Presentation on the topic "North-Eastern Crimea". Features of different regions of the Crimean peninsula Natural zones of the Crimean peninsula

Geography of Crimea

In the south of Ukraine is one of its pearls - the Crimean Peninsula, washed by the Black and Azov Seas, as well as Lake Sivash. The peninsula is connected to the mainland by the narrow Perekop Isthmus. Most of the Crimea is occupied by the North Crimean Plain with cold, dry winters, insufficiently moistened cool springs and autumns, hot and dry summers, with a cultivated steppe and poor fauna. The southern part of the peninsula is occupied by mountains consisting of three ridges-cuestas, gently sloping from the north and steep from the south: External, Internal and Main. The highest point of the Crimea is the city of Roman-Kosh, 1545.3 m. The climate of the mountains: moderately cold, little snowy winter, cool, rainy spring and autumn, hot and dry summer, frequent winds in all seasons of the year.

The flora of the mountains is modified depending on the height and exposure of the slopes. In connection with active human activity, most of the representatives of the fauna have been preserved in the area of ​​the Crimean Reserve. In the extreme south of the peninsula along the Black Sea coast, the Southern Coast of Crimea (SCC) stretches in a narrow strip with low mountains, with relatively warm, rainy winters, with warm and dry springs and autumns, with hot and dry summers. The flora of the South Coast has been changed and turned into a continuous park and garden area with ornamental plants, fruit trees and vineyards. The diversity of nature, the richness of historical monuments create all the conditions for recreation, excursions and tourism. In terms of recreation and tourism, the Crimean peninsula can be conditionally divided into two parts: flat and mountainous. Mountain Crimea can be divided into three tourist areas: Western (from the city of Sevastopol to the Simferopol-Alushta highway), Central (between the Simferopol-Alushta highway and the Grushevka-Sudak highway) and Eastern (between the Grushevka-Sudak highway and the city of Feodosia).

Features of Western Crimea

Western Crimea, as a tourist area, is located between the railway and the Simferopol-Bakhchisarai-Sevastopol highway in the north, the Simferopol-Alushta trolleybus route in the east, and the Black Sea coast in the west and south. Two ridges pass through the region: Inner, relatively low ridge with numerous monuments of nature and history: cave cities and monasteries (Bakla, Chufut-Kale, Tepe-Kermen, Kachi-Kalyon, Mangup, Eski-Kermen, Chilter-Koba, Syuyren tower and etc.), canyons of the river. Black, Kacha, Belbek; The main ridge, or Yayla, which begins as a narrow ridge from Cape Aya and goes to the city of Spirada, then goes the wide Ai-Petri Yayla to the lane. Endek with the highest mountain - Roca, 1346 m; further Yalta Yayla to the lane. Uch-Kosh with the highest mountain Kemal-Egerek, 1529 m; then a small Demir-Kapukskaya Yayla to the lane. Pisara-Bogaz in the northeast and per. Nikitsky in the south with the highest mountain Demir-Kapu, 1541 m; further narrow Gurzufsky ridge to the lane. Gurzuf Saddle or Gurbet-Dere-Bogaz; then comes the highest Yayla-Babugan to the lane. Kebit-Bogaz with the highest mountains of Crimea Roman-Kosh, 1545 m, Orman-Kosh, 1530 m, Zeytin-Kosh, 1537 m; then Chatyr-Dag-Yail to the Angarsk Pass and the Simferopol-Alushta highway with the highest mountain Eklizi-Burun, 1527 m. The northern slopes of the Yail are covered with deciduous forest, the southern slopes are covered with pine forest. Ai-Petri Yaila has many mines and caves.

The river valleys in the mountainous part are narrow and form canyon-like gorges, the most famous is the Grand Canyon of Crimea in the upper reaches of the river. Belbek near Ai-Petri Yayla. The protected part is very beautiful and interesting with natural and historical monuments, but the entrance there is only with the permission of the Reserve Administration, located in the mountains. Alushta. All parking lots of the foothill part are located on the outskirts of settlements. It is better to start routes from the mountains. Simferopol, mountains. Bakhchisaray or from the mountains. Sevastopol, in which the KSS or KSO are located: mountains. Simferopol, st. Zoya Zhiltsova, 24, tel. (8-0652) 25-45-13; 25-31-58, KSS; mountains Bakhchisaray, st. Karl Marx, 31, tel. 3-28-57, CSR; mountains Sevastopol, st. Suvorov, 20, tel. 52-53-18, CSR.

