Little-known predictions of the future of Russia have been published. The most famous predictor - who is he


I was always skeptical about astrology, almost agreeing with the opinion of the great German mathematician Hilbert on this matter. As you know, he once said that if you put together ten of the most smart people and ask them to come up with the dumbest thing in the world, they won't be able to come up with anything dumber than astrology. However, I know at least two cases when the events predicted in horoscopes came true.

The first one is connected with another great mathematician, Leonhard Euler, for a long time living in Russia. Here is the story Pushkin wrote about him: “When Ioann Antonovich was born, Empress Anna Ioannovna sent an order to Euler to draw up a horoscope for the newborn. Euler initially refused, but was forced to obey. He took up horoscope together with another academician. They compiled it according to all the rules of astrology, although they did not believe it.
The conclusion they drew frightened both mathematicians, and the soothsayers sent another horoscope to the empress, in which they predicted all sorts of well-being for the newborn. Euler, however, retained the first one and showed it to Count K.G. Razumovsky, when the fate of the unfortunate Ivan Antonovich was completed.
I will add that the unfortunate Ivan Antonovich was overthrown by the future Queen Elizabeth and imprisoned in the Shlisselburg fortress, where he was subsequently killed by guards while trying to free him.

The second, rather funny, case is already connected with mine. personal experience. Once I had to go to a small publishing house to negotiate the terms of the contract. Already leaving the house, I heard how the host of some popular radio station, reading astrological forecast for a day, he cheerfully told me after: “And today Capricorns will be successful in financial matters!” Smiling, I slammed the door and drove off to the meeting... The amount offered to me by the publisher for the book did not suit me, and I was about to shake off the ashes of this publishing house from my feet, when I suddenly remembered the ill-fated forecast.
- You see, - I turned insinuatingly to the publisher, - I am a Capricorn by the sign of the zodiac.
- So what? He was surprised at the unexpected turn.
- And the fact that astrologers today promise clear financial benefits to Capricorns. And so that our faith in the foundations of the universe does not shake and the forecast comes true, it is worth increasing the amount of the fee by 20 percent.
“This is a serious argument,” the publisher laughed and ... agreed to my proposal. (Sergey Fedin).

The most famous predictors in history:

Yoann the Theologian- in the Revelation of St. John the Evangelist" there are such words: "The third angel sounded, and fell from heaven big star burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on springs of water. The name of this star is Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter.” Wormwood has folk names- Chernobyl, Chernobyl. The predictor "saw" the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant from time immemorial.

Nostradamus- for centuries, interpreters have seen in the prophecies of Nostradamus something very surprising, beyond the scope of mere chance. Time passes, and new generations discover a new understanding of previously clarified phrases. Nostradamus believed that the events of world history are cyclically repeated, because planetary configurations are repeated and the same signs occur. Nostradamus and his predecessors, the soothsayers, described the events of the past in the hope that they would happen again in the future.

Rasputin- The St. Petersburg archives contain a record dated 1913, made by a student of the clairvoyant and miracle worker Grigory Rasputin: “Somehow the teacher got angry at the Germans, shouted in the face of one of them that their insides were de rotten, tripe. And then he turned to me and said: “I know, I know, Petersburg will be surrounded, they will starve! Lord, how many people will die, and all because of this little thing! But they will not see Petersburg! Nakos, we’ll lie down starving to death, but we won’t let go! ” Then he calmed down and asked for tea, and when asked when everything would happen, he answered: “From my death - the 25th year.” Rasputin died in 1916, and a quarter of a century later, fascist Germany invaded the USSR and encircled the blockade of Leningrad.

Wolf Messing- in 1937, at a speech in one of the theaters in Warsaw, he said: "If Hitler goes to war in the East, he will die." And in the winter of 1940, in the hall of the NKVD club, when asked what he thought about the Soviet-German pact, he answered: "I see tanks with red stars on the streets of Berlin." A year and a half before the invasion of the USSR by German troops, Messing foresaw the victory of the Soviet people in the bloodiest war in the history of mankind.

