Nuclear missile simulator. An American created a simulator of an atomic bomb explosion on Google Earth maps

As long as there is a nuclear weapon on our planet, there is always a small chance that it will be used.
Already applied. The Japanese are very well aware of the power of this weapon.
Many people may have a question - "What will happen if a nuclear bomb explodes in my city?".
So, the Nuclear Weapons Simulator will help to give an answer and shed light on this horrific event.
The site will give answers to many questions.

So. Question: What will happen if a nuclear bomb falls on your city?

The atomic bomb appeared at the end of World War II and was used against the Japanese.
It turned out that this is a very effective weapon if you need to insectize an entire city. The device is based on a chain reaction of nuclear fission of heavy isotopes,
mainly plutonium and uranium. At the same time, a tremendous amount of energy is released and a whole set of damaging factors is formed.
Since then, a new scarecrow has appeared for the masses.

An atomic bomb is capable of turning a small city into rubble at a time.
But, a hydrogen bomb can turn a small country into a desert.

As one sergeant used to say:
How should a soldier hold a machine gun during a nuclear explosion?
-During a nuclear explosion, a soldier must hold the machine gun at outstretched arms,
so that the molten iron does not burn through the boots.
Treasury property must be protected!!!

What should be done to simulate a nuclear explosion?
On the site, select the point of impact, or simply select the capital of any state.
Then, we choose the yield of the bomb in tons. The service provides options from real-life or tested bombs.
Presses the BLOW button ...... and BOOM!

For example, bang on our "friends" in Washington.

and in response, they are in Moscow ... If they can)

We enjoy the result, we look at the destruction zones.
The scale and zones of everything that will be destroyed are simply impressive.

It is nuclear weapons that pose a great threat to people living in cities. Advice in case of anxiety
warning of a nuclear strike, panic will begin, and the chances that you will be able to survive will be equal to zero.

Advice from civil defense:
In the event that nuclear weapons are already on the way, and the city is in a panic, throw the car and run with a bullet into the subway.
You need to be in time before the nuclear weapon hits the target, exactly 5 minutes before the explosion, the airlocks at the subway entrances will close and they will not be opened.
If at least one airlock remains open, then the wave from a nuclear strike will penetrate the subway tunnels and destroy everyone.
And then, then the subway will be de-energized, the pumps will turn off, and it will simply be flooded. In any case, kayuk.

The support and operation of the Google Earth Browser Plugin. This was the core technology that allowed NUKEMAP3D to function.

As of this writing (2019), there are no viable replacements for the Google Earth Browser Plugin currently available (that is, there are no in-browser, publicly-accessible APIs that duplicate whole-Earth coverage of buildings and allow developers to import their own model files dynamically). If a viable replacement becomes available, NUKEMAP3D will return.

What did NUKEMAP3D do and look like?

NUKEMAP3D was a mashup between the and the Google Earth Browser Plugin, created by in 2013. It allowed a user to see the ground effects of a nuclear weapon over any city in the world in 3D, as well as render a size-accurate mushroom cloud for any given yield of nuclear weapons. The goal was to help give a human understanding of nuclear weapons detonations: everyone has seen photographs of nuclear mushroom clouds, but few people have any sense of how large they actually are. Even a "small" nuclear weapon (by modern standards), like those used over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is many times larger than anything human beings have ever built. By engaging the third dimension, something more intuitive triggers in the brain, even more so than the 2D representations possible in the original NUKEMAP.

Some screenshots from NUKEMAP3D have been preserved (click to see full-sized):

20 kilotons on Manhattan, viewed airplane height

20 kilotons on mid-town Manhattan, as viewed from nearer to the surface, with the Statue of Liberty and downtown Manhattan for scale

20 kilotons on Manhattan (animated GIF; you could have the cloud rise in real-time, which would take about 10 minutes)

20 kilotons on Boston, viewed from airplane height

20 kilotons on Washington, DC, viewed from airplane height

20 kilotons on Washington, DC, viewed from the Library of Congress

20 kilotons on downtown Manhattan, as viewed from the New York Academy of Medicine (upper east side), with the application interface visible

800 kilotons on New York City, as viewed from airplane height at a substantial distance

800 kilotons on New York City, as viewed from Low Earth Orbit (i.e., the International Space Station)

A very high yield detonation (I don't remember the exact yield; probably at least 10 megatons), as seen from a very far distance, demonstrating both its great height but also how high yield detonations had extremely wide mushroom tops. One of my favorite demonstrations of NUKEMAP3D was to show that if atmospheric conditions were unrealistically clear, the mushroom cloud from a 1 megaton detonation in Washington, DC, would be visible from the torch in the Statue of Liberty.

