Monitoring of hazardous waste at the enterprise. Monitoring of waste disposal sites Measures to eliminate emergency situations in the field of waste management

In accordance with paragraph 6.4 of SP "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste" (hereinafter - SP, a special program (plan) for the production control (monitoring), which should include information on monitoring the state of underground and surface water bodies, atmospheric air, soils, noise levels in the zone of possible adverse impact of solid waste landfills.

Monitoring of solid waste landfills must be carried out taking into account the requirements of the following documents:

  • SP;
  • Instructions for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for municipal solid waste, approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on November 2, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction);
  • SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects" (as amended on April 25, 2014);
  • GOST “Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General requirements for sampling surface and sea waters, ice and atmospheric precipitation”;
  • SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters" (as amended on 04.02.2011 and 25.09.2014);
  • SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality" (as amended on April 25, 2007).


According to paragraph 7 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” (as amended on December 29, 2014) prohibited waste disposal at MSW landfills not included in the state register of waste disposal facilities (GRRO).
Currently, all solid waste landfills must be brought into line with the current environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as an inventory of these objects and apply in writing to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor for registration of landfills in the GRRO .
Information on whether the landfill is included in the GRRO can be found on the website of Rosprirodnadzor in the subsection “State Register of Waste Disposal Facilities” in the Waste Cadastre section.

According to clause 1.30 of the Instruction special monitoring project(i.e. the previously mentioned special program (plan) of production control (monitoring)) should include the following sections:

  • monitoring the state of underground and surface water bodies, atmospheric air, soils and plants, noise pollution in the zone of possible adverse impact of the landfill;
  • a system for managing technological processes at the landfill, which ensures the prevention of pollution of underground and surface water bodies, atmospheric air, soils and plants, noise pollution above the permissible limits in cases where the polluting effect of landfills is detected.

Based on clause 6.6 of SP and clause 1.31 of the Instruction, the production control system should include devices and facilities for monitoring the state of ground and surface water, atmospheric air, soil and plants, as well as noise pollution in the zone of possible influence of the solid waste landfill.

The monitoring system serves as an information basis for determining the effectiveness of environmental measures taken at the landfill, as well as a database for developing technical and technological solutions to improve the operation of the landfill.

According to paragraph 6.5 of SP, the program (plan) for the production control of the MSW landfill is being developed landfill owner(based on clause 1.30 of the Instruction - according to the terms of reference of the owner of the landfill) in accordance with the sanitary rules for production control over compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Paragraph 1.30 of the Instruction states that such a program should be agreed with the competent authorities.


The monitoring system of the MSW landfill should include constant monitoring of the state of the air environment. For this purpose, air samples are analyzed quarterly in the surface layer above the exhausted areas of the landfill and at the border of the sanitary protection zone for the content of compounds in it that characterize the process of biochemical decomposition of MSW and pose the greatest danger.

In accordance with paragraph 6.8 of SP and paragraph 1.36 of the Instructions, the volume of indicators to be determined and the frequency of sampling are substantiated in the program for the production control of the solid waste landfill and agreed with the regulatory authorities. Usually, when analyzing samples of atmospheric air, the content of methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, benzene, trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene is determined.

When establishing the degree of air pollution above the MPC at the border of the sanitary protection zone and above the MPC r.z. in the working area (Tables 1.3 and 1.4 of the Instructions), appropriate measures should be taken, taking into account the nature and level of pollution and aimed at reducing this level.

from the Instructions

Table 1.3


Table 1.4



The production control of the MSW landfill should include constant monitoring of the soil condition in the zone of possible influence of the landfill.

According to clause 6.9 of SP, soil quality is controlled by chemical (content of heavy metals, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, organic carbon, pH, cyanides, lead, mercury, arsenic), microbiological (total bacterial count, coli-titer, proteus titer, helminth eggs) and radiological parameters. The number of chemical and microbiological indicators can be expanded only at the request of the territorial center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision(hereinafter - TsGSEN).

On the basis of paragraph 1.38 of the Instruction, the quality of soil and plants is controlled for the content of exogenous chemicals (ECS), which should not exceed the MPC in the soil and, accordingly, not exceed the residual amounts of harmful ECS in the vegetable marketable mass above the permissible limits. The volume of ECM to be determined and the frequency of control are determined in the landfill monitoring project (i.e., in the production control program) and are agreed with specially authorized environmental protection authorities.


The monitoring program also includes analyzes of surface and ground waters.

In accordance with paragraph 6.7 of SP, in agreement with the territorial TsGSEN and other regulatory authorities (according to paragraph 1.32 of the Instructions - in agreement with the hydrogeological service, local sanitary and epidemiological supervision and nature protection authorities), the state of ground water- depending on the depth of their occurrence, control pits, wells or wells are designed in the green zone of the landfill and outside the sanitary protection zone of the landfill. The control facility is laid upstream of the landfill along the groundwater flow in order to take samples of water, which is not affected by the leachate from the landfill.

Based on paragraph 1.32 of the Instructions, water samples from control pits, wells and wells laid upstream of the landfill along the groundwater flow characterize their initial state. Below the landfill along the groundwater flow (at a distance of 50-100 m, if there is no danger of groundwater pollution from other sources), 1-2 wells (pits, wells) are laid for water sampling in order to identify the impact of landfill effluents on it. Wells with a depth of 2-6 m are made of reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 700-900 mm up to a mark of 0.2 m below the groundwater level. The filtering bottom consists of a layer of crushed stone 200 mm thick. They descend into the well by a fixed ladder. With a deeper occurrence of groundwater, their control is carried out using wells. The design of the facilities should ensure the protection of groundwater from ingress of accidental pollution, the possibility of drainage and pumping, as well as the convenience of taking water samples. The volume of indicators to be determined and the frequency of sampling are substantiated in the monitoring program for landfills.

According to clause 6.7 of SP and clause 1.34 of the Instructions, sampling sites are designed above the landfill on surface water sources and below the landfill on drainage ditches surface water.

The content of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, calcium, chlorides, iron, sulfates, lithium, COD, BOD, organic carbon, pH, magnesium, cadmium, chromium, cyanides, lead, mercury, arsenic, copper, barium, dry residue. Samples are also examined for helminthological and bacteriological indicators. If in the samples taken downstream a significant increase in the concentrations of analytes compared to the control is established, it is necessary, in agreement with the regulatory authorities, to expand the scope of the determined indicators, and in cases where the content of the analytes exceeds the MPC, measures should be taken to limit the intake of pollutants into groundwater up to MPC level.

"Handbook of Ecologist" No. 2, 2015.

A mixture of different types of waste is garbage, but if they are collected separately, we will get resources that can be used. To date, in a large city, on average, 250,300 kg of municipal solid waste is accounted for per person per year, and the annual increase is about 5, which leads to the rapid growth of landfills, both permitted registered and wild unregistered. The composition and volume of household waste are extremely diverse and depend not only on the country and locality, but also on the season and many...

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Waste monitoring

Wastes are materials and objects that their owner disposes of at his own will (or at the request of the law), which makes it necessary to organize their collection, sorting, cleaning, transportation and processing, storage and further processing or any other use, as well as liquidation .

A mixture of different types of waste is trash , but if we collect them separately, we get resources that can be used/.

Waste is divided into several types:

Household waste /MSW/ - garbage that accumulates in apartments, houses, large stores, consumer services, etc.

Industrial waste - waste accumulated in industrial enterprises.

To date, in a large city, per person per year, on average, there are 250-300 kg of municipal solid waste (MSW), and the annual increase is about 5%, which leads to the rapid growth of landfills, both permitted (registered) and "wild" (unregistered).

In the house, each of us regularly has a huge amount of unnecessary items - old newspapers, tin cans, used packaging, exhausted batteries, used refrigerators, TVs. All this completely unsafe garbage is household waste, which eventually ends up in a landfill.

The composition and volume of household waste is extremely diverse and depends not only on the country and locality, but also on the season and many other factors.

Paper and cardboard - packaging and wrapping materials, make up the most significant part of the waste (up to 40% in developed countries).

The second largest category of waste is food waste (20-38%). It would seem that what is easier is to find a useful use for food waste. Such attempts have been made in our country. Food waste was collected in boxes labeled “food waste”, the contents of which were intended to be fed to pigs. But this idea failed. The fault was the low culture and ecological irresponsibility of the population. Food waste was thrown into boxes without being separated from all other waste. As a result, anything got into such “food waste”, and at first the pigs, and only then the heads of pig farms refused to accept the “generous” gift of the city.

Many household wastes - wood, textiles, grass, leaves - are recycled by microorganisms. However, man in the course of his development has created many synthetic chemicals that are not found in nature and, therefore, are not capable of undergoing natural decomposition. Plastic currently accounts for up to 8% by weight and 30% by volume of packaging materials; The absolute amount of plastic waste in developed countries is doubling every ten years. In addition to plastic, more than 10,000 new chemicals are synthesized every year in the world, and most of them, after they are no longer needed, can have an adverse effect on nature for many years. Unfortunately, manufacturers, having created new products, are not responsible for what will happen to them after they have served their time.

There are annual norms for the accumulation of household waste per person, per bed in a hotel, per square meter of retail space in a store, etc. materials, climate zone and, of course, the mentality and welfare of the population. In the industrial cities of the central part of Russia, the norm of waste per capita is now estimated at 225-250 kilograms per year. For comparison: in developed European countries, such as Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, this figure already in 1995-1996 reached 340-440 kilograms, and in the USA it exceeded 720 kilograms by one person per year.

The permanent components of household waste, which usually end up in yard containers, are paper, cardboard, food leftovers, textiles, wood, foliage, ferrous and non-ferrous metal, bones, glass, leather, rubber, stones, ceramics, and polymeric materials. Often, bulky waste is also thrown there: construction waste, furniture that has served its age, household appliances and others. Many wastes are toxic. Only one "finger" battery infects 20 cubic meters of garbage with heavy metal salts and chemicals, and with broken thermometers and mercury-containing devices, a large amount of mercury ends up in landfills every year, in France this figure is calculated - 5 tons.

The problem of protecting the environment from garbage can be solved in two ways - destruction and recycling; the latter implies its transformation into a useful product.

The main methods of MSW destruction are burial and incineration.

Ways of disposal of MSW - reuse, recycling, composting.

Garbage disposal. PThe consequences of garbage disposal do not become less destructive and sooner or later, in a year or ten years, inevitably manifest themselves in the form of pollution of the soil, groundwater or air. Dumping waste or dumping it into the sea is a simple shifting of our problems onto the shoulders of our descendants.

