Customs associated with holy water at the baptism of the Lord. Baptism of the Lord: history, meaning of the holiday, traditions

On the feast of the Epiphany on January 19, it is customary to illuminate the water. This water is considered special, miraculous. Believers on this day seek to collect illuminated water for the future. The special composition of the water in Baptism is also confirmed by scientists. They say that the composition of the water is close to the composition of the waters of the Jordan River, in which Christ was baptized. Festive services in churches begin on Christmas Eve, January 18. Then they begin to bless the water. Therefore, many are wondering when to collect baptismal water on January 18 or 19.

  • Consecration of water on January 18 and 19

Consecration of water on January 18 and 19

According to church canons, the consecration of water for Epiphany begins on the evening of January 18 on the eve of the holiday. The evening service on this day is already festive and the water afterward shines in compliance with all the rules of consecration and with the same prayers, the same rite. So there is no difference in when to collect baptismal water on the evening of January 18 or all day on January 19. It will have the same properties and quality.

There is an opinion among the people that water collected on the night of January 18-19 will be more useful and healing. The night from 23-00 on January 18 until the morning of January 19 is considered among people special time when all the water becomes baptismal, healing. But the clergy say that the water illuminated on the evening of January 18 and during the day on January 19 does not differ and is baptismal holy water, endowed with the same properties.

But it is important to collect water only after the rite of illumination by the clergyman has been performed. Water collected after lighting on January 18 or 19 can be stored at home for quite a long time. She doesn't spoil. This is a time tested fact. Believers use such water for their own purposes all year round, and on next holiday Baptisms are gaining new stock.

Features and effects of baptismal water

Water collected on January 18 or 19 after consecration can be drunk for a whole year. But it is important to have bright thoughts in your head, read a prayer before drinking. Believers claim that it is baptismal water that can heal the soul and body, put thoughts and feelings in order. They drink it in order to be healed, to avert misfortune from themselves. They say that holy baptismal water should be drunk every morning on an empty stomach. You can add a little baptismal water to a glass of ordinary water, so the whole ode will have useful and miraculous properties.

In addition, the dwelling is illuminated with water. According to an old custom, the corners of each room are sprinkled with baptismal water, drawing a cross.

This water can be added to baby baths. It is advised to sprinkle or wash the baby with it if he worries, worries, falls asleep badly.

In moments of sadness or malaise, you can wash your face with baptismal water and take a few sips. This will help restore strength and health, good spirits.

What not to do with baptismal water

Water collected at Baptism can be used throughout the year for special purposes. They are written above. But sometimes, out of ignorance or with intent, this water, which has special properties, is used for other purposes, which is not recommended at all. So, for example, baptismal water cannot be used for rituals or divination. They don't pour it out, don't water the flowers, don't give it to animals.

Water drawn on January 18 or 19 can be stored for quite a long time and does not deteriorate, so use it only for those purposes that are permitted. Do not throw away the water, use it all to the end.

When and where to collect baptismal water

After the evening service on January 18, the rite of blessing the water begins. This happens in all temples. Already on the evening of January 18, you can collect blessed water in any church, in the one that is closer geographically or in the one you used to go to.

You can collect water from the evening of January 18 and all day on January 19. This water is considered baptismal.

Interesting! They say that the water in the water supply or any water on the night of January 18-19 becomes Epiphany, which has special properties. It is advised at this time to take a bath or shower, bathe yourself or bathe children.

In any river or hole you can plunge into this magical night. Believers claim that any water at this time has healing and cleansing properties.

In Russia, since ancient times, the water drawn from the hole on the eve of Epiphany was considered healing and miraculous. It is advised on January 18 at 11 p.m. to fill a bucket with water. If possible, from an ice hole, a well, but it is also possible from a tap in an apartment. This water must be taken out into the courtyard or onto an open balcony.

Leave the water there for the whole night. On the morning of January 19, you need to heat the water, pour 3 buckets on yourself and drink 3 sips. Sprinkle all the corners of the house with the same water and wash the floor with the rest. This ritual guarantees a surge of strength and vigor, health, cleanliness and comfort in the house.

Important! On the Epiphany night from January 18 to 19, it is important not only to collect holy water, but also to pray to God, to thank for what we have and to ask for what we want. Prayers addressed to heaven on this night will surely be heard. And water will help cleanse and gain strength of mind.