Features of the Central Crimea

Central Crimea as a tourist area is located between the Simferopol-Alushta trolleybus route in the west, the Grushevka-Sudak highway in the east, the Simferopol-Grushevka-Feodosiya highway in the north and the Black Sea coast in the south. Here are located: Dolgorukovskaya Yayla, Demerdzhi-Yayla, Karabi-Yayla, further to the east there are narrow ridges and mountains. There are many deciduous forests in the area. All parking lots and routes are remote from settlements, but if necessary, it is possible to go to settlements within one day from each parking lot, going north or south.

The area is famous for its monuments to partisans of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. There are many natural sightseeing objects on the route: karst caves and mines on the Yayla (Red Caves, MAN cave, Soldatskaya cave, Buzluk, etc.), remnant rocks (Ghost Valley on Demerdzhi mountain, Koktash mountain, Camel mountain, Chatal-Kaya, Baka-Tash, etc.), waterfalls: Dzhurla, Dzhur-Dzhur, Raven), Kuchuk-Karasinsky canyon and many miniature canyons in river valleys. It is better to start and end routes from the trolleybus route or from the mountains. Zander. You can also start routes from any settlement located on the Simferopol-Feodosia or Alushta-Sudak highway, where local buses run. Release on tourist routes is carried out by the Republican KSS, mountains. Simferopol, st. Zoya Zhiltsova, 24, tel. 25-45-13, 25-31-58; KSO: mountains. Alushta, st. Lenina, 8a, tel. 3-50-10, mountains. Sudak, Tauride Highway, 8, hotel "Horizon", tel. 2-19-00.

Features of Eastern Crimea

Eastern Crimea as a tourist area is located between the highway Simferopol - Grushevka - Bulk - Feodosia in the north, the highway Grushevka - Sudak in the west, the Black Sea coast - in the south and the highway Bulk - Koktebel - in the east. The relief of the region consists of low mountains and ranges. The highest mountain in the region is the city of Tuaralan, 748 m, located on the ridge of the same name. On the territory of the region there is an ancient volcano - the city of Karadag, declared a state reserve. There are many monuments to the partisans of the Great Patriotic War in the Starokrymsky forests. Very interesting routes on the mountains Ai-Georgy, Alchak, Perchem, Sokol, Karaul-Oba, Echki-Dag in the mountains. Zander.

The most famous excursion objects in the region are the Genoese fortress and Byzantine monasteries in the mountains. Sudak, the museum and the grave of the writer A. S. Green in the mountains. Old Crimea, the Armenian monastery of Surb-Khach on the outskirts of the mountains. Old Crimea, museums of the artist M. Voloshin and gliding in the village of Koktebel. In the mountains Feodosia, you can visit the art gallery of the artist I. K. Aivazovsky and the museum of the writer A. S. Green. It is more convenient to start routes from the mountains. Stary Krym, which can be reached by bus from the mountains. Simferopol or from the mountains. Feodosia. You can start routes from Shchebetovka or the village of Koktebel, where a suburban bus runs from the mountains. Theodosius. Release on tourist routes in the Eastern Crimea is carried out by the KSS of the mountains. Feodosia, st. Fedko, 32a, tel. 7-15-73 and mountains. Sudak, Tauride highway, 8, hotel "Horizon", tel. 2-19-00.

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NORTH-EASTERN CRIMEA The Sivash-plain region located in the north-eastern part of the Crimean peninsula Region composition: Nizhnegorsky district Sovetsky district Kirovsky district

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Northeastern Crimea is perhaps the most unknown and little visited region of Crimea. But in this distant corner you can find a lot of interesting and unusual things. This place is for those who pave the way for themselves. The recommended mode of transport is a bicycle, a motorcycle or an ATV, an SUV or an ordinary passenger car. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION

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Features of the nature of the northeastern Crimea

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STATE BOTANICAL RESERVE “PRISIVASHSKY” The virgin steppe with medicinal plants, including extensive thickets of chamomile, a valuable and very popular medicinal plant, is protected in it. Lake Sivash, framing the reserve, has no less health benefits. .

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AGARMYSH FOREST More than 200 years old. In 1964 it was declared a protected area. Beech, oak, hornbeam are the main species of the Old Crimean forest. A unique Crimean beech, a rare species of hornbeam - oriental hornbeam and two varieties of oak are under protection here: fluffy and rocky.