Landfills lead to significant environmental degradation: air, soil and groundwater pollution with methane, sulfur dioxide, solvents, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-1,4-dioxane (dioxin), insecticides, heavy metals in the form of their salts and other harmful substances. Landfills cause soil subsidence, unproductive use of land instead of useful allocation for landscape gardening, housing construction or public buildings, etc. Landfills contribute to the emergence of epidemiological danger associated with the appearance of rodents and the transfer of various diseases by them. As landfills get bigger, they move in and gradually take over "green" areas and suburban recreational areas. This, in turn, requires an increase in the cost of transporting waste and contributes to further pollution of territories by vehicle exhaust gases.

The disposal of MSW is associated with the allocation of large land plots for landfills and their rejection from useful use. In addition, the most valuable secondary raw materials (waste paper, plastics, glass, metals, etc.) are taken to landfills, which can and should be involved in useful production cycles.

Landfill as a means of getting rid of garbage

In general, despite its long history, humanity has not yet found an acceptable way to get rid of solid waste. From 73% to 97% of municipal solid waste in different countries are collected by municipal services or in some cases by private companies and taken out of the city to landfills or, as they are also called, landfills for landfills.

A landfill is not only a place for storing waste, but also a source of fires, unpleasant odors, an area where hordes of rats, crows, and insects that spread infection are swarming. City leaders responsible for waste collection do not always understand the potential environmental hazards lurking in an open garbage dump, how the water cycle works, what substances can appear in the process of waste decomposition and what consequences this can lead to public health. It is customary to either bury waste in the official landfill, or simply dump it out, and only then cover it with earth. Garbage is covered with a layer of soil several tens of centimeters thick; thus there is no pollution of air and reproduction of undesirable animals. /After the landfill is filled to overflowing, trees are planted at this place or a playground is arranged./ It would seem, what more could you want? The dump has ceased to be a dump and you can forget about all the unpleasant aesthetic sensations associated with it. However, not all so simple. The most serious problem that can arise in this case is groundwater pollution. Rainwater, seeping through municipal solid waste buried in a landfill, dissolves the toxic substances present in the garbage. These can be salts of iron, lead, zinc and other metals from rusting cans, discharged batteries, accumulators, various household electrical appliances. It will not do without pesticides, detergents, solvents, dyes and other toxic chemicals. Periodically, "deposits" of mercury are found in landfills. Waste fluorescent lamps containing mercury pose a huge danger. For a year they accumulate in the world 10 million pieces.

The danger of water pollution is especially likely if the dump site is chosen in a swampy area, as a result of which all this “bunch” of pollutants can quickly get into groundwater, and from there into the wells of local residents.

Garbage simply covered with earth has no access to oxygen; in this case, decay occurs with the release of gas, 2/3 consisting of flammable methane. Being formed in the thickness of buried waste, it can spread in the cavities of the earth, penetrate into the basements of buildings, accumulate there and explode when ignited, leading to the destruction of houses and to human casualties. If methane spreads to the surface of the earth, it poisons the roots of plants, insects, and microflora. If there is no vegetation, then erosion can begin - washing away the soil cover with rainwater and exposing waste. Finally, as the waste decomposes, cavities form and subsidence can occur. Water will accumulate in the resulting pits, and the entire former landfill may turn into a swamp. The problem of domestic waste disposal, known as the "landfill crisis", is particularly acute in developed countries with their high population density. Entire “islands” of mountains of household waste are piled in Japanese harbors. Many Western countries are engaged in the export of both radioactive or acutely toxic waste and household waste to developing countries.

Landfill problems

Until recently, the most common method of dealing with household waste in cities - taking them to landfills - does not solve the problem, but exacerbates it. Landfills are not only an epidemiological hazard, they inevitably become a powerful source of biological pollution. This happens due to the fact that anaerobic (without air access) decomposition of organic waste is accompanied by the formation of explosive biogas, which can pose a threat to humans, adversely affects vegetation, and poisons water and air. Moreover, the main component of biogas - methane - is recognized as one of the culprits of the greenhouse effect, the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and other global disasters. In total, more than a hundred toxic substances enter the environment from waste. Landfills often burn, releasing toxic smoke into the atmosphere.

Huge territories have been alienated for decades as landfills for garbage, they, of course, could be used with greater benefit. And, finally, in order to equip the landfill and keep it up to modern environmental requirements, large funds are needed. The reclamation of closed (no longer active) landfills is very expensive. This is a whole range of measures, the purpose of which is to stop the harmful effects of landfills on the environment, including soil and groundwater. The reclamation of just one hectare of landfill today costs 6 million rubles. Transportation costs for transporting waste are also high, since landfills are usually located far from the city.

Is it dangerous to live near a landfill?

Dioxins and furans

The combustion of polymeric materials containing chlorine is inevitably accompanied by the appearance of chlorine-containing toxic components - dioxins and furans - in flue gases. This is the name of a large group of substances whose molecules are based on two six-membered carbon rings. In organic chemistry, 210 such compounds are known. If they do not contain chlorine atoms, then these substances are no more toxic than, for example, gasoline, however, when hydrogen atoms are replaced by chlorine atoms in the rings, dioxins and furans are formed that are dangerous for nature and humans - in total about 20 compounds of varying degrees of toxicity. They have attracted the attention of environmentalists and specialists over the past two decades, especially after the explosion at a chemical plant in the city of Seveso in Italy. Then a cloud containing dioxin in high concentrations spread over an area of ​​16 square kilometers and caused mass poisoning of people and domestic animals.

Sources of dioxins and furans are not only emergency situations at chemical industry enterprises. These toxic substances are formed under normal conditions during the combustion of wood, waste, diesel fuel, copper smelting, pulp production, cement kilns and other (especially chemical) industries. All of these are controlled releases of dioxins, but there are also more powerful uncontrolled sources, mainly burning landfills, bonfires in which garbage and plant waste are burned, including in garden plots. Their combustion temperature is relatively low - up to 600o C. In this mode, dioxins and furans are formed ten times more than in waste incinerators, where a high-temperature process is used (over 1000o C). If the factory technology is strictly observed, the concentration of chlorine-containing toxic components in flue gases drops to the lowest standard values ​​adopted in European countries, and now in Moscow. In other words, unlike disposal in landfills, when incinerating waste at a plant, it is possible not only to control their quantity and environmental impact, but also, which is very important, to manage this process.

Researchers from Yale University and the New York State Department of Health answered this question quite unambiguously - pregnant women who live near toxic waste dumps have an increased risk of giving birth to a child with serious birth defects. Scientists, examining the health of 27,115 babies, came to the conclusion that women living within a one-mile zone from a landfill have a 12% greater likelihood of having a sick child.

Further analysis showed that living near landfills increases the likelihood of developing disorders of the nervous system by 29%, the musculoskeletal system by 16%, and the skin by 32%. The presence of pesticides in landfills correlates with the formation of cleft palate in newborns and congenital defects of the muscular system, metals and solvents - with congenital anomalies of the nervous system, plastics - with chromosomal disorders. A similar study was carried out in the UK. A health study of more than 1,000 newborns found that if their mothers lived within a 3 km radius of a toxic dump, their children were 33% more likely to develop spina bifida, heart failure, and other malformations.

A medical study of adults living near an acid dump showed that they have an increased incidence of diseases - ear infections, bronchitis, asthma, sore throats, skin rashes. They suffer from constant coughing, nausea, unsteady gait, and frequent urination.

garbage burning

Both solid and liquid waste can be incinerated. This method is not rational and economical, since toxic oxidation products are released during combustion. When waste is burned, there is a rapid deterioration of installations (incinerators), the release of harmful combustion products into the atmosphere and its re-contamination, the ingress of toxic salts of heavy metals into the soil and the aquatic environment, and hence into the human body.

Unfortunately, there is still an opinion in the world that the most effective method of getting rid of household waste is its incineration. Burning garbage dumps, and sometimes even a fire in garbage containers in the courtyard of a house, is a very common occurrence in big cities. Incineration of household waste makes it possible to reduce the amount of garbage by 60-70%, but due to its heterogeneity, garbage does not burn well, smokes; while emitting very unpleasant odors. But this is not the worst. Open burning of garbage without proper control can become a source of air pollution. During the combustion of many materials, highly toxic substances are formed. So, if earlier the cause of the greatest number of poisonings during fires was carbon monoxide, mainly formed during the combustion of wooden objects, then recently the number of fatal poisonings by gaseous products of combustion of synthetic materials has sharply increased.

Garbage disposal.Ironically, humanity, before it has time to exhaust non-renewable natural resources (after which, as some scientists believe, our civilization will die), risks suffocating on its waste. But this problem can be solved.And it's much easier to control what ends up in a landfill than it is to control what gets out of a landfill into the environment.Garbage can be thought of as a mixture of various valuable substances and components. Most of the municipal solid waste can either be reused (reuse), or used to obtain new substances (recycling), or returned back to nature (composting). And maybe humanity should not puzzle over how to drown, burn, bury such wealth in the ground.


Recycling products, such as glass containers for soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, can be a powerful source of solid waste reduction. Until the 50s. in developed countries, as in our country until recently, empty glass bottles could be handed over at special collection points, receiving a security deposit. The bottles were taken to factories, washed, filled with goods and sold again to the consumer. Thus, the chain was closed, and there was practically no waste. One of the challenges of container recycling is the huge variety of types of reusable glassware. The greater this diversity, the more difficult it is to organize a recycling program.

Recycling.The recycling of solid waste components that have economic value is also sometimes referred to as recycling.

The extraction of ferrous and non-ferrous metals requires advanced technologies, significant costs for the operation of mines, processing plants and metallurgical plants. But a landfill is also a deposit of metals that can be sorted, melted down and reused. Obtaining aluminum from scrap allows you to save up to 90% of the electricity required for its smelting from ores. This is true not only for metals, but also for paper, glass, plastic, rubber and other waste, the collection and recycling of which can reduce solid waste by 20-30%. Unfortunately, in our country, which is still rich in natural resources, in order to make new paper, it turns out to be “profitable” to fell hundreds of thousands of trees than to mess with waste paper. Ferrous scrap is also not in demand. A ton of such scrap metal is cheap. Not recoup the cost of gasoline. Cheaper to bury in a landfill. But non-ferrous metals are handed over, however, only in order to be sent for remelting abroad. Plastics, aluminum cans from beer and other soft drinks, which are recycled in developed countries, go straight to the landfill.

