Utilization of garbage waste. Efficient ways of waste disposal. Solid household waste and its disposal

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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Waste management is serious problem which affects not only Russia. Garbage can be useful, one that can be reused, but we rarely think about the fact that the thing we throw away can find a second life. In fact, thanks to waste recycling plants, this is happening, and we are surrounded by Everyday life things that were once the same garbage.

Garbage that can be reused:

  • Waste paper: different kinds papers and cardboard.
  • Glass bottles and cullet.
  • aluminum cans.
  • Textiles and worn clothes.
  • Different types of plastic, each container has a recycling sign, thanks to which you can find out what material it is made of.

Even food waste, and those can be processed into compost for the production of fertilizers for suburban areas.

The problem of disposal and recycling

Before recently around the world, the elimination of household waste was carried out in two ways:

  • burning in special furnaces or open landfills
  • burial in burial grounds

In the first option, additional air pollution occurs by combustion products, and in the second, groundwater pollution, subsidence of the soil, as well as the intensive formation of methane gas that can explode at the slightest spark. Thus, landfill fires are a very common event.

Attempts to radically solve the problems of household waste disposal are already being undertaken in Japan, as well as in Western countries with a highly developed industry. They practice high-tech sorting lines at factories and introduce separate collection in different containers. For example, in Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium the recycling rate is already over 60%. In Russia, the solution to the recycling problem looks completely different, for the worse.

The main methods of disposal of household waste

Disposal of household waste is carried out according to various methods. There are several ways to dispose of MSW. Various ways household waste disposal suitable for various types waste and various volumes.

Currently, the following methods are actively used:

  1. Waste disposal. This method remains the most popular. Garbage is taken to landfills, where it is sorted (if this has not been done before). Modern landfills for solid waste storage are equipped with special water and air purification systems to avoid pollution. environment. The main problem of MSW disposal at landfills is the accelerated accumulation of waste.
  2. Composting. This method is based on the biodegradation of certain materials. Suitable for processing any hazardous waste biological origin. Virtually no harm to the environment. Despite the many advantages, composting has not become widespread in Russia.
  3. Thermal processing. It is considered the most promising method. Allows you to get recyclables, also subject to subsequent disposal. The main difficulty is related to the need for initial investment.
  4. Plasma processing. A modern high-tech method that allows you to get gas during the processing of solid waste with a sufficient amount of an organic component.

The world practice of recycling consists in a combination of all the above methods, depending on the type of waste and the industrial and processing capabilities of the country.

The level of waste disposal in Russia

In Russia, the problem of waste disposal is quite acute. And first of all, we are talking about household waste, since industrial waste must be disposed of in the manner prescribed by law and their destruction is controlled. People do not even think that the amount of garbage thrown out reaches 400 kilograms per person per year, according to the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. In the future, this waste is transported to a landfill, and in rare cases to a waste processing plant that sorts and recycles.

Waste disposal in Russia is a very acute problem, the solution of which is possible only with the right approach to it. According to statistics, 40% of all garbage is a valuable recyclable material that can be recycled into a further product. Unfortunately, only 7-8% of all waste goes to factories, the rest is taken to landfills, then buried or burned.

There are no plants in Russia that would carry out the entire cycle of waste processing, from collection, sorting and ending with the final product. Collection and recycling of waste is very profitable business Today, the demand for recyclables is very high. It is also a business low level risk, the tariffs for the disposal of solid waste are very stable and only grow every year.

Methods of waste processing in Russia are very scarce, they consist in pressing and stacking waste at landfills for solid waste. This is the cheapest way. In Europe, due to high environmental requirements, the disposal of solid waste in landfills is the most unprofitable and expensive way of waste disposal.

Unfortunately, waste disposal in Russia is not yet developed, as in Europe, environmental requirements are simpler here, as well as control over compliance with these requirements. The development of the industry is impossible without the involvement of public and private funds. Changes in legislation could have a positive effect on changing this situation.

Ways to solve the problem

An obstacle in solving such an issue as recycling is the mentality of our people. Conducted experiments on the introduction of the system separate collection the waste fell through with the collapse. This system separate collection must be systematically practiced for years to obtain certain positive results.

Even the establishment of fines for violations did not give the desired effect, since it is impossible to track all the offenders. The solution to this situation could be recycling garbage. To do this, it is necessary to improve the collection and sorting of waste, as well as to encourage the creation of organizations that start this growing business option.

