Can you eat mango? Mango - useful properties and contraindications. Characteristics of low-quality products

Mango is a juicy fruit with a pleasant taste and tender flesh. About 20 million tons of this fruit are grown annually on the planet.

It can be eaten as a standalone product, raw, or added as an ingredient in various dishes, giving them an exotic taste.

Since in our country it is a relatively refined fruit, therefore, not everyone knows how to eat it correctly.

How to choose?

To choose a ripe mango, you need to consider the following characteristics:

  • Externally, the peel should be glossy and smooth, without any defects. If the fruit has external damage, it will quickly deteriorate.
  • The shape of the mango should resemble a baseball. It is these fruits that have a sweet and delicate taste.
  • In order for the fruit not to be hard, it must have a weight of at least 200 grams.
  • There must be an aroma that resembles the smell of melon and carrot at the same time, as well as pine needles.
  • If the fruit has a rich yellow flesh, it is considered ripe. If you are allowed to cut it when buying, then be sure to use this.

How to peel a mango?

There are several ways to peel a fruit, but the most accurate one is without removing the skin.

To do this, cut off pieces of the fruit on both sides of the bone.

The central piece must be peeled and cut off the pulp around the bone.

Cut each halves into diamonds, turn inside out and remove the cubes from the skin with a large spoon with minimal loss of pulp.

How to eat mango

Mango is very widely used in cooking. It is often added to various desserts and fruit salads. But not everyone knows how to eat raw mango.

To make the taste of the pulp more saturated, the fruit must be cooled and washed naturally.

You can eat the fruit fresh, cutting it into cubes, slices or other figures made from the pulp.

If you want to try the fruit in salads, then it goes well with cucumbers, avocados, red fish, as well as chicken and seafood.

There is no single correct way to consume mangoes. But there are dishes where the taste of the fruit comes to the fore. And it's mostly smoothies, milkshakes and ice cream.

Exotic fruits are different in taste and rules of use. Not many people know how to eat mango correctly. There are several ways to consume and use fruits in the preparation of various dishes.

Determination of fruit maturity

Choosing a ripe fruit, you can pay attention to several factors:

  1. Skin color. There are 300 different varieties of mango, each with a different skin tone. A ripe fruit can be yellow-green or orange, the main rule is that the color of the skin should be bright.
  2. Skin texture. Ripe fruits have a smooth, glossy skin. Wrinkles and roughness indicate the immaturity of the fetus. Damage, dents and cracks in the skin are a sign of a poor quality product.
  3. The form. To choose a fruit with a lot of tasty pulp, you need to pay attention to specimens that have the shape of an American football ball.
  4. The density of the pulp. Ripe fruits are crushed with light pressure without damaging the skin. Excessively dense or soft fruits have poor taste and are difficult to peel.
  5. Smell. Ripe fruits have a sweet aroma, which is most pronounced in the area of ​​\u200b\u200battaching the stem. If there is no smell, the fruit is green. A sour smell indicates damage to the mango, such a fruit cannot be eaten.

Note! The weight of an average mango is 300 grams, but before choosing a fruit in a store, it should be borne in mind that the stone occupies a large amount of internal space.

The ripe fruit has a fibrous pulp that is yellow or orange in color. The taste of ripe mango is similar to peach and melon, but has a slight aroma of pine needles.

What if the mango is tough? When buying unripe fruits, you should put them to ripen for 2-3 days at room temperature. The taste of fruits ripened at home will be somewhat worse than those that were plucked in a mature state.

How to peel a mango

Remove the stem and leaves from the fruit, then wash it thoroughly using a brush. A clean exotic fruit is best wiped dry, otherwise it will be inconvenient to clean it.

Note! Before peeling a fruit with a knife, you should wear gloves, since the substances contained in the peel, if it comes into contact with the skin, can provoke an allergic reaction.

To cut an exotic fruit, you should place it on the table with the stalk up and cut the fruit to the bone, then turn the fruit and do the same with the other side. Thus, it turns out that the mango is cut symmetrically on both sides and the halves are held only by the bone.