Ideally, paper and paperboard are ground into paper pulp (pulp) from which various paper products are made; waste paper can also be ground and sold as insulating material. Glass is crushed, melted and made into new glass containers, or crushed and used instead of sand and gravel in the production of concrete and asphalt. The plastic is melted down and made into “synthetic wood” that is resistant to biodegradation, which is used as a material for various fences, decks, poles, railings and other outdoor structures. From crushed rubber, with the addition of a special polymer, it is possible to obtain a material that can compete with both the original rubber and plastics. Textiles are shredded and used to give strength to paper products. However, the scale of recycling is clearly not yet sufficient.

In the US, only 13% of household waste is now recycled.


Another method of disposal of solid waste is composting, that is, the creation of favorable conditions under which municipal solid waste can be decomposed by soil microorganisms into simple chemical elements. Composting can get rid of most organic materials such as leaves, wood, food, garden and agricultural waste. In contrast to the process of decay, which occurs anaerobically with the formation of biogas, oxygen is required for effective composting. The result is compost or humus that resembles soil in texture and smell and can be sold for use as fertilizer or mulch.

Composting is a fairly rational way to dispose of waste, with almost no negative impact on the environment. However, what works well for a garden plot is completely unsuitable for unseparated urban garbage - it is too polluted with heavy metals and other toxic substances.

New approaches to the problem of waste disposal.Humanity is unlikely to do without landfills in the foreseeable future. Therefore, ideally, one should strive for complex utilization. At such a modern enterprise, waste sorting occurs at the first stage. There is also a point of sale for all items and materials that can either be reused or recycled. The organic part of the garbage is composted and, again, the compost is sold to gardeners and summer residents. All other garbage is subjected to high temperature incineration in a thermal converter. However, instead of conventional combustion at high temperature with excess oxygen, pyrolysis is used - thermal decomposition of solids without oxygen at temperatures from 400 to 700 °C. At this stage, it is possible to obtain soot, a valuable product for the rubber industry. With more complete pyrolysis, almost all of the carbon in the garbage can be converted into gas. The gas, in turn, is burned to generate energy. A thermal converter is, of course, a more convenient and safer way to dispose of waste than a conventional incinerator, but not if unseparated waste is incinerated. Slags left after burning are buried at a landfill, which is equipped according to all environmental safety requirements, including monitoring wells for monitoring the quality of groundwater, collectors for collecting leachate and a special point for its purification. Of course, such modern enterprises cannot fundamentally solve the problem of municipal solid waste, but they can significantly reduce the volume of garbage, extend the life of existing landfills and reduce the negative impact on nature. But still, humanity has a real opportunity, if not to completely get rid of landfills, then to significantly reduce their number and reduce the likelihood of an environmental catastrophe. And there is already such a trend in the world. If in 1975 there were 1355 landfills in Germany, by 1980 their number had decreased to 531.

In order to effectively use all the garbage, this mixture must first be divided into its constituent parts - to separate hazardous toxic waste from non-hazardous, organic from inorganic, metals from non-metals, etc. From a technological point of view, it is not difficult to melt scrap metal, to make new paper from waste paper , from organic waste not contaminated with toxic waste, to obtain high-quality agricultural fertilizer. But how do you sort the trash? There are objective difficulties here. Household waste is not only increasing in volume, but their composition is also becoming more complex, including an increasing number of environmentally hazardous components. We are used to indiscriminately throwing all the garbage into one container, and in our country only homeless people are professionally engaged in garbage separation. Special facilities have been developed for waste sorting. In general, although mechanized waste sorting technology is cost-effective and the turnover of some landfills in the West reaches several hundred thousand dollars a day, the equipment and operation of such plants are quite expensive. A cheaper way would be for consumers to sort their own garbage. Technically, for example, in the United States, this is done as follows: “code-colored” containers are installed on the side of the road, each of which is designed for waste of a certain type - plastic, glass, paper, etc. An ordinary garbage truck tows carts with multi-colored garbage cans, and workers load garbage into them according to the color. Unsorted waste is thrown into a garbage truck.

In the world there are special collection points and programs for the collection of toxic household waste. For example, in the United States organized a collection of used rechargeable batteries. One rechargeable battery can replace a hundred ordinary ones, therefore, the use of such a battery leads to a reduction in waste. More and more people are attracted by the convenience of reusable batteries. They are used in cell phones, camcorders, laptop computers. However, over 80% of rechargeable batteries contain nickel (Ni) and cadmium (Cd). They are called “Ni-Kads” (Ni-Cds). Cadmium batteries pose no real risk to human health during their use. But it’s a completely different matter if such a battery ends up in a landfill. From there, cadmium can enter groundwater and surface water or, if the batteries are burned in an incinerator, into the atmosphere. To prevent adverse effects, battery manufacturers have established a special corporation dedicated to recycling them. The corporation collects failed batteries and sends them to a company that extracts useful components from waste. Every American can participate in this program by sending used batteries to a household toxic waste recycling center or by returning them to the store where they were purchased. However, “voluntary” waste sorting is ineffective. There is no economic incentive for residents to sort out their garbage, to which we can add weak environmental awareness and low public consciousness.

The population will be much more willing to sort their waste, selecting items that can be reused or recycled if they do not have to pay for them. True, this creates an economic incentive to illegally dispose of waste - burn it in the backyard, dump it under neighbors' windows, etc. Therefore, it is very important that the introduction of a fee for the volume of garbage is accompanied by active environmental education and careful monitoring.

Extended Producer Responsibility

A new ideology in waste disposal was born in the form of the so-called “extended producer responsibility”. In 1991, due to a catastrophic lack of landfill space, Germany passed a law requiring the manufacturer to be responsible for the packaging of the product after it becomes unnecessary for the consumer. Thus was born the concept of extended producer responsibility for a product from the moment it is produced until it turns into garbage.

This concept can be thought of as something like “take back a product after it has been used”, although the manufacturer is rarely required to directly collect discarded items. This law increased the percentage of reuse of many materials (such as glass, plastic, steel and paper) from 64% to 72%. Over several years of the program in Germany, the use of raw materials for the manufacture of packaging has decreased by 4 percent annually and continues to decrease. The benefits gained are not limited to reducing the number of landfills. When industrial companies have to worry about what happens to the product after it turns into garbage, they inevitably think about how to reduce costs. This also leads to a reduction in the amount of raw materials consumed for the packaging of the material.

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A method for studying the processes of hypergenesis of mineral wastes by treating them with drop-liquid substrates in a controlled gas environment, chemical composition, temperature, ultraviolet, followed by a comprehensive analysis of the contacting phases, which will subsequently allow developing geochemical protective barriers for long-term storage of waste. The creation of protective barriers on the surface of the stored mineral waste will make it possible to exclude contamination of the hydrosphere by the products of the destruction of the mineral phases included in the waste, to preserve their valuable...
13433. Technologies and methods of processing solid household waste 1.01MB
Waste disposal involves a certain technological process, including collection, transportation, processing, warehousing and ensuring their safe storage. The main sources of waste are: residential regions and household enterprises supplying household waste to the environment waste waste waste from canteen hotels shops and other service enterprises industrial enterprises that are suppliers of gaseous liquid and solid waste in which there are certain substances that affect pollution and composition.. .
21773. Environmental monitoring of lands 19.58KB
Its main tasks include: collection, inventory and visualization of information on the current state and functioning of the most representative variants of soils and lands; element-by-element and comprehensive assessment of the functional-ecological state of soils and other elements of the landscape; analysis and modeling of the main modes and processes of land functioning; identification of problem situations in the landscape; providing information to all zones. Indicator monitoring criteria: botanical - sensitivity of plants to the environment and ...
8315. 88.36KB
Most of the waste is not recycled by industry or ecological systems, therefore, the main promising direction for optimizing the interaction between society and nature in solving environmental problems is the transformation of a linear exchange process into an endless natural production cycle. The technology that allows to obtain a minimum of solid liquid and gaseous wastes is called low-waste and at the present stage of development of scientific and technological progress, it is the most realistic. In a set of measures to reduce to a minimum ...
12074. Concentrate of microorganisms - destructors for composting woodworking waste 18.35KB
The bases of technologies for obtaining a series of biologically active products for intensive farming based on solid waste from pulp and paper mills of the Pulp and Paper Mill - activated sludge in combination with bark and sawdust and combined sludge of biological treatment facilities mixed with sludge from the primary clarifiers of the osprey have been created. A modification of the FermKM preparation produced by STC BIO LLC for bacterial processing of these wastes has been developed, containing a complex of bacilli of lactic acid microorganisms, cellulolytic bacteria and fungi. Known ways...

The Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” states that waste accumulation is the temporary storage of waste (for a period not exceeding six months) in places (on sites) equipped in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, for the purpose of their further use, neutralization, placement, transportation.

What are the main requirements for places of temporary accumulation of waste at the enterprise?

SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste" states:

“Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The purpose of these rules is to reduce the adverse impact of production and consumption waste by preventing their dispersion or loss during intermediate storage.

The temporary accumulation of each type of production and consumption waste depends on their origin, state of aggregation, physical and chemical properties, quantitative ratio of components and the degree of danger to public health and the human environment.

Depending on the technological and physico-chemical characteristics of the waste, it is allowed to store them temporarily:

  • in production or auxiliary premises;
  • in non-standard storage facilities (under inflatable, openwork and hinged structures);
  • in reservoirs, reservoirs, tanks and other ground and underground specially equipped containers;
  • in wagons, tanks, trolleys, on platforms and other mobile vehicles;
  • on open areas adapted for waste storage.

Accumulation and temporary storage of industrial waste in the production area is carried out according to the workshop principle or centrally.

The conditions for collection and accumulation are determined by the hazard class of the waste, the method of packaging, taking into account the state of aggregation and the reliability of the container.

Specific requirements for places of temporary accumulation of waste can be found in regional documents. For example, consider the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 12.12.2006 No. 981-PP “On Approval of Uniform Environmental Requirements for Arrangement of Temporary Storage of Production and Consumption Wastes by Organizations-User of Natural Resources of the City of Moscow on Occupied Land Plots”, which specifies all the requirements of SanPiN .

According to the specified resolution, for the storage of waste of 1-3 hazard classes, depending on their properties, it is necessary to use closed or sealed containers:

  • metal or plastic containers, chests, boxes, etc.;
  • metal or plastic barrels, cisterns, tanks, cylinders, glass containers, etc.;
  • rubberized or plastic bags, paper, cardboard, fabric bags, coolies, etc.

Production and consumption wastes of the 4th and 5th hazard classes can be stored in open containers. Storage in open containers of waste containing volatile hazardous substances is not allowed.