For more information about the creation of the code, see the .

What alternatives to NUKEMAP3D exist?

At the moment, the only easy alternative is to use the "s experimental KMZ output option. To use it, set up any detonation(s) you want to view in 3D in NUKEMAP, and then, click on "Advanced Options":

Scroll down to the end of the "Advanced Options" and you"ll find a link that says "Export to KMZ":

Clicking that opens up the "Export to KMZ" options. There are a lot of options but you probably just want to leave the default ones and click "Download File." But you"re welcome to experiment with the other options if it doesn't look the way you"d like it to, or you want it to show fallout or the fireball.
Once you"ve download the KMZ file (named nukemap.kmz by default), you can then open it in the free Google Earth Pro desktop application :

As noted, this functionality is still experimental. It does not always reliably export fallout plumes, for example. And the Google Earth desktop application does not render buildings at the same distance as the plugin did, so it doesn't quite give the same effect. Note that once it is in Google Earth Pro, you can toggle off the various components of the model as "layers" in the sidebar.

What is the future of the NUKEMAP3D code?

If a viable replacement for the Google Earth Browser Plugin becomes available, I will port the code over to it. Google Map's WebGL codebase seems to support 3D buildings like the Google Earth Browser Plugin once did, but they have not opened the API up to developers. It is not clear they will (Google's profit motivation largely has led to it kill such initiatives from what I can tell).

A NUKEMAP-VR project is currently under development at the Stevens Institute of Technology using the effects codes of NUKEMAP3D. It may be able to provide an interesting alternative to the browser plugin, though a VR application will (for the time being) be much more limited in terms of who can access it, and its ability to render cities. (Google has been developing a Google Earth VR API, but they have denied my application to develop on it, because they are interested primarily in video game developers at this point. Sigh.)

If you"re a software developer with other ideas or connections with companies who could facilitate further work on this, please feel free to get in touch with me. The closest thing out there to the Google Earth Browser Plugin is Cesium , but it doesn't" t yet have global building support and so can "t really be used to give a sense of mushroom cloud scale.

There is a funny thing on Vott, where, with reference to Google Earth maps, you can compare almost any relevance with the most famous nuclear devices of the "atomic race".

For example, if you select New York on the map and apply the most powerful nuclear bomb created in the USSR to it, it gives the following results:

The damaging factors of an explosion with a power of 100,000 kt (from the smallest to the largest in terms of distance from the epicenter):

Fire Flash Radius: 3.03 km / 1.88 miles

Radiation Radius: 7.49 km / 4.65 miles

blast radius: 12.51 km / 7.77 miles

blast radius: 33.01 km / 20.51 miles

Light damage radius: 77.06 km / 47.88 miles

Whereas when applying the conventional North Korean device,

The damaging factors of an explosion with a power of 6 kt (from the smallest to the largest in terms of distance from the epicenter):

Fire Flash Radius: 0.06 km / 0.04 miles
The maximum size of a nuclear flash; attitude to living objects depends on the height of the detonation.

Shock wave radius: 0.51 km / 0.31 miles
pressure 20 psi; strong structures are destroyed or badly damaged; lethality in this affected area reaches 100%.

Radiation Radius: 1.18 km / 0.73 miles
500 rem / 5 Sv radiation dose; mortality from acute manifestations ranging from 50% to 90%; the time of death is between one hour and several weeks.

blast radius: 1.33 km / 0.83 miles
pressure 4.6 psi; most of the buildings are destroyed; wide range of damage, many dead.

Light damage radius: 1.43 km / 0.89 miles
Third degree burns to unprotected areas of the skin; ignition of flammable materials; with sufficient explosive power, a firestorm is formed.

The main topic was the discussion OFFACKLE”, a plan for nuclear war with the Soviet Union.

Conference transcript (not complete).

Part 1

1. Report by Major General Charles Pearre Cabell, head of intelligence for the US Air Force,

Political information. Soviet agitprop is resting.

Pieces of NSC-68. The CIA is full of cretins.
In mid-1952, the USSR will be able to inflict (and most likely strike - it is) unacceptable damage to the United States.
We must prepare.

2. Three reports. Major General Samuel Egbert Anderson.

Nuclear war scenario.

Soviet aggression.

The defense along the Rhine was most likely unsuccessful.
Defense of Great Britain. Has to be successful.

The three-year occupation of Europe by the Soviets.
And then "Overlord".

In general, there is not much new.

Who cares - recognized text (English, naturally).

