Gregory name meaning character. The meaning of the name Gregory for a boy is brief. Folk signs, customs

The origin of the name Gregory is ancient Greek, like most other modern and popular names.


AT Ancient Greece the men were called Grigorius, based on the word "grigorio", which translates to "keep awake". In Russia, the name spread with the advent of Christianity and gained popularity in X-XI centuries. Initially, it was worn exclusively by members of the clergy.

The popularity of the name in various segments of the population was also due to the fact that a huge number of surnames were formed, created from various forms Grigory - Grigoriev, Grishin, Grishaev and others. To late XIX century in Russia, the name Gregory, which means "vigorous", was considered one of the most common. AT modern world the meaning of the name Gregory for many people is outdated, so children are called that very rarely. But such people do not let humanity forget about such a name. prominent figures and canonized saints like Grigory Rasputin, Grigory Potemkin, Grigory Perelman and others.


For a boy, the meaning of the name Gregory is expressed in his energy. This nimble and fidget will always bring a lot of trouble to parents and teachers. In his character there is a certain feature that requires the immediate fulfillment of all his whims. Otherwise, the child arranges a violent tantrum. It is difficult to force him to do something against his will. For a boy, the name Gregory is an endowment of a person with not the best character trait, such as stubbornness. This feature will be preserved in humans and in adulthood.

Due to the propensity for risk, Grisha's adolescence will be very difficult. This guy loves adventure and new sensations, he tries to grow up as soon as possible. Starts smoking frequently early age and become addicted to alcohol. He is distinguished by his temper, so quite difficult relationship built with peers and teachers.

Grisha's character traits

Parents need to try to find the right approach to such a child, especially in adolescence. Otherwise, he will perceive any words, comments and advice with hostility and specifically do everything the other way around. Often, for a child named Gregory, parental love matters, although he carefully hides it. Due to the lack of parental care and warmth, he is forced to put on a bully mask, hiding his insecurity and sensuality.

According to the meaning of the name Gregory, study should be easy and good. He is naturally endowed with high intellectual abilities, and his childish genuine curiosity helps to master new disciplines. Nature gave the boy a good memory, which allows not only to absorb information well, but also to keep it for a long time. Grisha not only likes, but is also good at both the humanities and the exact sciences. But he especially loves to read.

For a man named Gregory, the meaning of the name and fate endowed him with good health. Boys, youths and men rarely get sick, but if some kind of ailment concerns them, then it proceeds in a mild form. At a younger and adolescence, this person will be very athletic. With his age sports achivments begin to be less interested, but still endurance, physical activity and high vitality are preserved.

The nature of the name

Grigory Leps (singer)

The character of the name Gregory endowed the man with such positive traits as activity, assertiveness, determination. He always clearly sets goals and strives to achieve them. This is a sociable man who is strong in spirit, he is distinguished by confidence in his abilities. Such a person is always open to others and expects mutual sincerity from them.

Few people know what the name Gregory means, a vulnerable and sensual person who hides under the mask of a daring rude man.

By the origin of the name, Gregory is endowed with fearlessness. This person is always able to soberly assess any dangerous and risky situation and emerge victorious from it. He is not able to put up with the fact that he has to depend on circumstances or individuals. It is hard for him to endure riots, rudeness, injustice. Grisha loves cleanliness and comfort, so he always puts on beautiful things and furnishes his home well, keeping it clean.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Gregory does not make this person a careerist. Grisha will rarely be able to achieve high ranks or significant career advancement. But this person is endowed with an assertive character, which allows him to successfully realize himself in any field of activity. "Wake", which means the name Gregory, can successfully realize himself in the profession of a fireman, rescuer or military man. They fit him perfectly.

Thanks to the analytical mindset, Grisha will be able to become a good lawyer, designer, economist, engineer. In the meaning of the name Gregory there is also creative vein, so he can become an excellent journalist, musician, photographer, actor and director, but only if he sincerely wants to.

Considerable success can await this person in business if he learns to control his emotions and desires, gets rid of the habit of making decisions in a hurry. When he can handle money carefully, business will go up. Due to the nature and meaning of the name, Gregory needs to beware of fraud, dubious transactions with implausible favorable conditions, various schemes for the rapid accumulation of capital - they can become a serious problem for him.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Gregory lies in the loving nature of this man. There are always a lot of women around him, without whom he sees no meaning in his life. Finding a permanent partner is quite difficult for him, because this man is picky and even squeamish. He draws attention to sophisticated, beautiful and well-groomed women.

