strength and take risks, giving themselves to everything and everyone, exhausting this resistance with diseases.
The most vulnerable place is the heart. Emotional shocks and obstacles affect the heart physically, hence the vulnerability to circulation, leukemia, arthritis, gout, phlebitis, embolism, tonsillitis, nervous depression and breakdowns, hemorrhages, especially in the retina, spasms, gangrene of the lower extremities, freckles and sunburn.
Diseases are usually short-lived, but acute, with high fever. They respond better to natural remedies, to everything that ripens under the sun, herbal tea, a remedy from plums and garlic, fruits, a bread and potato diet, and vitamins.
The main thing is the regulation of energy expenditure, the need to avoid excessive smoking and alcohol consumption. The critical age is about fifty years.

Gastronomic horoscope

Sign of royalty and power. He does not like to deny himself anything, be it food or human relationships. But in nutrition, the LION, and especially the LIONESS, should not allow themselves to overeat, so as not to gain excess weight. For weight loss, periods of complete starvation are best suited, when the body is completely cleansed of toxins. LIONS do not tolerate strong nervous turmoil and depression - that's when they are addicted to "distracting" food.
Recommendations. Avoid heavy, fatty foods, confectionery, red meat. Be sure to include garlic and onions in your diet. Vegetables with coarse fiber and fruits are useful - plums and oranges, which relieve heart tension.

Your stones


Color - transparent red, rarely green.
Mineral - a group of minerals of the subclass of island silicates. There are pyrope (red garnet) - magnesium and aluminum silicate, almandine (red-violet garnet) - iron and aluminum silicate, grossular (green garnet) - calcium and aluminum silicate, spessartine (brown garnet) - manganese and aluminum silicate, andradite (dark -brown garnet) - calcium and iron silicate, uvarovite (emerald green garnet) - calcium and chromium silicate.

Correspondence to the sign of the Zodiac - Leo, Sagittarius.
It is recommended to purchase on the sixth day of the lunar month.
Stone properties. Red pomegranate brings happiness to energetic and emotional people, is a source of bioenergy that nourishes a person and arouses activity and passion in him. It should not be worn by people who are cold, phlegmatic and rational. grenades will bring them nothing but trouble. Green pomegranate gives happiness in all matters, drives away enemies and evil demons.

From the history of stone. In Russia, powdered almandine was used as a powder on wounds, and they were also treated for anthrax. The crusaders wore red grenades in their rings as protection against poisons and wounds. Garnet is considered a cheap stone, but it is no worse than other jewelry stones, and beads made from Cape or Czech pyrope are surprisingly elegant jewelry.


Color - red, bright red, dark red, purple-red.
The mineral is a transparent variety of the mineral corundum, aluminum oxide.
Correspondence to the sign of the zodiac - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
It is recommended to purchase on the thirteenth day of the lunar month.
Stone properties. Indian astrology calls the ruby ​​a stone of power, strength and violent energy associated with the karma of strong and bright people. This clot of energy strengthens strength, drives away melancholy and protects from evil spells. According to Eliphas Levi, the main mystical property of a ruby ​​is to give rise to an attraction to the great. On the hand of a noble, moral person, he leads to victories and exploits, and gives ordinary people happiness and love, warns them of dangers, changing his color. It protects from lower spirits, evil spells and forces, strengthens the heart, returns lost strength, drives away melancholy, gives women fertility. The Avestan school of astrology believes that the ruby ​​takes too much strength from a person. It is harmful to people with blood disease, high blood pressure, as it can lead to a stroke.

From the history of stone. Known since antiquity and used for inserts in jewelry. In ancient Indian texts dating back to 2300 BC, the ruby ​​is called the king of precious stones. The owners of the ruby ​​in those days were considered completely safe, even among enemies, because. Ruby was believed to make a person invulnerable. In the Mediterranean countries, the ruby ​​was also known and valued - it is mentioned in the Bible. The Greeks called it anthrax, the Romans called it carbunculos. By the tenth century A.D. colored varieties of corundum began to be called yakhonts. The red yahon-ruby in Central Asia was considered to heal epilepsy and plague. In India in the Middle Ages, ruby ​​was used to treat bile and flatulence. In Russia in the sixteenth century, there was a belief that "whoever wears a red yacht will not see terrible dashing dreams, strengthen his heart and be honest in people."


Color - in the range from white to red-brown, rarely blue, light green.
Mineral - fossil resin of coniferous trees of the Tertiary period.
Correspondence to the sign of the zodiac - Leo.
It is recommended to purchase on the fifth day of the lunar month.
Stone properties. Red amber can only be worn by magicians, yellow amber cleanses the body of toxins and is considered a stone of creativity, strengthens optimism and faith.