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SIVASH - the coast of the bay is extremely dissected and winding. The coastline does not have a clear, stable outline and creates a picture of a complex natural labyrinth. Most of the narrow peninsulas elongated in the northeast direction are called “tyups” or “kuts”, and the land areas temporarily flooded due to surge currents are called “droughts”

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Mount AGARMYSH is a classic Mediterranean type karst. Water, dissolving limestone, forms a variety of grottoes, wells, mines, caves. Here is an interesting cave "Bottomless well". The entrance to this cave is closed with a reinforced concrete slab. Bottomless well - an open mine. It is a failure leading to a chamber with a diameter of 4 m, from the bottom of which a 38-meter shaft expanding downwards begins. At the bottom there is a blocky heap, on the walls there are separate streaks. There are many legends about this cavity, which are reflected in its names. The main feature is the increase in the warm period of carbon dioxide concentration to life-threatening (up to 4 vol.%). The record content of CO2 is 7.62%. Descent only in an insulating gas mask. The oxygen content drops to 1416%. In winter, the concentration of carbon dioxide decreases.

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ARABAT STRELKA - A narrow and long (113 km) spit extends from the Akmonai isthmus in a northwestern direction. It separates from the Sea of ​​Azov its shallow and very salty (up to 200 ppm) lagoon - Sivash. The Arabat Spit consists mainly of shell material, the width is from 270 meters to 8 kilometers.

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NIZHNEGORSKY Nizhnegorsky (until 1944 Seitler; Crimean Tatar Seyitler, Seyitler) is an urban-type settlement in the Sivash steppe region of the Republic of Crimea, the center of the Nizhnegorsky district. The largest and most significant enterprises of Nizhnegorsk include a plant for the production of mixed fodder, juices, oils, various cereals, flour and canned fruits and vegetables. The village has a bread factory and organizations providing housing and communal services. Numerous small enterprises of Nizhnegorsk are engaged in trade and construction activities

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Sovetsky (until 1944 - Ichki, Crimean Tatar. İçki) - an urban-type settlement in the Soviet district of the Republic of Crimea of ​​Russia (Autonomous Republic of Crimea). district. The largest enterprises: a bakery, a winery, a printing house. There are 449 enterprises operating in the region. Trade services for the population are provided by consumer cooperation enterprises and business structures.

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KIROVSKOE Kirovskoe (until 1945 Islam-Terek; Crimean Tatar. İslâmTerek, Islyam Terek) is an urban-type settlement in the east of Crimea. The center of the Kirovsky district of the republic. The population is about 7 thousand people. The industry of the village is represented by such enterprises: OATP "Kirov Repair and Transport Enterprise" (engineering and metalworking), printing house, OATP "Kirov Feed Mill".

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ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF THE NORTH-EASTERN CRIMEA REGIONS The economy is based on agricultural production. In recent years, active work has been carried out in the region to develop tourism and recreation. Particularly promising are the territories on the coast of Sivash. A variety of natural landscapes (floodplains, spits, shallow waters, reed beds), deposits of unique therapeutic mud, the presence of fish ponds, a large concentration of hunting bird species - all these factors create favorable ground for the development of recreational and tourist activities in the area (primarily fishing tourism) . Rural (“green”) tourism is developing rapidly, which is also due to favorable natural conditions. Much attention is paid to the development of folk crafts, mainly related to the processing of sheep products.

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ARCHAEOLOGICAL OBJECTS OF THE NORTH-EASTERN CRIMEA First of all, these are mounds - the so-called "pyramids of the steppes". One of them - the Nogaychinsky mound near the village of Chervonoe (Nizhnegorsky district) - in 1974 pleased with a unique find. The burial of a woman who supposedly lived at the end of the second century BC was discovered. - first century AD The woman’s head was crowned with a golden diadem, her neck was decorated with a massive golden hryvnia with the image of griffins, a golden brooch rested on her chest, there were bracelets on her arms and legs, and her hands were decorated with precious stones. in the form of a dolphin

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The city of OLD CRIMEA is a tourist "Mecca" of the Kirovsky district

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Stary Krym is a city in the eastern part of Crimea. The population is about 10 thousand people. The main sights of the city are the buildings of the XIII-XIV centuries, when Kyrym was the center of the Crimean Yurt. The current mosque of Khan Uzbek has been well preserved to this day. In the eastern part of the city are the ruins of a mint, a caravanserai and the Kurshum-Jami mosque, and 5 kilometers west of Stary Krym is the medieval Armenian monastery of Surb-Khach (Holy Cross), the revival of which has begun in recent years. In addition, the city has an ethnographic museum dedicated to the culture of the Crimean Tatar people.