Temporary storage of solid waste of the 4th and 5th hazard classes, depending on their properties, is allowed without containers - in bulk, in bulk, in the form of ridges, dumps, in bales, rolls, briquettes, bales, in piles and separately on pallets or stands .

Containers and packaging must be durable, serviceable, completely prevent leakage or spillage of waste, ensure their safety during storage. The packaging must be made of a material that is resistant to the impact of this type of waste and its individual components, precipitation, temperature extremes and direct sunlight.

Containers used for storage of production and consumption waste are made of materials that ensure their high-quality cleaning and disinfection. Containers used to store liquid waste should be placed on pallets to ensure that all spilled liquid is collected and stored. Glass containers used for storing liquid waste should be placed in wooden, plastic boxes or have a crate. The walls of boxes and crates should be 5 cm higher than corked bottles and cans.

Placed production and consumption wastes should be stored in such a way as to exclude the possibility of their falling, overturning, spilling, to ensure the availability and safety of their loading for shipment to specialized enterprises for neutralization, processing or disposal.

For temporary storage of production and consumption waste, specially equipped open and (or) closed areas may be used. Temporary storage within a closed area is carried out in the event of:

  • belonging of waste to 1-3 hazard classes depending on their properties;
  • the need to create special storage conditions, as well as reliable isolation of waste from access by unauthorized persons;
  • the need to create special conditions for the storage of waste to preserve their valuable qualities as secondary raw materials;
  • collection and accumulation of waste in the immediate places of their formation (in workshops, industrial premises).

For the organization of closed sites for temporary accumulation of waste, stationary storage buildings specially designed for this purpose, separate rooms or allocated areas inside storage and (or) production, auxiliary buildings, as well as non-stationary storage buildings and structures, can be used.

To check the correct arrangement of open areas for temporary storage of waste, we will reopen San Pi N "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste", which says:

“When temporarily storing waste in non-stationary warehouses, in open areas without containers (in bulk, in bulk) or in leaky containers, the following conditions must be observed:

  • temporary warehouses and open areas should be located on the leeward side in relation to residential development;
  • the surface of waste stored in bulk or open storage bins must be protected from the effects of precipitation and winds (covering with a tarpaulin, equipment with a canopy, etc.);
  • the surface of the site must have an artificial waterproof and chemically resistant coating (asphalt, expanded clay concrete, polymer concrete, ceramic tiles, etc.);
  • along the perimeter of the site, an embankment and a separate network of storm drains with autonomous treatment facilities should be provided in accordance with the technical specifications;
  • Polluted stormwater runoff from this site into the citywide storm sewer system or discharge into nearby water bodies without treatment is not allowed.”

Temporary storage of production and consumption waste should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPV 01-03), approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated June 18, 2003 No. 313. properties, must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

What amount of waste can be disposed of with their temporary accumulation?

The aforementioned Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 12.12.2006 No. 981-PP states that “the maximum amount of temporary accumulation of production and consumption waste that can be placed on the territory of users of natural resources is determined on the basis of the balance of raw materials and materials in accordance with the need to form a transport batch of waste for their export, taking into account the component composition of waste, their physical and chemical properties, state of aggregation, toxicity and volatility of harmful components contained and minimizing their impact on the environment. Temporary storage of production and consumption wastes should be carried out in conditions that preclude exceeding the standards of permissible environmental impact, in terms of pollution of surface and ground waters, atmospheric air, soils of adjacent territories, should not lead to violation of hygienic standards and deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the given area. territory."

In addition, various recommendations for the storage of specific types of waste can be considered. For example, you can open "Practical advice and recommendations for the development, approval and extension of permits", which were published in Moscow in 1998.

Thus, fluorescent lamps (hazard class 1) must be temporarily stored in a covered room, inaccessible to outsiders, preferably with a flat tile or metal floor, in special containers, preferably metal.

Not allowed:

storage of lamps in the open air; storage of lamps without containers; storage of lamps in soft cardboard boxes piled on top of each other;

storage on a pound surface; transfer of lamps to any third-party organizations, except for those specialized in the processing of this type of waste.

Undamaged spent lead batteries with unblemished electrolyte (hazard class 2) should be stored indoors, inaccessible to outsiders, in stacks or on racks.

It is not allowed to store batteries in the open air, on a pound surface, and it is also not allowed to transfer batteries to any third-party organizations other than those specialized in the processing of this type of waste.

Waste oils (hazard class 3) are accumulated directly in workshops and must be stored in metal or plastic barrels, canisters mounted on metal pallets. Separate storage of various types of oils (industrial, motor, transmission, etc.) is necessarily implied within the framework of the requirements of processing enterprises. The final storage of waste prior to its delivery to a specialized enterprise should be carried out in special tanks installed on a site with a waterproof coating, having sides, preferably fenced, provided with convenient access roads. A reliable waterproof roof is mandatory.

It is not allowed to overfill the oil storage tanks and spill it on the terrain, water ingress into the oil storage tanks.

Scrap metal (5th hazard class) should be stored on a site with a hard surface, preferably fenced, with sides, provided with convenient access roads.

Metal shavings should be stored in special metal containers installed on a site with a hard surface, preferably fenced, with sides, provided with convenient access roads. If the chips are contaminated with oil products, emulsion, etc., the containers must be provided with lids.

Garbage from household premises of organizations, unsorted (4th or 5th hazard class) should be stored in special metal containers installed on a hard-surfaced area with sides, preferably fenced on three sides with a solid fence, provided with convenient access roads. It is not allowed to overfill the containers (their timely removal must be ensured) and the entry into garbage containers of waste not allowed for acceptance to solid waste landfills, especially waste of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes.

Waste tires and tubes (hazard class 4) as waste pose a danger, primarily as an element of littering the territory, therefore, the requirements for their storage are reduced to preventing them from entering the environment. It is desirable to store them in a fenced covered area with a hard surface, in stacks or on racks.

Oily rags (3rd or 4th hazard class) accumulate in metal boxes with a lid at a distance from other combustible materials and sources of possible ignition (storage in the workshop should not exceed the weekly rate of formation). Every week, rags must be removed from the premises to the storage place (a metal box located at a distance from the buildings in terms of fire safety) and taken out for disposal in accordance with the established limit to a specialized organization.

Not allowed:

  • receipt of oily rags in containers for other waste;
  • the entry of foreign objects into containers for collecting oily rags. Certain requirements apply to the transportation of waste. The company has the right to transport its own waste, but for specific types of waste, special transport will be required. A license for waste transportation from 03.11.2011 (with the entry into force of Federal Law No. 99-FZ of 04.05.2011) is not required. The design and operating conditions of the transport must exclude the loss and pollution of the environment along the route and during waste handling. The frequency of removal of accumulated waste from the territory of the enterprise depends on the formation of the transport party.


Department of Rosprirodnadzor Director General

for the Central Federal JSC "__________"


_____________________ __________ ________________ ___________

"______" ______________ 201__ "______" ______________ 201__

The procedure for the implementation of production control in the field of waste management

_________ Moscow, _____________________

JSC "_____________________"

TIN/KPP ____________/___________

  1. General provisions.
  2. Goals and objectives of production control in the field of waste management
  3. General information about the enterprise.
  4. Data on the organizational structure of the legal entity.
  5. Data on officials responsible for environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety in an economic entity, for the admission of employees to work with waste.
  6. Objects of production control in the field of waste management:
  • Characteristics of production processes;
  • Temporary storage of production and consumption waste.
  • Waste disposal systems
  • Characteristics of waste storage facilities, justification of the maximum accumulation of waste. Table No. 9.1
  1. The composition of production control in the field of waste management:
  • Monitoring compliance with legal requirements for activities in the field of waste management (inspection control) and schedules for its implementation.
  • Monitoring compliance with impact limits (ecoanalytical monitoring) and schedules for its implementation.
  • Monitoring the functioning and devices for environmental purposes and schedules for its implementation.
  • Control over compliance with the requirements for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations arising from waste management:
  1. Measures to eliminate emergency situations in the field of waste management.
  • In case of fire;
  • at the destruction of fluorescent lamps;
  • in the event of an oil spill.
  1. Involvement of third-party accredited organizations in the implementation of production control in the field of waste management.
  2. Responsibility for the proper organization of production control in the field of waste management and non-compliance with requirements in the field of environmental protection.
  3. Requirements for the maintenance and storage of production control documentation.
  4. Measures of production control carried out in JSC "__________" in the field of waste management for the period 201__-201__".
  5. Applications:
  • Agreement LLC "__________"
  • license LLC "_________"
  • Agreement LLC "_________"
  • License LLC "________"
  • IP agreement ___________
  • IP license __________
  • Agreement LLC "_______________"
  • License LLC "_______________"
  • Agreement LLC "_____________"
  • Certificate LLC "_____________"
  • FKKO passports
  • Document on approval of waste generation standards and limit on their disposal
  • Waste test protocols
  • Laboratory accreditation certificate
  • OGRN certificate
  • Certificate of registration
  • Statistics codes
  • Order on the appointment of responsible persons
  • Qualification certificate
  • 2-TP waste (for 201__)

1. General Provisions of the CPP

This procedure for the implementation of production control in the field of waste management (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) has been developed in execution of:

  1. Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection"
  2. Federal Law No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998 "On Production and Consumption Waste".
  3. Letter of Rosprirodnadzor No. VK-03-03-36/9781 dated July 25, 2012
  4. Administrative regulations of the Federal Supervision Service
    in the field of nature management for the performance of the state function of coordinating the procedure for production control in the field of waste management, determined by legal entities operating in the field of waste management, for facilities subject to federal state environmental control.
  5. "Federal Classification Catalog of Waste", Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation Order No. 786 dated 02.12.2002, as amended. Order No. 663 dated July 30, 2003
  6. Sanitary rules "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of industrial waste."
  • Goals and objectives of production control in the field of waste management.

The objectives of the production control procedure (hereinafter referred to as the PPC) in the field of waste management are to ensure:

  • compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of waste management;
  • implementation of corporate programs in the field of environmental protection;
  • observance in the process of production and other activities of technological standards for the generation of waste;
  • observance in the process of economic activity of the principles of rational use and restoration of natural resources;
  • implementation of action plans for environmental protection;
  • compliance with environmental requirements in the field of production and consumption waste management, established by permits;
  • timely and prompt elimination of the causes of possible emergencies associated with negative above-standard (over-limit) impact on the environment;
  • obtaining data on current environmental impacts to fill in the forms of primary reporting documentation;
  • Promptly informing management and personnel about cases of violation of environmental requirements, as well as about the causes of established violations;
  • compliance with the requirements for the completeness and reliability of information in the field of environmental protection used in the calculation of fees for the negative impact on the environment, submitted to the executive authority exercising state environmental control, and statistical monitoring bodies;
  • obtaining primary information for planning work on the adjustment and modernization of technological equipment.