From the history of stone. Known and appreciated since antiquity. Amulets made of amber have been found in the Egyptian tombs of the Old Kingdom dynasty. Huns and Avars, Germans and Scythians used amber as a unit of exchange along with salt and used it to make amulets and jewelry. In Asia Minor, two amber figurines 20 cm high, dating back to the ninth century BC, were found. In the Middle Ages, amber was used to treat nosebleeds, various hemorrhages, hemoptysis, and was used for sleep disorders, hypochondria, and hysteria. Martin Luther carried a piece of amber in his pocket to prevent the formation of kidney stones. The most famous piece of amber is considered to be the Amber Room in the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo. The amber for this room was carefully selected and made in Prussia at the beginning of the seventeenth century. During the Great Patriotic War, the whole room was taken to Koenigsberg, where its traces were lost. Since 1976, work has been underway to reproduce this amber masterpiece.

General characteristics of the horoscope character of the zodiac sign Leo.

Of course, not everyone is called to rule the empire and the world, but those born under this sign have the greatest chance of leadership. Lions are called not only to rule, but also to love. They are deeply unhappy if they are not worshipped. They are kind and noble, sincere in their motives. The world for Leos is a huge stage, they are often endowed with dramatic talents. Born under this sign: Napoleon, A. Dumas (father), Maupassant, Andre Maurois, Claude Debussy, Mussolini, Henry Ford, J. Rockefeller.

Temperament and character

The sun means life, heat, fire, flame, light, consciousness, idealism, discipline, radiant greatness. Human consciousness as opposed to the "lunar" subconscious. Inwardly, Leos are aware of their social role, which can make them status seekers. Unfortunately, not everyone has an outward resemblance to the king of beasts, but everyone has his ambition. Lions are fiery passionate and men and women who refuse to play second fiddle consider themselves the center of the universe, a star, a reflection of their own imagination. They want to lead, lead, inspire, give good luck, shower with gifts, protect, entertain. They can be generous to the point of recklessness. They have no sense of danger. Loyal, explicit, frank, they can live in moral denial, they need explanation and settlement at the first shadow of a doubt. The secret of their strength is faith and truth. They do not like darkness, they live in the neighborhood of fire, wars, cataclysms, which they themselves sometimes cause. Their enemy is pride, especially if it is not justified. In these cases, mental inflation sets in: depression, quirks, abusive morbid humor. It turns out an arrogant, sickly, pompous personality, punishing for his unfulfilled ambitions a tyrant who is a slave to his vices, a petty restless adventurer who considers only himself. The Napoleonic complex can sometimes lead to a madhouse. Leo women want to be noticed and take care to show themselves, preferring silks, ornaments, bright colors, harsh perfumes. They do not follow fashion, they introduce it and copy the prominent ladies of society; if they can afford, they spend a lot on clothes, if not, they emphasize quantity at the expense of quality and use cheap furs, fake jewelry, cheap perfumes. Men spend a lot of time dressing and combing their hair. They look good in a tuxedo. Leo has a passion for a fat pocket.

Sign element

Your element is Fire! Hot, quick-tempered character, lively mind, quick wit. Impatience in trifles, aversion to long explanations, the ability to quickly grasp the main thing, impulsiveness. You do before you see (completely thoughtless action). Refuse to repent of the results of your rashness or express discontent. You are hot-blooded, hot-headed, very sexy. You have an explosive temper. Your living warmth and ardor attract people to you. As a rule, you are lucky, but if not, then failures follow one after another. According to your element of friends and lovers, you should also choose from "fire" or "air" - air is necessary for combustion. Fire is incompatible with water. Either the water evaporates or it puts out the fire. Fire can get along with earth, but there is always a danger that the earth will cool the fire, and the fire can burn the earth. Your advantages: good at making decisions, dynamic, talkative, cheerful and optimistic, courageous, energetic, active, attractive. Your cons: impatient, like to command, superficial, self-confident, stubborn, often angry and contradictory, indifferent, passionate, love to flirt. If you are Aries, then the most "fiery" fire, downright oxygen-acetylene, inextinguishable (tireless). If you are a Leo, you are an even fire, burning evenly and steadily. You are not so impulsive. More firm and consistent. If you are a Sagittarius, then you are a changeable fire, lightning, lightning. You suddenly flare up, but also cool and disappear. Favorable conditions: you should live in cool, spacious places with an open fireplace in which the fire crackles. It is also necessary to work in a cool room and in the open air. A confined space, where there is not enough air, suppresses the fire. The symbol (talisman) of your element is a salamander that lives in fire (the spirit of fire that brings you good luck).