Over the centuries-old history of Russia, many things were predicted for her: from complete collapse to endless prosperity. Predictions were given by professional soothsayers, politicians, and monks.


Nostradamus has never been to Russia, but he began to make predictions about Russia practically in synchrony. So, he managed to predict some events from the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

First of all, concerning reforms and changes, which were promoted by Archpriest Sylvester (79th quatrain of the 5th century):

Russian faith will be streamlined
With the advent of the great legislator.
The meek priest will ascend and disturb the strong.
However, the monarch will not use his advice for long.

In 1560, Tsarina Anastasia died, which caused a deep psychological break in the Tsar's soul. Has been lost Livonian War, Ivan IV married again. Nostradamus writes:

Seven wives and a son died or were killed by a cruel monarch,
There is bloodshed all around, there is no limit to great atrocities.
The fifth wife will be thrown into the lake,
But the eighth will give birth to a son and miraculously survive.

Predicted by Nostradamus and events church schism XVII century. In the 96th quatrain of the 1st century, he wrote:

The one who will be entrusted to remake
Temples and ceremonies, changed for a whim,
Will harm both priests and laity.
Then he himself will be in disgrace.

Peter I not only reformed the entire system government controlled, Peter's reforms became a kind of apocalypse for "Russian antiquity". Michel Nostradamus predicted in the 59th quatrain of the 1st century:

Exiles expelled from the island
With the advent of a more merciless sovereign
They will be killed and burned in flames.
The rebellious city by the sea is destroyed.

The youngest daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, arrested the infant Ivan VI and his mother, Anna Leopoldovna. For the royal family, a journey of torment began, which ended in death. Nostradamus foresaw the fall of the power of the infant Ivan Antonovich and dedicated the 52nd quatrain of the 6th century to this event:

Instead of the great one who was doomed,
His daughter will appear, escaped from the dungeon,
The baby will rule for twelve months.
Then he will fall into the fortress, where he will be slaughtered.

According to researchers, Nostradamus also predicted the events of the middle of the 20th century. Quatrain 80, centurion 4 speaks of the beginning of World War II:

At big river big ditch, earth thrown out,
Fifteen parts divided by water,
The city is taken, fire, blood, screams, battle,
Most of population in a skirmish.

Only in 1940 did the war started by Hitler become a world war. This year German troops they broke through the Maginot defense line in 15 places - “divided into fifteen parts by water” - and captured not only Paris (“the city was taken”), but the whole country.


The doctor, alchemist and astrologer Philip Aureol Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim, known to the whole world as Paracelsus, in one of his books "Oracles", containing 300 pages and many prophecies for the whole world until the end of the III millennium, made several sensational predictions about Russia.

Paracelsus traveled a lot in the East, visited Tibet (so biographers think - there is a ten-year period in his life, information about which is not available).

Returning from Tibet, he uttered the first prophecy about Muscovy, as we were then called in the world: “On big mainland there will be a new huge state. It will occupy almost half of the Earth. This state will exist for a century and it will happen in 400 years.”

He supposedly wrote this in 1522. If you add 400 to 1522, you get 1922 - the year the USSR was created.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Paracelsus went through Russia to Constantinople. He walked across the Don, because then this path was considered the shortest. There are no facts about what he saw and heard, but after staying in our country, the predictor entrusted Russia with a great mission - the salvation of all mankind. “Muscovy will rise above all states. Not with her hand, but with her soul, she will save the world.”

True, this salvation will happen at the end of the 22nd century. It was then, according to Paracelsus, that terrible events would occur on earth: “The East will rise up against the West, and hundreds of fiery arrows will be released in the East. They will fall and a pillar of fire will rise. It will burn everything in its path."

Researchers of ancient texts are sure that Paracelsus foretold the Third world war between the countries of the West and the East, during which missiles with nuclear warheads: “People will be covered with deep sores and scabs. Their souls will rise up. The third part will die.

Paracelsus seemed to know what the consequences atomic explosions: he colorfully and terribly wrote that food and water on Earth would be poisoned.