According to Christian teaching, water is a symbol of all living things, pure, good. Scientists say that water is a kind of information field of the earth. She knows how to memorize, listen, absorb energy, information and transmit it.

On Epiphany night, it is believed that the water seems to “zero out”, loses all the information absorbed during the year, and is purified. Such water promotes cleansing, healing, and calming.

Scientists confirm the special quality of water on the night of January 18-19, they say that the density of water in natural sources is higher at this time than ever. They explain this by special geomagnetic radiations of the earth. Believers claim that this is the will of the powers of heaven. But be that as it may, at this time they collect water in temples, bathe in open springs, gain health, strength, grace.

The Baptism of the Lord is a great holiday. On this day, everything is full Orthodox churches, people rush to sanctify the water. From what source can water be drawn and when should it be done so that it is considered holy for baptism?

On January 19, Orthodox Christians used to collect water in reservoirs. Those who did not have time to do this came to churches to make supplies of holy water for the year ahead.

When to collect holy water for Baptism?

Water on a holiday becomes holy everywhere, in any source. It is already possible to collect water on January 18, after the consecration ceremony. Even in the old days, it so happened historically that water was blessed twice on Epiphany holidays: the first time it was on the eve of the holiday, in the temple. This holiday is called "Epiphany Christmas Eve", and the second time - water was consecrated in reservoirs. Since Epiphany falls on January 19, just in this period very coldy, then in reservoirs (rivers and lakes) it was necessary to cut ice in order to make a hole and draw water.

The water taken on Christmas Eve in the temple was considered holy, and the water that was collected from the source was also considered consecrated, but only after the rite of blessing the water.

Water in the reservoirs could be drawn not only on January 19 immediately after the ceremony, but also during the week, because according to the church charter, this holiday lasts 7 days and on any of these days you can come and draw water.

What to pour holy water into for Baptism?

In order to collect baptismal water and store it throughout the year, it is necessary to prepare a container in advance. It is desirable that this be one container so that water is stored in it from year to year. For example, a tank or a bank.

Now people most often collect water in plastic containers. Such containers are not considered prohibited, but they must be used temporarily. Before pouring water into a bottle, it must be thoroughly washed (if it is a bottle for sweet drinks) so that it is clean and free of foreign odors. Arriving home, it is advisable to pour the baptismal water into a clean glass container specially prepared for storage.

How much and how to store water collected for Baptism

The collected water from a consecrated source or brought from the temple must be stored in a specially designated place - near the iconostasis. Water is not stored in the refrigerator and is not poured into the sewer drain - this is considered unacceptable.

Water cannot be stored forever, it is not sacred, it must be used wisely.

How to use holy water collected for Baptism

  • Drink some water in the morning, before the first meal and in the evening before going to bed. They drink sacred water in a sip, but do not drink directly from the neck of a jar or bottle, but pour a little into a glass and drink from a small spoon. AT critical days women are not allowed to drink baptismal water.
  • If a person takes medicine on an empty stomach, first drink a sip of water, then medicine and have breakfast.
  • If a person is seriously ill, water is drunk in unlimited quantities. After drinking water, you need to read a healing prayer.
  • Water is also used as a healing agent, healing from pain - a compress soaked in water is applied to the sore spot.
  • They also sprinkle their dwellings with holy water, be sure to read a prayer, as well as other objects, clothes and even pets.

What to do if the holy water has gone bad?

Spoiled holy water is not drained into the sewer, but poured into any natural source. You can not splash out such water and directly on the ground, it is considered unacceptable.

Water is poured into an impregnable place, where the foot of a person or dog does not set foot. By the way, water is allowed to be poured into a flower pot or under a tree on the street.

Water collected on the Epiphany holidays is considered healing and can be added to ordinary water so that it transfers all the beneficial properties to it.

When to collect Epiphany water? Does Epiphany water differ from Epiphany water? How to store it?

The rite of the Great Blessing of Water (Great Hagiasma) is performed on Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18) after the Divine Liturgy and on January 19 - on the very day of the Epiphany of the Lord. During both days, you can collect baptismal water in any church. Both times the water is consecrated by ONE rite, so there is no difference in when to draw water - on Christmas Eve or on the Feast of Epiphany itself, there is no difference between Epiphany and Epiphany water.