To separate the halves, one part should be fixed, and the other should be rotated several times in a circle. In a mature fetus, the bone will easily separate. From the resulting halves, you can easily remove the pulp with a spoon and cut it with a knife.

How to eat an exotic fruit raw

It is best to use the product immediately, after the fruit has been cut and 2 parts. The pulp can be left with or without the skin, but it is easier to extract the pulp if you hold the unpeeled half in your hands. Fruit pulp can be cut with a knife or taken out with a spoon and immediately sent to the mouth.

From the pulp of the fruit, you can make a puree and eat it with ice cream or a biscuit. Due to the fact that the fruit has a pronounced sweetness, it does not need additional sweeteners.

Important! Mango juice stains clothes so that they do not wash. Be careful while eating.

In order not to harm the body, you should eat no more than 300 grams of pulp per day. A larger amount can lead to the development of an allergic reaction.

  1. Can you eat at night? Eating mangoes before bed is possible and even beneficial. The substances contained in the product increase sexual desire, calm the nervous system and improve the functioning of the visual organs.
  2. Can you eat the peel? Mango skins should not be eaten. Firstly, it has an unpleasant taste, and secondly, it can lead to negative reactions in the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the fibrous structure, the skin is poorly digested by the stomach and, with further passage through the intestines, leads to its blockage.
  3. Can you eat a bone? The stone, also known as the mango nut, is usable, but it makes no sense. It does not have any special useful properties, it is very dense in consistency and does not have a pronounced pleasant taste.
  4. Is it possible to eat mango while losing weight? It is possible to eat an exotic fruit during weight loss, since it contains only 65 kilocalories per 100 grams, but due to its taste, it can easily overcome cravings for sweets and facilitate the process of losing weight.

Mango goes well with other fruits, so you can include it in various smoothies. The combination of unsweetened yogurt, mango and banana tastes best. In hot weather, the drink can be varied with ice and mint.

In the summer heat, it is good to make cold cocktails with fruits. All you need is to mix the mango pulp, ice cream and milk. If desired, you can add sweeteners to taste or replace milk with drinking yogurt.

Mango petals (thinly sliced ​​flesh) are good for decorating any desserts, cakes or pastries.

Excessive consumption of fruit can lead to spasms and pain in the intestines. If you consume more than the recommended amount in childhood, mangoes can provoke the development of allergies and intestinal obstruction.

The occurrence of negative reactions when using exotic fruits is a reason for an urgent appeal to a specialist. Self-medication can lead to negative reactions.

The use of exotic fruits expands the diet of people and brings new tastes and aromas into their lives. But it should be remembered that regardless of age and health status, all new foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small amounts.

More recently, the mango was considered an exotic fruit. But today it can be purchased at any supermarket. Mango has a rich taste, delicious aroma, juicy pulp. Its peel is distinguished by a waxy sheen, it is smooth, and the color varies from reddish to yellow-green. Many Russians fell in love with this overseas fruit, although there are many who saw it only in the picture. Therefore, not everyone knows how to eat mango fruit.

Can you eat the peel and pit?

First of all, you should figure out whether it is possible to use the bone and peel of the southern fruit. The bone does not have any taste merits, so it can be safely thrown away. As for the mango peel, some believe that it contains many useful vitamins and minerals. However, the taste of the peel is nothing special. In addition, especially sensitive people may experience allergic reactions, because it is not known how the fruit was processed in overseas countries. Therefore, it is best to stop eating mango pits and peels.

How to use mango correctly?

The pulp of the southern fruit can be consumed completely fearlessly. Of course, nibbling, like an apple, is not worth it. Otherwise, you will have to subsequently wash and wipe your face, hands, tablecloth and even clothes from its juice. It is most convenient to eat fruit with cutlery, so you should prepare in advance. Throughout the civilized world, it is customary to eat mangoes, cutting them into slices. And there are many ways to cut.

The easiest way to eat mango is as follows. It is necessary to make two long deep cuts on the sides of the fetus to the very bone. Then separate the halves, remove the bone. The halves of the fruit will be a kind of "plates", from which it is convenient to scoop out the contents with a teaspoon. You can scrape the pulp or carefully cut it with a sharp knife, put it in a dish and enjoy the absorption of this yummy.

