How Marilyn Monroe Really Died. The strange death of Marilyn Monroe. What did Marilyn Monroe die from?

(See unique photos of the murdered Marilyn below.)

Norfolk. Virginia. Retired CIA officer Norman Hodges, 78, made some sensational confessions while on his deathbed at Sentara General Hospital this Monday. He announced publicly that he was a CIA hitman and between 1959 and 1972 carried out 37 contract killings, including Marilyn Monroe.

“Hodges worked for the CIA for 41 years as a top-level operative. Hodges said that he was used not only by the CIA but also by other intelligence agencies to eliminate individuals inside the country who, he was told, "represented a threat to the security of the country." Hodges was trained not only as a sniper and martial artist, but was also trained in the use of poisons and explosives.

Hodges says that he still remembers each of his eliminations very clearly and vividly. He committed all the murders inside America. And he received all the kill orders from his direct commander, Major James “Jimmy” Hayworth. Hodges says he was a member of a 5-man hit-and-run group that carried out political assassinations and took out opposition figures across America.

The victims were mostly oppositionists, political activists, journalists and trade union leaders; but also, he says he killed several scientists and artists whose ideas he was told posed a threat to US national interests. Hodges said that the murder of Marilyn Monroe was unique, if only because she was the only woman he killed. But he says that he still has no regrets about killing her, as he was told that she was a threat. national security USA, and that she slept not only with Kennedy but also with Fidel Castro.

His words: “My commander Jimmy Hayvors told me that she must die, and it must look like a suicide or an overdose. I had never killed a woman before, but I had to obey orders... I did it for America! She could pass strategic information to the communists, and we could not allow this. She should have died! I just did what I had to do.”

Marilyn Monroe was killed between midnight and 1 am on August 5, 1962. Mr. Hodges said he went into her room while she was sleeping and gave her a massive dose of chloral hydrate with Nembutal, both anesthetics. Death came from a massive overdose of substances that cause anesthesia.

Following these confessions, Hodges, despite being on his deathbed, was immediately assigned FBI guards to prevent further press conferences.

Hodges' direct commander who ordered the killings, Major James Hayworth, died of a heart attack in 2011. Three of his five killers who are already dead, Hodges named. The article named only one, Captain Keith McInnis, who went missing in 1968 and was declared dead.”

Of course, Major Hayvors' killer unit was not the only one.

Marilyn Monroe is not only famous American actress, a singer, but also a chic woman, . Born in 1926, but died quite a young age when she was 36 years old. her secret sudden death has not been revealed so far. But there is a version that most experts agreed with, and we will consider it in this article.

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe

According to the housekeeper, on August 4, 1962, Marilyn looked very tired and went to her room, taking her phone with her. That evening, she called Peter Lawford and said this phrase: "Say goodbye for me to Pat, to the president and to yourself, because you are a nice guy." A few hours later, the maid noticed a burning light in Marilyn's bedroom and was very surprised. Looking through the window of the room, she saw the lifeless body of a girl, lying face down.

Frightened, housekeeper Eunice Murray called the star's psychiatrist Ralph Greenson and her personal doctor Hyman Engelberg. Both of them, on arrival, ascertained death. As the examination showed, the death of Marilyn Monroe came due to acute poisoning and oral overdose of the drug. The police said it was most likely a suicide.

The Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe

Why did a great actress and amazing girl decide to commit suicide? After all, her life was more than successful, her career flourished. She starred in such famous films: “Chorus Girls”, “Only Girls in Jazz”, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”, “ Happy love" other. In his personal life, everything worked out, but not very well. The affair with playwright Arthur Miller lasted four and a half years, the couple had no children, since Marilyn could not get pregnant. After, there were rumors about the actress's love affairs with John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert. But these are just rumors with no evidence.

At first glance, it may seem that the girl had no problems, but the fact that she was found dead in her own apartment, without any signs of murder, proves the opposite. There was a pack of sleeping pills by her bed, and an autopsy proved that death was the result of an overdose of it. After this incident, many Americans followed the example of the goddess.