Part of household organic waste processed by composting. They subsequently serve as fertilizer or a source of energy. When incinerating waste, it is necessary to use special equipment that will act as a filter and control air pollution. Opening in Russia heat points that will provide energy from waste.

The main factor in achieving a 100% level of waste disposal is the creation of a market for processed products. For this, it is necessary to overcome psychological factor, a person must learn to use and buy items that have been created by recycling from waste.

One of the wise men once said a long time ago that you can earn money even on what lies under your feet.

Modern practice confirms his words. Waste recycling is a very profitable business, and the following indicators confirm this fact:

  • Processing companies are not so common, and the raw materials themselves abound.
  • The entrepreneur has the opportunity to receive various types of garbage in an organized manner.
  • High profitability is ensured by the possibility of processing waste and turning it into secondary raw materials.

The relevance of this business can be seen in almost every aspect, starting with the fact that it has a positive effect on environmental situation, and ending with the fact that the result gives a large profit to the owner.

The positives include:

  • support local authorities(this area is very poorly funded, and the local administration is obliged to ensure cleanliness, therefore, you can safely count on the support of such an idea and help with finding industrial premises);
  • unlimited volume of production raw materials;
  • if it is not possible to get involved in the expensive and time-consuming process of creating a waste processing plant, then you can limit yourself to building a workshop that will cost several times cheaper, and will bring a decent profit.

Despite many positive sides, entrepreneurs may also have some problems associated with the delivery and sorting of garbage. The right approach to these issues will certainly lead you to an adequate solution.

An interesting story about this field of activity in the conditions of Russia is on the following video:

What kind of garbage can be dealt with and what is most profitable

So, consider the most common options:

  • Car tires. As the most promising and profitable processing method of this variety, pyrolysis (depolymerization) is called, which consists in the decomposition of rubber:
    • on carbon;
    • for gas;
    • on steel cord, which is an excellent raw material for the metallurgical industry;
    • for synthetic oil.

    Each of these products is a sought-after raw material, and if properly organized, sales can result in high profitability.

  • Construction garbage usually consists of concrete, brick, wood and metal. After careful sorting, it is possible, for example, to start processing concrete, which includes crushing and parallel extraction of metal particles from it. As a result, you can get secondary crushed stone used in construction. In world practice, it is now increasingly practiced to dismantle buildings and sort construction debris, about 80% of which can be reused.
  • Recycling broken glass involves the reuse of non-standard and broken bottles, which would have gone to landfill anyway. Broken glass can be taken directly from production, or you can organize your own glass container collection point or your own garbage sorting line. Glass manufacturers will gladly buy recycled raw materials, since such material can be melted down at more low temperatures than those required by the glass manufacturing process. Also, this secondary raw material is in great demand among manufacturers of abrasive, ceramic products, tiles and bricks.
  • Used paper. The process of processing simple (so-called wet) waste paper involves:
    • dissolution of paper in water using a hydrothinner;
    • removal of all foreign objects from it with a cyclone cleaner;
    • thermomechanical treatment, if we are talking about cardboard;
    • fine purification of the mixture (filtration).

    Recycled paper can be used to make packaging cardboard, toilet paper or roofing material.

Required documents for company registration

Legal recycling of municipal solid waste involves obtaining a license from the Ministry of Ecology. The Law “On Environmental Expertise” regulates the obligation of each entity that decides to collect and process waste to conduct an environmental review. This conclusion can be used throughout the entire period of existence of the company (the approximate cost of this document is 5500 rubles).

The entrepreneur must obtain permits from such services as fire fighting, sanitary, and also stock up on project documentation, which will describe all technological processes future waste processing organization. The total time for collecting and confirming documentation varies 2 to 4 months, and the cost is approximately 24 000 rubles.

Where to take garbage?

The average trash can contains:

  • 50% polymers: polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene;
  • 25% food waste;
  • 10% paper and cardboard;
  • 15-20% rubber, metal, textile.

All in all, household waste at least 60% recyclable. But this is only from a theoretical point of view, since the separate assembly of MSW, generally accepted in many European countries, seems to us only a distant prospect. And unseparated waste sent to a modern processing line can only give a result of 25%.

The best option is to install special mobile processing plants. They are manual or automated, and their cost ranges from several hundred thousand to several million dollars.

There is another option: concluding an agreement with a local landfill or collection point for glass or plastic containers. Then the problem of sorting will disappear by itself: production will be provided with ready-made and sorted waste at a price of up to 5 rubles per kg.