Another way involves getting rid of the fruit from the peel. Four cuts should be made along the entire length of the mango and carefully remove the skin. After that, divide the fruit in half, remove the stone, cut the pulp into even slices and arrange it beautifully on a plate.

There is another original way to use mango. You will need to divide the fruit into two halves and remove the bone, as indicated in the first method. Put the half-slices on a flat plate and make a few “cross-wise” cuts in the pulp. Just don't touch the skin. Then turn the skin inside out. This will allow you to get two semicircles with juicy, beautifully decorated pulp, which is distinguished by the correct shape of the slices.

Mango in cooking

Mango in its original form is a surprisingly tasty fruit. And the scope of its application in cooking is truly immense. This fruit perfectly quenches thirst. In order to restore the water-salt balance of the body in hot weather, in Asian countries, a little unripe mango is sprinkled with salt. Many people know the traditional Thai dish, in which mangoes are used along with glutinous rice and coconut milk. People living in the latitudes where this wonderful fruit grows add mangoes to spicy and sweet salads and soups. In Western countries, they prefer to use it with cold meat dishes, ice cream. The southern fruit is part of the fillings for pies and cakes, it is even pickled. People who know how to eat mango fruit serve it to the table with vanilla sauce, cream, make light mousses.

Of course, each person can show imagination and come up with their own method of eating overseas fruit. By the way, the above methods for many are not a curiosity. For example, some people deal with a juicy ripe peach in this way. You can safely experiment with mango, it is not without reason that it is called the “king of fruits”. So, let your imagination run wild and enjoy the taste of mango!

Mango has been known to people for more than 4 thousand years. This word is translated from Sanskrit as "great fruit". The popular exotic fruit has a pleasant sweetness and delicate texture. Arriving in tropical countries, tourists see a wide variety of varieties of these delicious fruits. Also, today you can buy mangoes in supermarkets in almost any country. But, how to choose a ripe fruit and how to eat a mango to get the full gastronomic pleasure and maximum benefits? We will talk about this in our article.

How to determine the ripeness of a mango

Ripe fruit contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. So how do you choose the right mango?

ripe mango

To buy a ripe mango, several factors are taken into account: what a ripe mango looks like and what flavor it has. When buying, we focus on the following criteria:

  1. Mango skin color. There are about 300 types of fruits that have a unique skin tone. Ripe fruit may have a yellow-green hue. There are orange fruits. It is important that the mango skin is bright enough.
  2. Skin texture. Ripe fruits are characterized by a smooth skin with a glossy sheen. In the presence of roughness, the immaturity of the fetus can be suspected.
  3. The form. Choose fruits that are shaped like a handball. They include a lot of tasty pulp.
  4. Density. Ripe fruits are crushed with gentle pressure. In this case, the skin remains intact. Fruits that are too soft or too firm do not peel well and do not taste very good.
  5. Aroma. Ripe fruits have a sweet smell. It is most pronounced in the area of ​​​​attachment of the peduncle. If the fruit does not smell like anything, the mango may not be ripe. There is a sour smell - this indicates spoilage of the fruit.

The average fruit weighs 300 g. However, before buying a fruit, take into account the bone, which takes up a lot of space inside. Ripe mango has a fibrous texture that is yellow or orange.

unripe mango

Unripe fruit has an uneven shape. It appears slightly asymmetrical. The flat mango is not ripe yet. Because its pulp has astringent characteristics. In such a situation, there is no need to try to determine the quality of the fruit by aroma. Green mangoes are odorless. Therefore, they focus solely on appearance.

If the fruit is green and firm, do not eat it immediately. It will be ready for use after a few days.

Do not buy fruit that has scratches, dents or large spots. Such signs indicate a violation of the rules of transportation and storage.