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MOSQUE OF KHAN UZBEK In OLD CRIMEA Khan Uzbek, who ascended the throne of the Golden Horde in 1312, having become an adherent of Islam, ordered the construction of a beautiful mosque and a higher Muslim religious school - a madrasah in Solkhat. The construction of the mosque began in 1314. According to the Turkish traveler EvliyaChelebi, in 1512-1513, under Mengli Giray, the mosque was a cathedral one. Now the mosque is a rectangular building of the basilica type with an entrance from the north side and a minaret built into the northeast corner. The longitudinal axis of the building is oriented in the north-south direction, so that the faithful in the building, praying, turn their faces to the south, towards Mecca.

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SURB-KHACH Surb-Khach - Armenian monastery. The church bearing the name of Surb-Nshan was built in 1358 during the Armenian colonization of Crimea. Later, a gavit (porch) with a bell tower was added to the temple. And in 1719 - a fraternal building with cells for monks. The monastery is more like a fortress than a humble abode. The windows are like loopholes, and from the bell tower, which looks like a watchtower, until the forest surrounded the monastery, the access road was visible.

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GREEN MUSEUM IN THE OLD CRIMEA The exposition of the museum consists of two small rooms. One of them is completely preserved in its original form. Alexander Stepanovich died here. An iron bed by the window, a couch on which Nina Nikolaevna Grin was on duty at the bedside, a badger skin, an old alarm clock, a vase for flowers. In the second room - books, manuscripts, old photographs with views of the Old Crimea and Kara-Dag.

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HOUSE-MUSEUM OF K.G. Paustovsky Museum is located in a house with a shady old garden. Here the writer stayed in the 1950s. In support of this, an original open-air exposition has been created - a wonderful garden, which presents quotes from the works of Paustovsky. As if the writer himself tells the visitor about his favorite corner. The typological interior of a provincial petty-bourgeois house of the early 20th century has been recreated in four halls, and an exposition has been deployed that tells about the life and creative path of Paustovsky.

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Stary Krym - a city of museums Museum complex of the city Literary and Art House-Museum of A.S. GrinK. Paustovsky House-MuseumMuseum of Culture and Life of the TatarsMuseum of History and Local Lore Memorable places of the Old Crimea Panteleimon Starokrymsky cemetery, including --- the grave of Alexander Grin --- the grave of Yulia Drunina Memorable historical places of the North-Eastern Crimea

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Lesson No. 13 "Crimea Studies" Grade 7.

North-Eastern Crimea: the largest agricultural region. Geographical position, composition of the region, a brief history of settlement, development and development of the territory.

Features of nature.

Planned results:

Personal: increasing the geographical culture of students, fostering a careful attitude to the landscapes of the small Motherland, to the environment;

Metasubject: development of cognitive interest, creative abilities in the study of certain regions of the Crimean peninsula;

Subject: study of the features of the geographical location of the North-Eastern Crimea, the history of settlement and development of the territory, features of nature.

Equipment: demonstration map “Administrative and territorial division of Crimea”, atlas, p. 5, notebook with a printed base “Crimean studies: a mosaic of Crimean regions” edited by A.V. Suprychev for grade 7, a multimedia complex with direct Internet access.

During the classes:

I . Organizing time.

In the previous lessons, we studied “Central Crimea”, “Central-Northern Crimea”, so you have an idea according to what plan the regional Crimea is being studied and what points you need to pay attention to. Today, dear students, you will help me in mastering a new topic.

II . Learning new material.

North-Eastern Crimea is a Sivash-flat region located in the north-eastern part of the Crimean peninsula.

Carefully study the map of the atlas "Administrative-territorial division of Crimea" and answer the question: "What areas are included in the region under study, name their centers?

Nizhnegorsky district with the center - Nizhnegorsky, Sovetsky with the center - Sovetsky, Kirovsky with the center - Kirovskoye. It can be added that the Nizhnegorsk region is our eastern neighbor. You need to know your neighbors!

Carefully study the map and name the major settlements of the North-Eastern Crimea. These are Sadovoe, Zhelyabovka, Mikhailovka, Izobilnoe of the Nizhnegorsk region, Pushkino, Nekrasovka, Chapaevo, Cherished Sovetsky region, Golden Field, Bright Field, Privetnoye, Vladislavovka of the Kirov region. Even in the toponymy of the listed villages, we can safely say that the territory we are studying has an agricultural direction - "Golden and Bright" fields, they talk about the development of grain farming, and "Gardening", "Abundant" - growing fruits, grapes and vegetables. A sign of the geographical center of Crimea was installed near the village of Yastrebki, Nizhnegorsky district.