Every year on January 19, many people rush to the church to get blessed water, and thousands of those who are suffering from gaining health rush to swim in the hole, despite the Epiphany frosts.

Even in the distant past, people noticed that on the day of Epiphany, water is saturated with healing properties. For example, when bathing in it, it was impossible to catch a cold, it protected a person from damage, the evil eye and diseases. It is interesting that the location of the source on January 19 does not play any role, as well as whether church ministers performed the ceremony on it.

The shelf life of baptismal water is quite long. It does not undergo decay processes, and therefore can stand for years. Orthodox hieromonk Seraphim Vyritsky always recommended sprinkling food and food laid on the table with it. In case of illness, the ascetic blessed the patient and ordered to drink one tablespoon of consecrated water every hour. The wisest old man said that there is no stronger medicine in the world.


You can take water in the temple after the service, you can also bring your own water for consecration, but remember that it should be ordinary pure water, and not mineral and not carbonated.

If you decide to just draw water from the tap, then you need to do this in the time interval from 00.10. until 01.30. on the night of January 18th to 19th. You can harvest water later, but this time is considered the best.

Unfortunately, most of our people have a purely superstitious attitude towards baptismal water. They collect water as a medicine and then try to be treated with it. Firstly, it is better to collect water not thoughtlessly, but after you take part in a church service. Secondly, you need to pour it into dishes without any markings. Better - in a special jug or flask, bought in a church shop. And certainly not in a beer bottle!

It is believed that baptismal water has healing properties. It can be drunk with an illness on an empty stomach and washed to be healthy.

True, you need to use holy water with prayer, asking the Almighty for spiritual and physical health. And it is not at all necessary to take it in reserve, in canisters. There should not be much water, but faith.


You need to store baptismal water in a dark, cool and quiet place in a glass dish covered with a napkin. At the same time, it is advisable to place dishes near the icons and away from the TV. Epiphany water can be stored long years without spoiling at all.


It has long been a tradition to perform at Baptism swimming in the hole.

In all churches, the “great consecration of water” takes place. According to church canons, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, a believer must come to church, defend the service, light a candle, collect blessed water. But no one requires to plunge into ice water, especially if a person is not ready for this.

Hard rules how to bathe on baptism, No. But, according to custom, bathing is three times immersion in water with the head. At the same time, the believer is baptized and says "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!". Usually, long shirts are sewn for swimming, in which a dive is made, like baptismal ones. They are the same for men and women. It is believed that if the parishioners dress in bathing suits, then the bodies on display are dissonant with traditional Christian decency.

Immersion in ice water is a lot of stress. The adrenal glands react sharply and powerfully to it, throwing into the blood a large dose of potent anti-inflammatory hormones, which are normally released a little bit at a time. They inhibit all inflammatory reactions by simply “suppressing” the immune system, helping to endure cold, and adapt the body to endure stress.

If you properly prepare for a dive, a person with average health will endure a one-time dive without difficulty. But if he is at least a little weakened, in three or four days you will have to pay for your courage.

Before diving into the ice hole, you should not drink alcohol - alcohol will only help to quickly hypothermia and give an extra load on the heart. You should not swim for more than one and a half minutes, also dive with your head.

Before diving, be sure to consult a doctor. For people with diabetes, arrhythmia, kidney problems, women with gynecological diseases, it is better to forget about the hole. Hypertension patients can have a stroke.

It is also not recommended to bathe young children without preparation. At the same time, for both children and adults, the time spent in the font should be minimal, a few seconds, otherwise there is a danger of hypothermia. And in order not to get frostbite, after the font, you must immediately stand on a dry rug, wipe yourself with a towel and put on warm clothes, otherwise you risk spending the rest of the week in the hospital.

  1. Do not drink alcohol on this day. Reception alcoholic beverages violates the natural thermoregulation of the body with all the consequences.
  2. Before diving into the hole, it is necessary to warm up the body, before swimming, you can go for a run, wearing a minimum of clothes, and do a warm-up.
  3. It is necessary to approach the ice-hole in comfortable, non-slip and easily removable shoes in order to avoid excessive hypothermia of the feet.
  4. Before entering the water, you need to wet your face, arms, legs, chest, stomach and back, and only then plunge up to the neck.
  5. Do not plunge headlong or dive (to avoid reflex constriction of cerebral vessels).
  6. Contact with low temperature should be minimal, within 20-30 seconds, no more, in order to prevent serious hypothermia of the body.