The main tasks of production control in the field of waste management are:

  • verification of compliance with the requirements, conditions, restrictions established by laws, other regulatory legal acts in the field of the environment, permits in the field of environmental protection and the use of natural resources;
  • control over compliance with the standards and limits of environmental impacts established by the relevant permits, contracts, licenses, etc.;
  • confirmation of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety based on their own evidence;
  • prevention of harm caused to the environment as a result of the enterprise's activities;
  • control over the implementation of instructions of officials exercising state environmental control;
  • verification of the implementation of action plans to reduce the amount of waste and the involvement of waste in economic circulation as additional sources of raw materials;
  • prompt and timely submission of the necessary information provided for by the environmental management system at the enterprise;
  • timely provision of reliable information provided for by the system of state statistical observation of information exchange with state authorities in the field of environmental protection.
  1. General information about the enterprise

CEO ______________

Chief Accountant _____________________

Full name: Open Joint Stock Company _____________.

Company card

Company name
Checking account
Correspondent account
Name of the bank
Legal address
Actual address
Phone fax

Main activity and environmental documentation on waste

The main activity of OJSC "____________" is loading and unloading activities, transportation by inland water transport and comprehensive services for the cargo and passenger fleet of third-party organizations.

For the enterprise, a draft standard for the generation of waste and limits for their disposal (PNOOLR) was developed, Approval Document No. __________ Validity ___________.

The Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District agreed and approved passports and certificates for ____ waste, which have FKKO codes.

Every year, Form No. 2-TP (waste) “Information on the formation, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste” is submitted to the Department of Roprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District.

Legal address:

Actual address:

Organizational structure of the enterprise organizing the PPC:

Production control in the field of waste management is carried out by(s) the responsible official(s) appointed by order of the General Director.

Deputy General Director _______________

environmental engineer ________________

Data on the organizational structure of the legal entity.

The organizational structure of the legal entity "__________" is an open joint-stock company, abbreviated as JSC "_________". It is located in Moscow, _______________ house ___, has a separate subdivision in _______________________________.

Data on officials responsible for environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety in an economic entity, for the admission of employees to work with waste.

The general director of the enterprise is responsible for the organization and technical support of production control in the field of waste management.

Production control in the field of waste management is carried out by the responsible official(s) appointed by the order of the General Director. Responsible persons for environmental protection in JSC "__________" Order No. "On the organization of the environmental management system and the appointment of responsible persons for environmental protection" appointed:

  • for the organization and control of environmental protection - Deputy General Director ____________________,
  • for the implementation and coordination of the activities of all departments in the field of environmental protection and the admission of employees to work with waste - environmental protection engineer (ecologist) ____________.
  • for compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, environmental safety in production within the assigned areas - heads of departments. (see Order).

An environmental engineer has a higher environmental education and has a certificate of advanced training No. _____ under the program “Hazardous Production and Consumption Waste Management” issued on ___________. for 5 years

  1. Objects of production control in the field of waste management.

When exercising production control in the field of waste management, normalized parameters and characteristics are subject to regular monitoring:

  • technological processes and equipment associated with the generation of waste;
  • waste disposal systems;
  • objects of temporary storage (warehousing) of waste
    at industrial sites.

The objects of production control in the field of waste management are listed in Table No. 1.

Characteristics of production processes.

The main activity of JSC "____________" is loading and unloading activities on inland water transport, which is carried out in accordance with licenses:

  • Loading and unloading activities in inland water transport Series VVT-3 No. __________, issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;
  • Transportation by inland water transport of goods Series VVT-1 No. ______________, issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;
  • Transportation of goods by road on the territory of the Russian Federation Registration number No. GSS-__________, issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation,
  • License for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of waste of 1-4 hazard classes Series 077 No. _______ dated __________

In addition, OJSC "_____________" provides comprehensive services for the cargo and passenger fleet of third-party organizations:

  • collection and transportation of municipal solid waste;
  • collection of fecal water;
  • collection and purification of bilge waters;
  • escort of non-self-propelled barges with cargo.

The structure of the enterprise includes the following structural divisions:

Temporary storage of production and consumption waste.

Waste disposal systems.

Table #1

Production control facilities and waste storage and disposal systems

Objects of temporary storage (warehousing) of waste Waste name FKKO waste code Waste hazard class Controlled indicators Waste disposal systems
1 2 3 4 5 6
Temporary storage facility for mercury-containing lamps (metal container in TsRP-1) In a closed metal container. 353 301 00 13 01 1 1 The amount of accumulated waste, the integrity of the lamps, the frequency of removal (For example) Agreement No. ___ dated _______201__ LLC "_____", license No. ____________ dated _________.201__, and No. __________ dated _______.201__
Temporary waste storage facility (on a pallet in a closed area) 921 101 01 13 01 2 2 The amount of accumulated waste, the integrity of the batteries, the frequency of removal
Temporary storage facility for used oils and wastes containing petroleum products (closed tank) 546 002 00 06 03 3 3 The amount of accumulated waste, the tightness of the container, compliance with fire prevention measures, the frequency of delivery.
Used engine oils 541 002 01 02 03 3 3
541 002 05 02 03 3 3
541 002 06 02 03 3 3
549 027 01 01 03 3 3
Temporary storage facility for oily waste (polyethylene bags for industrial waste in metal containers installed at repair sites) 171 302 01 04 03 3 3 The amount of accumulated waste, compliance with fire prevention measures, the frequency of delivery.
Temporary storage facility for oily waste (polyethylene bags for industrial waste in metal containers in the garage) * 3 The amount of accumulated waste, compliance with fire prevention measures, the frequency of delivery.
Sludge treatment plant PLS * 4
Temporary storage facility for oily waste (metal container) 314 801 02 01 03 4 4 The amount of accumulated waste compliance with fire prevention measures, the frequency of delivery
Temporary storage facility for oily waste (metal container in the Volna treatment plant) Spent filter load (granulated coal SKS-3, synthetic KM-1/350, KM-2/M) * 4 The amount of accumulated waste, compliance with fire prevention measures, the frequency of delivery
Temporary storage facility for waste tires (metal container) 575 002 02 13 00 4 4

Metal containers installed on a hard surface site on the territory of the enterprise

* 4

The amount of accumulated waste, the frequency of delivery

313 002 02 01 00 4 4
912 004 00 01 00 4 4
* 4
314 043 04 11 00 4 4
welding slag 314 048 00 01 99 4 4
171 105 02 13 00 5 5
314 043 02 01 99 5 5
351 216 01 01 99 5 5
581 011 08 01 99 5 5
571 029 02 01 99 5 5
187 102 02 01 00 5 5
575 001 01 13 00 5 5
187 103 00 01 00 5 5
314 008 02 01 99 5 5
Object for temporary storage of pads (metal container in the garage) 351 505 00 01 99 5 5 The amount of accumulated waste, the frequency of delivery.
Sawdust temporary storage facility (container in construction department) 171 106 01 01 00 5 5 The amount of accumulated waste, compliance with fire prevention measures, the frequency of delivery to the garage for reuse Own use
Object of temporary storage of scrap (in bunkers in workshops) 314 301 00 01 99 5 5 The amount of accumulated waste, the frequency of delivery.
Temporary storage facility for cables (on pallets on a hard surface near the cable rewinding shops) 315 201 05 01 99 5 5 The amount of accumulated waste, the frequency of delivery.
Temporary storage facility, shavings (metal bin near the machine shop) 351 201 20 01 99 5 5 The amount of accumulated waste, the frequency of delivery.

Places of temporary storage (accumulation) of waste are organized on the territory of the enterprise, from where, as they accumulate, they are transported to enterprises that process, use, neutralize or dispose of waste.

When organizing places for temporary storage (accumulation) of waste, measures were taken to ensure environmental safety. The equipment of temporary storage (accumulation) sites was carried out taking into account the hazard class, physical and chemical properties, the reactivity of the generated waste, as well as taking into account the requirements of the relevant GOSTs and SNiP.

Centralized places of temporary storage (accumulation) of waste on the territory of the enterprise are shown on the map. There are __ places of temporary accumulation (storage) of waste on the territory of the enterprise. Total mass of waste generation ______ t/year, one-time accumulation __________ t/year

The location of places for temporary storage (accumulation) of waste, their arrangement (location on the leeward side, fire breaks, hard coating, separate storage), taking into account the implementation of measures, are presented in Table 9.1.

The total area of ​​places for temporary storage (accumulation) of waste is 243 m 2 .

Justification of the volumes of temporary storage (accumulation) of waste in the places of their organized storage on the territory of the enterprise is shown in Table 9.1.

Shelf life: in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and the formation of a transport batch, but not more than 6 months.

The disposed wastes, by their nature and according to the accepted methods of storage, practically do not emit harmful substances into the atmospheric air, do not pollute the soil, underground and surface waters. Therefore, the amount of temporary accumulation of waste prior to their removal or use is determined for reasons of fire safety, the rules for maintaining the territory, the expediency of the timing of implementation, the technological capabilities of processing equipment, in the vast majority of cases, the possibilities of transport.

The maximum amount of temporary storage (accumulation) of waste on the territory of the enterprise for each specific type of waste is indicated in Table 9.1.

The one-time accumulation of waste at the enterprise is ______ tons.

According to the results of the inspection of the enterprise, the places of temporary storage (accumulation) are in a sanitary condition and meet the requirements.

Table 9.1.

Characteristics of waste storage facilities for up to 3 years.