The opposite sex also often pays attention to Grisha, and he is a success with them. In bed, he shows a kind of restraint, while giving his partner affection and tenderness. He chooses for himself more liberated women than himself, and easily succumbs to their experiments.

The name Gregory and the fate of this man allows you to build strong family in which he must be the leader. For life, he chooses a clean, hardworking, quiet, restrained and economic girl. He will cherish such a marriage, strive to participate in the upbringing of children, help his wife with the housework. Quarrels in the family may arise due to the increased emotionality of a man, but he always realizes his mistakes and will be the first to reconcile.

The nature of the name Gregory does not allow this man to make third-party connections, therefore, he will never forgive betrayal to his soulmate.

The secret of the name Gregory


The meaning of the name Gregory is largely determined by the main talismans:

  • The patron planet is Saturn;
  • Ideal zodiac constellation- Aquarius;
  • The best season is winter;
  • The best day of the week is Saturday;
  • Lucky shade - green and blue;
  • The totem animal is the tiger. For a person with the name Gregory, which means "sleepless", this animal will become a symbol of fearlessness and great strength, honesty and success. The tiger can charge with both destructive and creative energy, so Grisha needs to try to be attentive and direct it in the right direction;
  • A suitable plant is a narcissus, which symbolizes self-sufficiency, but gives a person notes of selfishness and narcissism. Of the trees, the cypress corresponds, which is equated with endurance, justice. Cypress adds protection from the evil eye to the meaning of the name Gregory;
  • The talisman stone is granite, which makes the wearer flexible, responsive, able to understand people. In Grisha's house, where there is granite, comfort, coziness and a pleasant atmosphere always reign. This stone relieves psychological stress well.


It is very difficult for Grisha to choose an ideal soul mate for himself, since he is not interested in the soul of women, only fleeting hobbies are important to him. Serious relationship possible if he comes across an imperious and prudent woman. good compatibility named after Gregory when creating a marriage with Svetlana, Olga, Elena, Valeria, Ekaterina, Rada, Nadezhda, Zinaida. Unfortunate compatibility of the name Gregory and complicated relationship will be with Alexandra, Daria, Raisa, Larisa, Tamara, Claudia, Victoria and Christina. With such girls, the relationship will be short-lived.

The name Gregory comes from the Greek grigorio (grigoreo), which in translation into Russian means awake, alert, not sleeping. It came to Russia simultaneously with the adoption of Orthodoxy and is associated with Christian faith. The above translation is only a literal interpretation of the meaning, the expression “to be on the alert” or “to be attentive to sinful deeds” is more suitable.

Short forms: Grisha, Grinya, Gorya, Grishanya, Greg. It was especially popular among Russians at the beginning of the last century and is now becoming more common.

Character traits

The meaning of the name Gregory is revealed in the character of its owner. As a child, he is pugnacious, stands up for his comrades without even understanding the risks, and shows recklessness. For this reason, parents must restrain the boy. It is impossible to force him to do something - there will be a refusal. The main character traits in childhood:

  • activity and mobility - with this he can cause trouble to his parents;
  • tries to be obedient, does not get involved in a fight unnecessarily, but will always be able to defend himself;
  • does not bully others, he is polite with people, but does not allow himself to get into unpleasant situation;
  • does not tolerate rudeness and barbs in his address;
  • devotes a lot of time to self-improvement and appearance, his grades are usually good, he easily absorbs any information;
  • wants to please many and becomes discouraged if this fails.

A man named Gregory quickly mobilizes and makes a leap forward in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis activity when necessary. Teenage courage and emotionality develop into a solid and strong will. The family is quiet and accommodating until his wife brings him to a breakdown, then he can throw a scandal. When it cools down, he asks for forgiveness and promises not to allow this to happen again. Gregory loves children, but he uses harsh methods of upbringing.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books


A person's life is predetermined by his character traits, and Gregory's temper is not easy. Over time, some behaviors change, but general direction preserved throughout life:

  1. 1. A difficult fate awaits him if he does not overcome his temper. We must always remember that the measure is needed in everything.
  2. 2. Fearlessness in the face of a stronger enemy is commendable, but you should not show your aggression over trifles. Although with age, Gregory becomes more restrained.
  3. 3. Self-confidence, firmness and decisiveness of character are complemented over time by calmness. Responsibility and a sense of duty appear, but personal interests always remain in the foreground.
  4. 4. Intolerance to attempts to manipulate and lead remains, but diplomacy in behavior and worldly wisdom are acquired.
  5. 5. Thanks to perseverance and a sharp mind, he easily masters any profession. The technical field of knowledge does not cause difficulties, it is easy to earn money and spend it in the same way. He has no desire to be a leader.