Good health, incredible vitality. Lions are proud of this, as if it were their merit and personal dignity. The resistance is phenomenal, but they overestimate their strength and take risks, giving themselves to everything and everyone, exhausting this resistance with diseases. The most vulnerable place is the heart. Emotional shocks and obstacles affect the heart physically, hence the vulnerability to circulation, leukemia, arthritis, gout, phlebitis, embolism, tonsillitis, nervous depression and breakdowns, hemorrhages, especially in the retina, spasms, gangrene of the lower extremities, freckles and sunburn. Diseases are usually short-lived, but acute, with high fever. They respond better to natural remedies, to everything that ripens under the sun. Recommendations: herbal tea, plum and garlic products, fruits, potato-bread diet, vitamins. The main thing is the regulation of energy expenditure, the need to avoid excessive smoking and alcohol consumption. The critical age is about fifty years.


From the very beginning, they realize the importance of choosing a profession, society expects a significant contribution from them. The main bet is a career. They do not want to go into small details, play a subordinate role, but strive for responsibility; they are tireless. They do not like to follow someone else's work, they want to be the first in the long run. Even Taurus can surpass in work. They hate to be interrupted, or badly assisted, or hindered by ineptitude. It is best for them to work either independently, for themselves (art, intellectual work, entrepreneurship) or enter high administrative circles, climbing up the hierarchical ladder. They are good in everything related to politics, culture or show business, as well as physical education. They make good jewelers, taxi drivers, diplomats, politicians, artists, gallery owners, theater directors, decorators, directors, athletes, directors, chairmen, presidents, administrators. They like to earn big money and spend even more. They borrow, give away, spend, often living beyond their means. These are the most incorrigible gamblers, but unlucky ones. Leo has the highest success rate of all zodiac signs. But also the worst failures.

Psychosexual horoscope

Leos are usually very passionate people. As a fire sign, Leo is extremely sensual. Remember, Leo rules the Fifth House of the horoscope, which is in charge of love and pleasure. Lions can easily succumb to their love impulses and become ardent, passionate, with a free attitude towards sex characteristic of our century. But Lions rarely resort to various wild ways - their pride does not allow this, although the struggle with passion is great and the temptation is considerable. Therefore, Lions are less aggressive than people of the other two fire signs: Aries, openly aggressive and romantic, and frisky Sagittarius, constantly looking for an idealist. Indeed, Leo can become very seductive if he is interested in someone. He always does this: "I want you, but if you don't want me, then I don't need you." In Leo women, this passive temptation has nothing wrong, since traditionally a man is aggressive. But if a man - Leo, the king of the jungle, takes a position that forces the Lioness to become aggressive, then he risks losing his lady forever. Because of their “you yourself have to come to me” attitude, many Leos fail to succeed in life. But don't misunderstand this seemingly indifferent trait of the Leo man. They are extremely masculine, and women are feminine. The Leo man loves to dominate. He is very gentle (never rude) and courageous in love. Leo always wants to show that he is the most courageous of lovers. It is very important for him whether he meets the sexual requirements of his partner. He usually presents himself as a Lion, a conqueror, the real king of beasts. Since he is tenderly loving, he will try to please, although it does not take him long for the relationship to become strong and his noble masculine image to be established. Only then can he perform certain sexual acts. And if he does this, then he needs the Lioness, his queen, to understand that he does everything only for her, her pleasure and that this is not at all in his style. A lioness can meet refined royal requirements. She may be passive to remind her lover that she is first and foremost a royal woman, but if she finds it necessary to resort to formulaic practice in order to keep her king, she can become a fearsome, wild cat. Leos - both women and men - prefer a strong, tender and lasting connection than pure sex. If they enter into relationships with other partners, it is because they do not like the way their real partners treat them. They are looking for new lovers, not just partners. When they think they have found someone who meets their sexual, spiritual and intellectual needs, they hesitate for a long time before making a final decision and breaking up with an old love. Remember, Leos are constant in their manners and behavior, they prefer to stick to the narrow straight path of their old habits as long as they seem unacceptable. Then they change the object of love completely and irrevocably, not sparing those who have been abandoned.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Although Leos are passionate people, they can please others in order to achieve any goal. When they try to maneuver with people in the personal, business, and social realm, they do so discreetly and skillfully. Both men and women, Leos have great patience and therefore can lead a non-sexual strategy that requires a lot of time and effort. They play tricks and make sure that their royal court is filled with noble, intelligent allies who do their bidding. They marry for convenience, win the favor of politicians, flatter them. In general, one must imagine that Lviv cannot be bought at a business price. They, too, will not choose a second-class product. They consider themselves to be of the highest quality. They are honest in their actions, and if they demand a lot from people, then they themselves are ready to give a lot in return.