Characteristics of low-quality products

There are important signs that allow you to suspect damage to the fruit:

  • Droplets of moisture on the surface. They indicate the beginning of the release of juice. In a short time, such a product will deteriorate.
  • Dents that remain after pressing. Such a sign indicates an overripe mango.
  • Alcohol smell. The process of decay occurs in the product - it is better to refuse such a purchase.
  • Sour aroma. This smell is a consequence of fermentation processes in the fetus.

mango flavor

Many people wonder what mango tastes like. The fruit vaguely resembles a peach. However, it may have other flavor characteristics as well. It depends on the variety purchased. The product should not be fresh - this indicates insufficient ripeness of the fruit.

A sour taste is a sign of the beginning of the process of decay. A similar taste may be present in an unripe fruit. A quality fruit should have a slight sourness, which is due to the presence of amino acids in the composition.

How to peel a mango

Do mangoes need to be peeled before eating? Before eating, the fruit is removed from the skin and bones, after which it is suitable for consumption.

How to remove a bone

There are several methods for removing a stone from a fruit:

  1. First way. To do this, the product is placed on a cutting board and fixed by hand. On top there should be a part with a tail. After that, you need to draw a knife along the barely visible lines that go from top to bottom. This is done on each side. Thanks to this technique, it will be possible to facilitate the process of pulling out the bone and minimize the risk of damage to the fetus. The bone is easily removed with a spoon.
  2. The second way. In this case, the fetus will remain almost whole. Cut the fruit lengthwise with a sharp knife. Moreover, the size of the hole should be small - no larger than the core. A knife is placed in the resulting slot, gently turned so that the halves move apart. Then a bone is taken out with a spoon. This method will give good results if the mango is sufficiently ripe.
  3. The third way. In this case, you can cut through the entire fruit so that the hole is along the flat part of the stone. To do this, use a sharp knife. The core is removed with a spoon.

How to peel

To peel a mango, use the following methods:

  • Kitchen knife. In this case, the fruit is peeled like a potato. To do this, cut off a thin peel. You can also make 2 cuts. They are made on the other side of the tail. After that, it is recommended to stretch the skin to the second end with your fingers.
  • Peeler. This method will take more time. However, the skin will be cut thinly and neatly.
  • Without using a knife. This method can only be applied to ripe fruit that has been cut into 2 pieces. To do this, they are armed with a glass. They take half the fruit in one hand, and a glass in the second. Place the mango, skin side up, gently press down on the glass. The size of the glass should be slightly smaller than the fruit. Due to this, the pulp will fall into the glass, and the skin will remain in the hand.

How to eat mango

Mangoes can be eaten in many ways - fresh or used to prepare different dishes. The specific method depends on personal preference.


The pulp of the fruit is cut with a knife or taken out with a spoon. The product is recommended to cut, grind to a puree state or eat with ice cream. Due to the pronounced sweet taste, sugar can be omitted.

Mango contains a lot of juice. If it gets on clothes, it will not be possible to wash it off. This fact must be taken into account before the start of the meal.

To avoid unpleasant health consequences, it is allowed to eat a maximum of 300 g of pitted mango per day. Larger amounts can cause allergies.

In this case, the product is quite acceptable to use before bedtime. It contains substances that calm the nerves, improve the quality of sleep.

The calorie content of the fruit is low, and therefore it will not harm the figure. There are only 65 kcal in 100 g of the product. Thanks to its taste, the product allows you to cope with cravings for sweets, which will make the process of losing weight easy and enjoyable.

The bone is also edible. However, it does not include nutrients, does not have pleasant taste characteristics and is too dense in texture.

In cooked meals

Many people are interested in what can be cooked from mango. There are many ways to use this product:

  • Mango is put into various cakes or jellies. It can be used as a filling for any pastry.
  • Mango goes well with seafood. It can be added to fish sauce. However, for this, the fruit is subjected to heat treatment.
  • Mangoes are delicious when canned - this is a great dessert.
  • The fruit can be baked with duck. No less successfully, the fruit is combined with chicken. This recipe will give the bird an exquisite and unusual taste.
  • The fruit is even put in the soup. An excellent solution would be a shrimp-based dish.

mango drink

To make a delicious mango drink, you need 50 ml of cool water, 150 ml of yogurt, some ice and lemon juice, 1 mango. To begin with, the fruit should be peeled and chopped with a blender. Then mix it with water. Add lemon juice and put yogurt. Whisk thoroughly again. Serve with ice.