The secret of the name

Gregory- peppy (ancient Greek).
In the XIX-XX centuries. the name was common and then less and less common. Now it is given to no more than one boy in a thousand.
name zodiac: Aquarius.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: blue-green.
Talisman Stone: granite.
auspicious plant: cypress, narcissus.
name patron: tiger.
Happy day: Saturday.
happy season: winter.
Main features: independence, stubbornness.


Grigory Avnezhsky, hegumen, holy martyr, June 28 (15).
Gregory of Acragantia, Bishop, December 6 (November 23).
Gregory of Akritsky, reverend, January 18 (5).
Gregory of Alexandria, archbishop, confessor, November 18 (5).
Gregory of Antioch, Patriarch, May 3 (April 20).
Gregory of Armenia, Bishop, Hieromartyr, Enlightener of Greater Armenia, October 13 (September 30).
Gregory the Theologian, Nazianzen, the Younger, Patriarch of Constantinople. Ecumenical teacher, February 7 (January 25), February 12 (January 30). For lofty sermons about God, the Holy Trinity is called the Theologian.
Gregory the Great, Dialog, dad, 25 (12) March.
Gregory of Byzantium, martyr, December 11 (November 28).
Gregory Dekapolit, Reverend, December 3 (November 20).
Gregory of Cyprus, Bishop, 17 (4) March.
Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop, January 23 (10). Brother of St. Basil the Great, defended Orthodox faith from heretics.
Grigory Omiritsky, Bishop, January 2 (December 19).
Gregory Palamas, Thessalonica (Thessalonian), archbishop, 27 (14) November.
Grigory Pelshemsky, Vologda, abbot, October 13 (September 30).
Grigory Pechersky, recluse, in the Far (Feodosiev) caves, January 21 (8), September 10 (August 28).
Grigory Pechersky, icon painter, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, August 21 (8), October 11 (September 28).
Grigory Pechersky, venerable martyr, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, January 21 (8), October 11 (September 28).
Gregory of Serbia, Bishop, September 12 (August 30).
Gregory Sinai, reverend, August 21 (8).
Gregory of Khandztiyskiy (Georgian), archimandrite, October 18 (5).
Gregory the Wonderworker, Neocaesarian, Bishop, November 30 (17). Saint Gregory, the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople, Ecumenical Father and Doctor of the Church, was born in the year 328 in the city of Nazianze in Cappadocia, his father was the Bishop of Nazian. Gregory received an excellent education. While studying in Athens, he became friends with Basil, the future saint and archbishop of Caesarea. Returning to Nazianzus, Gregory received from his father holy baptism and withdrew with Saint Basil into the desert. Since 361, Gregory was a presbyter in Nazianzus, and after the death of his father, he ruled the flock of this city. In 378, at the invitation of the Council of Antioch, he arrived in Constantinople on the Patriarchal throne. Since then, in the tireless struggle against heretics, he carried the Word of God in his sermons and creations. In total, 45 sermons of St. Gregory have been preserved; treatises on dogmatics belong to his pen. His fame spread throughout the East and West. The saint himself lived in the capital of the empire very modestly - "his food was the desert"; clothes - clothes of need; getting around is simple. The enemies tried to overthrow Gregory from the throne, they prepared an attempt on his life, but the one who was supposed to become a murderer himself appeared to the saint with tears of repentance. In 381, Gregory presided over the Second Ecumenical Council, asking the Council to let him go in peace: "I did not rejoice when I ascended the throne, and now I willingly descend from it." Retiring to his homeland in Nazianzus, the saint continued to assert Orthodoxy with his letters and poems. In his poetic works, with amazing purity and poignancy, the theme of loneliness and restlessness of the human soul, which has not yet found God, sounds: "Who am I? Saint Gregory the Theologian reposed in 389.