How to Satisfy a Leo

Above all, flatter them often. Making love, Leo is playing for time, enjoying. They love to be caressed, kissed and told gentle flattery. Women of this sign want to hear that their face is the face of an angel, that their body is beautiful, that their presence inflames anyone. The Leo man also loves flattery. His mistresses will get much more if they talk about his masculinity and assure him that they have not loved anyone before so much, even if it is not true. And indeed, the Lions cannot stand even the thought of rivals, their partners must be groomed and pulled up. Women of this sign should not spare their wardrobe in order to create a seductive, feminine look. Anyone who wants to attract a Leo must make an effort to create the right atmosphere, because. luxury, intimacy, pleasant music weakens the resistance of the most stubborn Leo.

Positive character traits

A typical Leo is an imperious and noble sign, has great performing abilities. He was born to lead and see to it that it is so. He is very attractive to all people, and when he needs to achieve a certain personal goal, his charms cannot be resisted. The sun, the patron of Leo, is a powerful ally. And Leo does not need to make as much effort as all other signs, Leo will achieve his goals anyway, because people adore him and help him. But Leo should not allow his ambition to make himself unhappy and quarrelsome. Luckily for all of us, they tend to use their gifts of life in a noble way. They know how to use power, they are very disciplined in stressful situations. I guess they deserve to be kings and queens.

Negative character traits

Because the heavenly rulers endowed Leo with so many good qualities, Leo must beware and not become complacent. They love to have people join them in their aspirations, and sometimes they don't realize that few people are willing to give up their "I" to please Leo. Because they always want people to think well of them, they often put on a mask of virtue, which they really do not possess, only to be praised. All this is good, if they really internalize the feigned virtue, then this negative trait - pretense - can be considered positive. Otherwise it will degenerate into superficiality. In addition, Lions should not fall for the bait for fools - flattery.

Economy of love

Because this is fate, Leo usually reaches great heights, with all the accompanying material rewards. But they rarely use their economic power negatively, especially when they are afraid. The idea of ​​a Leo buying sex and love is impossible, utterly unbelievable. Lions can enter into a relationship with a person who is less beautiful, sexy and graceful, and smart, but only as long as this person caters to his desires and showers him with flattery and praise. Leo men often feel that their queens don't have to be as perfect as they are. And Leo women feel that their spouses should not be of the same royal lineage. In fact, it has already become a rule that Leo partners retain less individuality than Leo, they feel that only one can be in the spotlight. Remember: A lion is a member of the cat family. Have you ever seen a cat follow your orders?

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 29.5, the best partners for Leo should be sought among people of the signs Aries and Sagittarius. All three are fire signs. And during these years they are very independent and act on an objective, disinterested basis. After 29.5 years old, Leos begin to strive for a more settled life, more patient relationships and become more practical. At this time, they can be compatible with the sign of Capricorn, which, under the mask of a king, can also sit on the throne with Leo, even if Capricorn is rarely so cultured, affable and receptive. After 41.5 years, Leo can also be compatible with Gemini, who enchant Leo with their brilliant intellect. After 41.5 years, the Lions are already spiritually developed, have become less conceited, eccentric and have reached the pinnacle of their intellectual development. Now they are compatible with the signs of Libra and Scorpio. The Libra-Leo combination is a famous astrological duet. Since Libra is always trying to please, and Leo wants to be pleased, the two of them make up a successful and contented slave-master couple. The combination "Scorpio-Leo" is possible only among highly developed types. But when it does, beware! Here is the real power, intelligence, creative connection - emperors and empresses, not just kings and queens!

Loyalty score

Of all the astrological signs, Leo is perhaps the most faithful. In their younger years, Leos are true friends. As they mature, they become exceptionally faithful and devoted. In marriage, their fidelity is excellent, provided that their spouses are inferior, one step behind, and rarely challenge their common concept (image) of themselves. And never humiliate Leo in public. It is so important to them that others think of them that they can quickly divorce a spouse who constantly embarrasses them in front of friends and family. Leos can even threaten with force those who criticize them in front of fellow workers.