But Russia will save itself and help the whole world to be reborn: “However, some people will be able to be saved. And the ancient people who live in Muscovy will help them in this. In Muscovy, which no one has ever thought of as a country in which something great can happen, great prosperity will shine upon the humiliated and outcast. They will conquer the sun."

Paracelsus wrote: “There is one people that Herodotus calls the Hyperboreans. The current name of this people is Muscovy. You cannot trust their terrible decline, which will last for many centuries. The Hyperboreans will experience both a strong decline and a huge flourishing (...) The Banner of the Cross will be hoisted on one of the mountain peaks of this country.

In addition to the fact that Paracelsus here speaks of difficult times for Russia related to territorial disputes, there is another version of this prediction of Paracelsus: perhaps the second coming of the Savior will happen in the Urals.

“In the very country of the Hyperboreans, which no one ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, the Great Cross, the Divine light from the mountain of the country of the Hyperboreans, will shine over the humiliated and outcast, and all the inhabitants of the earth will see it.”

Paracelsus believed that this should happen 500 years after his death. Why? After all, Christianity came to Russia much earlier. The golden age, which will bring happiness to all living, according to the ancient predictor, will last from 2041 to 2091. What it will be - many of us have a chance to see with our own eyes.


During the reign of Catherine II, a seer monk lived in the Solovetsky Monastery, his name was Abel. Abel began to prophesy about the death of the Empress. For his predictions, Abel was imprisoned in the Shlisselburg fortress "under the strongest guard."

After the death of Catherine, who died in strict accordance with the prophecy of Abel, the monk was amnestied by Paul I himself.

The emperor wished to meet with the elder and listen to new forecasts from him. Abel described in detail the death of the emperor, and at the same time the unenviable future of the Romanov dynasty.

“Your reign will be short, and I see your sinful, fierce end. On Sophronius of Jerusalem from unfaithful servants you will accept a martyr's death, in your bedchamber you will be strangled by the villains whom you warm on your royal chest. On Holy Saturday they will bury you… These villains, trying to justify their great sin of regicide, will proclaim you insane, will revile your good memory… But the Russian people with their true soul will understand and appreciate you and will carry their sorrows to your tomb, asking for your intercession and softening the hearts of the unrighteous and cruel. The number of your years is like the count of letters.

The prediction that the Russian people will appreciate Paul I has not yet come true. If a survey were conducted today about the attitude of Russians towards past autocrats, then Pavel would certainly be one of the outsiders.

Abel was released in peace to the Nevsky Monastery for a new monastic vows. It was there, at the second tonsure, that he received the name Abel. But the prophet did not sit in the capital's monastery. Already a year after the conversation with Pavel, he appears in Moscow, where he gives predictions to local aristocrats and wealthy merchants for money.

Having earned some money, the monk goes to the Valaam Monastery. But even there, Abel does not live in peace: he again takes up the pen and writes books of predictions, where he reveals the imminent death of the emperor.

Abel was brought in shackles to St. Petersburg and locked up in the Peter and Paul Fortress - "for indignation peace of mind his majesty."

Immediately after the death of Paul I, Abel was again released from prison. This time, Alexander I becomes the liberator. The new emperor warily sends the monk to the Solovetsky Monastery, without the right to leave the walls of the monastery. There, Abel writes another book in which he predicts the capture of Moscow by Napoleon in 1812 and the burning of the city.

The prediction reaches the king and he orders to calm the imagination of Abel in the Solovetsky prison. “The Frenchman will burn Moscow under Him, and He will take Paris from him and call him Blessed. But secret grief will become unbearable to Him, and the royal crown will seem heavy to Him. He will be righteous in the sight of God: he will be a white monk in the world. I saw above the Russian land the star of the great saint of God. It burns, it flares up. This ascetic will transform the whole fate of Alexandrov ... ".

According to legend, Alexander I did not die in Taganrog, but turned into the elder Fyodor Kuzmich and went wandering around Russia.

When in 1812 the Russian army surrenders Moscow to the French, and Belokamennaya, as the monk predicted, almost burns to the ground, the impressed Alexander I orders: “Let Abel out of the Solovetsky Monastery, give him a passport to all Russian cities and monasteries, provide him with money and clothes ".