After washing, you need to rub yourself with a terry towel, put on dry warm clothes and go to a warm room where you warm up to normal temperature. It is advisable to drink hot tea, best of all from herbs, berries and fruits.

Christianity has many traditions that have come down to our days through the centuries. Certain rituals have become commonplace for most Christians, but few people know the history of their occurrence. It is necessary to clearly understand the fact that Christianity did not appear in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it. it religious movement developed two millennia, and some rituals appeared relatively recently.

This is due not only to the peculiarities of Christianity itself, but also to those historical events that accompanied the process of the development of religion. Today we see the classical form of Christianity with the "baggage" of rituals and sacraments that have accumulated for many centuries in a row. Any self-respecting Christian should know the essence of the religious traditions he adheres to. This is necessary, first of all, in order to understand the need for any action and its consequences. For example, many people who call themselves true Christians do not understand at all the need to receive holy water during the period of Baptism. Below we will look at other ways to receive holy water and the importance of the Baptismal period for the entire Christian community.


Before answering the question of what holy water is, one should plunge into the abyss of history in order to understand the essence of the holiday celebrated by Christians every year. According to the events of the gospel story, Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River by a man named John the Baptist. This event marks the descent of the holy spirit into the body of Jesus.

Also on that day, God literally “declared” that Jesus Christ was his true Son. Thus, the importance of this day is due to the participation in the rite of baptism of the Son of God himself. In other words, baptism is great historical event and not the prejudice of modernity. The date of the holiday may vary in each country, depending on the rite: Catholic or Orthodox. But what is holy water? What does this phenomenon have to do with Baptism?

The essence of the concept of holy water

Historical baptism has led to the emergence of many phenomena, such as holy water. Such a phenomenon is directly related to Christian history about the descent of the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ during the process of Baptism. According to the Bible story, water is the “beginning of the world,” so you need to be baptized in it. This is a kind of symbol of purity and the virgin nature of man. Holy water in Baptism appears due to divine significance this day. If you believe the biblical sources, then it is on this day, on the day of Baptism, that God's grace descends on the waters.

From this follows the conclusion that holy water in Baptism is an opportunity for direct contact with God, albeit insignificant. The holy water phenomenon has been studied for many years. Not only believers are interested in this, but also scientists, for whom holy water is an opportunity to open new scientific frontiers.

The power of holy water

There are many examples in history of how water blessed during Baptism saved people's lives or significantly improved their health. According to one of the legends, in the 17th century, a monk lived in one of the monasteries in France. He was an orphan and once entered the ranks of the monks. He did not remember any information about his family. One day, the monk decided to leave the monastery in order to finally find out who his parents were. One fine day of his wanderings, he found a spring in the forest. After drinking cold water, he remembered all the details of his childhood. According to this legend, that day was Epiphany. Thus, albeit legendary, but nevertheless it is historical fact which demonstrates the healing properties of holy water. It should be noted that the process of obtaining it has a certain regulated procedure, which will be discussed later.

Cleansing from all sins

Although theologians say that on the day of Epiphany, holy water flows even from a pipeline tap, many theologians deny such claims. Holy water can be obtained during water blessing. This event is tacitly divided into two types: great and small.

Small consecrations occur regularly throughout the year. Great things happen only during the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. A similar ceremony is carried out in order to recreate the biblical story. It is believed that on this day you need to immerse yourself in a source filled with holy water: a river, a sea, a pond. This act allows you to be cleansed of all sins and receive the Lord's mercy. But from all this, one question arises: "When is holy water collected?" Indeed, during the Epiphany, not all people bathe in the ice-holes.

Features of Epiphany as a holiday

The most colorful and vivid Baptism takes place in the Orthodox Church. On this day, the main task of people is to defend the service in the church. You can not go swimming in the cold water, but everyone must be present at the service. During this traditional ritual, you can bless the water, which, in principle, is done every year. Any water consecrated during the baptismal service will have healing properties for many years to come. Scientists have proven that holy water has an excellent structure and does not tend to deteriorate over the years. Therefore, during baptism, you can get a universal remedy for all diseases, the main thing is to defend the service in order to embody biblical history in life.