Erotic horoscope


She has far from a lion's temperament, although she is very attractive and capable of turning even a sober head. Her feelings always remain calm, and she shows prudence under any circumstances. Even during intimacy, a man feels her impassive look. This can be partly explained by her physical coldness and little interest in sex. She is practical and evaluates each partner as a potential husband. She was destined to be a good wife and mother. It is in defending the interests of the family that her lion nature is manifested. But her indifference to sex creates many problems for her husband. Most often, continuing to love her, he enters into a relationship with another woman who can give him the whole gamut of erotic sensations. She is jealous, but only herself will have to blame for the betrayal. If she meets a man with the same erotic level, then their marriage can be quite successful.

The male

Like any lion, he has many weaknesses. People around do not even suspect that a man who is far from confident in his abilities and capabilities can be hidden behind a confident and good-natured appearance. It constantly seems to him that at the slightest mistake he will be subjected to ridicule by his partner. He constantly expects a breakdown and therefore is in eternal nervous tension. If a woman can figure it out, then a formidable lion can become a toy in the paws of a lap dog. To prove to himself and others his usefulness, he embarks on all sorts of love adventures, enters into dubious relationships. A smart and tactful partner can reveal his real strength, who will be able to convince him that he is head and shoulders above any man. It is such a woman who will be his wife, having received as a reward a wonderful man, a reverent and affectionate father for her children. Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius are ideal for you. To a greater or lesser extent, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo suit you. Contraindicated, Taurus, Aquarius are definitely not suitable for you.

Support in life

These women do not like to play a secondary role, are vain and love luxury. The highest happiness for them is a high-ranking spouse. Indefatigable workers of life, who do not tolerate inattention from their husbands, can appreciate the efforts of a man to succeed in business life, if they enjoy his trust and are active allies in his affairs. Very often selfish. They need to restrain their desire to lead and remember that men need self-assertion more than women.

life companions

According to the proverb “To love is to rule the world”, falling in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology, the most important role in love is played by Venus - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The Sun in a woman's horoscope indicates a man who is preferred, in a man's horoscope a similar role is played by the Moon. The position of Saturn in relation to the Moon is associated with divorces. LION - for Lviv, love is life itself. They are romantic, crave adoration and even deification. Although the Lions adhere to public opinion, for the sake of love they are able to transcend all boundaries. Leo women are sexy and attractive. The Leo wife is a gem. She is responsible, a good housewife, takes care of her appearance, requires a lot of attention. The Leo woman is a godsend for an honest man. Leo men are ideal lovers: passionate, skillful, generous, love to give gifts, considerate. Leo is hard to resist. Sentimental, love flowers and love letters. The Leo man is generous, very jealous. Loves society. Ideal companions are Leo, Libra, Cancer, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini. Mutual coldness with Aquarius and Taurus.

love horoscope

Leo is a sign favorable for the male half of humanity, at least where a man is still allowed to create an empire, a dynasty. It is often difficult for Leo women to realize their romantic ambition: to find a man who will put her on a pedestal to which she is entitled. They usually try to marry high-ranking people, refrain from marriage for a long time until they find the one they think they want: a man with money who will allow her to look good and rule the house. They consider love a trump card in the game with life and hold back their sensual issues, of which they have too much, are often frigid. Many Leo women think they are beautiful, and often they are. They are afraid of physical intimacy for fear of losing their beauty, many pay with a nervous breakdown by the age of 30 for marriage or marriage of convenience. Men can be the most generous and generous lovers or admirers. They are not very gentle, but very passionate. They want to find a woman worthy of themselves and their great romantic destiny, for which, in their opinion, they are born. They cannot imagine that any woman can reject them. On the other hand, a good compliment to Leo throws him at your feet, he has something of a peacock in him. Love for Leo is a holiday, exaltation. Leo appetites are great, desires are persistent, pain is deep, they see no point in indecision, doubts about feelings and situations. They do not like to be placed across the road. If Leo is not loved, he cannot forgive himself for his choice - his anger is destructive. On the other hand, no woman can stand in his way to a position in life and career. If she does this, then Leo gets rid of a humiliating desire for him, even if it threatens him with loneliness. A prosperous Leo in society can allow himself to rule at home when no one sees it. He may be the most accommodating husband. A loser can be the most terrible tyrant in personal relationships, skittish, pompous, he offends a woman, accuses her of all the failures of life. Both male and female Leo must resolve the conflict between love and position in society in favor of love and try to overcome vanity when a choice is made. Leos are happy with Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra. In friendship and marriage, Scorpio and Taurus should be avoided.

Let's give a description of a person born under the sign of the zodiac Leo.

Secrets of happiness "lion"

It is known that the "lion" likes to do everything with grace and chic, and this, as a rule, is very attractive to the opposite sex; therefore, your sign is more conducive than others to love and the manifestation of chivalrous feelings. Your love stories are filled with romance and high drama, and you play your part to perfection.