Let's analyze together the geographical position of the territory: it is washed by the Sea of ​​Azov, it borders on the strong central regions of the peninsula: Dzhankoysky, Krasnogvardeisky, Belogorsky. Not far from the region there is a large city - the port of Feodosia on the Black Sea coast, Salgir flows here and the railway line connecting Armyansk and Kerch passes. The coast of the region in the northeast is washed by the Sivash Bay, which has a salinity of 200 ppm. The shores of the bay are extremely dissected and winding. Today, all Crimeans have heard a lot about the Tavrida highway, the construction of which will begin in 2017. The transport interchange between the cities of Dzhankoy, Feodosiya and Kerch will pass through Vladislavovka - Kirovsky district. For obvious reasons, the geographical position of the North-Eastern Crimea will become even better, which means that the region's economy will increase its sectoral structure of the economy.

Using additional material, we fill in the table "Features of the nature of the North-Eastern Crimea." We work with atlas maps (a creative atmosphere is established in the lesson, where work takes place in “pairs” teacher-class). The flat terrain prevails, because. at the base is the Scythian plate. The region is poor in mineral resources. Temperate climatic zone with winter temperatures approximately equal to zero degrees, summer - about twenty. The lowest air temperature was recorded in Nizhnegorsk on January 11, 1940 - minus 36.8 degrees. The annual rainfall is 400 - 500 mm. Salgir flows through the region, dark chestnut soils and chernozems are widespread. The flora is represented on saline soils - cereal volosnets, kirmek, in untouched territories - fescue, feather grass (up to 70% of the territory is plowed and occupied by wheat, corn, sunflower, orchards and vineyards). In the North-Eastern Crimea there is a unique natural site - the state botanical reserve "Prisivashsky", which is protected virgin steppe with medicinal plants, large thickets of chamomile - a valuable, very popular and sought-after medicinal plant. Agarmysh forest is over 200 years old. In 1964 it was declared a protected area. Beech, hornbeam, oak are the main "inhabitants" of the Old Crimean forest. Crimean beech, a rare species of hornbeam - oriental hornbeam, downy oak and sessile oak are protected here. Mount Agarmysh is a classic Mediterranean-type karst. Water, dissolving the Upper Jurassic limestone, forms a variety of grottoes, wells, mines, caves. Here is the “Bottomless Well” cave with the accumulation of methane gas and carbon dioxide at the bottom, which makes it impossible for tourists to visit, so the entrance to the cave is closed with a reinforced concrete slab. The fauna is represented by rodents, which take an active part in the sowing of seeds of various plants: foxes, mice, martens. This is how the region of the North-Eastern Crimea appears before our eyes.

The region also has many interesting objects on its territory. Mounds - "pyramids of the steppes". One of them is the Nogaychinsky mound near the village of Chervonoe, Nizhnegorsky district. In 1974, the burial place of a woman was found here, who supposedly lived at the end of the 2nd century BC. BC. - I century. AD with gold jewelry and products adorned with precious stones.

The city of Stary Krym is an object of cultural and historical heritage. The history of the city begins in the distant XIII century and today invites tourists to get acquainted with the ancient mosque of Khan Uzbek, built in 1314, operating in the Crimea, Surb Khach Monastery is an ancient monument of Armenian architecture. For lovers of literature, more modern historical sights can be offered - the house - museum of A. Green and K. Paustovsky. In a word, we were once again convinced that “Crimea is an open-air museum!”

Demonstration of the video "Stary Krym Kirovsky district of Crimea" duration 04.54 min. from 07/04/2015 (a convenient, relevant and short video!)

North-Eastern Crimea is a huge area of ​​the steppe, on which many villages and towns are scattered, the population of which is engaged in agriculture, but we will talk about this with you in the next lesson.

III . Summing up the lesson.

Thanks for the lesson! You very subtly noticed the characteristic features of the nature of the North-Eastern Crimea, you worked wonderfully with notebooks and maps of the atlas, therefore, taking into account your assessment answers, the most hardworking guys earn.

IV . Homework: pp. 40-45 notebook!


Southeast Crimea- a coastal-mountainous region located in the southeastern part of the Crimean peninsula. The poetic toponym of Cimmeria is closely connected with the concept of South-Eastern Crimea. Cimmeria is a legendary land that stretches around Koktebel to the north, west and east for some not entirely certain distance, but probably to Stary Krym, Sudak and Feodosia, respectively. Eastern Crimea includes the following cities and towns: Koktebel, Novy Svet, Ordzhonikidze, Kurortnoye, Beregovoye, Morskoye, Primorsky. Each of these names is associated with numerous legends and ancient history.