Report from the Strategic Air Command (SAC)- Speech by General Montgomery.

Prepared text with illustrations.

What is there.

Composition of SAK:

3 armies (2nd, 8th, 15th).

67,156 people (military - 60,694, civilians 6,462).

Aviation: Total 784 .

Bombers - 512 (Half ( 256 ) - carriers of nuclear weapons).

heavy - 27 (B-36)

medium - 485 (148 B-50, 337 B-29)

Note 1. There are a few more B-36s, but they are not combat-ready.

Note 2 - 1800 B-29s are in storage. But after three years, there should be 182 of them.

Tankers - 77 (all KB-29, "All of these are equipped with the British type refueling system" - so)

Scouts - 62 (all RB-29s). RB-36 and RB-50 have not yet been received.

Fighters - 104 (77 F-82, 27 F-84). The number will soon double.

Transport - 29 (19 C-54, 10 C-97)

With the threat of war, redeployment to advanced bases abroad begins.

7 groups of bombers, 1 - fighters, 1 - reconnaissance and 5 groups of A-bomb collectors (+1 to Alaska) are scheduled for transfer.

There is a limited amount of movement on E-day, mostly around staging areas to alert assembly teams.

Day E + 1 - the first groups decrease.

E+3 - the maximum scale of movements.

E+5 - redeployment completed.

In England, 8 bases are used.

Assembly Group No. 6 - in Alaska (for B-36).

According to the TROJAN plan, a strike was planned on 70 cities of the USSR.

"OFFTACKLE" - 123 targets.

The intelligence for the bombing is on 60 goals, it is required to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the remaining 63's.

Location Goal setting:

Several targets are outside the borders of the USSR.

The first atomic bombing is scheduled for E+6.

Medium bombers strike from British bases, B-36s from Alaska

(at temperatures below -30º, it is impossible to send B-36 through Alaska due to the impossibility of maintenance (there are no hangars of the required sizes).

In the first strike, 26 targets are hit by medium bombers (from England) and 6 targets by B-36s.

The entire grouping of strategic aviation for the first strike includes 201 British-based medium bomber and 10 B-36 North American based.
Bear 70 A-bombs.

A simulation of a nuclear bombing has appeared on the network. To use it, just enter the name of the city and select the bomb you like from the drop-down list. The interactive map was developed by the public organization Outrider Foundation.

about the project

"What will happen to your yard if a nuclear bomb hits it?" - this name was given to a very entertaining, but frightening interactive. Developers offer visitors to the service to choose not only the city on which the bomb will fall, but also the type of weapon. By the way, there are four options, this is Little boy (“Baby”), which was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (15 kilotons); the North Korean ballistic missile Hwasong-14 (150 kilotons), the American W-87 Minuteman-III (300 kilotons) and the Soviet Tsar Bomba (50,000 kilotons). You can also decide where the bomb will explode: on the ground or in the atmosphere.

After the user has decided on the settlement and selected the bomb, an interactive map will show the scheme of the explosion, information about radiation and the potential number of victims.

For example, if you send the "Tsar Bomba" to Moscow, then more than 6.5 million people will die, more than 3.4 million will be seriously injured. Note that the area of ​​​​the explosion of this weapon is almost 50 square meters. km, and the blast wave - 555 sq. km.

Objective of the project

Outrider Foundation representative Dr. Tara Drozdenko explains the goal of the project as follows:

“We live in a dangerous world. Nuclear weapons do not enhance security, quite the contrary. And if we understand its danger, then we will take the first step towards a safer future.”

Note that two years ago, Esri developed a similar service that tells the history of nuclear explosions since 1945. In total, you can see the locations of 2624 detonations on the interactive map.

Recall that in March of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his message to the Federal Assembly, among other things, mentioned that our armed forces would receive a Sarmat cruise missile with a nuclear reactor at their disposal.

Serious, thoughtful and complex strategies are not a frequent visitor on mobile devices. The trend is by no means joyful, but you perceive each such game as something special. First strike, which will be discussed below, in this case is a pearl that has not been in the App Store for a long time. The game invites us to become at the helm of one of the countries with nuclear weapons and lead it to success, if the total destruction of the planet can be called such a word. But after all, all this can be avoided if you plan your actions and anticipate the enemy's. In other words, it is in First Strike that there is scope for the thoughts of fans of real-time strategies.