The average "lion" is gifted with great charm and an ideal lover in every way - emotionally, physically and sexually. Your charming manners and generosity throw the opposite sex into confusion. The male "lion" is full of strength and a wonderful companion.

You are faithful in marriage, but tend to be possessive. A "lioness" woman should be careful and make sure that this tendency does not become predominant in her. You have great charm and bewitching attractiveness, but don't expect too much from your marriage partner. Also, a divorce with the inevitable loss of face in such cases would be extremely unpleasant for you.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Leo

Symbol: a lion.

Ruling planet Leo: The sun.

Sign: fiery-fixed-positive.

Sign of the king, beloved.

The character of the "lion": proud and arrogant, power-hungry and self-confident, trusting, impulsive, condescending to other people's mistakes and shortcomings. Somewhat boastful, but very brave. As a rule, arrogance and selfishness are also noticeable.

Positive qualities of Leo: generosity, self-esteem, warmth and kindness, fidelity and politeness, self-confidence, pronounced artistic, creative inclinations, dynamism, aristocracy.

Negative qualities of Leo: propensity to violence, boastfulness, arrogance and irascibility, intolerance, pride and selfishness, excessive arrogance.

Leo personality

Your sign is the most powerful and dynamic sign of the zodiac.

Your ruling planet is the Sun: the whole world should be at your feet. From you we have the right to expect great achievements, extraordinary accomplishments and amazing feats.

You are a natural leader, possessing a great desire and ability to take responsibility and gain authority - the consequences of your extraordinary responsiveness to the feelings of other people. Encouraged by your compassion and rich imagination, you develop great kindness in yourself. However, you suffer from pride, are susceptible to flattery and often succumb to bias towards your pets.

Your sign symbolizes ambition and generosity, trust, love and a great craving for society. All your actions are done zealously and wholeheartedly. You like to be in the center of attention, are fond of sports and art.

With all the innate majesty of your nature, the consciousness of your own considerable abilities makes you stubborn and self-willed. You should learn to take wise advice and not let your power corrupt you.

Oddly enough, another feature of yours that is not so well known is your susceptibility to bouts of deep depression. The panacea for all troubles - selfless work - serves as the answer to all questions for you, along with the desire to avoid loneliness and be sociable and active.

Your other very human flaws are a tendency to show off, pride, and, a little, to tyranny. Forced to experience these qualities in their own person, they sometimes show you resentment and indignation.

You are passionate and confident in matters related to the opposite sex. Don't play with the feelings of others. You can be reckless, so gambling and risky ventures are not always appropriate in your case. Your sign is a lucky sign in regards to wealth and success, but don't over-spur your luck or you will really crash.

Leo as a friend

You are a true friend (par excellence), faithful, kind and generous. The warmth and sincerity of your heart will never let you leave a friend in trouble. Your friendships can be called a mixture of idealism, pride and romanticism.

Leo as a father

Here the "lion" is really given its due. You enjoy your fatherhood, almost always approve of the actions of your children and live in harmony with them. There is a great tenderness in your love for them; you enjoy being with them, taking them out for walks, attending cultural and sporting events with them. Avoid excessive categorical or strictness, generated by your feelings for them and making you expect the impossible from them.

Leo as mother

Mother "lioness" is kind, gentle, caring and very attached - sometimes even excessively - to her children. She will take care of their education and entertainment, she is an enthusiastic and ardently loving mother. However, sometimes she can expect that children will become the embodiment of her hopes, her own special dream, come true or not come true in her life. One should beware of this, as it would require too much of her children.

A look at the decades

If you were born between July 23 and August 2 (first decade), then you are ruled by the Sun; you are destined for fame and success, because this planet gives you great enthusiasm and grandiose resources of vitality. You are artistic and kind-hearted, and generally true to traditional approaches. You are full of dignity and very stately, almost to the point of pomposity. You have significant hidden abilities and can achieve a lot in life.

If your date of birth falls between August 3rd and 13th (second decan), then your ruling planet is Jupiter. It is especially good for material acquisitions, wealth, travel and social status. On the other hand, you are the owner of religious inclinations and developed intuition, almost bordering on extrasensory perception. You are almost certainly epicurean, have a good time, and will be surrounded by noise and merriment. Banking can also be a good application of your organizational skills.