Smoothies for weight loss

To make this healthy dish, you will need a banana, kale, mango. It is recommended to take 150 g of pineapple and 50 ml of orange juice.

To make a smoothie, chop the cabbage. Peel fruits and cut into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, place in a blender and add a little juice. Beat until smooth. Serve chilled.

Can you eat mango skins?

The skin of many fruits is extremely beneficial for health. However, mango skin is strictly forbidden to eat. It contains a harmful resin - urushiol. The substance has an unpleasant taste and provokes intoxication of the body. As a result, there is a risk of allergic reactions.

How to store mango

Properly selected fruit, which has a whole peel and a smooth, glossy texture, can be stored for a maximum of 1 week. This is allowed under the following conditions:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • in a dark and cool place, wrapped in paper;
  • in the freezer;
  • at room temperature;
  • after heat treatment.

It is best to put the mango on a plate and put it in the refrigerator - on the middle shelf. If the mango peel has begun to darken, it is better to stop consuming this product. Such symptoms indicate damage to the fetus. Store fruit at a temperature of no more than 5 degrees. The relative humidity must be 90%.

How to ripen mangoes at home

How can you make a mango ripe? This question arises due to the fact that today it is not always possible to acquire a ripe fruit. In order for the mango to ripen, you need to put it on a lighted windowsill. After 3-5 days it will be ready for use.

The process can be slightly sped up. To do this, it is recommended to put ripe apples or bananas in a bag with mango. This method will significantly speed up the ripening of the fruit. It will be ripe in 2 days.

Storing Mangoes in the Refrigerator

Mangoes are kept in the refrigerator in compliance with separate rules. If the fruit is stored for too long in such conditions, its taste may deteriorate. The flesh will become tough.

In order for the fruit to retain juiciness and sweetness longer, it is necessary to adhere to the rules:

  1. put the ripe fruit in a cool place;
  2. keep unripe fruit on the windowsill.

The ideal solution would be to store mangoes in the freshness compartment. This refrigerator shelf has good air ventilation, which allows you to maintain a temperature regime of +3 degrees. In this storage method, the mangoes are not wrapped too tightly in paper.

If there is no such zone in the refrigerator, the fruit is placed in a paper bag and placed on the middle shelf. The temperature regime should be 3-5 degrees. In the department of freshness, the fruit is stored for 10 days. At the same time, it is allowed to keep it on the middle shelf for 1 week.

If the mango needs to be stored for a long time, it is frozen, while the fruit is recommended to be peeled and cut into bars. At the beginning, the pieces are placed on a plate, wrapped in foil and put in the freezer. Then the frozen fruit is transferred to a bag, closed well and placed in the freezer. Temperature conditions - from -18 to -24 degrees. You can store the product for a maximum of 3 months.

How to store cut fruit

To prevent darkening of the fruit, it is watered with lemon juice. Then they put it on a plate and wrap it in a film. It is recommended to store cut mango for a maximum of 1 day. This is done on the middle shelf.

Mango is an incredibly tasty fruit that is very beneficial for the body. To preserve the unique properties of this product, it is important to learn how to choose and store fruits correctly.

It is supplied to Russia from different countries: Brazil, Guatemala, Bangladesh, India, Thailand. Mango is often referred to as the "Asian apple", and it is already common to see it on supermarket shelves. But does everyone know how to choose the right mango and how to eat it?

Basically, it is either green or yellow. Greens are recommended to be eaten salty, with meat and fish, for example, and yellow, sweeter fruits can be eaten as an independent dessert or as an addition to it.