When launching First Strike, the game honestly warns that there are still enough nuclear weapons on Earth at this point in time to take humanity back to the Stone Age. This simple thought makes you seriously think not even about the game, but about much more valuable things. However, in the harsh reality of First Strike, avoiding a global nuclear apocalypse is almost impossible. It will only be possible, perhaps, to make it local, but the goal of the game will not change from this - it is necessary to remain the last country on the map, which will not only have no competitors, but even neighbors. Of course, the price of such absolute power will not be small, but first things first.

Our journey to nuclear chaos begins with the choice of howling side. Initially, you can choose from the United States, Western Europe (probably the European Union) and North Korea. Difficulty also depends on the choice: if the United States is the easiest side for an inexperienced commander, then North Korea is a deadly mission at all. For the successful completion of the game, new nations will open, including Russia, and it will also be possible to increase the number of rivals. But first, for familiarization, it’s not shameful to play around with the US nuclear arsenal in order to properly understand all aspects of the game. There is also a detailed manual for the same purpose, however, learning does not take place in practice, but consists solely in reading the basic rules and features - not the best approach.

But the choice has been made. Before us is an interactive globe that reflects our planet with you - the arena of a future nuclear war. The globe can be rotated, as well as zoomed in or out with standard gestures. Looking ahead, I note that this will have to be done often. The planet is divided into provinces, not whole countries, to make it more interesting to play. Initially, the player has at his disposal several provinces that make up his territory. Then the most interesting begins.

Tapping on any province allows you to open a menu of actions with it. Basic features include building and destroying, researching, attaching, and attacking and defending. Let's go through all the possibilities in order. Each province has its own arsenal of missiles to attack and interceptors to destroy enemy missiles. However, the number of slots for storing them is common and often not very large. Therefore, the player must constantly keep in mind the possibility of an enemy attack, but at the same time take into account the need to attack himself. You can build missiles and interceptors, and if necessary, any unit can be disbanded to occupy the opposite object.

Research can significantly change the balance of power. Science will improve missiles, defense, construction speed, as well as other important characteristics of the state controlled by the player. Research is very important and should not be neglected. The next operation is joining. It allows you to attach to your territory one of the closest provinces that border on the one from which the action is performed. An important point is that the province must be neutral, otherwise the conflict cannot be resolved without nuclear weapons. It should also be noted that any province can perform one action at a time, while others will simply be unavailable at that moment. Even if you are attacked by an enemy, the research to launch an interceptor cannot be canceled.

Finally, we come to the most exciting and delicate part of the game - the use of nuclear weapons. We already know that each province has its own arsenal for attack and defense. If it comes to the use of nuclear weapons, and at first no one will do this, then there is an opportunity either to send one missile to a specific province. If it reaches the goal, then the territory will become neutral, regardless of what the enemy has built there. There is another possibility, named after the game First Strike. Its use and guidance allows you to send your entire nuclear reserve at the target and watch a rather beautiful sight.

Why might this be necessary? It's a matter of defense. When an enemy sends a nuclear missile at you, it can be destroyed by an interceptor from that province or one of the neighboring ones. But only one rocket goes down like that. If there are several of them, it will be much more difficult. What can we say about the situation when the enemy uses First Strike and sends all his missiles in your direction. In such a situation, losses cannot be avoided, they can only be minimized. This is how the gameplay of First Strike proceeds. You can't make mistakes here. Computer opponents act deftly and thoughtfully. Therefore, a rocket fired out of stupidity can turn into a complete failure, when the enemy launches a dozen in response, and the loss of provinces is fraught - it will be extremely difficult to return to the previous level.

The graphics in First Strike are also good, as is the gameplay. It does not shine with manufacturability, but it performs an informative role by 5 plus, and the interface is a separate conversation. The interaction of the player with the game is implemented in the best possible way. Since the action takes place in real time and sometimes seconds count, the convenience of the location of the controls plays a very important role. And this element definitely did not let us down. Add to the game atmosphere and periodically appearing messages about the destruction of a city, which is accompanied by the number of victims among the civilian population. Music is definitely one of the best not only in strategies, but in mobile games in general. It fits perfectly with the action that unfolds on the screen, sometimes imitating the passage of time on the clock. It turns out very symbolic.

The developers of First Strike, the Feinheit team, donate a quarter of all proceeds from the game to organizations that advocate for the reduction of nuclear weapons on our planet. After playing First Strike, it becomes clear what purpose these organizations pursue. Lyrics aside, this is one of the best strategy games on the iPad. A great idea, a great implementation and a topical topic - it is unlikely that First Strike will have a competitor in the strategy genre in the near future. Highly recommended to all fans of global real-time strategy games. From First Strike it is almost impossible to tear yourself away after the first launch, you just need to understand the game mechanics a little, without ruining tens of millions of lives.

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