Once free, Abel decided not to annoy the royal family anymore, but went on a trip to the Holy places: he visited Athos, Jerusalem, Constantinople. Then he settled in the Trinity-Sergeeva Lavra. For some time he behaves quietly, until, after the accession of Nicholas I, he breaks through again.

The new emperor did not like to stand on ceremony, so “for humility” he sent the monk into confinement in the Suzdal Spaso-Efimov Monastery, where in 1841 Abel reposed to the Lord. “The beginning of the reign of your son Nicholas will begin with a fight, with a Voltairian rebellion. This will be an evil seed, a destructive seed for Russia. If it were not for the grace of God that covers Russia, then ... About a hundred years later, the House of the Most Holy Theotokos will become impoverished, the Russian State will turn into an abomination of desolation.

Grigory Rasputin

Grigory Rasputin was one of the most mysterious personalities in Russian history, and his clairvoyance became a byword during the life of the "old man". He foresaw death royal family long before it happened. Here is what he wrote: “Every time I hug the tsar and mother, and the girls, and the prince, I shudder with horror, as if I were hugging the dead ... And then I pray for these people, because in Russia they need more than anyone. And I pray for the Romanov family, because the shadow of a long eclipse falls on them.

Rasputin predicted the coming new government in Russia: “Darkness will fall on Petersburg. When his name is changed, then the empire will end."

He foresaw the "old man" and his own death. He said that if he was killed not by "simple robbers", but by the nobles - "relatives of the king", then the future of Russia and the royal family would be terrible. “The nobles will flee the country, and the king’s relatives will not survive in two years, and the brothers will rise up against the brothers and will kill each other.”

Rasputin also had man-made predictions. For example this. Researchers believe that here Rasputin is talking about nuclear power plants.
“Towers will be built all over the world ... they will be castles of death. Some of these castles will fall, and rotten blood will flow out of these wounds, which will infect the earth and sky. Because clots of infected blood, like predators, will fall on our heads. And many clots will fall to the ground, and the land where they fall will become desolate for seven generations.”

The death of an empire

It must be said that the fall of the monarchy in Russia and the death of the Romanov dynasty were predicted more than once. When Alexandra Fedorovna (wife of Nicholas II) visited the Tithes Monastery in Novgorod in 1916, the old woman Maria, holding out her hands to her, said: “Here comes the Martyr - Queen Alexandra.”

The already mentioned Rasputin also spoke about the tragic end of the last royal family, but even earlier such predictions were made Reverend Seraphim Sarovskiy.

It is known that on March 2, 1855, the wife of Alexander II, Maria Alexandrovna, retold the prophecy of Seraphim of Sarov about the death of the last emperor and his family to her maid of honor Anna Tyutcheva.

The empress herself learned about the prediction from Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, to whom the elder told his revelations.

Nicholas II, apparently, knew the prophecy of Abel, since, according to the testimony of those close to him, he repeatedly said: "Until 1918, I was not afraid of anything."

The collapse of the USSR

Disappearing from political map Soviet Union predicted by the most different people- clairvoyants, holy elders, politicians and scientists. For example, academician A. D. Sakharov warned in 1989 that if the situation in the country is not corrected, this is fraught with separatism and the collapse of the Union. A little earlier in 1985, academician Viktor Gelovani computer simulation predicted the situation of the country's development in the coming years.

The analysis data identified two main paths - a technological one that promises a powerful industrial and economic breakthrough, and a losing model that could lead to the collapse of the USSR by 1991. It worked out as always.

Edgar Cayce in 1944 predicted the fall of the USSR in a somewhat veiled form. “The 20th century will not have time to end before the collapse of communism will come,” said the soothsayer. “The Communists will lose their power there.”

Edgar Cayce

Let's stick with Casey. It can be called one of the most successful predictors of the 20th century.