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe is revealed: the killer confessed

The real sensation was the news that Marilyn Monroe actually killed by CIA special agents. A veteran of the intelligence bureau told this literally on his deathbed to the stunned journalists Norman Hodges who decided before his death to publicly repent of his sins.

Now the killer of the star is being interrogated by FBI detectives, and we decided to tell in detail all the details of this shocking story...

Killer #1

Normand Hodges was no ordinary operative. For forty years, this man was considered almost the best "security specialist" of the CIA. Behind the elegant wording lies a much simpler decoding: Hodges worked as a hitman of the highest class.

special training

Also in early age Normand underwent special training in the ranks of " fur seals". He participated in many foreign CIA raids as an operative, and then moved to more high level: the killer was admitted to delicate cases. A sniper, a great fighter, a connoisseur of poisons and even an explosives expert - such a person was entrusted by the CIA with the most complex, often government orders.

Work days

Normand himself admits in an interview that he was directly ordered to kill people whose activities threatened the security of the country. Journalists and politicians, cultural figures and trade union bosses, mafia bosses and even scientists - what difference does it make who to kill if the country's security requires it.

Specialists of the highest standard

Naturally, you can’t do much in such a “business” alone. Hodges was supported by a small task force of four special agents. They also provided Normand with a safe escape and a reliable alibi after he killed the only woman in his career. That woman was Marilyn Monroe.

Why was she killed

Was there a reason for the head of the CIA to eliminate some, albeit legendary, but still an actress? And how. Distinguished by the morality of a street cat (a classic characteristic of US women of that time), Marilyn slept not only with American President John F. Kennedy. For some time, Fidel Castro also went to her favorites, to whom she could well convey an important and classified information. Marilyn should have died.

My commanding officer, Jimmy Hayworth, told me that she was supposed to die, and that death should look like a suicide or an overdose. I have never killed a woman before, but I obeyed an order... I did it for America! Monroe could have given strategic information to the communists, we couldn't let that happen. She should have died, I just did what I had to do! — Normand Hodges, CIA operative

Undercover murder

Everyone knew that Marilyn allows herself both drugs and strong sleeping pills. On the night of August 5, 1962, Hodges entered the actress's bedroom and injected the girl who had already taken sleeping pills with a powerful mixture of drugs - a sedative chlorahydrate and Nembutal barbiturate. Then he threw the dying Marilyn off the balcony.

Evidence of death

The Hodges interview was like a bombshell. The FBI moved the former operative to the building of the Pentagon special hospital, where interrogations are now underway. Norman named other agents from the group, but three of them are already dead. The latter, whose name is not disclosed in the interests of the investigation, is being sought.

Death of Marilyn Monroe

It has been 50 years since that tragic day.

A sex symbol during her lifetime, after her death she completely became a cult figure. Several hundred books have been written about her life and dozens of films have been shot, artists and manufacturers of everything in the world replicate her image, and the "cult of Marilyn" finds more and more followers.

Inimitable diva - she is the absolute embodiment american dream, and her life is still the same, beloved by millions, the story of Cinderella: a girl from poor family in an instant turned into a success Hollywood star. Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, receiving the name Norma Jean at baptism. She most likely never knew her real father. Her mother - Gladys Monroe, married Mortenson - had a rather confusing personal life. In 1945, Norma Jean began working as a fashion model. In 1946, she began acting in films, dyed her hair blonde and took the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe. At the very beginning of her career in 1952, Marilyn turned from a budding actress into a tabloid "star" when a scandal erupted due to the appearance of nude photos of her in one of the calendars. This Marilyn came out with dignity, she did not deny that she posed for a photo: "I was poor and I needed money."

In the movies, Marilyn often exploited the image of a narrow-minded, naive blonde, who stuck to her later in life. Nevertheless, the actors and directors who worked with her noted her outstanding talent. Laurence Olivier, with whom she starred in The Prince and the Showgirl, said of Monroe: "She's a brilliant comedian, which to me means she's a very gifted actress." Jane Russell, with whom they co-starred in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, described Monroe as "a very shy and sweet woman who was much smarter than people thought she was."

Monroe's last day

Early on the morning of August 4, around 8 am, Eunice Murray (Marilyn's housekeeper) came to take care of the flowers.