Eastern Crimea is an amazing corner with majestic mountains, wild cliffs, mysterious grottoes and cozy fabulous blue bays. Here you can enjoy a bouquet of famous wines and cognacs, or champagne from the cellars of Prince Golitsyn. The hallmarks of these places are Novy Svet, Koktebel, Sudak and Feodosiya and, in contrast to them, many kilometers of sandy beaches of the Azov Sea on the Kazantip peninsula. The Genoese fortress, Bald Mountain and Golden Beach, Kara-Dag and Uzyn-Syrt, resort towns and wonderful nature - all this is Eastern Crimea.

Eastern Crimea is the literary Koktebel, where all the paintings and events are built around the House of the Poet, this is Feodosia with its Cimmerian artists and Old Crimea with the first and last house of Green. These are the Demerdzhi and Karabi passes, the rocks of the New World, the underwater world in the bays of Kara-Dag or fabulous hang-gliding.

Three quarters of the Eastern Crimea are steppe plains with rich black earth soils. Geography teachers who are not devoid of imagination compare the mountain range of the South-Eastern Crimea with the back of a whale emerging from the sea or that huge fish that Sinbad the Sailor mistook for an island. From long lying on the surface, her back was overgrown with trees, lakes appeared on her, waterfalls rustled and even people began to settle.

The region of the South-Eastern Crimea includes many attractions, among them I would like to highlight:

- Genoese fortress, Sudak. The Genoese fortress is a monument of medieval architecture of world significance, the only Genoese citadel that has survived in the Crimea. Built by the Genoese between 1371 and 1469.

- grotto of Chaliapin, n. New World. An amazing grotto with a centuries-old history is now called Chaliapin's Grotto. The name of the grotto is associated with the visit of the famous singer. He liked to visit his friend the count, and of course, he could not ignore the grotto along with its contents.

- House Museum of Maximilian Voloshin, town. Koktebel. The house-museum of Maximilian Voloshin is perhaps the only museum in the world that survived the wars and preserved the mystery and charm of the Silver Age in the atmosphere of the life-creation of its owner.

- Feodosiya National Art Gallery. I.K. Aivazovsky, Feodosia. Feodosiya National Art Gallery. I.K. Aivazovsky - one of the oldest art museums in Ukraine, a unique, world-famous museum of marine painting, the first public museum in Ukraine.

Extinct volcano Kara-Dag, town. Koktebel. The Kara-Dag volcano is the oldest volcano in Europe with a respectable age of 140 million years. Its sea coast is a group of amazingly beautiful bays, many of which can only be reached from the sea. These bays are closed by overhanging rocks up to three hundred meters high with underwater grottoes and caves. One of the most amazing creations of volcanic activity can definitely be called a rock in the Golden Gate Sea, through which a rather large boat can easily pass.

Climate This resort region is moderate, characterized by the absence of sharp temperature fluctuations. Thanks to the sea breezes, the summer heat is quite easily tolerated. The swimming season starts at the end of May and lasts until the beginning of October. The southern slopes of the mountains are covered with Mediterranean vegetation, to the east the Crimean mountains smoothly turn into a steppe landscape. The beaches of the South-Eastern Crimea are sandy and pebbly, with the addition of small shell rock.

South-Eastern Crimea provides ample opportunities for the development of various types of tourism. Pedestrian routes in the South-Eastern Crimea are carried out mainly parallel to the coastline and along river valleys.

Sudak gives great opportunities for cycling tourism. Sudak also has ample opportunities for outdoor activities. These are diving, horseback riding, paragliding. The New World has natural resources for the development of such a type of tourism as rock climbing. In the city of Feodosia, there is a center for hang gliding, tasting excursions to the Novosvetsky factory of sparkling wines and a dolphinarium are held. Various festivals are held in the city.

This area is attractive for those who prefer a relatively inexpensive and relaxing holiday. There are few chic health resorts here, as in the South Coast, small, cozy, quite comfortable rest houses and boarding houses prevail. Housing compared to the South Coast is a little cheaper, the private sector prevails, and not high-rise buildings.

The local coast is very beautiful, somewhat exotic, there are many cozy bays and rocks. The beaches are mostly small pebbles, and in Feodosia and to the east - sandy.

This area has long been chosen by car tourists, so almost all health resorts and the private sector are focused on vacationers with cars. In the summer season, in every city and village on the coast, summer campsites and parking lots are equipped for autotourists.

The local places, especially the capes protruding into the sea - Meganom, Kiik-Atlama, etc. - are very convenient for lovers of various types of sailing because of the constantly blowing gentle winds. And the bays of Koktebel and Novy Svet, the steep coast of Karadag attract fans of diving (snorkeling) like a magnet.