Being an excellent doctor, a great soothsayer and a world-famous person, Edgar gave out all his advice, diagnoses and methods of treatment in a state of trance, but he himself did not remember anything from what was said. FROM

Cayce made many prophecies, he predicted both world wars, the rise of China, the discovery of the Qumran scrolls, and much more. He planned his reincarnation for the year 2100.

Many of Casey's predictions also applied to Russia. According to Casey, our country is destined for a great mission: “From Russia will come hope for the world; but not from communism or Bolshevism, no, but from a free Russia. Each person will then live for his fellow man.”

Casey spoke: (reading 3976-10, February 8, 1932). “There is great hope for the world in the religious development of Russia. The people or group of peoples that will be closest in relations with Russia will be able to live better, gradually changing the conditions of life around the world.

On November 29, 1932, Casey said: “Changes are coming, you can be sure there will be an evolution or a revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The foundations for this for the whole world will eventually come from Russia; it will not be communism, but what Christ taught - his kind of communism.

Casey argued that Russia would be the new center of the world. Moreover, at the same time, the Americans and Russia will be friends: “Hope for the world will again come from Russia. Guided by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: "In God we believe."

Attempts to look into the future, to find out what awaits a person, a country, the world as a whole, were made by people in different times. Now it is impossible to call it simple curiosity. So, predictions for 2019 for the Russians have become a justified necessity, a need that allows foreseeing the main impending dangers, possible risks etc.

As you know, who is warned - he is armed. Of course, to avoid large-scale catastrophes, to foresee and prevent all possible dangers, financial crises and war will not work. But prepare for such phenomena, take timely necessary measures, means minimizing the consequences. That is why, more and more Russians are eager to find out what awaits Russia in 2019. To this end, they turn to the most different sources, use information from soothsayers, elders, famous religious and other figures.

Consider briefly information from various sources and try to analyze it.

Pavel Globa about Russia in 2019

A certain amount of optimism is inspired by the predictions of Pavel Globa. According to the psychic, next year there will be no negative events, the life of our compatriots will gradually improve. At the same time, the widening gap between the rich and the poor may become a ticking time bomb that can destroy all the achievements (and there are many) of recent years. The unpopular measures that the government continues to take will lead to a decrease in business activity For a certain part of the country's citizens, a decrease in income due to ongoing inflation will increasingly affect the standard of living, especially for ordinary people.

You should pay attention to the predictions about Putin for 2019 made by a Russian astrologer. Most likely, the President may begin to show certain health problems. Deterioration of health, manifested diseases and, as a result, a decrease in attention to domestic political and economic issues, will lead to an aggravation of the domestic political struggle for power. In 2019, this moment will only begin to gradually manifest itself.

In the foreign policy arena, the country will continue to pursue an active policy. At the same time, there are all prerequisites to minimize human and military losses in two conflicts (Syria and Ukraine), where the Russian Federation is directly or indirectly involved.

The general opinion of Pavel Globa about Russia 2019 is moderate optimism.

Vanga's predictions

This seer has long been gone, but her predictions and prophecies continue to come true with enviable constancy and a huge degree of accuracy. What awaits Russia in 2019, according to Baba Vanga? Special attention the seer advises to turn to increasing natural disasters. Climate change is likely to affect crop yields in the country, which will immediately affect the economy, inflation and a decrease in the standard of living of citizens. Unfortunately, Vanga's predictions for Russia in 2019 are verbatim various sources interpreted differently. There is even an opinion that autumn can be unleashed new war into which our country will be drawn indirectly or directly. At the same time, if we manage to avoid the negative development of the scenario, we can count on normal, consistent economic development.

Russia in 2019 according to the strongest participants in the battle of psychics

The opinions of psychics on the successful development of the country were divided. Some predictions for 2019 for Russia look quite attractive, others are very pessimistic. One of the most authoritative participants in the project, Natalya Vortnikova, predicts a minor crisis in the country, but claims that especially serious consequences can be avoided. Other predictions from participants in the battle of psychics indicate the main directions where any negative consequences can be expected:

  • the ongoing war in Syria;
  • unlifted sanctions in the Russian Federation;
  • natural disasters;
  • man-made accidents are possible, etc.