How to determine the ripeness of a mango

It is important to determine whether the fruit has ripened, because it depends on whether it can be eaten or not. How do you know if it's mature enough? So, a ripe mango should have:
a smooth surface of the peel (but there are exceptions: the peel of some varieties of fruit is uneven, as if in folds, and this is the norm);

  • small dark specks on the peel;
  • weight more than two hundred grams (if the mass is less, then most likely the fruit will be tasteless and harsh);
  • soft, but not too, top layer (it should be easily squeezed to the touch);
  • optionally large fruit size (large fruits do not guarantee good taste);
  • a pleasant tangible aroma that intensifies towards the tail;
  • rather large stalk, flexible at the base.

It’s great if, when choosing a fruit, you can see it in a section. A ripe mango should be bright yellow-orange when cut.

mango flavor

Shades of taste vary from variety to variety, it also depends on the country of origin. There are suggestions that the taste of mango resembles:

  • lemon-carrot flavor,
  • coniferous lemon;
  • bright exotic taste, similar to om;
  • strawberry-pineapple;
  • with juniper notes.

How to peel a mango

Before eating, the fruit must be peeled. The difficulty lies in the fact that the fruit without the skin is very slippery, and you can easily cut yourself with a knife blade. Let's take everything in order.

How to remove a bone

There are three ways to remove the nucleolus from a fruit while leaving the skin intact.

  • First way. You need to put the fruit on a cutting board, fix it with your hand so that there is a place with a tail on top. Then you need to draw a knife along barely noticeable lines from the top to the bottom of the fruit on both sides. How important are these lines? They will facilitate the process of removing the bone, and the fetus in this case will be minimally damaged. If you managed to find the lines, and the cuts went exactly along them, then the stone will be located along the halves of the fruit. And to get it, you just need to pull the halves in different directions. In this case, one half will be pitted, and a spoon will help to remove it easily from the second half. If the lines on the mango are invisible, you can make cuts anywhere, most importantly, from two opposite sides of the fruit. If at the same time the bone is located across the cuts or perpendicular to the halves, then you can twist the halves in different directions with both hands. Thus separate them from each other. And remove the bone again with a spoon.
  • The meaning of the second method is to remove the core and end up with almost a whole fruit. Here it will be possible to cut it into rings. So, you need a sharp knife. They make an incision along the fruit, small, in terms of the size of the kernel. Then the knife must be inserted into the slot and scrolled not to the end, but as if pushing the halves apart. Then take out the bone with a spoon. This case is suitable if only the fruit is ripe enough. Otherwise, you will have to work very hard.
  • And the third way. You can make a cut through the entire fruit so that it runs along the flat side of the stone. To do this, you need a sharp knife and skill. In this case, the core is also removed from the half of the fruit with a spoon.

In all three cases, you can remove the core of the fruit by peeling it first. It's just that after that the fruit will become slippery and it will not be very convenient to continue manipulations with it.

How to peel a mango

There are different cleaning methods. Knowing the following points will help to do this correctly.

  • Clean with a kitchen knife. Like potatoes, only make the skin thinner. Or make two cuts on the side of the mango opposite the tail. And then stretch the skin with your fingers to the other end, as they clean it.
  • Use a vegetable peeler as a knife. It will take more time, but there is a chance that the skin will be cut thinly and neatly.
  • Without using a knife. This can be done if the fruit is ripe and cut into two halves. Here you need a glass. You need to take half the fruit in one hand. Glass - in another. Place the mango, skin side up, on the glass and press lightly with your hand. The diameter of the glass is slightly smaller than the diameter of the mango, this will allow the pulp to be inside the glass when pressed, and the peel in the hand.

How to eat mango

Mango can be eaten fresh and after heat treatment - it all depends on the preferences of the person. This exotic fruit is easy to prepare at home.


Consider options for how to eat mango raw:

  1. It can be eaten simply with a spoon, eating out the juicy pulp from the halves.
  2. Add to smoothies. Or make a cocktail, for example, grind pieces of its pulp in a blender, then pour milk or yogurt into it, and add ice cubes. Mango tastes like a combination of strawberry and pineapple, so it is very suitable for liqueurs and rum.
  3. You can cook a kind of side dish from it. To do this, chopped fruit should be sprinkled with spices, salt.
  4. Fruit can be added to a salad, for example, to make a salad of mango and shrimp. Cook shrimp according to the classic method, then add arugula and mozzarella to them. This salad is dressed with olive oil, honey and mustard.
  5. Sorbet. Frozen sorbet can be served with mint sauce.