Efficient organization of production

Suitable space - very milestone, after all, for a waste processing production, at least 600 m 2 is needed, for a processing shop - 300-400 m 2, and for a warehouse - 200 m 2. In addition to buildings and structures for industrial purposes, it is necessary to allocate space for the administrative premises, which can be located both on the production site and outside it. By the way, the workshops located next to the city dump will help to reduce the cost of both the delivery of raw materials and the rental of premises.

The minimum set of equipment should include:

  • sorting line;
  • storage bin;
  • crusher;
  • magnet;
  • bake.

An additional equipment is a melting furnace, but it should be borne in mind that it will significantly increase the cost side of the project.

Domestic equipment is considered the most affordable and functional.


It is impossible to recycle household waste without the use of manual labor. In order to carry out sorting, selection, calibration and many other production steps, it is necessary staff from 20 to 40 people(it all depends on the volume of production).

In addition, the qualitative functioning of the enterprise is impossible without accountant, driver, manager and cleaner.

Distribution channels for finished products

The end result directly depends on the raw materials used:

  • from toxic waste, such as mercury lamps, you can get a variety of industrial and building materials;
  • from vegetable waste you can make compost, which serves as an excellent soil fertilizer;
  • from electronic waste (kinescopes, electrical appliances) - iron, copper, aluminum and glass;
  • from paper - a secondary raw material from which new materials are subsequently formed.

And the main consumers of services and materials of the waste processing industry will be:

  • enterprises whose activities are related to one or another final product - cellulose, wood, glass;
  • industrial and individual consumers in need of secondary raw materials.

About costs and future profits

Waste recycling is enough profitable business even against the background of the amount of funds needed for its organization. This type of business will pay off very quickly (1.5-2 years), if sales are well established. Experts, based on their own observations, argue that the level of profitability of waste processing production ranges from 42 to 80%, because this segment of the market is practically not subject to competition.

Based on the practice of existing enterprises, you can work with the following statistics:

  • One shift can recycle 3 tons of waste paper, 1.5 tons polymer waste or 250 kg of plastic raw materials.
  • One ton of any raw material costs on average from 9,000 to 45,000 rubles.
  • Consequently, the average monthly profit of such an enterprise can range from 150,000 to 3,300,000 rubles.

Huge universal complex recycling of any kind of waste (wood, plastic, metal, paper or glass) will cost a lot of money. Experts say that the amount will exceed $20 million.

But even a modest enterprise has the opportunity to bring a decent profit. The organization of a workshop, the specialization of which will be one type of waste, will cost from 50 to 300 thousand dollars. Arrangement of warehouse and production premises in accordance with the fire department and sanitary requirements- 2-3 thousand more. And the crusher, sorting line and the rest necessary equipment will require 50-70 thousand dollars.

In general, the business of receiving and processing waste is very relevant. The size of the initial investment is certainly higher than that of or, but the amount of profit will also please you at the very beginning.

In Soviet times, pioneers collected and handed over waste paper and scrap metal. But these phenomena did not have a mass character. In those days, there was a tradition to throw garbage into a ravine near the nearest forest. Even fifteen or twenty years ago, it was easy to find points for receiving dishes and hand over beer bottles for one and a half rubles. Now in Russia there is no tradition of sorting garbage, there are only single points of such collection and several companies plastic recycling, waste paper and old car tires.

How is garbage handled in Japan, the US and other countries? How efficient are incinerators? How to give a second life to plastic bottles, aluminum cans and cardboard? How much waste is recycled in Russia?

Shot from the movie "Wall-E"


The high population density in Japan is due to its small size - more than 126 million people live on 370 thousand square kilometers, which is a little more than 2% of the territory of Russia. For comparison, 146 million live in Russia. Moreover, 70% of the territory of Japan is mountains, so spending the area on garbage dumps it would be illogical. Moreover, the Japanese have found a way to increase their archipelago due to waste - they have been building islands from garbage for more than 15 years.

Waste sorting is mandatory for all residents of the country. Depending on the day of the week, the townspeople put out the trash certain type, which is taken away by garbage collection services. “The waste disposal system in Tokyo itself is designed in such a way that residents have no other way to get rid of garbage, except for separate. If unsorted waste is put out on the day of “burning garbage”, then they simply will not be picked up and a warning sticker will be attached, ”said the head of the Waste Disposal Department of the Tokyo Environmental Department in an interview with Russia-1. Failure to follow the rules results in fines. Illegal dumping of garbage is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of 10 million yen, which is more than 5 million rubles as of March 2018.