Nevertheless, in general, psychics believe that an extremely negative scenario (rising prices, inflation, increasing unemployment, etc.) can be avoided.

Let's look deep into history

To complete the picture, it is important to know the predictions of the elders.

The opinion of one of the most authoritative predictors, Elder Paisius, unfortunately, does not inspire optimism. He predicts that another military conflict will be unleashed with the participation of Russia in 2019. Perhaps, thanks to the wisdom and pliability of politicians, it will be possible to delay it, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely prevent it. The predictions of other elders in this matter coincide - most likely a full-scale world war cannot be avoided. Only the year of its beginning will have to be specified.

Predictions of the Matrona of Moscow

This saint is considered the patroness of the common people, their protector and benefactor. That is why the overwhelming majority of our compatriots listen especially carefully to everything that the Matrona of Moscow says. The clairvoyant believed that with the emerging general economic recovery, it would not be possible to avoid difficult times in Russia in 2019. The authorities will finally turn their course towards the development of economically beneficial relations in the East, with China, India, and partly with Japan. Expectations of restoration of ties in the West will not be crowned with success.

The Prophecies of Edgar Cayce

The restored documents, which were compiled by the prophet in the 30s of the XIX century, indicate the approach of terrible man-made disasters. Most likely, according to Edgar Cayce, it will be a flood that can wipe out billions of people from the face of the earth. The predictor points to the disappearance of many countries in the depths of the sea, they will completely cease to exist, for example, the Maldives, the Netherlands, only a small island will remain of Australia. For Russia, the consequences will also be severe.

Nostradamus - time-tested predictions

The most optimistic for Russia are precisely the predictions of Nostradamus. The soothsayer believes that it is in 2019 that the world center will begin to shift towards Siberia. On the one hand, this will be associated with a deterioration in the standard of living, climatic cataclysms in Eastern and Western Europe. Many professional scientists, specialists in various innovative industries will move to the very heart of Russia. With their help, the revival of the country will begin. On the other hand, the strengthening of economic ties with the East is a chance for Russia to prosper.

From astrologers

The predictions of astrologers for 2018 were that by 2019 the crisis cycle that began almost 40 years ago will approach. And the new cycle promises development and prosperity from 2019-2020. The prediction for Russia literally sounded like this: "Follow Russia - which way Russia will go, the rest of the World will follow the same way." The ongoing floods, volcanic eruptions, fires will have little effect on the Russian Federation and practically will not affect Siberia. coming year is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This peaceful animal does not like conflicts and quarrels and, according to astrology, the enemies and enemies of the Russian Federation will reconsider their attitude towards Russia. It is written above that Vanga gave a similar prediction regarding Ukraine.

Russia is waiting for a bright future, strengthening its authority and power on the world stage, according to Svetlana Dragan's forecasts. The predictions are not limited to this. Many allies will appear around Russia, countries with which Russia will support a good relationship. There may also be a need to demonstrate their military might to other states. First of all, the USA.

Maria Duval

Many visionaries spoke about what awaits us in 2019 several decades ago. Maria Duval's prediction promised the development of Russia in economic terms, in contrast to impoverished Europe. Russia will become a superpower and will dictate its laws to other states. In addition to economic and political development, a cultural revolution is also predicted. Citizens of Russia will become more developed spiritually, their moral qualities will improve.


Paracelsus' prediction said that a tangible part of the Russian population was Hyperboreans, or Aryans. These are the representatives of the progenitors of all peoples that now exist. They were destined to go through trials of disasters and wars. However, this only hardened their character more and their spiritual revival will begin, which will help Russia begin its path to the title of supreme world power next year.

Predictions for Ukraine for 2019

Astrologer Pavel Globa predicts the entry of Ukraine in its changed borders into the Eastern European Union, which will be led by the Russian Federation. Ross prophesied the end of military conflicts in the country. Crimean peninsula will return to Ukraine at the request of the Crimeans themselves. But it will happen in 15 years. The war in Donbass will not end this year.