Useful properties of holy water

Holy water is used in many Christian sacraments, such as during Baptism and Communion. But church leaders advise using holy water in the course of normal life. They motivate this by saying that holy water can promote healing. For example, the church advises to drink three tablespoons of holy water every day. This process will keep you healthy. There are other traditional ways and places where holy water is to be used. At home, you should always keep at least one vessel. Holy water in the house will not allow demons and other manifestations of Satan to enter it.

Criticism of the paranormal properties of holy water

Many scientists deny the existence of any "extraterrestrial" characteristics of the water consecrated at the time of Baptism. There are several confirmations of this. Firstly, the holy water in the church is purified using silver utensils or symbols (silver crosses). Molecules of this metal in water do not allow microorganisms to develop. Secondly, Epiphany water is consecrated in winter, when bacteria practically do not spread in it. Therefore, water collected in winter, regardless of whether it is consecrated or not, will be stored for a very long time, and in terms of purity it will in many ways surpass water from a tap or a store.

As for the healing properties of water, religion does not play a role here at all. There are cases when people healed diseases with the help of water, and at the same time it was not consecrated.

Scientists everywhere study the healing phenomenon of water, but it can be said with certainty that the Feast of Epiphany does not affect this in any way. Holy water, where silver molecules are present and bacteria are practically absent, is beneficial for the body, like regular filtered water.


So, the article tells when holy water is collected, as well as about its healing properties and criticism of such assumptions. Scientists and theologians are constantly arguing about whether consecrated water is really holy or not. But be that as it may, water is beneficial substance, in which many more secrets and properties are hidden, strangers so it needs to be studied further.

On the night of January 18-19, the Orthodox celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord - a holiday that is also called the Epiphany. Traditionally, the feast of Epiphany is associated with water and swimming in the hole - it is believed that on this day any believer can "wash away" sins from himself.

Water in baptism when to dial

If you are tormented by ailments, stock up on healing baptismal water. This water, collected on the night of January 18-19, from 0:10 to 1:30 or a little later, has been considered miraculous from time immemorial. At this time, "the sky opens" and a prayer addressed to God will be heard.

It is believed that water collected at Epiphany midnight from any source (even from the tap) has healing properties.

talking modern language, Epiphany water is structured. Researchers believe that every year, starting from fifteen minutes past midnight on January 19, a person can draw water from the tap at any time during the day for subsequent storage and use as bioactive throughout the year.

When to collect water for baptism 2019

The first lighting of Epiphany water will take place on the evening of January 18, closer to midnight. The second illumination takes place on January 19. At this time, you can come with your container and collect Epiphany water for storage at home.

When to draw water at baptism 18 or 19

When answering the question of when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 19, it should be noted that the lighting of water in the evening of January 18 and January 19 is exactly the same. The consecration of water takes place in one rank, the same prayers are used, so there is no difference between baptismal water on January 18 and 19. Water reserves in different days have the same properties and are suitable for use for the purpose of purification, healing.

Water in baptism is holy even in the tap

In fact, these are two facets of the same opinion. Indeed, there is a belief that on this day God's grace appears in the world and sanctifies the whole water element. However, there is also a special consecration of water - ice is cut down on rivers or lakes, a great consecration of water is performed, accompanied by prayer. It is impossible to separate one from the other: after all, if the center of Baptism is considered simply immersion in cold water, then it is not so important for a person whether a prayer was said. Although, in fact, prayer should be the center - and whether a person plunged into the water or not, this is secondary.

Does all water at Baptism become holy?

Mistake: There is a belief among the people that in Epiphany night all water is blessed. And even holy water flows from the tap. Therefore, it is not necessary to follow her to the temple, but you can dial at home.

That's right: only the water over which the priest performed a special church ceremony is considered Epiphany - the Order of the Great Blessing of Water. It takes place on the eve of Epiphany (on Christmas Eve, January 18) and on the holiday itself (January 19). Unfortunately, many people go to the temple just for water, while not participating in the divine service of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

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