Justification of the limiting accumulation of waste

Characteristics of the waste disposal facility Characteristics of the disposed waste
Inv no. Object type Total area of ​​the object Arrangement of the object Capacity Waste name FKKO code Hazard Class Waste storage method Shelf life days, months, years Basis for determining the retention period Annual standard Obraz. waste Waste accumulation limit
t. m3 t t m3
Stat. capacity Concrete floor Mercury lamps fluorescent mercury-containing tubes used and defective 353 301 00 13 01 1 1 In a closed metal container 6 months
Indoors Pallets on concrete floor Batteries used, undamaged, with electrolyte not drained 921 101 01 13 01 2 2 indoors 6 months In accordance with the sanitary epidemiological standards
open area asphalt pavement Pop-up film from oil traps (petrol traps) 546 002 00 06 03 3 3 Closed tank 6 months In accordance with the sanitary epidemiological standards
Used engine oils 541 002 01 02 03 3 3
Waste industrial oils 541 002 05 02 03 3 3
used transmission oils 541 002 06 02 03 3 3
open area asphalt pavement Cleaning cloth contaminated with oils (oil content 15% or more) 549 027 01 01 03 3 3 Metal containers, plastic bags 6 months In accordance with the sanitary epidemiological standards
Wood sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content 15% or more) 171 302 01 04 03 3 3
Used oil filters 920 000 00 00 00 0 3
Waste air filters 920 000 00 00 00 0 4
Activated carbon contaminated with mineral oils (oil content 15% or less) 314 801 02 01 03 4 4 Closed tank 1 time a year In accordance with the sanitary epidemiological standards
Used engine oils 541 002 01 02 03 3 3 2 p. year
OS "Volna" Closed OS Capacity Waste (sludge) from mechanical and biological wastewater treatment 943 000 00 00 00 0 4 Closed tank 1 time a year In accordance with the sanitary epidemiological standards
Spent carbon filters contaminated with hazardous substances (granular coal SKS-3, synthetic KM-1/350, KM-2/M) 314 802 00 00 00 0 4
open area asphalt pavement Garbage from household premises, unsorted (excluding bulky) 912 004 00 01 00 4 4 Metal container for MSW 0.8-19 pcs and 8.0-9 pcs. 6 times a month
Ash and slag from coal combustion (Berezovsky) 313 002 02 01 00 4 4
Waste abrasive materials in the form of dust and powder 314 043 04 11 00 4 4
Estimates from the territory of organizations that do not contain hazardous components 912 000 00 00 00 0 4
welding slag 314 048 00 01 99 4 4
Used abrasive wheels, scrap of used abrasive wheels 314 043 02 01 99 5 5
Wooden packaging (non-returnable packaging) made of natural wood 171 105 02 13 00 5 5
Sawdust of natural pure wood 171 106 01 01 00 5 5
Trim natural clean wood 581 011 08 01 99 5 5
Waste polyethylene in the form of a film 571 029 02 01 99 5 5
Packaging cardboard waste, uncontaminated 187 102 02 01 00 5 5
Rubber products are not contaminated, have lost their consumer properties 575 001 01 13 00 5 5
Waste paper and cardboard from clerical activities and office work 187 103 00 01 00 5 5
Glass cullet uncontaminated (excluding glass cullet of cathode ray tubes and fluorescent lamps) 314 008 02 01 99 5 5
open area, asphalt pavement Steel shavings not contaminated 351 201 20 01 99 5 5 Containers 6 months Formation of a transport party
Remains and cinders of steel welding electrodes 351 216 01 01 99 5 5
Ferrous scrap, unsorted 314 301 00 01 99 5 5
Uncontaminated steel wire that has lost its consumer properties 315 201 05 01 99 5 5
Used brake pads 351 505 00 01 99 5 5
open area osphalt-concrete base Waste tires with metal cord 575 002 02 13 00 4 4 in a container 6 months Formation of a transport party

The composition of production control in the field of waste management

Production control includes the following types of control:

  1. Monitoring compliance with legal requirements for activities in the field of waste management (inspection control) and schedules for its implementation.
  2. 2. Monitoring compliance with impact restrictions (Ecoanalytical control) and schedules for its implementation.
  3. Monitoring the functioning of systems and devices for environmental protection and schedules for its implementation.
  4. Control over compliance with the requirements for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations arising from waste management.

Monitoring compliance with legal requirements for activities in the field of waste management (inspection control) and schedules for its implementation.

The procedure for carrying out activities for inspection control.

The person authorized to sign orders for inspections is the general director of the enterprise.

The form of the administrative document on the conduct of inspection control is an order, memo or oral instruction. In the case of issuing an order, a copy of it is transmitted personally to the supervised person through the secretary, in the case of an oral order, it is communicated to the personally supervised person.

Officials authorized to carry out inspection control have the right to visit and inspect objects without hindrance at any time of the day, to get acquainted, within their competence, with documents on environmental, industrial and fire safety issues, to present to heads of departments and other officials binding on the elimination of identified violations, prohibit the operation of machines, mechanisms, equipment in case of detection of violations that create a threat of accidents, send proposals to the head of the enterprise on punishment and encouragement of employees.

Officials authorized to exercise inspection control are required to monitor compliance with the legislation on activities in the field of waste management in accordance with the schedule, analyze the causes of violations of legislation in the field of waste management, organize and control the implementation of measures to eliminate violations, submit reports to the management of the enterprise ( acts) based on the results of verification of compliance with the requirements of the legislation for activities in the field of waste management.

The list of documents submitted by the persons of the controlled facility for inspection control: passports of installations and other equipment, PPR schedules, acts of repair and maintenance performed, accounting logs, etc.

The heads (responsible employees) of the controlled object (structural divisions) are obliged to contribute in every possible way to the control. The heads of the controlled object are responsible for opposing the verification or refusing to formalize its results. If the head of the controlled object opposes the check or refuses to document its results, the official conducting the check informs the head of the enterprise about this. The decision to punish the perpetrator is made by the head of the enterprise.

Managers (responsible employees) of the controlled object (structural divisions) have the right to get acquainted with the documents containing environmental requirements located in the environmental protection department, as well as to consult on environmental safety issues with the environmentalist of the enterprise.

Based on the results of the check, an act is drawn up. The act must indicate the date, place of the audit, the composition of the commission, the purpose of the audit, the identified shortcomings, instructions and the timing of its implementation. The act is drawn up in at least three original copies, one is transferred to the head of the enterprise, the second to the environmental protection department, the third, against signature, is given to the head of the controlled facility.

The head of the enterprise is informed about the results of the audit on the day of its completion by transferring one of the copies of the act to him.

The results of the audit are announced at the meeting. Other interested persons can familiarize themselves with the results of the audit in the department of environmental protection.

In case of registration of the results of the inspection control carried out simultaneously with the eco-analytical control of compliance with environmental standards of environmental impact, a note is made in the inspection report on the conduct of simultaneous eco-analytical control, acts of sampling of the results of the studies performed (or their copies indicating the services which the originals are stored).

As measures of influence applied in relation to violators, a reprimand, a strict reprimand with entry in a personal file, deprivation of a bonus, removal from a position, dismissal can be applied.

Proposals to eliminate the identified violations are indicated in the effective part of the inspection report or, in some cases, are drawn up in a separate order.

The re-verification of the fulfillment of issued orders and proposals made is carried out by the official who issued them, without prior notification to the person being checked. Compliance with the order is checked monthly, the results are reported at the meeting. In the case of establishing a short prescription period (up to 1 month), the verification of his prescription is carried out at least once a week.

Inspection control schedule .

The production base (territory) is monitored once a month during the summer period (May-October) and once every two months during the winter period (November-April).

Unscheduled inspection control is carried out at the request of the management of the enterprise or in connection with the detection of violations by state regulatory authorities, or according to the act of the inspection inspection if the terms of the instructions are less than 1 month, or in case of other emergency situations.

Monitoring compliance with exposure limits (ecoanalytical control) and schedules for its implementation.

Ecoanalytical control over compliance with environmental impact standards is carried out directly at the sources of negative environmental impact that are part of the controlled facility.

The procedure for carrying out environmental analytical control activities in general should include the following steps:

  • setting standards for the value of the controlled indicator of environmental impact in accordance with permits;
  • initial inspection of the source of negative impact on the environment and registration of technological parameters of its work at the time of the inspection;
  • control of the correct location of sampling points;
  • carrying out direct measurements or sampling in accordance with the requirements of SanPin;
  • in the case of sampling, their reaction, preservation, transportation for analysis and laboratory analysis;
  • in the case of using instrumental methods, including automatic devices of continuous operation, fixing the measurement results;
  • in the case of using calculation or calculation-analytical methods, fixing the technological parameters of the source of influence, necessary for the calculations;
  • calculation of actual values ​​of normalized parameters of environmental impact and their comparison with the values ​​established in permits;
  • registration of sampling acts and (or) measurement protocols.

It is not necessary to carry out eco-analytical control in the field of waste management at the JSC "____________" enterprise, since the principle of temporary storage (in accordance with environmental requirements) and the duration of storage (up to 6 months) of waste are designed to eliminate the negative impact on the environment.

Monitoring the functioning of systems and devices for environmental protection and schedules for its implementation.

The procedure for monitoring the performance and efficiency of systems and devices for environmental purposes should include the following steps:

  • establishment of normalized performance indicators of systems and devices for environmental protection in accordance with the technical documentation and initial inspection of systems and devices;
  • control of the correct location of measurement points (sampling points) and their equipment;
  • determination of technical parameters of operation of systems and devices for environmental protection;
  • sampling at the outlet and inlet of environmental protection systems;
  • calculation of performance indicators of systems and devices and comparison with passport values.

Due to the fact that there are no systems and devices for environmental purposes in the field of waste management at the enterprise, the control considered in this chapter is not provided.

Monitoring compliance with the requirements for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations arising from waste management.

An emergency (emergency) situation at the JSC "____________" enterprise that occurs when handling waste is the ignition of waste, the destruction of mercury lamps, the destruction of batteries, the spill of battery electrolyte, the spill of oil products, and the unsanitary situation in waste storage areas.

For the analysis of samples of objects selected for the consequences of emergencies arising from waste management, third-party laboratories are involved, the scope of which includes the relevant types of measurements.

In case of waste ignition, the employee of the enterprise who discovered the fire, managers and other officials act in accordance with the instructions on the procedure for actions in case of fire at the enterprise. To prevent the ignition of waste, those responsible for storage are guided by the orders issued by the enterprise for the treatment of production and consumption waste, which contain environmental requirements for the temporary storage of waste.

Measures to eliminate emergency situations in the field of waste management

Possible emergencies in waste management Stages of waste management at which accidents are possible Causes that can lead to an emergency
Waste ignition At any stage of the application Waste management in violation of fire and environmental safety rules.
Destruction of the lamp body with contamination of the environment. environments with mercury and glass fragments contaminated with mercury During replacement and loading and unloading of mercury lamps
Battery destruction and electrolyte spills During battery replacement and loading/unloading of batteries Careless handling and violation of environmental requirements during temporary storage of waste.
Oil spill When collecting, loading and unloading, temporary storage of petroleum products. Careless handling and violation of technical and environmental requirements during temporary storage of waste.
Unsanitary conditions in waste storage areas When storing waste Waste management in violation of sanitary rules.