Around 10:00 a.m., a photographer drove up to the house, who took pictures of Monroe by the pool during the filming of the movie "Something's Got to Happen." He came to discuss the publication of these photos in magazines. “Marilyn seemed to have no worries,” he later recalled.

After meeting with the photographer, Marilyn called friends, made an appointment with a massage therapist for Sunday.

From 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm (with a break from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm), Marilyn was at home with her therapist, Dr. Ralph Greenson. Around 2:00 pm, Joe DiMaggio's son called (at that time he was 20 years old, he served in the Navy).

Marilyn later asked Eunice to take her to the home of Peter Lawford (one of President Kennedy's relatives). Then she went to the beach. On the beach, it was noticeable that the actress was under the influence of drugs, she could hardly keep her balance.

At 16:30 Marilyn and Eunice returned home. Son Joe called again, Eunice answered that Marilyn was not at home, she was busy with the doctor.

Around 17:00, Peter Lawford called, invited the actress to his place. He was planning a party, but Marilyn refused. At this time, Greenson was waiting for a call from Hyman Engelberg, who was supposed to come to inject Marilyn with sleeping pills, as was often the case.

At 7:15 p.m., he left, leaving Marilyn with Eunice. Joe's son called again, he recalled that Marilyn was happy, you could hear from her voice that she was pleased with something.

At 7:45 pm, Peter Lawford called, hoping that Marilyn would accept his invitation. He knew from her voice that she was unhappy, she was muttering something in a hoarse voice. He tried to make out what she was saying, what was happening to her. She took a breath and said, "Say goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to the president, you're a good guy." And she hung up.

Peter tried to call back, but it was busy. He wanted to go to the actress's house, but he was told: “Don't do it! You are a confidant of the president. If you go, you will see her drunk, and tomorrow morning you will be in all the newspapers with a scandalous headline. He asked a friend to call Eunice to check on Marilyn. She called back, said Marilyn was doing well. In fact, she did not go to the actress's house.

When Peter heard that Marilyn was all right, he did not calm down. He called Joe Naar, who lived near Monroe's house. Peter asked him to go to the actress's house. Around 11:00 pm, Joe got dressed and was about to go, but the bell stopped him. Peter's friend called and told him not to go anywhere, that everything was fine with Marilyn, he had already called her housekeeper.

At 5:00, Marilyn's agent Pat Ncomb called: “There has been a tragedy. Marilyn took a large dose of medication." "Is she all right?" asked Pat. "No, she's dead."

August 5, 1962 Marilyn Monroe has been found dead at her home in Brentwood. The first version of death was an overdose of drugs. Then - the use of a huge dose of pills prescribed by a doctor, with the aim of suicide. Later, other versions of the death of the actress began to appear, the main of which is murder. Some wrote that the reason for the murder of Marilyn was ties with the mafia. Others that she was killed because of an affair with Robert Kennedy, who did not want to leave his wife for her. There were also rumors that she had an affair with John F. Kennedy.

There is another intersted version. According to the revelations of a former KGB agent,

Marilyn Monroe was allegedly in contact with the Soviet secret services. According to former Soviet secret agent Lyudmila Temnova, in 1960 Marilyn allegedly came to Russia under the code name Masha at the invitation of her friend, a KGB agent whom she met in the United States. Perhaps there was a conflict of interests between the two countries waging the Cold War ....

It is authentically known about 3 husbands of Marilyn Monroe:
Jim Dougherty; Joe DiMaggio; Arthur Miller.

Jim Dougherty
When Norma Jean turned 16, her guardian, Grace Atkinson McKee, is about to move to another city with her family. But they do not want to take Norma with them - the girl has become a burden for the already poor family, so they marry her to Jim Dagherty. He was 20 years old, he looked after Norma and worked in a funeral home. The marriage took place on June 19, 1942. Norma dropped out of school and moved in with Jim. A year after the wedding, he joined the merchant marine, and Norma Jean went to work at an aircraft factory. After a while, she leaves the factory to start a modeling career. On Christmas Eve 1945, Dagherty announced that she had to choose one thing: shoot for magazines or be his wife. Then Norma Jean managed to get away from a direct answer and Dagherty again went to sea. There he received another message from her, which contained everything necessary papers for a divorce. This marriage lasted 4 years - on September 13, 1946, the Nevada court granted them a divorce. They never met again. Subsequently, Marilyn characterized this marriage as a "mistake of youth."