The predictions of psychics do not have scientific justification, however, most of them come true. Believe it or not, it's up to each person. The coming year will make it clear who really made the right predictions and who was wrong.

Prophecy video:

Soothsayers or clairvoyants are people endowed with a special gift, with incredible brain abilities to see the past and the future.


At the word "fortune teller" an association immediately arises - Nostradamus, because he is considered the most famous clairvoyant. All of his predictions are very veiled, because he had to hide them from a negative environment. He saw images of the future, looking at the fire or sitting in the semi-darkness. Even without exact dates he predicted strange death King of France, then his eldest son. He described the reign of the Romanovs, the era of Stalinism and much more.


The most powerful clairvoyant of our era. The woman was blind, but she said that pictures and voices appeared in her head that told her future events or the fate of a person who came to her. She accurately determined the diseases of people, so there were always endless lines of visitors to her. The person had to bring a piece of sugar from which the Bulgarian soothsayer read information. She predicted World War II, the collapse of the Soviet Union and when Stalin would die.

Edgar Cayce

Another powerful visionary of the 20th century. He was called the sleeping prophet, because he predicted, being in a dream, into which he introduced himself. He is credited with a huge number of predictions, for which America created scientific institute. Casey's most famous predictions that came true are the collapse of communism in the USSR, the invention of the laser, and the Great Depression.

Maria Lenormand

She was strong in all methods of prediction:

Card reading;
divination by hand;
prediction using a magic ball;
making horoscopes.

Lenormand could predict the future simply by looking at the surrounding nature.


She became legendary for predicting the fall of Troy. People refused to believe in a terrible future, despite Cassandra's numerous attempts to save everyone.

Sheikh Sharif

The boy, who was discovered in 1999. When he was born, he shouted that there is no God except Allah. His mother heard this, lost consciousness and died. He lived in poor family and never attended school. But it is noteworthy that Sheikh Sharifu knew a lot foreign languages. He preached for Muslims, he always had something to eat and something to live on, because people often helped him. At his last performance in front of a crowd of thousands, he healed people from the wounds they received while trying to get close to the boy. No one has ever seen him since that day. There were rumors that he ascended to heaven.

Grigory Rasputin

being personal doctor Romanov Alexei, he predicted the death of the dynasty and that the Bolsheviks would come to power.

Vasily Nemchin

Another Russian predictor. I saw that soon the strongest ruler would be in power, who would turn the country into a strong power. And it was during the time of Prince Vladimir.


The monk accurately predicted when Catherine the Second, Paul the First would die, and when the Russian-French war would begin.


Ancient Greek clairvoyant. He said that nymphs tell him about future events. He is the first seer who compiled a collection of his visions.

All people have the ability to predict, but it is much more developed in units. But even ordinary person it is worth listening to your inner voice more often.

In March 2018, our country will host a very significant event, which will affect the course of history not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world. We are talking, of course, about the election of the head of our state. Many people are already wondering who will be president after Putin in 2018. There are various predictions about this.

Why elections are so important in Russia

Last years characterized by instability in the world. In many countries there are coups d'état, armed conflicts and political crises. The situation in the world is changing very quickly. In such an unpredictable time, it is necessary to respond very quickly to all the challenges of our time. That is why it is very important that an experienced politician be at the helm of our state, who could respond in time to the situation that is aggravating every day.

Russia's position on many world issues is very important. This applies to both the situation around Syria, North Korea, South-East of Ukraine, and other regions. Some countries share the Russian point of view on certain issues. Others do not agree with the opinion of our state. In any case, the current situation in the world requires a balanced position. Only joint action and constructive negotiations can stop the worldwide confrontation.

Future elections in Russia will largely determine the balance of power in the world. Perhaps that is why there is such close attention to the will of the Russians. March 2018 may become a turning point in the fate of not only our state, but of all mankind. May be new leader Russia will be able to make a decisive contribution to the normalization of the situation in the world and help overcome the growing tension.