Over 90% of all plastic bottles in the country goes to the processing and production of new products - including bottles and new fabrics, for example, for the form of Manchester United football players. They try not to add new oil products to the turnover. Instead, almost all bottles produced in Japan are made from recycled granules.

Garbage in Japan has been burned since 1924 - then the first incineration plant appeared and the tradition of separating garbage into burning and non-burning began to emerge. It is so safe that such plants operate even within the city of Tokyo near schools, residential buildings, parks and golf clubs. More than 2.4 thousand filters of the plant ensure the cleanliness of production, while the smoke is not visible. The energy generated by incinerating waste provides electricity to factories and makes it possible to profit by selling the surplus to energy companies.

“At meetings with residents every six months, we show all indicators on gas emissions. We tell both good and bad, and what problems the factories have, breakdowns. And they have their own standards, which are several times stricter than state indicators,” said the director of the Tokyo Waste Management Association, head of the department international communication Motoaki Koboyashi in 2017. At the same time, Andrei Vorobyov, the governor of the Moscow region, promised to build factories in the region using the same technology.

Waste incineration plant Katsushika, Tokyo.


In Russia, 3.5 billion tons of waste are “produced” per year, of which 40 million tons are domestic household waste. About 10% of this waste is recycled: 3% is incinerated, 7% is recycled. The remaining 90%, or 35 million tons of household waste, end up in landfills.

The very composition of household waste makes it possible to use 60-80% of it as a raw material for industry or for composting. This is hampered by the lack of separate waste collection and the low level of development of the waste processing industry as a whole. Instead of sorting waste into briquettes and selling them for production, the contractors of the company's management companies take waste to landfills, sometimes to closed or illegal ones. Not so long ago, it was normal to throw broken cabinets, car parts, batteries and milk cartons into the nearest ravine - the same practice was practiced not only in Russia, but also in Austria, one of the most advanced this moment countries in the world in terms of waste sorting and recycling.

In Russia, there are companies that deal with waste processing. The only plant in the whole country that, like in Japan, makes granulate from old plastic bottles for the production of new ones, is located in Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region, and has been operating since 2009. Excursions were previously organized to the plant. One of the participants noted not very pleasant smell: bottles are brought here from all over the country from garbage containers, and in Russia it is not customary to wash waste.

Bottles are converted first into PET (polyethylene terephthalate) flakes and then into pellets, which are used to make bottles. Plarus sends pellets for quality control to CJSC Plant of New Polymers Senezh, a manufacturer of primary PET production, which is part of the same corporation.

PET flakes.

The RBgroup plant operates in Gus-Khrustalny: it sells PET flakes and polyester fiber, from which "sintepuh" is made for stuffing children's toys for pillows and "balls" for children's furniture and cushion chairs.

PET granules.

PET granules are used for the production of packaging for auto chemicals, cosmetics, containers for beer and soft drinks, milk, water, oil and juices, for bags, jackets and other clothing, pallets for confectionery, containers, cans for household goods and electronics.

The "bottle" segment in Russia is one of the key ones. Baltika, one of the companies directly related to it, invested 20 million rubles in separate waste collection in 2017 and installed 2.5 thousand special containers in 20 Russian cities, transferring 914 tons of PET for recycling.

Blanks for plastic bottles.

Waste paper in Russia is also recycled, including at the factories left over from the Soviet era. The League of Waste Paper Recyclers unites 60 companies that account for 80% of all recycled waste paper in the country. On the part of the state, companies are helped by Law No. 458 “On Production and Consumption Wastes”: it provides for the obligation of manufacturers of any product to dispose of 20% of the packaging, otherwise they must pay an eco-fee.

Each ton of waste paper costs about 10 thousand rubles, while for the year landfills it is exported for 60 billion rubles. They process 3.3 million tons out of 12 million tons that are formed per year. Processing capacities are able to "digest" 4.15 million tons, so they are experiencing a shortage of raw materials. The League in 2016 had to lobby for a ban on the export of waste paper so that this waste would not be taken out of the country for 4 months.

The shortage of raw materials leads to the closure of projects. “The Germans who own the Knauf plant in St. Petersburg are shocked by what is happening in our country. The plant was supposed to increase the volume of production for the processing of raw materials by 50%, but due to a shortage of waste paper, the project was frozen. We decided to carry out only modernization, as a result of which in 2018 the volume of waste paper processing will be 290 thousand tons per year, but we could process 400 thousand tons. But paper rots at landfills,” says Denis Kondratiev, a representative of the League of Waste Paper Recyclers.