Emergency situations during temporary storage of waste can be:

  • fire,
  • violation of the integrity of fluorescent lamps,
  • oil spill.

In the event of a waste fire it is recommended to extinguish with foam, for which the places of temporary storage of toxic waste are equipped with fire extinguishers OHP-10 in an amount corresponding to the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation PPB-01-93. When spilling and igniting waste oil products, the following fire extinguishing agents are used:

  • sprayed water,
  • foam;

For bulk quenching:

  • powder formulas,
  • carbon dioxide,
  • compositions of SZhB (liquid-bromoethyl),
  • superheated steam
  • sand,
  • felt mat, etc.

The environmental service of the enterprise ensures the elimination of fire with improvised fire extinguishing means and calling the fire department.

When fluorescent lamps are destroyed their fragments should be collected in a container for transportation, and in the case of separation of mercury, its neutralization is carried out in two stages:

  • Mechanical: collect drops of mercury with a pipette attached to a bulb or water jet pump. Also, drops of mercury can be swept away with a wet brush or collected with sheets of staniole or a plate of zinc tin; mercury balls are collected with wet paper (filter or newspaper), after which the paper is not immediately thrown away, but placed in a jar with a cork and filled with a solution (in 1 liter of KmnO 4 and 5 ml of concentrated HCl) and kept for several days.
  • Chemical:
  1. the contaminated surface is sprayed or washed with a 5% solution of bleach in water, and then with a 5% aqueous solution of sodium polysulphide. After 8-10 hours, the mercury-contaminated surface is washed with water. It is also possible to treat a mercury-contaminated surface with KMnO 4 acidified with HCl.
  2. demercurization with a solution of iron chloride (FeCl): 20% aqueous solution of FeCl is abundantly moistened with surfaces, then rubbed several times with a brush and left to dry completely. After 1-2 days, the surface is thoroughly washed with soap and then with clean water. The solution is prepared at the rate of 10 liters per 25-30 square meters. m of floor area.

The environmental service of the enterprise ensures the liquidation of the accident by calling a specialized demercurization service.

Oil spill. Spilled oil products (fuel, lubricants, used oil) in the parking lot, in the repair area should be immediately removed with sand, which after use is cleaned in metal boxes with lids installed in a specially equipped and fenced area.

In order to prevent the occurrence of an unsanitary situation in the places of waste storage, it is necessary to ensure their timely removal from the territory of the enterprise, monitor the sanitary condition of MSW containers, and prevent overfilling of containers and littering the environment. Monitor the separate collection of waste in each division of the port.

The primary measure to prevent the consequences of emergencies is the immediate notification of the relevant services. The content of control measures during the liquidation of emergencies arising from waste management is determined promptly immediately after receiving a notification of an emergency and depends on the severity of the situation.

Assessment of the consequences of emergencies arising with waste, i.e. the actual pollution of the components of the natural environment at the production site and within the zone of influence of the production facility is carried out in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents. For prompt assessment of the consequences of emergencies arising from waste management, it is allowed to use express (indicator) analysis methods.

To analyze samples of natural objects worked out to assess the consequences of emergencies arising from waste management, third-party laboratories are involved, whose accreditation includes the relevant types of measurements.

Involvement of third-party accredited organizations in the implementation of production control in the field of waste management.

Third-party laboratories accredited in the system of accreditation of analytical laboratories (SAAL) can be involved in the implementation of ecoanalytical production control on contractual terms. Accredited testing laboratories carry out tests and measurements within their scope of accreditation.

Testing laboratory "EcoUNIS" No. ROSS RU.0001.21EM22. is involved by the enterprise for carrying out CCA, issuing Protocols and calculating the waste hazard class. Validity period of the Laboratory Certificate from ______ to _______.

The test reports and the calculation of the hazard class of the waste were issued to the enterprise by the laboratory "EcoUNIS-environmentally friendly technologies" in _____. When changing the technological process of production, the enterprise should contact this laboratory for test reports and calculations of the hazard class of newly generated waste. The certificate and scope of accreditation of the testing laboratory are presented in the Appendix.

Responsibility for the proper organization of production control in the field of waste management and non-compliance with requirements in the field of environmental protection

Persons responsible for the organization and implementation of production control in the field of waste management are liable for improper performance of duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For improper organization of production control in the field of waste management at the enterprise, responsible persons are subject to dismissal.

Requirements for the maintenance and storage of production control documentation.

Based on the results of the inspection control, an inspection report is drawn up, which indicates: the date, place of the inspection, the composition of the commission, the purpose of the inspection, the identified shortcomings, proposals and the timing of their elimination. If, however, violations in the field of waste management are detected during daily monitoring by any of the officials authorized to exercise production control over waste management, this official is obliged to issue an order as soon as possible demanding the elimination of this violation.

The order must indicate the date, the official to whom the order was issued, the type of violation, proposals on how and when to eliminate the violation, the signature of the person who received the order, indicating the date it was received.

The responsibility for short-term storage (up to 5 years) of documentation relating to environmental protection is assigned to the environmentalist of the enterprise. At the end of 5 years, the documentation is subject to transfer to the archive.

Document flow in the production control system is carried out in accordance with the procedure approved by the regulatory documents in the field of waste generation.

At the enterprise JSC "_______" the following documents are available and maintained:

  • Waste Project (PNWLR), issued _______ reg. No. __________;
  • Document on the approval of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal, issued on _______
  • Passports for waste;
  • Forms of primary accounting of waste - constantly;
  • Journals of accounting for the formation and movement of production waste - constantly;
  • Form No. 4-OS "Information on the current costs of environmental protection and environmental payments" - annually;
  • Form No. 2-TP (waste) "Information on the formation, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste" - annually;
  • Reporting on the production control program in the field of production and consumption waste management - quarterly;
  • Calculation of payment for negative impact on the environment - quarterly;
  • Journals of registration of the procedure for the implementation of production control in the field of waste management.

Measures of production control carried out in JSC "_______________" in the field of waste management for the period 201__-201__.

Controlled Parameter Link to normative document Current events Deadlines for the event Person directly responsible for the event Completion mark
1. Licensing activities for the collection, use, disposal of waste Federal Law of 2406.1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” Art. 10 F.Z. No. 128 dated September 8, 2001 “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”, Article 7, Clause 1, Article 17

P.P. R.F. dated September 26, 2006 No. 524 "On approval of the regulation on licensing activities for the collection, use, disposal, transportation of waste I-IV hazard class"

1. Control of completeness, timeliness of execution and submission of documentation to the licensing authority.2. Monitoring compliance with license requirements and conditions for the implementation of activities for the collection, use, disposal, transportation of waste I-IV hazard class, including:

Availability of industrial premises, waste disposal facilities I-IV hazard class, specialized waste disposal facilities I-IV hazard class, specially equipped facilities that meet the established requirements;

Availability of professional training, approved by the certificate (certificate) for the right to work with waste, for those admitted to activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation of waste I-IV hazard class;

Carrying out production control over compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the field of waste management in the implementation of activities for the collection, use, disposal, transportation of waste I-IV hazard class;

Availability of waste passports I-IV hazard class, in respect of which activities are carried out for the collection, use, neutralization and transportation, placement;

Availability in accordance with F.Z. "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" of the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance with the sanitary rules of buildings, structures, premises, equipment and other property that are supposed to be used to carry out activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of waste I-IV hazard class;

Availability in accordance with F.Z. "On Ecological Expertise" of the state environmental review of project documentation for facilities related to the placement and disposal of waste I-IV hazard class.

Upon expiration of the licensePermanently according to the terms.


1 time in 5 years


Registration is indefinite.

From ___________

environmental engineer

Chief Engineer

environmental engineer

Chief Engineer

Boss ________

environmental engineer

environmental engineer

environmental engineer

Series 077 No. _______ (completed)Completed





2. Waste management in the design, construction, reconstruction and liquidation of enterprises, structures and other facilities, during the operation of which waste is generated Federal Law of 2406.1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” Art. 10-FZ of November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ “On Environmental Expertise” Art. 1. Development and approval of technological and technical documentation on the use, disposal of generated waste; 2. Obtaining a positive conclusion of the state examination, carried out in accordance with the legislation on urban planning, state examination of project documentation for construction, reconstruction, conservation and liquidation;

3. Monitoring compliance with environmental requirements in waste management, including the availability and condition of designated sites (places) for waste collection in accordance with established rules, regulations and requirements in the field of waste management.

During the construction of objects During the construction of objects


environmental engineer



3. Waste management during the operation of enterprises, buildings, structures, structures and other objects Federal Law of 2406.1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Wastes” Article 10 No. 703 "On approval of guidelines for the development of draft standards for the generation of waste and limits for their disposal." F.Z. dated 10.01.2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection" Art. 51F.Z. dated 24.1998 « 89-FZ "On production and consumption waste" item 3, article 18. 1. Control of the separate collection of generated waste for compliance with the requirements established by the draft waste generation standards;

2. Monitoring compliance with the limits of accumulation and timeliness of the removal of generated waste for compliance with the requirements established by the draft standards for waste generation;

3. Monitoring the timeliness of the development of draft standards for the generation of waste and limits on their disposal and its compliance with the actual state;

4. Control of the territory to detect clutter, unauthorized places of waste accumulation, placement of metal on open ground;

5. Consideration of emerging changes in production technology based on the latest scientific and technological achievements in order to reduce the amount of waste generated;

6. Conducting an inventory of generated waste and their disposal facilities;

7. Conducting monitoring of the state of the environment in the territories of waste disposal facilities;

8. Monitoring compliance with technical and environmental requirements and instructions for waste management, in order to prevent accidents related to waste management.



1 time 5 years



1 time in 5 years



Head of tech. departmentEngineer-environmental

Environmental engineer Head of the administrative and economic department

environmental engineer

Head of tech. department

environmental engineer

Head of tech. department

environmental engineer

environmental engineer

Head of tech. department

environmental engineer

Head of tech. department

environmental engineer





Performed as needed




4. Compliance with hazardous waste management requirements F.Z. dated 24.1998 “89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste”, clause 3, article 18. No. 570 "On the organization of work on the certification of hazardous waste" 1. Registration and approval of waste passports, the hazard class of which is confirmed (included in the FKKO); 2. Conducting laboratory studies of the morphological and chemical composition of waste, followed by calculation of the hazard class.