During February 7, they observe the state of the weather: what is the day from morning to noon, such will be the first half of the next winter, and from noon to evening - portends the other half of the earth.
January 23 - Grigory the flight indicator: frost on haystacks - to a wet summer, trees in frost - the sky will be blue.


Grisha's independence and stubbornness surprises from the first days. The child is inventive at pranks. Responds with a refusal to all orders and requests. He will agree to do something if he is interested in it and he himself wants it. It is not easy for parents with him, but among his peers he has authority. Grisha runs fast (especially his favorite pastime is running through puddles), jumps high, he compensates for some physical weakness with speed of reaction and decisive disposition.

Adult Gregory, as in childhood, is easily excitable, but quick-witted. As in childhood, he will quickly and perfectly complete any task, achieve the most difficult goal, if he is personally interested in this.

Gregory is a very vulnerable person. Often a critical remark unsettles him. However, he himself likes to talk in an icy tone, to impose his opinion on others, not to forget resentment. In his heart he is a commander, dreams of dominating people. Gregory is a maximalist, he needs everything or nothing. He is stubborn, if necessary, very brave, does not succumb to danger.

Gregory has an analytical mind, a wonderful memory, incredible curiosity. The main subject of his curiosity is someone else's life. He can be a good writer, director, designer. It can be realized in any profession - driver, engineer, journalist, photographer. Most often, he acts under the influence of inspiration, it helps him to realize himself with brilliance.

Gregory wants everyone to like him, pays a lot of attention to his appearance, fashion. She loves attending music concerts, theater, sports competitions, especially football and hockey.

It is difficult for Grigory to find a wife, he is too picky and squeamish. In the end, he marries an ordinary woman, but a good housewife. Gregory loves delicious food, cleanliness and comfort in the house. Gregory can look at beautiful girlfriend wife, but it does not come to treason: he is monogamous. Gregory is somewhat tight-fisted,

he likes to have money with him, but his wife puts up with this, because he knows how to earn money. A good choice of Gregory - Alla, Vera, Glafira, Elizabeth, Lydia, Oksana, Maria, Tatyana.

middle name: Grigoryevich, Grigorievna.


Grigory Vasilievich Soroka (1823-1864) - Russian artist, was a serf of the landowner N.P. Milyukov. It is not known how his fate would have developed if Aleksey Gavrilovich Venetsianov, an outstanding Russian artist, intelligent and kind person. Convinced of the outstanding abilities of the courtyard, Venetsianov agreed to take him as a student. And then, deeply convinced of the incompatibility of art and slavery, the artist and the serf, he began to persuade the landowner to release Grigory. Miliukov, apparently, at first inclined to give in to Venetsianov's requests, but very soon changed his mind and took back his word. By the will of the master, Gregory became a gardener.

After a year and a half of study with Venetsianov, Grigory, as a "court" artist recognized by Milyukov, was admitted "to the rooms" and depicts a master's office. The picture was painted in 1844 and is filled with the charm and peace of the manor life, unhurried and measured. Soft daylight pours through the windows, the world of things is immersed in light twilight. And it spreads in the air, the silence is almost physically felt, enveloping the boy immersed in reading, sitting on the sofa.

Grigory Soroka created one of the most interesting still lifes in Russian painting of the 19th century - "Reflection in the Mirror". Handicrafts - a silver thimble, a silk, tightly stuffed pillow, a polished mahogany box - everything is written with a sense of beauty, sophistication of the material from which things are made. Gives a special charm to the picture difficult game mirror reflections. In addition to the objects themselves, two women are visible in the mirror, engaged in a conversation - human life invades the still life, "dead things" keep the warmth of "human hands".

The landscapes of Gregory Soroka are wide panoramic views, including all kinds of details and details. Magpie as if lists the depicted objects, writing out every blade of grass, bush, tree. The people included in the landscape, with some of their stiffness, resemble sculptures carved from stone. A village girl is talking to a guy she knows, two peasant women are having lunch, a young fisherman is driving a heavy boat. But these everyday motifs, due to the epic, monumental nature of the artistic system, are perceived as important, significant.

Grigory Soroka painted portraits of his master, his children and grandchildren. The task that faced the artist was simple: it was necessary to convey as accurately as possible appearance models to save it for posterity.