The fruitful cooperation of the Russian Federation with the US and the EU, as you know, has already borne fruit in Afghanistan and Syria. The whole world is waiting for the resolution of the conflict in Donbass and North Korea. complex economic situation in Venezuela and elsewhere calls for drastic measures. Otherwise, the world may slide into a new global crisis, which is fraught with increased tension and the emergence of a revolutionary situation in many regions of the planet. Do not forget about the terrorist threat posed by ISIS, as well as the growing instability on the European continent. The parade of sovereignties in Spain and Italy showed how unsustainable state structure old Europe.

Political Analyst Predictions

Many analysts political environment Russia is confident that there will be no change of power in our state. A large part of the Russian population supports the policy of the leadership, both at home and abroad. They believe that our government is moving in the right direction and our President is adequately fulfilling his functions. Moreover, there is no worthy candidate in the political field of the country yet.

At the same time, there are experts, both in our country and abroad, who believe that the new leaders of the nation will be able to lead Russia along a new path, which will help to establish mutually beneficial relationship With Western countries both in economics and in other areas. They are confident that the new forces will be able to change the economic model of the Russian Federation and reduce its dependence on world energy prices, as well as carry out structural reforms and bring the country to new horizons of universal prosperity.

There are people who do not believe in the scientific arguments of political analysts and therefore turn their eyes towards all kinds of predictors. There is a rational grain in such a choice. After all, many astrologers have more than once reliably predicted the future.

Psychic Predictions

In fact, among the media there is a different point of view regarding the outcome presidential elections. Let's get acquainted with some forecasts that were made not only at the present time, but also a very long time ago:

  • Nostradamus- the most famous psychic predicted the Golden Age of Russia. It will come when a native of the northern regions of our country becomes the leader of our country.
  • Vasily Nemchin- this seer several centuries ago predicted that a person who would not look like current politicians would become the head of our state. He will have an analytical mind and esoteric abilities. It will be a person who has cured himself of a dangerous disease and has the basics of magic. New president will be elected at the age of 55. He will succeed in creating a great state within the borders of the Soviet Union. It is expected to flourish by 2023.
  • Edgar Cayce- the predictor is sure that the future leader of Russia will be technically educated person. He will revive our country, and it will become the savior of civilization. The birth of a new prosperous Russia will begin in Siberia.
  • Mikhail Levin- this psychic is sure that the next president of the Russian Federation will be a person who will completely reboot the country's device. He will not belong to the current political elite. He will be able to reduce the influence of power structures in the life of society. The country will move on to a democratic path of development and achieve significant progress in all areas.
  • Maria Duval- this Frenchwoman predicted that the new leader of Russia would be a man who would lead the country out of the crisis by 2020. The Russian Federation will become one of the leading countries in the world, in which rich people will live, and there will be a strong economy and a well-armed army. Russian medicine will be able to create a tool that allows you to live long. The successful development of science will lead to a revolution in computer technology.
  • Vanga- the soothsayer predicted the triumph of V. Putin as a collector of Russian lands. Under his rule, Russia will become a strong and influential state. On the way to this, the Russians will have to go through trials and sorrows, but it will be worth it.
  • Pavel Globa- our contemporary is very pessimistic in his forecasts. He is sure that the current leader of the Russian Federation will die soon. Death will happen in 2018. This prediction is explained by the position of Saturn in the constellation Scorpio. True, it should be noted that this astrologer has already predicted the death of the president in 2012. As you know, his prediction did not come true. Maybe this time the media is wrong.

Holy elders about the future president

It is believed that Orthodox saints receive their knowledge from God, so many trust them more than psychics. Some believers are sure that astrologers who are helped by demons cannot be trusted. Among the elders there are different opinions about the future of Russia. However, they are unanimous in their opinion that a bright future awaits our country:

Seraphim of Sarov The Antichrist will conquer all countries, except for Russia, which will unite all Orthodox lands into the Russian kingdom.
Lavrentiy Chernigovskiy At the head of Russia will be an Orthodox tsar, who will be feared by all countries that have submitted to the Antichrist. The second coming of Christ will grant all who fight evil eternal life.
Paisios Athos The future leader of Russia will be able to unite all the Slavic peoples, which will make her invincible.

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