Joe DiMaggio
Although Marilyn Monroe and baseball star Joe DiMaggio had long been rumored to be dating, in September 1952, DiMaggio and Marilyn told the press that they had no joint plans for the future. And already in January 1954 they were married. From the very beginning, DiMaggio did not like that Marilyn flaunted her body, and shooting the legendary frame of the film "The Seven Year Itch" caused him a fit of anger. DiMaggio was unusually jealous, sometimes it came to assault. In October 1954, Marilyn announced that she and Joe were going to divorce. Although this marriage lasted only 9 months, Di Magdo helped Marilyn all his life. He came to her during a deep depression due to a divorce from Arthur Miller. It was he who rescued Marilyn from the psychiatric hospital "Payne-Whiteney". He subsequently arranged for her funeral. Despite the divorce and the third marriage that followed some time later, Marilyn Joe DiMaggio throughout his life supported ex-wife. And after her death, Joe sent roses to her grave several times a week for 20 years.

Arthur Miller
Marilyn met playwright Arthur Miller a few days after failed attempt suicide caused by the death of Johnny Hyde. Miller was married and had two children. "He captivated me because he was smart. He has a smarter mind than any of the men I have ever known. He understands my desire for self-improvement," Marilyn said about Miller. They met in 1950 in Hollywood. Marilyn and Arthur Miller did not see each other for a long time and met again only in 1955. They met in secret for a year. In early 1956, Miller divorced his first wife. In the same year, a hearing was held on the case of Arthur Miller's membership in communist party, as a result of which he was sentenced to imprisonment for one year, but after an appeal, he was acquitted. Marilyn, not afraid to ruin her career, supported him in every possible way. Soon Arthur announced plans to marry Marilyn. The marriage took place in the summer of 1956. Two days later they played a Jewish wedding, because. The Millers were Jews. Their marriage lasted four and a half years and was the longest of all Marilyn Monroe's marriages. More than once, Marilyn called Arthur "her life." On January 20, 1961, they divorced. official reason there was a dissimilarity of character.
For Miller, their relationship became a heavy burden: for all four years living together he didn't write a line. And Marilyn continued to act in films and make a career.
After their divorce, Arthur wrote a play especially for Marilyn "...". According to her, the last completed film with M. Monroe - "The Misfits" was shot.

Marilyn's fourth marriage
There is a version that Marilyn Monroe was married to Robert Sletzer for several days.
According to Sletzer himself, they got married in Mexico City, after which they went to a hotel, and a few days later returned to Los Angeles, after tearing up their marriage certificate. Marilyn and Bob agreed that their marriage would be a "joke".
Despite this, throughout his life, Robert remained one of the few whom Marilyn could trust, they often called up. A few days before her death, Marilyn showed Sletzer the famous red diary.
After the authorities officially announced Monroe's suicide, Robert began a personal investigation into the death of the star. For 10 whole years he spent it personally, and then another 10 together with a well-known private detective.
Only thanks to Robert Sletzer, the official version of Marilyn's suicide was called into question and the public started talking about the murder.