With obvious sympathy, a portrait of A.G. Venetsianov, presented in all his human breadth, kindness.

In December 1847, he crashed, falling from an overturned sleigh, A.G. Venetsianov. The last thread connecting Soroka with the world of great art has been broken. There are no letters or memoirs left from the artist, but still there is evidence that allows us to look into his soul: "Self-portrait". The face of a young man with smoothly combed hair seems calm, but behind the external immobility of the features, a strong internal tension is felt. Very disturbing look and inner spirituality. The contrast between the appearance of a simple village youth, a courtyard, and a complex spiritual life is obvious. creative person, who could not stand the serf bondage, committed suicide. His paintings remained, his "Self-Portrait", in which Grigory Soroka asserted his dignity as an artist, the dignity and self-worth of a person.


The name Gregory has ancient Greek roots and could main version come from a word that sounded like "grigoreo". The translation of this word sounds like "watch" or "keep awake." The literal interpretation of the name Gregory sounds like “vigilant” or “vigorous”.

The male name Gregory is not very common today, although some time ago it was one of the most popular. Researchers believe that it has a strong energy and is able to influence the fate of the child named by him. Compatible with most Russian modern female names ...

Conversational options: Grisha, Grinya, Grishanya

Modern English counterparts People: Grigoros, Gregory, Gregor, Gregoire, Gregorio

The meaning and interpretation of the name

Greek roots and strong energy can endow a boy named Gregory with a bunch of important characteristics. Among their huge list are such as restlessness, activity, energy and arrogance, mobility, willingness to develop, thirst for new knowledge, sociability and sociability, kindness and goodwill.

However, these qualities are not promised to all Grisha, because everything depends not only on the energy of the name, but also on education, and on many astrological factors. But for the most part, Grisha are cheerful and resourceful people, popular in society, authoritative and respected. Plus, they are optimists, men who never show a bad mood ...

Advantages and positive features: optimistic views, inability to be sad and depressed, benevolence and kindness, generosity, activity, mobility and diligence. And Grisha easily control their emotions and do not let them break out at the wrong time - a pretty good quality.

Gregory treats badly people with high self-esteem, too rude and callous people, women who do not know their own worth and unfaithful wives. Plus, this man will never let a person close to him, at least once in his life caught in a lie.

The name Gregory was one of the first that appeared and gained popularity at the time of the formation of Christianity. In turn, it has become synonymous with the concept of the ideal "Christian".

The nature of the name Gregory

The character of the name Gregory is a rather complicated factor in its interpretation, depending on many additional aspects, including the influence of the zodiac sign on the man named Gregory, and the energy of the environment, and parental upbringing, and even the month of birth. Nevertheless, it is known that all men called by the name form Gregory have a kind and rather tolerant character, endowed with such qualities as kindness. Ease, prudence, justice, responsiveness, openness, and sincerity. True, in addition to all of the above, many others can be promised, among which only positive ones are far from always found. For example, the character of Grisha is usually endowed with integrity and uncompromisingness, which in turn often lead to problems in communicating with peers and comrades, to quarrels with loved ones, and to turmoil in his personal life. On the other hand, the character of a man called the name form Gregory will surely be endowed with such important property as purposefulness, but this is a huge plus.

On the other hand, whatever one may say, but the character depends on the set various factors. So, in this specific case the character strongly depends on the energy of the season, under the auspices of which the boy named in this way was born.

Early childhood

AT early childhood the meaning of the name Gregory can reward a boy with a bunch useful characteristics, but chief among them will always be the energy that is promised to them. Energy, activity, mobility, efficiency, ideological, positive thinking - this is what every Gregory can boast of without exception. But this is not yet a complete list.

The energy of this name can endow the boy with optimism, which can only be envied, positivity, kindness, politeness and love, good nature and goodwill, excellent character and exorbitant willpower. Such a person will never be rude to an interlocutor for no reason, whether he is of the same age, or even younger, and will always come to the aid of a person in need.

And he is also an adventurer and a lover of outdoor games - a fidget, of which there are few, always inventing activities for himself and always doing something. True, while not very spoiled. On the contrary, if mom or dad says to calm down, they will calm down, without disputes and resentment. He is not capricious, does not hysteria, does not require from his parents what they do not give him, and at the same time he is attentive to his relatives and especially loves to spend time with his relatives and friends.