3. Registration and submission for approval of passports for waste, the class of which was determined as a result of laboratory studies and calculations;

4. Submission of an application to Rosprirodnadzor for the inclusion of waste in the FKKO.

1 time continuously

When developing passports for waste

1 time per time

1 time per time

environmental engineer

Accredited laboratory

environmental engineer

environmental engineer





5. Compliance with the requirements for professional training of persons admitted to handling waste of I-IV hazard class. F.Z. dated 24.1998 « 89-FZ "On production and consumption waste" article 15 1. Control on admission to waste management I-IV hazard class of persons who have undergone professional training, confirmed by certificates (certificates) for the right to work with waste hazard class I-IV.2. Conclusion of an agreement for training (retraining) of persons admitted to waste management I-IV hazard class. Constantly


Chief Engineer

Head of the training plant.



6. Compliance with the requirements for the transportation of waste of I-IV hazard class. F.Z. dated 24.1998 « 89-FZ "On production and consumption waste" article 16 1. Monitoring compliance with the conditions for the transportation of waste I-IV hazard class, including: - the presence of hazardous waste passports I-IV hazard class for the transported waste;

The presence of special equipped and equipped with special signs of vehicles;

Availability of documentation for the transportation and transfer of waste I-IV hazard class indicating their quantity, class, purpose and destination of their transportation.

When transporting Head of garage

environmental engineer

Head of the administrative and economic department

environmental engineer

7. Accounting and reporting in the field of waste management. F.Z. dated 24.1998 “89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste”, Article 19 Order of the RTN dated March 27, 2008 No. 182 “On Amendments and Additions to the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated April 5, 2007 No. 204 “On approval of forms for calculating fees for negative environmental impact and the procedure for filling out and submitting a form for calculating fees for negative environmental impact” Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated July 25, 2002 No. 157 1. Conclusion of contracts with contingents for the transportation, use, neutralization and disposal of generated waste.2. Keeping a log of waste movement.

3. Control of the availability, completeness and authenticity of documents for the performance by the contingents of work on the transportation, use, disposal and disposal of waste.

4. Provide in the prescribed manner the necessary information in the field of waste management, including:

Information on the actual generation of waste and calculation of fees for negative environmental impact

Statistical report on the form 2-TP-waste

Providing reports on the immutability of technological processes and on the formation, use, neutralization and disposal of generated waste

Export as needed.


When concluding contracts

According to the timing




Head of the administrative and economic departmentEngineer-ecologistEngineer-ecologist

Head of the administrative and economic department

environmental engineer

environmental engineer



Completed on time

8. Payment for the negative impact on the environment during the disposal of production and consumption waste. F.Z. dated 24.1998 “89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Wastes”, Article 23 of the Russian Federation Regulation of June 12, 2003, No. 344 “On the standards of payment for emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air by stationary and mobile sources, discharges of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies, placement Production and Consumption Wastes” RF GD No. 410 dated July 1, 2005 “On Amendments to Appendix No. 1 to RF GD No. 344 dated June 12, 2003”.

RF Government Resolution No. 632 of August 28, 1992 “On Approval of the Payment Procedure and Its Limits for Environmental Pollution, Waste Disposal, and Other Harmful Impacts”

1. Control over the correctness of the calculations and the timeliness of making payments for the negative impact on the environment during the disposal of production and consumption waste quarterly environmental engineer controlled
9.Laboratory control during waste management F.Z. dated 24.1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” Clause 3, Article 12 of the Russian Federation Decree of August 26, 2006 No. 254 “On Approval of the Regulation on Licensing Activities for the Collection, Use, Transportation, and Disposal of Waste I-IV Hazard Class”

Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 128-FZ “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities” Article 7, Clause 1, Article 17

Guidelines for the organization of the conduct and scope of laboratory tests included in the complex of measures for production control over the handling of production and consumption waste (approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on June 26, 2003 No. 17FTs / 3329)

1. Selective laboratory control of the morphological and chemical composition of waste received from other organizations.2. Laboratory waste control

resulting from the application of technological processes that have undergone changes.

3. Laboratory control of the environment (monitoring) in places of accumulation and disposal of waste

Of necessity

When changing the technological process

Of necessity

environmental engineer

environmental engineer

Carried out when necessary

When changing technological processes

If necessary

On June 23, 2016, the Procedure for monitoring the state and pollution of the environment on the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment came into force by the owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities approved by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated March 4, 2016 No. 66.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998, No. 89-FZ, on the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment, the owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons in whose possession or use there are waste disposal facilities, required to monitor state of the environment in accordance with the procedure established by the federal executive authorities in the field of waste management in accordance with their competence.

Types of impact of the waste disposal facility on the environment

The effect of the Monitoring Procedure does not apply to monitoring the state and pollution of the environment at the following facilities:

  • waste disposal facilities decommissioned (including reclaimed or mothballed) in accordance with the established procedure;
  • waste disposal facilities located in territories whose use for waste disposal is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • special radioactive waste disposal facilities;
  • cattle burial grounds;
  • medical waste disposal facilities.

The monitoring order is intended to be used:

  • owners of waste disposal facilities;
  • persons who own or use waste disposal facilities;
  • Rosprirodnadzor and its territorial bodies;
  • other state authorities, local authorities, legal entities and individuals interested in obtaining data on the state and pollution of the environment in the areas where waste disposal facilities are located.

Monitoring carried out by owners, owners of objects waste disposal, in the event that they directly operate such facilities, or by persons in use, the operation of which are waste disposal facilities in accordance with the requirements in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields. To organize work to monitor the state and pollution of the environment on the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment, assess and forecast changes in its state by persons operating waste disposal facilities, a monitoring program is being developed the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment.

The monitoring program is approved by the person operating the waste disposal facilities and sent on paper in a notifying manner to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the waste disposal facility or sent by post with a list of attachments and with a return receipt.

The monitoring program can be submitted in the form of an electronic document signed with a simple electronic signature in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature". The monitoring program is developed based on the available data on the state and pollution of the environment on territory of the waste disposal facility and within its impact on the environment.

At the same time, at the discretion of persons operating waste disposal facilities, the following can be used:

  • data of the section "List of measures for environmental protection", which is part of the design documentation of the facility associated with the disposal of waste of I-V hazard class, and materials for assessing the impact of the waste disposal facility on the environment;
  • stock data of observations of the state and pollution of the environment in the area of ​​the location of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of their impact on the environment;
  • data on the background state of the environment in the area where the waste disposal facility is located;
  • available to persons operating waste disposal facilities, observational data on the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within its impact on the environment;
  • materials of previously conducted environmental surveys on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within its impact on the environment.

When developing a monitoring program, the following are taken into account:

  • design characteristics (technical features) of the waste disposal facility;
  • origin, types, quantity and hazard classes of the disposed waste;
  • physical and geographical conditions in the area where the waste disposal facility is located;
  • geological and hydrogeological conditions in the area of ​​the waste disposal facility.

Requirements for the composition and content of the monitoring program:

The results of monitoring the state and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment are drawn up in the form of reports.

Reports on the results of monitoring in a notification procedure are submitted to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the waste disposal facility annually until January 15 of the year following the reporting one. The monitoring results report is drawn up in two copies. One copy is kept by the person operating this waste disposal facility, and the second copy, together with the electronic version of the report on magnetic media, is sent by post to the territorial agency of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the waste disposal facility (clause 6 of the Monitoring Procedure).

Requirements for the composition and content of the monitoring report:

According to paragraphs 6.6 - 6.8 of SP "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste", the production control system should include devices and structures for monitoring the state of ground and surface water, atmospheric air, soil, levels noise in the zone of possible influence of the landfill.

In agreement with the authorized federal executive authorities and other regulatory bodies, control over the state of groundwater is carried out, depending on the depth of their occurrence, pits, wells or boreholes are designed in the green zone of the landfill and outside the sanitary protection zone of the landfill. The control facility is laid upstream of the landfill along the groundwater flow in order to take samples of water, which is not affected by the leachate from the landfill.

Above the landfill and below the landfill on drainage ditches, surface water sampling sites are also designed.

The content of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, calcium, chlorides, iron, sulfates, lithium, COD, BOD, organic carbon, pH, magnesium, cadmium, chromium, cyanides, lead, mercury, arsenic, copper, barium, dry residue, samples are also examined for helminthological and bacteriological indicators. If in the samples taken downstream a significant increase in the concentrations of analytes compared to the control is established, it is necessary, in agreement with the regulatory authorities, to expand the scope of the determined indicators, and in cases where the content of the analytes exceeds the MPC, it is necessary to take measures to limit the intake pollutants into groundwater up to the MPC level.

The production control system should include constant monitoring of the state of the air environment. To this end, it is necessary to quarterly analyze atmospheric air samples above the exhausted areas of the landfill and at the border of the sanitary protection zone for the content of compounds that characterize the process of biochemical decomposition of MSW and pose the greatest danger. The volume of indicators to be determined and the frequency of sampling are substantiated in the project for the production control of landfills and agreed with the regulatory authorities.


Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated 04.03.2016 No. 66
"On the Procedure for the owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons in whose possession or use of waste disposal facilities, monitoring the state and pollution of the environment on the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment"
(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 10, 2016 No. 42512)

1. General Provisions

Clause 4. The monitoring procedure is intended for use by the owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as by persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (hereinafter referred to as Rosprirodnadzor) and its territorial bodies, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and monitoring of the environment and its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations, other state authorities, local governments, legal entities and individuals interested in obtaining data on the state and pollution of the environment in the areas where waste disposal facilities are located.
Monitoring of the state and pollution of the environment on the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment is carried out by the owners, owners of waste disposal facilities, in the event that they directly operate such facilities, or by persons who use and operate waste disposal facilities (hereinafter - persons operating waste disposal facilities) in accordance with the requirements in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields.

"GOST R 56059-2014. National standard of the Russian Federation. Industrial environmental monitoring. General provisions"
(approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated July 9, 2014 No. 708-st)

clause 4.8 Ecological and analytical measurements are included in the scope of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and state regulation in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, which determines the need to comply with the established requirements of the system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements in accordance with GOST R 8.589-2001, , and requirements in the field hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring.
Environmental analytical measurements can be carried out only own or involved laboratories accredited to carry out the necessary measurements in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and licensed to operate in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas (with the exception of the specified activities carried out in the course of engineering surveys performed for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction).

contact us

TsLATI in the Omsk region, is one of the leading analytical laboratories offering a full range of environmental monitoring services at waste disposal sites, providing fast, comprehensive, accurate, affordable research for industrial, engineering/consulting and government clients throughout Omsk and the Omsk region.

For details or for Application for TsLATI services in the Omsk region, contact us by contact number in Omsk +7 (381-2) 23-77-86

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