All her life, Marilyn Monroe dreamed of having children. But a strong desire to be a star and act in films made this dream impossible. Yes, and there were health problems - more than 30 abortions made themselves felt.
During her first marriage, Marilyn was bored sitting at home alone and wanted to have a baby, but Dougherty was against it. Then the situation changed, already Dagherty persuaded Norma to have children. It happened when Norma Jean quit her job at an aircraft factory and started shooting for magazines. This time she refused, saying that she was afraid to spoil the figure.
In 1957, during her marriage to Arthur Miller, Marilyn became pregnant. The feeling that she would get the family she had been looking for all her life inspired her, she was happy next to her beloved man in anticipation of a mother. But the pregnancy turned out to be ectopic and ended in a miscarriage. From such a shock, Marilyn falls into a long depression, drinks a lot and continues to take medication randomly. From an overdose falls into a coma.
While working on the painting Some Like It Hot, Marilyn became pregnant again and was admitted to the Lebanese Cedars Clinic. Perhaps because of the hard work on the film, Marilyn has another miscarriage during the winter.
Once Marilyn told her friend Amy Green that at the age of 15 she gave birth to a child who was given to an orphanage. Whether this is true or Marilyn's fantasy is unknown.
But in January 2000, a man named Joseph F. Kennedy showed up in New York, claiming to be the son of former president USA John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. He demanded to return to him all movable and immovable property that remained after the death of the actress. When asked where he had been all this time, he said that immediately after the death of Marilyn Monroe on August 5, 62, he was kidnapped by unknown people. However, he has no recollection of his childhood as he "was in a serious car accident and suffers from memory loss". Most likely, this is another scam in order to seize Marilyn's large capital, because according to experts, her fortune after her death increases annually by $ 5,000,000.

After Marilyn's death, her fans were left with films, wonderful photographs of perhaps the most beautiful woman, and her quotes, which ladies of any age take into service:

I never tan - I like being a solid blonde

Although I appear on calendars, I am not distinguished by punctuality.

I am most definitely a woman, and that makes me happy.

A husband is a person who always forgets your birthday and never misses an opportunity to tell you your age.

I was not used to being happy and therefore did not consider happiness to be something obligatory for me.

Love and work are the only worthwhile things in life. Work is a kind of love.

A career is a wonderful thing, but it cannot warm anyone on a cold night.

Men have sincere respect for everything that is boring.

Husbands are usually good in bed when cheating on their wives.

If I'm a little lucky, someday I'll find out why people are so tormented by the problems of sex. I personally care about them no more than cleaning shoes.

A sex symbol is just a thing, and I hate being a thing. But if it's to be a symbol, it's better to be a symbol of sex than anything else.

I agree to live in a world ruled by men, as long as I can be a woman in this world.

Hollywood is a place where you get paid a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know this because I have rejected the first repeatedly and held out my hand for fifty cents.

We women only have two weapons... Mascara and tears, but we can't use both at the same time...

When hard days come, I think: it would be nice to become a cleaning lady to take out the inner pain.

The beauty of the body is a natural gift, it cannot be destroyed or despised.

I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved.

I don't get offended when people say I'm stupid - I know I'm not.

To be late means to make sure that you are expected. And they're just waiting for you. Make sure you are irreplaceable.

A smart girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she's left.

The dream of millions cannot belong to one.

Men, because of my image of a sex symbol, created by them and myself, expect too much of me - they expect bells to ring and whistles to blow. But my anatomy is no different from that of any other woman. I don't live up to expectations.

We, beautiful women, are obliged to seem stupid, so as not to disturb men.

Children, especially girls, should always be told that they are beautiful and that everyone loves them. If I have a daughter, I will always tell her that she is beautiful, I will comb her hair and I will not leave her alone even for a minute.

I'm late all the time. People think it's out of arrogance. And in fact - quite the opposite. I know a bunch of people who could very well be on time, but only to do nothing and sit and retell their lives or some other nonsense. What are you waiting for?

It's not great to know yourself that well or think you do - you have to flatter yourself a little to get through and overcome the falls.

Dogs have never bitten me. Only people.

A strong man does not need to assert himself at the expense of a woman who had the weakness to love him. He already has a place to show his strength.

People have a habit of looking at me like I'm a mirror and not a person. They don't see me, they see their own lustful thoughts, and then they put on a white mask and call me lustful.

All my life I belonged only to the viewer. Not because I was great, but because no one else needed me.

I have often thought that to be loved is to be desired. Now I think that to be loved means to throw another into dust, to have complete power over him.

I never abandoned someone I believed in.

I don’t know who invented heels, but all the women of the world owe a lot to him.

A good kiss is worth another.

There are no women who do not love perfume, there are women who have not found their scent ...

Female attractiveness is only strong when it is natural and spontaneous.