There are fewer sights in this area than in the mountainous southwestern Crimea (especially historical ones), but there are enough magnificent and unusual landscapes, natural monuments.

Unearthly, deserted landscapes of Yayla Karabi, mysterious Valley of Ghosts with a giant stone chaos and the Funa fortress near Mount Demerdzhi, the medieval Armenian monastery of Surb-Khach near Stary Krym, White Rock near Belogorsk, the Dzhur-dzhur waterfall, the partisan memorial near Kalan-Bair, the ruins of the "long walls" near Chigenitra and many other memorable places will always be of interest to travelers. And the breathtaking landscapes that open from almost every peak will not leave indifferent true connoisseurs of beauty.

Northeastern Crimea is perhaps the most
unknown and little visited region
Crimea. But in this far corner you
you can find a lot of interesting and
unusual. This is the place for those who
a bike,
quad bike,
SUV or regular car
the car.

Features of the nature of the northeastern Crimea
The relief is flat. North Crimean lowland.
North Kazantip and East Kazantip
gas fields.
Characterized by a temperate climate with snow
and windy winter, short spring, hot and dry
in summer and rainy autumn. Winter temperature - -2.3,
summer - +23. The annual amount of precipitation is from 340–350 mm.
Inland waters
Wet Indole, Churuk-Su, Biyuk-Karasu, Dry Indole
Chestnut, solonetzes solonchaks, meadow
Vegetable world
Wormwood, fescue, chamomile, oak, hornbeam
Animal world
Lark, partridge, quail viper, lizard, snake,
ground squirrel, vole Hamster

Geographical center of Crimea
The Nizhnegorsk region has its own "zest". Also in
Soviet times here in the village of Yastrebki was
the sign "GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER OF CRIMEA" was installed

It is protected virgin steppe with medicinal
plants, including extensive thickets of chamomile, a valuable and
very popular medicinal plant
health has Lake Sivash, framing the reserve. .

Over 200 years. In 1964 it was declared a protected area.
Beech, oak, hornbeam are the main species of the Old Crimean forest.
Here are under protection the unique Crimean beech,
rare species of hornbeam - oriental hornbeam and two varieties
oak: fluffy and rocky.

SIVASH - the coast of the bay is extremely dissected and winding.
The coastline does not have clear, stable outlines and
creates a picture of a complex natural labyrinth. Big
part of the narrow, elongated in the northeast direction
peninsulas are called "tyups" or "kuts", and
temporarily flooded due to surge currents
land areas - "droughts"

Mount AGARMYSH is a classic Mediterranean type karst. Water, dissolving
limestone, forms a variety of grottoes, wells, mines, caves. Here
there is an interesting cave "Bottomless well". The entrance to this cave is closed
reinforced concrete slab. Bottomless well - an open mine. Is
a dip leading to a chamber 4 m in diameter, from the bottom of which begins
38 meter shaft extending downwards. At the bottom - a blocky bulk, on the walls
- separate leaks. There are many legends about this cavity that have found
reflected in its names. The main feature is an increase in the warm period
concentration of carbon dioxide to life-threatening (up to 4 vol.%). Record
CO2 content - 7.62%. Descent only in an insulating gas mask. Content
oxygen drops to 1416%. Winter concentration
carbon dioxide goes down.

From the Akmonai Isthmus in a northwestern direction
a narrow and long (113 km) spit stretches. She separates from
Sea of ​​Azov, its shallow and very salty (up to 200
ppm) lagoon - Sivash. The Arabat Spit consists mainly
from shell material, width from 270 meters to 8 kilometers.


Nizhnegorsky (until 1944 Seitler; Crimean Tatar Seyitler, Seyitler) - a village
urban type in the Sivash steppe region of the Republic of Crimea,
center of the Nizhnegorsk region. The largest and most significant enterprises
Nizhnegorsky include a plant for the production of feed, juices,
oils, various cereals, flour and canned fruits and vegetables. The village has
a bread factory and organizations providing housing and communal services. Numerous small enterprises of Nizhnegorsky
engaged in trade and construction activities

(until 1944 - Ichki, Crimean Tatar. İçki) - an urban settlement
type in the Soviet district of the Republic of Crimea of ​​Russia (Autonomous
Republic of Crimea). In the village there are selenergo-, rayagrostroy-,
hatchery and poultry farm and other enterprises of the local
values ​​that are engaged in the maintenance of agricultural
enterprises of the region. The largest enterprises: a bakery plant,
winery, typography. On the territory of the region operates
449 enterprises. Trade services for the population are carried out
consumer cooperation enterprises and entrepreneurial