And this boy has a lot of talents that parents should start developing in him already at such an early age.


The boy who reached adolescence, and named at the same time by the name Gregory, the energy of this name can bestow even more large quantity good performance. Gregory is a teenager, in essence he is usually an excellent student. He can easily be given any of the subjects that exist in the school curriculum, but it is important that the teacher who teaches this or that subject shows respect for him. Otherwise, a boy named Gregory may be pushed away by an object, which will lead to its launch.

And also, a boy whose parents decided to choose the male name Gregory, the meaning and energy of this name can also be awarded with such qualities as integrity, good nature, integrity, optimism, cheerful disposition, disobedience, restlessness, and most importantly, laziness. Laziness, by the way, manifests itself precisely at moments that require special efforts from Grisha - any object that calls for effort can simply be launched by Grisha.

But Grigory gets along well with his peers and has among his classmates not only like-minded people, but also many friends, to whom he opens himself completely and completely. His whole problem is that he is poorly versed in people - it is precisely due to this shortcoming that he has many ill-wishers in his close circle of friends.

grown man

An adult boy, or rather, now a man who received the name Gregory at birth, the meaning of this name endows with slightly different qualities. In most cases, an adult Grisha is no longer such a fidget as he used to be - he becomes reasonable, prudent, honest, open, thoughtful in actions, intricate, but not as active as he was.

Plus, in adulthood, this is a romantic, what to look for - in a relationship, by the way, he will most likely prefer romance and feelings, instead of turbulence and passion. The value of an adult guy named Gregory can also reward with friendliness, sociability, and readiness to make contact with a new person at any time - it is thanks to these qualities that Gregory has many friends, but most of them are devoted to him, respect him, Every opinion and word is valued.

But it is not without its shortcomings - Gregory, who is patronized by the meaning of this name form, is a principled and uncompromising person, it is difficult to argue with him even where he is really wrong, and he will never admit his wrong, even if this can lead to loss friend. With all these traits of his, he is not a leader and has no leadership inclinations, although with more diligence he could become an excellent boss or leader.

The interaction of the character Gregory with the seasons

Spring - a boy born under the auspices of the three spring months, and named by the nominal form Gregory, is a purposeful, ambitious, persistent, but quick-tempered and aggressive man in the future. It is better not to argue with such a person, he will always prove his case, even where he is clearly wrong. But on the other hand, he is devoted to his principles and will never act against his conscience.

Summer is a boy of summer origin, it is fickle. Indecisive, shy and very shy personality. He has no leadership inclinations or any good qualities, with the help of which one could become popular in society, but he has a nature good man which is no less important. He will never betray, deceive, take advantage of anyone's weakness.

Autumn - a boy who was born at the time of the patronage of one of the three months of Autumn, and named Gregory, is completely unsociable, withdrawn. It has complex nature. A shy, selfish man in the future. It is difficult to get along with such a person, he hardly makes contact, but he can make a good husband and father. And, no less important, his chosen one will be lucky - he is faithful and reliable.

Winter is a sociable, talkative, cheerful and resourceful optimist, with whom it is easy to get along with any person on the planet. He easily makes contact, is always ready for adventure, knows how to keep up a conversation and never refuses to help his loved ones. He also has a great intuition that helps him walk the path of life. Well, plus to everything, the winter Gregory is open and generally has a good character.

The fate of the name Gregory

The fate of the name is one of complex factors but also one of the most interesting. As for this case, and specifically, the name Gregory, everything is complicated here - many researchers tried to find an answer to the question of how the fate of the bearer of the name Gregory should develop, but not one of them could give a hundred percent accurate answer.

But it is known that the fate of each Grisha usually prepares the formation a good husband, an excellent father, and a reliable protector of the family. The fate of the man named by the nominal variation Gregory is such that it involves a long search for a soul mate and many partings, moreover, in most cases it is precisely the fault of Gregory himself. Grisha is shy and naive, shy and indecisive in terms of relationships, he cannot afford to be the first to confess his love, which is why he most often loses potential chances for a relationship.

But it is supposed to become a romantic and a man who can easily be called a real gentleman. Gregory is courteous and caring, eloquent and will never leave his beloved unattended. And in general, his destiny is to become a man whom his wife will probably end up citing as an example to her friends, and this is something, but worth it.