This situation could be changed by the establishment of separate waste collection throughout the country and the desire of manufacturers of goods to make a positive contribution to ecological state countries. Manufacturers believe that the state should be responsible for separate collection, and in the event of an increase in packaging recycling standards, they will have to raise the cost of goods.

The volume of the waste paper market in Russia.

The waste paper recycling process includes several stages: collecting, sorting, obtaining waste paper, removing impurities and cleaning - after which the material enters the production of paper or cardboard.

Scheme of the waste paper recycling process in the general cycle of production and consumption of paper products.

Batteries, light bulbs, smartphones, mercury thermometers in Russia most often end up in a landfill. In order not to throw away toxic and hazardous waste in ordinary containers, you can sort it at home and then take it to collection points located in various shopping malls and stores: Ikea, LavkaLavka, VkusVill.

Items for the return of whole or damaged mercury thermometers can be found at the link. If the thermometer breaks, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Energy-saving light bulbs also contain mercury, so they should not be mixed with ordinary garbage: you can find addresses on the Open Data Portal where they can be handed over in Moscow.

In the following articles, we will talk about how hazardous waste is buried, how it is filled with electronics African countries how copper is mined from monitors, gold is mined from smartphones, and how batteries are recycled.

The choice of recycling method depends on the type of waste. There are three technologies:

  • Burial. The most popular method. Landfills are organized outside the city, away from settlements, highways, reservoirs and forests. Choose deep ravines, dried up ponds or artificial pits. Modern landfills comply with all established environmental standards. Thanks to this, harmful fumes from rotting garbage do not enter the atmosphere, and the risk of fire is minimized. The solid domestic wastes referred to the IV group are stored. Hazardous industrial waste is also subject to burial at specialized sites. Pre-products are cemented and subjected to neutralization.
  • Burning. Thermal treatment is carried out in incinerators. This method utilizes liquid, solid, gaseous and some types of hazardous waste. The main advantages of the method - saving land resources and getting heat in the process. However, undesirable substances and dioxins are released into the atmosphere. Besides, in industrial scale incineration requires expensive equipment and the work of qualified specialists.
  • Recycling. Garbage is sent to factories where it is recycled. As a result, new materials suitable for use are obtained. Energy-containing waste is used to generate electricity or processed into fuel.

Our company is engaged in sending all types of waste for recycling. Experienced professionals unmistakably choose the right approach, ensuring the preservation of the environment. We work with industrial facilities, construction sites and individuals. Leave a request conveniently on the website or by e-mail [email protected]

Waste processing in Russia is hampered by the fact that the territorial and infrastructural features of the country do not yet allow efficient separate collection and transportation of waste. Experts believe that the development of local and regional markets for secondary raw materials and products made from it will help move this problem forward. This requires decisions of municipal authorities that would encourage entrepreneurial initiative in this area of ​​production activity.

Another one from possible solutions, which will allow the development of the waste processing industry, is to close major cities build specialized complexes based on proven schemes and technologies that have been successfully used abroad for a long time. One of the obstacles here is imperfection. Russian legislation in the field of ecology and the lack of common national standards for the processing and use of secondary raw materials.

It is assumed that by 2020 a full-fledged industry for the disposal of garbage and other waste will be created in Russia. In 2013, a special draft law was prepared amending the Law on Production and Consumption Wastes. Legislators believe that after the adoption of amendments affecting the interests of citizens and entrepreneurs, there will be additional incentives for development individual industries associated with waste disposal.

How is waste disposal

In cities and other settlements In Russia, more and more often you can find containers for separate waste collection. Such a system makes further processing of waste more efficient and less costly. For some time now, the purchase of secondary raw materials has been used processing plants, but such programs primarily concern only paper, certain types plastic and polyethylene. The fact is that most often it is this raw material that is processed at specialized factories.

In 2013, there were about 250 waste recycling plants in Russia, but their number is steadily growing. The production cycle at such enterprises is increasingly subject to unification and standardization. Waste processing plants in Russia often have their own services for the transportation, sorting and disposal of waste. Special equipment for various purposes makes it possible to extract from household and secondary raw materials, which are easily stored, transported and turned into items of value in the eyes of consumers.

From the point of view of recycling efficiency in Russia, “metal” waste remains the most promising. It is the easiest to sort because it is easily recognized. The second most important place is occupied by the processing of cardboard and paper. It is somewhat more difficult to sort and recycle plastic and plastic wrap. Completes the list of popular in the processing of raw materials glass containers. As a rule, entrepreneurs try to adhere to a certain specialization when disposing of waste, guided by economic benefit and availability of raw materials.

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