If you were born between August 14 and 23 (third decade), then your planet is Mars. Your character is undaunted, fiery, independent, aggressive and impulsive. Your self-confidence, determination and courage border on almost bravado. You rebel against any kind of criticism and opposition, regardless of the motives of the other side. You have a great "lion's" ability to respond to a new stimulus or life experience. Take care of your health, because illness in your case can be a serious test.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

Somewhat pompous, but inexplicably pleasant people. "Your Grace" would be perfect for you. True dignity is different from pomp and pomp - that's the lesson you need to learn in your life. Admittedly, you are amiable, often generous, law-abiding, beyond the ordinary gifted with creative abilities, you are a good father (or mother) to your children, an excellent host (or mistress), artistic, often gifted with psychic abilities. Your sensitivity is well-known, and this feature can poison your life. Don't bring it up. Another contradiction is that although you are artistic and imaginative, you are at the same time conservative, even if you are bohemian. You have a natural magnetism and the ability to attract and captivate people. You can be a very "closed" person, and at the same time have a brilliant public image.

Health problems can present the condition of the stomach, chest, heart, circulatory system, back and spine. Years of particular importance will be: 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 19, 16, 20, 22, 28. 29 (critical), 31, 34, 38, 40, 43, 47, 52, 55-56 ( turning points), 58, 64-65, 67, 73-74, 76, 82-83, 85, 91-92.

If you were born between August 21-24, then your date of birth fell at the time of the Leo / Virgo zodiac sign transition.

Complex and confusing character; conservative, critical, but capable of successful cooperation. Your siblings are great loyalty and nobility. You may not show too much warmth, but you are a true friend. Your asset is your intellect, your deep feelings soften and enliven it, thereby making you a more pleasant and sweet human being. So don't hide your true face. A good actor, a great organizer, a great researcher - that's how they see you. Legislation, statistics, aviation, psychology, sports can also become an attractive field of activity for you.

In the field of health, it is important to take care of the stomach, intestines, heart, back, spine. The most important years will be 1, 4-5, 10, 13-14, 19, 22-23, 28, 31-32, 37, 40-41, 46, 49-50, 55, 58-59, 64, 67-68 , 73, 76-77, 82, 85-86, 91.

Know what's good for you:

- Lucky number for Leo: 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, as well as 4, 13, 22, 31, 40 (series of ones and fours).

Lucky Leo color: white, orange, gold, red (all shades of sunlight).

- Lucky Leo Day: Sunday.

Lucky Leo flowers and herbs: almond, citrus, lemon, marigold, sunflower, passion flower.

- Lucky Leo stones: sardonyx, diamond, amber, ruby.

Leo is one of the most generous and generous signs of the zodiac, moreover, he is lucky, so he does not have to act to the detriment of his own interests in order to take care of loved ones. Leo has a rare talent to cope with any difficulties without much difficulty, he is sociable and easily gets along with people. Even if the representative of this zodiac sign does not reach great heights in his career, he always has connections with the right people, to whom he finds a way to be interesting and useful.

Leos are independent and rely only on their own strength. They easily adapt to new conditions of life thanks to optimism and self-confidence. If Leo has a difficult situation, he does not panic, but immediately begins to look for a way out of the situation, and, as a rule, finds it. For those to whom he is sincerely disposed, Leo can become a real talisman. Leo's kindness knows no bounds, for which people pay him trust and respect, and of course, they express their sincere gratitude.

Weaknesses of character

Leo is the most sociable sign of the zodiac, which, like air, needs the general public. He is not too picky in his connections and never thinks badly of people, therefore envious and ill-wishers are always present in his environment, the presence of which he does not even know. Leo needs admiration, because he is very greedy for flattery, and there are many who want to use it. A representative of this zodiac sign can stubbornly ignore the modest and unemotional people to whom he is truly dear, and fascinated to listen to the empty compliments of those who show sympathy for the sake of profit.

Leo loves a beautiful life and does not always think about the consequences of his craving for luxury. For the sake of prestige or pleasure, he is inclined to neglect spiritual values, and realizes his losses only when there is no turning back. Leo, like no other, is subject to temptations, as a result of which he periodically makes problems for himself. In fairness, it should be noted that he is very dexterous and enterprising, and therefore most often comes out dry from the water, but this rule does not always work. A representative of the fire element can avoid legal troubles or material losses, but relationships with people cannot be repaired as a technique, and are not measured in money. Due to his short-sightedness and some selfishness, Leo offends loved ones and loses their trust.

In personal life

For Leo, an arranged personal life is very important, but not all of his love affairs are long-lasting. The fact is that this is a very amorous sign of the zodiac, driven by emotions and passion. Leo often turns a blind eye to obvious facts that impede his relationship with the chosen one. In this case, we can talk about anything - it can be either a difference in temperament or lifestyle, or the marital status of one of this couple. Leo believes that feelings are above all, but the problem is that he often takes light flirting and sexual attraction for something more, as a result of which he loses time or ruins his relationship with a less emotional, but reliable partner.