Love and marriage

Gregory is extremely serious about creating a family, and he does not think about marriage too early. Ideal family most often he manages to create already at a more mature age. And his chosen one will be a woman with a strong-willed, but calm character and always with housekeeping skills.

Gregory is very picky in terms of comfort, coziness, order in the house and the quality of the prepared dishes. In this regard, his wife will have to try very hard to cope with everything and please her husband. But he exemplary family man and just wants everything to be like in a fairy tale at home.

He emphasizes trust. It is extremely important for him to be confident in the reliability of his wife and in her fidelity, since he himself remains faithful to his wife and considers betrayal an act that cannot be forgiven.

Gregory as Father

Gregory becomes an exemplary father and family man. He loves his children very much. The family for him is his own little world, in which an atmosphere of peace, goodness and happiness should reign. Grisha tries to raise children as strong and confident people, and therefore prefers strictness to lisping.

He gladly helps his wife take care of the kids, not allowing her to carry strollers and bicycles on her own. He can go to the supermarket himself if he needs to buy a large number of products. However, he is unlikely to be on duty near the baby's bed.

Grigory, as a skilled diplomat, will always be able to find Right words in communication with children, listen to them, point out mistakes and advise how to act in a given situation. Children are drawn to him and love him no less than their mother.

Compatibility with female names

The best in the name Gregory is considered to be compatibility with such female names as Alexandra, Vera, Kapitolina, Valentina and Nadezhda.

With girls called by such names as Zhanna, Ulyana, Marina and Evgenia, Gregory will also be able to build relationships, but not so long-term. Everything will be here, and love, and warmth, and sincerity, but it’s unlikely that it will come to marriage, and jealousy on both sides of incredible strength can become the main obstacle in this.

But with Antonina, Larisa, Taisiya and Elsa, Grigory is not at all recommended to build relationships, because there is no compatibility at all.

born: 1925-01-03

Soviet hockey player and coach Olympic champion

3 version of the meaning of the name Gregory

1. Personality. Those who start spring.

2. Character. 94%.

3. Radiation. 87%.

4. Vibration. 73,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Violet.

6. Main features. Will - activity - health.

7. Totem plant. Mulberry.

8. Totem animal. Cuckoo.

9. Sign. Aries.

10. Type. Sanguine, somewhat dry. They like to talk in an icy tone that is confusing and annoying. However, this does not prevent them from liking people. They are vindictive. They try to impose their firm principles on others, if necessary, even by force. Their motto could be: concrete hand in a steel glove.

11. Psyche. Alien life is the main subject of their curiosity, in this sense they are extroverts. These are commanders who only dream of ruling.

12. Will. Usually very strong, not to say despotic. Imperiously demanding not only to others, but also to themselves. But this is will without a shadow of diplomacy, which gives rise to dramas, quarrels and even a complete break in relations.

13. Excitability. Average, but insufficient passion can be compensated by wit.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Lightning. Objective, ready to give everything for an idea, even to sacrifice their loved ones. They do not like people who easily change their beliefs, as well as stubborn people who stubbornly stand their ground.

15. Field of activity. Able to work in a team, especially in "their" team. For them, the result is important. Gregory can work both in the literary and scientific fields, the main thing is to fulfill his main mission and realize himself.

16. Intuition. They often act under the influence of inspiration, which helps them solve extremely difficult problems with brilliance.

17. Intelligence. They have an analytical mind. Such people are born constructors, they have a phenomenal memory, are extremely inquisitive and sensitive.

18. Susceptibility. They don't tolerate injustice. They do not like to walk in favorites, but they do not want to be worse than their brothers and sisters.

19. Morality. They prefer categorical statements like: “Do this” or “You can’t do this.” The strictness of moral principles is included in the system of their views.

20. Health. They often neglect their health and rarely go to fresh air. Due to their eccentric nature, misfortunes often happen to them.

21. Sexuality. They do not like any complications, their sexuality can be described as "hussar love".

22. Activity. The bearers of these names are real bombs. The problem is not whether or not to explode, but when exactly it should happen.

23. Sociability. Gregory does not waste time on people who have nothing to say. Such men are loyal, reliable, but somewhat despotic and annoying buddies.

24. Conclusion. In life with them is not easy, but you do not have to be bored either. These are people who achieve goals, contribute to progress with their creative attitude to work.

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