Run away if you want to be loved.

Give a woman a pair of stilettos and she will conquer the world.

Money can not buy happiness. And in shopping.

Humor is always the gallows' humor, and if necessary, you will learn the hangman's humor, life is too important a thing to be taken seriously.

Two things should be beautiful in a girl - this is a look and lips, because with a look she can fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves.

I don't mind jokes, but I don't want to be like one of them.

And I have a real blonde. Noved blonde does not become just like that, by nature.

They called me “sex-blonde”, “sex-bomb”… I know one thing: beauty and femininity have no age, and these qualities cannot be created. Women's charms cannot be produced industrially, as anyone would not like. I mean true beauty. She is engendered by femininity.

I never deceived anyone. But I let people be fooled. They didn't try very hard to find out who I really was. But it was easy to invent me. And I'm ready to argue with them. They love me like I've never been. And when they discover this, they will accuse me of cheating.

In Hollywood, a girl's talent is less important than her hair. You are judged by how you look, not by who you really are.

But just remember, some come and go. And those who stay with you, no matter what, are your true friends. Take care of them.

It's better to be absolutely funny than absolutely boring.

Always believe in yourself, because if you don't believe, then who else will?

When something comes to an end, there comes some relief. All the points are set, and you can breathe a sigh of relief - you did it.

A wise girl knows her limits. A smart girl knows she doesn't have them.

Sex is part of nature. I walk with nature.

What do I wear to bed? Chanel No. 5, of course.

I like to wear smart clothes, or stay naked. Something in between is not for me.

I'm just a little girl in big world who is trying to find her love.

The one thing that you want most in life, as a rule, cannot be bought with money.

I love food as long as it tastes good.

Every girl should never forget that she doesn't need those who don't need her.

In 1962, 36-year-old Marilyn Monroe, an actress who became a legend during her lifetime, was found dead in her bedroom on a bed, an object of desire for the entire male half of humanity. An autopsy showed that death was due to acute barbiturate poisoning. Monroe did not leave suicide note, however, psychiatrists called it "probable suicide". The pathologist indicated that traces of an overdose of sleeping pills and painkillers were found in the stomach and blood of the deceased, which led to lethal outcome. However, the pathologist could not give a definite answer to the question whether it was suicide or murder.

Marilyn's childhood was difficult. For some time, the girl worked at an aircraft factory, but then she left him to start a career as a model and fashion model.

In July 1946, Marilyn received her first film offer. She signed her first contract with the 20th Century Fox film company using the name Marilyn Monroe.

The pretty young actress was liked by the public and critics.

However, for the directors, Monroe remained, above all, a beautiful sexy silly girl, and none of those who invited her to act saw or wanted to see an actress in her.

In 1957, Marilyn became pregnant but lost the child. All her life she dreamed of having children, but work in the cinema prevented this dream from coming true. Yes, and there were problems with health - more than thirty abortions made themselves felt. Although, as it became known after the death of Marilyn, she nevertheless gave birth to a daughter. Paula Monroe was born on September 25, 1961, her father is Arthur Miller.

Constant thoughts about approaching old age, dissatisfaction with work naturally led the actress to constant depression. Marilyn began to abuse alcohol, drugs and sleeping pills.

On the morning of August 5, 1962, Marilyn's housewife found the actress dead in her bedroom. Sergeant Claimmons, who arrived at the call of the housewife, expressed doubts about the veracity of the official version (suicide): “I immediately felt that something was wrong here. I did not like the face of the psychiatrist (he appeared in the house even before the arrival of law enforcement officers). I didn't like the fact that the police were called too late. I had the impression that the bedroom and the whole house had been carefully cleaned before my arrival.

A rare photo from the place of Monroe's death. The policeman's hand points to a package of barbiturates.

Monroe's press agent said that Marilyn committed suicide because "... she was fed up with the fact that everyone considers her an empty-headed doll, a senseless sexy blonde, that no one respects her" ...