Leo takes care of his beloved person and is ready to take the burden of all his problems on his own shoulders. Regardless of gender, the representative of this zodiac sign shows generosity and gives expensive gifts to his beloved. Naturally, he expects gratitude in return, but not all people want just such attention. Everyone has moments when they just want to be close to a loved one, but Leo is not one of those who will fight someone else's depression. When he gets bored, he just disappears - that's his kind of character.

See the compatibility of Leo with other zodiac signs:

Leo man

The representative of this zodiac sign is optimistic, sociable, and leads an active lifestyle. He is the soul of any campaign, has charisma and a good sense of humor and is able to cheer up anyone. There are always a lot of women around him, claiming to be his beloved. Leo is pleased with their attention, but he chooses his life partner for himself and does not tolerate obsession. A Leo in love is able to move mountains for the sake of a chosen one, but such a union will not bring quiet and calm happiness to jealous representatives of the weaker sex. The woman who can influence the way of his life has not yet been born. Now and then, ambiguous situations will arise, and reasons for jealousy will be regular. The Leo man appreciates freedom, so it is better to give it to him voluntarily. If his beloved sincerely admires and cherishes him, he himself will try to devote more time to her, but he will stop any attempts to limit himself in some way.

Leo is successful at work and appreciates a prosperous life. He easily climbs the career ladder, insofar as he knows how to get along with his superiors and takes matters seriously. As a rule, his work is directly related to communication. The Leo man feels like a fish out of water when speaking to a large audience. He has the gift of persuasion, so there are many pop stars and even politicians among the representatives of this zodiac sign.

Leo woman

The Leo woman always takes care of her appearance, is polite, and does not allow herself a bad mood. If she has trouble, then she throws all her strength into finding a way out of the current situation, and rarely turns to other people for help. The lioness knows how to make money and is not looking for a sponsor. Even if her husband is very wealthy, she will not be content with the role of a housewife, if only out of boredom. She needs communication and regular outings, she is energetic, and most often she realizes her potential precisely in work.

The Leo woman spends a lot of time away from home, she has a large number of friends and acquaintances, but really close people can be counted on the fingers. She is open and friendly, willing to help, so two-faced people who envy her success often use her trust. This also applies to relationships with men - for the sake of her beloved, the Lioness will go to great lengths, and since she is greedy for compliments and attention, there are gigolos and marriage swindlers among those who want to be with her. However, she is smart, so she is able to recognize deception quite quickly.

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Ruler planet:☼ Sun. Element: Fire.

Leo character

A person born under the zodiac sign of Leo is excellent at presenting himself and loves to be the center of attention. The easiest way to find a Leo is at a party or at a social event - it is not difficult to recognize him by a confident gleam in his eyes and a leisurely, even lazy, gait.

At home, alone with himself, Leo has no one to demonstrate all his regal gloss and brilliance, and therefore he prefers to spend more time in public. Looking at a person born under this noble sign of the Zodiac, it seems surprising how much of a real Leo is in him: he is proud, stately and well-groomed, and his manners are impeccable. True, he looks a little down on those around him, but such is his regal nature.

It is difficult to say that Leos consider themselves better or superior to others, but the fact that they feel more knowledgeable and experienced is an undeniable fact. Leo is convinced that he knows how to act in this or that situation, and this is easy to read in his didactic tone and condescending smile. Others can even be annoyed by Leo's love to teach always and everywhere, whether before work or personal life. Leo himself considers his intervention justified, because he sincerely wants to help! In addition, Leo is able not only to teach, but also to provide generous patronage, including material assistance, to which others, as a rule, no longer object.

In general, communication, people are the native element for the expansive Leo, with which most of his life is connected. Perhaps that is why he is very partial to the opinions of others about himself and has a very sensitive ego. Even fair criticism of him can infuriate him and inflict a serious offense, and a simple recognition of merit, a compliment on duty and even rude flattery can inspire him.

However, in everything else that does not concern their person, the Lions are quite objective and very smart. In business, they have remarkable acumen and organizational talent, which makes them good workers and excellent leaders.

In everything, no matter what he undertakes, Leo shows his regal maximalism. To work like this to work, to have fun - so from the heart, to receive guests - so with luxury and chic. The golden mean is not for Leo, he does not want to see measures either in friendship, or in work, or in love. That is why the maximalist Leo is better to have in his friends than in enemies: it is no less difficult for him to stop in his righteous anger than in showing sympathy.

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