In cooked meals

Now let's look at how to eat mango after heat treatment.

  1. The fruit is added to yogurt, mousse cakes, jelly, and just to pastries.
  2. It is eaten with seafood. For example, to add this fruit to fish sauce, you first need to season it.
  3. Oven-cooked chicken or duck will become more unusual and refined in taste if the mango is baked with it.
  4. Pieces of pulp can be preserved for the winter, you get a wonderful dessert.
  5. You can put it in soup, for example, from shrimp.

Can you eat mango skins?

There is another important nuance: how to eat mango correctly: peeling or with it?

If the fruit is ripe, then the color and general appearance of the skin is not particularly suspicious, and it may seem to many that it can be consumed with the skin. In no case should this be done, because it contains a toxic resin called urushiol.
It can cause:

  • intoxication or poisoning;
  • allergy.

How to store mango

Mango comes to us in Russia from different countries, but fruits from Thailand are considered more appetizing. How to store the fruit and what is the shelf life, consider below.
If the fruit was chosen correctly, its peel is not damaged, it has a smooth and shiny surface, the shelf life of a mango at home is only one week.

You can store the fruit:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • at room temperature, on the table;
  • in a cellar or in a dark and cool place, wrapped in paper;
  • in the freezer;
  • after heat treatment.

It is advisable to store the fruit on a plate in the refrigerator on the middle shelf. The main thing is that if its surface began to turn black, then it is no longer worth using such a fruit. He messed up.
Mango storage temperature should be no higher than + 5C, relative humidity 90-95%.

How to store an unripe mango

Often in stores you can buy only unripe fruit. You can’t eat this, because there is a risk of indigestion, flatulence and vomiting. You can contribute to the ripening of the fruit at home.

An easy option is to store it on a windowsill. It will ripen in 3-5 days.

How to let the fruit ripen faster?

If you put a mango and a ripe one in one bag, then put it on the windowsill, where the sun's rays come in, then it will take 1-2 days for the fruit to ripen. This is due to the ethylene contained in the apple.

If an unripe fruit is stored in the refrigerator in the hope that it will ripen, then there is the possibility of its ripening. However, during such storage, sugar is not formed in the mango fruits, as a result of which the mango will be tasteless, as if insipid.

The fruit brought to the desired maturity is stored in the refrigerator.

Storing Mangoes in the Refrigerator

Of course, storing fruits in the refrigerator is the best option. But you need to do it right. For example, if a fruit lies in the refrigerator for a long time, then its taste will not get better from this, but rather, on the contrary. The flesh will also become tougher.

In order for the taste of mango to remain juicy and sweet for a long time, you need to follow some rules:

  • place the ripe fruit in a cool, but not cold place;
  • store unripe fruit on a windowsill.

You can store mangoes in the refrigerator.

The best option is in the “freshness zone” of the refrigerator. There is a constant ventilation of the air, which allows you to always keep the same temperature + 3C. The fruit is wrapped in paper, but not very tightly.

If the model of the refrigerator does not imply a "freshness zone", then the mango fruit is wrapped in a paper bag and stored on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. The temperature is from +3 to +5C.

How many days is the fruit stored in these cases?

  • In the "freshness zone" you can store fruit for up to 10 days;
  • On the middle shelf of the refrigerator 7 days.

If you need to preserve an exotic fruit for a long time, then, of course, you can freeze it in the freezer. But for this it needs to be peeled and cut into cubes. You need to freeze by first putting the pieces on a plate and wrapping it in cling film.

Frozen mango is simply transferred to a bag and sealed tightly, leaving it in the freezer, where the temperature should be from -24 to -18C, and it should be stored for no longer than three months.

How to store a cut mango

If the fruit was cut into pieces and it is necessary to save it, then they will have to be poured over with juice to avoid blackening. Then place on a plate and wrap in cling film. You need to store no more than 1 day on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. These are the storage conditions for this wonderful fruit.

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