Famous and unknown diary

This story to this day keeps an infinite number of secrets and mysteries. mysterious death stars have repeatedly tried to connect with her close relationship with President Kennedy and his brother. It is known that at the end of 1954, Marilyn acquired a leather-bound diary. There she entered excerpts from conversations with John F. Kennedy. During conversations with friends, John discussed political problems or explaining one or another decision taken by the government. Naturally, these conversations were not intended for the general public, but were an integral part of the president's life. Marilyn did not try to remember what John F. Kennedy told her, and one day it pissed him off. That's how it appeared famous diary, which could contain compromising information both on the president and on the policy of the country as a whole.

One of rare photos on which Monroe and Kennedy.

Rare photo of JFK hugging Monroe. The photographer took a couple through the ajar door.

When Monroe finally realized that John was not going to marry her, she directed her forces to the younger Kennedy - Robert. She called him at the Department of Justice, which discredited his reputation. As a result, he simply stopped answering the phone. Taking alcohol and drugs, the actress became a serious hindrance to the Kennedy brothers: in the event of publicity of their relationship, she could become a bomb that exploded everything they devoted their lives to.

After Marilyn's death, someone ransacked her entire house, the leather-bound diary was never found...

Strange behavior

And just recently, new secret FBI documents regarding the investigation were released. mysterious circumstances the death of the legendary Marilyn. A report dated October 19, 1964, from which the status of secrecy was recently removed, shed some light on those tragic events ...

According to the document, the death of Marilyn Monroe is nothing more than a staged murder.

Unique posthumous photo of Marilyn Monroe.

The multi-page review was created by the FBI two years after Monroe's death and is titled, uncomplicatedly, "Robert F. Kennedy." The events described in the report speak of an alleged plot against the actress, carried out under the guise of suicide, using the drug Seconal, which is usually prescribed to combat insomnia and reduce anxiety ...

The document does not give the exact reasons why the actress was killed. But it says that Ralph Greenson, the psychiatrist who treated Marilyn for emotional problems, was not a supporter of the use of barbiturates. However, on the day of her last visit, he prescribed Seconal tablets for her and instructed her to drink at least ... 60!

Monroe's body is brought to the police department.
Photo-Bettmann Corbis

On the day of Monroe's death, it was housewife Marilyn who found the bottle of Seconal medicine that was sitting on the nightstand. The report also states: a housewife and personal secretary movie stars partnered with Ralph Greenson to orchestrate Monroe's "suicide"...

Police seal the doors of the house where Monroe died.
AP Photo Harold Filan

The document also says that “on the eve of the tragic day, the psychiatrist gave the word to Marilyn to take her to Fresh air, but did not come, but appeared only when it became known about her death ... "

The events described in the report have never been mentioned before ... And even now it is almost impossible to verify all the details of this report - characters those dramatic events are already dead.

The funeral. Photography at the funeral was banned, leaving only a few random shots.

Success can make you sick

The declassified report does not answer the question whether the Kennedy brothers could have "ordered" their ex-lover. Indirectly, this question is answered by the memoirs of former Los Angeles District Attorney John Miner. In 1962, he heard secret audio recordings that Monroe had made in last days before her death, and these notes prove that she did not think about suicide.

Records show Monroe was engrossed in the Oscars, described sex with Joan Crawford, longed for fatherly love from Clark Gable, dreamed of being taken seriously as an actress and planned to play in Shakespeare's plays, and sincerely discussed why she marriages ended in divorce...

Among the excerpts are the stories of the actress about her feelings for ex-husbands, a list of her lovers, details of her dispute with 20th Century Fox and friendship with Frank Sinatra, and complaints about housewife Eunice Murray. But there is no word that she wants to kill herself...

Although... In last interview Times magazine - a few hours before her death - she bitterly said: "Success is like caviar - tasty, but if you eat a lot of it, you can throw up ..."

According to the make-up artist who did Monroe's posthumous make-up, after he finished the job, a funeral organizer approached him and said that he made Marilyn unlike herself. “Why?” asked the make-up artist. “She has too small breasts,” said the steward. "What is," said the make-up artist. “We need to make one that everyone knows,” said the director and brought two pads that Monroe inserted into her bra. Then she put on the breast pads, lifted the dress and concluded: “Everyone should remember her like that!”

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