- Terek; Crimean. Islam Terek, Islam
Kirovskoe (until 1945 Islam
Terek) is an urban-type settlement in the east of Crimea. Center of Kirovsky
region of the republic. The population is about 7 thousand people. Industry
the village is represented by such enterprises: OATP "Kirovskoe
repair and transport
metalworking), printing house, OATP "Kirovskiy fodder

At the heart of the economy
- agricultural production.
In recent years, active development work has been carried out in the region.
tourism and recreation sectors. Particularly promising are
territories on the coast of Sivash. Variety of natural
landscapes (floodplains, spits, shallow waters, reed beds),
deposits of unique therapeutic mud, the presence of fish ponds,
a large concentration of hunting bird species - all these factors
create a fertile ground for development in the area of ​​recreational and
tourism activities (primarily commercial tourism).
Rural (“green”) tourism is developing rapidly, which
also due to favorable natural conditions. big
attention is paid to the development of folk crafts, mainly
associated with the processing of sheep products.

First of all, these are mounds - the so-called "pyramids of the steppes" One of them
- Nogaychinsky mound near the village of Chervonoe (Nizhnegorsky district) - in 1974
delighted with a unique find. The burial of a woman was found
who supposedly lived at the end of the second century BC. - first century AD
The woman's head was crowned with a golden diadem, and a massive golden crown adorned her neck.
a hryvnia with the image of griffins, a golden brooch rested on his chest, on his hands and
the legs were bracelets, and the hands were adorned with precious stones.
wooden caskets contained gold rings, incense bottles,
beads, rock crystal zasezhaka in the form of a dolphin

City OLD CRIMEA - tourist "Mecca" of Kirovsky

Stary Krym is a city in the eastern part of Crimea.
buildings of the XIII-XIV centuries, when Kyrym was the center
Crimean Yurt. Well preserved to this day
the functioning mosque of Khan Uzbek. In the eastern part of the city
the ruins of a mint, a caravanserai and
mosque Kurshum-Jami, and 5 kilometers west of the Old
Crimea is the medieval Armenian monastery SurbKhach (Holy Cross), the revival of which began in
last years. In addition, the city has
Crimean Tatar people.

on the
throne of the Golden Horde in 1312, becoming
adherent of Islam, ordered to build in
Solkhat beautiful mosque and higher
Muslim spiritual school madrasah. The construction of the mosque was
begun in 1314. According to the message
Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi,
Mengli Giray I was a cathedral mosque. Now
the mosque is rectangular
in terms of a basilica-type building with
entrance from the north side and built into
The longitudinal axis of the building is oriented in
north-south direction so that
the faithful in the building,
praying, their faces turned to the south, to
side of Mecca.

Surb Khach
monastery. Church wearing
built in 1358
colonization of the Crimea. Later,
a gavit was added to the temple
(porch) with a bell tower. And in
1719 - fraternal corps with
The monastery is more like
fortress than humble
monastery. Windows are like loopholes
and from the bell tower, similar to
watchtower while the forest
did not surround the monastery, was
access road is visible.

The museum exposition consists of two
small rooms. One of them is saved
completely in original condition. Here
Alexander Stepanovich died. Iron
a bed by the window, a couch on which
Nina was on duty at the sick bed
Nikolaevna Grin, badger skin, old
alarm clock, flower vase. In the second
room - books, manuscripts, old
photographs with views of Stary Krym and Karadag.

The museum is located in the building
shady old garden. Here
the writer stopped in the 1950s. In confirmation of this
sky - a wonderful garden, in
from the works of Paustovsky.
as if
tells the visitor about
your favorite corner. AT
provincial bourgeois
houses of the beginning of the 20th century, deployed
exhibition about
life and creative path

AGARMYSH - "White"; mountain range in
Crimea, the easternmost part of the Inner Ridge
Crimean mountains
Seitler - the village of Nizhnegorsky
Sivash - "sticky"
Solkhat - distorted from the Armenian Surb-Khach
Surb-Khach means "holy cross" in Armenian

Memorable historical places of the North-Eastern Crimea
Old Crimea - a city of museums
Museum complex of the city
Literary and artistic
House-Museum of A.S. Green
House-Museum of K. Paustovsky
Museum of Culture and Life of the Tatars
Museum of History and Local Lore
Memorable places of the Old Crimea
Memorial Complex
medieval church
Mosque of Sultan Baybars
Uzbek mosque and madrasah
Kurshum-Jami Mosque
Ruins of a caravanserai
Source of St. Panteleimon
Starokrymskoe cemetery, incl.
---Tomb of Alexander Grin
---grave of Yulia Drunina
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